Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s recent trip to China made me realise that he could be the world’s Number One troll. He leaves his critics baffled and his supporters surprised and awed by his statements. You can call him what you want – a former Filipino actress even called him a psychopath – but he definitely makes people think. He is a provocateur and doesn’t care what others think of him. Members of both the international and local communities have been busy discussing his latest tirade, which seems to occur on a regular basis.
Trolls usually provoke others to test their patience and Duterte has definitely pushed some people over the edge. Senator Leila De Lima went berserk and kept going on a rampage in front of the media blaming Duterte for what she considers “attacks” against her by the Department of Justice and by pro-Duterte Netizens on social media.
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Another one who seems to be on the verge of going on a rampage is former President Fidel Ramos. He has been intensely criticising President Duterte lately. His behaviour is quite odd considering he is said to be the one who convinced Duterte to run for President. It’s also unusual because although he occasionally criticised former President BS Aquino, Ramos wasn’t as harsh as he is now with Duterte. In fact, with BS Aquino, Ramos was careful with his words — as if he didn’t want to offend him too much. Suffice to say, Ramos could be butthurt over something. Some say it is his pro-American stance that is making him despise Duterte.
Ramos is not just randomly giving press statements about Duterte, he has been writing a series of articles critical of him and his polices. It’s a good thing hardly anyone takes him too seriously nowadays, partly because his own term as president wasn’t completely corruption- and scandal-free. Some people associate Ramos with his pet project the Centennial Expo at Clark Airbase that was considered a failure, first because of the excesses in construction costs for the project at the expense of the Filipino taxpayers and, second, it became a white elephant after sustaining losses. It eventually closed down in 1999. What Ramos envisioned for the place did not materialise. It was a microcosm of the Ramos administration – full of promise but only on paper. Ramos did not initiate real reforms that could leave a lasting legacy beyond his term.
But now Ramos is saying that the Philippines is losing under the Duterte leadership — as if Duterte created all the problems he is trying to solve today. In fact, the Ramos administration was also into patronage politics or the padrino system of governance. This system, which trumps all system in place, is what is keeping the Philippines from moving forward. It is what allows the Philippines’ endemic corruption to persist. When you allow your allies to get away with committing crime or when you celebrate the mediocre performance of your cabinet members, you allow corruption to flourish.
Speaking of getting away with crime, a lot of people have not forgotten Ramos’s role during Martial Law. Ramos headed the Philippine Constabulary under former President Ferdinand Marcos. Just because Ramos played a role in the ousting of Marcos in 1986 after he defected doesn’t mean that he should be absolved of his shortcomings during what some people consider to be the darkest chapter in Philippine history. He was never taken to account for the abuses committed by the police under his command back then. It’s too bad the history books gloss over his role in the atrocities.
Duterte’s speech in China has also annoyed a lot of his critics particularly when his statements “I announce my separation from the United States” attracted hearty applause from the members of the Chinese government. Duterte went on to say that America has lost both in the military and economic fronts and that he will talk to Russian President Vladimir Putin just to prove that America’s dominance in the world is over. I can imagine members of the US government reeling with anger at being discussed with contempt in front of the Chinese.
Like a professional troll, Duterte knows how to get under people’s skin. It’s amusing the way pro-American commentators are reacting to his banter. They are so predictable. Duterte’s statements are meant to get a reaction and his detractors are getting played.
To people who are smart enough to understand where he is coming from, Duterte does make sense. They may not have announced it formally the way Duterte did but a lot of countries are already dealing with and showing deference to China. They already value China’s role in the world order. In fact, Filipinos who chant anti-China sentiments don’t even realise that a lot of businesses in the Philippine are run by her Filipino-Chinese citizens. What’s really baffling is why there are still Filipinos who refuse to embrace their Asian roots. The Chinese have for so long been trading with Filipinos — even before Filipinos became Filipinos.
Filipinos shouldn’t fret about the idea of the Philippines wanting to break away from the clutches of old “allies” and seeking an independent foreign policy. The United Kingdom did a similar thing when it voted to break away from the European Union earlier this year. Some thought they were crazy to do that. Now some are calling Duterte crazy for breaking with the US. Duterte being crazy remains to be seen. One way of confirming that is in how the US will react to his trolling. Will the US stay despite Duterte’s tirade or leave in retaliation? Either way, Duterte doesn’t care because he’s got new powerful friends now.
[Photo courtesy ABS-CBN News.]
In life, things are not always what they seem.
I will have to agree with you ilda that duterte is ksp kulang sa pansin. voters are still in the “choice supportive bias” stage so lets give it a few months.
your logic
troll = ksp
real classy
i think you should read the article maybe a hundred times more…it seems you’re not getting the gist of it…
try practicing more on your reading and comprehension buddy…
Unfortunately, seems you’re more of a troll than Duterte was. Look at your flawed logic, son.
And they all got trolled.. 🙂
Trolling is not the same as calling for attention (kulang sa pansin)….
I agree with Ilda. I saw this in Duterte during the campaign period. His trolling is the best way to deal with hypocrites and the biased media. They fall for it every time. In the standard of statesmanship they may call it unprofessional, but with the hypocrites, the “disente”, the elite wannabes and the turncoats in our country, this is the best way to exposed their true colors.
That is absolutely misleading if not outright wrong. You don’t become independent on foreign policy just because you left a superpower ally in exchange for another superpower ally-to-be. Discarding old friends for new ones does not make one free and balance. In fact, treating a friend of long standing in such manner, regardless of true relationship you had, will make you look unbalanced and unhinged.
Lastly, this so-called “separation” thing remains untouched and never discussed in full or even reviewed by most members here. That was so because a majority of those who reacts prefers shallow comments and keeps on interjecting their personal and comical interpretation of issues. Since they know nobody will call their attention to save space and avoid cluttering the board, to continue to do so with reckless abandon.
Could be some of them were afraid to go deep and engage and be exposed. If that is the point, no problem. Just don’t defend something you are not clear of, something that is hard to defend. Something that you yourself doubt.
I said that because there is one word that has been missing or neglected to be talked about with regard to the ‘separation’ hullaballo and that is REASON.
Anybody here explain or narrated or assumed what was the OFFICIAL reason for the so-called separation?
More of that in the coming posts.
Official Reason: America is getting weak and nobody takes it seriously because of Obama. At least, that’s what you’ll hear if you read American press.
That’s what we hear? Then, it’s not the official reason. Try again, sir.
No matter how hard they tried, it is no secret that USA is supporting Roxas. They meddled during pre and post election time, it showed where their interest lie. It was a big mistake.
While Roxas was begging for US support as far as 2008 to further his political ambitions. Duterte never trusted the USA. The Americans have a good history of toppling down regimes(either through propaganda or military) who dont adhere to their wishes. Read 222Hyden007Toro9999.999’s comments below and swallow it!
The president is not stupid.
Can he issue an OFFICIAL statement based on that? I dont think so, but if folowed him, that’s what he was saying all along.
Who is Mar’s biggest campaign contributor? Judy Areneta-Roxas. The president of the Gerry-Roxs Foundation who received the 984Million peso contribution from the USAID. Roxas was a bad investment, and they are still trying to take back the losses through Robredo.
Don’t confine yourself to the “official reason,” it is more likely that the truth is that there are many reasons for this pivot. Why confine yourself to one?
It’s not about confining to one reason its about our RIGHT to know. Look, even you have no idea of what’s going by saying “it is more likely that the truth is…”. That line signifies uncertainty. There should be no “it is more likely” answer when we talk of official reason/act by the gov’t. that will bind us.
Yes Gnogid, you do have a right to know. But I can tell you right now that nobody here knows the “official reason.” Nobody has dared ask. If it bothers you so much, you could probably get access to some of the papers, memos, letters etc that went into the making of this decision.
Just keep your expectations reasonable because some of this will be privileged. Some recognized exceptions to our right to information are: (1) national security matters and intelligence information, (2) trade secrets and banking transactions, (3) criminal matters, and (4) other confidential info.
The executive order pertaining to FOI gives the following procedure.
I recommend going to the Office of the President and the Department of Foreign Affairs for this information.
I also hope you don’t take it against the authors and the other commenters if they can’t do the research for you. I understand these people aren’t being paid to do voluminous research.
Leave him be. If he is confused, that is not our problem. Let’s keep these yellowtards confused and restless!
As mainstream media said, this is a war of propaganda. Congratulations on being confused.
Interesting. So why would you say it’s not the official reason, would you be kind to us to show the other reasons that are deemed official? Can please supply us sources then. We’d like to hear them.
Do try again, too. 😉
Just requoting what I said because apparently, you didn’t read.
Nope, I don’t have these sources. If it bothers you so much, show some initiative. I practically spoonfed to you the procedure to get the data you want.
Oh sorry. I didn’t realize you were asking us what we “thought” was the “official reason”. I thought you were looking for the “official official reason.” Look, if you wanted our opinion, just say so, but in your post, you were asking for the “official reason,” something that nobody here can give.
Sorry for the misunderstanding (but I blame you).
Despite the conflicting statements, Duterte is keeping his opponents befuddled while keeping the support of the people. The hypocrisy is the enemy’s weakness. It is very hard to listen to anyone if we are unsure whose interest at hand they’re playing for. So when the president speaks, the enemies are confused yet the people listens.
This charisma is dangerous for a “bloodthirsty” geopolitician though. Something which is very easy for his critics to capitalize and instigate PUBLIC FEAR. He may be ruthless but he aint bloodthirsty. In Davao, the tribes(familial and ideological) are united yet the criminals are getting killed. He will not fight unless totally necessary. He will not fight a battle he cannot win.
And Ilda, about time we professionalize trolling. If PAID journalists are called professionals, why not trolls? This is not an easy job. It takes a certain level of mental toughness to intimidate the enemy without getting distracted, something which our President is really good at.
Yours truly,
Anonymous Professional Troll
You are so right!!!!
Ah, that is the game the president is playing. Befuddle the enemy. But what is the criteria used to determine and identify who the “enemies” are? And why spent efforts confusing the enemy instead of explaining and clarifying to people what the government is doing?
Why spent precious hours confusing when what the government or the leadership should be doing is crystalizing the issue to the people?
Like I said, don’t defend something you yourself doubt.
So, there was an acknowledgement of ‘conflicting statements’. But why ignore it? Why not reconcie the conflict to better present the idea of the statements?
Very true. And that is why the Duterte administration, so far, is doing a disservice to the Filipino people because they are unsure of whose interest he is promoting.
Again, true in terms of people listening. They listen because they cannot believe what they’re hearing.
So why allow public fear to spread if you can prevent it by being transparent? Stop saying “he ain’t bloodthirsty” when you have no proof of it because you prefer the ‘befuddle’ approach.
Forget Davao. That is the main reason why conflicting view conflicts conflicting statements. The Philippines is NOT Davao. Duterte is NOT a mayor. He is the president. Stop treating an archipelago like a city. Again, another proof of conflicting view that conflict with facts.
Because there are some things no matter how you explain to people , they wouldn’t seem to get it, they will not understand not until you get that certain level of thinking, sometimes people take words literally , but it is not really what it means. And much you try to explain to people who’s hollow head they wouldn’t believe it. There are things we cannot understand and grasp. So how can you explain to people who doesn’t have that way of thinking of PDuterte, you just cant and leave it as it is, subject to the peoples interpretation . He is somewhat of a Machiavelian .
You not need to ask but only look at the mirror my friend. Who is the enemy? Who is confused? Who is asking the questions?
We, are our own revelation.
No, my friend, you have to be absolutely clear as to who the ‘enemy’ is. In times where EJK is the norm, one has to be clear and straightforward in alleging something that could spell life or death on somebody.
That is the reason why we dismissed Matobato for being unclear on his testimony.
I’m resisting the temptation to slam you with your own arguments but I cannot become the very people I hate. It is the honorable thing to do.
Everything is subjective and molded by our own interest. In this case we clearly differ. I respect your views even if you dont respect mine. It does not matter to me.
The faults of humanity never fails to amaze me my friend. We are victims, you and I.
Thank you for the enlightenment.
Much love,
Apologies but you are not part of my professional trolling contract. I will defer your arguments and concern to the people who are paid to do so, our politicians. 😉
I’d rather you not “resist” the temptation to slam me with your/my argument because that is the very essence of this blog: to exchange ideas and engage to discuss issues with mature and intelligent mindset.
Resisting or retreating is NEVER honorable, my friend.
You mean people who agrees with you “respect” your view and those who do not, like me, don’t? Wow.
I’m inviting you, challenge even, to not create bushes and beat around it but explore the statements you posted and defend it, if necessary, against contrary view.
Don’t apologize. You have done nothing wrong. You just happened to make a statement that others can relate to in terms of exploration and discovery.
Don’t be a killjoy, my friend. : )
“I’m resisting the temptation to slam you with your own arguments but I cannot become the very people I hate.”
This is what @gnogid is doing all along because number one, that is your fear and number two, the easiest way to tempt a person to defend his own statement and be always sound defensive.
I wonder who’s interest his on. His too focus on making arguments rather than sharing his own crystallized ideas he so demand from the president.
As if anybody can ask the enemy about how you will defeat me? just Stupid! The president is not a preacher, who’s credibility lies on his transparency and whether he practice what he preach. Politics can never be transparent, simply because that is its nature.
I ask gnogid to watch the China forum of the president so he may have his answers to his many questions and reservations, but guess what I got?
gnogid prefers me to discuss it to him here one by one and said will be glad to address each questions. So I thought, Wow! if only he offered a sort of remuneration, maybe I might.
Why be concerned to sound defensive and what’s wrong in defending what you believe in? Man, don’t ‘defend’ if you don’t feel like doing it. What’s important is you share, explain, clarify your point about the issue.
Don’t take things personal.
Really, it’s all about “my interest”? It is as if we don’t have the right to know what our gov’t. is doing. I’m making my argument because our gov’t. represents us, acting on our behalf to officially bind us in foreign agreements and responsibilities. Don’t you think we deserve to have the right to be informed about it?
I don’t care if the president is a preacher or what not and I don’t know the relevance of that point but he do not only represents himself. He represents US, we the Filipino people. What do you mean “politics can never be transparent”? International agreements such as the RP-China is an official act by the two governments. Are you telling us that our gov’t can enter into any agreement without the people knowing it because “politics is never transparent”? That’s new to me, my friend.
You are right, sir. You did ask me that and I waited for you to post the site but it never came. So what I did was to do it myself and assumed what you’re talking about and posted a video down here.
In fact, that is the same video I based my “Duterte & Response” post under this article:
You have to admit sir you disappeared instead of posting what “China forum” you are talking about. I did not ask back but instead ignored your silence and assumed that you may be talking about the video I posted.
Let me have this honor to shove it to your butt. The people trusts the president, they are not confused. People like you are-the enemy, the critic, the loyalist yellowtard. You are in the exact position where he wants you to be. Checkmate!
I’d take EJK for the criminals anytime over inaction and previous administrations.
Lastly, Matobato is not the president! He does not have the credibility and support of the people. Your logic is making me puke!
Thanks for your “honorable” gesture of minding my butt but I prefer you focus your attention on Hyden Toro’s sagging and prune-like buttcha-callit for he prefers to be pampered on that area. ????
Now, let me waste a couple of seconds on you while waiting for my coffee to brew.
Really? Show me the money. Where’s proof of that? Don’t take that as an insult for you maybe right in saying that. However, the proof of the pudding, as we say, is in the eating.
Yeah, yeah I’m the enemy and you’re Spider-Man. Or Jesus? ????
But seriously, why is the need to always convert as enemy the one who present an idea different from yours? Can we not just be adversaries here? And I don’t mean intellectual adversaries because a lot might not qualify. Just plain adversary. Why get mad and look for trouble when all we had to do is put on board our thinking without calling the other side names?
Don’t accord me too much honor. gnogid is just a simple outlier (hurry up, look for the meaning of it!) If you get high insulting people, fine, so long as you know your dosage. Don’t OD, okay?
Hah?! I just did the first move and checkmate already? You wish! You have to make your move first (show what you got) to defeat the other side. You cannot just have one move and end the game.
Good. Your next problem is how to tackle the negative reactions and Pres. Duterte, obviously, cannot help you on that.
Yes, but you did not get the point, sir. If you failed to get the gist how can you even comprehend the logic?
In case you puke, call Hyden, please. He’ll know what to do. ????
Thanks for your honorable gesture of minding my butt but I prefer you focus your attention on Hyden Toro’s sagging and prune-like buttcha-callit for he prefers to be pampered on that area. ????
Now, let me waste a couple of seconds on you while waiting for my coffee to brew.
The people trusts the president, they are not confused.
Really? Show me the money. Where’s proof of that? Don’t take that as an insult for you maybe right in saying that. However, the proof of the pudding, as we say, is in the eating.
People like you are-the enemy, the critic, the loyalist yellowtard.
Yeah, yeah I’m the enemy and you’re Spider-Man. Or Jesus? ????
But seriously, why is the need to always convert as enemy the one who present an idea different from yours? Can we not just be adversaries here? And I don’t exactly mean intellectual adversaries because a lot might not qualify but just plain adversary. Why get mad and look for trouble when all we had to do is put on board our thinking without calling the other side names?
Don’t accord me too much honor. gnogid is just a simple outlier (hurry up, look for the meaning of it!) If you get high insulting people, fine, so long as you know your dosage. Don’t OD, okay?
You are in the exact position where he wants you to be. Checkmate!
Hah?! I just did the first move and checkmate already? You wish! You have to make your move first (show what you got) to defeat the other side. You cannot just have one move and end the game.
I’d take EJK for the criminals anytime over inaction and previous administrations.
Good. Your next problem is how to tackle the negative reactions and Pres. Duterte, obviously, cannot help you on that.
Lastly, Matobato is not the president! He does not have the credibility and support of the people. Your logic is making me puke!
Yes, but you did not get the point, sir. If you failed to get the gist how can you even comprehend the logic?
In case you puke, call Hyden, please. He’ll know what to do. ????
Not between you and me but with the president you yellowtard! Are you not confused? There’s that. Let it be clear to your head. Trolling checkmate. The president has succeeded. So go on and whine how confused you are, that is exactly what he wants. That is Ilda’s point. Congratulations!
Sorry for the misprint.
And when are those times that EJK is the norm? Can please specify exactly, or not this is a doubtful statement. Isn’t it that the term “EJK” is also debated by the side of those for the government and those anti-government? Many people are using “EJK” as a definite term for “killing events” of which they don’t know the exact and infallible cause and purpose of. Unless there are solid proofs, EJK’s are still fictional to me and it isn’t the “norm” yet.
Citizens of the US and the rest of the west are themselves pawns in somebody’s/ some group’s endgame. Duterte wants us to abandon that sinking ship.
Pres. Duterte does not blog. I am not sure , if he reads the GRP Web Article, or the GRP bloggers’ comments.
Fidel Ramos is as corrupt, as any of the past Presidents. There is a rumor here , in the U.S. that: “Ramos owns the “Seafood City” commercial chains of establishments”…from Los Angeles, California, to Las Vegas, Nevada and now to Chicago, Illinois. Ramos is richer, and more corrupt, than Marcos, Sr. Where did Fidel Ramos get the money ?
Fidel Ramos is very much indebted to the Aquino-Cojuangco political axis. This is the reason, he was soft on BS Aquino; inspite of Aquino’s failings…
Whatever comes out of the mouth of Duterte, needs to be understood. He is brutally frank; and he does not go with “political correctness”, in his remarks.
If we separate, from the U.S.;then, so be it. The U.S. is embroiled by too much meddling in every part of the world. Wars and conflicts cost money and peoples’ lives…we don’t want to go down with the U.S.
If you look at history. The powerful Egyptian empire , fell with too much wars, against other countries.
The U.S. has too much debts; it is in economic stagnation; and it is losing its foremost export products. Jobs in the U.S., are migrating to other countries. And, illegal aliens are sucking much of its funds.
ISIS terrorists are in the U.S., as “sleepers”…they come out to terrorize people at a certain time !
Only time will tell, if Duterte’s statements shall be true or not.
However, empires fell, because they become “rotten” within…not from foreign invasions !
He should. And he should pose the challenge he did in the video here so that he’ll have a fresh, candid and clear answers to his questions.
@YellowTard “gnogid” the dimwit:
What challenge, he pose on you, idiot…You are making importance on yourself ?…he does not have to answer a YellowTard idiot, like you ! You are just a waste of time…
Sir, you’re not doing your work ha? Here’s the video:
@YellowTard “gnogid” the dimwit:
Give yourself some time to sob like a spoiled brat for not getting what you want.
People does not revolve around your arrogance.
Stay on topic, sir! ????
“Despite the conflicting statements, Duterte is keeping his opponents befuddled while keeping the support of the people. The hypocrisy is the enemy’s weakness.”
I agree. Duterte got the attention of everyone and it’s always a suspense show in the right aspects. Needless to say, I still trust the President.
What’s really baffling is why there are still Filipinos who refuse to embrace their Asian roots.
Filipinos shouldn’t fret about the idea of the Philippines wanting to break away from the clutches of old “allies” and seeking an independent foreign policy.
The two statements above only proves the disconnect between the president and the Filipino people.
No wonder, Ilda has pulled out all the stops just so we can have a glimpse or resemblance of something as to what Pres. Duterte’s intentions are. In spite of that, the whole piece failed to encapsulate the real objective, the agenda and intentions of The president aside from him being a good troll. Imagine that analysis? Anyway, I’ll prefer that anytime over the ‘psychopath’ label.
As expected, there was the usual attack on critics like Sen. De Lima and former Pres. Ramos. It has become the modus operandi every time a ‘rescue effort’ is necessary to defend and praise the president.
But seriously, to be called (even with sarcasm) ‘the world’s number one troll’ is something no president deserves.
gnogid to Marcus
Do not be pig! Stop being a loyalist yellowtard. It stinks!!! Someone is smart enough to not play with you in mud.
Why don’t you make your own article, gnogid?
write it in light of a whole clear idea, explain why you think it matters and let the readers think if it has salt.
I read you all over when the article in GRP is directly about the President, but if not, well you are no where to be found. I suspect you want to influence readers and I believe you can, but not in directly challenging their personal opinions just like what you are doing here because instead of engaging them you will get their angst. If you are really on something legitimate, you will at least consider and ponder this.
I’m being block to post right now. I just went to a neighbor to post this one back.
Thanks for reading me. You are correct, I do focus on the gov’t. or, specifically, the president with regard to sharing views and opinion. I’m a citizen, the president represents me. I’m a taxpayer and I pay the president’s salary as well as the upkeep of the government. I have the right to say. I don’t know if you see something wrong in that. I don’t. In fact, it’s perfectly healthy.
But that is not the whole story. I’m a minority here. An outlier. Though I follow the same rule as you, as a minority, I can always be shut off if the officers here find my statements untenable, irritating, offensive, annoying or by just even thinking that it’s time-up for me to stop posting.
We’re all words and statements here. No flesh, all ideas. So we talk though that. I hope I’m not wasting your time for I know some people here wastes mine. Every time I make a response to a post I see to it to understand and make a sensible statement for the other party to react to and share with. That’s all I do.
With or without response, I’m fine to share my view on the board. I’d rather people not respond than respond by insults or name-call. Nonsense or offensive response, contrary to the belief of one who writes it, are really insults to the administrator of this blog. We should ALL avoid it.
I feel you now. Hmm.. if being involved and be heard is your personal driving force why you’re so passionate here. I suggest you change your way of throwing your thoughts and questions. Instead of opposing someone’s opinion directly by posting their statements and write down your 180 degree reactions, why not pose it like this:
i.g. Leibrook, I find your thoughts candid, however I am concern in the area of shaded facts like how could the president feel so convinced that pivoting towards China is the best path to take while at the same time trying to antagonized US? You think this is the interest of the Filipino majority? If yes, how come the latest Research says the opposite, which is most of the Filipino trust US than China? Can you share some enlightenment?
This way, you are not positioning yourself as if you are on “the other side” so other readers, especially pro-admin, will consider the point as non-bias and a very legitimate question. I hope you can read this and find it helpful in your personal endeavor.
Oh boo hoo suddenly mema’s a victim. That’s rich coming from someone who likes to impose his views on comments that has nothing to do with him. Serves you right. ????
Duterte lives with his foot in his mouth. I can’t wait to see where he takes the Philippines in the future.
Yes, DU30 may have a foot in his mouth, But abnoy got a dick in his mouth. So who’s effin gay now huh?
Looks like it’s going to be a fun ride for the Philippines, hehe. For now, I’m at the outside looking into an aquarium representing the Philippines and waiting for something to happen (like after some source is cut off, let’s see what will the fishes do to each other, hehe).
Former President Ramos is just showing what he thinks is wrong with some of President Duterte”s pronouncements especially on “separating” from USA. He may have some valid points having been PNP Chief and a president. Preseident Duterte is NOT infallible. He could commit mistakes being only human so he should have an open mind to listen to experienced people like Ramos who even convinced him to run in the first place. So if Ramos criticises him it must be due to some sincere conviction that Duterter may be wrong and am sure it is for country”s interest he has in mind. Ilda should have just focused on the merits of Ramos criticism NOT on his past performance. Does that mean had Ramos wrote an article supporting Duterte all the way, Ilda would have praised Ramos to high heavens?
correction: …had Ramos (wrote) written an article..
Oh look! Not only Philippines is doing the pivot thing,
Staph it already with the pinoy colonial mentality.
Duterte is an idiot and now GRP is kissing his ass just because Arroyo is supporting him, not because Duterte is great. That’s the truth no matter how you twisted it. I hope the US will pull out all its billion-dollar BPO industry and foreign direct investments in the Philippines, which could affect millions of Filipinos employed, so that Duterte would realize that the Philippines still need US.
And you’re still kissing Yellow ass, son. That’s why nobody wants to take you seriously.
Be thankful to GRP. Writers here are not paid and your differing views are accepted behind a mask. A total slap of your yellowtard media Rappler.
So indulge the freedom!
Huh?! Not paid? And my views are accepted? I guess you are new here!
This GRP was created in support of Gloria Arroyo’s agenda and perhaps even Ferdinand Marcos. All it did throughout the years and until now is to attack and demean the Liberal Party irregardless of the good news of the programs and projects Noynoy Aquino achieved in the past, and use by Filipinos in present days and this new admin.
Some of my views in the past were deleted even though they were valid and had good references. Hard truth and facts GRP is allergic to. They have this hostile moderator always working 24/7 to filter comments coming from which they think are yellow supporters.
So your saying I will indulge my freedom here is definitely wrong! You are just new and don’t know anything, kid.
GRP was created during the Erap administration and Benign0 even opposed his ouster. I won’t speak for GRP, but the views of its writers are varied, Its even rare to see a unanimous stand from them on many issues.
Yes, as well as the social ills, and entrenched corruption and ineptitude, the effects of which are still felt today.
Congratulations on making yourself look stupid. You just labeled yourself yellow all around face. Next would be, how much?
You literally shoot yourself in the foot with THAT statement, son.
Congratulations, you just went FULL RETARD with what you wrote
Interesting. Can please support that statement because you come across as just “grasping straws” in an attempt to say anything to put down GRP? Prove that first please. Otherwise, your statement is just a figment of your imagination. You need to try harder then son.
I have been a fan of the writers here of GRP and so far most of their articles nailed the issues plaguing beloved Philippines.
Jigs, you are back! Are the yellows paying you again?
Not even a cent. Why are you always saying i get paid when I’m not. This is free country and I can write anything I want.
Only GRP puts limit on their audience.
You contradicted yourself since you’re proven yourself being an Aquino apologist, which you brought nothing but empty words and platitudes.
Uy, Jigs! Long time no see! I guess you couldn’t stay away from GRP indefinitely after all!
Or rather, is it because you’ve been “reloaded”? Hahahaha.
Aside from shabu,embrace as well all the fake goods, substandard materials and services, etc. of China my dear Philippines.
Nice flawed argument you got there. Credit from Dick S. O’Rosary for this:
Not only shabu but also the fake/poisonous goods, products, substandard materials and all that China keeps on flooding the Philippines since time immemorial. And now this Duterte admin is embracing it with open arms and legs for the destruction of the Philippines. China is also the leading country destroying Philippine natural resources just like illegal mining and illegal logging and all that. Oh, few years from now, Philippines will be destroyed and Filipinos will regret in the end. Tsk3x. So sad.
That’s capitalism for you. The Chinese industrialists put the west to shame and made them look like communists. You don’t like it? I suggest going commie.
More to come and more to follow in the future during Duterte’s stint. Hahahaha! Let’s celebrate for China’s victory! Yeheyy!
More to come and more to follow in the future from Jigs’ continuous posting of Yellow faggotries. Kekekekek! When Duterte was ousted then let’s celebrate the Yellows’ return to power because ‘happy days are here again’! LOLOLOLOLOL!
This Ilda Idiot Yellowtardz is the real life troll… Maybe she is connected on Drugs and thats why she doesnt like the president…
Sorry, son. In fact, yours is a troll post since you’re posting ad hominem attacks, which druggies do BTW.
Ummm, you need to reread again Ilda’s article. You interpreted her article differently.
Interesting. What made you conclude and ask this question that she “might be connected to drugs”? Were you emotionally unstable to just type this statement without reading first exactly what she meant?
Former? Filipino actress? You mean Agot Isidro? Former? Clearly then you’re either not watching TV coz she has a running show primetime on top TV network. Or maybe you’re just misinformed, or don’t know how to verify facts. Google is free btw.
Googling showbiz personalities is such a waste of bandwidth.
Thank you for keeping us informed! Please continue entertaining yourself with these PRIMETIME shows, stay trendy. 😉
Perhaps you’re missing the point. However, Agot Isidro is irrelevant in this discussion.
Captain: Were you proposing to shoot these dumbass self-righteous G-D-SOB trolltard people in cold blood, Sergeant?
Sergeant: Nossir. Just a warning shot inna head, sir.
Stop being such a bitch to US.
Give Pres. Duterte 3 more years and lets decide if he is worth of our votes. Don’t judge him in his 100 days in office. If there is still a need to kill incorrigible drug addicts just to implement peace and prosperity in our homeland let him do it. Hope the rich people are also killed and caught but sad to note its always the poor who are the victims of this campaign. As if they were the ones blamed for our failed economy. Let them eat and train become productive citizens.
We can judge or not Pres. Duterte in his 100 days in office. Such endeavor basically caters to the political spectacle of the office. “Giving him three more years” will only be prolonging the circus. We already decided that he’s worth our votes based on election results.
His term is for six years. And he is judged every second, minute, hour, day, month and year up to the end of his term. And we repeat the same process with the incoming president.
@YellowTard Dimwit “gnogid”:
The mindsets of the Filipino people are already changed. You are wasting your time, as a YellowTard paid Troll.
If you think, you can manipulate the Truth and Reality, by posting many nonsense blogs in GRP.
You are mistaken…the Filipino people are tired of your YellowTard propaganda. It does not work on them, anymore. “Lumang tugtugin na yan. Para kang sirang plaka…”
Find a better way, to blog what your YellowsTard masters are selling…
Relax Hyden Toro, relax. It’s not yet time to panic.
YellowTard Trolls are concentrating at GRP to destroy this Web Blog. They think that thru their massive numbers of Yellowtard Trolls; they can manipulate the Truth, and silence the bloggers and website writers,
They are stupid, because the Cyberspace is as infinite as the outer space. The Filipino people can see thru their own eyes, what the GRP web writers and bloggers, are writing about.
Stupid YellowTard Trolls tried to argue against REALITY !
We have seen how the Aquino-Cojuangco political axis; U.S./C.I.A.’s Fidel Ramos; EDSAs; YellowTards; had done to this country. We have seen the changes, we have now, thru Pres. Duterte…
Remember, the Aquinos, Mar Roxas, the Liberal Party, Leni Robredo, etc…are lackeys of the U.S. /C.I.A.
We don’t want EDSA types of changes. They are U.S. sponsored and they divide our country.
We want neutrality, and friendship with all countries, irregardless of their political , religious and cultural ideologies.
We request the U.S. , to stop meddling in the political /internal affairs in the Philippines !
Pres. Duterte is reopening the Mamapasano massacre inquiry…
We , the Filipino taxpayers must be informed of the Truth, about this massacre of the 44 SAF heroes.
Who took the U.S. $ 5 million reward, for the killing of MARWAN ?
Why was the suspended corrupt Police: Purisma, was involved in that military operation ? What was he doing there ?
Who was at fault, that , there was no reinforcement or support, while the SAF troops were massacred ?
Aquino, Mar Roxas, and other high military officials were monitoring the military operation. What went wrong in the operation?
We want to see, who were , at fault…if command responsibility is involved, or just plain stupidity !
Let us get hold of those , who were responsible , and cut their heads , also, like what they did to the 44 SAF heroes !
We should also open the : DAP, PDAF,etc…that were used as tools of Aquino and Abad; to steal funds and taxpayers’ money by that corrupt Aquino and his sidekick , Abad.
This thievery of public fund is massive. It consists of billions and billions of pesos. The blood, sweat and tears of Filipino OFW, like me.
Hang these two thieves !
Let us also open the inquiry of the Typhoon Yolanda Relief Funds. The donated fund was missing, up to now.
It was Aquino and Mar Roxas’ responsibility.
Another Typhoon had just devastated the Philippines. We need that fund, for the relief operations.
Who took that Typhoon Yolanda Fund ? Why did it disappeared on the face of this Planet Earth ?
We must hang those who are responsible !
Why not just open another window? Lol!
What will Pres. Duterte accomplish if he will go back and open old cases? He has yet to show the complete result of his war on drugs and you want him to open old cases that will surely take away his time on more important issues and plans he has?
Look, Hymen, if under his administration he was not able to solve a problem like De Lima, he was not able to put away Trillanes the damper, how can he solve old cases and problem he knows nothing about? You want Duterte to work backwards? You want Duterte to revive dead cases because you hate the people from the previous admin? You want vengeance and retribution be done by the president because you hate?
I think you are insulting the intelligence of the president.
@YellowTard “gnogid” the Dimwit:
We have to open the investigation of the Chinese Luneta massacre.
What was Aquino doing, during the massacre, in Luneta. He was nowhere to be seen and no one can contact him …
We have to open all these evils the Aquino administration has done…now that he has no power to influence the investigations.
It will be more interesting than the Shabu De Lima investigation…
Lastly, we must open the COMELEC cheating investigation. Aquino, Mar Roxas, Porky Drilon, the COMELEC Commissioner, the Liberal Party, etc…were involved in the HOCUS PCOS cheating !
The National Bilibid Prison can hold these evil people, who have done evil to our country ! They must pay for their crimes !
Aba, if you do that you should also open the Jose Rizal execution in Luneta.
You have to open all the evils of Marcos, Erap and Gloria.
Also open the Comelec for cheating in all the elections cheating committed since it opened for business.
Hymen, this business of “opening” is only good on karinderia, bola-bola stand, binatog, isaw and kamote-q
Come home and you open your own boba stand and be successful. Pres. Duterte will love you for it. Lol!
@YellowTard “gnogid” the Dimwit:
We, the People of the Philippines, will open these investigations. We can investigate these people…
Bring back the Death Penalty. So that, we can Hang them all !
Or execute them by firing squad, And let their families pay the cost of the bullets !
We the people or we the animals? Lol! Joke!
Why “open” the investigation when you already prejudged the case by wanting to hang and execute by firing squad?
Crazy, crazy, crazy!
YellowTard “gnogid” the Dimwit:
Our taxpayers’ money was stolen by Aquino and Abad. The 44 SAF heroes were sacrificed, by Aquino, Mar Roxas, Purisima, etc….
The Filipino people has the right to know the truth…
This YellowTard “gnogid” who is a dimwit and a paid troll of Aquino wants us to forget this evilness ? We have to open all these evilness done during the Aquino administration.
Concerned citizens, who love their country must initiate these investigations; and bring it to the court of law…
Bring back the Death Penalty !
Someone (I don’t know who) said it takes a Nixon to go to China.
Well, I do wish I could say to him: pity the fool who wanted to be fucking Nixon.
Inasmuch as the president has created a stir everytime he opens his mouth, he became a veritable super-duper professor of history.
What publication is this? Garbage!
An alternative over biased mainstream media.
Shaming the author doesn’t work around here. You’d have to explain why you think it is garbage before people take you seriously.