I’ll continue debunking myths that I believe are held under the Anti-Marcos mindset. Such myths led Anti-Marcos people to use a black-and-white approach, that the way to keep Bongbong Marcos from being elected is choosing the perceived polar opposite and desperately pushing this figure’s numbers up to the point of using the George Bush “if you are not for us you are against us” approach. “If you are not for Leni, you are on the wrong side of history,” is so elitist that you could probably inflate millions of dirigibles with this hot air. But anyway, on with my explanation.
1. If the Marcoses will be put away, all corruption in the Philippines will end.
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I have written on this before, but this needs reiteration. Based on the assumption that the Marcoses are the sole cause of corruption and that corruption never existed before them, all that is needed is to erase the Marcoses and no Filipino will be corrupt anymore. I’m sure some other Anti-Marcoses find this foolish, but I’m also sure such people who believe these old-school superstitious mindsets still exist.
Obviously, corruption has been present even in times the Marcoses were not in power, such as during the American era, post-World War2/before Marcos and, of course, after Marcos. Indeed, post-Marcos corruption led some who went to the 1986 Edsa Revolution to reconsider their view of history, sometimes deeming Edsa a mistake.
I still hold that corruption comes from the grassroots, the most basic levels of Philippine society. Just look at ordinary people: they pilfer things and even kill each other in jealous fits over love interests without any politicians’ influence. If ever ordinary people get into positions of power, they bring their habits from the local situation or their local culture with them. The saying goes, “all politics is local.” Thus, corruption is local, too. Even if Marcos never came to power, another like him can still appear.
There is also the idea that putting the Marcoses away means justice will be served and he will be made an example to others. OK, then. But I doubt that even corrupt people will be scared upon seeing it. This is because it is possible that the example will never apply to them. They can even be part of the efforts to put the Marcoses away. Play the angel at first, then reveal your being the devil when you’re in power. Corrupt people are not always on the same boat; they can be enemies of each other too.
2. If Bongbong Marcos returns to power, martial law will be declared and killings will be ordered.
Well, it is possible but… does he really want to do that? Saying BBM will do it just because his father did is a ridiculous and illogical connection. He knows that it is a dumb thing to do. The people believing this seem to imply that they have mind-reading powers and know what BBM can be thinking. Also, just remember that Congress’ approval is needed for martial law to be declared.
People fear that certain candidates will bring around authoritarianism. What makes you think the others, even those who seem “clean” and “angelic,” will not? Again, it is folly to believe that certain people have a monopoly of the “bad elements” in society.
3. If we get all the money the Marcoses stole, the Philippine will become rich and be out of poverty.
This is the mentality that poverty can be cured by giving lump sums to the poor. No, redistribution never solves poverty. As the case of lottery winners proves, people are great at wasting money and can get even poorer than before they won. Also, even if the money was all recovered, there is no guarantee that it won’t be squandered and lost again (well, some of it was).
Money won’t buy everything we need. All that we need in life has to be reproduced by repeated work. Farmers and livestock raisers have to work continuously to produce that food we eat every day, and we have to work almost every day to buy that food. Filipinos though likely wish to be free of work and have food fly to their mouths. Which will never happen.
Also, BBM said in his earlier interview with Jessica Soho that, though he admits the Marcoses have accounts in Switzerland and such, the numbers were inflated in reports against them and they are not from the Philippines’ coffers. This is what Marcos apologists like Rita Gadi also say. Of course, I do hope to know with finality the truth about this. If the apologists’ side is confirmed, then there’s even less hand-outs to expect.
Money can be lost not only to corruption, but also to incompetence. Even if you remove corruption, honest mistakes and bad decisions even by well-meaning people can still lead to losses. This is why I nowadays strongly oppose strong centralized control wherein you assign people to produce materials without using market dynamics. That is what caused millions to die of starvation in Mao-era China.
4. Trolls are responsible for the resurgence of Marcos popularity.
The Marcos legend had been built over a long time, through stories, opinions and anecdotes passed on through word-of-mouth, offline. The old people will always look at the old days as being better and will associate it with the leader at the time.
Internet trolls likely had little effect on the growth of the Marcos legend. Such efforts depend anyway on what has already been built offline and only serve to affirm what people have already been believing for a long time. Those who are “converts” are likely few.
Even then (1980s) the tall tales were circulating, like that of BBM having actually died and being replaced by a lookalike (probably inspired by Jesus Quevenco, pictured). Saying that tall tales originated only from Internet trolls is wrong. What the picture below depicts has always been the most trusted news source for Filipinos, one that worked even without online communication.
This is why any “door-to-door conversion” attempts will not work.
“Converts” to Marcos from the Yellow side were brought about by, as I described above, reconsidering who was on the good and evil sides. Basically, it turned out to be in the reverse for them. They think the Yellows deceived Filipinos and the Marcoses are innocent. Tell them that both sides can be seen as corrupt at the same time, they say no, it can only be black and white. But who parroted “black and white only?” The Yellows. Their messaging (which you can call propaganda) was turned around on them.
I do not go for Marcos myself, the reasons I’m sure everyone knows. But if I were really vehemently anti-Marcos, I would be concerned about the attention being given to Marcos, because it is drawing more people on his side. I would tell them, stop giving him negative publicity as it is still publicity and it is helping him. But, I’m sure the Marcos side would say, don’t interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
I was told that big business backs the Pink side. If true, that is even more reason not to choose that side as I believe they would like to enact policies that inhibit social mobility for poorer Filipinos. Actually, it boggles me, as I believe some of Robredo’s supporters spoke out against big business’ influence in the country before, but now they embrace the opposition candidate when she’s supported by big business.
I also do not subscribe to the logic of getting the next most popular candidate to be a buffer against Marcos. I would rather vote according to the candidate closest to my principles. Robredo fanatics still embrace populist methods. They’re using the same methods as their opponent, thereby using the same thinking that caused the problem.
Then I hear that I will be on the wrong side of history if I don’t vote for her. Even if I vote Abella, Gonzales or Lacson? So be it then. I’m on the wrong side of history for some, but to me, I exercised my freedom and voted for who I want. Not because some misguided consensus dictated on me.
I believe, as my cohorts here do, that what Filipinos embrace as their culture is what actually pulls the country down. And those who seem to be anti-dictators, who may also believe themselves to be “heroes,” are the real dictators.
Not much you can do about this when both sides of the voting bloc have an IQ of an eggplant.
Yeah, in the end, whatever “they” consider as a wrong side of history, shouldn’t let that distract you from who you want to vote because human corruption is almost everywhere, only comes with different flavors and textures. Vote whoever you want, It’s the beauty of freedom. Those who are shouting “freedom” and at the same time insulting you for not voting their favorite candidate is pretty much insane. Lacson was my first choice because I believe in his experiences, I never did force my preferred candidate to anyone because I believe in freedom to vote like any sane person.
Lacson killed people.
isko was a human meat popsicle for faggots.
Manny got knocked senseless by dinamita.
And leni, the puppet fool, is not even a real lawyer.
Losers all.
If not for anything else, bbm wins from lack of any real competition.
Everything you said about Ping (Lacson), Isko, Manny, and Leni are all true. BBM is what the Filipino people want and will get on May 9, unless the Yellowtards successfully cheat Leni in like they did in 2016.
“Everything you said about Ping (Lacson), Isko, Manny, and Leni are all true. BBM is what the Filipino people want…” – Aeta
Umm, there is a clear disconnect on that statement. Everything bad mentioned by a Marcos loyalist about other presidential aspirants are “true and immediately you declared BBM is what the Filipino wants.
You did not even mention the reason/s why he was the one people wants. I call that self-serving promotion.
I already knew that Lacson winning the presidential seat is pretty much slim just like last time but still voted for him. No ill wills, this is how democracy works, number talks. I agree that BBM has no real competition this time, he’s lucky and not to mention he got a lot of unintentional endorsements from the Kakampinks, it was a stupid move for them.
“If not for anything else, bbm wins from lack of any real competition.” – Megget
Okay, at least, that’s an honest admission that BBM is going to win NOT because he’s better qualified than the others but because there is no competition based on your biased assumption.
And Aeta immediately swallowed that! ?
Spoken like a true starbuck faggot.
Lacson is still a choice for me since those reports of him killing people (criminals?) never led to a conviction. Thing about him that put me off is his supporting a bill to force children to support parents, which is state interference into something it should stay out of.
BBM doesn’t have what it takes to become a good president regardless of the “misconceptions” you are trying to sell here. BBM is a dishonest, lazy, inefficient, incompetent bum – the big reasons why he should not be voted into presidency. And those who will vote for him are simply uneducated, dishonest, and misled. BBM’s “greatness” plan is just a product of his imagination since nowhere in his whole life did he exhibit greatness. Yet we are facing this greatest display of idiocy in election surveys by putting BBM on the top and probably in the coming election day. Sad as possibly many pinoys will elect a CEO who is least qualified.
Your brainwashed delusion about BBM is a cumulation of ABS-CBN and other liberal propaganda, to prevent him from becoming the next Philippine president, and to keep themselves in a position of influence to continue fostering countless political and business dynasties, that raped the country’s wealth and oppressed the masses of their quality of life for more than 3 decades. A BBM-SARA win on May 9 will only be a sad day for you and your fellow Yellowtards, but it will be a day of celebration for the rest of the country.
Are you high? Liberal party or Aquinos did not control the Philippines for 3 decades since 1986 EDSA Revolution. That’s just too much of assumption. How about Erap and Arroyo presidencies who were in discretion to control all the departments, bureaus, agencies, and instrumentalities of government from 1998-2010 who were supposed to be not aligned with liberal party? And Ramos was on his own mind not controlled by liberal party. So, Cory and Noynoy Aquino only had the control of the Philippines for a total of 12 years.
Your assumption is that mass media and oligarchs businesses were in control of those 3 decades? No proof of them since they are not policymakers or implementers. Only the president of the Philippines can make or break policies.
Let’s see these facts:
1. ABS-CBN was seen berated by Noynoy Aquino during the anniversary of TV patrol wherein he denounced ABS of focusing on bad news or twisting news during his administration. That’s proof that ABS is not in cahoots with Aquino and the main reason why ABS franchise was not renewed during Noynoy’s term. Truth is, that’s how media works for business profit. They will focus on bad news more than good news because bad is more profitable than good no matter who is the sitting president.
2. Business oligarchs, on the other hand, the Philippines recently ranks 4th in crony capitalism in year 2022 under Duterte’s regime, 5th during Noynoy Aquino. That only means every President might get rid of other oligarchs but he will also choose his own oligarchs. Hence, oligarchs will stay just like corruption and taxes.
With facts I had stated above, this invalidates your sorry narrative that mass media and oligarchs are in control of the Philippines for 3 decades when in reality, it is simply the president of the Philippines.
I’m amused of your assumption that I’m a yellowtard just because I am telling the truth about BBM. This applies to you what ChinoF stated above “If you are not for us, you are against us.” So, if I am not for BBM, then I am a yellowtard? Funny how idiotic your assumption there, Aeta.
And yes BBM winning presidency is a sad day for those critical thinkers voters like me because other voters voting for BBM don’t have substantial / rational / logical reasons for voting BBM. BBM is making promises that he will modernize Philippines and make it the next logistical hub in Asia. How will he even do that? When he did not transform Ilocos Norte where he ruled for 20 years into modernize or industrialize province? It remains stagnant, highly agricultural poverty-stricken province during his stint. How much more the whole Philippines? That alone BBM is already lying and stupid voters like you will believe in him. You are voting on your emotions, not on logic and intelligence. Or are you a paid hack? That’s more idiotic.
You don’t even know what “high” is until you’ve hit the lows of a detoxification process from Yellow Party influence, that has brainwashed you and others into Yellowtardism (a mental condition that produces a heightened sense of self-importance from endless supply of Yellowtard propaganda).
Yellowtard influence began with Cory Aquino’s yellow dress during People’s Power, and has been the symbol of condoning graft and corruption for the past 36 years, starting with the supposed “Heroes” of the EDSA Revolution, and making their way among the “rank and file” of officials in government, businesses, Catholic Churches, and academic institutions over the years.
The Cory Aquino then, and the Leni Rebredo now, are just stooges (puppets), a feigned symbol of purity and ignorance to blindside the masses of what the Yellow Party members are doing, while the real operatives (Yellow and their non-yellow cohorts) have been doing all the dirty work in the background to create their own personal dynasties for more than 3 decades.
Therefore, I’m not even going to waste my time of getting into a debate with you over the “facts” you’ve presented in your comment, since we both know they’ve been retrieved from the vaults of endless Yellowtard propaganda that have indoctrinated unsuspecting “Dumb and Dumber” audiences into Yellowtard supporters.
Although it took 36 long years for the Filipino people to wake up from the delusions of Yellowtardism–that entertained, numbed the senses, and robbed others of their quality of life at the same time–I would rather believe these people’s personal experience at the “grassroot” level, than be convinced otherwise by an elitist wannabe like you, that Yellowtard influence doesn’t exist.
You don’t even know what “high” is until you’ve hit the lows of a detoxification process from Yellow Party influence, that has brainwashed you and others into Yellowtardism (a mental condition that produces a heightened sense of self-importance from endless supply of Yellowtard propaganda).
Yellowtard influence began with Cory Aquino’s yellow dress during People’s Power, and has been the symbol of condoning graft and corruption for the past 36 years, starting with the supposed “Heroes” of the EDSA Revolution, and making their way among the “rank and file” of officials in government, businesses, Catholic Churches, and academic institutions over the years.
The Cory Aquino then, and the Leni Rebredo now, are just stooges (puppets), a feigned symbol of purity and ignorance to blindside the masses of what the Yellow Party members are doing, while the real operatives (Yellow and their non-yellow cohorts) have been doing all the dirty work in the background to create their own personal dynasties for more than 3 decades.
Therefore, I’m not even going to waste my time of getting into a debate with you over the “facts” you’ve presented in your comment, since we both know they’ve been retrieved from the vaults of endless Yellowtard propaganda that have indoctrinated unsuspecting “Dumb and Dumber” audiences into Yellowtard supporters.
Although it took 36 long years for the Filipino people to wake up from the delusions of Yellowtardism–that entertained, numbed the senses, and robbed others of their quality of life at the same time–I would rather believe these people’s personal experience at the “grassroot” level that Yellowtard influence exists, than be convinced otherwise by an elitist wannabe like you that it doesn’t.
Funny how you said you don’t want to debate with the facts I presented but spewed a long verbose rethoric and senseless emotional attacks of yellowtard accusations with no bit amount of facts ever.
I wonder what kind of academic institution you were in because it looks like your small brain has no sense of objectivity left at all and has been fogged and programmed to spit out only accusations after accusations with no substance at all in favor of Marcostard zombies propaganda.
You said you should believe what grassroots are saying? Yeah, tell that to those living under 3rd-5th classes municipalities in Ilocos Norte where they wallow in poverty since 1980 of direct Marcos rulership. Guess what? they are still enjoying that impoverishment and dumbing down of their senses by the Marcos clan while you encourage them to promote and vote for that lazy and incompetent BBM to presidency. You are just adding insult to their injury.
“I’m not even going to waste my time of getting into a debate…” – Aeta
Trolling clowns, like you and Megget, don’t know how to debate. You’re not going to waste time on something you have no idea of. Sure, you can attack and insult and do clownish thing, but debate?
Nobody is asking for the moon from you, troll! ???
Thats just your opinion, starbuck faggot.
You mean, you’re dad? ?
You are on the wrong side of history.
History which will judge this fake news site GRP for the trash heap that it is.
When you and benigno reach St. Peter and the pearly gates. I hope you have your dumbass excuses lined up.
It doesn’t matter. As your idol says. You will all join each other in hell. A special section should be carved out for benigno to be repeatedly sodomized.
The clown pushes for dictatorship in the Philippines yet lives in AUSTRALIA!
You must have done a real number in the past of putting this spoiled brat (Darth mortis the “dumbass”) in his place–like inside a proverbial playpen with a pacifier inside his mouth to keep him quiet–because his ad hominem is turning into a personal attack of you and your site. This is what happens when parents let their children freely roam the internet and visit forbidden sites they are not supposed to be accessing, or allow them to watch ABS-CBN’s brainwashing propaganda without restrictions, resulting in a distorted view of life that crosses between reality and fiction.
Now, everything that is said against someone or something he does not like, becomes grounds for obscene and stupid retaliation, to try to get back at those who dispelled his delusions. We are witnessing a classic example of what I am talking about with this spoiled brat, who could very well be an adult person with an underdeveloped mental makeup, display his uncontrolled emotion on the screen without making any profound impact with his childish comment, other than reveal his level of immaturity and ignorance, including his warped belief in the Yellowtard Party and candidate he wants to win in the upcoming presidential election.
“…who could very well be an adult person with an underdeveloped mental makeup, display his uncontrolled emotion on the screen without making any profound impact with his childish comment, other than reveal his level of immaturity and ignorance, including his warped belief …” – Aeta
Oh, come on Aeta, stop describing your self at every turn! We already know who you are.
Troll. ?
Well, I could say I’m on the wrong side of someone’s distorted adherence to a mere political side.
here are my two cents for each misconception:
1. If the Marcoses will be put away, all corruption in the Philippines will end.
– As long as we have the current system of patronage politics and the human nature of greed, corruption would exist in the Philippines and the World in general, for eternity. Marcos and his cronies were the people who exploited this combination to its maximum potential.
2. If Bongbong Marcos returns to power, martial law will be declared and killings will be ordered.
– This is a stretch . The Martial Law we have today is not the same as the Martial Law of 1972 which was under the 1935 Constitution. You cannot implement ML without Congress’ approval and also, there’s the CHR that would stop you for quashing civil liberties which we did not have during the Marcos era.
3. If we get all the money the Marcoses stole, the Philippine will become rich and be out of poverty.
– If the $10 billion that were allegedly stolen would magically returned, it won’t really help much for the PH economy and the people. It only comprises about 2% of the total GDP of the country and about 10% of the country national budget. Given how corrupt and inefficient our bureaucracy is, that $10 billion would probably just change hands from the Marcoses to the different gov’t officials both elected and appointed or lose it altogether.
4. Trolls are responsible for the resurgence of Marcos popularity
– This is the complex of all the misconceptions mentioned here. My best explanation to this is that the Liberal Consensus created by the Yellows after EDSA ran out of steam.
It probably started after Mar Roxas’ “You’re a Romualdez and the President is an Aquino” video. The Filipino people started to feel like PNoy is only interested is preserving his family’s legacy over governing the country. The SAF 44 incident sealed the Yellows’ political fate and propel a certain mayor to the Presidency.
Rodrigo Duterte destroyed the Liberal Consensuses created after EDSA and created his own after he won the 2016 election. The Marcoses just rode on the Duterte bandwagon and it is paying-off. BBM is on the brink of becoming the 17th President of the Republic of the Philippines because he’s the one that best represents the current consensus .
I agree with your observations. Nothing else need be said.
If there is nothing else to be said, then, your observation is really worthless.
It’s a lone cry for support and confirmation in the wilderness of negative opinions. ?
1. “If the Marcoses will be put away, all corruption in the Philippines will end. ”
If the intent is to “debunk myths” about the Marcoses, the above statement is a stupid way to do it. NOBODY in the Philippines will say or claim that corruption will disappear if the Marcoses will be put away, NOBODY. You know why? People are not that dumb.
‘Anti-Marcos mindset’? There is for sure but that does not mean there is one set of thinking that says corruption will end if there is no Marcos in politics. That is not only crazy but PLAIN STUPID thinking.
2. “If Bongbong Marcos returns to power, martial law will be declared and killings will be ordered.”
Here I agree with you. There are those, maybe because of hatred or whatever, who holds the view that there is no difference between the father and the son. Their deep-seated resentment to the father made them resort to the ‘like father, like son’ sayings to treat BBM the way they want to. Is it unfair? You bet it is!
First of all, BBM can never be a Ferdinand, intellectually and politically. The son does not have the guts and intellect of the father. Second, the allegation actually backfires because we are equating an unaccomplished one to one who is unparalleled. Lastly, let’s call it as it is, cheap shot.
3. “If we get all the money the Marcoses stole, the Philippine will become rich and be out of poverty. ”
Partly, I agree. If the so-called hidden wealth of the Marcoses is recovered or surrendered, it will certainly put a lot in the government’s coffer that could help alleviate poverty. Will, as people hope and expect, ‘all’ the Marcoses money make our country rich and poverty-free if returned? Get out of here!
4. “Trolls are responsible for the resurgence of Marcos popularity.”
Partly, I agree. I mean, there are those pro-BBM who truly believes in him and there are those whose expertise is to troll. Calling Megget and Aeta! ?
In sum, let us not create a myth in order to debunk another myth. In other words, magpaka-tutoo tayo. ?
Juan Luna,
To hell with your lengthy, itemized Yellowtard “myths” too, troll, if you think the liberal stooge (Leni Rebredo) will do a much better job than BBM in being a president, and not just be another puppet singing and dancing to the Yellow Party’s political and business oligarchs’ tune for 6 more years.
The problem with you elitist wannabes is you’ve gotten too complacent with 36 years of ABS-CBN’s “telebasura” movie and television propaganda, including the mind-numbing, aristocratic “sosyal” lifestyle of these oligarchs’ shopping malls and condominiums, that made you immune to the ongoing sufferings around you; you don’t want any of these brainwashing tactics to end because they’re ego-reinforcing.
I hate to burst your delusional yellow-pink bubble, but the people have spoken and they’re ready for a change from more than 3 decades of Yellow oligarchy’s oppression. The only way your Yellow Party will win on May 9 is through cheating, like what they did in 2016 to install your stooge as vice-president. And that’s being truthful, yellow troll, to debunk your own “myths.”
“…if you think the liberal stooge (Leni Rebredo)…” – Aeta
Umm, I don’t remember mentioning, much less thinking, about Leni Robredo. I was commenting on what ChinoF wrote about debunking myths by creating another myth. You missed the boat, pal!
“The problem with you elitist wannabes is you’ve gotten too complacent with 36 years of ABS-CBN’s “telebasura” movie and television propaganda…” – Aeta
Nice sermon there but I passed. Not my cup of tea. ?
Okay, anyone for some serious discussion here? I’m sick and tired of clowns engaging me. ?
Juan Luna,
You mentioned my name in your senseless comment to ChinoF, that’s full of myth, so I didn’t miss the boat more than you missed your memory. I don’t believe you know what a “serious discussion” means, not to mention engaging in one, unless it’s been programmed into your narrative by Yellowtard propaganda.
So give up trying to solicit participants in your ‘mythical” discussion that is only going to be full of lies and deceits, to make your yellow-pink stooge (Leni Rebredo) look good and the opposition bad, which is a skill your political party is very good at in their “smear campaign”; it’s only going to feed your elitist wannabe ego, that will never be satisfied, because of your gluttonous need for being a righteous troll all the time.
“You mentioned my name…” – Aeta
Yes, I did mention your name on the issue of ‘trolls’ because you are a troll. So, you did miss it boy. ?
Juan Luna,
Actually, I did it to expose elitist wannabes or, in Megget’s words, “Starbuck Faggots,” like you on your lies and intent to deceive your readers on the truth, by using Yellow propaganda to support your “myths.”
“You mentioned my name…” – Aeta
Yes, I did, but not Robredo. If you are not a troll, why attack me about Robredo when she was not even mentioned in my post?
See, Aeta, just because you can always attack doesn’t mean you can also put up a defense.
If you want a conversation don’t start by being a clown. If you respond to my post in a troll or clownish way, you’ll get a troll or clownish reply. Decide now, who is the official clown on this blog, you or Megget? ?
I hate to burst your bubble but the majority of the Philippines is still watching terrible telebasura and idiotic mind numbing programming on GMA.
Shutting down ABS-CBN was good, but it definitely didn’t fix anything. People are just watching the same type of terrible shows on GMA.
If you want to include GMA into the heap of trash called ABS-CBN (and I think you should), then go ahead; you’re not bursting my bubble. I just picked on ABS-CBN because a lot of this liberal media’s narratives echoed loudly among its elitist wannabes’ voices on GRP, and it has been going on as far as I can remember.
In fact, when I started contributing to GRP about 4 to 5 years ago, the number of elitist wannabes already outnumbered the oppositions and drove many of us out of the circulation, while they continue to dominate the pages with their liberalism, tilting the scale in their favor, and preventing the global readers from getting an objective view of what’s really going on in the Philippines and its people.
Now that the Yellow Party’s schemes are starting to make their way to the surface (with no small thanks to President Duterte for exposing a lot of their misgivings, in spite of his vices as president), especially on how they’ve fostered political and business dynasties to misappropriate the country’s wealth and oppress the masses for more than 3 decades, are finally waking up the Filipino people’s consciences of what they need to do to take their country back from these oligarchs before it’s too late.
I’m hoping, the country’s hoping, that BBM’s presidency will shut down these Yellow Party media giants of ABS-CBN and GMA, as well as censure other liberal media networks and publications from spreading their brainwashing propaganda, that will keep sowing dissensions and divisions among the population, and get back to the basics of rebuilding the government and economy, that 36 years of Yellow Party influence has corrupted and destroyed.
“I just picked on ABS-CBN…” – Aeta
You did that because you are a troll. ?
We can call these elitist wannabes as “starbuck faggots”.
For simplicity.
I disagree with your assessment on no’s. 3 and 4. The Marcos ill-gotten would only consist about 2% of the country’s GDP and 10% of the government’s annual budget. If the Marcos wealth would be distributed equally to all Filipinos it would only compensate a person’s jeepney fare on a one-way trip. I don’t think putting it on the government’s coffers would guarantee it would not be lost again as some people on the bureaucracy (both elected and appointed) would want a piece of it.
The trolls meanwhile, are not that significant in the resurgence of Marcos’ popularity. The people who should take the blame the most is PNoy and the Yellows. PNoy ran for president to preserve his family’s legacy and has done great lengths to do it during his administration like the Corona impeachment and the treatment of the Tacloban LGU after Yolanda. It doesn’t help that PNoy reeks an elitist vibe to his personality. The Filipinos have enough of it and elect PRRD as president and BBM is just riding the Duterte bandwagon.
I disagree with your assessment on no’s. 3 and 4. The Marcos ill-gotten would only consist about 2% of the country’s GDP and 10% of the government’s annual budget.
But how did you know that? The ill-gotten wealth was also supposed to be hidden. So, we really don’t know the extent of the amount, if ever, that is out there.
PCGG alleged that the Marcoses stole $10 billion. Our GDP last year was around $370 billion so by calculation, the Marcos ill-gotten would only consist of around 2% of the country’s GDP and around 10% of the our current national budget which is around $100 billion.
Granting what you are saying is true, 10 billion is 10 billion. Right now, we don’t even have 1/2 a million.
You know how far that amount can go for the poorest of the poor? ?
Juan Luna,
Instead of focusing on Marcos’ alleged “ill-gotten wealth,” why don’t you ask Forbes’ list of 10 billionaires from the Philippines today (7 Chinese-Filipinos, 2 Spanish, and 1 Filipino senator), and countless other multi-millionaire political and business oligarchs (All Yellowtards), where they put the rest of the country’s annual GDPs for the past 36 years since the EDSA Revolution? Let’s start with Henry Sy (SM Malls), who was worth only a few millions during Martial Law, and became $20 billion man by the time of his death in 2019, and work your way backwards.
Yep. Problem is, some extreme anti-Marcoses or even DHLs (die-hard Lenis) think we’ll be back to being top dog in Southeast Asia or even Asia if we recover all the wealth. I think that’s the palamunin attitude at play.
If we distribute the money to all the people living below the poverty line, they get around P60 more of what they earn a day for one year (I forgot to mention that jeepney fare for every citizen is good for one year). The money is not enough to lift every poor Filipino out of poverty for the rest of their lives.
Or we can fistribute it to all the starbuck faggots so they can sip at starbucks for the rest of their faggot lives.
Thank goodness for the death of philippine “cinema”
Thanking the death of any industry is evil. I thought, like Aeta, you’re just a feeble clown trolling on this blog. I was wrong, you are really an ignoble, lowdown and degenerate piece of you know what. ?
So youre not thankful we get to have no more kris aquino movies, like, ever?
That goes for the same for enteng kamote and praybeyt benhamin.
Be thankful, you starbuck faggot.
I see Juan Luna is still coming after me, in references only instead of addressing me directly, because he knows I’ll put him in the Yellow elitist wannabe corner where he belongs. He still hasn’t answered my question about asking the 10 billionaires from the Philippines (7 Chinese-Filipinos, 2 Spanish, and 1 Filipino senator) what they did with the country’s annual GDP for the past 36 years, instead of focusing on the Marcoses’ alleged “ill-gotten wealth.”
Megs, you’re a lowlife clown. No substance on your posts. I say, next to Aeta, another troll, you are a disgrace on this blog. ?
“I see Juan Luna is still coming after me…” – Aeta
Show proof, troll. ?
Juan Luna,
You’re either lying or having memory relapse; I think it’s both. Read your previous comments and see how many times you’ve referenced my name as bait to troll-fish for support.
Well, you’re not going to get the support anymore, unless it comes from Yellowtard elitists like yourself who have inundated GRP pages for years with your liberal narratives.
Times have changed and so has the direction of the waves carrying the fishes you’re trying to troll for, and they now prefer swimming in bodies of water that haven’t been polluted from more than 3 decades of Yellowtardism.
“…how many times you’ve referenced my name…” – Aeta
True. I can’t help it because you keep on making troll statements. Once you remove your clown mask, I will discuss with you. Promise. ?
As of now, you’re just in Megget’s category: blog’s lowlife troll.
So, we don’t really need the billion returned? Let bygones be bygones? Ok lang, we’re better off today than having those billions of pesos which really amounts to nothing? Shelter for the poor? Nah, they can sleep on the street. How ’bout food for the nourishment of their children? Nope, what kind of food those billions of pesos will buy anyway? Medical needs of the elderly? Again, the billions of pesos is so small we don’t need to give the elderly nothing.
The logic doesn’t really make sense to me.
First you need to win a conviction against them in court. You need to prove that they’re ill-gotten. That is the legal and proper way and not in the bar of public opinion. And for the last thirty-five years you still haven’t really. How many more years do you need to prove your case legally?
That is the same condition given by the Swiss Court to the Aquino Administration before they can get their hands on the escrow accounts turned over to the government.
The logic doesn’t really make sense?!
You’re talking of the process and trying to put up a defense, we’re discussing about the worth of the billions of pesos that may be put up to something.
You want try again? ??️
Here’s what I got of Supreme Court decisions proving the ill-gotten wealth of former President Marcos:
1. 2003 Supreme Court Decision that forfeited an amount of USD 658,175,373.60 from 5 Swiss Foundation Accounts with Interest as of 2002 that is an ill-gotten wealth:
2. 2012 Supreme Court Decision that forfeited the Arelma Account in Singapore Estimated to be USD 3,369,975 as of 1983 plus all interest:
3. 2017 Supreme Court Decision that forfeited the Jewelry Collection of Imelda Marcos worth at least USD 150,000 as being ill-gotten: https://elibrary.judiciary.gov.ph/thebookshelf/showdocs/1/62728?fbclid=IwAR1DUZbWOFpXv1O1wamPyR9srSbbAsl7aH7Ws4J8SgKSQ-h9FPYTTNtuFyA
He (Juan Luna) can’t prove the “ill-gotten” wealth, and neither could the Yellow-bribed supreme court judges, because there’s nothing to prove for the past 36 years.
These Yellowtards, including their programmed supporters (like Juan Luna), can argue forever because they have the powerful media, the Catholic Churches, and academic institutions on their side to spread their lies, and plenty of time (more than 3 decades) to perfect the big scheme of keeping the masses in the dark, and the oppositions suppressed, to stay in power.
Times have change, and the people are waking up from the Yellow-propagated delusion: “EDSA Revolution” and “People’s Power” were hoaxes.
Juan Luna,
As I had suggested earlier on GRP, and the question I’ve been asking your fellow Yellowtards for years that they refused to answer, instead of accusing the Marcoses for stealing billions from the country, why don’t all of you ask the Forbes’ list of10 billionaires from the Philippines (7 Chinese-Filipinos, 2 Spanish, and 1 Filipino senator), along with other multi-millionaire political and business oligarchs, how they got so wealthy while the rest of the country got poorer, in the last 36 years of Yellow Party influence? Maybe you’ll find the logical answer to your question by doing what I had suggested.
“…and the question I’ve been asking your fellow Yellowtards for years…” – Aeta
? You talking to me?
Wrong person, troll. Go ask yellowtards, loyalist like you, that question because I don’t belong to your kind of groups.
I’m Juan Luna, not yellow o pula.
I’m no idiot like those two groups. ?
Juan Luna,
You’re full of Yellow crap. Stop trying to disown your allegiance to the Yellow Party for the sake of argument. Everyone on GRP can sense the yellow-pink bile leaking from every pore in your body, and it’s staining the fabric of everything you say without being blunt about it . So stop pretending to be independent of either party; that’s just a guise to take the attention from what you’re really doing: luring the fishes in the water in your direction, like a good troll(er), to keep the Yellowtard influence healthy and alive.
“Everyone on GRP can sense the yellow-pink bile leaking from every pore in your body…” – Aeta
Every time I point out the troll you make I make sure I quote you. And so far, you have not contradicted me on it.
On the other hand, you keep on accusing me of a lot of things but NEVER DID YOU SHOW or EVEN QUOTED ME to prove your malicious accusations.
See the difference there? Now, go back to the drawing board and change your clownish strategy.
It is not and has not been working. ??
Who said we don’t need the billion returned? I never said that. Neither did Carlo. Thank you for putting words in my mouth.
Actually, that is what Carlo was insinuating in our conversation. Here was what he said about it:
“If the Marcos wealth would be distributed equally to all Filipinos it would only compensate a person’s jeepney fare on a one-way trip.” – Carlo
You think that statement directly expressed interest in the recovery of the billions?
I disagreed with him about his nonchalant treatment of the billions of pesos allegedly stolen from the country and I mentioned its used on the poor, children and the elderly.
I did not comment on your “palamunin” line because it was another view of the billions which you did not emphasized more to be replied on. I let it go.
So, nobody is putting words in nobody’s mouth. Thank you. ?
I was drawn to ChinoF’s statement and got me curious:
“I do not go for Marcos myself, the reasons I’m sure everyone knows.”
Care to share the reasons?
And then, the strange reference to Rita Gaddi being a Marcos apologist. Not a debunker?!
I believe she’s a martial law era journalist close to the Marcoses. She was personally with them in the 4 year case trial in NY that ended in an acquittal in 1990 and has the privilege of working in the office Mr. Gerry Spence, Imelda’s lawyer at the time. What exactly did she, in behalf of the Marcoses, apologizes for?
Last I read about this in this site is from a certain Propaganda Boy who habitually states that “Marcos apologia is too hip for its own good”.
Propaganda Boy? That one was just trolling by playing the both sides by claiming some nonsensical and exaggerated things. Don’t listen to them.
You believe a lot of things, I’ll give you that, but your belief is only partial to the Yellow Party’s side that has brainwashed you into thinking only in one direction and not another. And as for this certain “Propaganda Boy” you’re referring to, perhaps he’s trying to drop you some hints that you need to take a break from your elitist wannabe mindset, and see what the other side thinks and believes. It might just make you a more objective thinker, than a subjective one that spew the same narrative from the same source all the time, that also makes you a certain “Propaganda Boy” in their eyes. Something to think about, eh?
@Gman & @Aeta:
I think there’s a misunderstanding and I’ve been taken wrong. I do not subscribe to whatever Propaganda Boy stands for. His mere mention is only incidental in reference to ChinoF’s branding of Rita Gaddi being a Marcos apologist.
The post actually is to solicit a reaction from the author himself for the statements he has written above which he has so far ignored.
Just for clarification, please answer the following.
Are you a brainwashed member of the Yellowtard Party, who wants to add 6 more years to 36 years of this Party’s oppressing influence, that have done nothing but empower and enrich countless political and business dynasties, at the expense of the Philippines and its people, by voting for their candidate on May 9?
I had to ask that question because a lot of Yellowtards on GRP pretend to be impartial to both parties, but the content of what they write reeks of the putrid smell of Yellow-Pink bile (Very disgusting!). It’s one thing to lie; it’s another to deceive. And that is what a lot of these Yellowtards are doing on GRP. Deceive their readers for their own advantage.
For your own benefit Mr. Aeta, the straight answer is a No! What gives you such an impression? Can you be more specific please? And I thought I’ve already made myself clear the second time around.
The quoted word from Propaganda Boy is simply incidental, just to drive a point.
I only have some questions for the writer with some specific things he had to say above that intrigued me knowingly what GRP stands for.
Aren’t you just as anxious of what ChinoF has to say?
Dude that’s enough. We shouldn’t ask where Wass stands for, because it doesn’t matter. Let them be.
“I had to ask that question because a lot of Yellowtards on GRP pretend to be impartial…” – Aeta
First, you have to be specific, who are those you are accusing as ‘yellowtards’ and where is your proof of that? And why “ask questions” when everybody here knew already that you all you do is attack with frothing mouth?
The problem with you is you label people and attack them because you do not like what you read from them. Another thing, you want to appear that you are a macho man ready for a fight at a drop of a hat in a blog where we are supposed to be discussing issues and not berating and attacking one another.
You think BBM will like that attitude? From the looks of it, he wants “unity” and he was serious about it. But with people like you supporting him, malas ni Bongbong! ?
Just look at what you and Megget are doing, you’re acting like assholes here! Was that because you cannot spar with logic and reason with others? C’mon man, we’re past grade two bullying. Time to man up and I mean man up. ?
I had encountered Propaganda Boy before, I kinda confronted him because of his outlandish claims and I found out that he’s just trolling. Sorry for misunderstandings, I just saw the mention of him.
I’m obviously not pro-Marcos. I agree that Marcos was corrupt and stole from the country. But I see the ridiculousness in saying he’s the only reason the country went down and being noisy about him only. As well as the ridiculousness that if you want to prevent Marcos’ son from coming to power, you have to vote the Pink Candidate. That obviously will not work.
“But I see the ridiculousness in saying he’s the only reason the country went down and being noisy about him only. ”
I agree with your statement about the ridiculousness of Marcos being “the only reason the country went down.” However, sometimes things turned out to be because it is how we want it to be. Marcos decided that he’ll be the pilot of the plane for 20 years, hence, anything that happens in that 20 years will be attributed to him. ?
That’s what we call accountability. ?
“I agree that Marcos was corrupt and stole from the country.”
“Lacson is still a choice for me since those reports of him killing people (criminals?) never led to a conviction.”
Hmm… So it’s different logic applied for Lacson and a different judgement rendered for Marcos even though both of them, similarly, having no convictions. Very interesting!
Actually, I’ll not discourage anymore DHL (Die-Hard Lenis) from voting their candidate. Their minds are made up too, just like Marcos loyalists. However, whether win or lose, they should hold their candidate to account in case she or her cohorts make a blunder, because if they go all sycophant for Leni to the end, trust GRP writers to be all over that.
“Actually, I’ll not discourage anymore DHL (Die-Hard Lenis) from voting their candidate. Their minds are made up too, just like Marcos loyalists.”
That is true, it’s the same sides of the same coin. There is really no difference between the two groups.
Only hypocrites will try to differentiate the two. ?
Juan Luna,
You’re one of the biggest hypocrites of all. Die-Hard Lenitard supporters made up their delusional minds from years of Yellowtard brainwashing on ABS-CBN/GMA and other liberal publications. Marcos loyalists (the rest of the country) made up their mind after waking up from 36 years of media brainwashing and oligarch oppressions, that People’s Power and the EDSA Revolution were hoaxes.
“If they [Yellowtards] go all sycophant for Leni to the end, trust GRP writers to be all over that.”
GRP writers are already all over these “sycophant” Yellowtard elitists and supporters, who are losing grounds on their left-wing narratives to keep their 36 years of Yellow influence alive.
The Filipino people are finally waking up from the delusions and uniting to take their country back from these Yellow-Pink oligarchs.
I would voluntarily ride on your Marcostard bandwagon if you could prove to me BBM is better than the yellowtard in terms of track record and competency. And I would be as passionate as you are in defending Marcos’ cause all the time as all good while yellowtard is evil and abhorrent if you can give me enough facts to change my position.
What I have seen so far in Ilocos Norte where BBM had directly ruled for at least 20 years is that there are still many areas there where people are suffering from abject poverty for many years already especially those living in 5th class municipalities, while BBM is living a luxury life in a mansion house enjoying all the privileges and pleasures in life not feeling any guilt at all that his constituents are continuously suffering.
How can we trust BBM in leading to at least minimize impoverishment in the Philippines while in his home province he was not able to do so? Are you blaming the yellowtard only for poverty in the Philippines or are you denying BBM has the same predicament as them? So why condemn only the yellowtard?
It is useless to exert your entire time, effort, and energy in defending the Marcoses when you cannot present facts on why they are better than the yellowtards unless, of course, you are a paid hack, aren’t you?
Please don’t patronize me about jumping on the Marcos bandwagon; trust me, Yellowtard, you’re not that smart to stay on. Since you want to talk about “track record” and “competency,” let’s do just that.
The people gave both Aquinos (mother and “daughter”), as well as other nincompoop presidents in-between, a chance. Nothing good happened to the country, other than make it a vast playground for Yellow political and business oligarchs to empower and enrich themselves.
So much for “track record” and “competency,” eh, Yellowtard?
Don’t fool yourself on being “passionate” about defending Marcos if enough “facts” are given to make you change your position. No amount of “facts” will ever be enough to change a yellow-brainwashed, elitist’s mind. Changing your mind means admitting you’re wrong, and I’ve never met an arrogant, self-serving Yellowtard admit he or she is wrong.
Yellowtards’ fear of being proven wrong is why they created a “Bogey Man” out of BBM, just like what they tried to do with Duterte as president, and failed. Duterte fought long and tough battles–won some, lost some–of exposing the Yellow Party’s dirty deeds.
But Duterte’s biggest victory is to wake up the consciousness of the Filipinos on how they’ve been duped for the past 36 years by the very same people, who once called themselves “Heroes of the EDSA Revolution,” who promised to lift the country up from the ravages of Martial Law,
only to turn out years later to be the “Villains” to bring them deeper into oppression.
I’ve been to Ilocos Norte and all that bullshit you’re claiming about the squalid condition in that region is just that. Bullshit. So what if BBM lives in a mansion? Why don’t you check out Forbes Park and other gated communities in Makati and Manila. Better yet, check for other parts of the Philippines where your Yellow masters control multi-billion dollar businesses, paying their employees pittance salaries with no benefits, and living in huge mansions surrounded by dilapidated and squatter homes?
I’m not defending the Marcoses, Yellowtard. I’m defending what the Filipino people want: a change. If BBM is the person who will help them find the solutions to their current dilemmas, that 36 years of Yellow Party influence could not help them solve for reasons that everyone now knows, then 6 more years of their stooge (Leni Rebredo) in Malacanang is not going to make any difference. I’ll make sure to do my part in supporting the work Duterte has started to continue, by voting for BBM as his successor.
Ok do it prove to me the track record and competency of BBM with Facts not your own opinion, not generalization and most importantly not your conspiracy theories. Maybe I missed something or maybe I was wrong in judging him.
And why are you so fun of mentioning the the past and the Aquinos in the past 36 years in an overgeneralized fashion just to trick us that Aquinos are somewhat the cause of all the problems in the coutnry? I had debunked that already in my above post that 12yrs of presidencies were the years the Aquinos controlled the country and that mass media always favored bad news no matter who is the sitting president and business oligarchs were chosen by the sitting president like today year 2022 the Philippines ranks 4th globally in crony capitalism. Looks like you always repeat and repeat your blunder arguments here posting here and there when they were already debunked and refuted in the past several comments. Sirang plaka o ulo lang? And please we are talking here about the competitiveness of BBM, if there’s any, to lead the country for future 6 years, not his father and not the past Aquinos.
You cannot deny the fact and that proves you are lying that there are poverty-stricken municipalities until now in Ilocos Norte – the 3rd-5th classes of municipalitis in abject poverty where BBM and lineage clan ruled not less than 20 years and yet despite of that you don’t want to admit that Ilocos Norte is still poor, destitute, not in the top 10 competitive provinces, and one of the poorest in the Philippines. So what is your logical basis of voting for BBM if he had shown you already the laziness and incompetent nature that he has been in his leadership in Ilocos Norte? Or you are just a paid hack? Just admit that. You won’t be as diehard Marcostard if you don’t benefit something out of your passion.
Let’s be clear that yellowtard doesn’t have the monopoly of cause of poverty in the country. Also Marcostard have the share of widespread poverty as well. That’s a fact. So if the Marcostard and Yellowtard are the same faulty in their administration, why need to choose between the two? Why not get rid both of them in the coming elections if one is really a thinking and objective voter.
“I’m not defending the Marcoses…” – Aeta
I agree. That’s what I noticed. You are so aggressive in attacking those you disagree with and labeling them as ‘yellowtard’ just because they don’t buy what you and Megget and Mario are selling but stop short in praising the Marcoses (kunyari pa!). ?
One thing, you are not defending the Marcoses because you cannot do it for lack of basis. It is easier to attack the yellow party than defend the indefensible.
Ang style mo bulok!
Why not defend the Marcoses for a change so that your name-calling and labelling of the opposition will not only have some substance but also be justified. You cannot say the yellow are not good without mentioning why the Marcoses are better. You cannot just attack the wrong without defending the right. Don’t just be a mad dog attacking because you are simply that, mad and in heat. Reason and be clear where your stand is. We’re all educated here. You, and Mario and Justice, too, don’t have to act dumb and uncivilized like your idol Megget the lowlife blogger.
Enough of trolling and clowning (like the one in the Joker movie), stand up and let’s see what you have on that round thing on your shoulder.
Huwag kang mahiya dahil maka-Marcos ka. Ilabas mo
‘yang bayag mo for all to see. That’s how a man should do it.
The question now is, are you up for the challenge?
My guess? Bahag ang buntot mo! No. ?
Bbm is the chosen one by the filipino people, much like digong before him.
Lets give him the chance to prove our choice right in the next six years.
Just , shut the fuck up let the man do his job.
Bbm is the chosen one by the filipino people, much like digong before him. – Megget the clown
If that’s what the result will yield, them voting for BBM, I’ll accept. Digong? What about the criminal? Nobody’s cares for him now. Did you see candidates lining up for his support or endorsement? Nada.
Nangangamoy na bulok na isda si Duterte. Nobody wants to touch him with a ten foot pole. Ikaw talaga Megs, kahit kailan ungas ka! ?
“Lets give him the chance to prove our choice right in the next six years.” – Megget
Anyone who gets elected is entitled to be given the benefit of the doubt. I have no problem with BBM becoming president.
My problem is with the parasites (like Megget, Aeta, Maria, Justice, et.al.) who supports him. I called these assholes saboteurs because what they do is against what BBM is pushing, unity.
I’ll continue to ‘play’ with these midgets as long as they play their trolling parts. ?
To aeta, not to the faggot luna
Amen – Megget the troll
Good! Continue to praise me. ???
Not you, who is a faggot.
Now shut the fuck and let bbm do his job for the next six years
“Not you, Aeta is a faggot.” ? – Megget the clown
Good, I like that, Megs! ?♂️
I would voluntarily ride on your Marcostard bandwagon if you could prove to me BBM is better than the yellowtard in terms of track record and competency. – Jason
Jason, I know you know you are asking for the moon.
Aeta cannot do that because he was not programmed that way. First, he’s incapable of expressing himself because all he knows is to insult and attack . Second, what is his material/proof to convince you that BBM is any good? Nothing. Lastly, that is the reason why he does not do any defense of the Marcoses. He knows if he starts to open his mouth to defend the family, he’s toast. ?
Juan Luna,
You and your fellow Yellowtard, Jason, like to ingratiate your egos with your “lying ass” elitism, by asserting that I am the only one who “insult and attack” others on GRP. I guess you’ve been oblivious to your Yellow Party’s stooge’s (Leni Rebredo) brand of “Smear Campaign” the whole time, as she and other yellow-wannabe candidates, “insult and attack” BBM every chance they get since the presidential campaign began. You and Jason, as well as that spoiled brat, “Darth the Mortis Dumbass,” who likes to throw childish tantrum as he “shits” on other commenters who disagreed with him, must think the GRP readers are stupid and ignorant to not realize you’re lying through your filthy “yellow” teeth.
See, Jason? I told you!
Aeta, like Megget the clown, is a one note guy: attack yellowtard! That’s it. ?
“… “insult and attack” BBM every chance they get…” – Aeta
For the nth time, let’s see your proof about it. ??♂️
As it is, you are competing with Megget on the title to the most lowlife clown on this blog.
Juan Luna,
Prove what, Yellowtard? That you don’t like BBM and prefer Leni as president, just like your fellow Yellowtards (Jason and “Darth the Dumbass”) are doing in their own words? We can go back and forth all day trying to discount what each other say, but at the end of lengthy “insult and attack” diatribes between us, the readers will still come up with their own conclusions on what we say, directly and indirectly, that I’m pro-BBM and you’re pro-Leni. So stop your petty challenges to justify my fellow non-yellow stance on why we stand with BBM and you with Leni. Just stick to what you’re good at, “insult and attack,” and I promised to do the same or better.
Juan Luna,
“My problem is with the parasites (like Megget, Aeta, Maria, Justice, et.al.) who supports him. I called these assholes saboteurs because what they do is against what BBM is pushing, unity. I’ll continue to ‘play’ with these midgets as long as they play their trolling parts”
I guess Yellowtards are the only ones who can “insult and attack” and no one else can; they must have modeled their “insult and attack” techniques from their stooge candidate’s, Leni Rebredo, “Smear Campaign.” Now, this Yellowtard (Juan Luna) is pretending to side with BBM’s push for unity.
Once a “lying ass” Yellowtard, always a “lying ass” Yellowtard.
“I guess Yellowtards are the only ones who can “insult and attack” and no one else can…” – Aeta
That’s not even an issue. The yellowtards and your kind can attack each other for all I care. I said BBM is for unity and clowns who supports him like you and Megget are against it.
That is the issue and you keep on running away from it. Don’t mind me, Juan Luna, is not Pula and not Dilaw-lawlaw. I am me, Juan ‘Guwapito Luna.
Parasites like you and Megget don’t have anything to say of value here except attack, attack, attack. Change your style, boys. BBM might become president after election and he doesn’t want your kind to be near him: Deplorables. ?
Juan Luna,
That is the issue, bonehead; what you say and what I say. Where in my narratives, or Megget and other non-yellow commenters’, did you sensed that we didn’t support BBM’s unity campaign? Show me.
Tell me the issues on where you really stand, how you feel about BBM and Leni as candidates, and what each side are saying about them, then maybe you and I can arrive at a common ground of agreement?
Until you come up with a direct explanation of what you believe in and where you stand, the rest of us non-yellow commenters will see you as just another Yellowtard elitist who try to “hose us down” on your feign support for BBM’s unity agenda, but your true allegiance still lean towards the liberals.
So start “de-shaming” yourself by showing us the real color of your blood (that should be red) instead of the yellow-pink pus that’s oozing from the pores of what you say.
First off, I don’t care how you see me. I know my principles, I know where I stand and I don’t attack just because I can. Most importantly I THINK.
Don’t ask me to tell you where I stand, YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE TELLING ME WHERE YOU STAND. I know you attack the yellow and those you suspect as yellow at every turn to deflect issues against and protect the Marcoses but you NEVER DEFEND THEM. Aha!
The narrative you share with Megget is one where you burn the house because you like it. You like it because you are clowns and blog trolls. I have been showing/quoting yours and Megget’s offensive, disrespectful and simply just dumb statements. So, stop asking me for proof of why you didn’t support BBM.
I never heard BBM make stupid, disrespectful and hostile statements on the campaign trail the way you and Megget does it here. You think if BBM reads your posts he will like it?
I don’t know him personally but I can guarantee you, he will puke and disown you. ?
Imagine, he is not yet president but you and Megget are already raising hell against those people that BBM promised to serve and promote unity with? He is not yet president but your kind is already lording it over here treating people like vassals? He is not yet president but you act as if he is king and you are his minions?
The 30+ years blah-blah, the ABS-CBN brainwashing ek-ek, the yellowtards chu-chu, etc. are mere slogans to me, empty slogans. They mean nothing if they comes out from the mouth of a coward. Any 9 years old can attack and insult the way you and Megget does. But to reason with logic and provide relevant information to argue or even defeat the other party in a debate is something else.
Aeta, grow up first before you challenge me to any discussion. And you can start by explaining yourself why you are so afraid to come out and defend BBM. Also, tell me why you and Megget are not one and the same.
Now, let me take a nap. ?
Juan Luna,
Well there you go, good folks of GRP, you heard it from the “horse’s mouth. I tried to clear the table for an amicable dialogue with Juan “Guwapita” Luna, and he goes off on a defensive “bitch rant,” like the true “Guwapita” (not the “Guwapito” misnomer he gave himself) that he is.
Then he says he has “principles.” What principles? The principles of a chameleon that changes color, to blend with the surroundings and to conceal itself from enemies in the wild?
At least I’m candid about why I “insult and attack” the Yellowtards from the Yellow Party, what they stood for and believed, and everything they’ve done or didn’t do (as they had promised during People’s Power) for the Philippines and its people.
We can’t even get this “Guwapita” bitch to do the same to the Yellow Party, yet he’ll go on a defensive to protect them, and on an offensive against those who slight him and fellow Yellowtards and their candidate.
Now, is this the type of chameleon “Guwapita” you want to put your faith in when he says he supports BBM’s unity agendas?
If bullshit couldn’t come from chameleons in the wild, we’ve just read a proverbial example of it displayed by this Yellowtard’s “bitch-rant” from the Left, that undermines the “Real” part of GRP and its intention.
I’m still waiting for what you’ve got. Will you defend the Marcoses/BBM or not? Regardless of whether BBM wins or not, I’d like to read from you how you defend the indefensible. Sure, you can attack with your eyes close, easy, but let me see how you defend.
“At least I’m candid about why I “insult and attack” the Yellowtards from the Yellow Party…” – Aeta
True, that is all you do, insult and attack, period. Did I hear/see BBM do that? NOPE. He is for “unity”, pushing at every stops, every region, every baranggay. He knows there is opposition, he knows the yellowtards are after him, but does he attack and insult in return like Aeta and Megget the clown? No.
So, Aeta, if you say you are not against him, why do you do things that he hates? Why do you do things that is not in his agenda? Why are you sabotaging BBM?
Saboteurs y’all! ?
Juan Luna,
It’s time to give up, “Gwapita-meleon!” You’ve already been revealed as a chameleon that feigns support for BBM’s unity agenda, but the true color of your core is yellow when exposed to bright light. Everyone can see that now.
No wonder you like Leni’s pink campaign shade; you can switch colors (red, yellow, or pink) depending on who you’re surrounded by at any given moment. All those times you’ve been on GRP, I wonder how many readers you’ve fooled over the years with your feigned impartiality for either party.
The more you come out in defense of the Yellowtards, stay neutral when non-Yellowtards are insulted and attacked, and go on an offensive against anyone who insults and attacks the Yellowtards, only proves one thing without having the need for you to “come out of the closet,” that you’re a “Yellowtard Gwapita.”
The Painter is nearing his ‘temporary insanity’ stage. Now becoming too depressed with just 2 more days before he sees his idol, the fake one, proven a cheater. Iyak pa more. Hehehe.
“I would voluntarily ride on your Marcostard bandwagon if you could prove to me BBM is better than the yellowtard in terms of track record and competency.”
BBM’s accomplishments and achievements – as Vice-Governor and Governor, as Congressman and Senator – are all listed in his own website:
You can also visit this website:
Bongbong Marcos Accomplishments as a Senator
If you’re looking for something big similar to Digong’s projects in his Build, Build, Build infrastructure programs, you’ll just have to wait till he assumes the top post.
In the meantime here’s a sampler he did in Ilocos:
Construction of the Largest Wind Farm in Southeast Asia
And here are the arguments for that that “Rappler did not even bother to check.”
Now let’s compare BBM to the presidential caliber of Mrs. Robredo, the heroine/champion of the Yellowtard camp, as reviewed by Mr. Tiglao:
“INTENDING to check on some detail about her qualifications (that she was a “professor”), I was amazed — or maybe not — that Vice President Maria Leonor Robredo’s official biodata posted on her office’s government-paid website, was totally unchanged since Dec. 8, 2021. Why that date?
“Because that was when I debunked several claims in her biodata that were incontrovertibly false. Neither she nor her office bothered to challenge my claims. She just ignored them, and didn’t even revise her CV to make it truthful.”
If indeed BBM accomplished many in his home province Ilocos Norte, why this province did not improve the quality of life and economy and had the highest poverty rates in 2003 and 2006 respectively during the term of BBM as governor according to Philippine Statistics Office? Why this province has many 5th class, 4th class, and 3rd class municipalities until now after at least 20 years of Marcos clan rulership including BBM’s 12 years governorship and 3 years congressman? Why even Laoag (3rd class and capital city of Ilocos Norte) and Batac (5th class city) remains to be component cities not upgraded to highly urbanized cities? The population there is adding in a glacial pace even at the time of BBM leadership that means people from neighboring provinces or cities don’t want to migrate to this province. With no massive migration, it simply means the economy there is not vibrant and no or less job opportunities awaiting the people. Ilocos Norte is highly agricultural and remains to be a low-income earning province that looks like a relic in the past. What’s hindering it to improve tremendously if BBM was not lackluster?
How many proposed bills BBM had authored principally that became laws and laws that are game-changer and what are they? Please be factual about this.
And that windmill. Looks like the author was biased in writing that piece for he did not cited sources like an academic one but only his own opinions and experiences. Hence, it is a self-serving ones that deserve scant consideration.
Also, Bobi Tiglao’s opinions are self-serving. Don’t cite opinions only because most of them are not facts. He cited his own experiences also without us verifying whether it was true or not. He had no other witnesses or sources to corroborate his own opinions. Thus, it will not pass the validity test.
I hate to break it to you, but, are you aware that Ilocos Norte is an ISO-certified province? Believe it or not, Ilocos Norte is the first fully ISO-certified province in The Philippine! That is a FACT!
What does this mean for Ilocos Norte? This means that Ilocos Norte belongs to that elite group of provinces in the Philippines.
ISO is a non-governmental organization composed of experts in products, services, and systems who create standards of management to ensure quality, safety, and efficiency.
The provincial government of Ilocos Norte was granted ISO 9001:2015 certification by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), making it the first province nationwide to receive this accreditation.
In 2013, Ilocos Norte had also been the first province nationwide to receive ISO 9001:2008 certification.
Yellowtard’s go-to-source for fake news fix, Rappler, tries to belittle this achievement with their usual fact-checking articles that intentionally omit certain minute details to push an agenda.
(It was the provincial government of Cavite which was granted the first ISO seal for local government units on May 2012, but the compliance seal covered only four key offices – the Governor’s Office, Treasury, Assessor’s Office and the Office of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.)
Luisito Arada, the head of the 4-man auditing team from TÜV NORD Philippines, conferred the certification. TÜV NORD is an international management systems certifying body founded in Germany in 1869.
Jason, I hope you stop acting like a tourist who wants to be served. Don’t you think it’s your turn to prove us wrong. Is Leni worth it? Educate us please, if you can!
Jason, if you think you are smarter, then, by all means challenge the claims of Mr. Tiglao and Mr. J. A. Dela Cruz. The Yellowtards didn’t because obviously they can’t!
“I hate to break it to you, but, are you aware that Ilocos Norte is an ISO-certified province? Believe it or not, Ilocos Norte is the first fully ISO-certified province in The Philippine! That is a FACT!” – Argo
Really? ? Why don’t you fact check that information on this:
For your own sake, Mr. Luna, I suggest that you sharpen your comprehension a bit and please read it again above. It will do you good. 😉
Nice to meet you Den. ?
I’m good, thanks.
I wouldn’t get caught up in trying to convince these Yellowards to listen to your suggestion(s):
“Jason, quite frankly, you don’t have to be a ‘Yellowtard’ to be able to speak for Leni, the same way that you can speak against BBM not being ‘Marcostard’.”— Argo
For the following reasons:
“BBM might become president-elect tomorrow thanks to the Duterte and FEM cult frenzied bandwagons but it won’t dissuade us critical voters to voice out, criticize, and speak the truth of his dismal track record and him being least qualified. That right remains with us.” —Jason.
The last sentence, “That right remains with us,” only means these Yellowtards will “Bitch Drive” you out of a dialogue, because their “wannabe elitist” attitude will not allow themselves to be proven wrong, even if all the evidence around them point in that direction.
I’d stop trying to talk sense to this Jason; it’s hopeless. The only thing that makes sense to these Yellowtards is they maintain an air of superiority, regardless of what anyone thinks, on what they believe is right for the Philippines and its people.
Therefore, I’ll just keep rudely insulting these Yellowtards’ intelligence (Duterte style) until their fragile ego shatters.
You did not respond to important questions I asked above. You said Ilocos Norte is an elite province based on that ISO from NGO on what aspect really that is visual to the eyes? because when you check on the competitiveness ranking from DTI with 4 pillars: Economic Dynamism, Government Efficiency, Infrastructure, and Resiliency that is found in google, Ilocos Norte is not in the top 10 competitive provinces. Much more at the time of BBM where poverty incidences were high according to PSA. I am more inclined to believe this coming directly from government agencies rather than that of NGO.
I won’t speak for Leni because I am not a yellowtard as everyone of you diehard marcostard wants to insinuate. I’m all for logic and intelligent reasons rather than for emotions as I don’t see the logic of voting for BBM if we base it on his track record and competencies so far.
As I stated above, Dela Cruz and Tiglao articles are opinionated and self-serving as they did not cite reliable references or other witnesses to corroborate their opinions in order for them to pass the validity test. As they did not undergo a scrutiny test, they will not be considered as factual and true.
Argo probably read my reply to you about a stupid Yellowtard asking a stupid question, so he can set up a trap on whoever replies and shoot them, and their answers, full of holes. That’s you, Jason. You’re like a vindictive wife or girlfriend that will never be satisfied until you bitch-drive them out of your relationship.
You were provided with the pertinent links subject to your perusal and you still want to be served. Isn’t that already plain laziness?
And so what you’re saying is that you’re entitled to own opinion but not others and you only have the right to question but it’s not your obligation to answer questions thrown at you? Tsk…TsK…Tsk.
In spite of all the talk and the posturing to be the more superior you can’t admit that you still haven’t given anything. It’s almost arrogance…
Come Election Day, BBM will be President. Just last night their Miting de Avance was attended by more than a Million people… I heard it’s a historic first! So what then?!
Uniteam’s Miting de Avance in Paranaque breaches 1 Million-mark as of 10 pm.
Kakampink’s Miting de Avance with a crowd estimate of 780,000 according to its Rescue Team and organizers.
Jason, quite frankly, you don’t have to be a “Yellowtard” to be able to speak for Leni, the same way that you can speak against BBM not being “Marcostard”.
I still want to be served or I just want clarifications from the links you gave? There’s a difference. Don’t expect me to just swallow everything what you had given here as I am not gullible. Let me be clear, all the data you had provided above with “accomplishments” of BBM will just be just considered an ordinary accomplishments of an elected LGU official if that will not translate to a booming economy and improved quality life of all the people in Ilocos Norte. And to repeat, even the cities of Ilocos Norte are lacking in vitality much more the impoverished municipalities in many years of BBM’s leadership.
BBM might become president-elect tomorrow thanks to the Duterte and FEM cult frienzied bandwagons but it won’t dissuade us critical voters to voice out, criticize, and speak the truth of his dismal track record and him being least qualified. That right remains with us.
You can’t deny BBM has decades of political career and is leading in all surveys than Leni and many voters who will vote for him don’t have logical arguments why they will vote for him. That should be given more attention especially that he will lead the country for the next 6 years without enough armaments to face all the challenges ahead of him. I’m just saying BBM is not fit for presidency and as much as possible I want to discourage people not to vote for him. That they would rather check and focus only on those who have good track record and platforms without biases as their basis for voting. That’s what I think is best for the country.
@Aeta and Megget… if Bongbong Marcos becomes president, go ask Benign0 and Zaxx that Marcos apologia will be hip for its own good! Go tell Cherry Cobarrubias and KBL loyalists.
@Juan Luna. If Bongbong Marcos becomes president, our nation would be in peril like cronyism becoming rampant under BBM to breed new generations of cronies and return old generation of cronies and their heirs.
Do you even know what Cronyism is? Don’t you know that it can be applied to other presidents as well? Such as your beloved Cory and her son, Pnoy. This ain’t 1970’s and stop with this alarmist claims of yours.
Gman, go ask Aeta and Megget! Mess up with me and you are a troll yourself!
Says the one who decided to troll by claiming some outlandish things. Alright.
Propaganda Boy,
Work on your reading comprehension and grammar skills first, before you’re deemed worthy of someone’s troll. Until then, you’re just an afterthought, like a fart no one remembers doing.
Propaganda Boy,
Now that’s a screen name, “Propaganda Boy,” that is suitable to your intent. You just need to add “Yellowtard” in front of it to make it perfect. Unlike your fellow Yellowtard, chameleon “Juan ‘Gwapita’ Luna,” who wavers back-and-forth on what shades he should wear (red, yellow, or pink) to fool others, it’s not going to take much to figure out your color and what goes on inside your media-brainwashed mind, that can’t tell the similarities and differences between “oligarchs” and “cronies,” and what they do.
“@Juan Luna. If Bongbong Marcos becomes president, our nation would be in peril like cronyism becoming rampant under BBM to breed new generations of cronies and return old generation of cronies and their heirs.” – Propaganda Boy
You know what, you have a point there. It is possible given the fact that most pro-BBM, headed by Aeta here, cannot even dispute that assertion.
Your contention that BBM could be worse than his father can only be disputed by Marcos loyalists. Problem is, most of them are eunuchs. Castrated. They can attack like rabid dogs, yes, but they cannot argue or debate to defend their idol. They are not trained for that. ?
I’ve been hounding a number of them but they just keep on repeating the same mantra like yellowtards, ABS-CBN, Smartmatic, and other weird mixed metaphors and non sequiturs.
So I just chill and watch them run in circles every time they read my posts. ?
@Juan Luna
Two sides of the same coin. Rabid pro-BBM/Kakampinks. It’s the season of Internet Dynasty Wars between Marcos-Robredo 2022.
Thank God for the social media. Otherwise, the Yellowtards’ media networks would still be calling the shots.
Well, yellowtards.
From now on please just shut the fuck up and let president bbm do his job for the next six years..
We have a confirmed backward thinking here of those who are rooting for BBM. Instead of making logical arguments why they will vote for BBM based on his individual qualifications and competency, they would rather deflect you to attention on the issues in the past and blaming past leaders, while going for hunting and fishing against those they suspect as yellowtards. They also show how retard paranoid marcostard they are by trolling incessantly like starving parasites!
It is useless to debate rationally with these sorry folks because they are deprived of intelligence and will just go on a berserk mode of accusing those who question BBM’s capability to lead the country as a yellowtard without any iota of valid facts and reasons. Much better they will admit as paid hacks so that we will know exactly where they are coming from. Am I right Aeta and Megget? How much money you are getting from passionately hunting “yellowtards” and defending BBM your whole life? Just admit it. You deserve an applause and cash bonuses from benignO the webmaster of this site and Ilda Ignacio. They maybe satisfied from your blatant trolling.
You’re a real piece of work, Yellowtard. It’s true “there’s no such thing as asking a stupid question,” but when a Yellowtard ask a question(s) that he already knows the answers to, so he can put the person on the spot and shoots his answers full of holes, then it makes the question sounds stupid and the Yellowtard who asked it even more stupid.
Why don’t you Google BBM’s “qualifications” and “competencies” as a public servant if he deserves to be the next Philippine president, instead of asking the oppositions to provide those information, only to put them on the spot by shooting their answers full of holes, and save yourself the troubles of looking more stupid than the stupid question you asked?
Like your chameleon lover, “Juan ‘Gwapita’ Luna,” you’re feigning neutrality and sincerity to understand the oppositions’ point-of-view, so you can set a trap for them to fall in. Along with your other boyfriend, “Propaganda Boy,” the three of you must stay up late at night, cuddling and scheming up new ways to distract GRP readers from finding the “truth” of what’s really going on in the Philippines, to protect your masters and your Yellowtard influence from going away.
I asked you in the above thread that maybe I missed some “qualifications” and “competencies” of your BBM because the way I fact-checked them in google, he has a fake degree. Also, he has lackluster leadership in Ilocos Norte, which province was stagnant during his stint. Since you want me to ask and rely on google myself and I verified the aforementioned data from that website then you just admit to me that he really has a fake degree and incompetent political career in Ilocos Norte. Suits yourself in voting him as your president because like him, you are so lacking in qualificatiom as intelligent and competent voter. Bagay nga kayo ni BBM.
Your stupid questions, like the stupid Yellowtard who asked them, are now afterthoughts worth ignoring.
I may add that, yeah, He only has a special diploma of Social Studies but not considered full graduate means that it’s not even 2 years (associate’s degree) or 4 years (bachelor’s degree) according to Oxford themselves. Calling it fake degree is just going too far when there is none to begin with. Should we worry? Don’t know. If we survived Pnoy admin then the same thing with BBM.
We survived Pnoy’s administration because the country went into hibernation, since his presidency did nothing to take into consideration.
“We survived Pnoy’s administration because the country went into hibernation…” – Aeta
As usual, another dumb statement from you. “Hibernation”? Like a bear hibernating? What the ?!
Megget, take Aeta for a walk, please. And don’t forget his straight-jacket. ?
“…just admit to me that he really has a fake degree…”
Ok, if you also admit, you’re not being as smart as you pretend to be!
BBM is no. 66 among 100 Notable Alumni of University of Oxford! While Leni is flunker, am I correct?
If you trully are “for logic and intelligent reasons rather than for emotions” as you claimed it above, then answer this simple question:
Is it possible for anyone who hasn’t completed his undergrad course to be accepted for a Masteral Education in another Institution of Higher Learning? Yes or No?
How come no one’s disputing BBM’s Masteral units earned in Business Administration at the Wharton School of Economics, University of Pennsylvania?
You diehard BBM supporters are laughable to infinity. You want to twist facts and are willing to go full blast in dishonest scheme just to suit your fake narrative.
I claimed fake degree as I stated in my previous comment because BBM insisted he obtained such degree from University of Oxford when in reality, there were various reliable sources that BBM only got special diploma in social studies in 1978 from Oxford. One of those sources was from a photo of Malacanang Palace during FEM presidency wherein FEM inducted BBM as special assistant to the president in 1978 stating he got special diploma in social studies in Oxford. Another evidence was a statement from Oxford itself claiming that BBM did not complete his preliminary exams, and therefore, is not a graduate from Oxford but rather only awarded a special diploma in 1978.
BBM was one of the alumnis from Oxford only because he indeed obtained a special diploma but not degree.
To answer your question why BBM was admitted to MBA even without a degree, it should not have been possible. That remains a mystery. But there was a consequential evidence that his father with the help of diplomats and influential businessmen in the US exerted efforts just to enroll BBM in Wharton’s MBA. But in spite of that, BBM either flunked or did not finish his MBA in Wharton. And yes, Leni flunked the bar exams once as what I read before but It did not stop her from becoming a confirmed lawyer after passing the exams in the 2nd try unlike BBM who did not obtained both a degree and MBA.
There was even an evidence that BBM remained in the US in 1980 for his continued studies despite after many months of swearing in as vice governor of Ilocos Norte.
If ever BBM becomes president, expect that our educational system will be in jeopardy as we have a president who appears to be dishonest in his educational attainment.
I could see it will be the first controversial talks that BBM would likely to encounter if he won the presidency. Hot seat already. This man is not having a break.
Yeah, for sure. By claiming falsely on his educational qualifications, BBM is a big insult to esteemed educational institutions and a dishonor to all hardworking and honest students, professors and graduates of higher education.
With no degree nor master’s degree to speak of, and with lackluster political career in Ilocos Norte, I don’t see any logic in voting for BBM for president tomorrow.
That’s because BBM is a hot media topic and no one cares about that former Liberal Party anymore. I feel like BBM will also fades into irrelevance, someday. We are reaching the New Age. For now, let’s just chill and see what happens, I’m looking forward on what BBM will do and why the majority trusted this man to lead.
See what I mean? You can’t talk to these Yellowtard bitches. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, to answer their “loaded” questions, they’ll find a way to circumvent everything you say and try to come out the clear winner in your dialogue. The only thing you can do with these bitches, with “Juanita ‘Gwapita’ Luna” as their lead “Drag Queen,’ is to drag them out of the “closet” to the sunlight, copiously insult their intelligence and sexual orientation, and watch them melt like a cotton candy.
I get no money.
If you are jobless i can hire you, if you are tough enough for construction work.
Which i doubt.
You seem like a bona fide limp wristed yellowtard cock sucker.
The yellowtard you mean is Leni the woman? Then whose cock are you referring to?
Maybe you are a confirmed BBM dick rider and you want to pass on to me your paid hacking, trolling, and dick riding career. Thanks but no thanks.
I said construction work, which you are too weak to do, being the faggot that you are.
“If you are jobless i can hire you, if you are tough enough for construction work.” – Megget
Ah, construction boy pala si Megget the clown. What’s that, sideline, megs? ?
“Instead of making logical arguments why they will vote for BBM based on his individual qualifications and competency, they would rather deflect you to attention on the issues in the past and blaming past leaders, while going for hunting and fishing against those they suspect as yellowtards.”
No question, you are talking about Aeta, Megget, Justice, Mario and some other trolls! ???
“let president bbm do his job for the next six years.” – Megget
Meg the clown, no election yet. Digong the criminal is still the president.
There is no job yet for BBM until the last vote is counted and he wins.
Chill, troll. Go, fetch Aeta and Justice. ?
So you dont believe in surveys?
Even tricia robredo knows , leni is toast.
“So you dont believe in surveys?” – Megget
It’s not about believing in surveys, it’s about being in real time, and you’re not. It’s about NOT jumping into conclusion, it’s about NOT counting your chicken before they hatch.
What is the job for BBM right now? Nothing, because he is NOT the president, yet.
Surveys DON’T make president.
Will BBM become president? Sure, it’s possible based on surveys. Will he get the job now? Not yet because the people has to speak first.
Kapag hindi mo pa nakuha ‘yang illustration na ‘yan e, ikaw na ang pinaka-tanga rito aside from Aeta and Justice. ?
Not even a 70% chicken?
I mean, it looks pretty hatched to me.
Even tricia thinks so too..
No shame in losing,
Just so much pain and terrible easy tears.
“Not even a 70% chicken?
I mean, it looks pretty hatched to me.” – Megget
What can I do Megget? I already gave the most elementary explanation to you but, still, it failed to penetrate your skull. ?
“Juan “Guapo” Luna will not believe a national survey that BBM-SARA will win this race…” – Aeta
Comprehension problem. ??♂️
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
Stop trying to change your new name. Everyone here will now know you, and probably address you from now on as, “Juanita” or “Gwapita,” or, better yet, “Chameleon Bitch,” for feigning support for BBM’s unity agenda, when your real support goes to Leni Rebredo furthering the Yellowtard’s agenda.
Juanita ‘Gwapita’ Luna,
That’s right. All you can do from this point is to keep your mouth open and laugh at your new name(s). Your lying ass has been caught with your pants down and your Yellowtard boyfriends (“Darth the Mortis Dumbass” and “Propaganda Boy”) like what they see, including a new-cummer, Jason. You Yellowtards should lock yourselves in a room and console each other through the weekend, and prepare for your big loss on May 9. That is, if your “Smarthmatic” doesn’t outsmart the country and cheats.
Juan “Gwapita” Luna will not believe a national survey that BBM-SARA will win this race, unless it comes from “her” favorite Yellowtard media sources, Pia Hontiveros (CNN Philippines) and Maria Ressa (Rappler), who are now playing catch-up by inundating the social media with their “Fake News,” to justify cheating from “Smartmatic” voting machines and declaring their stooge (Leni Rebredo) the winner. Just like what happened in 2016.
“Meg the clown, no election yet. Digong the criminal is still the president. There is no job yet for BBM until the last vote is counted and he wins.”
Does this quote from chameleon, Juanita “Gwapita” Luna, sounds like she supports BBM’s unity agenda?
What a lying (“Gwapita”) bitch
“Gwapita” is still hoping the Yellow’s “Smartmatic” voting machines will do their jobs and cheat.
Thats because all of gwapita’s friends are cocksuckers, and all of them are yellowtards.
Who are woefully disconnected from real life, and from real people in the streets.
They have never talked to a farmer or a fisherman or a laborer or a cargador or a street vendor in a way that is not condescending, let alone view them as actual flesh and blood beings with families and conscious thoughts and dreams and aspirations and clever insights on the human condition.
And no, those condescending little weekend outreach and immersion and feeding programs do not count.
Where all you do is take selfies with your fake smiles and even faker intentions.
If the yellowtards had only listened to the real people, they would have won every single election, easy.
But noooo…these faggots be dumb as rocks.
I was just watching one of Leni’s daughter in one of their last Yellow rallies giving a pep talk to their brainwashed supporters. The daughter only talked about her family and how they loved each other, and to try to move everyone in the crowd to do the same of loving and helping each other.
There were no talks of plans to rebuild all economic sectors, especially agriculture, that were destroyed or monopolized by political and business dynasties’ “Big Businesses,” no talk of supporting Filipino entrepreneurship so they don’t have to leave the country as OFWs; no talk of obligating “Big Businesses” to give their employees better pay, benefits, and job security; no talk of limiting foreign investors partnering with “Big Businesses” that will increase the gap between the rich and poor. None!
All I heard from Leni and her daughters are similar “Bullshit” talks that everyone’s heard before from previous Yellowtard campaigns since the EDSA Revolutions: Hold hands and sing “Kumbaya” together, and hope the answers to the country’s problems will fall from the sky and land on their laps (sort to speak).
No wonder the majority of the Filipino people will vote for BBM-SARA on May 9; they’re tired of hearing the same bullshits delivered by different Yellowtard candidates, groomed by the same useless Yellow Party.
That is correct.
These robredo daughters cant get votes.
“I was just watching one of Leni’s daughter in one of their last Yellow rallies giving a pep talk to their brainwashed supporters. The daughter only talked about her family and how they loved each other, and to try to move everyone in the crowd to do the same of loving and helping each other. – Aeta
That’s good. How ’bout BBM and his sons, have you watched them too? Did they have the same dialogue as Leni’s daughter? Tell us more about it, Aeta. ?
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
“I was just watching one of Leni’s daughter in one of their last Yellow rallies giving a pep talk to their brainwashed supporters. The daughter only talked about her family and how they loved each other, and to try to move everyone in the crowd to do the same of loving and helping each other.” – Aeta
“That’s good. How ’bout BBM and his sons, have you watched them too? Did they have the same dialogue as Leni’s daughter? Tell us more about it, Aeta” —Juanita “Gwapita” Luna
I’m sorry, “Gwapita,” for not having the same feminine sensitivity for Leni Rebredo’s daughters as you.
Oh…please, please don’t cry. I promise to do better next time.
Aeta, what can I say, you refuse to come forward and be recognized. I dare you to prove that you are more than insults and attacks but you refused to do so.
Even my boy, Justice, is helping you come out and be the man he and Megget is looking for to go spar or do a mano-a-mano with me to no avail.
So, what do I do now? Nothing. No Marcos/BBM defense, no discussion. You continue to froth in the mouth and I continue to play with trolls and clowns. ?
Now, let me check the posts of other clowns and trolls here so that I can do something with my time. ?
Juan “Gwapita” Luna,
Yes, please, check on other non-Yellowtards, to do something with your time, and get your abuse from them; I’m starting to feel bad about abusing your intelligence and sexual identity. But, man, it’s tempting to pass up the chance to abuse you, especially when you set yourself up each time you say something stupid, which is all the time.
Getting plugged from both ends..
In the list of stupid things a man can do in this world, that should be right up there with voluntarily getting your dick lopped off, with the remnants turned inside out to form a rather crude vagina.
And i bet gwapita has already done both.
I would not let anything pass these Yellowtards. Their liberal principles will experiment with everything under the sun for their own rewards and gratifications, including surrender the fate of the entire archipelago in the hands of their Yellow masters, for complete dominion over the Philippines and its people.
Nag-usap ang dalawang gunggong (Aeta the troll & Megget the clown). ?
They will fight, fight, fight! Attack, attack, attack!
Defend and prove why their party and candidate is better?
No way, they cannot do that because they know they’ll lost the argument. ?.
Juan “Gwapita” Luna,
It doesn’t matter what you think, it doesn’t matter what you say, and it doesn’t matter what you do. On May 9, the majority of the Filipino people will go to the poll, and vote for an administration that will end your 37 years of your Yellowtard influence once and for all.
BBM (Bong Bong Marcos, a.k.a. “Bagong Bansa Marcos”) and Sara Duterte.
Yak yak pa more. Later, huhuhu pa more. Just don’t kill anybody, maybe except your sorry self, after May 9 then feint ‘temporary insanity’. I’m sleepy. Hehehe.
Please dont kill yourselves..
Its just politics.
Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose (which wont happen anytime soon ).
To the losers(yellowtards), better tactics and strategy next time..
“Also, even if the money was all recovered, there is no guarantee that it won’t be squandered and lost again (well, some of it was).” – ChinoF
Does that mean all the efforts to recover what was alleged to have been stolen must be stop because, anyway, it might be stolen again? I don’t get the logic of that statement.
The supposed stolen wealth is in billions. Whatever you might think would happen or not happen to it or whether the country will benefit or not in its recovery is beside the point. The important thing is we get back those billions so that we could put it to something that will benefit the people. ?
Juan “Gwapita” Luna,
“The supposed stolen wealth is in billions. Whatever you might think would happen or not happen to it or whether the country will benefit or not in its recovery is beside the point.”
Are you talking about the billions that Yellowtards accused the Marcoses of stealing, or the billions that Forbes’ list of billionaires and multi-millionaires have monopolized from the country in the last 3 decades under the Yellow Party’s influence? Let’s ask the family of the late Henry Sy (SM Malls), who was worth $20 billions by the time of his death in 2019, how they became so wealthy and powerful while the masses have to scrape the bottom of the pots and pans to eke out a living.
“Are you talking about the billions that….” – Aeta
No, Aeta, we’re talking sense here. If you don’t know the issue, go read back so you’ll be properly guided. ??♂️
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
The only two issues I see here is, first, you trying to change your new name, “Juanita ‘Gwapita’ Luna,” to go back to the old one; it’s not going to happen. Second, is you not “talking sense” when you keep asking for the billions that the Yellowtards “alleged” the Marcoses have stolen, instead of the multi-billions your yellow masters “actually” allowed to be stolen through their political and business oligarchs. Those are the two “real” issues that make sense, instead of the “nonsense” you’re trying to shove down the readers’ throats.
Aeta and Megget,
I understand that both of you are paid hacks and your assignment is no better than just to troll in this website. From now on, I will label you as trolls and your trolling that are so trash deserve to be all put into trash bin.
“I understand that both of you are paid hacks and your assignment is no better than just to troll in this website.” – Jason
I believe that and I also believe that Aeta and Megget gets 2 pesos per post! ?
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
“’I understand that both of you are paid hacks and your assignment is no better than just to troll in this website.’ – Jason”
Is that your new boyfriend, Jason, who paid you 2 pesos to “hack” you in your hotel room, and made you change your name to “Juanita ‘Gwapita’ Luna” (Hey, it rhymes!)?
They definitely both have no logical arguments in terms of why BBM will be a good president.
This election is essentially a vote against against the yellows and all their failures. I 100% believe Inday Sara would have won had she ran…. but alas that didn’t happen. Inday Sara teaming with BBM and dumb Leni entering the race all but ended the election at that point. I had hopes for Isko, but the emotional immaturity of the Yellows ruined his chances (they won’t support someone who supports Duterte…. oh the horror of supporting the president…)
His gay joke a week ago (which was funny IMO, of course had the yellows enraged). The yellows will always support delusional people who think The Philippines should be some type of kind-accepting utopia while ignoring reality.
I hope BBM will do good, but I have a lot of doubts. Kids of power hungry people don’t end up being great leaders (or great people) usually, but we will see.
If anyone wants to see the delusional yellows, just watch this video.
Outraged over a joke while most of the country lives in poverty.
This is a prime example of why the yellows are so dumb.
Only time will tell if BBM will be a good president. But with SARA by his side, and “Digong” (her father) as their mentor in the background, I do believe there will be a good “check and balance” with this new administration that will rival anything the Yellow-Pink can offer—past, present, or future.
Hell, I’d vote for “Bozo the Clown,” and give him a chance to be president, if he tells me he hates the Yellowtards.
In my opinion, Isko Moreno is just a regional stooge of the Yellowtards in Manila, funded to clean up his city so he can be groomed as a contender against BBM in case their main stooge, Leni, doesn’t pan out as planned.
The same goes for Ping Lacson and other less-known candidates, except for Manny Pacquiao.
Manny is just an over-ambitious, “wannabe dabbler” anomaly who paid his way to get into this race. Instead of keeping the Filipino people’s respect for his accomplishments in boxing, he spread himself out too thin in numerous roles (actor, singer, pastor, military officer, congressman, and senator), and eventually lost the people’s respect when he decided to run for president.
We can only hope Pacquiao’s supporters vote for BBM since Manny and SARA are both from Mindanao.
Finally, the country will miss Duterte as president; he will come down in history as a good president who woke the people’s conscience against the Yellowtards with his no nonsense, brash sense of humor.
I agree with you with Duterte’s gay joke that pissed off the Yellowtards; that was funny as hell. I will sorely miss him when he leaves office.
“They definitely both have no logical arguments in terms of why BBM will be a good president.”
That is what I don’t understand. The noisiest loyalists here are Aeta and Megget. They will say BBM is sure ball, he’s going to be president, he’s chosen by the people, and other froth in the mouth ululation which I never argued about. If BBM becomes president, then so be it.
But wonder of wonders, these two dimwits cannot even argue on elementary level the merits of why voters should vote for BBM; what are his qualification or competence that people see in him. It’s that simple but instead they resort to name-calling, insults and diatribes against people who do not even dispute their devotedness and faithfulness to BBM.
Instead of direct and serious discussion, because of these two knuckleheads insisting on balderdash, we now have an infantile interaction that goes nowhere.
See, how they will respond to this post and you’ll know what I mean. ?
More or less, people know them (BBM & Sara) and the history that surrounds them. Whatever you see in Sara I’m sure it is within the confines of her being a town mayor and, of course, of being her. The vice presidency is a training ground for the next top post and Sara would surely benefit being the spare tire to the presidency, I hope. If she’ll just keep quiet, do her work diligently and not shake the boat with BBM, she’ll be fine to be his successor in 2028. Easy.
As for BBM, that’s the tricky part of the tandem. He’s a Marcos, the brand has a history, good and bad, that tends to make people around to defer or acquiesce to him. Once president, I’m sure he’ll play the role to the hilt the swagger and gesture, the manner of speaking and the aura of his late father that people tend to romanticize about. It’s a political factor that is a clear advantage in terms of charm or appeal.
On competence, that is free for all, a toss up. I don’t know how competent he is. There are loyalists here who cannot even vouch for him. On this blog where loyalists dominates, NO ONE, has the chutzpah to declare and provide affirmation how competent, how sufficient his knowledge is and leadership will be in addressing the concerns of the country.
In other words, we are all in the dark as to how he will run the country. That being the case, we are in for a surprise either way. ?
“Only time will tell if BBM will be a good president. But with SARA by his side…” – Aeta
So, that’s is the reason you are hesitant in vouching for BBM’s qualification and competence as president. “Only time will tell” is the English version of “Bahala na” expression. Can’t blame you, BBM is really a blank slate.
As for me, I’m clueless. Both BBM & Sara are dynastic children. Remove their parents in the story, they’re nonexistent. By themselves, based on their professional capability, I doubt if they can even get a cabinet position. They reached the height of their career by using tripods (political families/connections). And as it is, their surnames are the only credentials they have.
There’s only two things that they can become as leaders: by themselves, which means they’ll govern in their own style of leadership, charisma, intelligence and competence. Or be the poor copies of their parents.
By leadership style, given that they’re in their 40s and 60s already and they have been in politics for quite a while now, we really haven’t heard about the kind of leadership system they have in terms of being of sterling or outstanding quality.
Again, I now know why you and Megget are incapable of engaging on debate or discussion because is no far as BBM’s leadership quality is concerned you are castrated. ?
Juan Luna,
Exactly. They laughed at and criticized Noynoy Aquino for his lack of competence and solid track record but they won’t do the same for BBM now. Talk about being bias and applying double standard.
They would rather choose lazy and incompetent person so long as that person is against the yellow. They don’t really care about merits and the future of the country.
I sense a tender spot in your heart for NoyNoy Aquino. Had he been alive today, I’m sure he’ll find room in his life for you and your GRP boyfriends.
I did not consider voting for Noynoy Aquino in 2010 election. I only chose between Gibo Teodoro and Richard Gordon based on my neutral objective standard sans biases, party, and emotions, unlike you.
I’m just saying that Noynoy and BBM have arguably the same lackluster political career and both should not have been or should be voted into presidency if only voters are looking at those most qualified.
At this point in our series of pointless dialogues, I really don’t care anymore what you consider or don’t consider. I believe you’re just an aristocratic “wannabe elitist” who’s too narcissistic for your own good. Your knowledge about the Philippines and its people are pulled directly from quotable or citable pages of liberal academia, to try to make up for your lack of fortitude and experience about life in general.
In short, you’re just a millennial geek or neophyte, who probably grew up getting kicked around by bullies or jocks (athletes), and try to look and sound intelligent to mask your underlying insecurities, and to exact some sort of revenge on, or gain some sort of respect from, others.
“Jason, I sense a tender spot in your heart for NoyNoy Aquino. – Aeta
Tanga, Jason was talking about the similarities between Noynoy and BBM and you respond with that line? How can one have a decent conversation with you when you cannot even understand simple statements or you deliberately do that because you’re a paid hack? ?
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
“Jason was talking about the similarities between Noynoy and BBM and you respond with that line?” Juanita “Gwapita” Luna
There are no similarities between NoyNoy and BBM. BBM is a straightshooter who still has 6 years as president to prove his worth; Noynoy was a faggot like you and took 6 years as president to prove his worthlessness.
There you go, that’s the kind of response this blog gets from a paid hack who cannot hack it! ???
Another bomb from you, troll! ??♂️
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
“There are no similarities between NoyNoy and BBM. BBM is a straightshooter who still has 6 years as president to prove his worth; Noynoy was a faggot like you and took 6 years as president to prove his worthlessness.”– Aeta
Now part of what I said was not true? Are you telling me NoyNoy was not a fag?
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
“There are no similarities between NoyNoy and BBM. BBM is a straightshooter who still has 6 years as president to prove his worth; Noynoy was a faggot like you and took 6 years as president to prove his worthlessness.”– Aeta
Now what part of what I said was not true? Are you telling me NoyNoy was not a fag?
As i said, I dont get paid.
In fact, if you are jobless i can hire you..but you are too weak for construction work, you limp wristed faggots.
“As i said, I dont get paid.” – Megget
And who will pay you with the kind of posts you put up here? ???
Well youre the faggott who claims i get paid two bits per post.
I dont get paid.
Im here on my own volition.
And Bbm will win tomorrow,
And you will cry like a little faggot princess.
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna is just a little angry (and I can understand that) because we exposed his sexual orientation, and forced him to “come out of the closet,” before his gender reassignment was completed.
“Well you’re the handsome guy who claims i get paid two bits per post.
I dont get paid.” – Megget the clown
You get paid 2 pesos per post earlier but when you started to post garbage as a clown the funds stopped! ???
Now, you’re in construction business pretending to be the contractor when all you do is to halo the semento! ?
Nothin wrong with mixing concrete..
Now with being a faggot princess, like you.
Thats all wrong.
“Now, you’re in construction business pretending to be the contractor when all you do is to halo the semento! ?”- Juan Luna the Guapo
Megget says: “Nothin wrong with mixing concrete..”
Good, at least you admit it, construction boy! ?
He should accept himself as the faggot that he is.
No delusions.
In the same way that, this early, he should already come to terms with the impending 6 years of bbm sara awesomeness.
“See what I mean? You can’t talk to these Yellowtard bitches. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, to answer their “loaded” questions, they’ll find a way to circumvent everything you say and try to come out the clear winner in your dialogue.” – Aeta the troll
But where is the proof of that?
Me, every time you lie I quote you; every time you put your foot on you mouth I quote you. Everybody can see it. That is my proof about you being troll.
As for me? Where is your proof that I’m for somebody, where troll? ?
Go out and vote everyone.
Now the leni crowd, you dont really have to, it doesnt matter..but vote anyway.
Dont forget to tweet about it or post your prissy photos with your faggot friends..
Were you paid for the post, Meg? How much? ?
I talk of the prissy faggot leni crowd,
And you reply.
BBM will just be another laughingstock president of the Philippines. He has the following facts and nothing but facts:
1. Proven no bachelor’s degree which he denied repeatedly;
2. Highly questionable admission of master’s degree but did not finish it eventually;
3. Mediocre/poor performance in Ilocos Norte where he was Governor and Congressman;
3. Convicted in RTC for failure to file income tax returns;
4. Pending tax payments that ballooned to 203B as of now as administrator of FEM estate;
5. Convicted mother in Sandiganbayan for 7 counts of graft pending in the Supreme Court;
6. With a father that has ill-gotten wealth as decided by many Supreme Court cases already which benefited his heirs including him (BBM).
He will be voted by the gullible, uneducated, dishonest, and diehard cult voters.
Yes , he will be voted.
Accept it.
Take your beating like a man.
It’s hard for Jason to take his beating like a man, because he’s been squirming like a woman with his endless “laundry list” of why BBM doesn’t deserve to win.
Well if he were so inclined, he can take his beating like a woman.
Just, dont complain to the women’s desk after.
“BBM will just be another laughingstock president of the Philippines.” —Jason
That’s the same thing everyone was saying about mother (Cory) and daughter (NoyNoy) as presidents.
They also said digong would be a laughingstock,
But history will remember him to be the greatest philippine president.
Digong was awesome.
Let us all take a moment to thank tatay digong for setting our country on the right path.
President Duterte is a Hell of a president and the Yellowtards’ worst nightmare that became a reality.
Those who voted for Digong in 2016 had at least something to brag about because Digong made the Davao City rich and peaceful. BBM, on the other hand, has nothing to be proud of. He is just a highschool graduate, made Ilocos Norte poor and stagnant in his time.
You are voting a pure clown. By your stupid votes for BBM, we will have another clown comedian in Malacanang Palace come noon of June 30.
“Those who voted for Digong in 2016 had at least something to brag about because Digong made the Davao City rich and peaceful. BBM, on the other hand, has nothing to be proud of. He is just a highschool graduate, made Ilocos Norte poor and stagnant in his time.
“You are voting a pure clown. By your stupid votes for BBM, we will have another clown comedian in Malacanang Palace come noon of June 30.” — Jason
That’s exactly what a vindictive Yellowtard would say, knowing that his party’s oligarchs, and elitist faggots like him, are about to end their monopolizing grip on the nation and its people once BBM becomes president, whose father’s plans to make a great nation out of the Philippines were drastically interrupted when the Yellow Party took power more than 3 decades ago.
You are the real faggot paid hack troll.
BBM is a highschool graduate. Would you entrust a highschool graduate to become the next CEO/President of the Philippines? Where’s your brain? Or are you a real zombie pretending to be a person?
Unlike BBM, we could at least entrust Malacanang Palace to his father before because his father held a bachelor’s degree, a law degree, a topnotcher in bar exams, and conferred honorary of doctor of law (LLD). But BBM? Not even a bachelor’s degree. And you want him to become the next president? The highschool graduate? I guess you are suffering from mental illness and you need a lobomoty procedure. Yeah, lobotomy because you are a faggot zombie that needs brain procedure if there’s any brain in you paid hack troll. You are one of the most stupid trolls in this website Aeta.
So you are a college graduate? Why dont you run for president?
You seem to think you are better than bbm.
Read what you just wrote.
You’re the one who keeps spreading his legs and bending over, with all the stupid things you say, and creating an opening for others to abuse you.
You’ll pull anything out of that liberal soapbox inside your head; jumping from past, present, to future of your delusional elitist library, just for the sake of saying something.
Dude, get a life and start growing hair on your balls that you can shave yourself, instead of having your liberal boyfriends do it for you.
Jason is probably an alumnus of Yellowtard’s Ateneo de Manila University; a breeding ground for faggot elitists like him who think they know-it-all.
In the ateneo, i bet they teach the students to shave each other’s balls.
Ateneo, and other high-end schools in the Philippines, teach the fine art of ball shaving because rich parents are willing to pay the price for these “elite courses,” to keep their children sheltered from the harsh reality of life.
“Digong” is the Yellowtards’ worst nightmare like the classic movie, “Nightmare on Elm Street,” because there’s no waking up from it—especially when BBM becomes the next Philippine president.
Bbm does not need to build from scratch;
He only needs to stand on digong’s shoulder and take it from there.
Greatness is within his reach.
So all you yellowtard faggots, just shut up and let bbm do his job.
But Digong already said in public that BBM is a weak leader and a drug addict. So, how can you say “greatness is within BBM’s reach?
BBM is a pure comedy as he is a highschool graduate and incompetent leader. The Philippines is heading into a downward direction if we look at BBM’s leadership in the past. And I don’t believe BBM has a magic to take this country to another level.
Your Yellowtard elitism is still trying to “qualify” those you don’t like so you can disqualify them, aren’t you? You need to give up and stop your faggot scheme(s) because you’ve already been dragged out of your “closet” and exposed.
The official voting results are not in yet, but the Yellowtards are already squirming in their seats. Unless these Yellowtards manage to cheat and turn the results around in their favor, the Philippines will be that much closer of ridding itself of the “Yellow Fever” disease that’s been plaguing the country for more than “36 years.”
Your assertion is exactly what these Yellowtards are afraid of and don’t want to see happen. BBM doesn’t have to build from scratch because his father had already started the work for the Philippines to be a great nation when he was president, which the Yellowtards have taken away and destroyed, and what President Duterte has instilled in the minds of the people throughout his presidency to revive again through BBM.
Yes, digong actually built his political theory upon the pattern of ferdinand marcos.
I know. I have always known. Now the Filipino people know. Even Yellowtards.
The official voting results are not in yet, but the Yellowtards are already squirming in their seats. Unless these Yellowtards manage to cheat and turn the results around in their favor, the Philippines will be that much closer to getting itself of the “Yellow Fever” disease that’s been plaguing the country for more than “36 years.”
The official voting results are not in yet, but the Yellowtards are already squirming in their seats. Unless these Yellowtards manage to cheat and turn the results around in their favor, the Philippines will be that much closer of ridding itself of the “Yellow Fever” disease that’s been plaguing the country for more than “36 years.”
In a few more hours the Philippines and its people will be well on their way towards “Greatness” with BBM and SARA!!!
“The official voting results are not in yet, but the Yellowtards are already squirming in their seats. Unless these Yellowtards manage to cheat and turn the results around in their favor, the Philippines will be that much closer to getting itself of the “Yellow Fever” disease that’s been plaguing the country for more than “36 years.” – Aeta
Megget here, Megget there. Don’t you have other friends except the clown?
? Oh, boy, the troll is sooooooo insecure.
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
Given the number of chameleon faggots like you on GRP, I only trust Megget and maybe a few others. The rest are untrustworthy faggots like you, who feigned support and open-mindedness towards BBM-SARA on what they’re trying to do for the country, but are Yellow to the core. Go join and hold hands with your fellow Yellow-fags, and console each other in your hotel room.
“I only trust Megget…” – Aeta
Yeah, birds of the same feather STINKS together! ???
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna
“Yeah, birds of the same feather STINKS together!”— Juanita “Gwapita” Luna
That’s what you should be telling yourself and your cum-stained faggot boyfriends.
Please, no more insults..
Lets just support bbm and sara duterte as they embark on the historic road to greatness.
Do you understand that faggot?
The new BBM-SARA administration would only means new barrage of insults from these vindictive “Yellow Fever” faggots, because they won’t be able to feed on each other’s yellow juices anymore to fuel their propaganda on GRP.
I personally wouldn’t mind opening a new dialogue with these Yellowtards in support of the new administration. However, these GRP faggots, especially Juanita “Gwapita” Luna, would have to wash their hands before I shake hands with any of them.
Please, no more insults..
Lets just support bbm and sara duterte as they embark on the historic road to greatness.
Do you understand that Bossing Guwapo? – Megget
If that is exactly what is in your heart, I have no problem with that. ?
The new BBM-SARA administration would only means new barrage of insults from these vindictive “Yellow Fever” faggots, because they won’t be able to feed on each other’s yellow juices anymore to fuel their propaganda on GRP.
I personally wouldn’t mind opening a new dialogue with these Yellowtards in support of the new administration. However, these GRP faggots, especially Juanita “Gwapita” Luna, would have to wash their hands before I shake hands with any of them.
– Aeta
Is that how dark your heart is? Well, what can I do if everyday you open your eyes you see YELLOW and smoke gets out of your nose? ?
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
Not dark, faggot, Red. Unlike your Yellow-fag color, Pink, that lost!
There goes that Yellow-Fever addict again. ?
BBM is about to become president and you’re still cheering for the Yellow? ?
Juan “Gwapita” Luna,
However, I don’t mind being amicable as long as you don’t put down what I, or anyone else’s, suggests on what the Philippines and this new administration, will need to do in order to forge ahead in the right direction towards a new beginning. Especially, about the agricultural sector, which I am well-versed and passionate about. Comprender?
“Juan “Gwapito” Luna,
However, I don’t mind being amicable as long as YOU DON’T PUT DOWN…” – Aeta
As always, PROOF. We need proof to advance the conversation. No proof, no attention. ?
Juan “Gwapito” Luna,
The proof is in your previous posts and cemented in the minds of the readers of your true color(s).
I’m ready to move on. How about you?
Juan “Gwapita” Luna,
Stop trying to pin the pink ribbon on me. Everyone here knows your a “Pink-lawan” to the core, in spite of your fake conciliatory gesture to congratulate the BBM-SARA’s new administration. You’re always be a Yellowtard to the core, and I’ll make sure no one forgets that everything you write will always have the underlying shade of pink-yellow
“Juan “Gwapito” Luna,
Stop trying to pin the pink ribbon on me. Everyone here knows your a “Pink-lawan” to the core…” – Aeta
“You’re always be a Yellowtard to the core…” – Aeta
As required by the truth department, you have to submit evidence of what you alleged. No evidence, no nonsense. ?
Juan “Gwapita” Luna,
Since you don’t want to let up and be amicable, let’s allow the readers to decide if you’re a yellow faggot or a pink faggot or both.
Juan “Gwapito” Luna,
“Since you don’t want to let up and be amicable, let’s allow the readers to decide if you’re a yellow faggot or a pink faggot or both.” – Aeta
Shoot! ?
Juan Luna,
“Shoot!”– Juna Luna
Which direction? War or Peace?
“…let’s allow the readers to decide if you’re a…”
On that direction. ??♂️
Juan Luna,
You know what I meant. Do we become amicable or continue to insult each other and get nowhere? I’m ready to move on so I can start sharing my views on this new government, instead of distracting the readers on our petty political differences now that the election is almost over.
I’m offering the “Peace Pipe.”
Try offering the “meat pipe” instead
I’ll hold off on the “meat pies” depending on how Juan Luna answers the long comment I have just posted to him; it doesn’t look too promising, though.
No surrender for these faggots.
There’s a sea of tears waiting to be shed..tell this gwapita to stop holding back, its easier to just give in.
“ I’m offering the “Peace Pipe.”-Aeta
I say, just start discussing issues and don’t be so onion-skinned. It’s just words and not arrows. ??
Juan Luna,
“I say, just start discussing issues and don’t be so onion-skinned. It’s just words and not arrows.” — Juan Luna
Does that mean we continue “trash-talk” each other?
The pink wave went “wosh”
Next time, wear black.
You just might win.
It looks like I’m going to have to take you up on offering the “meat pies” instead of the “peace pipe.” And it looks like Gman sympathizes with the “meat pie” lovers by the way he harangued us.