In a recent brouhaha that may be a microcosm of Filipino culture, some Filipino gunpla hobbyists cried foul over the statement of Katsumi Kawaguchi, head of Bandai’s hobby department. Someone tagged Kawaguchi in a picture featuring a knock-off product on Facebook. So he gave a response where he asked to not be tagged anymore in pictures of knock-off kits and said that he will never recognize a bootleg kit as gunpla, for obvious reasons. What’s notable is that he delivered his message in English, meaning that he wanted to reach out to everyone.
For some background, gunpla is short for “gundam plastic,” which is a loose term for the hobby of collecting, assembling and customizing robot kit toys under the immensely popular Gundam metaseries. Many Filipino adults as well as (or perhaps more than) children indulge in this hobby. Holding the rights to making Gundam kits is Japanese toy giant Bandai. Unfortunately, the popularity of gunpla has led to the appearance of knock-off products made mostly by Chinese companies. These knock-offs or bootlegs are much cheaper, costing as little as one third the cost of the original kit.
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Obviously, Kawaguchi would be displeased if you would show him something that threatens to take away his salary and give him one reason to leave his current job. But he also made another point in his post. As the X Marks the Gundam Spot blog article says, if consumers keep buying bootlegs instead of the original (or the REAL) product, then the original product will shut down. Those who create gunpla, who deserve to earn money from it, are choked out by consumers who buy unauthorized copies instead. They may choose to quit, and thus, there will be no more new releases to copy. What was the last release, it stops there, even for bootlegs.
The blog makes use of the Philippine music industry as an analogy. Because consumers don’t buy original music anymore and instead either download pirated music or buy the pirated CDs, the artists are not getting paid, so they’ll just quit making music. Many of these artists just go abroad to work instead. The lesson is clear.
Kawaguchi does admit that no one can stop people from buying pirated goods. So he just makes the appeal: if you support the gunpla hobby, support the original goods. Even if one buys bootlegs, as long as they buy the original products as well, there is no problem.
However, many of the pro-bootleg hobbyists reacted adversely. They may say “buying original” is dumb, or is capitulating to imperialist-corporatist imposition, and that the companies are greedy for the money of its consumers. So they would cast bootleggers as not greedy. But this is untrue, and it implies that pro-bootleggers they don’t genuinely love the hobby… and don’t understand what greed really is.
Others raise a good point: if you say stop pirating gunpla, then stop pirating other things such as music and movies. But there’s another problem here: it seems that the pro-bootleg people are only justifying their action. So if we buy pirated movies and music, then let us buy pirated gundams, not original ones. OK, fine, but the same mechanic applies; you might kill the original product by patronizing the fake product.
Perhaps some of these pro-bootleggers may even want Bandai to go out of business, so they’ll be left with cheap bootlegs. They might even reason using the law of supply and demand; the expensive product should disappear and the cheaper product should be left. Unfortunately, they left out one important thing: intellectual property rights.

This is a country where senators and “journalists” plagiarize. Perhaps we are a culture that has no respect for someone else’s work. If someone creates certain works to sell, some might jeer at him and say, “give it for free instead!” Perhaps it works with our mendicant culture; the Filipinos who want something for nothing. Filipinos who believe they deserve pleasure without work, and want to get this pleasure from hand-outs.
This issue of the pro-bootleg hobbyists also seems to reflect one of the fatal flaws of our society: sense of entitlement.
No one is entitled to their hobby. They should work for their hobby, practice proper financial and time management, and thus give themselves proper satisfaction from it. It is something that deserves some sacrifices.
Although bootlegs are all over the place, people should think: knowing how the bootleg community reacted in the Philippines, is this what best describes our country? Could we stand to be called a country that loves bootlegs? And will this strengthen that view that most of Filipino uses being “poor” as disguise for claiming to deserve things that they don’t really deserve? Even some bootleg users are financially well-off, but they claim to be “poor,” which is why they buy bootlegs. To me, this bootleg issue is the sign of a bigger problem.
I believe, as my cohorts here do, that what Filipinos embrace as their culture is what actually pulls the country down. And those who seem to be anti-dictators, who may also believe themselves to be “heroes,” are the real dictators.
it’s all an issue of respect, really. anyone can see that. well, almost anyone apparently.
For me, I am of the understanding and acceptance that you can’t really rid bootleg products. That is for me a given.
However, I would expect those that patronize it would be more of those that can’t afford it (meaning not really working for a salary).
Because the person in mind is someone who hasn’t worked yet to earn his keep, he does not understand the value of work in general and thus can not value the work of others (the genuine work).
When I was of course young and not working, I could not really afford vices like computer games, music and movies much.
But after stepping into the working world, I gradually leaned/veered away from it because I got the understanding of what the value of a person/company’s work really is.
I still don’t go to every movie screening, but I’ve stopped downloading movies altogether and wait for those I don’t see on channels like HBO etc. TV Series are still up in the air for me but I don’t really download them as well.
So yeah, learn to value the actual work.
And for customizing kits, I would understand experimenting on the bootleg versions before diving into customizing the more expensive genuine article. Or as was mentioned, buy both if you really love it that much.
As a long-time software pirate,and a long-time navigator of the horribly gray morass that permeates these sorts of arguments, I have to disagree with them.
Now I only present my own views and not anybody else’s, but I DO think that bootlegging of physical merchandise, unlike digital merchandise, does in fact hurt the creator since usually they do not have the capability to create those kits themselves and must turn to a third-party company, which happens to be “the big evil corporation” everyone hates. So in this case, it is necessary that you buy from the company in order to support.
Now you may say it’s ironic that a pirate would advocate buying legit, but those like me only pirate when absolutely necessary or in protest.
For example, we pirate music produced by big record labels because its known that usually only less than 10% of profits actually goes to the artist of the song and most of it goes to usually redundant middlemen from the record company. Nowadays you can buy direct from musicians themselves via services like itunes, Bandcamp and soundcloud.
a rather unreliable source but all I have atm)
I know you’ll probably have your jimmies rustled by some random person justifying piracy, but still, I’m only want you to know what someone on this side thinks of the whole debacle.
I actually got enticed by this hobby by buying bootlegs at first when I was a kid (bendi days), Then I realized how much the original costs. I got downed and stopped until High School because of that.
Then there’s this college, I saw a kit, it was the 1/100 Blue Frame but noticed it wasn’t Bandai(LWD). It was cheap, only 450 pesos at that time. I immediately bought it using my “allowance from nanay”. I was happy, my first 1/100 kit, Blue Frame pa, I got addicted again.
This continued until the rise of bootleg MG’s. My first MG was Unicorn GHD (quality sucks but still was happy). Then TT Hongli surfaced with better quality. I immediately bought a bootleg MG Shin Musha, It stunned me, It was decent (for me at that time).
This continued for a while. And then a chance happened, A kind person was selling an original Bandai MG Exia for a very reasonable price. Having enough “ipon”(still in college), I bought it immediately. Again, I got stunned, It was pure perfection.
Having experienced this, It pushed me to finish college and look for a job. Now I have over 40 BANDAI MG’s and tons of SD’s to date(not to brag). I still buy bootlegs and third party kits though :P.
As for kawaguchi, He has the right to say what he said, No argument about that.
To the bootleggers, Don’t bash Bandai for what it’s worth.People worked hard to engineer/manufacture/market these hobby goods. Accept that it will never be good as the original. Buy an original if you can. I realize that now.
To the solid Bandai fanboy, at least learn to respect and analyze people who buys bootlegs first. Not everybody has the same financial stature, circumstance and priorities that you have.
This is my story in this hobby, call me a pirate, hypocrite or whatever. I really don’t care.
I love this hobby :).
Gundam and Gunpla enthusiast here. Even if they are cheaper I will never patronize bootlegs for two simple and rational reasons. First, plastic quality is almost always crap. Second – and more importantly – the fit of the parts is largely compromised as most of these kits are mere recasts.
And thus, I can’t take these “Filipino Gunpla hobbyists” seriously. I know the fanbase can be very anal, but crying foul because Master Kawaguchi simply called a spade a spade is, well, idiotic.
PS: On a somewhat related note, didn’t Andrew E get flak for supposedly selling bootleg Gundam kits? Hahaha.
Interesting article. I’m an avid toy collector myself, having an enormous collection ranging from robots to figures of Marvel’s Punisher.
Looking back at my only Gunpla figure on my collection after reading this article reminds me of the time I wanted to buy an original MG Shin Musha Gundam a few years ago but I didn’t have the money back then and haven’t bought one until now. On my visit to Divisoria, I saw a bootleg version of the aforementioned toy yet I refused to buy one due to its dubious quality and here I see many people buying bootlegs of a known product series.
Yes, there is a moral issue regarding patronage of bootlegs and we Filipinos are guilty of that – we buy pirated products because it is cheaper and as ChinoF mentioned, there is a desire for self-entitlement (to show off our collection). I still believe we should support the originals because there is the presence of hard-work from these kits that are made and I understand the monetary-issues of some people as to why they prefer to buy bootlegs.
So for everyone to be happy, here’s what I can do: Buy 2 original kits and buy 2 bootlegs as test figures (figures for self-customization/for comparison to the original model if you are a toy reviewer). I think that’s not a really bad idea at all.
People who are a fan of counterfeits only know what benefit themselves. You hear them state reasons such as “practical”, “cheap alternative”, etc. Point taken but they are not thinking of the implications especially in the general business.
Counterfeits are expected, but supporting it is dumb… So dumb not even an infinite number of facepalms can suffice 🙂
I often times hear “respect” other peoples interest in bootleg. But where EXACTLY is the RESPECT there? Have you bootleggers even asked yourselves or even know what respect means?
As I said, Kawaguchi admits Bandai can’t stop anyone buying bootlegs, it’s really a person’s choice. But the problem is, why do people have to react as if he said something evil? “Defensive, aren’t we?”
It’s simply the denial of a bootlegger reacting with a sudden burst of negative emotion without analysis.
The one who defended bootlegs at Kawaguchi’s page didn’t actually know who Kawaguchi is…
I understand Katsumi Kawaguchi’s request. After all, tagging him, head of Bandai’s hobby department, with the copyright-infringed toys implies his support with these. He simply wanted to disassociate with these.
mga gago nga bootleggers n yan papapicture pa sa tinderang bisaya sa divisoria muntanga lang e bmili kayo orig mga hampas lupa
Hmm, this doesn’t seem legit. Kinda too strong an opinion. hehe
well its my opinion deal with it.
Wow? you dont know GRP do you? well you know what? you are also have a typical dysfunctional pinoy traits that GRP is criticizing. GRP criticizes those who shouts pinoy pride, but discriminates bisayas, badjao, other ethnicities and bragging your status quo and shoving it to other financially challenged individuals…your giving the bandai users a bad name, di na tayo elementary para magyabangan ng pencilcase
@ Bootlegsucks Bisaya? Hampas lupa? This article has its points so don’t get me wrong. But the way you discriminate the ethnicity and financial capabilities of bootleg buyers is another story. Even though you are bandai buyer you are not entitled to spit on them. You are showing manileno imperialism dude
you see, immature comments like this is part of the ugly side of Filipinos.
This reminds me of other people buying counterfeit bags like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, etc – the problem of keeping up with the Joneses, to maintain a perception of high social ranking, even if the bag is just a counterfiet. The same goes with buying counterfeit clothes, and other counterfeit items just to maintain high social standing.
Funny part is saying buying the original is “elitism,” while buying bootleg is “pang-masa.” It’s not just a problem of sense of entitlement, there’s victim mentality too.
If possible DONT buy chinese products! The more we patronize cheep pirated chinese products, the more we fuel the chinese economy. And for what? So that china can have more money to buy arms that are already pointing at us? No thanks, I’d rather give my money to the japanese and maintain a good relationship with them. At least the japanese is returning it in the form of investments.
Antagonizing one country by siding with the other. This is why we’ll never achieve real harmony in the region.
Yeah keep on turning a blind eye on a country who’s increasingly being aggressive against us. And pray that the only real danger they give is just to intimidate us.
There, there, let’s not turn this into a regional spat.
For one, Japan has production facilities in China.
Well, they’re(bandai kits) not that expensive actually. Blame the local resellers and the government for unreasonable taxes and overpricing.
I mean not all local resellers..
Not about toy collecting but I confess: I have a lot of songs downloaded from the internet. But if I love one of the songs I downloaded so much that I can’t stop listening to it a lot of times, I then buy that song as my support to the artist who made it. Btw I’m currently buying more of Matchbox Twenty’s songs via Itunes.
Meijin Kawaguchi has a point
Well we cant please everyone since most of the Filipinos dont have enough cash to afford original Gunpla.
He just have to understand that not every one can afford this hobby but still want to be in this hobby.
Majority of Filipinos still appreciate Bandai Products since bandai have wide variety of kits than Bootlegs, plus they cant join competition with bootlegs so he dont need to worry that much.
Remember, back in my childhood days, an HG Bandai kit has the same price as a Bootleg today, wish it could return to that time, though it might be difficult, then probably more people can afford original kits
actually pro-bootleggers can buy bandai products, the point is bandai local distributor or store partners give higher percentage for their profit, that is really higher than those hobby shops that also sell bandai products. And words can do nothing, bandai can coordinate with the custom/government to stop importing pirated/bootleg goods, thus we know that money speaks. at first we should stop importing bootlegs in the philippines. its not the price, its the availability of the bootleg product, if there is no available bootleg products in the philippine market, for sure hobbyist will buy the authentic because this is the only brand available – monopoly.
So what? If you are for crackdown, then even consumers owning bootleg should be caught in the sense of your tone.
You can’t be selective on crackdown because it will be like software piracy. Yes, the pirated software is available, but because of its prevalence, crackdown was imposed and not only dealers were hit, but even consumers who actually bought them are penalized.
Rather than going that far, why not just tell bootleg patrons to once in a while think about the real IP holders/designers and buy the original and limit/minimize their purchasing of bootleg products.
If demand for bootleg also dwindles, then the market itself for bootleg shrinks without having the need for government to intervene and crackdown on everyone.
Um, there is no crackdown happening, as far as I heard. You need your tin foil hat.
I pointed this factoid out several times. You can’t call Bandai having a monopoly over products to which they own the intellectual property rights to. They own the RnD. They own the production processes. They own Gundam.
Bootlegs are not brands. That’s why they are called bootlegs. That’s why after the court battle between Bandai and TTH, bootleggers have stopped using “Gundam” and instead used “fighter” on their boxes, a loophole that doesn’t make them any more than bootlegs.
Stop “importing” bootlegs? Sure. Like these bootleg even pass customs, and if they do, HOW?
Which leads us back to my answer to one feller who said the problem is that there are bootlegs available, that’s why people buy.
Incorrect, that’s hardly the problem, the problem is the mentality of the people buying bootlegs, which translates to Filipinos playing the victim card, which translates to entitlement.
“its not the price, its the availability of the bootleg product, if there is no available bootleg products in the philippine market, for sure hobbyist will buy the authentic because this is the only brand available – monopoly.”
The demands of the consumers drives the functions within the marketplace. Bootleggers choose to support the replicas hence it’s in the market. If you eliminate the demand for it, you will slowly but surely guarantee less bootlegged products.
It is hard to compare this to software and music piracy, because in software and music which is mostly distributed online, the bootleggers don’t really profit where in with bootlegged bags, toys, jewelry, clothes, those bootleggers do profit from it financially.
“However, many of the pro-bootleg hobbyists reacted adversely. They may say “buying original” is dumb, or is capitulating to imperialist-corporatist imposition, and that the companies are greedy for the money of its consumers.” – How stupid can these people get. Don’t they realize that it is the same “imperialist-corporatist imposition” that they are condemning which is the reason why Gunpla came to be in the first place?
I personally don’t buy bootleg kits but I know a lot of people who do. They don’t do it because they prefer cheaper models but because these kits act like an experimental base before they tinker and repaint the real, original kits.
Like a prototype pallete for their color schemes and whatnot.
I love Kawaguchi’s response though. Such a cool guy.
Funny thing about making bootlegs as an experimental base.
They buy bootlegs then they buy industrial grade spray paints since its much cheaper than hobby grade paints and its such a waste using on a fake kit. Some would buy poster colors for painting and insist that it’s good for gunpla.
So substandard kit + substandard paint = substandard finish.
Then they’ll post their finish work in facebook and cry when they get negatitive critisicms about their painted kit.
I just find it funny that they would justify saying those kind of things when they don’t follow basic modelling procedures.
Please refrain from generalizing, I do that but I don’t post it on facebook. Sorry, i’m just paranoid about my bandai kits plastic getting ruined by some poor paint choice, I’ve read someone made their kit crunchy by using the wrong kind of paint.
It’s not the paint itself, but the THINNER, that makes plastics brittle. Some topcoats make plastic brittle over time because the residual thinner seeps into the plastic’s micropores.
I’m not a collector of anything, because I know that I don’t have the financial capability to sustain such hobby, but I know a lot of gunpla enthusiasts. I do agree that this bootleg issue reflects a bigger problem of the society. The analogy using piracy of movies and music is the best way to illustrate how some Filipinos see price as mere money. Some don’t see the reason why these things had to be sold for a higher price than the fake ones. They don’t see the logic that the original has to pay all legalities. But it seems that legalities is not their concern. Precisely because a lot of Filipinos Filipinos would always settle with where they see advantage for themselves. In this case of piracy, they take advantage of other people by patronizing piracy, thinking only of themselves and not the effect on the industry. We are also stuck with the concept of ‘pwede na’, setting aside quality. How I wish all Filipinos would think not only for their advantage, but the bigger picture, not for them but for the common good.
One way to combat the piracy is to bring the fight to them and sell their own merch directly in the form of establishing their own branch stores in the country. That way, they don’t have to rely on middlemen and fees to force them to raise the prices in order to make a profit. Just look up the Gundam Base store in Taipei to see what I’m talking about. A store like that is able to get set up only a few kilometers away from bootleg-haven Philippines.
Other figure makers such as Good Smile Company also establish partnerships with local hobby stores around SE Asia to sell goods at reasonable prices. The last time I checked, it seems like only 2 shops in the PH were in this type of business venture. Why is that? Singapore, for instance, is way more accessible to acquire legit hobby goods and it’s farther from Japan than the Philippines is. I don’t understand.
As an aside, the interest of bootlegs here has been somewhat strange to me. Isn’t this the country that wants to be America-lite? For the record, Americans generally hate physical bootlegs of all shape and form so that’s some food for thought for some of you.
Also, for those trying to justify buying bootlegs to use as “custom fodder,” you’re better off buying ingredients and making your own plastic molds to practice and play. Japanese hobbyists have been doing that for years in the form of “Garage Kits” so why can’t you guys do it? Seriously, bootlegs as a whole bring benefit to no one, but the thugs who try to sell them.
Hi. Thanks for including my blog post on your article. This “wound” was reopened when I made an objective review of a bootleg (objective, since I took the time and effort to actually buy them bootlegs and run them through the course), hoping it would finally “match” Gunpla, but was rather left disappointed. Subsequently, as if it was “fated” (I don’t believe in fate), Master Kawaguchi aired that sentiment, making the issue blow up rather bigger this time since it’s the Gunpla Meister himself who spoke.
I appreciate people who actually understand that any other reason for buying bootleg is a self-defeating justification.
But, let’s “justify” their justification.
1a) They buy bootlegs to practice on.
Surely, how many bootlegs must one but to get enough “practice.” Bootlegs don’t have the same surface quality as Gunpla (bootlegs have larger “micropores” and have rougher texture, hence, no amount of practicing on bootlegs will produce the same feel as doing it on actual Gunpla. Same goes for modification, though this is probably the more “practical” reason for practicing on bootlegs. I get scraps, or built kits on the cheap to practice on. I’ve destroyed a few Gunpla over the years honing my long-forgotten skills in whittling.
1b) I practice on bootlegs, because I don’t have access to spoons.
Caught this in one of the FB Gunpla groups. Most seasoned Gunpla modelers use plastic spoons to practice or test paints on. Surely, access to them isn’t difficult; one can find them in mall supermarkets, or, if they can’t affor to go to the supermarkets, there always the nearby PALENGKE, which sells these spoons cheaper. These are also cheaper to practice on at around a peso each, like, say a bootleg worth 500 pesos.
2) They are poor/have children, so they buy bootlegs, because they want/need a hobby.
Seriously, this is one reasons why Filipinos can’t get out of the rut we are in (and this justification actually came from someone who is in an industry you won’t really consider “poor”). A “hobby” is a luxury. Always is. Always will be. Some people buy bootlegs, not because they can’t afford it; they have better things to spend on, like iPhones, iPads, Galaxies, etc. Gunpla is such a low-priority items, a bootleg would do.
I am not rich. I also have kids. But I don’t buy bootlegs. I work hard for every kit I get, but, before I get a kit, I make sure I already have food on the table. Also, Gunpla are investments. Buy one now, sell it later when the need arises, maybe even make a small profit. But bootlegs? Anything that has poor quality will ALWAYS have a low resale value.
3) Bootlegs are available, that’s why people buy them. If there are no bootlegs to be bought, there won’t be a problem.
This is probably the WORST justification. Drugs are available. Will you buy them and be an addict? Do you need to be an addict to know drugs are bad?
4) You can lecture me about bootlegs if you don’t have other pirated stuff.
A bad justification like the one above, especially with regards to myself. I don’t have pirated stuff. I don’t have pirated software, since I teach Adobe Software. I don’t pirate music, since, like I mentioned so many times, I am a songwriter, I respect other artists’ rights. I buy whatever I can on my meager budget, and splurge only when I get a high-paying job.
Yes. There are Filipinos love entitling themselves to the hobby, without knowing it’s not an absolute right.
Hey, thanks for commenting here, too. I thought of using this topic of bootlegs to point to the faults of our culture, which I believe are serious enough to keep us in a backward state as a country. What I wonder at is, Kawaguchi himself said, “we can’t stop you,” but still a lot of them are complaining. And your explanation here is good.
Our culture. We justify wrong things because others are also doing it. When I reviewed the DM TGs, I didn’t say anything “negative” but laid down facts. But, bootleg buyers are on the defensive, simply because I pointed out flaws, without considering the positive things I’ve said.
Anyways, regardless what I say, even if I didn’t bash bootlegs, I will always be “that guy who bashes bootlegs.”
There’s about 1 bootleg kit I recommend (The fake Hi Nu), and that’s purely because it’s actually better than the original kit. Aside from that, anyone reacting to this negatively is pretty much just being an entitled prick. Im surprised this even became an issue. If you cant afford it, get another damn hobby or make a plan so you can.
I’ve seen the bootleg HiNu. It has more details, that makes it look as if it’s better than the original (keyword, LOOK). But aside from that, is it ACTUALLY better than the original?
When I reviewed the DM TG II, I felt the same way you do over the fake HiNu.
But, let’s not forget, the quality of plastic also determines if a bootleg is indeed “better” than the original. It becomes self-defeating if one continues that line of reasoning. It’s like an original Armani, which uses good-quality material, and a fake, which has nicer “details,” but poor-quality material. I wouldn’t be caught dead in a fake Armani.
But, I’m reaching. I can’t afford an Armani. I don’t even have a practical reason to get one, since I don’t wear suits.
So, let’s use a more practical example. Wristwatches. I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a fake Victorinox (or Bulgari for that matter). I’d rather get a Timex, or an Axis.
How about shoes? I’d rather get an Oakley on sale than be caught dead with a fake Oakley.
This is a global issue, often brought up in other places. Not really Filipino dysfunction.
Read around and you’ll see, music, movies, clothes, toys. Everything has the same opinions in other places
China had a fake Disney Land with power rangers & a “big ear cat” (Mickey Mouse )
When asked about the copyright fees, the people responded saying all these should be affordable to the people
Yes, but the person who defended bootlegs and called Kawaguchi “unfair” (because Kawaguchi unfriended a guy who posted/tagged him with a bootleg) wasn’t Chinese, but a Filipino.
Now that clarifies why Kawaguchi posted in English. And I’m justified in addressing my article to Filipinos.
The same goes for Software Market in the Philippines. To be honest, alot of home users in the Philippines use Pirated Operating systems and Softwares. This issue is not constrained to Gunpla Alone. I hope you’re using an original OS while you posted this (if you have a PC)…
I’m on a Mac. Mac OS X comes with the box. How could I afford getting one?
I worked for it. PC users call Mac users “elitists” because Macs are expensive. So, they buy assembled PCs, and, because they are more after the cheap quick fix, they’d get pirated software.
It’s still boils down to entitlement.
PC users don’t call Mac users “elitists”. We call them people who have too much money so they want to buy underpowered rigs for insane prices. In reality, we call Mac PC for dummies.
This is the sort of IGNORANT viewpoint that idiots have.
Not all Mac users are rich. Some of them DO WORK for a living. Macs aren’t PCs for dummies, but most PC users are too defensive to admit that in some if not most cases, Macs are better than regular PCs. Also, Macs aren’t expensive, because most who think they are can’t help but compare Macs to store assembled CHEAP PCS that break down almost as fast as they have been assembled.
Personally, I don’t only use Mac, I also use Windows, because I teach adobe software. For a time, our school had branded PCs, and they broke down often, while Macs continue to operate smoothly, with almost no complications. Now, we’re exclusive using Macs, but since we do have students and instructors who still prefer and use Windows.
See, that’s how bootleg buyers see Bandai buyers. Replace “Macs” with “Bandai” and “Windows/PCs” with “bootlegs” and it’s basically the same argument.
Also, PC users are more elitists when they call Mac users dummies, especially since most PC users who post on the internet are not really that smart.
Really? Macs are for dummies? You have absolutely no idea.
I have a Mac and use it for work. What kind of work? The kind that needs a Unix-y environment. I can work on OS X and reasonably expect my work to run on any other Unix-y platform like Linux. I can also run Windows, if I have to begrudgingly do so, in a virtual machine. It provides me access to all operating systems that matter, Linux, Windows, OS X, iOS, Android. No other operating system can do that.
Oh and before you attack me for being a Mac dummy, I used Windows all the way back from DOS 2.0 to 6.1, Windows 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.11 WFW, 95, 95 OSR2, NT 3.1, 98, NT 4, Me, 2000, and XP. I’m even a licensed Comptia A+ PC technician. I got sick and tired of the technical problems it has. It’s a very inefficient and very dated operating system. Windows is the operating system for people who don’t know any better.
now windows can be compared to bootleg. lol. you make me laugh so much.
take a look at the technicals. a 40k worth PC will run over your 60k worth mac in terms of performance. now, why would you want to pay 60k for a rig that’s performing slower than a 40k mark PC? many people buy Mac just to say they use “branded” things. same goes with name brand clothes. you know it, we know it. we all know it. while i do agree that mac OS certainly is smooth, the high pricetag isn’t worth it. all parts are priced double than what’s its really worth, if not higher, yet some people still buy it. this is why mac is called PC for dummies. because they buy overpriced underpowered products just because of the brand name.
You misread it. It’s a comparison between a Mac and a PC(assembled) and Authentic vs Bootleg, NOT THE OS.
Then again, OS-wise, MacOS has always been far superior to Windows in some cases. But I’ll still use MacOS over windows.
Yeah. I actually sometimes find it funny when people who actively choose to buy system costing more than 30k php to “build a PC” can’t even fit the OS in the budget.
Starter Edition costs around 2000php, Home editions are around 4000php, and the Pro is at 8000php. I’m talking about windows btw.
There really isn’t any justification other than being greedy, because when they do use pirated OS, they tend to get the “ultimate/pro” version without actually even needing it.
Home editions are more than enough even for hard core gamers yet the entitlement of having the best disillusions them that the other versions are not what they “Deserve” and they want to bypass to get the euphoria from getting the best when compared to their peers.
It applies to bags, watches, clothes.
It is not an exclusively Filipino trait, but it is a human trait that I quite detest. Who are you fooling except yourself? Why the need to pretend?
Greed and Vanity is the trait you are displaying when you try to justify your actions when it comes to cheating on “non-essentials”.
Yes, I bought an OEM Windows 7 Home Premium for my laptop since I could afford it then. And I use Libreoffice for my word processing needs. And a lot of freeware for other uses.
For most cases, just use open source software. I tried using Ubuntu and then Linux Mint and I was able to use them with no problem.
However, I’m aware that not all open source software meets one’s need, for example AutoCAD for drafting, Adobe Photoshop [1] for drawing, and other specialist software.
This is the reason, we have Patent and Copyright laws. To protect intellectual properties. So that the creator of those properties will continue innovating new products.
Most of the companies here in the U.S., produce high/advanced technology products. Robotics, computer advances, advanced military defense products, etc…Highly advanced products, cannot be easily copied. And the original creator can dictate the cost of their products.
This is the reason; Microsoft Corporation, Apple Corporation, Marieta Martin Corporation, etc…are very rich companies. If you are dealing in Defense Industries; the more , your creation is protected. The U.S. government protects the design and marketing of the products…Space Technology is a good example…and their Technicians/Scientists are highly paid and highly valued…
I’m not an elitist. I simply support bandai 🙂
Blogger: Have you ever wondered that the demand for legit gunplas also increased with the introduction of bootlegs for those who have no intention to buy a triple priced bandai kits higher than bootleg kits (4x or 5x cheaper even)
This is my point of view
a collector from a different line was amazed by the beauty of gunpla but not ready to spend that much on a kit and tried building a bootleg kit. later on, after collecting a couple of bootlegs, he then wants to have a bandai kit then ditches some or most of his bootleg kits.
= better sales for bandai gunpla
Bandai kits haven’t lost any revenue in the first place
Gunpla community 5 years ago here in the Philippines are just a handful or few hundred in number. Now, the community grew in thousands, (registered 4 thousand in a social media). Would you think bandai would create more new models if the demands did not increased? Where did you buy your gunplas before? Lils? But now we have CF, Z4, ILO etc and still counting
Bootlegs manufacturers will benefit bandai fans too! Like the TG3 and elyn Kshatriya for that matter (and DM Geminass- a long forgotten kit) Bandai is now challenged to surpass those 3rd party kits and resin kits
Financials is always an issue here. “Save up for bandai Gunpla instead of buying cheap / pirated ones” but in reality, it will not apply to all and not socially accepted to many specially for those family is a priority and hobby will remain as is (last priority)
I buy both, I’m not ashamed of saying it. if i have the chance to buy original kits, I would but for an average collector like me (i’m neither rich nor poor) I will buy whatever I like
Bootleg will always be there whether you like it or not and you cannot stop it from coming
and if you keep saying that Bandai may shut down soon because of bootlegs? That’s a lame excuse to say bootlegs kills bandai
Bandai, Gundam and Gunpla are “identities,” much like your name is. Let’s say someone steals your indentity and make money out of it.
What would you do? Will your philosophy tell you that it’s okay because, as you said, Bandai won’t really lose revenue from bootlegs?
What if that person commits a crime using YOUR identity.
Is that still okay with you?
I already know that. stealing your ideas is not good. What I am trying to emphasize here that Bandai also benefits by the introduction of bootlegs as an opening for those not yet ready to spend that much.
let me say this again, it will also benefit you when bandai will make better gunpla compared those built better than bandai, an elyn kshatriya for that matter
open your eyes and don’t disclose your self not unless you are being paid by bandai for playing defense
You do know that this,
“I already know that. stealing your ideas is not good. What I am trying to emphasize here that Bandai also benefits by the introduction of bootlegs as an opening for those not yet ready to spend that much.”
is a circular argument, right? You are aware that justifying something that is wrong so “poor” people can buy stuff is ALSO wrong, yes?
Bandai made improvements to their technology, and improvements on their product lines BECAUSE they can do it, not because of the presences of bootlegs. Please do not continue your misguided perception that one has do with the other. Even without bootlegs back then, Bandai continually improved their product line by introducing better Master Grades, 3D prototyping and ACTUAL prototyping. They pay for technologies to speed up their workflow and make better products.
Can you say the same for bootleggers who simply WAIT for Bandai’s new releases?
is a circular argument, right? You are aware that justifying something that is wrong so “poor” people can buy stuff is ALSO wrong, yes?
I did not say “poor”. You are labeling again
Bandai made improvements to their technology, and improvements on their product lines BECAUSE they can do it, not because of the presences of bootlegs. Please do not continue your misguided perception that one has do with the other. Even without bootlegs back then, Bandai continually improved their product line by introducing better Master Grades, 3D prototyping and ACTUAL prototyping. They pay for technologies to speed up their workflow and make better products
Is elyn a bootleg? if yes, is it copied by elyn from bandai? the mecha concept yes but the kit.. you know the answer to that. don’t be a stereotype
Can you say the same for bootleggers who simply WAIT for Bandai’s new releases?
that is why it is called bootleg for crying out loud so you don’t need to lecture me of that. you are totally missing the whole perspective
I’m not lecturing you. You’re arguing with yourself.
Come on, try a little harder using your brain, eh?
I am using my brain alright. how about you? ran out of rant to throw? Give me your best shot buddy
Doesn’t seem like it. Unless, contradicting yourself is considered “using your brain.”
Try not to think too much though, you might explode.
so answer my responses above… ran out of ammos? tsk tsk
I don;t need to give you my best shot. You’re shooting yourself right now…
you don’t say? hahahaha
who’s shooting whose now? pitty
Yes. PITY. And that foot you shot, is now in your mouth.
trash talk is the only thing you can do? cmon defend your ass man. where are your ideals now?
does elyn have the rights to use the design of kshatriya? every gunpla/ mecha designs made by sunrise is licensed/ copyrighted to be used by bandai ONLY. If it is not made by bandai which is the licensed company to produce gunpla, then other products can be called bootlegs. You cannot justify ” did bandai produce tallgeese 3? or 1/100 scale kshatriya? If not then they are not bootlegs”. Problem is your mind is just focused on this idea that if it is not yet made/produced by bandai then they are original.
and let me tell you this, don’t be a hypocrite if you don’t say Elyn kshatriya did well and DM tg3 for being introduced earlier.
..and for having a TG2 from a cheaper price comparing Bandai wants to manipulate pricing by having TG2 as a PBxclusive eh?
Elyn Kshat didn’t do well. While most people were impressed with what they did, Their price point were actually too expensive for that poor quality, even for bootleg buyers. Guess who are able to buy the Elyn Kshat?
You guessed it, people who are NOT “poor.” There’s goes the “I am poor excuse, get me a bootleg.”
Also, justifying that the DM TGII is much cheaper that Banda’s exclusive just goes to show YOUR character, that you do not understand what Intellectual property means.
So again, as you haven’t answered my question, is it okay if someone steals your identity and commits a crime under YOUR name?
Elyn Kshat didn’t do well. While most people were impressed with what they did, Their price point were actually too expensive for that poor quality, even for bootleg buyers. Guess who are able to buy the Elyn Kshat?
have you bought one? how easily judged if you have’t got one your self. bootlegger poor? i am poor alright
you do not understand what Intellectual property means.
I already said that to my original post. backread
is it okay if someone steals your identity and commits a crime under YOUR name?
This is what I call dysfunctional judgement
How can one conclude that bootlegs boost Bandai’s sales without any solid data? You can’t. So where’s your data?
And how can you credit bootlegs for the growth of the fanbase? There are many holes in this argument.
1. You used numbers in a social media-based group as a basis, yet you ignored that social media only boomed a few years ago. And how sure are you that these members are new to the fandom?
2. You also ignored the role of information technology in the proliferation of Gundam itself; most of us started with Gundam back when GMA7 aired Gundam Wing 3-4 years after it ended in Japan, yet now you can legally stream the latest episode of the latest Gundam series as it airs in Japan. Bandai and Sunrise are also very active in making new anime, so new fans are generated with every new show.
3. You also ignored the marketing of Bandai. Sanctioned contests are held at prime locations every year. During the contest last year Bandai actually unveiled and exhibited new kits; yes, here, in the Philippines. There was also a screening of an episode of Unicorn at SM North EDSA, not to mention that its Japanese DVD/Bluray releases already come with multilingual audio tracks and subtitles. And again, you can legally stream the latest Gundam episode as it airs in Japan.
4. You asked us where we bought Gunpla before. I can return that question to you: where do you buy bootlegs in the first place? While one does have to look hard for dedicated hobby shops like Lil’s or Greattoys, shops that sell bootlegs can not and will not rival the presence of mainstream stores like Toy Kingdom and Toys’R’Us. For every kid that buys a bootleg in Divisoria or some random tiangge, much more will buy theirs from the mall. Heck, even with the proliferation of hardcore hobby shops Bankee still isn’t making their prices competitive – it only goes to show that they’re still a force to be reckoned with.
If bootlegs really do have a hand in increasing the fanbase, the contribution is but a blip in the radar.
You also can’t conclude that bootlegs drive Bandai to innovate. Most bootlegs are simple recasts and thus do not bring any new technology to the table (you do know what a recast is, right?). Third party companies that make original/garage kits do so at much lower volumes, at much slower paces, at much higher prices that would make a snapbuilder defecate bricks, and their kits cater to a totally different demographic. Hence, they’re not a threat to Bandai; if they were, we’d have already seen Bandai release stuff that could rival those from G-System and the like. You also have to understand that some of these third party companies [i]are under license from Bandai[/i]; they’re not bootlegs. On the other hand, recasters do so without any permission whatsoever. Bandai’s designers and engineers spend months designing kits and the necessary manufacturing process/es and spend millions on dies, molds, and injection machines, whereas these recasters simply spend hours making plaster molds of the runners and pouring plastic; you think that is just?
Lack of finances is also an excuse. Are you claiming those who only buy original products don’t have financial problems? Wrong. [b]It’s simply that we choose to beg off whenever we don’t have money[/b]; why can’t others do the same?
1. You used numbers in a social media-based group as a basis, yet you ignored that social media only boomed a few years ago. And how sure are you that these members are new to the fandom?
I am not just refering to FB alone. there more blogs like these existed even before bootlegs were introduced
So can you directly attribute this growth to bootleg presence?
yes and no
2. You also ignored the role of information technology in the proliferation of Gundam itself; most of us started with Gundam back when GMA7 aired Gundam Wing 3-4 years after it ended in Japan, yet now you can legally stream the latest episode of the latest Gundam series as it airs in Japan. Bandai and Sunrise are also very active in making new anime, so new fans are generated with every new show.
3. You also ignored the marketing of Bandai. Sanctioned contests are held at prime locations every year. During the contest last year Bandai actually unveiled and exhibited new kits; yes, here, in the Philippines. There was also a screening of an episode of Unicorn at SM North EDSA, not to mention that its Japanese DVD/Bluray releases already come with multilingual audio tracks and subtitles. And again, you can legally stream the latest Gundam episode as it airs in Japan.
I agree with that but then again, that is just half of the story
The other half is that new comers are not aware what Gundam was until a number of new comers saw some cheap replicas and buy some. after seeing the cheap quality, bandai kits then introduced from some peers of the same hobby. would you agree?
Then the sales of bandai kits grew bigger in that sense. would agree again?
You are insinuating that bootlegs account for 50% of the fanbase growth. Where are you pulling your numbers from?
look at your surroundings.
Customer traffic
more blogs
more from FB
Need more info? Go ask all the online sellers how much they are doing right now and they are very happy
How many online sellers? go look for them, you can find them anywhere
4. You asked us where we bought Gunpla before. I can return that question to you: where do you buy bootlegs in the first place? While one does have to look hard for dedicated hobby shops like Lil’s or Greattoys, shops that sell bootlegs can not and will not rival the presence of mainstream stores like Toy Kingdom and Toys’R’Us. For every kid that buys a bootleg in Divisoria or some random tiangge, much more will buy theirs from the mall. Heck, even with the proliferation of hardcore hobby shops Bankee still isn’t making their prices competitive – it only goes to show that they’re still a force to be reckoned with.
We all know that. and all bootlegs comes in only one source… DIVISORIA.
Yes bankee did not made their prices compettitive but don’t you agree that BANDAI themselves did?
for example: which should be priced higher? a sazabi ver ka or the mg sazabi 1.0? Why the latter have higher price tag than the new release? Think about that
Same goes with the remastered aile strike, bear guy 3 with acguy, sinanju ova and the sinanju ver ka.
In case you haven’t noticed, they shifted to cheaper alternative. PS in replacement of abs.
Aren’t you enjoying the new price brackets of the new kits?
It’s clear that you have no background in manufacturing and production. Between Sazabi ver KA and the original kit you have more than thirteen years of R&D; you are ignoring that technology has progressed naturally by leaps and bounds, and would rather attribute Bandai’s technology jump to the presence of bootlegs. RIGHT.
Also, Bandai did not shift to polystyrene frames from ABS simply because of cost. The bigger factor was that ABS has a tendency to deform when Gunze Sangyo paints are used. ABS is also less workable than PS.
“Aren’t you enjoying the new price brackets of the new kits?”
I’d be buying them regardless.
that is also true with your so called “r&d”
“It’s clear that you have no background in manufacturing and production. Between Sazabi ver KA and the original kit you have more than thirteen years of R&D; you are ignoring that technology has progressed naturally by leaps and bounds”
Also, Bandai did not shift to polystyrene frames from ABS simply because of cost. The bigger factor was that ABS has a tendency to deform when Gunze Sangyo paints are used. ABS is also less workable than PS.
You said it your self, bootlegs was the first to use PS materials that is very workable than abs. Bandai may also see this after a numerous BL came in. Before you are having a hard time in painting bandai kits and adapted the good potential by their R&D
ABS pelllets are 5X more expensive than PS. That also contributed in lowering down the cost
Where did I get the info? try to find it your self
You also can’t conclude that bootlegs drive Bandai to innovate. Most bootlegs are simple recasts and thus do not bring any new technology to the table (you do know what a recast is, right?).
I know what a recast is. but haven’t you heard some of the innovations made by bootlegs? the wing connector of the PG strike freedom for starters… don’t you call that innovation?
Third party companies that make original/garage kits do so at much lower volumes, at much slower paces, at much higher prices that would make a snapbuilder defecate bricks, and their kits cater to a totally different demographic. Hence, they’re not a threat to Bandai; if they were, we’d have already seen Bandai release stuff that could rival those from G-System and the like. You also have to understand that some of these third party companies [i]are under license from Bandai[/i]; they’re not bootlegs. On the other hand, recasters do so without any permission whatsoever. Bandai’s designers and engineers spend months designing kits and the necessary manufacturing process/es and spend millions on dies, molds, and injection machines, whereas these recasters simply spend hours making plaster molds of the runners and pouring plastic; you think that is just?
You are trying to twist the fact here. you are stating again a bootleg process. you said it your self, third party resin casts, elyn, are they copy from bandai technology / makes? They also did their own engineering. same goes with the revival of the long forgotten geminass by DM from the dead. Do you the definition of bootleg? a bootleg is a cheap replica from an original. are they replicas from bandai original?
Lack of finances is also an excuse. Are you claiming those who only buy original products don’t have financial problems? Wrong. [b]It’s simply that we choose to beg off whenever we don’t have money[/b]; why can’t others do the same?
It is not because lack of finances, it is only the setting of priorities for every collectors themselves. and if you still say elyn is a bootleg, man this aint for the poor ones. same goes for the crappy RC nightingale.
would you prefer your own satisfaction than giving proper meal etc for your loved ones? isn’t that being selfish on the contrary? We call that priority and not an excuse for being poor
Can you even argue consistently?
If you have a hard time feeding your family, why have a hobby in the first place?
Read it again.
I said priority..sink this to your puny head
if you want the hobby so badly, you will spend money on it. If you are prioritizing feeding your family, why do you need to push yourself in a hobby you cannot afford? Lame excuse
“You are trying to twist the fact here. you are stating again a bootleg process. you said it your self, third party resin casts, elyn, are they copy from bandai technology / makes? They also did their own engineering. same goes with the revival of the long forgotten geminass by DM from the dead. Do you the definition of bootleg? a bootleg is a cheap replica from an original. are they replicas from bandai original?”
– Bottom line is those third party products are NOT licensed to use any mecha designs that is created by Sunrise. Only Bandai which owns Sunrise is licensed and can use those designs legally. So they are still considered bootlegs because they copied the designs, which again, can ONLY USED Bandai LEGALLY.It doesn’t matter if they created/made their own engineering on those kits, bootleg companies are still ILLEGALLY USING those designs. Stamp it on your mind.
and would you think die hard Bandai fans is also having your so called “Dysfunction” for labeling bootleggers as such? Think about it before generalizing the whole community
“patronizing only bandai” will not make you a better person than the bootleggers (same goes for bootleggers). Get out of your 4 sided wall and try to see the whole picture outside
Let’s just be clear, Bandai OWNS Gundams and Gunpla. There is no monpoly when you own the products.
Bootlegs are NOT brands, that’s why they are bootlegs.
As far as the Music Piracy analogy is concerned, it’s rather the same thing when it comes to intellectual property.
Let’s not mix apples and oranges and call it fruit salad, shall we?
btw, I haven’t mentioned that excuse (software piracy) who’s chasing who’s tail now? eh?
I responded via email, I read what’s one the email, and it brought me to YOUR response.
You made a post. Changed your mind. Deleted it. Posted again.
So much for denial eh?
you are trying to accuse me of deleting my post? I haven’t. sorry
Based on your replies, you’re chasing your own tail. Still trying to justify something that is already established as WRONG.
so you are also expressing “dysfunction” in your response? sheesh
Why yes, YOUR dysfunction. It’s obvious you are one of these people who will defend bootlegs despite the fact it’s already been established they are wrong.
am i defended bootlegs? read my response and try to back read more and i hope this time what i am trying to emphasize would sink in your one way thinking
try bootlegs perhaps, it may feel and it may make you understand
Wow, you’re not DEFENDING bootlegs?
Sheesh, you could have fooled me. Oh. You were TRYING so hard and failed to hide it by appearing objective. Too bad, your later responses inadvertently revealed what you are trying hard to hide.
And yes, to be objective, I have tried bootlegs. That’s why the link to my blog was included on this article. Who needs to read back now?
Wow, you’re not DEFENDING bootlegs?
Sheesh, you could have fooled me. Oh. You were TRYING so hard and failed to hide it by appearing objective. Too bad, your later responses inadvertently revealed what you are trying hard to hide.
it seems you haven’t read and understand the whole thing. too bad
And yes, to be objective, I have tried bootlegs. That’s why the link to my blog was included on this article. Who needs to read back now?
why should i? does it have substance?
Yes, backpedal now. Try harder.
wow is that your best pitch? try a little harder.. you owe me a lot of responses to respond. c’mon you can do better than this
you owe yourself more time in school.
really? you don’t say…
No need to waste time with an obvious troll.
Chino matx asked for it and you are labeling people again! why did you made this blog in the first place if you cannot stand my comments
If you are trying to establish an issue and you don’t want to be rejected, don’t do it on a blog in which every one can see
I am just replying because you seem to be replying frequently in this section.
Are you pro bootleg? Because I can’t for the life of me figure out where you even stand based on your responses and what you and he others are arguing about anymore because it seems like it is flying off tangents too often.
To argue that the market that buys the bootleg is not hurting the market of the original IP product is wrong.
Bootlegs TEND to have lower quality and build (applies not only to gundam specifically).
If you found a “better quality” bootleg compared to an “original”, then it is more of an exception rather than a rule so you can not use that as defence.
This is an issue of respecting the hard work, respecting the intellectual propery of the original IP holder.
How is it even fair and respectable that instead of buying 1 original, you bought 4 bootlegs just because you could afford it and it is “more”?
That is just being greedy, especially if you are in the capacity to generate income/revenue for such a hobby.
If you want 4 of the aforementioned design/product, then buy the original by saving up for all of them. Why pursue an illegal product just to satisfy the greed?
Hi 17Sphynx17,
I am not anti or pro bootleg
What I am trying to say is taht on the other hand, bootlegs made the sales of bandai better
I do also agree that copyright infringement is very wrong. I am trying to say bootlegs somehow introduced majority of collectors to bandai kits like my self. I used to buy bootlegs but after a few months, I converted to bandai kits
Bandai before, without bootlegs, have fewer sales because we have fewer collectors. now that the bootleg collectors realizes the differences between the original and not, most of the collectors I know personally buy bandai kits afterwards or if they have the chance to save for a bandai kit.
I cannot stand here is that there are people barnding bootleggers as dysfunctional people and yet some of us are blinded that on the other hand, bootlegs benefits bandai buyers to have:
1.) more affordable prices (by making alternative materials to make bandai kits affordable)
2.) better designs
3.) more and new kits to have
^these are the things I want to express in my first post
That is just being greedy, especially if you are in the capacity to generate income/revenue for such a hobby.
If you want 4 of the aforementioned design/product, then buy the original by saving up for all of them. Why pursue an illegal product just to satisfy the greed?
btw, please don’t stipulate that those bootleggers buy bootlegs are just for greed. maybe some collectors may not have that luxury to buy legit kit. for sheer experience and eventually, if they have the chance to buy one legit kit, they would like i do
Thanks for the reply.
I am personally not for bootlegs but I do understand why they exist. As I mentioned earlier, when I was young and not working/generating my own income, I was stuck with no alternative to pursue with most of anything, be it music, movies or software in particular.
But when I did get to working age and appreciated the value of work, I leaned away from those stuff as I understand the consequences of it.
I do not blame those who could not earn or are only starting to earn why they choose to opt for bootleg versions of whatever product that may be.
On my case however, if you are already in the working class for quite a few years, you should be able to reciprocate the value of another’s genuine work and not opt out and just by cheaper “fakes”.
It just limits the bootleg market altogether but does not completely eliminate it.
I also understand and want to buy genuine kits. I only bought 1 bootleg and 1 am not sure whether the 1 I bought before was a bootleg because it came from giftgate but was under 500php with minimal details. I just wanted to try it out. But in my case, I prioritize in my case but in the future would want to buy a genuine HG grade model to build for myself, even just 1.
That is my way of expressing the respect for IP now where I stand(on my end which may differ with everyone else) and that I do have the capacity to earn and save up. It becomes an eventual purchase later on and I can hold off since it is a “luxury”.
Some however seem not to veer away from it. Heck, I am saddened to see some of my acquaintances still opt to download movies eventhough their line of business would want their IP respected by others. A situation where I think they should have grown to understand not to do anymore since they should have grown out of it.
Basically, the bootleg purchasing should be an act adults grow out of I believe but that sadly is not always the case. So I believe where I stand is not too general (hopefully) and wish we develop better understanding of everyone’s circumstances before we go on the offensive/defensive.
I agree with your mindset. I just can’t stand labeling some of my friends dysfunctional while some die hard fans here are more dysfunctional than they accuse
He’s pro bootleg. He bases his opinions on farts coming out of his @$$.
you assume too much MatX
“muh original Bandai kits”
“muh Kawaguchi”
“bootlegs are crap”
“you can’t be a hobbyist because your kit is fake, Ima go tell Kawaguchi-kun”
Yeah I think the ones who buy bootlegs are the ones with self-entitlement issues
But no please continue to suck Kawaguchi-kun’s plastic master grade cock
Since a Filipino was the one who tagged Kawaguchi about his bootleg kit, and others saw it, it will not just be me, but everyone else who may generalize Filipinos love bootlegs, and thus, breaking the law. Think about it.
I agree that it is not correct to tag Kawaguchi with his bootlegs intentionally or unintentional, we don’t really know the real score.
What I can’t stand Chino is that you are trying to brand our co filipino hobbyist as Dysfunctional in general.
One mistake of one bootlegger, you blame it to the whole community which is unfair isn’t it?
Kawaguchi himself doesn’t mind it at all. He just want to remind everyone that he is an official of Bandai. If Bandai see that Kawaguchi approved or liked a bootleg post, you know what I mean. They are trying to protect their own reputation.
It’s just that simple. don’t make it a big deal and play the blame game among the rest of the community
You can all justify, bootlegs, pirated audio/video/software, mentioning costs, availability, practicality, etc. But in the end, it is still about respecting one’s intellectual property rights and the laws governing it, which for a common pinoy, does not give a hoot about respecting the law, same with intellectual property rights. “Basta makalusot.
And one more thing, if you can’t afford that hobby, then it is not for you. Tough luck, eh?
You already know stealing ideas isn’t good, but, you’ll continue to defend and buy bootlegs and shun Bandai.
What a great self-deprecating justification…
I have 3 bootleg kits, CM Hi-Nu, CM Nu and a fake XN-Raiser upgrade. The first two I bought for the novelty while the last one was because I thought I was never going to get the real thing.
My 2c, buy original as much as possible and buy bootlegs only if Bandai doesn’t have an equivalent. I’ve already replaced the XN parts thanks to a local reseller so the bootleg was just a waste of money (it’s too heavy to be used anyway) while the Nu Gundoom’s rotting in a box somewhere. Only the Hi Nu was really used but only as add-on parts for another kit.
“try bootlegs perhaps, it may feel and it may make you understand”
try make someone steal your ideas and make profit out of it and it may make you understand.
I think there is also a difference in this mindset when it comes to people who are either in the field that is concerned with protecting IP such as those in the ideas, arts or designs and those that are not.
I would expect that you would understand the difficulty in developing IP of your own when you are in the field and you also value others IP and respect it.
On the other side of the coin, I feel those that tend to disregard the IP of others are simply the types that are in it for a paycheck, aka working day in and day out almost like a routine but are not related to developing IP as a field/practice.
Just my two cents.
creators. and peons…
That’s the MAIN problem. It’s obvious they don’t understand that bit, otherwise, that guy wouldn’t have defended bootlegs on Kawaguchi’s on FB wall, and accused the man of being discriminating against bootlegs.
Some of them refuse to understand that this is not a battle – or merely just a comparison – of expensive vs. cheap. It is more of a comparison between real and fake. Sadly, those particular guys want to make it into:
Bandai/original/expensive = oppression
Bootleg/fake/cheap = savior
That unfortunately shows how corrupted their sense of right and wrong has become, all because of sense of entitlement in a hobby. This is an ethics, not economic, concern.
The article is an ok read and is understandable, what’s sad is the replies in the article. Obvious enough that there are a lot of anti-BL’s here and Its not really an issue. The issue is that, everyone’s full of themselves. May it be pro/anti/neutral.
So those who call “neutral” (or just mostly pro people) say that they’re called elitists while they label a community (of people that do buy BL) “as such” (playing victims and whatnot). The thing is not everyone is like that, just as how you all play victim when you say that “not all bandai buyers are elitists” Which I agree to, because I have a lot of friends that are into the hobby and they don’t trash on people that do buy BLs
Then there are BL’s that do whine like little babies and say BS like “i cant afford bandai bec. its so high priced” and yet you see them go to Divi and carry two blue plastic bags home every week.
So what’s my point? Well all filipinos are so entitled to their own shit. Everyone tries so hard to say “oh im not part of that crowd”. Instead of just working in between and disregarding their own BS and enjoying “something” for what it is. Regardless if its fake or not (what they’re building).
I don’t see people that listen to pirated music and those that buy music argue. They just jive together and listen to shit that they like.
This “shit storm” just happened because some idiot tagged a bandai personel with his BL kit. Now everyone is going “oh shit, time to say I’m not part of that crowd ho”
Let me ask you all, will it benefit you that you’re sucking up to bandai? Just a question or is it Self-entitlement that you’re a “patriot” of your hobby?
As for me? I have BL’s and Bandai kits. I used to collect kits when I was younger, stopped when I decided to save money to spend on “better things” (like consoles and a PC). I only went back to “the hobby” recently when I found out there’s good BLs.
I wont give any excuse as to why I buy BL’s instead of bandai. I get it cause its cheaper. If the kit I want doesn’t have a BL, then I buy a bandai kit. I don’t BS people for what they buy, i talk to them for they share the same love for building things.
Less stress for myself and others, just saying 🙂
bootlegs aren’t the problem. it’s the mentality of some of the PEOPLE buying them that is…
to be honest its the mentality of the general populace, may it be the BL guys or Bandai peeps.
That could be said for both sides.
Oh, I wouldn’t say it’s exclusive to bootleg buyers. Of course, there are Bandai purists who shun bootleg buyers simply because they buy bootlegs. But come on, which is worse, them, or BL buyers who act as if their right to buy bootlegs that VIOLATE intellectual property is being trampled on by the very people who made those kits possible in the first place.
“So what’s my point? Well all filipinos are so entitled to their own shit. Everyone tries so hard to say “oh im not part of that crowd”. Instead of just working in between and disregarding their own BS and enjoying “something” for what it is. Regardless if its fake or not (what they’re building).”
Yes. We’re all entitled to our own shit. But, why shit in your own backyard, yes?
Enjoying the fact that you’re enjoying bootleg? Sure. You’re entitled to that.
“I don’t see people that listen to pirated music and those that buy music argue. They just jive together and listen to shit that they like.”
Wow, another self-deprecrating justification. Let’s all not argue because people who listen to pirated music and “legal” music aren’t arguing.
“This “shit storm” just happened because some idiot tagged a bandai personel with his BL kit. Now everyone is going “oh shit, time to say I’m not part of that crowd ho”
Not so. There are still bootleg buyers who STILL fight for bootlegs.
“Let me ask you all, will it benefit you that you’re sucking up to bandai? Just a question or is it Self-entitlement that you’re a “patriot” of your hobby?”
Let me ask you, where did you get the idea that people who appreciate Bandai are sucking up to Bandai? Do you even know who is guilty of “self-entitlement” in all this are?
It’s not the Bandai buyers. It’s not those who work for a living to buy Bandai and not choose to buy bootlegs. It is those who say “I am poor/I have children, but I WANT a hobby that them rich people have, that’s why I buy bootlegs.”
“As for me? I have BL’s and Bandai kits. I used to collect kits when I was younger, stopped when I decided to save money to spend on “better things” (like consoles and a PC). I only went back to “the hobby” recently when I found out there’s good BLs.”
That’s exactly what self-entitlement is. You are guilty of it without even knowing it.
“I wont give any excuse as to why I buy BL’s instead of bandai. I get it cause its cheaper. If the kit I want doesn’t have a BL, then I buy a bandai kit. I don’t BS people for what they buy, i talk to them for they share the same love for building things.”
You do realize you contradicted your first sentence with the second one. You won’t give any excuse, yet, you just did. Now, I’d say, that’s good you buy Bandai kits that don’t have BLs, but, seriously, THAT is another self-defeating excuse.
“Less stress for myself and others, just saying”
Yet you are here, stressing yourself out…
“Now everyone is going “oh shit, time to say I’m not part of that crowd ho”
Let me ask you all, will it benefit you that you’re sucking up to bandai? Just a question or is it Self-entitlement that you’re a “patriot” of your hobby?”
How can you even conclude that everyone who sides with Bandai is doing so to save their asses? Can’t people point out what is wrong for the sake of pointing out what is wrong anymore? Can’t we take things at face value instead of implying that people always have vested interests?
Will siding with Bandai benefit me? No, and it’s not as if I expect something in return to begin with. Why view everything in terms of gains and losses?
“Self-entitlement” that I’m a “patriot” to my hobby? In what way, exactly?
that is also their way of saying they are better than the rest. they act like they are under Bandai’s payroll.
and would they think Katoki, Meijn etc will send their personal gratitude to these die hard one sided fans? I don’t think so.
“and would they think Katoki, Meijn etc will send their personal gratitude to these die hard one sided fans? I don’t think so.”
WE DON’T. Can’t you read?
i am not refering to you.. unless you are one of those one sided bandai die hard fan?
Begging the question. A classic bonehead move of people who DO NOT THINK.
You’re not getting it. It’s not about “siding with Bandai.” Buying a Bandai product IS your benefit because you’re getting quality for price. When you buy bootlegs, which VIOLATES A COPYRIGHT, who benefits?
You? Sure, since you got something that is a CHEAP knockoff. The reasoning becomes circular and self defecating because you FAIL to realize what is wrong to begin with.
You want a hobby, sure. Most hobbies require money. Even bootlegs require money. You’re poor, you say? You have mouths to feed? Then don’t get a hobby. If you do so, even if you’re poor and barely making ends meet, because you believe you deserve the right to have one despite being poor, that’s self-entitlement.
You’re not getting it. It’s not about “siding with Bandai.” Buying a Bandai product IS your benefit because you’re getting quality for price
it only benefits one entity.
When you buy bootlegs, which VIOLATES A COPYRIGHT, who benefits?
Filipinos.. and filipinos are known for value for money..
show off
You want a hobby, sure. Most hobbies require money. Even bootlegs require money. You’re poor, you say? You have mouths to feed? Then don’t get a hobby. If you do so, even if you’re poor and barely making ends meet, because you believe you deserve the right to have one despite being poor, that’s self-entitlement.
Those bought Elyn the bootleg is for the poor…
Those bought a PG daban worth 2 bandai HG is for the poor.. right again
I have 15k in my pocket and I can buy THAT bandai PG and I prefer not to and I’m not willing to spend 15k for a toy
for 3k pesos, I can save the 12k pesos for my other line of hobby
It is not stealing punk! I call that value for money
If you intend to buy a 15k worth of toy, I don’t care and its your frickin money
These Gunplas are just for display.
What you are trying to show is another form of display
and let me tell you this,
you are all just the same when standing side by side with the rest and who are buying bootlegs and not. all of you I called gunpla hobbyist
NO difference!
oooh talk big MatX
you use your brain alright
a brain of a stereotype
only open minded people will only understand what are you trying to emphasize. I agree with what you just said.
Don’t you worry, they seem to forget that there are 3 fingers pointing back at them. .. and another thumb to the one beside them
You’re not open-minded. You don;t even THINK before opening your trap, so what mind have you “kept open?”
no wonder!
who’se still with mechapinoy circle and forums
I can see who is banned between us (even if you used too many aliases)
Sheesh, this cycle seems never ending. Our gunpla community sure is full of egotistical men. Preaching of one’s opinion here and there like Philosophy majors.
I wonder when’s the next surge of events that will trigger this kind of shit again.
Yet, you can’t resist the urge to join the fray.
I don’t know what some aggressive bootleggers are complaining about. No one is out to get them, even Kawaguchi admits that, but they’re still complaining. I wonder who’s really insecure.
Is that rhetorical or trick “question?”
There are also bootleg supporters before who have called those buying originals as “dumb, because they are buying more expensive kits; be smarter, buy cheaper!” Fine, buy bootlegs if you want, but don’t insult those who like to buy originals.
If it’s reverse day, sure, they’re smarter. But in my experience, most of them, especially the hard core ones, are not even articulate enough to even form a good reason.
From another FB group related to Aviation:
“Actually if I can add my two pennorth to this debate! As you may well know I used to work for Aerospace Publishing Ltd, a well know aviation publisher of both part work magazines and books. For both of our types of products we created many artworks, whether they pictorial, such as for the raid on Taranto, or on a certain aircraft type. These could be three quarter view in action shots, three view drawings or profiles. And of course the ultimate being cutaways. Anyway, whilst I worked for the company, during research for articles, it became very clear that there were a number of both companies and individuals, a lot of them being based in either Russia or China, who were blatantly publishing these artworks on their websites without any reference to Aerospace Publishing whatsoever. My company went into administration, but I often wonder if we could have claimed back all of the fees from these thieves, because that is exactly what they are, who stole our copyrighted work, then I might still be in a job instead of being unemployed!”
The issue about gundam kit designs being stolen is the same thing. If you worked on something only to learn later you would not get paid for it because someone stole your work, is not only an insult, it can actually rob you of food to eat tomorrow. This is what some die-hard anti-Bandai bootleg supporters should understand.
@ ChinoF if the original work will be copied it means people adores it if they cant buy the original they cant afford it imagine if your a student you cant afford to have expensive hobbies except if your rich… but if the manufacturer is not only in one place the people can buy originals because they don’t have to pay for the shipment and custom… the price of the original will be affordable and if it’s affordable people can buy their products…the problem in japan i think is, the product will be for the people of japan only and the excess is for the other country that’s what i’v observed will that’s my opinion anyway…
And that’s a LAME EXCUSE for you.
This is an expensive hobby, if you cannot afford the original product, might as well look for a different hobby. I am also sometimes short handed when it comes to money, however i still manage to save money to buy the original product, If you try to fill in the shoes of the people who works in Bandai, esp in their R&D, you will feel the same way. You cannot justify being practical as being the reason of buying bootlegs because in the first place, Bandai Gunpla has it’s own Market. it’s not cheap,If it’s not for you, if you cannot afford it, look for another happy or things that you can afford.
Awww. Pathetic excuse by a cheapskate who can’t differentiate between a hobby and a necessity.
Save up for it. If you can’t save up for it because you need it for living expenses, don’t get into the hobby and then defend the act of abetting theft.
i agree.. this is an expensive hobby and just because you can’t afford buying the original merchandise doesn’t mean that it’s ok to buy counterfeits.
it is just sad how our country is known for and that is just the reality..
Lets be fair, this type of disfunction is in every country in every society. From music to software, intellectual properties are always pirated for different reasons. Its not a filipino only problem its a human nature problem.
Exactly! Not just filipinos, not just non bandai fanatics, it is all about attitude
Instead of creating gaps, why not make bridges? After all, we are all still young at heart.. and stop acting like kids
Yes, it happens in every country… but that does not mean it is still OK. Remember, it’s an ethics issue.
Hi Chino,
We understand your point of view
If it’s ethics we seek, calling your brothers and sisters as dysfunctional is also unethical.
God bless brother
No, it’s still ethical to call your brothers and sisters dysfunctional if they really are dysfunctional. In other words, call attention to their mistakes and wrongs. If you don’t call it out, it means you approve of their wrongs.
May God clear your mind.
well I hope you can tell that to your friend hobbyland Mig productions too
…. and I doubt that you can tell this brouhahaha to V.N.if you get what I mean
Hmm, making the mistaken assumption that resin-casting is already bootlegging? Really now.
I agree with Chino. It’s not unethical to right a wrong. If you see a “brother” doing something wrong, not doing something about it to stop him makes you just as guilty of it.
Resin casting, especially those who actually develop their own from the ground up, are technically not bootleggers, but, based on IP laws, they are infringing on Bandai’s copyright each time they produce an “improves” design of a popular release.
So, do educate yourself properly with ACTUAL FACTS, instead of spewing vomit you’ve eaten and spewed ten times over.
Hmm, making the mistaken assumption that resin-casting is already bootlegging? Really now.
ah, you are trying to twist the fact now?
What is bootleg? Illegal copy isn’t it?
What is resin casting? is it different from copying ones creation to your profit? it seems really crooked.
and bootlegs starts from small resin casting
Geez you are eating your own words man
^same goes for you Matx
MatX says:
I agree with Chino. It’s not unethical to right a wrong. If you see a “brother” doing something wrong, not doing something about it to stop him makes you just as guilty of it.
Well,your statement above shows alright. I just found out that more than half of your FB friends in Gunpla community buys and owns bootlegs and you are saying that are your friends?
Poor friends you have for having you guys as backstabbers
And that is Dysfuntional indeed! hohoho
let me correct that, you don’t have that much hobby friends
that explains
Calling something dysfunctional when it clearly is, is not unethical, it’s called telling the truth.
Calling something dysfunctional when it clearly is, is not unethical, it’s called telling the truth.
telling the truth behind your friend’s back? There is no problem if you tell the truth.
the problem is you criticize and say something bad when they are not in front of you
That is also the truth i want to emphasize
Get Real Post right?
Yes, but it is only Filipinos who have an exclusive bootleg only “group” on facebook that shuns Bandai, but disguises itself as “no brand distinction” without knowing that bootlegs ARE NOT BRANDS.
Also, like what others have said, just because everyone else is doing it does not make it right. That’s a cop out plain and simple…
Yes, but it is only Filipinos who have an exclusive bootleg only “group” on facebook that shuns Bandai, but disguises itself as “no brand distinction” without knowing that bootlegs ARE NOT BRANDS.
if they are not brands.. what? Bandai China? hahahha
Funny guy
You are a DUMB as you are ignorant. That’s the reason why they are called BOOTLEGS, moron. The knocked off a brand. They infringed on copyright and trademark.
That’s why bootlegs no longer carry “GUNDAM” on their packaging. It’s a “loophole” they are exploiting.
So, please, before you open your trap again and make a fool of yourself tenfolds, read up on IP laws.
i am dhumb? eh?
alas.. he can think now better than me!
Give this guy a jacket please!
I don’t fool my self as you are trying to fool your self in front of everyone else
Brands are legitimate names for products. You know what those things are? They’re called stolen goods. Simple as that. Bootlegs are stolen goods, oh, dave who wishes he were cute. ^_^
I think you also displaying your unethical and immature point of view. in business, we have what we called RIVALS, bootleg companies are one of those! so why not understand first the beauty of commerce rather than talking nonsense ethical eclabo-chuva! we hobbyist are not product of dysfunction society even if we embrace bootleg and counterfit… it just that you dont understand what commercialism is! gudluck brother!
competition rather than monopoly that is. all i see is a bunch of sourgrapes
After all this time you still do not understand what a monopoly is? Gundam/Gunpla is OWNED by Bandai. Hence, you cannot call theirs a monopoly.
Bandai’s competition are other NAME BRANDS like Kotobukiya, Tamiya and other toy kit manufacturers. Dragon Momoko and other bootleg manufacturers aren’t competitors preventing a monopoly, they are THIEVES stealing a copyrighted product.
Stop arguing with FACTS. Only fools and idiots argue against facts.
someone like you?
someone keeps on sticking his dick to everyone’s posts
how much do you earn in siding so much with Bandai?
We all understand what is “copyright”
What we cannot stand is your immature arguments
No, you don’t know or understand what copyright is, else, you won’t insist that bootlegs are brands. As far as sticking dicks is concerned, you have yours in your mouth.
say ahhhhhhh!
i wonder if i can do that?
have you tried?
coz I haven’t
did I mention that bootlegs are brands?
you’re the one who’s putting the words in my mouth.
Yes. You’re doing it right now, mainly because your balls and your dick are located on your forehead. You think with your penis after all.
I haven’t done it, because I don’t insist on buying bootlegs because they’re cheap.
Bootlegs aren’t brands, that’s why they’re bootlegs, so how come you keep prattling that Bandai has a monopoly over a BRAND they own?
Also, I didn’t put words in your mouth. You’ve vomited and ate your own words.
as anticipated
only trash talk you can do
no wonder who have the blue balls when you cannot actually defend your answers by siding with GAMOL’s overpricing and sending me a PM instead of posting your answer to my question
This isn’t commercialism, in itself. It is bootlegging and actually stealing from an actual intellectual property of someone else.
That is an incorrect idea of commercialism that is actually twisted/twisting the purpose of capitalism to drive innovation and development.
Counterfeiting : Documentary on the Business of Counterfeits
It is different when someone develops/innovates with a product that is similar but better at the same price, or develop a similar product (but with distinct enough differences to create a different brand identity that the “original”.
It becomes a case of innovation which is not unethical.
Bootlegging/piracy is different because it is effectively killing the originating IP by indirectly stealing from them what is due to them.
The original IP created the demand. The bootlegger saw that demand and squeezed himself inside the market without actually doing anything except copy. Funds are cut from the original IP company and it eventually is killed off in the process.
Again, I understand why there is a demand for cheaper products, but as a market consumer, there should be a balance of understanding between you and the actual original IP producer.
You don’t simply shout at the IP owner and tell him “Screw you” and “I don’t care”.
They essentially created something you actually liked/loved yet do not reciprocate in the value he has created for you.
Please consider that as well.
Oh and if you really think bootlegging is alright. Go watch the documentary Counterfeiting : Documentary on the Business of Counterfeits
Bootlegging can go as far as affecting medical products and food.
So is that still okay with using commercialism as an excuse?
Think about it.
My two cents.
Bandai OWNS Gundam/Gunpla. Bootleggers do not. So, agina, for the nth time, bootleggers are not preventing a monopoly, they are simply capitalizing on a popular BRAND (Bandai) by bootlegging the products the brand produces.
Try not to think too hard about it that your head explodes.
Funny how a bootleg lover is citing ethics. Please don’t try to ride a moral high horse that does not exist. You’ll fall flat on your face on your own defecation.
speak for your self
Also, before calling anyone else immature, insisting on and justifying something wrong, that bootlegs are okay, is really a sign of maturity.
In your distorted viewpoint at least.
and what are you’re trying to prove, does this mean you are the less sinner and more mature?
it’s more like you’re the crybaby who thinks everyone stole the candy from you
hey davecute4u, you have a very little tiny brain. lame excuses and unacceptable reasons you have there. butthurt about the blog post? you must be crying because you don’t have money to buy original bandai kits. I pity you cry baby 🙁 still defending the bootleggers side. butthurt
really? if I be able to combine all my bootleg collections to your bandai collections, Mine could be more expensive than your kits
as if you know what I collect
Who’s the crybaby here?
“I want a hobby, but I am poor/a cheapskate, so I’ll but bootlegs, so I have a hobby just like everyone else who buys Bandai.
I’m not the cry baby here
the cry baby around here is that same person who keeps on saying “don’t buy bootlegs, its cheap, it’s for the objective, its for bandai”
and the same person who keeps on fishing for more info of the pig headed me and keeps on saying i only buy and owns bootlegs
Great! I have a follower now! even for a mosquito brain like you.. i like u already
nice.. keep on following eagle eyes
boohoo. cheapskate crying because the hobby is getting too expensive for him to buy the kits he wants…
I have a follower even if he likes to call me cheapskates!
if you know how much bootlegs i own, give me numbers instead of fishing for details
try to be more resourceful, if you can think better than a mosquito that is
lol,… @Blackwidow, these are bootlegs… if you don’t know what bootlegs mean fyi,
it is anything or whatever merchandise made, distributed, or sold “illegally”…
bootleg companies whatever you call it doesn’t even deserve being acknowledged as Rivals… Parasites are more applicable.
basically, bootlegs are killing the company.
Oh, in case people misinterpret, I am simply arguing against bootlegging but not saying this is strictly a Filipino dysfunction.
I am just arguing for the case of not supporting bootlegging or limiting it at least if you really can’t.
Hope I made it clear here since I find that the idea of supporting/buying bootleg seems to just be applied specifically now for gundam, yet the attitude in the comments clearly show support for advocating for allowing these cheaper alternatives (generally everything under the sun) to be allowed with no legal repercussion.
This is just completely wrong and I hope we as a people, can educate ourselves at least on the value of what is intellectual property and why it is important.
And just because someone “got away” with it, doesn’t mean we should follow it or support it now.
My two cents.
I also know others will argue that they don’t want it to extend that far into the market of medicine and food, but that is the thing.
If you apply the rule to exclude of IP of toys, you clearly have given the exclusion to other IP as well, which includes medicine and food.
They are both clearly IP. If you apply an IP rule for Item A, it should also apply for Item X.
Think about it. It creates a bigger monstrosity or problem that we as a nation are very ill equipped to handle.
The current market we have already has this in existence. And our IP Office is only hell bent on pursuing fake CDs, bags and clothes. It goes beyond what you see in the news and what they parade.
this is true. buying pirated products realy destroys the hobby. i cannot agree more, but unfortunately, this is also quite biassed? i don’t know. it is not actualy being “poor” that has the problem, sometimes the availability of the kit and source is somehow an issue too. malls can be an answer, but we know as hell how they overprices their goods. 😛 hobby shops exist that has good fair price, yes, but where? they are most likely on the most awkward addresses, not to mention limited in branches. don’t get me wrong, i have actualy availed gunpla(autentic bandai), and i’m proud of them. but, sometimes budget is not always that good. sometimes, you’ll try to buy knock offs to have an idea of the “expirience” of the original product, then decide to buy the original if the experience apeals you. for me, knock offs or bootlegs are something like a trial product. i guess buying bootlegs are not the only issue here, but the fact that someone actualy pressented a bootleg to one of bandai’s staff, as if treatening for something, and on that, i can agree that the act was rude and hearthless, its even immoral. to the bootleg lovers out there, you love bootlegs, fine, but please, show respect. =.=
Online private sellers have popped out of the woodwork, and they offer Gunpla at much lower (if not more affordable prices). Couple that with online hobby stores, supply is not so much an issue anymore.
Also, there are plenty of one-time sellers who are either quitting or changing lines, or simply getting rid of a few kits to make room for new ones, either built or unbuilt, who sell Gunpla every so often.
It still boils down to ignorance (one doesn’t know where to buy), whether feigned or not, or simply just being too stubborn about the bootleg issue. How long can one stay ignorant, unless of course it’s a case of laziness?
When I don’t have a budget for Gunpla, I don’t purchase any, or sell a few things on the backboard if I really want to get one. It’s as simple as that.
another immature response by answering a biased point of view. you just speak for your self
You’re the one who is clearly BIASED because you love bootlegs, and your self entitlement to a hobby you can’t even afford.
Again, it boils down to your IGNORANCE and PIG-HEADEDNESS. No one can blame you for that, but, do you even stop to THINK before you open your trap?
Based on your response. No. But hey, this is a free country. You love bootlegs, and since no one is really getting jailed for it, you continue to support it.
Have fun with your bootleg “collection.”
yeah I have a lot of bootlegs and a lot of bandai kits too so what? It’s not you money I’m spending with them so what cares you?
I can’t afford? you assumed really that much! LOL
btw, thanks for the compliments
I’d rather be the pig headed than a mosquito brain you have. at least a pig brain a way lot smarter than you are
this is an example of a very ethical response you get from a part time instructor and a rockband wannabe
very… mature and very responsible?
gimme a break
Calling you ignorant and dumb in not unethical. It’s a statement of fact, since you keep saying things out of sheer ignorance.
a fact?
I will give and tell you what is a fact
You yourself is being ridiculed by the author of this blog
what is the truth? read the title aloud
stay with the program you say?
We cannot do anything in this kind of disease. and bootlegs are everywhere
from cellphones, food, software, toys, clothes not unless the government do something about it
Even China for that matter is trying to occupy some of our territorial seas and islands
I do agree everything about copyright and all sorts
what i cannot agree is what does this blog is the mentality of SOME and the immature reasoning of an elite
I dare those who haven’t tried pirated products, not just gunpla, to comment on this statement
Try not to judge, and everyone here seems have tried a piece of bootleg / pirated
piracy is not limited to gunpla
and don’t dare say that everything not created by bandai are bootlegs
and if it does, the television, computers etc are bootlegs too. Why? the credits and royalties are not given to the inventors of such except they are only recognized from textbooks wherein, the duration of copyright is the whole life of the creator plus fifty to a hundred years from the creator’s death, or a finite period for anonymous or corporate creations. Some jurisdictions have required formalities to establishing copyright, but most recognize copyright in any completed work, without formal registration.
So, before branding dysfunctional filipinos, look at your self in the mirror first
No. We are doing something about it, but NOT buying bootlegs. You can’t, or more specifically WON’T do anything about it, because you want your self-entitlement.
When confronted with making the right choice, people like you do not, because you don’t think at all…
Correction: “BY NOT buying bootlegs”
no wonder i saw you one time holding a bust head nu and a PG daban in one of the stores in Divi.
tsk tsk
self entitlement? big word matX!
everyone in this room seeks self entitlement as much as you want one
Yes, I bought bootlegs so cheapskate like you cannot tell me that I don’t know because I don’t have a bootleg. I have sinned for the purpose of objectivity, so I can tell people objectively that buying bootlegs is wrong.
uh what? did i say anything about a mythical 99% number? and do you think I own that blog and says everything that 95% close to bandai? even 99% even?
cheap shot and yet you missed
I didn’t miss anything. The 99% myth is something bootleg lovers LOVE to state when “reviewing” a bootleg kit. It’s a general statement, which you MISSED because you don;t even have minuscule brain.
Stay with the program, I know your slow, I can only slow down so much, you know.
and am I the person not thinking first before i speak?
look at you, you are eating your own words and throwing things blindly
open your eyes and try to use your mosquito brain more often
maliit na nga, hindi pa nagagamit
No, you actually don’t think. As far as having a small brain is concerned, it’s obvious it’s you.
You’re not poor?
Kay, Like I said, you’re a cheapskate.
nah,,,i can’t see nor feel that you are using them.
Because just as you are ignorant, you are self-important.
You don;t even know why bootlegs are bootlegs, let alone how I think.
……and you are Dysfunctional?
is this a result from too much sniffing cement vapors?
You’re ignorant, a cheapskate, and someone who LOVES to think he’s right when you’ve been wrong all along.
Please don’t twist the tale to your favor, As I have acknowledged both buying bootlegs is illegal, and I have done an illegal act to be objective. How else can I review the DM bootlegs, or the Hi-Nu bust, if I am not to buy them?
It’s illegal, I know, but it eliminates the famous bootleg lover’s reasoning that “(you) don’t know what you’re missing because yu don’t have bootlegs).
I’m not perfect. I have sinned to be objective. Which is more than anyone can say for your kind wjho loves bootlegs because you feel entitled to a hobby you can’t even afford.
give this guy a jacket!
for such drama and for having a pointless objective.
keep on doing so
no one bothers to care for your review
Aba, sino ba ang nagda drama?
“I’m poor/I’m a student/I have a family. I need a hobby that’s why I buy bootlegs.”
You don’t need a jacket, you need a BRAIN.
who’s poor, who’s a student, who has a family?
keep on fishing for info
I have a hobby alright and I’m happy with it. if you want some, I can give some if you want to compensate for the loses in your so called “objective”
i don’t need a jacket actually, you’re the one who needs a jacket before it freezes
I’m not daring to say it. I’m saying it: Those Chinese thieves that sell goods based on stolen runners and frames and selling them under their own name are bootlegs.
So, please tell me how aiding and abetting an obvious felony is ethical, eh?
It is weird that we are just talking about gundams and yet some people are dragging other issues and excuses just to make buying bootlegs ‘okay lang’, which in the truth is not. I really don’t get the ‘bias’ thing: Aren’t you putting Bandai out of the discussion? Isn’t this their product and has the right to charge something for what they think is right? The main thing here is when an “exchange of money” happens, the profits that should have been Bandai’s are lost in favor of the bootlegging companies. Bandai has employees that have mouths to feed too. Even if most of the diligent bandai employees are putting their heart and creative juices into their product, they are not technically ‘free’.
Using digital media (like mp3s) is a bad analogy for it because it can be copied and passed around with or without charges. (If you notice, even the Gundam Build Fighters has ads into their episodes, so even if the episodes get ‘subbed’, they still find it as a form of advertisement to get their fans informed of their other franchises, like game software and plastic models).
But for tangible goods like pirated CDs and bootleg gundams, they even have physical stores where people can pay. We do not even know where these payments go to. You might even be funding a crime syndicate. Justifying that it is okay is not valid excuse because in the end, toys are not a necessity for living (and in some form, a luxury) and I never heard anyone that dies from lack of toys.
Another problem I see here is when the noisiest of the bunch complains that “I’m just a student so I can’t afford those” or “I’m not rich so I can only buy bootlegs”, you will see that the same bunch of people are the ones that have TONS and TONS of latest bootlegs lying around in their house. And then they’ll cast snide remarks to the people who buys originals that they are not worth it. And being goody-two-shoes people, they’ll just keep quiet and brush them aside. So while it appears that filipinos generally buy bootlegs, maybe it is not the case: it is just that the bootleg fans are noisy and the bandai patronizers don’t care.
For the thickheaded guys out there: If you buy bootlegs, the crooks get your money and bandai does not get a cent. Libre mo na nga yung palabas na pinapanood mo tapos yung laruan mo libre rin? Hiya-hiya rin nang konti pag may time.
And before you throw my statement back at me, let me tell you something: I’m not rich and did not came from a rich family. I download mp3s, manga, and anime but there is no exchange of money so I’m not funding anyone. However, I buy original CDs, physical manga volumes, and figures; both new and pre-owned, direct from Japan or locally. You can also find affordable sources locally if you know where to look. Almost all my stuffs are bought when I already have work. My first gundam came from my school money, saving up day by day. And even that, I still managed buy OPM CDs and Pinoy DVDs from credible sources.
If you are into modding gundams, you can practice by buying cheaper models, or buy LBX instead, etc. If you need to practice painting, you can use plastic spoons. Do not give to the temptation that buying bootlegs is the answer for your woes. If you already know that it is wrong then it is more of a sin if you commit them just because you think everyone is doing it. If you want change, start from yourself and inspire other people to do the same.
Now, what is your excuse?
I buy both since the meaning of it is a hobby of collecting, assembling and customizing robot kit toys under the immensely popular Gundam metaseries…i don’t mind it because it’s MY HOBBY to collect…if BANDAI dons’t what botlegs then they should expand their manufacturing places in the country because the only thing that makes BANDAI expensive is tha EFING SHIPMENT!!!!
.. and even if they have a plant in our country, they have no intention in selling the finished goods locally, evenif there are gundam kits or just mere rubber toys
at least the price will not be such an overkill anymore. Shipment’s not gonna be highway robbery. MG Bandai kits around 1200 – 2400, thats the best price. Imagine, a 1700php kit + plus shipping of 800php, PLUS another 500 for customs if buying in bulk, equals dead wallets.. If the price is lowered, chances are, people will buy origs. But aspiring collectors who cant shell out insane amounts of money, will most likely cling to bootlegs and knock off. For me, as long as I enjoy making a kit, be it Orig or Knock-offs, that is still the most important thing… my happiness will be the most important thing
don’t forget seller’s commission rates at least 20% of the total cost. If we only have Japan prices, no bootlegs will exist in stores or tiangge
Incorrect. Just goes to know you know nothing.
What makes Bandai “expensive” is RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT, aside from the fact that they PAY EMPLOYEES to produce the products the bootleggers are pirating to begin with. No Bandai products, no bootlegs.
Get it?
yes and no matX
they were already paid for the kit and the design they made. there is nothing to losse.
are all non bandai kits are bootlegs?
lemme see your answer!
Oh please. Don’t try to justify with MISINFORMED reasoning. RnD is a CONTINUOUS process, not a one time deal. Each and everytime Bandai produces a kit, they pay people to produce it. mmmmkay?
Also, you still have the notion that bootlegs are brands. DM, TTH, Daban, etc, ARE NOT BRANDS. Shove that into your thick head.
Also, next time you “see” me making the rounds at Divisoria, have the BALLS to approach me and tell it to my face instead of hiding behind the saleslady, okay?
yeah next time i will if I see you again. just make sure you also have the balls toface me then too. and why should I hide behind a sales lady? as if u know me
keep on fishing matey
you missed again the point
are all non bandai kits are bootlegs?
did i say something like dm tth etc etc?
it seems you don’t know how to answer then?
Sure. Like you have any balls at all.
I was THERE, “unaware” you were watching me. You know me, I don;t know you. What did you do?
You just watched me INSPECT the kits, yes?
The next time you see me, if at all, I’m pretty sure you’ll just turn tail and run again, or hide behind the saleslady.
Here’s the answer:
Are all non Bandai kits bootlegs?
No, if they are actual brands, like Tomy, Kotobukiya, etc.
Yes, if they are infringing on Bandai’s copyright.
Stay with the program. It’s clear you’re in denial what a bootleg actually is because you’re as dumb as you are ignorant.
hah u talk too much and cry like a girl
am i watching you? are you sure? how did u know?
I just saw you.. not watching
and what.. you want me to beg for an autograph from you?
Yes, you were watching, how else would you know what I looked at or bought.
Buking ka na.
You had your chance to tell it to my face, yet you didn’t.
1) You didn;t actually see me at Divisoria, but read somewhere that I bought one and inspected another. It’s not as if I keep it a secret.
1) Because I know you’re too much of a COWARD to say something like that to my face.
I believe it’s the second one. I’ve seen and met people like you; those who argue with me incessantly online, but couldn’t even spurt a peep of a word face to face.
ah the denial
have I really read it somewhere? no I haven’t
Why would I approach you? are you really a rockstar where I could ask for an autograph? no thanks
Keep siding with gamol tho after shedding your blue balls in not revealing your true answer to everyone..
and with Gamol himself
tsk tsk
yes if there is no shipment and customs there will be no bootlegs…everybody would buy originals because they now can afford to…so the only burden to us collectors is that shipment and customs we are paying…
The real problem is the hobbyists’ sense of entitlement. No one is entitled to their hobby, and no one is entitled to have their hobby cheap. Work for it, and don’t buy if you can’t afford it. Save.
Incorrect. If you can’t afford originals, get another hobby, or WORK FOR IT and SAVE UP FOR IT, like how others are doing itother, instead of doing something that is already categorized as UNLAWFUL, and making idiotic excuses to justify your “need” for a hobby.
acts of selfishness?
well let me tell you this
stop the albi that bootleggers are poor and need mouths to feed and this expensive hobby is not for them because they cannot afford one>>
The real thing is that… THEY ARE NOT WILLING TO PAY THAT MUCH!
It’s plain and simple.
The reality is, YOU’RE A CHEAPSKATE.
HAH you missed
cheap shot
all you can do is play trash talk and no substance at all
Nope. It hit you straight on the face. You’re a CHEAPSKATE.
There’s no substance in “bootlegs are cheap alternatives” after all.
Keep trying. Keep practicing on bootlegs.
ah really
try practicing on your pitching
so lame
ah really?
you did? yeah right eagle eyes
Yes. You’re a CHEAPSKATE.
And matanglawin is HAWKEYE, you ignorant buffoon.
About time Bandai came up with this:
They already had that warning for a while now, probably after they sued TTH. But, like hell bootleg lovers will heed or honor that REQUEST from Bandai.
I’m an avid tabletop roleplaying game hobbyist (e.g., Dungeons & Dragons, World of Darkness, L5R RPG); given the scarcity of their books in this country it really is expensive to purchase them on eBay.
However, I would rather save up and buy the hardbound books on eBay rather than print out the PDFs; in my opinion, owning the original books (full gloss printing, author’s signatures, etc.) is an achievement in itself, because I could be assured that my leisure hours are spent using the money which I myself used.
Nothing wrong with printing out the PDFs, you’re not earning from them anyway. But owning the printed, original stuff – oh yeeees, it’s desirable. Plus, in case there’s a power failure, you could still play with old-fashioned pen and paper – that never goes low-batt.
I happen to have the Marvel Super Heroes Advanced RPG which I got for Christmas, but I never used it. Closest I got to a Marvel RPG was Marvel Avengers Alliance on Facebook. hehe
if i sell it? would it be illegal and unethical / pirated?
no difference man!
stop being a hypocrite
Yes. If you sell it. A hypocrite is someone who is “against piracy” but goes on and sell something which is pirated.
I believe Chino BOUGHT a pdf and printed it FOR HIMSELF, just in case you’re too ignorant to notice that. He did state that owning an actual, bound copy is ideal.
you are missing the point of my question. oh well what good answers do I haave to expect from a mosquito brainer
No, I did not miss your point. But, in your zeal to defend something illegal, you thought that that line of reasoning actually makes you right.
Kasi nga mali, bakit ginagawa pa rin ng iba?
You’re an advocate of bootlegs. Sure enough, you used the reasoning “you don’t own one, so you don’t know.” I nought a bootlegs for the sake of knowing, to PROVE the point that bootlegs are crap. I don’t deny it, I don;t deny to have bought something illegal to prove IT IS ILLEGAL.
Did your thick skull and minuscule brain get it?
well like i said
it is a very sad thing to see that you are trying to defend someone who is directly insulting you
try to figure it out and use your mosquito head perhaps
Speaking of MAA, maybe you should try Marvel Avengers Alliance Tactics on Facebook. Hehe.
I’ll respond here to an assertion someone made on a Facebook group – that Bandai has a monopoly on Gundam and that they should loosen up in intellectual property and allow other makers to make Gundam to have competition and drive down prices.
Ahem, that is wrong thinking. First, Bandai has a monopoly on Gundam just as Procter and Gamble has a monopoly on Safeguard soap. It’s their brand! So it is not a monopoly. Gundam is not a public property or a generic product type, it is a brand and a property.
Real competition is making another series with original designs to go head to with Gundam, such as Super Robot Wars and Galaxia Bots. But pirates making cheaper knockoffs is NOT competition. It is stealing profit from another business! It’s like making your own version of Safeguard soap, copying the label and colors and even the varieties. Even if you rename it “Safegate” or something similar, there is still the notion that you are pretending to be Safeguard in order to “steal” sales. That is deception and is a wrong business practice. That is what the bootleggers in effect are trying to do – pretending to be Bandai to steal the sales from them.
And even if the SRW and other series’ designs seem to look like gundams, they are not exact copies and are considered original designs. They are not named gundams, so there is no copyright infringement there.
And if Bandai does allow other manufacturers to make Gundam products, they would still be expensive. Licensing and all – there’s a lot to pay for. Bootleggers are cheap because they did not go through all the legal requirements. But there you have it – it’s still illegal.
Ay naku. Trying to justify making the hobby CHEAP, just because they feel they are entitled to it. But because of the way you want it CHEAP, you yourself become CHEAP.
You and I have explained this bit about “monopoly” quite a few times, but, it has become an exercise in futility. Them bootleg lovers will insist on their “right” to have a hobby, even if it means having to constantly violate someone else’s intellectual property.
My take here is that, if those who want to create counterfeits love their, um, creations so much, it would be better for them to just admit making something else other than what they’re imitating.
How about if they create their own brand with its own original style, and to also improve the quality of their work, and then market it appropriately, so they could in turn make money off their hobby? It’s a win-win, methinks.
Well, sense of entitlement breeds unethical action, as always.
As much as I would like to pirate things off from let’s say TPB, I also opt for a middle ground by reminding people to buy the real deal especially with authors or game studios whom I wholeheartedly support. Piracy is inevitable, and companies should learn how to get around with it by making use of better business models, but of course we should at least give the original authors some form of compensation.
I do agree with this. Yes it is inevitable, and yes, hobbyist should not stop supporting the original makers.
It’s only inevitable to those who can’t seem to stop themselves from engaging in piracy and buying bootlegs. Please don;t keep using that excuse, that as long as people keep buying bootlegs, bootleggers will keep producing them.
Supply and Demand has two parts after all, if the demand dies, supply will die eventually.
hahaha, regardless of whatever argument these Bootleg-lovers throw, bootlegs are still fakes and illegal. And it is killing the industry.
No argument will justify that patronizing bootlegs is fine.
Piracy, in these age, is inevitable. And looking at a consumer’s viewpoint, its a cheaper, yet lower quality alternative. And unfortunately, cheaper is almost always the way to go for Filipino consumers, at least for products that is categorized as “wants”, like hobby, toys, and any other products that is not categorized as “needs” like food, clothing, etc. That’s our reality here. I myself recognize that bootlegs are fake, copies, and illegal, but until something is done to prevent manufacturing and distribution of these fake toys, you really cant blame the masses for buying it, because its a cheaper alternative. I don’t see any reason why to complicate things by adding psycho-babble BS about Filipino’s mentality on buying things, this is the simple, straight-forward, ugly, truth. WE HAVE A CHEAPER ALTERNATIVE.
purists will never understand this. you will just waste your time and energy here
Define “purists” first before you vomit your misinformed notion that bootlegs are brands. mmmkay?
As for wasting energy, why are you still here? Why are you still BLABBERING about being a bootleg lover has saved you a tonne?
I have all the energy for a mosquito brain like you that keeps on assuming that I own only bootlegs
I did not assume you own only bootlegs. I simply said you’re a cheapskate for buying and justifying why you buy bootlegs.
Stay with the program, and stop telling twisted tales to make yourself taller than you actually are.
You’re not smart either, if you were, you won’t be buying bootlegs, or keep justifying why. Or keep making the mistake of thinking that bootlegs are brands, or that owning them is actually something to me missed.
so if you don’t know me, how can you say i buy and only own bootlegs and only support bootlegs?
ah yes you are eagle eyes!
the reason why I call you such its because James bond used a FICTIONAL device like telescope get a peek anywhere even tru concrete walls up to underneath a woman’s lingerie.
call me a bootleg lover for all you care and i don’t give a damn on every cheap shot you make
your codename “X” suits you coz I USED TO visit your blog before learning the true identity of that blogger
However, I do agree, that no amount of argument can justify that patronizing bootlegs is fine. My question to you is, what are you gonna do to stop it aside from pushing your ideals to bootleg buyers and bashing them online and telling the bootleg buyers that they are demented for buying such if they don’t yield? As i’ve commented on the X Marks the Gundam Spot article, you are just looking for a heated keyboard war.
If Bandai, unfortunately, cant do anything about bootlegs aside from issuing warnings not to buy them, what can you?
I would advised, leave them be, its every man for himself. Enjoy what you have, leave them be with their’s unless you own Bandai.
What is my “ideal?”
Bootlegs are BAD. They are illegal. They have poor quality. They might not even be environmentally sound, or safe, because the chemicals used on producing substandard plastic as just as substandard.
Do I really need to push that?
Sure. It’s every man for himself. It’s another cop out excuse when one has run out of reasons.
Gerard never mind a butthurt blogger. who seeks attention to read his blog.
Aww, now who’s the butthurt now here, licking his wounds over justifying something he could never justify as anything else but CHEAP.
Please, I don;t need to seek attention like you do. My blog gets enough hits even without reference to it. People do go there to actually read stuff about ACTUAL modeling, unlike you who seem to do nothing more but practice on bootlegs.
Keep practicing.
oh you are my follower now? nice!
keep on reading my blog
if there is one
Sorry, I actually have no idea who you are, nor do I care, but based on your responses, I know you’re a cheapskate.
Keep practicing.
so keep shooting blindly
so much for eagle eyes.. errr hawk eye you say?
it doesn’t suit you the title
Lastly, for that person that pointed me to this website, FB Profile name Shinn Asuka, who copied someone’s picture of their bootleg kit and posted it in a “purist” Bandai group in FB to be bashed… thank you for the link. Here, read my comments, at least I have the balls to go on a debate here with my true name, not with a dummy account and a pseudo-name. Look me up on FB if you want to check.
Not to sound offensive or offended but I just find your justification a bit selfish and a lot messed up, but it’s your point of view and what you believe in, Just do remember that there will be a lot of people that will do anything to despise you, or at least your justification that is~
Well, im not justifying anything. Im just accepting the fact that as long as bootlegs are being manufactured and distributed here in our market, there will be consumers out there that will buy it because they see it as a cheaper alternative to get the hobby/toy that they “WANT”. It is bad and illegal yes, and I cant do nothing about it aside from continued patronage of the originals, but I will not be bashing these consumers because of their choice of product like what this Shinn Asuka in FB did. I’ll leave the legal stuff to the original makers. If they come up with legal action plan against buying and selling bootlegs, then so be it, too bad for me and others that buys bootlegs. But until then, lets just leave everyone in peace.
You did justify. You said bootlegs are CHEAP “alternatives.” That’s a justification.
Accepting the fact that “as long bootlegs are being manufactured, consumers will buy it” is ALSO a cop out JUSTIFICATION. Will you buy drugs JUST BECAUSE they’re available?
People keep evading the REAL question that has been asked. Are you really going to justify AN ILLEGAL ACTIVITY because you feel entitled to it as an alternative?
What can we do to stop piracy and bootlegs? The answer lies within your justification. As consumers, DON’T buy bootlegs, because you feel entitled to a hobby you can’t afford so you buy bootlegs instead. If you are poor, you have no business buying a P600 bootleg instead of using that money for food.
no wonder i saw you one time holding a bust head nu and a PG daban in one of the stores in Divi.
tsk tsk
Really? You “saw” me? Or didn’t I just say plenty of times that I did buy as few bootlegs before, just to be OBJECTIVE enough with my opinion about them?
I don’t deny having bought a Hi-Nu, bust (not a Nu, as you have mistakenly stated), out of impulse because I like both the Nu and Hi-Nu, but, I may have to let it go soon, not because it’s a bootleg, but because I’d probably be better off with another MG.
I inspected the PG Strike Freedom just to verify if it is indeed 99% close to Bandai, as some kid claimed earlier. Sadly, it’s not even close to squat.
So dave, please, if you’re going to make me chase my tail, make sure you have the RIGHT INFORMATION.
I did buy 3 DM TGs, just to show people that despite it being a bootleg, I can be objective. I sold them later on, they’re just too crappy still for my taste.
Oh, you mean to say I supported an illegal activity just to be objective?
That’s okay. Even If I have bought bootlegs, I am not like you who seem to LOVE them so much, you can NEVER be objective about the.
at least you admitted and supported bootlegs on your own “objective right?
and impulse buy
gotcha.. booyah
I didn’t at to anything. Buying a bootleg just to PROVE A POINT is not supporting it. It’s a slap on your face, because you are one of those people who insist people who buy Bandai don’t know anything because they don’t have bootlegs.
Try again, you’re run out of excuses several posts back.
whatta shame for eating your own words by not buying bootlegs
whatever your lame reason is, you did your part in supporting bootleg companies
stop being the hypocrite
who asked you then to buy then compare? no one asked you to do so, not even me for that matter to slap that on my ass.
c’mon. get real as this blog says
“Accepting the fact that “as long bootlegs are being manufactured, consumers will buy it” is ALSO a cop out JUSTIFICATION. Will you buy drugs JUST BECAUSE they’re available?” — No course not, even if drugs have bootlegs, I dont want it and i certainly dont need it. Now lets be clear on what we are talking about here, we are talking about a plastic toy/plastic model kit, and the act of assembling it which is the hobby. I dont think you “need” a hobby/toy so much that you have to compare it to an addictive illegal substance or to an everyday need like food and beverage. I would want the toy/hobby, but i dont need one ( unless my psychiatrist tells me otherwise ). So lets refrain from comparing an object that you need, from an object that you want.
“People keep evading the REAL question that has been asked. Are you really going to justify AN ILLEGAL ACTIVITY because you feel entitled to it as an alternative?” — My conscience tells me to answer NO. I recognize it is illegal and it is wrong.
On the other hand, I am buying a toy/hobby/plastic model kit. Can i live with the fact that i bought an illegal, fake, lower quality toy/hobby/plastic model kit just to get my fill of fun in assembling it and save a couple hundred pesos from buying the original? I think most bootlegs buyers out there scouring divisoria will answer YES to this.
“What can we do to stop piracy and bootlegs? The answer lies within your justification. As consumers, DON’T buy bootlegs, because you feel entitled to a hobby you can’t afford so you buy bootlegs instead. If you are poor, you have no business buying a P600 bootleg instead of using that money for food.” — Well I salute and respect your stand for not buying bootlegs (though its funny you admitted on buying one). But in all honesty… please answer this, has anyone ever stopped this act of piracy? Because if someone did already, please please tell bandai how. From music to movies, to bags, to shoes, and toys. Manufacturers of these illegal pirated products are still out there, and they are exploiting the fact that people (not just Filipinos) will look for cheaper alternatives for something that they want. Did you notice that the products i mentioned are all “wants”? None of them are “needs” like food, beverage, infant milk for my kid, medicine, clothes. I believe people are smart enough not to buy fakes for those “needs”. So, if bandai doesnt find a way to stop these manufacturers, either by shutting them down, or penalizing sellers which has been ongoing for pirated dvds (which is ineffective, there are still out there!) Or maybe penalizing the buyers (for a toy?). Dude we can go on and on with this. In this day and age where being and buying cheap has become, unfortunately, a choice, I dont see how to stop buyers from buying these bootlegs. It has to be stopped from the source. Because to consumers, its a choice between an expensive toy, or a cheaper one.
Watch this guys. Its funny, to lighten things up. If you think buying cheap is a Filipino dysfunction, think again.
Of course there are products out there that needs to pass our personal quality standards, but looking for cheaper alternatives is human nature.
purist will never understand that. They think of their selves as god of pla
they will never know what they are missing
they are just missing the opportunity in front of them
they only good at generalizing and mocking their fellow hobbyist
Personally, I’m not missing anything. Bought 3 DM TGs, sold them right after my review. I didn;t even finish the reviews since after all the hype and previews reviews that it was great, I found it still very much CRAP. No regrets there, and I do not judge the one who bought it them from me, I’m just glad he took them off my hands, for a cheaper price. (It’s a loos for me, I know, but, I sold a few BANDAI kits that well enough covered that loss, with a little profit even). So no “opportunities lost.
As for being a purist, please do realize that bootlegs are NOT BRANDS, if you haven’t accepted that fact. A Bandai purist is one who does not buy other toy/kit brands, like Tomy, Kotobukiya, Tamiya, Hasegawa, etc.
BTW, before you try to twist the tale again to make yourself smell nice and not the cheapskate you are, I still do make the Divisoria rounds, just to check on new items, if they have indeed reached the 99% mythical number. So far, no dice.
First things first, I’m a “cheapskate”, I’m a bootleg fan, You can call me a “pirate” for owning bootlegs, I own both Bandai and bootleg kits. Yes, I can afford Bandai kits, but I don’t want to (cheapskate nga eh).
Here’s my opinion on the “ethics” matter.
I think of “Gunplamo” as a hobby that can be for everyone. Unfortunately, Bandai has a so called “monopoly” on that sector. Here enters the so called “Bootleggers” like Dragon Momoko, Daban, TT Hongli, MC, Elyn, etc. They started offering the same products (not exactly) at cheaper prices. Bandai didn’t like that. But me likey :), because now, there’re alternatives.
Bandai calls the Bootleggers as “pirates” for violating IP. On the otherhand, Bootleggers call Bandai as too “greedy” for not wanting to share the market. IMO, having ethics is being nice regardless of situation. For them to say bad things to each other is plain unethical.
At the end of the day, it’s us, the consumers, who will decide, regardless of ethics (sadly). I, for one, is on the bootleggers side. They caused more people to enter the “Gunplamo” hobby. It is starting to become a hobby for everyone. I see more kids building kits nowadays, not just the “blessed” ones with parents who can afford (ya know what I mean). Kids don’t care much for original or bootleg, they’re in it for the “fun”.
Honestly, I don’t care if Bandai continues or shuts down. I’ve read somewhere that Dragon Momoko can produce gunpla kits from scratch & without copying Bandai parts. The quality is not distant anymore. Actually, my DM Tallgeese looks better than my Bandai Tallgeese so I permanently glued on some parts of the Bandai Tallgeese and gave it off to a nephew as a gift. Daban is probably on the way to having the same capabillity. If that happens, then Bandai could get forced to quietly move over….or be gone. It’s least likely that “Gunpla” will disappear along with Bandai. Official or non-official, the “Gunpla” hobby could be reborn with DM & Daban acting like Microsoft and Apple.
Imagine, if Bandai shuts, then ChinoF and MatX could end up buying from former bootleg brands that they hated so much. They could become “converts”. Isn’t that neat? 🙂
If DM or Daban will taking over Bandai for producing their own Gunpla, do you think their prices will be as cheaper as before? It will be the same as Bandai prices because they need a full license from Sotsu Agency/Sunrise(the original producer/creator of Gundam series) first and that requires heck a lot of budget than we can possibly imagine of course, they will surely mark up the prices to cover up their losses.
Also I doubt that Sotsu Agency/Sunrise will give a full rights on DM or Daban for making their own “Gunpla” kits, no doubt they are also very pissed on those bootleggers like Bandai does or even worse.
They will just eat their own horse shit
BTW: Matx is buying bootlegs too. It is for a cause? nah
Lame excuse
The point is you were tempted and bought one
…and supported bootlegs in his own “objective”.
That is eating his own shit
See how idiots try to use an argument to twist it to their favor?
Here’s the BEST idiotic reasoning of a bootleg lover againts those who don’t buy bootlegs:
“you don’t have one, so you don’t know.”
When I bought the DM bootlegs, it’s to SHOW these idiots that point, to which this same idiot is now trying to use in his favor.
Talk about logical fallacies: When a fool tries to argue against fact and reasoning by making it seem the other is being unreasonable, that fool is just trying too hard.
Sorry. I wasn’t “tempted” to buy one inasmuch as I was ever tempted to buying anything. Unlike you, I didn’t buy those bootlegs just because I liked them, it’s was to show, once and for all, that bootlegs, no matter how good one thinks they are, are STILL BOOTLEGS and will never account to anything else.
And BTW, it’s you who keep eating your own shit and vomit, while simultaneously giving yourself a blowjob. That’s how far down you’ve degraded yourself.
Have fun defending bootlegs and denying it later, because you’re caught dead in your own shit…
Let’s delineate Those who buy bootlegs to “try it out” but do not defend it or praise it, to those who buy bootlegs mainly because they feel entitled to a hobby they can’t really afford.
The latter are the cheapskates. If you own both Bandai and bootlegs, you’re not a cheapskate, unless of course you suddenly find the need to defend your guilt for buying one (or two, or many, just because you feel Bandai isn’t giving you what you want and decided to settle on bootlegs just so you can have one).
Like I keep saying, the ONLY reason why people buy bootlegs is because they are CHEAP. And if one defends that, one’s a cheapskate (because one is defending something that INFRINGES on a copyright). If you can’t grasp that concept because you feel Bandai is being unfair of “monopolizing” a brand THEY OWN, THINK.
If Bandai shuts down, I won’t buy bootlegs either. I don’t buy everything Bandai releases; I’m not rich, and even if I am, being the practical one, I still won’t buy everything Bandai releases.
Why? It’s simple, I only buy what I like, and I buy what I like when I can afford to, when I have enough liquidity to go around without having to suffer a week’s worth of meals. So, you can keep on hoping that I’ll be a “convert.” I can assure you, I won’t. I’d rather save that 600 pesos for something MORE IMPORTANT than waste it on a worthless bootleg.
See, this is where bootleg lovers (aka cheapskates) make the folly of assuming that everyone who support originals are elitists.
Also, It was I who said DM most probably made their own molds from scratch, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t use Bandai molded parts. Also, to claim that the DM TGs look “better” than Bandai is simply being in denial, so I guess you are a cheapskate. For what it’s worth, the DM TGs still lack the QUALITY of the Bandai TGs. Adding a few details here and there did not improve it’s overall quality, since the plastic is still way too substandard to begin with.
So, no. The DM TGs are NOT worth it. But it is for cheapskates.
Bootlegs are illegal, period. If Dragon Momoko and all these other crap copiers want to, e di gumawa sila ng sariling design? Not copying the mold of Bandai.
Also its funny to see davecute4u degrade into a child asserting his right to a hobby. Nobody’s forcing you to stop dave… just continue doing what you want. Pera mo naman yan e. But what you’re buying is not and will never be Gunpla. They are just bootlegs.
From my experience, getting bootleged gunpla is pretty much a waste of resources. I’ve been assembling gundams for more than a decade and yes i have also tried doing a few bootleg model (1/144 stargazer and a 1/100 astray red frame kai). As far as i can tell, the quality of the bootleg sucks so bad. Pieces wont fit perfectly, sloppy joints, and brittle parts. It even took more time building bootlegs than the original. Clearly not worth your resources. Better yet, just save up money for the original with better quality. Even if you say that the price of the bootleg is half of the original, resource wise, still not a good decision to buy one.
di pa din pala tapos itong issue na ito. People, this came about because a fellow Filipino made a BIG mistake of tagging Kawaguchi and even had the balls to defend bootlegs. Are Filipinos the only ones with a group in FB solely dedicated to Bootleg Gunpla? I beg to disagree. There are other groups as well. They may not be advertising themselves but they are there. Are the Filipinos the only ones who or purchase bootleg Gunpla? HELL NO. I can see other people from South East Asia who buys and sells bootleg Gunpla. There’s even one who has blogspot and another one who has an online store AND a physical store in Singapore. How come they are not called DYSFUNCTIONAL? Because they know their shit. They don’t go around advertising their bootleg shit to the people who own the franchise and then rant if they get their hands slapped unlike our poor country man who flapped his mouth without thinking. Now is the action of 1 or a few people enough to call everyone who patronize bootlegs dysfunctional? I don’t think so. Being dysfunctional means generally you don’t get well with others. Are Pinoy Bootleggers like that towards those who patronize the real stuff(Bandai)? I don’t think so. A lot of bootleg patronizers also patronize Bandai believe it or not. I am one of them. Do you see me rant or cry at Bandai because I can’t buy all their kits? No. I can buy one anytime I want to. I just don’t want to. I believe it is unfair to single out Pinoys as dysfunctional when it comes to Gunpla because of the action of a few/single person. Saka tigilan na natin tong debate rito. Wala naman tayo mapapala eh. Enjoy nalang natin yung hobby ke bootleg or original yang binubuo mo. It’s the experience of building a model ang dapat na focus natin dito at hindi yung brand. Peace!
Kampai Sir George!
some numskulls cannot get this point. It is good to see one of the good point of view
yes. It’s obvious you’re a numbskull.
Filipinos are the ONLY ones defending bootlegs as if their lives depended on it.
“It’s the experience of building a model ang dapat na focus natin dito at hindi yung brand. Peace!”
go sir george!!!
I think we veered away from the blogger’s question here for quite sometime now. So lets start to answer the blogger’s question. Those you reacted negatively to Mr. Kawaguchi’s response to whoever posted a bootleg kit in his wall, reacted immaturely. It is not right to buy bootlegs in the first place, and should have kept their peace regarding Mr. Kawaguchi’s response and respected the fact that it is HIS wall anyway.
As for my answer and opinion to the blogger’s question, I dont think those you responded to Mr. Kawaguchi represents the whole bootleg community, and as such, I cant say that its a Filipino dysfunction. As for those who still buy bootlegs and why, this is not a Filipino-only trait. It is a consumer’s act of buying something, for less the price. Given that the Philippine market gave us consumers a choice between an expensive toy versus a cheaper one, for a TOY buyer, sad to say, it doesnt matter if its an illegal and unlawful copy of the original, they only question the quality of the cheaper product, and if they can live with it.
Gerard, there’s an entire community of bootleg lovers after all, which sprung as those who despise people who buy Bandai.
Now, the dysfunction itself is SELF-ENTITLEMENT. If one is poor, does one ENTITLED to have a hobby?
Let’s extend that, if one is poor, any form of hobby BEYOND his ways and means is an UNNECESSARY LUXURY. A hobby is a luxury after all, and mo matter how one puts it, if you can’t afford the hobby, GET ANOTHER ONE, which is within your ways and means.
Now, someone reasoned out that he buys bootlegs because he has a family. Can you see the DYSFUNCTIONALITY in that reasoning? If one has a family, one should prioritize. A hobby, even a bootleg that costs 600, is out of his ways and means. It being a hobby, one is never enough. One will get 10, of not a hundred bootlegs. How much would that cost?
That’s self-entitlement. If one buys bootlegs, stop feeling guilty about it by defending it as if your right is being stomped on. Freedom is not absolute. Your “right” to a hobby is more a privilege.
Now, when someone is within his ways and means, but buys bootlegs regardless, and defends it, then one is a cheapskate.
Id like to call it “striking a balance between providing to your family, and providing to yourself”, rather than calling it a dysfunction. Sorry cant make an exact term for it, if there is such a word for it.
Back in the day when there was only bandai as a source of this kits, it really was an expnsive luxury. The introduction of bootlegs in the market, if you think about it, was really strategic. It was aimed to consumers that cannot afford the originals before, and it was aimed at a market where law has no teeth against piracy. Illegal as it is, can you really put all the blame on those consumers that buy bootlegs now that the market presented a way for them to strike an effective balance between providing to their families and still buy the toys that they want and experience the hobby? This is not unique to Filipino market my friend.
Id like to clarify my position here in this debate. Bka magkalimutan sa huli eh. I dont have anything against these pleas and debates against supporting bootlegs. By all means continue, create an all bandai modelers community if you must. What we dont want to see ( and i hope you will agree with me on this ) is bashing and bullying a person for his choice of toy to buy. That goes for both sides, pro-bandai or pro-bootleg. I hope your fb group is moderated enough to not allow this, especially now that the person who referred me to this site (Shinn Asuka) via bullying and bashing someone’s work on FB is now in your FB Group.
You can’t strike a balance if you have no ways and means for it. It simply won’t work justifying buying a bootleg because “one is poor” or “have a family.” The reasoning is self-defeating. A pity stance.
In the very beginning of my first comment here, like I said, I am not an anti nor pro bootleg. Some diaper baby keeps on insisting that I am on the PRO bootleg side.
Anyway, this blog has no respect to his fellow hobbyist as well as his countrymen.
This blog seems to create to fish some people who will side on bootlegs, ridiculed and kill on spot
Sad to see that a lot of Filipinos agreed to the writings of this irresponsible blogger and branding all those who oppose in his writings
FILIPINO KA BA? nakakalungkot isipin na ikaw mismo ay minamaliit o iniinsulto ang mga pilipino sa titulo ng iyong isinulat.
Walang pinagkakaiba na sa pag sangayon mo na ang tawag ng mga dayuhan sa pinay eh puta! pilipino ka nga ba?
Ikaw na Pilipino na kung tawagin mo kapwa mo Pilipino na “DYSFUNCTIONAL” ay isang malaking insulto sa ating lahi
tsk tsk
Nahihiya akong mabasa ito ng mga dayuhan na ikaw mismo ay kumukutya hindi lang sa mga kaibigan, tao sa paligid mo, kundi pati na rin sa iyong lahi
If indeed that you are neither for or against bootlegs, then back it up with something else other than “because that’s what a lot of people are doing today.”
Secondly, the more you react with personal attacks against people making personal attacks against you, you eventually lose the argument by going to their level.
Finally, by using the fallacy of appealing to patriotism and using unnecessary Tagalog, you just earned the Balagtas Clone Butthurt Award:
I do not wish for any personal attacks, he started it, he asked for it so I’m just returning the favor
yes i did say that tagalog remark, it is no different that this blogger or any one else in this room branding all those who oppose and blame it to all by the fault of just one… just one stupid tag from a stupid tagger of kawaguchi
call me butthurt all you want, i don’t care
ang hindi ko matanggap, kapwa mo pilipino ginagago mo masabi lang na mas angat ka sa kapwa mo pilipino
mas marami kang mamahaling laruan? good but it is not a license to mock and be little small time collectors
Who started the personal attack?
You did, with your “sticking their dick” comment.
Please don’t try to save yourself from your own folly.
Also, as far as being “angat sa iyo,” I’m not. But it’s you who has consistently downgraded yourself with your pretentious remarks about not defending bootlegs despite the obvious that you are.
The fallacy dave is using is “circular,” or “begging the question.”
If I called him “stupid” or “an idiot,” I’m not insulting him, because a smart person would have already realized he’s wrong and would have stopped altogether. But, as you can see, he’s a zealot, disguising his love for bootlegs as a plea that he doesn’t support it, but his own words betray him.
You said neither, yet, in the latter part, it’s obvious you LOVE bootlegs.
Misplaced patriotism. wala sa lugar ang pagiging makabayan mo, Dave. Saka wag ka magmura. Bad yun. 😛
misplaced? ako pa ang wala sa lugar? anu ba tawag ng mga banyaga sa term na pinay? o_0
Hindi ba obvious inutil? Kinakampihan mo ang isang tao na halatang mali na dahil lang kababayan mo sya. Daig pa sa nazi iyang blind patriotism mo e.
kahit minsan hinde ko sinabing TAMA ang bootlegs. ang kinukwestyon ko dito AY ANG ASAL NG MGA TAO MERON DITO NA KUNG TUMULIGSA KALA MO KUNG SINO
isa ka ba dun domo?
What’s the matter escapist asshurt? Are you denying that you are being a douchbag here already? Where did your life go so wrong?
Yes. Ikaw ang wala sa lugar. Especially since alam mo nang mali, ipinangangalandakan mo pa.
Come on. You’ve amounted to nothing but a cheapskate.
sino kinampihan ko? mga bootleggers? brad mahaba haba ang babasahin mo pabalik
Oh my, you forget even your own statement.
“Blogger: Have you ever wondered that the demand for legit gunplas also increased with the introduction of bootlegs for those who have no intention to buy a triple priced bandai kits higher than bootleg kits (4x or 5x cheaper even)
This is my point of view
a collector from a different line was amazed by the beauty of gunpla but not ready to spend that much on a kit and tried building a bootleg kit. later on, after collecting a couple of bootlegs, he then wants to have a bandai kit then ditches some or most of his bootleg kits.
= better sales for bandai gunpla
Bandai kits haven’t lost any revenue in the first place
Gunpla community 5 years ago here in the Philippines are just a handful or few hundred in number. Now, the community grew in thousands, (registered 4 thousand in a social media). Would you think bandai would create more new models if the demands did not increased? Where did you buy your gunplas before? Lils? But now we have CF, Z4, ILO etc and still counting
Bootlegs manufacturers will benefit bandai fans too! Like the TG3 and elyn Kshatriya for that matter (and DM Geminass- a long forgotten kit) Bandai is now challenged to surpass those 3rd party kits and resin kits
Financials is always an issue here. “Save up for bandai Gunpla instead of buying cheap / pirated ones” but in reality, it will not apply to all and not socially accepted to many specially for those family is a priority and hobby will remain as is (last priority)
I buy both, I’m not ashamed of saying it. if i have the chance to buy original kits, I would but for an average collector like me (i’m neither rich nor poor) I will buy whatever I like
Bootleg will always be there whether you like it or not and you cannot stop it from coming
and if you keep saying that Bandai may shut down soon because of bootlegs? That’s a lame excuse to say bootlegs kills bandai”
This is not defending bootlegs or bootlegers. Sure.
awow… flooded with responses again. Guys lets move away from personal attacks. medyo ang gulo na ng responses nkalimutan na ung dati nyong rezponse. jusmio.
You can thanks dave, the bootleg zealot who suddenly denied he is, for that.
See, this “issue” will never end since there’ll always be bootleg lovers who need to defend their love for bootlegs.
you can “thank.” pardon the typo.
The useless defense never ends man. Its like Team Rocket in Pokemon
Yeah I’m Gundoom guys and saying that dave is so full of horse shit. Damn, I review Bootlegs to show your motherfucking bootlegging friends that its crappy and has no place in the WORLD. Please, bootlegger like you have no intelligence, no values, no ethics, no fucking sense of manners, especially NO FUCKING BALLS WHEN CONFRONTED BY THE ONES YOU BASH. What would you expect of a fucking excuse for a man. No balls, no glory bootlegging son a of bitch. Keep on parading your shit. You are one hell of a fucking cheap person raised tp be fertilizer to the ground.
Such a pity that bootleggers are special type stupid, they tend to retaliate when facts are presented, why is it that you can’t accept the fact that your religion called ‘dragon momoko’ or ‘daban model’ are all just waiting to be found in some factory in china and waiting to be burned down in ashes so you can stop your so called ‘fight’ against Pro Bandai people which is obviously a one sided battle in favor of pro bandai. Come on, you people are just boring individuals with boring lives that you just rant out because what you buy is being critisized. You want so much action that you become this new breed of stupid keyboard warriors. Come on, seriously grow up, you might find more action out side than staring at your computer
Such strong words man. I do certainly hope those factories get burned down. That way no bootlegs are going to circulate the market ever again. Thats the only way consumers are going to stop bootlegging and start buying the original ones. Until then, I’ll keep everyone in peace with their choice of plastic toys to buy.
That’s the WRONG way to stop it. The right way is for people to make the RIGHT CHOICE.
Supply and demand. There won’t be a supply if there is no demand. Being as it is, bootleggers continually produce bootlegs because there is demand for it, especially in this case. Bootlegs proliferated because more and more people are buying them.
OK i exaggerated on that note. Of course we cant just burn someone’s factory down. Educating consumers to make the right choice… through social media, or any other medium that will get their attention about the matter. I honestly hope it works. Its a good plan, or it was, as this was all done before to save other products from piracy before. Im not saying not to do it anymore, just stating the fact that it didn’t work before, and I am not confident its going to work eventually, for a toy.
How about shouting to the government to stop the importation and/or smuggling of such products to our market? Its a long shot as well, and with the way our government is running right now, well, you tell me.
Who’s the “government?” Who in the government are you going to shout at? Right now, our politicians are all pointing fingers at each other as to who the bigger crook is, do you honestly believe they’ll lift a finger now?
It will still boil down to the individual making the choice. Remember, there are already laws in place. The mere fact that a bootleg violates IP should be enough. People only cry foul when it is THEIR skin being burnt. Even in the absence of enforcement, would you, as an individual, still make the wrong choice?
People should make the right choice because it’s right, not because they fear prosecution.
Oh I couldn’t agree more with what you said about the government. I wasn’t really counting on their help about this matter. Was just laying down the options. They could make something like OMB to raid bootleg stores? Can they? Will they? If they cant, if they wont, whats next?
It indeed boils down to the individual making the choice. What is the choice again? Between the right choice, and the wrong one. Between an expensive plastic model kit, and a cheap knockoff plastic model kit. Between a legit plastic model kit, and an illegal knockoff model kit. Between a model kit that uses high quality plastic, and is accurately detailed, and a model kit that has low quality plastic, and of less accurate detail. Between plastic model kit designed by hardworking engineers, and a plastic kit copied by the Chinese. Between the right choice, and the wrong one.
Isn’t it too late for this? 14 yrs too late? Now that bootlegs are more available than before? I bought my first bootleg kit back in highschool, a 1/100 Gundam Wing Custom branded LWDragon. Had no idea back then that the details and quality was off. I have nothing to compare it to anyway since I dont have enough money to buy the legit ones.
Back in the day I remember when Original movie DVDs and OMB also made a comparison of quality, legality and morality between buying the original movie dvds and the pirated ones. Anu na ang nangyare?
Gerard, you’re still missing the point. When it comes to making the right choice from the wrong one, there is no other argument. It should stop there.
I laughed hard here. But seriously, I do not also support bootlegs.
I never bought a gunpla of bandai and never planned to buy the bootlegs. I don’t have money, I don’t also have a budget.
One thing for sure, I love gundam. Bandai is one of the embodiment
Of gundam. Bandai gave the physical life of gundam models.
I sure love gundam and the best part of loving a gundam
Is the dream to have gunplas. We find pleasure just by looking at
Gunplas box’s art of bandai. But, I never felt the same with bootlegs.
It is just… it’s not real. Bootlegs are just not real. It’s not pleasurable
In the hearts of the real gundam lovers. We don’t recognize it no matter what reason it is. Gunpla is bandai, doods. Its not the money that counts. Gunpla is bandai. Its the feeling of having this kits in the brand named bandai. Gunpla is bandai, that’s the real thing for me.
Think of it this way: bootlegs are real, but they’re not Bandai.
Based on what’s been going on here in the comments, the conclusion I came up with is this: people who love bootlegs couldn’t get over the fact that what they have are facsimiles, and they’re not honest enough to admit it so.
I was *this* close to buying a bootleg kit. It was a 1/100 MG Daban Model Gundam Astray Red Frame Kai which sold for 1.7k at a mall near me. Knowing that this particular kit would cost me triple times the amount if I bought the original (read: Bandai), I nearly yanked my wallet out of my pocket, pulled the kit from the shelf it was sitting on and run directly to the cashier to check it out. Fortunately, my reason prevented me from doing so, and I’m glad it went that way.
Anything closer to the original at a fraction of the price is a temptation in itself. Anyone wants to get most of what they paid for. But here is something to think about: Would the cheaper price justify the fact that you bought something of lesser quality? Think about it.
Your retailers are scamming you. That kit on HLJ in Japan is $49 for the real one (well it’s out of stock, but yes.) The bootleg is $39. There’s no reason the real kit should cost $120, none.
So at least the mystery of why the hell people buy bootleg kits is solved. It’s not that the people are greedy terrible poor people who should pull themselves up by the bootstraps by not buying Gundam kits.
Who think who you are?!,you can’t stop me buying bootlegs brand!,especially im poor i cant afford the expensive brand like bandai! hahaha,the brand is not important the hobby is important!,most of filipino’s are poor so that they buying pirated instead of original! ONLY THING THAT CAN BANDAI PRODUCT CAN DO IS TO LOWER THEIR EXPENSIVE PRICES!!!!!
I don’t mean to judge, but if you are poor, might it not be more prudent to forego an expensive hobby until one has the capacity to indulge in the pursuit? It seems a lot of Filipinos make mistakes at prioritisation. And complain later on that they haven’t got enough resources to acquire even the most basic necessities.
Spoken like a true freeloader.
Sorry about that what i say!Lol im so very tired in that time and had headache! hehehe 😀 ,i will not buy pirated gundam,I got to support the original the BANDAI product! GO BANDAI!! 😀
I go to support the original,the BANDAI product! GO BANDAI!! 😀
Bootlegs are helpful especially if you have missing pieces of you parts bootleg can replace it,cuz you can buy it cheaper,instead buying another bandai kit your loosing your self 🙁
To me in USA this seems weird. I mean obviously we make more money than most people in the Philippines as a generality.
I can’t really say Bandai’s incredibly tyrannical or anything. The kits at least in Japan are cheap as hell. A Master Grade kit is like $30-40 and will give you like 4-5 hours of fun assembling it and then God knows how many hours painting it. A movie here in USA is like $8 and generally it’ll suck as no good movies are being made anymore. Hell, a meal at a restaurant here is like $8-12 for not fast food.
And Bandai, too, is very good with the Gundam kits for making various grades of them that DON’T cost very much money at all. I bought a 1/100 Gyan original 0079 kit that costs like $6 in Japan and is a nice looking (but basically non-posable) 1/100 kit. It’s like this all across the range. There’s the expensive Master Grades but also there’s cheap 1/144s or non-MG 1/100s. And really, the old glue kits of Zeta or 0079 aren’t really that bad if you actually paint them and use them just for display only, and they’re dirt cheap.
Is it more just “local price” of things that’s affecting the market of Gundam kits? I mean here in USA we had that problem when Gundam was somewhat popular. I remember a hobby shop here charging like $50-60 for a MG GM kit that’s like $25 or whatever. Do the toy stores or hobby shops in the Philippines do the same sort of tactic? Mark the hell out of Japanese Gundam kits but then sell bootlegs for closer to the Japanese price? Looking at one Malaysian review of a Chinese HG Pyscho Gundam from Zeta Gundam, he paid like $30 for the bootleg one. That’s crap as in Japan the real one is like $40. Hell, this same guy’s site he bought a knockoff PG Strike Gundam for $100. On HLJ the real one is $109. Why the hell?
So to me it seems, as an outsider, the problem with these third world countries is probably that the retailers of the Japanese products probably jack the price up of the kits to absurd levels like happens here occasionally. But because I guess in the Philippines maybe less people do mail order stuff…? But it seems to me the problem isn’t so much the consumers fault for buying the pirated kits but the retailers who want to make enormous profit margins by buying the bootleg kits for basically no money and then selling them at prices that are only like 20% less at most compared to what the real kit SHOULD cost based on what they sell for in Japan/MSRP.
So clearly in the Philippines and Malaysia and wherever these bootleg kits are sold, there’s a huge market for Gundam, moreso than even United States (we had Gundam kits at toystores here in the early 2000s.) It seems Bandai could easily solve the problem just by selling the kits directly to the Philippino people and cutting retailers out of the picture. They’d get their kit sales, they’d piss off some retailers but obviously since bootleg kits are so widespread retailers clearly don’t care about Bandai anyway.
At least this is my take as an outsider to the situation. It seems the problem is less the customers but more the retailers or supply chain of Gundam kits.
One thing is for sure.
Bandai will be cheeper if bootlegs will shut.
Bootlegs will be expensive if Bandai will shut.
That’s a Fact.
Then where are you? Bandai with good quality or DM,tth,or whatsoever bootlegs with poor quality??
Well quality is always a good choice for the budget :3
I’m in USA, where the bootleg Gundam models don’t exist at all because Bandai ones are priced reasonably.
What I’m trying to say is you Philippinos are completely delusional. You’re even worse than Americans like myself for thinking the world=their country. Bandai will keep existing even if Philippinos don’t buy Bandai’s Gundam kits at all. Bandai is a multi BILLION dollar company merged with another multi-billion dollar company. Bandai has sponsored real life Super GT race cars. These Chinese knockoff companies are really about zero threat to Bandai on the whole, and the companies are literally fly by night companies that disappear and reorganize tomorrow.
And no, they couldn’t just “replace” Bandai for making Gundam kits. Bandai owns Sunrise, who makes Gundam. So if Bandai were to die tomorrow somehow, the Gundan anime would cease to exist, thus no more new mecha designs to make kits of.
What I’m trying to say is, your situation with the model kits has lots of other problems, but Bandai themselves aren’t really the issue besides their apathy. Bandai could be trying harder to solve these problems (sup Bandai, I’d love to work for you if you’re reading this…) but Bandai didn’t cause or create the problems regarding the supply of Gundam kits in your country. So with the bootleg kits, Bandai isn’t going to close down or die or whatever because you Philippino’s buy them. It’d be like saying Microsoft is going to close for you pirating Microsoft Word or something. Way way too big of a company.
It seems your two problems are retailers trying to scam you, people not being able to order off the internet, and lastly, corrupt Philippino customs officials. Firstly, with retailers trying to scam you. Local model shops in America can’t charge a lot for Gundam models or any models, as they’re competing directly with the internet. If the price of the model kit isn’t about the same as what you’d pay for the model kit online with shipping costs (give or take a few dollars) then people just don’t buy the kits at the model shop. With people not being able to order off the internet, I’ve been reading and the Philippines seems to have very corrupt customs and people randomly get charged lots of money in duties. Thus maybe that’s why people are afraid of just ordering the kit online from Japan? Maybe it is just ignorance or poor money habits (as the author of this post made another post about,) I have no idea. But that’s what I see the problem as.
Now, if Bandai was smart, they’d A, tell Philippino customs to just not the bootleg kits in. As that’s what happens in most countries that aren’t corrupt. B, they’d seriously ramp up their ability to actually export Gundam models to the Philippines and actually distribute them directly so people couldn’t price gouge. It seems they’re trying this now, and I just looked up on Google and searched “Bandai Philippines” and Bandai just opened a factory in Luzon. It might be too late for Bandai to make money in the Philippines, though, if people are under the misconception it’s Bandai’s fault their kits cost $120 for a Master Grade and that whatever the hell knockoff brands are actual brands who are an actual threat to Bandai.
Mga sir I think the cause of the problem here is the différence in salary standards ng japan at pinas pasok mo na rin yung importation cost at patong sa benta ng mga retailer. A minimum wage earner na pinoy earns about 10000 pesos on an average samantala Ang isang minimum wage na hapon would earn 40000 pesos in équivalent sa pera natin. Ang presyo ng gundam sa kanila is about half the price sa atin. And dahil sa taas ng standard of living sa japan barya lang sa kanila bumili ng Master Grade. I Think if only mas maging mataas ang sweldo sa tin bakit tayo hindi bibili ng orig na bandai
Roseblade: Halos walang pinagkaiba ang sitwasyon sa Japan dahil mataas yung cost ng living nila kesa sa pinas baka mas doble o triple pa nga. Pati nga rin sa Hongkong ang mamahal nung pagkain nila kahit street food lang.
Yup true pero mas mura pa rin sa kanila Yung gundam half the Price compared pag dito ka sa pinas bumili. Bumili ka ng mastergrade sa pinas aabutin ito ng mga 3000 pesos sa pera natin pero pag dun ka bumili 1200 pesos May Mg ka na. Ang salary nila per Day minimum would be 5440 yen standard of living kasama na leisure and food 100000 to 120000 yen per month tipid na yun let us say minimum wage earner ka and kalahating araw ka Lang magtrabaho makakabili ka na ng Master grade na worth 3000 yen di ka naman siguro bibili araw araw. Kung magtratrabaho ka ng 20 days in a month kikita ka na ng 100000 yen Eh kung dito magwowork min wage is 460 pesos it would take you 8 days na one Day meal Lang para makaipon ka. Just comparing ang layo. Meron ngang factory worker sa Japan di ba sinunog Yung bahay nya para makakuha ng insurance for his gundam collection hindi ba a factory worker na May gundam collection eh sa pinas Kaya can a factory worker afford to have that collection?
Minimimum cost of living daw sa Japan Is 100000 120000 yen with Food and leisure na yun minimum salary Is about 5400 yen in 8 hours cost ng isang gundam would be 3000 yen di ka naman siguro araw araw bibili One Day salary mo makakabili ka na eh Kung minimum wage earner ka sa pinas 460 pesos a Day it would take You 8 to 9 days na isang beses ka Lang kakain sa isang araw to afford a mg model Just comparing na Ang layo
The proliferation of bootleg gunpla does not display Filipino dysfunction. It’s just another symptom of our messed up economy and disproportionate economic gap. If the masses can AFFORD originals then they will get originals. Until then, most will settle for less.
destroy CHINA the land of bootleg products. and build a BANDAI shop/factory in the philippines so we can have an easy and cheap access to BANDAI products.
Ironically we already have a Bandai factory here ih the philippines(more focus on action figures and gashapon) but still they have to be shipped in Japan first before selling them worldwide so there’s no difference.
Mag Magic the Gathering nalang kayo para tapos. Hirap satin masyado nyong pinapansin to e. sabi nga nung nagcomment, masyadong malaki ang bandai at sunrise para intindihin ang bootleg. kahit walang bumili sa pinas ng orig bandai kit mabubuhay un. e kung gusto nila ng bootleg e, mapipigilan nyo ba sila? nag aaway away kayo sa mga walang kwentang bagay. hobby nga e. tingnan nyo sa diksyonaryo ibig sabihin nun. mangolekta nalang ako ng tansan
Ang hirap kasi sa iba jan, naka tikim lang ng orig, feeling nila pwede na sila tumapak ng ibang tao!
Walang respeto sa kapwa, sobrang hambog!
Tanga lng bibili ng bootlegs. they are inferior to the original. yeah its cheap. but the quality sucks so bad. they use the cheapest plastics available even for ABS parts. the molds are vomit inducing. yuck!
I’m just a college student and only own 4 kits atm: 3 RGs and 1 MG. all of them legit. ofc. I save my money for them. I don’t fucking buy bootlegs. shame on all of you pro-bootleg people. I hate my country. seriously. so many stupid people. what do I really expect for a third-world country. we deserve that category. stupid people.
Damn! What a shame!! One of the reason why other countries fears our country because of this; “imitations” . Gunpla modelling is a costly hobby to begin with, budget plays a huge thing here, one should consider the total cost of building a kit this includes the materials, time and effort. If you will sum it up, its almost the same as buying the original one but with much much better quality, compared to bootlegs who are lightyears away with the original kits in terms of the plastic molding, weight issue etc.
To summarize this hobby is not for the “weak of wallet” 🙂
I think I get one thing now. Akala ng ibang tao na collecting gunpla is a show of wealth. Dun lang, mali na. A hobby is a hobby, not a wealth race.
Looking back I also tried a bootleg kit before and I would say the quality of the plastic is bad masama ang amoy lalo na pagsinasand mo nangangati rin yung balat ko after. Sa Bandai pinagaralan talaga nila yung quality nung plastic na ginagamit nila per kit There are options naman for the hobby if you can’t afford the upper tier kits nandyan yung mga RG and HG line ng Bandai also there are cheap shops in the Philippines like Wasabi Toys, Great Toys Online. Also nasa diskarte na ng tao yan how to save to afford Gundams
Pero tungkol naman sa blog article na ito I think hindi lang naman sa Pilipinas may Pirated na Gundams, It is a world wide problem meron sa Malaysia Taiwan at sa China so parang mali yata na gawing generalization ito ng Filipino Dysfunction.
Ang problema lang talaga sa bansa natin kulang pa sa intellectual property protection
Pero sa I think pag ang isang bootleg supporter nakahawak ng Isang Bandai kit lalo na yung mga high quality I think mas maaapreciate muna bumili ng orig tsaka ang masasabi ko lang sulit super sulit ng Bandai
Finally! well said!
. binasa ko ang lahat ng comments…. ang sakit sa mata pero natapos ko….
grabe… parang gusto ko na lang mag piko sa labas mamaya…
Ang dami nyo pang sinasabi!Problemang pang bata lang yan,Masyado na lumalaki ang mga ulo ng mga may bandai kits mga hambog!
Simple lang yan…Kung Hambog at mayaman ka babumili ka ng maraming bandai kit saksak mo sa baga mo,Hindi yung pinagyayabang mo!
Kung mahirap at gipit ka…Okay lang kahit bumili ng KO/Bootleg kits,Atlis masaya ka na my toys ka kesa sa wala.
“Kung mahirap at gipit ka…Okay lang kahit bumili ng KO/Bootleg kits,Atlis masaya ka na my toys ka kesa sa wala.”
eto na ang pinaka mangmang ant walang kwentang komento na nabasa ko. mas malala pa sa argument ni Dave na pilit nagpapacute.
Kung nasa katinuan ka ng pag-iisip, malamang yung necessities ang uunahin mo. hirap at gipit ka na, uunahin mo pa ang hobby kesa sa pagkain sa mesa? Ang taba ng utak mo, kung sino ka man.
Kung ano ang hilig mong Hobby sundin mo ang puso mo.
Bakit may magagawa ba sila kung bibili ka ng Bandai o Bootlegs?
Hindi naman sila ang may hawak ng pera mo at wala na silang pakealam doon!
Ang hirap kasi sa ibang Tao dito na nag c-comment mga walang respeto sa kapwa!,Hindi nila naiisip kung wala talagang pambili ng bandai kaya sa bootleg nalang sila umaasa!
Kung Gundam talaga ang gusto mong Hobby at wala ng iba,Dahil kulang ka sa Budget bumili ka nalang ng Bootlegs.
Kasi may nabasa akong Comment dito sabi nya:”Kung hindi daw kayang bumili ng bandai kit mag iba nalang daw ng Hobby kesa sa bumili ng Bootlegs,Yabang! -.-
Kaya wala na dapat pakialaman kung bandai man o hindi,Basta masaya ka.. 🙂
At kahit ano pang sabihin ni Katsumi Kawaguchi manager ng Bandai na huwag bibili ng pirated kits ay wala din syang magagawa..Bibili parin kasi 3x Cheaper.
Katulad din ng mga Pirated DVD,Gadget,Clothes,Bags, na talaga ng Economy natin yan.
Classic Example ng katangahan ng supporter ng pirated products.
Kung wala talagang pambili ng bandai ipon ipon muna at magkakaroon ka rin ng pambili konting tsaga lang talaga
Me karapatan din naman ang mga taga Bandai magreklamo kasi pinagisipan nila yung produkto nila at ilang bwan din nila pinagiisipan yung idea para sa isang kit
Hindi rin naman ako agree sa pangiinsulto ng iba para lang sabihin na di maganda bumili ng bootleg
May paraan kung paano natin maipararating ang mga punto natin na hindi kailangan manginsulto ng kapwa sa ganitong paraan maiiwasan ang pagaaway.
F u c k Y o u I own a DM Sword and Launcher Strike is more details than RM of Bandai.
Are you sure? or is it just because you cannot afford to buy the legit kit and do a decent comparison based on actual items on hand?
Those elites and hypocrites say that all gundams without “Bandai” logo are BOOTLEGS, cheap… well I just got myself a mechanicore RX 105 kit.. Is it still cheap?
I wonder online sellers ran out of stocks of these and I wonder those freakin Bandai supporters have joined our league in buying these so called “NoN BANDAI” MERCHANDISE
BTW: DM did made an awesome RM kits
and I forgot to mention those 4 very awesome 1:20 headbusts I own that still doesn’t bear the “BANDAI” LOGO….AND THESE ARE NOT FOR BANDAI CRYBABIES!
Well looks like youre the one whos been doing a lot of crying kid. Lol
He isnt loser
Can Bandai blame people who buy bootlegs?
I just want to express my disappointment to the refusal of Bandai to open up parts replacement outside Japan. Parts replacement as you most probably know is for Japan use only. Bandai has been selling Gunpla all over the world and yet they refuse to acknowledge us. So comes the bootlegs. Most people like me buy bootlegs as a solution to this. Imagine buying another MG Exia Regular just to replace a couple of parts in my Ignition? Even if the regular Exia have lower price compared to Ignition it is still an expensive venture to replace parts. Bootlegs on the other hand sells at cheap price. With bootlegs I can now have my replacement parts not to mention a hefty backup parts too.
So Bandai, keep ignoring your customers outside Japan and we’ll keep buying and supporting bootlegs for the purpose of part replacement.
Don’t blame Bandai for refusal of accepting replacement parts, it’s the people who keeps abusing on ordering parts for free. Bandai noticed the flooded request of replacements parts outside of Japan so now they refused as a response.
I heard that some other guy is using someone else’ picture of a gunpla box as a proof that he has the actual kit or someone who keeps ordering the replacement parts until he completed all of them to build one kit.
well not all I must say. I have a legit complaint regarding defective parts from a “Bandai Nu Verka” and yet they tend to ignore my requests
It is still legal t ask for replacement parts even if someone used someone’s picture it still came from one supplier
and another thing. bandai keeps on making Pbandai ones created from regular molds but priced higher in which I think unfair. You may say its their call they own gunpla anyway but on a collectors point of is unfair
and I quote.. bandai is getting lazier with the new releases like the RE ones. Unlike with the non bandai kits from mechanicore, elyn, mc model and daban, we can enjoy new models in which Bandai have no plans in making a very awesome kit like the elyn kshatriya and Mechanicore Xi Penelope, BTF add on parts and MG ZZ and etc. head busts by third party are very awesome in which I can see some of the die hard bandai fans gets some of these cool stuff publicly or secretly.
Nevertheless, Bandai freaks can never say these cool new designs by third party are not replicated from a bandai kit
Whoaa. a truly concerning case of stolen intellectual rights. well anyway, i started collecting gundams since 2000. have lost it all and then collected again. back then all i have was bandai’s 1/144’s series of gundam wing models and bought an bandai wing zero endless waltz last 2011, as of few months back i saw tallgeese 3 MG dragon momoko for a very reasonable price, assembled it looked at a very beautiful gunpla. its my first bootleg anyway. i have bought and assembled some bootlegs already during the past months along side other bandai MG’s but to tell you the truth and the truth alone, the plastic quality isnt that different. it really isnt that much different afterall, though the color and few joints may a little bit off the original the plastic tensile strength is not and i doubt if anyone uses a hardness tester here. planning to buy my 1st PG and head bust in the few weeks to come and yes it aint bandai for two reason, 1. bandai models i like are hard to find, 2. its almost the same.
Well no Bandai is not lazy for releasing it’s Reborn 100 kit, they just want to cater to those who cannot afford the much expensive MG kits. Also well let’s face it How Gunpla is priced is catered to a japanese market……….. And let’s face it Bandai has a very very wide library of Mobile suits that not all the suits that we want can be released in Gunpla form immediately Of course they need to know if a kit would be marketable and worth the investment, People on Bandai don’t just release random kits they make sure that there is a need for that kit
Now just to clarify Third Party kits are not necessarily bootleg kits a bootleg is a copy of something that is original, The only issue here for third party is that yes probably they do not have the legal right to use a copyrighted character but they just want to give consumers options, but my point here is this,the MG Double Zeta Gundam Released by Bandai Transforms while the third party does not. Also Bandai has an RG line that up to now no one can replicate.
Now if we do not like to buy third party kits and bootleg it is our right, If we want to support Original Gunpla Kits then do not insult us in doing so and do not complain here if you cannot replace an Original part from Bandai because writing here would not help you do so and change anything………. Better yet ask the supplier of that kit.
Our point here bandai supporters is that pls support the original because without them probably the hobby would not have survived.
In case you don’t know, prices of RE/100 kits are more expensive than some of the MGs…FYI. you may compare prices with or to your nearest toy store. so your point is invalid regarding RE/100. Bandai seems to manipulate us and short changing at the same time
I partly agree with your argument number 2. anything does not bear “Bandai” logo are unlicensed / third party /illegal. However, RC nightingale is much better than the Bandai RE Nightingale, MC HWS Gundoom is better than Bandai HWS nu gundam. How about the MG Kshatriya by Elyn, I heard that bandai is planning to make an RE version? I’m very sad about it. RG cannot be replicated? You might be surprised because nothing is impossible in China. At first Bandai made a piracy proof (daw) na MG ver ka hands, well, there’s one now. but not that good and I admit that.
We are not against Bandai supporters like you because I buy, own some and support bandai too. What we are against:
1.) The writer of this article who insults his fellow countrymen labeling Filipinos as dysfunctional AND emphasizing we Filipinos are the only ones who buy pirated copies.
2.) Those dick heads who thinks they own this hobby.
And i don’t think Bandai will stop producing gunpla kits because of pirated copies, only here in south east asia have pirated kits and our market share compared to other area is just too small to compare. and I hope this will enlighten you.
You sir are suffering from chronic self entitlement. 🙂
#1. Awww can’t handle the truth the author wrote and still can’t get your shit together because you always embrace mediocrity much asshurt?
These people who hates bootlegs are showoffs. we hobbyist know better. these bandai fanboys buys and shows them only to be sold later for the lack of funds, bootlegs hobbyist however risk building low value but exciting kits for full enjoyment purposes only. i have a comment (june 22.2016). in full entirety they just buy bandai for the sake of value. no wonder they have a limited amount of kits. haha.
this thread is quite long and it took years already. as for you dave, i can see you are quite a fan of bootleg. the way you reacted on those people who disproved your beliefs on bootlegs.
and yes! bandai dont have headbusts, mechanicore or penelope. but lemme ask you. are those still gundams by nature? afaik gundams are limited to bandai itself. so as long as other companies who reproduce things that looks like gundam. either taken from manga. or taken from somewhere else. it is still considered as bootleg.
doesnt need to say it costs alot. it still stole the idea of gundams.
as for the record. all my kits are bandai. and i doubt that you have a much more than i do. and sorry, but i dont sell my kits that i built. maybe i sell those that i impulse buy (i.e. pre-ordered already but still bought a new one cos cant wait for it to come. ) and if the reason you buy bootleg is for number. then i pity you. you are just a complete show off in number but not in quality. bootlegers mindset are all the same. as i said. even all you bootleg supporters kits here combined. maybe not even reach half of mine. lels. so much hate
Have posted a comment earlier, Just built a EW version nataku and sand rock both BANDAI HG 1/100 scale models, its a decent gunpla, though the plastics do looks hard the difference between knock offs such as master grades Tallgeese 3 DABAN and Heavyarms TThongli based on plastics are very little. although the comparison is for HG vs Master grades, building bandai HG is a little dissapointing due to very easy build and few decals. as a gunpla hobbyist i have been building gundams since 2002 and yes its only this 2015 i have built a knock off but i can they too are very good alternatives.. I dont convince to hate BANDAI, its just a personal preference but all in all. There are many gundams outhere which are none bandai that are very good. let it be known that BANDAI is a corporation and it a money factory. Hobbying is a hobby. it should makes one happy by doing a hobby. and that it. its just a hobby.
Bootleg supporters: defending their stupidity since *insert year here*.
Just like this dumb flip I saw a decade ago when he posted a thread in a video gaming forum about piracy being a practicality.
The problem is not the proliferation of bootleg as every country has bootleg prods.. the problem is the propensity of us Filipinos to live beyond our means and emulate First-world country trends even though most of us can not afford what we can see on mass media.. If you have a passion for said products, just save up and enjoy the original product, not rush to buy cheap knock-offs just to have the satisfaction of having one. How would you feel if you bought a new pair of sneakers knowing that you stole the money just to buy the thing.. same analogy here…
Interesting point. but very different analogy.
Actually there is no issue here. Just choose what you can afford and desire, originals is better since yes its original, quality and value and all. originals should somewhat thank knockoffs for making starters introduced too model building by buying low quality builds then if they get a hang of it they might actually go for the originals same as other people i know who started into bootlegs.but what about torrent site huh? does anyone believe that these bandai fan boys really like are angelic beings who do not cater illegal copies? are you not into downloading movies or music into torrent sites? or reading manga in illegal manga sites? or sharing copies of any media files with copyright contents? oh common,man up! everyone knows originals are better but why come up with an argument that you should buy that? heh, for what ass reason? so that you can show off your easily built model kits? that is really cheap. i have lots of what you called rich friends but they have mixed collections of bootlegs and bandai’s, so fan boys whats your point? btw i work in bandai factory here in PH. and i am fucking fan, got 13 bandai MGs, 4 bandai PGs, 10 bandai HGs, 3 RGs, 14 MG bootlegs, 3 Headbusts (bootlegs of course) and a complete set of gundam wing all bandai 1/100 and 1/144 scale. just built rx93 nu, unicorn full psycho frame and a backlog banshee all master grades assholes. i have these but i dont brag about them! because its not your opinion mattered but for my enjoyment in buildin’ kits. So shut up your intrepid showoff brain and ask mommy to give you another fucking allowance to buy your profound kits. stupid manimals. show offs. grunts.
you dont brag but you already did. oh, and btw. you almost got 1/4 of mine. which rather be all bandai. so close!
“btw i work in bandai factory here in PH. and i am fucking fan, got 13 bandai MGs, 4 bandai PGs, 10 bandai HGs, 3 RGs, 14 MG bootlegs, 3 Headbusts (bootlegs of course) and a complete set of gundam wing all bandai 1/100 and 1/144 scale. just built rx93 nu, unicorn full psycho frame and a backlog banshee all master grades assholes. i have these but i dont brag about them!”
First of all, I do not believe you work for Bandai. Cut the fu%king crap.
Second, you just crapped on your own lawn, and its quite obvious you ate your own crap, and you re-crapped again, and you ate it for more than 6 times.
tanginang bootleggers yan, mga salot
kaya tayo nalalait ng ibang bansa eh, dahil sa mga bootleggers na hayok na hayok kapag may bagong BL. lalo ngayon na may BL Sazabi. kulang nalang magpa-party ang mga hinayupak na bootleggers
Gunpla is an expensive hobby, if one can’t afford it then find a more cheaper hobby. Gunpla is not a necessity. If it’s too expensive for you then move on.
I want to say that due to the indecent words from purists.. Most of them are kinda sounding like jerks.. and at some point snobs.. making fun of other people’s outlook.. hmm.. I was just starting this hobby and commonly bought original bandai products.. I always saved just to get my kits but now.. If the people that i would end up hanging around would be like those narrow minded pompous insulting, degrading, snot nosed rich kids who were brought up with sticks so far up their asses thinking because they buy the real stuff makes them far superior than anyone else then! Bootleggers you got another recruit! Damn Those people who think they can talk like they own the world! Hope the virus spreads
Yeah right.. I don’t give a shit where it came from, as long as it has gundam in it’s name I will buy it.
Truth be told, I switched from bootlegs because of the rumor that their plastic had toxic substances in them.
Still, when you take Bandai’s side, you have to be a bit pragmatic: Bandai doesn’t bat 1.000 when it comes to their selection or design decisions. If a third party steps up and takes care of a concern that could have been easily solved, Bandai needs to step up its game.
Tl;dr: bootleggers are getting smarter and making stuff Bandai forgot or done Goufed with.
Also, to some people who absolutely, positively loath certain Gundam characters or certain Gundam series with a passion that rivals a thousand burning suns, they can’t bring themselves to buy a Bandai kit from those series, so they have to resort to bootlegs.
I wonder though if some of the bootleg manufacturers have met Jack Ma’s claim, of having some better quality than the original. I head some have something like metal joints instead of plastic for better durability. Have yet to see some, as I’m not able to buy kits lately.
I don’t know if this can apply to Gunpla but I collect HMM zoid kits and one of the many reasons I bought a Bootleg Shield Liger MK II is for its color its original comes in a white on brown color scheme while its bootleg counter part coincidentally came with the colors that I was aiming to repaint it with a green army camouflage style design with red canopy another reason is that the original is no longer in production due to its limited release it sells online for 180$ with no shipping and what ever shit I have to bribe the customs official with but the bootleg here I got it for 1400 pesos and the plastic oddly enough was of harder quality making it sturdier but at the cost of being harder to work with.
As of now I have 12 other kits and this one is the only bootleg so you can say its special.