Webmaster Benign0’s article a while back about the bullying in Ateneo, where he said bullying is a result of how society developed as part of human efforts to solve the basic problem of survival in old times, gave me some mojo to restart this article about society’s getting rid of undesirables (so this will be another philosophical post; please bear with me). Bullying is not just someone trying to assert power over others. It is a way to get rid of threats and liabilities, anything thought of as obstacles to society’s survival. Many tribal leaders of old likely had an authoritarian manner for getting people in line, and those who don’t get in line get bullied, or ejected, or even killed, as “undesirables.” It was the premise behind such things as as the Holocaust by the Nazis and purges by Stalin and Pol Pot.
Today, that mentality manifests in another way: if you can’t get rid of someone, you instead try to make them feel miserable or “undesired.” I wrote in an earlier article, the search for validation is a function of not wanting to be eliminated by others, in turn a function of survival mentality. The organization of societies since ancient times has always called for marking who is accepted and who is not. Almost every society in the world has created rationales for identifying the “undesirable.” This includes today’s flawed understanding of Darwinian theory called “survival of the fittest.” Gays were often beaten up in 20th century society not just because of disgust felt by the dominant heterosexual mentality, but also because gay couples can’t reproduce, so they are are seen as useless for the purpose of survival.
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It is indeed a normal thing in life to avoid or try to remove something that we don’t want or need (or something we hate). The problem is how we do it. We can address it in a calm, controlled manner, or we can manifest it as anger. We can be enraged especially at things that are useless to us (“walang silbi” or “walang kwenta” in Tagalog) or something we feel that antagonizes or annoys us. And actions taken to remove things sometimes becomes violent.
Also, I have often heard “why do people hate what they don’t understand?” The answer for me is simple: it’s the fear that if you don’t understand something, you cannot control it, and if you can’t control it, it could become a threat or liability. It is undesirable. So the solution: remove or kill it.
Today, we live in a time of human rights. Ridding ourselves of undesirables is considered wrong. Universal human rights recognizes that you cannot be rid of people because they are useless to you. Modern wisdom often teaches that we are not entitled to “silbi” from others. Even if others are “walang silbi” to us, we have no right to be rid of them.
Note how a lot of inspirational messages, especially in modern Christianity, often try to make people feel loved and wanted. It is among the modern responses against the mentality of getting rid of undesirables. It escapes me that people haven’t found the simple solution: if you remove this attitude that removing undesirables is all right, you likely could have no need for inspirational messages. No need for people having to “find a reason to live,” “find my worth in this world,” or any other attempt to be happy in a world of depression-causers. This is because you remove the real basic cause of that worry in the world.
On the belief that society thrives by ridding itself of useless people, I could say useless is a relative word. For example, some store owners hate it when people just pass by without buying anything, so they believe non-buyers are useless to them and should be eliminated (perhaps some went far enough as to try to kill them; but in today’s times, the modern way is hiring business trolls to harass or attack critics, opponents or consumer advocates).
It should be more taught that a society thrives better not by eliminating useless people, but by finding ways to make them useful. A person isn’t useless forever; they can become useful later. If you want to get get rid of all useless people, you could include yourself; there certainly was a time wherein you became useless for a while. Of course, if a person decides to become habitually harmful and refuses to change their ways, then appropriate action may be taken to correct them.
Yet many people today are holding out against that current, and still consider eliminating undesirables as normal. This continues to pervade in many less modern societies. Even people in modern societies seek to justify this eliminationist mentality.

But this is not manifested only by “right-wingers,” racists or pro-Duterte people who approve of killing criminals. Even those who are under the Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) have their own undesirables: those who don’t agree with them. As a comment under a Youtube video said, Social Justice Warriors or people who attack others are not really “liberal;” they are actually authoritarian. If what they want is to impose their own ideas on the world, then they also want to be rid of undesirables. They can’t claim to be on the side of rights and dignity if they are so, because the true decent person would “defend another’s right to say something that he disagrees with.”
Also, these people might be the types who want their “inspirational” messages catered to by other people. They want to hear praises and adulation from others, and want their “I am beautiful” chant seconded by a chorus of others saying, “yes, we agree you are beautiful.” They get angry and call others “fascist” when they do not get that chorus, but that makes them people who are against undesirables.
There certainly would be the point of the last straw, namely when you’re dealing with unchanging criminals. This is why Rodrigo Duterte was voted in as president. You give some criminals a chance, but they refuse to change their ways. Or they did something heinous that they do not regret up to their graves. I agree that they want best receive what they intend to dish out, as I have said about terrorists before. Or for a less violent case, if someone causes trouble at a bar, the bouncer throws them out; also, imprisonment is not just a punishment for its own sake, it is for isolating the problem from society.
Criminals themselves have the mentality of eliminating undesirables. One person who admitted to being part of the Blue Whale Challenge (predecessor of the Momo Challenge) scare before, Philipp Budeikin, said he wanted to rid society of useless people by inciting them to suicide. He got only three years of prison, but perhaps more should be done. Hopefully, future measures can deal with such people in a more thorough way.
I also would suggest distinguishing “undesirables” from criminals. Useless is different from harmful. People with disabilities, people with terminal illness, and similar are best not just eliminated. Yet it remains a fierce debate on whether societies have the right to get rid of people they see as burdens, and it depends on people’s core values in that particular society.
We struggle in life to remove things we dislike or are useless to us. And sometimes, we can’t remove them. The wisdom of life says, sometimes we have to let go and not attack something that offends us. Often, you can just let it be, because if it is really wrong, it will drag itself down (as what happened to the Pinoy Ako Blog).
There is also the question of freeloaders, something people really hate. Some don’t want mercy on freeloaders. Well, don’t kill freeloaders. But let nature take its course. There’s no obligation to try and help someone who shot themselves in the foot. If the pain of life doesn’t teach them common sense, then likely nothing will. Even the Bible passage implies that: “he who refuses to work should not eat.” Maybe you could call that self-elimination, and we should not punish people for not helping them.
There is also the dopamine side, when people love it when they hurt or eliminate someone. This could be a mental health issue, but there is also a societal and cultural side to it. Indeed, there are times when people feel good about ridding themselves of other people. That is likely what Budeikin felt when inciting people with the Blue Whale Challenge.
Letting something you hate exist is perhaps one of the truest tests of character. Our ways of dealing with what we dislike, cannot accept or hate are perhaps the most real manifestation of who we are. For example, some may not believe gay behavior is normal and natural, but are willing to leave gays alone, as opposed to acting on one’s impulse, getting a gun and gunning down the gays they find. But it is indeed a difficult thing for those whose primary motives are based on the primitive level of survival. I could argue, it would actually be more contributive to survival to not eliminate people. I’d say this is true even during the zombie apocalypse. The Walking Dead would portray non-zombies killing each other for survival. But that’s exactly that would deplete the human race should an event occur. Pooling together everyone you can would be the more logical step to take. If one person is the first to attack others because they perceive that other one to be “undesirable,” then they make themselves the undesirable one.
The above might even be a challenge for social justice warriors (SJWs) or the politically correct. They may not realize that their ideas stem from ideologies, including Marxist ideology, that also sought the removal of undesirables. For them, those who disagree with their ways, such as those who disagree with forced sharing, and are against removing private ownership, are undesirable. In our local scene, they would believe that pro-Marcos and pro-Duterte are undesirable, or people who refuse to share to the poor are undesirable, so these must be eliminated. In this sense, they are not the “good guys” they claim to be, but are just as bad as what they paint their perceived enemies as.
We have to accept that we are not entitled to have everyone and everything being useful to us, and we are not entitled to eliminate useless people. Life’s not fair, and that’s for a good reason. In life, we have to deal and live with pain and things that we dislike, because this is part of how reality keeps us in line. One can also argue that, in an economic sense, elimination of perceived competitors or opponents in life today is foolhardy. In today’s largely market-driven world, everyone is a potential consumer of your market, as much as you are theirs. Eliminating others would lead to eliminating parts of your market.
Challenging this premise of society removing undesirables as a whole would require a few things. Putting our violent reaction to things we dislike and hate under control is one. Dropping the belief that we should enforce what we believe is right on the world is another. It challenges the very core of our being. Addressing the way of handling “undesirables” is still a work in progress for the whole human race. We are still trying to strike the balance between removing liabilities and being tolerant of things that are not useful to us. In this discussion, we should allow our most-cherished beliefs to be challenged and sometimes crushed.
I believe, as my cohorts here do, that what Filipinos embrace as their culture is what actually pulls the country down. And those who seem to be anti-dictators, who may also believe themselves to be “heroes,” are the real dictators.
Human evolution has individuals form tribes and groups that they can relate to, race or religion or culture. A lot of anthropologist say that conflict between these differences is natural and that there’s the choice between just living with each other, the larger group integrating the smaller ones and absorbing them within their culture, or just plain fighting.
Now most of what these online communists say like “I wouldn’t want them killed, but I still think they’re wrong so they should be placed in a ‘Re-education Camp’ to correct their behavior’ is still wrong, a byproduct of what happens when Communism isn’t as demonize as any other authoritarian ideology. Any Utopian Ideology that says that a “few” counter-revolutionaries have to die before they can achieve their heaven on earth is wrong and they’ll surely make excuses that it “If I was in-charge, then my Utopia would be real”
Lastly, I think the adage that an old professor said to me once that the whole of human history is just “Everyone just hating everyone else” is true, whether it’s war or a clash of ideologies and beliefs.
Agree. I do believe though that in evolution, society as a whole should be moving to conflict becoming less and less as societies become more prosperous, gain more modern ideas. But yes, conflict will still persist in the pockets of the world that are still quite backward and still maintain the ethnic and tribal attitudes of old.
One of the most recently popular quotes from a fiction writer that was ex-US Marine
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
Seems apt, unless there’s personal conflict that encourages growth and adversary, you’ll leave the keys to the future to a bunch of weak willed men who will squander it all, reminds me of the movie Fight Club.
What is “useless” to one person maybe “useful” to another….who are we to decide, if a person or a group of persons are usesless or useful ?
We are not German Nazis, who mudered “useless People”, like Jews, gays,mentally rearded, minorities, deforrmed people, political oppositionists in the Gas Chambers…we must learn from the lessons of history…
Live and let live !
People and things become important when there is “value” in them. A thing has value when it shows its usefulness and becomes very important if it’s a rarity, a high priced value. Same thing goes with people, they become important because others see a value in them, for example a politician, how can he/she be elected if people don’t see any value in them? If people don’t see any value in you, that is when you become undesirable.
Yes, another word to consider, value. I just wish people would stop trying to hate or destroy things that are of no value to them. But, people are people.
No being is so important that he can usurp the rights of another.
No, there is right way of thinking and wrong way, and you’re doing Wrong Way. Be as you are. I will be as I am and you will be as you are. Be as you are. There is a lot of talking points surrounding things that and known and not known thing and entities, but I’m a someone who knows better than to think that the people in the world know better, because they don’t, and no one really does, and we’re all guessing, but the world is what it is and so are the people, so what can anyone do about it? Nothing, and suffering in the world is a normal oddity of life, so life is suffering. There is nothing anyone can do about any of it. Life goes on. People are a funny thing and so is this life, but none of it means much of anything.
Sure, if that’s your operating principle. Imagine applying that in leadership.
Most people are just acting on impulses and survial insticts and are driven by their natural codes. Codes like their daily habbits. Most people go through their whole lives attached to some kind of thinking that they’re better than others, or comparing themselves to others because they’re trying to make sense of the self. Money is one of those things, along with belongings, or a job, or social status, but really all people have is their knowledge. This is the only currency they really possess. Everything else can be taken away. People roam around in life like ghosts. Not really living, but not truely alive.
People put their faith in knowing that other people will toe the line because we choose order over chaos. Now if the authority to act is founded in how much one can hoard, based on a trading system that cannot truly measure the worth of things, what would that do to this reality?
And guess what, we’re doing exactly that. People are handing money to people attracted to money-a. k. a. the greedy and morally bankrupt who are at the core of the nation’s planning and executing of what people think are for everybody’s good.
You mean the RULE, the RULER/S, and the RULED are One? ?
You should get into spacetime. Space and time and spacetime. That’s my riddle. I’m the man that’s seen the future. I have witnesses to it. They don’t even want to speak about it. There are things in this life that are beyond the beyond and I’m beyond your reality, and I know it’s hard to understand, even for me, and I’m a living legend. I’m like an urban legend, but take it from me. You know nothing about time and space and spacetime. It’s beyond a normal reality. It’s beyond the parabels of time and space and spacetime itself. It’s beyond your wildest imagination. Imagine for a moment that you’re young. Fully alive in the world and you want to take your best friend to see the future, so you tell him the future before it happens, and then you take him to see the future, and he says, “Never speak of this again. This is too strange. Too weird for me,” and in your soul, you know without knowing the future, and it’s wide open for you to see. This is my reality. This is my future. This is my dream. I’m a seer.
I’ve been living as a monk for a very long time and I’m telling you, all these things in your life pull you away from the true nature of life and living. To be truely alive is to be without any of these things. To have what is needed, but not a lot of things. Things can pull us away from life. Too many things can lead us into living a false sort of life. Things aren’t all bad, but too many things can lead us into a negative way of living. Things cause a lot of unneeded stress. You need less stress in your life and things make your life more stressful. Maintaining all these things is stressful.