De Lima’s EJK Witness Testimony Discredited
Senator Leila De Lima, yet again, walked out of the Senate’s inquiry on extra judicial killings.
Trailing her teary exit were words from Senate Committee Justice Chairman Dick Gordon pointing out that it was cowardice to walk out of the senate inquiry.
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Prior to the dramatic turn in the senate inquiry, it was discovered that the witness Edgar Matobato disobeyed the senate committee’s order to attend the inquiry and that De Lima failed to properly notify the committee that Matobato had charged by the National Bureau of Investigation for the 2002 kidnapping with ransom of Pakistani national Sali Makdum.
Previously, Matobato had claimed that he and other members of the Davao Death Squad had abducted Makdum, a Pakistani national, on Samal Island and killed him for being a terrorist.
Not being a lawyer, it appears to me as if Matobato was coached into making false allegations that President Rodrigo Duterte had ordered the kidnapping and eventual killing of Makdum.
Could he have been offered to go scot free from the kidnap for ransom case filed by the NBI against him in exchange for falsely accusing Duterte?
And while I’m speculating here, let me also mention another news article titled “Davao cop claims De Lima offered to help him in admin case, suspects Nograles-Duterte rift tied to it” could possibly indicate how a witness like Matobato could be motivated to appear at a senate inquiry.
Testifying before the Senate justice committee, SPO3 Enrique “Jun” Delos Reyes Ayao raised an incident in May 2009 wherein he was approached by a male staff of De Lima after attending a public inquiry in Davao on the so-called Davao Death Squad (DDS).
The inquiry was held by the Commission on Human Rights (CHR), which De Lima chaired then.
“Sinabi niya sa’kin na gusto niya i-discuss namin yung development sa pagka-tanggal ko…Kinuha yung cellphone number ko at in-advise niya ako na mag-expect ng call from her in a few days,” Ayao narrated.
Ayao said days later, he recevied a call from De Lima, telling him that “she wanted to talk to me confidentially in a discreet place.”
The thing with testimonial evidence is that these are not only tested in so many ways, but they must at times be corroborated or supported by other evidence.
The whole thing with Matobato’s testimony as I previously pointed out was that it is eerily similar to a negative publicity ploy where someone files a complaint at the Ombudsman’s office against a public official and with unusual speed, stories are published in newspapers that are almost completely based on the still unexamined complaint.
This is a case of an unfair journalism where bare allegations are given the appearance of evidence of wrongdoing even before the proper judicial body rules on the merits of the allegations.
During the hearing, Senator Allan Peter Cayetano explained the damage done by Matobato’s inconsistent and uncorroborated testimony.
I think the committee can forgive, the PNP can forgive, the Filipino people can forgive, that we were taken for a ride here. But mister chair, your self, senator Lacson, in public some of us in private, have told the president, “Sir any statement you made is amplified worldwide”.
But the problem mister chair, let me put on record, because that mister Matobato was allowed here without vetting him and without disclosing that case, BBC, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post… put on their front page, on their TV show that the Philippine president is a mass murderer and put on their front page that the Philippine president fed his enemies to the crocodiles.
That is, may I quote senator Lacson statement, that is toothpaste out of the tube that you cannot put back in. And I am not saying this because the president was my running mate, but because he represents the country.
I don’t know how but I challenge this foreign media, now put on your front page that this witness took you for a ride because you printed it without checking first and cross examining this witness. In fact, some of these publications came out before mister Matobato testified here.

Too late, the foreign media has already absorbed the lies of the local media unless they have the balls to apologise on national TV for failing to see the 2 sides of the story.
And don’t forget even the UN, Amnesty International, EU & other human rights group out there are also been absorbed by the lies of local media in our country… and they even got paid by those greedy local media companies. #TamaSiDuterte
Yeah, not everyone is as venal as Filipinos, mrericx. Those organisations might employ a lot of people who are misguided, lazy, politically-correct, or not very smart, but one thing they aren’t, mostly, is corrupt. One in a hundred, maybe. Try bribing an EU official and see how far you get. If you’re lucky, he/she will just slap you and walk away.
If Amnesty International were taking bribes, it would be front-page news.
Ah, wait, I guess Amnesty International have bribed the reporters not to report their corruption, right? #FilipinoThinking
If Dick Gordon with his tandem Bayani Fernando were the ones voted into office, they would have applied themselves so effectively, that people would not have this dire need to vote for someone like Du30. Gordon would have Du30’s resolve, and yet posses the articulation and temperament to handle provocations by certain [mainstream] media reporters.
Gordon’s admin would have had their priorities straight. Although Du30 present focus on improvements (as opposed to the priority of BS Aquino—-e.g. persecuting political enemies, bribing for political alliances, getting a “pretend” girlfriend, purchasing a “penis extender” such as a Porsche, too much emphasis on image-building & damage control by hiring more communication & media groups, trying to look like he’s working & not “Noynoying”, etc.) is still glaringly better than AbNoy’s performance for his whole 6 years in office, as it only got worse.
But the people have been sentimental suckers. They fell for the drama & political animosities created by the Liberal Party. The unfortunate aftermath?—Noynoy happened, & we all are the worse for it.
Then, because we saw & got tired of AbNoy & his rabid supporters, many felt the damage should somehow be undone—-They voted Du30 to make-up for the loss & decadence the country underwent due to the Aquino administration.
Regarding these so-called journalists & their foreign correspondents, I’m getting the impression they’re just clueless how vicious the political scene in the Philippines is. They don’t know the lengths yellow supporters would go to just to bring a political opponent down. Assuming they were sufficiently trained to tell facts from hearsay apart, they have been lazy & negligent to simply skip some verification steps just to have something published on a slow reporting day.
We should not be so naive as to think that the war on drugs would be that easy—-Drug criminals can be as committed to their perverted world as a Taliban, Al Qaeda, or ISIS/Daesh would. We should never ever think they would not put-up a fight. It would be a fight to the finish! There will be “casualties of war” or “collateral damage” along the way. It will get worse before it gets any better.
But, what do you do? Be a coward & just let them thrive?
I hope that Dick Gordon will run again for the presidency in the year 2022 after Duterte’s administration. #IpasokSiDickSaMalacanang! 😀
I believed Chairman Gordon is fair. I watched him conduct himself during the previous hearing and I’m convinced that he’s really serious I getting to the bottom of the case at hand.
However, since we are all humans we are all susceptible to make mistakes from time to time. And for Chair Gordon to commit one on an important hearing is just unfortunate. All the optics show that Chair Gordon lost self-control and got emotional when he found out the Mr. Matobato is not attending the hearing which was supposed to be a confrontation between Mr. Matobato and those whom he names as his co-conspirators.
Chair Gordon got so emotional that he practically accused Sen. de Lima of material concealment with regard to the info about Mr. Matobato having been charged by the NBI of kidnapping (which I remember Mr. Matobato mentioned a couple of times in the last hearing).
Chair Gordon was so irate that he mentioned ‘umbrage’ a couple of times. So mad he connected Matobato’s failure to appear in the hearing with De Lima’s failure to disclose something that is actually on the committee report! Chair Gordon was extraordinarily talkative in the proceeding making assumptions, conclusion and at some point accusation which is really out of range for a chair to do.
Sen. Trillanes introduction of the record about the NBI case against Mr. Motabato further agitated chair Gordon because it was proven that Sen. de Lima has been unfairly targeted by insinuation of wrongdoing by the chair.
I think the whispers of Sen. Sotto and Sen. Lacson and the cajoling at the sideline by Sens. Cayetano and Pacquaio is not doing chair Gordon any good. I suspect the said senators wants chair Gordon to terminate the hearing, which was in fact admitted by Lacson, because they do not believe the witness.
The fact that chair Gordon refused to apologize to Sen. De Lima after being shown that he made a mistake in going after her and practically blaming her for the witness’ failure to appear is just proof that he crossed the rubicon by letting his emotion get the better of him.
Had chair Gordon, after getting the clarification/explanation, calm down and suspend the session and talk to De Lima and settle the misunderstanding there wouldn’t have been a walk-out.
I just wish chair Gordon, as gentleman as he is, admit that he lost control of his emotion because of disappointment with the failure of the witness to attend the hearing. ????
It was not “a failure to appear” by the witness as you say. TRILLANES let matobato- a “key witness” LEAVE WITHOUT INFORMING the committee and chairman. That’s a grave mistake, if not a deliberate one.
De lima on her part had the responsibility of specifying and disclosing matobato’s pending case, regardless if matobato mentions it or not in his testimony. That kind of “mistake” happens when you do not vet a witness before presenting him.
I suggest you watch the video again and see how Chair Gordon express his disappointment a number of times over Motabato skipping the hearing. It was not really because of ‘without informing’ the committee for chair Gordon already read a note passed to him informing him of the security concerned on Motabato’s part. And combined with Motabato’s skipping, the info about NBI filing a case against him confounded the situation which led chair Gordon to take it as concealment on De Lima’s part.
Without a doubt and chair Gordon even admitted it a number of times that he felt umbrage at what happened. He’s so annoyed that I feel that he committed a lot of mistakes because his emotion got the better of him. And the senators around him, unfortunately, did not help to calm down the situation. ????
If there was “a note” about matobato leaving, why did sen. Gordon say matobato should have asked permission before leaving?
At 5:42:50
gnogid, you sound like the media who downplay yellow mishaps.
I sound like what? Is that really the issue? Read again my post above. I focused on Chair Gordon emotional reaction because of the failure of Mr. Motabato to attend the hearing and also got upset upon knowing that Sen. De Lima was in possession of a note about the NBI filing a case against Motabato with the Committee not knowing about it (which Sen. Trillanes corrected later on). He did not fly off the handle because of the issue of ‘permission’.
But considering that Chair Gordon has somewhat been embarrassed by the revelation that there really was no “secret note”, I’ll not be surprised if he will use as reason for his outburst Matobato’s failure to seek permission from the Chair.
I commented on the way the proceedings developed and how the senators with their respective baggages on the issue came to defend their position which greatly affected the composure of Chair Gordon.
I’m not quite sure of what your focus is. If you are trying to contradict my observation, it would be effective if you will present a different picture, like Chair Gordon, contrary to my observation was very happy during the metting.
De lima and trillanes acting outside of proper procedure also lead to an impression that they are trying to avoid taking responsibility for matobato’s testimonies in the first place.
Who wouldn’t have a hothead from that?
I’d think from the start, it was obvious that Matobato was lying. What he’s been saying looks like he was just pulling it from a hat. Too many observers have said that.
And he’s soon to be arrested because he did admit he was a hitman. But not for Duterte. Now he’s about to get cooked in his own oil.
We have to understand that WORLD MEDIA, like the : New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, BBC, etc…sell their news thru , sensational news. The nastier the news, the better…
The Aquinos used this kind of false and sensational publicity, to arouse sympathy worldwide against the former Pres. Marcos, Sr.
They painted themselves as “victims”. They painted Pres. Marcos Sr., as tyrant, with his Martial Law !
It is the same tactic that the Aquinos and his YellowTards are using. Religion, the Roman Catholic Church, the Academia, the biased newspapers, the TV propaganda machines, false witnesses, etc…all in all :witch brew of falsehood !
They are trying to paint : Pres. Duterte is a tyrant, as a Mayor. He allegedly murdered people, by feeding them to crocodiles; burying them in some unmarked graves; throwing his victims to the sea; sending EKJ murderer to kill people, etc…
The U.S., who try to show themselves, as the paragon of virtues, will use the U.S./C.I.A. , to overthrow the tyrant. Those who manipulated the foreign media, will then be placed by the U.S./C.I.A. , in power. The country , will be worse, as it was before …
Look at the U.S. proxy invasion of Lybia, Yemen, Syria, etc…the invasion of Iraq…
These countries are now destroyed, and the Islamic Radicals have taken over these countries. There is a protracted war in Syria. The country and its people are being destroyed, causing the influx of refugees. Much human sufferings…
I tell you again: “The U.S. will dance with the Devil, if it promotes its National Interests…the trouble is: the Devil is just evil”…
That U.S. $1.7 billion clandestine payment by the Obama administration to Iran, recently is just one of the example ! I do not mean that Iran is the Devil…I mean, the Devil (Great Satan), encouraged the U.S., to pay Iran !
No, we will never understand until you tell us why and how they “sell their news thru , sensational news. The nastier the news, the better…”
You said a lot about events, people and countries but you never even showed how the ‘media world’ is to blame for it. Yes, you talked the Aquinos, Marcos, Duterte, US, Iran, CIA, Catholic Church, etc. but not a single incident about ‘world media’.
Before saying, ‘we have to understand’, I suggest you have to clear first what it is we we have to understand in the first place.
Right now, it’s all a rambling.
Its simply a fact. Sensational news sells. In the past, this would sell papers. Today, this would generate clicks, i.e. Clickbait. Its about the $$$.
If its ‘simply a fact’ then maybe you can help Toro cite some examples of what he’s alleging against NY Times, CNN, BBC, etc.
I’m sure there are examples out there that will help us understand why things happen. ????
Examples are so easy to find online. Just type “clickbait” and insert name of the media company, say “cnn” and just look at the results.
I agree with you that is why I can’t believe Hyden Toro cannot show one single example of what he’s saying.
You are right, those things really happen and then there are REAL news. Ehem, Toro I hope you’re reading my friend. ????
@ Pro Pinoy’s website G. Nuguid alias “gnogid”:
You are a Yellowtard Troll, trying to show to people, you are wise in your own conceit !
???????????? Calm down Toro!!!
Look, Dick S. just saved you. You should thank him before you attack again. Imagine alleging something and when ask for example you went to sleep? ????
Okay, my friend, see you next time.
Time and again, I’m going to say this bluntly.
The so-called “credible witness” named Edgar Matobato about the so-yellows-call-it Extra-Judicial Killings (EJKs) in the Failippines Senate recently is whom we can call the Failippines version of “Jacob The Liar”.
His handler is “Senator” Antonio “Sonny” Fuentes Trillanes IV. His financier is “Senator” Leila Norma Eulalia Josefa Magistrado de Lima. And the benefactor is “Vice President” Maria Leonor Santo Tomas Gerona (Leni Robredo).
Enough said.
Just finished watching Day 5 of the Senate hearing on EJKs. You can binge-watch the whole thing here if you haven’t seen it. This is TV gold!
There’s a lot to say about Leila de Lima’s maniacal rant and walk-out at the end, so if you can’t wait for that, scroll down to #5 below.
Meanwhile, let’s review the highlights that led up to De Lima’s emotional rampage.
In the Day 5 episode, the Davao policemen that Edgar Matobato accused of being members of the “Davao Death Squad” appeared at the Senate. Matobato was kept in another room and was not inside the session hall while the policemen were cross-examined.
The highlights:
1. Trillanes opening act—foiled
To save time, the committee skipped the dramatic witness identification that Trillanes wanted to stage, because the Davao policemen already stated that they knew Matobato, since he used to hang around Davao government offices as a security gofer.
Trillanes looked pissed. He was desperate to have Matobato say anything correct on TV, literally anything, just to prove his “star witness” is not a complete dud. But Gordon was right—the identification would prove nothing, except the fact that Matobato knows the Davao policemen exist.
2. The Cobra Energy Drink guy
Dionisio Abude, the cop accused by Matobato of being the head of the DDS, looked more like a dapper Makati Med doctor than a death squad leader. Turns out he was a Pinoy Hero awardee of Cobra Energy Drink, so Cobra got free advertising when he played the Pinoy Hero video on his police accomplishments. Abude also showed news clippings of arrests he made through the years, to show the people he caught were alive. In one instance, he and his team even saved a drug offender from committing suicide after he was caught.
3. Trillanes’s “watch test” and kindergarten logic
Arthur Lascanas, the cop Matobato claimed was very close to Duterte and the one who received kill orders directly from him, is an old, lolo-type guy about to retire. Lascanas said he and Matobato used to be good friends because Matobato helped him broker real estate deals. But Lascanas said he was not Duterte’s best friend as Matobato claimed. Two of Lascanas’s brothers were actually killed in police operations because of their drug-related activities, and his daughter was not accepted by the Davao city hall when she applied for a job. Would this happen if he was the BFF of Duterte?
Trililing tried to make a big deal about a watch that Lascanas gave Matobato years ago. Lascanas said he couldn’t remember if it was old or new. Trillanes pressed him: old or new? He claimed this “test” would prove Lascanas’s credibility. “Kung relo lang ang basehan ng credibility, parang problema yata yan,” Lascanas said. Everyone in the room laughed. Tama nga naman. But Trillanes kept insisting, so Lascanas said the watch was old to get it over with.
Trillanes later produced a receipt showing the watch was new. He said this proved Lascanas was lying, and his “inconsistency” was worse than Matobato’s inconsistencies. In Trililing’s kindergarten mind, forgetting what kind of watch you gave someone years ago is worse than forgetting who you murdered, why you murdered them, and who ordered them killed.
This is similar to Trililing’s “newspaper test” last week, where he claimed Matobato was a credible witness because the bombing incidents he mentioned appeared in newspapers. Trililing’s single-digit IQ failed to grasp that anyone who read those newspapers or watched the news could tell stories about those bombing incidents.
4. Cop reveals De Lima asked for his number
Another cop, Jun Ayao, was accused by Matobato of killing Davao journalist Jun Pala. Ayao denied this, saying Pala was actually his friend, and he even helped bring Pala to the hospital the first time someone tried to kill him.
Ayao had a revelation of his own. He showed a 2009 affidavit where he narrated an encounter with Leila de Lima who was then conducting her “DDS” investigation in Davao as CHR head. Ayao said De Lima asked about his suspension case, then got his cellphone number. Three days later, she called him, saying she wanted to meet at a discreet place, and someone would be in touch with details. Then, he got calls from someone who more or less offered to fix his case if he testified against then-Mayor Duterte.
De Lima said she doesn’t remember meeting or calling Ayao. She denied her 2009 CHR investigation was politically motivated.
5. Matobato’s kidnapping case and De Lima’s walkout
De Lima set her own butt on fire when she brought up Sali Makdum. “Siempre, itatanggi niyo rin po yon?” she said to the Davao cops in her usual goading, condescending tone.
Unfortunately for her, the cops had done their own digging.
The Davao cops produced documents from the fiscal’s office in Samal and the NBI which showed Makdum disappeared in November 2000, not 2002 as Matobato claimed. The documents also showed Makdum’s wife blamed Matobato for her husband’s disappearance, and she even filed a kidnap-for-ransom case against him and three of his companions! (Remember, Makdum’s wife and Matobato’s wife are cousins. They know each other. This was no random accusation.)
Gordon asked why this was not mentioned until now. De Lima said Matobato actually disclosed the kidnapping case to her when she interviewed him, based on her “extensive” notes.
Cayetano asked De Lima when this interview occurred. De Lima said September 2, and another date before September 15, the day Matobato first appeared at the Senate.
Lacson asked De Lima why she didn’t do a thorough cross-examination on the kidnapping case when Matobato testified at the Senate. De Lima said she just overlooked it. Both Gordon and Lacson looked skeptical. How could she “overlook” such a critical element that essentially overturns Matobato’s claim that Duterte ordered the killing of Makdum? To begin with, none of the Davao policemen Matobato named in the killing of Makdum were part of the case filed by Makdum’s wife, and one of them, Medina, was not even a policeman yet in 2000 when Makdum disappeared!
Gordon asked for Matobato to be brought to the session hall to explain himself, and that was when the second bomb dropped—Trillanes had taken Matobato out of the Senate, claiming it was for security reasons.
To make a long story short, a heated argument erupted between Gordon and De Lima, which you can watch starting from 5:28:00 of the video above. Trillanes returned to the Senate and tried to defend De Lima by saying Matobato did mention the kidnapping case, as shown in the transcript. Trililing’s peabrain missed the point as usual.
Yes, Matobato mentioned he had a kidnapping case, but he never gave the details of the case in his testimony (why would he? the details would prove he was lying). De Lima, on the other hand, had PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF THE DETAILS of the case filed by Makdum’s wife, but she kept this to herself. She said nothing while Matobato made wild accusations against President Duterte about the murder of Makdum, for the benefit of the foreign media. This smells like orchestrated, pre-meditated perjury.
De Lima only admitted that she had the details on Matobato’s kidnapping case after the Davao cops produced the documents from the Samal fiscal’s office. (She had to admit it to save Matobato’s “credibility”, so she could claim he didn’t withold information.) It’s hard to believe De Lima didn’t deliberately conceal information, because this is not the first time she’s done this. From the very start, she concealed Matobato from her co-chair Senator Lacson, so Matobato’s claims were not vetted before he testified at the Senate. She also didn’t inform the other senators that she had a surprise witness before she sprung Matobato on them. Now, it seems she may have also concealed the true extent of her prior interactions and interviews with Matobato before he appeared at the Senate.
The yellow media are doing their best to downplay what happened, airing mostly the side of De Lima and Trillanes, but you can watch the video of the hearing and see for yourself. Even Trillanes’s lame excuses about the sudden departure of Matobato from the Senate simply don’t wash.
Trillanes said he took Matobato out of the Senate for security reasons. But why didn’t he ask Gordon’s permission first? He knew Gordon had strict orders for Matobato to stay at the Senate until the hearing was over. Also, why didn’t Trillanes bring Matobato back with him when he returned to the Senate, knowing the other senators were looking for him?
Most likely, Trillanes realized he needed to coach Matobato some more after he saw the testimonies of the Davao policemen, so he whisked Matobato away to buy extra time for rehearsing before putting him back in play.
How long will the other senators let De Lima and Trillanes dupe them and use the Senate for their ludicrous gag show? How long will the other senators let these two clowns cheapen the Senate with their squatter behavior, like hysterically yelling, walking out, and switching off microphones when they don’t like what’s being said?
As it is, after this Matobato fiasco, no one will take Senate testimonies seriously anymore. People have seen how loose the standards are. Anyone can just walk in, commit perjury, and get away with it. Matobato proved one thing: the oath to “tell the truth and nothing but the truth” at the Senate means absolutely nothing. By letting Matobato testify without proper vetting, De Lima and Trillanes opened the floodgates of hell and now the entire Senate’s credibility is burning in it.
And for this, De Lima wants an apology? Has she totally lost her mind? In other countries, she and Trillanes would already be facing a firing squad.
So, the question now is, what will the other senators do about De Lima and Trillanes? Will they let these two gutter rats get away with what they’ve done without being severely penalized?
What message would that send future witnesses of future Senate investigations? That you can just say whatever you want, because no one gets punished anyway?
The ball is on your court, dear senators. Please don’t fail the Filipino people who elected you.
@ Pro Pinoy’s G. Nuguid alyas “gnogid”:
Maybe, YellowTard Trolls like, “gnogid”, can read and understand this comment,of “armchair citizen”, of the happenings in the Senate EKJ hearing.
G. Nuguid alyas “gnogid” patrons: De Lima and Trillanes…their coached witness: Matobato (ultimate liar), are now acting like clowns.
Matobato was immediately put out of sight (sent home) by Trillanes, to prevent him from being asked about his , kidnapping case.
Trillanes has committed , “Obstruction of Justice”, on this incident.
Nice summary. I think Pacquiao’s performance at the hearing deserves a mention too. He was surprisingly eloquent in his assessment of Matobato’s credibility.
I notice in the discussion that Sen. Lacson committed a gaffe when he “explained” something about Sali Makdum. Here’s the exchanges:
After Chair Gordon insinuated to him that the question he was about to ask was already addressed before this is what Trillanes said
Trillanes: Yes, Mr. Chairman I won’t dispute that but just like what happen kay Sali Makdum, sabi natin, ‘there’s no such person’ then after a few weeks me biglang lumabas. So….
Lacson: No, your honor I’d like to correct that. There, there’s no such terrorist.
In the last hearing this was what Sen. Lacson said Sali Makdum.
Mukhang naisahan si Ping. ????
I wonder why Trillanes’ request for identification was turned down? I think the Committee would have gain some valuable information had they allowed it.
If I’m one of the senators I would allow it to find out if Mr. Motabato really knew the names and the person he mentioned in the previous hearing. I’m going to ask him to identify before the Committee the person he mentioned by name and I’ll require him to say all the information he know about such person. What he did together with such person; what place he had been with such person, what transaction he had; what role he and such person did in a particular assignment together, when and where; I’ll ask hims to tell the Committee the names of the wives or any relatives of each person, and other personal matters that would indicate closeness and exclusivity in terms of relation, working or personal.
Since the identification was not allowed I think the Committee lost an opportunity. ????
Two contradictory statements. ????
If Trillanes need to coach Matobato some more, why did he ask to have witness identification in the first place? Isn’t the proper thing to do if you think your witness needs more coaching is to ask for a postponement or delay of something to buy extra time?
It doesn’t make sense. ????
Why will he ask Gordon’s permission when Matobato was not under the custody of the Committee?
Again, since Matobato was not under Chair Gordon’s authority because the Senate did not or refuse or for some reason deny Matobato security, why will Sen. Trillanes submit his security authority over Matobato under Chair Gordon?
Trillanes, upon Senate’s failure to provide security, assumed responsibility of Matobato’s security. If anything happens to Matobato it will be Trillanes who will be held responsible NOT the Senate.
I’m asking questions and presenting another angle of the event for the purpose of clarification and information. I could be wrong but we need to have answers first. ????
Gnogid, no one’s going to read through your crap you yellow tard. As soon as Delimaw and her gang are found to be ready for jail card, I hope you would put to rest your screwed up thoughts of the matter.
Baylee, you have to do something about your jaundice eyes. It’s giving you problems. I sympathize with you. ????