The Bible says something about one must be like a child if they seek to enter the Kingdom of God. I have always been intrigued by the way Filipinos perceive the idea of maturity. When I was a teen in college, a lot of my friends clamored about “being treated like adults”. They would whine about people not taking them seriously despite the fact that the things they considered to be “adult-oriented” involved watching porn, drinking themselves silly, smoking until you couldn’t breathe around them and screwing with each other. While I do admit that I enjoyed some of these activities as much as they did, I am still left wondering what “maturity” actually means for a lot of Pinoys.
In a previous article, I noted just how some most adult Filipinos tend to view things like anime and video games as childish. I mean sure, there’s plenty of this all over the world. But then again, many Filipinos like to throw the word “immaturity” around despite the fact that majority of Pinoys have the temperament of horny and fickle teenagers. One commenter even went to point out that there is more character development in an anime like Rosario+Vampire despite being just 25 episodes per season compared to the likes of our teleseryes which is played on a regular basis and have the same cliched and flat characters until the end of the story.
I have always believed that maturity has more to do with one’s way of thinking and the choices they make in their life rather than the choices that are available to them. That, to be mature, one must be willing to pick the more difficult decision because it is more morally correct than to simply resort to a convenient or easy choice. Teleseryes and noontime shows often screw up this message by presenting to people false dichotomies, idealistic but misguided characters and an overall biased mindset.
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Anyway, enough about teleseryes and noontime shows, I think I and a number of other writers here like ChinoF have been lambasting them quite a bit and maybe it’s time to change our tune. Instead, today I will point out a number of things that, from my perspective at least, Pinoys are missing out on. You’ll be surprised to know that in other countries like Japan and the U.K., various companies find it more profitable to bombard their people with knowledge than keep them stupid with useless programs. Here are just some of my recommendations just in case you’re looking for something better than Please Be Careful With My Heart and Showtime.
Suisei No Gargantia
Okay the plot feels very typical for a shounen (boy’s) anime. It has a young protagonist and his robot traveling in time and finding themselves in a flooded world where people make a living by scavenging advanced technological relics from the ocean floor. The hero and his robot soon meet and befriend people aboard a massive scavenger ship called the Gargantia and the adventure starts from there. I think they have this on Hero TV so you might catch it if it’s still there.
Anyway, past the dark-skinned hotties found dancing sensually in the show, Suisei no Gargantia has a bit more to show to its audiences than fanservice and mecha (robot) action. The hero of the story grew up in a strong utilitarian-totalitarian state that has some parallels with Nazi Germany such as everyone being required to do their part in their community. Essentially, he grew up in a society where everyone was expected to fight and die for their cause and be willing to kill any and all who stood in their way, including civilians if need be. The “hero” himself is somewhat a designated protagonist as he shows shades of being sociopathic and has no qualms about killing.
However, his experiences aboard the Gargantia soon changes his view. The people who live in it are a free-thinking society and prefer to avoid fighting if they can. While the people of the Gargantia are certainly not helpless and are more than capable of defending themselves, they prefer peaceful coexistence and diplomacy over fighting.
Okay, so let’s get to the point, the central theme of Suisei no Gargantia is Peace vs. Justice. Of course, we all want both but how far would you go to have one or the other? Would you choose peace even if it may eventually endanger your loved ones or would you choose justice even if it means becoming worse than your enemies?
These are the questions that we should be asking ourselves and our leaders, not what kind of shampoo they use…
Sid Meier’s Civilizations Series
Games get a lot of flak these days thanks to the way that a lot of youth are addicted to them. There was even a ban on the DotA games released somewhere (I forget the name) because of kids dying because of it. Unfortunately, I tend to think that people miss out on some of the better games out there.
One of these is the Civilizations series by Sid Meier, a game that focuses on building empires and getting them to flourish through time. In it, you control one (or more using the hotseat function) of many historical figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Nobunaga Oda and Mahatma Gandhi, just to name a few. It is a turn-based game and may actually take hours to play but seeing your empire grow and reach its full potential is truly an awesome sight to behold.
Asides from its stunning visuals, soundtrack and gameplay, you can see why there are some who consider these games works of art. Most of all though, by playing Civilizations, you get some idea of how hard it is to maintain a country. Of course, it’s not completely accurate for game balance reasons but at least you get an inkling of how countries such as cutting back on military spending can leave you vulnerable to barbarians, hostile states and enemy empires and being a warmonger can stagnate your empire as few will want to have anything to do with you.
Speaking of Civilizations, it is part of a genre of games called grand strategy games. Another example of this is Victoria 2:Heart of Darkness. In this game the time period is the Industrial Revolution. I recommend this game for players who want to try governing a modern country. I tried the Philippines once (set free from Spain of course) and I saw the potential of our country. It is a complicated game but fun nonetheless and lots of history stuff. 🙂
My family just choose not to buy a TV set. We think it’s a waste of time watching programs one after another in Pinoy TV. So we have our desk top connected to the net and choose the shows and other subject matters to watch/view. We discovered we don’t even have enough time to read, watch and listen with the so many useful data/facts/programs /shows available in the net, and discuss/exchange ideas with thinking people or just chatting with them now and then. No regrets whatsoever and no guilt feeling of having wasted time.
Maturity really varies from culture to culture. In the US, you are considered mature if you:
-Are a person taking responsibility for their actions
-Capable of supporting themselves
-Liking Non-animated shows (This is slowly changing)
-Had a relationship before and had sex
-Capable of driving
-Not living with their parents
In the Philippines, its when you hit 18, had sex, have a job, support your family for a full 100%, churchgoing as well as watching telenovellas and loving our “Romantic” Culture. And not watching anime when you’re past 18.
Now the key differences between the two groups is the first is really subjective as society in America is based around on PERSONAL freedom. Meaning you are free to do as you please, but be aware that your actions have consequences. But most of the time people will tolerate your tastes.
Philippines, you are judged and judged HARD. Its either you’re in the group or outside of it. Which is why so many people find themselves alone the moment they object to what the Philippines holds dear. Tragic part? Most of the people they cast out were willing to ask the right questions.
The road to understanding really lies on your ability to try out different things. (And I don’t mean drugs.)
Also, you should totally play XCOM, Enemy Unknown/Within. It was made with the guiding hand of Sid Meier himself. It is a strategic game where your job is to get rid of the aliens with your military force. During the game, you make alot of hard choices inside the missions (guiding them to eliminate the enemy) and outside (ensuring your organization doesn’t collapse.)
The experiences you have in that game will give you a good idea on making gripping stories and the sacrifices these men and women do. On another note, you can actually have the Philippines as your home base in the game. Its kind of funny to think the reason why the Philippines is so poor because our corrupt government is spending it on a war against aliens.
I have. Didn’t get to finish it yet though. I think the Aquino-Cojuanco family are aliens.
Another problem is that wrong concepts of maturity are often given in some mass media shows. They perpetuate beliefs from the 1930s and 1950s that have long been disproven, such as that thing about cartoons being only for kids.
I would also recommend these not so old simple games such as Diner Dash, Prison Tycoon, Lemonade Tycoon, Fish Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon, those from small to big business games and learn from it.
I go along with Ricardo_Diaz for a great part. So I want to add this:
– “Mature adult” children live too long in the parental home. The need to make wise and good decisions is not needed. They are made for you because the parents still rule.
– The Philippines is known to be a family oriented, family focused and family centered country. This also doesnt contribute to become really a mature adult.
Most young adults in my country live on their own from the age of 18 and mostly in a complete other city/region than the parents do live.
– last but not least: the culture thing “Utang na loob” really must be abolished. This thing really hinders to grow into a free adult(without stupid burden). Young adults have already a too heavy burden to be responsible for their parents (supporting them financially and maybe also otherwise).
Whenever my partner and I are in Cebu, I never see her or her brother play video games.
The last part is really sad Robert… 🙁
They will never know the stress-relief that comes from a few rounds of Angry Birds…
I don’t see it as family orientation per se. I believe it’s a traditional pattern in Asian families. Children are expected to take care of their elders when the latter are old and frail. It’s just the way it was before anyone thought of retirement arrangements for elderly.
Not every elder person is able to avail of those retirement benefits (if there are benefits), though, so there are still many elders being provided for by their children. It is still a staple requirement in many cultures. I agree though that parents here in the Philippines should try not to depend on their children to provide for them in old age. They can work and save up for retirement. But sometimes, there is no choice, and children taking care of children should not really be seen as wrong. Also, I’ve from many non-Filipinos (yeah, foreigners) who believe that not all elders should be stuffed into retirement homes and left there till they die. They believe more that people should keep their elder parents close. It’s becoming more common today as the difficulties of staying independent grow.
The concept that children needs to take care of and to look after their own parents therefore result in the population you have now.
Consequently, when kids will say “enough is enough” (and hence will stop taking care of their own parents), this will result in an immediate decline in population (much better so then what the effect will be of the RH law).
Let me put it in other words for you:
– When two people are married (or just living together), it is expected that both income will be spend on their lives (food, clothes, house, car, furniture etc). And not on other person’s lives.
This makes it possible that both people can go for their own future and not being hindered by setbacks.
Furthermore, because we are all raised and brought up to be independent and autonomous, that also applies for our parents. They want to live on thier own as long as possible. And if one dies then the other parent will look after him/herself. Only when that becomes impossible he/she will enter (reluctantly) an elderly center.
Most of us cant look after our own parents because we are not professionally trained and educated to do so. An autistic parent needs specialized care; an dementia parent needs specialized care.
The fact that we dont have your culture of taking care of parents also is caused by the fact that we only procreate when we can afford it. That means that parents only procreate when they are sure they are covered financially till their death.
And that makes our dutch kids to be free to choose what they want.
And that is the biggest difference as starting point in life between the Philippines (and other poor countries) and rich western countries.
Dont fuck if you cant afford it!!! And if you do still while being as poor as hell, then dont make your kids responsible for that.
This is exactly the reason why I didnt spend any money (or goods) for the victims of Tacloban. My money would be a waste. Hence, my money is better spend for Greenpeace and cancer research.
I just cant spend money on a cause that will lead to nothing good. With any next typhoon I can spend money again. A bottomless pit.
Show me that your country is able to change (for the better) and I will be the first to spend/give money. Otherwise, it is just a waste of time, energy, effort and money.
So how do you explain Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan? Very rich states that have very intimate and family oriented lifestyles. Hell, even in the land of unabashed Freedom USA young adults aren’t as pressured to leave their parents’ home the instant they turn 18 because it’s just not economically feasible.
I know your rather cold regard to family isn’t totally true in Europe either. Italians, Greeks and even the Russians put a lot of emphasis keeping family together.
What needs to be done is a set of boundaries to attain balance. You don’t need to cast away your mother and father just to come off as a “mature” adult nor should you remain completely subservient to them ball and chain style. To me, you are a mature person once you gain the respect of the people who care about you, including yourself.
we are not pressured to leave the parental home. We want to spread our own wings and stand on or own 2 feet. Plus we want our privacy and being able to invite friends (male and female) over.
Anyway, we are not forced to financially support our parents. And I even think most parents would see it as an insult if the kids had to support them.
And when young couples live together (married or unmarried) they want to completely focus on their future and not being distracted by their parents. And this applies to kids from all walks of life (lower class, middle class and upper class).
The family set-up is just twisted compared to Western culture. Married couples still live with parents. There are no boundaries. Parents dictate the lives of their married children, and the latter is usually compliant. Adult married children are obliged to support their parents, siblings, nieces (fill in the blanks). It’s sort of an enslavement to family.
In terms of the general poor who actively procreate beyond their means, they definitely lack foresight or any sense of responsibility with regard to raising children. But these are all problems we already know. I’m just stating the obvious.
The Philippines is a very strong Christian country — predominantly Catholic, with the remaining percentage still Christian and Muslim as the smallest number. For such a high percentage of Christians, it definitely does not show. What I see is a similarity with other countries that Spain colonized. In these countries Catholicism was introduced, became the dominant religion, but also poverty, corruption, abuse of women, etc. — prevails, and these are all common characteristics of Spanish-colonized countries.
I believe that a perverted version of Christianity was introduced to these Spanish-colonized countries (how can it not be perverted when the goal was to conquer, enslave and dominate) and that the natives to this day are still hanging on to convoluted teachings, ultimately manifesting itself in destructive cultural behavior that is not rooted in Christianity (corruption in government, boasting, idolatry of celebrities, religious statues, etc.)
I know this post seems a bit far-fetched and unrelated to the original post and your reply, but it is relevant, because this site is about discussing and understanding Philippine society problems, its causes, and more importantly solutions. So I think the underlying problem we are witnessing in the Philippines can be traced to twisted principles and values originating from a convoluted version of Christianity (introduced by the Conquistadors). These same principles are operating in the lives of people today passed on from generation to generation, and these are what need to be uprooted and replaced — ideas, beliefs and principles that have the semblance of Christianity, but are, in fact, contorted versions of the truth.
in many conversations with Filipinas I always hear that lame excuse that everything is caused by the colonization by the Spaniards.
No, your post/comment it is not unrelated at all.
I am stunned that your people dont want to change their own future for the better and say: “enough is enough”.
The moment I dont need to look after and not have to take care of my parents, I am really free. And I can invest my own income on myself. Hence, I will be “richer”.
I think it’s a problem of the situation as compared to culture. And I don’t think that tradition of having the children care for their parents is the cause of having too many children. If children are taking of their parents, they would be too busy and their finances would not be able to take it. But yes, there are some who defy this and make kids anyway. And make the grandparents do babysitting. But I don’t see a connection between caring for elder parents and having too many kids. I believe they rather happen despite each other.
I think there’s a culture clash between your beliefs and the practices of Filipinos. You may be trying to shoehorn your idea about what Filipinos should do. But sometimes, the shoe may not fit.
“Dont fuck if you cant afford it!!!” – That’s what I was saying in the last article we had a thorough discussion. 😉
What I dont understand – whether situational or cultural – is that people keep on procreating in your country.
With my mindset, I will never procreate when I am poor. My credo always will be: my kids should have a better (health wise, monetary wise, freedom wise etc) life than I ever had. And BTW what is the fun of having 6 kids?
If I ever will procreate than 2 is the max, but most likely it will be 1 (one) or even 0 (zero).
Thank god, the parents of my partner only had 2 kids.
I always had set my hopes on the OFWs who were able to see how life is going on in a foreign country and then copy that style. I think it was Ilda who crushed my hopes a few years ago. Ilda said that OFWs only mingle with like-minded Filipinas and so nothing will change.
The 2nd group I had set my hopes on are/were those Filipinas who are involved in a romantic relationship with a foreigner.
Lastly, I am quite convinced if this is not changed soon, then the Philippines will never become a more structured, more efficient, less dysfunctional country.
I really think that poverty creates poverty when this keeps going on. This is why, I will never invest money (Tacloban) in the Philippines.
Success is a choice !!!!!
I also believe Filipinos pro-create beyond their means for many reasons, and it’s not because it’s purely choice. It’s not a clear-cut issue, it’s rather very complex. Sometimes, things are not people’s choices – women get raped, parents insist on having grandchildren even if their children cannot afford it, etc. But perhaps you are right in some cases, some Filipinos should realize where they can make the right choices and do them. It’s unfortunate that such a thing is not easily realized by some Filipinos, for many reasons, poverty perhaps being one risk factor.
I really dont understand why in your society/culture parents and grandparents are so “powerful”. Here they are powerless in regard to what mature grown up kids must do and not do, surely when it comes to procreation.
Such decisions are up to the young couple and nobody else.
In western countries procreation is a choice (except for rape). But I dont know how often rape leads to a pregnancy. And even when it leads to a pregnancy we still bave something like abortion (thank god).
Benign0 mentioned it many times in other articles here, but your country is really made up of a dysfunctional society. I am sure you are proud of that. And you personally dont bother to change that.
The after effects and damage caused by colonization is real. However, to continue to use it as a scapegoat for self-defeating behavior and failure, of course, leads to perpetual dysfunctional and broken lives, and as you mentioned, “lame”.
You said:
” am stunned that your people dont want to change their own future for the better and say: ‘enough is enough’.”
Many of these people don’t even know there’s a better way of life. Better yet they don’t think there’s anything wrong with their thinking or behavior and cannot “connect the dots” to see why their lives are full of defeat and failure. So these individuals require a radical shift in thinking, i.e. a new paradigm. But thinking differently is not enough. There must be action that follows belief.
The only way I can illustrate the problem is by drawing an analogy. How do you explain a three dimensional world to a two dimensional citizen unless that citizen travels to a 3D world? Since I am a Christian, the way I understand the problem and solution is within a Christian framework — naturally. Perhaps traveling to a 3D world is unnecessary and that 2D citizens can experience 3D within their own physical realm, providing there be a transforming event that allows them to not only comprehend 3D world but to also operate and conduct themselves in it. That transforming event would be spiritual in nature, encompassing radical paradigm shifts, coupled with an empowerment to live out life according to 3D principles. In Christian terminology, I call this event a spiritual awakening or deeper understanding of the teachings of Christ coupled with the grace to live out those principles.
Most western atheists (yes I am an atheist) are motivated by Maslow hierarchy of needs ( That implies constant introspection and retrospection of the self plus raising the bar higher constantly and to rise to the occassion.
I also do think that Maslow’s “principle” only works in an individualized concept of a society.
When I am standing still in my personal development and the rest of the world is moving forward, the gap will only become bigger between the rest of the world and me.
Everyone lives in a 3D world (length x width x height). This become very clear for those who work at ATC (Air Traffic Control tower). They have to “read” the radar in 3D although it is presented in 2D.
Come on, Aryianna, we both dont need to be a rocket scientist to know that the world we live in improves every day. Two decades ago, we didnt have a cell phone and still we managed to live comfortably. Three decades ago there wasnt a medicine yet to keep AIDS contained; but now there is. Hence, the world changes almost every day. Only those who live under a rock or in a cave wont see it.
Thanks to the internet almost every piece of information is accessible for us.
I think you are missing my point and took my analogy literally. I am not saying that Filipinos are unaware of technology that is available in the world — all they need do is switch on the television and they see the world. I was referring to the mindset that keeps them enslaved in a “2D” (not to be taken literally) way of thinking. That kind of thinking requires a paradigm shift, no short of divine intervention. Perhaps it is your atheistic point of view that prevents you from seeing my point.
I am not missing the point. I see your point every time when I am in Cebu. That is why we can clearly say that the Philippines is a backward (2D) country and still living in the Stone Age (2D). Again, this is why I will never invest my money in your country.
“Its more fun in the Philippines” (sigh)
The “Game of War” is also a good game. It can be purchased as a computer software, and played in your computer.
My children love to play with them…sometime, I play with them…
I hate teleseryes, and Filipino movies. They make you dumb and dumber…same plot, same ending…no common sense…
Well, for us here at home, we are too busy even to play any computer game, so we don’t. We’d rather take a rest, now and then, you know… inside the house, rest, and then work again. Our country is too “hot” in temp so we need to rest in-between housework, that is, on weekends, weekdays are office days. Also, we still have so many unread books in the house, and there’s not much time left between them – on one side computer browsing and watching/reading all those useful data, chatting,and on the other side, the books, plus the house work. So, it’s really dumb to fix our attention on all those fantasy teleseryes and stupid noontime shows with all those half-naked gyrating women, hosted by some foul-mouthed “gays”…and all those people waiting and wanting to have a grab on the easy money they offer. As for factual, true “news” we get them from the net, but there are choices too…… since many sides/opinions are presented, we have to be discerning enough on what to believe and what to consider as false. That leaves us to think critically, and that is important, to be able to “weigh and consider.”
It all boils down to choice. It’s a poor excuse to pin the blame on “being busy” when you have a selection on how to entertain and relax your mind. Video games have been scientifically proven to be therapeutic, but it seems the stereotypes of games being violent and explicit have been ingrained for so long.
I blame Doom as much as I liked it back in the day.
I workout at the gym more, play sports more, work on my car more, swim at the pool more, and work my car more than do my chores except cooking.
Even I can’t find the time to play video games and watch informative YouTube channel videos, I remained productive.
I guess ever since I moved to US, my life perspective changed as well.
Video Games and Anime are so childish, yeah majority of the old folks here in the Philippines says so.They just don’t realize lots of Video Games and Anime have maturity and strategic plays. The “Monster” anime is really a good story but its really underrated.
It’s the same attitude Americans have of those with just about anything that doesn’t line with the “mainstream” and as usual, Flips would emulate it. To be fair to them, this perception is rather universal but is changing due to fans of both getting older and having more influence out in the world.
The word immaturity or childish is usually applied in the context of doing something worthy or necessary other than sitting around in front of a square box while clicking and gyrating and not necessarily about the mental state of a person. And that was the notion back then which I think has changed now.
Today video games, anime or whatever you call it is a billion dollar enterprise. Obviously, it’s the real deal not only with the youth but also with the not so young.
I just wonder how fast the masa is absorbing its influence or pull considering that telenovelas, soaps and dramas remains the staple of their entertainment.
K-drama is as close as it gets to what you’re talking about. A lot of the tropes and schticks of Koreab drama are slowly seeping into the local flavor. In essence though, it’s still the same heart pulling pathos Pinoys have grown and loved.
Just an fyi, anime and video games are both completely different. One is an interactive medium while the other is not. There are quite a few anine out there that contain drama the “masa” would fall head over heels for if they got over the “cartoons are for kids” mentality.
For video games, it’s a harder sell to them. I can name a few RPG’s that have melodrama up the arse, but the purest form of drama tends to fall under the Visual Novel medium. A video game format that is inaccessible in both availability and content (a lot of them include explicit adult scenes.)
Thanks for the info, appreciate it. With regard to the price of those anime or video games, do you think they are prohibitive that prevents the masa to have access to it? I mean, those telenovelas are practically free that is why they love and patronize them.
A lot of anime is dubbed in the Filipino language in the same local channels which airs it in the afternoon. Animax is available for cable subscribers which has a bigger library, but they’re dubbed in English which varies in quality (Singaporean based dubs seem to be the majority, but there are a few US ones like Full Metal Alchemist’s.)Really, anyone with a TV can catch them if they really want to.
Same with video games. As much as I don’t endorse it, the Philippines is a hotspot for piracy. Games can be had for cheap. While consoles may be out of reach for them, there are a ton of internet cafes dotting around major cities. If you live in a city like Manila or Cebu, surely you’ve seen these places packed with kids in there (mostly playing DOTA or some other MMO or FPS, but that’s besides the point.).
These modes of entertainment aren’t just for the privileged. It’s a load of baloney to think that the unwashed masses are unable to play video games or watch foreign media. Rather, it’s more of an issue with them adamantly sticking to their comfort zones and not trying something new.
Local channels are butchering anime by showing it less and not properly air it on time.
I want those available to people who don’t have access to cable and not buy them on bootlegs so they can watch it for free.
I’m sick of all this “anime is for kids” BS. That may be true in it’s early days. But anime has evolved since then.
Heck, most animes nowadays are catered for mature audiences. Almost every TV channels in Japan hav 2 or 3 animes aired around late evening, when kids where supposed to sleep.
This is one of the things I hate about our country, it’s medieval-esque conservative outlook.
No wonder wala nang anime na maipalabas ang mga mainstream TV networks. Hindi na kasi papasa sa MTRCB yung mga bagong labas ngayon because most of them will probably be rated SPG.
We should learn from the Japanese. They also have a family-oriented culture but they knew “maturity” much better than we do.
I saw Suisei No Gargantia because I’m a fan of Gen Urobuchi. I discovered Gen and became an instant fan after seeing Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
I rarely played video games but those are good and interesting media that can help the next gen think better for themselves.
But of course there are adults that will hinder them by making them do chores and brainwash them to buy and appreciate local made.
Whoa. Never thought to see an Urobutcher fan here. LOL.
Speaking of Urobutcher, one show I’ll definitely recommend is Kamen Rider Gaim. It revolves around the concept of growing up and maturity.
I saw Faiz, Decade, and W but not Gain yet. I even saw Go-onger and Gokaiger.
How I wish Gokaiger would air on PH on a better timeslot and no butchering, and not those half-assed Power DeRangers lame Megafarce.
Kamen Rider OOO is currently airing on GMA7, if I recall. And I was like, “Dafuq? They skipped a lot of series?” Hahaha.
And here I am, still waiting for TV5 to air Kabuto.
Speaking of Power Rangers, Dino Charge is good, more promising compared to Kyoryuger.
Another Urobuchi fan here. I enjoyed his works on Saya no Uta and Fate/Zero. He didn’t have an input on the entirety of Gargantia, but the stuff he did for is nice.
His style tends to be dark and depressing, but he can into optimism as well with the movie that got released last year called Rakuen Tsuihou.
Same here.
When I started to watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica I was curious about what’s so different about it and I was surprised how dark it was for a magical girl show. Until I watched the movies in English dub and I started to love the series itself.
Then comes Fate/Zero, which is the prequel to Fate/stay night. It was so dark and depressing at the same time yet I also love it. I enjoyed watching it thanks to the English dub.
And when I started to watch Kamen Rider Gaim, that’s it. I’m now a fan of Gen Urobuchi. It totally replaced Kuuga as my most favorite Heisei Rider show ever. Gaim is a must watch.
Everyone thought that Gaim was silly at first but until episode 10, then crap hits the fan. And it has lot of characters that you will both love and hate until the very end of the show.
The local media’s the most powerful entity on the Failippines. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.
Here’s a nation, one of the founding pillars was freedom of speech and freedom of expression. And yet, we have imposed upon people restrictions on what they can say, on what they can think. And the local media is the largest proponent of this, crucifying people who say things really quite innocently.
The Failippines media has changed since time immemorial. We now give broadcast licenses to philosophies instead of people. People get confused and think there is no difference between news and entertainment. People who project themselves as journalists on television don’t know the first thing about journalism. They are just there stirring up a boxing match.