Oh, how sweet it is to see the yellows squirm even more. They hate Gloria and on Monday, July 23 there she is taking center stage at a SONA eight years after she was last president. If all you did was pay attention to the SONAs for 2010-2015 you would have constantly heard her name attached to whatever disaster. What the yellows will never tell you is in the back of their minds whatever faux outrage they are voicing really is their frustration with their heroes.
The yellow movement from the start was never much of a movement. For all their self-aggrandizing they never moved any of the kingpins behind their “issues” to jail in the last 32 years. That sure is some movement. As potent or impotent as their most recent ideal president.
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I cringed when during Bong Bong Marcos’ campaign many yellows said he should be in jail. I looked at my calendar and it said 2016. As of that date, not a single Marcos family member that I grew up with ( on TV and in newspapers) saw the inside of a jail. What did the yellows want? Were they expecting Bong-Bong to a find an empty jail cell and squat??

The Yellows have no merits of their own to sell you. They have no vision or track record. What they were able to do in 2010 was capitalize on emo. Notice I said emo, not logic or tangible accomplishments. We had our perfect storm of a high profile and perfectly timed death of the mother able to lift up her low IQ son into the presidency. As the recent Gilas brawl will tell you, pinoys will often gravitate towards emo ( we fought them) and in order to flee from the reality of the lack of tangible accomplishments (the final score of the game).

I have explored over the last six years in GRP why the yellows were able to sell Noynoy to the public. Noynoy is the very product of the dysfunctional pinoy culture we always discuss here at GRP. The pinoy does not value work. The pinoys do not realize what goes into an Olympic gold medal that when the time comes to elect a president and give out their own gold medal then they don’t necessarily see work as a prerequisite. It is one thing to bring a faulty product to the marketplace. The problem is when the faulty product continues to exist in the marketplace then it is the marketplace that is just as faulty.
There was once an Archie comic strip featuring Jughead Jones where he hears his mom in the distance calling him to do a chore. The next panels show him crossing a stream and crawling underneath a barb wire fence. Jughead finally comes to the conclusion that avoiding hard work is hard work in itself.

Five years ago I wrote a piece with the premise that Noynoy spends all his time trying to look like he should be president than spending that time doing the work of a president. He knows he was not qualified. He knows he did not earn his position by doing anything. In order to maintain the false image of President Noynoy the main strategy was to prove he is the good guy by creating a bad guy. So let’s deprive GMA of her rights, we will detain her since our fans will equate that with imprisonment, let’s pull the plug on her projects, let’s remove her appointees on a stage paid for by the taxpayers. Incentives to remove the Chief Justice also paid for by the taxpayers.

I wrote that piece when we were halfway through Noynoy’s “term” as president. I used examples that we could see three years into his reign of incompetence. There are few times in life that you hate being right. Now that we are two years removed from Noynoy being evident we are only starting to tally the cost of his effort to fill a false image. A cost measured in the currency of human lives. He is in denial over the consequences of his rushed campaign tool Dengvaxia. He, Garin and Abad show up to inquiry after inquiry admitting nothing. Like they are waiting for a scapegoat to appear out of thin air. Despite his blunders, he is not mentioned in Duterte SONAs and he still does not attend.

I have written a lot over the years here about Noynoy cutting corners in order to get validation as a good president. Did he pull the plug on the SAF 44 because letting them live will cause his dreams for a Nobel Peace Prize to die? Did Noynoy himself declare his allies innocent of any crime just to maintain the illusion of Daang Matuwid? Did he interfere with other such investigations that might trace back to him?

Like mother like son. The Cory government ultimately had no high profile prisoners to answer for ” dark times of Martial Law”. They could care less who ultimately killed their patriarch. The Yellows in fact utilized people like Ramos and Enrile to their advantage at one time or another as allies and/or scapegoats. Noynoy’s favorite punching bag during his term was there on Monday. But not as a bullet point on a PowerPoint slide to underscore why he inherited a ton of problems. She was there being sworn in as the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Faulty sound system and all.

The Marcos family not only were never imprisoned but returned from their Hawaii vacation to live life freely in their home country and even serve in public office. Does that sound like a family paying for Martial Law atrocities to you? Gloria was the source of all evil in every Noynoy SONA. She Who Must Not Be Named. Yet Noynoy had her like a fish in a barrel. All the legal firepower at his disposal from 2010 to 2016 and yet nobody could get a guilty verdict. I repeat, she was right there in hospital detention, unlike Andy Bautista who could be sleeping with the fishes in the San Francisco Bay for all we know?
Putting a very sharp needle into the balloon known as Pinoy Pride since 2012.
The drama queen is back again in power. The hello-garci queen which uttered the lost words “i’m sorry” when caught cheating on elections with pitiful face in front of TV. The moment she stepped into the light for her supposed “freedom,” all her amenities on her body; neckbrace and wheelchair are gone. This tells you how drama queen she is.
If Noynoy Aquino is “incompetent” as you repeatedly said, please list down Arroyo’s tangible “accomplishments” in her almost decade of presidency from 2001-2010? Make sure they are based on facts, and not your own opinions. Cite reliable sources. It is your burden to prove this time that she is not incompetent since you already judge Aquino in comparison to her.
Says the real-life Yellowtard drama queen who loves to TROLL on this site just to seek attention.
You love to overrate the ‘Hello Garci’ fiasco but I want to ask: is she already convicted of electoral fraud? And you love to overrate those neck braces and wheelchairs so that you caught up with the hate bandwagon.
You can’t just admit that you go EMO over Arroyo, claiming she stole millions of YOUR money (when it’s the governments money to begin with. Taxation money ain’t yours son! You aren’t down with that? Complain about taxation without representation!) when she also was an efficient leader that kept the Philippines economy afloat, invested on its economic side and did what she could to keep the government from going astray as she wasn’t going to get any legitimacy as the transitional leader after Estrada. So in this system, she had to what she can to gain allies, even if it meant throwing money at them.
All that your comments are based on your OWN opinions; you’re made up ‘facts’ came from the biased mainstream media where they’re on cahoots against her and they’re now doing the same thing on Duterte. Wow, you’re unknowingly exposing yourself on this that you’re proving Gogs’ point.
You jest. Detaining someone based on HEARSAY is called PERSECUTION, and anyone who thinks it’s good should be put into the mental hospital.
If Noynoy Aquino is “incompetent” as you repeatedly said, please list down Arroyo’s tangible “accomplishments” in her almost decade of presidency from 2001-2010? Make sure they are based on facts, and not your own opinions. Cite reliable sources. It is your burden to prove this time that she is not incompetent since you already judge Aquino in comparison to her.
Sorry, fam. But you’re totally clueless. Most of the things that BS Aquino did came from GMA while he is taking all the credit. Perhaps you literally have no idea about this so you allowed yourself to be raped by the Yellow narrative, figuratively and literally.
So based on your statement, you just confirmed Arroyo abusing the taxpayers’ money to bribe her allies for political survival. Not only is she corrupt, but she also is without an iota of integrity. A thick face one-of-a-kind animal and no “delikadesa” for that matter.
With no accomplishment on her decade of presidency, so it is safe to say she is useless. And she can bribe her allies more now that she is a speaker. Pakapalan lang talaga ng mukha ang kailangan.
You’re grasping on straws. You’re mad about how she allegedly stole YOUR money (which is the government’s money to begin with) yet totally fine with Noynoy’s pork barrel money, which is the biggest of all the presidents? And he even used that pork barrel to bribe his allies, especially against a late Chief Justice.
And please, there are accomplishments during her admit yet the media BARELY reported this. So everything you’ve said is useless.
You’re just proving the author’s point that you’re totally EMO over an ex-president turned Speaker. Pag dilalan talaga, ayaw aminin na makapal pala ang mukha mo.
If there is anything I have learned since 2010 is there no sense arguing with someone in love with Noynoy. No looks, no brains, no accomplishments, no laws authored, no kids but tons of bragging and bravado when president and now when in public repeat after me ” hindi ko alam”. That is RICH asking me to list GMA accomplishments when Noynoy spent a dozen years in Congress and Senate soaking up tons of pork with no laws and nothing his campaign could point to. Except a couple of corpses. Didn’t you learn from Mar that Noynoy love gets you nowhere. The guy is cowering in fear having you fight his battles for him. Noynoy made DAP which was illegal to bribe. End of argument. Love who you want to love. Noynoy is dumb, useless, waste of space , impotent . Go join the search party for Andy Bautista since you are so concerned about election cheating. Say hi to Ricky and @dawende for me. They blocked me and anybody else with a brain a long time ago.
Oh please, “grasping on straws” is your excuse annoying response as always when you cannot counter my words. If anything, you are the one grasping at straws for the sake of having something to say.
Arroyo was not only corrupt as president and didn’t just leave a lot of problems to her student (Aquino), she also had no visible accomplishments. In 2010, Philippines was name the “sick man of asia” after Aquino’s term, Philippines is now the “rising tiger in asia” which is still going on as inherent by Duterte. At least, we have 12 FA-50 fighter jets bought by Aquino that Duterte used in defeating the terrorists in Marawi, while, we have Arroyo who didn’t leave anything of valuable importance to Aquino after her decade term.
If you really hate Noynoy as congressman and president, then cite something about Arroyo’s hard “accomplishments” so that we can say she is not incompetent. Seems like you are insulating her from public blame.
@Yellow Citizen:
Oh please, I already countered your words and you’re always grasping on straws because you let your EMOTIONS get the better of you, as it shows. Why don’t you see that?
Lies. You’ve just shown how much a credit grabber Noynoy Aquino was, aside from being more corrupt than GMA. One good example, the law that standardizes the salary of government workers was not from the PNoy administration, it was signed by law during PGMA’s. The economic plan that saved our economy from the effects of the EU Financial crisis in 2010 were from PGMA.
And those 12 F/A-50 jets? That’s another Noynoy stupidity. And someone quoted “a FA-50 will never be able to defeat any terrorists in any war in the world unless you equip it with a nuke and annihilate everything including your puny mind.
Sorry, but that’s what you get if you rely too much on the biased mainstream media that you say such things. Lazy thinking, everyone.
You are more emotional than I am. Even if shall we say she saved the Philippines from crisis, still it cannot deny the fact that sick man of asia was her inheritance to Aquino.
Salary standardization was capitalized during Aquino’s term and benefited Gov’t employees up to this day including Duterte’s salary. Why don’t you google that. You embarrass yourself a lot.
Lies to you. FA50 jets were well equipped already when Aquino turned over them all to Duterte. FA50 jets were the reason the sturdy building where the terrorists hide were broken.
You are the lazy ass since your argument is always a yellowtard and grasping on straws.
Yes, you are. You are still EMO over an ex-president that you based your arguments on the EMOTIONS, not on brains.
But it was Arroyo who did the framework. I don’t know that credit grabbing is a good thing. But since you hate Arroyo, then it’s fine for you. You’re always embarrassing yourself in the first place.
That’s not the whole story. At first, they were pulled off because of friendly fire but re-deployed those jets and changed tactics. Where’s Noynoy in all of this?
Again for the nth time, you’re grasping on straws since you called me a lazy ass. If being EMO over an ex-president turned speaker is a good thing, then you’re delusional.
Not thay I started this. It is you, and this article who are EMO over Aquino first before I get emo over Arroyo.
“Where is Aquino all of this?” He was not there but the FA50 jets were there because of him. Arroyo did not turn over any valuable piece of asset to Aquino after her term – only pieces of tangible problems.
What are those things that Aquino grabbed from Arroyo?
Aquino inherent a lot of problems from Arroyo. Otherwise, we are already a first world country in her decade of presidency. Oh, don’t tell me about blaming others for the leadership failure of Arroyo. That could be pitiful.
A lot of them. Those economic gains that experienced during Noynoy’s administration are from Arroyo.
You and your fellow Yellowtards wanted her to make the Philippines a First World Country for a decade while Lee Kuan Yew took 20 YEARS to turn Singapore that it was today. Oh, don’t tell me about blaming her ALONE for that leadership failure. Media and propaganda are also one of the factors. Yellowtards are more pitiful TBH.
What are those economic gains? When Arroyo left the office, Philippines was name “sick man of asia” when Aquinonleft the office, Philippines was name “rising tiger of asia”
Of course, it was a decade of presidency. Sincenyou wanted to highlight her as a great leader then at least she could have made the Philippines a first world country or at least near to that status.
Truth is, she is incompetent. She cannot compete with the mainstream media, she cannot defeat the oligarchs or maybe she was in cahoots with them. She cannot unit the Filipino people. In short, incompetent and negligent. She is a useless president in her decade of power.
@Yellow Citizen:
Refer to one of my comments. It was GMA who signed the economic plan that saved us from the 2010 European debt crisis. You’re just furthering my point that not only Noynoy is a credit grabber but also how incompetent he was: that “rising tiger of asia” is nothing more than a bubble.
Of course, it was a decade of presidency. Sincenyou wanted to highlight her as a great leader then at least she could have made the Philippines a first world country or at least near to that status.
You failed to realize that she took over when Erap was ousted and went on a full term in 2004 but controversies rocked left and right so what you actually wanted is to rush things and everything will come in an instant.
Not exactly. She never pinned blame on her anyone for her mistakes, unlike Noynoy na panay sisi. She decided to focus on her job and not doing such things like “competing with the mainstream media” because she will be labelled as ‘dictator’ when that happens. She failed to ‘defeat’ the oligarchs because they are in cahoots against her. It was the biased mainstream media who keeps on dividing the Filipino people yet you tried to tell it’s the opposite. In short, Yellowtard BS coming from you kid. Every comment of yours is useless because they came from the ‘appeal to the emotions’ and not sound argument.
If anything, anyone who is EMO over an ex-president turned speak is, like what you said, a drama queen.
Why did i react? Because of this article being emo over Aquino that I get emo over Arroyo.
Yes, Duterte made a better used of FA50 jets, which he said is a “waste of money and only for decorations.” His billions of intelligent/contingent funds are also a waste of money because terrorists were able to attack Marawi.
What valuable economic handes by Arroyo to Aquino? Sick man of asia a valuable asset to you? You’re kidding yourself!
You don’t have anymore excuse for the failures of your president Arroyo anymore. She is just too incompetent for a decade of presidency. All talk, no walk, all grades, no real tangible accomplishment whatsoever.
Yellow Citizen:
Hate to say this, but you’re totally contradict yourself on this.
That means you’ve proven my point. You’re just part of the Arroyo hate bandwagon and you tried to justify it as a good thing. This is where you expose yourself.
And? The biased media tried to make a big deal about it. Cherrypicking, aren’t we?
More like her economic policies and not of those media spins so you’re kidding yourself, son.
All of these are merely excuses to make your Noynoy look good, where he’s an actual failure for the past six years. You love overrating this ‘decade of presidency’ but you’re clueless about those spins made by the media against her. In case you don’t notice, the biased mainstream media made a bogeyman and a fine example is those things you’ve mentioned. And unfortunately, you fell from it.
Pinoy Citizen:
I realized something. If blunders, gaffes, blame games, are the qualities for being a good leader, then I question your stance. If anything, those things you’ve mentioned are fitting more to BS Aquino. And it’s just six years. Of course, the media made successful cover-ups for him.
You’re just TROLLING on this site. Nothing else.
Nope, your first post contradict your statement so it’s more like an EMO-inducing post against Arroyo.
So you simply said that Duterte did a better on using those F/A50s than Noynoy did. You hate Arroyo so much so it’s fine that Noynoy keeps on playing blame games and you call it a reminder, right? And if anything, her economic policies are a valuable piece of asset yet he gets all the credit.
Now what’s your excuse this time around?
For a drama queen, Arroyo sure knows how to play her cards right and stay the queen. Meanwhile, the Yellows pretend to languish because they can’t be the ones there and continue to laugh all the way to the bank with the people’s money.
Of course, she is Duterte’s ally what should I expect? I was never even surprised for her speakership.
Every president, since time immemorial, will always promote nepotism and padrino system. Duterte knows exactly how to make gaya-gaya even if his slogan is “change is coming” nothing seems to change, really.
And if someone who is not named Duterte then perhaps you would say the same thing, even if it’s from the opposition.
And it seems you’re trying to exclude Noynoy Aquino with that. And of course, the reason why you say ‘nothing seems to change, really’ is because you love to take things too literally and always relying on the media on not your thinking. You should do better than that.
LOL! Putting the blame on the mainstream media for the failures of Arroyo makes you look even more pitiful! Not a valid excuse, kid. I thank the media, because of them, her evilness were exposed.
Accept the fact that Arroyo’s regime as president was a total failure. If not, Philippines could have prosper like South Korea or Thailand as the least after her decade term. No amount of media censorship could cover that. Reality could be felt that the lives of Filipinos during her term were a total mess. Hence, surveys of her performance before were always below average.
She is just too corrupt, incompetent and selfish animal. She only thinks how to protect her family especially her husband. She doesn’t care about the welfare of the Philippines. For her, presidency is an opportunity of a lifetime to exploit the resources of the public for her own evil agenda and abuse public funds under her own volition, which benefited herself, her family and her own political party. That’s why the Philippines was name “Asia’s laggard” “the basketcase of asia” “sick man of asia” among others, after her term. Much worst term of a president reflected under Arroyo’s term. Noynoy Aquino’s presidency on the economy was better than her. “Rising tiger of Asia” “approved credit ratings by credible credit agencies” among many other things. And you call Noynoy incompetent as president? Tell that to Gloria Arroyo First!
@Yellow Citizen:
After reading ALL of your emotional outbursts on this article, you’re unknowingly proving Gogs’ point. And for anyone is ‘blaming’ the media, they sometimes have a point because in case you don’t notice, media is a powerful tool not just for information, but also for propaganda. Quoting the late Jim Morrison of The Doors quoted:
“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.”
I know someone here posted this, but in order to crack your thick headed skull…
This is what happens if you let yourself being manipulated by the media and yet you still dwell on your ignorance with your own lazy thinking and let your EMOTIONS get the better of you. So from now, I’ll dismiss you as a troll.
Thanks for your “statement” because you have proven to me I am right after all. That Arroyo was controlled by: the media, public perception, church, oligarchs, party-mates and her family by her equally-evil-corrupt husband and children and many more. In short, she is a stupid dirty puppet. The one who takes order from anyone just to save her political ambition. A nincompoop who doesn’t have her own conviction, and who doesn’t have concrete direction for the Philippines to grow.
Why did she ever take that job as president in the first place when she knew from the start that she cannot handle the pressures particularly from the mainstream media? That tells you that she is a weakling in her decade of presidency. One thing remarkable that stays on her during those times and even until now as a speaker is her thick-face; the one who will do everything just to stay in power. She is greedy and power-hungry. First in history of the Philippines as a president who did not resign from politics after a decade of being president. That confirms everything what I siad above.
Arroyo cannot stand against the vested interests of those interest groups. She will always value her political ambitions over anything even at the expense of what is good for the country. She will always ride on the tide to seek asylum from anyone or any group who can save her ass in politics. Politics is everything on her mind since she was born. She is always ready to trade everything even her soul for that.
@Yellow Citizen:
Unfortunately, you’re taking things out of context:
Because she wants to focus more on her job rather than politicking so the media vehemently discredit everything she did, including how they manipulated the people through their propaganda. Noynoy is still a nincompoop because he still waste his 6 years playing blame games, gaffes, and blunders, etc.
And it confirms that the media, that you are latching on, is more powerful and more important than any president of this country. Media is all that matters to you. It’s hypocritical for you to say that she can’t handle the pressure yet every single competent leader will tell you to “shut up and do your job and let your actions speak itself” but still, the biased media still wants to paint her as a nincompoop. And it pretty much confirmed that you already fell for it.
Right, she is greedy and power-hungry… but not as greedy and power hungry as her successor who even wants to control ALL branches of the government and even used public funds just to get rid of a Chief Justice through impeachment, which he is behind all of that circus. And because you love to overrate how she’s the first president in Philippine history who did not resign over a decade of presidency then it seems you love to put Mahathir in the same level as Arroyo, et. al. Again, you’re grasping on straws as always.
Doing and focusing on your job tells a difference. The problem with those interest groups have their own ambitions as well so she had no choice but to play the political gain. It’s funny that someone wants to work in public office is called ‘political ambition’, despite the fact that she had done anything for the good of the country. It pretty much confirms on what I said “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.”
P.S. Everything you’ve said is coming from your ass so again, I’ll dismiss you as a troll. There’s no way you win arguments here because it’s all ‘appeal to the emotions’ and no brains. Go figure.
Pinoy Citizen:
I don’t know why but you’re more Yellow than Pinoy so I question your credibility.
So Arroyo cared more for her political ambition than for the good of the country? Pretty much confirms that you’re relying on half-truths. Her attempt for Meralco’s state ownership shows that she cared for the country. Her efforts of keeping the company afloat during the 2008 global financial crisis (that’s where the unfavorable E-VAT is used for) shows that she cared for the country. And like some guy who posted here, some people in the provinces will tell you a different story. But you still want to ignore it since you’re heavily reliant on the biased mainstream media (ABS-CBN, Inquirer, etc.) and your Imperial Manila mindset.
I also want to remind you that the infamous Hacienda Luisita Massacre happened during her time in 2004. And what, you’re gonna say that she didn’t do anything about it? Cory Aquino and the Yellows are behind Erap’s ouster in 2001 and let Arroyo take the oath because they were allies before. Pretty much confirms that you got it from the biased media’s ass.
And here’s the twist: in fact, she ordered an investigation, and the results made her support this: give the hacienda to the farmers. Cory is angry about when she found out about this matter and she decided to lash verbally against Arroyo just to defend her precious hacienda and those Anti-Gloria stuff made by those ‘interest groups’ you lapping about? It was Cory who rallied them. The so-called “People Power IV” in 2005 ended in failure, because of the Hacienda Luisita Massacre that it got people thinking, except the Yellows who are utterly worried.
Before you say that she still failed, hear me out: 2 years later after Arroyo left, in 2012, the Supreme Court ordered the distribution of the lands of Hacienda Luisita to the farmers. This made Noynoy Aquino throw a tantrum that he decided to use public funds to get rid of late Chief Justice Renato Corona out from office through means of impeachment. Hate to break it to you, but that impeachment trial is a sham.
Yellow Citizen:
If someone here is pitiful, it’s you. You failed to realize that they only highlighted her faults and ONLY focused on it. So it’s not and exposure but more of a demolition job. Evilness, my ass. Again, you’ve exposed your own stupidity.
And accept the fact that Aquino’s regime is no better and much more of a failure than Arroyo’s. It’s ironic that you hate dictators w/o realizing that Park Chung Hee, the man who made South Korea what it is today, is a dictator. Thailand is currently in political instability since it suffered a series of political crises. The most famous is the ouster of Thaksin Shinawatra by a coup d’etat. So its current government is a military junta.
You keep bragging those surveys but I have to tell you that surveys are biased. These numbers can be manipulated and the majority of those survey firms are friends and close relatives of the Aquino-Cojuangco clan. So again, you’re fooling yourself. It reminds me, one of Senator Richard Gordon’s campaign slogans is “Wag Magtiwala sa Survey”. You can’t even answer that because surveys can be used a propaganda tools. Of course, you won’t admit it.
I don’t know if I’m gonna laugh or gonna pity you on your bullshit because crap, this is some of your desperate shitposts I’ve ever seen.
Ehem, she is too corrupt, incompetent, and a selfish animal… and that’s what the media tells you. And she didn’t care the welfare of the Filipinos? Some people in the provinces would tell you a different story. But of course, you won’t look at it because you spend the rest of your life living in Imperial Manila so you’re living on your own ignorance.
You’re overrating too much about Arroyo’s supposed ‘evils’ while you condone Noynoy’s evils and tantrums like his blunders, blame games, gaffes, and so-called acts of bribery, including the fact that he used public funds to get a Chief Justice out of the way. In fact, he’s the only President that has the biggest pork barrel money that it even ranges to 1 trillion. And during his 6 year term, smuggling is in the trillions as well. How can you argue with that?
And please, I could care less with the “Asia’s laggard” “the basketcase of asia” “sick man of asia” titles because we became those AFTER Marcos left.
Again, you’re justifying credit grabbing, son. I mean, one of the reasons for the Philippines being the “Rising Tiger of Asia” is not because of Aquino but the extensive use of Arroyo’s Keynesian economics. If it makes you feel better, then Aquino did better than GMA… on turning the Philippine economy in a bubble. And those ‘credible credit agencies’ are also paid by his government to make things look good, among many other things.
Too bad, but Noynoy Aquino is still too incompetent compared to Arroyo. If he was, then the Manila Bus Hotage Crisis would never happen if he handled the situation properly. There would be no Mamasapano Massacre and the Dengvaxia fiasco. I know that her administration rocked with scandals and controversies but she still focused on doing her job while you and your fellow ilk loved to discredit her because the media told you so. You’ve just blinded by your rage.
As always, you’re grasping on straws. Thanks for proving to me that you let your EMOTIONS get the better of you so you resort to TROLLING instead.
The too corrupt, incompetent and selfish animal title still goes to Noynoy.
In fact, he used GMA to give some semblance of authenticity to his daang matuwid anti-corruption drive. Credit rating agencies lapped it all up and we’ve enjoyed the scores ever since.
What happens when they find out it was all just a sham?
The fact alone that BSA failed and/or did not apply full pressure to prosecute GMA? At a time that BSA has no qualms using any means to get his opponents like Corona?
So GMA is “drama queen”? and CHR is not for bribing and financing that hag Agnes to come in and give a predetermined opinion on the situation here? One thing no can deny. Noynoy may not be a drama queen. Just a queen.
You should thank Noynoy and his allies in COMELEC. At least Bautista allowed/accepted the questionable certificate of candidacy of Duterte that made him president today. In effect, what Duterte did to Sereno may backfire him. Now there is a quo warranto petition against him questioning his irregular certificate of candidacy.
You do know COMELEC is supposed to be apolitical not yellow right ? Be yellow . Love Noynoy . Go in the closet with him while he hides from accountability I don’t care. Love is a powerful thing and in the words of The Rolling Stones ” your love is strong”.
LOL! In you previous post, you already included Bautista (comelec commisioner when Duterte filed his COC) as yellow ally of Aquino and now you are saying apolitical? Make up your mind. You should thank him gogs. Not condemned him. He is one of the reasons your ilk dutertards are celebrating.
You love Arroyo the drama queen so much that you insulated her from any accountability for the wrongs or evil she did in the past.
You’re missing the point. Bautista is just doing his job while him being a Yellow ally is exposed during the VP election controversy. You should be thankful for him that Leni Robredo is the current VP.
And you, an actual drama queen, hate Arroyo so much that you always discredit her for everything she had done. Thanks for proving to everyone that you let your EMOTIONS get the better of you. Get off the hate bandwagon, plez.
@/pol/man- someone can not miss the point if they never read it to begin with. The assignment is simple. When Noynoy is under siege , come out and defend his “honor” and try to minimize the same people Noynoy is insecure about. Cooper was bullied in Ateneo and bullied as a president. We have to feel honored here in GRP because no one defends Noynoy over Dengvaxia, SAF 44 charges but for some weird reason ( maybe financial) GRP has someone doing that. Noynoy was not in the SONA because he went back in the closet playing dress up with Kris and Bimby. So insecure about his term and more importantly his time in the real world before all the anomalies catch up with him. And we will all still be here making fun of the girly man child who has to pay trolls to defend him.
Which again highlights the incompetence of the last admin.
A wall can only be breached by invaders if it guardians are not doing their job or at least not putting up a good fight to prevent said invaders.
Indeed, it takes one to know one!
I guess the Yellows really hate to admit why the Marcoses are still not jailed after so long. Their predecessors were on it, they were supposed to handle cases on it. But they bungled it. Only in the US the Marcoses could get things like contempt of court. But in local courts, not a single charge stuck. Meanwhile, PCGG officials themselves stole from the supposed Marcos loot, and people allied with the Aquino side turned out to be corrupt themselves. Hence, people did an about-face after observing this, and decided, let’s support Marcos instead to piss off the Yellows. And it’s too late anyway to try and put the Marcoses in jail, because by now, the time that passed already signified that whoever professed to be “Anti-Marcos” was actually pulling your leg.
The Aquinos were not elected to power; they grabbed power from the late Pres. Marcos Sr. thru a coup d’ etat by Enrile and Fidel Ramos. The U.S./C.I.A. and the U.S. Dept. of State, were manipulating Enrile and Fidel Ramos to oust the late Pres. Marcos Sr.
From thereon, the Aquinos used the “Demonization Tactic” to put down their political enemies. They demonized the late Pres. Marcos Sr. and his Martial Law. They demonized Gloria Arroyo and her family. They demonized anybody who were against them.
Their tools of demonization are: the Roman Catholic Church; YellowTard politicians; the captive TV media like the :ABS-CBN, GMA; media like the Inquirer, Rappler.com; fake poll survey results like: SWS Pulse Asia Survey; Hakot Demonstrator; YellowTards,; etc…
These tools of demonization are also used to expand the: “Cult of Personalities” of the Aquinos. Ninoy Aquino, Jr. was hailed as a hero and martyr. Cory Aquino was declared as a ” living saint”. Their children and their family were branded as honest and competent family. Airports, Stadiums, buildings, roads, etc…are named after them to show people, they are heroes. Their nasty faces are on our currencies, smirking at us, to remind us, they are important people. History books hailing their heroism and sainthood are in our textbooks, taught to the next generation in our public schools.
You can see how evil these people are; they used public funds (our taxes), to promote themselves !
If you flip further the other side of the Aquinos. You will find , Benigno Aquino, Sr. was a collaborator of the Japanese Imperial Army, and was sentenced to death of treason. You will find, they scammed the government by owning the Hacienda Luisita. You will find Ysidra Cojuangco, who was a mistress of Gen. Antonio Luna, made the Katipunan Fund, of Mexican gold and silver coins disappeared with no trace, like the DAP and PDAF funds, stolen by Pnoy Aquino and the thief, Abad.
If you look at Ninoy Aquino, Jr. You will find him , being absent in the bombing of the LP “miting de avance” at Plaza Miranda. Ninoy Aquino, Jr. founded the New Peoples’ Army; and was the financier of the arms shipment of the MV Karagatan, that landed at Palanan, Isabela.
Under the Aquino era; there were widespread corruption; unabated ” padrino system’; wasting of government funds; plain incompetence; massacres; thievery; etc…
The Aquinos demonized their political enemies; while they engaged in “Cult of Personalities”, to cover their incompetence; corrupt ways and scams…they have no good accomplishments that benefited the Filipino people.
@TD. Yellow Citizen is always right and never wrong. That mindset is truly a perquisite to justifying the flaccid , lazy moron that is Noynoy Aquino. The guy with zero accomplishments and currently avoiding all public events that do not come with subpoena. The guy who either answers : 1) good faith 2) Hindi ko alam. Logic is of no use to Yellow Citizen. Once you love Noynoy above all else then by definition you abandon logic. Assigned to GRP to fight for Noynoy’s honor.
Indeed, and that guy brags about how the Philippines became a “rising Tiger of Asia” yet it was Arroyo who laid the framework while Noynoy gets all the credit. In addition, Aquino economics result in this:
Arroyo & Duterte retards,
No matter how you try to defend Arroyo by your own opinions, still your opinions do not hold water because you cannot provide facts and real tangible accomplishments of Arroyo from 2001-2010 backed by evidence and solid facts that contributed to national development.
In 2010, when she stepped down after her almost decade of presidency, the Philippines was marred by issues of poverty, incompetence, corruption and mendicancy among the worst in the world. That’s why it was labelled as “Basketcase of Asia” “Asia’s laggard” “One of the most corrupt in Asia” “Sick man of Asia” that would all summarize the weak infantile leadership of Arroyo as “president.”
It is not what she tried to do that could make a difference, it will always be the result that matters a lot. And the result is that Arroyo and her Administration was too corrupt, incompetent, and evil as evaluated after her term.
On the other hand, Aquino (the student of Arroyo) accomplished more than her predecessor Arroyo. After his term, Philippine economy was name “Rising Tiger of Asia” “Approved Credit Ratings by Credible Agencies” among others that Duterte enjoys a lot today. He even handed Duterte the 12 FA50 jets as a bonus that helped Duterte in defeating the terrorists in Marawi which, in the first place, branded by the latter as a “waste of money” and “only for decorations.” That would summarize what Aquino accomplished for only his 6year term as compared to a 9.5year term of Arroyo.
Billions of intelligence/contingency funds wasted by Duterte because terrorists were able to penetrate and attack Marawi. Those funds were also used on his war on drugs where thousands of alleged addicts were killed.
And no matter how you whine, bitch and moan by your own made up ‘facts’, you still don’t want to give her credit because you heavily relied on what the biased media tells you. Of course, from 2001-2010 they even barely reported her accomplishments and please, hearsays, made up statements, sensationalized and exaggerated news should not and would not be counted as ‘evidences’ and ‘solid facts.’ In short, they’re just all made up.
And it was still continued during Noynoy’s presidency so he used the mainstream media, mostly his friend, to make things look good during his 6 year term, a same tactic used by his mother Cory. Also, blaming someone for your own mistakes and not taking responsibility is also a means to summarize BS Aquino being weak and infantile. You’re just grasping on straws as always.
Evaluated by who? The media? Please. Everything you’ve said is merely exaggerated and ridiculous, out of EMOness and no hints of deep understanding. What you still exhibited is lazy thinking because you just went on the hate bandwagon, which you don’t want to admit.
Only Yellowtards like you would say that. Anyone with a critical thinking would tell you that he accomplished nothing and when does ‘credit grabbing’ a mere accomplishment? That “Rising Tiger of Asia” during his term? It was Arroyo who put it into motion and when he took over, the Philippine economy is a bubble. And you call it “The Rising Tiger of Asia”? Also, those ‘credible credit agencies’ can also be paid in order to make things look good, just like the media. You easily fell for that sham. The 12 F/A 50 jets that you love to overrate? The change of tactics made up for the use of it after a friendly fire incident. Because at first, the F/A50’s primary purpose is against enemy armies and aircraft, not insurgents and terrorists. With that, it seems Noynoy purchased those 12 F/A50 jets in order to go to war against China.
Here’s a better summary: 6 years of blunders, blame games, tantrums, credit grabbing and gaffes are what represent the second Aquino administration. 9.5 years is just a half-and-half scenario, if you have critical thinking. It was the media who made those 9.5 years as those ‘bad years’. The people are too foolish to realize it because there is no social media during those years.
I consider your first sentence as another blabber of yours. But you also missed the keyword on your sentence about his war on drugs: alleged. I repeat. ALLEGED. That’s your word. But in your brain, alleged = true. Like the other guy said, eat it and shit on it.
Gloria Arroyo made too many powerful enemies that time. Mass Media were used to pull her approval rating to the negative. Her cabinet choice became limited. People willing to join her had their own personal agenda.
Corruptions thrown at her administration existed for decades, across different administrations and cabinets. But with the looming Global Economic Crisis in 2008, she had to make priorities.
She have focused on making the tough but necessary decisions to make up for years of economic neglect.
Duterte is also struggling to stop corruption even causing divide among his allies. Luckily for PRD, he still have the support of the public in spite of intensified demolition job against him.
Speaking of demolition job. This is worth looking at unless one is totally infatuated with Noynoy.
Jojo Robles said it best. It’s funny that the Yellows trumpeted how Noynoy did better over GMA about managing the economy better yet failed to realize it’s all a credit grab and his endless tirades against GMA are more on personal vendetta that he did everything just to keep her in jail using hearsay evidence. It’s called PERSECUTION, not justice
On the roads of failure, it is not uncommon to see the tears of the talented; and in the land of success, to hear the victorious screams of the incompetent!