The swiftness with which it became evident that administration candidates Bongbong Marcos and Sara Duterte running for president and vice president respectively are runaway winners was astounding. Just a couple of hours after voting precincts officially closed, even mainstream media outlets were already reporting the tandem were ahead of their closest rival by several millions with just 46 percent of votes tallied.
By about 9pm Manila time, Marcos had hit almost 19 million in the unofficial count effectively breaching the number of votes his soon to be predecessor then presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte attracted in 2016. By all accounts, the Marcos Duterte tandem are set to be the first majority voted president and vice president team since the 1987 Yellowtard Constitution was enacted.
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As expected, Yellowtard partisans are in the midst of a monumental temper tantrum. Jesuit priest and top Ateneo dr Manila official JBoy Gonzales all but insulted Filipino voters by suggesting in a tweet that the way they had voted in these elections was on the bases of a low bar they set for themselves.
Such was the Yellowtard tililing rampage on social media over the outcome of the election that they lashed out at the Filipino Voter all but revealing their true regard for the people they had, just weeks ago, treated like their best friends. So vicious was this lashing out that the terms “Gago ba kayo” (“Are you stupid?”) and “Mga Bobo” (“All you stupid people”) emerged as top trending topics as news of the unofficial tallies trickled in around 10pm Manila.
As of this writing Marcos already enjoys a majority vote with up to 50 percent of votes from the Visayas and Mindanao still to be tallied. The Marcos-Duterte tandem enjoy a lead that is far beyond the reach of any electoral fraud that may be perpetrated by the Yellowtards at the eleventh hour. Thus, the possibility of a repeat of 2016 is remote. It is clear that the elections as far as the president and vice president are concerned is over.
benign0 is the Webmaster of
Eh, Mainstreams. As usual with these BBM vs Leni mainstreams, they’re that toxic. I can’t even visit Twitter without seeing these hashtags “MGA BOBO KAYO” or “MGA BOBO”, it has a point but they don’t get an exemption stamp when they think Leni is even better. Luckily I can just remove these worthless hashtags. That’s a good thing with Twitter. Stress free.
All those massive pink rallies, all those chants and choregraphed dance moves, all that tiring house to house campaign, all those yellowtard paid trolls.
All for naught.
The people have spoken.
The yellowtards should shut up and let bbm do his job.
These Yellowtard celebrities have been entertaining and brainwashing the masses to Yellow-media propaganda since the EDSA Revolution, and still doing it today. That’s all these Yellowtard celebrities know what to do to protect their source of “bread and butter” at ABS-CBN and GMA. None of these Yellowtard celebrities cares about the welfare of the country and the people; they only care about themselves.
Hopefully the Lenilettes have learned their lesson: Andrew E is powerful and not to be fucked with.
Fucc yea, andrew E is the real and official bona fide lineal and rightful hari ng tondo.
Our home-grown and talented Andrew E., and the rest of our “kayumanggi” celebrities, will finally be restored in their rightful places in showbiz, that they’ve lost because the aristocratic ABS-CBN had decided to brainwash the masses and raised the bar on what they considered the “New Look” to represent the Philippines and its people, by inundating our movies and television shows, including our beauty pageants, with imported “mestizo” celebrities based on their looks instead of talent.
If trends continue, and there is reason it won’t, BMM and Sara will soon occupy the the highest position in the land.
Congratulations to them for a successful campaign. Ditto with their untiring, loyal and enthusiastic followers who have been waiting for this moment to happen.
Let us all hope that it will do the country good and uplift the kind of politics we have before the elections. Together with that, we expect and hope, too, that BBM and Sara will be properly guided and assisted and with our help, in running the affairs of the country.
Mabuhay tayong lahat!!!!
Juanita “Gwapita” Luna,
Stop faking it, Chameleon. You’re still a Yellowtard to the core. But we’ll accept your “Congratulation!”
Assuming this isn’t sarcasm, kudos on your maturity. Filipinos (overseas or not) share the same boat: At the very least, we have friends & family we hold dear back there who will bear the brunt of our votes, and we don’t want anything bad to happen to them. Whoever wins, we have to hope the new captain succeeds, regardless of any differences.
The Yellow team fought valiantly. Hopefully, we as a nation can harness each other’s advantages & perspectives to reach a brighter future for our beloved PH.
Yea, “the Yellow team fought valiantly,” but they lost; majority of the population is ready for a change.
I sent you a password reset code to your Gmail address.
Roger that. Thanks.
Yahoo, not Gmail.
Got it this time. Thanks.
I guess the BBM-Sara team is saying, thank you Leni for the negative campaigning boost, lol.
Robin Padilla is the preference of Muslims, I personally saw how received he was in Marawi.
I forgot to say, still went Abella-Lopez despite knowing the results already, lol.
If Leni and her camp just stay quiet about her rival and campaign like a normal candidate do. She would’ve have won but alas she just let her white chess pieces be eaten and got checkmate in the end.
Their arrogance and “Smear Campaign” ended up backfiring!
“If Leni and her camp just stay quiet about her rival and campaign like a normal candidate do. She would’ve have won…” Gman
Umm, I don’t think what happened was that simple. How will a candidate “stay quiet” against her rival in election campaign?
Elections are an exercise dominated by ‘noises’.
I’d rather put it on the usual reasons why a candidate loses in an election. Maybe, Leni’s camp made some missteps in the campaign strategy or they spread the wrong message; the approach may have been all over the map, hence, whatever message was sent failed to hit the nerve of the voting public. It could even be that voters, maybe for some nostalgic reason or what have you, decided to try or experiment on an old-new candidate. It’s also possible that the demographics have change and there was failure to adjust.
Whatever the reason is, may the lost serve as a lesson for political strategists and potential candidates in the future. ?
saying NEGATIVE things towards your rival is just too unpleasant, unacceptable to many, and a sign of an LP kind of action that is no more working in the psyche of Filipinos.
there was a time when “makakain ba natin ang infrastructures” sounded intelligent.
35 years of hindsight is a demon anybody can’t ignore.
“saying NEGATIVE things towards your rival is just too unpleasant…”
If that would be your guiding principle, you should not be in politics. It’s a tough sport. ?
I got your point there. Yeah, they just didn’t rethink their strategy. She or her adviser should already got a sign that what they’re doing is just not working, things have already change. There was also this thing that talking about your rival “too much” is like promoting them instead of yourself. Maybe toning it down is what I meant instead being just quiet. ?
“She or her adviser should already got a sign that what they’re doing is just not working, things have already change. ”
Exactly. And I will base that observation on the how the surveys gave, more or less, a clear picture of what they are supposed to be facing and what they may do to change the scenario it was creating. But as it is, no changes or adjustment were done or if they did something it still amount to nothing.
Lesson learned. I hope. ?
Let’s put it this way:
Negative publicity is still publicity.
Best deny any sort of publicity to your enemy. Unfortunately, the Pink side failed to grasp that.
Pilipinas got MAGA
Lesson learned, for those capable of learning.
But faggots never learn.
Facts right there. It’s just like 2016 elections in USA when Donald Trump beat woke crooked Hillary Clinton. Now, the same thing is happening in PH when BBM is about to beat Leni Lugaw Robredo.
Liberals and Demoncrats, and their bulls**t platforms can be said that they can Go Woke and Go Broke, and Everything woke Turns to s**t.
Trump on the other hand is getting his sweet pie of revenge and is binding his time of return to the White House, to finish off his unfinished business. Like, the Republican are about to sweep over the midterms in USA and Demoncrats are gonna lose it big-time, which will be glorious and be an total embarassment to Sleepy and Lazy Joe Biden.
Trump and DeSantis ticket in 2024!
Trump and Pence Ticket in 2024… except it must be Trump Jr…
It’s a waste of time to explain to someone who’s never been indoctrinated on the values of conservatism over liberalism.
“Facts right there. It’s just like 2016 elections in USA when Donald Trump beat woke crooked Hillary Clinton. Now, the same thing is happening in PH when BBM is about to beat Leni Lugaw Robredo.”
I didn’t know that BBM is crazy and dumb like Donald Trump. ???
You yellowtard… and you think BBM is like Kim Jong-Il… deal with in, Juana Luna! Megget will talk to you, you pinktard LGBT gay.
True Blue,
“Pilipinas got MAGA” —True Blue.
A “wet dream” that should have became a reality in America, but didn’t, and happened in the Philippines instead.
MAGA 2.0 (Philippine style).
Lesson :
Get a better candidate, because the leni sock puppet was just crap.
look at hontiveros the silent communist.
She’s able to hang in there.
All the rest got trashed.
This trashing is even worse than 2019.
All the yellowtards got beaten like stray dogs in a chinese wet market.
It’s time for the Filipino people to regain control of their lives, that they’ve squandered and left to chance to Big Government and Big Business. We’ve got enough OFWs to start small-to-medium businesses, through their families, in every economic sectors that will rival “Big Businesses” someday, limit government control, and allow fair competition in every sectors of the economy. I believe the BBM-SARA administration will allow this opportunity to take place.
And BBM-Sara admin will cleanse the LGBT community infested by yellowtards and pinklawans because homosexuality is a sin against God.
Yeah, I was surprised Hontiveros (#11) survived.
I was hoping ex-Sec. of Defense “Gibo” Teodoro would overtake her, but he’s now just #15. And Ex-V.P. Binay is an uncomfortable #13.
I get bad vibes from both Hontiveroses (the senator-elect and the news anchor).
One hontiveros for two estradas must be driving the yellowtard pinkadoos on the verge madness.
I don’t trust senator-elect Mark Villar, either. His father, Manny Villar (and mother), made his billions by being a corrupt politician that were very close to previous administrations prior to President Duterte’s. It sucks to have these senator(s)-elects to drag down this new administration for doing what it has to do to get the country moving forward, but it goes with the territory.
No. Facts showed Manny Villar earned tremendous wealth at the time of Duterte, the reason he is the richest person in the Philippines today.
I see how you hate the rich and feeling pity to the poor especially those farmers? You ask benign0 the webmaster here if he is a pro-rich or pro-poor. He is actually notorious at a suggestion of getting rid of poor pinoys in his old articles because they considered them as termites and parasites that they deserve deaths. You will hate him for that. I guess you are new.
You are pro-poor pinoys, benign0 the webmaster is anti-poor pinoys that they deserve to be extinct according to him. But you still want to defend him. I see.
benign0, your day has come. After more than 10-20 years of constant attack against the Aquinos and liberal party and making it like a career, it now finally comes into fruition. Truly, you have proven all those years that your boss are the Marcoses and your enemies are the Aquinos and their allies in any set of standard may it be mediocre or excellent standard, so long as it is favorable to your boss then so be it. Maybe you got super big bonuses now from your boss for your years of effort and patience together with Ilda.
I think what came into fruition is tens of millions of Filipinos going to the poll and voting for a presidential candidate, who will help them end more than 3 decades of Yellow Party influence on their lives. I don’t see how 1 person (benigno) could bring down the entire Yellow Party, even if he attacked the Aquinos and liberal party and even made a career of out it for almost 20 years.
I think what came into fruition is tens of millions of Filipinos going to the poll and voting for a presidential candidate, who will help them end more than 3 decades of Yellow Party influence on their lives. I don’t see how 1 person (benigno) could bring down the entire Yellow Party, even if he attacked the Aquinos and liberals for almost 20 years and made a career of it.
the benign one did receive a bonus, he deserves it.
Now the running paedophile priest “father” robert reyes..he most certainly did not get a bonus.
What’s strangely ironic is the cleric title these pedophile priests hold in church, is a “bonus” opportunity for them to abuse the children.
Keep on guessing! ?
Email me. I want to write another article.
Not guessing though. You have numerous articles that you wrote and comments in the past to speak for themselves why I said what I said above. I don’t need to spoonfeed those who don’t know.
You are guessing. To be more accurate, I only wrote one article before I left a few years ago. And that’s good my comments speak for themselves. I won’t hard to work as hard when I write the article(s).
As for being “spoonfed,” you, better than anyone on GRP, would know. You’ve been spoon feeding us with your liberal elitism with what you think you know, but really don’t know because your material are second hand information, not from personal experience.
As I had said earlier (this time put in a nicer, agreeable manner) you need to grow more hair on your face before you start shaving them; not shave first to get the hair to grow.
It is in response to benign0’s comment that I’m guessing. Not you because I know you are new.
@Jason. I may be “new,” or “renew,” on GRP, but I’m “old” when it comes to “Been There, Done That, and Now I’m Back” on life experience.
okay Benign0… I hope Marcos apologia is hip for its good once more once BBM becomes our president.
Marcos Sr. was rich before be became president. He got 32 real medals from WW2. Blame the USA and yellowtards for discrediting our Supreme Leader FEM Sr.
What are you talking about Yellowtard? Benign0 is what I consider a gem of a journalist, a smart, articulate, and humorous writer with a very clear understanding of the Philippine political scene. I feel that he should be given a bigger stage to share his thoughts because I believe it to be right and good and true – unlike the garbage that comes from the likes of Rappler and the bias mainstream media.
The benign one is a bit on the gonzo side..but yes, i guess we can consider him a journalist
If you consider being bias and opinionated articles of benign0 to be the standard of a true journalism then you are out of your mind.
I suspect Fr. JBoy is a paedophile
He probably is.
Who knows?
how about having some courage and addressing whether you would have voted for robin padilla as senator and why? as usual you settle for the easy and boring take.
I voted for robin padilla, i am certain he will do a much better job than michel diokno, who will only find a way to make some overly complicated legislation on something as inane as same sex marriage or faggot rights or what not.
“I voted for robin padilla, i am certain he will do a much better job…”
Just because you said it doesn’t mean it’s true. No problem with you voting for Robin, however, your “certainty” about him doing a “much better job” needs elaboration because as far as I know this is his first time in politics.
So, you have to clarify part. ?
Robin padilla was born in politics.
Robin padilla was born in politics.
He is the politician manny pacquiao thought he was.
If anything, based on credentials and track record, Robin Padilla would be a better president than…
*checks notes*
Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine
Robin will actually make a great president, after bbm and sara.
He will be the first muslim president.
Lets get it done.
“Robin will actually make a great president, after bbm and sara.
He will be the first muslim president.
Lets get it done.”
He has yet to take his oath as senator and you’re already thinking of that? Really?
Thats called vision,
Which yellowtards do not have.
Robin Padilla (as well as vice-president Sara Duterte) would be a refreshing addition to the Senate. Not only is he starting with a clean slate, he will be representing underrepresented Muslims and Filipinos from the mid-to-southern Visayan regions in government, which traditionally has been overrepresented by elitists families from the north and central Luzon. It’s time to change the face of the Philippine government that will represent delegates from all regions of the country.
Why not? It’s called being Progressive. Oath-taking is only formality.
Robin Padilla to be a great President? On what aspect? He was a convicted criminal with no clear college degree. He is good at acting though. I bet he will propose bills that will cater only the film industry and the showbiz personalities of the likes of ABS CBN and GMA together with his wife as an adviser to further the cause of hooking more Filipinos in watching Filipino films like your so called “telebasura”.
That was the 90s you are talking about.
Robin has converted to islam and the wisdom of allah is within him.
@Jason. Your liberal elitism is clearly at work here. When does a criminal background becomes a disqualifying factor in becoming a Filipino politician? Why don’t you take up your issue with the DOJ and COMELEC (mind you, the line is long with the latter because of the number of voters complaining of election fraud).
As for the Robin Padilla proposing a bill for the entertainment industry, no need to do that because it’s been in practice for more than 3 decades. If anything, Robin Padilla should be proposing to do the opposite.
Instead, of numbing the people’s mind with “telebasura” movies and television shows, the Philippine government should be putting books in people’s hand by funding public libraries to get the masses to read again for free.
@Jason. Your liberal elitism is clearly at work here. When does a criminal background becomes a disqualifying factor in becoming a Filipino politician? Why don’t you take up your issue with the DOJ and COMELEC (mind you, the line is long with the latter because of the number of voters complaining of election fraud).
As for the Robin Padilla proposing a bill for the entertainment industry, no need to do that because it’s been in practice for more than 3 decades. If anything, Robin Padilla should be proposing to do the opposite.
Instead, of numbing the people’s mind with “telebasura” movies and television shows, the Philippine government should be putting books in people’s hand by funding public libraries to get the masses to read again for free.
What does conversion have to do with legislation? Robin Padilla will not work as a senator. He will hire people to do the work for him. All he will do is to sign a document and to follow the advice of his staff, and being dependent on them all the time because he does not know anything about being a senator. Thus, we are not hiring a real legislator but a robot that programmed to follow.
You said Robin will propose bills other than entertainment industry? What does Robin Padilla know other than showbizness?
Robin was a convicted criminal so in essence he should not be qualified because he committed a moral turpitude. He was only lucky that he got pardon.
@Jason. We gave Cory Aquino and Joseph Estrada a chance to be a president. Why can’t you give Robin Padilla a chance (like we gave Tito Soto, Ramon Revilla, Gregorio Honasan, and a slew of other non-politicians) a chance to become a senator? Are you afraid Senator-elect Padilla might disprove you’re wrong about him? Again, you’re really enjoying disqualifying the people you don’t like before even giving them a chance, and you’re “spoon feeding” us with everything you think you know but really don’t know.
And who is Russia in the fairy tale you’re creating? ????
@Jason. Man, I didn’t realize you know Robin Padilla that well that you can talk of his whole being as if you’ve been his friend (or enemy) all your life. Next time you meet with him at Starbuck for a latte, can I go with you and ask for his autograph?
I’m all after for merits and quality, not mediocrity and inferiority. And Robin’s low calibre is an insult to intelligence. Those politicians you mentioned I did not root for them, it was the masses that made them all possible.
This website GetRealPhilippines does not suit to your low-inferior, mediocre, pro-poor standard advocacies. You should have witnessed the hundreds of articles and comments of this website before Duterte’s presidency where it was the time of an oozing elitist superiority complex (that you bash me now) led by the authors of this website. Your Robin Padilla mediocrity standard was being thrown away, mocked and ridiculed to infinity by those articles and comments. Also, this website did not show any mercy to the poor, small business owners, farmers, and beggars, but authors would rather want them to get extinct at that time led by benign0 the webmaster.
What you’re proposing is a Volodymyr Zelenskyy excellence standard?
Thanks for reminding me.
@Jason. Be that as it may of what you said about benign0’s “Get Real Philippines” being an elitist publication, then and now, and doesn’t fit my “Robin Padilla mediocrity standard,” does not phase me one way or another. I got slammed from all sides ( regardless of the slammers’ elitist and non-elitist status), when I started contributing to this site 4 or 5 years ago.
One of GRP’s elitist writer (Sean Akizuki, I think) even followed me on my new blog, “Fliptard,” and tried to harangue me there, too, on a regular basis. Which I enjoyed and appreciated because his comments were boosting my traffic visits.
I knew then there were a lot of elitist writers on GRP, but there were also a few non-elitists that I related with. Regardless of your “alleged” elitism of benign0, and whether he agrees or disagrees with my views, he at least gave me a chance to start writing articles for him. Anyone who gives me a chance to express my views, elitist or not, can’t be that bad in my mind.
Unfortunately, the time I was spending on GRP and my new blog, just became too overwhelming, time-wise and not personally, that I had to say goodbye to both (at least I was able to write one article for GRP to my credit before my exit). But I vowed to come back once the political climate in the Philippines changes and the Yellow Party’s influence begins to wane.
Now, with a new government and new outlook for the Philippines and its people, I felt ready to go back to “Get Real Philippines,” and begin sharing my views again. Not with the hope of changing GRP and its ideologies, or the mindset of its contributors, which I think will also change naturally in the same or similar direction the country is heading, but to start sharing what I call my “Rogue Views” as an individual and not a member of any social group.
I hope you understand.
Crushed, demolished and pulverized like the unfortunate city of Mariupol! Yellow-pinks are left helplessly dumbfounded and flabbergasted at such glaring validation of the truth: Ninoy is NOT a hero! Finally this long-awaited day has arrived.
Congratulations to Benign0 / GRP team for the relentless bombardment of Filipino minds towards the realization that Yellow incompetence has no place in a nation seeking to be great and respected again!
Big question is: who will be GRP’s next punching bag after this Mission Accomplished moment?
Hopefully- the clamor to rename NAIA and redesign our P500 bill will see the light of day. The Special operation to de-Ninofy public utilities/parks and legal tender should be at the top of BBM’s to-do list if he really wants to unify the country.
@Zaxx. If I recall from our previous exchanges a few years back , you were for the “Chinoy” and their “Big Business” making a huge contributions to the Philippines. What’s with the big change of heart of condemning the Yellow-Pink now, which has been supporting the monopolizing “Chinoy” businesses for more than 3 decades? I’m not trying to “insult” and “attack” (famous words on GRP now), but please do explain your complete turnaround.
Big businesses are actually good because they give employment and taxes to the government. If there’s monopoly, it is the government who will make a regulation which will balance out the interests between employers and employees in a compromise agreement. We got leaders who owe these big businesses during their campaign period and when they won it’s payback time. Thus, oligarchs will always have a way in Philippine setting. They will not go away. Just recently, Philippines ranks 4th in crony capitalism. These oligarchs have several different types of businesses that they will be asking favors from politicians most especially from the president. If business is good, there’s no way they won’t earn profits into billions.
Big business is not actually good, but its not really bad either.
Business occupies a grey area.
Walden bello, on the other hand, is a communist pussy who doesnt even have the support of the true proletariat.
No grey area there.
@Jason. You’re only looking at the macro- but not the micro-level of these “Big Businesses.” It’s clear government officials haven’t been doing what they’re supposed to do with the monopolizing effects of these “Big Businesses” driving medium-to-small businesses out of the market. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have as many former business owners who are now OFWs or expatriated to other countries.
President Duterte has already called out these oligarchs who control these “Big Business” to raise their employees salaries, give them health insurance, and job securities instead of just short-term contract, and other unfair equal employment practices (age and sex discriminations).
Did it happen? HELL NO!
Just like Duterte’s “War on Drugs,” he can only go after the illegal drugs’ mid-to-low level pushers but not the drug lords; it’s the same for these legal “Big Businesses.” Duterte can only suggest to these “Big Business” to start treating their employees fairly but he cannot make them do it.
Duterte can’t even make the senators and congressmen enact a bill to initiate, not to mention enforce, fair business and employment practices because more than half of them are on these “Big Businesses’” payroll in return for economic favors. How do think former Vice-President Jejomar Binay and Senator Manny Villar (and his wife) became so wealthy? And why do you think we have so many shopping malls and condominiums, instead of farmlands to feed the population, where there shouldn’t be commercial properties?
As Jiminy Cricket said to Pinocchio, “Let Your Conscience [or common sense] Be Your Guide,” Genius.
Nothing much has changed Aeta. I support big business, as well as MSMEs. What I’m not impressed is how big businesses in PH choose the easy money (food, retail and real estate) rather than invest in core technology industries – that could have kept smart Pinoy scientists and engineers from leaving for greener pastures abroad.
Where’s the Vinfast of the Philippines? That should be the question bothering oligarchs in the county.
@zaxx. I disagreed with your observation a few years ago (which you’ve managed to tweak in favor of your current argument), and I still disagree with your observation now. I even wrote an article about our disagreement, “The Enigmatic Influence of the ‘Bamboo Network’ in Our Society,” on GRP before I left.
Prior to writing that article, you’ve stated on numerous occasions that you’re in favor of what the “Chinoy” businesses are doing to our economy (regardless of economic sectors), and they’re much better running a business than our own Filipino businessmen. You’ve never mentioned our “smart” scientists and engineers leaving for “greener pastures abroad”.
If nothing else, the main reason our educated and skilled workers are leaving is because these Chinoy’s “Big Businesses” were not paying them enough to live on.
The lack of adequate pay, benefits, and job security even became one of President Duterte’s agenda during his presidency over a year ago, when he called out the CEOs of these oligarch’s “Big Businesses” (retail, banking, light manufacturing, to name a few) to provide better employee packages for their workers. I’m not sure if the CEOs followed through on “Digong’s” suggestion. It would be nice to know (anyone wants to chime in on that?) if they did. But I doubt it.
You, and a few pro-business oligarchs contributors on GRP, even argued that Filipinos are lazy and have no desire to better themselves and their country’s state of affairs, and the “Chinoys” were much more industrious and innovative.
I countered by saying that “Chinoys” have always considered themselves an inclusive bunch when it comes to separating themselves from the masses by the way they live and do business, and the only way to do that is to keep most Filipinos out of important loops and keep everything homogenous.
This “Country Club” practice of monopolizing the economy, through well-bribed Filipino politicians, became a common practice among Chinoy oligarchs after the EDSA Revolution, and anyone (Yellow or not) who wants to jump on the bandwagon would have to wait in line.
So even at the behest of “Digong’s effort to crack down on the “Bamboo Network” of legal and illegal businesses taking place in the country through well-bribed politicians (including trafficking foreign nationals to work in various economic sectors), has been destroying the integrity of the government and economy for more than 3 decades after People’s Power.
And the country’s realizing it now and wants a change.
What would also help in rebuilding the country is if the contributors on GRP doesn’t also change their colors (from Yellow to Red) just because the new administration sides with “Digong,” and the Liberal (Yellow) Party’s influence is beginning to wane. Stick to your ideologies to avoid confusion, so we’ll know where you stand.
“Stick to your ideologies to avoid confusion, so we’ll know where you stand.”
Seems like an ideology against the yellowtard is what you meant? You are in the wrong place here if loyalty to ideologies in general is what you are espousing. The only thing that did not change in GetReal through the years is its anti-yellowtard campaign.
I am a witness to GetRealPhilippine since 2011, and these are few I can remember: this website was anti-pinoy, anti-poor pinoy, anti-pinoy small businessmen (because they don’t have the ability to compete against big businessmen according to the authors), anti-religion, anti-rice as staple food of pinoys, anti-pinoy culture/tradition, anti-respect to pinoy elders, anti-pinoy families debt of gratitude, anti-pinoy conservatives, anti-pinoy community but pro-individualism and isolation, anti-pinoy entertainment, anti-pinoy democracy, anti-country in general that they wanted to change everything about pinoys and made a revolution against the government. They make fun of pinoys and call them da pinoys because they think pinoys are idiots. They had these advocacies that they kept on repeating in different articles and comments especially benign0, ilda ignacio, gogs, and fallenangel with the support of several names in comment section. They were all elitist. They had intelligent and rational discussions that they favored merits and qualifications in a condescending and highly discriminatory tone, and so hardly anyone can win in a debate against them.
But when Duterte became president and especially now that BBM is president-elect, this website is not talking about them anymore. They only talk most of the times about their disdain against the yellowtard, nothing but yellowtard. Everything has changed. This website becomes pro-mediocrity and pro-masses in favor of Duterte and BBM. I look like an enemy because I stick to merits and competence, not on loyalty to and color of politicians.
@Jason. Am I going to get into another “chicken and egg” debate with you on which candidates choke their chicken better or produce quality eggs? I’m still reeling from your endless challenges to BBM’s competency and qualification after he’s already won. You really know how to bring senseless topics up and milk them for all they’re worth–which is not much.
I already told you and other liberals on this forum that I don’t give a damn about you or anyone who switches sides between BBM or Leni, Red or Yellow, or choose from “Fifty Shades of Gray.” I joined this forum years ago with the same anti-Liberal (Yellow) Party sentiments, and I stick to those views. Megget (I may be wrong but he’s been pretty consistent) and Hayden (and some numbers after his name), a few years back, have been consistent with their anti-yellow views.
If you bothered to read my most recent comments to zaxx, including our dialogues from years ago, you’ll see that he and I have had our disagreements on why he favored “Chinoy” businesses taking advantage of the Yellow Party’s influence for more than 3 decades by monopolizing the government and the economy, resulting in the unprecedented growth of political and business dynasties, and creating widespread crime and poverty.
I am calling zaxx out now on the surprising turnaround of his views, including his once deep-seated dislike for the Marcoses and Martial Law, and now seems to show his support for BBM by insulting his fellow “Yellowtards.” This dialogue is between me and zaxx (who I’m still waiting to hear from), and not between me and your “Chicken and Egg” issues. You’re laying down diatribe traps and I hope no one gets entangled in them again.
I get it what you meant that, like GetRealPhilippines (GRP), you are anti-yellowtard. That’s your only ideology in this political life. GRP has the same ideology like you. GRP is more prone on interchanging ideologies if it doesn’t fit its narrative in favor of its traditional politicians.
Hence, don’t talk about ideologies because in reality, there is only one ideology you have like GRP and that’s being anti yellowtard. Unlike both of you, I don’t have political color. I was pro-GRP before because they espoused merit and qualification, but when it changed tone in 2016 and now in BBM, I don’t ride on that bandwagon. I think BBM is least qualified same like Noynoy although I had a clue that the only thing that this website care of is how to be a center enemy of yellowtard. But I stick to merit and qualification, that’s why I become enemy and yellowtard in your shallow understanding. The only advantage I have is I can reason out based on logic, unlike you and GRP who left hanging on your shallow heads how to make BBM appear intelligent, competent, and qualified. Unfortunately, you cannot debate without using emotions and ad hominem. That’s what you get when you put loyalty first to politicians over unbiased ideologies in life.
All those GRP educational crusades years ago of going into pure rational reasons had disappeared and been thrown away in favor of a mediocre politician like BBM. If you don’t see conflict and confusion on that, then you are duped.
Just like Zaxx, other GRP writers will also confuse you on their stand on other issues. Better to stick to your common denominator which is anti yellowtard. That way, it will be easy for you.
@Jason. Talking to you is like talking to a chicken with its head cut off, running around in circle until it drops dead. Anyone who reads your bullshit will think, this guy could’ve said all those shits he said in two or three sentences.
“Aeta is a diehard anti-Yellowtard, always had been and always will be, and disagrees with Jason. Jason, on the other hand, wants to pin everyone on the wall with a Yellowtard or a Redtard ribbon. Since Jason cannot do that, he adds other variables (i.e., competency and qualification or some other bullshit labels) into the picture to try to wear everybody out.”
Now do you see how tiresome your narratives are compared to mine?
Aeta, let Juan Luna talk to you…
Welcome back Aeta; you probably missed too many articles here on GRP to mistake me for a turncoat…
Note: anti-Yellow and pro-Chinoy are not mutually exclusive
My opinion about the Jason and Aeta debate?
Aeta was clobbered, thrashed, stumped, thrown to the ground and just badly beaten by the clear, convincing logic and common sense of Jason’s narration of factual history.
While Aeta resorted, as usual, to his discriminatory and divisive way in analyzing people and events, Jason tutored him on how to see issues and individuals on a level-playing field without wearing an anti-color eyeglass. Pretty much a losing game for Aeta from the opening gate.
Aeta, just because you think you are a principled card-carrying member of an ideology or party doesn’t mean instant erudition and infallibility. The ideology, liberal or conservative, yellow or red or whatever is NOTHING if all you do is talk about negativity and cynicism. You’re quick to the draw to criticize and label but empty when it comes to offering sensible solutions. ?
@zaxx. Whether or not I missed many GRP articles is irrelevant. What matters is anyone who defends Chinoy’s “Big Businesses,” like you did and still do, that were responsible for destroying Filipino-owned businesses in all economic sectors, through bribery into corrupt politicians’ pockets for economic favors, and extending their influence in illegal trades (smuggling drugs and other contrabands), are all Liberal (Yellow) Party members and contribute to the “Bamboo Network” (Google it) triad.
@ Juan Luna. Your liberal opinion of the debates between me and Jason is as practical to rebuilding the future of the Philippines, to the height of where it should be or should have been, had it not been to your Liberal (Yellow) Party’s decades-long monopolizing influence, that’s still fueling the fire of your fellow U.P. and Ateneo left-wing activists, to dissents against the incoming conservative administration. Your opinion is like trying to rekindle a camp fire that already went out, because the liberal campers who made it have been kicked out by conservative campers, for recklessly starting numerous wildfires on their campground.
@ Juan Luna. Your liberal opinion of the debates between me and Jason is as practical to rebuilding the future of the Philippines, to the height of where it should be or should have been, had it not been to your Liberal…” – Aeta
That’s what you’re good at: branding people that you do not agree with. Labeling them without even showing the reason why YOU THINK (not what the person really is) they are “liberal” (I have no idea of what your understanding of that word is). And calling your self “conservative” as if there is a magic word in it that makes one unsusceptible to any wrongdoing.
You have been reading my posts and you know I don’t personally attack or write totally offensive words just to offend the sensibility of the other side. Unlike you. And Megget. ?
I engage in discussion, arguments and debates that is always guided by the regulation of this blog. Do I write stupid things, too? Certainly, but in a playful manner just to calm down the hotheads on the board like Megget and others.
Calling me a liberal, which I don’t mind, needs more than writing the word. You have to show and explain through my words and posts incriminating me on that crime. Have I ever labeled you with anything political insinuating the reason why you are wrong (and not producing proof of it?).
You know Aeta, you are doing it the wrong way if your purpose is to convince, enlighten and share your ideas to everyone and in the process encourage healthy discussion. Labeling people and name-calling is the enemy of rapprochement. When you start your conversation discrediting one side and praising to high heavens the other side, with gusto, then, you are not engaging on a positive endeavor. You are provoking chaos in communication and really sabotaging interaction.
Is there a need for you to change your one-dimensional (very bad) style of discourse?
I think you should, you must and you have to, in order to stay relevant. ?
For starters
Go after them commies and their endless rallies.
The mission statements of Socialism and Communism is to “divide and conquer,” and that’s what the Philippines has been like in more than 3 decades: divided and conquered. It’s time for the “Unity” theme of this new administration to unite the people back as one nation, one people..
One goal… one spirit. Isang Diwa, isang bansa… what slogan?
Like your buddy, Jason, I’m still trying to figure out if you’re red or yellow, or something in-between. Like straight or gay, or like it from the front and back door. Why don’t you enlighten us with your “slogan?”
What about nationalism and conservatism?
Kiko still wants to fight for farmers and fishermen.
What an idiot.
The fishermen and farmers have spoken, and they want bbm and sara to fight for them.
Kiko had many chances to fight for farmers and fishermen when he was a senator. He never did. Now he wants to campaign for them. He’s full of shit and the voters knew it.
Coming from a farming background, I am looking forward to the BBM-SARA administration in reviving our agriculture/aquaculture and fishing industries, by stopping agriculture products (mainly rice) that can be grown in the country, co-oping lands (whether privately or publicly owned) into agriculture/aquaculture farmlands instead of commercial properties (shopping malls and condominiums), and setting aside government funds in encouraging Filipinos to return to farming and fishing, and boosting technology to help them succeed.
That is correct.
Kiko should just take his beating like a man.
Its over.
Even drilon knew enough not to get involved in the beating of a lifetime, in his late age.
The fat pig, Frank Drilon, has already gone into hibernation for the millions he’s made from the “Pork Barrel” scandal.
Marcos apologia should be hip even better for its own good.
What exactly does that mean? You need to write in clearer phrases so readers will understand what you’re trying to say.
That guy is an actual monkey with a spell checker.
No kidding.
Maybe if you stop trolling, your hips will feel good for once.
Gman… your words are nonsense! Why ask Juan Luna yourself… I am on side with Benign0, you sorryass…
We get it. Seeking attention is your thing, not discussions.
I think Marcos apologia is a better perfect hip for its best.
You keep repeating yourself. What do you mean?
Don’t explain… Marcos apologia should be hip for its own good as we tell Benign0..
Hip dont lie
Yellowtards are fuming mad. How can this be? They created the Yellowtard Constitution out of their disdain and repugnance at anything related to Marcos, only to have a Marcos take the helm of their beloved ship in the end.
It’s like the greatest second-act comeback in the history of business- Steve Jobs ejected out of his own company only to have Apple pleading that he return.
It’s like the Ukraine vs. Russia war where Ukrainians win a victory after years of bloody combat, only to have Putin’s offspring get elected as president by Ukrainians several years later.
Yellowtards struggled all these decades to get the ball into the goal only to find out they scored the crucial deciding goal on their side of the field.
The gold medal for greatest political upset in history belongs to … drum roll…
Zaxx, it’s better if BBM should scrap 1987 Constitution and return back 1973 Constitution with FDI removal, to adopt unicameral parliamentary federal monarchy to let Marcos thrive and revive economy into paradise. It’s better off if we want absolute obedience to the govt not like in Singapore but in Saudi Arabia. Marcos loyalists like us are dreaming of Marcos-controlled Philippines forever…
The ramblings of a Yellowtard pretending to be a Marcos loyalist.
Sorry, but BBM wasn’t too stupid to do that. He would go for the Singaporean model because we need to catch up with the modern world while you wanted to go backwards.
(A)Pathetic fool you are. Go ask Gman, Megget, Benign0 and Juan Juna…
DIO, you are nothing but Megget’s maggot.
“They created the Yellowtard Constitution out of their disdain and repugnance at anything related to Marcos, only to have a Marcos take the helm of their beloved ship in the end.” – zaxx
And that’s the irony of it: his father’s ouster brought about the creation of a new constitution because his father bastardized the old constitution to entrenched himself to power.
Now, it is interesting to see how the son will operate under a constitution made by the people who brought back democracy and just took down a dictatorship to which the son benefited so much. ?
As expected from a troll like yourself.
Bongbong would go for the Singaporean model rather than your made up shit. Of course, the 1973 Constitution is outdated. We need a new constitution that can catch up with the modern world.
Classic Yellowtardism – pretending to agree just to make others look bad with his ridiculous, unrealistic drivel.
Call me a troll, then I am a terrorist like the ISIS. Then feel free to red-tag and NTC-ELCAC will take care of me… And China and Russia will censor Getrealphilippines as China occupies our land.
Propaganda Boy, you are the NPA terrorist.
DIO, you are a troll. And you Megget, AETA and Propaganda Boy yourselves.
@ManFromDresden. You’ve got everyone all mixed up and rolled into one.
Did I something you didn’t like?
Get in line. I have other comments to reply.
@ManFromDresden. You’ve got everyone all mixed up and rolled into one.
Did I something you didn’t like?
Get in line. I have other comments to reply to.
@ManFromDresden. You’ve got everyone all mixed up and rolled into one.
Did I say something you didn’t like?
Get in line. I have other comments to reply to.
How dare you brand me as the yellowtard and NPA terrorist and want me to be red-tagged by NTF-ELCAC. Go talk to Juan Luna.
ManFromDresden, DIO, Megget, Gman, explain.
Rather we need to set aside differences as we want to let BBM go for the authoritarian Russian & Saudi Arabian model of it. Singapore is just the USA’s puppet. Lee Kuan Yew once said. “The difference lies in the culture of the Filipino people. It is a soft, forgiving culture. Only in the Philippines could a leader like Ferdinand Marcos, who pillaged his country for over 20 years, still be considered for a national burial. Insignificant amounts of the loot have been recovered, yet his wife and children were allowed to return and engage in politics…”
Nah, there’s no need for explanation when you’re trying so hard to play both sides to cause chaos. Better turn off your internet and sleep.
Gman, do you want me to commit suicide? Or do we want NICA and NTC to close down Get Real Philippines. Likewise, China will censor the website if it goes too far!
Keep trolling and terrorizing me.
Megget will call you a faggot and Aeta won’t tell you.
Juan Luna, Jason and I have been confused.
Propaganda Boy and Gman, both of you shut up already!
You too as well. All three of us should shut up already.