So this is my 35th article at Get Real Philippines (GRP). Not only do I enjoy being in the company of great minds, I love being a part of a community where critical thinking is encouraged, views are challenged, and groupthink is eschewed. Unlike some communities where articles get filtered to fit some sort of sacred belief (e.g. anything agreeable to Religion is bad, messianic political personalities can never do wrong, a certain form of government is the silver bullet to the nation’s problems, Pinoy Pride, etc.), the GRP community encourages the dissemination of any insightful ideas about issues that concern the Philippines and even the rest of the World. Many readers have expressed appreciation of the articles at GRP but there are also a few who don’t agree with what they read. The GRP has been accused of being a “hate group” that merely rants against the government and the Filipino people. In other words, we are being accused of being afflicted with oikophobia and that we suck. You know what? That’s true! It sucks to be a Get Realist!
First of all it sucks to be the one to tell that higher education should not be free to everyone. If higher education is deemed as a right and should be free, then I would probably be a leftist commie! But higher education is not free as it cost money, so yes – that sucks. It would be awesome if we can just keep on spending money to support free higher education and to merely keep printing money to pay for it. But we can’t. It is much easier to be the politician promising free things that actually cost money than to be the one telling that nothing is free. But Reality can be such a bitch and I know – it sucks.
It sucks to be the one to point out that the flip-side of freedom is personal responsibility; it sucks to be the one to point out how much our entitlement and mendicant society has actually been a bane to our country’s progress. A Get Realist realizes that GRP could probably get more readers and subscribers if we sing to the choir and heap praises on personalities promising free stuff. Take the case of free contraceptives. It sucks to be the one to emphasize how lousy it is for us to demand free stuff to support our sexual lifestyle choice, claim it as a health issue, and expect someone else to pay for it. Yes I know, I am such a killjoy and that I suck.
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Now as to the peacenik kumbaya crowd who would not dare critique a religion that is so much identified with atrocities and violence in modern times for the sake of political correctness and appeasement, well it sucks to be the one to point out how insane it is to suggest that generalization is a lot worse than killing around 3,000 people in one day. It sucks to be the one to point out how much it makes sense for deluded adherents of a particular religion to be influenced by the teachings of a religion that may have been influenced by delusion. It sucks to be the one to tell how a particular religion badly needs reform. So does this make me a bigot or politically incorrect? Yes I know, I suck.
Now with regards to those who feel that anything agreeable to religion is bad, most militant atheists probably deem themselves as intellectually superior to their religious counterpart. A lot of them think that if you subscribe to religion or faith then you are automatically deemed as an intolerant, stupid, and irrational person. It sucks to be the one to burst their bubble, saying that they really won’t succeed with such an arrogant attitude. It sucks to be the one to point out the absurdity of the belief that exposing the flaws of religion would magic religion away from Earth. With regards to some beliefs they hold sacred such as Evolution and moral relativity, it sucks to be such a party poop to show that their beliefs aren’t exactly flawless either.
So there you have it. For me, these are the reasons why (at least in my case) being a Get Realist sucks. But to me, the only thing worse than being a Get Realist is to be a subscriber to cultish groupthink (e.g. Yellows, Leftist loons, Liberal peaceniks, Dopey militant atheists) who are probably also aware of the country’s real issues but don’t have the courage to face them or the brains to understand them. That really sucks!
( Image taken from )
Calling a spade, a spade…
Just like an Avenue Q song “It sucks to be me”?
Perhaps. Not really familiar with the song but I’ll check it out in youtube. Thanks for reading! 🙂
It won’t suck as much once you realise that the alternative is to spend a lifetime surrounded by idiots. 😀
😀 lol That’s true!
I like the subtle way you promoted your best articles. It saves me time.
Thanks for reading, Dennis! I hope you enjoy the other articles as well. 🙂
Being the only one with working eyes in a sea of blind people can certainly be lonely.
As benign0 said: “It won’t suck as much once you realise that the alternative is to spend a lifetime surrounded by idiots.” 🙂 hehehe Thanks for reading!
Why it sucks to be a get realist?
“A get realist realizes that GRP could probably get more readers and subscribers if we …”
Sir Gamboa,
you can have 50 million readers and subscribers but if and when everything stays the same in the Philippines then what? I rather see some action. Not violent actions but change in mind set and change in behavior. And not an ad hoc change but a permanent change. So pls dont get horny over numbers but pls look around and look outside if you can see some change.
Quality in sex (making love) has nothing to with how often you have sex.
Why is a writer suddenly responsible for the change that happens or does not happen supposedly as a result of his/her work? That’s loser mentality. Readers take or leave whatever they read here. What they do with what they learn is their responsibility, not ours.
Lest you forget what GRP is all about, read our Mission Statement.
thats not my point. In no way GRP is and can be held responsible for what the readers/subscribers do or dont do.
But I rather have a few numbers of subscribers who will change their mind set and their behavior then having 10 million and nothing changes.
The way I translated the copied sentence was that Gamboa rather has 50 million subscribers (quantity over quality).
Hi Bob,
Perhaps you should have quoted the whole paragraph so that you would have been able to digest the particular sentence in it’s proper context. Here… let me show you…
I said: “It sucks to be the one to point out that the flip-side of freedom is personal responsibility; it sucks to be the one to point out how much our entitlement and mendicant society has actually been a bane to our country’s progress. A Get Realist realizes that GRP could probably get more readers and subscribers if we sing to the choir and heap praises on personalities promising free stuff. Take the case of free contraceptives. It sucks to be the one to emphasize how lousy it is for us to demand free stuff to support our sexual lifestyle choice, claim it as a health issue, and expect someone else to pay for it. Yes I know, I am such a killjoy and that I suck.”
Now notice that the message was really about quality over quantity, as you said you prefer. In essence, we realize that we can get more agreement from the general population if we only pander to their entitlement and mendicant mindset (you know… the majority of Pinoys who only want free stuff). But we don’t do that! Instead of telling Pinoys what they want to hear, we tell them what they have to hear. But unfortunately, as the saying goes – “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”. It’s the horse’s choice whether to drink or not.
Good for you, Bob! I’m sure a lot of us here at GRP share your preference. But again… as Benign0 said: “Readers take or leave whatever they read here. What they do with what they learn is their responsibility, not ours.”
Bob, after reading this I was actually tempted to respond to that in your style of response. If I opted to make fun of you I would have said: “Yes, I’m looking around and I’m looking outside and yes… I can see changes”. But then again I currently live in America and the changes around here that I see are probably not what you meant. That’s exactly how you replied. You failed to (or deliberately refused to) understand the context of the message.
Oh, I get it… yes, how could I have missed that? Pretty much all your beef against Philippine society can be lumped into your default argument. Of course your default argument has always been that Pinoys are uneducated and stupid morons who cling to their religion that tells them to keep on making babies thus sinking them and the country into deeper and deeper poverty. Even in discussion topics that have nothing to do with sex or religion, you try to inject your one and only argument. Well, Bob, go knock yourself out. I don’t wish to take your right to express yourself in any way you want. But I also have the right not to take your response seriously, though. 🙂
What if Ghandi ate beef steaks? Oh, I’m sorry… I asked that even though it doesn’t have anything to do with quality vs. quantity of sex. Gosh, red herrings can be so much fun! 🙂
Thanks for reading!
Lets cut the crap and lets stop beating around the bush.
I dont hate Phili religious people who only do the procreation thing.
The reason why the Philippines do not progress into what most (or all) GRP writers want, lies solely in the culture of the Philippines.
Let me give you an example:
You select a Phili guy and phili woman who are the strictest in every aspect of PH culture (incl religion) and place them in my country. They will survive easily here in my country. But when I place myself in PH country then I get a lot of criticism about my way of living.
The fact that PH government and PH politicians can get (and do get) away with taking bribes and being corrupt is under the circumstances very evident and clear to me.
The population is no threat to and for the government and politicians.
And yes part of the culture is the rampant/unbridled procreation. And that is also a big cause of all the problems. Its only very troubling that they dont see it themselves.
It seems that being poor also implicitly means being stupid and being ignorant.
I gather from the way you respond, that you dont like me (to put it mildly) for the way I think. Thats fine with me. Lets make an appointment to talk again in 40 years from now and see what has changed in PH. My bet: nothing has changed. (Call my bluff?)
Sure, Bob… let’s cut the crap. You want to do it this way… fine.
Who accused you of hating them? I said you think they are stupid morons. Why, Bob? Does thinking about another person as stupid and moronic mean hating them? Good grief!
Really, Bob? That is the sole reason? Wow! Hallelujia! You really got everything about the Philippines figured out, eh? Of course sociopolitical factors are not to blame, eh? Geo-politics probably doesn’t have anything to do with the problems too. Oh perish the thought that recurrent shocks and exposure to risks such as global economic crisis, internal and external conflicts, natural disasters, and environmental poverty would contribute to the rotten condition of the Philippines. Really, Bob? Culture is the SOLE reason? Tsk..tsk…tsk..
Really? All of them would easily survive in your country? Don’t tell me there is no incidence of discrimination against us (and other minorities) in your country. Don’t tell me that it is easy to live in a foreign country where you are discriminated against. Pft! Here… suck this, Mr. Dutch Atheist…
Oh is this what your hard-on is all about? That Filipinos in the Philippines criticize you about your way of living? Well boo-hoo, Bob… cry me a river! Do you really expect that you are immune from criticism just because you are a (white) foreigner? Should others like Singaporeans in Singapore stop criticizing Filipinos for being too loud at Singapore’s public spaces? It is criticism, Bob, not necessarily condemnation and discrimination. You know your problem is that you can dish it but you can’t take it. If you don’t like being criticized for the way you live in the Philippines or if you are not able to take criticisms by Filipinos in the Philippines in stride then leave the country! It’s as simple as that! Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you are being criticized because you are being an asshole or condescending to them? Pft! Grow up, man!
So what? And you blame the entirety of the Filipino culture for that? Yes, there is corruption and a bad case at that. But what does “Tinikling” have anything to do with corruption? Tinikling is a folk dance that is part of our culture. You better think about what you babble on first before you write them. Qualify your statements if you have to! But to reduce all the shit that has been happening to the country solely on the country’s culture is a reductionist mentality and yes… loser mentality.
The Philippines has an average population growth rate of 1.7% in 2013. The Netherlands has 0.3% for the same period. The Philippines has a population of around 96 million in 2013. The Netherlands had around 16.8 million. The Philippines had a 5.3% GDP growth rate per capita for 2013 but the Netherlands had -1.0% (that is negative value!). So if (over) population and/or rampant procreation leads to all sorts of problems in a country, then why the hell is your country so much crappier in terms of the economy (GDP-growth rate per capita) than the Philippines? BOOM! PANIS! BOOM-BOOM, PANIS PANIS!!! 😀 lol
Really, Bob? It’s the culture (and the rampant procreation) causing ALL the problems? Pft! Get real!
Oman ranked 19 in the world in terms of the economy in 2013 whereas the Philippines ranked 120. However, Oman’s literacy rate is 81.4% and the Philippines is 95.4%. Really, Bob? Just because we Filipinos are poor, you think we are stupid and ignorant?
No, there’s a difference, Bob. I couldn’t care less about you. I don’t even know you! But I don’t like the way you think. You are taking this too personal, Bob. It’s your thoughts that I don’t like… not you (or your personhood). The world does not revolve around you, ya know?
I would love to take you up on your bet but I’d be extremely lucky to be alive in 40 years, Bob. Heck… with my current health condition I would be lucky to still be alive in 40 months!
I am sure you will inform your off sprong about all your writing stuff. So they can call my bluff in 40 years from now.
Pls enlighten me why Benign0 wrote (some time ago) about a dysfunctional society and what he meant by that?
All I wanted to vent about is that bashing the government is not the way to start change considering the circumstances. You have to start at the “ground” not at the top of the mountain (so to speak).
Maybe you can write an article about how, what and when you started to change your life and became more successfull and compare that to those who still live in the “Middle Ages”.
Success is a choice and not many people in PH see that.
I really wish you all the best with your surgeries (seriously and genuinely). I cant pray for that and for you bec I dont know how. So I will keep my fingers crossed instead.
Most GRP writers keep themselves busy with bashing the PH government, bashing PH television series and shows.
All the bashing wont lead to any change in PH politicians behavior and in change for better PH television series.
Again, I will see you in 40 years from now.
So what? Whatever things readers here at GRP absorb or learn, what they do with those is their business. We at GRP can talk about the problems but we can’t make people act on those problems!
I’m going to have 2 major surgeries and 1 minor one this year. (I hope it will only be those 3 surgeries and no more bad surprises.) I also have a series of treatments to go through. If I can live up to 40 years from now… then sure… I’ll see you then.
Well, doing the right thing sometimes sucks. But you have to do it.
I agree. Thanks for reading 🙂
If you tell the “brutal truth”; people who are affected will surely be against you. If people praises you; they may be after something that you don’t know.
I have my own beliefs. It is nobody’s business to know them. If they agree with me. Thanks. If they do not agree with me. Thanks also.
We teach each other in the GRP. I learn from you. You learn from me. No one has the monopoly of knowledge. You can also contribute some to the discussions, in your humble way…
Yup. Besides, groupthink is the last thing we want to have at GRP anyway. We want critical thinking and a lively discussion about events and issues. What people do with what they read here at GRP is their business. Thanks for reading!
IF you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen.Quit belly-aching & pissing and moaning.
Thanks, JOEY! Thanks for reading! 🙂
My 16 year old isn’t interested in all the stuff I write about. My 6 year old cares more about Power Rangers , Om-Nom in Cut-the-Rope, and Angry Birds. Besides, why should anyone burden their kids with their stuff? So it’s me who will meet you in 40 years or I’m just going to have to stand you up if I don’t make it.
Why don’t you ask him about what he meant? I don’t speak for benign0.
Then vent all you want! No one is stopping you from doing that here. But to give me shit about not going with your beef against the government and the baby-making Filipinos is not in order. You dish out criticisms against the Filipino people but when your arguments and rants are criticized then you go bonkers? Unbelievable!
Who knows? Maybe I’ll do that… if I get inspired to write about it. How about you do it first and we’ll see if the Filipinos would get inspired.
Then write something about it. See for yourself if you can make them do what you want them to do with their lives.
Thanks, Bob! I’m fighting it and I’m doing all that I can to get through my health issues. Not just for me but for the sake of my family especially my kids. Take care, Bob!
I am really dying to write one big article for GRP. But think I am not entitled to.
For sure it will lead to a lot of oppression.
Culture is the only thing that keeps people alive. The so-called comfort zone. But by doing that they deny themselves a better life.
Again, good luck with your health concerns.
Thanks, Bob!
Why don’t you email benign0 if you’re interested in writing for GRP? Good luck!
I am interested but I guess I will be the first foreigner not being a Filipino, who might write for GRP.
I dont need to be THE writer with most response (hate or positive) comments. All I want to know if somewhere in my “thesis” is a point that can be viable for a major change for the better for the Philippine population and hence as a result getting a far better government, TV channels and education. But it will come with a downside.
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
The whole article makes me repeat this Stanley Parable narration: “I’m at the mercy of an entire species of invalids.” for the Realist dilema.
But anyway that is one shocking article.