The idea of legislating against “political dynasties” is ludicrous in a democracy such as the Philippines. For one thing (and, perhaps, the only thing), leaders and representatives in the Executive and Legislative branches of government respectively are elected by popular vote. This means that the people who make up the government are largely the outcome of “the people’s will”. Under the principles of democracy supposedly enshrined in the Philippines’ Constitution, the “people’s will” (channeled through due institutional process), trumps all else.
Thus, if Filipinos want to be ruled by dynasties, all they need do is vote for their preferred clansmen in the next election. It’s really that simple. Who’s the anti-dynasty “activist” to say that a people aspired to be ruled by dynasties as manifest in who they vote for election in and election out is wrong?
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The trouble with Filipinos’ approach to “democracy” is that their democracy advocates are indian givers. The powers-that-be presume to give “freedom” to Filipinos to exercise their will but with strings attached. It is no surprise that the biggest freedom indian givers of all are the “thought leaders” of the Liberal Party (a.k.a. the Yellowtards) who, on one hand, would harp ’til kingdom come about “freedom” and the “people’s will” and then, on the other, issue shrill condemnation of people’s choices that they do not like.
It is no surprise that these Yellowtards are comfy in bed with the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church abides by a similar but ancient doctrine convoluted by notions of “free will” and eternal damnation for “sinners”. Catholics are led to believe that God grants them free will — convenient for popes squirming on their thrones to explain why God “allows” war and genocide to happen — but, at the same time, are scared into believing that eternal fire and brimstone greets in the “afterlife” those who practice that “free will” in a disagreeable way.
The practice of democracy in the Philippines, as such, remains a mashup of medieval voodoo and “modern” democratic liberalism. Rhetoric surrounding the ascendancy of “freedom” is spouted side-by-side with labelling of “undesirable” political personalities as “Satan”. The idea that good-and-evil is a judgment call monopolised by a single party or participant — something reinforced by constant imagery of certain politicians knelt in prayer before a Catholic priest (perhaps with nuns flanking them for good measure).
The irony that flies above the pointed heads of these flawed democracy cheerleaders again starts when we consider the idea of “anti-dynasty” legislation. Clearly a conflicted message is being sent by people who cosy up to clerics in robes and, in the same vein, mouth shrill slogans against “dynasty politics”. Under a truly rational conversation about how to move real democracy forward in the Philippines, the Church and any sort of controls on what voters choose need to take a backseat. Filipinos who participate in their democracy need to be presumed to be adult enough to exercise their democratic rights. And just as adults are free to be loyal to Coca Cola when choosing their drink at a 7-11, Filipino voters too should be allowed that choice.
The key concept that Yellowtards need to add to their vocabulary is competitiveness. Yellowtards need to learn how to compete for attention and popularity — the sort of popularity that converts to votes. Unfortunately, Yellowtards prefer the lazy approach of whining about an imagined “unfairness” in the very system their Aquino overlords established back in 1987. It would be funny if this style of thinking was merely being intellectually dishonest. It is, however, no laughing matter because it has become borderline criminal in nature.
benign0 is the Webmaster of
I think democracy in the philippines is being violated by the yellows by the use of smartmatic machines during elections.
Running a Country like the Philippines is not a Yellow tard family Competition of Popularity Contest, bASICallly there are two People in the Philippines that really matters in the Presidency, and that is former President APo lakay Marcos the Eagle of the North and President Rodrigo Roa Duterte the Eagle of the South, the rest are all PRODUCT OF THE LATE SANTA CORYKOT LANTARANG PANGUGURAKOT, WHO WAS FOOLING AND DUMBDOWNING THE COUNTRY FOR 35 YEARS OF MASS MEDIA SELF INTEREST MANIPULATION,
One of the many things that make legislating against “Political Dynasties” almost unconstitutional, you are denying the right of a person to engage in Political Governance because his parents or siblings are currently in Government, and the need to have well-educated and experienced Government officials? who has the resources and time to invest in that? It’s unequal but that’s how it is, even the US can’t stop that, wish if I could that the Clintons, Bushs, and Kennedys would stop pouncing around with their influence just for their agenda that affect the rest of the World. And, I’d rather focus on One-Issue Partylist garbage that has too much legislative power and worthlessness when it’s the Tricycle Driver Partylist or Clean-Act Partylist or some other nonsense.
Quite right.
The whole silly idea arises from the fact that Filipinos understand neither democracy nor law. They are both imported concepts – they were not developed here – and as such don’t sit well with the local culture.
Lawmakers here are endlessly producing stupid laws that don’t make sense, can’t be adequately codified in legal language, and are impossible to enforce. My favourite example is the “anti-dummy law” which is just a jumble of legal-sounding words with no meaning whatsoever.
Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.
Filipinos certainly have a hella lot experience, then.
Problem with Filipinos is BAD DECISIONS are GOOD DECISIONS …
It is easier to teach an old dog new tricks than Filipinos old tricks –
A good decision, for a Pinoy, is where only he gains.
nah, a good decision, for a Pinoy, is where the other side loses. If he himself wins, that’s a sort of added bonus, but he’s rarely bothered about that. He’ll happily shoot himself in the foot if he’s got someone else’s foot trapped underneath.
Angara tax amnesty bill? is this means free tax for declaring hidden assets? it’s almost according to the bill.
What do you expect when a crook is the one making the law?
Majority of the Filipinos do not have assets only the rich powerful and well-connected. ANGARA TAX AMNESTY BILL is Pro-Rich anti-Poor.
Can my Pinay GF now come out and play that she has 2 carabaos … 5 cows … 7 goats … 5 hectares of rice paddies … and 7.5 hectares of coconut plantation?
FILIPINOS INTELLIGENCE IS FUN …. That is why Philippines is fun !!!
First of all, we have never been a Democracy. Our government is a Feudal Oligarchy, with some taint of theocracy of the Roman Catholic Church.
As long as there are family political dynasties, there will always be massive graft and corruption in our government.
Most of the Filipino voters, at the time of election, want something free from any candidate for public office. That is, free lunch, free tsinelas, free T shirts; free something in kind or in cash.
If the candidates would not give these these free things…they are branded as “kuripot”, and should not be elected.
There are no , campaign platforms. There are no programs offered to better our lives and the country.
So, where do these candidates get the money to finance the “free things” ? Surely thru graft, corruption, Pork Barrels, DAP, PDAF, etc…
From these graft and corruption; an elected politician could become multi millionaire in a few years. The money stolen from us, would then be used as a Political Capital, to have the entourage of the whole family to run for public offices. Hence, Political Dynasties are born.
Surely, we cannot legislate political dynasties. But, how can we remove them from our political system ?
Political dynasties are tied up with massive graft and corruption. It will always is, and it will always be !
I digress … PHILIPPINES IS A DEMOCRACY … people have liberty, free will and free speech. They have the right to vote and choose their elected officials. They have the right to sell their vote to the highest bidder in eBay. They have the right to remain noisy.