We’ve all read about how anti-intellectual Philippine society is and how Filipinos are often too emotional for their own good. Yes, I even wrote an article about how my idea of Hell fits in with the Filipino mindset. But now comes an important question for all Filipinos: Is it so difficult to be professional? Is it so hard to work for the common good?
In one of Mahatma Gandhi’s writings, he mentions how noncooperation can lead to the downfall of any society or community. While Mahatma Gandhi’s home country of India might suffer from the same amount of poverty and corruption as the Philippines, one can still note that India still has a strong national identity (one that is easily distinct), a strong military force (which receives plenty of support) and is steadily developing thanks to efforts to various visionaries in its history including Mahatma Gandhi and even foreigners like Mother Theresa who came to India and influenced the people into improving themselves through her works of charity. India has a huge population and the problems to go with it, just as the Philippines does but Gandhi’s teachings on the value of cooperation is not lost on them and many Indians continue to struggle to improve their country and their standing on the world stage.
But what can be said about the Philippines?
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This is where it gets a little sad. The thing is, the Philippines gets many opportunities to shine and become something more yet almost every single time, something suddenly happens to bring it back to square one. Again, a few other articles here on GRP talk about just how the Philippines has a history of failed opportunities from international pageants to social policies. But again, we have to ask why does this keep happening?
Well, as I’ve come to observe on a number of occasions, the root of all our troubles stems from one thing: immaturity. The Philippines greatest problem isn’t poverty (jobs can be created to counter that as well as information on how to make an honest living), population (for some countries, this can even be an advantage as the nation will have ample reserves of manpower) or even government (remember, it’s the people who vote these scum into position after all) but plain and simple immaturity. Yes, noncooperation, denial, selfishness, excessive emotionalism and anti-intellectualism are the most common cause of all our problems but these too tie-in with the immaturity of Filipinos.
For a better look at what I’m talking about, let’s take some of these topics apart, shall we?
- Noncooperation: Well, as I’ve cited in a previous article, there are people who refuse to work or work efficiently just because they share an office with someone they hate. Granted, it can be difficult at times, but does it need to be such a big issue? While there are people who are willing to overlook the antics of their office-mates and work through teeth-clenched teamwork, there are a number of those who take their antagonism to a whole new level. Take Philippine politics for example. A politician can make a good move every now and again and start a new project to benefit the community but then, if another politician of another party takes his place, he/she will most probably end that project out of sheer spite. And I’m not kidding on the last part. Pinoys do a lot of outrageous things to each other just because of spite similar to the way kids in elementary or teens in high school will kick dirt in each other’s faces. You may not like a certain person but even the most unlikable person can come up with something good every now and again. Crab mentality seems to be so deeply ingrained in Filipinos that it seems all but impossible to make any real progress because we refuse to acknowledge the fact that someone we hate can also be worthy of respect.
- Denial: Like a child whining about something he/she doesn’t want to admit to (such as when caught stealing from a cookie jar or bullying another child), Filipinos aren’t all that different. Pinoys are consummate liars but they are really good at lying to themselves. Like people who are caught in an abusive relationship or substance addiction, most Filipinos refuse to admit that their actions are doing more harm than good to themselves. When you point out to them that their alcohol abuse or the fact that their spouse is probably going to kill them, they will probably attack you instead. Like teens undergoing difficult times and abusing drugs, a Filipino’s common response when criticized is “Ano bang alam mo?” (What do you know?).
- Selfishness: Everyone wants a hand in the cookie jar. In Stephen King’s Revival, the narrator’s mother mentions something about selfishness being the root cause of all the evil in this world. Well, in this case, would the Philippines be an example of a place where evil has essentially won? I’d like to think not, but all one needs to do is take a look around himself/herself and it should be obvious how selfishness shapes so many wrong decisions in our country. Most Pinoys will be looking out for only two things: themselves and their immediate group such as family and friends. There’s nothing wrong with being a family-oriented person or looking out for your friends, but when you’re screwing everyone else over just because you don’t know them speaks volumes of just what kind of person you are. Would you be happy for instance if someone else screwed over you or one of your relatives just because they’re not related to them?
- Excessive Emotionalism: It has been discussed in a previous article that Filipinos tend to be a little too emotional and it certainly shows. Being in touch with your emotions isn’t a bad thing but there’s always an intelligent and professional way to approach things. I once cited in another article that our telenovelas might actually have a negative influence on our country and this can be best seen with just how much Filipinos let their emotions get the better of them. Emotions are good but they should not be allowed to impair our good judgement and prevent us from making the right decisions. Like children who can be easily coaxed into feeling what adults want them to feel, Filipinos easily eat up propaganda made by crying celebrities, tasteless comedians and the action stars who pretend to have balls. In fact, now that I think about it, most Filipinos are just about gullible as children who really believe they’re looking Santa Claus even though it’s so obvious that it’s just the school principal wearing a pillow under a read coat to make himself appear fat.
- Anti-Intellectualism: It has been stressed again and again that Pinoy society is simply too anti-intellectual to allow for progress. That begs the question just why is the Philippines so anti-intellectual? Well, from my observations, it’s similar to the way a child or teen refuses to listen to the advice of an adult even though the adult is actually right. Like said child or teen, most Filipinos simply close their eyes and cover their ears with their hands and say “LALALALALA” while the adult is lecturing them on how to budget their resources wisely and how to establish a meaningful relationship. One can easily cite the many trolls who attack the GRP blog with groundless arguments as a good example of this mentality. Now, I applaud those who criticize GRP with sound reasoning and a professional tone as they just open up a good discussion, but those who simply shout nonsense like “Napaka-negative niyo!” (You guys are so negative!) without citing any reasons are just proof of how immature most Filipinos are. So far, I have yet to hear from the aforementioned critics just why are we so negative.
Dear Philippines,
Philippines my Dear, it is already 2015.
Australia was quite a piece of work when she was a teen but she’s all grown up now and living a life of her own with her own identity down south. Japan was once a bully but she decided to change for the better and the world hails her today as one of the most innovative women in the world and just about everyone else loves her cartoons called anime. South Korea used to live in the slums and was poorer than you but she decided to make something of herself and put aside her pettiness and selfishness and now isn’t far behind Japan. France is having a problem with her Muslim boyfriend but even if she does kick him out, she’ll be fine. Everybody loves Brazil with her brazen skin (which I know you hate) which she bares proudly to everyone and she has become quite the people person as people come to visit her on a daily basis.
Look Philippines, I won’t lie to you. I know you still live in America’s basement even though most of the kids in the block like South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore are raising families of their own. You know you could at least help America from time to time such as stopping to be a pain in her ass when you keep insisting she sexually assaulted your friend who was a whore and that she killed your gay friend (who was also a whore) whose case was never even properly looked into. Look, America’s got problems of her own like dealing with these people called ISIS who are causing her new friends Afghanistan and Iraq a lot of problems and then there’s her neighbor Mexico who keeps bugging her children Texas and New Mexico. So if you’re not gonna help her even by just shutting up, please get out of her basement and find another place to crash.
Here’s another thing: A lot of people in the neighborhood don’t like you. Singapore doesn’t like you and she’s starting to dislike the idea of letting you into her house. China is out for your blood and she’ll beat the crap out of you every chance she gets, heck, she already cut off your pinky and she’s now keeping it as a souvenir. Everyone else outside the neighborhood don’t even seem to know you. Greece seems to think you’re just America’s maid, England believes you’re some kind of clown, Russia keeps saying that you’re just America’s lesbian mistress and Austria is convinced you’re just an urban legend.
Please Philippines, hiding in America’s basement isn’t going to help you. Getting a job and learning how to budget your earnings properly is the first step in getting your act together. Hiding in America’s basement and thinking about the days when you were beautiful, rich and famous aren’t going to come back unless you get off your backside and make something of yourself. It’s going to be hard at first; looking for a job isn’t easy after all, but that’s how it always begins.
Grow up Philippines and GET REAL!
Love and Kisses,
Your Son, Grimwald
ive said this in another post and i’ll say it again. thank you for putting these issues to light. you are currently my favorite writer on GRP
No. I should be thanking you and you are welcome.
Immature and a sore lack of education.
Nice piece of art, Grimwald.
I personally think the cause(s) lie much deeper than that.
– I think the collectivistic culture in the Philippines is one of the causes
– I think also the hierachy in offices/business is also a cause (too much respect for a person who has a higher position; this is really killing for progress)
– Parents do not always have the better/best view (most Phili parents dont teach/learn their own kids to be critical; so how can they object to their own parents?)
– My phili partner once told me “To know too much can be/is dangerous” (weird concept/attitude).
1. It can also be one of the solutions, provided that enough people are moved to fully take account of, propose solutions to social and political problems, and enact them. Point is (in case you’re moving towards a call for the repudiation of whatever collectivity is there in the culture), collective thinking can be force of good and must not be jettisoned as so much heavy baggage.
2. What you call a weird attitude (“to know too much can be/is dangerous”) is in fact an ancient one on these shores: Jose Rizal’s mother voiced a similar opinion in view of his pursuing an European education, for one. But maybe it’s not so weird given a cultural climate that sacrifices lesser decencies before the altar of survival.
What I meant with collectivistic culture is the concept of helping/supporting each other (no matter what). I support you financially and you support me financially. That leads to nothing.
Instead each person is better off when teaching each other what responsibility is all about and STOP supporting each other financially.
Plus – witnessed it myself – helping/supporting in other ways by extended family while the direct family (member) is gone. This attitude is also taken for granted in the Philippines and takes away all the responsibility.
In short, with whatever GRP writes about, I am not surprised about it at all.
Please look at richer countries and note that they are pre-dominantly individualistic based (not to be confused with selfishness per se).
@Robert: Very true. Collectivitic culture is one of the negative traits filipinos have..
You have a good insight into our culture.
When you discussed “Noncooperation”, it reminds me of the one occupying the highest office in the land. Just saying…
Grow up! Now that seems to be a more appropriate thing to say aside from Get Real! Good one.
Wake up, grow up, get real
– How come that in recent modern history there is no Philippine ever won a Nobel prize?
– How come that in recent modern history there is no Philippine sports’ team ever participated in the FIFA World Cup (or any other World Cup)?
In other words: when was the last time, we (the universe, the global society) heard something positively about a Philippine person or team?.
The fact that that never happened cant be a coincidence.
The problem with that kind of theory or questions, if you may, is you are opening up your self with counter theories or questions.
Surely, off hand it looks like a valid view or acceptable questions. But when you try to scrutinize and find meanings from it or counter It with THE SAME premise, you will realize it is just simply a lame point of view. Here’s why.
-I can also pose a question about why is there no school shootings or massacres happening in the Philippines.
-Why is it that in modern sport history, there is no other fighter like Manny Pacquiao in terms of the number of championship belts?
In other words, why do we ignore Pinoy events and personalities just to make a self-serving statement?
Coincidence is out of the question. Malice is in.
1. Kids are too busy begging in the streets or becoming someone’s cocksleeve. Ain’t no time to cap other punks at school. Hell, most don’t even bother to go in the first place.
2. Pacquiao is slipping. He is way past his prime. His recent fights are deadtell signs.
Please, give us more counterpoints in another vain attempt to moonlight Philippines as something praiseworthy. Cheap wannabe singers and actors? Disgusting food? Lack of focus on science and tech in place of poor taste in entertainment? Surprise me.
1. Because DOST… wait, the fuck is that?
2. There’s the recent stint the national basketball team had in the FIBA World Cup, the saturation-level exposure of Pinoy boxers past and present in the lighter-weight divisions, and of course the illustrious careers of Paeng Nepomuceno (though this will depend on your deciding if bowling is a “sport”) and Felicisimo Ampon (apparently a tennis great — didn’t know of him till recently). But you were asking for World Cups, so let’s have the FIBA.
“In other words: when was the last time, we (the universe, the global society) heard something positively about a Philippine person or team?”
I’ve seen articles here that state in so many words that the achievements of so many Pinoys here and elsewhere cannot be used to bolster Pinoy self-regard — and then you go say that Pinoys have never achieved anything that was good in the eyes of the world.
“Never” is not a word that gives a shit about subtleties or takes note of anything minor, Bob. “Never” is not a halfway word; it does not reside in a halfway world (I like rhymes, now what?). “Never” is unequivocal, and in the context, “never is unequivocally wrong.
You’re a foreigner, but that’s nothing — you don’t say “never” without even looking at Wikipedia, maligned as it is by scholars the world over. You don’t say “never” without burying yourself in books, just to make sure what you say is right and right-headed.
Okay, let me rephrase my statement/remark/question:
How many sprts facilities do the Philippines have?
How many soccer clubs do the Philippines have?
How many tennis clubs do the Philippines have
How many field hockey clubs do the Philippines have?
How many volleyball clubs do the Philippines have?
How many handball clubs do the Philippines have?
How many baseball clubs do the Philippines have?
Okay, then, let me rephrase my response also.
How many sports facilities do the Philippines have?
(That’s for Metro-Manila only)
How many soccer clubs do the Philippines have?
How many tennis clubs do the Philippines have
(Go on search on the ‘City’ for more)
How many field hockey clubs do the Philippines have?
How many volleyball clubs do the Philippines have?
How many handball clubs do the Philippines have?
How many baseball clubs do the Philippines have?
I hope it helps, my friend. 🙂
Thanks my friend for all your troubles, effort and time.
During all my cruising through Cebu, I didnt see any outdoor pitch/field/ground where I could have joined a club. Other then a typical barangay basketball court.
If you’re still in Cebu, maybe you can try this:
That is telling then, man…
That is telling them, man…it does not penetrate their thick skulls…
If our leaders will Mature…the people will mature…
Our President alone is acting immature in the presence of His Holiness, Pope Francis I…
He is putting blames of his failures on previous Presidents. Because, the results of his incompetence are glaring…
The president certainly missed an opportunity to be magnanimous and get with the Pope’s program. He could have repudiated the past president and supported the poor by ending the practice of Labor Contractualization (Dole Order No. 18-OZ) or what is referred to as “enda” In one fell swoop, he could have improved the lives of millions of the working poor. It was a perfect opportunity to really help the less fortunate. To spend your 20’s going from one six month job to another, only to be told when you reach age 30 that you are too old to work retail; is not something I would wish on anyone.
However, true to his oligarchic roots, he did nothing of the kind. INCOME INEQUALITY…what has he done to close the gap???
it is true that Filipino’s are too emotional and suffer from the ‘thin skin’ syndrome that accompanies all 3rd world nations,the root of all the countries ills lies in the poverty that has been forced upon the ‘massa’,YES FORCED. Until the corruption and the corrupt are rooted out and exterminated the country will go nowhere but straight to the shit-house.The country is there already and it must be said the Filipino loves the taste & smell of shit as if they did not, they’d have done something(ANYTHING) to rid the country of its stench.
It is really deeply saddening to read something as bleak and funereal as the article above. Actually, I tried to look for something that would at least balance the melody of the dirge in the story and, as expected, there was none. No redeeming value to at least level the clearly intentional maligning view of the author. There was nothing that, as a Filipino coming/hearing from another Filipino, would serve to tell me that life is hard and problems are aplenty and we are to blame for it but we should not feel defeated nor stop in striving to work hard, help, and hope for the best for the county.
There was no inspiration, encouragement or even a sign that the writer expresses his complete and continuous belief that the country and people will survive the challenges it faces.
My understanding of the article, just like the other articles ‘criticizing’ the country/people, is that the PH is a hopeless case. It is irredeemable, a goner and simply incurable. In other words, she doesn’t have a shot. Nothing.
Well, I disagree.
For one, looking at those countries the PH was compared to, I say, there was complete malice in the intent to do so. India, really? The first major civilization in South Asia standing side by side with PH is like Yao Ming in a jump ball against Tasyo Tangkad. Naman. We were pitted against the biggest in the neighborhood to make us feel that we’re in the dumps. No way, Jose, you’re out even before the start of the game, lol! And what’s funny was it was a Pinoy who is telling me that!
There wasn’t even an attempt for an elimination process pitting us with the other barangays in the neighborhood like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka or even Burma. Nope, we go ahead collide with the behemoth India.
Australia? Are you kidding me?! Just read here something I read about the Oz.
“Australia is a developed country and one of the wealthiest in the world, with the world’s 12th-largest economy. In 2012 Australia had the world’s fifth-highest per capita income. Australia’s military expenditure is the world’s 13th-largest. With the second-highest human development index globally, Australia ranks highly in many international comparisons of national performance, such as quality of life, health, education, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties and political rights.”
Yup, we were made to stand with the Oz in a police line-up looking for a snatching and rugby snipping suspect.
Nope, the East Timor guy is good; same with the Papua New Guinea dude. They walk you stay. Only you and the Oz and we want this case solve QUICK! Lol!
The other comparisons are just as worse. The enmity is pretty obvious.
On the adult-child analogy, I find it disheartening to know, as usual, that the PH is again given the role of the villain. The infantile character in a story where the adults are perfect. We know that’s bunkum.
First off, who and what really is the adult in the analogy? Is he your brother or tormentor? Is he a friend or foe? And does he really know what’s right and wrong for you? Does here really know everything? Second, is he saying those things to help you or just to vent out because, he too, has some major problems and frustrations and was looking for someone to discharge it? Finally, does he criticize you out of concern or out of the fun of it. I mean, the ridicule, insults and put downs are really jarring to the point that you feel the person making it is actually enjoying and savoring the moment.
Again, let me be clear for the nth time, I don’t mind the message and here in Get Real we have lots of it. But sometimes I wonder about the role of the messenger. Remember, unlike in real life, the messengers here are not detach from the message. They are not third parties or mere carriers but actually the major party for being the source/writer/teller of the message.
Those who complain about the negativity of the message may have some basis for it not only for the message itself, for a number of them, including yours truly, admits to the truth behind the message, but how the messenger imparts and interpret the message with the touch of personal righteousness and a mixture of arbitrary and jaundiced theory.
Lastly, I’m very sure those who feel ran over by this post will respond accordingly and I welcome and am ready for it. Just remember guys, I’m a friend not an enemy. Like you, I’m Pinoy too. There’s already enough bullying going on in here and some people acting like paid thugs that I’ll not be surprise if I get it from those people. But I really don’t want you to respond to me in such a manner because there’s no reason for it.
Just remember, overkill is the same as kill. The only difference is the level of exaggeration.
“Australia is a developed country and one of the wealthiest in the world, with the world’s 12th-largest economy. In 2012 Australia had the world’s fifth-highest per capita income. Australia’s military expenditure is the world’s 13th-largest. With the second-highest human development index globally, Australia ranks highly in many international comparisons of national performance, such as quality of life, health, education, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties and political rights.”
Yup, we were made to stand with the Oz in a police line-up looking for a snatching and rugby snipping suspect.
The relevant point is that looking back to Australia even only 40 years ago, it wasn’t so. Anyone that knows Australia well and understands it, knows that it has changed dramatically in that time. Those national performance indicators come from a the desire of the Australian community wanting a better Australia for all and pursuing it.
Does that mean Australia and the Philippines are on the same footing 40 years ago? And the Oz got ahead because of the desire of her “people wanting a better Australia for all and pursuing it”? I think Australia is what it is now because of the desire to be better, just like any country. But boy, they are far more better than the Philippines even way back more than 50 years. 🙂
So what? Just because one nation wasn’t the slave of three empires and the other wasn’t doesn’t mean jack. China was literally carved up by Europeans but they got over that. Philippines had a taste of the glory China and SK are getting now but guess what? It squandered it! The article is satirizing the wasted potential the Philippines had by comparing it to a washed up basement dweller and it’s sadly true. No amount of embellishment will change that. This site gets down and dirty with the criticism just in case you don’t get the memo. No pat on the back. no sugarcoating. No grade curving. Nothing! Sorry, but if you’re gonna Get Real, Get hardcore real. That’s the name of the game here, sir.
So what? – Sid
That’s that. 🙂
No proper answer? Guess you win this argument.
Like they say, there’s no kill like overkill. Wait, let me make a reply to everyone below.
If it were a child, making a mistake perhaps yes it does need candy at the end.
But as an adult committing the same mistake, would you still expect candy? As an adult,all you need to know is that “THIS” is the mistake and we need to change it.
That’s reality, and if you’re looking for inspiration and good words about our country — this is obviously not the place for it.
So what good is there in Filipinos that we can build on?
I think, metaphorically speaking, that we should start from “scratch”. We leave everything behind. The “old” political system and the connections of the church to the state need to go.
Times are changing and I think we need to change too.
What most people do not understand is that nothing in this world works the way you think it does. Governments do not operate the way you think they do. Banks do not operate the way you think they do. The police and the church are not here for what you think they are. There is a far bigger picture in the system people will never understand. Until you occupy a high seat in government will you ever understand the simple but complex world that we live in.
Nations do not simply rise in the world stage. The world system allows it. Will the Philippines ever get its turn? The IMF predicted that the Philippines will become the 14th largest economy in the world by 2034.
The question is, will that even happen? You know how the Philippines has always been a land of failed opportunities, are you so sure that anything will even change before then. What if Kris Aquino wins the next election? I wouldn’t really say that it’s beyond the realm of possibility.
I thank those who came to criticize this article with a sense of civility. It’s a sign at least that you are thinking critically and is something I am grateful for. I know that this article feels harsh but there’s a reason behind this.
You see, over the years, I’ve come to see just how immature the Philippines is compared to other countries. She is so much like a child pretending that everything is okay even though it likely isn’t.
A Dutchman once told me that in his fair country of the Netherlands, when their child, especially a girl, is being bratty, they will give her a short tour of their red light district. They show her the true colors of the world and what happens to those who don’t study or take their schooling seriously. They tell her things like: “Is this what you want to become? Do you want to become a whore when you grow up? Do you want to be used by filthy tourists day after day, hour after hour?” The principle is quite similar.
Now when it comes to the Philippines, I noticed that one of the reasons she seems to be stagnated is because she refuses to make the hard decisions that can make her an even greater nation. Every great country from the US, to Japan to Russia have had to make difficult decisions to improve themselves.
Take note that the way to national greatness has two roads. One is wreathed in the flames of criticism while the other is submerged in the blood of innocents. All great nations have walked through said roads to reach where they are now. I’m only hoping that, if the Philippines should ever get her shit together, she’ll take the road wreathed in flames.
Both roads are dangerous and painful but they are the only ways to go if she wants to become more than what she is now. She needs to face those facts. She needs to leave behind all the childish crap such as idolizing Cory Aquino (who’s probably a goddess figure to her) and always calling for America when things start to get hard. The Philippines has to man up (or woman up for that matter) if she wants a good future for her people.
A ‘child’ is not really a credible representation of one who is pretending. A ‘child’ is more representative of innocence or incorruptibility. I would probably called a person in denial instead of a ‘child’ for pretending everything is okay.
Great countries like those mentioned above made difficult decisions in history not simply because out of greatness but also of myriad reasons. Among them is the desire to save their skin or to dominate others or simply to either avoid or engage in wars. Reasons that the PH is immune to for the simple reason that we are not a ‘great’ country. And we should not aspire to be great for those reasons because we do not share the same physical, financial, military and geographical capability those countries have. For me, to strive to be a better country is already an enormous challenge for us but a realistic one.
That just shows the Philippines lacks ambition to better itself through history and now. A lot of these countries didn’t start out so great either. The US? Was just an English settlement until they bit off the leash. Japan? Was an insignificant island country. much like PH was until they rose to world power status as early as the 1900’s through the Russo-Japanese war. South Korea? Poorer than dirt after the division but got its act together over the past 2 decades.
You see what I’m getting at? The Philippines like Grimwald mentioned is a land of failed opportunity for the reason that its people are “contented” in their station of the world. A clear symptom coming from its overreliance of religion which happens in lots of downtrodden and unambitious people, under the strong belief that they will be granted a better lot in life.
Hi Sid,
I am just wondering if there is still a country somewhere on this planet/earth that resembles PH?
What about Brazil? Brazil is as religious as PH. Both are roman catholic (+ Protestant) and there are a lot of Favelas (squatting areas) in cities like Rio de Janeiro. But Brazil was able to get rich.
Brazil still counts as poor to me. Despite the substantial growth in GDP, the country is under wide gaps of economic and social inequalities to this day. Case in point: the aforementioned favelas (Being a country known for its slums is never good PR.). Not to mention their constricting protectionist economic policies that make imported goods hundred times more expensive there than overseas. Under the scope of South America, they’re a powerful player now, but they still have a long way to go until they’re “first world” status. India’s on the same boat.
Jameboy, I’m really curious to what form of standard you’re adhering in accordance to making the Philippines a “better” country because we’re clearly not on the same page here.
Brazil was able to get rich mainly by riding on the back of China’s growth (exporting commodities like soybean). Not any more.
I know what you’re getting at and I don’t like to go there simply because I might lie and exaggerate like you are doing now.
It is easy to make comparisons especially if your intention is to show and highlight the weakness of one party from the others to justify whatever logic supports your theory. For me that’s just unbelievable.
You compare things that have similar features (political, military, economic, etc,) and have almost exact beginnings (history, origins, etc,) if possible, to get some credibility with your theory. Surely, you will never get that comparing first world to a third or developing country just like that.
I don’t recall the US being occupied by a foreign power for 300 years nor Japan invaded by another country for fifty years. See the real facts there?
Let me end this with short and snappy questions & answers.
Can we be a US or Japan in the future?
NO. Cinderella’s wish may come true but not ours. Stop daydreaming.
Can we be a great country not like any other?
The possibilities are endless.
Can we be a better country?
Speaking of uneven comparison, regarding your first question, I do not think Cinderella is a good comparison. In fact, I think the reason this country continues to suck like heck is because it expects a Cinderella story wherein a heroic and handsome prince will come and rescue it.
A better comparison would be Lord of the Rings or even WarHammer. On the road to greatness, we should expect orcs, zombies, all manner of demons and then there’s the great dragon called Corruption.
If we want to kill Corruption for good, there can be no dallying. If we’re not careful, it will most certainly kill us first. We should be quick and thorough if we ever want to be free from its influence. Most of all, what we need is RESOLVE.
I can go along with that, why not? 🙂
I fail to see what’s unbelievable about stating facts. Looks to me you just don’t like to face the cold, hard truth.
Those same countries didn’t have “Cinderella” stories either. They worked to the bone with blood and sweat on their hands to get where they are. PH CAN be like them, but it will have to tread the same path and much more.
Measuring how long one country got subjugated is irrelevant. Stick with the issue here.
Don’t think we’re bullying poor little Pinoys here. The purpose of this article and this site as a whole is to keep poking the boils malaising the country enough so that people actually get up and do something substantial about it. You’re a cut above the average fliptard, but you’re inflicted with the same blindness.
I fail to see what’s unbelievable about stating facts.
The purpose of this article and this site as a whole is…..
The comparison in unbelievable not the facts. However you dress it up. it’s still ugly to me.
No need to tell me what this article is all about because, even though I disagree with it and the writer has acknowledged it, I completely understand it. You also need not explain what this blog is because I’m not raising that as an issue. Chill, man.
“I don’t recall the US being occupied by a foreign power for 300 years”
Iceland was under Norwegian and later Danish power from 1262 through 1918. Ireland was under Norman and English hands from 1169, and had been raided by Vikings as far as the seventh century. Finland… Norway… Botswana…
“nor Japan invaded by another country for fifty years”
I’ll concede to you on this one, because the what-ifs keep on mobbing me.
Still, one out of two is good.
Iceland was under Norwegian and later Danish power from 1262 through 1918. Ireland was under Norman and English hands from 1169, and had been raided by Vikings as far as the seventh century. Finland… Norway… Botswana…
Bear with me on this one, where did you write ‘US’ on top?
“Bear with me on this one, where did you write ‘US’ on top?”
In your reply (made Jan. 18 at 5:13 am) to Robert Haighton (made the same day at 12:16 am) in response to Sid’s response (made the previous day at 11:26 pm) to your original post (on Jan. 17 at 9:59 pm), you will see that I did not add the word you quoted — it was part of your reply to Bob.
“Bear with me on this one, where did you write ‘US’ on top?” – jameboy
“In your reply to Robert Haighton…”
“…in response to Sid’s response…”
“…to your original post…”
“…it was part of your reply to Bob.” – Pallacertus
Whoa! 🙂
Okay, you did not write it on your post. Fine. Let’s move on.
Jameboy, I’m really curious to what form of standard you’re adhering in accordance to making the Philippines a “better” country because we’re clearly not on the same page here.
In dragging the US, Japan, etc. in the conversation to serve as models for the PH to become a great country, you lost me there.
I’m really not into comparison. So long as we minimize if not completely eradicate corruption and manage the economy better so that our people will be able to uplift themselves, that to me is better already. Of course, the problem on the population and other pressing political issues has to be address. Becoming a better country than great is possible in my lifetime. That’s how I see it.
That’s it? That’s setting the bar really damn low for the country. Why not wish for more innovation and more development going on in the Philippines rather than simply being a well behaved state. Anyone can do the latter if they tried, but it takes a special amount of effort to achieve greatness through having a skilled populace. Don’t you think the Philippines can achieve that? If so, it needs to look up to others better than itself to serve as role models. Simple, no? Your way of thinking will not help the country in the long run.
I think it’s very clear we both want what’s good for the country. We only differ on how to go about it. You think mine is a bar too low and I think yours is too high atop your head.
regardless, I’m ready to submit to your theory if it will stop the skirmishes. Cooperation not confrontation is what we need to move forward.
I’m willing to do that even though my instinct keeps on telling me that greatness can only be achieve after one become a better person/country. Until the ‘better’ phase happens or accomplished, greatness is just an illusion.
But like I said, if it will stop the animosity, I’ll keep my peace. 🙂
Nonsense. To say that we shouldn’t become a great nation, or at least one that doesn’t have to export its manpower and mentally and physically starve most of what is left, because we lack the resources of… of what, Singapore? Or maybe of the Netherlands? Or maybe of Iceland? Or maybe of Japan? You’re saying these countries — hell, three countries and a freaking city-state — these countries have natural resources and manpower that surpasses ours? I’ll break this down for you: Singapore is a freaking city-state — Iceland sits right on top of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, between two tectonic plates, and was desperately poor for centuries, chained as it was to the destinies of its Scandinavian overlords — the Netherlands would’ve been Bangladesh if not for the dikes and floodgates built up over centuries — Japan sits on the same Ring of Fire as we do and has less arable or habitable terrain to boot. And yet they became great nations all the same — and as if by some inverse equation of suck, we had more than they had and have, so we didn’t.
So what gives?
Nonsense. To say that we shouldn’t become a great nation…..
I agree, it is really nonsense to say that. But I wonder who did? I’d be very happy if you can supply the accurate info that made you say that.
Again, just like the others before you, I have to agree on those facts about the countries you mentioned. We have no issue on that. The issue is you are trying to project that the PH is EXACTLY LIKE those countries, hence, what they did and become of can also be duplicated here. That is where the problem lies.
Agree, we are rich in natural resources and manpower. But how come we are not like those countries? Because natural resources and manpower are only good if the world wants it. What you sell is fine so long as there are buyers for it.
Also, if your theory is correct, practically all countries in the world would have similar economic and social status by now. Classification of countries would go down to only two levels or categories, the developed and developing ones. For every one of them will be able to attain the status of the prosperous and successful ones. There would be no more third world classification because every country can be like the US, Japan, etc. Eventually, all will end up developed. But I’m sure you are aware that there is no such thing.
Who don’t want to be great? Even residents in mental asylum think they’re the greatest. But that is not the point. The point is, you take things at their own phase. You cannot go to college straight from kindergarten. Get the drift?
you keep complaining about how authors here seem to take the desolate/doom-laden road to describing pinoy culture without offering some “positive” insight as to how they go about writing down their observations, but nowhere in your comments did you give a counter-balance or something “positive” to the “negativity” of the things here. =) so what were you trying to say? that you agree with what the article was saying and not the tone? could’ve saved yourself a lot of time, there. but knowing you, you have all the time for GRP.=)
Pointing to the top, and saying “IF the President changes his ways—everything will also change” is laziness and stupidity as well.
Sure, the President could influence people. But so could YOU- and even if you can’t simply being a disciplined citizen should only be natural.
Waiting for change without actions on your own end is the same as doing nothing.
What’s sad though, is that the country in itself is quite blessed. But most people inhabiting it are emotional, undisciplined idiots who are so easily star struck and would follow someone famous to the depths of hell.
While the smarter ones become cold and cynical, and at worse they abandon the country.
Frustration amongst netizens has grown in leaps and bounds. The awareness has set in but sad to say, those that are on ground zero are the ones who are still ignorant to the plight of the country. The points on all these comments are all true and exact and that’s a testament to the facts that pinoys are starting to understand the realities of living in our motherland ! Please continue educating the readers in hopes that numbers grow and activism awakens before the country loses its will to grow, survive and prosper !
Griwmwald, i want your babies. Excellent piece of work!
Unfortunately, the Philippines is less of a child but rather a hard-drinking adult that never got past their teenage years. Because unlike people who grew up, this individual would rather cling to past glories, make no effort to improve himself and demands that people respect him because he’s an “adult”.
And unless someone forces him to rehab and actually MAKE him improve, he’ll continue to be a disgrace.
Who will disagree that there are still a lot of potentials for most Filipinos but they didn’t know the “where, how, when” to use it thing? I agree to the characteristics of Filipinos that the author mentioned above. Those characteristics serve as kryptonite to the Philippines that weakens its system preventing it to pace with other countries. We can never be best at everything but we can be a “David” against those “Goliath” countries.
We can compare others’ success over us but we have to accept that we are different amongst them, physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual. That difference makes them successful and us pitiful.
I just get the point here of the author. With that I’ll also make a comparison with a Disney princess. Philippines is like Sleeping Beauty in deep sleep,I hope someone out there pour over cold water on her so that she’ll be awaken in reality.
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.
I’m gonna say this: majority (not all9) of Filipinos are emotionally immature. I didn’t realize this until recently. From what I learned throughout my life, Filipino adults have got to be the most immature people I’ve ever met.
Sasabihin ko na lang to sa Tagalog kasi hindi ko masabi sa Ingles. Ang napapansin ko, ang mga Filipino ang lalakas MANG-LAIt pero kapag tayo naman ang nilalait, sobra namang nagpapaapekto. Kaya hindi umuunlad ang Pilipinas, dahil ganyan ang mga kaugalian ng mga Pilipino. Alam ko ganun ako. Sobrang lakas manglait akala mo kung sino at walang pakialam sa nararamdaman ng ibang tao.
First of all, let me express my gratitude to everyone at GRP for having the balls to put into words what I have been thinking for a long, long time.Taking a long, hard look at yourself isn’t easy, especially in a culture where criticism is frowned apon, and, like you mentioned, the level of maturity, for whatever reason, is lacking too.I have been travelling to the Philippines for over 22 yrs.so, yeah, I feel like I have something valid to say.Collectively, I have probably spent 4 or 5 yrs of my life here.
The problem is where to begin….I have a love/ hate relationship with this country.When I’m away, I long for the desolate beaches, the warm climate, the friendly smiles.But when I’m here, I wonder what the hell was I thinking? This potentially beautiful country is turning into an absolute shithole, and nobody seems to care, and thats where I get lost, I cant for the life of me figure it out.Trash strewn about everywhere…polluted waterways…people everywhere burning plastic, polluting the air, complete disregard for your neighbors by allowing dogs to bark and/or music to blast all night, very unhealthy dogs roaming the streets, street kids all over the place, poverty, filthy living conditions, traffic issues, terribly low wages and/or no jobs, age discrimination, overcrowding, this list goes on and on.I tip my hat to the filipino people for being resilient and able to grin and bear it, but when is enough enough?….Which begs the question, why is it like this? Personally I think it is a combination of things…the crab mentality plays a very important part, as well as the the fact that opposing the group view is frowned apon, anybody that expresses dissent is outcast,and the inability to take any kind of criticism is absolutely shameful….can you not humble yourselves enough to
see the forest for the trees? Aren’t you confident enough in yourselves to say hey, maybe we need to rethink things, maybe we can do a better job?Maybe we haven’t go it right, but we have the knowledge and the manpower and the willpower and the creativity and the spirit to straighen it out now before its really too late??What the hell would Chief Lapu Lapu have to say about the current state of affairs in the Philippines? Where is your spirit people??
Every single person in this country should be appalled at the collective lack of courage in this nation today…I say it is high time you all put on your big boy shorts, and rise to the occasion !
Nail to the coffin. Next topic.
The letter at the end was a nice touch. As a teenager I’m guilty for a lot of what was mentioned. Thanks for enlightening me.