A news report on TV last night on the tragic Malaysian Airlines crash in the Ukraine last Thursday, the 17th July 2014 caught my attention. This was but one amidst the din of information pouring out of the tube and social media over the last week, but the reason this one stood out was because of this simple two-word sentence uttered at the start of the report:
Words fail.
So why am I writing about the tragedy now? Because though words may indeed fail, they do comfort their authors nonetheless.
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I do not know anyone who was on that plane personally. One can only begin to imagine what it might be like losing a loved one in a preventable tragedy, but I can certainly imagine quite a bit. Most of us could. Accidents involving long-haul passenger transport in particular seem to resonate emotionally the most amongst us. Perhaps it is because going on long trips could be the most emotional of journeys using modern-day transport, whether it is in the form of a euphoric anticipation of meeting family and friends that we feel on a flight or while waiting at the Arrivals gate, or a warm fuzzy feeling of going to or coming from a long-overdue vacation.
As emotionally-charged as the anticipation of seeing a family member or friend who is in transit (or waiting at your destination), is the bittersweet experience of dropping or seeing off loved ones at an airport after a nice visit. Into the hands of a system involving many moving parts — the airline itself, a global network of air traffic controllers, airforces around the world, and the vicissitudes Nature might bring forth that one can only hope our technology could help us understand better, among others — we submit our loved ones on every such instance.
Once a part of that system, however, people become mere abstractions — a flight number, a blip on a radar screen, a potential threat that nervous defense systems put a “risk” statistic to, a name on a passenger manifest. Indeed, it is likely that each civilian plane routinely becomes a target for a potential missile strike that could be launched by any one of “friendly” or “unfriendly” military forces at one time or another as it makes its way from one airport to another. Both kids and adults are taught not to point guns at anyone unless they intend to kill them. The hypocrisy of that teaching reveals itself on a global scale, unfortunately.
In the case of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, it was unlucky enough to have crossed “airspace” guarded by a company of missile-armed thugs who are allegedly [that last italicised word admittedly said with growing reservation] led, funded, and armed by an equally thuggish government. The irony of it all. After entire national security, military, and intelligence communities have been re-organised to profile Arabs as the 21st Century’s pre-eminent highest-risk bogeys to watch, it turns out that an old mid-20th Century Cold War foe reduced to arming ragtag rebel fighters would perpetrate this appalling crime. Allegedly, for now.
We can only hope that justice will be served. Hope in what exactly? To that question we might defer to the encouraging words from Frans Timmermans, foreign minister of the Netherlands following the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2166 which endorsed strong measures to be implemented by the international community in response to this barbarian act.
The fact that this resolution is now adopted means that, at the highest international level, we have backing for three things. First of all, that we can bring our compatriots back home – wherever that home may be. Secondly, that there will be a thorough, independent international investigation into what has happened. Thirdly, that there will be no impunity. Those responsible for this despicable act will be brought to justice. And Australia and the Netherlands stand firm in their commitment that we will not rest until our people are brought home, until a thorough investigation is committed, until those responsible are put to justice. Thank you very much.
The Netherlands lost 193 of its citizens to this crime followed by Australia which lost 37. Three Filipinos also perished in the missile strike. All in all, 298 people lost their lives in this unprovoked attack.
[Photo courtesy Telegraph.co.uk.]
benign0 is the Webmaster of GetRealPhilippines.com.
“After entire national security, military, and intelligence communities have been re-organised to profile Arabs as the 21st Century’s pre-eminent highest-risk bogeys to watch, it turns out that an old mid-20th Century Cold War foe reduced to arming ragtag rebel fighters would perpetrate this appalling crime.”
It wasn’t the intelligence professionals who dropped the ball. It was delusional politicians in America and Europe who pursued a ‘reset’ in the relationship with Russia who weakened the capability of the world to contain Putin’s aggression. Inspite of the prescient advice from their own intelligence analysts. Today, western Europe is paralysed — held hostage — because of their reliance on Russian oil and gas. America, after having unilaterally emasculated its European forces, is reduced to begging Germany and France to doing something about the crisis.
The successes by the ‘rebels’ in the Ukraine may be directly attributed to Russian military and intelligence ‘advisers’ and special forces who provide ‘assistance’ and matériel (like surface-to-air missiles). It was inevitable pro-Russian militants would shoot down a civilian aircraft if their backers in Moscow encouraged the commission of war crimes from the outset in order to frighten the Ukrainian government into capitulating.
@ Saint, you really are a numbskull….How do you know it wasn’t the Kiev Air-Force SU-25 that was apparently tailing Putin’s plane back from Brazil? Where are the Air traffic controllers taped conversations.How do you know that is wasn’t the West trying to start WW3 so the USA/West doesn’t have tod declare Bankruptcy? Do you even know what the ‘Wolfowitz doctrine” is(Full Spectrum dominance).
and just FYI :Putin is surrounded, the “Star Wars” missile shield has been placed over Western Europe and Putin knows it (apparently u might not). If Putin tries to respond to an ‘Nuclear First strike’ attack his missiles will be shot down before they leave their Silo’s. Your assertion that Putin is the ‘agreessor’ is just as fantasticly idiotic as anything you’ve asserted in these forums….and some of the shit you’ve announced here has been monstrously idiotic.
Are you one of the GRP’ers that think that Putin ‘invaded’ the Crimean penisula as well?(I do not care if you are as I lost respect for your idiocies a long time ago).Russia is not the agressor here, but they easily could march into Ukraine and take it over, they don’t want it….but they also do not want NATO onthey’re back doorstep. WW3 could be at hand.
So,Bring it on numbskull I am waiting to kick your intellectual ass again…but first go watch ABS-cbn and Fox news for your info…or is it wikipedia? HA!
Thom Hardy the LIAR. Still propagating conspiracy theories. Still substituting delusion for reality. Professes not to care what Filipinos think and yet inexplicably still devotes an inordinate amount of time to spreading lies on the discussion forums.
Thom Hardy can’t even lie convincingly. On 17 April 2014, in his annual televised question-and-answer session with the Russian people, President Vladimir Putin acknowledged for the first time that the troops in unmarked uniforms who had taken over Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula before its annexation by Moscow were Russian soldiers. Prior to this, he claimed the troops were part of the local self-defence forces/secessionists. Putin said the Russian soldiers’ presence was necessary to protect the local population from armed radicals and to ensure the holding of a referendum (in which an overwhelming majority of its residents voted for seceding from Ukraine and joining Russia). By 20 May 2014, the UNHCR estimated up to 10,000 had fled Crimea due to persecution because of their ethnicity — the majority are ethnic Tartars — or religious beliefs or, in the case of journalists, human rights activists and among intellectuals, due to their activities or professions.
The Russian takeover cannot easily be ignored. Although Moscow used troops legally based in the region (the Black Sea Fleet at Sevastopol), the move was an act of aggression and war against Kiev.
@ SAINT…you ASSHAT, IT IS A FACT, SAINT, that a referendum was held and the people of the Crimea VOTED to become part of the Russian Federation. Your the idiot LIAR SAINT, you comical JACKASS.
If Putin wanted to invade the Crimea he could have done so easily, because no one could have stopped him, BUT HE DID NOT HAVE TO, DUH YOU!!!.The people voted and that is that. You are such an idiot, I almost feel sorry for what an un-educated and mis-informed idiot you are!
‘act of aggression’…LMAO @ SAINT,
As Thom the LIAR says: Crimeans voted to become part of Russia. No question there. But this referendum was held AFTER the Russians TOOK OVER the peninsula. While it may be argued that since Crimea is closer to Russia ethnically, culturally, and politically, and would probably have voted to secede anyway, the fact is on 01 March 2014 the Russian government sent troops to seize government facilities and military assets ostensibly to ‘restore order.’ Along with those troops, busloads of Russian citizens crossed the border into Ukraine to support pro-Russian demonstrators. Equally undeniable is the fact the minority ethnic groups in Crimea were threatened and persecuted by the Russians and their local allies, with up to 10,000 displaced.
Thom the LIAR simply cannot twist reality to fit the narrative he wishes were true.
@SAINT, U got nuttin,ASSHAT!!! U call it ‘aggression’ in Crimea, U get schooled AGAIN, by me, as to the VOTE,THAT HAPPENED..U state…”no question there”…and then you call me a liar again!!! YOU IDIOT!!
U HAVE NO CREDIBILITY and are an IDIOT, stick to what is happening in your own country as you obviously have no knowledge of world events.
@ SAINT, here is an example of what a complete MORON YOU ARE: SEVASTOPOL IS IN CRIMEA, you JACKASS.
You are such an idiot you can not even read a map.
Everyone knows you are an IDIOT.(I know all about the leases too,JACKASS!!). The refferendum held in Crimea was a vote by the people of The Crimea to seceede into the Russian Federation.Over 80%, according to International observers, of the population took part in the Voting.
and you call me a delusional liar HA! I do not just make shit up as YOU DO SAINT. Don’t stop now, JACKASS…I am getting a LARGE LAUGH from your idiotic assertions.
Jonny SAINT fumbles for a response, comes up with Nuthin and can only go for the insults…..like the vacuous JACKASS he is.
Thom Hardy the LIAR should really apologise to all people of normal intelligence for polluting the forums with lies and propaganda. Spin that doesn’t even stand up to minimal scrutiny.
There was never any denial that the majority of Crimeans chose to become part of the Russian federation with the referendum held in mid-March 2014. (The results of which the UN does not recognise as valid, a fact the LIAR Thom Hardy deliberately fails to mention.) The reality is Russian troops wearing unmarked uniforms TOOK OVER the Crimean peninsula in early March, occupying government facilities and seizing military assets. Two weeks BEFORE the referendum. An act which President Putin admitted during his televised question-and-answer on 17 April 2014. As the Crimean peninsula was part of the Ukraine at the time, this incursion constitutes an act of war against a sovereign nation.
This continuing effort by Thom Hardy the LIAR to steer readers away from salient points (which the Russians acknowledge to be true) regarding the events in eastern Ukraine to promote one is simply disingenuous.
Thom Hardy the LIAR should really apologise to all people of normal intelligence for polluting the forums with lies and propaganda. Spin that doesn’t even stand up to minimal scrutiny.
There was never any denial that the majority of Crimeans chose to become part of the Russian federation with the referendum held in mid-March 2014. (The results of which the UN does not recognise as valid, a fact the LIAR Thom Hardy deliberately fails to mention.) The reality is Russian troops wearing unmarked uniforms TOOK OVER the Crimean peninsula in early March, occupying government facilities and seizing military assets. Two weeks BEFORE the referendum. An act which President Putin admitted during his televised question-and-answer on 17 April 2014. As the Crimean peninsula was part of the Ukraine at the time, this incursion constitutes an act of war against a sovereign nation.
This continuing effort by Thom Hardy the LIAR to steer readers away from salient points (which the Russians acknowledge to be true) regarding the events in eastern Ukraine is simply disingenuous.
I won’t look for a link but when watching the CNN coverage there was one point that was made. Most airlines avoided that route. Which suggests to me they were not the only ones who trespassed into that airspace but most avoided. There is all talk of tampering of the crime scene which just insults the memory of these poor people. I am no expert on all this but if somebody can explain to me why the flight path literally put everyone into harm’s way. They were at an altitude of 30,000 feet give or take. They were just a blip on the radar. They obviously fell inside the war zone. I am not sure that can be fabricated. This disaster seemed avoidable.
@ Gogs, you are wise not to speculate as to who what where when why. IDK either but the fact is that until a forensic investigation is conducted of the crash site, scientific analysis is conducted upon the Ukrainian air-traffic control tower recordings as well as Russian and Western satellite images being authenticated and examined…it will be weeks ,if not ,months, before anything definitive is going to be known about who has committed this cowardly act.
As for SAINT and his running his mouth like a school boy, I realize he is your buddy and you must put up with him wetting his pants from time to time. Do you let him sit at the grown-up table at gatherings?
European and US intelligence sources indicate that preliminary analysis of the downing of MH17 shows that the aircraft was shot out of the sky by a surface-to-air missile originating in Eastern Ukraine.
On 22 July 2014, at the Torez railway station, (where the bodies from MH17 were stored) a pro-Russian militiaman from the Oplot fighting unit admitted they shot the plane down by mistake, thinking it was a military flight out of Kiev. It was also reported that the order to shoot did not originate in Russia.
@ SAINT, you should get it thrugh your thick head that no one knows, other than the guilty party, who is responsible for the attack on flight MH17. it will be weeks or months b4 it all comes to any coherent light.
you and your assertions are NONSENSE. OR maybe you should keep going with your fractured logic and make an even bigger JACKASS out of yourself than you already have.Matter of fact, Imma gettin a good laugh, keep going,LOL!!!
@SAINT THE LIAR, quoting your latest responses to Johnny’s arguments:
“Jonny SAINT fumbles for a response, comes up with Nuthin and can only go for the insults…..like the vacuous JACKASS he is”
“So,Bring it on numbskull I am waiting to kick your intellectual ass again…but first go watch ABS-cbn and Fox news for your info…or is it wikipedia? HA!”
These are just bread crumbs of the spectacle of ironies, ignorance, and idiocy your hypocritical ASS has shown to the good people of GRP.
Through thorough reading, One can only see your various ramblings about his incompetence and “stupidity” and never really about detail.
One implores you; if you cannot listen, or even give arguments with strong foundations, SHUT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING BUTT-HURT ASSHOLE OF A MOUTH!
One wouldn’t want to be in your definition of a “grown-up table at gatherings.”
One also thinks you’d suck *insert pseudonym here* better than sticking around here defending your claims with “ABS-CBN” for one as reference.
@ My PEN…..No one ,including me addressed SAINT THE LIAR…..so Jonny, stop being a sock puppett and realize the only point I made here was No one knows who shot the plane down…and still don’t.
FYI (u dont know this coz U sit with the kids too), grown ups speak with so-called ‘vulgarity’, all the time…it is one reason there is a ‘Grown up table’. The fact that the guy that calls himself SAINT rushes to judgement like a toddler, citing un-reliable non-entity sources, rather than examining all sides and evidence,and blurts what he here’s out as if its the only truth, is what earns him his place at the kiddies table.Can’t take the language BITCH? too bad, eat some shit at the kiddies table with him while your at it!
BTW, no one cares about the size of your ‘pen’, not even your boyfriend.and If I was wrong I’d admit it, as I’ve done here several times. But the ASS-HAT SAINT continues to get schooled and will never admit it,WHY? Coz he a low self-esteem asshat, rushing to judgement (like school boys do) FLIP TARD, its that simple.
did I forget to say F/U/C/K/ Y/O/U? I am sorry if I did.SAINT, schooled again,if if if ur disguised in sock-puppet garb. HA, you fool no one but yourself…and I will school you again, very soon!
Thom Hardy the LIAR — still picking and choosing news bits to fit his conspiracy narrative. Still can’t contradict reality with delusion.
@ SAINT, U got schooled again jackass. U got nothing. No one HERE knows who shot down the plane.Especially you.
I will school you again ASSHAT. I am going to make a point of it.It will not be difficult either, just have to wait for an International subject matter and there it is Jonny SAINT…instant shithead…just add international news,lol!
Thom Hardy the LIAR. Still spreading lies to fit his conspiracy.
What I really wanna know is how is the Phil. government handling this tragedy? 3 citizens of its country were aboard on that plane and have yet to hear anything from them beyond, “words of regret.”
their impotence is obvious and they should say as little as possibe.
Aside from the obvious tragedy, it is quite disturbing how this disaster is now being used to vilify Putin. This has turned into a political charade. This is plainly the fault of Malaysian Airlines. No other Airline used this route, the avoided it for obvious reasons. Malaysian Airlines probably wanted to save fuel. It was stupid beyond believe. Blame the Airline for being reckless.
Wait a minute… There’s also the issue of who actually launched that missile. Do you mean to tell me those idiots cannot be faulted for this??
Benign0, of course, the people who pressed the button are primitive brutes. But, the fact remains that this is a war zone. Let’s say you are on your way home in your car and you have your family onboard. On the radio you hear that there is a shootout between police and some criminals on the road that you are driving on. Do you stay on that road and endanger your family or do you take an alternate route? Other Airline avoided to fly over that area, so yes, I say Malaysian Airlines is at fault. Another point I was trying to make was that I find it rather tasteless that this horrible tragedy is being used for politics. I really dont see the connection that Putin is at fault because the weapons system was supplied by Russia. Thousand upon thousands of people get killed everyday by weapons systems that are supplied by England, France, Germany, the U.S., et cetera. Where is the outrage when Israel murders innocent women and children in Gaza with weapons supplied by the U.S.? Americans should shut up and get off their high horse.
Oh, one more thing. Nowhere does it say that they launched the missile to shoot down a civilian passenger plane. They thought they are firing on military jets. This is not a justification, but an observation from a neutral standpoint.
although I do agree with you fully, your own hypothetical example is for me actually the perfect what is happening all over the Philippines. Especially the part where everybody keeps on procreating.
I will not defend MAH nor defend KLM. But I think flying in a troubled air space was and is very common. Both airlines and thus both countries were not the seperatist’s enemies. In hindsight it was just one flight too much. A case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. And everybody paid a damned high prize for it.
Robert, you are of course not wrong with what you are saying. 😉
Where in the world are “thousands and thousands” being killed everyday by American weapons systems? Is there a secret killing field we don’t know about?
How can you not reasonably anticipate that giving a sophisticated missile system — one that requires constant training for users to become proficient — to untrained, vodka-soaked thugs might end in tragedy? Who’s playing politics there aside from you Putin apologists? The fact is, Mr Putin has allowed a veritable gang war to take hold — without caring that he is losing control of the forces that he has unleashed, with rival bands pitted against one another and carving out fiefs amid the growing anarchy. He gave these undisciplined louts, who know only the law of the jungle, a terrifying arsenal with which the amateur soldiers were unfamiliar and with which they have been playing, like prepubescents with fireworks.
Women and children dying in the Gaza strip? In a conflict started by Hamas lobbing missiles into Israel. After Hamas killed three Israeli teenagers. After Hamas militants crossed into a kibbutz with the express intention of kidnapping Jews.
No one is claiming that shooting down MH17 was an intentional act. Nor is anyone claiming the order to do so came from Russia.
However, the danger was created from the beginning when undisciplined thugs were given a BIG gun they did not know how to use properly. Worse, they were itching to use the weapon when they heard their enemy was in the area. It’s akin to drunken fools who shoot off their weapons into the air during the New Year celebrations. They don’t bother to think about where their bullets will hit coming down. And like the passengers and crew of MH17, the victims of those indiscriminate shots had no reason to believe that someone, somewhere, would be so utterly irresponsible to fire their weapon blindly in that manner.
Now your calling people a ‘Putin apologist’, whatta douchbag!!!!
STFU SAINT, your idiotic comments here are making you look worse by the comment.You are now stating that ‘Vodka soaked’ thugs shot the plane down and that they were ‘unleashed by Putin’. YOU IDIOT!!!
How do you know it wasn’t the Ukrainian army trying to shoot down Putin’s plane when he was on his way back from Brazil??? That a SU-25 Pilot did not mistakenly shoot the passenger plane down? YOU DO NOT KNOW, YOU CAN NOT KNOW as all the evidence is not in yet.
SAINT accusse’s other’s of ‘cavalierly bandying about rhetoric’ and does that exact thing himself.Like A RETARDED FLIP-TARD….you really are like a child wetting his pants in front of the class and the teacher(ME).
You’ve been SCHOOLED AGAIN…now go back to the quiet room JACKASS!!!
right behind MH17, a KLM flight was flying intended to pass the same air space. After the KLM flight saw what happened to the MH flight it changed course immediately.
The Netherlands
Thank you for the clarification Robert. So KLM is now also on my list of reckless Airlines to avoid. We should really concentrated on the Airlines that chose safety over profit instead of justifying that Malaysian Airlines was not the only one flying over that territory.
What made me wonder is why the plane routed through a war torn area of Ukraine? Rebels in pro-russian area in the east side of ukraine has been fighting Keiv since February. If it simply avoided the area, this disaster won’t happend.
The air space above eastern Ukraine was cleared by – I thought – EuroControl (otherwise by Ukraine Traffic Control) above 10,000 metres (+/- 30,000 feet). Then its up to the airliner slash pilot what to do. Also, it seems that Malaysian Airlines is not doing good financially. So every short cut is a dollar saved in fuel.
No surprise there. ‘MH370’ disappears under mysterious circumstances over the Indian Ocean. And now ‘MH17’ is shot out of the sky over eastern Ukraine. To say Malaysian Airlines is having a bad year would be an understatement! If “Journeys Are Made by the People You Travel With,” apparently traveling with Malaysia Airlines means a journey into the afterlife. Can’t be doing their reputation any good.
Let me make just a stupid remark. If I had to choose on which flight I liked to be then I would choose MH17 hands down. At least my next of kin knows where I am. Dead for sure, but my corpse will be brought back home. I cant say that about the victims of MH370.
Not too sure about that, my friend.
The Russians and their Ukrainian thugs are still holding on to the majority of the bodies recovered from the crash site and preventing any kind of forensic investigation.
@ Mr. Haighton, pay no attention to the village idiot (Saint), the bodies are being returned as we speak after being held in refrigerated railway cars. It may be true that the Ukrianian authorities in the vicinity of the crash were in possesion of the bodies, but they were literally blasted into their custody.
@HARDY, here’s the stick. You want the stick? Go get it, boy!
*throws stick 5 meters away*
*bitch chases the stick*
*random Chinese guy grills HARDY*
The End.
It is a tragedy, for those innocent passemgers to be murdered that way. The conflict in Ukraine continues; and it might widen to an international conflict.
It is an international crisis; and let us just hope that it will not end up to World War III…with powerful countries armed to the teeth, with nuclear weapons; that can blow us all, and end the human race…it is a world crissis…
What world crisis!? What the deuce are you talking about? What world war? Since the ongoing conflict started (February 2014), fighting has been limited to the Crimean peninsula. Russia has never indicated a desire to declare war on Europe. The UK, France and Germany still continue to trade with Russia. There is no evidence that any of these countries are massing to forcibly eject Putin’s ‘advisers’ from Crimea, a region that is, incidentally, ethnically, geographically, historically and politically closer to Russia than the Ukraine.
It is highly irresponsible of you to be spreading hysteria about nuclear war! Babbling mindlessly and running around like a headless chicken is exactly the kind of disgraceful behaviour that could eventually precipitate the escalation of a regional conflict to a global catastrophe.
You are the one that is babbling like an idiot Saint. Nuclear war is very close to a reality….How much of this shit do you think Putin is going to tolerate? There has got to be a breaking point.
at least HT knows it.It appears,Saint, you actually believe everything the Western media says about ‘Putin and his thugs’. if Putin is such a thug, why is Edward Snowden allowed to walk freely in Moscow (Oh, you think he is a Russian spy? LOL @ U!) & be seen in public? why is Snowden not being tortured for everything he knows(coz you aren’t hearing all of it,yet!)? and FYI there is no war going on in the Crimea.The Crimea held a referrendum and voted to return to align/induct into the Russian Federation ,btw it was from whence it came, once upon a time.
The sinking of the “Luisitania”, started World War I. The shot at Sarajevo in Yugoslavia, started World War II. We were nearly on Nuclear war, between Soviet Union and the U.S., in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
This is a world crisis. Peoples’ lives are lost. And there are many wars/conflicts going on in this world. With nations armed with nuclear weapons…anything can happen, if cool heads will not prevail…I hope it will not be an accident, if they push the nuclear button…
And that is precisely why you shouldn’t be cavalierly bandying about the prospect of nuclear war.
Incidentally, NO ONE is under any delusion that World War One (not World War Two as you claim) started because Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Ferdinand. While it was the event that immediately preceded the conflagration, political, territorial and economic conflicts between the great European powers had already been raging in the four decades leading up to the war. The Great War WAS inevitable.
Today, conditions are very different. War need not be the ONLY outcome. The biggest mistake the human race can make at this juncture is to FORCE parallelisms with the two previous World Wars; especially these constant references to Munich, 1938 — the most abused analogy in history. Getting hysterical over the supposed inevitability of war will make it a self fulfilling prophecy.
@H.T. do not listen tothe village idiot SAINT, you are entitled to your opinion just as much as anyone and for him to act like the neighborhood ‘know-it-all’/bully and tell you what to do just proves what an idiot he is.
I happen to agree with you that a nuclear crisis could be looming. Since what some think is the West’s overthrowing of the gov’t. in Kiev in February , a direct violation of an agreement that NATO would not cross into Ukraine, the West is surrounding Russia and literallt begging for a War.Now that ‘Star Wars’ is in place in Eastern Poland and the Baltics, and the slaughter of ethnic Russians in the eastern Ukraine, Putin is a tight spot.Add to that the fact the West needs to off load its bad debts onto other countries, take a wild guess who is next?
So no never mind the village idiot SAINT, he is a comical douchbag/asshat and jumps to the first conclusion he is fed by the media.It will be quite some time before the truth comes to light about what has actually taken place concerning flight MH17, besides the fact that 300 people are dead.
Wednesday 23 July at 03.48PM and 03.50PM Dutch time, 2 airplanes landed on Eindhoven airport with the first +/- 50 coffins.
It was a Hercules C130 (Royal Dutch Air Force) and a Boeing C17 Globemaster (Royal Australian Air Force).
Time now: 03.55PM Dutch time
I send my condolence to those families of the victims. I pray that they will be comforted by God, in their time of grief….
YES..RIP and condolences to the families of the victims of this tragedy.
(corrections and additions)
Wednesday 23 July at 03.48PM and 03.50PM Dutch time, 2 airplanes landed on Eindhoven airport with the first +/- 50 coffins.
It was a Lockheed C-130 Hercules (Royal Dutch Air Force; Flight NAF-22) and a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III (Royal Australian Air Force).
After the coffins will be transfered into cars, the cars will go to Hilversum to de Korporaal van Oudheusdenkazerne where the bodies will be identified.
Time now: 04.16PM Dutch time
The world condition is worse today; because many nations have nuclear capabilities. Russia has many kinds of nuclear weapons; including the Hydrogen Bomb. They have the missile capabilities to deliver their nuclear warheads any place in this world.
Thousands of missiles with nuclear warheads. And, the ex-KGB Putin, is on the nuclear trigger of these missiles. You have seen how Putin behaved.
More like Joseff Stalin than a Gorbachov or a Yeltsin. It is really a dangerous situation. Holland is a member of NATO. How many NATO countries have nuclear weapons? How many countries with nuclear capabilities, have lost people in this tragedy?
In order to save money on fuel some airliners fly over war zones. That practice is more reckless than anything I can think of. As per the Russians they are just protecting their own Russian brothers. Ukrainian nationalist have a history of oppressing ethnic minority like my brother Hungarians. We know about the Ukrainians and no amount of brainwashing from the US media can reverse that. There are 200,000 ethnic Hungarians living in the foothills of Charpathia and their suffering from Ukrainian nationalist is a well know and painfully documented fact for Hungarians. We don’t trust them for a very good reason and the USA is again making a huge mistake by going against Russia and ganging up with the villains.
OK…Attila the Hun has spoken…we just want peace in this world…let us all live in peace together…
Judging from the comments here, I really don’t think Filipinos have a thorough knowledge and background of what has been going on within the Ukrainian region and its history. At best, they have a limited viewpoint since the Philippines is more aligned with the US/NATO than Russia. Can’t be helped I guess.
@ ANON,.Astute observation…and they think they are never wrong too,lol.