A war is being waged in the Philippines now: a war on drugs. Blood is spilling in the streets, and many bleeding-heart “freedom-loving” citizens and observers are shocked. But have you ever heard of a war where no one is allowed to kill or expected to die? Doesn’t it seem strange if you see the opponent crying “human rights!” when he gets hit by a bullet while the battle rages? Get real and read through the pages of history again – great civilizations were built on foundations drenched in blood.
How do wars operate in the first place? It’s basic common sense. When you see the enemy – SHOOT! Don’t just shoot to scare them away – you shoot to eliminate, to effectively destroy their ability to resist or strike back. That’s how any soldier is trained. Inaction will only mean it is your life for that of the enemy.
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This is why I see nothing strange with the seemingly shocking directive of the President lately against narco-politicians:
My order is shoot to kill. I don’t care about human rights. Believe me. I don’t give a shit about what they will say. This war is against drugs and we have a crisis,” he added. “If a policeman figured in an encounter, do not investigate that anymore. That’s my order.
War is indeed bloody and messy. When the Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, France on D-day to free mainland Europe from the clutches of Hitler, it was a bloody mess with blasted body parts flying all around, and dying soldiers crying for their mamas.
Why can you kill the enemy in a war?
Does this even need an explanation? Unless you’re a pampered “freedom lover” stuck in your myopic narrow mindset, anyone knows killing in a war to defend or liberate your country is not considered “murder”.
Unlike in conventional war where armies wear uniforms to identify each other, the war on drugs is fought more like guerrilla jungle warfare. The key assets of an army are accurate intelligence gathering and the element of surprise.
Drug lords, drug pushers and their protectors in government constitute the enemy. The battle zone is every street corner and secret hideout where these enemies of the state go about their business of destroying lives.
Many high-ranking men in uniform and mayors (traitors of the state) have recently been named to expose the vast network of drug syndicates in the country. They are the generals of the enemy force. Without them, their entire system collapses.
The president has given our police and military force his full blessing to blast these zombies to their graves, before they can cause any further damage to Philippine society.
How about due process?
It is normal for governments across the world to suspend due process when the enemy is considered a critical threat to national security, as identified by their highly accurate intelligence agency. Look at Osama bin Laden: was he even given a fair trial to defend himself? Nope, he was shot on sight. Did the American people, the world’s greatest democracy which Pinoys look up to, cry out for due process? Silence of the lambs.
Now how about human rights in the context of a raging battle in an officially declared war? When a country declares war, due process is suspended for combatants of each side to freely kill each other without fear of being thrown in jail for pulling the trigger.
Now think of the Luneta bus-hostage crisis. If it were Duterte handling the show, he would have given that order to shoot ASAP given the first clear line-of-sight chance for snipers to do so. However, incompetent and spineless Noynoy kept the drama lingering and degenerating with the media messing it all up until the threat (Rolando Mendoza) went ballistic, leaving many hapless Chinese tourists dead.
That was likely why China was so bitterly enraged at Noynoy – even to the point of grabbing our islets in the contested waters. Chinese people are used to their government having an iron-fisted stance in handling such threats.
Most importantly, a leader must hold the lives of his troops in the highest regard. It would be better for his soldiers to eliminate the threat by preemptive action to ensure their safety before it even has the chance to pounce on them.
And in any war, there is always some collateral damage. The wise strategist must often weigh his alternatives to take a course of action that will leave the least loss of civilian life. When you come to think of it, far more innocent people’s lives go down the drain having drug lords and criminals operating practically unhampered than in the case where a stray bullet unfortunately hits a bystander in the current war on drugs.
It’s about time we stop crying over all the apparent mess taking place all over the country. These are birth pains of change, and births are always bloody. And who said the job of a janitor isn’t dirty? You elected a super-janitor to clean up the country right? So learn to live with the consequence. Let’s give President Duterte the free hand to do what he does best – turning a former shithole city into a “Singapore-class C.O.D. state”.
Zealous revolutionary advocate of bringing back common sense for the common good in a land of dysfunctional and delusional zombies.
We just have to face the fact that we have a culture and a nation in general, that cannot afford due process.
Yes, but are you willing to face the fact that not affording due process does:
1) Lead to dictatorship
2) Not solve any problem.
Is there anyone who really believes the “war on drugs” can be won, unless 2/3 of the population be killed?
Dealer gone, new dealer coming.
You defeat this by culture, and economic growth; no amount of bullet shots will help.
It is beyond a matter of facing facts. It is deciding and acting on what’s actually there. And to be clear, I only consider killing if one’s own life is at risk, which is a high probability when dealing with criminals.
On the point of dictatorship, It goes over people’s heads that there can be a type of dictatorship that’s necessary.. Did a “kayo ang boss ko” leadership work? Did it even raise enough awareness to the drug infestation problem? And for us, it really comes down to a few choices before we self-destruct. It’s just a matter of time, effort, manpower and resources.
1. A literal clean-up by force- if they don’t peacefully surrender
2. Conservative means- rehab, jail
If i told you of ancient epics where whole generations of humans were allowed to be wiped out because they’ve lost their humanity, would you believe it?
Only street people are being killed… all generals as they are named here are safe in their castles and will remain untouched.
That “war” is a smoke screen and all what has to be changed/reformed I that country will remain as it…
I wish more people could realize this.
The only real war on drug and drug big sellers would be to legalize its sale.
And why no state does that?
Because all states are allied to the drug complex (from plantation to retail).
But they need to play-act to the contrary.
“turning a former shithole city into a “Singapore-class C.O.D. state”.”
Have ever lived in Davao? Have ever been in Singapore?
If yes and if you still compare both then you need a good visit to an eye doctor and/or psychiatric too…
Davao’s NOT perfect (thus the quotes), but it’s sure headed in the right direction…
Major streets are generally spared of random litter & garbage, which speaks well of the people of Davao and their mayor. I agree, some work is needed cleaning up the poorer quarters though – esp. streets lacking drainage.
Not in the link, but the trees lining up Dacudao Ave. and the general abundance of foliage all over the city are what make an urban center “KL or Singapore-class” (a city that grew out of a tropical rain forest). This is worth emulating nationwide.
Here’s more if you need…
klara, I don’t think that’s quite it. There’s no reason why “due process” can’t work in the Philippines, but we all know why it can’t and won’t work today: the police are idle, unfunded, and burdened by reams of meaningless paperwork (as is most of the country), the lawyers are incompetent, and the judiciary are venal. The law itself is a mess. In other words, the country has no judicial system. It literally does not exist except in name only.
As for the drug problem, I don’t like what’s happening, but in the absence of any feasible alternative – say, importing a million honest and competent policemen and judges from Switzerland, and rewriting the constitution and the Law – what is Duterte supposed to do?
Criminals run the country. These are not just people who have taken a wrong turn in life and need a bit of time to reflect in prison. They are monstrous people who would happily blow Duterte’s brains out if they thought it would keep their evil businesses running. They can’t be reasoned with, they can’t be rehabilitated, and given any chance they will not only go right back to what they’re doing now, they’ll leave a trail of revenge killings while they do it.
Oh, but what about the poor drug addicts? Aren’t they just victims? Yes, they are. They’re also dead men walking. They will never recover. I’ve had some tangential experience with people like this, and once they reach a certain point, their life is basically over. They will do absolutely anything, including murder, to get their next fix. A lot of them have probably already killed, and 99.9% of them are a one-man crime wave. A swift bullet in the head is probably the kindest way out. The only realistic alternative is locking them up in prison for 20 years in isolation from others who would supply them drugs.
Killing innocent people is possible, but not because drug addicts are hard to pick out. An experienced policeman can spot a druggie in a crowd of 1000 others in 0.1 seconds. The eyes, the teeth, the sagging skin – it’s not difficult. The problem here is the policemen, who are mostly stupid, lazy, and have as much interest in honing their craft as the average Filipino, ie., none at all. Shoot first and think later, I suspect.
It’s not a suspicion. Get that list, get the kill, look like a hero from the action movies.
Why spend billions of pesos (that can be replenished by seizing drug lords’ bank accounts) implementing real solutions to the drug problem like rehab and harm reduction? Why not actually address the root causes of why people end up on drugs?
Because a country raised on a Heritage of Smallness and simplicity has been conditioned by their own willingness to believe that the simplest (and perhaps cheapest) solution is the way out.
Frank, not every problem responds to having money thrown at it. Much as it would be nice to think that the Philippines could be turned into Singapore with a bit of rehab and education, it’s gone too far for that.
>> implementing real solutions to the drug problem like rehab and harm reduction?
These work (up to a point) when you have 0.1% of the population addicted to brain-mangling drugs and using crime to fund their habit. They’re practically feasible when you have a basically-honest police force and a taxpaying public.
When it’s 5-10% of the population, and 1% of those are not just hardcore drug dealers but people in positions of power, you don’t have a hope in hell.
When you have no functioning judicial system and absolutely no way to implement one – because the only manpower at your disposal are Filipinos – you’re royally f’ed.
This is not a country with a drug problem. It’s a country where the people themselves are the problem, and have been for 50 years. The depths of depravity that this country has sunk to is unlikely to respond to solutions that work in basically-functioning societies.
Culling the worst of the worst is horrible, but unless you call in the UN, put a million boots on the ground, and set aside an entire island as a prison/rehab camp, those first-world solutions are impossible.
>> Why not actually address the root causes of why people end up on drugs?
And in the Philippines specifically, why do you think this is? I have my own theories, but what’s your opinion?
Why not address the root causes and the symptoms at the same time? They are not mutually exclusive. Besides, the current administration seems to be working on alleviating poverty as well. The current media would rather just focus on “human rights” without reporting on the anti-poverty drives of this administration.
Marius, I totally agree with your comment.
Awesome hit there Marius. This is like watching Ichiro get his hit No. 3000.
And even if due process did work in PH, why even strain it to the point of over congestion (like Manila’s traffic) trying to process and incarcerate zombies that we already know are beyond redemption?
Zombies and vampires are like wildfires that can spread out of control if you don’t take drastic measures. If a zombie’s bitten you, you need to amputate that limb fast. This is the true state of the nation. You can forget the rosy picture of the country Noynoy had kept painting before us in his past SONAs. Duterte like our slugger Marius here knows the real reality.
@ZAXX, You are WRONG,Sonny….. in more ways than one.
THE PRESIDENTIALLY CONDONED/possibly SANCTIONED MURDER of street level drug dealers IS NOT A WAR. Look SON, a WAR is where two or more ARMIES represent an organized state and or militia.BOTH sides have WEAPONS and target each other for death and destruction,battle lines are drawn and soldiers take or ders from a chain of command and carry out orders.The street level drug dealers have no such oranization.They may meet their supplier once a week and restock but they are no taking any miltary orders.The street level drug dealers are not an ARMY, maybe they have some 9mm’s. but they are hardly an ARMY compared to the PNP or NBI or the AFP, GET A PAIR OF GLASSES ,SONNY.
IF THE STREET LEVEL DRUG-DEALERS started banding together and ARMED themselves with M-16’s/AK 47’s, hand grenades and Tanks w/personnel carriers etc etc, IT COULD BE CALLED A WAR. This is MURDER on a large scale.It is condoned/sanctioned by The President of the country who is a Neanderthalic THUG,who is ignoring the law, AND NOW this fuckin retard is complicit in conspiracy to committ mass MURDER.
and BTW, I am not shouting out about ‘HUMAN RIGHTS’, this is not about some International pie-in-the-sky ideal, IT IS ALL ABOUT ‘CIVIL RIGHTS’ as outlined in the LAW of the land:The Failippines Constitution.
Get a dictionary Sonny, you obviously need one.I thought you, the Virtual Vigilante & Gogs were the only ones left here at GRP that had any common sense/brains…I TAKE THAT BACK after reading this,WOW, your cracked Son if you think this is a WAR.
What an idiot. Go out there and join the ranks of these vermins and take a bullet for them.
I get the feeling you don’t actually live in the Philippines.
While I absolutely despise the phrase “war on drugs”, I think you’ll find that, in this case, the war is completely conventional.
One of the biggest mistakes of some war generals is underestimating their enemy.
Ok “tell it”, why don’t you go over to serve the warrant for the arrest of these drug-peddling foot soldiers and reconnaissance scouts, and let’s see if you don’t come home to your family in a casket.
These drug syndicates are highly organized, with a chain of command, and have private armies armed with every sort of high-powered ammo.
Duterte simply values the lives of his police and military officers enough to give them the free hand to judge if it’s better to shoot first and ask questions later, or to risk coming back home in a body bag.
The question is no longer about civil rights here, its about ensuring the safety of our men in uniform.
” tell it like it is” is doing exactly that.
He is correct 100% in what he is saying.
These are not his opinions . These are just facts.
You wre being lead by a president that has been diagnosed with a narrassitic personality disorder.
This is even more obvious now by his leadership style.
You duterards will try any angle to defend your messiah but the truth is,
This was on drugs is a ” war on poor citizens”.
If u r rich u get to spend a week in the white house.
You get asked to reoprt to the police.
If u are poor they break into your house or shoot you in the street.
Most people here think that most filipinos condone this behavior.
Well they do not. Its only a very small, very loud minority that are very active online.
Keyboard warriors that are fed up with the current philippines but do not realize they are helping the philippines take a step back into its dark past.
None of his actions are a step forward.
You are worshipping a tyrant.
@Chutulu @ U MAKE ME LAUGH, because you have no clue,no argument…you want e to become a drug dealer? AND YOU called ME and IDIOT? BWAH HA HA…
@Marius, the ‘WAR’ is not a ‘WAR’ it is an illegal MAN-HUNT condoned,maybe even sanctioned, by the head of State.CITIZENS of the Philippines are protected by the Law of the Land,the Constitution.Anyone who bypasses that, and denies any Citizen his ‘CIVIL (not HUMAN) Rights’ is in violate of the Constitution and is, in effect, breaking the Law.This is just a fact.
@Zaxx,you say they are ‘HIGHLY ORGANIZED’,yes? So, is it true that people in the Philippine Congress are involved? that there are COPS,’IN UNIFORM’, accepting bribes and providing ‘PROTECTION’ to some of these street-level Drug dealers? Aren’t these the very same people that you want to see ‘PROTECTED’?
This is not exclusively about protecting ‘Men in Uniform’, its not. The problem is systemic, and Killing the street-level drug dealer is just looking for an easy target/scapegoat just to have an enemy to point at, and say: “He is the reason for all our problems.”, your being narrow-minded.IF you are a citizen,YOU have certain rights before the law,before the judiciary and before the TAX MAN.THESE ARE FACTS and these things exist to protect citizens from the state gone wild.To deny any(that is not a convicted felon and therefore relinquished/been stripped of their civil rights) citizen of these civil rights is illegal, is breaking the law and to deny these rights of any citizen through the commission of a felony(in this case:MURDER)is a criminal offense, A CLASS ‘A’ FELONY IN FACT……..
and to top it all off,”SHABU’ is not Methamphetamine HCL, its ‘Pseudo-ephedrine’, and it is VERY CHEAP and it is the active ingrediaent in cough syrup/medicines….the funniest part of the whole thing is….it is not illegal.YOU and anyone else can buy it over the counter, cook it up with nail polish remover….and then sell it as ‘SHABU’, the shit is garbage….this entire matter is a fiasco, a diversion (like the Corona Trial) to take attention from the real thievery that is taking place, 24/7/365….and its business as usual and its been going on for decades.The people refuse to wake the fuck up and realize that the country needs to be rid of the real criminals.
These are reality based FACTS, I don’t deal in fantasy.
Yes Marius. You have just pointed out some of the reasons why we cannot afford (in its broad sense) due process. It has come to a complicated point where societies and the gov’t are too dysfunctional to conform to laws.
What I like about Duterte is that he deals with things in reference to reality.
Idealists’ view don’t fit esp. in PH society.
Most “EJKs” are done by those involved in drugs (cops or not) so again it’s a matter of sensationalism by the opposition.
They can roll out statistics of EJKs since Duterte started presidency, but remember numbers can mislead without qualitative data.
Terrorists in U.S. and Europe have no such militia or organized armies. However, they kill hundreds of innocent people. This is the reason these countries, have the : “war on terror”…
Our country is now proliferated with Shabu Drug Lords and Drug Traffickers…” we are on the war on illegal drug Shabu”!
The ‘WAR on Terror’ is another even bigger bull-shit story, with the sae basic script. It is ‘Operation Gladio’ revived for the 21st century.
and by-the-by, YOU do not know who has a militia and who doesn’t, you just don’t know and you just can not know.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.
is it right the government the one begging for peace with the local communist or it should be the other way around?
and.. how did roberto ongpin acquired the Balesin Island? isn’t it part of the philippine republic? who sold it to him?
interesting post. I was wondering though, what do you guys GRP writers think about war on drug in mexico compared to war on drug in phills? how much similarity and can it be compared when it comes to which one is more of a success story?
Ah and also between duterte war on drug and other seasian death penalty against drug. (singapore, malaysia, indonesia all have death penalty against illegal drug) sorry if I am asking too much I want to know your opinion on this.
Please. This administration also has poverty reduction efforts. Both the symptoms and the root cause of the disease are being addressed. Mainstream media are waaay too focused on the killings and fail to report the poverty reduction angle.
I am not against duterte I am just here to observe. most of developing country has their own way dealing with drug problem. I’ve read about how in mexico the war on drug actually limited to only some small region in the country and things do get better. and in china/singapore the death penalty is indeed enough to reduce the amount of people willing to smuggle drug. one does wonder why media tend to readily judge country like indonesia (death penalty) and philippine (EJK) while staying silent about others (I think in this case because both considered to be the weakest of the bunch).
In comparison with our fellow former Spanish-colony, walang sinabi.
We should be happy our drug problem is just peanuts, or rather chilli beans, compared with the magnitude/scale of that of Mexico. Yet Pinoys like De Lima and Robredo (the Yellow LeLe girls) are already squealing like pigs being butchered in a Pinoy palenke slaughterhouse.
Gotta nip this at its infancy before it spirals out of hand. The drug trade feeds on corruption in the police force. Duterte is right to set his cross-hairs on men in uniform, starting with the generals.
Thank you.
hmmm I always thought the situation more or less the same but now I see no matter how bad it looks like. current situation is still not as bad as mexico’s war on drug.
oh well I will wait and see.
like the old saying, we live in interesting time.
We peace loving Filipino citizens, did not create this crissis. We did not create our country to become a NARCO POLITICS country.
Aquino, De Lima, and other irresponsible government officials, who affiliated themselves with the NARCO TRAFFICKERS, were the ones, who created this crissis. It was imposed upon us; because they sold us to the : Drug Lords; the Chinese Triad Drug Mafia crime syndicate; the Drug Traffickers; the Drug Pushers; etc…
If you cross the path of a Drug Lord; would you believe the Drug Lord will think of your “human rights” or “due process” ?
The Drug Lord will surely blow your head off , without second thought !
The War on Drug is messy. It is like operating a patient, to remove a cancerous part, in the body. Blood has to be spilled. But in the end, the patient will heal; and recover. We are that patient !
yes…this really makes sense…
Duterte’s war on “drugs” is no different from America’s war on “terror”, which gives the US government the license to execute its citizens extra-judicially:
When can a government kill its own people?
Before sanctimoniously snapping at Duterte’s hard-line policies on enemies of the state, those from the US and the “first-world” West should first look at their own backyards.
Why don’t you cry out for due process when a SWAT team wipes out a group of “suspected terrorists” playing cards in an underground basement?
Where’s your evidence they were terrorists? Classified CIA information? How different is that from Duterte’s “checked and verified” black list?
Americans don’t hang their assassins, they instead glorify them as heroes –> Watch American Sniper (a movie based on real events).
The USA has NO law that provides for the Extra judicial killing of its citizens,NONE. There is an executive order that is currently under intense scrutiny and if most USA citizens even knew it existed, there maybe a rebellion in the USA.The NDAA was signed by Obama on December 31, 2011 while most citizens of the country were getting drunk(just like the Federal reserve act in 1913).It was not even mentioned on the news and it does,in fact, remove ‘Habeus Corpus’ from the USA ‘Bill of Rights’, and it is definitely illegal.It is the mark of tyrany committed by a government that knows its population is fuckin sick of them, and is of course presented as some sort of benefit to the citizen when it is anything but.
YOU make me laugh, you present some questionable information, present them as predicates in a quasi-deductive argument then allude to a Hollwood movie to tie them all together as some sort of conclusion to your deductive argument.Maybe this passes as some sort intelligence in the Failippines but its is pure jackassery in the real world.I used to think you had some intelligence, no longer.
You are probably clueless as to what behind-the-scenes activities the CIA has been doing to ensure you Americans can sit back, relax and enjoy watching your Super Bowl while munching burgers and fries eh?
Yes you’ve been lied at by your politicians and the CIA over and over and over again.
Why don’t you go rally your fellow Americans to cry out in indignation for your government’s blowing out the brains of suspected terrorists without first giving them their day in court? It won’t be long till America itself is overrun by radicalized Muslim terrorist zombies.
Imagine this: When an obese American starts lecturing a ripped-fit African on how to make healthy food choices because the former is from the FIRST WORLD, kinda raises some red flags doesn’t it?
ZAXX, I admire your patience in your replies to “tell it”. He is either trolling or is stuck in the 1950-70 era.
Americas “War on Drugs” was initiated by Nixon as an pretext to incarcerate Blacks (for Heroine use) and disrupt the Anti War movement (for marijuana use), while at the same time the CIA was using its Air America to fly drugs in from Thailand during the Vietnam. This isn’t a Hollywood script, I was a civilian contractor and witnessed it.
Vietnam was the incubator for “Irregular Warfare”, where the US learned to arm, fund and use civilian (drugs) and para military forces (terrorists) to foment chaos and insecurity, orchestrate coups, perpetuate global war, then bring in the IMF/World Bank to rebuild the destruction in exchange for debt to ensure poverty and cheap labor.
While I am still a proud American and believe that the US can be a force for good, we are also quite capable of some really serious shit.
Nixon/Reagan/Bush “War on Drugs” was the cornerstone of Racist Southern Strategy and voter suppression while Duterte “War on Drugs” is meant to cut off the revenue that feeds corruption, and the corruption that breeds poverty.
Poverty, as instigated and codified by Philippines Political Dynasties is a special kind of violence; a slow moving type of genocide that disproportionately impacts children and suffocates souls. Poverty kills far more Filipinos annually than the 500 souls lost in this new War on Drugs.
While 500 are lost, it is a small price to pay to save a country. Wars always have consequences.
What is it with Filipino’s that when they can not stand up in an argument, they divert the subject away from the point they are losing on and call someone and ‘AMERICAN’,suugest what the ‘AMERICAN’ can do and insult an AMERICAN as if they are all fat, WTF? WHO SAID I AM AN AMERICAN? and why do you believe them.YOU GO NOTHING, and its sad,I thought you were somewhat intelligent.
@ RICO, i’m not stuck anywhere….the current ‘War on drugs’ was started by George HW Bush in 1987.Sure Nixon slammed the black people into jail in the 70’s but the Bush initiated ‘War'(which is not a war either)was in response to the crack epidemic.
That’s why it’s called “extra-judicial killings”. 🙂
Seriously though: as I understand it, the Philippines police are (supposedly) using the exact same powers that police and civilians use in the USA to kill others: self-defense. The Philippines gun-control laws are based heavily on American ones. Police in both countries also have certain leeway if they believe a dangerous criminal is resisting arrest or poses an imminent danger (eg., he’s armed). The same is true even in countries where Police are not routinely armed with guns: they can use lethal force if they believe it is justified.
Now, American police currently shoot (fatally) 1000 people a year, every year. There are probably thousands more non-fatal shootings.
Bear in mind that the US population is 3 times bigger than the Philippines, so if Filipino police end up killing “only” 300 people this year, you can pat yourselves on the back and shout Pinoy Pride.
I’m not condoning any of this. I’m just saying that Police acting as judge, jury and executioner is nothing out of the ordinary, in that they have certain legal powers to do so.
And as zaxx said: most countries have security forces whose job is explicitly to assassinate extremely dangerous people who (for whatever reason) cannot be brought to justice. The difference in the Philippines is that 5-10% of the population are dangerous criminals, and there is no justice system.
@ Tell it- I cannot speak for ZAXX, but when you addressed him as “Son and Sonny”, which is only a little less insulting than “Boy”, a term used by rude Americans, it is easy for others to conclude that you are 1) American 2) rude or poorly raised 3) older and therefore “Heavy”.
@ marius – you are exactly right, too many police killings of unarmed people of color in the USA. As Policemen wear badges, they are seldom accountable as these killings are quasi judicial, but the “Stand Your Ground Laws” adopted by 30 US states means you can kill an unarmed person if you feel threatened by them for any number of real or imagined reasons (Zimmerman Martin). Therefore, there is a Law that covers extra judicial killings, as the dead victim has already been executed prior to a hearing.
@ Tell it – The model legislation for Stand Your Ground Laws was drafted and promoted by American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)that was founded during Nixon era to support Nixon’s War on Drugs (Black Americans) and later drafted heavier penalties for “Crack Cocaine” under Reagan & G.H.W. Bush and marketed to accelerate minority incarceration.
To meet the new demand, ALEC then promoted Private for Profit Prisons. And so it goes. US model for the “War on Drugs” is a revenue stream, Duterte War is a popular social realignment.
@ ZAXX, thanks for providing the forum for discussion.
@ RICO, Americans are not the only people to use the term “Son’ or ‘SONNY’, and it doesn’t ALWAYS have to be taken as an insult. But Filipino’s NEVER miss an opportunity to feel insulted.
FACT, there is NO LAW in the USA that covers ‘EJK’, your wiggling around the stand your ground laws in Florida is nothing but a subjective opinion and it is NOT a fact.
ALEC, was formed in 1973 and while it has a somewhat checkered history it is not responsible for any laws. Its agenda is Pro-Republican but ALEC makes not a single law,is not part of the legislature(Federal or State).Alec reviews no laws (officially) and is not part of the Judiciary.
Your authoriatative comment is mere speculation and proves nothing about what you had to say.IN FACT, you are fuckin dreaming if you think ALEC ‘drafted heavier penalties’ for anything. Your fuckin whacked Sonny, if you actually believe that shit you wrote.
Poverty causes crime.
Nothing else.
Drugs do not cause crime…poverty causes crime.
Drugs do not cause corruption, poverty causes corruption.
There was crime before drugs.
Education, jobs and changing the social hierarchy is the ONLY thing that will fix the crime levels in this country.
Crime is not down if murder incidents are through the roof.
There are no short term gains from quick fixes.
Three things are going to happen.
The people going to jail are going to become more hardened criminals, since they will now, never be able to get a good stable job. Leaving their only course to provide for their families, is more crime.
There will be a rebound of the drug trade. Drugs will become more expensive, hense more profitable.
With a large number of young, unemployable youths with no jobs to go to, as they have no skills, no education and no job skills they really have no other life to turn to.
The people that have turned themselves in for rehabilitation( which there is no funding for, no spots that are open and no where to accomodate them) will be left with no skills on how to deal with their addictions.
They will return to their old lives and be culled from the flock that has failed to help them with their demons.
Vigilante style justice will rise. More innocents will be killed.
There will be a further break down in the philippine culture when those that are pro dud process are abused by the bloody thirsty idiots that think death is the justice for petty crimes.
Dark days ahead.
Apparently we have zombie drug dealers now…according to dutertes list.
what planet are you living on? I’ve been dirt-poor and I didn’t go out stealing stuff.
If you think drugs don’t cause crime, you might want to go and live in a crap neighbourhood for a while and meet people who are addicted to heroin. They think of nothing else but heroin. They will steal and kill if they think it will get them heroin. The drug controls everything they do.
Alcohol is also a drug, as I believe you mentioned. It causes crime: violent crime, mostly. Ask any policeman where crime tends to occur on a Saturday night.
Of course, it all depends what you mean by “poverty”. If you mean “a state of mind in which bashing your brains out and stealing your stuff is OK because I am poor and you are rich”, possibly you’re right.
And here.
I think its time u become a little more educated on the matter
Ill say it one last time. I do not have opinions.
Just facts.
Its not my fault my facts do not support your opinions.
We should never have opinions if the facts and data shows the opposite of what u ” feel” is right.
The difference between me and most of the commenters here is exactly that.
I rately state my opinion. I purely just state the truth.
I have been dirt poor too marius.
I was lucky enough to have options which lead me to a comfortable life i now have.
Many i grew up with were not so lucky.
@The Voice of Reason:
Stupid YellowTards, put some website articles, and call them “facts” ?
How did the writers of these website articles,you are showing to us, arrive at their conclusion that what they were writing are facts…
Any non thinking hopeless YellowTard idiot, will wave these website articles, and some YellowTard followers, will chorus: “these are facts” !
What a dimwit !
Never seen u post anything pther than your hate and your drivel.
You have zero facts to back up your rants and raves toro.
These articles are based around data and knowledge.
You know…the two things your rants consitently lack.
…and the rich are the biggest criminals in the world, they just happen to be able to get away with it.
“I’ve been dirt-poor and I didn’t go out stealing stuff.”
Probably, from where you came from, the actual concept of being poor is very much different than here.
Just compare the kind of slums you see here and the kind of places others considered as slums in more developed countries.
Sometimes it amuses me when people say that they are poor, but obviously, really, they are not! (As a matter of fashion statement humble beginnings?!)
Even the President, Mr. Duterte, in his speeches, is also claiming that he is poor!
Believe it or not!
Ripley, I agree. Poverty, where I come from, means: “I am hungry and cold. I cannot survive on my own for the time being and need temporary assistance.”.
Poverty in the Philippines means: “I am unwilling to face the economic consequences of my poor life choices, I have no interest in improving my own circumstances, and I believe others should assume the responsibility of feeding, clothing and housing me, forevermore.”
Lots of things cause crime, not just poverty.That is too much of a generalization to make and doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. I usually agree with you, but not on that statement.
Poverty and Crime: Breaking the Vicious Cycle
It does not mean if u grew up poor you will become a criminal.
It more links third would countries with high soft crime rates.
I do agree that the Feelippinose are peace-loving people but I also agree that most of us are still indolent as observed by the first colonizers and pointed out by Rizal. No wonder that drugs became an easy option to relax or maki-uso, and to dull the pain of doing hard labor for our quick fix minded kababayans.
But one hidden culture of powerful influence on Feelippino behavior and belief system is the so called esoteric culture.
When Pres. Quezon once said ” I prefer a government run like hell by Filipinos to a government run like heaven by Americans” we were at the receiving end of his prophetic words.
Could it be that Marcos had these Quezon’s words in his mind when he extended his power by introducing his new society flavored march for changes? And perhaps that was also in the mind of Pres. Duterte when he was catapulted to join the rank of the great movers and shakers of this country and by declaring his shoot-to-kill battlecry as a declaration for serious war against drugs.
All I can say is that M-A-R-E-M-A-D is spinning round to sent us the esoteric message of our destiny. We are a nation named after a lover of horses. A mare one signifying that we are a matriarchal society and a mad one too. I will be looking forward when the smoke gets clear.
@the Voice of Reason:
Anybody with YellowTard mind can just claim: these are backed by data and knowledge. How did they acquire the data and knowledge? I have zero facts ?
Are not the Drug Lords there? How about the proliferation of Shabu in our country? How about National Bilibid Prison becoming a Shabu Mfg. Co.; and a five star Hilton Hotel ?
Yellowtards are playing blind. They have eyes, but refuse to see!
Fast forward 6 years from now when laws and due process is still powerless and Duterte left his post…
Filipinos who love their country will take over, after Duterte will be gone !
Aquino and his YellowTard minions , will end up in the National Mental Hospital… Most of them has Depression. Some like Aquino has Schizophrenia !
Sorry HydenToro, but I don’t think five people will be able to take over the Philippines.
If you are patriotic enough, you can be the sixth…if others are more patriotic…they can be the seventh…until 100 millions will follow !
The trouble to some people is: they are
“apathetic fence sitter”… these evil politicians are
stewing us; and we are like frogs, who adjust ourselves to the hot water…will not move until we are totally boiled alive !!!
The illegal Shabu Drug problem is a good example !
Well not all criminal zombies are created equal. Some will go to great extremes just to get what they want –> MONEY.
Judge for yourselves if the guy doing the decapitation is even human still.
Watch at your own risk
So should we send 44 SAF officers into the jungles to arrest the guy with the knife, or should we simply send Agent 007 on a “shoot-to-kill” mission?
Many will prefer just letting the CIA, KGB, and British secret service loose in these badlands to do all of us a favor.
Thats the difference between movies and reality..
If it was like in the movies this would have already been done.
The guy doing the decapitation is onviously not on drugs.
He is a zealot thinking that the ” human rights” of his victims is of no consequence.
With the years these terroists have terrorizednot just tourists but the people of that region, you would think that they would be enemy number one to erridicate.
slightly backward isn’t it.
Pick a fight, win it. Move onto the next one.
The messiah is spreading himself somewhat thin.
Big problem is many in that region hide these criminals as they too share in the proceeds.
Here u have a known army, who’s only goal is terror versus drug users who’s only goal is to get high.
Which i wonder should be a priority?
@ Voice, this guy Zaxx and his relating real life to movies is bizarre, I think he actually may even think he has valid points.
Did you notice the latest article?
Is winning Duterte’s War on Drugs mission impossible?
Webmaster Benign0 makes references to movies in his intro. What makes you think movies have no relevance to real life?
You can learn a lot from the values and culture of a people from the movies they produce. In the case of America – you guys are the primary exporters of violence throughout the world.
Your prematurely born disciple, the PH, is just following after your footsteps.
‘my prematurely born disciple..’, WTF? YOUR OUT THERE KID, WAY OUT THERE…..and making zero sense.
Great post ZAXX. If we tracked the “War on Drugs” like a “Real War”, 500 + Killed in Action (combatants) Officers Captured (150 Mayors and Judges) and 600,000 surrendered (support troops), Philippines “War on Drugs” is a stunning success. The Kill / Capture / Surrender ratios would make Duterte the greatest War Fighter of all time.
Re: Extra Judicial Killings; using the term implies there is a judicial alternative. For those who bitch about the EJK, I suggest they have a lot of Judicial work to do to keep pace, with 600,150 statements, confessions and investigations to perform to justify their position.
This is where the “War on Drugs” reveals itself to be a means to a much larger “War on Corruption”.
Let’s assume that a Region VI Mayor was questioned about his BFF relationship with a known Drug Lord, and asked if his Palatial Home was paid for with drug money. The Mayor has a choice to make; either admit that the home was actually a “Gift” from a Developer or refuse to answer and let the prosecution draw their own conclusions.
As this investigation unfolds, the inevitable question, why did the previous Judicial System turn a blind eye to the obvious? Were they too busy making sure that Drug Lords already in custody were comfortable with their accommodations in Bilibid, and ensuring the Drug Lords had adequate communications to operate their drug enterprise?
In and of itself, this preferential treatment of Drug Lords (and legislators) vs the regular prison population is “Extra Judicial”.
The “War on Drugs” is just the first battle, and we still have six years to go 🙂
Nice angle to the topic there go Rico. To play around the idea of “extra” – it kinda implies “beyond” to the effect of “better”.
Just like extraordinary means better than ordinary – People can argue that Digong’s style is superior to the current turtle paced judicial process.
Maybe we can have this analogy: PH due process is to MM traffic as Digong’s brand of Justice is to a supersonic jet plane.
Yup, it’s just been a month and we’ve already gotten this far in the cleansing process; what will 6 years of Du30 rule look like? We might become a Sungapore earlier than anyone could’ve imagined.
His patience looks short. If congress goes around in circles with all this chacha, he might just declare his military-backed revolutionary government. No wonder he’s going camp to camp courting the military.
AGREED. The Boss sends subtle signals. His Executive Order FOI sets up “Executive Branch did their part for transparency, when will Congress Act on FOI?” If past is prologue, they’ll try to talk it to death and he’ll challenge them openly within a few weeks.
He handed Congress a live grenade and pulled the pin. They have to deal with it, but any choice they make will be explosive.
If Congress takes the bait and passes FOI, there will be 50 Million citizen investigators doing what the Judicial Branch (and a failed press) could not or would not do. Next to procreation, gossip is Filipinos favorite pastime. The digging for dirt will be EPIC. Stay tuned, hehe.