For those of us with a certain vintage, there was this classic TV show that came out in the late 60’s called Hogan’s Heroes. It survived on syndication well after that time period. The reality of World War II or any war for that matter is ugly but American TV somehow has been able to make several comedy series with World War II as a backdrop. Mister Roberts, McHale’s Navy and Operation Petticoat come to mind. Hogan’s Heroes was an extremely funny show set in a Nazi Prisoner of War camp called Stalag 13.
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Stalag 13 was run by Colonel Klink and assisted by Sgt. Schultz. Klink loved to boast that no one has ever escaped from Stalag 13. The irony of that claim was the camp was so easy to break out of and return to that no ever did escape. They instead used the lax standards of the camp to their advantage. The Allied prisoners lead by Colonel Hogan (Bob Crane) had tunnels leading out of the camp, radios to communicate with Allied intelligence and all sorts of gadgets you would not expect prisoners to have. My late grandfather could not stand the show. “It makes the Germans look so stupid but they almost won the war.”
One thing about the Philippines is that the people running the asylum don’t need much help from sitcom writers to make them look stupid. That is one job they can do fine on their own. The bulk of the country only realized in the last four months that the country’s treasury had its own clandestine tunnels where our tax money just came and went like Hogan’s allied commandos. Noynoy Aquino like Colonel Klink is both bald and brimming with bogus bravado. Stalag 13’s nil escape record is very similar to Noynoy’s claim of Daang Matuwid. Both are proof that the beholder is either in denial or really totally unaware of the flaws in the society that is supposed to be under their control.

Hogan, Kinch, LaBeau, Carter and Newkirk could not have manipulated Klink so well over the years if they also could not play Klink’s right hand man for a fool. Sgt. Schultz’s signature line was “I see nothing”. Schultz was so chummy with Hogan’s men that he never really cracked the whip. Schultz saw nothing for six seasons because like some people, if they are in denial of a problem then they have no reason to get to work or show some gumption. Which is why since 2009 I was always skeptical of Noynoy’s ability and desire to eliminate corruption. Noynoy was always part of the system yet he never exposed corruption. You know the saying the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.? Based on Noynoy’s own campaign silence he did nothing about corruption in his days as a Congressman and a Senator. The question you have to ask yourself is Noynoy even a good man to begin with.
I say that because Noynoy ran for President with a blank slate. He never claimed he did anything nor was he associated with anything. Running the country is serious business so I will use business terms. What was his core competency? What was his competitive advantage? That his mom died? The disillusioned labelled him as “good” without telling you what exactly he did to earn that adjective.
In light of the pork barrel mess, Noynoy has not done anything to enlighten the masses on its benefits or even its existence. Quite the same way Moe the Bartender on the Simpsons kept the secret ingredient of the Flaming Moe from the public. Because the truth exposes some people to be the shams that they really are. BS Aquino was using pork. He was using pork to coerce other decision makers to do his bidding for the simple reason that he has no skill otherwise to get things done. Not sure why anybody with half a brain is surprised since he never had that skill. To his chagrin it was exposed. He will not give it up nor will he articulately justify it. That much of the public coffers being used secretly and yet he does not want to be accountable. Does not sound like a good man to me.
“You know when the truth is told, you can get what you want or you can just get old. “
Billy Joel

The Sgt. Schultz I See Nothing mantra does not apply to Noynoy alone. The great Janet Napoles pulled a Sgt. Schultz at Senate’s blue ribbon committee hearing November 7 when she told the Inquiry she saw nothing and knows nothing. I say great because before she exploded into the scene this year, what did she really do? Following the Noynoy blueprint to greatness? One of the few places people go from obscurity to a lot of wealth and power is the Grand Theft Auto series. Who says you can’t learn from video games?

Where is that patented fury Noynoy once directed at Corona when it comes to Napoles? “Kayo ang boss ko!”? Shouldn’t he be mad who you are mad at ? We have an alleged conduit for a massive amount of public funds to parts unknown saying she knows nothing. I have no idea why the public is enraged.They voted in somebody who has been making a case all his adult life he knows nothing . That same person shows no outrage at at the Sgt. Schultz maneuver. In fact he has always been fine with it. He is fine with it because he has used that maneuver himself and continues to use it. Remember anything coming out of his chosen spokesman’s mouth is coming out of his mouth. Anybody who serves under his administration under an official capacity is speaking his words. So when Drillon says the 50 million per senator in the Corona Trial was not a bribe but an incentive. That is just semantics and technicalities. This admin is not who they claim they are.
Napoles does not talk because she is guilty. She is obviously not guilty in a vacuum. It is very convenient that only opposition senators have been officially implicated. You have to ask yourself “Is that it?”. No Daang Matuwid senators have been implicated even if it has been proven that there has been payouts that were not declared. Noynoy talks the talk but can’t seem to explain his walk when it comes to pork or a great many other things that he has not been open with.
From the world of the NFL: Richie Incognito was asked by Jay Glazer if he was acting on orders from the coaching staff in relation to the harassment of Jonathan Martin. His response was “No Comment.” Incognito like Napoles you have to assume is All Lawyered Up. As Saul Goodman‘s vanity plate reads. Napoles is obviously more concerned about legal ramifications that she may be liable for than the so called purpose of the hearing. Which comes to the root why I despise all these politicians. It is all fine and dandy when they are milking the gravy train for their benefit. A gravy train financed by you and I might add. Yet that enthusiasm is not there when it is time to pay the piper. They want to eat the five star meal but won’t be around when the bill comes. Just going by body language, it seems Noynoy is complicit with this evasive action. The mouth lies and the rest of the body seems to be saying something else.
” I’ll take the Fifth on this, on whatever you’re gonna ask me next… and everything after that. Honest men don’t have to tolerate this kind of harassment in this country.”
Harry Rocca in Raw Deal.
Writing for this website with the tone I have chosen does have it’s hazards. I was recently confronted at a family lunch saying that I write lies. My reply was the government should just stop giving me material. Actually what these guys don’t realize is we should be taking it as a compliment. The incumbent have mass media in their pocket and the support of washed up OPM singers. Yet they care about if what we have to say which goes against their dogma. If we were totally off the mark and they had the monopoly on the truth then we would not really warrant much of their attention. Let’s also say the one who lambasted me is very close to a very, very visible Noynoy backer. The kind who may run a business that affects the consciousness of the masses. Just know all the lambaster did was try to put out fire with gasoline as David Bowie would sing. Why would I lie? All I do is cite a current story, bring up some context and analogies and speculate based on what is there. Besides, I rather earn somebody’s long term respect by sticking to what I believe in than to kowtow to someone’s else’s beliefs in order to conform.
It is not what he says but also what he does not say and when he does not say it. One major theme in my writings is it always boils down to values. You can declare anything you want like “kung walang corrupt walang mahirap”. Your actions or lack of actions will always betray your true values. You can read Noynoy like a tabloid Headline. Here is someone with neither the talent, discipline or desire to lead a diverse, dysfunctional country through a challenging time. That is what he signed up for. You can hear his reluctance and his inadequacy in his words. You can read it on his face. His face says out of order.
The guy had zero experience in crisis management when he made his case that he should be the president of the country. I predicted at the eve of the election that he will get a deer in the headlights aura when his first crisis hits. Well that zero experience bore bitter fruit during the Rolando Mendoza incident and it is bearing bitter fruit now. If you are ignorant and stupid and still accept significant responsibility, your ignorance and stupidity does not improve but instead gets magnified. The fact that his mother died was supposed to make up for it. Smooth move Filipinos. You keep that pinoy pride up.
We all know that when spoiled brats want something, decorum is the last thing on their minds. When spoiled brat presidents want something , due process is the last thing on their minds. It helps to be surrounded by gutless self serving yes men. There really is a gulf between serving a charlatan with power and serving your country. I hope for our sake some people figure that out.
Putting a very sharp needle into the balloon known as Pinoy Pride since 2012.
Way to go ,GOGS!!! You go G-MAN!
Wish I had been at that dinner, I’d have let ’em have it…both barrels. There is no difference between the political parties in the country it is merely a way to divide and conquer. What is going on is a gigantic charade that is choreographed at every step. So much so that it is predictable after careful scrutiny over a very short time period. Looking at the time period 1965-present and the above becomes crystal clear.
I say this ad nauseum but until the entire lot of them are dispensed with, NOTHING is going to change and the best move most Filipino’s could make, RIGHT NOW? That is to leave the country a.s.a.p. and never return. Sad but true, because the people running the country are not the people robbing it and to deal with those people is a whole different problem entirely. BUT There is a possibility that if the masses left the 1% no choice, a change could be made rather quickly. Just look at what has happened in tiny li’l Iceland since 2009. The blue-print has been drawn and it works, do Filipino’s possess the collective will to carry this plan out? It seems doubtful but it can be done at any time, and on short notice as well.
It is said that we deserve the leaders we elect. However, what happens when we did not vote for the leaders we have now? Do we have to suffer their incompetence and idiocy until they step down?
It is too late to do something about a problem like PNoy, unless something drastic happens. We have been lied to so many times and it is good that more Filipinos are now aware that he have been had; thanks to international media outlets. The local media itself is complicit in perpetuating the lie that we elected a ‘hero’ to save from the evils of past administration.
I remember a quote; ‘pity the nation that needs heroes,’ but pity the Filipinos who have to suffer because of this fake hero. A hero who has not done anything of significance for himself. I don’t know why a columnist from one of the yellow papers even liked him to Aragorn.
We need change now, especially with what is happening in Leyte, Samar and other provinces. We don’t need anymore lies. We need to free ourselves of this incompetent leader.
Actually Von manipulated ni Abnoy yung Election nung 2010 at 2013 trough the Hocus PCOS at COMELEC. The only option the right thinking Filipino electorate right now is Boycott the 2016 Election or better still People Power to force them to resign like what retired CJ Puno suggesting.
Someone who ate alphabet soup would shit with more sense, than the bullshit which comes out of BS aquino’s grinning mouth.
Even the uncouth, drunken, cocaine sniffing sex addict mayor of toronto would be a step up from this nintendo playing coward of a president.
It’s not a game pnoy aquino, it is real people you are killing through your laissez fair attitude
What an analogy with “Hogan’s Heroes.” In my analysis, the “heroism” in the series is just sloppiness that’s taken advantage of. In other words, it’s fake. As a result, in our society, we have a corrupted definition of “hero.”
They call Ninoy and Cory a hero.
What did Ninoy do as a matter of fact? He destabilized the government in favor of communism, then went to US for medical reasons. He went home to get shot in the back. And now he is a hero? And he gets the worlds worst airport named after him.
What did Cory do, she virtually declared the nations coffer as eat all you can for all the politicos itching to remove the “evil dictator”. Democracy my ass! As far as I can see, the disunity of the filipino people started with Cory.
@ JoelD, you are indeed a shit-head. What did Noy-Noy do? HHHMMM…he publicly derided the thief who threw him in prison and then returned to the country he LOVED and was willing to die for his people, and he did exactly that. At the hands of a despot, he was executed like a dog in the street, all in an effort to free the Filipino from the shackles of the Dictator who was robbing the people blind and getting away with it.
YOU will never measure up to one half the MAN the murdered Aquino was/is. His wife answered the call of her people. She did not even want the job at first, but reluctantly agreed to take it.
Just because their Son measures up about as woefully as YOU do, doesn’t mean they were not GIANTS, you shit-head.
Gerry, I have been avoiding replying to your comments because I know for a fact that you lack the facilities for proper thinking. Your comment here show that, you agree and throw a lot of nonsense words with it. You disagree and insult people, showered with a generous helping of vile words, whine and curse and all that crap.
Thanks for calling me a shit head. But remember this, as far as I can see, you are the one trying to compensate for whatever shortcoming you have in life, pushing people here, because that is about the only thing you can do.
What is your reference for saying that Ninoy derided the thief who threw him in prison, yellow media, oh yeah, wikipedia, some shit websites? Were you even here in the Philippines at an age you could understand what is going on? You see asshole, I am much older than what you think and I have lived through all the political changes in this country. So be a jerk, believing your own nonsense, live your internet life as self proclaimed philippine political expert because i know that is what gets you through the day, the all knowing GERRY, oppose his ideas and he calls you shithead, asshole, etc.
Your internet references vs my personal account of the situation and you call me a shit head. Can you see that?
yeah yeah, noy-noy/ NI-NOY, you know who I am referring to..
No Joel, I see EXACTLY what you stated. The senior Aquino was willing to go to any lengths to help his fellow Filipino. and you spit at his memory, like the twerp you no doubt are.
I do not care if you respond or not Benigno Aquino SR., Ni-Noy was/is a GIANT and will be remembered as such for a lot longer than you will even live, the International community as well as most of the Filipino population all agree with that too. anyway, what you think about the guy doesn’t matter. and my opinion doesn’t count for much either, just that my opinion is the much more agreed upon one.
Praise the Lord! Janet has not been convicted by her peers in a court of law. Due process has proved her to be not guilty.
She is a good Christian and the Lord protects those who walk in the path of Christ.
Before you cast more stones against the Napoles family, ask yourself if you are free from sin.
See you in Bali 🙂
No, I am not Padre and neither is a single member of that ‘klepto-cratic’ system in place for the last 50 years.
I don’t know how old you are, Gogs, but I have a feeling you’re still young. Ever hear the saying “Youth is wasted on the young” by Oscar Wilde? Not true in your case.
Sorry, I meant “Ever heard…”
Aquino does not think of anyone or anything apart from himself. No one else on the planet matters. He is trapped in a delusional world where nothing or no one is important apart from HIM and self preservation and appearance.
HA, and take a look at the guy, YIKES! he cant even take care of his looks, er…whats left of them.
Hi Gerry yes i agree but it is not about You i or the other 7 billion inhabitants of planet earth it is all about HIM HIM HIM HIM. No one else exist apart from HIM, he does not even care about his own family. He shows all the classic signs of someone suffering severe narcissistic personality disorder.
UR RIGHT AGAIN YAWN, it is tragic. At a time when the country needs agtion this idot is in front of the mirror asking ‘Who’s the most gwapo of us all?”. the fact that the International community had to come to the rescue begs the question, What about all the Pork funds? the Malampaya funds? the DAP funds? why are they not being rolled out to help get supplies to the afflicted area’s?
Holy Shit, if this doesn’t get the people of the country RILED the fuck up, nothing will, and the country is just doomed.
Gerry Nice one.
He looks in the mirror and see’s Don Juan. Everyone else sees Freedy Krueger meets Humpty Dumpty doing the Harlem Shake wobbling around head shaking.
From Manila Standard Today October 18th
The Tacloban Airport Development Project is perhaps a perfect example of the abuse and misuse of DAP.
Under the GAA, P1 billion was allocated for the construction of a new passenger terminal building as well as the concreting of the apron and taxiway as well as completion of the shore protection of the airport.
So what did Malacañang do? After spending around P200 million for some civil works, it realigned P718 billion from the project’s budgetary allocation saying that the unspent money for the uncompleted project is “savings” and placed the “savings” under DAP
A good manager will never hire, an applicant to position of great responsibility to people, without good years of work experience on the field. The manager will also look at the applicant’s transcript of records. What he did in his last company job. And, why he is applying to the position.
We hired a man ,on this job with tremendous responsibility. Whose only asset is: his father is claimed to be a “hero”. His mother died.
So, he is now training on the job. His learning faculties are slow. Because, he is mentally retarded. He has some people around him. However, they all have the same intellectual calibers as their boss.
Ay, Pobre Pilipinas!!!
And add to that all the pinoy idiots who would rather say, “supportoahan niyo na lang”, “good job mr president”, “panay kayo rekalmo, ano na ba nagawa niyo” and all those crap.
Kawawang Pilipinas!