Searching for the Chito Miranda, Neri Naig sex video that was supposedly leaked has probably driven hundreds of thousands if not millions of people to search for a copy of it on the net.
On Instagram, Miranda (Parokya Ni Edgar vocalist), said:
“We are truly saddened by the fact na may nag-leak na private video of me and my girlfriend, Neri Naig.
“Humihingi po ako ng paumanhin sa mga pamilya namin for this unfortunate incident.
“Thank you for your prayers.
“Thanks for all your prayers and encouraging messages. Our hard drive was stolen from our room in our house along with several other stuff…”
Some would think that people would have lost their interest in “home made smut gone accidentally public” after the sex video of Pamela Lee Anderson and Tommy Lee made its rounds globally, but nooooo…
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As soon as that went around, there came Paris Hilton and a string of other celebrities.
The Philippines, being the monkey-see monkey-do country that it is, has it’s own list of celebs whose sex videos have gone public “accidentally”. But to be fair, really, there was that Vivian Velez video long before Hayden Kho and the rest of the names that figured in the circus of private smut gone public . (And I cringe at the idea of someone actually getting a rise from the Dovie Beams-President Marcos sex “audio tape”.)
The only thing, really, worth saying really is that people ought to learn… The only way to keep a private moment PRIVATE is not to record it on video or film at all.

There is no such thing as bad publicity.
What cracks me up is that he is thanking people for their prayers. So how does that work exactly? Let me try a prayer:
“Dear God, I know you are really busy figuring out how to save millions of starving people around the world. I know the middle east is ready to explode. I know the financial market may melt down any time soon. I know countless women are still being sold into slavery everyday. But can you please spend some of your time to give strength to Chito and Neri because their SEX TAPE might get released to the general public.”
What makes this even more ridiculous is that I don’t a f’cking clue who these two assholes are and if they died tomorrow, my life would not change one bit and 99.9% of the people in the world would not care either. But yeah, sure, lets pray to God to solve this problem.
dude dont be fucking mean man, im no god believer myself but give them a break if they cannot see the bigger problems in the world, some people are just weak and needed someone to lean on to comfort themselves
Good or bad publicity it is still publicity, and controversy creates cash. This is going to be like a hot topic for the weeks to come. Oh well, just another day above ground.
lol, I think u are the first to make such prayer, I really doubt that someone would pray for him just because of a stupid sex video going viral.. and Chito is probably very thankful for your wonderful prayer..
And yes I agree with u, thanking to people for their prayer is just bullshit and ridiculous… its just too late for prayers now, millions of “religious” Filipinos have watched his video now, and God didnt even bothered to prevent that shit from happening.. Im sure God is busy watching his vid while masturbating in heaven, He just dont have the time right now to hear prayers so its useless.
You are a disgusting son of a bitch.
i see… you’re now a friend of god
Been there, seen it, done it. Is this really THE news item in the Philippines? I agree with what Skeptic said here above. It wont change a thing, and lets get back to our daily business and chores. Whats next?
ikaw na!
never heard of him.
no doubt ‘ he was robbed’ and it was released!
a desperate publicity ploy by a small dickhead
Download and enjoy
“The only way to keep a private moment PRIVATE is not to record it on video or film at all.”
Agree, i don’t get it, why would they even film/record it in the first place?…
Not sure as to why they made the video in the first place, maybe they found great enjoyment in recording these kind of stuff just like the thousands even millions of sex ‘scandals’ available online. What a way to fuck their lives up, and it’s not even mine to judge.
Unless of course they are actually filming an adult video/pornography which in this case it isn’t, by the way they reacted to it.
Well at the end of the day, people will be looking for something to trigger such sensations that only a ‘sex scandal’ can bring and this is something that’s gonna be in the news tomorrow and everyone’s gonna be talking about it, but hey Thank God for the remote. *flips channels or better yet turn it off*
and to sum it up~
quoting Skeptic
What makes this even more ridiculous is that I don’t a f’cking clue who these two assholes are and if they died tomorrow, my life would not change one bit and 99.9% of the people in the world would not care either. But yeah, sure, lets pray to God to solve this problem.
true! there’s no reason you need to video record your intimate moments unless you’re an exhibitionist…
the f..k are not exhibitionists.they are really media-hungry.they just wanted to sensationalize themselves so that the world can notice that’s it!poor Chito and Nery.just f..k and f..k.without making a video.just enjoy it in private.we won’t pray for you.God will not listen to it.
What about for simple erotic FUN. what are the use of different sexual positions?
Why make a video of your sex act at all? It’s like you want it to be seen by others.
My sentiments exactly.
Have you watched the video already guys?
Wala yan! Heto mas wild.
Now that’s one ‘wholesome, family entertainment’!
– Animal Planet :3
Oo nga, wild na wild for the whole family lololz
ganda p nmn ni neri dito..hehe share ko lang yung link guys.
Wild sex
I’m a little lost, but isn’t Neri Naig married? Or was she?
But wait… why is this crap even news? Scandal dito, scandal dun. Shows how low some people can go. Publicity sells. And this video wasn’t an accident. Who knows why this was even out? Maybe it was revenge or maybe it was released on purpose to revive careers. Bottomline is, it’s still crap, but there are people buying it.
yes…they really did it to revive their fading careers.
link is here
so what else is new? two animals like dogs doing it in the street? then others feast on the scenes? wondering why are they so interested on that acts… clear as the blue sky is the real purpose behind the “scandal” ?
To sell more Parokya ni Edgar music?
that’s probably the reason.
Kung walang TRO ang Cybercrime law, lahat ng nagpapakalat nito kulong.
Your point? 😛
There you are again supporting this creeping dictatorship.
Are you really that f*cking stupid?? Oh wait, you ARE.
Your tears are delicious
I hope anonymous will hack and destroy your computer you’re using and also the rest of your communications group.
Shabu pa Chito…Man, u need some fixing! Palakpakan..instant PORN star nah kayo
He should know the consequences of taking a video of himself and his girlfriend making love.Kahit saang banda mo tignan, siya at siya lang ang may kasalanan. Walang mag li-leak kung walang video na ili-leak. Yeah right!
People are really fascinated with this? Yawn. Two words: Digital Playground.
To Mr.Chito Miranda and Ms, Neri Naig, you are both disgusting person and immature for having said that your thanking everyone’s prayer? When you made that video did you think that’s moral and set an example to those who might seen that.Don’t ever use the word “prayer” in your limbo world because it’s sacred and divine. You’re responsible for your mistakes and should not blame anyone except yourself for being negligence. GROW UP!
swerte nman ni ungoy.. gganda ng gf
Chito should be faulted to his doing.It is a weird attitude to video such act and if he love girl Neri Naig he should have not done it in the first place. He knows the consequence since there is already a precedent the Hayden Kho Karina Halili if something happened to said video.Or he have done this video to use such video as a collateral if ever the girl realized that he is not the good guy and she will not be able to dump him because of the video. If I am the father of Neri Naig I will cut your penis just to get even to what you have done to her. Bastard.
I cant speak intelligently about the entire incident, I cant speak intelligently about the 2 persons involved
However, I will consider the fact that it might have happened with full consent of both parties. And maybe the woman was the intiator of all this. Who knows.
Do you have any idea how many couples – world wide – take (still) pictures of themselves during their most intimate, passionate moments?
Do you have any idea how many couples – world wide – take video footage of themselves during their most intimate, passionate moments?
Jesus Christ, pls grow up. It happens all over the world but in most cases the pics nor video gets stolen.
If the act isn’t recorded, how can it be spread around? Just think about that.
thank you i totally agree with you.
I feel sorry for Neri. Why did you let Chito manipulate you & take a video of your private moments. This guy wouldn’t do anything good to you. If I were you I would file a case against Chito and clean up your image….
I completely disagree with your final line “The only way to keep a private moment PRIVATE is not to record it on video or film at all.”
If you are really serious then pls tell the world to stop uploading all those boring family pics on Facebook and other websites. Those pics are also private even when there is no nudity in it. People make such pics bec of the event and maybe to capture the moment and not to forget about that moment when we are all in a senile day care pension home. That is the same reason why people make pics of their significant other on beaches, parties and yes even more intimate, passionate moments. There is really no difference for them between an innocent Facebook family outing and this more intimate, passionate moment. I am even sure both Ms Neri and Mrs Chito would like to re-watch it later and laugh all about it. But they cant anymore. So they have to re-shoot the enactment. Because I am sure they will re-shoot it, sooner or later.
I completely disagree with you here, “There is really no difference for them between an innocent Facebook family outing and this more intimate, passionate moment.”
Unless of course you’re a bonobo chimp, then a family outing would in fact involve copious amounts of copulation.
ganda p nmn ni neri dito..hehe share ko lang yung link guys.
Kung makapanghusga nman mga tao. Di ba ginawa nyo rin iyan sa mga asawa at gf/bf nyo hindi lang kayo nag video. Kapal ng mga mukha ng mga taong mapanghusga. Ang mga tao kung libog mga baboy sa sex kaya huwag kayong manghusga. Kapal nyo haha
ok lng yn chito…and s mga ngcocoment ng hinde mganda, think about it first?… ;leak nga d b?…it means hinde cla ang nglagay, at beside almost n may gf and bf made their own sex video, even me, but i dont put it on the web, it was just my personal copy…
They should handle this the way maricar handled the scandal with hayden, she did not talk about it, they do not have any obligation to answer about this, eventhough it has been leaked it still remains as a private matter between the two. Only God can judge us, no one else in this world has the right to judge other people.
Nobody is perfect so dont act like one!!!
respeto lang ang kailangan ng kahit sino.pero case to case basis pa rin naman hindi porket nagcomment ng hindi maganda sa sex scandal chito and neri ay judgemental na.natural may kanya-kanya tayong opinion na hindi pwedeng diktahan ang sasabihin ng tao wether positive or negative.the point is learn to accept your flaws and you have to be ready what people might think or say about the issue.wala naman masama ang pagkuha ng video habang nagsesex sila ang mali dun hindi nila iningatan na maaaring kumalat.maliban jan kung gusto mo respetohin ka ng mga tao matuto ka muna rumespeto sa sarili,at this point kumalat na sya at napagpiyestahan na yan ng madlang people.wala na kayong magagawa damaged has been done.kaya next time kung gagawa pa kayo ng ganyan klaseng video make sure na kayo lang ang nakakaalam at maging alerto sa mga taong magnanakaw.
How did their hard drive get stolen anyway? That really sounded funny. But anyway, what a non-issue this is.
no one has the right to judge..eveyone commits mistakes and everyone has libog… it’s none of our business…
para ky chito at neri..wla po kau dpat ikahiya ngyon..kc s panhon mrami ang tao my mlwak n kaisipan..kese s mga tao mpag husga..ang mhalga basta kya nyo pnindagan ang ginwa s mga gnito sitwasyon kylgan nyo suporta ng isat isa..
They are public figures, the should not be making videos and when it gets “accidentally outed” asks for support. Get the fuck out.
also, you have a small dick CHITO
hayaan nyo chito and neri, mawawala din ang isyong yan.. basta alam nyo sa sarili nyo na you love each other……maybe next time be more careful….
leaked, as opposed to “distributed.”
You can blend one of the boho styles with the kid’s favorite attire.
Celebrities have fueled the popularity of vintage by wearing vintage designer clothes like
Julia Roberts in her Vintage Valentino gown, worn for the Oscars in 2001.
Somewhere along the line, this attitude has had all its rough edges worn away and the
whole idea of looking spiffing has become a source of embarrassment,
attracting accusations of vanity.