Perhaps he should’ve just gotten the “boys” back together, squeezed into their army fatigues, locked n’ loaded, and stormed the Sunchamp Agri-Tourism supposedly owned by Chinese taipan Tony Tiu. Sunchamp is the subject of allegations that it is a “dummy” used as a holding firm for the alleged “ill-gotten wealth” of Vice President Jejomar Binay.
Instead, Antonio Trillanes IV reportedly chose to demand entry into the private property as a ‘senator’. Not surprisingly, security personnel at the property refused. Astute observers of the circus had this no-brainer recommendation to help the baffled ‘senator’: Get a warrant dickhead. Indeed, the ‘senator’ sort of got it eventually. “This is obviously a private property,” he lamented after waiting in vain. That’s right, ‘senator’, just as much as the pope is Catholic.
Apparently pushing his logical faculties further, Trillanes articulated on record his rather quaint take on this setback:
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[…] a fuming Trillanes told the media that the security’s refusal to allow him and the media entry to the property only bolstered allegations that the Chinese-Filipino businessman, Antonio Tiu was just the Vice President’s dummy.
Perhaps he is. Then again, perhaps not. Who really is in a position to rule on that summary judgment?
Trillanes thinks he is an authority on that “truth”.

That Trillanes would actually think that he has the right to enter a private property without a warrant issued by a Philippine court is testament to the sort of character he would likely exhibit given the power to do so.
Apparently nothing will stop ‘senator’ Trillanes’s scorched-earth tililing rampage. Perhaps, not even the 4 million peso defamation suit filed by Tony Tiu against him over the “sleepless nights, mental anguish, social humiliation, and public ridicule” Tiu said he endured as a result of this circus which started when “former Vice Mayor Ernesto Mercado claimed during a Senate probe that a 350-hectare estate in Batangas is actually owned by Binay.”
Imagine what a guy like Trillanes would do if he still had direct access to and/or command over military weapons and personnel.
I will leave Filipinos with that final thought.
[Photo courtesy]
benign0 is the Webmaster of
Dude you were so biased. Sen. Trillanes with the media people came on invitation of Tiu made at the Senate BRC meeting as a day before as diplomatic overture that he was indeed the owner of the hacienda. There is no need for a warrant.
The writer of this article is pro-binay. There was an invitation a day before. This is PURE NONSENSE,BIASED AND DIVERTS US TO THE REAL ISSUE.
“Sen. Trillanes with the media people came on invitation of Tiu made at the Senate BRC meeting as a day before as diplomatic overture that he was indeed the owner of the hacienda”
-Apparently the guards weren’t informed of the invitation. Otherwise, why was he refused entry?
“There was an invitation a day before. This is PURE NONSENSE,BIASED AND DIVERTS US TO THE REAL ISSUE”
-very much like the Yellow Ribbon Committee hearings being conducted by Trillanes.
pro-binay or not, this is clearly an article from a writer lacking information. What’s happening GRP?
Nice TROLLING, son.
Mr. JCC & Mark Velasco: Given the premise that you were invited a day before, would you demand entry to that property without the owner? If that so, invite me to your house and I’ll get in even without you.
Dude read the entire article again. The focus is for lack of warrant, not the lack of coordination between the alleged owner and the visitors.
exactly an invitation on a given date is diff than surprise armed army visit. scary
Paskil niyo address ni Marc Velasco gusto ko magkape sa barung barung niya
Magsama ka din ng media, para ma-i-post sa Youtube…
Sa youtube, merong channel ang Senate of The Philippines where you can watch Senate hearings in full length including Blue Ribbon Committee. Tiu clearly agrees that Sen. Triallianes can visit on Tiu’s propery sa batangas and Tiu clearly said Sen. Trillanes is very “Welcome”
nuod ka muna kasi Benign0 para alam mo ang nangyayayri. Kulang ang news lang kasi maraming bias sa news
Here’s the latest BRC Senate hearing
Just what does Trillanes intend to achieve going to Tiu’s property, complete with media coverage?
Unless they find a statue of Binay there, then they can prove Tiu is lying. Or any other similar physical evidences of Binay owning that property, for that matter. Which I am sure if Binay is trying to cover up how ownership of the property, then it must have been cleaned immediately after the allegation. As I have asserted long time ago, senate hearings are useless and expensive forms of entertainment. Well, actually, the Senate is useless, period. (And the congress, too). The office of the president and vice president has also shown a large degree of their uselessness also.
Trillanes is showing how desperate he is at promoting his name. In doing so , he exposes himself as an idiot. People like this should not be given any chance as a public servant. He is only in it for himself, nothing else.
simple, If Tiu had said earlier ‘No, I cannot let you enter the property without a warrant’. Then Trillanes would have produced one.
For the Pro-Binay, even if none of the issues were ever answered, of course they will say trillanes is the bad guy. As for the anti-binay, he is already guilty as sin.
I guess the point here is, if we get the chance to know any wrong doings by anyone in politics, regardless of politicking, self promotion, or whatever, would we rather know if its true or not or would we rather let politicians hide any and all wrong doings by themselves.
kung may dalawang magnanakaw, mas maganda siguro na akusahan ng isang magnanakaw at ipahuli kaysa silang dalawa ang mag cooperate at nakawan tayo, atleast isa na lang ang kailangan hulihin. or siguro mali ako.
Whether invited or not. The senator or even the media cannot just force entry on a private property. Even if the security of the property was informed or not, the should have called Mr. Tiu that he (Senator Trillanes, the mastermind of Oakwood Mutiny during President Gloria Arroyo’s administration)), is visiting that day and needs Tiu’s presence being the owner as a courtesy. Nag-media milage lang si Sen. Oakwood.
exactly bundle of showbiz people spending people’s money on useless biased hearings.
There was no need for a warrant.
They were claiming that the the property was an agri-tourism park. It should be open to the public. A warrant is NOT NEEDED to enter a property that was meant for the public even if privately owned. So when noone wanted them to enter the property hindi ba nakakapagtaka?
The fact that they were not allowed entry to a supposed agri park na PUBLIC property made Trillanes say ” This is obviously a private property”. It seemed that it was a lie when they claimed it was an agri park open to the public. Trillanes even pointed out that there were no signs saying it was a park.
Please know the facts before ranting about news you obviously did not read nor listen to.
I think you have “open to the public” and “public property” confused. Do your homework.
If you did your research. Search warrant is not needed to enter a property that is open to the public. Its an agri park thus its not private in that sense. Add that to the fact that there was an invite from the alleged owner of the property. Even in private properties warrants are not anymore needed when the owner himself invited you. So please think on that.
Public property – this term can be used to refer to the use of the property. It’s not restricted on the ownership of the property.
However, if you would insist that the term is still wrong, I can refer to it as a privately owned property available for public use.
Privately owned properties available for public use is still different from private properties. One important difference is that there are restrictions on how one can limit the entrance of people as it is supposed to be for the public. Since it is an agripark (open to the public) AND there is an invite, there is absolutely no reason for trillanes to need a warrant for entry.
So please, YOU do your homework.
Mr. Antonio L. Tiu claims that the company he heads, Sunchamp Real Estate Development Corporation, bought the 145 hectare property in October 2013 from the listed owner, a certain Laureano R. Gregorio, Jr., with a down payment of P11 million, and NOT from VP Binay.
Hence,“The house, swimming pool, and garden mentioned in reports are not owned by the Vice President. They were owned by Laureano Gregorio.”
Newspaper reports aver that: “Gregorio entered into a memorandum of agreement with Sunchamp Real Estate Development Corporation in 2013 for the acquisition of all the rights of Gregorio over the 145-hectare property, not 350 hectares as claimed by Mercado … Sunchamp is owned by listed firm Greenergy Holdings Inc., whose CEO is Antonio L. Tiu.”
Trillanes through the Blue Ribbon Committee should instead summon the original owner, Laureano R. Gregorio, Jr., and certainly not Binay.
It is the same Political Zarzuela, like the SC Chief Justice Corona’s impeachment proceedings. Trillanes is playing a “hero” role. If you “crash gate” in other people’s property with a horde of media reporters, uninvited. Surely, it is the prerogative of the owner, not to let you in.
What did Trillanes accomplish in “gate crashing” in the property? Nothing…
He should had made a Title History Search of the property.
I recommend Trillanes to go to Mindanao; to see the Real condition of the Hostages there of the ISIS-Abu Sayaff Group.
Or to “gate crash” into the Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac; which its ownership remains Dubious, up to this day.
I am tired of this Political Zarzuelas…
Mercado is singing now, that Binay is a real Son-of-a-Bitch…why just now? Why did he not do it earlier?
Senator Trillanes is full of air in his head. He loves the media attention he is getting for free because he publicly announced he is seeking higher office. He could easily call Mr. Tiu or have somebody contact him without the funfare he made and as a courtesy to the owner and a former friend. But he loves humiliating people and calls Mr. Tiu a liar. He goes to the place without making any arrangements and when he is denied entry he raises hell. How can you believe this guy. He has been to that place before. What is he looking from the place. Its good media found out the piggery was not air-conditioned. Its good they saw the mango orchard. Its good they saw the clubhouse and the orchidarium. Its good they saw that it was indeed a viable agri-farm which Trillanes commended in his speech during the opening of Sunchamp in August this year. One by one, all his allegations are being shot down. One by one, people can see Mercado is a genuine liar. The circus continues and Trillanes continues to rub it in the minds of people that VP Bimay is corrupt. That is the real reason why he went to the Rosario farm. Another publicitiy stunt. IF you think those people commenting here in favor of Trillanes and who are against VP Binay are ordinary people, then you too have been taken for a ride. VP Binay did not start this spectacle. Investigate Makati Bldg. in aid of legislation and forget the DAP and PDAF. Review Trillanes interviews about DAP and PDAF before he started his demolition job on VP Binay. He already knows how corruption is being performed that is why he knows where to attack VP Binay and tell the people how it will aid in legislation.
Gentlemen, political grandstanding aside, let’s keep our eyes on the ball. It’s an all or nothing gambling proposition for businessman Tiu, whose preposterous lies are intended to distract the ignorant and stupid constituents of Binay for a limited time only; that is, until Binay becomes the next President of the Philippines. At that point, Binay will be the most powerful man in the country. The plundering truth will be brushed aside as unfounded accusations of political enemies, which is the press release of Binay and his cronies today, but the accusations keep coming anyway. When Binay is President, the accusations will stop—period. Businessman Tiu is counting on that and more. He will be raised from his current status of an Untouchable (at least from the perspective of every decent Filipino) to a Super-Elite Brahman in the hierarchy of Binay’s stooges. Heck, during Binay’s presidency, Tiu will be able to dip his dirty hands into any government contract of his choosing.