Delacruzy on Sara Duterte fills the gap in the old Yellowtard-Communist Axis’s campaign rhetoric: "That ‘s a good one amigo. The failipines is owned by the vile, war mongering, imperialistic us empire." Feb 26, 18:19
on Accepting “Racism,” Rejecting Racial Prejudice and the Equalitarian Dogma: "Do we really think that the only way to create value is by exchanging/trading? That might have had its use…" Feb 26, 14:29
on Customs and Traditions Filipinos Should Start to Stop: "The idea of religion is not bad. Religion simply refers to your relationship to God. If you worship any other…" Feb 25, 22:02
on Customs and Traditions Filipinos Should Start to Stop: "Can we just point out that *religion* is at the root of most systemic problems and dysfunction in Filipino society?…" Feb 25, 20:22
on Accepting “Racism,” Rejecting Racial Prejudice and the Equalitarian Dogma: "Yes, and there, you can see how wrong CRT is. And you have charlatans like Robin D’Angelo who use come…" Feb 25, 14:31
on Accepting “Racism,” Rejecting Racial Prejudice and the Equalitarian Dogma: "If you mean goodwill as giving things for free, I don’t think that sustains the world. I can’t remember webmaster…" Feb 25, 14:28
on The mission of Get Real Philippines: "this is either a duterte page or a marcos loyalist page. tsk tsk.. get real." Feb 25, 13:40
on Dismantling of the EDSA busway would have been an astounding injustice: "The only reason that there’s a “need” for the cashless transaction is because of the tollways. They keep cementing the…" Feb 22, 13:02
on Dismantling of the EDSA busway would have been an astounding injustice: "New DOTr chief halts fully cashless toll collection plan, calling it ‘anti-poor’ there you go, efficiency – DENIED" Feb 22, 04:01
on Dismantling of the EDSA busway would have been an astounding injustice: "this is what happens when you have LAWYERS and BUREAUCRAT A-HOLES in charge of traffic and transportation management. what we…" Feb 21, 15:09
on Dismantling of the EDSA busway would have been an astounding injustice: "Benign0’s best article to date. Cebu also needs to install a bus lane/jeepney lane from Consolacion to Carcar. Would improve…" Feb 18, 19:45
on Customs and Traditions Filipinos Should Start to Stop: "I would pick a culture where empathy is present and evident in their way of life. To me that’s real…" Feb 18, 10:52
on Customs and Traditions Filipinos Should Start to Stop: "Filipinos love using the appeal to tradition fallacy especially when arguing which is why the House of Representatives refused to…" Feb 17, 05:45
on Sara Duterte fills the gap in the old Yellowtard-Communist Axis’s campaign rhetoric: "DTI, NCMB, these are just powerpoint departments the OBO (office of the building official), needing 7 inspectors ( i asked…" Feb 17, 03:35
on Sara Duterte fills the gap in the old Yellowtard-Communist Axis’s campaign rhetoric: "and the US and trump and elon with really a brilliant idea. we should replicate it here, deleting entire…" Feb 17, 03:27
on Customs and Traditions Filipinos Should Start to Stop: "truth butt hurts bro! i am Filipino !" Feb 15, 16:11
on Sara Duterte fills the gap in the old Yellowtard-Communist Axis’s campaign rhetoric: "but right now its too easy.. take this manny pacquiao, he could have stayed in business, invested in agriculture, post…" Feb 12, 15:04
on Sara Duterte fills the gap in the old Yellowtard-Communist Axis’s campaign rhetoric: "these dynasty brats are already rich and dont need to be in government- theyre just there because theyre bored and…" Feb 12, 10:19
on Sara Duterte fills the gap in the old Yellowtard-Communist Axis’s campaign rhetoric: "all candidates are dynasties right now, everyone from local to national it may take a while before these assholes stop…" Feb 12, 10:13
on Sara Duterte fills the gap in the old Yellowtard-Communist Axis’s campaign rhetoric: "A solid solution is to never vote for political dynasties. Political dynasties are no different from criminal syndicates." Feb 10, 17:39
on Sara Duterte fills the gap in the old Yellowtard-Communist Axis’s campaign rhetoric: "the solution is simple. this coming election, return the money to the treasurer’s office, and ask for a receipt. stop…" Feb 9, 23:12
on Dismantling of the EDSA busway would have been an astounding injustice: "If the bus lane is removed, the Tulfo family would be happy. Remember that Ralph Tulfo, the son of the…" Feb 9, 20:51
on Dismantling of the EDSA busway would have been an astounding injustice: "Automobiles are seen as a status symbol in a culture marked by class-based discrimination. I’ve seen private car owners act…" Feb 9, 18:29
on Is Rappler a beneficiary of USAID?: "The insanity of the cult of the Dutertards, now, being the New Yellowtards, is the belief that it takes another…" Feb 9, 17:06
on Is Rappler a beneficiary of USAID?: "There is also another saying… The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and…" Feb 8, 22:47
on Sara Duterte fills the gap in the old Yellowtard-Communist Axis’s campaign rhetoric: "Well said Benigno. The real truth of the matter is, regardless if Sarah is impeached or not- she has nothing…" Feb 8, 15:36
on Sara Duterte holds steady as crooked impeachment circus looms: "This whole incident proves that the Philippines is stuck in feudal power struggles." Feb 8, 14:05
on Sui Generis: Impeachment as more a political judgement exercise: "My understanding is impeachment purely a political decision can be convicted on the whim of Members of Congress who…" Feb 7, 22:10
on Sara Duterte IMPEACHED! Her father saw it coming back in 2019…: "There will never be a logical reason she wasted so much money having so much security and flying helicoptes/planes from…" Feb 7, 18:31
on Is Rappler a beneficiary of USAID?: "The end of USAID is one of the best things to happen in recent years. Foreign aid absolutely does not…" Feb 7, 18:26
on Sara Duterte IMPEACHED! Her father saw it coming back in 2019…: "The yellows are celebrating not realizing that this consolidates power to Marcos/Romualdez" Feb 7, 06:50
on Sara Duterte IMPEACHED! Her father saw it coming back in 2019…: "Her father called God stupid and this is what comes to get her" Feb 7, 01:54
on Sara Duterte IMPEACHED! Her father saw it coming back in 2019…: "God is fair and God knows who have genuine hearts to lead this country. God will shelter Inday Sara." Feb 6, 19:47
on The real dangers of artificial intelligence Tesla founder Elon Musk leaves unsaid: "Artificial intelligence is an inevitability at the level that the world is now interconnected. I guess you may also call…" Feb 6, 16:49
on Aren’t we all just SICK of AI? Oh and of Sam Altman too…: "Ai is amazing. The Philippines could solve so many of their problems by asking AI and implementing those solutions….. build…" Feb 4, 18:19
on Philippines Dangerously Playing With Fire? U.S. Nuclear Missiles, Russian Attack Submarine and China ICBMs All In Play: "Men are funny sometimes. They think they can strong-arm everybody to their bidding. The “richest man” can’t even launch his…" Jan 29, 13:14
on Super Bowl Monday Why It Might Be Fun Even For You: "So you are dancing around the off topic issue. You are for it and you can’t even admit it. You…" Jan 27, 14:39
on Super Bowl Monday Why It Might Be Fun Even For You: "So what you are saying is you are in favor of an ad hominem free for all?? Vindictive spam is…" Jan 26, 19:25
on Super Bowl Monday Why It Might Be Fun Even For You: "You might wanna ask: Do I even have the power and authority to impose anything on someone who has made…" Jan 26, 18:51
on Super Bowl Monday Why It Might Be Fun Even For You: "Togs. You are now on 24 hour notice. ( 2PM Monday) Since you are imposing your standard on me I…" Jan 26, 16:27