So here we are with countless Aquino supporters trumpeting “Never Again” to Marcos supporters. According to them even, Senator Bong-Bong Marcos, son of former president Ferdinand Marcos, should answer for the alleged “crimes” of his father during the Martial Law years. President Aquino even went on to state that the senator should apologize to all the victims of his father’s regime and that one should consider the latter’s lineage before supporting him in this year’s election. Indeed, the Aquino family and majority of their allies in the media has gone out of their way to vilify and demonize the strict and sometimes harsh leadership of the late Ferdinand Marcos.
However, while I can admit to the fact that the Marcos regime was far from perfect, it nonetheless had its benefits at the time. Indeed, during there are many who note that the Philippines was making quite a bit of progress during those years and was often lauded by many other countries like Japan and South Korea who, at the time at least, were still making their way up the economic ladder. Now, we have essentially become a laughing stock of Southeast Asia and, while we might not be the worst country in the region, it’s still apparent that we’re nowhere near the likes of Singapore and, more likely than not, will only deteriorate further unless something is done soon.
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As I remember mentioning in some of my older articles, during my days in high school, some of the most common statements I heard from my classmates during the start of the school year was that they hoped that our teachers wouldn’t be too strict with us. And, when it was apparent that certain teachers didn’t perform according to their expectations, they would go out of their way to bash said teachers behind their backs like there was no tomorrow. Of course, I can easily excuse my classmates as we were just rowdy teenagers at the time.
Unfortunately, it’s sad to note that majority of Pinoys today don’t really mature all that much past high school when it comes to intellectual and practical pursuits. Almost always, they associate good with what is pleasurable and almost never realize that not all pleasant things can be good or may in fact come with unforeseen consequences. For instance, wanton sex can be enjoyable but things like STDs and unwanted pregnancy can all too often result from overindulgence in said activity.
Sure, the Marcos regime might have been harsh, but there’s very little to question the fact that the Aquino administration that followed could’ve at least made an effort to set things right and continue some of the good works of the previous administration. With the way our country is today, I think it’s time that we grew up as a people and put aside our childish ways of thinking such as simply painting things in black and white rather than accepting the facts for what they are. Remember always that doing the right thing in real life is never easy, simple or convenient. All too often, the correct choices in life are the most difficult ones and may require us to sacrifice trivial things for the greater good.
At least we could speak freely in here because Martial Law is gone. If it is still exist, then this website will be shut down and the people who’d designed this site will be imprisoned by the authority:
But then again, thanks to People Power thing, we could also blame freely to our gov’t without changing on our own:
So binabase mo lng pala ang kalayaan mo sa pg salita ng khit ano …so how abt the crimes around u?….d mo ba naisip na kasama rin mga ito sa kalayaang cnsabi mo?….well i can say ito lng nman ang naidulot ng demokrasya eh ang mkapgsalita ng libre….other than dat wala na….as in NADA
It’s really sad and pathetic that people like you would prefer freedom of speech rather than something fruitful like freedom from poverty.
No wonder why this country is in shambles. According to the late Lee Kuan Yew, the Philippines have too much democracy that most of them forget the value of DISCIPLINE.
I am lost. There is freedom from poverty. There is no law that states you have to (or must) live in poverty. But only you can change that for yourself. With the best of my will, I cant get you out of poverty. All I can do is give you suggestions how and where to start.
Those who live in poverty did that to themselves. Life presents opportunities and all you have to do is grab those opportunities.
True freedom is all about grabbing opportunities; these people mistook it as doing everything you want, even chaotic and so wrong.
The dangers of absolute freedom can lead to total chaos. Singapore is one of the fine cities in the world, low crime rate, etc.
As the saying goes, “We must be a nation of laws, not of men.”
Benigno Aquino III, should also apologize for the victims’ Families of Benigno Aquino, Sr. Kalibapi’s victims during World War II. His grandfather was responsible for the :death, torture, murder, of his KALIBAPI followers. The KALIBAPIs are also responsible for many rapes of Filipino women. Aquino should also apologize for the : Mendiola massacre , committed and ordered, by his mother, Cory Aquino. He should also, apologize to the victims’ family of Hacienda Luisita massacre. He should apologize for the families of the 44 SAF Heroes, whom he was responsible for their massacre. Aquino should apologize to the families of the Chinese tourists victims, at Luneta grandstand…he was responsible for their massacre.
Aquino should apologize to the Filipino people, for scamming them of the Hacienda Luisita. This idiot, Aquino, thinks, his family is blameless. The Aquino family are scammers, murderers, con people, political opportunists, etc…
Yeah ur damn right…..aquinos root of all evil in the country
Marcos requested transportation, to get him to his home province of Ilocos Norte. The U.S. sent a helicopter, with U.S. Gen. Allen in it. The U.S. Department of State, ordered U.S. Gen. Allen, to take Marcos to Hawaii, instead of Ilocos Norte.
This was the true scenario, during that time. The U.S. Department of State, kidnapped Marcos, and brought him to Hawaii.
After Marcos was kidnapped; Enrile, Ramos, Honasan, and the rest of their gangs, came out of their hidings, posed for Photo Opportunities, with their guns, and “Rambo image”… Cory Aquino and her YellowTard minions came out , also to declare victory.
Marcos was then, tried in the U.S. Court…the rest was history
The results of this subversion are still evident today in the decay of the economic and social fabric of the Philippines. Corazon Aquino fulfilled every IMF request, from the closure of the completed nuclear power facility to the deregulation and privatization of much of the economy. It was a surprise to some of Aquino’s supporters, but not to LaRouche, when the pro-IMF members of the Marcos Cabinet were retained in the new government. General Ramos took over directly in the next Presidential election in 1992, selling the nation to the Enrons of the West through corrupt, unequal contract agreements, especially in the energy sector, which left the country in absolute bankruptcy after the speculative assault on the Asian economies in 1997-98. Joseph Estrada, another “commoner,” was elected President in 1998, but was allowed only two years in office before another “economic hit man”-orchestrated-coup (again with General Ramos doing the bidding for his foreign controllers) brought him down in January 2001.
The current President, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, has generally done what was demanded of her by the neo-conservatives in power in Washington. However, when she pulled the token Philippine military force out of Iraq, and then upgraded the country’s relations with China, she won the ire of her patrons, and is now facing the threat of yet another coup—with General Ramos again the neo-cons’ man on the scene.
LaRouche, together with his collaborators in the Philippines, intends to use this history of the economic hit men, in the Philippines and elsewhere, as a necessary part of the fight to end such criminality forever. As LaRouche concluded in his address to the Nov. 16 radio show quoted above: “I have had a long-standing special attachment to the Philippines, and I am very much concerned for its integrity and sovereignty and well-being today. I would be very happy, and the Philippines would make me very happy, by being truly sovereign, successful, growing, and peaceful again today. And you may expect that wherever I am and whatever I am doing, that commitment is very active within me, for very special reasons that I won’t bother going into, on this question of the Philippines. I am concerned. The sovereignty of the Philippines and the success of the Philippines as a sovereign Presidential republic is, to me, one of the necessary ingredients of a future for the whole Pacific area of the world.”
Ramtanu Maitra and Gail Billington contributed to the research for this report. The author can be reached at
Irony. What a fucking bitch.