What does one do with all those statues of Ninoy Aquino and Cory Aquino littering the Philippines? What is the plan for all these buildings and spaces appropriated to the commemoration of Yellowtard “heroes” and their “glorious” stories? These are now all but quaint legacies of an era that ended this year — one that saw a single compound feudal clan — the Aquinos and Cojuangcos — utterly dominating the national political narrative and culture with their dishonest mythology. This hijacking of the national narrative was aided and abetted by their allies in the executive suites of Big Corporate Media and the administrations of a cartel of exclusive private Catholic schools. Now that Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. is President of the Philippines, it would certainly come across as strange that relics that symbolise the downfall and subsequent decades-long demonisation of his family and his own very person would continue to stand.
Thus the dilemma now comes to the fore. President-elect Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and his running mate Vice President-elect Sara Duterte command an unprecedented majority mandate — more than 60 percent of the Filipino Vote — and a Philippine Congress dominated by allies and politicians friendly to his camp. With this clear mandate comes the confronting reality that the outcome of these elections also serves as a referendum against the Yellowtard narrative. Filipinos have spoken and their message to the Yellowtards is that their ideology had all been discredited. The awkward thing about all this is the big monuments and other memorials — many of them actually explicitly manifesting the very symbols of what Filipinos voted against in these elections — that dot the Philippine archipelago. They are now an affront not just to the president-elect himself but to the 31 million Filipinos who voted for him and against the Yellowtards.
What is President Bongbong Marcos to do with these Yellowtard relics? The most practical course of action would be no action. Just let them be. Be the bigger person and just allow the Yellowtards to have their historical artefacts. Perhaps the temptation will be strong among his more militant supporters to vandalise these eyesores. Again, it is best that the camp be the bigger people and desist. These relics, after all, stand as constant reminders of what the Yellowtards had squandered. They had lost an entire nation after decades of dominating political myth making. This they did by failing to prove that a “restoration of democracy” and the “freeing” of Filipinos from “authoritarianism” would set them down the path to prosperity and modernity. Rather, the Yellowtards have, instead, mounted an effort to keep Filipinos beholden to a dishonest ideology that focused on victimhood rather than potential and on fixation on the past instead of a more productive open-minded embrace of a future of what could be.
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Yellowtard rhetoric had long ago exceeded its use-by date. Over the period that Filipinos lapped up the idea that their efforts to become a modern and prosperous people involved a “fight” with “evil” forces out to thwart this, Yellowtard ideology was there to provide the underlying dogma for this sort of thinking. Reality eventually caught up with them. There was no “fight” because there was no “evil” at work. There was only the challenge of navigating the world order to carve out a niche for Filipinos to make their mark on the world stage. The habitual use of this long-obsolete laban (“fight”) narrative by the Yellowtards was evident in the very campaign their “leader” Leni Robredo mounted in these very elections and even now, in the aftermath of her crushing defeat, what they continue to latch on to — the possibility that this “fight” will persist as a “movement” over the next six years of the Marcos presidency. Even now, the Yellowtards continue to put up bogeymen for their flock to focus their mojos on — “disinformation”, “trolls”, and “historical revisionism”. These are society’s “evils” in the minds of the Yellowtards that both (1) account for their catastrophic electoral failure this year and (2) will continue to be the objects of the battles their “heroes” are expected to “fight”. Old habits die hard, indeed.
It’s time Filipinos move on from a way of thinking where failure is always necessarily someone else’s fault or the result of a “sinister” or “evil” force working against the “good guys” and their “good intentions”. This inability of the Yellowtards to take personal accountability to step up to compete in a democracy — the popularity contest that they had signed up to — and to accept defeat with grace knowing that the winners played the better game is a cultural cancer that had long afflicted Filipinos. In essence, Yellowtardism represents everything that is wrong with Philippine society and it is high time that Philippine society rid itself of this blight. By all accounts this is exactly what Filipinos voted to do in these elections. To prosper in the modern world where opportunities abound in unprecedented quantities requires a real fight, not against imaginary demons put up by dishonest partisans and “activists” but against personal and real challenges and against other people, parties, and communities we share the playing field with. The 2022 elections marks the end of the crybaby culture the Yellowtards have imprisoned Filipino minds with for far too long. With regard to those relics that stand as poignant reminders of this three-decade-long gaslighting campaign, Filipinos should look to them and think, never again.
benign0 is the Webmaster of GetRealPhilippines.com.
Shit can them, get rid of the holiday, and that stupid P500.
Bishop Oscar Cruz said of the Marcos Bust in Benguet, it shouldn’t have been destroyed so it could stand as a monument to evil. I could say the same of all the Yellow monuments, although one could change it to monuments of false hope or deception, if “evil” seems too strong.
It was only a “hope” for those who are still believing in Yellows or Liberal Party but I still agree that these monuments should stay as they are part of Philippines history. A reminder that People Power isn’t as great replacement as they pretended to be.
ChinoF, et.al.,
And what end result do you expect if we do that? ?
A significant number of people, by voting for Marcos, already showed that they see the monuments as representing something other than what the monuments’ sponsors intended them for. The effect was already there, so perhaps other people will pick up and realize the “white-elephantness” of these monuments.
No, that is not what they voted for. The election was not about the monuments. And it was not about what they “SEE”. None now that.
Have you heard the issue of monuments during the campaign period? NO.
Did BBM promise or even mention in passing anything about the monuments? NO.
So, what’s the fuss about it? Simple, RETALIATION. VENGEANCE and HATE.
And what do we do about the UNITY call of BBM? That is the problem. He looks sincere on his campaign call for uniting the country, however, the people below him, the rabid followers don’t seem to be listening to him. They froth in the mouth and look for something to vent after learning he has won the race.
Instead of going demoniacal, why not heed what was advised on the article,
“The most practical course of action would be no action.” ?
@Juan Luna
Yeah, every politician’s followers are bound to have the rabid, loud minorities among them, that’s just reality.
“And what do we do about the UNITY call of BBM? That is the problem. He looks sincere on his campaign call for uniting the country, however, the people below him, the rabid followers don’t seem to be listening to him. They froth in the mouth and look for something to vent after learning he has won the race.” — Juanita “Gwapita” Luna
Don’t compare how you “look for something to vent” when you don’t see your boyfriends for a week, and “froth in the mouth” when you finally see them, on how BBM’s supporters respond when he calls for “Unity.” You’re exaggerating your liberal faggotry again in describing BBM’s supporters to make them look bad, to keep elevating your drag queen status.
@Gman. Just like People’s Power during EDSA in 1986. Rabid.
If the former Iron Curtain countries had tried to tear down all of the Lenin statues as a symbol of ending the communism in their countries, then why don’t we do that on tearing down the statues of the Aquinos and EDSA Spirit as a symbol of ending the Kleptocracy of the Aquino’s “democracy” in our country? And make our country a greater, stronger and more prosperous nation after the 2022 national election. We can do that! 😉
By destroying them means you’re making the Yellow’s claim about BBM that he’s no better than them. BBM isn’t that petty and stupid enough to do that. He’s already a walking controversy to the point that even if he’s just breathing, his haters will try to create controversy for him without even trying. So, no need to add these “Yellow monuments tear downs” in his controversy list.
Yeah you are right @Gman and even @Juan Luna however did anyone remember of a statue of Ninoy Aquino that was once erected in Quezon Avenue corner Timog Avenue more than a decade ago? And I think 3 or 4 years ago it was removed by DPWH due to a road widening project in Quezon Avenue and we never know if the statue of Ninoy was relocated to other places or not and the Dilawans/Pinklawans didn’t protested it! I wonder why. ?
Well…that worked somehow? How did they not noticed that? So, as long as no one remembers where did they relocate the statues, no one will complain. LOL
You are right ‘mate. This time we have to be exact and forceful. It’s been a long time that we ‘ve been fooled..
“…then why don’t we do that on tearing down the statues of the Aquinos and EDSA…”
If you do that it would be in contrary to the campaign BBM ran for, which is “unity.” Your desire to ‘retaliate’ will only confirm that he is lying all along as alleged by those whose trust he’s trying to earn.
I mean, winning in an election without controversy, doesn’t give you the right to become vengeful and crazy. We did not come out of dictatorship we simply exercised our right to vote independently just like we always do since 1986.
What you lost (whatever it is) in that year can never be regain by being vengeful and destructive, ever. If you are really followers of BBM you should be doing what he’s preaching instead of sabotaging. ?
@benigno the clown.
So when are you moving back to the Philippines benigno the turd? Aren’t you coming back for your piece of the tallano gold?
Must be great living in AUSTRALIA and enjoying the freedom there.
All the while cursing the Philippines into a descent into dictatorship. Such a fookin turd this benigno. BBM only won because idiots like you were able to convince bobotantes like aeta tae and megget to support.
All middle class , people with half a brain and dicente tao were pink
Why don’t you move back to the Philippines if you love bong bong so much? Otherwise you have no right to talk about the Philippines YOU FREAKING HYPOCRITE!!!
Hey faggot
Which master do you serve?
LOL another homophobic post. Benigno do your Australian employers know you are promoting HATE speech.
Such a turd
And this is coming from the master of “Hate Speech?” The Master Bates himself?
Which master do you really serve?
Ha ha! ?
Look who’s talking. All of those middle class which you claim that they have a half a brain and disente tao should know that no one is gonna be persuaded by being insulted or labeled. Their relentless bullying and harassment all campaign long? Yep.
They’re the biggest hypocrites I’ve ever encountered. At least you should be thankful that benign0 never persuaded anyone to commit SUICIDE – unlike those with Pinks who you claim that had “half a brain and disente.” Nope, they are nothing but hateful, self-entitled spoiled brats.
Excuse me D*ck Mortis the (un)wise, I am part of the upper middle class and can call part of dicente, but not part of the ignorant Pinklawans and never voted for the clueless Len Len.
You do not make a sweeping generalization like that to say that those criteria you’ve mention are the Pinklawans cum Yellowtards (only).
Pathetic assumption again. Presumptuous much?
Your username is a misnomer by the way.
“What is President Bongbong Marcos to do with these Yellowtard relics? The most practical course of action would be no action.”
Why be crazy when you’re not? ?
Like the lenin statues, these ninoy non-monuments must fall
Either remove or change those names as part of rewriting Philippine history to its original or appropriate form, from NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International Airport) back to MIA (Manila International Airport), or they will “stick out like a sore thumb.” Eventually, everyone will make a parody of those unchanged names because they will be a reminder of the Liberal “Yellow” Party’s influence.
1)”People’s Power” to “People’s Propaganda.”
2) “EDSA Revolution” to “EDSA Revulsion.”
3) “Ninoy Aquino International Airport” to “NoyNoy Abnoy International Airport.”
Aeta, I think these 2 yellowtard pinktard LGBT (Ninoy Aquino and EDSA Revolution day) revolutions must be abolished (we should properly end up like Tiananmen Square protest) and NAIA to be named back into MIA or maybe named into Maharlika International Airport. Martial Law anniversary must be forgotten… and Ninoy Aquino and Jose Rizal would be Jack the ripper.
Megget would be happy…
The question is why?
What’s the basis? What’s the sense? Who exactly is pursuing it?
As it is, the proposal is crazy. And it would be hard to explain crazy. ?
If it’s hard to explain crazy, then we as a nation should shift gear and change direction, like we did more than 3 decades ago to end Martial Law. And since nothing worthwhile resulted from the status quo of “People’s Power” and the “EDSA Revolution,” we might as well overhaul our society again and see what changes it’ll bring; we’re “Damned If We Do and Damned If We Don’t,” anyway. What have you got to lose?
“And since nothing worthwhile resulted from the status quo of “People’s Power” and the “EDSA Revolution,”
I don’t know about that but certainly since 1986 we’ve had six presidents elected democratically by the people. In 36 years, each president held office for six years. Before EDSA People’s Power we only have one man from the same family ruling the country for more than 20 years!
After EDSA there was no civil war, there was no serious arms clashes that put the country on the brink of collapse. It was not an easy transformation for change is hard to maintain but we held on and the country survived the difficult periods after the dictatorship.
The fact that we’re still enjoying and exercising our democratic rights under a constitutional government proves the 36 years that has passed since the downfall of the one-man rule is anything but “nothing worthwhile’. ?
Yes, you dont know about that
Oh, I don’t know about all that you said, either. Just because “there was no civil war, there was no serious arms clashes that put the country on the brink of collapse” after EDSA, and the people have been able to exercise their “democratic rights [like vote and protest] under a constitutional government” for the past 36 years, doesn’t mean someone who cooks our food washes his hands after each time he takes a piss and shit or whack off.
In fact, this cook doesn’t even have to justify washing his hands after doing his personal business, because he has the “media” publicizing of how professional he is in the kitchen when it comes to safety and hygiene, the “Catholic Church” vouching for his upstanding morality in ensuring his patrons are safe and free from contaminants, and the “academia” filling his cooking library with the latest volumes on kitchen safety and good hygiene in case someone checks.
With those kinds of support backing this cook’s reputation, he has nothing to fear that someone might challenge his kitchen safety and hygiene protocols. The kitchen, including the dining room where people gather to enjoy his food, becomes his bed of oysters—perhaps, for the past 36 years.
Again, you completely ignored your “nothing worthwhile” allegation. I can go to ‘cooking’ and ‘washing hands’ thing but first thing first. We have to address and finish the issue we’re discussing before we go to another one. ?
“Again, you completely ignored your ‘nothing worthwhile’ allegation. I can go to ‘cooking’ and ‘washing hands’ thing but first thing first. We have to address and finish the issue we’re discussing before we go to another one. ?”—Juan Luna
“First Thing First.” I didn’t ignore anything. I just patched all the holes you’re trying to punch through the ship’s hull, with more to come I’m sure, to keep it from sinking. Your ship-sinker version is just slightly better than Jason’s, who’s stuck on the same, boring narratives of “competency” and “qualification.” At least you jazz yours up to make it more interesting.
“Either remove or change those names as part of rewriting Philippine history to its original or appropriate form…” – Aeta
Rewrite our history? Who will rewrite it, the mob? Am I in Disneyland or what? We just had an election not revolution. Our history is fine, thank you. ?
Benign0 of course, is delusional and writing dumb articles about tearing down stupid statues which would just cause division when BBM ran on unity.
Benign0 can’t write an article about the hilarity of BBM of leaving the country for rest….lol. Instead of spending money in his own country and supporting the Economy he is taking his money to Australia. Obviously it is not that important, but Duterte would never do that, it just isn’t a good look. It is just a small example about a guy who gets it, Duterte, and someone who probably doesn’t….
My prediction is BBM is going to be a huge disappointment for the next 6 years and people will be yearning for a Duterte to lead. It is not out of the picture for him to retire halfway through and Sara can take over. I can definitely see that.
I just don’t think BBM has the fire to lead the country. He definitely doesn’t have a clear vision that he can convey lol
What, I predict, he will do is hire a bunch of inadequate lackeys who had a relationship with his family and they will fail. Rody will call out some of these Marcos cronies at some point and BBM’s popularity will go down.
Seeing this post, this is also the same they used against Duterte’s detractors. And to say BBM didn’t have a “vision”? I never thought that constitutional reform is not part of his plans.
Another hate-filled post. Nothing new.
Please tell me his vision. Please.
Many have been waiting.
I want BBM to do well, I am just saying what I have seen.
Duterte had been a leader of Davao for years and came in to Malacang with a published 14 point plan. Where is BBM’s plan?
Edit: Malacanang
Of course bbm has a plan.
Any college boy can make a platform of government, thats too easy.
How do you propose of editing Malacanang?
If BBM told you all of his plans, they’re still only words and not actions, and the liberals will do everything in their power to sabotage them. The reason you haven’t seen anything is because BBM’s not a president yet. Geez, the virtue of patience has gone to the dogs of instant gratification.
“Please tell me his vision. Please.”
I think that’s a legit question any self-respecting BBM loyalist can directly, easily and conveniently answer. A beating around the bush response will only show one’s lack of knowledge of BBM’s platform.
On the question of whether BBM has a vision:
“The reason you haven’t seen anything is because BBM’s not a president yet.” – Aeta
Isn’t vision made known by candidates even before they declare their candidacy? They also reveal it during campaign period.
Never heard of a candidate that says he/she has no vision because he/she’s not president yet. Awkward. ?
Now, that BBM is already president, how come the loyalists on this blog are still mum about the question posed by Tim on May 19, 2022?
I think he has a vision but his followers were not ready or don’t know how to explain it or not capable of saying what it is and what it means. In the words, they’re simply not up to the tasks.
Anyway, that usually happens when people cannot or not focus on the issue. ?
“And to say BBM didn’t have a “vision”?
Well, why don’t you give the proper response to a normal and regular question instead of complaining like somebody offended you by asking personal question?
Whats all the fuss with “vision”.
We who voted for bbm know where the country is headed with bbm at the helm.
Its all good.
Where is it headed and how good? The answer to that can be found in the ‘vision’ part of BBM’s platform.
As a rabid fanatic of BBM, that question should be chicken to you and your ilks but instead you run around like a headless chicken.
I’m no fan of BBM but I can answer that question easily and convincingly. ?
Then answer it yourself.
That simple.
“Then answer it yourself.”
I already did! Read again:
“I think that’s a legit question any self-respecting BBM loyalist can directly, easily and conveniently answer. A beating around the bush response will only show one’s lack of knowledge of BBM’s platform.”
“That simple.”
I agree. Now, where is that ‘simple’ you’re talking about? ?
Then which master do you serve?
@Megget. The more I engage in a dialogue with Juan Luna, the more he reveals his Yellow Liberal “simpatico.”
Then which master do you serve?
Forget about the master, I don’t play golf. ??♂️
The question is about BBM’s ‘vision’. So far, I’ve been watching you run around in circles. The question is easy if you know how. ?
“The more I engage in a dialogue with Juan Luna, the more he reveals his Yellow Liberal “simpatico.”
I don’t think the topic is about me. I know it’s not about your, either.
So, are we going to address the standing question or not? I can always move on to another topic but I don’t want to be unfair with you guys. You’re all BBM fanatics, hence, it is only fitting to see you advance his cause by answering simple questions about his plans and programs. ?
That may 9 beating sure left this one in a state of catatonia.
Platforms ? Wtf.
The elections are over. We have a new president.
If you have nothing positive to contribute to the new republic, or are unable to follow those who do, then shut the fuck up, you are no use to the country.
Again i ask the gwapita.
Which master do you serve?
Cant answer?
Thats a very simple question.
Run, Megget, run! ???
Run where?
Im right here.
Which master do you serve?
“Run where? Im right here.” – Megget
Yes, you’re there and nothing is happening. Runnnnn!!! ?
“I don’t think the topic is about me. I know it’s not about your, either. So, are we going to address the standing question or not? ” — Juan Luna
I thought I did address the topic of the article by replying to some of the comments.
I just said, “@Megget. The more I engage in a dialogue with Juan Luna, the more he reveals his Yellow Liberal ‘simpatico,'” as a side note for me and Megget.
So what exactly is the “standing question” that I’m not a part of and supposed to be answering to fit the parameter of your requirements for an answer?
That may 9 beating was so bad, gwapita still thinks we will vote again next week.
If you hate bbm so much, go stage a rally, call a few friends, sing a few songs, march around a bit, dont forget to post the fuckin drone shots.
So what exactly is the “standing question” that I’m not a part of and supposed to be answering to fit the parameter of your requirements for an answer?
“And since nothing worthwhile resulted from the status quo of “People’s Power” and the “EDSA Revolution,” – Aeta
Yes, that part. ?
Man, if you still can’t figure out what “nothing worthwhile” means, after I’ve given numerous examples, then there’s no need for further explanation because your liberalism will never accept anything I say. We’ll just let the readers come up with their own conclusions.
Okay. What can I do? I’m not used to making allegations without supporting it with facts.
You can read all my posts here, when questioned, I respond accordingly. I don’t beat around the bush or change the subject. My motto is, if you can dish it, you should also be able to take it. ?
Now there’s something you don’t hear everyday: A liberal accusing a conservative of making “allegations” without “supporting it,” is like a conservative accusing a liberal of making “insinuations” without “supporting it.” I can see the difference, all right. Except for the liberal’s need to call attention to the difference between the two—which is very little to none.
Liberal, conservatives? I’d rather go for common sense. It’s clear, direct and cannot be use by one who likes to circumvent the discussion just to evade the issue. ?
“Liberal, conservatives? I’d rather go for common sense. It’s clear, direct and cannot be use by one who likes to circumvent the discussion just to evade the issue. ?”—Juan Luna
“Common sense” is not that common anymore. No, I’d rather go with Liberals (you) and Conservatives (me), so everything will be “clear” and “direct,” as you’ve stated. In this way, neither one of us will “circumvent the discussion just to evade the issue,” and we can clarify to the readers who we are and where we’re coming from. I believe the readers already know I’m a clear cut Conservative and side with the BBM-SARA administration. You, on the other hand, still lurks between light and dark on who you are and who you support. So even if you’re not forthcoming on who or what you identify with, your Liberal label will say it all.
““Common sense” is not that common anymore. ” – Aeta
True, especially if you don’t know or don’t want to know what makes sense. ?
“I’m a clear cut Conservative and side with the BBM-SARA administration…” – Aeta
So what? It’s all NOTHING if you don’t know how to explain the program of the team you’re siding with. ?
“You, on the other hand, still lurks between light and dark on who you are and who you support.” – Aeta
So, that is where the ignorance is coming from. ?
Next time you talk with another poster, make sure you know them by reading their past posts so you will know where they’re coming from; you’ll have an idea what their stands is and where their point of view is based on. As it is, you keep on attacking, labeling and branding people the basis of which you have no idea of. You just reduced yourself on the level of Megget, the blog’s official clown and mascot.
I tell you right now, you’re like a blindfolded boxer punching in the air in every direction. ?
Everyone, just shut up already and move on. Let’s focus on BBM’s admin by whitewashing family crimes already!
Tim, Jason and Juan Luna, you are being Pinklawan, Dilawan, LGBTQIA fanboy…
@Propaganda Boy. I’m beginning to see your true color (Red). I’m glad to know that.
Tim, you pathetic gay LGBT lover… you bash FEM and BBM and you will be red-tagged by NTF-ELCAC!
He will be gay-tagged by NTF-EL COCK
Megget. Don’t insult NTF-ELCAC… they will take care of the homosexuals… Parlade does not like gays and communists
Of course bbm has a plan.
Any college boy can make a platform of government, thats too easy.
@dumbass megget
The irony is BBM doesn’t have a college degree. LOL.
So dumb. Not even your fellow BBM cocksuckers like you.
Darth Mortis you pinklawan dilawan faggot LGBT gay lover! Bash BBM more and you will be red-tagged!
Bbm didnt even have any sort of platform, according to his faggot detractors (he does, of course), and still won by a huge landslide.
What more if he took the time to make some sort of college boy powerpoint slide just for show?
He could have hired alan fetter cayetano to do it on the cheap for 50 bucks.
@Darth mortis the (un)wise,
Irony is that your claim BBM has no college degree, yet has become a governor and vice governor of Ilocos Norte (tell that to the Ilocandios if you disagree with that and they’ll slap you silly, lols), and also became a Philippine senator, and he was voted by majority (fair and square) to become the next president. Bravo, hehe.
Lols, jealous much dumb prick?
Your Len Len has a degree (allegedly) in economics but doesn’t seem to translate in her (shallow) debate answers and interviews shown in mainstream media and has a knack of saying things in a confusing manner that makes her seem unintelligible even when you write it down and read what she said, word for word.
Not to mention her stupid “Hadouken” (I doubt she knows what she’s doing in that inane advertisement, haha). And the crazy eyes while she’s doing that laughable Korean heart signs (geez, roll eyes). Made a fool of herself there.
And to rub salt, even if she seems clean and pristine to her followers and the international community, she lost. Damn… that hurts a lot right. I know, right? It should hurt badly. Moreso, I think it should bleed profusely too, haha.
Yeah, endure thy bitterness against BBM for the next 6 years, haha. Remove him and there is a Duterte waiting in line, hehe.
Check mate, dumb prick.
hahaha just more proof to the world that filipinos are stupid. Actions are more important than words. But filipinos are backwards……just words are more important…..then don’t act….and then fail. Then claim to be victorious. But….meanwhile everything is still the same as 1991, just poorer. Maybe all the filipino politicians will start making it legal to eat dogsagain as a means to feed the poor as a desperate act to prevent poor people from burning their homes to the ground. Filpinos are already eating food from the garbage and smiling as it’s recooked. It’s more fun in the philippines.
All we hear is akkk-akkker.
Dont speak when your mouth is full of cum.
May I ask a question? Since the departure of Marcos there have been 6 Presidents up until now! 2 Aquino Presidents may I also add!! 1 a former member of the Rolex 12!! Why did Cory Aquino allow the Marcos Family back to the Philippines?
Because, being a puppet fool, she was in control of absolutely nothing.
The only control Cory Aquino was allowed to have as a “puppet” president is to maintain the image of a devout Catholic widow of a martyred husband; the same image that Leni Rebredo put on in her campaign. Running the country is left in the hands of their yellow puppet masters.
I understand. But you’d think with 2 Aquino Presidents knowing Marcos may or may not have killed your husband/father they would have been held accountable on there return right?
Is it similar to Leni whose husband died in a plane crash then Pnoy ordered his apartment to be searched then Leni goes and joins his party? I’m so confused by all these facts the mainstream media don’t seem to raise more!
Watch SNMI News and UNTV instead of ABS-CBN, GMA or CNN Philippines if you watch a clearer picture of what’s going on.
So, you want people to watch pro-BBM stations instead of the neutral ones?
Nope, thank you. ?
“So, you want people to watch pro-BBM stations instead of the neutral ones?
Nope, thank you.”— Juan Luna
I, and the majority of Filipinos, would rather watch country building news that BBM plans to execute and deliver (if you can wait that long, instead of badgering us with questions on what his plans are) on SNMI News and UNTV.
The now-awake-from-delusion Filipinos would rather watch SNMI News and UNTV than Vice Ganda smooching with his boyfriend, or lollygagging with his faggot friends, while he tells us why he hates BBM (probably because he’ll be out of a job soon); including all those imported “mestizo” celebrities on ABS-CBN and GMA and beauty pageants, replacing our local “kayumanggi” hopefuls, and making the brainwashed masses go “goo goo gaga” over their looks instead of their talent, raising the bar on what Filipino ethnicity (and features) should look like to be considered attractive.
?- – – – -?
What should we do with these Yellow statues? Nothing. Let the remnants have it. They’ll fade in obscurity eventually.
The pigeons will have their chance at glory, eventually.
What sort of platform can be posted in its entirety just on the comments section of GRP?
Maybe leni’s can fit in a single post.or that other intellectual titan, manny pac
“What sort of platform can be posted in its entirety just on the comments section of GRP?” – Megget
Well, for one, you don’t have to post it on a blog in its entirety because it will not make sense.
You can just summarize it and give the essence and idea of the platform.
That is, if you can. ?
Summarize, why? What for?
So faggots like you can dissect it and criticize it?
It makes no sense.
Bbm is our president.
Let him do his job.
Because leni sure as hell cant do it, and neither can you or any of your faggot friends.
Thats why we elect LEADERS.
Because while many may be qualified to lead ( you gwapita are not, because you are a faggot ), it makes no sense for a ship to have many captains.
Their can be only one captain to steer the ship.
Any and all mutineers ,
Must walk the plank.
“Summarize, why? What for?” – Megget
? ? ? ? ?
“Because leni…” – Megget
You can’t get rid of Leni ha? ???!
That’s your curse, boy! ???
That includes you, and all your faggot friends
It makes no sense.
All that academic summary and all that stuff.
Bbm has won.
Leni has been beaten senseless, back into early childhood and to a safer place , drawing little dresses on her bedroom wall.
Are there any other pinktard paid trolls out there, aside from this gwapita?
The pinktards be scraping the bottom of the barrel, it seems .
That’s right! It’s time for the gaylord color of “PinkLawan” and its liberal members to “come out of the closet” and start shaking your cum-stained asses out in the sunlight and air, so the heat from the sun and fresh air will put the elasticity back in your loose sphincters, and start making country builders, instead of country destroyers, conservatives out of you liberal, faggot asses.
You faggots who cant get into an orderly line, and follow our captain bbm.
You should just walk the plank ( read : leave the country, assholes )
Your whining and complaining over the smallest of things is just annoying.
“You faggots…- Megget
Stop looking at the mirror every time you say that! ?????
And expect oxford to be knocking on bongbong’s door.
Now that hes president these bitches be loving bbm all of a sudden.
Ninoy statues???
Let it be – the Beatles
Let it go – Anna / Frozen
Let it rot – Zaxx
We can keep the Ninoy statues in place for as long as the Aquino family pays for current-value no-discount rent in using prime urban locations for their perpetual political campaign to hold on to their image as sham saviors of the people. Otherwise we can let natural urban development take its course…
And why rappler chose to use “removed” instead of “transferred” simply shows how cunning these agitators are.
YelowTardism will always be with us…it will not go away…because most of us, are stupid people…EDSA, Cory Aquino, the late Noynoy Aquino, etc…so, live with it, Dumb People !!!
Let the monuments stand…as a reminder of our own stupidity…we easily believe in “twice told tales” !!!
Anyway…Hyden Toro is back…to insult, debate, or give you much pain…especially YellowTards…I want to cure the YellowTard illness that has been the illness of most Filipinos, like most of the commenters in GRP…I maybe a “quack doctor’…Who cares !!!