Current Philippine Vice President Leni Robredo proved how clueless she is once again with her statements. During a recent press conference, she expressed concern over the negative ramifications of President Rodrigo Duterte’s tirade against the United States of America and European Union. While Duterte’s negative attitude towards some members of the international community leaves some people baffled, Robredo’s reasons for wanting to keep the peace is also quite disturbing. She said the Philippines relies heavily on the international community for aid and that Duterte’s harsh words could “strain” the relationship. She is worried that antagonising the international community would make them cut-off the “help” the Philippines has been receiving.

It seems Robredo’s worry that Duterte’s words could damage international relations is more about getting “aid” and less about earning respect from foreigners.
I don’t know if Robredo is being forced by her party mates from the Liberal Party to speak out against Duterte or if she does it on her own but, either way, she seemed scared of “offending” Duterte and was being very careful with her words. It was as if she was actually nervous while she was speaking. She used safe words like “incident” in referring to Duterte’s actions and hopes that things will improve for the better in the near future. She also admits to praying that nothing bad will happen and by that she means the Philippines becoming isolated from the outside world and not getting any aid at all.
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Robredo is obviously not ashamed of being a moocher. She doesn’t have any qualms about admitting that the Philippines is not self-sufficient and has to rely on other people’s help outside of the country to survive. She’s acting like someone who has gotten so used to getting dole-outs that she doesn’t feel the need to work hard to become more independent. No wonder she is scared of being abandoned by the international community.
Robredo should be supporting the idea that the Philippines needs to try and stand on her own two feet once and for all. Robredo’s attitude is typical of a lot of Filipinos. They are too scared to fend for themselves. Filipinos won’t know what they are capable of doing unless they try doing things on their own. This is also the reason why altruism among Filipinos is low because most Filipinos think that the international community will come to our aid when disaster strikes anyway. Perhaps if Filipinos do not have anyone to rely on, they will be more willing to help each other. Besides, there are more than enough rich people in the Philippines to pool their resources to help out when the need arises.
Having said that, there is no need for Robredo to worry about not getting aid from the international community anyway. Most countries have portions of their national budgets allotted to international aid. The reason they have budgets for helping out other countries mostly from the Third World that are suffering from disasters is to avoid crises further developing into humanitarian catastrophes. It is in their best interest to avoid this because they want to avoid having to accept refugees. Just look at what is happening to the Syrian refugees. Most countries are not willing to accept them now.
Robredo should have more pride though. She should know that it is embarrassing to have to ask for help every time the country is hit by a natural calamity. As a politician, she should know that if not for corruption, the Philippines would have enough funds and resources to mobilise its own rescue operation when disaster strikes. Unfortunately, due to reliance on international aid, local Filipino politicians do not prioritise acquiring state of the art equipment and training its people to be ready for emergencies.
Robredo is also showing her own ignorance of the impact of being too reliant on international community for help. She doesn’t seem to be aware of the fact that some people from other countries are also questioning the amount of funds their own governments are giving to the Third World. Foreigners are getting tired of giving aid to people who don’t use the funds they give properly. They are aware of the fact that corrupt government officials only pocket the funds instead of using these for relief and rehabilitation.

Just look at what happened to the donations given after the devastating super typhoon Haiyan that hit Tacloban City in Leyte. Goods just rotted away inside Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) warehouses. And despite billions of pesos appropriated for rehabilitation, basic utilities like water and electricity are still lacking three years after disaster struck. In her own words, Robredo even said that out of the 205,000 houses needed to be built, only 25,000 were completed. She should ask her former running mate Mar Roxas what happened.
Honestly, Robredo doesn’t seem to be aware of the fact that the Philippines is very vital to the US. They are not going to let go of the Philippines that easily. Notice how the US is just ignoring Duterte’s rants? Recently, the US seems to be trying to appease the Filipino community. Even Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton mentioned the importance of Philippine-American relations recently. That’s something considering she criticised Duterte after the “did he or did he not swear at Obama?” incident.
Robredo needs to wisen up and realise that she could put a strain on her relationship with Duterte if she keeps talking to the media about what she thinks about Duterte’s policies. She can’t say she is fully supportive of the President while badmouthing him to the press. While diplomacy and tact are important to stress when it comes to international relations, doing so just because she wants to maintain the dole-out is wrong. Shame on her for promoting mendicancy. That kind of mentality is something Filipinos should get rid of. Too bad Robredo keeps espousing it. She’s not helping push for real change in Philippine society.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
So? What’s wrong with admitting the truth?
To be honest, maybe it would be a good thing if the US and the EU washed their hands of the Philippines. As well as unwanted interference (which undoubtedly exists), the “aid” would stop, thus forcing the country to actually develop a functioning economy.
The problem there is that developing a functioning economy requires trade with other countries …
Because the truth is, the Philippines can be self-sufficient and does not have to rely on help from outside of the country to survive. Filipinos just refuse to try.
No, that isn’t the truth. The country already has a self-imposed trade embargo:
– it exports nothing (because it produces nothing);
– it imports only those goods the government thinks people should be allowed to have (useless toys, mostly).
No successful country is self-sufficient. The US is dependent on semiconductor manufacturers in Asia, automotive designers in Europe, and oil producers in, well, everywhere. Without mutual support from others, the US would look like the USSR or Mao’s China.
Perhaps what you mean is the country doesn’t need aid, in which case I’d 100% agree. Aid money does nothing but harm. However, there’s no need to throw out the baby with the bathwater. If Duterte wants aid to stop, then all he needs to do is say so. There’s no need to go off on childish tirades about colonialism.
Both the US and Europe do, undoubtedly, see the rest of the world as a big supermarket for their entertainment. The trick for places like the Philippines would be to position themselves as places where foreign businessmen could engage in fair trade; and perhaps just as importantly, a place which takes environmental stewardship and energy descent seriously.
If Europeans want to come here and sell high-quality tools to farmers (which the Philippines is, shamefully, unable to make) how is that a bad thing? The farmers can sell them coconut coir and mango juice in return. Everyone’s happy. If you arrange things right, those businessmen will help you ensure the politicians don’t show up to play Age of Empires.
What made you think I was talking about something else? The article is referring to aid coming from the international community.
You do realise there’s a treaty between the US and the Philippines that pretty much requires them to be here?
Duterte’s latest cunning plan, apparently, is to use the US for military assistance and kick them out of everything else.
Sure, I can see that’s going to win lots friends and influence. Hey guys, we want you to spend billions of $ defending us, but don’t even think about getting anything in return.
Pinoy Cluster-B logic at work again!
Meh. China owns the US. No doubt the US is keeping a wary eye on China, but I don’t think the Americans seriously imagine things will be as they were in the 60s/70s/80s, with US military dominance of S.E.Asia.
As I said, it’s not the Cold War anymore. The US is now more interested in radical Islam, terrorism, and rogue states. That means different tactics, different targets, and far less need for formal ‘bases’.
That was a terrible pity, because the Americans were actually doing good work (for a change). I’ve read some accounts of that particular period; apparently they were working closely with Filipino engineers to make sure they’d be able to leave the locals to run a professional power company. Then one day somebody (I won’t mention any names because Ilda will be upset) decided that was no good, and the Lopezes got their little gift.
I’ve noticed it’s not quite mooching. Filipinos just seem incapable of grasping the idea of a win-win situation. If you win, I must lose, and vice versa. Or, if something is given in return, the Filipino thinks he has somehow surrendered his pride, and feels resentment (the reality is the reverse, of course: there is dignity in the giving).
So a one-way trade – mooching – is the only kind of interaction with others that the Filipino can conceive of.
I’ve commented many times that the Philippines needs to find a mutually-beneficial agreement with the US:
– What does the US want? How can we give it to them?
– What can the US provide us in return?
In every case I’ve received only a backlash (“Why should we give the US anything? Fuck them!”). And then the Pinoy is enormously surprised when his country is mistreated.
Hahaha…why did you ask this question if you already knew that? -> What do you think the Philippines offers the US, strategically or economically?
Besides, if you think the US doesn’t get anything from being in the Philippines, how come she chooses to stay instead of serving notice to end the treaty? You’re acting so naive. Of course they have an agenda for staying in Ph. The US even made a new arrangement with the Philippines, the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) during Noynoy’s term.
The Philippines only got peanuts for the deal. To quote a post from Rafael Alunan:
Joey Cuisia, our former ambassador to Washington, said the US will hike its foreign military assistance to the Philippines in 2016 to 120 million US dollars. In 2015 it was 50 million dollars and 175 million dollars in economic assistance. This is for granting the US access to five Philippine military bases. Cuisia said the hike in military assistance is the biggest in 15 years.
Cuisia says we should be thankful for such a big hike and hinted we could lose it if we move closer to China and Russia.
With all due respect to our Amboy, I think Cuisia was a bad negotiator. 120 million in military aid in exchange for access to five bases? Is that all he could get in exchange? Pitiful. If he was more competent, he could have gotten at least a billion dollars for our military.
In 2014, total US foreign assistance package was 43-billion US dollars. Out of this total, the Philippines got 178 million in development assistance and 50 million in military assistance. In contrast, in FY2013 Egypt got 1.57-billion in total aid of which 1.2-billion was military assistance. Tiny Jordan got 1.2-billion of which 332-million was military assistance. Mexico got 420-million and tiny Lebanon 376-million. None of them have given access to their military bases.
US assistance to the Philippines has always been peanuts. In fact, the biggest donor in foreign assistance to the Philippines in a single year has been Japan with 2.66-billion US dollars. If I had to give access to our bases, I consider Japan much more deserving. But that is what we get when we have Amboys as our ambassador to Washington.
I agree with you Marius. Very good intelligent reply.
Since you mentioned “rogue states” in one of your replies, the US gov’t and military itself have a rogue organization within their ranks, hence their self contradicting policies that even their own citizens are complaining about. It’s not that their whole govt and people are the bad guys, the ones deciding for them seem to be the rogue ones.
As I said, Ilda, the average Filipino is incapable of conceiving of a win-win situation, and that article perfectly illustrates the point (not to mention the Filipino obsession with paper money as the only true measure of value).
Do you think the Philippines gets “nothing” from the presence of 5 US military bases? Is this not a reasonable fulfillment of the defense treaty? Considering the massive sums of money involved in keeping those bases running, a $120m lease (I assume that’s a yearly payment) is a handsome amount.
As for the usual Pinoy complaint: “its all so unfair! Those guys got more than we did!”. Well, so what? Are you suggesting that the US is not allowed to do as it wishes with its own money?
We all know what’s behind those payments, of course: the US is intensely interested in the Middle East, for all sorts of nefarious reasons. The Philippines got “peanuts” precisely because it is of no importance.
Well, it’s called “keeping one’s promises”, another alien concept in this benighted land. A treaty isn’t a treaty if it gets ripped up on a whim.
Exactly. I’ve made the same point elsewhere: the US is not a homogeneous entity, and Duterte could play that to his advantage (well, not now he can’t – he’s pretty much burned his bridges). I sometimes wonder how much control the POTUS or Congress actually has over (say) the CIA.
Anyway, fact is, there are some groups in the US that would like to see the Philippines become a vassal state, and some groups who would like to see it become a strong and independent republic. All Duterte needs to do is court the latter groups.
The US needs the Philippines like a hole in the head. During the last tantrum over military bases, the word from the top to the negotiators was basically, “give it a try, but we don’t really care”.
There are plenty of other places in the Pacific they can play wargames, and besides, the plan isn’t quite the same as it was during the Cold War. The US is ignoring Duterte’s rants for the same reason they ignore the Central African Republic.
Why do Filipinos find it so very very hard to get along with other people?
It has nothing to do with the PH being a weakling on the world stage. The US has intervened in nations much worse than the PH. It’s part of their geopolitical strategy. Why do you think they have the most military bases around the globe and a whopping military budget?
The oil & resources part of the story is only one level.
Please name one place they can go to instead of the Philippines. What’s the Cold War got to do with this?
The US should have pulled out immediately after the swearing incident if they don’t need the Philippines.
Japan. Malaysia. Taiwan. Maybe Indonesia. All of those countries have fairly good relations with the US, and are less inclined to throw a tampo at the slightest provocation. Japan and Malaysia both have a highly professional military. The US likes working with them.
What do you think the Philippines offers the US, strategically or economically?
um .. if you hadn’t noticed, they left long ago. Most American business interests were kicked out in the late 60s, and there’s been a slow and steady withdrawal of the US Army, NGOs, investment, and US government representation since then.
I’ve no doubt there are a few CIA types lurking around in Manila, but everyone else has lost interest. Duterte just put the final nail in the coffin.
My point exactly. The Philippines was important when the US was deathly afraid of Communists, real or imagined. The whole of Asia is now trading more-or-less peacefully with the US, which is what they wanted in the first place (in retrospect, bombing the crap out of the place wasn’t the best way of achieving that).
In other words, the US doesn’t need the Philippines. It only continues working with the place because they feel a misguided sense of obligation.
You’re probably right in principle – it’s time they left the country to its own devices. However, Duterte’s approach to achieving that is completely misguided: he fails to understand that there are big differences of opinion between the US State apparatus, the American people, and American Business Interests.
Let me rephrase: you were focusing on aid, but Robredo probably wasn’t. As I said, the Philippines seems to massively overestimate it’s own global importance. If it wants to be a significant economic force, it needs to rub along nicely with other countries, and you can do that without prostrating yourself and holding out a begging bowl.
Huh? The US already has a military base in Japan. Didn’t you know that? Taiwan? Does the US even have an embassy there? Check the country’s history. Malaysia? I don’t think so. Last I heard, Malaysia wants to preserve its ambit of neutrality. Indonesia? Last I heard, it is still a Muslim country. I don’t think so.
There is already an existing facility in the Philippines for the US military to use. Besides, why not ask the US that question because they keep coming back? Here’s a clue: China.
LOL…you speak with so much conviction as if you know this for a fact. Sorry, I don’t need to respond to that.
Of course she was.
Klara: I’m well aware of that. However, they don’t do this for amusement value. There are two basic reasons:
1) Certain powerful subgroups in the US State Machinery enjoy causing trouble. They see enemies and spooks everywhere. They are, fundamentally, deeply insecure people. What they want most in the world is for other people to tell them: “there, there. Go back to sleep. There aren’t any monsters in the closet now”.
2) The US has failed to build an efficient economic machine to sustain themselves, so they rely on raping other countries for their own survival.
We are at a unique point in history where countries like the Philippines could take centre stage. They could demonstrate to countries like the US that there are better ways of doing things.
In the short term, this means trade with US companies, which they would like very much. Solar panels. Telecommunications. Advanced transport technology. The Philippines can’t possibly develop this. So just buy it already.
In the long term, it requires getting up off your knees and not dragging your knuckles on the ground. Start thinking. Start developing the ideas and social structures that will suit a world with no oil. You’re starting from zero; you have no sunk costs, nothing to prove. If you can do that, you will earn the respect you crave.
I remember reading that newspapers (Yellow-owned at the time, to be precise) at the time were used to attack the American owners of Meralco, so these American stockhholders were scared off and Meralco went to the Lopezes. As per the book Greed and Betrayal.
Oh, and why Filipinos find it so hard to get along with other people, perhaps it’s what Ilda wrote about indeed: they want to mooch off others. If the donors seem to complain or remind the moochers about “responsibility,” that gets the bark of hate in response. And these are the moochers who are proud to be saints or something like that. Not too hard to guess, for me.
“Huh? The US already has a military base in Japan. Didn’t you know that? Taiwan? Does the US even have an embassy there? Check the country’s history. Malaysia? I don’t think so. Last I heard, Malaysia wants to preserve its ambit of neutrality. Indonesia? Last I heard, it is still a Muslim country. I don’t think so.”
1. Even though US (and most of the world) does not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation, there is still their “embassies” in Taipei. It’s an open secret that all countries “trade and cultural office” is their front. It’s also an open secret that CIA still had their asset left there. How do you think they know China had been hacking their government all this time?
2. Task Force 73/Commander, Logistics Group Western Pacific, 7th Fleet was stationed at Sembawang Naval Base since 1990. Seventh Fleet’s Task Force 73, consists of Littoral Combat Ships were stationed in Changi Naval Base since 2015.
3. Way to be condescending towards Indonesia and Malaysia. Last time I check, Philippines had to buy Excess Defense Articles to prop up their navy. They’re already build warships.
I think you need to read that history book back, Ilda.
such a very good article as always, Ilda…
proves that there are a lot of Filipinos wiser than the fake VP, geeze
Leni the united bitch
The False/HOCUS PCOS Vice President: Leni Robredo has a mendicant mentality. She is the “Plan B” of Aquino, Mar Roxas and the Liberal Party…in order that they can get back to power !
She disgraced herself by: pandering for aid to the International community. Anyway, what happened to the Typhoon Yolanda Funds, donated by foreign countries ?
The Typhoon Yolanda Funds, disappeared, like the votes in the HOCUS PCOS machine, under the responsibilities of Aquino and Mar Roxas !
We must learn to have self respect. If we respect ourselves, by not pandering for foreign aids; other countries would respect us !
The Americans hooked us like Shabu addicts, with their American foreign aids. Now, we are all addicted to the American foreign aids…that we are alarmed like, Leni Robredo; if these foreign aids are cut from us ! We deceive ourselves:when we think: we will all perish, without these foreign aids !
Leni Robredo is just an ignorant puppet woman, who does not know what she is talking about ! She wants us, to PANDER for aids to foreign countries. “Beggars are not choosers”…they usually say. So, these foreign countries give us obsolete materials, as aid, destined for the scrap yard !
Money given as aid, is usually pocketed by corrupt politicians, like : Aquino and Mar Roxas !
The Chairman of the Commision on Election is a cousin of Aquino. This guy is a tool of Aquino and Mar Roxas, with their YellowTard cheaters. He can make votes disappear in the HOCUS PCOS machine; and the votes can “reappear” in their favored candidate, like: Leni Robredo , Porky Drilon, and other favored candidates !
Blame Game knows no political affiliations…it works in both ways.
We do not blame a guy , who has been dead for more than 30 years…
We blame guys who are alive and kicking and are enjoying their loots, like : Aquino, Mar Roxas, Porky Drilon, etc…
Let the dead, no matter how evil, they lived, rest in peace or rest in Hell !
Robredo’s constant demeanor reminds me of a hopeless wallflower invited to a school dance by some powerful/popular friends to act as a decoy while they go setup the pig’s blood on the stage to splash whoever was unlucky enough to earn their ire. Totally clueless as to what the hell she’s doing in that place; bumping off people trying to make herself likable and significant but only coming off as more annoying and insufferable as she continues in that trajectory.
One senses she does not like the role she grudgingly took even before the elections when she was chosen as a buffer for the uber-unlikable Roxas until her supposed “win” of the VP post her ‘silent’ benefactors have helped her secure. Every time she gives out these media pronouncements you’d think there’s a whole lot of head-scratching involved in her part as goes out of the room to carry out her bosses’ orders. Just put a thought balloon on her saying “What the hell have I gotten myself into?” in every one of her photos and the whole picture is complete.
Lol. I like the allusion to Carrie. But lets not forget what happened to all the kids at the dance when she went berserk. I pray she doesn’t go berserk like Delima though.
Thumbs up to the max!
We at GRP are not anti-anything or pro-anything…we are Pro Filipinos…we love our country and our people, as a whole. That , it is our utmost duties to inform them the Truth in our country ! We do not want divisiveness…we want UNITY to face our present problems, especially the Shabu Drug proliferation problem – the legacy of the Aquino administration !
Just a little warning:
Comments accusing me of being a Marcos apologist will be removed. It is baseless and irrelevant to the topic. The article did not even mention the Marcoses or refer to the Marcos years.
Wise decision. It’s about time that these cretins should know their place.
Red herring is unacceptable.
I really hope that DU30 doesn’t piss off the Aussie allies too much,at least until AUSAID finish off the refurbishments to our national and major Barangay road contracts that they have already started.
Give them another 6 months and then say what ever you like to them Mr President.. PLEASE!
Ausies and all make a lot of money than what they gives to PI. Research how much money they made in mining alone. Its 75 to 25 percent split, 25 to Pinoys. The 25% will go to National Govt and LGU receives nothing. To say foreign investors were important here in PI, that would be a statement from a naive person. PI, without corruption, can stant on its own. like what Digong have with Vietnam right now for a joint Gas exploration where it has a fair distribution of the money that favors PI.
A fancy car and hot girl is the dream of every loser male (named Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” Cojuangco Aquino III), while a rich handsome man is the dream of every bitch (named Maria Leonor Santo Tomas Gerona [Leni Robredo]).
Capability can handle challenges, it doesn’t accept charity.
This is ridiculous. Most of you seemed envious to VP Leni. Was it because at so short time she became a VP? Please read first the past accomplishments of Robredo’s without associating to color yellow because you are all blinded by it.
Speaking with foreign aid, what is difference of VP Leni asking for aid to PDut begging for help from China and Russia? China said to PDut to just come and signed the papers and we will gave you what you want. What do you think the papers contain? Will the Phils get the respect by doing this? At a cost of WPS?
People wake up, Piso and stock market is falling, inflation rate is rising, investors are leaving, all of you check what causes this.
If Hanjin Shipping’s bankruptcy is a clue, it’s a coming world crisis that only coincides with Duterte’s belligerent stance.
@Noel Oguan
Envious? I wouldn’t want to be in Leni’s shoes, ever. The only reason she became popular is through media’s help. It’s all PR. Robredo’s so-called accomplishments in the past does not necessarily make her qualified to be a leader of 100+ million people. She’s weak. She allowed herself to be used by the Liberal Party. Can you imagine the military reporting to her if, God forbid she has to take over the Presidency? Oh my…we’ll be back to the Cory days when the President didn’t get any respect.
When did Duterte “beg” for help from China and Russia? Please provide us with the link to the news. You said it yourself, “China said to PDut to just come and signed the papers and we will gave you what you want” so that means Duterte didn’t “beg”.
Your inconsistency is showing.
I am not partisan. I dont write here to argue to anyone. I write because that is what I think is right. The VP was elected by people why not accept that. If BBM or Cayetano won the election I’ll whole heartedly accept that and will write the same thing if anyone against it. In the election you knew well you need to use everything or anything or anyway to win. For a newbie winning is more than a strength in itself.
I don’t believe you don’t know PDut was repeatedly saying he will go to China or Russia to get help, that is almost begging. Don’t play dumb with this, you will lose credibility. I will not spoon feed you with infos, you are a writer and correspondent you supposed to know better.
What a copout. You don’t make statements without backing it up. You’re the one who has no credibility. It’s just your own interpretation that Duterte is “begging” when he is not.
Leni is a hypocrite. Her family benefited from the the Marcos regime and yet she criticises the Marcoses. She also sought endorsement from Fidel Ramos even though he played a big role during Martial Law. Furthermore, she is not fit to lead the country. She even said so herself when she was still reluctant to run as Mar’s VP that her only aspiration then was to run as senator one day. Besides, a lot of people think she’s just a product of electoral fraud. Her statements also don’t earn her respect from the people who believe she’s fraudulent.
You maybe right in calling her a writer and correspondent but you forgot that writers and correspondents are humans too.
I hope Ilda won’t mind me saying that this article was written with objectivity the last thing in her mind.
Another lame attempt at put down. You obviously have nothing to against the points raised in the article so you chose to pick on the writer.
I apologized if I hurt your feelings Ilda but I’m just stating a fact. I think everybody knows here where you stand on issues and what side you are in. There’s nothing wrong with it because we all have our baggages, so to speak, but we need to recognize that reality in order to be true to ourselves and to be able to engage others with all honesty. I get no high picking on someone who I know will not be move nor weigh what I said with circumspect and balance. ????
There was no attempt to “put down” on what I said. I read your article and just like the usual approach you do in your other writings I’ve grown to get accustomed to it. You oppose anything about the previous administration and that’s a pretty normal view to have because there are people on the other side that do the same thing. The only thing is, people like me gets to be constricted or have a predictable expectation of what you are going to say because your stand on issues and personalities is already written on stone. What I mean is, no matter what other people say, you are not going to be swayed or convince or even give consideration on points of view because you already have a closed mind on the matter. And that is the reason that I seldom write and comment on your article. ????
Of course, there are a lot of points to be raised in what you wrote and I might indulge you just to prove that I’m not picking on you. ????
@marius. You are really a certified US ass lickers!you compare south africa to philippines? I suspect you are not a filipino anyway.philippines is the most riches in asia.we have almost all prime product s for a nation to survive and to be independent
aftrr WWII we are the riches in asia.and why the hell did we get in this meseries?Indonesia,malaysia,taiwan,tailand,singapore,this nation is not a US ass lickers like you.but why is it they overtaken us in term of economy? Why?
I have no idea what you even said there.
You want to be a bit careful. You know Duterte is cleaning up the shabu scene, don’t you?
Ask that to the yellows, it all started with that stupid housewife president cory aquino.
They made Philipines and it’s People think that they are incapable of being self-sufficient via their YELLOW MEDIA PROPAGANDA/TELENOVELAS. While they are letting foreign countries rape the countries natural resources and ofcourse they have % share of it’s profits that goes to their pockets instead of the people/Philippine Government.
They promoted OFW’s rather than focus on the country’s economic/infrastructure development and most importantly military defense and civil protection to which CRIME & DRUGS prolifilated due to HIGH RISE in POVERTY.
They stopped all previous administration future projects and sold/gave those that are already available for public service to their Oligarch Compatriots/Opportunists.
Didn’t pay the debt to the world bank hence it grown and blamed it to the previous administration rather themeselves.
And alot of disastrous atrocities that happened which made the Philippines from one of the top 2 Wealthiest in Asia down to shit.
The drop from top 2 in Asia to the dregs happened in Marcos time. Just saying.
Most of the foreign companies in the Philippines now are in the electronics industry and BPO. What natural resources are you talking about? Mining is a very small part of economic output now.
Inviting foreign companies to invest will reduce our dependence on OFWs. More economic growth means less crime related to poverty.
Leni is correct. We are not that self-sufficient especially in times of natural disasters. Any aid would help in that we do not need to take it out of our budget. The C130s of other countries also help a lot in Yolanda scale disasters. We have a lot of pride but we are still a third world country. A lot of people here preach independence from aid but admit it we are all middle class people here. The ones who need aid are the very poor. They are the ones who will suffer the most if the aid disappears. The US is still with us because it is election time and there will be no major changes in policy at this point. When the dust settles after the US election, there will be reassessment of priorities. If Duterte’s foreign policy is the result of some sort of grand strategic thinking then may be it will come out OK but I doubt it. His foreign policy is based on emotion and affected by that incident in Davao with the FBI agent. That is a very narrow lens from which to view our relationship with other countries.
Leni is just saying that the Philippines is pathetic. That is all. The Philippines will never be self-sufficient when it relies heavily on foreign aid whenever there is an emergency. Even with foreign aid poured into the country after the Yolanda devastation, Filipinos still f*cked it up. It’s the mentality of easy come, easy go. Filipinos don’t value something that comes for free.
Do you think the donations during tragedies go to the poor? Only a handful of poor people benefit from it. The rest of the funds disappear.
Tough luck dude because you’re not the one in charge. It’s time to try something new instead of doing the same things over and over but expecting a different result.
I agree with you
I have been reading comments.. I agree with you, Time’s Up!! We need to start it now..
Leni is a perfect example of a lazy politician she should be expelled right away especially when she’s just spewing intrigues to prevent the success of the recent government. There’s not even single news where I hear she’s performing her job and stepping up with projects or programs that will better Filipinos lives. There’s still helluva work to be done, VP! All you’ve been doing is waste our taxes!
The Office of the Vice-President administers the anti-poverty program of the government. If Robredo talks about the importance of foreign aid whose beneficiaries are the poor, I don’t know how she can be “clueless” about it. Of course, if one will attack her politically a lot of things can be said about her but I don’t think addressing poverty would be one of them.
I think any president or vice-president, for that matter, will be worried that international support to help the poor might be compromise if donors will think twice for being offended about something that they have no hands on. ????
@Pro Pinoy’s G. Nuguid alyas “gnogid” :
You want to solve poverty by foreign aids ?
It is the dumbest solution of poverty, that I have ever heard !
Leni Robredo and “gnogid” are two fellows, who do not know, what they are talking about…
There are many ways to solve poverty. One of these, is : the creation of good paying jobs, in our country. Not becoming OFWs, like me. I am an “economic refugee”, like the other OFWs…
If your thick skulls, and pea sized brains can think of additional ways of solving poverty…my fellow readers/bloggers/ in the GRP will be very happy !
Pro Pinoy’s G. Nuguid alias “gnogid”:
I consider myself an economic refugee…I work in the U.S. , because advanced technologies and Science are not available in our country. Our country is two (2) centuries, behind in Science and Technology, compared to the U.S.
YellowTard “gnogid”…why not answer my questions in the ways, you can solve poverty in our country ?
Instead of diverting the issue; do your share, other than being a YellowTard Troll.
An “economic refugee” is one who leaves his home country for a new one in search of better job prospects. He sees little opportunity in his own country to overcome poverty and is willing to start over in a new country for a chance at a better life.
Clearly you are not like that Toro. You cite “advanced technologies and science” as reason for you to work in the US. You never mentioned poverty or economic hardship as the cause of you becoming an economic refugee. That only shows that you do not clearly comprehend what a real economic refugee is. ????
I agree. And what’s funny was you heard it from yourself! ????????????
best reply ever…hahaha
If Leni Robredo really cared at all about foreign aid reaching the poor, she should do something about finding out where the funds go (and have gone) starting with the yolanda aid.
That would be a valid suggestion if Robredo was tasked to investigate anomalies in the government. But that’s not her mandate. She’s in the executive department and one of her assigned tasks was to administer the anti-poverty program. ????
She is HUDCC chief. If she wants to help with the housing of yolanda survivors, she could atleast inquire for utility of yolanda funds. Bureaucratic idiocy in Filipino govt is one reason nothing gets done.
@Pro Pinoy’s G. Nuguid alias “gnogid”:
Any person who cannot find job in his field of study, and goes to other country to find job opportunities, is an economic refugee. If you have no job, you cannot put food on your table. So, you will be in poverty. I don’t want to work as a YellowTard troll, like you. I don’t believe in kissing the asses of politicians, for a job.
Your pea sized brain cannot understand that situation ?
But you only said that after I called your attention about calling yourself an “economic refugee” when it was clear you were not as proven by this statement of yours.
Where is ‘poverty’ mentioned there? Where did you say you cannot find job in the country or you cannot put food on your table?
Those are all afterthoughts after I said you are not an economic refugee. ????
While there is nothing wrong with taking in aid IMO (after all, we need to get every asset we can get), I guess the fact that such words were spoken by a Yellow politician tells us something: that they will lose another source of easy income aka funds that they can pocket. And it doesn’t help that they are some of the people opposed to opening up the economy……
@ Pro Pinoy’s G. Nuguid alias “gnogid” :
You did no answer my question of ways to reduce poverty in our country; other than begging for foreign aid, like your patron: Leni Robredo…
Why not contribute something good in the GRP, other than trolling and showing yourself as an “smart aleck”…in truth , you have a pea sized brain, and a thick skull that cannot even comprehend simple things ! Poor YellowTard Troll !
Look, you don’t know what an economic refugee is. Even if I answer your question, how will I know that you will understand it?
Since you love to accuse, allege and call names, I’ll just let you do your own thing. ????
I agree with you. Besides, the voting was rigged to get her win so that at least one of the yellow tards still get some relevance in politics.
Gnogid’s mentality is why I have fled Philippines years ago. The fucking aid back in Yolanda was one of the most stuffed up operations I have ever witnessed, second only to Haiti in their last great earthquake disaster.
The yellow tard media, Mar oligarch wonder boy Roxas had all but let so many more people die either through their misinformation or their stuffing in all that aid money into their bank accounts. For fuck’s sake, I thought these people just had no shame in their negligence and apparent exploitation over the situation.
Leni leech has belonged to the bottom of the barrel types in the country, and the party tried to dress her up as likened to Cory Aquino, whose connections to their late husbands, are the only reason why they’re suddenly elevated in politics…only in the Failippines.
Typical Filipino attitude. Manghingi ng manghingi.
Kaya tinutulak natin mga kababayan na natin na mag OFW para meron tayong mahihingan.. Nakakahiya kayo.. MAgtrabaho kayo uy.
Takot xia na wala siyang makurakot kya ganyan xia mag salita… papet lng ng mga yellowtard.
utak talangka itong si robredo….ganon na ba talaga kababaw tayong mga pilipino,kapag namatayan ang isang politiko, iboboto natin. mainam na lang at nanalo si President Duterte
“It seems Robredo’s worry that Duterte’s words could damage international relations is more about getting “aid” and less about earning respect from foreigners.”
This kind of logi is so infuriating. Robredo talked about aid. She did’nt talk about respect. To talk of one thing, in it’s proper perspective, whilst not talking about another thing, does’nt the second thing is not, or any less important.
She said one thing, and you imply another. How simplistic way of argument. It’s literary trickery that those with less critical mind would take in lock stock and barrel.