“As of the twenty-third of this month, I signed Proclamation Number 1081 placing the entire Philippines under martial law” said President Ferdinand E. Marcos on that famous television broadcast 44 years ago today, September 23. Before the declaration of martial law, the country was in a state of upheaval.
It was the middle of the Cold War, but Asia was hot at the time. While the United States and Soviet Union silently produced nuclear warheads trying to outdo one another, the situation was different in Asia. Social upheavals were the norm in Asia: North Korea was founded in 1948, and the Republic of China fell to communist rule in 1949 after which the Kuomintang government was forced to exile in Formosa. The Domino Theory became popular during this time, and the theory held that once one nation fell to communist rule, the events would repeat in neighboring nations, a manifestation of the domino effect.
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That theory should actually be called a law, based on the events that followed. By the late 1960s, Southeast Asia and India were plagued by Maoist rebellion. The governments responded accordingly, and President Marcos (after careful planning with Defense Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile) acted by declaring a state of martial law in 1972. Not to mention, besides the Maoist insurgency by the New People’s Army (NPA), the Moro National Liberation Front also launched an ethnoreligious war in Mindanao, seeking to secede from the Philippines. The two internal wars in the country required a strong response from the Marcos government, which was able to deliver and secure the foundation of the republic. In contrast, the governments of Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia responded weakly.
The result? By 1975, order and stability were restored in the Philippines, and the Republic did not capitulate to communism nor did the country lose the southern island of Mindanao. On the other hand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam all fell to communist rule. Marcos’ declaration of martial law made sure that the Republic of the Philippines would never succumb to Maoist rebels.
However, today, the martial law era is cast in the most unfavorable light in the Philippines. Several groups from the elites, the media, the religious sectors, and the left have denounced martial law. The slogan ‘Never Again’ has once more been thrown around. Likewise, these groups have pointed out the human rights violations during martial law. They have pointed out that martial law suppressed the people’s liberty, and that the era knew no freedom.
And it is the love of freedom that has made the heroes of the martial law era stand up and fight for our liberties. It is love of the freedom they gave me and each one of us that has allowed me to write this piece today as we commemorate a chapter in our nation’s history. This love of country and love of freedom is something we inherited from these heroes of the martial law era.
Indeed, we must never forget the heroes who fell during martial law. Let us keep in our minds and hearts the many men and women in military uniform who during the martial law era so valiantly defended our nation from communism and separatism. When our national sovereignty came under attack from the dogmas of Maoism and Moro separatism, it was our soldiers in the front line fighting for us, carrying our flag and everything it stands for. They are the true heroes of martial law.
Before my father died, he said the worst thing about growing old was that other men stop seeing you as dangerous. I’ve always remember that how being dangerous was sacred, a badge of honor. You live your life by a code. An ethos, every man does. It’s your shoreline. It’s what guides you home and trust me, you’re always trying to get home.
Your father was a reader, Churchill of course, but also Faulkner and books about Tecumseh. He loved artists who painted people with bodies that looked like boxes. I’d give him hell about that. He’d just say you gotta look harder. Look harder, your father would say, I always knew he wasn’t just talking about those boxy abstract paintings.
There’s threats everywhere in a world that’s draped in camouflage. Your father’s grandfather gave up his life flying a B-24 in World War II. He kept the Liberator aloft just long enough for everyone to jump, and then he went down with the plane. That’s the blood coursing in your veins. Your father was my boss and I was his chief. What we knew about each other’s traits and our bond as operators. There’s a brotherhood between us and we depended on each other more than a family. Tecumseh said although a single twig may break, a bundle of twigs is strong.
Our platoon was headed downrange. We had Weimy, our sniper, he grew up in the middle of the Mojave desert, most excitement he had as a kid was bowling frozen turkeys down the aisle at the grocery store.
Ray, our comms guy, our radio man. He grew up in east LA gangland. He had a silver star for pulling a wounded teammate out of a freight.
Sonny, he was made of granite, this guy didn’t even do push ups because he was afraid his chest was gonna get too big.
Ajay joined the teams late in his 30’s. He had been a Muay Thai fighter all his life, before that he grew up dirt poor in Trinidad.
Mikey had 20 years in the teams, as humble as he was. You never even know him. He kept a picture of his wife in his helmet, and a lock of her hair in his pocket, quiet as the breeze.
And finally, senior chief Miller. Couldn’t really tell you much about him other than I’d rather take a knife to a gun fight than have to be interrogated by him.
That last night at home you think about how you coulda been a better dad, a better husband, that bedtime story you shoulda read or that anniversary you forgot. You don’t expect your family to understand what your doing, You just hope they accept it. When you get home, you hope you can pickup right where you left off.
War is a country of will, there’s no room for sympathy. If you’re not willing to give up everything…You’ve already lost.
Your father was a good man. Growing up without him is going be hard. It’s going to hurt. You’ll feel alone, out to sea with no shore in sight. You’ll wonder why me, why him. Remember you have warrior’s blood in your veins, the code that made your father who he was is the same code that’ll make you a man he would admire, respect. Put your pain in a box. Lock it down, like those people in the paintings your father liked. We are men made up of boxes, chambers of loss, triumph, of hurt and hope and love. No one is stronger or more dangerous than a man who can harness his emotions, his past. Use it as fuel, as ammunition, as ink to write the most important letter of YOUR life. Before your father died, he asked me to give you this poem by Tecumseh, I told him I’d fold it into a paper aeroplane, and in a way…I guess that’s what I’m doing, sailing it from him to you.
So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none.
When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision.
When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.
There were no heroes during Martial Law, EDSA Revolution, and People Power that lasted 30 years. If there were heroes, they were a fabrication of someone’s delusion that created a confrontational and oppressive environment in the country and among the people. Whoever said Filipinos have overcome their affliction with “Colonial” and “Crab” mentalities are only fooling themselves; they’re alive and thrive inside every Filipino’s head.
Whoever says there were no heroes during those times ( Martial Law, EDSA86) is ignorant or none yet born during those times.
Whoever says there were no heroes during those times ( Martial Law, EDSA86) is ignorant or none yet born during those times.
But I wonder if among those giving their comment, they have a common definition of a ‘hero’ !
I weep for the Philippines and the Filipino people.
Corrupted and controlled by their adopted beliefs and are being abused by the Roman Catholic Church.
If Martial Law will still be exist here & had never been repealed in 1981, do you think that this blog would still be posted on the internet? Yes, if this blog will not damage the “national security”, no mudslingging, didn’t paid by the greedy & elite personalities & really followed the laws. If not then our government will surely shut down this site & the owners of this website will be arrested… and worse, they’ll be tortured by the authorities for sure.
Marcos was a genius because he was able to infiltrate the communist movement with his agents. He was in control of the anti Marcos groups except the group of Misuari who was supported by the Malaysians.
As I had talked to old timers, who lived through Martial Law. The country was indeed falling to anarchy: NPA rebellion and the MNLF secession. Vietnam fell. Cambodia fell, and there was extensive massacre of innocent people by the Cambodian Maoist rebels…Vietnam invaded Cambodia to stop the carnage.
The late Pres. Marcos did the right decision to declare , Martial Law , and save the Republic of the Philippines.
There maybe abuses on the part of the military. However, there were also abuses and murders done by the NPA and MNLF.
Parliamentary form of government was installed.
Those against Martial Law exiled themselves to foreign countries, like in the U.S., and other first world countries… They got their Green Cards visa, on refugee status.
Suerte sila ! They don’t have to wait in line, to get into the U.S. !
The Aquino Propaganda Machine like the ABS CBN was closed down. Other newspapers were closed down. The Roman Catholic Church, headed by the late, Cardinal Sin, was against Martial Law. Priests and Nuns, became NPA rebels, following the : “Liberation Theology” ideology.
If we remove the Aquino propaganda, and look at Martial Law, on both perspectives of the spectrum…my opinion is: Martial Law saved the Republic. The only mistake Marcos did , was he aligned himself, with those same Feudal Oligarchs…Land Reform Program would had been enacted completely…and a better Constitution that favors all Filipinos, would had been drafted !
Those “Never Again” activists are Aquino’s YellowTards, who are like hamsters following , whatever their leader tell them!
Don’t worry if Marcos had some discrepancies on his administration especially during the Martial Law era (e.g. corruption, crony capitalism, insurgencies, etc.) then let President Duterte fix our country in a better way. Just take a look at what he doing it right now unlike at the time of Marcos like FOI Bill is now a law through EO to prevent corruption & have an accountability in our govt, making peace with the Reds, MNLF & MILF & end their arms struggles in which the past administrations couldn’t done it, changing our current constitution from unitary to federal/semi-presidential type of govt to end the long traditional politics & to unite our country, ending the oligarchy & feudal economy & introducing the social democratic type of economy in our land, bringing down the drug problems here, and many others. Yup, and I say that Duterte is now the best president of our land & much better than Marcos minus the totalitarian rule but he’ll do his draconian leadership just like what Lee Kuan Yew did in Singapore. And this is the reason why those yellowtards out there hated him for now but later on, this kind of hate will soon be faded.
I vehemently disagree. That’s fiction. We inherited the love for country and freedom from nobody. Not from Marcos nor Cory and it surely is not from the so-called “heroes” of martial law. The love of freedom and country is inherent in all of us. It is within us. It was, in fact, suppressed, subdued and controlled during the period of the dictatorship.
Those ‘heroes’ you are talking about, in fact, took away the people’s freedom and help perpetrate the arbitrary and dictatorial ways of the Marcos regime. I highly doubt anybody here will say that Fabian Ver game them their love of country and freedom.
Any effort to romanticize and memorialize that part of the history of our country will always fail without mentioning the violence, the killings, the abuses and excesses that accompanied and supported the tyranny that was prevailing at the time.
A YellowTard cannot distinguish between fiction and history…an Aquino propaganda and truth ! If anybody desires to retreat in his little corner room, clutching in his thick skull, what those Aquino propagandists, have taught them: It is their problem.
Research of what really happened is the key here… you can talk to Enrile or Ramos; they are still there alive and kicking…they are the major players in this event of our history !
As I had talked to old timers, who lived through Martial Law. The country was indeed falling to anarchy: NPA rebellion and the MNLF secession.
Maybe you have talked to old timers on one side. You did not get all the sides, hence, it’s all propaganda that comes out of your ‘talk’.
The country was falling to anarchy because of NPA and MNLF? Is that what the “old timers” told you? They did not tell you the other part of the story, the whole story?
Vietnam fell. Cambodia fell, and there was extensive massacre of innocent people by the Cambodian Maoist rebels…Vietnam invaded Cambodia to stop the carnage.
What’s that got to do with us? Did they have martial law too? Who was trying to invade us, Vietnam too? Vietnam and Cambodia fell. So? You think we did not fall too? Maybe we escape the pangs of communism (which is another debatable issue) but we did not escape the poison of dictatorship.
So, better suspend the celebration yet and go, find and talk to the other side which will enable you to see the balance view of history.
We’ve had had enough of propaganda during Marcos time and Cory’s time. You might want to look and appreciate the event with your own thinking and not just rely on “old timers” of one side. ????
You don’t have to teach me…I know what I am doing. I am old enough and mature enough..even educated enough to decide the right way to do, my research.
As I have stated: Juan Ponce Enrile is there… Why do you hesitate to talk to him , about Martial Law? Are you afraid of him, that he will torture you or murder you, or rape you, or make you disappear from this face of the Earth ?
Fidel Ramos is there. You can talk to him. Are you afraid of him that , he will tell you the truth ?
However, if you are a Diehard YellowTard; you can cling to the Aquino Propaganda and your ignorance ,about Martial Law; and not be enlightened with the Truth about Martial Law…
Enjoy your ignorance ! Ignorance, indeed is a Bliss !
You don’t have to teach me…I know what I am doing. I am old enough and mature enough..even educated enough to decide the right way to do, my research.
Reading you’re posts here, I think you are lying.
You accused, alleged without basis and call names in practically all your posts.
I have illusion of teaching you anything. We’re all out here on our own accord. We stand by with what we says here. If anyone questions us or disagrees with us, we can only respond and explain and expand the dialogue. At least, that’s what I do. :l
correction: I have NO illusion of teaching you anything.
If you want to argue with me, focus on the issue. Stay on topic, sir.
As I have stated: Juan Ponce Enrile is there… Why do you hesitate to talk to him , about Martial Law? – Hyden
Enrile is considered to be one of the brains behind the martial law regime. He eventually revealed in 1986 that the assassination attempt on his life was staged by Marcos to justify Proclamation 1081.
You want me to talk to him? What answer do you expect to get from the right hand man of Marcos? Hello?!!!!
Juan Ponce Enrile is there….
Fidel Ramos is there…..You can talk to him. – Hyden
Why will I talk to the two members of the Rolex 12? You are the one saying all these things and you will point me to other people?
You alleged, you prove. Stand your ground and don’t drag others in the discussion who are not here.
Take your pick. Communism or dictatorship. I pick dictatorship, at least we’d keep our free market (not that we did anything useful with it).
@Ggnogid comment:
“Why would I talk to the two members of the Rolex 12? ”
These two people are major players of the Marcos Martial law. They are still alive.
Tell me gnogid,
Are Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos heroes of the Martial law, from the time it started to the time it ended ?
If you don’t answer, you are really a stinking YellowTard !
So what? They are irrelevant. They are not important. Ask me if you don’t understand why I said that.
I don’t play the game of “heroes”. That’s for the loyalists on both camps to play. You belong to the other side, so I suggest you engage one from the other side and play “heroes” yourselves to death.
Not gonna waste my time on that. : 0
“What got has to tod with us? Did they have Martial Law too”
Are you familiar with the “Domino theory” of the Americans ?
If youy don’t answer me, you are really a stinking YellowTard !
I knew it’s coming but since you are too arrogant and fresh you’re not going to get any answer.
The discussion is ongoing and you are tailing behind. Instead of keeping up in step you are dragging it down.
It’s a shame that those “technical and scientific fields in the U.S.” that you bragged about working for is not doing you any good here. Show some class, Hyden.
Go back on topic and be respectful.
You mean rice field or minefield? : )
“There maybe abuses on the part of the military. However, there were also abuses and murders done by the NPA and MNLF.”
So, they’re quits? ???? You are saying there’s abuses everywhere. Was that bad or good?
“Those against Martial Law exiled themselves to foreign countries, like in the U.S., and other first world countries… They got their Green Cards visa, on refugee status.
Suerte sila ! They don’t have to wait in line, to get into the U.S. !”
That’s an utter lie! You are making it appear that all those who oppose martial law left the country. Read again what you said and please correct yourself.
Both sides had abuses: assassinations, murders and killings. Go to the records of the AFP, research there…
Did not these Aquino commando people, like: Manglapus, Maceda, Salonga and their entourage came for refuge in the U.S. ? They were granted U.S. refugee visas (Green Cards); otherwise; they cannot stay in the U.S. , and be deported…Some of their companions/entourage, decided to stay for good. Many are in California and other U.S. states. They are also in Canada.
These are the people, I have talked to about Martial Law…this is the truth !
Did not these Aquino commando people, like: Manglapus, Maceda, Salonga and their entourage came for refuge in the U.S. ?
Sir, there are millions who opposed martial law who don’t have the capability to go abroad an escape the dictatorship. You are mentioning only the political opposition who have the capability to escape Marcos.
I know your obsession about the Aquinos and the opposition, fine, you could be a Marcos loyalist and that’s your right. However, that could also be the reason why you cannot be objective when it comes to weighing events in history.
Both sides had abuses: assassinations, murders and killings. Go to the records of the AFP, research there…
Both sides have equal power and control over the state? Both sides run the gov’t.? Both sides control the police and military?
Go to AFP records? Where do I go on the other side for records?
Ay, Hyden ha, na-spoiled ka na sa kalokohan mo dito ha. Hindi pwede basta magpo-post ka na lang basta-basta. You have to defend what you say here.
So, far you’re doing bad, Hyden. Very bad. : )
This is why it’s hard to believe the United States has been taking advantage of the Philippines all these years. If anything, the Philippines has been taking advantage of the United States by using it as a dumping ground for millions of their expatriates and a hideout for their criminals.
“Its expatriates” instead of “their expatriates,” that is.
Do you know how powerful the Komunista/guerilla party back in the 60’s and 70’s? Do you know who are the leaders of this party? Do you know why there’s NPA/Communist Party back then?
Do you know how powerful the Komunista/guerilla party back in the 60’s and 70’s? Do you know who are the leaders of this party? Do you know why there’s NPA/Communist Party back then? – Sick_Amore
I can say how powerful or not powerful, name the leaders, why there’s NPA, etc. but it will not make sense because there is no premise.
Sir, what’s your point?
Because without the declaration of Martial Law the Philippines could have been Cambodia and Vietnam during those times and you’re asking what their sufferings has got to do with us. Let me say first that I also agree that there’s no hero in Martial Law. War happened because there’s a battle to be fought (it’s seldom about wrong and right. People normally decide on that based on the damage or casualties). You can’t blame one and exempt the other. I guess that’s my point. History won’t be useful for us if we only pick the part that’s written by the victors.
Cambodia and Vietnam has a different situation than us. They don’t directly impact what’s happening in the country. I understand the fear of the spread of communism back then but I also understand that such fear can also be used for other purposes.
Just look at the map and you can see that the predicament of those countries is very different from ours. China can easily gobble them up because of proximity. That, with Vietnam continiuously destabilizing her neighbors. It’s a mess out there at that time, whereas we are in the middle of the ocean all by ourselves.
With regard to hero, I think that issue is exclusive to those pro and anti-Marcos. Of course, Marcos is a hero to the loyalist while the antis will have their own idea about it. It’s a chicken and egg case between those two groups. Though one thing is common on both groups: they both have the same narrow view of history which leans mostly on their respective vantage point.
Wait lang, Sir. I really need to ask a student if that’s what they are being taught in history class.
For the meantime
Why Martial Law was Declared by Howie Severino on I-Witness kinda proved that wrong.
Comment of gnogid:
“You acused without basis, aledge without basis, call manes in all your Posts”…
Did not the Aquinos put their faces in our currency ?
If you don’t reply, you are a hopeless YellowTard !
gnogid comments:
“Sir, there are millions who opposed Martial Law, who don’t have the capability to go abroad and escape the dictatorship. ”
Did I write millions of Filipinos escaped ? I wrote: Manglapus/entourage, etc…got refugee status and U.S. green cards, without falling in line. I hate people who put words into my mouth. They are dumbest Yellowtards !
No, you did not and I will show you why you lied again. Here.
Point out to me, if you can, a “Manglapus or even an ‘entourage’ word there.
Hyden, enough of that antics okay? Let’s go back on topic.
my opinion is: Martial Law saved the Republic. The only mistake Marcos did , was he aligned himself, with those same Feudal Oligarchs…Land Reform Program would had been enacted completely…and a better Constitution that favors all Filipinos, would had been drafted !
So how can you say Marcos “saved” the Republic when you blame him for aligning with the oligarchs? How can he do the “saving” when he did not change anything?
I think the “old timers” were able to brainwashed you to say all those lie and fabrication here.
You are good at hating but very poor on facts. ????
I am not a YellowTard, who can be easily brainwashed like you.
This is my opinion: Marcos saved the Republic… Marcos enacted the Land Reform Program. Cory Aquino removed it, to protect her Hacienda Luisita.
The country was self sufficient in rice, during the time of Marcos, Sr. When Cory Aquino came back; we were back importing rice.
Roads, buildings , bridges, etc…were built, during Marcos Sr. time… Marcos Sr., did not name them for himself.
Most roads, buildings, airports ; that the Aquinos built. They tried to name them for themselves ! Their nasty faces are even in our currency.
I have never seen such Narcissistic people in my life !
I don’t hate the Aquinos or any YellowTard. I feel pity on them. I hate only the evils they had done to this country, and our people !
I work in Technical and Scientific fields, here in the U.S. I deal with Scientific and Technical facts, everyday…I know how to : discern, observe, perceive and arrive at facts and truth. I am educated and experienced in this field…
Pity for you, to cling to your retarded ways to jump into conclusion !
Sir, you are arguing with me about you defending Marcos and attacking Aquino. You are playing both sides. I defend nobody. Look again the title, it’s about the “heroes” of the martial law. Stay on topic, please.
I work in Technical and Scientific fields, here in the U.S. I deal with Scientific and Technical facts, everyday…I know how to : discern, observe, perceive and arrive at facts and truth. I am educated and experienced in this field…
So, where is the proof of that statement? Nothing in your is scientific. Nothing is fact-based. It’s all your “opinion” and the opinion of “old timers”. We cannot have none of that if you want an objective and balance discussion.
Again, go back on topic, sir.
I don’t hate the Aquinos or any YellowTard… – Hyden
Yes, yes. You don’t hate the Aquino and you don’t love the Marcoses. You are a nice guy and everything you say here is positive. Yeah, right.
Now, let’s go back on topic.
It is a good habit to hate aquinos. They are rabid dogs. We must not tolerate their existence.
gnogid comment:
“How did he do the saving , when he did not change anything…”
Was declaring Martial Law changed the government system?
This is the trouble of YellowTards. If you write about the accomplishments of Pres. Marcos: you are a Marcos loyalist.
If you bring out the evilness and truth about the Aquinos. You are against the YellowTards and the Aquinos…either my way or no way !
So, those bringing out about the Shabu proliferation under Aquino, are all against Aquino !
If he aligned himself with the oligarchs, isn’t that just doing more of the same? What’s new there?
Yes, declaring martial law is a change but the corruption is still there because according to you, yourself, he aligned himself with the oligarchs. Susmaryopes, oo, Hyden!
gnogid comments:
“You are playing on both sides. I defend nobody. Look again the title. It’s about heroes of the Martial Law….”
Are Marcos, Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos, the true heroes of the Martial Law ?
If you don’t answer, you are a confirmed stinking YellowTard !
No, Hyden, you continue to lie. Here is what I EXACTLY wrote,
That’s very clear ha?
Anyway, You are not disputing my point. You are merely nitpicking and calling names which really do not advance the discussion.
Hyden, don’t ask me ask the guy who wrote this piece. And like I said, I don’t play ‘heroes’ game; it’s a chicken-egg thing.
You can ask my opinion about it but I cannot argue with you as to who is the hero and who is not.
gnogid comments:
“I think the “oldtimers” were able to brainwash you to say all those lie and fabrication here.”
“You are good on hating, but poor on facts”…
Those “oldtimers”, happened to be my brother and his friends. My brother graduated in the U.P. College of Medicine, in the ’70s. He was against Martial Law; and was a member of the “Kabataan Makabayan” …after graduation he and his buddies, who were U.P graduate doctors also, came to the U.S…furthered their education, and practiced medicine in the U.S.
They are the sources of what I know about Martial Law. They lived those years and were activists.
Those who lived during Martial Law, and are still alive, like : Juan Ponce Enrile, Fidel Ramos, our President Duterte, etc…can attest what I’m writing…
If you believe, thanks…If you don’t believe, I cannot help you !
Gnogid comments;
“Yes, declaring Martial Law was a change…”
So, there was indeed a change…whether good or bad…there was a change. Not what you earlier wrote: “Marcos did not change anything”…
Who is contradiction himself now ?
Susmaryosep YellowTard !
What was that? Your brother is against martial law; he was a member of the Kabataang Makabayan. Then he graduated, went to the US to study and practice medicine there. Where and when is the part that you get the substantial and important information from him about what’s going on?
Did he join the movement and went up the hill to take up arms? Did he serve the movement by playing a relevant role to further the fight against the dictatorship? Was he active in the movement hence he knew a lot of stuff to give you a clear idea of what it’s all about?
Or he was a member in name only and really did nothing. Like an uzisero and just went to school, study and kept quiet the whole time when he was still in the country?
you guys still don’t know if marcos is a hero or not? but you agreed that he saved the country from communism and the seccessionism in the south right. so what do you call that? isn’t it a ‘HERO’..
… now i have a question for all on de lima. are these accusations on her fabricated or for real? she was with the drug lords partying. now, let’s see your IQ’s.
One man doesn’t save the Philippines; it takes a whole country to do it. Since the whole country is not willing to do it, we have to fabricate a savior and make him or her a hero.
One man doesn’t save the Philippines; it takes a whole country to do it. Since the whole country is not willing to do it, we have to fabricate a savior and make him or her a hero.
But there is really a view like that, particularly from the Marcos’ side, that has been forwarded even before to justify the imposition of martial law. All things being equal, there could be basis for that in terms of Marcos heading a plan to put up a stand against major threats looming in the horizon at the time. He may not have save physically the country himself but he led the movement to put up a defense to a perceived threat back then.
I’m fine with that view though with restrictions and reservation.
@gnogid comments:
“You are a nice guy, and everything you say here is positive. Yeah right…”
I am really a nice guy, and everything I say is positive. That came from your own words. However, I am not a nice guy to YellowTards !
I don’t know what’s that got to do with the topic. : (
gnogid comments-
“Did he join the movement and went up the hill and take up arms.”
I am not my brother’s keeper. Whatever he did with his life, during those Martial Law times, is his own business. The same as his fraternity brods in the U.P. College of Medicine. I have no business of their pasts…
The late: Dr. Jesus Lava, of the Huk (communist) movement, was his frat brod….
So, I do not mind : his life, political beliefs, or whatever beliefs, he has /or had ! The same way, that he is not minding, of what, I’m doing now !
I tell him and his frat brows here: “I
am a part time YellowTard Hunter. I hunt and eat YellowTards, for my breakfast, lunch, mirienda and dinner …” So, you should watch out ! You would be a good meal for me !
Translation: I don’t know a lot about my brother. What I said about him and his friends are mostly my assumption.
I don’t know why I said what I said. I’m not used to people asking me to prove my allegations. All I know is I’m quick to the draw in calling people’s names, cursing and fault-finding. I don’t care for providing facts. All I know is I’m allowed here to say whatever I want to say without proving it.????
Whatever, your interpretation is your business…I do not force, any understanding on you …
If you believe, that the moon is made of cheese, so be it !
It is love of the freedom they gave me and each one of us that has allowed me to write this piece today as we commemorate a chapter in our nation’s history. – Celestino Manrique II
This piece of an article is a positive representation highlighting and cherry picking the good things that happened under the martial law. Under the Marcos regime this piece will be welcome with open arms anytime.
You don’t need to have the ‘love of the freedom’ to be able to write a propaganda like this.
Comment of gnogid –
“What is the proof of the statement. Nothing is fact based…”
Who are you to ask me about my work resume , in this website ?
Tell me gnogid:
Did the Khamer Rogue massacre of the Cambodians people , happened, after Cambodia fell to the communist ?
If you don’t answer…you are really a Diehard YellowTard !
“Who are you to ask me about my work resume , in this website?” – Hyden
I did not ask about your resume, sir, you voluntarily bragged about it yourself. Here, read again what you posted above and tell me why you are lying again.
“I work in Technical and Scientific fields, here in the U.S. I deal with Scientific and Technical facts, everyday…I know how to : discern, observe, perceive and arrive at facts and truth. I am educated and experienced in this field…” – Hyden
Your words, empty and irrelevant words, not mine. : )
gnogid comments:
“Your words empty and irrelevant, not mine…”
I am not forcing you to believe me. If you believe, thanks…if you don’t believe , thanks…end of the topic !
I’m neither a “tard” or a “non-tard”; but, I know for a fact no single person, or party, saved the Philippines. It’s the Filipino people who destroyed their own country, and it’s the Filipino people who need to put it back together. Therefore, we cannot call any Filipinos a “hero” for saving the Philippines, when Filipinos are the same ones who destroyed it in the first place.
I hope you don’t mind me engaging you not because out of contempt or disrespect but simply just for sharing a different view and opinion.
I don’t think Marcos and his minions thought of ‘destroying the country back then. Why will he or they do it? It’s their country too and they will be the first to suffer if anything happened to it. I’m of the opinion that Marcos’ intention was in fact driven by his concern for the country and it’s future.
The sad thing is, sometimes even though your intention is good things still go bad.
@gnogid. I completely understand your point of view that Marcos wanted the best for the country, but just got carried away with the abuse of his power as time went on; the same thing goes with other presidents before and after Marcos. I only lumped Marcos in the same category as the people who destroyed the Philippines for two reasons:
First, Marcos was Filipino who came from the same culture as other Filipinos who have destroyed his country. Given a completely different circumstances, he would have done the same thing that his enemies have done. Second, to take up Marcos’ side and personify him a hero would only invite rebuke from others who feel otherwise; and this ongoing saga on the war between “good” versus “evil,” “right” versus “wrong,” and “tards” versus “non-tards” will never end.
Sometimes over-generalization has its advantages.
“.. Marcos wanted the best for the country, but just got carried away with the abuse of his power as time went on…”
That’s exactly how I see it.
@gnogid. And there is nothing wrong with your view about Marcos. However, the whole tenet of my argument and which GRP should reconsider as its theme is, the problems with the Philippines is not between different political parties. Instead it’s as basic as the bitter battle between Filipinos against Filipinos, which is impossible to overcome, if the people don’t relinquish their stiff stance on how they see themselves and each other.
It’s like the Democrats and Republicans in the US. Only a bit more personal.
@gnogid. “It’s like the Democrats and Republicans in the US. Only a bit more personal.”
I agree. In the case of the Philippines, if I may add, “Deadly.”
Gnogid comments: “…Marcos wanted the best for the country, but just got carried away with the abuse of his power as time went on…”
– – – –
– – – –
“That’s exactly how I see it.”
So, you agree that Pres. Marcos was a Hero by declaring Martial Law ?
And Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos, who were his accomplishes, in the Marial Law, also got carried away with the abuse of power ?
gnogid comments:
” I don’t think Marcos and his minions thought of destroying the country back then. Why will he or they do it?”
So, you accept that : Marcos, Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos, destroyed the country ?
If you don’t answer, you are a conformed YellowTard !
Hyden, will you please read again what you post and tell me why you asked that stupid question?
Is Aeta here? I think Hyden needs assistance very bad. : )
It is idiotic to argue who are heroes or not if there is no agreement on the definition of a hero or heroism among the contending parties.
It is either a fellatio or cunilingus no end.
A hero to me might never be a hero to you. Colombus was a hero to new Americans, and a villain to the natives. Had Colombus left North America alone, would things have been better for the world? We’ll never know.
Some people prospered because of one person, while some people suffered. That will always be the way things are.
I like them both. Heroes, that is.
@Ngek Ngek. I apologize. I meant heroes and villains. I inadvertently left out “villains” and added to the confusion.
Gnogid comment:
” I don’t think Marcos and his minions thought of destroying the country. Why will he or they do it…”
“Is Aeta here ? I think Hyden needs assistance very bad..”
So you did not think that Marcos did not think of destroying the country ?
You agreed now that he did some good also; because; he did not think of destroying the country.
Juan Ponce Enrile, Fidel Ramos and those you called Rolex 12, also did not think of destroying the country.
They did good for the country, after all…
What a YellowTard, contradicting himself !
Not so fast, Hymen, este, Hyden. Why is it that you are in a rush to assume on what I said without validating it first? Calm down. Don’t tell me what you think I agree on, tell me what you disagree with me about.
Lastly, ‘yellowtard’ is not my surname. You keep on calling me names while I continue to call you your name.
You said you are educated and think scientifically. So far, I’ve not seen and feel it. : (
You alrady implied in what you wrote earlier, that you agreed. Now , you are disagreeing…
YellowTards were created by the Aquinos, without sense of feelings and sense of seeing…they were created like sheeps, to follow the Aquinos and think like Robots !
@David. Who are those both you are referring? lol
The Aquinos, the Roman Catholic Church and their followers think the removal of Marcos in a relatively bloodless transition was “God’s” blessing to their dangerous polarization of the country on those perilous days of February 1986.
These groups over the last 30 years have been suppressing the fact that one suicidal PC captain in February 21, 1986 triggered a miraculous series of events that started way back in February 21, 1974 when he used his connections to enter the PMA despite flunking the November 1973 entrance exams.
Those who think Marcos was a hero and a great leader who never abused his power must be living in a world of illusion. The only way not to be carried away by the political and legal genius the Filipino Race has ever produced is to be eclectic towards this Greatest Ilocano the Ilocos has ever produced.
Had Marcos not been superstitious, I think this country would have gone the way of Rwanda or Syria in February 1986.
Yellowtards and the aquino are the enemies of this nation. Slay them we must
@Bluefad. Anyone who abuse his political power whether the Aquinos, Marcoses or the DU30 must be slayed. Obviously, DU30 is the present savior of this country that the likes of D5, Abad, Abaya, Ochoa,etc including Abno must be punished with their deserved medals before they are guillotine d if allowed. DU30 must kill or order the killing of those deserving the punishment for heinous crimes they committed including plunder before he would be killed by the Americans or the Chinese.
DU30 knows that he will sooner or later be killed for his genuine cleansing of Philippine society.
Reasonable Filipinos should feel the need of scouting for new national leaders as a replacement for DU30 in case he would be assassinated by the CIA or the China Politburo. Robredo would be a chaotic replacement.
The problem with the idea of “Remembering the heroes of martial law” is it tends to provoke a reaction if not give an impression that it was actually a response to another gesture of celebration entitled, “Remembering the heroes of EDSA”. See the call-and-response play there? Like ‘Hello’ – ‘Hi’. Like Crispa vs. Toyota. Like Ginebra vs. Purefoods. Macoy vs. Ninoy. Guy & Pip-Vi & Bot. Sa ‘yo ang Tondo, Akin ang Maynila. Ang Panday & Ang Panday II.
It reduces to a gaya-gaya, puto-maya, sarswela ng mga tanga.
I’d rather have a discussion about remembering the lessons of martial law than talk about ‘heroes’ back then and the ‘heroes’ after them. I’d rather talk about the mistakes that we made after martial law and why we are all in it together. I’d rather talk about ALL of us and the problem we faced in the past and will face in the future.
You want to talk about “heroes”? Go buy a Marvel Super Heroes Comics. : )
gnogid comments:
” I rather had discussions remembering lessons of martial law….”
I can give you the dose of your own medicine…I am a good imitator..I improve, what I imitate, and use it against my victims to trap them !
YellowTard nuisance like you, would be a good meal for me !
Why couldn’t there be a reasonable discussion about both cases? It only becomes a problem when you’re bent on sticking to a rigid view of one or the other.
And it’s not necessarily about people being heroes, it’s the recognition of the deed and taking that as inspiration. President Digong shows such support to the police and armed forces, and sadly, the malicious see it as a pretext to martial law.
You mean the ‘heroes’ on both sides (Marcos & Aquino)? Believe me there will be no reasonable discussion until there is forgiveness and total reconciliation. And I don’t see that happening in our, or even in our grandchildren’s, lifetime.
Just look at the pattern, every time there’s a new president there’s agitation on both sides in terms of affiliation or the new leader being identified on either side. It’s always ‘kampi-kampi’. It’s always kami-kami, kayo-kayo, sila-sila mentality.
You almost convinced me there about heroes “not necessarily about people” until you mentioned a ‘people’ (Pres. Digong) on the same line.
I mean, it is really hard to engage in a discussion without pushing your own agenda and I get it. There is a ‘Dutertards’ and ‘Yellowtards’ always jostling, pushing and pulling and for what? Selfishness, hatred and just pure immaturity.
Then there the sane ones who sees everything and just laugh about the ‘tards’ in both camps out-stupid each other. ????
gnogid: “You almost convinced me there about heroes “not necessarily about people” until you mentioned a ‘people’ (Pres. Digong) on the same line.”
What logic are you trying to apply here? Does mentioning heroes and Digong in the same paragraph automatically imply that I’m pushing an agenda favoring Duterte?
Wow. I don’t know what you’re here for gnogid. The patterns of your logic remind me of something. And to be blunt, using and spelling the president’s nickname inversely says something about your purpose here.
Whoa! No need to get angry, ma’am. I’m just pointing out to you that your statement contradicts itself. Why? Because of this line,
Had you stop there, there would have been no contradiction.
Even if you wrote Marcos, Erap, Aquino, Arroyo, etc., I’ll say the same. What I said will apply no matter who you favor or support because it’s PEOPLE.
You want to know why I’m here for? I’m here to share ideas. As much as possible, I try to share MY OWN ideas. For sure, I’m not here to sing the same song other people here sing constantly. You may not like what you read from me but I guarantee you I’m not going to disrespect you as a person.
You’ve ‘noticed’ the pattern of my logic and even the inverse name of the president’s nickname that I use as a handle. But we all goes by handle here. Is it prohibited? What can I do? What do you want me to do? Whatever my handle is, is not the matter. Wha’ts important is what I say or what my idea is.
I suggest you go back on topic and tell me why you disagree or why you were offended by what I said.
You judged Marcos a hero. If he is a crook or not you want history to judge him. You’re implying you know about heroes hence declared you Marcos as one. With regard to him as a crook or not, you have no idea about it.
Sounds hypocrite to me. ????
gnogid comments –
“You judge Marcos as a hero.”
Answer –
Yes, Marcos is a hero. A real hypocrite is like gnogid, who conceal his real intention of blogging, here in the GRP. The truth: gnogid is a paid hack of Aquino and his cahoots. gnogid is a stinking YellowTard idiot, who comes to demonize bloggers, like me; because their Pro Pinoy Website is closed…”walang bumbasa sa Pro Pino Website at Pro Pinoy blogs nila. Linalangaw, kaya sarado na !
Spot on! What else is a better argument than the fact that Marcos saved us from communism?
If Marcos was able to “contain” the communists during his time, how come the old leader of the CPP-NPA is still alive and kicking today? If Marcos truly “saved” the Philippines from communism, then he would have cut off the roots of the movement by killing the leader. But he did not. So how can you say that he is a hero when he miserably failed to contain the very leader of the communism movement?
I really find these pro and anti-Marcos arguments similar to those endless theists-atheists battle on social media.
Only an independent Truth Commission on the Marcos and Cory will enlighten those fanatics and kibitzers.lol
I really find these pro and anti-Marcos arguments similar to those endless theists-atheists battle on social media.
Only an independent Truth Commission on the Marcos and Cory years will enlighten those fanatics and kibitzers.lol
Who among the opposing debaters in this thread ever read Popper’s “Enemies of the Open society” ?
I bet my life, no one ever read it because if ever one read it, both the Marcoses and the Aquinos would be discussed with much less useless passion and/or fanaticism.
Who among you here is familiar with the Commander-in-Chief provision of the 1935 Constitution which Enrile obliquely gave it as the reason for Marcos authoritarian rule of which Marcos lovers call the Benevolent Dictatorship ?
Coming from the mouth of the co-architect of Martial Law should be telling to the rationally critical, eclectic, open-minded and apolitical/non-partisan.
Too far back, man. No one alive today can relate to year 1935. Let’s stick to the current political climates, the players, and issues on hand.
watch asian shows