Nowadays, very few people will argue against the reality that mainstream news media organisations are suffering a double-edged crisis of relevance and public trust. Newspapers, conventional broadcast news, and, now, even the websites of news organisations are no longer the go-to media outlets of the average information consumer. And with the utter domination of users’ device screens by social media sites and apps like those of Facebook’s, Twitter’s, Instagram’s among many others, many of these mainstream organisations now find themselves twice-removed from their audience’s eyeballs.
Filipino news media organisation Rappler had recently found a “solution” around that problem. Its CEO Maria Ressa reckons that it’d simply “partner” with the biggest amongst them — the embattled Facebook — and lead the “noble” job of “fact checking” content delivered to Filipinos via this vast media platform.
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Well that’s just lazy short-term thinking, isn’t it?
“Fact checking” is just a trendy hipster term for good old-fashioned editorial governance — something real news organisations that remain worthy of the eyeballs they still competitively attract practice internally as a matter of routine. Note the keyword highlighted here: competitively. By focusing their efforts in applying good editorial governance on their internal resources and content delivery processes, truly excellent news media organisations have either sustained or regained the public trust by competing on quality.
Not Rappler.
Instead of taking personal accountability for the massive loss of the Filipino public’s trust in their ability to deliver reliable information and sound insight, Ressa and her Rapplerettes have, instead, pointed their “war on [whatever]” on “sinister” externalities. Like Facebook. In short, rather than uplift quality, Rappler chooses to remain mediocre and extend their perverse control freakery to what they perceive to be an external influence on their ability to be a successful and respected news media organisation.
What seems to fly above the pointed heads of Ressa and her Rapplerettes is the reality that the spectre of a third party exerting influence — no, control — over what content is shown in Facebook users’ newsfeeds will result in an inadvertent rebranding of Facebook itself into a mainstream media outlet saddled with a mediocre editorial governance bureaucracy.
In reality, excellent and truly independent news organisations that are learning to compete in the new media landscape should thank Rappler for contributing to the demise of Facebook. Rappler is failing to compete and its strategy is to drag down Facebook with it — at least in the Philippine setting.
As such, Rappler as an organisation and as a brand now embody the worst traits of Filipino enterprise. Instead of competing it seeks to limit competition using monopolistic methods that it pushes using the same brinkmanship and cornyism that they accuse their own enemies of employing to achieve their agendas. Instead of encouraging diversity and motivating participants in that diverse ecosystem to learn to skillfully and intelligently navigate that diversity, it seeks to impose conformity to an ideal it unilaterally regards as possessing sole moral ascendancy. And instead of focusing on what is supposed to be its core competency — reporting the news — it seeks to be not just part of the news but a star of that news.
What Rappler is doing is not uplifting the otherwise noble profession of journalism. It is, instead, further eroding its credibility and relevance. For that, the management of Facebook ought to do themselves a big favour and re-think the value of being in bed with a confused organisation like Rappler.
benign0 is the Webmaster of
I support Rappler on this. There is no such thing as absolute in the real world. There needs to be some rules and regulation that would restrict undisciplined users from posting or shitting on the page that has no value. Like fake news, it is of no value, and it is like a weed that should be uprooted to maintain stability, relevance and importance only.
Facebook is a community. Although it gives value to the free-flowing of ideas, but at the same time, it puts limitations to give emphasis on DISCIPLINE of its users’ free will. And making sure that ABUSE will be minimized, if not eleminated. That’s why in a civilized society, laws, rules and regulations must be upheld at all times, so that chaos and anarchy will not rule over. Rule of law and not rule of men must be observed properly.
It is just simple. Benigno, don’t be dismayed. The truth is, Rappler is still SHINING out. Not yet dead. And is backed by Facebook this time. Hahaha! Enjoy the show 😉
Not yet dead. I agree.
Come to think of it, expect Rappler will censor anything that is unfavorable to them, including WikiLeaks.
Thanks for agreeing Benigno. You contradict your wife Ilda when she wrote in the title of her article “Game Over for Rappler”
Thanks for circlejerking. You’re the one who contradicting yourself all the time with your ad hominem and assumptions.
@PinoyCitizen. Too bad you are left grasping at straws. “Game Over” happens in slow motion in real life. Real life timeframes — not video game timeframes. Don’t be too literal, like typical Pinoys. Oh wait…
Happens in “slow motion”? Your “slow motion” will end up in oblivion. The futility of the attempt is overwhelming. No doubt Rappler got a brave heart and still continuing to have without slowing down. It won’t bog down without a fight. And now it has got another bright career with Facebook and other international organizations at its back. You Benigno and your “Game Over” video gamer queen wife should start trembling because you are both just putting yourself into embarassment sooner than you might think with your “slow motion” hopeless case support against Rappler. For now, enjoy the show that your supposed “modern day age enlightener” facebook betrays you and slaps you in the face with the hiring of Rappler as its guardian against you and your ilk, the fake news fanatics.
You and your Rappler asslicking, fueled with ad hominem rampage won’t get you nowhere. What’s funny is that Rappler complains about press freedom, and then happily agrees to censor freedom of speech for websites posted on Facebook. Does that ring a bell to you?
Actually, if someone should enjoy the show, it’s you. It’s hypocritical to say that when you’re also a fake news fanatic since you also laud Jover Laurio of Pinoy Ako Blog (who’s known for being fake news herself as her content is both disturbing and vile) and every Cocoy Dayao blog in existence. I won’t be surprised if Rappler won’t censor them knowing what their political affiliations are. And in case you don’t notice, it’s all about the money. Both Facebook and Rappler are corporate so don’t try to whitekinght it.
All I can say is, look who’s talking. /shrug
Freedom of speech for fake news? More like garbage news that must be censored to clean up pollutions by fake news fanatics like you. At least Rappler is not begging for approval. What it has is standing for its right. It does not intend to please everyone like yourself who is the bringer of fake news and this site whose main creator Benigno finds himself comfortably in hiding under the cloak of anonimity without facing charges and accountability to his biased opinionated piece of shit articles.
And please, I’m not bringing up Jover and Cocoy here. It was you who always insist them to me since day one. That’s stupidity because you are really that stupid enough not knowing that you are already stupid KRChronicle.
If Rappler and Facebook have their partnership then what do you have to compete? Seems like you are left with nothing but as what I already said: the mentality of a loser who always whine but cannot do anything to defeat them or even their just purpose at least.
You are only a spectator of this show. Cry and Bleed as you watch them KRChornicle. Hahaha!
Says the guy who is also a fake news fanatic who reliance is only on the mainstream media. Sensationalized journalism is also a form of ‘fake news’ in a sense. There’s something wrong with you if you think blogging and journalism are all the same thing, which is not.
You’re always antagonizing benign0 and this page yet you’re not trying to point on these people as well? You’re only exposing your own stupidity. I just want to be unbiased as possible. Ideas, son. Ideas. I just want to inform you that Jover is Inquirer’s ‘Filipino of the Year’ yet she’s also fake news herself. Of course, you don’t want to brought them up because of your agenda, which is you’re not honest yourself.
Seriously? Then the fault is on Facebook and knowing Rappler’s political affiliation, this also speaks up for concern. Again, just because I’m stating IDEAS doesn’t mean I have a loser mentality. You just brought it up just to make yourself feel better.
And you’re just also a spectator of the show. If you think gloating and antagonizing other makes you feel better then I pity you even more. And please don’t use “Hahaha!” because only trolls do that, who are known for being ‘narcissists, psychopaths, and sadists’. Yes, trolls are losers and unfortunately, you’re also being one. No laughing matter for me since I never do that in my whole life when it comes to discussions like this.
How do you classify Leni Robredo’s speeches abroad? Those false data she talked about in all of her speeches? Please tell us so we will be enlightened.
You are the fake news fanatic, you idiot!!! You call yourself Pinoy Citizen and yet you are clinging to these people who are destroying the Philippines’ image in the international community. Fuck yourself.
@PinoyCitizen: Nah. What you write above seems to be more a wishful thinking scenario than a carefully thought-out assessment of where this whole Facebook-Rappler “partnering” is headed.
As I wrote in the article above…
Unlike most pundit wannabes (like you), we back our assertions with precise articulations of the underlying issues that frame these assertions.
Anyhow, it’s too bad these schmucks couldn’t even realize that even Rappler had their own blunders as well. Knowing what their affiliations are, they didn’t or even seldomly apologize for their mistakes and said blunders. I remember the time that Rappler flourished during the impeachment trial of the late Chief Justice Renato Corona, where they were instrumental in the wide dissemination of illegally-collected “evidence” presented by the prosecution team. Most of this evidence was eventually deemed inaccurate and downright fraudulent.
I also remember when they also made a report about the attack on a Resorts World Manila casino and hotel last year, where they pointed it was a terrorist attack by ISIS. Later on, the police revealed it was a robbery made by a certain Jessie Javier Carlos.
And still, one guy can’t even make a response about my post pointing out one of Rappler’s blunders: their article about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s connection with the Russians spreading propaganda here in our country yet Assange himself made a tweet calling it “the stupidest article he had ever read”. And then he called me that I had the mentality of a loser and a sour graper? That’s preposterous, more like it’s another ploy to stray away from making an answer.
And if anything, let’s not forget that Rappler CEO Maria Ressa had connections with CNN and so does the liberal mainstream media and the unofficial Democratic Party News oultet there. In case everyone didn’t notice: CNN spends their time bashing Trump during his presidential run. And look what happened.
@KRChonicle: If these people care to step back and regard the bigger picture, they’ll find that the real core around which to frame the debate here is the idea that a platform upon which people exchange and argue ideas should be subject to the governance of one of the parties in that very exchange or debate. That just doesn’t make sense. It will break said platform over the long term.
If it is true that it committed a mistake as you say, Rappler has apologized many times already. If not, it tries to stand what it found is correct/true based on the information it got. Like human being, Rappler is not perfect. But mind you, it is not always committing mistakes. You can count it in your fingers only compare to the number of right and precise reports it has got to the Filipinos.
You are just a hateful biased creature. Admit it and be honest with your agenda.
They never even made statements of apology either since they tend to just ignore it or not bothering to brought it up.
And no, there is no bias or hate when you use critical thinking and ideas rather than blatant idiocy and trolling rampage. Admit that you have your own agendas as well. And it shows on your troll posts.
Benign0 is quite honest about his agenda. He’s been criticizing Rappler since 2012. Rappler would love nothing more than to censor him on the ground of “fake news”. They’ve tried that with “the list” even though his is clearly an “opinion blog.” Anyway, Benign0 is no whimp, he won’t cry “victim” for what Rappler has done, he’ll just keep “competing” as he’s always done since the turn of the century.
Anyway, your hypocrisy is showing. You don’t realize what a dangerous precedent Rappler is spearheading. It’s very easy to imagine the tables turned and someone else is now the “fact checker” and poor old Rappler won’t be able to compete.
It is not mediocrity as you say. Rappler has devoted its time and resources for research and academic style of writing. Sometimes it made a mistake but that doesn’t mean it is not realiable. You can read its articles and you can find many that have helpful insights and thesis materials.
If it is against fake news, it means to say it is after quality output of writers and not for gossips, grapevines and warmongers. You have it understood all wrong Benigno. Better evaluate yourself first where you stand since day one. You are the one propagating highly political biased articles to your readers.
You’re still grasping on straws, son. When Rappler became a corporate media entity, their articles are starting to become questionable. And please, there’s no insight from shady characters like Raisaa Robles (formerly), Pia Ranada, and even Lisandro ‘Leloy’ Claudio, who is one of their contributors.
Funny you say that, but please refer to my comment about and if you’re still try to ignore it, please re-read.
YOU should better evaluate first since day one. Knowing what their political affiliations are, it’s not surprising that Rappler is also propagating highly political biased articles to their readers as well.
@Pinoy Citizen: you said…
Guess again. Rappler spun the case lodged against it by the SEC as an “assault on press freedom”. The colossal dishonesty in the position they took is that they deliberately overlooked overwhelming evidence that no such curtailment of press freedom is actually happening in the Philippines. That sort of dishonesty is borderline seditious.
Thanks a lot for bringing that up. Sadly, that guy doesn’t get it.
When that issue brought, I always wondering if something like violating the law is press freedom. That kind of mentality is messed up. All I can is that Rappler is trying to cover up their own stupidity.
What time and research? They just rely on “crowdsourcing” for their info. Basically chismis lol.
@Pinoy Citizen. Nobody believes Rappler now, except ofcourse you and your kind.
Ehem, you’re literally contradicting when you start to personally attack the writers of this page with your assumptions and emo-induced shitposting. I remember when you said this:
For the information of everyone, you have the same flawed thinking with your bitchy hypocrite wife Ilda (your fellow blogger here in getrealphilippines) who likes to twist facts to suit her agenda whenever it feels the situation is necessary for her to attack. No wonder you both are couple because you two are fucking disgusting! You both should better stop writing!
I mean, come on! When I read that I was like, “Who the hell are you anyway? Who gives you the AUTHORITY to what should we write or not?! Are you the FUCKING OWNER of this site!?” Actually, the irony is that you’re slowly proving the author’s point because you wanted to be part of the INFORMATION POLICE.
What’s so hilarious is that Rappler is also known being a Yellow Media outlet yet you, son, always ignore that fact. If anything, when the Yellows are in power they never ever pursue this. The truth is, perhaps benign0’s other article about this is starting to become sensible about this issue. You accuse GRP coddling to their politicians yet you blatantly ignore that media outlets like Rappler is coddling to their own Liberal Party politicians and affiliates. I know much of politics than you do, son.
Unless you get out of your lazy ass thinking and try not to be biased and antagonistic to other people, this will continue. You’re telling us to ‘enjoy the show’, but don’t complain that it can also happen to you that you will end up banging your head into the wall. If anything, Rappler will just ‘censor’ any content that are not suited to their agenda and only theirs will remain. I won’t be surprised if they will approve articles and posts from Pinoy Ako Blog, which is known for its vile and vicious content. I would laugh my ass off when you tell benign0 and other GRP writers to stop writing and you put an actual, vile propagandist like Jover Laurio into a pedestal and brought her as an example. Please don’t say no because she’s also supported by Rappler and Inquirer because they’re on the same page: being part of the noisy Yellow Opposition, that is!
It is because there is this big hypocricy swirling on this website. I don’t mind if i speak from the heart and attack the author’s opinion. Hope you get that. You are all supporters of president Marcos. You hate censorship this time and yet you ignore the fact that during his martial law years, he shutdown every piece of media that is against his agenda. Tortured those who are just expressing their simple opinions and made them disappear. Check your facts before you accuse Rappler of simple misguidance.
In case of Rappler, they won the bidding. Facebook gives the authority. And of course, Rappler is now entitled to prove its point, whatever that is, to do its mandate. It may be in favor of the liberal party, that is not the problem if they show professionalism and facebook would not disagree. I hope you wouldn’t condemn facebook because you had mentioned before that facebook is the tool of enlightenment to the masses in the Philippines. That would be hypocrite for you to tell otherwise.
In life, weder weder lang talaga. Rappler is winning this time. You can whine all you want but then again you can’t do anything about it. Hahaha!
So, where’s “the big hypocrisy on this website” you’re swirling about? As far as I’m concerned, lazy thinking won’t get you nowhere and so does personal attacks, which you always did.
lel he only allowed Manila Bulletin and the Manila Times to flourish during that time. ABS-CBN and Manila Chronicle are owned by the Lopez family, which they’re also part of the oligarchy. When Marcos was ousted Cory Aquino brought back ABS-CBN to them. So what does THAT tell you? If anything, it leads to this:
“30 years ago, there was controlled media. Today, the media men, who lost their jobs, are back with a vengeance. And yes, there is freedom speech. They just make sure the Yellows have the loudest speech. Who needs freedom of speech when your speech is drowned out anyway.”
In case you don’t notice, Rappler CEO Maria Ressa is a former head of ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs division from 2004 to 2010. And she’s also part of the Opposition. Again, what does THAT tell you? It’s YOU should check facts first before you shitpost.
You’re missing the point. There’s no professionalism on questionable and blunderous content, especially with corporate media affiliate themselves with politicians (including sycophantic journalism, which Rappler exhibits). Even Rappler made an article about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange linking him with Russian propaganda that is supposedly infiltrating the Philippines. Ironically speaking, Assange slams Rappler for their own stupidity, calling the article “the stupidest I’ve ever read.”
I can go on if you like. But if you think Rappler is a good choice for doing this, then Facebook isn’t doing the right thing. You’re laughing all the way to the bank but I’m laughing my ass off because you’re totally clueless about Rappler and Vera Files’ political affiliations.
Lies. It’s the Filipino people who loses this time. I don’t whine about it but more like sad. You can laugh all you want, but it seems you’re the one who’s hypocritical because you’re not even honest with yourself. Yellowtards are always like that, believe it or not. Deep inside, you’re choking on your own tears.
Okay, I stand corrected about the Manila Times when it’s also closed down during Martial law. Only Manila Bulletin and Times Journal flourished during that time. But my point still stands.
Still, you blatantly ignore people like Francisco “Kit” Tatad, Bobit Avila, Alex Magno, Teddy Locsin, Jr. and even Rigoberto Tiglao. And yes, these guys are journalists. Unfortunately, you’re grasping on straws with your “Tortured those who are just expressing their simple opinions and made them disappear” because not ALL journalists ended up like that. Tiglao is jailed because he’s also an NPA guy back then.
What you have posted above proves that you have the mentality of loser and sour graper. The Aquinos brought back the democracy and competitveness after Marcos made it disappear during martial law years. Who likes to control everything like he is the king. So sad that you and your ilk were not able and cannot able to compete even this time after Marcos. That’s what you are complaining and whining of. It is unfair that the likes of Rappler is just trying to compete and yet you, cannot accept the fighting spirit of this organization.
Accept that you are not a competetor and only good at pointing out your loser mentality against those who are winning, KRChronicle.
What you have posted above proves that you’re grasping on straws and shows your lazy thinking w/o even admitting it.
Nice strawman. What the Aquinos brought is not true democracy. They turned it into a spectator sport and turned it into a mob, branded it as ‘People Power’. And please, you’re downright lying about competitiveness. And I was like WUT?
Also, what you exhibited is simplemindedness when you said “Who likes to control everything like he is the king.” You overrate Marcos with that notion yet you turn a blind eye with people like Park Chung Hee and even Lee Kuan Yew, which their ‘benevolent dictatorship’ turned their countries into economic powerhouses. Especially Lee Kuan Yew where he told in his speech when he visited the Philippines: “What a country needs to develop is DISCIPLINE more than democracy.” Now how can you answer THAT?
In fact, we are not competitive thanks to the archaic economic system provided by the 1987 Constitution, which is protectionism with a 60/40 provision. If we are, you say, competitive, then we should have better products, better opportunities and better services. But we got nothing. That includes the mainstream media which they spout the same crap called sensationalized journalism. And Rappler is no exception. It’s sad that you fail to see the bigger picture and yet you, cannot accept that there are shady characters lurking around. It’s just you and your Rappler fanboyism is showing around here. Not to mention your cluelessness about its corporate status.
Accept that you’re missing the point and you’re only good at TROLLING and SHITPOSTING along with your lazy thinking, Yellow Citizen.
Still sounded like a loser really? You are hopeless since Aquino had won that time and you had done nothing to compete. Let’s us say Aquinos had fooled many, your politicians like Gloria Arroyo did not bother to care to stop them. She even rided with the constitution and cannot compete with the media. Another loser in history.
Of course, there was democracy. You can find how many openings of people’s will after Aquino restored the freedom. And the competetiveness of those who wanted to venture into something they like were not tortured and made disappear. Unlike your king Marcos.
The nerve to mention Mr. Lee of Singapore? He even said that Philippines looks like a fool when it allowed Marcos family to return to the Philippines after they looted this country of a huge amount of wealth and even making it a laughing stock that Marcos Family returned to politics. As I said before, Marcos got into power when the Philippines was flourishing and left the Philippines with bankrupt economy. If anything, the reason of the rise of the Aquinos into power is the failure of Marcos to control the country. I thought he was so powerful at the time? How come Noynoy Aquino, a senator and his housewife defeated Marcos? Marcos has nothing to blame but himself and his family. Add to that what they speculate that powerful countries like US helped Aquinos to topple down Marcos. So what did you do to compete? Nothing. All you got is to watch and whine, bleed and cry. Oh, I pity you KRChronicle.
If someone should pity, it’s you. Because it’s either you’re missing the point or you’re just TROLLING Or both. Just because I have a critical mind doesn’t mean I have a loser mentality.
She did when she tried to open up the Hacienda Luisita case that it caused the Hacienda Luisita massacre and it coincidentally, the Hello Garci scandal which rocked her administration back then. Of course, the Yellow Narrative is still the prevailing narrative because social media is nonexistant during that time and there are little to no alternatives during that time.
Right, and because there are openings of people’s will and freedom, most of them believed in the delusion of freedom meaning that you can anything you want so poverty, crime, traffic, etc. is still rampant. Responsibility and discipline are put in the backburner so what we got is a dysfunctional society.
And if you believed that there no one is tortured and disappeared during the post-Marcos, then you’re lying to yourself. There’s still human rights violations and there are still people who were tortured and disappeared even we’re now a democracy. According to Cecilio Arillo’s book Greed and Betrayal, the number of foreign journalists during Cory’s time is 34 as opposed to Marcos’ 28. And do i want to mention the late Louie Beltran who was jailed by Cory herself after she sued him for saying that she hid under her bed during those coup attempts against her? Welp, that says something.
Again, you’re missing the point. His view on Marcos is based on his opinion but you’re still try to circlejerk the argument, which is your way of whining, bleeding and crying.
If anything, it’s all because of circumstances about why the Aquinos rose into power. You can’t just blame Marcos for the bankrupt economy. There are factors and one of them is the political shift in favor of the Makibaka movement. If anything, Marcos would want Ninoy to succeed as president if given the chance but Ninoy is so fixated to his ambition that he is allowed to be killed while going down from an airplane. You can’t solely blame Marcos for that because in fact, Cory and later on, Noynoy would never bother to seek justice because it was all a setup just to topple down Marcos just to gain power. According to another account, it’s not the US who helped the Aquinos to topple down Marcos, it was a coup orchestrated by the US government.
It’s also based on John Perkins’ book Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
Again, why would I whine, bleed and cry if I’m just using IDEAS here rather than ATTACKS? Yep, right back at ya.
That is another fake news about Marcos. Know your facts first.
I don’t know who should be pitied if it’s Yellowtards like yourself or someone who had critical thinking. Because I find laughable about your comment that the ‘Aquinos brought back democracy and restored freedom’. Unfortunately, it’s just another half-truth.
And about your anti-Marcos drivel on the media? There’s no ‘competition when it comes to the oligarchy. Cory brought back those newspapers that where shut down by Marcos and even ABS-CBN and thus the Yellow Propaganda Machine is developed. You keep on denying the fact that Rappler CEO Maria Ressa is a former ABS-CBN news reporter and that TV station is owned by the Lopez family, who is part of the corrupt oligarchy that Cory herself brought. If you try to look at it, you will never find any criticism or they are simply buried and never put it up, because
[Cory] is busy paying her media friends to make things look good in her term so asshats would still believe in the Aquino hype machine.
Yeah, so much for ‘restoring democracy and freedom’. If anything, your queen Cory did much worse that it allowed the Filipino people to suffer for 30 years. And what makes her an inefficient leader is that she ruled in fear and hatred of Marcos. You have the nerve to call anyone who disagree with you as ‘Marcos supporters’ yet you own admit that you’re a closet Yellowtard. If you don’t comprehend with your lazy thinking then I pity you even more, Yellow Citizen.
“rules and regulations must be upheld at all times,”
Whose going to make these rules? Rappler? Lol. Don’t be surprised if people reject and rebel against their “rule.”
Journalism is long dead in our country. It lost its essence, during the Aquino era. Biased news, Fake News, Political Propaganda, etc., were the realities of the Aquino era. Maria Reesa was then employed by the ABS-CBN, the Aquino propaganda machine. After her stint in the ABS-CBN, Maria Reesa founded and established the purpose was to continue the political propaganda of the Aquino Cojuangco political axis, thru sanitized and deodorized news. News that will promote their political agendas. The Reading Public’s eyes were opened; that they are continuously being misled by So, the well financed venture of Maria Reesa and her hidden financiers went , bottom up.
On the other hand, Maria Reesa, has now found a good venue, in the form of FaceBook, to accomplish her way of : Censoring the Information. She put herself, as an “Information Police” or a “Thought Police” . She will be Sanitizing and Deodorizing, what you read from the media outlet, like FaceBook. Making sure, that it will fit her political and personal agenda.
We will end up her , “Robots”, if we allow ourselves on her plans to succeed.
Putangina mo hahahah! pag-naagkita tayo sa Sydney. sasapakin kita sa harap ng pamilya mo. gago! bayaran ni bongbong!
Bumalik ka na lang sa squatter na pinangalingan mo, bata. Your sheer idiocy and blatant ignorance shows who you really are.
Isa sa mga YellowTards, nakawala sa Mental Hospital
. Pumunta dito sa GRP.
Tangina netong si UP Fratboy, ang tapang ah! Fratboy ka kaya ka siguro matapang. Pero pag one-on-one, para kang basang sisiw. Ganyan yung matatapang sa social media, in reality, duwag sa dilang duwag. Kamutin mo na lang itlog mo, tonto!!!
Lol, this is so funny. Say hello to the disente crowd for me. But in any case, isnt this post a violation of the terms of service?
Hot, Fratboy, you remind me of one of my Juniors. Walang ginagawa kundi magdakdak lang sa FB ng mga katarantaduhan. Simpledor! Magpakita ka naman sa mga meetings at inuman!
If you’re an editor, you develop a B.S. meter — an internal warning system that signals caution about journalism that doesn’t feel trustworthy. Sometimes it’s a quote or incident that’s too perfect. Sometimes it’s too many errors of fact, the overuse of anonymous sources, or signs that a reporter hasn’t dealt fairly with people or evidence. And sometimes it’s a combination of flaws that produces a ring of falsity, the whiff of a bad egg.