After a considerable amount of thinking, I can’t help but speculate over how Pinoy media is essentially destroying the minds of our countrymen, especially those with no access to other channels asides from local ones. What’s difficult to accept is that while our media tries to keep a veneer of “wholesomeness” to their programming, I can’t help but notice that the contents of moth local programs today are quite far from it. Implied sex is very prevalent in many shows today and the cheap fan-wank fiction sold as “romantic comedies” to our youths seems to be all the rage. Looking at it now, I can only wonder how all of this affects the minds of our people.
One thing I’ve noticed is how much we tend to sugar-coat things. Once, while watching a noon-time show with some of my American relatives, they asked me if one of the actresses shown, I think it was Gwen Garci, was a porn-star. I answered, telling her that she was what was considered a “sexy-star” and focus on what can be best thought of as softcore pornography. My cousin (at least, I think she would be) asked me if there was any real difference between the two. After all, softcore porn is still porn.
Later on, after watching a brief segment of a teleserye and watching a full-length Italian porn film (I watch it for the art, really! Hey, why is my nose longer?), I couldn’t help but note that their plots were almost completely identical save for the Italian porn film involving hardcore sex acts and the actors and actresses were a bit more expressive. Now that I have time to think about it, many plots in Pinoy shows, especially teleseryes and even fantaseryes (which usually just has magic, scantily-clad fairies or topless mermaids or all three thrown in for good measure) are as simple and predictable as a typical porn film.
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Speaking of porn, it’s more than a little egregious that Pinoys like to flaunt how “righteous” and “pure” they are compared to promiscuous foreigners but are actually closet perverts. The recent observation regarding that a considerable number of visitors to Pornhub were Filipino (who probably just go there for the art) is proof of this. While we might posture to other people about the Philippines being the only Catholic country this far east, I doubt a lot of us really understand what our doctrines even mean.
So okay, let’s go back to the question that started it all: Can porn save the Philippine media?
I’m not saying this lightly okay. Even I am well aware of Pinoy mentality and how it corrupts concepts to fit its own twisted ideals. Take for instance how we use Catholicism as a kind of scepter which we flaunt to other people and bash those that don’t agree with us. Porn might also be bad, in fact very bad, for Philippine society but I was hoping that it could at least do some of the following for our people:
Providing An Outlet
Sexual frustration is a common problem. You’ll be surprised just how many people out there are frustrated over not having anyone to bonk with. As I’ve been taught, sex is a biological need and isn’t that different from eating or wanting to use the potty. Of course, sex has a considerable stigma and sating our need for it isn’t as easy as, say, eating a snack unless you’re married and even then, it’s not easy to get, unlike a snack.
I was thinking that by providing people with strictly controlled pornography, some of us could at least air out our sexual frustrations in a limited manner. Maybe not enough to make us seem perverted but just enough so that we won’t be preoccupied with sex all the time. The thing is, especially with guys, the sex drive tends to be considerably powerful and difficult to control.
As I’ve been told, it is better to let a boiler leak rather than letting it explode. The same can be said with the human sex drive. Perhaps if we can let it out in controlled bursts, we won’t have to worry about it seeping into our other works which might go on to corrupt the minds of our youths.
Making Mainstream Shows Less Scandalous
The thing with most mainstream shows in the Philippines is that they are centered on dysfunction and scandal. Just about every teleserye I’ve watched has featured a good amount of implied sexual encounters which can often be watched by young children. This is what I’m talking about in the above. By denying our sex drives, the theme of sexuality is now seeping into our other works like our prime-time shows and films.
I was thinking and hoping that with a porn industry, we could just focus all the scandal in one portion of the media and keep it there instead of letting it pollute the mainstream. I am more than a little worried by the kids imitating some of the scandalous antics in a teleserye script or that they find out too soon about what adults do in the bedroom.
Place Better Control On It
The thing is, while we like to flaunt about our moral superiority, the rising number of pre-teen pregnancies and the common Pinoys who like to watch porn on their smart phones are evidence of the opposite.
As a trivia, prostitution was once banned throughout many parts of Europe by the Catholic Church (yes, them again). Unfortunately, prostitution was so widespread and rampant at the time that some church officials simply decided to regulate it so that they could at least keep it under control. I am citing this as an example because prostitution isn’t all that different from porn after all as the latter just involves cameras and recording.
The same can be said with the Philippines and its stance on pornography. With child pornography becoming a problem and human trafficking a glaring issue, I have to wonder whether or not assuming control of the issue might be a better idea so we can monitor the less savory aspects of society. Instead of letting child porn and human trafficking slip under our noses, we can simply regulate the porn industry and root out slavers in the process.
Of course, this is all just a suggestion and I am not saying that porn is the solution to our problems. I am merely saying that acknowledging our sexuality as a people might be a better idea than denying it as our outdated elders have taught us. Sexuality is just another aspect of life, or so I would like to think, and by denying it, we are only frustrating ourselves with dangerous lies.
You want a regulated porn industry in the Philippines? Viva Video has already done it with their Hot Babes series! FHM Phils. is also doing it with their publication! Or you wanting more than that?
The thing is, as already mentioned above, they DON’T call it “porn”! They sugar-coat it with “sexy” show or something similar…
I dont know how many TV channels there are in the Philippines but porn is never the solution.
I am a bit flabbergasted that the Philippine RC church doesnt object and doesnt protest against so much nudity om Philippine TV screens. I am sure it must be technically very easy to censor/filter porn websites like the one mentioned in the article. I am sure the North Korean (and probably Saudi Arabia and other) government is able to filter such sites.
I really dont understand why people just dont turn off their TV and start reading a book.
It’s because books are seen as too “old school” already at this point in time.
Well, at least not me.
Have you tried finding books in the Philippines? Ones that aren’t kids’ books or Bible studies I mean.
Public libraries are practically non-existent (outside of big cities anyway) and National Book Store is a school supplies store with a sideline in overpriced flimsy literature. I consider it a real victory if I find something worthwhile at a used book store after ukay-ukaying through all the 1980s romance paperbacks and hot-off-the-press guides to Windows 98 and How to Survive the Millennium Bug, donated to charity shops overseas and somehow ending up for sale here. It’s no wonder I never see Filipinos reading books, I’ve gone almost entirely ebook now.
Actually I did.
National Book Store, Ayala Center, Cebu City.
But not to buy a book or books. But to look for a map of Metro Cebu City and Cebu (island).
Hi, Dave! Here are the names of the popular bookstores in the Philippines: Pandayan, Filbar’s, Fully Booked, Powerbooks, Booksale, Books from the Underground, NBS (almost all malls have NBS. They have one area for books/magazines and one for office/school supplies. If you can’t find the book you’re interested in, you can order or make reservations in their customer service area), Solidaridad Bookshop, Recto or university belts. You can even order books you like online and they will keep you updated on the books in their list if you have subscription. Book publishing companies like Visprint, Anvil, Summit Media and different colleges and the National Book Development Board are holding book events or festivals. You may even go to their social network page to see how they promote reading, the activities they have for readers and book lovers and about the books they are releasing. Most schools have libraries, from grade school to college; feel free to visit college libraries just don’t forget to bring a valid ID.
I agree with what Robert said, “people just dont turn off their TV and start reading a book”. And one won’t look for a book and see it in its full splendor if he or she doesn’t want to read. People must realize that reading offers the knowledge they are missing from watching their idiot box. Kahit newspaper magbasa sana if one don’t have cable channels or internet. And parents should at least make an effort to read bedtime stories to their children.
The last you said is SO rare these days…
Thanks Naknak
for supporting my suggestion. But what I meant was this. If a person dont like watching a TV program, start doing something else that gives more satisfaction (like reading a good book). So dont get glued to that box. Do something that inspired the mind or the body. Go have a walk with the dog, start a hobby, have a family conversation etc etc. There are so many (other and better) things a human being can do.
Do I not watch TV? Yes I do watch TV but I watch selectively. I only watch TV programs that inform me about current affairs (domestically and globally). The most recent documentary I watched on TV was about the Scientology Church (“Going Clear: Scientology and the prison of belief”).
Can porn save Philippine Media? 4 words: Not Safe for Work.
Since Maria Ozawa came to our country last month, I wonder if her country through porn industry had saved the Japanese media? All I know that “hentai” thing are very common there.
It might be the reverse. Most Japanese became more obsessed with porn media they forgot the “real thing” already. Hence the population suffers.
Good for them, Japan is a small country anyway.
Japan — a small country? Maybe if you come from India or China. But Japan is definitely not smaller than the Philippines whether by land size, economy or population (the last one may no longer be true in a few years).
They’re not hiding the reality that sex is a part of life but there are still more inspirational and scholarly animation there than hentai. And although they have larger population than the Philippines they have everyone covered. And in their popular animés, notice that the heroes and heroine are mostly junior high school. They encourage their young ones to dream big and show them how to be successful by putting much effort in what they do, harnessing their talents.
Anyway, after reading the article, I come to realize that the Philippine media is mostly made of sugar-coated porn. There are even lots of media whore here, right? And most shows are actually rated-SPG.
While porn is strictly for adults only in more advanced country, in here there’s little to no restriction, you’ll find porn everywhere, mostly pirated ones, others downloadable, you can even ask your neighbor to bluetooth the latest sex scandal. There are Pinoys who are Catholic or Christian but for them it’s just their religion. For them it’s not supposed to affect how they live so we got a lot of unwanted, unplanned and teenage pregnancies.
Also, in most advanced country, even before the children or teens find themselves exposed to sex resources their parents already spoke to them about the birds and the bees so they can be responsible should the other brain dictate their action. In here, parents felt awkward talking about sex with their teens yet you will find them entertained with their child dancing otso-otso or imitating the dancing girls in noontime shows and have them wear skimpy dresses!
i agree
Cool 😀
“Also, in most advanced country, even before the children or teens find themselves exposed to sex resources their parents already spoke to them about the birds and the bees so they can be responsible should the other brain dictate their action.”
This is very correct and to add to this: Couples (married or not married) also talk with each other about whether the other wants kids and if yes how many and when.
Aye, Robert. So’s not to end up in tears and regrets one must be prepared. Plan. Relationship and kids are a serious business. In countries like Australia, I must add, even if there’s an unwanted baby (in a sense that the parent know that she or he can’t give that baby a loving family or a bright future so the baby is given away), they sign the baby for adoption and there are agencies that takes care of the little ones until they got adopted so you can’t find orphans loitering the streets there.
Filipinos are believed to be “conservative” but judging on how there’s more and more single parent or unwed mothers and having more kids than one could support, and the indecent shows by the mainstream media, I think it’s more right to say that we are suppressed individuals. Our full needs as human, our skills and knowledge never developed (suddenly thought of Balot) so we continue to lack maturity, being easily influenced, acting without thinking, and uncaring what will come out of our actions reasons why the Filipinos’ “independence” goes to waste every time.
I can assure you one thing. Everything that happens in your country (Phili-land) also happens here in my country. Probably only on a far lesser scale. We also have teenage pregnancies, we also have people who do stupid things. But I dont know them myself.
But we dont blame the TV (media) for that.
Pls stop playing the victim card, Dan. You are a mature grown up person. That means you cant hide behind TV programs, religion or your corrupt government for your misery any longer. You and only you have the power/strength/responsibility to change your own destiny.
All you need to do is make a list (literally or only in your mind) how your situation is now and what/where you wanna go/be in 5 years time from now. Then you can make a plan how to achieve it. Stick to that plan and let no one interrupt/interfere with your plan. (This (making a plan) is really the same thing as we do according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs).
But it wont work for people in your country because they are so obsessed with that stupid family culture and crab mentality.
Robert, couples do *talk* about it here but then don’t take responsible action based on the talk. I’ve seen it with my own in-laws. A couple will say they’re happy with their two children and don’t want any more, but before too long another little ‘miracle’ comes along. I wonder how many nieces and nephews I’ll have in a few years’ time?
When my (non-Filipino) parents made that decision after their second child, my dad had a vasectomy. Job done. Many people over here don’t even know what that is (I’m talking university graduates), and when the charity clinics show up in town each year to offer the procedure free to the poor, they’re targeted by the angry Catholic mob with their placards.
Others are put off by groundless misconceptions that it might ruin their sex lives or whatever – like it’s a new experimental drug they’re dealing with and not a long-established, commonplace procedure.
I can’t say whether this ignorance is being perpetrated by the church/media, or is just the general kind that already gets on well enough without their help.
it seems, the “law” of biology doesnt apply to the Philippine population or do they fuck every day?
Its not that easy to make a woman pregnant. Both (but especially she needs to know because its her body) need to know exactly when her ovulation takes place. I am flabbergasted that hardly any woman in your country (Phili land) knows how her body works. We get that kind of information during Biology class in secondary school.
In the Philippines there is really a lack of a “fuck you”- mentality. They are too much afraid of getting left behind (becoming an outcast) if they dont listen to their peers or parents or class mates or friends.
A vasectomy is a drastic measure and not really needed if one knows how to by-pass the “laws” of biology.
Laws of biology:
– a woman is fertile only during her ovulation
– ovulation is a process lasting about 12 to 24 hours
– ovulation starts about 14 days after menstruation.
– a healthy male sperm cell can stay alive in a woman’s body for about 5 days.
– In short, a couple can have sex for about 25 days without using any contraceptives and without getting pregnant. The remaining days of the menstrual cycle should not be used for sex unless contraceptives are used.
– Note: because not every woman is the same, numbers, dates and days can and will vary. To get to know the actual facts, just buy an ovulation kit (works about the same as a pregnancy predictor test) available at drug stores and/or pharmacies.
– Example: a woman’s ovulation starts Wednesday 27th May 2015 then a couple can start making love 5 days prior to the start of her ovulation in order to get pregnant. Making love 28th May is useless to get pregnant.
Dave, apologies for addressing you wrongly with Dan.
“… when the charity clinics show up in town each year to offer the procedure free to the poor,…”
The Philippines really should change this attitude to offer things for free as stated by you above. It may give them the impression that life is a circus, a game, a play without any personal responsibilities. If I know I have to pay for something, I will think twice.
Its really time that the Phili population get well informed/education/awareness/guidance about what life is all about.
RobertHaighton: it’s not really that simple. A woman is fertile about 4 days before ovulation and 1 day afterwards. Ovulation is (generally) 14 days before her next period. But it’s a matter of probabilities and ovulation is not accurately predictable even for women with regular periods.
Having said that, there are about 7 days before a woman’s expected period, and perhaps 1-2 days afterwards, when the probability of pregnancy is essentially zero. Sadly, the average Filipino male can’t even control himself to that extent. And it is pretty damn bizarre how the average Filipina is permanently pregnant, given the trouble many couples have trying to conceive. If Filipinos were as smart as they were fecund, they’d be ruling the planet by now.
“Sadly, the average Filipino male can’t even control himself to that extent.”
So Filipina women just let that happen and dont say NO? We call such guys, just plain animals and butchers. And such women are called stupid submissive animals.
It doesnt fill me with pride to be a human being when reading what you wrote. Its a big disgrace to human society.
This won’t make you feel any better, Robert (though it won’t surprise you!) The Philippines Supreme Court only recognized spousal rape for the first time in a “landmark” case in May 2014.
Better late than never.
thanks for the link. I read the article. I am a bit surprised about the case being filed. Its quite courages of the woman to do file the assault. A few years ago, I read the first articles about “date rape” (in USA). I guess its hard to proof being raped by someone who the victim knows (or even by a complete stranger).
I think the woman had a less stronger case in case the daughters werent witnessing the actual deed/act.
Reminds me of another “case” brought forward by my own former Pinay partner. She told me she witnessed the actual procreation of her brother. In other words: her parents did the deed in the presence of their daugther. How gross is that? My partner is about 7 years older than her brother. So it could be true. But still its gross.
Can Porn Save Philippine Media?
Because it also shares the same kind of Kryptonite the music and film industry has: PIRACY.
If some people are addicted to pornography…then, it is their problem. Sex is a natural instinct to all of us. It is a powerful force within us.
However, if you PERVERT this sexual force. And, become a Sex Pervert; or a Sexual Predator. You have a problem in you Head…
Implied Sex is in our Media; the one they call, “Soft Porn” in Europe. It is a subconscious way, to distract your mind, from our dismal economic situation. I believe, it is more with a political/economic purpose.
Any religion, including the Catholic church, cannot Ban Pornography, or sexually implicit shows. There are Roman Catholic Priests, who are Child Molesters. They should address their problems first; before they become Religious Police.
No Thaddeus…Porn cannot save the Philippines…
You definitely have a point that Philippine media has become borderline pornographic. And it doesn’t help that the music of the Philippines outright exploits the urges of the typical Filipino. (That need to seed or be seeded)
But the way I see it, porn may help reduce the runaway population growth the Philippines is experiencing. However, the best way to save the Filipino is by changing its rabid media.
Meh… Normalize sex on TV to the point there is no longer any mystery attached to it. Let us follow Japan’s example, might be the most humane way of population control and we desperately need it at the moment(the actual citizens not the “government” with luxury houses outside of the country).
“Let us follow Japan’s example, might be the most humane way of population control and we desperately need it at the moment…”
“I approve of your suggestion. Its hard enough to find good “art” in this country”
You mean like these?! Or are these sugar-coated?!
hey itchy woman! don’t do such a deliberate search just to prove a point. you’re a virus spreader!
The Japs starts them early! The Wave of the Future(?)!
And these so-called INTEL FLIPS is so jealous and think that we should Emulate the Japs!
Just simply Crazy!
I approve of your suggestion. Its hard enough to find good “art” in this country
What kind of “good art” are you looking for Mr. Dick? If you have the “Culture” within you, I’m sure you will find that in this country!
Says the religiot who also watches porn. Don’t deny it hypocrite!
Why is he hypocrite? He’s only asking Mr. Dick a question! Don’t you want to know what is “good art”?!
Failipinos can’t talk about fucking in the Failippines, Failipino people say you’re dirty.
But if you talk about killing somebody, that’s cool for them.
Hell, they will even make you a movie or a tv series for that.