Human rights are universal, applying to all human beings, right? Poor, rich, criminals, police, politicians, businessmen, shop owners, workers, students: everyone is entitled to the recognition and respect of his/her human rights. Human rights law, and law enforcement, exist to protect all.
In the Philippines, the call to respect human rights is being used to impede President Duterte’s war against drugs and criminality. His critics accuse PDU30 of unleashing a national death squad with impunity. Some wonder where civility has gone, when the madness will end, and why most Filipinos lustily cheer news of drug-related killings. Perhaps, as a final blow to the traditional corrupt politicians whose job it was/is to address these same social problems (and, instead, profited from them in the past), most Filipinos see this as the final solution to end the prevalence of drug trafficking, drug-addiction, all sorts of heinous crimes and their umbilical cord to corrupt politicians, government officials, and members of the police, military, and the judiciary.
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I used to dismiss the growing hysterical frenzy as the traditional reaction of sore losers, but after giving this more thought, I am now convinced that Duterte’s detractors are behind the magnified allegations of human rights violations. Excessively distorted in their intellectual bias, these detractors upon seeing their golden geese fleeing or dropping like flies began labeling each death as an extrajudicial killing, a misnomer that Senator Cayetano brilliantly clarified in a senate hearing through a “patient” reading of Administrative Order (AO) 35 series of 2012:
“Extra-Legal Killings (ELK) or Extra-Judicial Killings (EJK)—refer to killings wherein: a. The victim was either: i. A member of, or affiliated with an organization, to include political, environmental, agrarian, labor, or similar causes; or ii. An advocate of above-named causes; or iii. A media practitioner; or iv. Person(s) apparently mistaken or identified to be so. b. The victim was targeted and killed because of his/her actual or perceived membership, advocacy, or profession; c. The person/s responsible for the killing is a state agent or non-state agent; d. The method and circumstances of the attack reveal a deliberate intent to kill. Killings related to common criminals and/or the perpetration of their crimes shall be addressed by other appropriate mechanisms within the justice system.”
Until a few months ago, these same killings were called murder, homicide, shootouts and riding-in-tandem hits. Now, every death associated with police efforts in drug raids is labeled extrajudicial killings or EJK. Why the sudden change in terminology?
It’s the media, stupid, showing once again their corrupt paid-for-hire roots. We the people, who don’t believe all the s… media oozes out, blame them for this, for using EJKs loosely to discredit the President’s war against drugs and crimes.
PDU30’s detractors continue to raise the flag of righteous indignation, hiring the services of human rights organization and advocates.
Who exactly are these people?
- Media.
- United Nations.
- Commission on Human Rights.
- Religious groups and church leaders.
- Anti-Duterte supporters (or the sore losers of May 2016).
Influencing, persuading, and convincing these diverse interest groups to get their message across makes them nothing but “Human Rights for Hire”.
Paid hacks with their own selfish agenda under the guise of protecting the common good.
How convenient it is to criticize Duterte despite the unbelievable feats achieved in his first 60 days as President. Never in my lifetime have I seen such an intense and focused effort to eliminate drugs and criminality. I am very surprised how gigantic is the illegal drug octopus in our country, and I never expected such a large-scale business actually existed, it’s tentacles slithering into so many pockets (and orifices). It is indeed a revelation for common people like me that this drug problem is a pandemic.
I tremble in fear knowing that the drug menace has been around for decades. I tremble more in knowing that the drug lord and pushers are protected by the same people who are supposed to protect me and my family. I piss-in-my-pants and tremble when authorities downplay the problem as a health issue that can be solved with rehabilitation.
OMG! They totally miss the point.
There can be no peace and order in our country if the police, politicians, judges, government officials are corrupt. There can be no economic progress if scores of drug addicts continue to wreak havoc in our homes and our streets by killing, stealing and raping women and children. There are close to four million drug addicts in this country. Please give me at least one reason why our President’s war against drugs is not good.
Don’t I and my family also have human rights?
We have the right to a just and orderly society, a society built on the foundations of social justice and the common good.
Wait, that’s not all.
During the election campaign, I asked my wife why the opponents of Presidential candidate Duterte were unusually mum about his anti-drug problem platform. They were silent, which made me suspicious. Nobody cared. I theorized that, probably, most of the other candidates are connected to the drug-trade. My gut feel was strong that the drug syndicate went all the way up to the highest officials of the land.
When President Duterte exposed the list of police, local government officials, and judges who are drug lord coddlers, I was not surprised. I was ecstatic that the news confirmed my suspicions, and at long last, we now have a leader who can throw these corrupt people into a place where they rightly belong: jail.
The collective efforts of human rights-for-hire groups don’t seem to get any traction. I hope that one day, they realize the futility of their tricks, and that black propaganda does more harm than good in our fledging nation.
According to the great German writer and statesman Johann Wolfgang Goethe: “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least”, a brilliant quote that best describes Duterte’s sense of priorities. What matters most is peace and stability in our country; what matters least are the criticisms and comments of the human rights-for-hire people.
Human rights are universal, for all humans including me, and this is my right to express my opinion.
You have this right too. Claim it. It’s yours. It’s free.
Postscript: As I write this article, I received terrible news about the explosion in a Davao night market that killed 14 and injured many others. The terrorist group Abu Sayyaf claimed responsibility.
As the President prepares to unleash hell, don’t be surprised if the human rights-for-hire groups call for the protection of the human rights of the Abu Sayyaf terrorists. And as for the ordinary Davaoeños who suffered from the terrorist act? I hope the human rights-for-hire groups don’t say the poor victims had it coming..
I am a marketing consultant, entrepreneur and executive director of an NGO. I have extensive experience in advertising, product management, media, and general management.
I love art, graphic design, philosophy, theology, and history. I continue to study these subjects to enjoy my intellectual and artistic pursuits.
Can you possibly write ICC, UN, Human Righrs watch and have people sign. I’m sure millions, if not billion, will gladly affix their signatures…
I am always a victim of Human Rights on Equality of Employment here in Dalaguete Province of Cebu as until now the Municipality of Dalaguete did not respect the Law on r.a. 7160 section 393 paragraph c on preference of appointment despite numerous endorsements by the Civil Service Commission.By not respecting the Law is corruption.By depriving me to have Permanent Job is AGAINST Human Rights on Social Justice clause of the Constitution.
The Duterte team must realize that this is more than just about clarifying the definition of extra-judicial killings or explaining the rationale for the war on drugs.
What is really behind all this is a plot to unseat President Duterte using the ICC (International Criminal Court).
This video by Sass Rogando Sasot (International Relations MA student based in The Hague) explains very well how the chess pieces are being moved to execute “Plan ICC”.
The video is a bit long, but here’s a brief summary of the main points:
A. What is happening?
1. The international media is being used to build an international clamor against President Duterte so the ICC can file a case against him for human rights violations and crimes against humanity.
2. Once the ICC files a case, President Duterte will be more or less forced to file a leave of absence so he can be tried at The Hague.
3. While President Duterte is on leave, Robredo takes over as acting president. Expect that if Duterte is brought to the ICC, the trial will be extended over several years, so that by the time there is a decision, Robredo would have served out his whole term.
4. Influential international personalities who have a lot of sway at the ICC, such as Samantha Power and Aryeh Neier, have already spoken out against Duterte this past week. This is a big danger sign.
5. If President Duterte does something drastic in the name of peace and order, such as declare martial law, that could be the trigger that the ICC prosecutor will use to file a case against him and issue a warrant of arrest. (We cannot discount that anti-Duterte elements might even stage lawless acts to provoke Duterte into making a drastic declaration.)
6. The Philippines cannot easily withdraw from the jurisdiction of the ICC to prevent the ICC from intervening in our affairs.
B. What should the Duterte government do?
1. The Duterte government must engage the international media more closely and provide them with sufficient data and information in order to debunk the “kill lists” being published by Inquirer and ABS-CBN.
(Suggestion: Maybe the PNP can put up a website and upload all reports regarding the deaths recorded each day, along with other relevant statistics and data regarding the war on drugs. What is needed is a comprehensive centralized database, not sporadic memes being posted on social media by the PCO. Right now, the government is not providing any alternative list or organized information source, so the haphazardly-done “kill list” of Inquirer and ABS-CBN are the only sources that the international media are using. The PCO should address this gap immediately. Drop everything else, this needs to be your top priority.)
2. The Duterte government should organize an independent body to investigate the unexplained killings, to show the world that it is doing something about these deaths and not perpetrating or condoning them.
3. The Duterte government should recognize that international PERCEPTION is a bigger factor than hard facts when it comes to filing ICC cases. The black propaganda that is being used to build an international clamor cannot be ignored. You must do your own international media blitz to counter the negative propaganda. That international media blitz should not just be about debunking the EJK black propaganda, but also about sending out more positive news about other things going on in the Philippines. Remember the rule: If you don’t like what is being said, change the conversation.
4. The Duterte government should seek the advice of experts who have broad international experience in strategy and communications to manage its image abroad. This must be done as soon as possible. The current people in the president’s communications team do not have the right experience or skills to handle international media and international political maneuverings of this scale.
(Suggestion: Hire an international representative and spokesperson with the poise and intelligence of a Gibo Teodoro to do a charm offensive in international media. Duterte’s tough, Dirty Harry persona needs to be balanced out by a polished, sophisticated type to calm down foreign audiences who have already been brainwashed to think Duterte is a monster like Saddam Hussein.)
C. What can you do as an ordinary Filipino citizen?
1. Whenever you see black propaganda against Duterte in foreign news websites, write a rebuttal in the comments section and on the news outlet’s Facebook page. If you can find the writer’s email address or Twitter/Facebook account, also communicate with them directly. The world needs to know the truth straight from the Filipino people.
2. Keep yourself aware and updated on what is going on so you know how to explain the issues. Do your part to educate foreigners on the truth about what is going on in the Philippines.
Plan ICC is the back-up to Plan B. Plan ICC uses international resources, while Plan B uses local resources. Both have the same objective: to unseat Duterte and install Robredo. The anti-Duterte forces are working as fast as they can, because with each day that passes, Duterte is able to consolidate more and more power, and it gets harder for them to remove him. Plan B is becoming less viable because local support for Duterte is too strong. That might be why Plan ICC has been stepped up, hence the sudden barrage of negative international press coverage this past week, coinciding with Leila de Lima’s EJK senate hearings, and followed by Robredo’s statement regarding her “concern” about the Philippines acquiring a negative image abroad.
Nakakainit ng ulo talaga ito. Wala silang pakialam kahit sirain nila ang buong bansa, basta makabalik lang sila sa pwesto. Let us unite and fight back. Let us show them that they cannot undermine the sovereign will of the Filipino people.
“The Duterte government should recognize that international PERCEPTION is a bigger factor than hard facts when it comes to filing ICC cases.”
Yes, but does the ICC decide on cases brought to it based on perception alone without reference to the facts? Does the track record of the ICC’s decisions thus far support any accusations of partiality leveled against it?
That’s beside the point, which is merely getting indicted and tried in the ICC will deal irreversible damage not only to Duterte but also the Philippines.
What’s the use of a fair and just decision if it came after one year of the Liberal Party and their foreign backers returning to de facto absolute power?
Your BS only serves your political interest, & hostile if not indifferent to the security of Philippine society due to rising heinous crimes emboldened through drug use.
Even carnappers don’t take just your vehicle anymore, they take your life too. Also, look at those drug-related victims of rape and abuse. Looks like the yellow party prefers to see the drug trade succeed, as long as they gain political ground.
This Web article is thought provoking. We have good and intelligent writers in GRP. Thank you very much !
Human Rights can be used conveniently , by politicians/people, with self interest agendas, like that Whore : De Lima , her driver lover and her cahoots.
Drug Lords do not respect Human Rights; nor do ISIS Abu Sayaff terrorists.
We are living in a world of : terrorism; Drug Mafia Syndicates; self serving politicians; various political and religious ideologies…etc…
You cannot fight these present day evils, with “Human Rights”…it is just absurd and insane. You fight to win…not fight with Human Rights tying you !
The whore: De Lima with her driver lover; Aquino; Porky Drilon; Mar Roxas; Leni Robredo; the YellowTards; their cahoots; etc…are just a bunch of self interest promoting people, who care nothing, but themselves. The ISIS should bomb them…this would be the best legacy the ISIS could do to leave a legacy to the Philippines !
or let the Davao Death Squads kill them but not the ISIS.
….is cooking to sell drugs humane??? and they want human rights for themselves??? they just don’t know what happens if the citizens went wild it might be the likes of the bolsheviks revolt.
…. will duterte accept milf offer to help on davao bombings?
Every Filipino who love their country, must pitch in to fight the ISIS Abu Sayaff terrorists !
This is exactly what you get when a country has a system where only 39% (and change) is enough to get someone in the chair (of power). This system really needs to be changed into a system where it needs 50% + 1 vote (either as a single person or as a coalition).
This system isnt working and wont work.
As long as the majority (60,99%) dfidnt vote for a current president, you will see a lot of animosity, ‘counter-attacks’, disagreements etc etc.
@Robert Haighton:
It is the Filipino politicians, who were in power, that are the problem. Not the majorities or minorities of the voting population. These leaders were the problems; not the solutions of the problems…
The problems have been there. They were not addressed and solved; because those in power, were busy filling their pockets, with taxpayers’ money !
And they even affiliated themselves with the Chinese Triad Drug Mafia crime syndicate !
I dont know all the ins and outs of PH politics but I am sure a PH voter can use the right NOT to vote.
If there is no political party that I feel related to or that I like their program for the next 4 or 6 years then I wont and dont vote at all.
But still, only 39% voted for Duterte. That is still a minority compared to those who voted NOT for Duterte (60%).
That will always backfire and boomerang, regardless of who the president is.
I dont want to be in ‘power’ with only 39%. Its a very a fragile margin. And accidents are proned to happen one day soon. With a majority number of votes (say 60 or 70%) its much more convenient and relaxing.
People who get killed were those trying to fight back at the police. But if they surrendered like the rest who did, they will be spared. Not complicated really.
Don’t listen to those politically bitter fear-mongering Yellow party sympathizers. They want this crackdown to fail. It’s an already drug infested society. Why wait ’til society totally deteriorates due to drugs? If you’re not involved in drugs in anyway, there’s really nothing to fear.
today, we were actually talking about the PH drug situation at work. One collegue of mine suggested the following fictional scene (but how fictional is it?):
My dog shit on the next door neighbour’s back yard. It makes my next door neighbour so angry, that he decides to kill me. He throws my body out on the street with a placard on my body saying “drug dealer”.
This fictional scene scares the hell out of me. And you can replace that ‘dog’ with anything you like.
Make majority a 60+ and filter out the voters. Voters must be taxpayers, employed, able to pass a standardized test, mentally sound, and an actual Filipino.
I think even poor people and un-eduacted buy stuff/products. And when people buy stuff they pay VAT. VAT is also a form a tax. Hence, you cant exclude that group of people.
Ah, you want only the workforce to be entitled to vote. Well, there goes democracy.
Well, I am not sure if there is a PH political party that represents (or want to represent) all the poor and all the un-educated. In my country, there is and are multiple political parties that see the poor as their constituents. And in this cold hard world, they also need to be protected and represented by a political party.
Robert Haighton,
“I think even poor people and un-eduacted buy stuff/products.”
These people might use “un-eduacted” against you.
@Robert Haighton:
There were five (5) Presidential candidates, running with good party logistics. Pres. Duterte won the majority. The other votes were divided among those who lost the Presidential election.
Plus there was Cheating in the Smartmatic voting machine…A guy from the Commission on Election, introduced an unknown computer software, in the midst of the counting of votes.
This was ordered by Aquino, who appointed the head of the Commission on Election. Aquino ordered the Commission on Election, to cheat, in order that Sen. Ferdinand (Bong Bong) Marcos, Jr. will not win the Vice Presidential position. Instead, it went to Aquino’s choice: Leni Rob redo ! SMARTMATIC became a Hocus Pcos, SMARTMAGIC !
Pls allow me to give you my run down of the situation:
The Philippines has a population of approx 100 million (give or take).
I am sure each individual being 18 years or older plus having a Philippine passport is allowed to vote. (Only those 2 variables make one individual qualified to vote in our Dutch system. Pls replace Philippine passport with Dutch passport).
However, in the Philippines, an individual needs to register himself to become eligible to vote.
In my country everyone who is born is already registered when his/her parents go to City Hall to ‘file’ this newborn kid.
Okay here are the results:
Duterte = 39.01% = 16.6 million votes
Roxes = 23.45% = 9.9 million votes
Poe = 21.39% = 9.1 million votes
Binay = 12.73% = 5.4 million votes
Defensor = 3.42% = 1.4 million votes.
How many did vote for Duterte vs. who many did not vote for Duterte:
Duterte = 39,01% = 16.6 million votes
Not Duterte = 60.99% = 25.8 million votes.
There were 2.4 million invalid votes. From the 55 million registered voters almost 11 million didnt show up.
In my book, 39.01% is NOT the majority. But 60.99% is the majority. This imbalance will give any president a lot of problems during one’s presidency.
That is why the PH system needs to be changed even for the sake of Duterte and any next president. His mandate is not shared by the majority of who were allowed to vote.
If Duterte was as horrible as the media proclaims, then why was his approval rating in Davao so high? Maybe because he cut crime, instituted a 911 system (others leaders never did because apparently they don’t care about public safety), made family planning available to women, etc. He is a leader and got things done.
Last time I checked, Jejomar Binay’s still alive.
Failipinos in the Failippines are the only creatures who refuses to be what he/she is.
Is this the original article? Is the one in Manila Times a re-publish? Very nice.
One correction:
“Human Rights… It’s free.”
No, rights are not free. They come with responsibilities. And yes, you can’t outsource these responsibilities to the human rights for hire. Doing so will put your ownership of rights in doubt.