“Buy one, take one”, “Study now, pay later”, and “No pain, No gain” are slogans/mottos you’ve likely heard before (on top of the Zaxxun Creed collection), but have you ever heard of “rebels of today, heroes of tomorrow”? Well… welcome to the Philippines, a supposedly modern vibrant “democracy” that’s still unfortunately trapped in a middle-ages mindset. Let’s take a moment of national self-reflection and dig deeper into why rebellion remains a nagging staple element of the Filipino story to this very day and age.
Probably it was just “love at FIRST sight” the SECOND two delusional incompetents BS Aquino the THIRD and A Trillanes the FOURTH realized their common treasonous interests; but granting amnesties so liberally sends a completely wrong message out to all would-be aspiring rebels. In the Philippines, staging a rebellion is not something you even have to think thrice on anymore knowing that a failed uprising/mutiny/coup d’etat would only translate to a short tax-payer-paid vacation in detention during the incumbent’s term of office. Not only does it mean rebels can just so easily get off the hook, it means rebellion is extremely politically rewarding, especially considering the amount of media mileage (free election campaign marketing) these enemies of the state get.
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There are many tried and proven paths to political prominence in the Philippines, such as necro-political or dynastic name games and gaining TV/sports celebrity status; then there’s also the gun-toting rebel hero role/image, brandished by the likes of Ramos, Enrile and Honasan at the onset of the Yellow years, with failed-mutineer Trillanes following his idols’ footsteps.
Filipinos have probably had too much of Star Wars, Hunger Games, Matrix, and Robin Hood opium to actually fail to distinguish real from reel reality. They just can’t get over their national infatuation with childish fairy tale fantasies of the ruggedly handsome rebel savior on horseback swooping in to save the damsel in distress.
Compare the Philippines with genuinely functional democracies like Japan, Korea, and Taiwan which operate authentic train systems! Ask yourself why there are hardly any armed rebel groups fighting for freedom or other causes in these peaceful northern neighbors of ours. Rebel groups (left, right and every flavor between) are far more rampant in our version of “democracy”. We should start to wonder what we are feeding this animal called rebellion. Could it be that the very idea/hope of amnesty is one of its choicest fattening delicacies?
Are Filipinos so bored and in itching need of constant entertainment that they welcome just about anything that would rock the boat? It’s as if we quickly lose interest in reading news if it doesn’t contain some form of chaos-fueling event, disaster or character. Mainstream media / news outlets gorge on the likes of Trillanes like some obese grease-addicted glutton digging his own grave with a spoon and a fork.
The Filipino’s big mistake is glorifying rebels rather than lining them up where they really belong – a firing squad. Rebels get public sympathy rather than hard and swift condemnation; the simple mind trick they use to dupe the public is to just paint the government as an “evil empire”. Filipinos spend taxes building “rebel-hero” statues and monuments, immortalize smiling troublemakers on legal tender, and rename airports, parks and roads after these traitors to peace, development and public order.
Filipinos need to grow up. They need to be weaned off of fantasizing that Ninoy-inspired rebellion/treason is something to be looked up to. A symbolic gesture of this coming of age would be the simple act of ditching the jinx name that’s been stuck to the edifice of Manila’s premier international gateway for three long decades now. But why is it taking Congress so long to act?
Did you enjoy Ninoy Aquino Day recently? Did you commemorate his assassination with your ass on the couch watching TV on that work-free holiday, or did you celebrate the fact a flying projectile had gotten rid of an overly ambitious asshole who was instrumental to laying the foundations of one of the nation’s longest running headaches – the NPA armed insurgency?
Will Trillanes be the last of his kind? Only time will tell if Filipinos have finally learned their big headache-inducing lesson already. Hopefully, the huge airport complex to be built in Bulacan by San Miguel Corp. will not be named after another sham “hero” someday.
Let’s keep the rebels in fiction novels, fantasy video games, and movie theaters shall we? Life, inflation, sweltering heat and horrendous traffic in “more fun” land are already difficult enough; we no longer need the perpetual reminder and glorification of Ninoy and those gun-toting rebels who ushered in the nation’s sad state of socioeconomic despondency.
You can remove the incentive to kidnapping by making it a state policy to not pay the ransom (sacrificing the first few victims will actually save hundreds of potential ones down the line). In like manner, you can begin to stop fanning the flames of rebellion by
- ditching the idea of amnesties and
- not rewarding rebels of today with rich political careers or buildings/roads named after them.
Bring common sense and sound logical reasoning back into the national psyche. Support the growing anti-rebel-glorification movement…
Gadon wants NAIA renamed back as MIA
PAPALITAN na ang NAIA to Manila Int’l Airport (MIA)
The Aquinos are traitors: Time to remove their faces from the 500 peso bill
Zealous revolutionary advocate of bringing back common sense for the common good in a land of dysfunctional and delusional zombies.
It is all about the idea of hero-martyr-saint. Filipinos are made to think that a society made up of heroes, martyrs, and saints, would be a peaceful, perfect society, a real paradise, but what’s happening is exactly the opposite, just chaos and violence. We all know that this idea is not meant for the ordinary people, it is an elite idea.
Why do Filipinos worship rebels ? Simple, because rebellion , if successful, will give you: power, wealth, amnesty and the result of being worshiped as a hero or saint.
This is what Trililing Trillanes is looking for : the adoration of being a hero, to be worshiped upon. In truth, he is a coward, hiding in the Hotel Sotto, Senado; where everything is FREE, paid by you and me : the gullible taxpayers.
Ninoy Aquino, Jr. is a hero ? What did he do, for the Filipino people ? Did he ever improved your life ? Did he ever do any good for the country during his life and his term as being a Senator ?
The Aquino Cojuangco political axis hyped his murder, just to gain traction in their bid to grab political power in our country. They used the mainstream media, as their political propaganda machine. They used the Roman Catholic Church, and religion, to convince gullible Filipinos; they are anointed saints and heroes. Cory Aquino, was featured, as always “praying”, infront of the Altar. On the other hand, she was exploiting and murdering her Hacienda Luisita tenants/slaves.
Then, they built the EDSA Shrine, named , International Airport to themselves, and put their smirking faces on our currencies. They even have a national holiday, where we all can worship them, as heroes and saints.
The idiot Filipinos worshiped them as demigods. As they continued to plunder the National Treasury.
So, rebellion is really profitable. You can be rewarded a position as Senator; with unlimited power to make yourself rich by stealing from your DAP, PDAF and Pork Barrel. You can also hug the limelight of the mainstream media by many rounds of TV interviews. Being featured in newspapers, as being prayed upon by pedophile priests. As if you are one of God’s anointed warriors of the old…coming to save the nation from tyrants, and put the country to the path of righteousness.
Who would not become a rebel ? It is really rewarding to become a rebel, given with full amnesty !
Ninoy Aquino, Jr. is a hero ? What did he do, for the Filipino people ? Did he ever improved your life ? Did he ever do any good for the country during his life and his term as being a Senator ?
The Aquino Cojuangco political axis hyped his murder, just to gain traction in their bid to grab political power in our country. They used the mainstream media, as their political propaganda machine. They used the Roman Catholic Church, and religion, to convince gullible Filipinos; they are anointed saints and heroes. Cory Aquino, was featured, as always “praying”, infront of the Altar. On the other hand, she was exploiting and murdering her Hacienda Luisita tenants/slaves.
Then, they built the EDSA Shrine, named , International Airport to themselves, and put their smirking faces on our currencies. They even have a national holiday, where we all can worship them, as heroes and saints.
The idiot Filipinos worshiped them as demigods. As they continued to plunder the National Treasury.
The recent attempt of coup d’ etat by Trillanes, is a replica of the 1986 Coup d’ etat of Cory Aquino. The major players are: the Aquino Cojuangco political axis; the NPA/CPP; the Roman Catholic Church; the Liberal party; and various assortments of opposition groups. The Aquino Cojuangco propaganda machine; was used to focus on Trillanes during the attempted ouster. This was the reason the mainstream media, was always focusing on Trillanes…and they were asking for support from the Filipino people…
The oust Duterte plotters, wanted to put the fake VP Leni Robredo, as their puppet President. Sotto is a protector of Trillanes.
The U.S./C.I.A. threw its support , because there were Obama holdovers in the U.S./C.I.A. Former U.S. /C.I.A. Chief, Brennan, was one of the co conspirators, used by Obama in their effort to impeach U.S. Pres. Trumph, thru the Muller investigation. There are still holdovers in the U.S./C.I.A.; who were appointed by Brennan, during his term in the U.S./C.I.A… Brennan is the “running dog”of Obama and Hilary Clinton, in trying to defeat Trumph in the 2016 Presidential election. Obama and Hilary Clinton, used Brennan, to find dirt on , then candidate , Trumph…
Pres. Duterte, discovered the plot, while he was visiting Israel and Jordan. When the U.S./C.I.A. learned about Duterte knowing the plot. The U.S./C.I.A. withdrew its support on the coup d’ etat plotters, initiated by Trillanes.
Trillanes is now in serious trouble. Along with those who participated in the attempted ouster of Pres. Duterte !
agree again to his comments.
agree to comments of 222Hyden007Toro888.999
Marcial Bonifacio aka Ninoy Aquino the Malaysian madbomber of Plaza Miranda, the Hero of Malaysia who gave Sabah and now the BBL whom Malaysia is almost occupying Mindanao with these unfair BBL by madpnoy kulangkulang99 creator of four million Pilipino addicts…his hypocrisy is labelled in manila international airport that was rename ninoy international airport, this changes of name is illegally done, for the naming and labelling of government assets has to be change to 10 years, this air port was change in only two years…
Rebels of yesterday heroes of today?
Failed Rebel Trillanes of yesterday Hero and martyr of today?
Let’s see what U.P. His Story professors writes in Philippine History for the Dumb.
The whole purpose in propagating the idea of hero-martyr-saint is to make the elite become powerful and make the ordinary people become powerless, the illusion of power is created just by the trick of the imagination.
Please … help me understand Filipinos … When Filipinos laugh they cover their mouth with one hand and point fingers with the other … when they stop laughing covering their mouth and pointing they clear their throat and starts coughing …
Why? Please? … and oh … before I forget … their whole body convulse they walk forward … backward … like they are possessed by evil spirits … WHY? They scream … they shout … eyes bulge …
Trying to understand Filipinos
That’s probably a part of our given human design to differentiate ourselves with one another. Asians tend to have their sheepish laugh while Westerners have their so called horse laugh or gorilla laugh.
We must remove our WORST persona of the Filipinos and these are 1) Being an ignorant person (aka pagiging “Pasaway” at kulang sa disiplina) and 2) Being a BAD CRAB (i.e. having a Crab Mentality).
These are the MAIN REASONS why our country are still underdeveloped & we’re far behind from other Asian countries like China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand & Malaysia. We’re becoming a North Korea without communism and replace it with indirect & dirty democracy or also known as DEMOCRAZY!!! ?
So instead of the Filipinos worshiping heroes & idols everyday, we must work hard & think about it on how will our country will become a great nation someday just like the Asian countries that I’d mentioned it above. Instead of our motto, “Rebels of today, Heroes of tomorrow.” it’ll be ” Leaders of today, Builders of tomorrow!!!” We need leaders, not heroes nor idols in order to make our country to thrive & survive and make our country greater, not being too lazy, too ignorant & being dumb!
In order to learn this lesson that I told you today, here are the two links that you should check it out:
1) Watch this short video of “Angelito”, a prequel of the much awaited historical film, Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral in which the middle part of this video mentioned that the Filipinos need a leader rather than a hero in order to make our country strong, unified & developed: https://youtu.be/DCBRjEuSQNw
2) Follow these advice of the Singaporeans on how a poor country like the Philippines should become a rich & industrialized country just like their home country, Singapore: https://www.quora.com/As-a-Singaporean-how-will-you-give-an-advice-or-tip-to-the-world-especially-to-the-poor-countries-on-how-will-they-become-a-First-World-country-just-like-Singapore
Being a BAD CRAB (Crab Mentality) is for CRAB PEOPLE: tastes like crab but walk like people. They have a tough shelf but total softies on this inside, always resorting to emotional outbursts than logical thinking.
The coup d’ etat plot, done by Trillanes;the Roman Catholic Church; the Aquino Cojuangco political axis; the Liberal Party ; the NPA/CPP and other opposition groups; failed miserably. Sotto was a co conspirator of the ouster plot.
It was timed when Pres. Duterte was visiting , Israel and Jordan. The U.S./C.I.A. was a co conspirator at first. But, pulled out its support when they learned that Pres. Duterte discovered the ouster plot.
We have to file sedition cases on all who were involved with the ouster plot. Trillanes, must be tried with sedition and treason. He must face the firing squad. All those who participated, including those priests, must face sedition and treason case…these people just want power !
But my good sir, being Anti-Rebel IS a so-called middle ages mindset.
Not that the middle ages were a bad thing. Medieval Europe and Japan have better ideas on the function of society and morality and ethics than modern anything.
I’m just glad you people are starting to learn. Now stop trying to claim something is something else.
Filipinos will grow up when they become self-determined and learn to prioritize principles (and virtues) over mere survival instincts–only then can we build and have a truly worthy society.
There are indeed false heroes and dubious rebels, because our motivations now are mostly self-serving and driven towards perceived external powers and freedom.
most of these Rebels are just Pursuing the footsteps of marcial bonifacio aka ninoy aquino self serving interest of a non pilipino but a malaysian hero who gave sabah to malaysia and prop up there hacienda luisita properties that is not worthy to die for, these magdalo group almost succeed overthrowing late santa corikot lantarang pangugurakot for almost 35 years of decieving Juan delacruz as a revolutionary government ,
As a matter of fact, BS Aquino was also guilty of breaking his promises to the public. He fooled the public with his campaign slogan “Kung walang kurap, walang mahirap” (When there is no poverty, there is no corruption). It turned out he wasn’t planning on even reducing corruption.
BS Aquino actually perpetuated corruption when he increased the budget for pork barrel funds and when he allegedly bribed the senators into convicting the late former Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona using public funds via a mechanism they dubbed the “Disbursement Acceleration Program” or DAP, which the Supreme Court eventually found illegal. BS Aquino’s habit of letting his allies “off the hook” also promoted impunity, which helped corrupt activities become acceptable in Philippine society.
BS Aquino also promised to prioritise the passing of the Freedom of Information (FOI) bill to promote transparency in government once politicians are elected to office, but alas, it languished at the bottom of his list of priorities until he conveniently forgot about it.
The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.