Another Christmas has just passed, and here we go again on another cycle of facing a new year which will later build up in excitement and anticipation on the supposedly colder “ber” months leading towards that long awaited Christmas Eve. To many who have lived in a land where the closest thing to winter is their halo-halo or household freezer, it was indeed a treat for them to visit one of Baguio’s coolest attractions: Christmas Village at Baguio Country Club, complete with falling “snowflakes”, snowmen, and snow-capped medieval houses.
Yes, even for once, our less fortunate fellow Filipinos wish to get a taste of what those Christmas songs like “Dreaming of a White Christmas” or “Winter Wonderland” are all about.
A Korean friend of mine once mentioned the fact that most of the richest key/capital cities of the world congregate around roughly the same latitude (about 30~60 degrees above the Equator) on the northern hemisphere of this planet – prosperous wealth centers like Paris, London, Berlin, New York, Beijing, Seoul, and Tokyo.
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What is the secret as to why these cities/countries/civilizations are so wealthy and great? The simple answer: SNOW.
Snow Makes People Rich
If a group of people want to become rich, they should choose a place where there is snow. Now that is not just a deduction based on mere observations about first-world countries, it has a very sound logical basis. So what is it in snow that turns people into such great generators of wealth?
- Hard work/discipline – To survive in an environment where you can freeze to death if you don’t make necessary preparations (stocked food, good shelter, heating systems), people are forced to work hard – bringing about a culture of discipline.
- Natural selection – Those who fail to work hard die off during the winter, leaving behind only the strong and the fit. Through generations, only a tough breed of relatively wealthy industrious survivors makes up the demography of a society living in cold places. In contrast, a Filipino squatter can pretty much live all year round under a bridge, staring like a tambay zombie most of the day.
- Conducive working environment – Where are you able to think, focus, and work more efficiently: in a hot and humid oven, or in an air-conditioned room? People naturally become better at working and thinking in cooler places. That is why most innovations spring out from these nations which are blessed with snow.
- Fewer pests – You will notice that cockroaches, termites and rats breed and thrive in hot and humid environments. It is similar to the squatter colonies that breed in Metro Manila. You will rarely find these ugly eyesores dotting cold freezing areas of the world. Fewer pests make for a better and safer environment. Which would be better use of time: spending it designing a product or chasing after roaches? No wonder the Philippines keeps falling behind – moving two or three steps forward, only to take one step back.
- More/better products – Do you see any Filipinos in our tropical country wearing fur coats? Well that’s because they can live on just wearing a sando, shorts and a pair of slippers. Freezing countries, on the other hand, are forced to produce a wide array of high-quality products loaded with features. They end up having more class. European cars would need heaters, antifog lights, defrosting windshields, etc. North Asians need jackets, snow boots, ski wear, etc. Why would Filipinos need to manufacture all these when they can thrive with their “pwede na ang pwede na” local products.
I heard that some decades ago, it used to sometimes rain hail in Baguio. Maybe due to the current bad air situation in the city, we can no longer expect this to happen. But there are other options for Pinoys to experience and live in a place where there is snow/winter.
No, I’m not talking about making a Snow City, Singapore’s permanent indoor snow center. I’m talking about giving Filipinos an open opportunity to live in a place with real snowflakes.
Mongolia – the Filipino’s Promised Land
One of the least featured places on the planet is a vast yet quite country up in the northern hemisphere called Mongolia. I had a Mongolian friend who described his country to be as wide open grassy plains as far as the eye could see. Let me give you a quick wiki-based comparison:
Mongolia (2015): Population 3 million, GDP (PPP) $36.6 billion, Per capita $11,024, Land area 1,566,000 km2 (19th).
The Philippines (2015): Population 103 million, GDP (nominal) $330.259 billion, $3,256, 300,000 km2 (73rd)
The average temperature in most of Mongolia is below zero from November to March and close to it in April and October. Not that’s snow – lots of it. The country has a land area roughly five times larger than the Philippines with a population (3M) that’s just a fraction of Metro Manila’s 12M (15M during daytime).
Four seasons, snow, plenty of space, and abounding in natural resources, Mongolia is a place just waiting to be tapped. If Filipinos are looking for new adventures and opportunities, and are tired of this oligarchy-protecting economy that cannot offer jobs for its people (note: removing 60/40 ownership protectionism may take ages, unless a military-backed coup de ta takes place), then they should just take matters into your their own hands and find greener pastures.
Better yet, Manila and Ulaanbaatar should come up with a program or agreement that will at least allow for better bilateral opportunities for exchange between both countries – like our labor for their land.
One’s national identity, being Filipino, does not mean you need to confine yourself to living in P.I. at the expense of your quality of life and having to endure the heat. You do not have to remain as a poor jobless squatter or sun-scorched farmer in the Philippines when there are more logically better places for Filipinos to thrive and excel.
You need not settle for halo-halo or scraping the sides of your freezer for a taste of winter; go to a place where there’s real snow. Trust me, being forced to become disciplined, hard working, and innovative will be good for you and your children.
Zealous revolutionary advocate of bringing back common sense for the common good in a land of dysfunctional and delusional zombies.
1. Hard work/discipline
nobody works hard. But we do work efficiently. I myself am paid for doing my work in 8 hours per day. But I always finish my tasks in about 6 hrs.
2. Natural selection
Nobody dies here because all houses/offices/factories are heated.
Pls get your facts straight before writing.
Robert, Correct me if I’m wrong but I was under the impression that employees behind the following Northern-hemisphere car brands worked hard to compete in a very tough market:
Acura Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Audi Bentley BMW Bugatti Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Citroen Dodge Ferrari Fiat Ford Geely General Motors Honda Hyundai Infiniti Jaguar Jeep Kia Koenigsegg Lamborghini Land Rover Lexus Maserati Mazda McLaren Mercedes-Benz Mini Mitsubishi Nissan Pagani Peugeot Porsche Ram Renault Rolls Royce Saab Subaru Suzuki Tesla Toyota Volkswagen Volvo
pls give me YOUR definition of working HARD?
In offices (desk job) we do our work relatively easy/calm. We dont get tired when we go home.
Automotive factories (car factories) are mostly and mainly automated and robotized. But those who still work there just do their job. They too dont get home tired.
Depending on job function/title (higher end of spectrum), one (females and amles) gets paid for 8 hrs per day but makes longer days (= more hours) at the office.
Nobody gets home tired.
Are we disciplined? I think so, yes. Most people start at 8.30AM and will be there in time. But most also leave office at 5PM. Most people think in terms of an 8 hr business day not doing the extra 30 minutes.
It is even okay if one is late (9AM instead of 8.30AM). He/she will finish up at 5.30PM (or later).
(to punch a) Time clocks are seldomly used. That is something of the old days.
(females and amles) = (females and males)
The company im working for now, implements that no time clocks to log in.. but some abuse it so the bosses are trying to implement strict documentation, and sometimes distrust from the bosses, they create more strict rules. If we are late, we could opt to adjust our schedule but we cannot do it everyday, there must be some valid reason for that.
I have read somewhere that people who are arriving late at work – due to problems with LRT – and getting a note from LRT saying that the problems with LRT caused the late arrival.
Well that will never happen here. No transportation company will give you a note. When you arrive late at work, your boss will tell you to do 2 things:
– you either will have to relocate closer to the job location or
– you will have to find a job closer to your home.
Hence, its better to try to find some sort of agreement with one’s boss saying that you will start every day at – say – 10AM and ending the day at 6.30PM or 7PM.
If one has a desk job, that is reasonably easy to agree unless your work is dependent on your collegues work (or vice versa). Your output can be your collegues input.
In factories, finding such an agreement is even impossible. So such workers will have to find another job or relocate closer to the factory.
Cheating with real working time? Is possible but only a few times. Your collegues will notice that and will start to rat on you with the boss.
End of the day/bottomline:
I (anybody) can easily go home at 4 today (started at 8.30AM), knowing that tomorrow, I (anybody) will be at the office still at 7PM (started at 8AM).
This way, its even quite easy to make more than 40 hrs per week. And bec I am single, its easier for me to do extra/over time (nobody is waiting for me at home).
On the other hand, I can also do the same at home by logging in to the company’s office computer network.
Advantage of working at home is that I am not occupying the high way with my car during rush hour PLUS I can work from 7AM till 11PM (if I want) at home while still wearing my pajamas.
Another advantage of working at home, is that the phone is not constantly ringing and colleguees cant come to my desk.
I dont know – on a global scale – if my country is unique but when I am sick and not able to work, I still get fully paid. When I am on vacation, I get fully paid. Employees get at least 25 vacation days per year. That are 5 full weeks.
Sure, for me – working hard (kasipagan) means being responsible and excelling at one’s job, which involves meeting the goals, producing the needed output in time, improving in quality & productivity, and earning the necessary amount to support one’s dependents if any.
Being tired or not after the day is beside the point. And working smart and efficiently is superior to simply working hard (the difference between them is a different topic altogether).
I think the easiest way to explain it is describing what it’s not. This picture of lazy Pinoy tambays (bums who hang around all day doing nothing productive) shows what NOT working hard is:
These people will die off if they continued doing this in cold regions of the earth.
Do you have any people like these in your country (just hanging around outside all day)? If so, they are NOT working hard.
From the perspective of a lazy Pinoy, they would view you as working hard (masipag).
I come and came across that word very often here (work hard) and I always felt that it means I have to go home tired.
I am completely in line with your definition. And with respect to your photo: thats what we do during the weekends (at dinner). Weekends consist mostly of being involved in active hobbies (sports; going to a theater and some even do things at home for work/office).
Are there also women doing that (re: your photo)?
About Filipina women tambays? Hardly any.
In PH, women are generally more hard working than men. That’s because of the upbringing – girls need to help their mother’s in household chores while the boys get to go scot-free to play basketball with friends.
There are women who gossip and watch TV a lot, but they can’t do it all day due to the house/family responsibilities on their shoulders.
Men on the other hand have lots of vices: gambling, drinking, smoking, womanizing, drugs, etc. -which is why many of the responsible, dependable and incorrupt managers in PH are women.
This part of your culture, you really have to abolish, starting yesterday => “girls need to help their mother’s in household chores.” + “… due to the house/family responsibilities on their shoulders”.
By this aspect, you make PH women slaves. So therefore, I blame the parents.
You want to change your country in transforming it it in a non-dysfunctional country, right? Then start with the above slavery. And stop with saying that the husband/man is the head of the family (Dont say that in my country, dutch women will cut of your balls).
Yes, the “slavery” of females in PH is a big dysfunction. It is even evident in the many OFWs who are women – working as helpers, nurses, and entertainers abroad to support their husbands.
Husbands who rely on their wives to do the primary bread-winning and just spend time with drinking buddies have figuratively had their “balls cut off”.
Because I live very close to the Belgian border, its not difficult to try and find a job in Belgium. So that would make me an OFW (Dutch style).
People tend to look down on jobs like a nanny, caregiver (and the likes).
Foreign (Eastern European) nurses are really a disaster (in my country). They dont understand our culture and have problems to adapt and adopt to it. So they are send back.
They think that being a nurse is the same no matter where they do their job. Wrong! You have to prepare yourself and know the people (patients).
Historically wrong.
The most ancient civilizations emerged in subtropical climate. In this climate you usually don’t have snow. There was a belt from the Indus area to the Eastern Mediterranien. There were also the tropical Olmec civilization in Central America. The only ancient civilization which experienced snow were the Chinese. But winter in the Yellow River delta was short.
Later, after developing food conserving and other survival skills they could move north.
Around the year 1500AD the power of Europe emerged. They started colonizing the world despite the fact, Chinese had superior nautical skills. They just were not interested in colonizing the world. So Europe did it. And they exploited the colonies. This resulted in huge profits and the advance of the West.
History shows that the skills and innovations gained by people who had to adapt to colder climates are far superior to those who lived in hotter climates in the South like Africa, South America, India, and South East Asia (PH).
This explains why the final superpowers in history (G7, Russia, China) are from colder regions of this planet.
The technologies and skills that these Northerners needed to survive their climate equipped them to dominate the world.
Weaker civilizations of the South gave way to more advanced kingdoms of the North – this is natural selection in action. The superior survive and dominate in the end.
History supports point 2.
I didnt heck it myself, but could it also be possible that southern hemisphere countries are also more religious countries?
Lets take Europe as an example. Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece) is far more religious than Northern Europe (Netherlands, Scandinavian) countries.
Spain, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Italy and Greece all needed financial help from ECB (European Central Bank). That cant be a coincidence anymore.
heck = check
Yeah, possible. But I still see a link between religiosity and climate.
It’s possible that those who lived in snowy regions up north long ago were too busy out in the woods cutting trees for firewood to survive the winter, that they didn’t have the time and interest for all the rituals and ceremonies that southerners could afford to do.
Today, nobody cuts wood anymore. But the values system got carried down through generations, including the degree of religiosity.
It’s almost the general rule anywhere: Northerners are richer than Southerners. There are exceptions of course like North and South Korea, but that’s because the former has a crazy H-bomb wielding president.
Singapore is also an exception, though they are in the south, they had a Lee Kwan Yew and a very small population.
The enlightment did it for us. Plus several other things. In warmer climates, they all have air-co. We dont need air co (in my country). We made a transition from being religious to enlightment (ratio over religion). We said: the pope is nuts (and still is). We finally discovered that big families dont work (with limited income).
We are completely into ratio and science and totally abondoned religion.
And we have a far more egalitarian culture (compared to the Philippines). I dont need to say SIR or MR or MRS to my boss. Just John is okay.
In all fairness, I must disagree with you. I personally dislike and hate snow and dislike the winter season. We all excell best at temperatures of around 18C (in business environment).
I think most has to do with religion and mentality. You want to succeed, then go for it.
Failure is a choice; success is a choice.
I don’t know any scientific study supporting your theory. The success of Europe is mostly based on colonialism. The success of North America is based on European skills and the “Frontier” economy in the 18th/19th century. China stretches from the Gobi desert with harsh climate to the tropical Cantonese area. Most of the coastal area in China is subtropical. In 1500 Europe was behind Middele East and China, while North America was behind South America.
In case you followed the recent refugee crisis, they all want to go to Northern European countries (Germany, Sweden, Netherlands). What does that tell you? Why dont they stay in Turkey or Greece (where they land after crossing the Mediterraneen sea?). They flee from war and want peace and a safe country. Well Turkey is a peaceful and safe country and not at war. But they dont want to stay there. The culture of those refugees are more connected to the Turkey culture and still those refugees dont want to stay there.
And then Cologne (Germany) happened on New Year’s day 2016.
There is probably one other big difference. Thats the culture.
I dont need to sponsor/support my parents, siblings and extended family. We also dont have big families.
Now if you look at TV footage of poor African countries, I always see babies. I cant symphatize with them bec I always think: okay so you are poor, famine and in a war zone, then dont procreate.
We cant stop/end global poverty as long as people keep on procreating. And where do people procreate the most? In southern hemisphere countries.
What Zaxx explained is the theory of Baron de Montesquieu, that countries with temperate to cold climates have cultures that developed more discipline. This is from the idea that if you are not exposed to an environment where one small slip could mean certain death, you are less likely to be disciplined. I however find this an unsatisfactory explanation for discipline in cultures.
I believe what makes cultures more disciplined is simply there were people and leaders (not necessary political leaders) who influence them to have more discipline in daily. Examples of this may perhaps be Buddha, Jesus, Conflucius, the Greek philosophers and others who are simply people with ideas. And their ideas get accepted by the populace. They don’t have to be political leaders. Often the religious or philosophical leaders have more influence than political ones.
And here’s another idea, though I still have to find Benign0’s article about it: the great, prosperous nations are ones where its people seek to explore new ideas and new things. Those that reward innovation and difference. They try not to stick to so much “tradition” and inward patriotism, that “something homegrown is always better,” as these tend to be obstacles to growth. They’re the ones that, through exploration, found other countries who are so self-absorbed and so inward-looking, that these got easily exploited. This for me is the one that really makes a great nation or society.
I so much agree with your last paragraph. New things brought us a lot. And I cant express it enough but the invention of the contraceptive pill was a major break-through in emancipating women. They finally got full control over their wombs. And that also led to the seperation of sex for procreation and sex “for fun” (fun is not the best word but used for lack of a better one).
We embrace new idealogy (same sex marriage), new things that can/will make our lives more convenient and more prosperous.
In short, I am totally not surprised why there is such a huge difference between my country and the Philippines. And the gap will only become bigger and bigger.
But I am still surprised (daily) (and actually shocked) about the lack of common knowledge among Filipinos.
Pleasure seems more apt.
pleasure, of course. But I havent met one Filipina woman who had an orgasm. And Filipina women dont even masturbate.
I really dont understand how Filipina women enjoy having sex without reaching/getting an orgasm. Beats me. Totally flabbergasted.
Aha, this is the Bennign0 article I’ve been looking for. Quoting Yuval Noah Harari (gotta find this book, maybe).
Yeah, his book Sapiens. Highly-recommended and very readable!
While Filipinos are ignorant, they fail go take the next logical step and confront that ignorance. It is only when you recognise an issue that you become equipped to implement the right solution to address it.
Rather than take the effort to validate reality systematically, they latch on to “truths” spoon-fed to them by their powers-that-be.
ChinoF, Robert,
I agree with the idea that innovation and enlightenment are key factors for the Northern nation’s advancement. These are supported by points 2 to 5 which I listed in my article.
About Baron de Montesquieu, here’s a caption on his climate theory:,_baron_de_Montesquieu
One of his more exotic ideas, outlined in The Spirit of the Laws and hinted at in Persian Letters, is the climate theory, which holds that climate should substantially influence the nature of man and his society. He even asserted that certain climates are superior to others, the temperate climate of France being the best of possible climates. His view was that people living in hot countries were “too hot-tempered,” while those in northern countries are “icy” or “stiff” (this view is possibly influenced by similar statements in Germania by Tacitus, one of Montesquieu’s favorite authors).
Regarding teachers like Buddha or Christ. I think climate still has a big effect. There are many Christian or Buddhist nations in both northern and southern hemispheres, but it is almost ALWAYS the north that is more disciplined and prosperous: Christian Europe vs. Christian Africa; Christian North America vs. Christian South America; Buddhist Japan vs. Buddhist Myanmar.
So I think climate has a big effect on how a people apply and adopt the same set of teachings – which boils down to points 3-5 of my article.
On second thought:
Although my country is not a real agricultural country but bec of our climate we hardly have to deal with ruined/destroyed harvests/crops. We dont have real storms/typhoons/hurricanes; no floods, no earthquakes, no tsunamis (but we complain/nagg every day about the weather).
I do not even know what our number 1 export product is. Maybe its dairy (milk and or cheese).
In a way, maybe we have the “perfect” climate.
Did you notice that your country is one of the special few that requires “The” in front of the country name, just like “The” Philippines. Maybe it’s fate that has brought you close to this remote ASEAN nation.
The Netherlands:
Top exports:
Top brands:
Shell, Philips, Dove, Lipton, Unilever, Knorr, Rexona, Axe are among the well known ones in PH
Are there any Philippine brands/products famous in the Netherlands?
Quick wiki comparison:
The Philippines (2015): Population 103 million, GDP (nominal) $330.259 billion, Per capita $3,256, Area 300,000 km2
The Netherlands (2015): Population 17 million, GDP (nominal) $750.782 billion, Per capita $44,333, Area 41,000 km2
For a country so small to produce so much, I just have to hand it to your perfect calamity-free & cool climate!
an other name for the Netherlands is Holland (without THE). I think the latter is more often used by foreigners.
I once did 1 (one) check. Went to a supermarket to see if the rice sold there came from PH. And I only saw rice from Thailand and Indonesia in that Dutch supermarket (AH).
If you wanna do your own check, pls go here and do your online shopping: or here and do a search for “rijst” ( = rice).
Thanks for the compliments. But I think most of us (Dutch) would like to live in a warmer climate. Where do you think the Dutch elite and Dutch upper class have bought their second house/homes? Well, all in countries with warmer climates (and not in Iceland).
Both Shell & Unilever are joint UK & Dutch companies with 1 HQ’s in each country.
Nice online shopping sites you guys got there in Holland, Robert. PH has a long way to go.
As expected; there’s hardly any product from PH – just coconut water at the site:
Vita Coco Natural Coconut Water
Land van herkomst: Filipijnen
It just goes to show PH can hardly export anything that translates to local jobs. Which proves the point: Lack of innovation from people in hotter countries.
the two online sites I provided, are used for food and non-food articles to be ordered online and to be delivered at your front door.
We also have specific other online sites, such as for buying shoes and probably the best known online shopping site is
The consequence of all this, is that more and more street shops do go bankrupt.
In case you want to see houses/homes (prices, location, plus pics) that are up to be sold in my country, pls go here:
“Made in Philippines” products: I really dont know what and which kind of products are exported (to my country). To find one may be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack (no sarcasm).
People’s reactions to climate can be a factor in how their culture develops, but you know, the human spirit seems to be one built on opposing what’s in front of them, like challenging reality. That has been used for both good or bad. That can be used to really apply human will to overcome adversity, and do things that aren’t “natural,” like exploring and other things. That might be operating in what Benign0 described in the other article. For me, if the human will were harnessed properly, we’d see a lot of bad attitudes and problems solved.
I also have a radical theory explaining why Northerners have taller noses than those in the South.
When people up north caught a cold, they had to keep pinching their noses to blow the nasal mucus / snot. Thus the taller noses.
People down south also caught colds, but the snot would quickly dry up with the heat and become boogers. So they used their fingers to pick their noses, enlarging nasal holes. Thus the wider noses.
My EX pinay GF, always mentioned that she was fond of my pointy nose (not my best feature though).
I bet this is how you ex-GF thinks:
read the article (thanks for the link).
The Filipina nose never was an issue for me to reject her. I never made any remarks about her nose nor about any other body parts (although I am lying here a bit. But revealing that here would be a bit too much, I guess. And I dont know if that revelation would go against GRP rules. But I also noticed it in many other Filipinas, which was very worry-some).
let me take yo to the beginning of my relatioship with my – now – EX pinay GF.
Evidently we started chatting online with a webcam. And quite early on she started using words like “for a while” (and then she disappeared from “radar”) and also words like “brown outage”.
You can call me naive but I was most shocked about the fact that PH people dont know the meaning of the word privacy (probaby this is a western invention and not landed yet in Asia and/or in PH). Anyway, my very first visit to my pinay GF was a disaster because of all this. All she did, was dragging me around and showed me – like a trophy – to her family, extended family and all her friends.
Besides, according to some sources, lying will allow your nose to become longer anyway…
Sorry to hear about your culture shock in PH. Europe and PH are like complete opposites; heck just look at the climate difference.
What you mention to be “very worrysome about Filipinas” intrigues me. An honest appraisal from an outsider is what Pinoys usually need (you can forget the Pinoy pride sham). I’ve been lambasting it out here in GRP since day 1.
As Grimwald implied though, a little honesty might shave a millimeter off your ilong.
Grimwald, we should probably rank politicians’ honesty by the length of their noses then.
pls dont use the nose metaphor. It means I would be an all time liar (big pointy nose).
I will try and give you a soft hint (worry-some part):
humans have only one time frame when we are at our best, physically. Tight skin, good bones, no detoriation of anything. We are in our prime, so to speak.
But among PH women, I noticed something odd and strange in their peak of their existenz.
Either it has to do with their food-intake (poor nutrition meals) OR it has to do with a specific garment. And I think it has to do with the latter.
A woman in her 20s and 30s (so at least from 20 till at least 40) can not have sagging breasts. Because those years are the peak of her existenz (physically).
Ah well, probably they dont care and they dont mind.
Re: culture shock
It was the very first time for me to visit an Asian country and I do know people all around the world do things differently. But I expected at least one thing and that is that we are all motivated by the same goals and objectives (boy, how was I wrong). And if I want to know you better, we both need space to be alone together (together alone) to reach that goal. So after 21 days, I knew her parents better than I knew her. Ironicall, isnt it? Next time, I will date and court her parents, maybe then I get to know the daughter better.
Robert, well you got be smiling a bit there. The nose-thing’s just a teaser. I actually like the way you guys (non-Pinoys) are so honest and straight in giving comments.
About the Filipina physique, well I might need some help from the more qualified out here but I’ll give you my opinion.
Pinoy food is very oily and salty. It is one reason Pinoys have more pimples and open skin pores than Chinese or Japanese. So that could be one cause of the difference.
Another is our garments. In the house, many women just wear a duster all day long with no undergarments. That’s why when they sweep the floor – you will notice they have to cover their neckline when they bow down.
The rest is Chemistry and Physics (chem hormones and gravity doing the work).
Just my 2 cents theory – but hey I may be wrong.
European women are proud (and very vain. Vanity is no sin in my neck of the woods) of their body and will take good care of it.
I do get the feeling, that Filipinas buy and wear a bra just to cover their breasts. While in fact, a bra should support the breast(s) because – like you said – gravity will pull everything downwards.
Ahh well, its not a matter of live and death. Its more important what beauty is inside.
Your Mongolian friend forgot to tell you something else: their government is as corrupt and inept as the Philippines so barring snow and deserts, both countries share common ground.
Maybe that’s why he’s still an OMW (overseas Mongolian worker) himself to this day.
Anyway, if both have common ground, at least we can help each other improve on it (e.g. we can teach them about our Anti-Red Tape Law).
Mongolians are largely influenced by Russia, which are known for behind-the-curtain hocus pocus as well.
One area of development assistance we can offer is in English teaching. Mongolians are pretty much confined to just using Russian as their lingua franca. Exposing them to Pinoys will open wider doors for them. We can then later gain access to their extensive mineral deposits. the benefits are mutual.
Makes me wonder why he didn’t go to South Korea or Japan for work as most others do.
Other benefits that Filipinos can learn from the Mongolians are its interesting nomadic roots. They have a very vivid history dating back to the Khan era. They also have a very strong equestrian culture. It’s a different flavor of tribal lifestyle that can only enrich and open Filipinos rather narrow world view beyond base survival.
Yeah, there’ll be a great cultural exchange.
We can also send a huge delegation of MM squatters who can learn their nomadic lifestyle.
They’ll definitely get used to the horse milk wine as a substitute for red horse.
Well if you want to have a snow in our country (with or w/o climate change) w/o going out into other countries that have snow, then just go to the 3rd tallest mountain in the Philippines known as Mt. Pulag in Cordillera Region and its been reported on that mountain have now been reached to -2 degrees Celsius! (and that’s a great requirement for a snowfall) But this is not a joke however that according to wikipedia that I read, Mt. Pulag had a snow that been covered and it was been seen around the late 1800s. However as I said on the above, because of this so called CLIMATE CHANGE, we even don’t know if we could see a REAL snow that will be covered on that mountain around this century but we’ll see, and it might.
Don’t ever, ever, believe anyone who tells you that you can just get by, by doing the easiest thing possible. Because there’s always somebody behind you who really wants to do what you’re doing. And they’re going to work harder than you if you’re not working hard.
Filipinos have a stead supply of snow, since they enjoy “snowing” each other.
Filipinos have a steady supply of snow, since they enjoy “snowing” each other.