Before I begin, I’d like to say that I don’t really enjoy making personal attacks. I mean c’mon, it’s petty and unfair in a number of ways. Unfortunately, with the way things are, I think I’m going to have to resort to more brutal methods of verbal combat. Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you that I didn’t really want to do this. Truth be told, I don’t really like attacking President Aquino like this because, just a few years back, I wasn’t at all that different from him. Yes, you heard that right. I’m not afraid to admit that there was a time that I was every bit the selfish spoiled brat that Benigno Simeon “BS” Aquino III is.
However, after the Kidapawan Killings and his late and almost callous approach to the situation, I’ve decided that it’s time to put an end to his madness or at least the madness of his followers. This isn’t even the first time he’s acted like this. From the Luneta Massacre, the Yolanda Crisis to the death of the SAF 44, President Aquino has always handled said situations callously and arrogantly. Instead of apologizing for his incompetence and the incompetence of his constituents, he instead resorts to excuses and alibis and has failed to show any kind of empathy for victims. The wanton slaughter of farmers for political reasons and his lack of any kind of interest in the matter is the last straw and I’m just sorry that I don’t feel sorry for our dear president at all.
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President Aquino seems to be a confirmed bachelor for life. Ever since his breakup with his stewardess girlfriend (who was probably paid ridiculous amounts of money to stay with him for so long) the man has been on a constant lookout for a new girl to have by his side. He’s even been rumored to have dated or courted Ms. Universe winner Pia Wurtzbach. However, it looks like our poor boy isn’t getting any action and probably won’t be getting any kind of action anytime soon.
Granted, I’m no expert in the matter, but here are my observations on why he will probably never find a woman who will truly love him:
He’s Insensitive
Thing is, women like guys who’re willing to listen to them. Or, if that’s not possible, at least pretend to listen.
President Aquino has shown that he isn’t even willing to pay attention to anything other than his own interests like his PSP. He also lacks empathy as he has never shown any kind of concern for anyone who isn’t part of his inner circle. He never really seems to care about anyone who isn’t directly associated with him in any way such as his relatives, friends and former classmates.
This is a huge turn-off for a girl because this means he will never understand her true feelings as he will be too occupied with his PSP to listen to her.
He’s Immature
Another big problem with President Aquino is that he acts less like a grown man but more like a spoiled teen trapped in a 50-year-old man’s body. He also seems to have the mind of a child as he has very poor comprehension skills and needs people to explain things to him in graphic form in order for him to fully understand.
Note as well how he can never seem to get over the past such as his grudge against the Marcoses. He tries with all his might to vilify Senator Marcos for example but, thanks to his abyssal performance as president, has only made the latter more popular.
Again, most women looking for a partner in life want a man who is as mature or even more so than they are. President Aquino, being what he is, can’t even be called a “man” because he’s stuck as merely a “boy”.
He’s Irresponsible
This should be quite obvious and has been repeated many times but I’ll say it again for good measure.
President Aquino has never taken responsibility for anything. He has never apologized for his blunders or the blunders of his constituents. Instead, he simply blames other people for the problems caused by his administration. When denied even that, he simply resorts to questionable alibis such as “not being informed” of the things that transpired.
An irresponsible man makes for a very poor husband and an even worse father as anyone will tell you.
He’s Crazy
President Aquino likes to go on and on about the alleged “achievements” of his administration even when he has so very little to show for it. Indeed, President Aquino’s “Tuwid na Daan” has caused nothing but suffering for the Filipino people and whatever benefits it might have were simply just stolen from the president’s predecessors. However, President Aquino continues to insist that his “Straight Path” has done a lot for the Philippines and even claims that had his predecessors been doing the same thing, our nation would have prospered by now.
Unfortunately, President Aquino’s “achievements” remain superficial at best and illusory at worst. He seems to insist that something is there even when there clearly isn’t. This can also be seen in the way he seems to have an imaginary friend in some of the ASEAN meetings he has attended.
There’s only one way to describe people who insist in the existence of nonexistent objects or beings: “Insane”
He’s Ugly
Yes, I know this is below the belt but if he at least had some of the above right, he would be less repulsive. I am also willing to admit that I’m pretty hideous myself but then, by taking responsibility and genuinely listening and caring about others, I gained the respect of a lot of people especially the opposite sex. Unfortunately, that clearly isn’t the case for our boy BS Aquino.
With his balding head, bulging eyes and stupid smile, he looks like a retarded fish of some kind. Coupled with his rather strange posture and tendency to drool, one can be forgiven for thinking that he is mentally handicapped.
I don’t think any woman in her right mind would want to marry a man with a permanent rape-face and happens to look a bit too much like some deep-sea fish.
Benigno S. Aquino III , unfortunately is our present Presudent.
He is Abnoy… He is Penoy…bugok na itlog…
Thank God, the heartless President will soon
End his six years term… Na naging pahirap sa taong Bayan.
Yes, to this 32 years of MADPnoy kulangkulang99 third world Philippines status of a Pilipino whose hacienda luisita self interest deceptive cause, is not worth for a Pilipino to die for.
That “permanent rape-face” killed me.
Well, what else would you call that face? His face just screams: “I’mma gonna fuck your butt!”
More like.. I am gonna rip your butt Grimwald!!
Ow! No! Anywhere but there!
And he’s batshit insane.
Is he still playing with his PSP – hasn’t he upgraded to a PSVita yet????
Either that or he’s lamenting the loss of the Famicom system…
Maybe Sony does not want the PSVita to be associated with him lest he further pull down the system’s flagging sales
Yet another sign of immaturity – entrusting management of NAIA to his “buddy” Jose Angel Honrado.
Only a thoroughly immature man would go out of his way to please his friends (as if they are the be-all and end-all of his existence) at the expense of more qualified people.
If I were President, and an ex-girlfriend or college classmate gets convicted for a crime, LET THE BASTARD/BITCH ROT IN JAIL.
NO, its a sign of Nepotism and a slick move to get his family a damn good income, and not yours. WAKE-UP, he is laughing at you in your poverty. Ab-noy and all the rest of the politicians in that run-by-scumbags country.
yes, the thirty two MADpnoy hacienda luisita self interest of a Pilipino losers, are the main losing legacy of a Pilipino whose self interest yellow oligarchs family of Deception, that Created this Third world Status Philippines.
“Created this third world status Philippines”?
The Philippines is a 3RD world country and always has been, except now it is featuring more signs that it is a FAILED STATE, not even 3RD world status.
Hence the nick-name: FAIL-IPPINES, get it?
Don’t talk like you’re so high and mighty because you live in the USA, bro….
America – where we got our democracy from – has had its share of corrupt officials as well.
Might as well fuck a coconut…
“I take offense at the last point” says THIS GUY
Due apologies, good sirs. I was merely trying to make a point. And yes, the good sir in the image certainly looks better than President Aquino.
“With his balding head, bulging eyes and stupid smile, he looks like a retarded fish of some kind. Coupled with his rather strange posture and tendency to drool, one can be forgiven for thinking that he is mentally handicapped.”
THe best part LOL
But I’d rather choose this guy’s admin than to experience a Binay’s senseless flagship #NoToBinay #NoToBobotantes
Why noytard? Because you’re a whore who still wants to like his ass? You love mentally retarded people do you? Look who’s being a bobotante now.
Why Binay for fuck’s sake? So that he and his family can run this country into the ground as his very own fiefdom???
As expected from the actual whore: all CRAP and no substance.
#HypocrisyExposed #NoToWhores
No ,sorry ,I’m callin Bull-Shit on this one: YOUR WRONG !!!Call him anything but a loser. The guy is a winner, HE FOOLED THE FILIPINO’s INTO ELECTING HIM,=WINNER. Next, he is rich beyond any of the writer’s at GRP can ever imagine being,=WINNER !!!
just because you hate the guy for being an incompetent(its done on purpose!)scumbag and not giving a shit about any Filipino’s but his family and friends doesn’t make him a loser,IT JUST DOESN’T. The guy is the President of the country,and YOU AREN’T,he is rich beyond your entire families combined 30 generations income/holdings. Get over it, and call him anything but a loser.
We talkin’ ’bout love here man. This ain’t about politics. Please comment within the context bro.
Lotsa love for ya, by the way!
Grimwald, I thought Joe’s comment was right on the money. While your observations might be completely true, the guy obviously has SOMETHING that put him in the big chair, and it’s something which Grimwald or Marius or Joe does not have. Now, that something is only valid in the context of a failed state like the Philippines, and I suspect it’s this: his name and connections.
In this country, those two things are more valuable than ability, competence, or even good looks (although good looks is usually a prime consideration). The outsider is rejected simply for being an outsider (exhibit A: all the nonsense written about Grace Poe’s genetics, or those wily Ming-the-Merciless Chinese). The average Filipino wants exactly what Rizal wanted: hell run by Filipinos. Hence people like BS Aquino running the show.
Dat might be true brudda’ but he still won’t get any real love from nobody…
Lotsa love for ya too Marius…
But yeah, you’re right. The Philippines is devolving into a hopeless Dystopia if it isn’t one already. Needless to say that as a people, we are utterly screwed.
Aquino is a mentally retarded; spolied rotten “Boy Child”…he never did anything, to accomplish in his life.
He became a President and was elected; because his mother died. Aquino is Gay…a balding man; who is in his fifties. And, still looking for a wife? His libido is already depleted.
He shows no sympathy, for the suffering of people; because his family is a Feudalist family. Look at just, how they treat their Hacienda Luisita serfs/slaves…
yes to agreed to a hacienda luisita yellow oligarchs feudalist family of makapiling hapon.
BS Aquino couldn’t organize an orgy in a brothel.
The Phillippines was a second world status of Apo lakay Marcos Masagana99 Food basket of Asia, when the family of the 32 years of MADPnoy kulangkulang99 third world status creator, by selling Sabah to Malaysia and created a Bataan nuclear power plant loan of 400 million dollars to an interest payment of 5 billion dollars, where until now it has been reloan to japan of 500 million dollar crap.
And most important of all he is part of a whole race of losers