If the Philippines were to hold a Presidential election tomorrow, Senator Grace Poe would win by a landslide. Not only does she have everything the average Filipino voter is looking for in a candidate – a popular last name and connection to showbiz personalities – she also enjoys the privilege of using her late father, Fernando Poe Jr’s death to catapult her to the highest office in the land.
Now before you accuse me of disrespecting the dead, please note that Senator Poe herself was the one who brought up the subject of her father in the first place. To her credit, she did not pretend to have won a Senate seat because the voters thought she was more than qualified for the job; she matter-of-factly reminded her audience that she “won in the 2013 elections precisely because people remember FPJ”. Amazingly, facts like these are quite acceptable among the majority of Filipinos as input into the decision process they apply when voting. And that’s only because elections in the country are akin more to a popularity contest than to an evaluation of candidates’ competency.
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Going back to using the dead to win sympathy votes, Senator Poe probably learned how effective it is to use a dead parent to gain the people’s trust from Liberal Party mate and incumbent President Benigno Simeon “BS” Aquino. The latter’s handlers were quick to use the emotional vulnerability of the public after Cory died. They made sure another Aquino name was cemented into the people’s minds before the mourning phase was over. I don’t know what it is about death and elections in the Philippines but I just feel like somebody ought to make a movie out of it already like that famous Hugh Grant movie, Four weddings and a Funeral.
Aside from using a dead relative to gain the public’s trust, politicians like Senator Poe have also learned to use former President Gloria Arroyo to elevate their own status as “honest” public servants. Although, some people could see through what Senator Poe was trying to do when she brought up the subject of the “Hello Garci” tape in her speech especially since the allegation that GMA cheated in the 2004 election was never brought to court and was never proven to be true.
It seems like Senator Poe is still living in a fantasy world where she believes that her father, FPJ would still be alive today had he won the 2004 election. Or maybe Senator Poe actually believes that the Philippines could have achieved First World status by now had her father ruled the country for at least six-months before his death.
Senator Poe also comes across as a bit nonsensical when she keeps pining about the “what if”. What if her father won the election? In the words of the late comedian Dolphy, “Madaling tumakbo, paano kung manalo?” How would FPJ, the actor handled a financial crisis? Did he have a background in economics? He didn’t even finish high school. How would FPJ, the actor dealt with the unemployment problem in the country? Did he know anything about attracting foreign and local investors? Would he have used his acting abilities to charm them? I don’t think his anting-anting would have worked. How would FPJ, the actor dealt with natural disasters brought about by super typhoons like Yolanda? Photo ops would not solve anything. Those are just some of the big challenges that FPJ, the actor would have faced had he won the Presidency in 2004.
Her resolve to clean up election fraud during elections with her proposed bill is commendable but Senator Poe needs to get real. She can do this by using her head and accepting the fact that her late father, FPJ the actor, would not have been good as a leader of the country anyway. He would have failed miserably. She should be thankful that he lost the election because he didn’t have to embarrass himself and the country while in office.
Senator Poe did raise a valid point that could haunt even the incumbent President: “May kasabihan sa Pilipinas na walang pulitikong natatalo, nadadaya lang” If she believes that saying is true — that candidates who lose elections were cheated — then the allegation that BS Aquino cheated in the 2010 election is also true.
The Philippines has real problems that cannot be solved by a popular actor who didn’t have anything to offer other than his good looks and “kindness”. I’m sure when Senator Poe is facing the same problems during her own term after she wins in the 2016 Presidential election, she will come to the realization that her father was better off losing and staying off politics. And maybe then she and her supporters can finally have some closure. The only problem with that is, the entire population has to bear another on-the-job trainee for another six years.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
Another great article as usual Ms. Ilda although I’m very sure that those who don’t agree with the article(especially malcañang trolls) will show up again.
It’s really jarring how a lot of people are still being fooled by this attempt at dragging a decade old issue although Sen. Poe has ironically won due to rampant cheating(60-30-10) in the elections last year.
People still don’t realize that they’re being duped yet again by this administration by beating this really really dead horse.
If FPJ had won and that 2008 financial crisis happened in his term, I seriously doubt that he can prevent our country from being affected by it.
He’s not an economist, just a movie star with imaginary “credentials”.
I doubt that this latest attempt of this admin to steer away the public’s attention from the pork barrel scam will totally succeed since more and more people are now getting fed up with this yellow government.
Thanks, Johnny Derp!
I added another paragraph because I got reminded that I forgot to mention it in the article:
“Senator Poe did raise a valid point that could haunt even the incumbent President: “May kasabihan sa Pilipinas na walang pulitikong natatalo, nadadaya lang” If she believes that saying is true — that candidates who lose elections were cheated — then the allegation that BS Aquino cheated in the 2010 election is also true.”
Well…sana di mo na lang dinagdag iyong paragraph na iyan, because i can’t see the logic. If you think BS Aquino did cheat, how come his admin seems to rest on a rock of political stability, compared with his predecessor? Honestly, hindi ako Malacanang troll, I still believe GMA would have been a good president, kung nakuha lang niya iyong rock of political stability, she would have been the best president we could ever have in our generation. Why? Only GMA, despite the perceived cloud of doubt on her presidency, got to implement several unpopular fiscal reform measures. Fortunately, we are somehow reaping the results now, unfortunately, nobody in this country would ever believe that. Kung hindi lang nagmadali iyong strategists ni GMA during the 1999-2000, she could have really been the best president. Sayang lang talaga, I think this country could have really been a first world by 2020 if GMA’s admin only rests on political stability.
My statement was following Senator Poe’s logic. As in, if we are to follow her logic–that every losing candidate was cheated out of his or her post– then the allegation that PNoy also cheated is true.
What rock have you been hiding under? Haven’t you heard about PNoy’s secretaries implicated in corruption scandal? Just because PNoy is dismissing those allegations doesn’t mean “his admin is resting on a rock of political stability”.
Political stability can be done by means of “bribing” .Kaya nga sa susunod na ADMIN ay ganito rin ang gagawin ng uupo
Don’t vote to any LP or nationalista, they are all a single tandem party with a single president. That’s why they allowed those other party name to exist only to be used as scapegoat in case of a rainy day (bibigyan ng pork at saka sisishin para kunwari merong nahuling corrupt)
“amazingly” facts like this…..i’m sorry I am not amazed at all. I am stongly convinced that the supposedly right word for it is “unfortunately”.
FPJ would have first punched and then shot any problem coming his way. And that, without reloading once. What a circus!
Isang bala ka lang slogan ni FPJ sa economic solution..Matutuwa ang mga pinoy ,kase kahit presidente na ay napapatawa pa rin..nakatirik na ang mga mata
Blah blah blah . Malacanang trolls dot com….. Dot kiss ass dot com… Predictable. Com. You’ll make a difference with your top notch education.
The answer is international auditors and not local idiots that can be bribed for less than the cost of dinner in any other country. Al Capone got done for it… Prohibition on idiots is the answer.
Ok let’s move straight to threats, I like that…. I have a lemon shirt.
I don’t believe in any politicians anymore I felt like they will promise this and those but yet they never delivered at all. I just don’t trust any of those all they care was their own self but not really for the people of the Philippines. All they care how to take care of their own self, anyway why vote? And why there is still election it’s just a one big bullshit. The only leader who did best for this country was the late President Marcos and my hats off to him no offense but he was a legend a great hero who brought our country on the top less crime no corruption in the government at the same time the economy was amazing 2.00 pesos vs. 1 dollar. And every Filipino people has discipline.
All politicians should be treated with a healthy dose of skepticism. You cannot trust them to always do the right thing. The citizens should be vigilant in making sure that the politicians they put into power are not abusing their positions.
I love this article…
Thanks, Philip!
Such a disappointing piece you have written here, full of fallacies:
1. FPJ not qualified for the presidency – sure, absolutely 100% agree. However, you miss the point by a mile. The issue is the alleged cheating and its closure to serve justice to the wrongdoers and further strengthen our electoral process to finally prevent cheating;
2. Bitter? – that’s your opinion and I will respect that. However, let me offer mine: she maybe bitter as it was her father who was allegedly cheated but should that be argued here as her reason to bring up the issue in a privilege speech?
3. You questioned FPJ’s ability to lead the nation. I agree but that argument is best placed in another space and time, not as an aside to the issue of the senator’s privilege speech; and lastly,
4. Senator Poe winning by a landslide? On what basis did you proffer this “truth”? Have you seen the latest survey? It concluded that Binay would win hands down if elections were held tomorrow. Heck, even if elections were held today. That set you up from the very beginning of your article as just another blogger. Sorry, I’m on to my next blogger
Please tell us how badmouthing the alleged election frauds could bring closure to the issue 10 years after the crime was supposedly committed. Since charges cannot be filed anymore and the crime was not proven in the first place, what was her point in spending a great amount of time discussing it? Was it beneficial to the public? Do you think it won’t happen again? It remains to be seen. Come back after the 2016 election and we’ll see how it goes.
I don’t get your point. You agree with me that she sounds bitter, so what’s the problem?
She should put her bitterness aside now that she is in power and help heal the wounds of the nation. Unfortunately, it seems her goal was to rile up the public against her political enemies.
What duh…?! You’re just not making any sense.
Just because the survey said Binay would win doesn’t mean it could happen. The problem with people like you is you underestimate the power of ignorant people moving in large numbers. Hey, I wish I am wrong too. Maybe she will lose to someone else. That’s good news for all of us.
I think the bloggers at Pro-Pinoy could use some comments in their comment section. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out! 😉
“Have you seen the latest survey?”
It’s official: you’re always being blinded by those biased surveys and accept them as gospel truths. Use your brain for once you nutcase. Or you just don’t have one?
“You questioned FPJ’s ability to lead the nation.”
Isn’t it obvious you moron? Why should he immediately run for president while he hasn’t run as a mayor, congressman, and senator yet? What does he know about politics? He’s just another popular pinoy artist who wants to join politics only to fool his bobotantes for the taxpayers’ money and not for the Filipino people.
Hey Domo, calling me a nutcase and moron does not give you immunity from being called an idiot and dumbass. C’mon dude, argue on the basis of something that deserves an educated risposte and not as a bully. Though I can reprise my youth as I admittedly was a bully at times (tsk.tsk.tsk. my bad!). You wanna try me? One on one dude
Nice red herring, son.
Dolphy is right–for a pinoy movie actors it is very easy to be a politics but what happend in you win
Actor that never graduate elementary still can be president.The way to run a country,he’l just hired or use those people or corporation that help him on his campaign. Pnoy in my opinion actually not running the govt.He is only a dummy and the clan is the one in charge behind the door.Anything happen after 2016 ,nobody can charged him of wrongdoing because everybody know’s the he is not in good mental health. Blame who patronage the yellow and media bias
What was the purpose of her privilege speech?
I don’t get it why she had to go on rambling about the past. What should be more important is what she can (will) do (or doing) for the Filipino people. Sure, a bill or two against electoral fraud looks good on paper but, for me it looks as if it was conceived by someone in a student government (masabi lang na gumawa). Looking at the video of her reading her speech looks a bit student goverment-ish, and I do not think anybody there was genuinely interested. All these in the expense of the filipino taxpayers. If she was selling goods/services I would rather have somebody else, please.
Filipinos should realize that these jobs call for real performance. I think getting hired in a good company in the real world for us commoners is way much more difficult than how these bozos get elected to important positions. People working for private firms would be able to do a better job at running the country if you ask me. Take a mid level manager to do a task and it will be done, if not, sack him and replace him. It should be the same with the government. But then, that is taking the money factor out of the equation… which we should. No more PDAF, DAP or any forms of it should exist. Doing these, we should end up with a government filled with people who will do their jobs and those who won’t/can’t are fired and replaced or should just simply resign as what public servants from the other countries do (did).
Wake up Philippines!
She obviously hasn’t seen frozen since she can’t “let it go”(pun intended).
What was the point of her resurrecting a decade old horse? They’ve already beaten that horse to death.
Her dad was really unfit for the presidency yet she still insists that he was cheated. Sore loser talaga.
These showbiz politicians are only good at badmouthing their political enemies. They are useless anyway. If we dissolve the legislative branch now, we won’t even miss these clowns.
101% agree, matter of fact i don’t believe FPJ won especially in the Visaya’s region were not into celebrities ,I dont vote for him (RIP) and I was at the precincts in our province He did not win there,for us Visayan’s its an insult for the professionals like me who work hard to get a degree,just because they have money and a well-known actors they can ran for the highest position in the government? Politics in the phil is a big freaking jokes,poor citizens like me prefer to leave our beloved country in exchange for the foreign land who respect and valued their constituents.
Thanks for the input, Kate. A lot of Filipinos are quick to believe in propaganda, unfortunately.
Is this a demolition job against FPJ and Sen. Poe? The article is so one-sided and seems to undermine FPJ and Sen Poe!
There is nothing to demolish, FPJ is dead and Sen. Poe has yet to show she is worth the taxpayers’ money.
Can you site anything of essence that would tell us about the ability of Sen.Poe, prior to getting into Philippine politics?
One sided? Expected comment from someone who is clearly paid to troll here.
FPJ is already dead, there’s no need to beat a really really dead horse if the intention is to distract the people from the real issues like the pork barrel scam which the current president is obviously involved in.
@Alex A: Well, duh. Besides, too many people are praising the “good side” of the Poes that this article needed to show the other side of the story.
The author is just stating concrete facts. You jelly?
it’s so obvious the blogger is pushing for macoy junior. marcos pa rin daw.
The term “allegation” is lost on people like you.
It’s no wonder why your boss in malacañang hired you to troll here since you are too blind to realize that its futile to troll here.
A real-life FRAUD like you would never reply back. 😛
Tits or your nose is getting longer you pleb. Still not smart eh malakanyakanyang troll?
Going back on 2004 election isnt bad for them cause they’re the ones who been cheated by GMA administration. Citizens voted him hoping that he will do better which I didnt agree (I was on elementary when presidential election was in mainstream). If Mrs. Poe using her past for early campaign for the next incoming “election”, I wish goodluck for her.
I am not a Fan of Both Gloria and FPJ. But if he were to win the Presidency with a Clean Slate,he would have still died in 2004 anyway. Having Loren as his successor would have been a bane as would a De Castro Presidency. Perhaps If he were to survive a few more years,there would be some scandals and unavoidable mismanagement of the Economy. By now we would have been under Erap again if he finished his term. To be fair to FPJ,he was thinking putting people like Solita Monsod and Mar Roxas in his cabinet. He didn’t want some shady characters in his campaign funding base according to Tito sotto.
Tell me what good is it having Monsod and Roxas in the Cabinet? Shady characters, huh?
Point Taken. I should have added he made sure that no one with millions with money would go to him for favors.
Please clarify.
Isn’t this now just pointless speculation? ‘He maybe would have done this’ or ‘He maybe would have done that.’ On the order of ‘Ninoy Aquino would have been a great leader if…’
If you want to ponder probabilities, here’s something to consider: In the history of the Philippines, NONE of these entertainment industry personalities who have held public office, or at least have become involved in politics, have demonstrated that they are any better at leading this country than any of the political dynasties who make a career out of public service. Given the performance of characters like Erap Estrada in the presidency, it might be argued that entertainment and/or media personalities exhibit a greater degree of incompetence that leads to an even higher level of failure.
Shouldn’t that be the topic of discussion? Instead of what a dead guy may or may not have possibly done sometime during his time in office that never happened.
Balanced, well-explained, well-analyzed, logical, factual, direct-to-the-point, and intelligent article. As usual great job Ilda. I wish columnist or writer like you will flourish in the Philippines. God bless you and our beloved country.
Thank you!
I will probably agree that FPJ was not competent to be President. However, that does not justify the blatant cheating perpetrated by Garcillano and GMA. No amount of rationalization will justify fraudulent acts.
Is GMA convicted already for electoral fraud?
Did she not admit she talked to Garcillano? She had no business calling him to check on the “results” of their agreement,
@ Javier
Please understand the question. Let me rephrase, did the court of law pronounce her guilty of electoral fraud?
Last time I checked, the cases filed against her, with Pnoys prodding, are dropping like flies.
Admitting she talked to Garci only proves she talked to Garci, what else?
Come on, dude, reason with the brain and not with emotions.
Nothing wrong with talking with a Comelec commissioner during the counting process? If you see nothing wrong with that, I can’t help you.
@ Javier
Read my post again, son. Did I say there that there was nothing wrong with her talking to Garci?
It is true that this is a clear violation on her part but it does not indicate beyond reasonable doubt that she is guilty of electoral fraud just because of this. As people in the know may correct me, it is just a circumstantial evidence.
You see, Javier, filipinos like you make it worse, instead of focusing on facts and logic, you base everything on emotions and hearsay. Your kind makes the rule of law a mess. I do not need your help, surely you need mine.
did any court of law pronounce PNoy guilty of graft because of his dispensing DAP?
The SC is yet to come out with a decision on DAP.
FPJ was qualified as per Constitution. Write your own Constitution if you are unhappy with it.
@ john c. jacinto
Your president is a lying, thieveing scum bag! Allow me to repost what I have said in the other article:
“Mr. President, you are an asshole!
Your clan has brought this country to its knees and more. Wake up and smell the shit! You really think this is progress? Tell that to the average Juan on the street having to live through the day with the jobs (non-jobs) you created, just being happy to barely take his family to Jollibee on weekends. Tell him its progress that he has to endure the torture of daily commute trough the metro. Tell him every 15th & end of the month that what his employer takes as tax is better utilized by the government than by him investing in his kids education or even buy his own house. Tell that also to his kids that public education provided to them is at par with the world. Tell it to his wife who has to work her magic on the family’s budget just to pay for “world class” utilities, even if power shortage is real and is here. Go tell it to them and hear what they have to honestly say, and not listen to your own “”surveys”. Better yet, why don’t you try living their lives even for just a day, and tell the world it’s your caln who bought the country to this sorry state.”
Read this also and weep!
Did the article justify cheating and any form of fraudulent acts? Of course not. Was it proven that GMA cheated in the 2004 election? No, because people like Senator Poe did not file a case against the alleged perpetrators when they could. The allegations were all based on hearsay thanks to people like PNoy who voted against listening to the Garci tape during the congressional hearing about the alleged fraud.
Why did she talk to Garci? Answer that. Very improper for a candidate to have such a conversation with a Comelec commissioner. No one in government acted then because they were all under the grips of GMA, including the entire Comelec.
Why did she talk to Garci? I’m sure PNoy knows why because they were still allies then. He even voted against playing the “Hello Garci” tape during the hearing. Why did PNoy vote against it? Answer that.
You give her too much credit for controlling the will of everyone in public service. Doesn’t that reflect badly on those people too? That they didn’t have balls to stand up to what is right? Where’s the accountability? Gimme a break. Besides, that’s just like saying they are now under the grips of PNoy.
So what do you think of PNoy talking to not one but several judges during the Corona impeachment trial? No one can act against this
until now because all branches of government are under his control – and he seems arrogantly confident that no one can do anything about this!
Javier, this is not to say GMA didn’t intend to cheat when calling Garci (that’s for the courts to prove) but it may have also been a wrong judgement call. There were rumors of rampant cheating in the south but we know they’re not really just rumors(as no president even a sitting one can fully control electoral fraud in the far flung areas) and that was the context provided on why GMA called Garci in order to ensure that wasn’t allowed to go unabated. But people can believe which side of the story they want to believe right. The bottomline is, no case was filed and nothing was proven via due process.
was Pnoy proven to have stolen public funds?
Corruption comes in many forms. It’s not just about stealing public funds. There’s also bribery, nepotism and etc.
Incompetence is also a sign of corruption you dumb little twat.
Tell me why you think he’s still worth of your blind loyalty even after being caught red handed with his involvement in the PDAF and DAP scam?
Your president is clearly guilty since he is protecting 3 of his goons that are involved in the pork barrel scam.
Your president is accountable for all the corrupt actions abad and his ilk has done.
LAWL, this john c. jacinto guy is all bark no bite.
If BRIBERY and NEPOTISM are not corruption, then you’re a LYING HYPOCRITE. 😛
All we get are crickets chirping whenever we destroy this noytard’s propaganda and he never comes back with a rebuttal.
Like his boss, he is all bark but no bite.
A real FRAUD like his bald boss in malacanang.
Almost anybody can qualify for presidency in the Philippines. The constitution provides minimal qualification standard. FPJ was definitely qualified. Competency may be debatable, which can only be validated by performance. Now, we will never know, that’s the mystery of ‘Panday’.
Well, there you go. Filipinos would gladly vote any popular figure into the highest office in the land as long as they pass the very “minimum” qualification. Never mind if the candidate isn’t even competent to handle the problems facing the nation.
Noynoy Aquino it seems has provided Grace Poe the template to pole vault over a dead parent’s corpse into an elected position. The guy has been dead over nine years. Noynoy, Nancy and Grace. What do they have in common? Pinoys respond to Inherit instead of earn. The Filipino rarely discerns when it comes to their politicians. That’s why the baduy vote is so important. Capture the baduy vote with bells, whistles, colors, famous dead relatives, vague slogans, corny jingles , artistas.
Having seen Noynoy in “action” for 4 years now, I am not sure whether he or FPJ would make a better partner on Jeopardy. Yet the same people who once said “eeewww FPJ, vigorously support Noynoy. Does not compute.
When you don’t feel like thinking , resort to emo. Works everytime for the pinoy. The same people who looked down at others emotionally drawn into FPJ themselves got drawn into Noynoy. As Tom Hopkins the great sales trainer always says “people buy emotionally then defend logically” . My reason for writing all that I have about Noynoy since 2009 is to cut through all the crap. Unfortunately Pinoy emo is really a tough nut to crack.
Noynoy did not win in 2010 through hard work, a bloated resume, experience, achievement and merit. He won through emo, massive generalizations, deception, misrepresentation, symbolism, boogeyman stories and taking advantage of freak timing. Face it, FPJ tried a similar route in 2004. Oh and FPJ just like the current president avoided debates during the campaign. Which speaks ill of them but even worse of us the voters and our future. The message the voters are sending is the debates do not matter. Intellect and logic do not matter. Noynoy/ FPJ tactics and qualifications matter. Yeah Pinoy Pride!
Too right, Gogs. Too right. I couldn’t have said it better myself.
very well said. thank you for writings like this. i really hope this article gets read by our so-called leaders.
The following are just my 2 cents…
1. Didn’t vote for FPJ and GMA. I’ve lost faith in all our politicians.
2. Even the “hero” Marcos couldn’t have prevented the 2008 GLOBAL financial crisis from affecting the country. Remember that the 2008 financial crisis was caused by these so-called economists. So to say that a president with an economic background could have done a better job doesn’t make sense to me.
2. FPJ was qualified to run. The question is could he have been a competent president? We’ll never know.
3. Surveys are not to be believed… not until you can use it to back your argument haha
4. Filipinos are not stupid we’re just enamored with celebrities. We’ll never recover as a nation if we continue to keep celebrities in such high esteeem.
5. Just because one is not convicted doesn’t mean they’re not guilty.
6. Off topic: Tagalog is a dying language no? I actually blame Kris Aquino.
Whoa on your #4. You can’t have your cake and ear it too. Pinoy showbiz we established as being so esoteric that it caters to the Pinoy hunger for stupidity. Regardless of what Kris says, no one cares about the Pinoy blockbusters except the Pinoys. The intelligent films made here are more appreciated by foreigners and not the locals. FPJ , Richard Gomez, Sotto and others really don’t bring anything to the table as far as leadership and decision making is concerned. Then again neither did Noynoy or Nancy Binay. Before either of them declared did anybody say Noynoy would make a good president ? Or Nancy a good senator??? Nobody. You know what the difference was ? Show business . Like no business I know. Pinoys are stupid. That is the explanation for FPJ , Noynoy and Nancy.
In response to your second number ‘2’ and number ‘4,’ I’ll say it again…
In the history of the Philippines, NONE of these entertainment industry personalities who have held public office, or at least have become involved in politics, have demonstrated that they are any better at leading this country than any of the political dynasties who make a career out of public service. Given the performance of characters like Erap Estrada in the presidency, it might be argued that entertainment and/or media personalities exhibit a greater degree of incompetence that leads to an even higher level of failure.
1. You can’t trust politicians to do the right thing all the time, which is why you need to regard what they say with a healthy dose of skepticism. But just because you can’t trust any of them doesn’t mean you can throw away your right to vote.
2. Please read the article again. It didn’t ask “How would FPJ prevent a GFC?”. The question was, “How would FPJ, the actor handled a financial crisis?” There’s a difference. The Philippines didn’t cause the GFC.
Can you clarify your statement, plez? How did the “economists” cause the crisis?
Based on the most basic criteria, yes. Another commenter even said it is quite unfair for those who want to enter a rank and file position in government because they have to be at least a college graduate but for the Presidency, it’s ok even if one is a high-school drop-out. The rule doesn’t make any sense, does it?
And your point is…?
You contradict yourself in your statement. Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.
Yes, that’s true. But the problem is, those who are being accused of wrong doings are being denied their right to due process. People who are in power now abuse their position by continuously badmouthing their political enemies without giving them a chance to defend their reputation. A good example is GMA who is sick and detained. She doesn’t have the resources to address the public the same way as Senator Poe does.
“4.Filipinos are not stupid we’re just enamored with celebrities. We’ll never recover as a nation if we continue to keep celebrities in such high esteem.”
That’s exactly why they’re STUPID!
don’t vote to politicians that blame the past
and doesn’t speak for better philippines.
If a politician avoid a debate,that is a signed of NFG public servant. i believe those no nothing about economy will avoid this
From what I observed in the televised senate hearings, I’d say she’s one of the few senators who makes sense, she seemed serious (no lame jokes) and her questions seemed valid. About her speech, Well, she’s disappointed no one is actually indicted for those scandals, what’s wrong with that? I’d actually be happy to have her as president rather than those trapos (Binay, Mar) planning to be candidates.
I can sense you are going with your gut feel. I suggest you send her some questions asking her how she will handle some of the problems the country is facing today and analyse if she can come up with logical answers/policies that would address them.
A little off topic, but going back to that time…. If the opposition would have been smart, they would have supported Lacson. But no, they had to go with FPJ, another airhead actor who would have been easy to control/handle. Lacson would not have been. I say if they would have supported Lacson full blast, GMA would have lost. Maybe we would have another country today. At least Lacson would have instilled some heavy handed discipline, something that is entirely missing in this country today.
Hmmm…don’t know about Lacson is all I can say.
What I liked was that he did not take any pork barrel. Also I was amused when it came out that he has no contact with anyone from his family so they can not ask him any favors. Furthermore, he was pushing for open debates so he could explain his platform. No one wanted to debate him. Oh wait, there was one televised debate, but I forgot who he was debating with. Those 3 things are already light years ahead of anyone else running for any office.
There might be a reason PDAF and DAP is a black mail trap and Lacson sense the danger on any against the mentor in PALACE..Lacson is right not to take the money. look what happened to those greedy 3 senators voted against Corona
Did you say FPJ was unqualified to run? If so, why did the COMELEC allow it. You implied that FPJ was uneducated and unprepared for the job, but who is? The economists in the past and present President who tolerated massive corruption and plunder of public coffers?
Comelec allowed it because constitution mandated it.
Section 2. No person may be elected President unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a registered voter, able to read and write, at least forty years of age on the day of the election, and a resident of the Philippines for at least ten years immediately preceding such election.
But if this is your only basis for qualifying your president, then even manong magtataho down the street can be president. But would you want that?
Multinational companies scrutinize job applicants. This is to make sure that the person they will give the job to performs as expected.
Removing corruption in the government is not the magic pill for progress. The key word is control. I wouldn’t mind government officials getting their commissions on worthwhile projects, as long as it is worthwhile and within reasonable bounds.
it’s so obvious the blogger is pushing for macoy junior. marcos pa rin daw.
LOL…which part of the article made you think the “blogger is pushing for macoy junior”? Please be specific.
Careful, careful…your allegation makes you look desperate. 😉
Right so you think the blogger is for Marcos just because she has successfully debunked all your yellow propaganda?
That reeks of desperation.
What a shame.
Go cry in the corner since you are already a laughing stock like your fellow malacañang trolls that have failed before in attacking this site.
FPJ is unfit for President? then who’s fit? There are 3 ways to win election: 1) vote buying 2) cheating 3) Popularity.
Anyways, what is the difference between a candidate who spend too much just to gain popularity to voters and to one who has been popular for being a celebrity and his good deeds? Maybe for those who take the negative side would say “celebrities are not qualified” while TRAPOS would.
Not all that you see in the TV is true nor the characteristics of celebrities being portrayed. They are actors, you will never know if they tell truth nor lies.
All of celebrities are not qualified as a public servants, they do not have the needed skills, educational background, nor knowledge of the constitution.
What’s the difference? None. They are all the same, that uses the sympathy of the moronic masses for their own personal gain.
@celso simbajon
If you have to ask that question, then it would be hard for you to understand the answer. Your criteria for choosing your leader is so low, obviously.
And you are proud to be Pinoy, I’m sure. You say that like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
The article is not endorsing “trapos”. What makes you think FPJ was going to do all good things anyway?
You come across as gullible.
Haha those who say FPJ is qualified are just chronic point missers with bottom of the barrel standards..
Like fpj, pasikat lang sila pero wala namang utak.
Too many asawa is not a good start to be a republic president period. President w/o the oligarch support is doomed.
If you would know the work attitude that FPJ had when making movies you would not question why he’s not fit to run for office. FPJ was an uneducated, lazy drunkard. There, you asked for it!
That’s the pinoy way. Those are pinoy values.
Jim digris
The true leader can be seen as follows
1. One wife only
2. one wife only
3. one wife only
Now go and search all trapos except pnoy
A man having multiple kabit like erap,FPJ
showing only a real Macho,nothing else
He own the FPJ production that’s why is is always the good guy side..He knows the outcome of being a hero in the fantasy word..poor people (not an educated one) will respect him
because they belive what they seen on his created movies. Lying about Grace true parents is another matter to think..Susan need ABS CBN support to brainwash the masses of the true parents on grace
I’m quite surprised up till now how she managed to win, and not only that, how did she became on the top. With no platforms, no vision and no plan, she did it with just a photo of her father.
Off topic, this is really bugging me, have anyone of you saw the ad of Taguig? Similar to “Ganito kami sa Makati”. It’s very annoying…
I do not turn on local TV. So I avoid all ads. Enough things annoy me the rest of the time why add to it? I am a distinct minority I admit since those ads do work on other people. Somebody cracks a joke with a punchline from a commercial and they get no reaction from me. I remember passing by a tv one time and there was an ad to elect Tatad and it had the hit song at the time “Taralets” if I recall. What does he have to do with that??? Just goes to show you the pinoy vote is CHEAP. So we end up with CHEAP people at the time. The horror.
Yeah I saw that ad by alan peter cayetano and my eyes and ears are bleeding for seeing and hearing that douche.
How about the Binay moves to manila.U think he can “Ganito kami sa Manila” slogan
To apply for some rank and file positions in the government, qualification ranges from some college education to 4 year education and passed the civil service exams, non-pro or professional but the Constitution allows uneducated candidates to public service and governed? I think the qualifications for elected officials must be raised to at least college level. So unfair for us, government employees who are required with these qualifications while while candidates for elected positions are not.
I remember passing by a Wendy’s and they posted ad for delivery person. I swear the standards could not be met by FPJ and Erap.
So true. It doesn’t make sense that those who do not have the right skills can run for the highest office in the land.
we need a leader who will advocate meritocracy in the government. hindi pwede tumakbo pag hindi law graduate and should be included in top 10. they will also be tested kung weak sila pagdating sa corruption. anyone can be corrupted once they feel the power they have. they should not be corrupted by the politics.
“only those people with bright minds should take office. only then the government will have integrity.” – mayor duterte
Ilda –nothing impossible in the Philippine.A brainless half man half cyborg became a president is a reality to accept.blame the media and showbiz industries why this happened
Agree on most points…. however, “what if’s” are 2-sided and you only mentioned the negative aspect of things…. and do not judge a person by what he’s finished in education…. we had president’s with master’s degree in economics yet became master’s in corruption…. point be taken that Erap was starting to go on the right direction (on my own opinion) when he was ousted and he would have definitely factor in giving advise to FPJ if he would have won…. having said that, you are correct that we will never know – so Grace should stop capitalizing on such….
@ kokiks
Read this first:
Pnoy is corrupt to the bones. He used public funds to get Corona out of the way.
It is not the educational levels that matters but rather, a history of job experiences/accomplishments to back up the claim that they can do the job. Pnoy has naught. Sen Poe has yet to show the country what she can do. Nancy served coffee to his father, Lito Lapid’s stunts and action flicks do not matter in the senate, Bong Revilla’s acting smart cannot solve anything, Manny Pacquiao’s quick punches and footwork does not work in congress…..
Idiot voters….
That’s true my friend/: Noynoying is proven corrupt to the bones, anyhow I believe it is not the degree of your learning that matter, but how you lead your country, how patriotic you are, how sacrificing for the sake if our motherland not for himself( self serving agenda) is a good leader, good president , lots of accomplishment that the Filipino people are enjoying now ( not like the Ampaw Noynoying), I’m referring to His Excellency President Ferdinand E Marcos. Of all the president after Marcos, it’s the Arroyo Administration who has uplift the Philippine economy and as I said it’s the Arriyo government is the best after President Marcos. So for all you guys I would suggest that we help one another to educate some of the dumb electorate who are after the popularity but they are not after the future of their country and future of their children and children’s to come. Let’s join together to vote wisely if we really love our country Abd our future. Let’s bring back the Philippines to her old glory. We should eliminate politician who are liars , self serving and there only to use that power for vengeance for their own benefit. Let’s join together. We can do it
you are very right madam Gloria Jean O Ramiro! Agree with you 100%!
To Gloria Jean . . .
Did you mean to say that Gloria Arroyo was the best president next to Marcos?
Manigas ka! Arroyo was worse than Marcos. It was because of her that corruption in the government had turned viral. She started it all.
@J.R.A. –
Manigas ka rin! 😛 It’s like you’re saying…
“pahiwatig na ang problema ay nag umpisa kay Arroyo at perpekto ang pagka lagay at implemento ng constitution ng 1987 at kahit noon pa ng 1942.”
Congratulations, son. You just went FULL RETARD with what you wrote. And that is totally TRUE. 😀
You are right, that’s why we ousted Ferdinand Marcos because he was a liar, self serving and used his power for his own benefit. We already done it but nothing happened.
Duh…? What’s the “positive” aspect of having an actor like FPJ in Malacanang?
I judge a person’s decision to apply for a job he is not qualified to fulfil. It makes him look like he has a hidden agenda apart from serving the people. To quote Dolphy again, “Madaling tumakbo, paano kung manalo?”.
That doesn’t justify replacing them with someone who doesn’t possess the right skills to do the job.
Sorry, but that statement didn’t make any sense to me.
@Ilda, Oh,PLEASE STOP with the revisonist history.Corazon Aquino duped no one. Mrs. Aquino was asked to be her countries leader and she did not even want the job,at first.Public pressure to accept the position is what her decision ultimately was based upon.
As far as your ‘former allies’ accusation,HA! Where is the ‘li’l girl’ right now? She is not, as GRP staff like to say, i jail. NO, GMA is not in jail. It is even rumoured that she spends a lot of time outside the hospital as well. Reports of windowless ambulances arriving at 8PM-!11PM nightly at the hospital abound w/reporst that she leaves when ever she likes. GMA has neither resigned her seat in HOR either nor hass she given back any money to the people(and never will),like the money for the sale of the helicopters/fertilizer scamm etc,etc, etc…
The fact that GMA has not gone to prison,(or even been put on trial after 4 years),forefeited or had her any wealth confiscated of given back to the people and is proof that completely refutes your statement and yet you cling to your ‘former allies’ statement? GetReal? No, Ilda, get a clue is more like it. You seem to think your a bright Lady and yet the facts fly right over your head.
Your pre-judgement/dislike of Aquino and your unrealistic view that somehow there is a non-corrupt politician(GMA) in the mess of a falied state that is the Republic of the Philippines is in-correct. Every single one of these politicans is a crook, a thief and until the people like you wake up and realize they all have to go, you will be singing the same sad and incorrect song.
Oh please, stop with your TROLLING. If being EMO over an ex-president is very good while supporting an incompetent nutjob, YOU should get a clue. Gets? 😛
Lol! Big misinformed words and assertions.
I don’t think any of the writers here asserted anywhere that Gloria Arroyo is necessarily innocent — only that the government of BS Aquino are so incompetent that they fail to mount a proper investigation not just on her case but to every case in the country that matters.
The only case BS Aquino and his henchmen really focused on was the impeachment of former Chief Justice Renato Corona. And for that one they did not even use a proper court, employed crooked “prosecutors”, and applied flawed evidence to the case.
Yeah, they are all corrupt. But every government — most specially BS Aquino’s — are too idiotic and crooked to conduct an investigation using REAL science.
Oh? I see that we have yet another noytard who failed to understand the article and like Mr. “I’m-not-a-paid-malacanang-troll yet-my-comments-and-actions-say-otherwise” he has clearly overestimated his ability to troll here when in reality, he’s not making any dent against our arguments.
Big ‘misinformed words’ Benigno? GMA has been proclaimed to ‘be in jail’ so many times on this blog. WHO IS MISINFORMED? the Woman is not in jail and it is up for discussion if she actually spends all of her time in that hospital as well.
No,sorry but the truth hurts? You also seem to think that Aquino somehow wants to convict these people but is unable to do so,because he is incompetent? Which is just not the case.The whole thing is a charade. to Act as if you are doing something to pacify the sheeple, but in reality do nothing but keep the status quo.(Example:the thursday before Corona’s testimony there was called a ‘four day recess’, gee what could that have been for? to discuss exactly what and how everything was going to play out the day he testified, that is what. Not a single question was asked of Corona that day answer’s were promised to the people and then he was permitted to ramble for 90 minutes, in a court of law?In a court of LAW? WHAT LAW? and they were all there and LET HIM DO IT. ALL OF THEM.,SO please keep your ‘mis-informed’ nonsense to yourself.).
The entire ‘political agenda’ in the country is choreographed with the co-operation of all concerned.Aquino takes some heat, GMA takes a little heat,Corona takes a little heat. E-Rap took some heat and soon it will be Aquino’s turn again…and guess what?But what really happens? NOTHING!!! NOT a single one of them will be convicted of anything, not a single one of them will go to jail, no money will ever be recovered and none of them will lose any of their ill-gotten wealth….and the status quo is maintained.Talk talk talk, and this has been going on for decades. It would stand to reason that someone would catch on by now?All they lsoe is a little ‘face’ and they don’t give one good shit about losing face, they only care about money wealth and stealing more and keeping the status quo.
Just because it is under the guise of somehow being a government does not mean that it is not also an organized crime syndicate.
You seem to be quibbling on the little details than approaching this discussion from a high enough level of abstraction. Your bone of contention seems to be whether Arroyo physically languishes in jail. What we refer to being “in jail” here is more about her current “legal” status as people in certain positions in government would like to see it.
But of course, everyone is in on the charade. One plays the fool for now, while the other harvests the spoils. Next term it’s some other dyansty’s turn. Everyone gets that. Filipinos are mere spectators that feed on political scraps while the real deals are brokered behind closed doors in 5-star hotel suites and chi-chi golf courses within fortified residential enclaves.
The BS Aquino dynasty just happens to be in power today and, therefore, it is their turn to pocket the loot and placate and distract the masses with colourful rhetoric and posters while those dynasties association with the Philippines’ “opposition” play the victim for now knowing that their turn in the cycle of thievery is just around the corner.
That does not mean one should simply stop calling out the hypocrisy — even if said hypocrisy is institutionalised at the very fabric of Pinoy society.
So lighten up, dude. You make like you are aware of the big picture and presume to tell us about the nature of that big picture. GRP is ten steps ahead of anyone in the country who presumes to be engaged in “thought leadership”. That bit of insight that you think you introduce here as if it was a major breakthrough in Pinoy insight has long been recognised by people like us.
So thanks for the tip, dude. Stidi ka lang dyan.
I never refer to GMA as “in jail”. I always say she is “detained”. You exaggerate.
@ Benigno, ‘A high enough level of abstraction’,HA! Who are you kidding besides yourself? MAYBE, you see that they are all crooks, but others here at GRP who defend POS like GMA do not, and its reflected in articles like this and many others state the ‘Li’l Girl’ and her POS husband are anything but guilty criminals. The comments made were neither directed at you or meant to illicit a negative response. GET A CLUE? MAYBE you do, others here surely don’t.
The criminals in the RP are small potatoes when compared to other gov’t.’s criminals but the RP’s group are by far the most arrogant. Anyone who defends them is either a numbskull or one of them or both.
So many president serve this country only during GMA ,Taguig has better water supply available. During Saint cory,a bloody complict in mendiola,that’s about land reporm your tita promised never deliver. black out news on ABS CBN coz it is unty yellow.
But why corona case expedite sa fast but the importnt bills still in the bodega .I belive nothing impossible to your dude not to expedite or maybe a complict of interest.U are not belong to second class citizen,that sang kahid sang tuka. mabuhay sui Pnoy for 2nd term
I totally agree with you, and well said by the way. Just don’t mind some imbeciles who think you are trolling, when those clowns are the ones trolling when you disagree with their own realities. Opinion are nothing more than oponion.
I totally agree with you, and well said by the way. Just don’t mind some imbeciles who think you are trolling, when those clowns are the ones trolling when you disagree with their own realities. Opinion are nothing more than oponion.
Include Isko to Erap as advisers. Dumb voters are blind deaf mute when they get together (truck ban) in spiraling down our economy. What if with FPJ? It could be a helluva ride.
To Ilda,
The fact that the COMELEC allowed FPJ to run for presidency, he was qualified. Now, what are you trying to tell about Sen. Grace Poe. You baffled me there. Yes, you may have brains but, sorry to say you’re not using it rightly. Kung baga sa wika natin: May utak ka nga pero hindi ka lang mautak.
Sorry to say that you’re missing the point, son.
You just went FULL RETARD with what you wrote. 😀
Ilda– The message is If FPJ win ,erap pardon
“Erap was starting to go on the right direction (on my own opinion) when he was ousted and he would have definitely factor in giving advise to FPJ”
– you and I will probably have different perspectives. Let me tell you where I am coming from. Erap boarded that barge on a Saturday. The previous Friday there was a big Erap Pa Rin rally right on Ayala at noon. I was right there, listening to baloney on their PA system. Seeing rocks flying from the parading Erap supporters to the booing onlookers. Erap is a moron supported by morons. My opinion. The following election pinoys who never learn, voted in Loi. Erap is a moron supported by morons.My opinion.
hmmm…I think we are going to have a new lady president in 2016. God save the Philippines!
If we do, will that make it three straight? Zingg!!!
Good luck!
Ah yes, using emotions and the name of a famous deceased person to sway the people into voting for them is a tried-and-tested formula that never seems to fail…
I wonder if in the next 100 years, will Filipinos finally use their brains instead of their hearts to vote? Or will they remain forever in the dark?
That remains to be seen since the president’s blind and gullible followers can’t even use their brains or form their own opinion.
Hell, they can’t even come up with a better argument against us.
There’s a reason why they’re called zombies. I’m sure they will leap themselves to their deaths if the president tells them to, due to their undying loyalty to the Aquino clan.
I’d imagine them doing that without question since they’re too stupid and blind to realize that they’re being duped by Aquino and his stooges.
Ian, don’t hold your breath on the Filipinos finally using their brains instead of their hearts when voting. Filipinos are undoubtedly smart but they are also all heart–the bleeding heart type–plus they tend to support the popular rather than the qualified. More than wishing they start using their brains, let us hope that one day the Pinoy voters would really actually know the meaning of his vote and its power to create a great country if put to good use rather than sell it for a plate of rice or whatever price!
RomyMon, I agree with you a 100%. It tears my heart every election. Majority of the voters in the Philippines just can’t see beyond a kilo of rice.
In 2016, my nephew might run for a Barangay Captain. He topped the last election for counsilors and the incumbent Captain is in his last term of office. I know that my nephew is running against the flow of dirty politics which in his own little ways tries to fight. He won the election (the only candidate that made it in his party)thru his honesty and good leadership and I want him to run for the position in 2016 to make some changes in political culture albeit small. The incumbent is building up another wise guy, a puppet, and a crook to be his successor that the DILG supports. You know what that means. With all the money (not their own)they’re going to give away I don’t think my nephew has got a chance! But his topping the councilmanship, if any, might be an indication that the electoral tide is changing.
I know the incumbent once out of office will be controlling behind the scene if his candidate wins because he’s tasted a millionaire’s life and wants more!
Let’s hope and pray that my nephew gets elected and puts a stop in this madness.
I doubt Grace can muster up enough sympathy votes for 2016. For one, its quite far unless someone very important to her dies within the election time frame. Next is Liberal Party is imploding since factions within are trying to bite each others throat, each faction wants their own candidate to fielded.
Another thing is her speech in timing with Luy’s files reveal. It smells more of a cover up or distraction since the administration’s incompetence is shooting themselves in the foot due to it is showing a number of yellow is deeply involved with Napoles.
why don’t you move on? Full of hearsay and conjectures…lambasting PGMA the way your patron does is a convenient way of shirking from your own inefficiency and ignorance. If your Dad was cheated PNOY would not have let PGMA get off the hook. So stop whining and get back to work–you are being paid.
Watch someone who l think has the brains and the genuine heart to favor the Philippines. Carlo Dizon Villarama. I guess he still need seasoning. I just hope the vile of dirty politics will not osmos his fertile, rich core.
Now, that l live in the USA, had i stayed in the Philippines, could l have made a difference?
Unfortunately, the Philippines system of governance itself is so tainted, that even if you put the most immaculate and sinless person in office, that person would be seen as corrupt and dirty at the end of the term.
MidwayHaven–Like in USA the banks and corporation controlled the economy not the government.Same in RP except the corruption was so bold in the eyes of the public. If you run as a president,u think u can be a honest president w/o this oligarch blessings
Ms. Grace Poe is trying to gain the sympathy votes of gullible Filipinos. Her Father, FPJ is long dead…he is no longer relevant in the political scene.
It is like Pnoy Aquino gaining sympathy votes, because her mother died.
We want politicians who can present solutions for our economic , social and political problems…these are the important issues. Not, “pa-charming”, dead people, popularity, etc…our country is downspiraling economically…we don’t need these stupidities…
Toro Hyden –I still believed that pnoy didn’t really win the 2010 election from masses. The hocus focus machine did it .Problem is why GMA allowed that to happened. GMA is outgoing president and the comelec commissioner Brillantes BUMALIMBING to the offer of PNOY and Binay favor.
If FPJ won the 2004 elections, we would be in shambles today. Give credit where credit is due. PGMA did what is needed to our economy during her term. She swallowed the bitter pill. If not for her economic policies, our economy would not been shielded from the effects of the 2008 Financial Crisis.
Take note that back in 2008 the Philippines is part of a handful of countries who experienced economic growth. The strong economic foundation that the present administration is enjoying were the works of PGMA.
One good example, the law that standardizes the salary of government workers was not from the PNoy administration, it was signed by law during PGMA’s.
The economic plan that saved our economy from the effects of the EU Financial crisis in 2010 were from PGMA.
Imagine, if someone who has not enough balls to swallow the bitter pill became president back in 2004, we won’t be enjoying what we have today.
Yes, her administration was marred with corruption, but I would prefer that than to have my family hungry.
To quote someone from Tondo, “Mabuti pa noon kay Arroyo nakakain kami, eto nga nasa daang matuwid daw pero gutom kami!”
Corruption is found in every country. They just mastered the art of corruption. Their greed is tempered compared to those who are serving in our government. In other countries if someone pay $100 in taxes, $80 goes to the public and $20 goes to their pockets. Here, in every $100 paid in taxes, $80 goes to the pocket and $20 goes to the public.
Agree, talk about facts. Definitely, PGMA did a good job for the country’s economic development during her term. The present administration should continue to improve on what had been initiated during PGMA’s term, I’m talking about economic development.
One example,and Mar Roxas affirm this, BPOs and Call Center programs were initiated and encouraged in PGMA’s time as a channel for more jobs and earn foreign exchange. PGMA continued the infra projects started during Marcos time, the bridges, and the RORO. P-NOY turn is to continue the transport infra projects and more power generating project. P-Noy need not re-invent the wheel, particularly in tourism, PGMA did a good job of promoting tourism, the present admin just need to enhance it. This will require more infra projects, and community involvement, which is happenning anyway. So there is hope, and we need to be patient and persevere. Less or no corruption will be better for all of us.
What ever the improvement of the economy was now during President Coconut, was all a result and outcome of GMA policies. It takes year to show in the figures, nothing happens overnight.
speculation, as if life is static. Let’s see what’s her vision for the Philippines, and outline of her plan to achieve it.
And this was her first privilege speech? Wow, so much for that full-blast Senate airconditioning and lighting. You gotta hand it to the Filipino taxpayer for voting vacuous non-entities and spoiling them in office for even more vacuity!
Her first privilege speech was about bringing back a dead horse just to beat it some more just for the sake of badmouthing her political enemies. What a waste of taxpayer’s money.
This is the kind of senator/politician that we clearly don’t need in the senate or in any political office.
”She can do this by using her head and accepting the fact that her late father, FPJ the actor, would not have been good as a leader of the country anyway. He would have failed miserably. She should be thankful that he lost the election because he didn’t have to embarrass himself and the country while in office.”
– Embarrass,eh? Are you implying that GMA did a good job to manage this country for nearly 10 years? To be exact, 9 and a half years. Fact is no difference; we were greatly embarrassed during her time in the eyes of the world anyway.I can only click my tongue out of pity because I did not see progress in the Philippines after she stepped down from Malacanang (even just a sweet talk from foreign economists and other country’s political leaders, naught!) Let’s face the truth, GMA is just good on paper but is lacked of substance being president when it comes to uplifting the status of the Philippines in competitiveness ranking even around its neighbors in Asia (South East and East Asia). In short, Ampaw. Examples are in the sectors of infrastructure, agriculture, education, manufacturing, innovation and military among others — reasons why we were called “Asia’s Laggard” and “Sick man of Asia”. Even elementary pupils at the time can figure that out. Investors at her time were greatly discouraged. International communities and World leaders pitied our sorry state. Imagine nearly a decade in power (2001-2010)and yet the result is like this? Talk about absolute crap! Filipinos deserve justice among other things!She should be imprisoned for a lifetime!You bet!
^ [citation needed]
Not necessary since GRP writers like Ilda is fond of relying on her opinions anyway. What I said is public’ perception in the last decade until now. News comments you see whenever the face of GMA is posted on it, the rages of the people are not decimated.
MGM, if you are not fond of GRP writers, why read them? I don’t like One Direction so guess what? I don’t seek them online. I don’t post in their groups, I just leave their fans be. I don’t complain about deleted posts in One Direction pages because I don’t go there or post there. One Direction fans to be fair , far more intelligent than NOYTARDS.
Gogs, I read not to always oppose articles here but to share what I feel is correct. If I read them it’s because I can relate, and I find some articles here interesting but that does not mean I agree with all of this. I also want some discussions and maybe along the way, I can seek some comments that would convince me, which previously I thought I’m correct, to change my mindset. In short, I have positive and growth mindset. I always want to learn other things whether they are positive or negative I am willing to understand/embrace as long as there is essence on the writings and, which I perceive them as substantial to my growth and to humanity’s sake. In terms of our president, I don’t see him as our savior but just another leader who has flaws but at the same time who contribute valuable reforms in our country. I respect him as a president but I’m not a paid “troll”
@Jigs: So? Why should we believe you? Being EMO over an ex-president means that you’re indeed a TROLL, whether you like it or not.
So why are you biased against GMA and keep sucking Noynoy’s balls? 😛
Winter, I’m not the one who started the fire. Asked the writers and their supporters here why they are so biased against PNoy that even the reforms he have made are not appreciated. Oh, well, If that’s all what you think of PNoy then I cannot do anything about it. I came here to read and share some of my thoughts. No need to bother if you don’t like them. I’m not forcing you to believe it anyway.
What makes you think we are biased against PNoy?
What reforms did PNoy make that we fail to appreciate? Please be specific and don’t include GMA’s detention and Corona’s removal from office. Even with GMA’s detention and Corona’s removal, the pork barrel scammers are still free to continue doing what they do best – steal and waste tax payer’s money.
“What makes you think we are biased against PNoy?”
– This is a no-brainer question. Anyone who read GRP articles about the government can only witness how you constantly attack the incumbent Liberal Party officials. Very obvious that you and your supporters here keep on criticizing / vilifying the names of “Aquinos” and his partymates while insulating the names of “Arroyos.” and her cohorts. Example your article entitled “Four lies about President Noynoy Aquino his supporters keep passing around as truths.” is a heck of it. Even just in the title you already admit that you are biased against him.
“What reforms did PNoy make that we fail to appreciate? Please be specific and don’t include GMA’s detention and Corona’s removal from office.”
– I never read any of your blogs regarding the positive reforms done by PNoy. Although I presumed to understand that this site GRP is built only for criticizing about the status quo in the Philippines but it would be better if you discuss also what PNoy and his administration has done positively even just some of it.
Here are SEVERAL of the accomplishments/reforms;
Project Hermes
Project Noah
DOST Supercomputer
Digital TV
BFP Modernization
1:1 Ratio for Police to Firearm
PNP Upgrade/Modernization
AFP Upgrade/Modernization
NAIA I Rehabilitation
Mactan Airport Rehabilitation
Boracay Rehabilitation
Slex/Daanghari Link U|C
Naia Expressway U|C
Nlex/N.harbor Link U|C
New LRV for MRT3
LRT1 Cavite Ext.
LRT2 Extension
Export Growth
FDI Growth
Orthopedic Modernization
PCG Modernization
Tourism Growth
Cruiseline Industry
Improved Tesda
No More / Less Backlogs in School Classroom, Chair and Textbook
Government Arsenal
Investment Grade
GDP Growth
Tax Reforms
Bigger Budget for Government Implementing Agencies (DepEd, DOH, DND and DPWH)
Sin Tax Laws, RH Law and K-12 Law
And many more…
“The pork barrel scammers are still free to continue doing what they do best – steal and waste tax payer’s money.”
– Their days are numbered if justice will prevail, hopefully. The COA, DOJ – NBI, Supreme Court, Ombudsman, and Sandiganbayan are working hard on the issue.
PNoys is a PUBLIC SERVANT. He is not a king or a god. He is not exempt from criticism. Just because some of us here criticise him doesn’t mean we are against him. You can actually say we are trying to help him succeed by pointing out when he makes a mistake.The problem with him and his supporters is that they cannot take advice. They simply dismiss them as “criticism”.
Are you saying that the list of “accomplishments” you wrote above are extraordinary? Aren’t they part of his job? You can’t just give us a list without providing the details of why you think they are “accomplishments”. Why did you include digital TV for example? Gees… and please provide data on the entries you listed as having “growth”.
That’s only because a lot of people are gullible enough to believe in propaganda. You’re one of them obviously. You crucify people based on hearsay.
If that is how you perceive evidence whether object or testimonial is hearsay then Ombudsman and Prosecutors will not bother to file charges against GMA. Maybe some of the cases are weak against GMA that’s why they were dismissed but that doesn’t mean they are hearsay. Public will not clamor for so many years since 2004 up to now against GMA if there is no truth to what they observe. Just like your blogs, I notice how good you are making assumption / conjectures without backing up those claims.
I’m sure you are not stupid so don’t pretend to be one. Some of the charges were dropped because either there was no evidence or no witnesses to testify against her. Obviously, it means the cases filed against her were based mostly on hearsay.
My articles are based on what has been reported in the news.
This administration is only good at running a propaganda machine. Gullible people like you are suckers for it.
The troll thinks he’s fooling us with his “I’m not a paid troll” spiel yet his comments say otherwise.
Everytime any of the GRP writers point out his precious president’s incompetence and corruption, he shows up, desperate to fan away criticism from his boss in malacanang and now he thinks that I secretly agree with him?
What a hypocrite.
He’s says he’s not fond of GRP yet he shows up anyways just to spread his yellow propaganda and to top it all off, he keeps changing his IP address everytime he gets banned for posting trash.
Like I said, what a HYPOCRITE
The jokes on you jigs since most of those supposed achievements are from the previous administration’s time, not your president’s achievements since he only did what he does best: credit grabbing.
MRT 3 rehabilitation? Oh you mean the one with the corrupt deals made under Mr. Vitangcol?
AFP modernization: Started under GMA’s term not your president’s term.
Project Noah: Nothing came out of it.
Most of your president’s achievements are false and are full of corruption. You’re just too blind and stupid to realize that, little troll.
@ jigs
You said, “Here are SEVERAL of the accomplishments/reforms;……
No More / Less Backlogs in School Classroom, Chair and Textbook…..”
What is this then?
Yes, I know, it is just one those itsy bitsy things on your long list (which I have also found to be lacking in essence in the other articles, because you quoted the same ol’ BS). But what does it tell you really about your “long” list of achievements?
How’s this for a no-brainer…If I say I respect “Ill..Duh?!” Ilda’s comment but I think a high school formal theme makes far more sensible reading – do I really need to spell out that I am not against her?
Jigs–Not any more ,now it was replaced by a half human half cyborg that always keep playing nintendo in the palace..
Please write down here what accomplishment PNOY did to his term.wang wang and dummy 3 corrupt senators, SC corona not included
Oh jon-asshole. You never fail to troll with your yellow propaganda. What’s the matter noytard? The author “attacked” your #1 president again? Cry us a river you dimwit.
Btw with that “you bet” comment of yours, are you that “genius” troll in yahoo philippines with that Albert Einstein avatar?
Definitely not. He’s not the only one who can write and I don’t know him.
I think you’re right domo, he says he doesn’t know him but how does he know it’s a “him”? Anyone can use a Albert Einstein avater. MGM, you bet!
Why should I make a compelling argument rebutting your first comment above when all you did here is nothing but trolling yellow propaganda every time the GRP authors “attack” your mentally retarded pwesident? Oh I get it. Because you are one of pnoy’s asslicker. Don’t deny it you dimwit.
Who’s John? I’m talking about GMA here. The best that you can do is to make a compelling argument rebutting my first comment above.
The very reason why you say those things is because it’s all Yellow Propaganda and being EMO over an ex-president. I pity people like you.
Oh yeah, Filipinos deserve justice? But you can never deliver justice with INCOMPETENCE, mind you. I don’t want to call you an idiot, but here it is. WHEN are the people AND the country want to pursue justice? 5,10,20 years later when PGMA is irrelevant? It IS moronic that the country doesn’t pursue the action NOW and wait for it when the media are comfortable with it. And you should be put into the mental hospital for a lifetime (which you were belong after all) because detain someone based on HEARSAY is what we call PERSECUTION, not justice.
Of course, you won’t reply since you’re actually a real-life paid hack. YOU BET! 😀
I’m telling the truth. Are you blind not to witness where the Philippines stands in 2010 among it neighbors? Don’t divert the issue. I only refute about the claim made by Ilda. I guess you also have to learn about due process. We cannot make shortcut since we are bound to follow the law and it would take time. But I would agree that our justice system has flaws, not ideal. That’s why death penalty is not ideal to establish again because justice can be paid and it is likely that many poor innocent lives will be executed.
Mental hospital? I think you need to open your mind a bit and ask if I make any sense on my previous post and I think I make a sense and you’re not. Hearsay? better rally in front of the Ombudsman and Sandiganbayan offices because they are being childish of their duties and you are presumed to know better.
I won’t reply? I guess you are new here. FYI, GRP chose to shut me up sometimes and some of my post were deleted in the other articles even it’s not compounded with profanity and derogatory words.
Nope, I’m a regular here so I know your trolling antics.
“Mental hospital? I think you need to open your mind a bit and ask if I make any sense on my previous post and I think I make a sense and you’re not.”
I already have. You’re just DUMB to realize it.
“Hearsay? better rally in front of the Ombudsman and Sandiganbayan offices because they are being childish of their duties and you are presumed to know better.”
Wow, someone is missing the point. But why should I listen to someone who had an angry mob mindset.
“FYI, GRP chose to shut me up sometimes and some of my post were deleted in the other articles even it’s not compounded with profanity and derogatory words.”
You whine about it yet your comments are full of malicious and Yellow Propaganda, as many people have perceived.
Dio, I cannot force you to believe me, I’m not forcing you either. I’m entitled to my opinion and you fail to appreciate that. What you got is just like the others here who only insist of making a fuss about the dissenters’ characters rather than grasping the essence of what they said and shoot out a more convincing arguments to win over their assertions. Lately, I got only Emo attacks which only convince me that they indirectly agree with me but they only hate to admit it.
“Lately, I got only Emo attacks which only convince me that they indirectly agree with me but they only hate to admit it.”
For YOU have started yourself and you even fail to admit it. 😛
DIO- don’t worry, Pnoy will be charged by GMA with illegal detection after his term. That’s why today that Pnoy was an panic mode to find a candidate that will shield him another six years for his freedom
Another pitiful attempt at trolling by someone who has clearly had too much of the yellow kool aid.
Sorry to disappoint you yet again but we’re still not convinced by your pathetic yellow propaganda.
Your president is still not going to get my respect since he doesnt deserve any of my respect.
You can’t even answer these questions
“Why are people still poor?”
“Why has the crime rate rose to an all time high?”
“Why has corruption worsened under his administration?”
“Why are you still a gullible little twat?”
Your yellow propaganda can never cover up the reality of your president’s incompetence and corruption.
Troll Harder
Here comes Johny Derp again, the summon guard of the GRP who’s mission is to hunting down those he perceived to be supporters of Noynoy or even just those who opposed in his fixed mindset vacuity. I laugh a lot! 😀
I pity you because you cannot debate on my previous posts using coherent words and not ad hominem.
What’s up with my president? I did speak about Gloria and you assume again of Noynoy’s propaganda. As always, you failed.
“Why are people still poor?”
– Are you living in utopia, eh? even first world and newly industrialized countries have poor people with them. In our case, a third world country, an impoverished country, it’s normal that we have many of it. Noynoy is just 4years in his office. No country in history of this world that had an experience of third world miseries suddenly made miracles or radical results and transform into first world country within less than a decade. China and South Korea are the examples. It took at least 2 decades for them to transform their countries from low-income into middle-income economies.
“Why has the crime rate rose to an all time high?”
– It’s declining according to the news I read before. PNP and Anti-crime agencies have been very active in the past months to minimize the numbers. Of course, it will not be done overnight. If there is poverty, it follows that different crimes will show.
“Why has corruption worsened under his administration?”
– Where? I say perceive corruptions mostly done in the past have been exposed before the public now because the current administration has been very active lately to control corruptions in the government with the help of varieties of media, especially the social ones, and somewhat active participation and comments from the public. This is why you perceive it as its getting worse. Corruption in the Philippines is rampant since democracy had been established. If we compare it to the previous president, I would say, they chose to hide their corrupt activities. Most of the exposee nowadays came from those officials working in the preceding admin.
“Why are you still a gullible little twat?”
– are you referring to yourself? you chose to be uneducated and barbaric in your posts. Try to be civil.
Of course, if you feel he is incompetent and corrupt then you are entitled to your opinion but don’t expect me to buy it. 😉
“Why has corruption worstened under his administration” Where? you have got to be joking. Where? hahaha, I can’t stop laughing at such a stupid comment. Open your eyes and ears MGM, err I mean Jigolo. Sorry I got you mixed up with another yellow tard for a minute. You bet!!!
First off, I’m not “MGM’. I assume that person is a male because as Domo said he is using Albert Einstein avatar. It’s not important to be an issue here anyway. As for your rebuttal on corruption, I already explained my side, no need to repeat it again. Grasp a bit.
You haven’t explained or answered any of our questions.
You still insist on making us believe your flawed propaganda.
You can’t even see that its useless for you to troll here.
Of course, I wouldn’t understand someone who still can’t wake up and smell the burning yellow shit around him. Your blindness to the reality will become your undoing.
Once your president steps down, he’s gonna have a HARD time defending himself without any of you paid idiots. Better start looking for a real job than stick with someone who’s falling.
Troll Harder
I may not be paid to post comments here like you do but I’ll gladly call you an idiot for free.
Jigs who?
What an idiot
Another useless speech coming from an absolute trash talker Johnny Derp whose only existence here is making good at throwing dirt and attacking the dissenters instead of coming up with substantial/coherent message refuting their claims.
I won’t waste my time talking to you anymore. I will just ignore your rubbish and drivel rhetoric. Pathetic
Whats wrong with your president?
One word:
Why you ask?
First of all, he has done diddly squat to curb corruption, in fact corruption has gotten even worse under his regime.
Secondly, he hires idiots like YOU to spread his propaganda. A real leader relies on action not propaganda.
You still don’t get it do you?
Yellow propaganda will NEVER hide your president’s incompetence and corruption.
You think my speech is useless since you’re too blind and stupid to understand it since its TRUE
Don’t bother posting any of your propaganda since they’re useless like YOU.
It’s already too late for you to try to convince us with your propaganda since
you have doomed yourself with sticking to your flawed propaganda.
You’ll never hear the end of it since your president’s already doomed himself by coddling his corrupt goons in this PDAF scam.
No need to deny it, your president is falling.
You’re the real piece of trash since your comments don’t amount to anything but just yellow stupid and flawed propaganda.
Jigs is just a little boy, crying out for attention.
It wouldn’t be so funny if you weren’t so pathetic…oh what the hell, I’ll laugh anyway
Jigs– Bribery is the way Pnoy run the country..This way, you don’t need to be a top brass lawyer to any debate..just hand down the taxpayer money and even a very saint legislative crook will not spare
Another privilege speech that ended up as lambasting exercise. Why didn’t Grace brought this up some time earlier before the Napolesgate came up? I question the timing of Poe’s exercise since this was something that can be done when she was in office right at the start.
Lord Chimera -Scripted by Pnoy, Grace just follows order to his mentor
It all comes back to competency. Any public officials must have a college education. Just like a heart surgeon cannot perform surgery without graduating from medical school. A nurse cannot administer medication until they graduate from nursing school. You cannot just start representing clients who is accused of murder without graduating from law school and passing the bar exam.You cannot work in a BPO center without a college degree. ……. But in the Philippines, you could become the president without graduating in grade school or just being stupid.
This is what fear me the most M. Pacquiao or Kris aquino could become president due to their popularity. These 2 never graduate college along with Lito Lapid, bong Revilla, Lani mercado, ERAP who has no qualification to hold a public office. I agree with Sen. Santiago. Any politicians who wants to hold any public office must have a college degree. Imagine, if FPJ won the election in 2004 the country was ruled by 2 idiots. The uneducated and popular ERAP and FPJ.
Noynoy is educated on paper. Does he act it? FPJ/ Erap were popular because of their movies. What the HECK did Noynoy ever do to bring about his “popularity”? Since when did anything those three ever do in terms of governance, decision making , leadership ever legitimately translate to a well earned vote? Pinoys can not relate to earning. They can relate to showbiz and inheriting. That is the world we live in and it is a pretty dumb world.
Gogs-His popularity start when he still a congressman to senator,his best achievement is nothing doing except the attendance with nganga. Also he became a famous when he disagree about the hello GARCI case
THERE ARE NO HONEST GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS IN THE PHILLIPPINES! The sooner you guys accept that ,the better off you are.The only one to blame is,wait you have a mirror? Yes ,it’s you! All you idiots who voted for those clowns! You need a parliamentary form of government.Filipinos are not ( how will I put it as not to insult your “Filipino pride”) informed enough to choose their officials ,they vote based on popularity and of course based on their emotions. So there,I think you guys brought it upon yourself…….
First and foremost for one to CHEAT to win an election is FLAT OUT wrong…no matter what you might think as to how “incompetent” FPJ might have been, if he were chosen by the people to be president of this country, then so be it…that is why they hold elections to begin with. Does not matter what you think, say, or do…GMA loses ALL credibility…and as far as the “pork barrel” scheme is concerned, it was a good concept in the beginning because it allowed the availability of limited, controlled funds to avoid all the bureaucratic red tape that normally comes with trying to fund project, big or small…unfortunately, the system was mismanaged…and worst yet, Filipino ingenuity to do bad things found a way to divert those funds meant for good purposes to serve none other than corrupt officials…fortunately(albeit, late) someone had enough balls to stand up and expose the anomalies…I remain to have faith that good governance in this country will one day prevail…yet there is still no real cure for cancer…as is quite obvious here…
I was wondering if your title could apply to another “current politician-dead parent” combo.
“Dear Noynoy Aquino, your father Ninoy wasn’t qualified for the presidency anyway”
Would it make sense? 😛
Beg to differ Amir. Ninoy Aquino was eminently qualified. Even Ferdinand Marcos avowed as much. Mainly because he saw the same personality type, ruthlessness, drive and ambition in Ninoy that he saw in himself. Marcos considered Ninoy to be a likely political heir as well as the likeliest threat to his own political machinations.
Hi Amir
Hmmm…I think Ninoy was more qualified than FPJ. He was educated and had experience in politics. He was a senator after all. Well, I know being a senator in the Philippines means nothing nowadays but it was different during their era. What we will never know is if Ninoy could walk the talk. He may have had a different plan for the Philippines, something that involves everyone wearing dark grey suits.
and we are yet to know what were Ninoy’s “accomplishments” when he was a senator other than crucify FM in his public speeches…
Gng. Ilda,
Hindi po ba ang mga kwalipikasyon para maging kandidato sa pagkapangulo ng ating bansa ay nakasaad sa saligang batas? Paano po ninyo nasabi na hindi kwalipikado si FPJ?
Meron pa po bang ibang basehan?
Salamat po!
teddy boy–Isa akong maralita,sidewalk vendor lang ako.Kungpara ke FPJ na laging bida sa mga production movie niya ay Qualified na pa maging presidente. Kung ako ang tatakbo at di sikat pero mabuti akong tao,iboboto mo ba ako?Hindi siguro dahil hindi ako sikat at hindi mayaman
Does anybody here know who Sen. Grace Poe’s real biological parents are? I do … and many of my FB friends knows too.
Edwin Q., how sure are you of this. You talk too much; be sure you have concrete evidences of what you’re going to prove. It seems you’re so mad at the lady-senator. What did she do to upset you? And what are you up to?
Jose Arranguez Jr.Wala kaming bilib sa mga tao na dahil may ginamit na ICON para maging senador. Di hamak na mas OK pa si Binay “Ganito kami sa Makati” hindi gumamit ng patay na bangkay para manalo..Di na rin bago ang issue sa ampon ni Susan Roces at FPJ.Ang nakatataas ng kilay ay pinalabas na si Grace ay putok sa buho at tinapon sa ILOILO, kailangan wag na panindigan na nila ito dahil malaking kamalasan ke grace pag sinabi niya ang tutoo. Isa pa ang apointed siya n PNOY sa Chairwoman of the MTRCB . WHY? iba ang trabaho niya sa USA
Kaya pala nag bigay ng $750 million ang KL kasi alam nilang buking na ang PDAF at DAP ni BSPeenoy!
Capitalizing on dead people! Namumuhunan lang din kayo sa mga patay, eh di sana funeral homes na lng ang pinasok niyong negosyo!
Hey Ilda. Who did you vote Vice President on the last elections?
What now Ms. Ilda, Grace Poe looks like she’s on her way to becoming president. Here’s a question — would you have preferred FPJ as president or is Grace Poe better?
Who would you want to win on 2016 Presidential election? Binay?
lel two retards went FULL RETARD ::p
If sheer Honesty is never a good qualification for candidates for the President, I guess Binay will get it in 2016. No thanks to those who always see the bad in every good and never offer solutions. You know better, ……or do you?
Honest leaders may fail, but it is never their intention to steal or take advantage of their elected positions. In the eyes of the world, they’re the best because they did something. And all of us? We did nothing except pull each other down, the qualities that we are unfortunately famous for. See you at the pit guys!
What makes you think she is honest, anyway?
Your statement doesn’t make any sense. If someone is honest, he/she will not fail because he/she will be honest enough not to go for a job he/she is not qualified to do.
Seems you have a flawed perception about “honesty”. And to be honest, you can never deliver anything good with INCOMPETENCE.
Son, congratulations. You just went FULL RETARD with what you wrote.
The writer is a full-blooded GMA supporter and hates PNoy. What will you expect from her?
False dilemma. One is neither a supporter of the other just because someone criticizes either one of them.