The celebration for the 28th anniversary of EDSA People Power revolution will be low key according to Presidential Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma. Instead of holding it at EDSA where it was held traditionally, it will be held in Cebu province. The reason given was “because the province was the bulwark of the opposition to the dictatorship during the martial law regime” and “it was where Mrs. Corazon Aquino was staying when the military broke ranks from then President Ferdinand Marcos on February 22, 1986”.
Prior to this announcement, Coloma said the celebration will be held at the Malacanang grounds. He said it’s because they are being “mindful of the situation of the people” and are trying to avoid “creating a bigger problem on the traffic of EDSA”. Whatever the real reason for holding it far from the original venue, it seems this is the start of the end of an era for EDSA People Power celebrations and we cannot celebrate that enough.
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I mean, it’s hard for some to believe that the current government is “mindful” not to inconvenience the people – those whose opinions don’t really matter to them. As usual they are being inconsistent. Even at the start of the year, President Benigno Simeon “BS” Aquino already stressed that his New Year’s resolution would be to ignore his critics. But now his men are claiming to be “sensitive” about what the people might think of the chaos the anniversary celebration will create. In the past, they have never missed an opportunity to remind the Filipino people of how BS Aquino’s late mother, Cory supposedly “restored” democracy and freedom in 1986. I guess it’s time to accept that the propaganda is getting a little stale even for them.
The decision to tone down the EDSA celebration could also be an attempt by Malacanang to avoid receiving the wrath of Netizens who hold the view that the popular uprising was a big mistake. This happened to when a post on their Facebook page asking how people remember Cory became something of a public relations disaster back in August 2013. The post generated a lot of response from angry Netizens with one poster receiving over a thousand “likes” when he referred to the 1986 People Power revolution as “the biggest mistake in Philippine history”.
Well, of course all the three people power revolutions, not just the first were a mistake. What do we have to show the world for as a result of those three events in the recent history of our nation? 28 years after the first EDSA revolution, the Philippines got listed “as the third most dangerous place for journalist in the world following Syria and Iraq” according to a report from the International News Safety Institute.
The report said 20 journalists died in Syria which retained its spot as the most dangerous place for journalist in the world for the second year while 16 died in Iraq, 14 died in the Philippines.
In the Philippines, unprecedented media killings continues to pose threat to the country including the unresolved Maguindanao massacre which is considered the deadliest single event for journalists in history.
On top of that, the “Philippines’ rank in the 2014 World Press Freedom Index has dropped two places to 149 from 147 the previous year” according to the World Press Freedom Index study conducted by international organization Reporters Without Borders (RWB).
There was no real progress, really. Sadly, the problems that plagued the nation prior to the 1986 revolution got even worse. Not only are the people in government now more corrupt, they are also more incompetent and vindictive than ever before. Proof of this is in how the elite members of Philippine society, those who rub elbows with the powerful, are back to being apathetic and indifferent to the plight of the poor. Meanwhile, the struggling middle-class and the growing number of lower class people feel hopeless and desperate because opportunities to lift their standard of living are getting harder to come by and they cannot trust any of the public servants to fix the problem, not even BS Aquino.
Has real democracy been restored after 28 years? Bribery in the form of vote-buying and voter intimidation by hired thugs is still rampant and even considered “normal” during elections. As far as freedom of speech is concerned, the people’s right to criticize just got curtailed by the anti-cybercrime law that was recently upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional.
Just when a growing number of Filipinos on the Internet were getting used to the idea that it is okay to criticize their government, the government passed a law to scare them into shutting up. While the anti-cybercrime law doesn’t necessarily say that Filipinos should stop criticizing their government, most Filipinos who are not well-versed in the law will try to avoid being vocal against government incompetence for fear of getting sued.
Obviously, some lawmakers who treat the Philippines like their fiefdom thought that the Internet has become their worst nightmare. These lawmakers, some who belong to powerful clans felt threatened by how social media has emboldened the Filipino public into being more critical about the way the public servants mismanage the country. Never before have ordinary folks been more vocal through blogs and commentaries on websites than in the last couple of years. But now the lawmakers have found an easy way to discourage people from criticizing them through the anti-cybercrime law.
Hopefully, the people will not give up that easily. Department of Justice Assistant Secretary Geronimo Sy explained that the law on libel qualifies criticizing public figures as “justifiable motive” or “good intention” when commentary is on public affairs. In other words, public servants like BS Aquino can be criticized without the critic fearing being sued for libel because each individual has the right to vocalize his or her concern regarding any violations and indiscretions committed against the people by the government. Obviously, the legal jargon is just meant to scare people.
The suppression of freedom of speech is more the style of despots and dictators. It is quite ironic that a law was passed which is perceived to be abridging the Filipino people’s freedom of expression during BS Aquino term. One would never have expected the son of the “democracy icon” to violate his mother’s constitution. Someone needs to remind BS Aquino that the law exists to protect the people from the abuse of government and not the other way around.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
The Freem of the Press is now curtailed by Aquino. Let ud see, if they can implement it…
This is what we get , when a President owns the three branches of government. No check and balance, anymore…
I’ve always felt that “public servant” here in the Philippines meant the “public” will be the “servant”.
The treachery of the aquinos continues with traitor pnoy aquino.
As you rightly point out the cybercrime law will be misunderstood by many netizens, and misused by many politicians, particularly in the lead up to 2016 elections.
The perceived threat will be sufficient for some to still their voice, and for others to erroneously use as harrassment, which could well backfire on them.
The astute politician would realise that support for the decriminalisation of libel alone, without even full repeal, would gain significant popularity/votes and not really give that much away in practical terms, but send a strong and positive message to all, however sitting on the fence/saying nothing now will not endear them to voters at a later date.
Decriminalisation of libel would also carry favour with UN and the international community who continue to regard the philippines as a backwater of failed democracy despite all the support it has been given.
In the few countries where criminal libel laws still apply it is to the detriment of free speech and the free flow of information. And these are countries which are not concerned about an ordinary individuals reputation, but purely about silencing dissent.
‘The best weapons of a dictatorship is fear and secrecy, but the best weapons of a
democracy should be freedom of expression and freedom of information’
Niels Bohr
That’s what we get when you elect officials who are inexperienced , self entitled and gutless. They mostly say the right thing but have no idea how bad it looks when their deed s don’t align with what their declarations . The mere existence of a black ops group that intervenes with free exchange of ideas of citizens is already abhorrent to any freedom loving person. Maybe that’s what we get when electing somebody who growing up was always picked on and bullied . They feel that getting elected is more payback time than it is serving the people time. Maybe that’s where the feeling of self indulgence comes from.
The current admin is really not big on implementation. Good luck implementing that ambitious law. I just hope the people voicing themselves out in the web would just see this as a scare tactic.
Although I would say, that they can use it for selected few, hand picked “opposition”, and then demonized, burned at the stake. That worked for them with Enrile, Revilla and Estrada. They could use that against hand picked sites big on criticizing the bald idiot.
Any which way, he’s still an incompetent oaf.
Cory aquino was also quick to sue for libel, and had journalist luis beltran imprisoned for 2 years!
“In a series of articles by Burgos in the Inquirer in August 1995, Gonzalez was quoted that the government could have won more convictions if then President Corazon Aquino “had shown as much
enthusiasm and interest in her husband’s murder trial as in her libel case against (then Philippine Star) columnist (now dead) Luis Beltran.”
Manila standard
Like mother, like son.
Democracy hypocrites.
Hold on there mate. Louie Beltran was never imprisoned under Cory Aquino. He and Max Soliven were convicted in 1992 and sentenced to two years in prison. Beltran died in 1994 while the case was under appeal. Three years later, the Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the lower court and threw out the case.
Amend to “… luis beltran was initially sentenced to 2 years imprisonment as a result of the libel case brought by cory aquino.
Luis beltran died before the appeal, and the case was finally rejected by the court of appeals”
Off topic, but I can just imagine that other commenter (I forgot whatsisname is) just waiting for you guys to make mistakes and never let you hear the end of it.
Having said that, I appreciate how much insight comes from the two of you, libertas and johnny saint 😀
I learn a lot from j saint also.
The over riding point is the use of libel as a mechanism for silencing/getting revenge on critics, (and what sounds like a very vindictive, obssessive reaction)
“Cory aquino also personally went to the Manila prosecutor’s office to file the libel suit and became the first serving Philippine president to testify in a court case.”
The yellow trolls just like to dumb down and are a reflection of their ‘master’.
Hence my point. People should come here to discuss, exchange and learn. If they feel they can’t learn anything then go somewhere else. What I can not fathom is people that come here just to sprout off a single point of view without listening all because of “orders from above”. And if even one centavo of that is from taxpayer funds then it is simply reprehensible.
Maybe just to disrupt, divert, and try to lower credibility of the site as a whole.
Very disrespectful to you and the other authors.
And the common aspect – never anything of added value to contribute, and no interest in learning.
If that’s their objective then they’re seriously failing at doing their job. Those malacanang morons really take after their master if they can’t even do their job right.
Libertas, Amir, Gogs,
Tip o’ the hat to you, sirs 😉
Section 4. “No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the Government for the redress of grievances.”
This repressive dictatorial government does not seem to recognize the fact that the freedom of expression is now a declared human right under the UN.
This repressive dictatorial government led by BS Aquino fears criticism and legitimate dissent. The government wants to suppress every political dissenter. The use of the cyber libel law is intended to strike fear in the hearts of the opposition.
Repeal the cyber libel law!
“But I repeat, if you are saying the truth, why would you fear libel?” – BSA’s words.
Here the problem: what’s going to stop BSA (who we all know dislike hearing the truth) from deciding that the truth that we’re telling everyone is not arbitrarily classified by him and his minions top be “libel”? See that’s the problem with this whole thing.
Still it is one thing to make law and another to actually implement and enforce it. Hopefully BSA and his minions are also inept in doing this…
Another proof that the people power “revolution” is only for the aquino-cojuanco mafia’s freedom and not for this country. They just used every single delusional Filipinos as tools for their planned incompetence.
Lets hope on the day on cybercrime bill implementation netizens do something co-ordinated and creative to show their disapproval, and to show that people power has moved on to a new thinking generation who understands and wants genuine democracy in all aspects.
One statement – e.g “pnoy aquino is a traitor to democracy. – sue us”
– retweeted a million times ( filipinos love records and trending worldwide in twitter)
John hobson is not so well known, and consequently much under-rated.
An economist, and political observer from the 1900’s he inspired the phrase ” Hobsons choice” – meaning, ‘An apparently free choice that offers no real alternative’.
Also the basis of same name play.
Maybe that is what the philippines is repeatedly faced with – the only choice being dynasty A or dynasty B. (‘Same old, same old’, – old being the operative word as 70/80/90 year olds cling on however outdated, senile,corrupt, disinterested, or incompetent)
“The tendency of all strong governments
has always been to suppress liberty,
partly in order to ease the processes of rule, partly from sheer disbelief in innovation.”
John hobson 1901
Such quotes tend to highlight how little some/many countries have progressed in 100+ years, despite the advances in technology, science etc., and how the focus is still to consolidate power, not expand democracy.
The push for cybercrime bill with its draconian measures is a prime example. Fortunately site take down was not accepted by SC, but it is what pnoy aquino wanted and actively supported. It is indicative of how far a closet dictator will go. As gogs said, he must have been a real misfit/bullied at school, and with power comes payback time!
Human nature and national culture remains the key barriers to progress.
Political greed and dynastic power the key drivers of destruction
Ironic how they still call it the “people power” revolution considering after that event, ordinary Filipino have become more and more powerless against the government and its “friends”. Nowadays not only are most ordinary people lacking in power but also in money, opportunities, safety, education and now the gov’t is also trying to bully away the their freedom of speech. This country and this administration is truly so ironic. Hipsters should start moving here.
Since this deals with matters online, will foreigners criticizing the Philippine state be affected by the “libel” part? Will onion-skinned Filipinos scream bloody libel if they are offended by articles from international media?
RA 10175 doesn’t specify that the law shall apply only to Filipinos. Under Section 8, the law states ‘Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts…’ which technically refers to anyone in the Philippines or online. And because the Internet has no boundaries, the Cybercrime Prevention Act could be used to sue foreigners for libel. The question though is whether the law is actually enforceable with respect to entities outside the Philippines. The case would still have to be filed locally. Even if the law specifies cooperation with other countries on matters of computer crime, these states have their own laws on cyber crime and freedom of expression vis-à-vis defamation. The laws in these countries may not necessarily be compatible with Philippine law, nor can we expect a sovereign state to simply hand over someone found guilty to be imprisoned for up to four years in the Philippines.
Oh, thank you for the clarification 🙂
Remember when philippines is still a first world country? peperidge farm remmembers
owmygawd my account got suspended XD LOL
LOL. As usual, PNOy singled out again by the author belittling the SC’s decision and their intellectual prowess and integrity. You didn’t even mention here the side of SC why they declared cyber libel law as constitutional. Sen. Santiago and other senators are blaming the SC alone of the decision and not PNoy. Well, that’s what you get when you condition your mind to hate the person you don’t like. You would resort to desperate means driven by emotional constipation.
LOL back to you. PNoy signed the bill into law, Mr Jigs. If he didn’t sign the bill, it would not have been a law. He even supports and defends the anti-cybercrime law. The members of the Supreme Court do not come up with the law, they only decide on its constitutionality when someone files a complaint against it.
The final say is with the SC. Even if PNoy signed the bill into law, it would not be a factor if SC interprets it as illegal. They have reasons based on their decisions and that would be the basis. The senators and other groups already cried foul on the decision of SC alone. And they would file a petition or a bill hoping to reverse the decision of SC.
I am not in a position to disagree with the SC. In fact, because of them, the anti-cybercrime law was toned down. They actually removed some of the provisions they deemed unconstitutional. So thanks to them, people don’t have to fear sharing or retweeting GRP articles.
We wouldn’t be in this dilemma if the bill didn’t pass the senate halls or was rejected by your idol, PNoy. So therefore, he bears the brunt of the blame.
As to some senators who you say “cried foul” on SC decisions, they are simply reacting to the people’s outrage. They want to be seen as siding with the sentiments of the people. Why didn’t they speak out against the bill before it was passed in the first place? They just gave themselves and everyone else a headache. Now they have to file a bill to reverse the law…geez. It seems they didn’t use their heads.
Ilda, I agree with some of your points. Though the legislative and executive branches contributed to the passing of libel provision of the said law, I would still put the weight of the blame to the SC justices since they have the final say and are presumed to be the expert of interpreting the constitutionality of the law.
Hello? Which points do you actually agree with? If you actually agreed with them, you wouldn’t even blame the SC. Kung baga, pinasa lang sa kanila yung problema. Since it’s already a law because it was signed by PNoy, the only thing the SC can do is to comment on it’s constitutionality.
So who are you to say the SC was wrong in their interpretation?
I agree that maybe the cyber libel law was not properly studied before it was passed. The internet universe is too broad to handle and I think this libel clause is not a practical thing.
Since that law was handed to SC already for them to make the decision, then the responsibility lies on them. They can struck it anytime if they think it’s unconstitutional and other branches will either respect or counter the decision of SC.
Your logic is flawed. The SC did declare some sections of the anti-cybercrime law unconstitutional. Unfortunately, they also declared most of it constitutional. Who are you to say they were wrong?
You’re focusing on the SC too much when the problem was created by the members of the legislative and executive branches of government. You should blame them especially PNoy for signing it into law.
I mean the libel clause only. You misconstrued my above statement.
Of course, let me reiterate my point again. The SC has the final say whether the enabling law be implemented/applied or not. If the SC Justices declared the said clause as unconstitutional then it would be dead immediately under their hands if no petition whatsoever afterwards. I don’t negate the faults of other branches either but SC’s decision was the most crucial part. Please think about it.
Just say it, Mr Jigs. It was PNoy who signed it into law. The buck stops with him. It’s not too hard to admit your idol is ultimately to blame for this. He’s even defending it. No need to focus on the SC whose only job is to decide on the law’s constitutionality. Now that they have made a decision, the people can either accept it or file another petition. They can also ask the lawmakers to amend the law. Please think about it.
Please be rational. PNoy only signed the bill into law. He is not a judge. SC is the bastion of legal matters. Therefore, it is their territory. The ultimate buck stops with SC since they have the power to determine whether to stop or continue the implementation/execution of the law.
Please check the constitutional mandates of the three branches of the government under the 1987 constitution.
You’re just trying to wash PNoy’s dirty hands. Why did he sign it into law in the first place? Are you saying he did not even read the bill before signing it? PNoy created the problem. Period.
Ever since 2010 Noynoy blurred the distinction and the jurisdiction of the three branches of government. That is so obvious . His stinkin paws are all over the irregularities like this case and others. Initially in 2011 he tried to pass it quietly . But GRP and others all over it. Besides it suits that onion skinned wimp.
Wow, Noynoy signs bills into law and that’s it! if this cybercrime law is any example, he either does not go through what he signs thoroughly, or he does not represent what the electorate wants, or he puts someone else’s interests above that of the people he has sworn to serve!
Noynoy has no accountability! That’s great!
LOL! ???????
Verbal diarrhea again
There is a laxative joke coming in 3…2…1…
This is beginning to sound very familiar. Jigs proclaims objectivity while spinning his posts to negate any criticism of Penoy’s behaviour and blur any notion of the president’s culpability.
Apparently, Jigs is confused as to how our democratic system works. Here is the Cliff Notes version (as might be explained to a very slow child):
Our government is divided into three parts, or branches: the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch.
The Executive Branch is headed by the president. The president carries out the laws of the land and RECOMMENDS NEW ONES, directs national defence and foreign policy, and performs certain ceremonial duties. Powers include directing and/or managing the national government, commanding the Armed Forces, dealing with international powers, acting as chief law enforcement officer, and VETOING LAWS.
The Legislative Branch is headed by Congress, which consists of two bodies — the House of Representatives and the Senate. The main task of these two bodies is TO MAKE THE LAWS. Their powers/responsibilities include passing laws, originating spending bills, i.e. budget (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and approving treaties (Senate).
The Judicial Branch is headed by the Supreme Court. Its powers include INTERPRETING THE CONSTITUTION, REVIEWING LAWS, and deciding cases involving decisions made by the lower courts.
Each branch is connected to the other two and has its own responsibilities and powers. The reason for this deliberately inefficient structure? A system of checks and balances prevents any one branch from gaining too much power. In theory this should prevent a tyrant from coming to power and also prevents a tyranny of the majority.
Whether or not these checks and balances have been compromised by Penoy as Gogs has opined — we’ll set that aside for now.
To address Jigs’ misconception about the democratic system…
Under our current government structure the Supreme Court IS NOT responsible for writing the laws of the land nor is it the responsibility of the judiciary to unilaterally repeal or reverse any laws which have been signed into law by the CHIEF EXECUTIVE. Their job is to interpret the law based on legal precedent and the Constitution of the Philippines. That means they will render LEGAL OPINIONS — in other words, what they think of the issue brought before them based on evidence.
Section 29 of RA 10175 states ‘If any provision of this Act is held invalid, the other provisions not affected shall remain in full force and effect.’ Simply put — everything else is enforceable even if the Supreme Court says certain provisions are illegal and/or unconstitutional.
Contrary to what Jigs would have readers believe, IT DOES NOT END WITH THE SUPREME COURT nor should it. The legal parts of RA 10175 may be enforced by the Executive Branch and the President through the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) issued by the Department of Justice. As is often in cases like this, the next step would be to, as one of those Malacañang spokesmen said, ‘refine’ the law. That means it is up to the PRESIDENT and the DOJ to recommend changes to RA 10175 and for Congress to craft the appropriate amendment/s to the law. If those modifications pass, the amendment/s is once again forwarded to the President to be signed into law.
In this case, it is ultimately the President of the Republic who is responsible for setting things in motion. And for finally approving and/or vetoing a law passed by Congress. NOT THE SUPREME COURT.
‘The suppression of freedom of speech is more the style of despots and dictators. It is quite ironic that a law was passed which is perceived to be abridging the Filipino people’s freedom of expression during BS Aquino term.’
Considering that the Cybercrime Prevention Act is shot through with questionable provisions and that human rights advocates and a wide sector of media opposed it, it wasn’t surprising the Supreme Court struck down several provisions. Personally, I had thought the high court would have declared the whole of the law unconstitutional. I suppose the decision was intended to please everyone; in the end they probably antagonised everyone concerned.
RA 10175 was poorly thought out and sloppily written. And now it is proven to be, as per ruling of the Supreme Court, a legally defective law. With the decision that major parts of the law are unconstitutional, it falls to the Executive to ‘tweak’ the law — likely through the implementing rules and regulations. But the IRR cannot sufficiently and validly cure those substantial defects. The IRR cannot amend the law itself.
On the other hand, amending RA 10175 through the regular legislative process will be very messy, requiring many of the sections to be rewritten. With such massive rewriting, the law might as well be repealed and a better crafted substitute measure passed.
Formulating a substitute, however, requires considerable time and resources. Besides, the repeal and enactment of a new law would hurt the pride of the lawmakers who passed it and the President who signed it into law. On the whole, this is probably the best choice, painful though it may be.
From the beginning the Penoy and the sponsors of RA 10175 bungled the affair by their clumsy insertion of sections violating or tending to violate freedom of expression, due process, and equal protection and privacy of communication. As a result, even the more laudable objective of giving law enforcement agencies the proper tools against child pornography, cracking, identity theft and criminal spam was compromised. Now, all these well-meaning measures will be flushed down the drain.
@Johnny Saint
Very good explanation, which I hope people like Mr Jigs will understand.
I didn’t expect the SC to declare the whole thing unconstitutional because there are provisions in the law that I for one, actually agree with like its stand on child pornography; two, I already knew that there is already a law against libel and they just extended it to online posts. Frankly, they didn’t need a new law because the existing law on libel could have sufficed. Now they made things a bit ambiguous. The one thing I totally disagree with is the penalty and imprisonment if one is convicted of online libel. I think it’s too harsh. If they implement this, the local courts will be inundated with libel cases and they will not have enough prison cells to put people.
Like I said earlier, it’s quite suspect that some senators are only reacting now after the law has been passed. Where were they and what were they doing when the bill was being deliberated on?
Dictators and despots are like that; they try to rationalize their taking your Rights; by making a Crime if you complain, that they have taken your Rights.
Adolf Hitler, did it in Nazi Germany (super race; others were sub-humans); the South Africans Boers (white settlers) did it in South Africa…it was called Apartheid..(white supremacy). In U.S., it was called Jim Crow’s Law… white/black…separate but equal. Mussollini did it in Italy, to establish his Facist Regime. All Rights of the Italian people were taken by this Dictator, including the Freedom of Expression. Saddam Hussein did it in Iraq, to make the Shiite majority, subservient to him. Saddan Hussein was a Sunni Muslim (minority).
Many of these despots and tyrants, did what the Dictator Aquino is doing to us…Aquino took every branches of the government, little by little. Now, he is taking our Rights, little by little.
So, you better Watch Out…soon we will be howling with the YellowTard Wolves…then, become another North Korea…
So much for the “legacy” of this yellow idiot. In the words of the wise, Jeremy Clarkson, he should be dragged outside and shot in front of his family.
Well, the fruit does not really fall far from the tree as seen here:
“The ‘new moral order’ to which we were solemnly committed has been perverted. It has become a haven for assassins and a den of thieves. Corruption, betrayal of the public trust and other high crimes have been laid at your door, including a complaint for impeachment, which your chief ally in Congress has already consigned to the archives.”
Vice President Salvador H. Laurel
The full letter from vp laurel to cory aquino asking her to resign is remarkable for many reasons, but firstly it highlights the sheer incompetence and deceit of cory aquino, and secondly you could substitute pnoy for cory and it would still apply word for word today. So much for progress.
And so much for betrayal.
“True to his word and anxious to keep the opposition united in order to win the snap elections, Doy made the supreme sacrifice of giving up his lifetimes work and presidential ambition to give way to Corazon C. Aquino”
No wonder doy laurel – one of the driving forces for change has been airbrushed out of history as cory aquino tried to take the credit and tge aquinos develop the brand. Despicable.
The parallel extends to the prime presidential contender stepping aside so that an incompetent aquino could milk the benefit of an aquino death. I wonder who is next. They say bad luck comes in threes. 2 down, 1 to go.
“Corazon Cojuangco Aquino an icon of democracy and moral leadership? To many, perhaps. But to me, she is
an icon of everything that is wrong with this country”
Carlos conde ( activist in “cory for youth” in 1986, and now with human rights watch)
Full article
Feb 2011
About time these uneducated yellow morons learnt their history rather than being so gullible.
Ninoy Aquino had an informal alliance with Jose Maria Sison. Cory Aquino served coffee to Sison in times street. That dead lady you mentioned released Jose Maria Sison to fight another day! I never liked you Bjorn. You are full of ad hominem and do not even treat your equals with respect! For the record… Here is the link to truths for you to read:
People say satire is dead.
Unlike cory aquino, it’s not dead; it’s
alive and living in Malacanan.
Retweet of uncyclopedia in celebration of EDSA
“I outlived the bitch!”
Imelda Marcos
“I outlived the bitch!”
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
“I inherited her money!”
Prince abnoy pnoy gayboy aquino the, ah who cares
Her Insular Majesty María I Corazón Madre La Hacienda Luisita Kilayko Eng Bee Tin Cojuangco Aquino was the second
evil queen of the Philippines and the only Asian monarch to have been shoved head-first into power by a vindictive and
sweat-stenched street mob. Her reign is the shortest among the Philippine queens, and is most memorable due to the fact that she has a disgusting excuse for a daughter , who is an ‘actress!’ and game show host, and whom you can order at a 20% discount if you call within the first five minutes.”
Cory , as she is endearingly called by all twenty four of her loyal fans, began her ascension to the Coconut Throne when God decided in 1983 that he would bump off her husband, just as she had prayed for.
As a Catholic housewife , Cory was allergic to Windex fumes, so she decided not to blame herself, but anyone else.
Her main achievements were
Consumed the entire Philippine power grid (and half of Singapore’s) to keep her daughter under maximum security during the latter half of her reign.
Proclaimed the Catholic Church the official church of all local basketball teams.
Spearheaded a treasure hunt in Intramuros in an attempt to pay off the country’s debt interest.
Went on an insane renaming spree, starting with the Manila International Airport, all
the way to Metro Manila ‘s highways and streets. The brand was launched.
Well, while your at it, why not enlighten the throngs who want to know all about YOU…and your marvelous achievements?
HUH? WHAT? Buying parking spaces in London and charging the highest fees possible? Wow, your a regular Captain of industry, aren’t you? Who ever knew? Uh, No one!
I have asked people outside of the Philippines if they can name any Filipino’s and its funny, they always mention Mrs. Aquino, Manny Paquiao and maybe Charice Pampengco and never have a bad word to say, NEVER! and then they never mention you. Why is that? because your a nobody? a basher of a dead Woman? I tell you straight up: Your just a jealous Loser. in the middle of a thread about traffic in Manila, you go on a rant about a dead Woman. So say what you like, BUT your an obsessed ,jealous loser. Being you? Wow, that must really suck.
Wow, Bjorn, I once thought that you were a reasonable, but slightly misguided person.
Now, I think, in the words of my idol Raiden, “YOU’RE BATSHIT INSANE!!!”
You’ve gone full retard, dude.
You mean its okay to bash Pol Pot, or Marcos but not your precious Mama Cory?!
Resorting to ad-hominem arguments won’t win you any allies,dude.
You sound like your friend Gerry, who also worships her.
Tell you what, you don’t like this forum, LEAVE, and good riddance.
Join Gerry the nutcase and open up your own website to spread your propaganda, let’s see how long both of you’ll last in the wild. Quit piggybacking this thread and this site.
Internet tough guys, HA!! 😛
@ Ron, She ain’t my Momma, just stickin up for a Lady who can no longer defend herself. Its what a Gentleman would do (bashing Woman ain’t Cool, and you think I’m ‘Bat-shit insane’ for stickin up for a Lady? WTF? Where did you grow up, inna fuckin cave, HUH?), but I guess you don’t get it,HUH?
No ones perfect and I never said Mrs. Aquino was, don’t think much of her Son either.
and FYI Dude, No tough guy here….but I can, and do, handle myself…anywhere I go.
and as for you tellin me where to go and what to do…HA, you make me laugh, allamost azza hard as that Grandpa of all jackasses Liber-retard.
Yup, not just crazy, but a hypocrite as well.
You tell your BS to the multitudes of Hacienda Luisita tenants that got murdered by Aquino-Cojuangco goons, just for fighting for their rights. Who’ll stand up for them?!
Believe it or not,as I told Gerry some time ago, I was a die-hard Coryista way back in the ’80s. Me and my family believed then that by deposing President Marcos, things would get better. No more living in fear.
Unfortunately, when she became president, she made the biggest mistake of her career- she freed Jose Maria Sison, chairman of the CPP-NPA-NDF who was already captured by Marcos.
She singlehandedly reversed by a stroke of the pen all the blood, sweat and tears of our soldiers and countrymen who sacrificed & suffered under the banditry of these so-called rebels hiding under a discredited belief system.
Not to mention numerous reporters, students, and peasants who have gone missing or died under her regime. That’s when I realized that she was no different from all the others who came before her, except probably Magsaysay, whose campaign jingle she blatantly used to help win her the 1986 snap elections.
My aunt and her family, as some of my officemates more recently were victims of the banditry and terrorism of the NPA.
Furthermore, President Cory is/was a public figure, she/her legacy is open to scrutiny. That’s how history works.
There’s a reason why I don’t comment as much here in GRP compared to the past.
You people don’t realize that you have to be on your A-game to post here. Back up your arguments, or watch yourselves be decimated by the GRP crew.
It’s indeed a part of the lamented Pinoy Pride malady, no matter the amount of links we give you, you will always never listen to your rivals. I got tired of that, almost nobody answered me back in a rational way, if they replied at all.
You just have to win in an Internet argument, do you?
Well how do you feel now, tough guy?
Did it give fulfillment to your ego?
Are you proud now, Bjorn?!
You don’t need to stay here in GRP,
I’m tired of conversing with hypocritical asshats like you.
To Thomas Jefferson, joeld, libertas, Ilda, benign0, et al:
I only have one humble request.
Ignore this guy.
You don’t need to ban him.
Just ignore him.
Let those who read this unilateral exchange of ideas decide who was more rational.
Fine, because I read the first sentence and last sentence and had a good laugh.
Imagine that, you tellin people what to do…AS IF!
Wow, Ronnie….you are rockin it!
Here is a list of the senators who voted yes to the Senate version on Third Reading of the Cybercrime Law.
Loren Legarda
Francis Escudero
Gregorio Honasan II
Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III
Pia Cayetano
Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr.
Jinggoy Ejercito-Estrada
Panfilo Lacson
Manuel “Lito” Lapid
Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos
Ralph Recto
Vicente Sotto III
Manny Villar
A couple of interesting things.
Senator Vicente “Butthurt” Sotto III is the senator who inserted the libel clause in the Cybercrime Law and has been named as one of the 15 senators that had transactions with Janet Lim-Napoles.
Senators that voted yes that are also on the list of having transactions with Janet Lim-Napoles.
Loren Legarda
Gregorio Honasan ll
Aquilino Pimentel III
Ramon “Bong” Revilla jr
Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada
Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos
Ralph Recto
Vicente ” Butthurt” Sotto III
Manny Villar
13 Senators voted yes to the Cybercrime Law containing the libel clause that prevents people from making negative comments about government policies or officials, Punishable by up to 12 years in jail.
9 of the 13 Senators who voted yes to the new Cybercrime law are also named on the “Pork Barrel” list as having transactions with Janet Lim-Napoles.
Which leads to the question, Why would these Senators and President “Clueless” Aquino pass a law making it a criminal offense to make negative comments about government policies or officials ?
Apparently President BS Aquino has taken over all 3 branches of government with his 700 billion DAP fund and installing the current Chief Justice Ma. Lourdes Sereno to the Supreme court.
After successfully removing former Chief Justice Renato Corona from the Supreme Court, President
Aquino filled the post with his college friend Lourdes Sereno. Sereno doesn’t have any experience handling a criminal case in the past. That fact didn’t stop the President from assigning her to the Supreme Court to handle criminal cases.
DAP (Disbursement Acceleration Program) – amounting to more than 50% of the national budget for projects and programs of his choice which was created without any congressional authorization or oversight.
DAP is an illegal extension of PDAF “Pork Barrel” used to funnel “savings” from budget items and since DAP doesn’t exist in the eyes of Congress, DAP evades congressional scrutiny. Yet, the recipients of DAP funds are the members of Congress themselves.
In effect, President Aquino has created a 700 billion piggy bank that he uses any way he wants. With the Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, and Sandiganbayan bought and paid for with the pork barrell and Dap funds.
Never in the history of the Philippines have so many people been involved in the corruption that now takes place and exists to steal billions of pesos from pork barrel and DAP allocations.
lawmakers,Cabinet officials, members of the Judiciary, military officers, local government officials, scam operators, and non-government organizations (NGOs).
Janet Lim-Napoles was and is not the mastermind behind the pork barrell scandal she is a middleman, Sitting at the top of this huge pile of corruption is the Pork Master President BS Aquino.
Control the government and media and it’s business as usual for the landowners in Hacienda Luisita and the rest of the wealthy and their personal empires — e.g. PLDT, Globe Telecom, ABS-CBN).
As if looting the country wasn’t enough the congress, the President and the Supreme Court decided to discourage people from criticizing them by passing the Cybercrime law.