At the SONA they were talking about a missing senator. The Inquirer said she was not present because ” is currently in New Zealand, leading the Philippine delegation at the ongoing FIFA Women’s World Cup.” It totally warms the cockles of my heart ( or maybe the sub cockle area) that there is at least one Filipino athlete in the delegation going Down Under. A volleyball player that played at UP. One athlete in the group going to the Women’s World Cup that actually played an organized competitive sport in the Philippines in their formative years. The same number of Gold medals that the Philippines has earned in every Olympics since the beginning of time.

Whenever I point out the fallacy of chest beating pinoy pride, I like to do a little research. The website of the Philippine Football Federation did not give me much to go on . Just names and their positions. It did mention the team manager being optimistic about his ““ group of 23 represents the best of us, the best of the indomitable Filipino spirit, and I am excited to see them make all of us even prouder.” The question I hope to answer at the end of this piece , do they represent us at all?

Undaunted to understand this group that qualified for the elite tournament in their sport, I soldiered on . On the website fourfourtwo, I found the roster with only slightly more information. I was given the football team they normally played for or last played for. The World Cup is a tournament that culminates only once every four years. Why doesn’t the Philippine Football Federation itself have a website with more detailed information on the players ? Why take pride in qualifying for the World Cup when native players don’t even have a token roster spot as in singular? There is no such information on their website because some KJ jerk like me who might emphasize something that they won’t want emphasized : the truth.
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When checking a website with more information my eyes focused on a familiar name . Kaya- Iloilo , the club where a certain Hali Long is a defender. So there is professional football being played in Iloilo? I got a bit more curious since there is zero buzz for it. Nobody talks about going to the games. They don’t show up in any of the screens in the sports bars I go to. I see local women’s volleyball but not once have I seen women’s club soccer originating from within our shores.

I learned that Kaya F.C. – Iloilo formerly operated in Makati. Part of me wonders what business conditions exist in Iloilo that necessitate a move away from Makati? I was curious about attendance figures. Sports teams make their money in paid attendance, television revenue, concessions and sponsorship. I find very little evidence that people pay to watch “professional football ” here. According to the Philippine Football League website Kaya Iloilo holds the attendance record for the whole league with 1899 people in attendance . Congratulations to them!! I thought the whole idea of being a professional is to make money? Let’s put that 1899 high in perspective. The Michigan Wolverines College Football team averaged 110, 246 people per home game. Pinoys are lousy at sports because pinoys themselves do not support sports.

Maybe there is a website out there that can educate me on the successes of the PFL but it sure isn’t their Wikipedia page. COVID is something the whole world dealt with but there were very little signs pre COVID that there is an audience for football in the Philippines. Sample this video I found with nobody watching . Even more interesting is the debate in the livechat . Mixed with people proud to be pinoy, hopelessly optimistic and those facepalming in shame.

Let’s discuss the one lady playing for Kaya F.C. Iloilo. An article in Associated Press said that Hali Long was born in Missouri and the article tries to kiss the a$$ of pinoy readers by saying she grew up in a “pinoy” household. Cut the PR crap. A true Pinoy household would not even have a soccer player in the family . You lived in America in the Show Me state with an American father . You went to college in Arkansas. A state 99% of pinoys can’t pronounce . What you learned there made you a quasi celebrity here and you would not have developed into the soccer player that you are if you never lived outside of the Philippines. Don’t give me this balloney about a Pinoy household.

You look at that list again and there is another name that could be mistaken for a local soccer club. They list a defender named Reina Bonta with her club listed as Santos. The record shows she was born 24 years ago in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. As a teenager she played her football in California. She played for Yale University in her home state of Connecticut. She was under contract in 2022 for the San Francisco Nighthawks. She is currently on the roster for Santos in Brazil. For those of you scoring at home, or even if you’re alone ( thanks Keith Olbermann) Connecticut, California, Brazil not too many connections to the Philippines.

I refuse to go through the roster for the other 20 women out there in New Zealand / Australia donning the Philippines flag. It seems to me not one of them was born in this country or went to a school that raised the same flag that they now wear on their person. It is taking me a few days to write this and I just found the Philippines beat host New Zealand 1-0. Goal scored by Sarina Isabel Bolden. Born in California and also played her high school and university ball there. Her professional career includes stops in Sweden , Taipei, San Francisco, Japan and she is currently with an Australian team. Notice the one country not on that list? The recent win is a fact. My question is if that makes you feel good, why?? Are you too busy being proud to be pinoy to check if the product on the field is pinoy???

Can I spell out an inconvenient truth to all you people cheering and rejoicing? Nobody on the field was born in the Philippines nor did any of them attend an elementary school, high school or university here. I completely understand the loss of rationality every year with Ateneo/ La Salle skirmishes. Those players walked the same hallways and maybe taught by the same professors as the fanatical alumni. Do you guys have connections with the Little Rock Trojans ? The Yale Bulldogs? They did more work developing these players than your country’s sporting commission ever did.

There is a difference between reporting the news and serving as public relations for certain entities. That same AP article earlier quotes Philippines head coach Alen Stajcic as saying
“I don’t really care where they’re born, if they have Philippines in their heart and in their blood, and they’re good at football, then they’re eligible for our team. They all play for their flag, they all play for their country, they all play for the people in the Philippines, wherever they reside. I just know this team has Filipino heart, and blood, and courage, and spirit.”
Birth is fact. Education is fact. Time spent in a location is a fact. This guy ( who is Australian) is trying to sportswash ( see the LIV Golf tour) the notion that the Philippines as a football training ground, as a culture and a nation has very little to do with cultivating the talent that qualified for the World Cup bearing its flag. He is telling you he can read the hearts and minds of this diverse group and whatever is in there is Filipino. He says “their country” when there seems to be evidence otherwise. I guess he is armed with facts. In his book motherhood statements beat out facts.
In my time on Earth , I would like to believe I read and heard a lot of people sprout off different viewpoints. When I find someone givng an opinion that does not mesh with mine , I have to consider the source and be realistic. It is like expecting Teodoro “Teddy” Acevedo Casiño to condemn the attrocities of the New People’s Army. I might say the same thing as Mr.Stajcic if my job was judged on a win loss record and I had a choice of a labor pool from countries that care about football and the one country where spectator football is non existent beyond the national level.

Another point of view that I take with a grain of salt is one provided by Philippines team spokesman Cedelf Tupas. He was seen crying at the World Cup singing Lupang Hinirang. Cebu Sunstar columnist Mike T. Limpag believes that Tupas is emotional because our anthem is being played at the World Cup. Tupas might be crying because none of the team is singing it since none of the players ever attended a school that hoisted our flag in the morning. Tupas justifies the lack of homegrown talent by saying the foreigners playing for the team are honoring their parents. I had no idea a team that bears the flag of our nation in international competition was there to honor the parents ( in most cases the mother) of the players playing in it. Silly me , I thought the team was supposed to represent the country since they are from the country . When you are being served an authentic Filipino meal , shouldn’t the ingredients of your meal be organic to the Philippines?

Everybody in the Philippines overjoyed about the first World Cup win for the Philippines. Too bad nobody on the pitch was actually born or schooled in the same place that is rejoicing as I write this. it seems the young women representing the Philippines are from anywhere else in the world except the Philippines. Something conveniently ignored in reports about this “historic” win. The night before this “historic win” , Stajcic was quoted as wanting to “crash the party” since their opponent New Zealand was happy to get their first win in their opener. Interesting choice of words “crash the party” since it means to attend a party to which you weren’t invited. Look at the Philippines roster in New Zealand and it is obvious if a soccer player was born and educated in the Philippines , they were not invited to wear the kit that has the Philippine flag.
There is a word for this in our vernacular and that word is salimpusa. The website tagalogland defines it as often a friendly reference to someone joining in an activity, despite not really being a full-fledged member of the group. ” I like the use of the adjective “friendly ” since a lot of pinoys who barely watch soccer yet are so behind the FIFA delegation don’t even know what friendly means in a soccer context.

Let me see , everybody is euphoric about qualifying and elated over the first World Cup win ever. Nobody noticed the lack of organic pinays on the whole team. The win is a testament to the soccer that is played in the Philippines. It is a testament to the soccer taught in the Philippines. That is all worthless. A Pyrrhic victory is a” victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Such a victory negates any true sense of achievement or damages long-term progress. ” The message we learned is Filipinas born and educated in the Philippines are not welcome on the roster of the Philippine team once the games kick off in New Zealand.
Sarek : Kirk, I thank you. What you have done is…
Kirk : What I have done, I had to do.
Sarek : But at what cost? Your ship. Your son.
Kirk : If I hadn’t tried, the cost would have been my soul.”
Star Trek III The Search For Spock.
Do I think pinoys sold their soul?? I believe anyone who overlooks excluding organic talent for this result really does not care about Philippine soccer, they just want the holy grail of pansin without the work. There is no soul to sell.
Putting a very sharp needle into the balloon known as Pinoy Pride since 2012.
Who watches women’s sports?
nobody know we have this kind of sports
People don’t know and they don’t care. They don’t care to support it and it doesn’t go anywhere. So what do the powers that be do? They recruit abroad and those people abroad don’t have a clue what it is like to be Filipino but yet the locals embrace them since it gives them pansin.
Filipino Sportscaster Pablo Torre ( Harvard grad) makes fun of Filipino quick fix process in Women’s World Cup. Talks about KSP radar. Go to the 26 :30 mark
There is very little chance anyone born and raised in the Philippines could be elite at football for obvious reasons (no training, no discipline, no football culture)
There has been little football training historically, in the past few years there has been a little of a push (the most successful club being Tuloy FC, of course their coach is Japanese lol)
The posh schools in the UAAP and NCAA have not developed any good players. These schools and their athletics need to be improved, but not sure that will ever happen.
In the Philippines there are very little who understand the discipline needed to excel at a worldwide level (or even to excel at a regional level)
The Philippines is still more successful than Football Fanatics of Indonesia….. which is funny.
Hence my point in a lot of what I write here. Pinoys do not have the passion for a lot of things yet they crave the attention and feel entitled to it. Players might be lousy internationally but they don’t even attract local fans yet they feel the world should look at them. What we have here is a shortcut and many people do not have a problem with it. What is the message for soccer players locally? You are scum and we won’t look at you for the national team? How can there be any other message? And who bothers to decode this message?
In short, Filipinos don’t like working as a means to achieving.
I was talking to a Chinese man who is in China via video chat and talking about his favorite subject- football . He was so proud that his team is in the World Cup and not one American. He laughed that Filipinos were so quick to accept a Filipino team with no Filipinos who were born and raised there .
There are some countries that rather succeed or fail with their own players they developed and would never put up exploiting a loophole to have a roster of foreigners. Then I remembered that Filipinos spent so many years bending over to colonial masters. See the difference? Filipinos hate China being aggressive but lack the means to do anything on their own and have to run crying elsewhere for help .
A country if 110 million is bound to come up with more than a handful of talent. Yet, despite the country having the sheer numbers, no such volume of measurable achievement commensurate to that sheer ability to churn out warm bodies is forthcoming. Just like how none of its fertile soils and rich mines have spawned world class agriculture and industry. Raw materials pop out as easy as babies pop out, but none of these are developed into sustainable assets; merely exported raw for other countries to nurture into valuable capital.
That is ultimately the whole point — that the Philippines is a vast land of missed opportunity.
On Sunday , “our girls” will clash with Norway. When they run into the pitch this song should be blasting. This will spur them into victory.
Pinoy passion? To be anglo. To be americano. It is very sad.
How embarrassing. Where’s the real pride? Half filipinos, “fil-ams” and so -called “Pinoy pride” rhetoric/PR propaganda?
Most of these clowns in the circus are americans who kiss the shoes of the usa. It’s sad. There’s no real Pinoy pride other than emulating and mimicking america and its’ degenerate/debased money obsessed diseased “culture”.
From rapper degeneracy to it’s nonsense sporting events etc. How about excelling in Physics, Mathematics, Biochemisty? The silence is deafening Po.
Instead of who looks the most Anglo saxon ‘beauty’ pageants, and or half filipino AMERICANS pretending to be white rappers, etc.etc.. The Pilipines could be so much more, yet they sadly cannot change it appears. Onward and downward. For declinists, this is a good thing perhaps.
I wonder what you are good at? Do you have any world achievement to boot? Either we win or not in that sport it doesn’t matter.
Filipinos already excelled in Billiard, Boxing, and Singing among others and put the world on notice. That’s enough for 3rd world country standard already.
I am good at looking at looking at the dictionary. I use ” we” for people in my community. Schools I went to, neighborhoods I lived in, countries I have lived in. Filipinos excel in billiards?? Give me the international website/ publication that cares about that? Boxing??? You mentioned “Filipinos” as in plural. Please show me the passion for soccer/ football locally. Show me. The highest attendance for people not playing in an international match is less than 2000. So I can count I guess. 18 US born players out of 23 on “Team Philippines”. Zero born in the Philippines. So if you are keeping track at home Jun, I am only good at 3 things. The dictionary, arithmetic and geography. Nobody on the roster played in the Philippines before they became an adult. Go Team Philippines. Disprove that.
Billiard website? Watch and And based on surveys by pro players and fans around the world, Efren “Bata” Reyes is arguably the Greatest Pool Player of All Time (GOAT). He and other Filipinos won several World Pool Championships in different decades in different pool venues around the world such as USA and Europe.
Filipino boxers like Manny Pacquiao, Flash Elorde, and Pancho Villa also put the Philippines on notice.
The passion for Soccer may be high in other places in the Philippines but either winning or losing will not gain more prominence since the Philippines is already on the map because of other sports and competitions.
And please don’t compare the Philippine standard to 1st world standard. If you do, you will commit an error of invalid classification. 3rd world countries are not in the same class as that of 1st world so comparing them is stupidity. If Philippines becomes 1st world, that’s the time you put it in comparison to 1st world countries. Until that time, don’t make stupid comparisons or you just appear as a hater and cherry picker.
Jun, I am truly amazed how you come at me with such vitriol when you either did not read my posts or do not refute what I said in there. Maybe you are the hater. I did not force you to read this , you came here and questioned my personal capabilities in life. Show me where I am wrong before you get personal.
I have a very simple message that you can not refute to save your life. You are basking in the glory over something your nation, your culture, your athletic program had little to do with. Sperm + egg has nothing to do with your culture. It has nothing to do with work. It has nothing to do with determination. That is nature. Once that fertilized egg comes out of the womb then the work comes in. Exercise, nutrition, practice and schooling are the work . If the training by the Australian coach is truly special , why does it not work with players from Ateneo, La Salle and UST?
The policy of the local sports body that makes decisions is to exclude all native Filipinas like some lower form of life that does not deserve entry in their exclusive club. That is segregation. That is personal.
I will answer a lot of your other claims in seperate posts. I hope you appreciate the Philippine Women’s World Cup Team theme song.
Billiard website? Watch and And based on surveys by pro players and fans around the world, Efren “Bata” Reyes is arguably the Greatest Pool Player of All Time (GOAT). He and other Filipinos won several World Pool Championships in different decades in different pool venues around the world such as USA and Europe.
No, not Billiard website. Sports website. An institution that sports fans care about. Only billiard fans go to a billiards website. I have never seen anywhere in the world that a billiard player does commercials , except the Philippines. Look up the word niche in the dictionary. Billiards community is miniscule. When we had the US ESPN and the US Foxports here in the Philippines they never even showed one Bata highlight or any kind of pool highlight. It is not the individual sport that tennis or golf is and will never be. In the 80s and 90s I was always near the magazine Sports Illustrated and they never featured pool. There is no mass audience for pool and you can never point to high ratings that matches the most popular sports like F1 and European football. You see the sports world through the eyes of a KSP pinoy who does not matter. What is important in the Philippines is not felt in the world. They are only passionate about basketball and they can’t even get that right. Zero competitve edge even in Asia. Even you don’t mention them in the “sports” you are bragging about.
The passion for Soccer may be high in other places in the Philippines but either winning or losing will not gain more prominence since the Philippines is already on the map because of other sports and competitions.
I have never met a pinoy who is modest about what little goes in sports in this country. You are saying passion for soccer exists here?? Let me guess. It is like Hogwarts Castle? You need to go to some secret platform in the MRT to go there. That is why us muggles have never been there and don’t where it is. To quote the kids today- video or it didn’t happen. Everything is on Youtube and other social media . High passion for soccer in the Philippines?? Just because you think so?? I guess that passion does not convert into one roster spot in the World Cup.
That is so funny . Philippines is on the map for other sports that soccer results gets diluted in all that glory. There is only one Filipino that moved the needle abroad and it has been so long since he fought a contender. I find you bringing up singing to nullify my argument laughable.
So what Gogs if most soccer players are not so called full blooded pinays? They got Filipina blood and in Philippine law, one is a Filipino if father or mother is a filipino whenever they were born in the world. And they can represent the country if they got pinoy blood.
So what if most of those players were born and trained abroad? They represent the Philippines and the Philippine flag. The win will count as a Philippine win and not USA win where they were born and trained.
You know there’s rarely true blooded Filipino in the Philippines right as some have mixed blood in their genes? If you want true pinoy then you look for some type of native like the igorots. And you know how hard to train in the Philippine setting and excel in abroad right? As we have 3rd world facilities and trainer here and lack of government support and budget, it is already one’s athlete’s disadvantage. And it would be a miracle if we can beat 1st world athletes abroad who have all the advantages in their place. Those soccer women who were raised in the US had the advantage of availing training facilities and great trainers abroad and the level of competetiveness there is already strong. If other pinay athletes who were raised and trained in the Ph not included in that team, maybe they had other business to attend to or they still lacked the necessary rigorous trainings compared to those other half blood pinay players who already have the advantages and skills they learned from 1st world country abroad and who can regularly compete internationally. But still, it is a Philippines win. As I said in my previous post, you have to make valid classification with 3rd world and 1st world countries. You can’t put them in the same level playing field. You can laugh and bash Philippines and pinoys like this if it is already a 1st world country and yet they still lack competetive edge against other 1st world.
I bet you Gogs are just a spectator and a hater or a frustrated athlete who followed sports events for a long time but didn’t try any decent competition in your whole life so you don’t have a real feeling and experience on how difficult sports like. Otherwise, you won’t bash sports players who are trying hard to win and sports fans who support them.
As to billiard, it is considered sport by ESPN and Sports Illustrated although it is not in the mainstrean category. It was viewed in ESPN and Sports Network before. It still has millions of fans around the world.
So what if it is has less fans compared to other sports? One will engage in sport where he is good at. And Bata had proven he is good at it since he is considered the greatest of all time beating famous legendary players in US and Europe. And he actually earned a hundred million pesos because of pool sport so it was worth his time. How about you Gogs, what do you prove in sports, huh? Engaging in sport is a business and a form of income by players. Bata really earned well by that sport.
“And please don’t compare the Philippine standard to 1st world standard. If you do, you will commit an error of invalid classification.”
False, you can totally compare Philippines to 1st world standards because 1st and 3rd world countries are just countries in the end. It’s the Philippines’ fault that it’s a 3rd world country with nothing to be proud of.
No data,
Try to be a real athlete in the Philippines for team sport and see for yourself there are already disadvantages here before one will start training, such as: mediocre training facilities, lack of competent coach, lack of budget, lack of quality competitions among players, and lack of high level sports game in contrast to 1st world countries such as US that practice culture of excellence.
The work ethic of Pinoys is not the problem. Pinoys are hardworking. It is the government and the culture and sports it instills to the community is the real problem.
The irony Jun is you keep mentioning 3rd world /1st world dynamic .
You are basking in the glory of a 3rd world country achieving a 1st world result with players born and trained in the 1st world by a 1st world coach. The way I was educated that is called credit grabbing at least and at the worst fraud. False pride or is that pinoy pride??
It is no denial your standard is 1st world, even if you are a 3rd world citizen or resident, I get it.
Let me encapsulate what I’m trying to emphasize here between 3rd world and 1st:
3rd world: everything is bad in these countries, except…
1st world: everything is good in these countries, except…
There is always that exception to every rule. If Pinoy excels in some sports like billiard and boxing then that’s an exception, same goes to other 3rd world.
If 1st world countries were beaten by 3rd countries in some sports that’s also an exception.
You see, you cannot make a valid classification and put the 1st world and 3rd world countries in the same level as certainly they are not on the same level whether we like it or not. So, don’t bash the Philippines and other 3rd world countries if they keep on losing most of the sports events held internationally by the 1st world because the level of that former will most of the times, except in some instances, lower than the level of the latter because of many factors which some of them I mentioned in my previous post.
@Jun wrong, they represent the citizenship’s country regardless of their ethnicity. Claiming that the win of an American citizen belongs to Philippines just because she has Filipina blood in her is just credit grabbing just to feed the ego and pride and for what? It accomplishes nothing.
“The win will count as a Philippine win and not USA win where they were born and trained.”
False again, that’s credit grabbing. They represent the country of their citizenship, not just because they have Filipino blood. Besides, why would people represent a bad country which can take care of them? It’s normal for people to want to represent a better country which has a lot more to offer than a 3rd world country.
No data,
No. It is actually an employer-employee relationship. The Philippine government employed those half blood pinay soccer players to represent the Philippine soccer team and the latter agreed to be employed in exchange for some monetary payments and/or benefits. Whatever the result of their work, if they win, the credit will go to the Philippines because the win record will be to this country alone, not to the athletes, and not to the US where they are citizens. It is simple as that. It is business.
Jun , it all about being in the spotlight. The “pinoy” team is made up of leftovers not good enough for the American team. They can not be employed by the US the same way a UST player will not be employed by the Lakers. The pinoys had roster spots which the locals are excluded from and gave them to Americans who might have lineage but minimal pinoy ties. The Americans dressed in the Filipino flag qualified and the ” employees” are happy. They are not proud to be pinoy. They reached the pinnacle of their sport. FYI. Women’s pro soccer in the US not popular and the World Cup is something every female soccer would want to experience. That is their dream. The fact they are wearing the Philippines Flag in the means to an end. Not the dream.
Gogs, those soccer players are not as emotional, myopic, and hater as you.
They look at it as a business opportunity to earn income and an opportunity also to compete and for career growth. But the win will always be for the Philippines record whoever the players who represent that team and who agreed to be athletes employees it does not matter much. It is business. Same goes to the best players who put these NBA teams on their 1st championships list like Denver Nuggets, Dallas Mavericks, and Milwaukee Bucks. Their best players are not Americans but the record of championships is for the name of the teams who are their employers, not for individual players – the employees.
Jun. Here is my standard. Players are born in a country, players learn game in a country. players who are good might find work abroad like normal adults , players represent country where they were born and learned the game and where they were discovered. Don’t tell me that is first world. Brazil does that. You still don’t get the central premise. Pinoys want the attention without the work. They want to be credited for the win without coaches and players born and toil here doing anything .
Gogs, it is allowed in FIFA Women’s World Cup or other major world sports events that make players play even if they were not born, raised, and trained in the country they represent just like the half blood pinay soccer players. The Philippines just wanted to win while abiding the rules of FIFA even if it imports players whom it thinks can compete players against first world. I just think it is a wise strategy. We don’t need to be emo here trying to force and insist that players and coaches should look like full-bloodied Filipinos. Maybe those full-bloodied who were not included had some other businesses to attend or their games are not yet on par to compete against 1st world teams, we don’t know. The Philippines just wanted to win and it is a valid win according to FIFA rules. You got to deal with that and not be bitter. Your emotions are your personal opinion, and will not invalidate FIFA’s rule.
You know how difficult to excel in team sports in the Philippines right? There are many factors that could hinder one’s potential here. Brazil has height advantages and a strong sport culture particularly in volleyball. Not the same with short pinoys.
How many of those pinoys you know “want attention without the work” as you said? Like 100, 200, or 1,000? Still they don’t represent the majority of emotions of 117 million Filipinos. You are making a sweeping generalization without a valid proof. Just imagination and maybe heresay.
“Whatever the result of their work, if they win, the credit will go to the Philippines because the win record will be to this country alone, not to the athletes, and not to the US where they are citizens. It is simple as that.”
This is just wrong and plain credit grabbing. When an athlete wins in an international sports event, they represent the country of their citizenship, simple as that.
I want to thank Jun for making me assess what I am good at. In many cases when it comes this women’s team. The sperm was American , the egg was Filipina , even the hospital was not Filipino. What more the elementary school, the high school and university ?You got to contribute more than a little biology to a world class effort. Not even 100% of the biology but 50% or 25%.
Jun, let me boil my essay into a simple sentence:
The price of being relevant in the World Cup is making the local Filipina soccer player irrelevant.
I find the locals quite happy with that price that was paid. Is that really Pinoy Pride? Pinoys seem to happily accept that pinoy coaches and teachers did zero of the work.
Not pinoy pride but Philippines win. You are making delusional assumptions by using emo from some fans and generalize it as a major sympathy for 117 million pinoys.
So just to clarify my thinking. There was a win in the World Cup involving the Philippine flag. In this country there was no emo, no pride. The people just noted the score and said to themselves “that’s nice” . Who is being delusional?
Not all Pinoys care about World Cup win and maybe just a miniscule of population who knew about that Philippine win. But then again you are forcing down the throat of your readers saying it’s “pinoy pride”. That it represents the sentiments of whole pinoy population. Yeah, you are delusional.
” Not all Pinoys care about World Cup win and maybe just a miniscule of population who knew about that Philippine win. “-
Jun , let me suggest a quaint little exercise you can do. Go search the tag in Get Real Philippines called “KSP is the root of all evil”. You will see many submissions that point out something many of us know that you might not be aware of. Pinoys do not love or care about the World Cup but they sure as hell love the pansin that comes with it. There are many examples of this and you suggesting they don’t need any more attention because of billiards, one boxer and singing is indicative of that. So you are telling me mainstream media and social media did not overreact to this. Your social media and friends are not suddenly “instant soccer fans”? Sorry , maybe you see this as a humble country but I do not. They are not even proud of their own players who live in the country. Tossed aside like a soiled con**m all for the glory of pansin.
Gogs, where in that article you suggested that provides real and reliable source of statistical data that proves the dominant/majority sentiments of pinoy population? It should be in number: “4,000-5,000 pinoys confirmed based on latest surveys conducted that they are KSP or exhibited “pinoy pride” in one way or another.” Just because you can screenshot some of the post and hashtags of some random unconfirmed citizens in the social media does not mean it is the true sentiments of the whole 117 million+ pinoy population. I want that statistical data otherwise your whole premise is based on assumptions, conjectures, heresay, or pure imagination. That’s how social science works they conduct real surveys.
Is that survey hard for you to obtain? Well, it’s your fault since you made sweeping generalization here. You made “pinoy pride” and “ksp” as summary of pinoy emotion whenever there’s a trending national sport/s win.
It also appears how you quickly concluded why the local athletes were not included in that FIFA World Cup as you said “the government doesn’t want them in the team” without going into details the reason why they were not included. I can sense that you only care about what appears on the record without going into intricate details. It maybe easier and convenient for you to say that but it appears a shallow one.
Just a suggestion for you Gogs, sport is not all about the result, it is also a journey. You need to know the journey of “full-bloodied” pinoy players/athletes and the things they went through in their trainings in the Philippines in order for you to appreciate the whole process and the reason behind why they were not able to win in history on any major world sports events like Football, Basketball, Tennis, and Golf. Some of the many factors why they failed are lack of government support, lack of real competition, and a sense of urgency from the top. You need to know all this so that you won’t be a hater who quick to judge and label pinoy athletes as losers. As I said in my previous post, it’s very hard to be an athlete in the Philippines for a world-class competition.
Jun. I wrote it when I wrote it. KSP is the root of all evil and pinoys love to credit grab and you just sit there and rationalize it. Why do you ask me for proof when it is a feeling that has been validated over and over again. Pinoys jump on the bandwagon and all the proof you need is all over this website. Specially when it comes to sports. You and your “singing”. As if OPM is 1/10 of a percent as popular as all that Korean stuff that I may not like but I can not argue is popular outside of Korea and even Asia. You are the one who said there is passion in soccer locally and they work hard. All that passion results in zero roster spots in the World Cup team. No need for surveys if you have mainstream media, social media , local news in Tagalog and noontime shows. Mainstream media is a mirror of the audience they want to attract. There is no passion for soccer locally. There is passion for the pursuit of pansin . There is a passion for jumping on the bandwagon at a moments notice. This blog is fully stocked with proof of that even longer than the eleven years I have been writing here. The fact no natives who played locally are not on the team is because the federation went out of their way to recruit abroad. No room for the locals. None , nada, zip. I put that in the blog. A blog you probably never read but mysteriously argue against. The same federation did not put out a detailed roster for that very reason.
The message prevalent in the mass media of the Philippines is ” Be baduy”. You are hit over the head with it on radio, on noontime shows , on movies featuring loveteams. I bet Jun you will argue to the contrary when the evidence is all over the place. You will still ask for a survey.
Jun, why are you always asking for surveys ? Pinoys jump on the bandwagon but will not do the work. Accept this article instead of a survey. 95% of the work done in the US by the time the Australian coach gets his mitts on them . Figuratively of course . Some articles are calling him miracle worker. The real miracle is if he used pinoy players. You can tell by the words I quoted here , he is not in a rush to do that. Hence my point. Locals intoxicated with the result
The players themselves are jumping on the Pinoy bandwagon. They were not proud to be pinoy all their lives. Only when they were recruited.
Thank you for always chiming in Jun and extending the shelf life of what I wrote.
6-0 for the next game fucking lmao stop talking about this trash now
Au contraire mon frère. You never read what I wrote and you choose to criticize it. I am talking long term not just one 6-0 loss . To quote the Carpenters ” we only just begun”. To quote Benign0 ” what’s next?” Do local women decide what’s the use of aspiring to be on that national team when it is very obvious the national team does not want them? The coach is so supportive of getting players from anywhere except the Philippines. His words not mine. Next time read what I wrote and refute it instead of quoting a score that anyone can read.
We celebrate defeat, we ignore triumph. We’re happy and we’re proud! It’s Reverse-Filipino Pride, ladies and gentlemen, that is the message!
Take it from Master Gogs!
Gogs with singular disciple No Data are having a field day calling out Filipinos for supporting, connecting with half-breed Filipino athletes who voluntary chose to identify to represent and play with Team Philippines.
It’s a done deal. They’re out there playing for us. Now, Questions?
When Team Philippines appeal for support to cheer them on for encouragement and the half-breed member athletes are saying “were proud of you because you’re proud of us”, how would Gogs react if he can have it his way? What’s the proper recommended decorum be for Filipinos?
Take these from the half-breeds athletes themselves:
Sarina Bolden, who made history by scoring the nation’s first World Cup goal:
“I’m just so happy we were able to get this win for you all. People back home in the Philippines, I hope you guys are happy and proud of us. We did this for you guys and to Filipinos globally, around the world, thank you so much for your support.”
Sara Eggesvik, who provided the winning assist against New Zealand”:
“It’s crazy how many Filipinos are here. I feel so proud. I feel so glad to be here and show Filipino pride. We’re going to fight until the end.”
Now, should we ignore the team… while self-anointed “Global Pinoys” Gogs and No Data invoke their dubious imaginary license, cheer on their chosen heroes from the West, even if both of these pretenders have absolute zero-connection? Kindly enlighten us please Master Gogs.
With the team’s resulting win/loss game, having their Filipino support and wearing the Philippine jersey, to whom should the half-breed athletes ought to direct their ‘thank yous’ or ‘sorrys’? It’s tricky, isn’t it?
However, I have no problem agreeing with Gogs’ contention that if we are to be represented by a group of athletes in International sports competitions our Team Pilipinas should have more Filipino local players and coaches in its roster.
But did Gogs personally do something about it? He did nothing! It’s easier to complain and call out everyone…
(Gogs thinks: “That’s the strategy of someone infallibly hip like me!”)
In truth, Gogs has problems making himself believable. He totally does not support anything and everything local. He is colonially minded!
He doesn’t even see the bigger picture for potential in Philippine sports as far Football is concerned. He’s totally clueless of any window of opportunity and outrightly ignores the future of possibilities. Gogs sees it the other way.
That’s because, in reality, he really doesn’t even care. Whether he admits or not, his sight is elsewhere. His energy, support and care is invested in something else.
You see, Gogs declares: “I LIKE TO WRITE ABOUT THINGS I CARE ABOUT. Olympics : Mark Spitz, Mary Decker Slaney, Ben Johnson, Flo- Jo, Elizabeth Manley, Nadia, Michael Jordan, Bobby Knight, Bruce Jenner before he became Caitlan.”
Is that narcissism or hypocrisy? I’m inclined to apply both!
He habitually, but dishonestly, compares the Philippine Olympic standing with the ‘heavy-weight’ countries. And like a true ignorant KSP, his mind escapes reality.
He downplays Hidilyn Diaz Olympic gold medal win as a non-achievement. He hides the fact that ours is a country whose capability to finance a huge contingent of athletes abroad is limited which also limits our chances at winning.
Though I believe more winning days will come around… It’s a process…
In its Olympic history, the Philippines sends an average delegation of more or less than 10 or even less than 5 athletes (even just a single athlete, you check it out!).
But still the Master expects more. Nothing wrong with that really except that his mood is forever jovial at every Philippine moments of loss and/or defeat. He does that as if he has triumph over something. Then he calls out everyone else except himself. He taunts, why can’t we win more like them… say, like China?
China who can easily send 431 athletes to the Tokyo Games as part of a 777-member delegation? It’s largest at an Olympics outside China!
Unashamed with arrogance, he insists identifying himself with the ‘Winners’ even though he cannot point out exactly a connection with them. Gogs is definitely just credit-grabbing… a baduy Filipino pretender KSP!
Can Gogs cite instances wherein he has signified specific care and support for Philippine sports, entertainment or culture in general that he has written in his articles for the last twelve long years in GRP?
Should we hold our breath? I don’t even think so. There’s simply none!
Btw, I read someone asks this question: Is it more appropriate for the Americans to be proud of Filipino-born Chess Grandmaster and three-time U.S. Chess Champion (in 2017, 2020, and 2021) Wesley So because of the nation’s status?
Considering the reason why Gogs writes for GRP is because he became a fan of the webmaster of this website, a Filipino-born who is now an Australian citizen. Should Gogs now consider abandoning being a fan of benign0 following his line of thinking?
Outside of this website, Gogs is nothing and a nobody. Just a pretentious parasite wishing for relevance bandwagoning for attention (you call this KSP!) and will surely be universally ignored!
I know I am pissing people off when they quote old submissions and speculate on me personally instead of addressing the central point of the blog . I am happy you chose my blog on ” the gold medal” even if you misunderstood it. There is a common theme between the two.
3 words
basketball pa more.
They did not come here because they love Edsa. They didn’t come here because they thought it was an honor to be on noontime shows. They came here because every athlete faces sports mortality. There will come a time they will not be relevant as an athlete. Lot of high school players experience that. The roster of women that qualified for the World Cup only became citizens of this country not because of love of this country or even residency in this country. They became citizens to prolong their relevance in their sport. They did not qualify for the US team where they rather be so why not the consolation prize? I have been writing about the leftover theory for a long time.
You are the guy who wanted me to write about the SEA games. I do not care. I never paid attention. Let them dominate or get by Cambodia. I do not care. By the same token, locals do not support soccer locally. Once it is the World Cup , boom ! Instant fans and the bandwagon is full. This apathy causes the local federation to search abroad for people who developed a game actually playing in front of people.
You believe that crap about the Australian Miracle Worker???
These players represented us well ironically because they grew up so differently from us. You believe that quote ?? The one from the goal scorer. She was recruited. She did not volunteer. So much for body and soul and pride and all that B.S. Tell me 1/2 . Do you make a habit of swallowing P.R. crap hook line and sinker?
I never downplayed the Gold Medal but I did mock the idea that having only in the history of the Philippines is a testament to the useless devotion to basketball. Let me guess you will lead to the passion for a sport that isn’t basketball that exists inside the Philippines. You said I did nothing about no pinoys. Please show me online where some source that regularly publishes musings on sports questions the fact that pinoys are excluded. This victory is fool’s gold for local sports because of the message to local players that they are useless. The coach who glorified the use of ladies who had little to do with Filipino culture is now off somewhere where nobody will force him to take on local pinoy players. Filipino born chess player went to the US to improve. Philippine national team players go to the Philippines since they can’t qualify for their real country. Nobody is improving here. Pinoy culture is not a magnet for the world’s best. Reread my leftover theory. That is why I continuously mock pinoy pride.
In addressing a supposed central point of the blog, you neglected the fact that sports, like culture, is a shared experience.
Historically, what you described as ‘basketball pa more’ is not an outcome of apathy.
“… the Philippines is still a basketball-crazy country, being a former US colony, with boxing also much more popular than football. It is common for every village or residential building in the country to have at least one basketball court.”
More of basketball isn’t exactly the problem… Rather, easy access to playing fields or stadiums for other sports is one of those problems.
There is a thriving baseball community in Canlubang, Laguna back in the day before the Ayala’s take over of the Canlubang Sugar Estate. It’s a popular pastime for most young kids in the area.
“The Canlubang Sugar Barons were a baseball team that played in the now defunct Manila Bay Baseball League. The team which existed for more than 50 years (since the 1920s) became defunct when the Manila Bay Baseball League folded in 1979. Among the team’s notable players is national team player, Filomeno Codiñera.” has an interesting article about Philippine Baseball:
“Is this a fair assessment of the state of Philippine baseball?”
If care means something of intense significance to you, why have you not participated in writing something like it if you really care?
You trust has been always this way:
“The problem is basketball is the sole participatory sport that gets all the expectations of the undying need for attention of the typical fan.”
(“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”)
Have it your way, your choice, become part of the solution or part of the problem.
Well, I guess, having lived elsewhere, you only understand the thinking of other sporting nations. It’s not a shared experience with us here.
You rather whine than do something about it. Identify with the Western Champions and blame everybody else. Never mind your existence of zero connection, never mind Gogs’ own version of credit-grabbing and never mind your attention-grabbing or KSP.
You will continue to fail to connect with your roots because of your deep colonial mentality.
PS – “Filipino martial arts (FMA) (Filipino: Sining panlaban ng Pilipinas) refer to ancient and newer modified fighting methods devised in the Philippines. It incorporates elements from both Western and Eastern Martial Arts, the most popular forms of which are known as Arnis, Eskrima, and Kali.”
If the French gave notice, why won’t a confused Filipino like Gogs?!
The West is the Best!
And the rest of the world too …
And the rest of the world too …
You do know curiosity is different from something that is constantly followed . Like the way the NBA is the only real international sport Filipinos care about. They follow it and not the NFL. Not Serie A . Not the NHL. No amount of Gogs bashing can change that . I happen to love MLB baseball and participated in softball. I mention in the blog the existence of the soccer team in Iloilo that I have never seen online or in a Filipino sports bar. It is still basketball pa more in this country when it comes to what the locals care about. This translates into one gold medal ever. Very simple premise that you have not disproven. So take shots at me since that is your antidote for being annoyed at what I wrote.
You’re still a part of that one gold medal, Gogs.
You’re not American. You’re not European. You can’t deny who you are… a true KSP Pinoy, Gogs. No amount of seeking entitlements of exemption can change that truth.
By not to doing anything and by admitting you’re only good at one thing- to continuously mock pinoy pride – you’re still part of the problem.
It’s your choice, it’s your insanity, it’s your problem. It’s that simple, really.
@1/2 – you want me to go back in time to what little I had of an athletic prime and win a gold medal for the country? The country behaves the way it always does whether I exist or not. The world loves soccer and the Philippines does not. “It’s that simple, really.” No idea why you and/or the proud to be pinoys sincerely believe they are entitled to something they neither cared about or worked for. That is the pinoy way.
You also seem to hold a grudge against anyone who agrees with me. They can agree with you but if they agree with me then they are the worst people in the world? In your world nobody should agree with me? Read the tagline of GetRealPost slowly .
Allow me to quote Bruce Springsteen if I may:
” The poets down here don’t write nothing at all, they just stand back and let it all be”.
I am not much of a poet or an athlete. I am well aware who comes to this website. Those that question the attitude and output of mainstream media. The rhetoric they want us to swallow. Of course there are those who can’t handle the truth since it will make their spoonful of pansin not go down in the most delightful way. They don’t want to hear the truth that their moment of pansin came at price of excluding all organic talent. Unless they were so quick to accept it. Either way , show me the falsehood and answer the question why do pinoys feel so connected to these newly minted citizens who did not learn their craft here and yet wore their flag? The reason for the success of the soccer team is precisely because they are not pinoys who are born and raised here. The organization that put the team together thinks so.
It is appropriate for Americans to be proud of Wesley So because he’s an American citizen. A wise man once said that Philippines always pride themselves in having so many talents, but talent management is another story. Like it or not, your country lost Wesley So.
Why are you attacking this website’s webmaster for migrating to Australia? Is it really bad to migrate? If you think it’s bad, then say the reason here, I’ll read it here. Also, do not resort to as hominem, attack the argument, not the person.
@No Data:
“It is appropriate for Americans to be proud of Wesley So because he’s an American citizen.”
If that’s the case, aren’t you, as Gogs singular golden disciple, just going against the gist of your Master’s article?
Following your line of thought, you’re just saying that every foreign national in the world who ends up being a citizen of this country, who will make it on Team Philippines, will just make it as appropriate for the country, right? Is that what you’re trying to say?
“Like it or not, your country lost Wesley So.”
In the same vein, it can also be said that Welsey So lose/abandon his country in exchange for his personal ambition for growth. The country has nothing to do with his decision, rather, it’s his own personal choice.
“Why are you attacking this website’s webmaster for migrating to Australia?”
You’re accusing someone but what’s your basis? Indirectly, you’re just throwing your own ad hominem. You can ask benign0 that himself.
To fully understand, don’t you think you have to sharpen your comprehension ability a bit more!
“In the same vein, it can also be said that Welsey So lose/abandon his country in exchange for his personal ambition for growth. The country has nothing to do with his decision, rather, it’s his own personal choice.”
A wise person once said that creating many talents is power, but getting their loyalty is superpower. He also said that a country that does not care for its people will eventually lose them, and talent management is a different story from having many talents. It’s human nature to always look for a better future even if it means migrating to a greener pasture.
“If that’s the case, aren’t you, as Gogs singular golden disciple, just going against the gist of your Master’s article?”
Again, attack the argument, not the person.
“Following your line of thought, you’re just saying that every foreign national in the world who ends up being a citizen of this country, who will make it on Team Philippines, will just make it as appropriate for the country, right? Is that what you’re trying to say?”
Look at Luigi Chinetti, he won Le Mans three times, his first two wins were counted as a win for Italy because he was an Italian citizen, but he was already a US citizen when he won that race for the third time, so his win was counted as a win for the US instead of Italy. You know what else? He became the first American driver who won Le Mans. Mario Andretti became one of the only two American drivers to win the Formula One world drivers’ championship and he’s considered an American because he got his citizenship through naturalization, so you can’t claim that a win of a non-Filipino citizen is counted as a win for the Philippines because their wins count as wins for the country of their citizenship, it’s as simple as that.
“You’re accusing someone but what’s your basis? Indirectly, you’re just throwing your own ad hominem. You can ask benign0 that himself.”
Then why did you bring up his Australian citizenship? I don’t resort to as hominem in debates and discussions because I have critical thinking which is non-existent in credit grabbing under the so-called Pinoy pride.
@No Data: “I have critical thinking…”
Better leave that for others to decide.
@1/2 people who attack the person instead of the argument sure don’t have a say in that. People who have the false sense of national pride also don’t have a say in that.
“The question I hope to answer at the end of this piece , do they represent us at all?” – Gogs
According to the rules of the game they do represent the whole of Philippines.
“Why take pride in qualifying for the World Cup when native players don’t even have a token roster spot as in singular?” – Gogs
Where in the rules that specify about ‘native players’ strictly participating in games? You have no valid basis for your contention because there is a process these players go through in order to qualify to participate in the games.
Your case has been dismissed for lack of substance a long time ago. Time to rest it now and focus on other issues relevant with the time.
Case dismissed by you?? You are okay with Team Philippines without natives and no work done by local players and coaches. Not me. Pansin is more valuable to you than work. That is you not me. Next comment from you I am flagging as spam since you keep telling me what I should write about in my own space. Seek attention elsewhere. I will write what I want to write about. Team Philippines without homegrown talent is a topic worth exploring. Whether homegrown talent exists is also worth exploring. My pieces set you off and took you away from your “dama”. I will be me not you. Import pa more Juan Luna.
So what will you do Gogs when the FIFA don’t restrict players to homegrown talents and the Philippines continues to avail of the choices of FIFA rules? Will you continue to cry and whine about it and will not do anything to influence the FIFA eligibility rules? Will you still insist that it is all Philippines fault even if it is not?
You are fixed on your biases and are already close-minded on your personal views. People should not have been wasting their time discussing their logical and valid views not because they lose in the discussion, but because you don’t know how to accomodate their opinions. As Juan Luna and me repeatedly argued that it’s the FIFA eligibility rules – the root cause, and not the Philippine rules, you still keep on blaming that it’s all Philippines fault. We don’t see the Philippines at fault here when the Philippines only followed the rules of the FIFA. This is supposed to be a non-emotional issue. The problem is that it is you who injected emotions to make this an emotional issue. You don’t want to be corrected. So, continue with your flawed reasoning.
I will do what I always have been doing. I will address the people who are so ” Proud to be Pinoy”. Point out the facts and ask the simple question why?? There is no surplus of pinoy humility but there is a vast shortage of pinoy productivity. That gap has to be addressed. That gap has to be described. All I got was economics essays and historical essays. I provided attendance records , birthplaces and American educational institutions where the girls went. I never got even a Youtube link to the “thriving local soccer scene”. I did get a bunch of name calling. Anyway I have been here a while and I hope to be here a bit longer. Doing the same thing. Asking the rhetorical question ” what are you proud of ?”
The rules say it is ok to naturalize citizens and have them play. So , I pointed out in the end who was born here. I am not the only one who questioned this. It should be questioned since other countries produce their own players and the Philippines does not seem to be interested and yet we are proud. Go back to the start of the World Cup. Nobody was advertising that there were 18 American born players on the squad. They were just called the Philippines Women’s team. The Malditas. Like I said, the local federation just gave us names and positions and very little information.
My titles say it all. This one asked a simple question, why does the Filipino feel so connected to a team that has little in common with them. The follow up blog asks does the Philippines consider itself a football nation considering there was so little work done in the Philippines by actual Filipinos. So while FIBA is a definite reality in these two blogs , the Filipinos do not disappoint when it comes to providing material. I never said they broke rules. They are simply KSP and since they do not have a productive environment they simply import talent and voila World Cup appearance with no native born and locally developed talent making a contribution.
Gogs, you have to understand the basic first and that is the collective mindset of the pinoys. This mindset of pinoys is a family, that every player who represents the Philippines no matter where they come from they are already considered part of a family of Filipino nation. This is an instinct of the pinoys. This is not credit grabbing, but a natural and inborn feeling.
And what is family all about? Every member of it constantly shows care and support for each other no matter how small the victory is, like in FIFA’s first soccer goal, it is worth a celebration for this family. This is part of the big process. They are proud of the goal of their family members although these players are foreign born, they are part of the family alreadys since they represent the team Philippines. Is that hard for you to understand? Don’t you have experience what family is all about?
Talking about local passion on soccer sport, we have some although not as dominant and popular as basketball. We have Tuloy, DLSU Lady Booters, and FEU Lady Booters among others. They are not as competitive as other world cup players, but this is just the start of the big process and big picture. The Philippines still has many chances. Who knows the world will survive 1,000 years from now. The Philippines has that long period to improve its soccer team.
This shows two things:
1) The ontology of Filipinos to claim something exists by retrospection and appeal to nostalgia. This is the sentimyento de patatas being referred to.
2) And that no effort is made to continue or solidify said institutions. Ningas kugon nga.
Are Failipenises only good at doing something from the start?
Sad. While countries like Singapore and South Korea worked on development timeframes measured in several decades, the Philippines — if we are to understand Jason’s reckoning — is necessarily measured over the span of a thousand years. Pwede na yan mentality is alive and kicking… 😀
Pwede na yan is always the mentality in third world country leaders that’s why the filipino athletes who strive hard to be great suffered limited opportunities. For now, local soccer athletes need foreign help and intervention to inject some sense of urgency, efficiency, and culture of excellence since soccer is not the main staple sport in the country.
The quote goes “ Gotta stand for something or you’re gonna fall for anything . “ . That was said by either Malcolm X or John Mellancamp. FIFA suggested to us what a pinoy or pinay is and we swallowed it hook, line and sinker . We could have used 100% local players but maybe in their estimation, that route will get us nowhere. Pinoys lack the ability to produce anything cultural or athletic that will resonate overseas in the social media era so let’s just import 95% of our soccer team and wow ! All that resulted in one goal. Like I said, people are OK with this. Let some other country do the work and we will just get their players.
That is why I said they won the battle. Ok, they got in the World Cup and got some attention. Did they go too far down this road that no local players are ever admitted in or even encouraged. This is the Philippines we are talking about. Give them some attention and nobody will complain about no natives in the World Cup. Bread and Circuses pinoy style. Win the battle of instant gratification but lose the war of developing soccer organically.
All that politicking and shutting out the locals won the battle , if you can call getting into the World Cup only to score 1 goal winning the battle. It is not about FIFA does but what Filipinos do with what FIFA does. Like I said before there is fact and that there is opinion. Fact – the local federation decides to go almost full bore import mode. If you were born here , you need not apply. The one local spent a considerable with the team. She was the sole survivor.
For me this is the paradox. People are so proud to be pinoy but just about anybody can be pinoy by simply wearing the flag. That is not on FIFA , that is on us. It is hard for me to understand somebody who has never been here , never went to school here , never worked here but suddenly is “pinoy”. No evidence of pinoy culture but makes other people cheer Proud to be Pinoy. Hence the question “Is the Philippines a Football nation ?” since so little of the cultivation was done by the Philippines. That I believe is a fair question.
Gogs, if 100% local soccer players were the representatives of the Philippines, and that they did not qualify in FIFA since history speaks that this is the first time Philippines qualified in FIFA after importing US citizens, you will say that pinoys are losers since you abruptly stated already that football history did not produce genuine success in this country. So either the Philippines import players or not, you will just make excuses like they did not win gold in FIFA or in Olympics. That’s how you summarize everything. Enough with your hypocricy advocating 100% local players since you only want to prove one thing that “pinoys are losers in sports.” Just go straight to the point and enough beating around the bush.
But that’s the whole point being made here. The Philippines is a loser because it can’t capitalise on indigenous assets and also is a loser even with its massive reliance on imports.
The foundation lies in its absorption capacity both of domestic and foreign capital. The Philippines suck at both and, as such, the sum of efforts across both still falls short of winning standards.
Loser for now but it doesn’t mean the Philippines will be loser forever. Part of development process of one’s country is being a loser or a failure. As long as the world continues to exist, the Philippines has a chance to improve itself. Maybe not in this current administration, but certainly it will be in the future.
What then is your basis for this hope that you harbour that “the Philippines has a chance to improve itself”? It’s easy to make statements of “hope”; harder to actually substantiate said statements.
An entrepreneur pitching a proposal to a potential investor cannot just walk up to the guy and claim to have “hope” that $1000 invested in his proposal will return $1500 iin 12 months. He will have to provide evidence that this outcome is possible.
There is hope if the government prioritizes sports and pours world class necessities for local athletes when it comes to budget, playing field, and international trainers among others.
When it comes to economy, look at the Philippines GDP per capita if it is improving, then there’s hope. The Philippines’ GDP per capita before 2010 was less than 3k, now it’s around 3,800, means there’s slight improvement but it is far from Singapore’s and Japan’s. There is hope remains but it needs decades of investments and continuous improvement before the Philippines reaches highly developed economy status.
Your assumption benignO is you want that hope to be sure. It’s not how it works in business perspective. Investment is a risk/gamble, it is not an absolute guarantee that it will be profitable in the future, but there’s caution and estimations in planning at hand guided by the experts.
So this “hope” is all based on an “if” pala… ?
there is no hope.
we are the all singing, all dancing
crap of the world
This reminds me of the oft-repeated phrase among what Failipinos desire in a candidate or leader:
“Political Will”
And how far does that ‘political will’ go? To a bunch of self-serving, empty promises.
Political will can be translated to something like below:
Change is coming! (The mind is willing but the flesh is weak or I would if I could but I can’t.)
Recall then Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte who vowed to stop criminality in the country within three months if elected president and would resign from office if he fails to do so.
“If elected president, give me about three to six months, I will get rid of corruption, drugs and criminality.”
“If I fail in three months, better leave the country or I will step down and give the presidency to Bongbong.”
“They say my timeline is ambitious, you know if I am already president, in the third month I am sitting there as president and I fail because nobody believes me, I really cannot do it even if you give me 10 years of rule.”
He mellowed down in the latter part of his term, he realized it didn’t change much as desired but resulted only in many deaths.
many deaths.
that was the best part my man.
theres too many people, many of them worthless
Again, easy parallels… the Philippines claims to be and fancies itself a “modern” country on the back of everything built upon a foundation of imported capital and technology.
Singapore is one example of a country that was built upon a foundation of imported capital and technology, don’t you think? Will it survive without it?
Initially, the tiny city state of Singapore only has a favorable geography to offer (as Asian trading hub, as Europe’s main gateway to Asia) and a strong leader with a vision. It was ruled by a single family since its founding 58 years ago. Is there a guarantee of the same success for the country’s visionary leader if we take Singapore’s favorable geography out in the equation?
In the case of the Philippines, what happened? Thirty plus years of neglect from past leaders made the Philippines what becomes of it today.
But years back, how is the country? According to a Philippine Star article of Economist Mr. Tony Lopez:
“In the 1960s, the Philippines was the richest country in Asia, richer than Japan itself. In fact, over a century earlier, in 1851, the Philippines had established Southeast Asia’s first commercial bank, the Bank of the Philippine Islands. Bank of PI was also the region’s first central bank.
“In the 1970s, under the Marcos I regime, the Philippines had built the region’s first expressways and its first elevated railway systems. Manila, under Delta Motor Corp., was producing the region’s first auto engine blocks outside of Japan.
“The Philippines was an industrialized country before many of its neighbors, notably, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam became democratic independent states. Manila was also the center of culture in Asia. It had built the Cultural Center of the Philippines, in 1966, and the world-class Philippine International Convention Center in 1976. The same year, Manila had built more five-star hotels than did Vietnam or Indonesia or even Malaysia.”
So, the fact that we did something great then, there’s still hope things may change for the Philippines. Recent Philippine leaders have a different mindset. We are open to possibilities.
With regards to Philippine football…
Gogs can unitarily declare what he wants to declare:
“I am the pinoy sports conscience. I am the defacto national sports honesty broker. I am a purveyor of simple truths.”
Though I understand the points raised by Gogs, his continued and repeated hammering of the issue serves no other purpose than KSP points – it is dead end. He can choose to go his way to pretend to fight and care for the local athletes and not be believed. His credibility is questionable. There’s lack of evidence that will demonstrate otherwise in all his writings that he has shared with the Filipino experience in any Philippine local sports or culture.
With the future of the Philippines in parallel with the sport of Philippine football…
some of us beg to differ, so we go the other way to choose to accept prevailing realities at hand and we’re open to future possibilities.
But to which colonial master did it owe that “head start”?
And even the answer to that question is beside the point. The more important point, is what Filipinos did with that “head start”. It was all but squandered. None of that capital translated into a sustained productivity gain over the decades that followed.
Singapore employed the capital and channeled it to an increase in added value to the economy per capita. This is what ultimately builds wealth at a rate that increases proportionately with the population. That’s what set the winners apart from the losers.
1. “None of that capital translated into a sustained productivity gain over the decades that followed.”
You speak as if the Philippines did not do anything.
The fact is the Philippines did launched an industrialization program in the 1970s based on 11 heavy industries led by the steel, petrochemical and engineering industries.
But neglect of 30 plus years of past leaders did impact our economic growth, it led to a decline. There’s something to be said about what the leaders did and didn’t do. But as you know, leaders come and go. So we’re just forward looking.
The Philippine complex experience is something beyond Singapore’s experience- a tiny country with its tiny population of just about four million, about one million of which are foreigners, including Filipinos, helping to run Singapore’s economic activity, with virtually no opposition, no rebellion, no experience of natural calamities.
Authoritarian governance of long reign of 58 years by a single family allowed Singapore to maximize its advantages while limiting its shortcomings.
2. “But to which colonial master did it owe that “head start”?”
Singapore in 1867 became an official crown colony of the British Empire.
Of course the Singaporeans, for it’s “head start”, simply can’t just undervalue the contribution of its former colonial master through its then powerful corporation, the British East India Company, represented by an official named Sir Thomas Raffles who took it upon himself to create such a port on the sparsely populated island in 1819, it would go on to become the most important port in the region in just a matter of 4 years, attracting tens of thousands of traders from China, Malaya and India.
This was even supercharged by the opening of the Suez canal in Egypt.
Singapore was no longer just a stop on the way to China but the hub for the riches of Southeast Asia.
And by the year 1900, Singaporean people of more than two hundred thousand were much better off than those in other nations in the region.
So you see tiny Singapore, the Jewel of Southeast Asia, was already booming early on, even before the time of Mr. Lee Kwan Yew.
But it did suffer a setback in 1941, with the Japanese invasion of Malaya and Singapore, it would undergo suffering and destruction for three years (we also did… on a bigger scale).
In rebuilding Singapore, what Lee Kwan Yew all had to do was to reboot from the where Singapore was under its then former administrator and founder, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. Mr. Lee, after all, was educated under the British educational system.
Singapore somehow got lucky with three things: 1.) its location, 2.) with riding the growth of globalization and 3.) it got lucky that its dictator Lee Kuan Yew was smart and visionary.
Singapore’s economy is perfect for Singapore, it’s not necessarily perfect for the world. That’s what really sets it apart from the rest of the world.
So, in short, so much effort and all for zero results.
singapore is doable..
if your people are at least good at math and english
but we are not.
we are absolute laggards
we are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world
human potential has a limit, and we cant really expect much more from a bunch of happy, toothless, seafaring gypsies
I’d love to bubble burst some points here from Kickert:
A. “But neglect of 30 plus years of past leaders did impact our economic growth, it led to a decline. There’s something to be said about what the leaders did and didn’t do. But as you know, leaders come and go. So we’re just forward looking.”
That ‘forward looking’ simply reduced to a perpetual cycle of wanting change and dissenting change because of ‘muh kultural roots’ or ‘kawawa mga ‘ series of arguments. That neglect was due to a lot of mishandling when Failipinos became eventually free of American reins. Credit where it’s due anyways, but the ningas kugon tendency of Failipinos just took over everything else to this sorry-ass basketcased state.
We get it, the reminder of what Philippines ‘once-used-to-be’ thanks to the benevolence of foreign assistance. That clinging to sentimyento de patatas only ends up in history books and nothing more. Which brings us to…
B. “Authoritarian governance of long reign of 58 years by a single family allowed Singapore to maximize its advantages while limiting its shortcomings.”
Like Macau, Hong Kong, Malaysia moment! It is pretty curious that authoritarian states in Southeast Asia do well off more than a ‘democrazy’ state like the Failippines. Others can keep bringing up history points after history points how Failippines ‘once-used-to-be’ this and that tatter. It doesn’t make sense at all considering Failipinos already had all the fucking time to improve themselves- they just chose to cling to their hive-mind collectivist poverty pornography and humbling virtues, yada yada.
If getting to the root cause, why Failipinos attained such a basketcased excuse in contemporary times, perhaps it will be better to look into things ontologically rather than politically.
@Mr. Ontologically:
1.) “That neglect was due to a lot of mishandling when Failipinos became eventually free of American reins.”
When we gained independence from the Americans in July 4, 1946. Leaders come and leaders go. Who would you consider among them mishandled the political and economic affairs of the state?
2.) “It doesn’t make sense at all considering Failipinos already had all the fucking time to improve themselves- they just chose to cling to their hive-mind collectivist poverty pornography and humbling virtues, yada yada.”
If you already have the answers and solutions, why keep it to yourself? Bring it on!
3.) “If getting to the root cause, why Failipinos attained such a basketcased excuse in contemporary times, perhaps it will be better to look into things ontologically rather than politically.”
You seem to know a lot more, ontologically. You should be President, but, how do you do that exactly?
Big words there, impressionistic even, but in truth, its nothing but a complete absence of anything.
Not even a slight mention of anything which involve a concrete objective nor a specific direction… just like an end to a blank wall.
4.) “We get it, the reminder of what Philippines ‘once-used-to-be’ thanks to the benevolence of foreign assistance.”
What “benevolence of foreign assistance” should we be thankful for? IMF conditionalities and impositions? Can you expound on it a bit more?
Philippine economy had been thoroughly devastated when we fought side by side with the Americans during the second world war. That’s three years of suffering and devastation and that’s not even our war.
Then they gave us independence… with strings.
It’s the Bell Trade Act which was passed on July 2, 1946… a conditionality imposed by the Americans in exchange for their granting of our independence.
The Act included provisions that tied the Philippine economy to that of the United States. It required that the Philippines amend its Constitution.
It gave U.S. citizens “parity” with native Filipinos in the right to own public utilities and corporations engaged in natural resource exploitation up until July 3, 1974.
A one-sided trade which provided that the Philippines not export its products that might “come into substantial competition” with U.S.-made goods.
(The Laurel-Langley Agreement of 1955 extended these preferential arrangements to allow American “parity” in all spheres of Philippine economic activity.)
But all things must pass, today’s a new dawn…
Is that how you really view it?
Why then did you tweet back in 2022 that, “The future (supposedly, of PH) is getting brighter and brighter! ?”?
You can bring out the thickest and the biggest book out there and call to high heavens yourself ‘educated’ and still not answer a persistent question:
What are you gonna do about it?
I do not have a lifetime to improve things by scale. Deal with it.
Always this argument about how various leaders who came and went after the US granted the Philippines independence fucked up the country. Very few admit that there is a strong possibility that universal prosperity at a national scale may really not be in the national DNA of the Filipino people.
This fixation on blaming leaders is a convenient — and lazy — sort of thinking that is meant to assure Filipinos that they, as a people, are not accountable for their failure to progress at that national scale.
BenignO, you don’t blame Filipino private individuals for the failure of this country to progress, you only have to blame the leaders of this country.
You don’t give credit the progress of Singapore to the Singaporean people but to Lee Kuan Yew, to Malaysian people but to Mahathir Mohamad, to South Korean people but to Park Chung-hee.
The following are three (3) elements the President possesses but not the ordinary Filipino people:
1. Natural, human, and capital resources
2. Power
3. Mandate by the laws
Applying these foregoing elements, private Filipino individuals are not Mandated by the Laws to implement projects and programs in the Philippines as a whole since they don’t have Power to do so, and certainly they don’t have Natural, Human, and Capital Resources to be used in implementing such projects and programs. Since these private individuals don’t have these said elements, they will most probably care about their own private lives and the public at large don’t know or don’t care about.
If you really think no one is capable to answer a persistent question perhaps it’s high time that you answer it yourself… ontologically.
It’s a wonder though that the site is peppered with articles blaming leaders.
… Or something fucked up in a grand national scale needs to happen, like a civil war or internal conflict.
Something that far exceeds EDSA.
Because it is so easy to pin donkey tail on leaders for the ontologies of failure that persisted for decades.
Do Failipinos owe it to their being that they cannot think for themselves? Shoot, why bother dealing with a population whose IQ of 85 and below couldn’t even think except be a slave.
Practically speaking, brain draining is a good solution because by then Failipinos will only act in the last minute to fix themselves.
Hmm… a twisted solution meant to assure no accountability, but finding convenience with the lazy sort of thinking at a grand scale on display here from the department of ontological idiocy.
benign0 has a point!
This is ‘failure to progress at that national scale’ way of thinking. Flattened IQ to below zero.
if anything, manila’s cab drivers are probably the smartest in the world.
pinoy pride right there!
Do you wanna bet that majority of the Filipinos are not a fan of soccer or football or however you wanna call it? Let’s be real, Filipinos are big fans of basketball, not so much football/soccer. The reason they are “proud” of the win is because the players consists of Filipinos. It doesn’t matter whether they are born and raised in the US. What matters is, the Philippines is involved on a worldwide level. I know how Filipinos operate. Remember 11 years ago with Jessica Sanchez? I know it has nothing to do with World Cup, but Filipinos were proud of her because she was a contestant in American Idol back in 2012.
Of course I remember it, since it was the issue that gave birth to my first GRP blog. Eleven years later , it is still the same thing. Proud to be pinoy!! Even if the people inspiring that cheer had very little to do with the country and the culture . Mainstream media is all about jumping on the bandwagon and not enjoying intrinsic value. Pansin is currency . Work is not valued and that is why we do lousy in athletics and put extra emphasis on beauty contests. I simply point out there are no Filipinos on Team Philippines and you can see my critics. Calling me names and enjoying the absence of work done in this country by its citizens.
I keep hearing about the “World Cup Win” in Philippine media, but not in the US. It’s only Filipino news outlet that keeps reporting about the Philippines being in the World Cup and winning.
The problem is, bashers don’t realize just how SHALLOW Filipinos are. They will only support a soccer team as long as there are Filipinos involved. That’s pretty much it. If there are no Filipinos in the team, they will not pay attention.
“Do I think pinoys sold their soul?? I believe anyone who overlooks excluding organic talent for this result really does not care about Philippine soccer, they just want the holy grail of pansin without the work.” – Gogs
– – – – –
The one that does not really care about Philippine soccer is the one who just criticizes and never bothered to inquire as to the intent of allowing foreign born players and technicians to play for the country.
You didn’t even bother to examine the kind of sports program we have for football/soccer. You just fired away as if a crime is being committed in real time with imagined victims that needed imagined justice. Nothing of such is even close to the truth.
You don’t even have anything in terms of legality to support your contention. ALL teams need to hurdle certain requirements and abide by the rules and regulations of the sports body conducting a tournament to participate in a particular competition. Do you have some information that supports your allegation of violation on that? NONE.
Of course, the Philippine team played because they passed the requirements to participate. So, WHAT REALLY IS YOUR PROBLEM?
The race, the nationality of the players in the team? If the governing body of the sports did not see it as relevant or valuable or important in terms of participation why, then, it matters to you?
The team is LEGIT; it conforms to the rules of the league. It is so LEGAL that it was allowed without question to compete in the tournament. In other words, the team’s participation is in accord with the rules of international competition.
This is missing the point though. The representation is legal and not ethnic nor cultural. The individuals propping up the performance of the team — who account for the disproportionate bulk of the scoring — are not products of the Philippines; not of its society, not of its inherent capabilities, and certainly not of its sport programs.
Winning on technicalities in short.
“The representation is legal and not ethnic nor cultural.” – benigno
– – – – –
Exactly, if that is how you look at it. The representation is valid, hence, the team is legit.
“…who account for the disproportionate bulk of the scoring — are not products of the Philippines; not of its society, not of its inherent capabilities, and certainly not of its sport programs.” – benigno
– – – – –
Again, on point! There is no lying or cheating here, everything is transparent, hence, the allegation of unfairness is completely baseless.
With regard to ‘not of its sport programs’ I say, that is contentious because part of allowing foreign born players to play for the country is to uplift the standards and mechanics of local sports in the long run. We all know what technology transfer means.
We’ve seen the Northern Cement basketball team in the 1980’s spearheaded by Dancing Conjuangco whose purpose was to sought a way to keep the Philippine basketball competitive on the international stage. That is what happening now in other sports. Nothing new.