There is something fundamentally wrong in what former University of the Philippines president Jose V. Abueva says today in his Inquirer column Let’s calm down and move forward…
Nevertheless, so many more peace-loving Christians and Muslims nationwide are praying and working for enduring peace and development in Mindanao by establishing the Bangsamoro autonomous region. The revered Cotabato Archbishop Orlando Cardinal Quevedo urges all of us to support the [Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL)], reject our biases, and show our deep trust in our Muslim brothers and sisters. For they have paid so dearly and so unjustly for many decades.
Examine the above words carefully. What Abueva is essentially trying to tell us is;
(1) That “establishing a Bangsamoro autonomous region” is pre-requisite to all Filipinos seeing “enduring peace and development in Mindanao”;
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(2) That an urge to “support the BBL” coming from some Cardinal necessarily makes that position the right one; and,
(3) That there presumably exists a “deep trust in our Muslim brothers and sisters” that only needs to be “shown” by all Filipinos.
As I mentioned in the previous article, nobody wants war. But if we look around us, the only people illegally bearing arms around here are a bunch of Islamic terrorists that the Philippine government under BS Aquino’s leadership was appallingly foolish enough to sit on a negotiating table with. To add insult to injury, it has even emerged that the so-called “leaders” and “representatives” of this band have all the while used false names while dealing with the Philippine government’s “peace” negotiators and, worst of all, hinted at an allegiance to Kuala Lumpur first before the Filipino people. And the worst of the worst of all is that they (we seem to have forgotten now) are the prime suspects in the massacre of 44 Filipino police officers!
Cop killers!
These, supposedly are the foundations of the “biases” the venerable former UP president would like Filipinos to “reject”. Holy cow!
Trust is not something you gain from another by repeatedly poking her with your “urges”. You need to earn trust, Mister Abueva.
One can’t help but wonder what kindergarten Mister Abueva attended. You’d think most graduates of kindergarten would have that sort of intuitive grasp of the notion of trust. To think this guy was once “president” of the Philippines’ premiere state universtity. Sorry, the State University.
Calm down?
Tell that to the Marines. Literally.
[Thumbnail photo courtesy Philippine Life.]
benign0 is the Webmaster of
I must say, I am appalled to read that Abueva is actually supporting the BBL… Granted, he is not exactly one of the most loved of U.P. presidents (I graduated under his term); still, this comes as a shocker. Has he gone senile, or what?!
.Oh gosh, I hope I could see the new PR brief from Malacañang. The strategy seems about enlisting big names. The brief must have been prepared by same strategists as those during the Corona impeachment. That cost us a lot of DAP money being “porked” towards senator-judges and congressman-prosecutors. I wonder how much this new PR strategy will cost us.
Abueva, is it senility, or a million reason sometimes mis-labelled as honorarium? (You must have had a mis-encounter with some PR agent.) Sorry, for the ad hominem, but you invite this. P-Noy is now a pariah, and it is very risky to get associated with him. More agree with your colleague in the same page, Montalvan, when he wrote:
Quote….President Aquino and his BBL simply do not make for the right formula. The newly created peace council makes it an even cornier joke. Howard Dee is Viel Aquino’s father-in-law. He must resign immediately. Hilario Davide’s son is the Liberal Party governor of Cebu. Delicadeza must be demanded from him. Mr. Aquino has already identified Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle as his “kindred soul.” Kindred souls are immediately disqualified.
What we need are people who can tell the truth to Mr. Aquino’s face. Perceptions of misgovernance are not mere personal whims. The cardinal is not even from Mindanao. Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala is there obviously to drumbeat for the business community in Mr. Aquino’s behalf. (Hahaha. I don’t think JAZA will participate even if you dangled all the big, big PPP projects. ….Try it, PNoy, and you will see the impact of your insult on him long after your gone from Malacañang.)
What we need are free and open discussions where even dissent is tolerated. And the lone Mindanawon in the council? What can one do as against four? It is mere tokenism, that same tokenism that Manila has always treated Mindanao with, the same tokenism that created the Mindanao problem. This peace council is a sham. Enough!… Unquote
If P-Noy wants peace, he should now inhibit himself from the process, as if he still has a choice. At the very least, he should give Deles and Ferrer their walking papers for their treasonous acts. We know you, PNoy, can’t do that so Mamasapano has already fired you out, also for your lies and treason. Only reason you’re there is bcuz you only have 15 months to go, and many are afraid Binay has a stronger glue that attaches his ass to a chair permanently. PNoy, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WANTS WAR for brokering the BBL, and this can’t be overemphasized. (Read this, staff from the Palace, who reads all the blogs. Pls pass it on to your boss.) Game over. Stop acting like a peacenik; wimps or incompetent minds never know what it takes to achieve peace. It requires hard work, imagination and creativity, NOT LIES and appeasement.
Survey says: let the new administration broker the peace. If you want peace, accept the facts, and more will participate, not just the MILF..
Never trust anyone, especially the people you admire. Those are the ones who will make you suffer the worst blows.
You should learn more about their Culture before telling us to calm down !!!!
The Evil Tentacles of Aquino even reached the inner sanctum of the Roman Catholic Church, and the UP Academia.
The Aquinos use religion in their politics. Now, they are using a former President of UP.
What brothers and sisters, is Cardinal Quevedo talking about? Brothers, who massacred 44SAF and mutilated their bodies?
Abueva does not know ,what he is talking about. Maybe, he is beholden to the Aquinos, to his former position as UP President. A debt has to be paid. Even selling your country, to the Islamic Radicals.
Religion and Academia, combined; Aquino thinks, he can fool everybody.
Hmmm…Many are not surprised that these guys were paid by BS Aquino and his minions by the millions in both local and foreign currencies (or billions even) to put support on this stupid silly BS law.
Oh yeah how much is the money order? Do you think they’re already paid?
WHo gives a shit what this clown thinks? He is entitled to his opinion, just like everyone else, SO WHAT?
I agree with Abueva. The peace process and the BBL is the biggest casualty of the Mamasapano debacle. That of course further translates to the whole country. We have a problem with our leaders and most of us makes it even much worse than it is.
no to BBL
The Somalia’s Al Shabab, an Al Queda and ISIS affiliate, has just killed 150 Christian student in Kenya. The terrorists attacked a University, in Kenya. They separated the Muslim students, from the Christian students. Then, murdered the Christian students.
This will happen in our country, if the MILF, BBL will be given powers, and territories.
ACADEMICS usually are non-practicing Professional who would rather teach like Professor or College Dean (w/Masteral or PhD). So mostly have limited experience in the field and actual execution or application of knowledge (IDLE or lazy). Thus, the tendency is to rely on theories from books and concerns only the aquisition of knowledge in a pariticular field, experience or situation.
The clash in Mamasapan clearly show just how situation on ground is more complex, hence may require Negotiator who have direct experience @ battleground not @academe.
“Practice makes Perfect”, but
“When you’re not practicing someone else is getting better” Allen Iverson
Stupidity is the deliberate or unitentional poor application of knowledge, rationality and social common sense to life, an activity or situation.
Insulting Filipinos’ intelligence…?
…as if most of us have that.