Whatever is said about the manner with which Mocha Uson is pitching “federalism” to the Filipino public, her followers need to be more circumspect in the way they consume what is being fed to them. Being a fan of Mocha Uson is one thing, and fan behaviour is understandable with regard to the bulk of her fan base which was accumulated during her time as an erotic blogger and performer. But Uson’s moving beyond entertainment and into delivery of content focused on politics and social issues altogether changes the game, and her followers need to work their brains more to understand the difference between Mocha’s traditional trade and the intellectual landscape she had ventured into since joining government.
Not much is expected of people who follow Mocha Uson for her entertainment value. However, more is expected of followers of Mocha Uson the political influencer. Each of her fans and followers need to decide which of the two they want to be. To be the latter — followers of her politics — requires application of a critical mind. Fans of her erotic entertainment only need follow their dicks. Big difference right there.
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As a political influencer it is par for the course to be exposed and subject to critical scrutiny. By herself, Uson is stepping up to that challenge. Her followers too need to step up, not to mindlessly defend her and be rabidly loyal, but to help her succeed in her new trade by being her critical and constructive partners in that journey.
By being rabid supporters, Mocha Uson’s followers fall into the same trap that the Yellowtards have. The Yellowtards slid to irrelevance because of their rabid loyalty to the Aquino-Cojuangco clan mythology and the poltical narrative propped on its back. They failed to evolve from a power grab machine into true contributors to nation-building. Mocha Uson’s followers should study that lesson that sits right under their noses and understand it well. They should change their ways before it is too late — before they become like the Yellowtards.
Being rabid fans will not help Mocha Uson. It will only squander her influence which, for now, remains formidable. This is precious capital that needs to be used wisely. It is a challenge Mocha Uson fandom should embrace.
Rather than turn themselves into an echo chamber community and isolate Uson from a diversity of views, Mocha fans should continue to keep their minds open to a diversity of points of view and recognise that being critical of what Mocha Uson says does not necessarily mean she is being “attacked”. Her fans need to regard criticism more maturely and see the value in some of that criticism. More can be learned from critics than from rabid fans. And Mocha Uson has a lot to learn as she continues to reinvent herself from just being an entertainer to one who could credibly lead constructive thought in Philippine society.
benign0 is the Webmaster of GetRealPhilippines.com.
I would place more responsibility on Mocha. Fans/followers tend to just follow and most of them just flat out blindly follow. So the leader should steer her followers.
And it would serve Mocha more if she improves on how she presents herself as a government representative through the projects that she is assigned to.
For example, she can create a more “elitist” version of her Federalism campaign to target more sophisticated Filipino audience.
Nobody said anything about reducing anyone’s responsibility. You’re just stating the obvious.
It needs to be stated even if some of us know that it is obvious. Besides, most of her followers will never do what the article is suggesting. It is us, the non-followers, who are doing or will be doing it.
Now its up to Mocha to listen or not.
Politics in our country is more of entertainment. Look at our politicians. There is a comedian, who is a Senate President. There is a boxer in the Senate. There were actors and actresses, who were voted in public offices. Most of them were elected; not on their political platform; not on what is on their heads. Not on what they can do…But, on their Power to electrify the clueless voters thru their entertainments.
The whore, Kris Aquino, is an example of how these clueless Filipino voters were entertained ; then their votes were hooked.
Federalism issue is best discussed by people who understand Federalism. It should not be sold , packaged, as entertainment to get votes. The U.S. is a Federal government; so is Germany.
The GRP is a good venue to discuss Federalism. Maybe, there are knowledgeable reader/bloggers, who can clarify all the issues on Federalism. We request them to come out, and share their views, to inform all of us, who have the difficulties understanding Federalism. The issue must not be Politicized, as other issues.
There is nothing wrong with Filipinos present form of government. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH FILIPINOS!
I took a sampling of OFWs and self-exiled immigrant Filipinos abroad and studied their behaviours. Here are what I found:
1. Filipinos are good upright law-abiding citizens in Muslim countries;
2. Filipinos are good upright law-abiding citizens in Parliamentary government of UK
3. Filipinos are good upright law-abiding citizens in Federal form of government in the U.S.
4. Filipinos are good upright law-abiding citizens in Shinto-God Japan
5. Filipinos are good upright law-abiding citizens in Communist China
Filipinos can adapt to any form of government BUT NOT IN THE PHILIPPINES. WHY? Why? why?
@Oratio Imperata:
The criminals, the Filipinos who are law breakers, are mostly not punished. Just look at our highways, how Filipinos drive. They drive as if they own the road. Most of the Police look the other way…Look at our Politicians, who steal from public funds. They are not punished. Even people who facilitated in cheating in national elections. Like former COMELEC Chief Andres Bautista, are rewarded. Bautista has several banking accounts of multi million pesos. He is not even investigated, and is now enjoying his loots in the U.S.
Start jailing and hanging/executing these bad people. You will surely have discipline !
There is one thing I love Filipinos, they steal to help the American Economy. How? They send their loot to the U.S. What is bad for Philippines is good for American Economy. Filipinos are charitable.
Driving habits of Filipinos is truly incomprehensible. Filipinos in the U.S. drive slow in the fast lane and fast in the slow lane. They mostly drive Toyotas and Hondas their luxury car of choice. When they shop they always have someone left to watch over their Toyotas and Hondas.
Don’t expect Mocha will ever evolve into something of significance in political discourse because you will only get disappointed. She has proven it already many times that she is a total failure. She is a disgrace to the PCOO since she became an Asec. She will remain to be because it is in her DNA as a pure entertainer. She should stay there where she is at her best, which is, an adult entertainer.
Staying in the government and being politically serious/formal is an alien concept to her. Better she resigns or Duterte kicks her out. Her followers in social media will surely be happy if she will get back to her comfort zone which she led before joining the politics – the Mocha Girls. There she exhibited excellence and professionalism and respect to her audience as an entertainer.
What better way to explain in order to attention? I never find it ‘bastos’ but corny. Only the hypocritical ‘disente’ crowd would say it otherwise.
Still, you didn’t give any choice who should replace Mocha. If you think guys like Ricky Carandang, Edwin Lacierda, Cocoy Dayao or even Jover Laurio would be fit for that job, then you need to seek help. You have nothing to say but ‘anything but Mocha’ since you offered nothing. Get a grip on yourself.
LOL! Here comes the stupid idiotard again who is always asking me who to replace Uson while toying me with personalities that are perceived to be the opposition of this admin. Do you really think Duterte will appoint blatant opposition to his cabinet? Think again! Don’t make a fool of yourself again!.Or does it mean that your president Duterte is already hooked with Mocha and that is why he cannot find somebody to replace her? You should have consulted the 16millions Dutertards of who among them is qualified to step up to the challenge of being the next Asec of PCOO, not me whom you see as your enemy.
There are many qualified in the PCOO already. Duterte should not look too far. He can maybe choose an outsider as an option whom he thinks a friend of him but is competent. This is a guidance. Maybe nobody advised Duterte enough how awful Uson is.
Again, I don’t need to tell you who is qualified to be in that position because that would prove you are a kid, who needs spoonfeeding always, or are you? And I would still give you the chance and benefit of the doubt that you are not an absolute stupid. But if you still insist to push me more about who I think this person should be, then you will prove to me that I am really talking to a mentally retarded kid.
Is Mocha qualified, perhaps not. Effective? Yes, very.
She may be awful to you but not to her 5M followers. She has definitely more reach than you, typing angrily on a keyboard, asking for credentials.
Those who do ground work in the real world actually prefer effective colleagues over those with long resumes and nothing to show for it. Certificates, titles and qualifications only mean something if all you care about is your position and paycheck. Grunts make the machine run, not managers. In the long run, results matter and there is no qualification that can replace “talent” coupled with hard work. I believe Mar Roxas was trying this angle but failed so miserably.
Effective in what aspect? By dumbing down Filipinos more ? That 5M followers are accumulated during her stint as an entertainer. Most of those are perverts who are only after Mocha’s lewd side.
By setting aside credentials/merit over someone who delivers mediocre job and who commits blundertime and again is ludicrous. Mocha was hired by Duterte, not because of effectiveness and qualifications, but purely because of “utang na loob” – a long practice held by traditional politicians which is one of the reasons the Philippines continues to be dysfunctional and third world. And you and your ilk think it is not something serious.
lol, the pepederalismo video, if you get past the dance, actually tries to educate.
to be fair to mocha, she isnt dumbing down her audience, as they are already stupid and moronic for being dutertards as you claim. she is simply making the message easier to digest for the masa. spoonfeeding yes, because unfortunately the masa arent as well-educated and enlightened as you and wouldnt understand something as complicated as a distributed system of governance. If that isnt effective, i guess fml, i wish i were as smart as you.
Nice TROLLING, bruh. If anything, Yellowtards are actually stupid idiotards.
Hate to break it to you, but Duterte’s mistake is hiring Harold Clavite as head of PIA. This guy is previously working for Sen. Kiko Pangilingan. It should be him should be kicked out and not just Mocha, if your basing your hate against her. You’re always grasping on straws with this.
Also, it’s sometimes really pointless to lash at Mocha for how ‘awful’ she is. It’s the same thing when Americans, mostly the Left, were saying how ‘awful’ Donald Trump is as President when it is the Left’s fault about how and why it did happen yet won’t admit it. Because you’re focusing too much on people rather than the most important thing: issues.
You said you only care about the integrity of the PCOO but failed to realize that it’s also a product of Noynoy Aquino’s stupidity. At first, it was known as the Press Secretary. Three men: Sonny Coloma, Edwin Lacierda, and Ricky Carandang are known candidates for the job. But because Noynoy wants to do something for his close friends, he organized the PCOO so the three can act as press secretaries, in other words, a power share. But still of course, the infighting never stopped. Carandang resigned and Lacierda and Coloma remained to continue bickering and earn notoriety for their own shenanigans as well. I just hope that they should return to Press Secretary in order to make things simplified. I don’t care of Uson would be booted out or anything, but since you brought out senseless rage on her, then perhaps it would take a long time for that to happen.
And sorry, you vehemently expose yourself as a mentally retarded kid when you began to hurl labels and insults on those who disagree with you and when you went EMO over an ex-president turned House Speaker that it even tells anyone with a sane mind that you were easily deceived by what the media tells you. Just because I’m channeling my inner Jonathan Pie means I’m not absolutely stupid. You just love to cover up things, son.
You can never find smartness in this guy because he’s so Yellowtard elitist that he wants to TROLL on this page in order to gain attention. He keeps on saying Duterte didn’t make a difference and prefers Leni Robredo as President w/o failing to realize that she’ll be just Noynoy 2.0.
Ehem, to be frank, he’s just another Yellowtard supporter who even hailed Noynoy as a better president compared to his predecessor Arroyo; this much confirms that he is driven by emotions and what the mass media told them and not by his own critical thinking.
dude, you used forbidden language! dont ever mention that ghastly phrase, it is like poison to them and they’ll go apeshit if you mention *critical thinking* (omg you made me do it too) because we are incapable of it, as his argument has established, and are undereducated and morally bankrupt!
Nothing and nobody dumbs down the Filipino culture more than Noynoy Aquino. Mocha was appointed to her post since she already had a following and an audience. Noynoy was voted in by people who felt bad his mom died. You can’t tell me any B.S. that one voter felt good about his accomplishments. Noynoy and his Liberal cult got voted out for trying to convince voters that Noynoy fan girl Mar Roxas was the best “man” to be president. Noynoy during the 2010 election just talked about his parents and the moronic and gullible believed that was good enough for him to be president. Only somebody with a crush on Noynoy will tell you that his presence and track record are based on competence and results.
What will they educate there? Can you tell me where’s the substance there? The script was a big mistake after that dirty dance of Drew. Maybe that was the only level of “IQ” Mocha and Drew have. They even labelled France and Singapore as Federal States, which further highlights their ineptitude. And added that federalism is like a rainbow. LOL! So, Federalism is for fun only.
They will only confuse the masses more instead of educating them. Mocha and Drew are treating Filipino masses as trash because that is the best they can come up with with their senses. Allied Senators of Duterte and drafters of federalism all agreed that Mocha becomes a threat and, at the same time, a laughingstock to Federalism. Better not trust her anything about politics. Only entertainment will she really ever fit.
I stick to the topic of this article you moron! The issue here is all about Mocha and her inability to lead properly as high government official. Look how stupid you are when you are trying to divert from this issue to yellowtard and Aquino.
And no you are wrong, not Harold Clavite should be sacked but Cesar Montano, who was found to have corruption issues by his subordinates and a siphoning of public funds thru his multiple travel outside of Ph. Another appointee of Duterte just because of “utang na loob” in the last elections, who always exhibited happy-go-lucky-mediocre-substandard performance in government service same as Mocha. Duterte must fire him because he hates those who always travel abroad and he hates corruption as he said. But I guess he is making exemptions by his double standard governance.
How desperate are you to vilify Noynoy Aquino. Even comparing him to Mocha Uson. Ok i will explain this; Yes, Noynoy maybe least competent among the candidates in the 2010 elections, but the Filipino people still voted on him because they believed he is not corrupt. They perceived Arroyo at the time and her allies was the epitome of corruption. But let us not judge them when they won elections, we judge them after elections. Arroyo’s governance was known to be a laggard while Aquino’s governance was the “rising tiger in Asia.” You can blame the media, but I think the mass media were just doing their job which was to expose Arroyo’s corruption. Maybe that was the truth and that was all there is during her almost decade of power. Media was sensational enoguh, Noynoy Aquino even hated the media for always being biased in their reporting. So you cannot say mass media were allies of Aquino.
Going back to Mocha, her millions of followers as explained by me were accumulated because of her slutty stint as leader of Mocha Girls. No other reason why Duterte appointed her; it was purely motivated by the “utang na loob” he owes to Mocha. Mocha and Montano have the same case.
@Pinoy Citizen
I understood what mocha and drew were trying to say, so it means the target audience was someone of my low IQ, oh dear. You made me realize how ineffective they are because they use sexual innuendo and shamelessness to sell this idea of a distributed government structure to our kababayans, a subject the probably know nothing about, having to resort to such a cringeworthy jingle! what a bunch of rip-offs! next thing you know they’ll be promoting martial law! Now i really wish i had your smarts. You na already noh!
No, you’re not even trying. Still, you fail to address WHO should replace Uson for the job. Any form of saying ‘I have no idea lel’ says you offered nothing so you keep on covering yourself while I expose your Yellowtardness, which is evident.
You’re missing the point. Why only Mocha and Cesar Montano? Why don’t you include Harold Clavite as well? Because of credentials? Seems you literally have NO IDEA that he previously worked for Aquino and Sen. Kiko Panglingan that many questioned his credibility. So instead of coming up with a good answer, he instead said that “hwag na lang mag-bash and move on”.
I question your credibility as well. Typical Yellowtardism at best. Way to defend Clavite. Another foolish attempt.
Thanks for clarifying that Yellowtards like you are actually desperate.
No one is vilifying Noynoy Aquino because anyone with a critical thinking would tell you that he IS an incompetent nincompoop. If it’s not for Cory’s death, he would not get voted along with his anti-corruption drive. Only Filipinos realized his corruption too late that he even used public funds to get rid of a certain Chief Justice. Also, thanks for exposing yourself with your stupidity: those claims of Arroyo’s time on where the Philippines being ‘Asia’s laggard’ and the claims of Aquino’s time being ‘the Rising Tiger of Asia’ are all ploys by the mass media in order to make things look good during his term. If anything, Arroyo saved the Philippines from the 2008 global economic crisis while Noynoy is taking all the credit. That ‘Rising Tiger of Asia’ during his time turned out a whimpering pussy when it was revealed that it was nothing but a bubble economy – and they call it the fastest rising economy.
Yes, the media is still to be blamed. Those corruptions that they ‘exposed’ still way back before she became president so it’s more like, yeah, they did a good job… by putting up a demolition job against her. To make myself clear: corruptions thrown at her administration existed for decades, across different administrations and cabinets. So you literally shot yourself in the foot on this because what they’re spouting is half-truths and propaganda, like what you’re spouting right now.
And who says Noynoy hated the media for always being biased in their reporting? You’re just grasping on straws and at the same time, you fell on that sham. He had Carandang, Coloma and Lacierda on his back, along with ABS-CBN, Inquirer and Rappler as well. What you’re claiming is nothing but a cover-up so in order to see him playing the victim. It’s sad that you easily fell for it and you let your EMOTIONS get the better of you. So no matter how hard you try, our answers will always be the same. You’re just wasting your time.
Nothing to see here. Another Mocha lashing. As if the hiring of Lacierda, Coloma and Carandang aren’t even ‘utang na loob’. Try to think outside the box.
Still hoping for Clavite to get fired and drag Uson and Montano as well.
I don’t know why, but what you’re actually doing is glorifying Noynoy Aquino and at the same time, vilifying Arroyo. For the latter, it was the mainstream mass media who are also behind it. So that tells everyone that you’re an actual Yellowtard since you vehemently wasting time being EMO over an ex-president turned speaker so always sound like a broken record.
Oh yeah, you love to overrate how Noynoy handled the economy and called it ‘The Rising Tiger of Asia’ (which you love to brag) but failed to realize that those people who worked during Noynoy’s term also served during Arroyo’s term as well. Most of them belong to the Hyatt 10, which you like to brag on how they resigned due to the Hello Garci scandal, but in reality, they bolted from GMA and decided to latch on to the Aquinos because they couldn’t get their way with Arroyo. They got their break with Aquino and are back in power during those six years… and are masterminding much of the pillaging of this country. All with Aquino’s blessing.
As they say, The More You Know.
Very simple question. Kris’ slutty stints with a bunch of married guys entitle her to using the taxpayer’s helicopter? The Mocha Girls are a dance group. They performed in theaters and clubs. Nobody will pay money to watch fat hags dance. That is not the norm when it comes to dance groups. They were not strippers either. Strippers perform in strip clubs. Unless you can prove they are a mobile brothel they are a dance group. Noynoy on the other hand did nothing . No laws nothing despite being on the public payroll for two decades. Kris is a slut and open to any married man. Noynoy is a whore who also employs online whores who frequent GRP and fight for the honor of Noynoy.
@Aquino Citizen:
Since you admit that media was sensational enough, we can say that everything the media said against Arroyo are all sensationalized. You said it your self.
So that means they’re not ‘exposing’ the ‘evils’ of her administration or anything. Pretty much confirms that they did it for their own selfish interests, for their own personal agenda. Of course, you won’t admit it since you’re guilty of having one. More like propaganda and half-truths. Thanks for exposing yourself.
The most influential people you will ever meet were once held together by the encouragement of others.
Freedom rings when you realize you can become what you never thought you could become.
Filipinos seems to be “concerned” about Mocha Uson’s behavior when they should look at themselves if their behavior mirrors that of Mocha Uson.
What I see is Filipinos are Mocha Uson and the Mocha Usons in Filipinos wanted Mocha Uson to behave like an angel when Filipinos are not.
Get real, Filipinos. WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT?
I was in Los Angeles, California. I went to this place called West Covina particularly in Amar. You see mass of Filipinos there. They are snobbing at each other. They do not acknowledge each other. Each Filipinos think they are better than the Filipino next to them. Each poor Filipinos think they are being looked down upon.
Filipinos function well if they are not in Filipino community. If Filipinos are gathered together they become splintered. West Covina is an epitome of Filipinos that they cannot coalesce.