Some Pinoy Pride stuff had been in the radar lately. Local media ran a feature on a recently appointed American judge with Filipino blood (though the woman, thankfully, said she is an American first). Some NBA fans were quick to boast that Miami Heat coach Erik Spoelstra has Filipino blood. But same as the judge, he is an American first. Many Filipinos recently raised hell over Katherine Ryan’s controversial joke about Filipinos being “experimented on” in the cosmetic industry, when it is apparently based on an impression about the sad truth about the state of children in our country. Filipinos always feel punctured or insulted when they are the butt of jokes. They believe nothing should get in the way of being able to walk with their head held high, proud and happy, lording it over others. Filipinos insist that they deserve to be proud and that the solution to our problems is to have more pride as a people.
Oh really?
I have always been strongly vocal against Pinoy Pride for a good reason: it will never save the Philippines.
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Pinoy Pride seems to be the belief that Filipinos are a special people from the rest of the world, and thus deserve special respect. For example, they insist that no one has the right to make Pinoys the butt of jokes. And if Pinoys are not given this special respect, they were “cheated,” “insulted” or “oppressed.” Pinoys love to imagine that they are “oppressed” people in the world. But when they do things like post pictures of themselves wearing their employer’s clothes without permission (the maid in Singapore), slap a helpless Alzheimer’s patient (Jonathan Aquino case), steal from a US children’s cancer fund (Rene Ballenas pleaded guilty to larceny), make a loan in the U.S. then run home to avoid paying it, murder a famous fashion designer (Andrew Cunanan killing Gianni Versace), complain about someone else’s name (the Filipino complaining about someone being named Kiki in Australia) or be on the defensive after the botched Manila Hostage Crisis, you know they are far from “oppressed” or “deserving pride.” It’s more like they need therapy. If only there was a psychiatric treatment called Ego Therapy.
Back to Katherine Ryan: Why is it that Filipinos tend to be the butt of some jokes like this? Most obvious answer is that they are clearly doing something wrong. Else, there would be no reason for someone to create the Top 8 Habits of Filipino Jerks (the article implies that if you are insulted by Ryan’s joke, then you are a jerk!).
I also see a connection between Pinoy Pride and the tendency of our culture to be effete and boisterous when it comes to self-promotion. This self-promotion often comes as efforts to claim that being Pinoy is special and is the secret behind the success of some people. Pinoys will snag the chance to ride on names, such as as Charice Pempengco, Arnel Pineda, Manny Pacquiao and Lea Salonga. This reasoning probably came from a false syllogism:
Charice/Manny/Arnel/Lea are talented and celebrated.
Charice/Manny/Arnel/Lea are Filipino.
Ergo Filipinos are all talented and should be celebrated.
I’m a Filipino, so I am talented and should be celebrated.
Unfortunately, this all goes down the toilet when you find that these vocal “proud Pinoys” are actually cockroaches who are too lazy to work, go drinking all day and want to milk their relatives dry.
Truly, as fellow blogger Gogs says, KSP is the root of all evil. And this KSPness is just so prominent when demonstrated by Filipinos. It’s just too hard to not notice.
It certainly is ironic while the Philippines is predominantly Catholic, its greatest fault is the worst sin of all, pride. So it’s time to remind Pinoys about their beliefs. An article from, eloquently explains why pride is bad news for anyone. Although this is a Catholic article, it explains things in a way that any Christian – or person with religion – would agree with. I am confident that even an atheist, deist or agnostic or other non-religious would agree, pride is a major cause of wrongdoing in human society.
Then come some critics saying “GRP is negative, putting down the Filipino.” OK then, name an instance where a Pinoy Pride initiative actually uplifted the lives of Filipinos, and brought them out of dysfunction.
That’s the reality. Pinoy Pride never uplifted Filipino lives. Because Pinoy Pride itself is an act to cover up Filipino failings. It is a symptom of other attitude problems, such as sense of self-entitlement, emotionalism, anti-intellectualism and love of the underdog.
Let me lift an explanation from an earlier blog post, slightly revised: Pinoy Pride initiatives rise out of the imaginary notion that Filipinos are under attack. But way I see it, they are just attacking themselves. Filipinos are the ones declaring themselves inferior, and then imagine someone else saying it, like a foreigner. Based on this schizophrenic fear of a delusional enemy, they embark on Filipino Pride programs to try and push up their image. But these programs may involve covering up or denying the mistakes of the Filipinos. Thus, Filipinos actually end up pulling themselves down further.
Pinoy Pride will never save the Philippines because it is part of the problem. It was never a solution. It leads to Filipinos acting foolishly and without wisdom, caring only to feed their ego. Acts of pride are self-deflating by nature, because they are acts of projection that highlight the person’s faults instead of strengths. People may believe they are showing strength or good traits, when in fact, they are showing serious flaws.
I believe we can never attack Pinoy Pride enough, because it is the cancer itself that continues to shoot down all efforts to improve our people’s behavior. Why is corruption so hard to remove? Because the people are too proud to change. Perhaps that’s why our countrymen are experiencing a moral crisis. We’re Pinoys, we’re already perfect, we’re special. So we don’t need to change.
And neither do the dysfunctions of our country.
I believe, as my cohorts here do, that what Filipinos embrace as their culture is what actually pulls the country down. And those who seem to be anti-dictators, who may also believe themselves to be “heroes,” are the real dictators.
Pinoy Pride is being creative in coating Vanilla cream on a pile of dung.
It can never be denied the noblest Filipino value of supporting almost all their relatives like sending them to school, helping them to find jobs and even sustaining their daily subsistence.
However, the negative result of this virtue is that most Filipinos become parasitic, irresponsible and pay little concern to value and respect things given to them and even to almost everything in their surroundings.
Filipino Pride is very good at creating new terms to make desirable to the ear despicable behaviors like (to mention a couple of terms) “kulit”, meaning the child, teen or adult is rude, inconsiderate, impolite, dishonest, etc. “Epal” means politicians attached the life-size photograph of themselves on government vehicles, buildings, bridges and whatever new structures or equipment as if they have procured these with money from their own pockets. Substitute terms that “are not offensive to the ears of those concerned” which make it even more irresponsible!
If ever contributors to GRP write negative comments about the despicable culture and habits of Filipinos because positive and more subtle ways never work.
There’s an old Indian adage which says “you can teach a tiger so many tricks but you could never make him to eat grass”.
Filipinos would never change for the better because it’s not in their nature.
That’s why I’ll try to come up with a later article, that one solution is to be more “UnFilipino” in our character.
Pride is a problem, it’s done nothing for African Americans, Nazi Germany, Mexico, or any other culture or country.
I think the people that trump pride are generally those with little success in their lives. They ride the coattails of successful countrymen in order to share in a ‘cultural’ victory, but it’s mostly just junk energy with absolutely no pay offs.
Pride does not make you successful. Having interests, working hard, being moral, and obeying God make you a success.
Good read and a very good point but the question remains what then is needed to uplift the Philippines?
Well, in relation to this article, maybe we should think less of “Pinoy Pride” and begin to think of “Filipino Humility.” Such a virtue may make us think of the truth of things, then we could continue on from there.
Agree with you. GRP is indeed too nega. Humility should have been the 90% of this topic. It would have achieved the same result but in a positively different perspective.
GRP will never understand what genuine humility is. The writers are still battling it out on which political party is right for the Philippines, which they can be proud of, instead of addressing the arrogant and self-serving nature of our culture that’s destroying our nation. I guess it’s more profitable to blog about politics (and business) than culture.
A change in attitudes and behavior, which some crab mentalists are quick to shoot down, sometimes with, “you have to change the system first.” So what, we don’t try to influence change now? You can see the solution in the last link, which is controlling one’s ego. That’s not system-wide, but that at least starts with something.
The idiot who invented crab mentality knows little about crabs. You should be a politician and make change ChinoF, instead of just being all talk.
Being a politician in the Philippines SUCKS, Mr. Troll. In fact, politikos are full of celebrities and last names so your suggestion is a fail.
Also, crab mentality suits more for people like YOU. In fact, it’s for CRAB PEOPLE. Tastes like crab, walk like people. They have a tough shell but total softies on the inside, always resorting to emotional outbursts rather than logical thinking.
So I wanna ask: who’s the idiot? Of course you won’t answer because what I actually said is totally TRUE.
A cultural revolution that will rewire our aristocratic (arrogant) and self-serving (selfish) outlook and way of life, and transform us all into humble and selfless Buddhists, instead of “country-destructive” Christians and Muslims.
We seem to prefer to leech off another successful Filipino’s success rather than get the gumption to pursue our own, individual success.
We don’t deserve our “Pinoy Pride” until we earned it ourselves. Otherwise, humility goes a long way.
what about the phenomenon called GRP pride? where GRP writers and their fans consider themselves superior to everyone else and are therefore too proud to accept when theyre wrong and need to change have you observed that? this cancer manifests in irrational hatred toward anything filipio especially any positive news about the philippines.
So where/when exactly were we wrong? Cite specific examples plez.
Maybe GRP should also feature more positive traits of the Filipino. Although I agree with you that it is us who are pulling ourselves down, ending a negative topic with a positive solution will make the item useful. Definitely, the answers will remain in one’s psyche longer than our seemingly unending liabilities.
Positive news about the Philippines? Like what?? Pinoys fueled by KSP go gaga over the Jessica Sanchez’s of the world. People who had nothing to do with the Philippines yet pinoys want to piggy back on them. Inciang, you love GRP otherwise you would not spend one second here. Comment some more you just root your love in us more. Leave, and you are gone. Either way, GRP wins.
Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you inciang, the 5th incarnation of sendonggirl, AKA cdokay, amity, and oca.
As far as we’re concerned, nobody here has ever gone around saying they were superior to anyone else here. It just happened that GRP’s observations and commentary are consistently spot on.
GRP’s observations and commentaries have always been open to challenge. Tough luck for trolls like you that resist decent conversation and exchange of views and see it as nothing but a pissing contest that you can’t even win.
You’re not very smart, are you, sendonggirl? Same old shit, no matter what the name, still stinks.
Well Mr. Sendonggirl?
We’re waiting for your answer.
Oh yeah that’s right, you don’t have one.
Tough luck, you still LOSE, TROLL
Please look in the Money Talks section right now for something positive. OK?
Not unless you delete this pile of dung juice
Laughable. Very laughable.
Your ilk represents the dumb Pinoys whose weapons of choice are straight-up pure ignorance and blatant idiocy. And please, you’re a total whore if you use positive news as a means to make you ‘feel good’.
In other words, the likes of YOU are killing the Failippines. You want to make yourself feel good while you keep on unknowingly destroying this country hehehehehehehe.
GRP wins. Nothing more. 😀
If pinoys want to wallow in pinoy pride then they have to learn to look at both sides of the ledger. Maybe they don’t because on the other side of the ledger, there are way more significant items that easily outweigh the trivial “pride” items. So of course the solution is either widen the blind spot or exercise selective amnesia. Anybody who sheds light on that is a hater and negative.
It seems that this is yet another epic FAIL for Mr. Sendong”girl” and the malacanang stooge group.
This comment is still gold:
“You can’t be proud of what you didn’t achieve, idiot. You were born a Filipino, much like I was. Hence we both cannot take ‘pride’ in something we were put into.”
Real pride comes from the COLLECTIVE. That also means CRITICAL THINKING and PROGRESS. I’m sure every typical Pinoy would respond like:
“Paano ba maging Proud to be Pinoy? Malay ko sa iyo. Hahahaha. ‘Di kita maintindihan dahil bobo ata ako.”
Let’s ask one born in a squatter area: “Are you proud to be a squatter?”
As if the Filipino race was a centuries old civilization that contributed greatly to the advancement of human knowledge. Hence, the Pinoy pride was conceived, for lacking actual contribution to the human race, clings to whoever gets recognised even if that someone has a tiniest bit of Filipino heritage in them.
This is a great article! Sadly, most Filipinos are in denial as sadly, ‘Yabang’ and ‘Pikon’ are hand in hand ingrained in our culture.
I am at a loss here. When I read your title, I’ll admit I was a bit offended but after seeing how you not only validated your point but also gave current examples of how we view ourselves as a collective, it’s no wonder we are disliked by our neighbors. Reading the comments made me see that we literally are kidding ourselves and how the world really sees us a people. How can we clam pride when we don’t even have a clear identity? A product of colonialism? Perhaps. I’ve met so many Pinoys in the US who have chosen to deny, as if embarrassed to be Filipinos. Some say it’s a their attempt to assimiltate to their new country.
When I marched with strangers in EDSA I, I felt Pinoy Pride. The world was introduced to
People Power. That was MY Pinoy pride. My 15 minutes of fame for being a part of EDSA I.
Are you saying I was wrong?
The events in 1986 resulted in the ouster of a dictator who, I think most people will agree, was not exactly the paragon of virtue he made himself out to be. He and his family are a contemptible lot who committed a number of reprehensible acts for which they remain unpunished. That was the right thing to do. And it inspired other countries to do the same thing that year. You SHOULD feel outraged that AFTERWARD “ningas cogon” took hold again and wasted the opportunities the revolution gave us.
Honestly, you were part of a big great lie. And you are proud of it? Fact is that you are totally wrong.
20 years after EDSA 1 and look at what happened. Reality speaks for itself.
Hold on a minute WinterSoldier. What exactly was the lie? Are we saying now that the Aquinos manipulated events to convince the Filipino public that the events of February 1986 were spontaneous when in reality they were the machinations of Marcos’ political rivals? You give them too much credit for intelligence and initiative they DO NOT POSSESS.
The fact is the EDSA revolution, which started out as a failed coup, was a manifestation of the collective distaste for the Marcos regime. Most people simply had had enough of their abuse. That suited Enrile who was by then just trying to survive. What frustrates us today is the aftermath. The opportunities that we gained were CO-OPTED by Cory Aquino’s “kamag-anak incorporated.” That set set the Philippines on a path of economic stagnation. For right minded Filipinos, the Aquinos will forever be remembered for destroying the hopes of the generation that grew up in the 1980s and 1990s with hours long blackouts, shutting down what little manufacturing and industry survived the Marcos economic policies, and forcing millions to migrate and become OFWs. Today Filipinos have their shortsightedness and stupidity to thank for again installing the Aquinos in Malacañang and again killing off any substantial economic progress.
What I meant is EDSA 1 since it represented the 2% of the whole population who took part of it. Most in Visayas and Mindanao doesn’t give a damn.
Alright, those machinations were done by the Marcos side, but if these people want Marcos out, they should choose Doy Laurel, if you ask me. But people uplift the humanly nice Cory and the Aquinos as demi-gods of the country when just as much corruption happened in her time as much as Marcos did, to go with inefficient decision making as a leader to boot.
The rest is history.
Johnny Saint, you and I share the same thoughts on this. Winter, you deviated from the point I was trying to make. We are talking about Pinoy Pride and regardless of the “lie” you were pertaining to, EDSA 1 was and still is my proudest moment as a Pinoy. Ridding the country of a dictator with minimal( I remember only 1 casualty) collateral damage. It was the feeling of winning knowing our lives were at stake. Ver was ready to open fire at civilians and was waiting for Marcos to approve. Had it not been for Ted Koppel interviewing Marcos at the time Ver was requesting permission to open fire, we would be collateral damage. For those of us who stood in front of tanks, waited for the Huey’s to open fire before learning of their defection. For the nuns who blocked the tanks and put their lives at stake. That to me was Pinoy Pride. We were applauded by the world for what we did. I am proud that I was there and survived and got rid of Marcos. I don’t know of anyone who was there that did not feel proud of being victorious. The events after EDSA 1 have no bearing in what that collective was able to do. Winter, whether or not you were there you cannot deny it impressed the international community. There will never be another Edsa 1. My participation as a Pinoy at that time will always be show my Pinoy pride.
Beacon, WinterSoldier,
Let’s put it in perspective.
Were there foreign elements involved in the ouster of the Marcoses? Yes, there were. Certainly the CIA was funding local anti-Marcos organizations such as Joe Concepcion’s NAMFREL through groups like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The US has always had an interest in the Philippines because of the Subic Bay Naval Base and Clark Air Force Base — military bases that were key strategic sites from which every US invasion of Asia had gone through since 1898. It is not impossible that the US had come to the conclusion that Marcos was well past his “Sell by” date. Reagan would have been quite happy to see Marcos gone as long as his replacement were sympathetic to American interests (which Cory Aquino happened to be) and supported US strategic priorities in the region. At the top level, they even sent Philip Habib — who despised Marcos — to resolve conflicts in the opposition and convince them to form a united ticket that would stress anti-communism and refrain from opposing US [military] bases in the Philippines. The US government lived in fear of the evolution of a center-left popular alliance taking hold of the country.
What about the events of February, 1986?
If the non-violent “people power” movement had not occurred, the US would have just as happily continued funding local organizations like PCCI and NAMFREL to mobilize the middle class and apply pressure on Marcos while overtly declaring their support for him. But the people power movement did occur. And it was not something the US expected. Neither did Cory nor any of the local opposition; Cory was ensconced in the Carmelite convent in Cebu, preparing for another series of rallies protesting the outcome of the election. Everyone was taken off guard. The response to calls from Cardinal Sin was a spontaneous, organic outpouring of hostility and disgust for 20 years of Marcos abuse. That led to TWO MILLION people congregating on EDSA and the eventual exile of the Marcos family, facilitated by their US patrons. The achievement of this kind of non-violent insurrection was, at that time, unheard of. The fact that there were virtually no casualties — unlike current events in Egypt where they protest/celebrate by gang raping women — should be acknowledged, even honored. (By the way, WinterSoldier, in 1986, the Philippine population was at around 55-60 million. If two million people made it to EDSA, that means AT LEAST 3% were interested in the event, not 2% of Filipinos ;-))
What came AFTER this event is what should elicit outrage from any right-minded Filipino. Cory Aquino BETRAYED the Filipino people by bringing back a corrupt oligarchy under the guise of restoring democratic institutions. At first the US was taken aback; Cory could have leveraged world sympathy/admiration to write our own ticket. Instead, Cory chose subservience to US foreign policy. She chose what was best for her and her family, NOT the Filipino people. By then, US policy makers knew they had nothing to worry about. The result? President Aquino’s six-year term (supported by the CIA) produced 2,696 dead from salvaging, military massacre, or disappearance, a figure comparable to the 3,257 killed during Marcos’s twenty year dictatorship. Not to mention the fact that it set the Philippines on a path that led to the domination of our society and economic exploitation by the Filipino “elite” in collusion with the state. For the poorest of the poor, Cory Aquino effectively put a stranglehold on land reform. Conditions we still struggle with today.
Was the non-violent insurrection of “people power” a singular event? Absolutely. It made us “rich” with the possibility of actual change. The event itself was unforeseen; we cannot claim it was a fabrication of the CIA or the US State Department. Was it a completely wasted effort? Sadly, yes. We’ve become so besotted with the romantic notion of “people power” that we haven’t actually gotten around to harnessing this “public spirit,” much less using it to accomplish anything worthwhile as a nation. In fact it’s become a detriment. Any idiot who has some issue with the government can organize a fiesta/rally and snarl traffic on EDSA for days without any real purpose. The only thing this will accomplish is the loss of millions in revenue for everyone else in the Philippines who will be affected when Metro Manila comes to a standstill. We need to stop being enamored with this 27 year old “people power” phenomenon if we hope to progress beyond the caricature of non-violent struggle.
Edsa I isn’t exactly the best thing to be proud of anymore, in my view. Country is still in the pits despite it. Many are now saying Edsa I opened up the chest for more corruption to come out of the woodwork. But if you’re wrong, it’s not your fault. We may have our freedoms as Filipinos, but given the examples I gave, we’re not using them properly.
Be proud of your own individual achievements. That’s what people like Charice Pempengco, Lea Salonga and Arnel Pineda do. Not your nationality. That is something to accept, not to be proud of.
Chino, like Winter, you are talking about the events AFTER Edsa 1. I am talking about being part of it. That IS MY pinoy pride which is what your article is about. Sure you have valid points which I agree with completely but what is it exactly you are proposing? A complete format C:\ of the Pinoy hardrive? I was an editor of The Outcrop, UP Baguio’s official publication in the early 80’s and was at one point outlawed and labeled as subversive. It was our policy never to critique unless we had a viable solution to any issue we wrote about. All I see is the critique.
well that is what GRP is all about! a bunch of…. and a pile of…
@Manny V:
Well, that is what YOU and your ilk is all about! A bunch of… and a pile of…
BTW, all of your comments are coming from EMOTIONS not logical thinking. So yeah… 😛
i think you caught them in a pickle, @Beacon. they are spot on on their observations and THAT’S IT. no alternative solutions. a super-collection of internet intellectuals that used to troll the now-defunct Peyups website.
I continue to maintain that the events of 24-26 February 1986 are a singular event. No one in the world had ever accomplished that. As a social movement, this deserves recognition and, true to form, Filipinos are quick to identify with “People Power.”
Were there elements surrounding the ouster of the Marcos regime that co-opted what could have been the process which led to the Philippines’ democratization? As WinterSoldier likes to say, “reality speaks for itself.” You’d have to be a complete idiot not to recognise the ills in present day Filipino society or how we got to this point. A great deal of responsibility falls on the Aquinos in restoring the hegemony of an abusive oligarchy. And we shouldn’t overlook how the United States subtly manipulated the people’s movement in the country to assist Cory Aquino’s rise to power.
You have to realize that non-violent action, for good or ill, facilitated political transformation in the Philippines. Without question, that IS a great achievement. However, it isn’t a reason to glorify “people power” or to see it as an end in itself; there will always be the messy job of getting down to the work of nation building afterward. If there is one thing we can take away from these events is that we mustn’t underestimate the power that millions of Filipinos possess if properly motivated with (non-violent) action. The other side of the coin is that non-violent movements MUST NOT BE ROMANTICIZED. Filipinos have been doing that for 27 years and all we have to show for it is bewilderment as to why our arguably non-democratic neighbors are doing so much better.
well said
I totally agree with this! Lack of education is also the cause of this Filipino pride. This should be taught to everyone.
Yeah dude, buy our tuition for us if you really care alot!
I’m a Filipino but I will always be proud as a Filipino however what I hate about MOST filipino is they will
a.) Always use “family” as an excuse for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING
b.) Who HOPES to much that everything will come their way. Pffft.
c.) Who ALWAYS uses ‘AGE’ that you should be well more respected and ALWAYS right. F off! World works TWO WAYS mate.
d.) Authoritative, you CANNOT make ANY MISTAKES. Apparently, the older you get the more rights you have? Whatever.
e.) They always BITCH about everything especially when they’re overseas. You can’t teach them and they ALWAYS think they’re being belittle
f.) Can’t teach these bastards and always ENVY everyone and belittle the ones who succeed. In short ALWAYS INGGIT.
g.) They always bitch that don’t have MONEY when they spend SO MUCH material things and complaint the next day ‘Oh, wala na akong pera, ang hirap ng buhay’ Jesus!
h.) Everything is about ‘God or Jesus’ but Sorry neither Jesus and God is there to tell you where you should go and the BIBLE isn’t the answer. YOURSELF is the answer no matter how you twists the words at the end of the day and the real reason is ‘Your decision’.
Lol. Yess. Preach. *thumbs up –
god, elderly rights, blood leeches. story of every Filipino’s life
I really like to write essays like this.
I am so pissed off Dan Brown insultsted Maynila, calling its ‘gates of hell’. so disgoosted xD
I agree with the article, too much pride prevents us from seeing ourselves as part of the truth.
We need to learn to value the individual over the “race” or group. For example. when everyone fails an exam except for one, we should admire that person instead of saying that the guy cheated because he studied or didn’t let anyone copy his work.
Good read. To all the Filipinos whose only salvation is their pride.
If you are living in this country that has suffered so much pain, suffering from both the local government to the natural calamities that strikes the Philippines every year (needless to say how many times per year), then giving that edification and boosting the morals of Filipinos by being proud of the achievement of other Filipinos, then F*CK OFF YOU HATERS ESP THOSE FILIPINOS WITH CRAB MENTALITY!!! Get delivered from Spain’s inflicted virus in our culture! What evil can someone who is proudly pinoy can do to you??? STUPID BLOG THIS IS!
I think it’s trying to communicate…
I didn’t get the whole message this guy was trying to convey…
IMO, there’s nothing wrong with being proud of what the other Filipinos did, really. It can boost the morale and help others to reach for their dreams. Clinging on to their achievements and thinking its because of the “Filipino Blood”, however, is a different story.
I don’t see why you didn’t remember the Ondoy disaster. It was the Filipino Pride that kept us fighting. Have you not seen photos
Sila isang katrina lang sobrang kailangan pa ng brad pitt para maayos. Tayo, disaster after disaster we became resillient.Having these icons showed us that we can achieve anything through hardwork, determination and prayer which is realy what Filipino Pride is about.
Its the same motivation that drove our ancestors to fight for our freedom from the spaniards and americans even though we are out gunned outmatched and outnumbered.
Is that not to be proud of? This trait is our heritage and its one of our most noble traits as a race. And if someone thought that we are not a great race, having this in our hearts and in our minds, would you not be offended?
To abandon our pride of being a filipino race is to dishonor their sacrifice, the sacrifice of our OFWs.
You should better reasearch more before posting these articles.
very well said. talk about FACTS and not baseless opinions on stupid carb mentality inflicted virus like most of the people here have!
what do you want to do with FILIPINOS??? bury them with all your hate and racist opinions and steal away anything that could inspire and uplift them??????? gosh!!!!!! people nowadays are SICK!!! big time SICK in their senses!
That wasn’t pride, that was just desperation to survive. And remember, people still die of stupidity in disasters like Ondoy, because we tend to be unprepared. Looking for pride is not the answer, being prepared in the right manner for disasters is. Resilience is only something we are forced to resort to because of another “noble trait,” which is lack of preparation. I wouldn’t be proud of that. Add to that the stupidity of residing in places that shouldn’t be, like mountainsides that later collapse in landslides.
And “resilience” is found in every country, it isn’t uniquely Filipino.
“Is that not to be proud of? This trait is our heritage and its one of our most noble traits as a race. And if someone thought that we are not a great race, having this in our hearts and in our minds, would you not be offended?”
There is no ‘race’, as proven by the Human Genome Project, also considering the Filipinos in over 400 years have long mixed with the rest of Asia and some of Europe.
And you’re totally missed the point. How can you say that we are noble when you express disdain to foreigners who have contributed to the modernization of the country and the knowledge they have shared?
And if it’s because of our so-called ‘traits’ if most Filipinos always play the victim card when things mess up?
You should better research before you whine, bitch and moan.
Your post is a proof that you are indeed STUPID. 😛
There is no morale boost for Filipinos when we talk about INDIVIDUAL achievements.
Spain’s inflicted virus in our culture? Lies. The Spaniards came, instilled a class system and education. Much like people like you mock at the Spanish who brought the Catholic religion, embrace it as the national religion but still find ways to screw its concepts up. And it’s the fault of every Filipino like you about why we have a flawed, dysfunctional culture.
And the ‘crab mentality’ shtick fits more on people like you. Wanna know why?
Crab mentality is for CRAB PEOPLE. Taste like crab, walk like people. They had a tough shell but total softies on the inside. Just resorting into emotional outbursts rather than logical thinking, as it was evident in your comment.
pinoy pride
pinoy excuses (e.g., blaming spanish colonization)
seriously man, you should get your head checked.
False pride is a mechanism for the avoidance of shame.
Vicarious pride a means to mitigate inferority.
“Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority”.
– Arthur Schopenhauer, Aphorisms
Brilliant quotes! Even better than Arthur Schopenhauer’s due to their brevity.
These are going straight to my quotes collection file.
libertas, I will attribute them to you, of course.
“My country right or wrong” – one of the worst attitudes anyone could have.
AGAIN!!! What harm can any Filipino do to you by being proud of their kababayan’s achievements???? even my neighbor who was promoted from being a lieutenant at the air force now a captain, i made sure to let him know i am proud of his achievement, and he was inspired to work harder and inspire other military officers as well… WHERE IS THE EVIL IN THIS??? haters will remain haters for they are the worst virus in our society. GET LOST!
As Benign0 said, “be proud of them, not because of them.”
Maybe you should GET LOST because you are totally missing the point.
True pride as a country comes from COLLECTIVE, not INDIVIDUAL achievements. CRITICAL TH INKING and PROGRESS are also important but I’m very positive that you don’t have one.
Get lost because you can’t accept the fact that you’re BUTTHURT because you’re only choice is to respond with emotional outbursts. Sorry, but the likes of you are to be considered being the worst virus in our society because our society and culture is flawed and dysfunctional because of people like you.
Deal with it. 😛
You, sir are one of those people that really needs to breath in and absorb what is in this message.
I’m sick of people with piss poor debating skills using “HATERZ GNA HATE LOL” as a defense.
It’s almost as bad as just ending an argument with “whatever”.
Another self-hating article from self-hating Pinoys. Go f yourselves.
And go f*ck your false sense of pride because you’re encouraging everyone to delude themselves. 😛
How about you respect other people’s opinions, instead of replying to each and every one here that does not agree with you or the author? You point to their style of writing, yet you use the f word so liberally and end your tirades with a smiley.
Opinions can be BIASED. Facts have none.
As Margaret Thatcher said: “Listen to WHAT I say, not HOW I say it.”
I can now consider yours as an EMO comment.
does it not tire you to be this dumb? ugh.
this country’s most abundant but useless resource: point-missers.
F*ck this country. I think it’s true that “Pinoy Pride” is the cancer of this goddamn country. Some of our dumb-ass countrymen feel insulted when foreign people point out the problems in our country. They feel oppressed and insulted when it is really the truth. Just look at Manila. Dan Brown described it as the “Gates of Hell” in his book entitled Inferno. And guess what happened? You got it! The majority of our countrymen didn’t agree with it and reacted as if it wasn’t true at all. They’re like, “OMG, someone insulted us/ our country! We are a superior race of people and nobody should ever do that to us!” Psssh. Really? Seriously? Philippines, just please take a good look at yourself. We quickly point fingers when somebody points us to the mirror. I think it is totally wrong. We shouldn’t look at it negatively but instead we should use their criticism to team-up and change what’s wrong with us. We should “purify” our country of the impurities it has.
And those are people who are indeed the worst virus in our society.
Keyword: ONION-SKINNED. :p
Pessimistic loser
At least I have hope for this country by using critical thinking and not other way around.
Most of Filipinos have victim mentality. And it’s not right.
“We are a superior race” was never true. C’mon give me a hit on who said that besides you or anyone from this forum. I want a legit video.
Here’s a legit video:
I believe that most of the Filipinos say that they are being proud, but in reality it looks more like his achievements are also my achievements, you will hear news about people fighting over the achievements of their so called idols more than the actual person does meaning that it means more to them than the actual person does, so to speak that being proud is different from delusional thoughts that you also achieved what your so called idols achieved, but don’t get me wrong being proud is not bad, but being egotistic about some other peoples achievements and claiming it as if you are part of his success is different. Also i believe that the main point of this article is that mostly it is us Filipinos(collectively speaking) are the ones who actually put us to this situation, it’s really simple, why would someone be angry at us if we didn’t have the reputation of being assholes and jerks specially when we travel to other countries and bring our “probinsyano” mentality, no offense to the people in the provinces, but it really shows that pride also goes with that sense cause they don’t want to change and they think that the way they act in their provinces is what they should be doing and its the superior thing to do; a good example would be just walking in the sidewalk, you will see a lot of people walk in the middle of the road no care even if you know that its for the cars, but wait its the other way around nowadays its the car who should be scared of the pedestrians and as you honk your horn for them to move out of the road they would look at you like its their right to walk on the road, as like in the provinces where most people walk on the roads with no care at all even when there are sidewalks. This is just an example, but getting to the point, there is no excuse for what we have right now as all most of the masses still have the idol mentality and the thus the filipino people divided into poor and rich, and sadly rich intelligent people are only getting richer and poor people only getting poorer and poorer, and as the other posters here said it is only you and you alone who can determine whether you will be successful in life or not, it will still come down to one decision, “Your Decision”.
Your decision. As the saying goes, nasa tao yan.
Leave it to Filipinos to claim that they are “resilient”, when taken from another point of view, they are “mediocre” and “resistant to change”.
What the hell is there to be proud of if you’re just barely making it through? Pwede-na-yan? Filipinos as a collective consistently fail to learn from the mistakes of their past in order to build something substantial that they truly can be proud of in the future.
Being “proud of” someone is not the same as being “proud to be Pinoy” because of someone. The former shows happiness for another’s accomplishments; the latter indicates transitivity of success simply by link of being Filipino.
It is expressed simply by this trail of Filipino logic failure:
Manny P. is a successful Filipino;
I am Filipino;
therefore, I am also successful.
Does not follow. Pinoy Pridist morons should go back to Philosophy class and take it again.
Ang tagumpay ng X ay tagumpay nating lahat.
That’s how we are brain-washed by TV shows. Nah, it’s their victory alone.
This. I feel that instead of encouraging people to ride on achievements, media should encourage people to work hard and be successful like their Pinoy Pride icons.
I cannot abide by Pinoys being proud of a successful compatriot of theirs abroad while they sit on their bottoms and do nothing.
That’s the problem exactly. Thanks.
People who claim “resilience” is a supposed Filipino value should read this.
minor correction, self-entitlement is not a word
Self-entitlement is a term than a word.. -_-.
pati ba naman yun self-entitlement sinama pa sa editing? hindi naman english class to ah.
Onga no. I made it “sense of self-entitlement,” with the Urban Dictionary has.
I don’t think we should lose that pride and I don’t think it will cause our downfall. This prideful behavior is not exclusive to Filipinos. It is inherent in every race or every individual. It is just not pronounced in some races because they don’t need to adamantly express it. They express it in other ways… in subtle ways. The white people are an example. They have it in their minds that they are superior based on their historical heritage. They have colonized and enslaved other races for years and now it is established that they are the most powerful race in the world. They have established to the whole world that their standard of living is the right one. They branded other races as third world. They have propagated their own standard for beauty and they have done that successfully. So now they don’t need to blatantly express their pride about their race. On the other hand, we Filipinos have come to accept their standards and based on their standards we are poor and ugly. So, we strive so hard to attain what they have and look the way they do. We have come to the point that we worship the western people. We have accepted that we are inferior. Our looks became an indelible mark of our inferiority. We can never change it, thus we’ll always feel as second rate beings compared to them. The only way we Filipinos would be able to at least gain a bit of pride or recognition is by calling attention to ourselves through those Filipinos that gained some fame in the western world. It is as if saying, “hey you white skinned people who look down on me for being ugly, I share the same blood as that famous Filipino – I am also worthy.” When we encounter news about a Filipino murdering a famous western person, we keep silent but deep within us we still have that pride saying, “no one messes with Filipinos.” Finally, we should, begin to set-up our own standard of beauty and living so we will not need to clamor for the attention of the western people. They will become irrelevant. We will not need to go over there to get what they have or show that, “hey, we are also worthy of attention.” This pride is what drove Jose Rizal and the Katipuneros to give us our identity. We should be glad and hold on to the pride that Lapu-Lapu slayed Magellan for double-crossing him. We should always hold on to that sense of pride that, “no one messes with Filipinos.” If we completely lose this pride which now we, from time to time only express by saying,”we are also worthy” by identifying ourselves with some world famous Filipinos, we will utterly become slaves in the most possible subtle way at this time and age.
The real problem of Filipinos is the lack of Proper Self-Respect, which in turn leads to narcissism and riding on others’ achievements. Of course, you wouldn’t ride on others’ achievement if you had self-respect. 😉
White isn’t a race…it’s a skin colour. The cultural and history of various countries with mostly caucasian populations is varied. Some might have colonized…many didn’t. Does the Saudi enslave when he employs a filipino for a few dollars? Do the Chinese believe they are superior for their historical heritage?
Races are’nt branded third world…countries and economies are, including until recently many in eastern Europe.
What is the “white race” standard of beauty, given the popularity in western countries of darker skinned beauties? Filipinos have set-up their own standard of beauty. It seems to me that Filipinos are more obsessed with white skin than any white skinned person I know. You assume that the majority of “white skinned” people “look down …for being ugly”. It is this very belief that damages self esteem and leads to false pride as a defence.
So your answer is that when a Filipino “murdering” a western person you can have pride because “no one messes with a Filipinos”. This is completely dysfunctional. It is the very thing that this article is about. You are no doubt completely outraged though when a Filipino is mistreated by anyone….other than another Filipino.
You are unworthy because of how you think and behave….not because of your skin or face…and it is you that has declared it so.
actually it HAS become the problem. pride is actually a negative word. its a sin diba? this new form of crab mentality of getting even a 1/8 person and labeling as pinoy just so wed get uplifted is also a problem. i wish itd be more patriotic than pride. yes what you just commented is a problem to. kelangan ba makipag yabangan? no one messes with you when they see you ARE something.
My sentiments exactly!
who in their freaking right mind would say, Pacman won and beat his rival so i am pacman as well and could beat all you mexicans??? SICK people like haters in this blog are making up imaginations and delusions of situations that are baseless and pointless!!! you are all whine and blah blahs but have any of you made a difference for our country??? why see the negative side of filipinos who are proud of other filipino’s achievement when you can use your tiny puny effort on making yourself worthful for this country? do u honestly believe that your blogs and comments are adequate and beneficial to any one??? you are making a mockery of yourself and your country!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!!! before you criticize your own country, make sure you have done something honorable to lift this country up!!!! all you do is BITCH & WHINE like a little spoiled brat! mind you, the FILIPINO spirit will never die but you will!
“do u honestly believe that your blogs and comments are adequate and beneficial to any one???”
“all you do is BITCH & WHINE like a little spoiled brat!”
LOL. And here you are, posting a comment with pretty much no benefit, “bitching and whining” about this article.
“before you criticize your own country, make sure you have done something honorable to lift this country up!!!!”
Here’s a question for you: have YOU done something honorable for the country? It seems that you’re just making a fool of yourself. Haters or not, they make a hell of a lot more sense than you. Were they able to strike a nerve? Your comment seems to be more of emotion than logic, really.
true that…
“why see the negative side of filipinos who are proud of other filipino’s achievement”
Did you actually read and understand the article or did your emotions again get hold of you and just let lose comments on things you don’t really understand? There is nothing wrong with being “proud of” these people because of their achievements but to be “proud of being a Pinoy” because of these successful people is a no-no and unacceptable.
Please, read again the article and digest everything. If you still can’t understand, and won’t accept it, then it’s your problem.
Really, we’re going around in circles with people like you who use the hearts to think for themselves instead of their brains.
ChinoF is stupid as a rock. So talking to him won’t make any sense. He’s someone trying to make a name for himself but to his dismay he’ll be earning 30k a month tops for a long long time. Pitiful. 😀
And talking to YOU won’t make any sense because of your pathetic one liners and your baseless comments.
you’ve just made yourself an example of exactly why it makes no sense to be proud to be pinoy, judging from your typical pinoy emo butthurt behaviour. backfire much, silver?
actually 30K is not bad 😀
Looks like you’ve been living under a rock if you don’t see those examples of what I described. 😉
The unfortunate truth is, I think most Filipinos have been living under a rock…
I think Filipinos are generally racists to be honest. If you have one filipino (Male or female) in a talent show,you will have random pinoys hate on the rest of the races. Remember the American Idol season with Jessica Sanchez? If you read the youtube videos, you will see that 90% of the filipino posters bash holly. They make lies of her being jealous, fake, etc.. you can really see that they are using that pinoy pride in elevating another one of their race higher than anybody and being “envied on” by the other non-filipino contestants. I remember when Joshua (American Idol contestant with Jessica Sanchez) tweeted about not being excited about the AI flight to the Philippines,filipinos misinterpreted that as him not being excited about going to the Philippines. You had filipinos tweeting or commenting attacks such as “we are not excited for you… you are just jealous of losing to Jessica..who are you we never heard of you”. When in reality, Joshua literally had the most standing ovations in AI history, and it just showed that Filipinos can’t read properly and will automatically view racism everywhere.
There is allot more examples i can type too but i don’t have the time right now.
In short, Dear Filipinos:Stop being racists.. no one looks down on your race and no one looks up to your race. There is no such thing as a special race so please take that out of your minds.
PS: American is not a race, i know that 80% of the filipinos think White automatically = american, which is why Pinoys where complaining that racism was the reason Jessica Sanchez got top 2. But please check some grade school books to know that you can be any race and still be american.
It’s common for Filipinos to trash talk others. They even issue death threats. Just recall the Adam Carolla debacle. There’s a whole load of facepalm from Filipino reactions there.
Firstly, to be precise most ethnic groups are racist not only Filipinos. Yes, they can be judgmental but tell me who isn’t at this generation?.. The fact that they cannot accept “losing” does not mean they’re racist.
Yes, but if Filipinos lost fair and square, then they should accept it, and strive to improve themselves and do better next time. Instead of claim that they were “cheated.” That means they refuse to improve themselves out of laziness.
Hoy Valiente, ignorante ka. Maka Pinoy Pride ka, ingles ka naman ng ingles. Buti sana kung maayos, baluktot naman!
Hoy, aminin mo na na insecure tayong mga Pilipino. At excuse me, madami akong dapat ikaproud! Nagbabayad ako ng buwis. Bumoboto ako ng tama. Namumuhay ako sa isang disenteng paraan. Pero para maisigaw lang sa internet “Pinoy Pride! Woohoo!” dahil ayokong isipin ng mga banyaga na hindi ako pulpol tulad ng iniisip nila ay kacheapan! Oo, nakakaproud ang achievements ng mga kababayan natin. Pero dapat mainspire ako non para pagbutihin ko din at magaya ko sila, hindi yung ngawa lang ako sa internet. Bobo mo!
thanks for making me famous. you’re all talk but no brain. who cares about your puny achievement???
Funny is that the “you’re all talk but no brain” tag points on to you. Did you even know about “EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS”?
Oh wait, you don’t. 😛
PINOY PRIDE = sense of entitlement; believing you’re better than others; exaggerating achievements and talents; believing you are special and acting accordingly; believing others are jealous of you; taking advantage of others (manipulative); fantasizing about success, attractiveness, power; failing to recognize the feelings of others; always needing praise and admiration; being jealous of others; being easily hurt by criticism to the point of dangerous anger = NARCISSISM.
Usually stems from a sense of shame and humiliation, and a damaged self esteem.
The amazing thing is that not only do an inordinate number of filipinos display these behaviour but they are able to convey it as a nation.
i don’t think the whole point of this article is true. First of all, it is a complete generalization of what Filipinos are. So the author also abides by the same logic which he hates (which he says the filipinos have)
Some filipinos are successful.
I am Filipino, therefore I am successful.
Same as:
Some Filipinos are overly concerned about pride while they do nothing to make their lives better.
All Filipinos are overly concerned about pride while they do nothing to make their lives better.
Same way of thinking. Anyway, if you think my first point is not true then I shall continue with my other points. I agree, though, that most Filipinos boast about the being partly Filipino of some known people as stated in the start of the article when in fact those people would not really call themselves “Filipino.” First of all, these people do not have their loyalty or allegiance to our country so in my mind they’re really not Filipinos and being Filipino, for them, is just some sort of ethnicity and not really a sort of nationality (which in turn would invoke nationalism). However, I would agree with the author on this point ONLY.
I believe ALL races would have that sort of feeling “special” and that sort of pride. Colonialization even is rooted on the sense that these countries think they are superior enough to IMPOSE their own beliefs on others. Don’t you think that’s a more obvious and destructive manifestation of pride itself? Even the whole Nazi thing started because some Germans thought they were better than the Jews. So this is not a characteristic EXCLUSIVE to the Filipinos. If you want more recent examples just look at the US going to war with Iraq and those other places. They may even say that they are only helping them. Well who ever said they were in a better position to help? (Although they are economically better off but I would bet those countries never asked for their help in the first place). Look at all those American soldiers raping Filipino women like their just some sort of sex item. Isn’t that a sign of superiority, and thus, pride? So I would say this is really not something exclusive for the Filipinos so if you’re gonna hate on the Filipinos for this then hate on everyone else.
Next point, some races would not have to assert the greatness of their race because they are practically known to everyone, and the success of their race is known to everyone. The Philippines, however, is such a small country. To add to that, we’re even a poor country. There are not a lot of Filipinos (compared to other races) who become successful globally so I would get why it makes “Filipinos proud.” Although I would argue that not all (probably just some really really really few people) would think that “Hey you know what arnel pineda, lea salonga, manny pacquiao, blah blah blah are filipinos and successful. I’m Filipino, I AM SUCCESSFUL AND TALENTED ALL HAIL ME” NO ONE ACTUALLY THINKS THAT. Well, not that extreme. Though they may think that way but just more subtle. Like in a sense it gives people hope that “hey, Filipinos can excel too, Filipinos can be like that too” And maybe it stems from an insecurity but what isn’t to be insecure about? You have decades and decades of history that shaped us into thinking that some races are better than us and now you’d finally think that hey some Filipinos can excel too just like them and wouldn’t that make you happy? (Obviously not since you are pretty sour about the topic but it could serve as an assurance to some Filipinos and an ideal to strive for)
“Filipinos are the ones declaring themselves inferior, and then imagine someone else saying it, like a foreigner.” as I have said previously, it’s decades and decades of brainwashing. And I, personally, wouldn’t go to an insecure person saying “YOU ARE STUPID OKAY GET OVER IT STOP WHINING YOU STUPID LITTLE PIECE OF…. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!!” and that’s what this post is basically doing.
Another point, in one paragraph you stated all the bad and shameful things that Filipino INDIVIDUALS did like killing. Well I am partly sorry that some Filipinos are like this but aren’t there serial killers in other countries? Terrorists? Robbers? Psychos? Or whatever shameful bad thing people do. NEWS FLASH, THERE ARE A LOT. And I don’t go around saying “HEY YOU AMERICANS STOP FEELING PROUD ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY WHEN BLAH BLAH BLAH KILLED 100++ PEOPLE!” Just because some individuals are bad doesn’t make the whole country bad just like just because some individuals are good doesn’t make the whole country good. It is ignorant to say that Filipinos do not care at all about the crimes some other Filipinos do.
Lastly, I don’t think you can blame ALL OF THE COUNTRY’S FAILURE solely on pride. Why can’t corruption stop? BECAUSE OF PRIDE. That’s what you said but I don’t think so. It’s not that the people don’t wanna stop corruption because they think they’re already perfect. They can’t stop corruption because of a lot of other factors. And also, if you ask the poor filipinos who are really living in less fortunate conditions, I don’t think any one of them would say “I’M PERFECT AND TALENTED AND SUCCESSFUL ALL HAIL ME” Most of them feel down and it’s just these little successes that make them feel a sense of hope in their own race or in their country or that they could ever elevate their living. It becomes some sort of ideal that they strive for (although, yes, some people are really inherently lazy and do not do shit to improve their lives but some people actually try). How selfish is it of you to take that hope and take that sense of assurance from them away?
So, in conclusion, being proud does not always equate to “pride” in that bad sense. It’s what people do with it. It’s how people act upon it (whether they’d think it translates to them or they’d see it as a window of hope). It’s what people make of it. It doesn’t necessarily make them bad or stupid. Btw, I saw in your description “He believes he is right.” Such a proud person, do you think you’re bad?
correction, not just “partly sorry” that FIlipinos did this. I mean I feel really awful about it and I hate them for doing such things.
I hate this site! I hope I didn’t click it from my newsfeeds. Shame on this person.
my sentiments exactly!
Well, both of you should be ashamed of yourselves because both of you have totally missed the point.
EMO pricks. <_<
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I could laugh at that comment all day but I don’t have the time. I’ve never been called an EMO in my life hahahahahaha well that’s new lol and btw i’m totally not ashamed of myself 🙂
@i hate this article:
Laugh all you want but what I’ve said is true. One who goes with emotional outbursts are branded as EMO.
You’re not using LOGICAL THINKING. If you do, then you’ll be ashamed of yourself. 😀
Well, I think I am logical and I wouldn’t bother proving it to you. I don’t see anything about this that makes it emotional and illogical anyway.
@ Winter Soldier
and btw, if you are logical you should know that if you were in a debate it is WRONG to attack the individual. calling me an emo prick does not make you any better or prove your point.
Again, I do. If you’re not an EMO prick then why bother attacking this article in defense of a pride that doesn’t exist?
That’s my point.
wintersoldier, how do you know that the pride you say does not exist? you just sound stupid for saying “pride that does not exist” because the mere fact that you acknowledge it means that it does exist. need i simplify it further?
and btw, mr. author, it’s contradictory when you say Filipinos think they’re so perfect and they’re the ones who impose on themselves that they are inferior. If you think you’re perfect you would never think you’re inferior because what else is greater than perfection? a bit odd isn’t it?
Nah, he’s not contradicting himself. You just prove yourself that you play the victim card just like your ilk?
Or maybe you don’t even realize it?
there’s a point why i put a question mark at the end. and that’s because it is precisely a question so thank you for answering my query. and i am not a victim because I don’t think I’m even as great as manny pacquiao or lea salonga or any other globally recognized filipino. And I think it is up to myself to prove if I could be great and their success does not translate to me. And I don’t even brag that Jessica Sanchez is Filipino or the Miami heat coach is Filipino. Clearly, you don’t know me. I’m not speaking for myself here, dudee. 🙂
@i hate this article:
Then why bother? Because what the author said is true and it hurts your false pride?
and btw, if you are logical you should know that if you were in a debate it is WRONG to attack the individual. calling me an emo prick does not make you any better or prove your point.
@ Winter Soldier
Why bother? Why do people bother to write about the poor when they’re not really poor themselves? Uhmmm maybe it’s because they want to speak on behalf of other people. Call me pathetic and emotional all you want but i’m not going down to your level of insulting people
But many of people who agree with you are also insulting people. You even insult the person who made this article and even the author itself.
Please disregard them because I see that you didn’t even make sense whatsoever. It’s just another ploy to tell everyone to remain in the delusion and false sense of superiority called “Filipino Pride.”
@ Winter soldier
please enlighten me on how i insulted the author personally. I merely commented on his work. It’s not an insult. I never attacked his credentials (him being a tv news producer and all that stuff) I never said he was stupid and I never said he was emotional or pathetic. Never any adjective regarding his personal life actually. and as i said filipino pride can be delusional or it can me not. it may be delusional for some but not for others.
Good thing because the people replied to you in agreement are also dumb people who resorted to emotional outbursts, which is annoying.
But unfortunately, the term “Filipino Pride” is a delusion to many, not for some or others. True pride comes from critical thinking and progress. That is what the Philippines need. I’m not even proud of our present government system and not even proud of an incompetent president, etc. and stuff like that.
“dumb people,” “emotional outbursts,” “annoying” lol no sense continuing a conversation with someone who keeps insulting people.
@stop insulting people:
So you admit that you are EMO. Because you focus more on words than context. Playing the victim card is actually cool.
Stop insulting yourself.
It wasn’t contradictory. You are so missing his point for one obvious reason…you are possessing the attitudes being discussed on this article. — being sensitive, inferiority complex, thus not accepting the criticisms (eg.words, sentences, articles, jokes, etc that doesn’t please their Filipino blood) thrown at them.
“So this is not a characteristic exclusive to Filipinos” — oh my god, for real?? I can’t believe you just said that. We’ll who said it’s only exclusive to Filipinos? It’s one of the ugliest common reaction too of Filipinos when their mistakes or flaws are being pointed out–“hindi lang naman tayo, pati mga puti ganyan din, mas malala pa.” (so what, it’s ok to do the same thing?) obviously Philippines is not the only country having corrupt officials, being egoistic, having crimes, etc etc. And also, you don’t need to mention “recent” issues about the same topic, just to turn the table around.
Your state of mind is one of things I dislike from “common people” thinking alike.
Your sarcasm describes you best.
i completely agree, tyra. you said exactly what i had in mind.
Well said, Tyra.
Individuals who are too many already, and they have become representatives of our country in the eyes of other countries. Really now, ever heard of the principle that you represent the group/company/organization/family you belong to, and that your action can be construed as the action of your group? Think about that.
yeah but i’m saying individuals who do bad stuff are all around the globe. they’re not exclusively filipinos. Think about that too 🙂
But there are Filipinos still doing bad stuff. Don’t divert attention away from them. It’s like abetting the crime.
and i never said the Philippines is not a poor corrupted country. I’m just replying on your point about pride.
yeah i know there are Filipinos doing bad stuff I never said there weren’t any Filipino doing bad stuff did I? But there are a lot of people doing bad stuff too. and there are a lot of people doing good stuff. and I never said Filipinos doing bad stuff is no reason to be ashamed of the country
I’m not ashamed of the country. I’m ashamed of “bad stuff.” Either you hammer at the “bad stuff,” or you’re turning a blind eye to them.
i’m not ashamed of the country either i’m just saying i never said it can’t be a reason to be ashamed. gosh. and you hammer at the bad stuff okay you don’t turn a blind eye on them. doesn’t mean you have to turn a blind eye on the good stuff too. and the subject of my comment and the article is filipino pride not filipino goodness or badness. no point arguing with you anyway cause you believe you are right as said in your description.
in short no one should point out what’s wrong to somebody when you are not going to do it to all the others. what a moron.
In other words, don’t point out the errors of others at all. Turning a blind eye to evil. Hence, “all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.”
@chinof and tehot, when you guys are tired arguing with this poor excuse for a brick wall let’s go grab a few brewskis we can all be proud of. your treat! 😛
@tehot: It’s exactly like what GW said from Metal Gear Solid 2 (5:58-6:35):
I agree with your sentiments for the most part. Being “Pinoy Pride”, unfortunately, is getting more bad rap, than, say “Chilean Pride” or “Malaysian Pride” (or so it seems anyway.) The thing is, “Pinoy Pride” has gotten a bad reputation that we need to examine ourselves and reflect why this is the case.
What is this? You are not a Filipino! Just shut up! You really are weird even among the weird, an outcast even among outcasts. That’s why you don’t belong, you are an outcast! Shame on you! You don’t know what a Filipino Pride is!
Tell me what Filipino Pride is and maybe I will believe in you. Because…
You can’t be proud of what you didn’t ACHIEVE, idiot. You were born a Filipino, much like I was. Hence we both cannot take ‘pride’ in something we were put into. I’ll give you 2/10 for ‘proud’ trolling.
Talaga? I think I am the Right Kind of Pinoy. Try to prove that you’re the same, I’ll believe you. 😛
You’re demented for believing you’re any different! You’re pathetic! Lol! 😉
silver is the REAL demented one because of senseless ad hominem attacks and trolling.
You’re pathetic! LAWL! 😀
Can’t get satire when they see it. If that’s how most Pinoys are, then we have a problem, Houston.
And what achievements do you have instead of being a palamunin on riding some Filipino’s goal you indio? You have 12 hours to name them and impress us. Begin.
ChinoF is one of the reasons that makes this country a worse place. Period.
Tarnished Silver makes use of ad hominems to cover up for lack of any valid arguments.
And silver is one of the reasons that makes this country ‘the sick man of Asia’. Period. 😛
You fail to impress us for not answering my question and just gone hostile utak squatter. Iyan lang ba ang kaya mong ibuga indio?
Ay alam ko yan! Yung pride ay yung luto sa mantika! I love Filipino pride. Especially if it’s chicken. Filipino pride chicken. Yum!
What a stupid article.
A lot of the points mentioned here are very weak, subjective, and have no ground whatsoever.
1.) Pinoy Pride seems to be the belief that Filipinos are a special people from the rest of the world, and thus deserve special respect.
– I’m with you til the last statement. Where did you find out that Filipinos demand special respect from others?
2.) For example, they insist that no one has the right to make Pinoys the butt of jokes.
– Just because Filipinos react when they get insulted? Well if you insult a race publicly, you’ll definitely receive some backlash. No one has the right to talk down to anyone. Whether it was said by a comedian or not, there will always be people who’ll take offense to it.
3.) Unfortunately, this all goes down the toilet when you find that these vocal “proud Pinoys” are actually cockroaches who are too lazy to work, go drinking all day and want to milk their relatives dry.
– Of course there are Filipinos who are lazy, drink a lot etc. But what makes you label those same people as “proud Pinoys”? Because they engage in comment-wars in Facebook, Youtube, and blog sites? Or they wear a 3 stars and a sun shirt and drink in a bar all day? Or are those the ones that post stuff comparing like Boracay to Hawaii, Makati to NY, etc? Those are the lazy cockroaches?
.. Then some shit about pride being bad, well duh. And Pinoy Pride = self entitlement that doesn’t feed the hungry..
4.a.) Why is corruption so hard to remove?
– You can never remove corruption completely, dummy. Corruption will always be there.
4.b.) Because the people are too proud to change.
– And.. crab mentality.
Also, the caption to your Pacquiao KO image clearly shows you know nothing about boxing. First of all, anyone can fail. And as Ali said, the fight is won or lost in the gym. “Pride” failed that night because he was overconfident (for a few seconds) towards a guy who has tirelessly prepared for that fight. Marquez ate, slept, breathed Pacquiao leading up to that.
I totally agree with you. This article is nonsense.
Your interpretation of my article is just as weak, subjective and having no ground. Because there are other examples of what I say that you deliberately miss.
@M: You’re actually stupid if you ask me, because you’re now in the long list of whiny, angry emo pricks spewing nonsense.
1.) I’m with you til the last statement. Where did you find out that Filipinos demand special respect from others?
-It happens all the time. When some foreign comedian makes a joke about the Philippines then most Filipinos got mad and even demanded an apology. The Adam Carolla and the Tsip Hao debacles are a proof.
2.) Just because Filipinos react when they get insulted? Well if you insult a race publicly, you’ll definitely receive some backlash. No one has the right to talk down to anyone. Whether it was said by a comedian or not, there will always be people who’ll take offense to it.
-Lies. Your missed the point because most countries don’t act like that. South Park and Family Guy would have a word for you. 🙂 And Russia didn’t get mad when David Letterman made a joke one-time that he wants to have a Russian mail bride. See the difference. Keyword is BALAT-SIBUYAS.
3.) Of course there are Filipinos who are lazy, drink a lot etc. But what makes you label those same people as “proud Pinoys”? Because they engage in comment-wars in Facebook, Youtube, and blog sites? Or they wear a 3 stars and a sun shirt and drink in a bar all day? Or are those the ones that post stuff comparing like Boracay to Hawaii, Makati to NY, etc? Those are the lazy cockroaches?
-That’s nonsensical. It’s more like false Pinoy Pride. That concept is already shit. It is an ideology of nothing but delusion and a false sense of superiority.
4.a.) You can never remove corruption completely, dummy. Corruption will always be there.
-Point f*cking missed. Corruption will always be there but controlling it is the only thing to do. Not just the government but also the people.
4.b.)And.. crab mentality.
-Crab mentality is just a myth. If it’s not, then it’s for CRAB PEOPLE. Taste like crab, walk like people. They have a tough shell, but total softies on the inside, resorting to emotional outbursts rather than logical thinking.
ChinoF was right. Your points are very weak.
hahahahahahahahaha see you always gotta start your comments with insults don’t you? 🙂 just a little observation
Use a little brains, would you? If he’s gonna react, then it’s his fault.
Keyword: BRAINS.
So you proved that you’re actually EMO? Just a little observation. 😀
a little brains hahahahahaha i don’t think that’s grammatically correct. it’s like “can i have a little bananas” you can’t have a little of many. i think it should be “use a little BRAIN” Keyword: BRAIN
well it could be little bananas but the since you said “a” it suggests the noun is singular 🙂
but since*
pinoy nga naman oo. Ginagamit palagi ang puso hindi ang utak.
@stop insulting people:
Now you went grammar nazi mode. Isn’t that what you call ‘insulting people’?
Just to clarify.
lol if you’re actually civil and “logical” you would argue properly and not using insults. insults don’t work in court. you don’t call the other lawyer stupid and pathetic it wouldn’t count anyway.
btw, it’s what i call “correcting” when a teacher corrects a student’s paper he/she’s not insulting him/her. he/she’s insulting him/her if he/she called the student stupid and illogical.
@stop insulting people:
“btw, it’s what i call “correcting” when a teacher corrects a student’s paper he/she’s not insulting him/her. he/she’s insulting him/her if he/she called the student stupid and illogical.”
There’s a difference, especially in a blog. It can mean two things like: 1. insulting a person in order to save your own face or 2. trolling.
I encountered some people like that but they aren’t even helpful because of the way that they post.
Stupid isn’t an insult. It’s a fact.
Oh my god, I agree with all your point WinterSoldier. I hope South Park will have an episode making fun about Filipinos, I’m pretty sure they will feel insulted again and demand for apologies. Filipinos always feel insulted. Whenever you find or mention their flaws, they will always find things to say to attack you, such as your grammar, or you insulting your race, or you bringing Filipinos down..etc etc kind of sensitivity… False pride it is.
There was that Pugad Baboy strip, and that went WELL with some Pinoys…
Oh my God. Just. Please. Stop calling people names to start your arguments. Who died and made you god of all opinions right? People like you who attack anybody that comes here with a different point of view do not make it easier for us to reconsider the idea you are selling.
And please stop defending the author like he needs anybody to do it for him.
I myself cannot help but feel that this article tries too hard to nitpick, bitch and whine about something so…insignificant. It tries to look at something generally good and turn it into an idea that mocks your countrymen. As a whole, the article screams condescending.
I got 2 words for you indio: Butthurt Philippines
Woohoo! New material!
1.) Pinoy Pride seems to be the belief that Filipinos are a special people from the rest of the world, and thus deserve special respect.
– I’m with you til the last statement. Where did you find out that Filipinos demand special respect from others?
lol i stopped reading this comment after this. this person must be out of touch with reality to post comments as ignorant as this.
If you say something like “Adam Carolla/Katherine Ryan/No One has the right to make us the butt of jokes,” that means you want special respect. If you can’t accept being the butt of jokes for something that’s true after all, you’re conceited.
Lol, you have no idea what a satire is.
whoever made this article cannot kill the FILIPINO SPIRIT. you will die but the FILIPINO SPIRIT WILL KEEP ON LIVING!!! Mabuhay ang PILIPINAS!!!
P I N O Y P R I D E !!!
Enjoy your false sense of pride. 😛
It is an ideology of nothing but delusion and a false sense of superiority.
Deal with it.
The real Filipino Spirit is Humility and being Hardworking.
i am with you on this one! (i’m “i hate this article” but i noticed i can’t comment anymore but i had to express my sentiments regarding your comment which i think is true.)
and btw the “stop insulting people” isn’t for you hahaha just wanna clarify that cause i do salute you for not blatantly insulting people and just voicing out your opinion. after all, it’s freedom of expression, right? 🙂
Yes, but in the Philippines, freedom of expression is used AND abused.
It’s better to state FACTS than opinions BTW.
@Winter Soldier
please tell me that you calling them stupid isn’t an opinion? did you actually know their IQ scores? 😀 and also, do you suggest opinion articles in newspapers should be abolished?
@stop insulting people:
I don’t need an IQ score to prove someone who is stupid. It’s the way of how they post, plain and simple.
TBH, opinions can be BIASED, even in newspapers. Even the current mass media itself is BIASED (with a few exceptions, of course). Your point?
o alalayan nyo to baka magpakamatay to.. haha
the filipino spirit? isn’t that tanduay or emperador or something? wait, don’t tell me. it’s white castle!
Kahol ng bayan
Marahil nga na nakakabagot
Ang mga suliranin ng ‘sang Lipunang
Sa kabiguan lamang nauuwi
Mula munting pakitang-taong ambag
Hangga’t sa mula pusong alay na palag.
Makabuluhang resulta’y di inaasam
Sa mga kilusang kinakamkam
Bagama’t punto ng pag-alsa
Kahit pinuno’y di alam
Basta’t “sugod” ang kanyang damdam.
Ngunit saysay ng sigaw di malaan
Pagka’t kailan ma’y walang nakamit
Na pag-unawa sa pinagmulang prinsipyong
Makabuluhan kung mayroon man.
Sa mga susunod na kabanata
Ng kasaysayan ng bansa
Ang paglitis ng madla
Di magtutugma sa iba
Kundi sa malinaw na pangamba:
Pinoy nga naman talaga,
Parang aso umasta
Matangkad lang kapag naka-upo
Sa tawag ng amo lang tatayo.
Pinoy nga naman talaga,
Parang aso umasta
Matangkad lang kapag naka-upo
Sa tawag ng amo lang tatayo.
That’s why they’re bitching. 😛
The comments of those who don’t understand the gist of this helpful article make me cringe.
We’ll, you can’t teach old dogs new tricks… and oh even the zombies, hehe.
It’s not just the Yellow Zombies, it’s the zombies of Mr. Personality over there in the recently smog-covered country. Unless they’ve turned Yellow themselves.
Is this is the best they could do to “improve the country?” Really now. Destroying other people based on tsismis and unproven accusation is actually going to set us back more, not bring the country forward.
You know I’ve seen this guy last year in one Philippine event here in this smog-covered country. Just saying, hehe. After I read of that article you mentioned and the things he said here, I suddenly lost respect of him.
hoi polloi talking to other hoi polloi
it deemed me to certainty that the author of this blog is CHINESE! go back to your country and stay away from our soil!!!
Wow, another unproven assumption. These commenters must have found their way from the Australopithecus era, and failed to evolve. 😛
“Commenters”? Maybe just a “Commenter” hiding behind different names to make it seem like there are a lot of them. 🙂 LOL
That’s a strategy indeed.
That “commenter” or TROLL might as well shoot himself in the head because his tactic of “attacking” GRP isn’t effective AT ALL.
I say just let him/her be. It’s actually funny for that “commenter” to just spew out nonsense and think that he/she is ‘rustling your jimmies’.
Tell that to your precious president who is CHINESE. 😛
Tits or you’re a big fat liar.
Welcome to Pinoy Butthurtology 101. Here’s a classic example of symptoms of pinoy butthurtery. Take note of the poor grammar and the racism. To be precise: Ad hominem is a sign of pinoy butthurtery. Make sure to wash and study argument flaws after contact to avoid infection.
Chino, your article reminds me of what I wrote in my previous article, Dear President Noynoy, being average is NOT being resilient:
Until Filipinos learn the real meaning behind the adjective word good in its comparative and superlative form, better and best, we cannot consider our society “resilient.”
Sadly, the reason why most Filipinos consider themselves resilient is partly because of the adjective bad. Most Filipinos actually take comfort in the thought that if the Philippines is bad, in their mind, some countries are worse or the worst off. And I do believe that Filipinos are still waiting for the day when things go from bad to worse before they do something more drastic to uplift their condition.
Filipinos think they are resilient because after a disaster strikes, they can rebuild after. It’s like, they don’t do any prevention. If they were on a jeepney speeding to its doom, instead of trying to slam the brakes, they try to brace for impact and hope they survive after. But like someone else pointed out, if other countries have flaws, they have resilience too! And the difference is that after a disaster strikes, other countries make preparations for it. Filipinos tend to think preparation is pessimism.
I get where the author of this article is coming from. Filipinos aren’t perfect. We have a LOT of flaws, inconsistencies, and weaknesses – just like any other human being.
However, we are not as bad as some people think too. While I agree that we should not be proud as in ‘conceited’ or KSP or feeling that we are indeed up for some level of entitlement, being proud as a Filipino should mean = dignity and love for your own. It’s being thankful that God made you Filipino, and making sure you become a good steward of that; meaning you give the ‘Filipino’ a good name and stand up for the good traits we have as a people.
There are things to be proud of and things to be ashamed of. God’s wisdom and a noble character would allow one to know the difference.
Yes, I agree. There are things we can be proud of and things we should be ashamed of. The problem with Filipinos is that they mix these up very often, with disastrous results.
But I take difference to “thanking God I am Filipino” and “love for your own.” I prefer to just accept that I am Filipino, without any special feelings, and I believe that we should treat everyone, even those of other nationalities, equally.
” It’s being thankful that God made you Filipino..” because Manny Pacquaio was once the greatest boxer in the world or Filipinos are known to be such a good singer in the world?
@Coffee AID Volunteer:
actually, how you’ve just expressed how we should feel about being filipino highlights the humility that is proper. i wouldn’t call it pride, because it just doesn’t fit. more of a sense of gratitude that we belong here, without lording it over non-filipinos in times of triumph or merely finding a success story elsewhere who happens to have filipino ancestry.
this pinoy pride is just divisive, unrealistic, all-attitude-and-no-substance, over-the-top OVERCOMPENSATION for a hunger to be recognized. when the japanese are congratulated for a job well done they modestly say “i’ll do better next time,” and this is in line with a never-ending pursuit of perfection (whether it’s attainable or not) – with humility. this gets them somewhere. wish we had a filipino equivalent of this japanese mindset, not this useless bullshit pinoy pride.
First of all pinoy pride is not about all the things that you mentioned it’s simply us being proud that we are Filipino even if we are rich, poor or whatsoever. You dumb prick! Get your facts right first before writing stupid things like this. You make me laugh and I pity your stupidity. 😀
Nice. All ad hominems, no real, valid counterpoints.
@C.F. Great article dude!
The Catholic Church is not all bad, as is alluded to but not specifically mentioned in ur essay. The WORST sin is MURDER, in its various forms.
I realize you are not a Psychologist/Psychiatrist but as w/all ‘sciences’:you do not need a weatherman to know where the wind is coming from.
The best point you made was/is the part about Filipino’s say something and then transplant the statement onto someone else as if they, the Filipino, is the butt of a joke or an attack. and then feel justified striking back when it was the Filipino all along that was the maker of the original comment/imaginary insult etc,etc..(it is frustrating to deal w/such idiocy, as I have found out personally.)
BRAVO to you Chino, you tell it like it is and keep this here BLOG, REAL!
Thank you, but I do welcome a differing opinion… one where brains are obviously used. hehe
ChinoF – you keep saying that, ad hominen, to everyone who disagrees with you (albeit emotionally charged I give you that), but not once to this winter guy, among others. Because he’s on your side? I mean, he’s blasting everybody here that’s on the other side of the fence and you the “when good men see bad stuff and do nothing about it”, do nothing about it.
amen! perfectly said. winter guy is probably the one who commits ad hominem the most here. but yeah they’re on the same side. ChinoF probably goes by the saying “don’t bite the hands that feed you” 😛
@hm: And when did I commit ad hominem attacks on everyone, huh?
Focus on the message, not the messenger.
‘Those who have no sin should cast the first stone.’ If you call people ‘EMO’ and ‘stupid’ w/o any analysis or intelligent point to begin, then their is something wrong with you. Gets?
Ah did your emo side being stabbed again until you cry like a little baby? pinoy nga naman ginagamit palagi ang puso hindi ang utak.
He talks more about false Filipino Pride. You didn’t even read the article, you just REACT to it. And I pity your OWN stupidity even more you totally missed the point.
If you ask me, I understand this whole article. So who’s the dumb prick?
who asked u?
U r the dumb prick, of course(you prove it all the time, right here), 4 thinking you know what someone else did as well as thinks, HA!!! You are a laugh.OH and, and and
and F@#% U and ur un-asked 4 insults douchbag!
Obvious utak squatter is indeed obvious. Running out of ammunition eh indio? Troll harder.
Um, you’re not even making sense either. So you disagree on this article?
Just saying…
what’s to be proud of just being a Filipino? why shout it just after the manny beat some opponents ass down?
Oh no. YOU should get your facts straight because you just don’t know what pride really is you katoliban hypocrite:
And we thought you have read the article and get the point of the author – that this is about the false pride we like to boast about to every nation and not the one you think it is.
No use conversing with you.
Is there some sort of a secret agency that tracks down people who have pinoy blood in their veins, even the most miniscule amount, watching them everyday, waiting for them to achieve something big. Then boom! Raise the flag, rain the confetti, and shout it out: “Pinoy Pride!”
LOL. I bet you didn’t even read the article.
“You dumb prick! Get your facts right first before writing stupid things like this. You make me laugh and I pity your stupidity.”
They are too special and perfect so you don’t have to write about these things.. hahaha! this guy can be a perfect example of this article!
You must be one of those retards who couldn’t get Jessica Ryan’s joke.
What the blogger said is true… Remember we are a REPUBLIC and DEMOCRATIC country, and we are held responsible for each other and for our motherland, and you my friend should ask yourself first, am I a Law abiding citizen, who follows every inch of the law from simple pedestrian/traffic rules up to not committing any heinous crimes? sorry my friend if you disagree, and I’m also sorry for being late to set an example for you on how a real Filipino should act
This article is weak. The mere definition of what pinoy pride is is already crumbling in itself. What makes you say that pinoy pride is what you say it is?
What makes it crumble? Please explain.
I’ll answer your question with a question. What is pride?
You explain yours first, I’ll explain mine.
dude, I asked first. 🙂
I will use the article’s definition.
‘Being proud of something doesn’t seem so bad. According to the dictionary, it can mean, “A sense of one’s own proper dignity or value; self-respect“, or, “Pleasure or satisfaction taken in an achievement, a possession, or an association, as in parental pride“. If I work hard on my lawn, dig out all the weeds, and keep it cut so it looks like a golf course, don’t I have a right to be proud of my work?
The Church, however, considers pride one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Pride can also mean, “Arrogant or disdainful conduct or treatment; haughtiness” or, “An excessively high opinion of oneself; conceit“. God does not like this attitude; we read in Proverbs 8:13, “The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.”‘
– I see that latter one as the nature of Pinoy Pride.
But I see pride as opposed to self-respect:
Here’s the Dictionary dot com definition which supports my point:
“a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.”
Keyword: inordinate. Even “high” implies it’s something bad in essence.
You fail to know what pride really is. Please google its true definition and educate yourself dahil halatang wala kang alam.
What exactly did you achieve by telling me that I don’t know anything?
btw, do you know what pride really is?
And you don’t even know what is TRUE pride, in case of what this country needs.
so wintersoldier, do you know what is true pride? please enlighten me.
so wintersoldier, do you know what true pride is? please enlighten me.
True national pride comes from COLLECTIVE than individual. What the country needs is CRITICAL THINKING and PROGRESS. That’s what true Filipino Pride comes from.
For more enlighten let George Carlin do the talking:
and by critical thinking, you mean bashing other people’s ideas rather than taking them into consideration? or bashing the people themselves?
corrections: That’s WHERE true Filipino pride comes from.
and by collective, do you mean the whole of it or just the majority?
You got a wrong perception of critical thinking. In order to help, here are some words from Eleanor Roosvelt:
“Small minds discuss PEOPLE. Average minds discuss EVENTS. Great minds discuss IDEAS.”
@ EZRA, this ‘soldier’ clown acts as if he knows everything, and knows squat!butts his 2 peso life savings into other people’s comments.
He is no soldier, he a douchbag dullard!
@Dan THE Man:
And you’re just another clown whose methods are questionable and loves to make ad hominem attacks.
Deal with it. 😛
pinoy nga naman oo inuuna palagi ang puso imbes ang utak. You’re watching too much telebasura you indio.
Hmmm. And what makes you say it is otherwise, the one you think it is and not the one the author think it is?
Maybe you can enlighten us.
I didn’t say it is otherwise. You see, the last part is a question. I wanted clarification. I can’t say it is otherwise unless the author clear things up. Please do not assume.
Now it’s time to delete silver’s comments because he’s a TROLL.
says who? you? the fraudster ‘soldier’,ha hahahahahahahaha!’soldier’,BWHAHAHAHAHA! HUT 2-3-4, hut, hut, hut 2-3-4, sound familar? No, of course it doesn’t!u no ‘soldier’, & u kno it too!!!
Fake, fake, fake 2-3-4, Fake, fake, fake 2-3-4!
Delete this desperate trolling spammer please. He’s just a waste of space.
Ad hominems full with emotions = unproductive.
Hey, Andrew Cunanan has pinoy blood…
Pinoy Pride!
A tagalog version of of this article would be nice. That way, it would reach more readers.
Here we go again! You pinoy butthurts really never learn do you? If pinoy pride means being intolerant to criticisms and posting needless violent reactions then good job. You guys are exemplary in showing pinoy pride. Bravo!
from what i see, it is the grp fans who are intolerant because everyone and anyone who disagrees with the article is immediately attacked. are you chino’s lover?
Strawman argument and trolling would never work…
prieto a.k.a. “sendong girl”
Deal with it.
Lol because most of your disagreements are in the form of insults as if you never understood the article at all.
U mad sendongslut a.k.a. jon-asshole’s wife?
Huhuhu, prieto AKA sendonggirl crying again, because the dog was sent to play with the humans and couldn’t keep up.
What you perceive as “attacks” are merely opportunities to challenge and counter-challenge assumptions. Like the typical Pinoy, you see challenges to assertions as “attacks” and can’t separate the idea from the person.
You’re not very smart, are you, sendonggirl?
I agree. sendongslut a.k.a. son-asshole’s wife’s tears are so tasty.
No but I might be yours. <3
prieto’s behind may get real sore, so be gentle, BP. butthurt gets real.
Geez, how low can you malacanang troll stooges get?
Making multiple accounts just to “attack” this article yet you still fail miserably.
Your stupidity knows no bounds.
You know, we’ll still know it’s you guys even if you change your names.
Interesting perspective on Pinoy pride. I do agree on most of your points.
Although i would just like to share some of my opinion on the matter.
First It does seem that the Filipino pride as it is now is bad but not in all instance is it bad. As it is ideally just being proud of where you come from. And yes i do agree with you that the way it is being used right now is bad.
Last is the comment about the corruption. I believe the issue of corruption is far too complex to be diluted of just being caused of pinoy pride and that they are just too proud to change. I believe that the reason why they don’t change is that there is no incentive to change. Anyway just sharing
Good article to ponder upon
Thank you. There is pride that is good, but not where you come from or your place. Its pride of solid, beneficial achievements, those with lasting significance for society.
Fvcking straight to the point. Me and my friends also puke at the thought of these pridists and their madness. We cant evolve without criticism. And we have to investigate why we are the butt of jokes.
Yes, we certainly have to investigate that. Thank you.
I think you must instead give possible solutions instead of hammering down that Pinoy Pride wont do anything.
You will find a solution in the last link within the article.
BAH!!! Filipinos like fooling selves with false pride because they are subhuman species. Hitler was wrong. Jews not inferiors. Filipinos are. AHAHAH.
They think they are present day Israelites with special purpose to make the world better because Philippines Catholic country. What a joke.
Really now, no need to go with “subhuman.” Filipinos are human beings just like anyone else. But certainly to think of oneself as “present day Israelites” or special than others in any sense is foolish.
I just use subhuman to piss off pridists. But yes, with Manny Pacquiao being treated like Jesus and his mom like the Virgin Mary, for the past decade or so Filipinos (generally) think they’re so special (as the article mentioned).
They also have this mentality, “Oh it’s okay for Filipinos to suffer God has better things in store for us than those godless Europeans.”
^ AYUN! Let Filipinos prevail while others suffer – clearly a bad attitude.
on a tangent, have you guys noticed that often when violence erupts somewhere in the world often our local news reports focus only on whether there were filipinos hurt? this comes across as insensitive to the rest of the world, but even pinoy media doesn’t seem to notice. just sayin’.
Always “looking out for our own,” but having no concern for other people of a different nationality.
Exactly. We’re pretty selfish that way. When Jessica Ryan made a satirical joke, they mistook it as an attack on our children. They reason children shouldn’t be treated that way. And a lot of them call out to foreigners to support their cause against Jessica Ryan’s “racism”.
But when children at Beslan were being raped and tortured by terrorists did anyone in this country give a fuck?
pinoy pride is good, every citizen should be proud of his heritage, i am proud of being a filipino but pushing is it on someone elses throat is just plain bad taste
what i think the writer meant is this over self-glorification (often riding on some filipino successes) which is annoyingly bad… comments like “he/she is good because he’s a pinoy” makes me wanna puke sometimes
I quite agree with you. We can be happy in our “Pinoyness,” but we certainly should avoid exaggerating it.
Yeah. We shouldn’t whore it out everytime there’s a celeb with 000000.1 Pinoy genes.
I keep saying this everyday! Im surprised my favorite Japanese idol group(AKB48) hasnt been discovered here yet from what i know one of their members is 1/2 Pinoy lol. I wanna keep it that way so I can be hipster about it too :))
Finally someone said it! I’ve been meaning to put these thoughts into words but was never able to ’cause I couldn’t explain it correctly.
“Pinoy Pride never uplifted Filipino lives. Because Pinoy Pride itself is an act to cover up Filipino failings.” Man, copyright that shit and post it around town.
To be honest, it’s more about this country being too small and unrecognized that a little something such as a Pinay singer guested on Ellen is already such a ‘big’ thing for Filipinos to be proud of because the country is being put a name to “internationally”. When in reality the main reason for her being there is just mainly her voice. The audience could hardly find a single fuck about where she came from.
But I have to disagree on pride being the dominating reason why this country is failing to change. The sole reason is really laziness. Man, Filipinos being hardworking is the biggest bullshit I’ve heard all my life.
Good point. Being proud while being lazy and doing nothing is certainly a big problem. I know there are hardworking Filipinos, but the lazy ones seem so common and pronounced enough that they drown out the hardworking ones. Sapaw.
Actually what ails Da Pinoy condition is worse than laziness — it is inefficiency. Despite the back-breaking toil of many Filipino workers, the aggregate added value to the economy fails to deliver an acceptable standard of living to the citizenry. As Nick Joaquin observed in his seminal piece A Heritage of Smallness…
Hmmm… probably because some Filipinos spend more of their long work hours having long coffee breaks and spreading stupid chismis.
arrogant ignorance
pinoy pride
contentedness with inefficiency (“pwede na yan”)
walang nararating as a nation
good luck being proud of that, fellow filipinos.
time to change that dumb mentality, for our children’s sake.
I wouldn’t really look at “Filipino Pride” as the main issue in this case. Many Filipinos, myself included, are actually very critical of each other and of the backward culture prevalent in society. We aren’t afraid of acknowledging our weaknesses, the lack of morals, of common sense inherent in majority of our people. What probably stirs up most folks over here is hearing it come from other cultures, those who judge us based on a 5-minute international news report about Manny Pacquiao being grandiosely celebrated and treated as a King, when a significant portion of educated Filipinos are baffled at how he even has a seat in our local government. Of course, asking for an apology over a very minimally distasteful comment about Filipinos may be over-the-top. But those outspoken individuals asking for the apology are an insignificant bunch, a single ant in the entire colony. Pride, most of the time in our country, is the only reason one chooses to wake up the next day.
Good points. Perhaps what you call “pride,” I call “self-respect.” They can differ.
The same can be said for gay pride.
*brings out popcorn*
Sapol! I love your article. It really makes me smile.
Bato bato sa langit, tamaan ay huwag magagalit.
Better take this as a challenge….for a change indeed.
Bato-bato sa langit, ang tamaan ay guilty, as my version goes. hehe
There you go. Just read the replies and the author of the article is absolutely right about his suppositions on the PINOY psyche. Filipinos definitely have a lot to learn from its Asian neighbors. Pinoys are proud, loud, and DEFENSIVE. They live in shanties, yet crave for the branded, expensive stuff. It tells of a shallow and wrong sense of values.
yes this article has the most comments this week. tabloids sell more than The Economist too
Yep, goes to show where their values lie. Shallowness.
Unnecessarily defensive. The insecurity of our culture is showing.
I’m proud to be an American! I have never been this proud in my life, since I got sworn-in for my US Citizenship! I’m finally a citizen of the greatest nation on Earth, a citizen of a country I can truly be proud of!
Kawawa ka naman.
It’s this person’s right to place their pride where they want to. Nationality can never dictate your pride.
Kudos to you for having the balls to write this article.
It is in articles such as yours that we see the proof of it in the commentators. We see the posters who react violently to an OPINION, biased as it may be as they say it is yours and you are entitled to it yet we see them try their best hoping to shoot it down with their own however where your’s is supported by FACT theirs is supported by EMOTION.
In most of the commentators we see the true nature of anti-intellectualism where majority of them ignore the facts of your statements and by asking rhetorical questions that only they know the answers to often accompanied by insults I might add. Their Filipino Pride blinds them to their own errors, they hate being shown the errors of their ways and it is that which causes our downfall for it is from mistakes that we learn.
To those who disagree with this article you have two proper responses to this you could simply ignore it since you believe it is wrong anyway or you could tell us your side properly without using arguments like
“Filipinos aren’t the only ones who do these/that”
That is a childlike response and the only answer to it is – “If the other nations all jumped off a bridge would you?”
To add all nations have their own form of pride we see the so called “rednecks” brandish their American Flags everywhere yet are one of the most satired sub-cultures in american entertainment yet we rarely see posts or news of violent reactions similar to those with Pinoy Pride do.
To end, Ladies and Gentlemen we do not have Pinoy Pride, we have Pinoy Arrogance
Don’t forget Pinoy Stupidity.
Whatever Aladeen you’re not invited to bomb our coral reefs
Congratulations for proving his point “dreamer”. Is that the best hostile attack you can do?
aladeen “the dictator” (amir’s avatar) played by sacha baron cohen was really funny.
but nick, if you’re telling amir off i will have to invite you to my olympics.
Whatever Nick, Filipinos themselves do a bang-up job with their own country’s resources.
since you believe this article is based on facts, can you cite an example? because there’s a lot of emo in there
Well fact number one
Filipinos always feel punctured or insulted when they are the butt of jokes.
Pinoy’s reaction(s) to
Adam Corolla
Lucy Liu’s comment on why she doesnt wanna get tanned.
Dan Brown’s Inferno
You and your kind getting offended with this article.
Fact, well rather Opinion but more of an Observed occurence.
They believe nothing should get in the way of being able to walk with their head held high, proud and happy, lording it over others.
example – When foreigners say the philippines isnt rising up economically all you people wanna here is Noynoy did this(though he actually did nothing) to raise the philippine economy and generate employment.
When Manny P wins his boxing matches all of his opponents and by relation supporters weak and stupid.
When Manny P loses nobody is allowed to insult him, pinoy’s make excuses for him and attack those that insult him(as much as I hate justin beiber A LOT of pinoys reacted against him when he made fun of Manny P which simply proves our onion-skinned attitude.)
Number 3
Filipinos insist that they deserve to be proud and that the solution to our problems is to have more pride as a people.
The fact that you want me to cite some supporting evidence means that you want Pinoy Pride to win and nothing else matters.
The fact that EVERY Pinoy wants PINOY PRIDE to be the only reason for winning at something heck if pinoys actually had Pinoy Pride we would have NEVER stopped supporting Efren Bata Reyes but where is he now? Still winning tournaments abroad but we don’t hear news because he isn’t big.
For example, they insist that no one has the right to make Pinoys the butt of jokes.
again refer to Adam Carolla, and that one British show with the maid.
Need I say more? I’m bored anyway
those are anecdotes and news items.
sample facts: skin is the largest organ. manila is the capital of the philippines.
verifiable. repeatable.
try again.
You are obviously denying these things happened… sigh this is what I said about anti intellectualism wherin you ask rhetorical questions.
Here are photo/screenshots of events as mentioned
This one is for the Lucy Liu fiasco.
Strawman arguments and trolling.
Irritating. Stupid.
Try again
You’re an idiot. That’s a good example.
See, even if the commenter cites facts, you wouldn’t believe them, because you’re selective of what you believe are “facts”.
You’re not very smart, are you, sendonggirl?
Also Pinoy Ignorance! Sometimes I’d get across some Pinoys here in New York, who do have unrefined manners, acting like morons.
more offensive than american pedophiles who prey on children in third world countries? the sanctimonious are always the most offensive
like the church
Here are some words from Tyra:
“It’s one of the ugliest common reaction too of Filipinos when their mistakes or flaws are being pointed out–”hindi lang naman tayo, pati mga puti ganyan din, mas malala pa.” (so what, it’s ok to do the same thing?) obviously Philippines is not the only country having corrupt officials, being egoistic, having crimes, etc etc. And also, you don’t need to mention “recent” issues about the same topic, just to turn the table around.
Your state of mind is one of things I dislike from “common people” thinking alike.”
And I agree with her. That comment of yours sums up PERFECTION. 😛
“It’s one of the ugliest common reaction too of Filipinos when their mistakes or flaws are being pointed out–”hindi lang naman tayo, pati mga puti ganyan din, mas malala pa.” (so what, it’s ok to do the same thing?) obviously Philippines is not the only country having corrupt officials, being egoistic, having crimes, etc etc. And also, you don’t need to mention “recent” issues about the same topic, just to turn the table around.
We see this everyday too, our poor law enforcers(the good ones) who try to do their jobs end up being antagonized when they catch jaywalkers, speeders, red light beaters and the like because they hate being caught and every one of them has this excuse “BAKIT HINDI MO HINULI YUNG NAUNA SAKIN!”
@winter soldier
here are some words from tyra
“standing before me are two beautiful girls, but i only have one photo in my hand”
there will always be someone doing worse though gaya ng sinabi ni tyra na lagi na lang “may mas malala pa.” either we keep pointing at them and diverting attention from our flaws, “bakit ako, eh sila din naman?” or we change ourselves.
Way to miss the point, prieto, AKA sendonggirl.
You’re not very smart, are you?
Yeah, thanks. You might agree, it takes a lot of balls to say what you mean to Filipinos, because they only want to hear what pleases their ears. The Bible predicted them: “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” (2 Timothy 4:3)
You bring a lot of valid points regarding Filipinos. Yes corruption exists and yes the colonial mentality still exists. However, pride is present in the hard work of OFWS and constant stability it brings in households and hospitals throughout the world. They affect whole communities in bringing excellence in their chosen work outside of the country. So be careful how you label all Filipinos.
Hes not attacking the actual “pride” of filipinos rather hes attacking the Pinoy Pride Mentality. Pride is necessary for every human being but too much of it becomes detrimental
Thank you. I’m after the wrong kind of pride which is conceit and arrogance. I’m sure you can easily find examples of those.
Well said!
If I may offer another perspective on Pinoy Pride: Pinoy Pride, to me, feels a lot like a defense mechanism. With so much about our country to be ashamed of, a lot of our countrymen look for something, anything, to cover up for such a deficiency, even if that something is a mere drop of Filipino blood.
The tragedy for me is that ethnicity is the most pathetic thing to be proud of, simply because you’re just born with it. It’s not something that you achieve or build, unlike nationality, which is the aggregate of a people’s efforts to uplift themselves.
I agree on the defense mechanism part. The type called projection, I believe.
More aptly, it’s “Delutional Projection”, wherein any and all forms threatening the validity of the said entity is attacked and persecuted to the fullest extent of stupidity.
all too evident in the previous and ensuing comments regarding your article. :))
I think that’s also called “crab mentality”.
It’s dangerous when a people develop an inordinate self-esteem based on the mythological superiority of one’s ethnicity. Without restraint, it becomes racism.
As if it has not already become racism, JS?
I’ll admit I have at one time or another made value judgments based on appearance, social/familial ties, and, yes, ethnicity. But I don’t believe it has gotten to the point where Filipinos consciously commit structured, overt acts against non-Filipinos in an attempt to offend or even cause physically harm precisely because they are different. At most, I’d characterize Filipinos as behaving in a misguided chauvinistic manner.
wow dami naman english dito.. :))
English is part of the Filipino heritage. It is our tool for being a true part of the world.
What, you were expecting Castellano?
Your achievement is your achievement. we are expected to be functional in our society, we dont need to separate ourselves from the rest of the world. Americans are not better than us. We are not oppressed, maybe some of us where born in that kind of belief, its not your fault. But doing nothing and patronizing internationally successful filipino will certainly will get you no where. Other peoples success has nothing to do with you.
I dont think you get it, Pinoy Pride is not the bad pride! I mean, c’mon, is it bad to be proud of your own country and what one has done to our country? See, when one filipino does a big thing outside our country, it’s automatic that he represents our country.
Also, it’s frikkin Filipino Tradition. You can never break it. The Philippines is like a family. When one person in your family gets an award or a big promotion, ofcourse we celebrate it.
It’s never bad to be proud of your nationality. Many heroes worked hard for your nation to be independent and we must be grateful.
“If you’re not proud of your nationality, you smell worse than a dead fish.”
Hey! Can you also write something bad about your nationality so that we can all agree on that one instead?
I’ve written one on my personal Blog, but it’s up at too:
I’m Still Filipino, Mind You
Pinoy pride isn’t the problem, I think those who shout “Pinoy pride” and doesn’t do anything but procrastinate, procrastinate AND procrastinate are the ones that bring down pinoy society, I agree on what ChinoF said here, but I myself have pinoy pride! Not the pacquiao, jessica etc kind, I have pinoy pride but that pride is my inspiration that one day if and when I take a hold of my Father’s company I’ll help those who are in need, that pride is my motivation so you can’t clearly say that all those who feel pinoy pride are useless cockroaches, mostly yes, but not all.
Admittedly, there is a kind of pride that is the right one, and I agree that it’s the one you say.
It’s good to be proud of your country but being proud of someone else’s achievements is another. This was truly a well written article that really highlights what we filipinos should reflect upon. The root of evil is not just KSP. It’s also the history of the Philippines. If only we could go back in time, get out of the spanish rule, elected a true filipino as our first leader (Bonifacio) instead of an president who only got his spot out of background, maybe Filipinos today would not wish to be like underdogs. Still looking forward for the day that Phillipines will flourish and be proud because the nation has done something though. The only way to start is start doing things. Just because you may have agreed with this article doesn’t mean anything unless you apply this to your own life. If only this was in tagalog, countrymen of the Philippines could be aware of the flaws too.
I can sense that the writer of this post had never worked outside the country where for more than 20 years we were seen as nothing more but a country that supplies domestic helpers, bar singers, nurses and teachers. No foreigner had ever told him to his face following a calamity where hundreds of Filipinos die this – “Oh no! Where will we get our maids now?!” Well I have! So I raise my glass to Pinoy Pride at sorry na lang ang kung sino man na wala nito. I don’t really know what to say to you but maybe get out of this country and go find another race you can be proud of?
amen to that. iba kase ang mind set pag nasubukan mo na ang hirap at discrimination sa ibang bansa eh. like me i live and reside most of my life here sa canada where filipinos are not heard of. and when filipinos like pacquiao or cahrice or jessica sanchez are known as pinoy, it feels so good to be recognize that we filipinos are good on something and that i am proud of! Filipino pride to the end my dear!
Filipinos are not heard of? That’s a strange phrase. There are so many Filipinos in Toronto and Vancouver and wherever in Canada, so they would be a known ethnic group. Wonder what “not heard of” means to you.
Come on Chino, you’re smarter than that, what they meant was we don’t have an IDENTITY as Filipinos. Are we asians? are we latinos? Filipinos making it big helps recognize our race. What’s wrong with celebrating the good about being Filipino and defending ourselves when we’re being attacked? Sure, no race or country is perfect but that doesn’t mean we can’t correct their mindset about us. “No, we’re not JUST maids, we can be nurses too, and so what if some of us are maids?” “No, not ALL Filipino children are hungry and starving, sure there are some but the Philippines is NOT AN ENTIRE SMOKEY MOUNTAIN”… etc…
listen to ginger, you might learn something. you are quite dumb as i supposed.
@angelica uy:
But you let your EMOTIONS burst and that is why you are missing the point.
We have an identity. Problem is, we’re not showing well enough to define it properly. Shouting “Pinoy Pride” is not the right way to do that.
True, never worked abroad. But the thing is, just because we are discriminated, it doesn’t mean we are entitled to our faults. And we’re also not the only nationality discriminated in other countries. We’re not special, we can’t claim to be more discriminated than the rest. That’s what you have to face to make it in other countries… perhaps, those challenges which OFWs encounter may be necessary pride-deflators to remind them of their proper place in the world.
sorry chinoF but i agree with others are saying against you here in your blog… you are twisted.
To use a popular phraseology, one man’s “twisted” is another person’s “brilliant” or “insightful.”
Truth hurts.
shame on this person .. go get your ass out of the country now !
I’m staying put right where I am. I am a Filipino. I belong here. 😉
And what did you do for this country when it’s becoming “The sick man of Asia” thanks to ignoramuses like you? Lame excuse is lame.
i agree with ehlen dixon, get out of this country now chinoF. we don’t need another pile of crap like you in this country that you so deliberately squander!
YOU get out of the country. Or better yet, people like you who’re sensitive to the truth and who bitch whenever someone points it out to them should just… go to hell.
Oh wait I forgot we’re already by its gates.
Here’s another perspective:
Most Filipinos consider “being internationally celebrated” is the highest form of recognition for a Filipino, which serves as a stroke to the ego of the Filipino community.
Maybe, it is the way of thinking of most Filipinos that “If foreign nations/people acknowledge Filipino’s talent, intellect or whatever he worked hard for, then that means he is, indeed, great; that indeed, Filipinos in general are great in that aspect. Thus, will be respected and yeah, Pinoy Pride.” However, the downside of this mentality is that, when a person reaches a certain “celebrity status” in the country (Philippines), he won’t really be celebrated as much as his internationally acknowledged counterparts.
Look at Charice for example. She is a really good singer ever since she started. Sadly, she didn’t win the talent contest, because, well, the winner has more fan base than her. If that certain Korean tv show, if Ellen DeGeneres and/or Ophra hadn’t seen Charice’s youtube videos, I don’t think she’ll be as celebrated as she is now, even if she’d try to make a career locally. Because she won’t have the approval of foreign people to prove that she is a good singer.
If you ask me, we don’t need that kind of attention, or try to project ourselves as a “great people,” since that by itself is an inordinate act of arrogance. Projecting one’s people like that is a relic of old attitudes of imperialism and mercantilism, and thus is obsolete in the face of modern human equality and brotherhood. We can appreciate our talented countrymen for what they are, not because they are Filipino.
Somehow, pinoy pride still stems from external validation. We celebrate other races for validating that someone with Filipino blood has done. This is actually an interesting phenomenon because for other races, like Greeks, Chinese or Japanese, it’s actually “Family pride”. For Filipinos, it goes beyond just family and spreads throughout the entire race as well.
Quite ironic, it seems. Filipinos are also family-centered, meaning, we prefer to look out only for our family members, or immediate friends – our own “KKK,” so to speak. There is less concern for people outside of this sphere of closeness. But trying to look for approval – or more of adulation – from another country, people or someone else, instead of just in the family, as you indicated with other nationalities… that tells us something, doesn’t it?
definitely not true! when american astronauts landed on the moon, the whole of america celebrated it and were hell proud of their achievement!!! but did every american stepped on the moon?!!!! and when america won the WW2, all americans celebrated and were proud of their accomplishment but did all americans fought in the war???? NO!!!!! so what the hell is wrong with being proud of the accomplishment of my kababayan in the global market or worldwide stage????? chinoF’s brain is wasted, twisted and crap!
@Angela Uy
Of course the Americans celebrated it and were proud of it. You wanna know why? I’ll tell you why. The successful mission to the moon is an example of what American technology and innovation can do. It was made possible not just by one, but by a lot of American men and women, who were born, bread and educated in America. They might have had help from some people from Australia too but that is beside the point. Not to mention, the mission was funded by American taxpayer’s money. You can’t compare that to the Filipino people’s penchant for being proud of someone who is only 1/4 Filipino and who has never even been to the Philippines and more importantly, someone who only won a signing contest.
@angelica uy:
If you consider INDIVIDUAL achievement as the epitome of national pride, then your brain is wasted, twisted and crap. In other words, your EMO is showing full force.
And since I’m a history nut, here’s some history for you:
Ilda hit the nail hard on the US bringing a man on the moon. The astronauts (which included Neil Armstrong and Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin, Jr.) have the support of the NASA and the US government. The space race began when the Soviet Union put the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin. That event marked in the history of mankind. Another mark was planted when a group of Americans stepped on the moon and for the Americans’ POV, it’s more like they want to tell the world about what free men can accomplish. And this is a COLLECTIVE ACHIEVEMENT.
And you missed the point about World War II. America is already helping the war through peaceful means like the Lend-Lease Agreement, a policy made by Franklin D. Roosevelt. If Pearl Harbor never happened, maybe the US will stay out of the war. But Japan attacked and the rest is history. You said that ALL Americans fought in the war but you missed the point that war was won by soldiers. But do you think America will win if it’s not for their own technology, hard work, and massive support from the American people? No.
And you missed these great quotes about WWII from these great men:
“It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.”
“They died hard, those savage men – like wounded wolves at bay. They were
filthy, and they were lousy, and they stunk. And I loved them.”
“In war there is no substitute for victory.”
– General Douglas MacArthur
“The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.”
“If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall
disarm it ourselves.”
– Joseph Stalin
“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”
“Better to fight for something than live for nothing.”
“Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.”
“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.”
– General George S. Patton
“When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
– Winston Churchill
The American victory in World War 2 is more of a COLLECTIVE achievement. And it’s not just them. There are the British, the Chinese and the Soviets. The ALLIES win the war, not one country.
So please don’t equate INDIVIDUAL achievements as national pride. COLLECTIVE is one that counts and nothing else. What you said is not even true per se. Actually, it’s a DELUSION. It proves that your brain is twisted, wasted and crap because of your WRONG THINKING.
Craig Nelson introduces his book Rocketmen, with the story of a 1969 Senate briefing (shortly after Apollo 11 landed Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon) where Fermilab physicist Robert Wilson is asked how a $250 million atom smasher he proposes be built will contribute to the security of the United States. Wilson responded by saying that it will contribute nothing, but that the American people’s capacity to undertake endeavours like those is what makes the United States of America worth defending.
“Pinoy Pride” is a symbol for Filipino Hope. Hope for the OFW who left there own country for the future of there family and children.
Hope for the poor people who work so hard and get very small salary.
Hope for a child who we always see in EDSA asking for food and money that someday he/she can achieve his/her dreams.
Pinoy Pride is a symbol, Just like American Flag or Superman’s S.
That’s a better use of the term Pinoy Pride. Too bad it gets used these days for trying to be arrogant against other countries – something that’s so 1400s.
you have nothing to be arrogant of. You cant make a bicycle on your own and you are good in being domestic helpers thats it! oh the best job for pinays. Sleep with an old man for some money wow! thats your prode thats it! Stupid idiots! PInoy pride-should be Pig Noy PRide damn it!
Woah woah wiah this is the lowest of the low.
Doesn’t it happen in a lot of countries ?
Some of our bitches here in Red Light District are Americans.
Some of other races that came from other countries are also sleeping with an old man for some money. Average = 50 euro per person. Wow, 50 euro won’t get you anything.
in general, i agree with the author’s sentiment as i feel the shame most of our countrymen fail to feel for themselves. it was very heartwrenching to hear that in one of the big grocery stores in san francisco, there was a sign saying “Shoplifting is a crime” beside “Krimen ang pagnanakaw” and nothing else.
though i, as an individual, strive to make myself a proud Human Being, and not just a Filipino.
i believe that simple acts like:
Throwing my garbage PROPERLY
saying “Please” and “Thank You”
saying “Sorry”
being a good neighbor
working honestly
among other things,
has already set me above the majority of the populace.
I think “Filipinos” should take up a broader, but simpler, stance of aiming to be a respectable individual, rather than barking at anyone who pokes them with a stick.
ika nga ng mga matatanda, “Maingay ang latang walang laman”
This is a good discussion. And that sign at the store… sigh. That’s what I was talking about. Thank you.
Pinoy Pride, as with all things, is two sided. On one hand, its keeping your head high when there is oppression. It allows an individual or even the race to still have the dignity of a human being. On the other hand, without the oppression, this can be taken “out of context”, so to speak. Filipinos have been on the bottom of the food chain for a long time: Even Steinbeck mentioned Filipinos in Grapes of Wrath. So when a Filipino yells “Proud to be Pinoy!” it may actually mean “Still Proud to be Pinoy (even with all this crap happening to me and my race).”
With all the oppression, it’s not wonder that it may have evolved to become a defense mechanism for Filipinos to be proud. This is similar to the Ubermensch, the “Super Race” concept of the Nazis but it stems from opposite directions, us from the bottom and the ubermensch from the top. They are proud because they are the super race. We are still proud despite everything we have been through.
At the end of the day, Pinoy pride has two sides, but is still the same coin. What needs to happen now is that we retain our pride, but ensure it does not become irrational hubris.
*Edit* “With all the oppression, it’s no wonder…”
Yours is a good discussion too. Personally, though, I believe Filipinos are no longer oppressed. And yes, it certainly seems like a tightrope act of sorts to keep our pride from becoming hubris – even though it shouldn’t be.
I may have some points of clarification as to how you discussed oppression, but for the most part, I agree with it. But as I said, we have been at the bottom of the food chain for a long time, I think that it has have rubbed off on our culture somehow. Also, even though I agree with you that as a whole, Filipinos are not oppressed, we are perceived as somewhat on the lower end of the totem pole (given that there are many Filipinos in the service industry, including nursing and customer service). This may lead to most Filipinos still THINKING we are, and that’s all that matters to maintain our Pinoy Pride as a shield against perceived oppression.
As a nation, we need to be secure of our identity, be proud of it but not BRAG about it. The thing is, insecure people are the ones easily offended, while those who know their self-worth tend to know whether to take criticisms constructively or outright ignore it.
Oh fuck it… People will always have shit to say….
Lol… The only thing im gonna say… Mind ur own business.
And let those people to do whatever they want… #respectson
Of course, people, Filipinos too, can do what they want. They just have to face the consequences. 😉
Unfortunately, incompetent flips like you don’t have the qualifications to exercise free will because you always abuse your freedom with that pinoy prayd disease.
If there’s one thing a huge number of Pinoys pride themselves in.
It’s stupidity.
SUB HUMANS!!! SUB HUMANS EVERYWHERE~!!! God when I read those rage posts against Lucy Liu and Jessica Ryan, the first thing that entered my head was, “Damn. Genocide ain’t a bad thing after all.”
Okay to be fair, let’s make it “Selective Genocide.” Just rid this country of idiots who are sensitive twats who have no idea what a satire is. Fuck morality. The end justifies the means. We do that, and we’ll also be solving our population problems.
God they make stupidity seem genetic.
Also rid the country of people who believe that heroes are supposed perfect virginal Catholic schoolboys and girls are supposed to be Maria Claras.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~ Fuck you all who think God decides if Manny loses or wins.
Blame the Philippine Media for poisoning Filipinos about false Pinoy Pride.. They keep on polluting the minds of everyone about how we should be proud of being Pinoys..
Making things that doesn’t matter, matter.. And making important matters irrelevant..
We all have our own interpretation of things. Let’s just respect each other. Mas nakakaawa tayo for going back and forth, arguing, insulting etc. just because we want to make a point.
We all should keep an open mind. In my opinion, there are certain points from the blog that I agree and there are some that I think is pure stereotyping. For @i hate this article, I understand his/her point. He/she is not attacking the author but just commenting on his work.
For me, every time I see Filipinos, half – filipinos etc. who are popular, it somehow helps uplift my spirit most esp. if my moral is low. That does not mean that I join the bandwagon but it simply serves as an insipiration to me.
I think some Filipinos should just stop being hypersensitive. I guess the reason why some are like this is that since we are already in a 3rd world country, saying hurtful things to us is just adding insult to injury and is simply rubbing it in our faces that we are inferior. No, its not. We are now in a different generation, we should not think this way.
I am proud to be a Filipino that I had our flag tatooed in my arm. We all have to start respecting each other and let us not add fuel to the fire.
I think some Filipinos should just stop being hypersensitive. – Yes. Sometimes, all we need is to do just that.
The country’s teeming with stubborn ‘proud’ filipinos. Filipinos are just to proud to say ‘NO’. When a friend asks to borrow money, they say that they don’t have enough or they’re saving it up or whatever excuse they could give. They just can’t say NO.
And about the hospitality tradition, it’s exaggerated to the point that filipinos tend to side with a foreigner in a conflict against a fellow filipino. There’s always that special biased treatment to foreigners in the Phils because of that ridiculous tradition.
“Pinoy pride” has a historical and sociological root. What with more than 400 years of living under 3 foreign masters and most of the media perpetuating this Pinoy pride thingy, it’s as if Pinoys always have something to prove. Flips are so insecure about themselves they’ll cling on to whatever is deemed of higher value in the nuance of gaining some esteem from peers.
Hey look. Pinoy pride or whatevr pride. You guys are getting what you deserve. You are boastful of nothing. You have import a glue from CHina. That means you people are worthless. Yet, you are so boastful of being whiter than other nations. Remember, you indios got while blood from spanish and americans. MEans lot of other people fucked you first ok?. Then now you complain being bullied by americans or canadians and look at yourself first. You people make fun of every nation that is better than your nation. Americans dont take bath. To other nations smell bad. Lol! goo save urself from CHina by using your deodrants you idiots@
“Pinoy Pride” is like a disease. When treated improperly, it becomes a malady. We have different levels how to feel proud, my mimimum wager neighbor is proud to project they are rich. Have a housekeeper they couldnt afford (owes the poor housekeeper at least a month salary), hired a private tutor for the son whom they owed the poor teacher a three weeks pay, the wife hires a yardkeeper and a maintenance guy to clean up the gutter of the house they got free rent from an Aunt while the husband is doing nothing but watch TV. Oh boy! That kind of pride could sink the country down.
So how exactly can this article help your fellow Filipinos? Do you have to go as far as…. writing a lengthy article about something that’s so abstract.
Be practical. Maybe pride’s not too bad. When you’ve got nothing, pride gets you through.
After reading the whole thing, my I.Q. just dropped by a 100. I’m sorry.
And this hublah buhbla blah blah blah talk about change, if you want Filipinos to change, be an example.Charity is where the heart is. It’s not hiding within a badly-designed website. Don’t say, spray it.
You own’t ‘change’ pinoy pride as you call it, even with this post. I’ll just drop a comment and I won’t see this page ever again… Oh perhaps, I’ll tick the notify me checkbox and see if you do reply to this….
You’re stupid, and that’s my opinion. Please respect my opinion just as I respect yours.
@Igi Manaloto: Perhaps your statement “When you’ve got nothing, pride gets you through,” is incomplete. The better and more COMPLETE statement I’d recommend would be:
Pride gets you through 25% of the way. The rest of the 75% of the way you get through by working smart.
As to being “so abstract”, well I checked out this statement of yours: “if you want Filipinos to change, be an example.Charity is where the heart is. It’s not hiding within a badly-designed website. Don’t say, spray it,” and guess what: I found it had abstract written all over it. Thing with the abstract is that it takes thinking to digest it. Trouble with Pinoys is that they’d rather be spoonfed by somebody else’s thinking rather than come up with their own ideas on how to work their problems through.
It is probably why slapstick is the preferred form of humour of Da Pinoy. Because, higher types of humour — like satire — require thinking to digest, an activity that Pinoys aren’t exactly renowned for. Slapstick is spoonfed humour. Which is why Pinoys love it.
Amen to the slapstick humor reference. Couldn’t have said it better myself. The joke of Katherine Ryan, it could really be insulting, but if you look at the context of the show, it’s funny and not intended to be offensive. I’ve observed Pinoy commenters who got the joke and declared it was funny be flamed by other Pinoys who didn’t get it. I’ll just do a facepalm.
Furthermore, I saw a few FB posts of Pinoys sharing experiences and writing them in English. On every comment section of that post, I promise that you will find a person saying something like, “Pa-english english ka, itagalog mo para maintindihan ng lahat.” Another facepalm. Why do this? Let’s be smart. I recommend veering away from TV shows that dumb down the public and educate ourselves.
karamihan talaga ng di maka intinde ng abstract mababa ang IQ…what’s worse is when you label something as abstract just because you do not understand it…
I wish you’ve read the earlier comments before writing your own opinion. If you did, maybe you’ll have an idea what the author’s answer is with your question. I lost 50% of my IQ and patience thanks to you.
Please think. 🙁
“You’re stupid, and that’s my opinion. Please respect my opinion just as I respect yours.”
You claim to be respectful and ask to be respected while calling others stupid. Wow.
I disagree with “when you’ve got nothing, pride gets you through.” It’s self-respect that gets you through.
hay salamat @igi…ma igi pa nga wag ka na bumalik…I’m Proud of Chino…ganun talaga sometimes pag tama ka…they will call you stupid…what is worse than namatay sa gutom? yung namatay sa inggit…paminsan pa nga nakapatay dahil sa inggit…what is worse than nakapatay dahil sa inggit…national hero na pumatay dahil sa inggit 🙂
Anung masama sa Pinoy Pride? you are looking at the negative side of the word Pinoy Pride. Charice/Arnel/Manny/Lea are not symbols how good Filipinos are but rather an inspiration that Filipinos “can” have world class talent.
Its not a “defense mechanism”. Pinoy pride does not tell you that you are superior than others races, but makes you realize that you have certain quality of a typical Pinoy, and these are good qualities.
Normal na lang un kung niloko mo Pinoy at naging defensive sila. But Pinoy Pride has nothing to do with this. Making jokes out of the word “Pinoy” is making joke of the Filipino race. Try mo sabihan ng “Nig**r” ang mga African Americans, subukan mong tawagin ng terorista ang mga Muslim?
Pinoy Pride is all about the good things, don’t associate it to negative qualities. Proudly Pinoy!
Being proud is good, proud of a son who has done good, of a daughter who has done good.
But pride for strangers, just because they share national blood, is a defense mechanism.
Examine the motivations behind Pinoy Pride.
It is a sense of international Insecurity, a feeling of worthlessness, or a lack of identity. We have songs with lyrics that go (translated): ‘don’t be ashamed of your being brown, you are brown’. We hide behind it.
We have no identity, we are a nation divided, so our celebrities, what the world sees as “Filipino” becomes our identity.
Other nations have a lot to be proud of as well. But they don’t ride on other people’s successes. Nor do they associate with them on a personal level, should they fail.
The root cause of this is pride. Now if you are humble, you wouldn’t mind failure. You would reflect. But if you are proud, you won’t believe you have done anything wrong. You become violent, because your identity has been offended.
These celebrities, personalities, talented people: They don’t need your pride.
So panu? lets not be proud of Manny, Charice, and Arnel?
So you want it to be Pinoy Humility? Lets be humble because we are in a third world country, we have corrupt govt, poor education, and all?
And if Manny wins his future fights, then what do you want us to say? “Ah eh anu naman? Eh di panalo. Who cares?” ganon?
So anung kinaganda nyan ngayon?
Pur dyis pur syento! There is nothing wrong being happy of what your countrymen have accomplished because it gives you an inspiration that someone from a remote area of the Philippine island aspired to be the best and became the best.
Sus maryosep!
Like Benign0 said, be proud of them, not because of them.
what in the world is wrong with being proud “because” a countryman of yours gave you something to be proud of? hahaha! manny, charice, leah et al i am proud of them… and i am also proud because of them! chinoF if you have an axe to grind with (or nagpapapansin ka lang sa kanila?) the media, wag mong gamitin ang masang filipino… we are proud to be pinoy kung ikaw hindi, mangibang bansa ka!
@Manny V:
And I don’t even understand a damn thing about what you’ve said. Because…
You can’t be proud of what you didn’t ACHIEVE, idiot. You were born a Filipino, much like I was. Hence we both cannot take ‘pride’ in something we were put into. Is it better if you can be proud to be FILIPINO (not Pinoy) if we go on collective achievements, not individual?
And since you brought up Charice, are you still proud of her even though she’s a lesbian? I don’t give a damn about her so you lose every argument and the only way to ‘win’ is ad hominem attacks instead. 😛
soldier, hahaha! i am filipino, but if your kind of thinking is what describes a filipino, then i wouldn’t be proud to be a filipino! is it just because you hate charice? jealous? that’s what you are…
@Manny V:
And yes, I’m a Filipino. So what about it? Better to proud of collective achievements than individual ones because THAT MAKES SENSE.
This is an excerpt from ChinoF’s blog because this actually makes sense than your dumb claims:
“So what makes me Filipino? My desire to see my country’s system fixed, and my country’s culture transformed into one that is more respectable.”
Pity for people who never saw what the HARSH truth is all about, especially one who is living and enjoying himself in the US. And I never cared for Charice after all. So your point is dumb.
winter, here’s something to think about – i am a proud filipino and you’re not! – that’s how simple it is…
Manny, here’s something to think about:
Pride is all about ACHIEVEMENTS, not about accident or birth. And it was GEORGE CARLIN who said that.
So what makes me a Filipino? Here’s my answer. And what makes YOU a Filipino? What you’re clinging for is FALSE PRIDE. What I’m clinging is TRUE PRIDE, which is more on self-respect, critical thinking and progress. Fact is you’re clinging a DELUSION. A false sense of superiority.
That is how simple it is.
Damn Right JR Biona,you really got them Critics realizing what and How they commented on,Think before you Speak,Never Judge a Race as we never Judge any of YOU!Did we ever call you American Niggas,Hot Dogs,German Sausages or Half-Bred wannabees of a certain country?Nevaer hide under the cloaks of your Husbands citizenry…..please?
The whole World History sucks!!! Ever since… History says that Pinoys are great host of those who came pretending to be some kind of hope & then we fought with swords and spears, now Isn’t that something to be proud about And not only Filipinos have pride you know there are worse race, A LOT MORE… When an individual shines outside of the country that brings pride to a country that is why these athletes compete, do you know what an Olympic gold medal is and what it means, If you won that? What would you feel? You did not just bring pride to yourself when you won an Olympic Medal specially the gold one, you made your flag proud, coz you are one team… Now there is this Dude who did bad things to other countries, FUCK it kill that person no single Pinoy will care specially if the person is guilty, let em rot!
Lea, Manny etc… gave some thing to their country that none of you idiots have given yours and you are proud to criticize a whole nation, lol. About that joke pointing to Filipino kids, just look at the person who delivered it and keep quiet. I’m a Filipino and I’m not proud of everything going on right now in the country, seems hopeless… Look at the Gov’t, poor Philippines!!! Mass Murderers treated like a VIP in prison, Wow and etc… But I say this is not the only country who is abundant of Bullshit, The whole World is!!! And I’m still glad that there are people LOTS OF PEOPLE who could still show Pride in being a Pinoy with all of this unthinkable going around… That is their right and no one is going to take that away from them, specially this Write-ups… DO you remember how many supporters came to watch Ricky Hatton fight Manny? Are you aware of the Hooligans in GREAT BRITAIN when it’s Football season? They protect their hope their color, their team and that’s pride on a War movie have you not heard of Never leave a Man behind? It’s an instinct nothing bad about it. If you are not into it, then respect others may apply too. And about that Pinoy Pride can’t save thing… Hahaha no one can hope that a fucking Pride will save a country of any sort, that so stupid… About that Filipinos makes jokes of other countries (smell, looks and etc) All nations does that (RUSSEL PETERS) I like the guy…just have a good punch line and be humorous not like that crazy sounding delivery & timing that the lady did… And WE ARE NOT SCARED OF CHINA DEODORANT FREAK!!!
where in the world can you see people critisize their own? wtf? if you’re not proud to be pinoy then leave!!!
I think you’re missing the point.
That is all.
manny v is implying that da pinoy are perfect human beings than any race in the whole world. Care to prove them showoff? O nagtatago ka lang sa palda ng nanay mo dahil ayaw mong makakita ng negatibo’t dinadaan na lang palagi sa bahala na?
My thoughts exactly a while back when they kept saying that a Filipino had a chance at becoming the pope. That would’ve been an egotistic catholic nation’s ultimate aspiration. Probably its society’s demise as well. Anybody not saying that pinoy pride isn’t bad has either misspoken or the subject of this article. Butthurt and won’t change for shit.
I’m a Filipino and I totally agree on this article…
Heck, I’ve got few examples why…
If ya usually watch TV often and see when someone got an achievement from our country (like Manny Pacquiao won in a world boxing match), they make commercials about it that ends with “We are proud to be Pinoy”.
I’m also an MMORPG gamer in fact… I play my favorite Online games that we can play even if it’s from a different country. There are times that I play in PVP (Player versus Player) games and most of them are Filipino. Whenever I win, It really makes me feel good but when I lose, it irritates me a bit but have to bear it and accept defeat. But when I win from another Filipino, that guy rants a lot and saying “Lagger, Cheater, Idiot and Weak” in our language. As for me, I keep silent and leave him alone there, but the guy doesn’t stop and making a shout (where every player can read) ranting the very same words with my IGN (In-game name). And I was like WTF.
And lastly, I own a cafe that’s isn’t really popular in my place. Despite me not having much of an income, They ask me to lend them some so they could by something they really need or want. Of course, since they are my relatives, I kindly lend them because I don’t have anything to buy in particular at the moment. Sure they are grateful and all but give it a week or 2 and they will rant ya for just a very small mistake. Not to mention they haven’t pay me back the money they borrowed.
And about NBA Finals, sure they are proud that Miami Heat coach, since he has blood of a Filipino(?). But it reality, they are proud about it since then gamble their money on the day they broadcast the play and won. Although, I didn’t really much cares since I ain’t into Basket ball.
Ya see, I myself have some of pride, covering my mistakes and not much of a help in my country.
But I don’t waste my time about being so prideful to its core and live my life to the way I can handle.
I have a sinking feeling that many people will rant about this comment of mine. Hey that’s what internet is all about right? Freedom of Speech.
oh I forgot, the “They” I mentioned relating in my cafe are my families and relatives.
Hello there, fellow MMO gamer. I agree with your statement on the MMORPG thing, but I can say that it’s not just our fellow Pinoys that do that. They may, however, be the ones who do that most of the time… and I am saddened. From what a friend of mine said, “Pinoy” is apparently a term used in DotA 2 now. Something along the lines of rage, accusations, etc.
@Manny V
” write something positive and productive, hindi yung nakakababa ng morale ng kapwa pinoy if, you’re pinoy… tsk, tsk, tsk…”
This portion of your comment simply proves the fact that you and your ilk wish nothing but praise and adoration. When announcents of why the filipino are number one in something whether or not its true and supported by facts you gobble it up like a thirsty man in a desert yet when articles like these appear you only spew hate and refuse to understand its contents. You hate to face the harsh reality of the sorry state of our nation.
This article should be a wake up call for you to straighten up your act the fact that you’re being overly sensitive about the facts of life.
Tatagalugin na kita ah gagamit ako ng analogy.
Kung may kaibigan ka na gumawa ng bagay na di kanais nais? Pupurihin mo ba? O susubukan mong mulatin ang mata sa kanyang pagkakamali? O baka naman isa kang kaibigan na walang pakialam kung may pinatay na tao ang kaibigan mo?
Maituturing nating kaibigan na nagkamali ang mga pilipinong SOBRA(tandaan SOBRA hindi kulang, hindi sakto) sa Pinoy Pride at inaankin ang achievement ng kababayan at nagiging arrogante sa punto nang nakahiya.
Isa pang mas simple na analogy.
Kung nagbabasketball ka siyempre proud ka pag nanalo yung team mo diba? Pero kung benchwarmer ka na malakas sa pag trash talk ng kalaban pero ni isang segundo inde ka pumasok sa court masasabi ba nating pwedeng palampasin yun?
Thanks for letting us know of your experience. Some other people are not aware of these experiences, and thus they criticize me in an inappropriate way.
I think there is a need to define here. There is a difference between pride as paniniwala sa sarili and “ma-pride”- the kind of anger that comes from lack of humility in any kind of mistake we make. The writer is expounding on one. bloggers on another. tsaka ,0pinyon lamang naman, e…ba’t maraming galit??
so, what’s your point? “what” can save the philippines then? the real problem is people like you, makitid na ipokrito na feeling intelectual. write something positive and productive, hindi yung nakakababa ng morale ng kapwa pinoy if, you’re pinoy… tsk, tsk, tsk…
Oh please give us a sample of what you think is something “positive” and “productive”.
Thank you.
not being crab! it’s not about uplifting the lives of filipinos… it’s something that can boost their morale… nakadapa na nga tatapakan mo pa!
Of course, you are a crab! Why? Because instead of logical thinking you went with emotional outbursts.
If something that can boost their morale is ‘feel good’ stories, then you’re an idiot because you’re encouraging them to be DELUSIONAL. That is not what the Philippines is about. It’s about the harsh truth that it is now and the missed opportunities this nation has had. And this continued, horrible cycle until everyone finally wakes up and smell reality for what it is really is; not a bunch of rhetoric but what can and needs work. In other words, just ask Malaysia and look at what happened.
“nakadapa na nga tatapakan mo pa!” Nope. Sa madaling salita, IKAW ang nagpadapa sa sarili mo at nagpapakatapak ka pa. And that’s what we call victim mentality. And it’s not a good thing.
winter, don’t be bitter in being a filipino, get a life! it is the hatred and bitterness in you being an unsuccessful filipino that make you blame other filipinos for your miseries… and you line up yourself with the smart ones? you’re delusional!
@Manny V:
“winter, don’t be bitter in being a filipino, get a life! it is the hatred and bitterness in you being an unsuccessful filipino that make you blame other filipinos for your miseries… and you line up yourself with the smart ones? you’re delusional!”
I’m not even mad or bitter but I’m utterly disappointed. Maybe you don’t even know how flawed the Philippine government system is and how flawed our culture is. I’m not blaming every Filipino for my own miseries. I am HUMAN and I have my own problems.
If anyone here who has hatred and bitterness, it is you bro and your lack of intelligence is a proof of it. TBH, YOU’RE delusional indeed.
manny v wants his drug, and he wants all pinoys to get theirs too. never mind facing reality – that’s what manny v is whining about.
Here something productive.
Ang bumaba ang morale mababa ang IQ…lalo na yung di na gets yung point 🙂
oh really? i bet geniuses like you is what the pinoys are waiting for… to trample on their pride!
Nope. The hope of the Philippines is CRITICAL THINKING and PROGRESS. That is where true pride comes from. And the guy himself is FILIPINO, not Pinoy. Thank God for that.
Because of your harsh emo comments, I want to say this: you should realize the fact that the Philippines hate critical SMART PEOPLE. And if people like you exist, then there is no hope for this country.
really? critical about your own race? how in the world can you progress if you pull down your own? i live in the US and we pinoys here use our pride to avoid being trampled upon! it is the likes of you pretending to be smart that bring our country down… well if you like being example of a buttjoke, it’s not humility, it’s dumbass dude!
@Manny V:
So you live in the US but I live in the Philippines for almost 20 years. Why can’t you just go here and see it for yourself? Sorry, but all of your comments speak arrogance and worse, ignorance. If you think criticism is what you consider ‘pulling down your own’, then you have a flawed logic.
That’s dumbass dude. -_-
kaming mga intellectual kung may gustong isabahagi sa mga kapwa namin pilipino kadalasan ang reply “DAMI MONG ALAM” kaya walang napupuntahan ang mga kabataan natin dahil natuto silang maliitin ang mga matatalino at ang mga maiingay na sikat ngunit walang alam sinasamba
geniuses like you are hindi is bobo!!!
And what is this “something positive and productive”? Does it go something like the statement below?
“Manny Pacquiao wins! Woohoo! Proud to be Pinoy!”
Ok, it makes you feel “positive”. Then what? Does it make Filipinos feel “productive”, as you want it to be? Or do Filipinos simply go back to their lazy, onion-skinned, mediocre ways?
yeah right, then just go on sulk that you’re pinoy! bohooo! i’m pinoy… magaling!
Magaling ka? E ano ang maipagmamalaki mo?
You indeed have a false sense of superiority. That’s arrogance. In other words, you’re actually PINOY, and he’s not. He is FILIPINO.
If you think that you want something ‘productive’ and ‘positive’ wants you to make FEEL GOOD, then you’re an idiot. Because THAT is a bad idea.
EMO prick. Tsk, tsk, tsk… <_<
and you sound like a bigot! soldier ka pa naman… buti na lang during winter lang…
You’re a bigger bigot because you are now resorting to personal attacks and emotional outbursts.
And on my username, it seems someone never reads the comics. Go tell the bigger bigot, ChinoF. 😉
personal attack? i don’t even know you dude! and don’t be a cry baby please… naghahanap ka pa ng kakampi, pathetic…
Internet tough guys are bigger crybabies than people who use logical thinking. At hindi ako naghahanap ng kakampi because what’s the use of explaining things if all of them won’t go through your thickheaded skull? That’s IGNORANCE and you’re happy about it. In other words, you’re just a TROLL.
In other words, do know what the term ‘ad hominem’ means? Yes, personal attacks can be considered as ad hominem. Don’t be a hypocrite please, nagpapaka-plastic ka pa.
Pathetic. -_-
We don’t even know you as well. And yet here you are attacking the messenger and not the message with your emo hostility like a jejemon squatter. Can you please fill my glass with your tears? They’re tasty!
There are other groups who write about good things in the country, let GRP do its thing.
Seeing only the positive side of things prevents holistic growth and development
“Seeing only the positive side of things prevents holistic growth and development” – This makes sense. It’s like, “get lulled into thinking that you’re doing it all right, and you might actually be doing it wrong without knowing it.”
Sadly, that seems to be how some Filipino are doing it.
Obvious positive pusher is indeed obvious. What’s the matter indio?. Are you hiding the fact that this country and your kind are very dysfunctional thus you’re resorting to sugarcoat it?
Didn’t you click on the last link in the article? But I’ve got something coming…. and you can see this as a positive explanation too.
I agree and disagree at the same time. There is nothing wrong with being proud whenever a pinoy becomes popular whatever career he is in. But at the same time, this is used an excuse by some Filipinos, make believing that just because Charice or Manny are successful and respected, they should be given great opportunities and be respected too, without working for it.
Thank you! You understand.
There’s no such thing as Filipino pride, it’s just ABS-CBN and GMA blowing it up. So please don’t insult the Filipinos in general. You use the word Filipinos as if you’ve interviewed each and everyone of the 100, 000, 000 people living in these islands.
You might be right on that. Mass media after all is a culprit in giving people wrong principles and values.
True story bro.I’m a Filipino and not insulted, simply because not all Filipinos are being hurt or insulted. We’re not perfect, We are proud on other’s achievement but we don’t take it. I’m proud to be a Filipino one of a shit in your eyes.
btw..we all fall, ever since we we’re young, so what if our boxer lose..? or our team Philippines lose? It’s a part of it. If you win I’m sure you’ll lose to. You can say “some” because we have some innocent here. All of Filipinos are not what you think. 🙂 but I respect your opinion so Respect ours.
ano ba yan nasayang lang oras ko sa pag babasa nito!
Did you just post that to troll? Honestly you’re using the internet too much. Don’t you have something to do with your life instead?
simple sample equation: if a Filipino competes at the world stage as Ms. Philippines, she doesnt have her own name on her sash, she has the name PHILIPPINES on it. meaning she is not representing herself but furthermore her people, her country, her culture and her nationality. if she wins, then the whole PHILIPPINE won! and all hell break lose, the whole PHILIPPINES have the right to be proud of that and no one could steal that away not even rotten and twisted people like the one who made this foolish and dumb article.
@Angelica uy
Beauty contests like Ms Universe is just a sham. The organisers just found an excuse to parade women wearing a bikini. It’s an insult to the intelligence of the people. There’s no reason to be proud to be Pinoy if a representative from the Philippines wins in that shallow contest. Besides, most of the representatives from the Philippines nowadays don’t look Filipino anymore.
ilda, if you’re filipino you’re no better than the one who wrote this… a crab!
And again, Manny V. is the REAL crab and not Ilda or anyone in GRP. Because…
Crab mentality is for CRAB PEOPLE. Taste like crab, walk like people. They had a tough shell, but total softies on the inside. Always resorting to emotional outbursts than logical thinking.
I’ll give you the Ms. Universe.
What about the Olympics? Doesn’t every country strive to host, join or win it all?
it comes back to what’s been said earlier: if you didn’t achieve the achievement because somebody else did it, you can be proud of that achiever, not yourself. it applies to our favorite athletes, pageant bets, and pop music sensations.
Our athletes tried, I’ll honor them for that. Thing is, we didn’t win, and there’s no reason to say, “we were cheated.” Just accept it and try harder next time.
Honestly how can we be proud of a beauty contest none of our taxes went to producing that one beauty queen, she wins because she is either beautiful or has a good personality.
Another example – How can we be proud of the Azkals when all their posterboys are Half-breeds as put by Mr. Arnold Clavio, they RARELY even win games. I would honestly support the Azkals IF they showed more screentime with the other members.
Arnel Pineda, I am a personal fan of Arnel Pineda but not because of him being a Filipino but because he is a great singer comparable to Steve Perry. But he isnt something that should be celebrated as a national hero.
Manny P. I admit most nations celebrate their nation’s boxers but not to the Extent that we do, we are the ONLY country to give heroes welcomes to a boxer where in all honesty we shouldn’t. It teaches violence to our kids.
Related to boxing – I would have preferred Onyok Velasco or Flash Elorde as a source of pride since they were an Olympic Boxer at one point if im not mistaken, they fought for the gold not for personal pride and money.
Efren Bata Reyes – also known as OLD NEWS, when was the last time you heard his name honestly? See Pinoy Pride is but a shallow thing.
During the 60’s philippine basketball was at world level that we could compete in the olmypics on par with other nations I would be honored to call this a good reason to be proud of the philippines BUT now where has our basketball gone to? Spolstra? Sure I admit hes a good coach but if he didnt have filipino blood i doubt anyone would care.
1997 – We were once known as the TIGER Economy of asia during this time period, the peso dollar trade off was rapidly recovering after the marcos regime but do any other filipinos remember this and are proud of it? no!
Now I ask you, name a celebrity which we SHOULD celebrate for their achievements and why?
Oh and just having a drop of filipino blood and in a contest isnt a good enough reason.
that goes for Pacman who carries the philippine flag and sings the philippine national anthem which means, the whole philippines is competing and if pacman wins, then the whole philippines won!!!!! how can any self proclaiming smart ass NOT get this????? go back to grade 1 you perks!
And pacquaio is brain dead – even before getting laid flat out – and as immoral and self-centred as you can get. Sounds like a true reflection of country pride/psyche/national intellect!
Such low standards.
so what really is your point? that the pinoys are good for nothing? you’re probably not pinoy then…
Sorry, but he’s FILIPINO and not Pinoy, if we go to GRP standards.
Tanggalin mo ang pagiging ‘Pinoy’ mo at maging PILIPINO ka.
If Pacman wins the whole Philippines won? That’s wrong values. He only wins for his own glory. Because even if he wins, poor people remain poor. Fans get only a temporary high, and that’s it. That’s a good example of latching onto others’ achievements, which is nothing more than false pride.
Nobody is perfect ergo, no race is perfect. One has to be proud of who they are and what they have done that is good and learn from our mistakes. Humility and Pride can go hand and hand as long as it is in its respective places. There is truth in the article, that is why we all need to examine ourselves and be honest- does our actions represent us as how we want to be looked at or perceived? Answer the question and do the necessary change to have a self response of YES…..
Right you are!
go and live in a foreign land… then you will learn to appreciate who and what to be a real pinoy…
FILIPINO, not Pinoy.
The term ‘Pinoy’ is a kanto term. In GRP, it represents more on the backward mentality of Filipinos a.k.a. Da Pinoy.
Nope, we want to be Filipinos and not ‘Pinoy’. We don’t want to be ‘real Pinoy’ because you described it yourself: being butthurt. 😛
Said the hypocrite who now lives in the US of A.
The article is true. If you are working overseas, mas makakarelate ka sa sinasabi nung author. In ph baka nde na nila napapansin kasi baka sanay na sa ganyan na attitude kaya madame ang nagagalit. About sa article, nde naman intelektual yung sinabi nya kumbaga sinasabi nya lang, porke ba ingles intelektual na? Wala naman malalim na salita duon, ang simple ng pagkasulat. Kaya wag laiitin yung author. Para sakin natumbok nya kung anu ung pangit na ugali sa ating mga pilipino.
and he’s one of the greatest problem nating mga pinoy, crab mentality…
And Manny V. is as example of one of the greatest problems of the country: people like him.
Also, crab mentality is just a MYTH. A myth of your own creation. 😛
If Pinoy Pride will not save us, what is your proposed alternative to save us? I would really like to hear that alternative.
Check the link on this article’s last part. There’s your answer.
I have another thing coming. Stay put and keep tuned.
It was Steinbeck who wrote: “The poorer you are, the more you are required to boast.” Or something like that. It’s as true as the oft quoted sports announcer’s line:”Keep your feet on the ground, but keep reaching for the sky.” One needs to limber up before doing strenuous exercise.
Filipino’s are fail, im a filipino but I hate being it. Our fellow filipino don’t have unity they are selfish fucks like our goverment officials.
I don’t hate being one. The right attitude is that we must accept that we have faults, and that we must correct them. Otherwise, we will continue to be the laughingstock of the world.
The problem for the country is not Pinoy pride but government corruption.
Not just the government… even the people too.
Nah it’s those incompetent indios who voted for those trapos on our government that they only wanted the pork barrel and not the people. Ever wonder why a lot of popularity-fading showbiz personalities prefer to join the government?
“It’s easy to win the elections. But what if I win?”
– Dolphy
what if he wins?
pinoy pride woo hoo!!!
uhhh, now what?
blame it to all who runs our government, ordinary people suffers because of them!
No its the ordinary people who need to change the government and who runs it… the reason the government is the way it is in the Philippines is because the people do not stand up and fight for what they believe in which is what I would call REAL PRIDE. The people of other countries do not tolerate this kind of thing from their government therefore the government is held accountable.
As Jose Rizal said,
“Tal Pueblo, tal gobierno.”
Translation: As the people are, so is their government.
I agree that even the ordinary people need to change.
Being on the other side of the globe reading this article, I need a dose of Pinoy pride each day working as a Nanny and a dose of humility and pakikisama as well to survive with all the different races in this rainbow country.
You can call it personal pride or self-respect, the right kind of pride.
I agree to some extent but wouldn’t go so far as to say Pinoy Pride is the problem. I do find a few over-the-top usage of Pinoy pride like seeing a meme about the Philippine Deep followed by a comment, “That’s where I’m from! I’m proud to be Pinoy!”. I just roll my eyes.
Some more extreme “PROUD PINOYS” bring down those who don’t agree with them, or have a different perception. These are destructive.
But having pride is good, just pick your spots. And so that you’ll be really proud of yourself and your country, I’ll just quote JFK (Yeah, I know. American. Bite me!), “Ask not what your country can do for you; Ask what you can do for your country.”
I would like to ask you one thing…. please do not generalize… you are referring to a small percentage of total Filipino population only… not to all Filipinos…
Is it that small, or a significant part of our people?
SMALL? SERIOUSLY? You weren’t there when butthurt Filipinos posted hate messages on Jessica Ryan’s facebook page or raged against Lucy Liu have you?
A Pinay who should be proud of her native moral values instilled timelessly. And an open mind and heart to celebrate our own with other people of different color. Every time Manny has a big game, it’s a hit in Cayman, airing live in all the bars and restaurants.
Lol our “native moral values” are a spillover sham from being raped by the Spanish.
your comment disgusts me. clearly your sense of history is drawn from a need to disparage your own race and fail to capture the shining heroes who exemplify the true filipino spirit. you have no pride in your own roots whatsoever. the negativity is sickening.
Which negativity was also caused by our flawed damaged culture.
And you didn’t even notice it…
I disparage my own race because most of them are retards who are attention whores at the smallest Filipino thing and cry foul at any funny satirical joke thrown our way.
your very narrow view of your own race speaks more about you as a person than about your race. your cup isn’t even half empty, it’s completely empty.
duke hazard, the Human Genome Project already proved that there is no race but only the human race. If you still think that’s ridiculous then look who is narrow-minded now religiot.
It’s actually fine to celebrate Pacquiao. But to credit his success to being Filipino is not the right thing. We must remember, his trainer is American. The thing to credit is his good attitude as a boxer.
We are egoistic parasite that will never change. That’s just how we are.
seriously? you consider yourself a parasite?
Look who’s talking you indio.
Couldn’t have said it better myself… great article. I think pride can be a wonderful thing if used correctly, pride should be based on morals, beliefs and positive change. The Filipino pride is a contradiction in itself since the Filipino will gladly stand up for things that dont really matter or make a difference. Pinoy Pride could be a powerful force to change this country if it were used in the right way, like demanding more from your government and leaders and not accepting the corruption.
whats the point of this article? i think this is plain ranting
You fail for missing this article’s point you indio.
It may be a rant, but its basically true.
“He will never lose his interest in correcting, since he believes he is right”
mmmm… Pinoy pride, now i get it 🙂
i thought i was the only one who noticed it…
And both of your are EMO pricks who are totally missing the point.
Deal with it.
More who cannot understand satire.
wala na mayabang na ang mga filipino ngayon we r now in a generation where inequality rules in our native land and go 4 this nonsense like boxing heroes kuno gosh what a real shame 2 the once proud filipino whose only interest is 2 being a true christian rather than this oh what a failure this generation now.
I agree with you except on the “True Christian” part.
It would actually be better if we were a secular nation.
I still believe in good working Christian values, more from the Protestant perspective. But if we really practice good values, it would certainly look as if we are doing it in a secular manner. Just act it out, just do it, wala nang sali-salita. I believe in the saying, “you may be the only Bible some people see.”
Hi Sir,
Nice article.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think you need to get your facts straight. After reading the “Filipino complaining about someone being named Kiki in Australia” article, I noticed it wasn’t mentioned (at least in that article) that the complaint was from a Filipino. Yes the word is an awkward Filipino term but it doesn’t mean that a Filipino did complained about it. Nowadays, there’s a lot of foreigners who speak the language even if they haven’t been to the Philippines. I also read the line: “Even the Filipino-Australian Society of the Hunter Valley joined the chorus and the authority backed down.” meaning they helped “Kiki” to keep and use the plates without the authorities bothering her.
My opinion in the Katherine Ryan issue, it’s not that no one should make fun of us and yes we make fun of other people too. But NOT on national television. She could have simply said “children” without the word Filipino or “12-yr old girls”. It wouldn’t be really funny but not everyone laughed at the her joke even in the video. Rather it gained violent reactions which I don’t think would have happened if she didn’t used “Filipino children”.
A news article says a Filipino (as implied by “Tagalog speaker”) complained about the Kiki plate number. It would not make sense if non-Filipinos would file a complaint.
I disagree on Katherine Ryan’s joke. Read my earlier article on it, and realize that it is based on fact, and it highlights an unsolved problem in our country.
do you consider Filipino children at the bottom rung on the world stage? you find it acceptable to disparage a sector of your own race for the fun of it? a problem need solutions, not ridicule.
I guess you didn’t understand. Well, ad hominem-using haters wouldn’t.
if your mother had a birthmark on her face, would you laugh if I called her an ugly bitch? it may be true, but it is insulting nonetheless.
That’s more of a PERSONAL perspective. You just love to see it also as a COLLECTIVE. That’s nonsensical.
BTW, there is no ‘race’, as proven by the Human Genome Project, also considering the Filipinos in over 400 years have long mixed with the rest of Asia and some of Europe.
the writer of this article wants nothing but publicity…
But when they do things like post pictures of themselves wearing their employer’s clothes without permission (the maid in Singapore), slap a helpless Alzheimer’s patient (Jonathan Aquino case), steal from a US children’s cancer fund (Rene Ballenas pleaded guilty to larceny), make a loan in the U.S. then run home to avoid paying it, murder a famous fashion designer (Andrew Cunanan killing Gianni Versace), complain about someone else’s name (the Filipino complaining about someone being named Kiki in Australia) or be on the defensive after the botched Manila Hostage Crisis, you know they are far from “oppressed” or “deserving pride.” It’s more like they need therapy. If only there was a psychiatric treatment called Ego Therapy.
“Do you think only Filipinos are capable of doing this kind of behavior…I don’t think so. All over the world this kind of crimes always occur…so whats the point of emphasizing all of this… degrade the whole Filipinos…what an act of publicity…ChinoF is KSP”
in other words mababaw and makitid… and they trample upon those who do not agree as low IQ… it is actually the likes of you chino, who bring this country down!
It seems that ‘BLACK SABBATH’ guy is more KSP than the author because he’s also a point misser. Am I right?
@Manny V: Sorry, but the truth is that you and likes of you are bringing the country down. we’re the evil ones. The smart, logical, rational thinking Filipinos are your enemy and your weapon of choice is sheer ignorance and blatant idiocy.
We have this and 20 times more of your ilk to look forward to for the future of the Philippines if things persist. The likes of you are the cancer killing the Failippines.
Deal with it.
But where are the examples of people of other countries doing this? Care to cite them?
Hey don’t use the name of an awesome band, you’re not worthy.
No one puts value on humility anymore. A good read this is.
It seems a prevailing thought is that humility is “giving in to oppression,” and “failure to assert.” That’s not true. Humility is knowing when to rightfully comply and when to rightfully assert.
Many Filipinos have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. They want respect and recognition from other races, yet, themselves are racist or intolerant of other ethnic groups, as a recent study suggests…
I wrote on that. Please also look at Cito Beltran’s “Ours is not a Beautiful Mind,” also linked in the article.
blame the media. Media coined the ff terms ” Angat ang pinoy ” “galing ng pinoy” “proud to be pinoy”, everytime they feature some half-blood pinoy doing well overseas. Do you think majority of the Filipinos think the same way? I loath the media everytime they make boast this just to capture viewers attention and get some ratings. They dont represent the majority’s take on this. tsk
Yes, I agree. Mass media has been hyping up certain things, erroneous things for the most part. They’re the ones who do it for publicity.
You’re right.
Seriously? Puro post2x nalang tayo nang mga ganito. Wala paring pagbabago. Kung ako maging presidente, gagawin kong parang rehimeng marcos except sa martial law para asenso talaga .
Go on. And please also learn from people like Lee Kuan Yew and Mahathir. 😉
do you not read on politics and do not know that being an authoritarian government does not necessarily equate to having bad governance?
Actually, Singapore and Malaysia were managed very well because of these guys whom I call visionaries.
The Philippines have a screwed up government system with a screwed up constitution and screwed up economic policies.
What you get is a screwed up country.
You haven’t really proven either way that an authoritarian government will be more effective for the Philippines. Nor does the success of Dr. Mahatir in Malaysia and Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore necessarily mean that this state of affairs will remain in place after they are gone. It comes down to having the right people in place for the job regardless of whether the government you have is a republic or an autocracy.
A skilled dictator is more valuable than a democracy run with incompetence
However, dictatorships ultimately defeat themselves. Consider the Malay polizeistaat.
I have the same sentiments for most parts..
First, no matter what happens, too much of anything is bad.. And as a youtube netizen, I tend to get disturbed whenever 70% of the comments of a video having a Filipino participate in something abroad and televised would actually have “Pinoy Pride!” comments all over..
It’s insane.
But still, I think the significant number you are referring to is the one highly exposed to mass and social media and are very much active commenting on stuff.
Hindi lumalabas yung mga taong tama lang magreact kasi hindi sila nagrereact. Relative sa mga responsible enough people. I must say, the KSPs are far from being called majority.
If what you say is true, that the KSPs are far from the majority, that’s a relief. I do think the KSP minority are noisy enough to make people think most Filipinos are like that. Hopefully, the non-KSP Filipinos soon win out in terms of voice.
Then again, the KSP minority’s noise may still drown out the non-KSP Filipinos, even if we try to stop them.
I see that situation like this scenario:
Imagine you’re walking down a crowded hallway with a lot of people walking around. Suddenly, there’s a commotion. A group of people (KSP) start to make a “scene”. These people are pretty much like you and most of the people around you. Some people (non-KSP) will just walk away and go on with their lives, some will watch, and some will try to stop them.
Of course, there are other people around, as well (those that are foreign). While you know that the majority of [your kind] are not like that, the noise created by those people (the KSPs) will definitely grab the attention of the passers-by. From there, the others would arrive to the conclusion that these people are like that, blah blah, etc.
(Sorry for the comment if you don’t understand what I’m trying to point out. heh… ^^;)
I get what you mean. That’s sadly how some people make their impression of us; looking at the behavior of a few to represent the behavior of many. Similar to sampling in researches.
I believe somehow this article is true enough, its just that we Filipino has difficulty of accepting the truth. We are always on the state of denial in situations like this, bottom line is… PRIDE!
Kaya hindi pwedeng kainin kasi sabon yan! lol
Interesting article. I must say I cannot disagree, however… perhaps understanding and questioning would be more appropriate.
I also believe that if one expect a positive change then it should proceed with positive message too.
amen about the “understanding and questioning” and “positive message!”
The “positive message” will come, don’t worry.
If this winter guy says the words crab or emotional outbursts, or calls another person here ‘EMO’, ‘stupid’ or ‘idiot’ one more time I swear I’m gonna throw up.
Double standard and also, EMO comment. 😛
Focus on the MESSAGE, not the messenger.
Careful, Winter. If you say all those words in one post, a flood of vomit might be unleashed.
you certainly is right
*Gets ready with cup*
he really is d douchbag!certainly not a soldier of any sort either!
@Gerry: Can you prove to me how am I a douchebag? What do you call on people who are making fun of one’s username? Care to elaborate, plez.
Also, your EMO is showing full force. Just look at your own comments. Ad hominem is cool, right?
ahhh, now that ur getting ur ass kicked, it is ME with the insults, huh? its OK 4 U 2 use insults instead of ur brains (and articulating a response to comment)here but when I do it (as in ‘fighting fire with fire’) back 2 U, u get all ‘ad hominem-y’, huh?W-W-W-A-A-H-H-H!
that is the answer to ur question too. IDK, (and don’t care) if U get it either. I am not the only one here who is sick of ur insults.
“that is the answer to ur question too. IDK, (and don’t care) if U get it either. I am not the only one here who is sick of ur insults.”
Weak argument you got there. I’ll just use my BRAINS while you keep on wasting your time whining about petty things called ‘insults’.
“Focus on what I say, not HOW I say it.” -Margaret Thatcher.
If you are really sick of what you consider ‘insults’ then you’re no different than the average ignorant Pinoy pleb. Why do you even bother???
and they say they are not bigots! look at the definition of bigot in the link they say is the answer, “feeling superior”… if you disagree with them, they will attack you with all sort of name calling and you can feel the hatred… just like when i posted in the cnn thread about the supreme court’s decision on same sex marriage, my post was “i was not happy with the decision” and all the faggots hell broke loose! i was attacked by throngs of gay pride posters! maybe…. hmmmmm…
manny v, if you’re gonna pick a fight (verbal as it is ’round here) and then keep whining as if you’re the victim, you just come across as a wimp playing the victim card and claiming the person against you is the bad guy. man up, stick to the issue of the article, and let me be clear with you – you get no respect for demanding it. you earn it. so unless you have real, substantial arguments, don’t expect to get any.
when did pride be the cause of victory? you write and whine about deeds of individuals. when did the deeds of individuals no matter how bad or good define the whole nation? Further more you make claims on shaky grounds, even the idea of contrasting individual to define the group is completely illogical.
The purpose of Filipino Pride is to remind us who we are as a nation, it is for us to have a sense of camaraderie, a Nation bound by blood and sweat through time, through colonization and liberation, through the many enemies we faced and unite under a single flag. Can you easily just cast aside our freedom and independence that our forefathers have laid their lives for us?
Imagine if we did not have a single drop of pride within us and someone asks us, What is your Nationality? you would reply humbly saying: “Oh, I’m just a lowly filipino”. As if nationality has class rankings. Every nation is capable of great good and evil. Every nation has their story of independence and every one of them can take pride of their struggle to form a nation. So if you would ask me “What is your nationality?” I’d answer “I Am a Filipino, Pinoy Ako.”
It’s so ironic that this country is the only one in all Asia that the majority of the people are catholics yet the likes you katoliban use too much pride in which it’s one of the 7 deadly sins. Pathetic hypocrite.
Indeed… At this rate, I would gladly renounce my Pinoy citizenship, as it were, considering the many, many, MANY unfortunate implications. At least, exempli gratia Americans are polarizing yet with traits worth emulating. And no, if one were to offer me my life in exchange for renouncing my Catholic faith, I would go as St. Lawrence of Manila would, with what was pretty much a middle finger to the genocidal prick.
I’ve got nothing wrong with “Filipino Pride”. But my goodness, tell me WHAT as a WHOLE is the Philippines known for? WHAT can the Philippines be PROUD of?
For starters, remove ANY SINGLE one person.
From there, remove ANY ONE person with even an OUNCE of Filipino blood in them (like that coach for the Heat or that hybrid singer from California, both who are AMERICANS BY CITIZENSHIP.
I could go on and on. But go ahead and get started. Lets see where it takes us.
I dont even understand people who take pride in having partly blooded Filipinos who plays in the NBA or what ever event there is when they dont even carry the Philippine flag! why take pride in someone who does not even fight for the country, its like making someone fight for something he doesnt believe in. so take those NBA players out of the equation and lets focus on those people who actually fights for our country.
Filipino Pride can be derived from our present day athletes, but it is our national heroes who shed blood to set our foundations. like any other country, we also take pride in our patriots. George Washington – U.S.A, Leonidas-Greece, Mahatma Ghandi- India, Gregorio del Pilar -Philippines, etc… What would a country be without her heroes? what would we be without ours?
Sure the present may seem bleak,but nothing can be forever gleaming and neither can ever stay dim.
If it is just the from the athletes that you draw your Filipino Pride from then by all means do so, but then your pride will be just skin deep.
I am a lowly Filipino. That’s all I am. 😉
Lol and it’s actually essential to the nation for media to find some goddamn 0.00001% Pinoy genes in successful people abroad?
From Butthurt Philippines, here are the different kinds of pinoy prayd asshurts like those point-missing utak squatters attacking the messenger:
Here’s another great blog post (that was last year).
This was regarding the Maguindanao Massacre and as a follow-up from the article “I am a Filipino and I’m not Proud” which is written by one of the daughters of former ABS-CBN journalist Weng Orejana, who is now living in New Zealand.
This is an eye-opener.
Hey, nice one, I think I saw this before, but forgot about it. Thanks for digging it up!
Notice that the ones who disagree with the article outright employ bad English grammar and offer arguments peppered with fallacies and insults. I wonder what this means?
the dumber they are, the prouder they tend to be.
Stupidity is one thing they are proud of that’s for sure.
the idea seems to be, “hey the boat’s sinking. let’s party!”
Mostly drones trying to piss me off, I guess.
Well, comment box will be filled with rages and arguments. Come on let it go down the sink, drop it if its hot.
Nice article I enjoyed reading it and I might share this to my class in Sociology.
Please do, and I appreciate counterpoints as well as agreements. There have been some good ones anyway. I hope the article stimulates much thought and discussion. Thanks!
All nations have their positives and negatives. The author focused more on the negative side. Of course, other nations have theirs too even worse, e.g. Germany and Hitler, China and their drug syndicates, Japan and Hirohito, Uganda and Idi Amin, Iraq and Saddam, even US have their serial killers…Lets not condone the bad side of few Filipinos but lets be proud of what we have. How pathetic this blog is to be even dignified.
Focusing on the negative is my purpose for this post, to make a sort of wake-up call. The “positive” article is up there now, if you’ll see it as such.
GRP is the most superior bunch of dumbass jerks! they are like faggots in the gay pride thread who’ll praise you only if you agree with them and if you don’t, they will call you all sort of insulting names and words just like any bigots (feeling superior)! a bunch of fools promoting bigotry… only they can think right… well, that’s according to them!
Boo effin hoo, Manny V.
Trouble is, Filipinos like you cannot see exchanges of opinions like this without the need to win. Just because GRP has a reply for everything you say, feeling superior na kaagad?
Don’t go into the tiger’s cave if you aren’t prepared for a tough engagement. The way you’re painting yourself as a victim here, you accuse GRP of “feeling superior” when in fact, you buckled at the slightest show of standing up to your “arguments” that they did.
Grow a goddamn pair, will you? Ma-as salama.
haha! look who’s talking,
from gog: Positive news about the Philippines? Like what?? Pinoys fueled by KSP go gaga over the Jessica Sanchez’s of the world. People who had nothing to do with the Philippines yet pinoys want to piggy back on them. Inciang, you love GRP otherwise you would not spend one second here. Comment some more you just root your love in us more. Leave, and you are gone. Either way, GRP wins.
you love aladdin mofo so much do you?
You didn’t offer anything ‘productive’.
BTW, he has a point.
One question: So What?
Does “taking comments out of context” mean anything to you, MannyV?
Victim mentality is also the bane of this country. If every Filipino like you has that, then we can never move forward.
Of course, you live in the US so how can you see it anyway?
yeah that is why i can see the big picture. i can see how miserable the squatters are but do you care about them? nah, you belittle them calling them ignorant, idiots etc… you pretend to be highly intelligent intellects, but what have you achieved so far? what have you contributed so far? your insight on how boastful filipinos are? hurt filipinos’ pride? do you reach out to your less fortunate fellowmen, mingle with what you call the “lowly” squatters and see and feel for yourself the real pinoy pride? bunch of hypocrites…
In case you don’t notice, even those who live in the squatters are also part of the problem. Have you heard about ‘squatter mentality’? Not just the squatter people have that, every Filipino has that mentality.
Those people you’ve mentioned have done horrible things like voting/ putting showbiz people and familial last names into politics and then when sh*t breaks out, they react as if they weren’t aware of the repercussions. I mean, pitch money to the poor to make things better is nonsense; it will make things even worse. There goes the ‘palamunin’ culture.
And no, you don’t see the bigger picture because all you have is SHEER IGNORANCE and BLATANT IDIOCY. Real Filipino prides needs CRITICAL THINKING and PROGRESS. That is all that matters.
You’re a bigger hypocrite because of your flawed logic and reasoning. <_<
As I read your whole comment, it seems the author is right even more.
You focus more on HOW people say and not the whole context. So you are actually EMO because you resort to emotional outbursts. Asking me about ‘my’ achievements and ‘my’ contributions seems it’s more like a red herring because for you, ‘Filipino pride’ is more on achievements of one individual Filipino rather than collective. Typical Da Pinoy Mentality you got there. What if I try to ask you that? 😛
How boastful Filipinos are? Because of they rage on a bad joke and demand an apology? Or maybe you are new to the word ‘balat-sibuyas’? Or maybe they are proud to be Filipino because of (insert celebrity here)? Nope. National pride based on COLLECTIVE achievements than individual.
And BTW, why do you bring squatters here if it’s also their fault? The reason why there is poverty because the Philippines not only had a flawed government system but also a flawed culture. And those ‘squatter’ people
you said that I ‘mingle’ also vote for showbiz people and familial last names in politics, watch dumbed down TV shows, etc. All thanks to the biased media this country have.
It seems you also have that mentality. Again, who’s the bigger hypocrite?
You didn’t see the bigger picture, like I said. You
Well newsflash you utak squatter. Recently one of the “professional” squatters who are protesting about being kicked out on their land that they don’t own legally went too far by throwing shit and piss to the anti-riot police. Now that is so incompetent.
Btw you haven’t seen the bigger picture yet. I suggest you better stop hiding your coward ass in the US of A and get back here in fliplandia so that you can have a taste of pagpag.
@Manny V
Oh really? When did I call you “all sorts of insulting names and words”? Aren’t you the one who just did that to GRP writers?
im a chinese who’s born in the philippines, if we disregard the flaws and always be proud of what we have then we’re being hypocrite. the saying “learn from my mistake” is applicable in this kind of situation. having a 70% of mistakes or flaws and covering it up with 30% of positive good deeds wont make us grow. so being childish is not the answer to change. this blog may hurt true blood filipino’s which are the aeta’s (you can check it on wiki) but i believe that the writer is just opening ours eyes and not our emotion to help us realize that its time for a change and not to be boastful of what we already have. true pride is what we need to keep us believeing that we’re strong but too much pride will lead to boasting and that will lead us to shame. no argument here,just a choice of given chance to change.
I think there are more than the Aetas who are indigenous “Filipinos,” although I agree, our people have to look at the mistakes pointed out to them, and they see where they could change.
that’s what my daughter learned in grade school about the aeta’s. i can see your message here chino because that is also how i was raised by my dad the chinese traditional way,focus on your mistake and accept in, change in order for you to succeed.
i remember once my 6 year old daughter asked a bystander near our store “hi ma’am,are you a true filipino?” the girl said”yes” then my daughter replied “then you’re an aeta”. now, should the girl be insulted or be proud? go figure.
Truly they will never save the Philippines but they bring hope amidst corrupt government officials, particularly the generals, colonels, justices, judges, prosecutors, BIR and BOC personnels, presidents, senators, congressmen, secretaries, bureau directors… Unless these people turn back from their evil ways, our country can never be saved…(anyway, they will all go to hell). But our heroes… they have nothing to do in saving the country… they just bring a glimmer of bring hope…
iam proud of being a chinese as iam proud that i was born and raised in philippines but i dont need to boast it. some can boast about their religion and nationality then that’s them not me. let other people boast me and not me boasting me.
as god the father said…..we are one…..whoever you are…whoever they are……we are the children of god. Nobody’s perfect.
while some points are true, generalizing filipinos isn’t really a good argument. it’s like saying all muslims are bad because some are terrorists, or priests are pedophiles because some can’t keep their weirdness in their pants.
generalizing to prove a point is always wrong, and that makes his argument invalid from the start. sure he could rant about some filipinos but not all filipinos are like those whom he despises. i actually don’t get offended with pinoy jokes as a start. i think he doesn’t either so it’s basically wrong to just generalize an entire nation based on a few hundred likes in a facebook post. wouldn’t you agree?
and i think he missed out the real reasons we are proud of filipinos achieving something. I think it gives other people hope. as a 3rd world nation, we like to publicize the success of other filipinos so that we could emulate their principles and become successful ourselves. we adulate them not because we think we’re special as a nation, but because we admire their perseverance and hardwork and with that perspective in mind, we could achieve something great ourselves in the future.
i think that’s what filipino pride is all about. he must not be a filipino cause clearly he doesn’t know what that means…
well said my friend… these kids doesn’t know the meaning of the word compassion or they just don’t have it… why not go out to the squatters area, tell them straight face that they have false pride, they are stupid, they are ignorant and they are the CAUSE of the filipinos’ misery. i bet none of you guys from GRP have the balls to do that…
“i bet none of you guys from GRP have the balls to do that…”
Isn’t that making a generalization about all GRP writers and others who share their opinion?
So…you’re okay with, say, Filipino basketball fans fanatically rooting for the Miami Heat, a team whose members Filipinos hardly knew from Adam, with the exception of maybe, Lebron James and Dwayne Wade, and prancing around in Heat colors simply on the basis of Erik Spoelstra’s heritage?
I know Spoelstra has said he is proud to be a Filipino-American. But wasn’t his upbringing in Portland? Wasn’t his college career at the University of Portland? And when he turned pro, wasn’t his professional playing career in Germany? Pretty sure it wasn’t in the PBA. In fact, Pinoys only began to give him notice when he came to prominence as assistant coach of the Miami Heat under Pat Riley. Before that, if you asked any local Pinoy basketball fan who Erik Spoelstra was, you’d be met with a blank stare. Now it’s as if he’s the guy everybody knew who lived around the corner from them in the old neighborhood.
That was one of the main points of the essay, by the way. The tendency a lot of Filipinos have of associating themselves with successful individuals who happen to have some connection with the Philippines (no matter how tenuous) and by that association elevate themselves with an inordinate sense of self-esteem and conceit. It also doesn’t seem to matter that Pinoys NEVER CARED about these individuals (successful Filipino-Americans like Spoelstra) before they became famous. It isn’t about squatters. (How the devil did that association come up?) This attitude is prevalent throughout ALL classes of Filipino society. Drawing attention to it is always the first step if we want to change this type of self-satisfying behaviour.
fans are fans… and stop generalizing as though all pinoys are heat fans just because of the coach. they are proud because somehow a part of him is filipino. do the filipinos try to own up the heat? plain and simple filipino heat fans claim the heat are champs because the coach is part filipino? they are just mighty proud because they are heat fans! now what is wrong with that? are you a spurs fan?
Strawman argument. 😛
Actually, there are most Pinoys do that. You are indeed IGNORANT about the matter.
I’m a Celtics fan. From before b-ball became a flashy one man show. Back when it was still a team sport, Bill Russell was THE best center in the universe (16 straight championships baby!), and nobody could match Pete Maravich in ball handling.
You’ve NEVER come across NEW converts to the Miami Heat who wanted them to win specifically because Spoelstra is half Filipino? I find that unbelievable. Honestly, quite a number of Pinoy bball fans I come across root for the winning NBA team do so because they are winners. NOT because they’d been following the team. If you’ve never experienced this phenomenon, I can’t believe your implication that you follow the NBA.
@Johnny Saint:
I’m more of a LEBRON JAMES fan than being a Heat fan, but at least I know about the Heat franchise’s history and every aspect about the NBA. I want the Heat win because I want to see LeBron James winning more championships. And if you ask me: WINNING is more important than franchise loyalty. In other words, you can’t have both.
I know what I call fans who support teams with incompetent or cheapskate owners, who are just content to make a profit off the fans, while their teams languish at the bottom of the standings, season after season, decade after decade. I call those fans morons.
Oops! Seems my hands got ahead of my brain. I meant to say 16 — actually 17 as of 2008 — championships. With eight straight titles from 1959 to 1966.
Manny V,
I still find it impossible to believe that you’ve never come across anyone who claimed to be a fan of the Miami Heat simply because Fil-Am Erik Spoelstra is head coach. What planet are you on? Either you aren’t really a fan or you are being patently dishonest. Even those who only occasionally watch basketball games are aware that a lot of Pinoys behave this way.
And why do you keep insisting that the characterization is being applied to ALL Pinoy bball fans? I simply related a fact that I personally experienced. Something which other GRP followers have also come across. If anything, it seems you are the one projecting a generalized opinion about others who post comments that do not adhere to your point of view.
“And if you ask me: WINNING is more important than franchise loyalty.”
Have to take issue with your position, WinterSoldier. It suggests a lack of principle; that its only ever been about MONEY, NOT the game. Everyone in Cleveland will back me up on this one too 😉
Sure, winning is eminently more preferable than losing. Winning gets people into arena seats. More people means more sales. More sales means more money all around — the team (along with the overly inflated multi-million dollar salaries for Lebron and Dwayne Wade while great players like Dominique Wilkins got by on $100,000 a season), the owners, the fans and the city they play for. Ika nga e — “everybody happy!”
But winning doesn’t come automatically. The Chicago Bulls in the 1990s took some five years before they became the winningest team of that decade. That took a lot of work. Which would NEVER HAVE HAPPENED WITHOUT LOYALTY to the team, their city/patron, and their fans that lasts more than one or two seasons. (Take note Oklahoma City Thunder!)
I admire athletes like Kevin Garnett whose loyalty to his team is a rare quality in sports today. He spent years toiling with a mediocre Minnesota Timberwolves before winning in 2008 with the Boston Celtics. Ditto Magic Johnson and Larry Bird who stayed with the Lakers and the Celtics respectively throughout their playing careers. In a day and age when NBA players switch allegiances without a second thought, that kind of commitment is very welcome.
One last bit — basketball is a TEAM sport.
It ISN’T about one personality, no matter how talented. That’s why I do not appreciate the NBA today hyping the greatness of Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan chewing out the Washington Wizards bench for celebrating with him because they weren’t as “skilled” as he was on the court and he felt they didn’t deserve to be in his presence.
And honestly, I despise “King” James for not not wanting to practice with the rest of the Miami Heat because he feels Spoelstra making him do drills is beneath him.
It makes you wonder, then, Johnny Saint:
If, in essence, basketball is a team sport, why are Filipinos so drawn to it?
A relative of mine had this to say about the local basketball leagues, though:
Parang mga manok na pinugutan ng ulo na pinakawalan sa court
If you think about it, it is easy to overlook the team aspect, and instead focus on the one player who happens to make the points.
Hey Amir,
Your comment marks the 600th response posted here. And it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. 😉
I think its the camaraderie. Everyone will agree that Filipinos are a sociable lot. We like doing things as a group. Team sports are a no-brainer if you ask me.
That being said, Pinoys are ALSO about standing out in the crowd. Even within their own group. So you end up with a bunch’a idiots trying to capture the limelight when they should be more focused on working together.
I’ve heard the “headless chicken” remark too. And that was a comment by a high school soccer player at the Azkals 😉 You could probably beat Younghusband and company with the Ateneo football team. Just saying.
You’ve heard the saying “There’s no ‘I’ in TEAM?” I beg to differ. You’ll find the “I” in the “A-HOLE!” 😉
Hahaha. True that, Johnny Saint.
But the question remains:
Where are the results of being given hope (hope in what exactly, that was never made clear), of being “inspired” by their perseverance, hard work, and all those other qualities that made them successful?
Generalizing about Filipinos does not necessarily mean that such assertion applies to all Filipinos in that sample set.
Filipinos still show a big question mark on what they have accomplished collectively as a people. Propping up numerous achievements of individuals does not equal an grand collective achievement.
The problem with relying one’s hope on other Filipinos achieving, is that they’ll leave it at that and do nothing. In a way, it can be a false hope. Some Filipinos might praise Lea, Manny and all, then go back to their drinking spree that makes them drunk the whole day, so they’ll achieve nothing. Hope indeed.
Some of you people pour out opinions as if they are the only ones that matter, and are in fact the only “truth”. When in fact, you are just as bad as the ones you are criticising, you pompous, arrogant, know it all, fools! How immature! Nobody in their right heart and mind would find much of this topic worth taking seriously as it seems to be intent on one thing. To belittle and criticise, and to self-glorify the writer and other commentators. Too much time in your hands, I say. Nothing but idle gossipers.
@Anna Indeed, that’s the whole point of writing and publishing blogs — to put forth an opinion that one feels is the right opinion. And if you will look below an article you will find something called a Comments Section where people can express their agreement or diagreement to the message of the article in a well-articulated commentary that focuses on tabling coherent arguments for or against the message.
From what I see above, your comment fails to meet any of the criteria that constitutes a coherent argument against what we write. Instead, all you have is a rather childish bout of foot stomping which I find amusing at best.
“Indeed, that’s the whole point of writing and publishing blogs — to put forth an opinion that one feels is the right opinion.”
its is also called humility to admit when you might not hold the only right opinion.
Welcome back, GabbyD! You have returned to demonstrate another great example of point-missing. 😀
of course, you have to post comments that demonstrate actual thinking ability, not comments that just waste people’s time and energy.
welcome back, gabbyd. didn’t know you were let back in.
it usually seems that way when you’re butthurt, anna. we understand.
I guess to certain Filipinos like you, Anna, “accepting that other opinions exist” means shutting up and taking it quietly.
Why bother putting out an opinion if you can’t defend it? That’s what the comments section is for. Frankly, if you consider GRP arrogant for defending their opinions, then that simply means you couldn’t defend yours.
Your shortcoming, not theirs. Please, don’t act like a victim.
What’s the alternative? That Filipinos continue to take pride in Pinoys with 1/4 Filipino blood who win in reality contests overseas? Get real! We should be hailing locally educated Pinoys who excel in science and technology instead. That way, we might encourage more Filipinos to study those fields and contribute to our country’s advancement.
Case in point — Dado Banatao. Graduate of Mapua and Stanford University. Founder of S3 Graphics in 1989. The PC industry would never have had motherboards with on-board graphics cards if it wasn’t for him. But you hardly ever hear that name being mentioned in the same breath as Bruno Mars or Jessica Sanchez.
Really now. That is something that should be highlighted. All that most Filipinos want, sadly, is singing and dancing.
Because jessica sanchez and bruno mars are part of the commercial industry so they are generally more well known as it is media that often informs people about what is going on in the world. The more highly published one is, the more people know about him, the more people talk about him. Sadly, not everyone’s talent may be considered commercial so they are not as generally known, i blame media. Not so much the people.
Most Filipinos are shallow, which is why they only look up to celebrities. Just look at the people in politics. A lof of them were voted into office because they are celebrities or related to celebrities.
We would do well to bring attention to companies and organizations as well as personalities. Perhaps even more than individual achievers.
Take Engineering Equipment Inc. (EEI) Its a local company that everyday people on the street overlook even when their signs are all over Metro Manila construction. I’ll bet most Filipinos aren’t aware they also build oil rigs and refineries for Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. Not Europeans or Americans, but Filipino engineers. And they’ve been in business since the 1930s.
Any more examples, Johnny Saint? I listed some in my earlier article back on Antipinoy, but the Banatao story takes the cake. I Googled an article on him in Star recently, but it does seem the noise is really very inadequate on these real achievers.
Off the top of my head, there’s Gregorio Y. Zara. Even before Dado Banatao he was making great strides in engineering. He’s credited with inventing the first videophone. Here’s his Wikipedia entry:
That would help too. Thanks!
How immature to use ad hominems and do “foot stomping” instead of present a good counterpoint.
And then you willfully ignore the more positive follow-up article I presented. How revealing.
gising mga filipino, imulat ang inyong mga mata! get real! wala kayong mga kwentang tao, bulok ang mga pagiisip nyo. kayo-kayo nagsisiraan! you live in a stinking third world country, your gov’t corrupt as well as all you filipinos! your streets are filthy filled with beggars! you are a lowly race and you deserve to be the butt of all jokes! wala na kayong pag-asa! get real! wala ng makakasalba sa inyo kasi mga bobo kayo at mahilig kayong makisakay! ang hilig nyo ipromote ang sarili nyo at masyado kayong title conscious (nabasa nyo ba ito – Former TV news producer, writer and aspiring artist. Self-declared moral crusader. He believes Get Real Philippines is a mythbusting site that corrects the perceptions of society, since there are right and wrong perceptions. His “corrections” will always be controversial, since he believes the mainstream leaders – and even some who declare themselves as “reformists” – are immersed in widely disseminated wrong beliefs. Chino is also a former Google Answers Researcher who went by the username techtor-ga.) lahat kayo mga crab!
Very defeatist ang comment mo. Ad hominems are not really good arguments. Make up stories makes everything worse because you’re encouraging everyone to live in delusions of arrogance and false sense of security.
You should GET REAL because you are not making any sense. we should change how we think about mythical concepts like crab mentality and colonial mentality, like you do. Because people cannot progress if they keep thinking like that and playing the constant victim when things get messed up.
Yes, Manny V loves victim mentality. 😛
me a playing a victim? ang bobo mo talaga filipino ka nga talaga! i’m no longer a filipino and i live in a first world country… ang hilig mo pang mag ingles, get real! kayo ang nagpo-promote ng ganyang klaseng thinking. and i’m not making up stories, kasi yan naman ang totoo di ba? bulok ang pilipinas at ang mga filipino! pagalingan kayo ng pagalingan eh wala naman kayong mga silbe! wala na talaga kayong pag-asa… dapat talaga sa inyo ini=insulto!
o ano? eh di natauhan ka? pwe!
Haay, you’re totally batshit insane. Nakatira ka na nga sa US but why bother wasting your time here? BTW,
“Small minds discuss PEOPLE. Average minds discuss EVENTS. Great minds discuss IDEAS.”
Hindi ako matatauhan sa iyang tulad mong talunan. Ang pinapakita mo ay LOSER MENTALITY.
Pwe. <_<
Looks like you misunderstood everything. Deliberately. That a part of the CoRRECT way of doing things?
wag kang magpaka-ipokrito, get real!
Wow, look who’s talking. 😛
If you think that EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS can beat logical thinking, then think again.
I realized something about pride:
Pride hinders acceptance, change, and growth.
diyan kayo magaling, sa mga cliche… pa-quote-quote…
E ikaw, magaling ka lang sa TROLLING. The only way to win arguments is TROLLING.
Can’t wait to see your comments being deleted. 😛
kaya kayo di umaasenso kasi opressed kayo ng gobyerno nyong bulok! wala naman kayong magawa kasi mga duwag kayo, bakit kayo duwag? kasi wala kayo pagkakaisa… kanya-kanya kayo! wala kayong pakialam sa kapwa nyo pilipino , ang alam nyo lang mang-gulang sa kapwa pag may pagkakataon! ginagawa talaga kayong bobo ng gobyerno nyo pero manhid kayo dahil wala kayong paki alam! ngayon yang mga kapwa nyo na masang filipino ang ginagawa nyong dahilan sa mga problema at kabulukan ng society nyo! get real!
“Kung ano ang TAO, ganun din ang GOBYERNO.”
-Dr. Jose Rizal
The reason of the very existence of this blog is to make the Filipino people open their minds and see the harsh truth. And to tell you, the failure of Philippine society rests on aspects like a flawed government system, a flawed constitution, and even a flawed culture. If you ask me, I’m not those people who did things like voting inept people in politics; the dumbed down Filipino do that all the time.
Now I wanna ask: So you want Filipinos to live in a government whored by media telling them that everything is ok and never look forward for progress as a people and society but to be part of a MEDIOCRITY? Sadly, THAT is what happened to the Philippines after Marcos left.
The reason WHY there is rampant corruption is because of how the people VIEW the government as a spectator sport, put people like Noynoy Aquino, etc., other affluent familial last names and former showbiz people to politics, then when sh*t breaks out, they react as if they weren’t aware of the repercussions.
I hope in the near future we SCRAP the stupidity that is the 1987 constitution and favor a form of governance that ACTUALLY favors efficient leaders. Besides Noynoy and former president Estrada, there was Gordon and Gibo who actually had something Pinoys could wish they can buy; a concrete vision. Nothing is going to change if we still run a system where familial last names matter and celebrities/athletes who get popular and pitch money to the poor to make things better.
Nagto-troll ka na lang dahil hindi mo matanggap na puro haka haka lang ang binabangit mo, mga empty rhetorics na kung sino man ang gumagamit. Kung alam mo, ang pagiging ‘proud’ as sa sariling gawa. Paano ka magiging proud sa mga kinukulang na gawa? Ang pag asa ng Pilipinas ay critical thinking at progress. Doon naggagaling ang pride. Dahil ang tamang aksyon ay may maganding consequence na lahat ay mararamdam, hindi lang bayan o bayan ko kundi buong bansa. At hindi mo ata maintidihan iyon.
You should GET REAL dahil sa simula pa lang, masyado nang baluktot pag pag-iisip mo.
wala talagang lunas sa mga taong nagbubulag-bulagan, nagbibingi-bingihan at manhid sa kapaligiran… at lalung-lalu na sa mga nagdudung-dunungan!
You just went full retard. Never go full retard.
dammit domo i’m roflmao dude! “full retard”
classic! 🙂
pride ang dahilan kung bakit di kayo umaasenso? wala nga kayong maipagmalaki eh! ang katotohanan wala kasi kayong pride kaya passive kayo… ke yurakan o insultuhin kayo nakatawa pa kayo! napaka-lame ng argumento nyo, dahil proud ang mga pilipino kaya nahihinder ang pag-asenso? bird brains! get real!
Your bitchy whining is so telebasura. Are you watching too much telebasura on your tfc? Ang hilig mong magpaapekto sa isang maliit na bagay e. And if you think that is a big deal, please kill yourself. So are you implying that you prefer to be like a neo nazi? Or are you just an asslicker of hitler after all? btw I bet the Americans are personally making fun of you there. YOU should get real because your mindset is so middle ages.
Kailangan ba sa buhay yung merong ipagmamalaki? Ano yung gamit ng pagmamalaki? Ang dulot non, malaki ang ulo.
Tama ka diyan.
Why don’t we just humble ourselves, acknowledge our mistakes and find solutions?
ChinoF, I remember about your article about the Manila Bus Hostage Crisis 3 years ago. And I have seen your art about one Filipino still raising a BLOOD-STAINED Philippine flag atop the victims while China is crying for justice. During that time, I was still aghast on Filipinos who says that they are still ‘proud’. Proud of what? That art is a grim reminded.
That tragedy is still etched in my mind. And I call Filipinos who says “I’m still proud” despite of the incompetence during that tragedy; I call them morons.
They’re trying to look for something to raise their spirits in a moment of disaster. I understand their feelings, but what they’re trying to do vis a vis their intentions is wrong.
eh filipino ka diba? eh di moron ka? eh kundi ba naman kayo sandamakmak na bobo eh, san ka naman nakakita ng mga taong pati pagiging fan ng nba eh sinisisi sa pagiging bulok ng lipunan nila… get real! in the first place, bakit ba nangyari yung manila bus hostage taking? di ba dahil sa bulok nyong sistema? tapos yung end result yun lang ang napupuna nyo at pipintasan nyo pa yung mga sarile nyo kapwa filipino? bulok talaga yang mga kokote nyo! get real!
Why not? Some of the things that happened in the Bus Hostage Crisis can be attributed to our culture. Bulok na sistema is just part of it. Bulok na pag-iisip and decision-making, and bulok na handling by media, are part of it too. Sobra ka namang emosyonal, duy. hehe
@M/Manny V:
“tapos yung end result yun lang ang napupuna nyo at pipintasan nyo pa yung mga sarile nyo kapwa filipino?”
Parang may nagsasabi sa akin na “Pilipino ka. Dapat iangat mo ang kapwa mo Pilipino”
Woooow, parang socialism na iyan amf Pantay pantay po para lahat ay meron kahit ang mga iba ay ginagawa ang lahat para mag tyaga habang ang mga inutil na di nagtatrabaho ay gusto kin mapayapa pero ayaw gumawa ng sariling paraan.
At siyanga pala, YOU should be GET REAL. And not us, because all of your comments scream “Get HILO” and “Get EMO”
No thanks. 😛
I have no idea how to make this image show up, but here:
Share as necessary.
I was trying to get the HTML to show up. Maybe just my ipad is not registering it .
My observation after all this: Most Filipinos scream murder at the person who tells them they have a pimple, but love the person who tells them they are very beautiful despite the pimple, or while ignoring the pimple. And people who want a sugar-coated message usually do so because they actually have a closed mind.
“There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud… not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God… to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” (2 Tim. 3:1-4,4:3)
If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 )
thats your faith!!!! 🙂
That’s… totally wrong.
Be careful on how you interpret Bible verses. People interpreting it LITERALLY could cause problems. In short, that verse is OUT OF CONTEXT.
TBH, that text is ONLY applicable on the Old Covenant (the Old Testament) during the time of the Israelites and Moses. The Bible verse that Chino used is from the New Covenant (New Testament). Are you trying to say that Deuteronomy 13:7-12 is applicable in today’s Christianity??? If it’s Judaism then it makes sense.
FLAWED LOGIC and REASONING. Even God is insulted.
What the… ahahahahaha! Quoting something totally unrelated and irrelevant. Totally wrong, dude. Doesn’t even relate to the point we’re discussing. At least Winter Soldier got the proper explanation covered. But still… hahahaha!
what is the ethical grp-approved response when you are told you have a pimple?
Don’t be proud you have a pimple.
wake up to reality… hindi yung cliche na lang ng cliche! sa totoong buhay hindi ganyan! sa totoong buhay pag sinabihan ka na may pimple ka, di ba hahanap ka ng salamin at titignan mo? mahilig kayo mag exaggerate! san ka naman nakakita na pati ang pagiging fan ng NBA eh kasama sa problema ng buhay nila? pati ang paghanga ng isang filipino sa coach ng heat eh ginagawang dahilan para pintasan ang kapwa nila filipino?
Ayan, the GRP approved response – look in the mirror. GRP is that mirror. Tapos magagalit pa. I don’t think I’m exaggerating things. You on the other hand are responding with fallacious reasoning – if it is reasoning at all.
Kill me now!
Here’s an excerpt from Chino’s blog as an addition:
I speak English better than I speak Tagalog or whatever my regional ethnic language is. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I boycott Wowowee, Willing Willie, Wowowillie, local telenovelas, local news and local media. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I watch anime and foreign programs instead of local programs. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t give blowouts during my birthday or I don’t prepare bongga handaans (lavish dinners) during an event. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t use firecrackers to celebrate New Year’s Eve because I don’t want my house, money or fingers to burn. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I refuse to give dole outs to the squatter areas. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t send home balikbayan boxes as an OFW, because it’s too expensive and impractical for my case (and I can always buy things when I get home). So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t listen much to love songs, and prefer exciting, fast heavy metal or other fast, riotous music. And I don’t like videoke or karaoke. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I seem to be an overly logical person and would rather think critically than let my emotions do the thinking, my fellow Filipinos tell me. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t follow fads, or go with what’s popular with fellow Filipinos. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t believe in pakikisama, since it means you sacrifice your integrity or personal preferences just to conform to your barkada or group. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t use authoritarianism, don’t teach my kids to use “po” or “opo,” don’t teach them the mano tradition or I don’t raise them the traditional way, but use modern “western” parenting methods. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I avoid local rich foods like lechon and bulalo, and prefer healthier that tend to be “imported” or foreign products (although there are some good local products already). So what? I’m still Filipino.
I believe the jeepney should be eliminated or reduced as a form of transportation to improve our poor metro traffic situation. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I refrain from inumans at the kanto or even with friends who keep pestering me about it. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I side with a foreigner who has been wronged by a Filipino, and I help out in catching the Filipino miscreant. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I’m not fond of basketball or boxing and prefer other sports, or don’t really watch sports at all. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I am not a fan of Manny Pacquiao and refuse to say “I’m Proud to be Pinoy because of Manny.” So what? I’m still Filipino.
I believe our culture is filled with a lot of trash and we’re doing the wrong things compared to what our neighbors like Singapore and Indonesia are doing. So what? I’m still Filipino.
Heck, even if I don’t say “I’m Proud to be Filipino,” or “the Filipino Race is superior,” I’m still Filipino.
No matter how un-Filipino or anti-Filipino I seem to you, I will boldy declare that I am still, and will always be, a Filipino.
So what makes me Filipino? My desire to see my country’s system fixed, and my country’s culture transformed into one that is more respectable.
congrats you know how to copy and paste. ctrl c and ctrl v are the shortcuts. come back when you can think for yourself
Nice comeback BTW.
Come back if you come up with a good argument because you can’t think up a good one. 😀
pag nakorner ka, ganyan lang parati ang reply mo? estupido ka talaga… get real!
He copied and pasted a good article, mind you. One by moi. 😉
It’s a sad thing that you only know how to insult people who copy and paste articles.
Is that the only insult you have left hmm? sendong”girl”?
Pathetic ad hominem attacks are the only thing that you can do.
I laugh at how pathetic you’ve become.
tignan mo kung gaano kabobo yang si winter, kasi copy-paste lang ang alam… “No matter how un-Filipino or anti-Filipino I seem to you, I will boldy declare that I am still, and will always be, a Filipino.”
isn’t this being proud? hoy winter, matuto kang mag-isip para sa sarile mo. tunay ka ngang filipino kasi mahusay humalik sa pwet! isa kang kissass ni chinoF… ang husay nyong magbolahan dito! get real!
“isn’t this being proud? hoy winter, matuto kang mag-isip para sa sarile mo. tunay ka ngang filipino kasi mahusay humalik sa pwet! isa kang kissass ni chinoF… ang husay nyong magbolahan dito! get real!”
Pati copy-and-paste pinagiinitan mo? What if kung makakatulong iyon? Ikaw nga hindi ka makapag-isip sa sarili mo dahil halos puro ka AD HOMINEM everytime mag-comment dito? At least makakatulong pa ako. Dahil…
“Small minds discuss PEOPLE. Average minds discuss EVENTS. Great minds discuss IDEAS.”
It’s just proves that you are a total HYPOCRITE. At least ginagawa ko ang TAMA at IKAW ay puro MALI.
YOU should GET REAL.
Good article by Chino that brought up several good points.
I’m concerned though with the syllogism of lechon & bulalo = “unhealthy” therefore filipino food is unhealthy and some foreign food is healthy ergo foreign food is “healthier”.
With that logic, every cuisine is unhealthy because of a couple of rich dishes.
French = bourguignon and steak au poivre
Chinese = glazed char siu and peking duck smothered in hoisin
German = schnitzel and sauerbraten
Japanese = tonkatsu and yakisoba-pan
Doreen Fernandez nicely pointed out that sinigang is the quintessential filipino dish, and that’s pretty healthy. Same with kilawin/kinilaw, kulawo, binakol etc.
Maybe try not to paint too broad a brushstroke maybe?
Some people here used the term ‘crab mentality’ against some guys here at GRP, but THIS is the icing of the cake”
‘MAKISAMA KA. Magdusa ka kasama namin’
NOW THIS WHAT YOU CALL CRAB MENTALITY! You want to break out of the bad traditions because you have the education and the common sense to see the difference. But when you do, the people try pull you back because instead of swallowing their pride, they would rather stick to their failed guns and drag those who know better along for the ride.
Not the kind of stupid example when you think critically about someone’s success because mainstream Pinoys try to pull other Pinoys success with them. Everyone will be less crabby if they do more and learn to take in values that work.
di ba ito yung ginagawa nyo? shooting down or downplaying someone’s achievement with tirades very irrelevant sa mga problema nyo? why? because of jealousy? inggit – yan ang problema nyo! bakit maraming galit kay willie revillame? kasi maraming nai-inggit sa kanya! katulad mo winter… galit kayo kay revillame? eh ano naman ngayon? kilala ba kayo ni revillame? hahaha! i bet kung personal nyong kilala si revillame di kayo magagalit sa kanya. baka magkissass pa kayo! wag kayong ipokrito, get real!
Pointing out the errors of others, when it is a real error, is actually noble, but hated.
what’s noble about jealousy?
@Manny: What’s so noble about FLAME BAIT? 😛
And what is so noble about being an utak squatter buffoon?
IKAW ang pinaka-ipokrito. Just look at your own comments, plez.
very ironic itong GRP… puro ka-ipokritohan! pwede bang “get lost!” na lang? yung isa ang sabi “i can’t wait for your posts to be deleted…” eh di i-delete nyo! but you’ve been exposed and you lost…
We can’t get lost because this is our territory. You’re the one who can “get lost.”
before you touch on something you know nothing about, beware! before you attempt to open up the eyes of your fellowmen, beware! you ended up opening a can of worms!
Perhaps that was needed to really effect meaningful change in Philippine society.
Here’s a positive example worth being proud of: Yelle Castro
Here’s an excerpt from Chino’s blog as an addition:
I speak English better than I speak Tagalog or whatever my regional ethnic language is. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I boycott Wowowee, Willing Willie, Wowowillie, local telenovelas, local news and local media. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I watch anime and foreign programs instead of local programs. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t give blowouts during my birthday or I don’t prepare bongga handaans (lavish dinners) during an event. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t use firecrackers to celebrate New Year’s Eve because I don’t want my house, money or fingers to burn. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I refuse to give dole outs to the squatter areas. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t send home balikbayan boxes as an OFW, because it’s too expensive and impractical for my case (and I can always buy things when I get home). So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t listen much to love songs, and prefer exciting, fast heavy metal or other fast, riotous music. And I don’t like videoke or karaoke. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I seem to be an overly logical person and would rather think critically than let my emotions do the thinking, my fellow Filipinos tell me. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t follow fads, or go with what’s popular with fellow Filipinos. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t believe in pakikisama, since it means you sacrifice your integrity or personal preferences just to conform to your barkada or group. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I don’t use authoritarianism, don’t teach my kids to use “po” or “opo,” don’t teach them the mano tradition or I don’t raise them the traditional way, but use modern “western” parenting methods. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I avoid local rich foods like lechon and bulalo, and prefer healthier that tend to be “imported” or foreign products (although there are some good local products already). So what? I’m still Filipino.
I believe the jeepney should be eliminated or reduced as a form of transportation to improve our poor metro traffic situation. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I refrain from inumans at the kanto or even with friends who keep pestering me about it. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I side with a foreigner who has been wronged by a Filipino, and I help out in catching the Filipino miscreant. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I’m not fond of basketball or boxing and prefer other sports, or don’t really watch sports at all. So what? I’m still Filipino.
I am not a fan of Manny Pacquiao and refuse to say “I’m Proud to be Pinoy because of Manny.” So what? I’m still Filipino.
I believe our culture is filled with a lot of trash and we’re doing the wrong things compared to what our neighbors like Singapore and Indonesia are doing. So what? I’m still Filipino.
Heck, even if I don’t say “I’m Proud to be Filipino,” or “the Filipino Race is superior,” I’m still Filipino.
No matter how un-Filipino or anti-Filipino I seem to you, I will boldy declare that I am still, and will always be, a Filipino.
So what makes me Filipino? My desire to see my country’s system fixed, and my country’s culture transformed into one that is more respectable.
this is all BS!
how can you fix a broken system you know nothing about? tell me, how are you gonna fix it? you have the desire, then what?
“this is all BS!
how can you fix a broken system you know nothing about? tell me, how are you gonna fix it? you have the desire, then what?”
Your comments are pure BS because they are actually nonsensical. In other words, DEFEATIST. You are underestimating everyone here in GRP. But how about you? Even I know about the broken system and even though I explain it to you, you will just try to lash at me with your sheer ignorance and blatant idiocy.
You can’t even offer SOLUTIONS either. You’re totally missing the point but because of your illogical, nonsensical and emotional comments then why should I bother? Why should I bother explaining it to you? Then sorry I can’t even answer your questions due to the nature of your comments.
“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” -George Carlin
And THAT is exactly what you are doing.
yes and you’re the idiot!
I beg to differ.
Still missing the point but what do I expect with that angry mob mindset of yours? 😛
Aww are you running out of ammunition and now crying? Please fill my mug with your tears because they’re tasty.
I think this is a suitable response to your rambling:
Again pinoy nga naman inuuna palagi ang puso hindi ang utak. You’re now having a heart attack with that full retard of yours you know. Then read more of the past articles of grp. There are your solutions you indio. If you’re still clueless about them, please kill yourself nigga.
kaya nga bulok kayong mga filipino eh… look at you trying to sound and imitate an american linggo… aba eh trying hard rapper pa yata! get real bugoy!
Ad hominem attack detected. As expected, talung-talo ka na sa mga arguments so eto na lang ang gagawin mo, bugoy.
Spammer ata ang isang ito… 😛
Just because I called you nigga you then conclude that I’m a rapper? Tits or your tears are like a waterfall from your emo hostility isip bata.
@Manny V
Here is my response to you:
you see the philippine society as a broken one, you critisize your people as the culprit and yet you are one of them… you have the desire to “see” it fixed and yet you won’t participate but instead insist your “logical” thinking to down grade it and trample on it? you just overly exaggerate your existence as the right kind of filipino… go out on the streets tell them who you are, preach what you think is right. and see for yourself, if you really matter…
That’s an exaggerated and illogical dare. Overly emotional too.
My blogging is one way to offer solutions to Filipinos and help them share those views with others.
illogical dare? is there such a thing? do you know the meaning of dare? solution? where in your blog did you offer a solution? it’s all critique dude!
Of course, there is, hypocrite. What you did is all FLAME BAIT. And the solutions are already there, mind you.
Or you can’t just admit that you are just a TROLL? 😛
Oh what happened indio? Do you feel lost? Why not try some soul searching? But don’t think you’ll find anything though since you’re still ignorant about real solutions that you keep on doing the “ah basta!” mentality.
Guess the guy wouldn’t know a solution even if somebody handed it to him with a signboard.
what i did was flame bait and a lot of you got torched, those who didn’t bother to respond are the logical ones and those at the forefront firing away shouldn’t be with the GRP… they will bring your good intentions down with them…
So you’re indeed a TROLL to begin with.
Time for the mods to DELETE your comments. TROLLS don’t have good intentions either.
Nope, we didn’t get torched. YOU did.
You only made a fool of yourself, TROLL.
You can only claim that we got torched but the comments here would prove otherwise.
Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of since you obviously been beaten at your own game.
see what i mean? 🙂
You really aren’t that smart are you, TROLL?
Don’t even try to change the subject
You’ve already lost.
Nah, you just want to make FUN. You’re a TROLL, indeed
And BTW, you have no right to say or do that because you don’t OWN this blog. 😀
one guy keeps on saying i don’t have an argument and yet he kept on arguing with me…
Look who’s talking now.
One word for you:
Your tears are delicious
enough said, thanks and goodbye!
Good now get lost.
Good riddance
Maybe Pinoy Pride is a thing that has been keep our people as whole from changing. We tend to brag on about we are or what we do or eat, hell I’m Fil-am and I used to see that with the other Filipinos. I was also like that, but after being here for a year, I wonder sometimes, what should I be proud of as a Filipino? I mean there are good things about us right? But even asking that, most of the bad traits of a Filipino seem to linger. We have our elders, who make mistakes or even wrong us in a way our opinion of them changes, but I what I found out is, some dont want to change themselves, bahala na, to get away from their problems. Or we have people like Kris who publicly humiliate others on national tv (same with Wowowee). Or people like Manny who changes his religion because of one loss. Its things like this I’m ashamed of. We cant cling on to some of the old customs anymore otherwise the pathway the Philippines will move on from is backward.
The follow-up from Paul Farol is pretty good too. Please check it out.
I must thank you for the efforts you have put in penning this website.
I really hope to check out the same high-grade blog posts from you later on as well.
In truth, your creative writing abilities has encouraged
me to get my own, personal website now 😉
Glad to hear we are a source of inspiration. Let us know once you’ve put yours up!
The “Blogger” do have a point. “Pride is the root of all evil”. It’s the root of all sin. Satan’s fall rooted from his pride. He wants to put up his throne above the throne of God. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit because the serpent promised that they will not die and will become “LIKE GOD”. Every people’s sin is tainted with pride. But i think he (the blogger) is stretching his opinion about the phrase “FILIPINO PRIDE” too far enough in a sense that he is focusing more on the negative meaning of “PRIDE”.
MAnny V. says, “you see the philippine society as a broken one, you critisize your people as the culprit and yet you are one of them… you have the desire to “see” it fixed and yet you won’t participate but instead insist your “logical” thinking to down grade it and trample on it? you just overly exaggerate your existence as the right kind of filipino… go out on the streets tell them who you are, preach what you think is right. and see for yourself, if you really matter…”
I’m a Filipino. I have seen much negative attitudes in us. But other people (countries) do have negative attitudes. They have almost the same mixture of people living in there land. So what’s my point? Here’s my point: Make a BLOG that would boost someone’s morale, do not tear it down.
“PINOY PRIDE” is giving us the courage to strive for perfection. It’s not saying that we (Filipinos)are perfect. But rather it kindled our broken confidence. “Kaya nga ni Pacman, Charice, Lea Salonga and others na mamayagpag, kaya rin natin ‘to.” Tinutulungan tayong mga mahihina ang luob na magkaroon nang kompyansa sa sarili. Hindi ang maging mayabang. Though meron ding mga Pinoy na mayayabang. Pero hindi naman lahat nang pinoy ay mayayabang.
I agree with this article. We Filipinos are just too proud. I can only imagine how many Manny V’s are out there.
Please, a balanced critics for the filipinos. It will help pinoys to change attitudes. We are all aware of what Philippines has become but we cannot change it by just pointing out all “wrongs”. At least a positive resolution not over emphasizing the negative culture. I’m sorry to react in this manner. I do have the same cry as yours. I want a better philippines too.
False pride meron ang mga karamihang pinoy. Puro kayabangan wala namang ibubuga.
I agree with Park… All the world is evil nowadays in one way or another. None is perfect. I believe in the power of positive thinking. It boosts morale and confidence which we as filipinos lack. People like Manny, Charice etc who made it out, should serve as an example that if we put our minds into it and really focus on what we want in life, we can be like them. This is the kind of pride that we need to inspire not to boast. Articles that tend to bring a culture down are not meant to be read as they will only continue to bring anyone’s confidence and belief farther down. If articles such as this should be posted, it is advisable to simultaneously close it with a positive note so that the message is balanced. In this way, we are helping our people instead of downgrading them and letting them see who they really are when in fact some already know it but just want to focus on the good side of his culture and redeem himself and rather optimistic that there is always hope for everyone or anyone.
If we want to help, dont just show the bad. Show the bad and how the good can win over the bad, that is more balanced and more realistic because good always wins over the bad. This is responsible journalism.
kahit nga cguro 1/8 blood lang na pinoy, basta sikat, aangkinin na naten. learn how to appreciate each other’s skills and talent, no matter what nationality or language you speak.. overrated kci lage dating basta may onting dugong pinoy, pag natalo, lage may “daya”
This love of half bake filipino’s is a trend that the Philippine media marketed and instilled on us that foreigners are great (and being a foreigner must be great too?!) not to mention that we still loved being colonized and having our ass handed to us!
I think that our people should stop fantasizing to be another culture or ethnicity because we have celebrities that are full bloodied or half foreigners but as for me I think they’re are rejects from their own countries.
Filipino’s are too nice and hospitable that they allow certain rules to be bend just for the sake of being considered as a nice place with nice people.
If that is all to rake in the money and get profit then yeah I would exploit foreign talents to poor people who have cheap dreams.
Or, let’s just accept the good parts of our own and other cultures, and reject the bad parts. What we need is discernment.
You are right, try to practice the good culture that some races have, and disregard the Filipino culture that you think is not tight. It doesn’t matter if the culture is ours or foreign waht matter is that it is right.
The only thing I don’t like about this article that you are quick to generalize all Filipinos to possess said traits, besides that… you spoke my mind.
im a filipino and im not like anything the writer described. but for some reason i am not offended and actually encouraging him to go on. don’t use ‘some’ or ‘most’.
all of it is very very True,
but still not enough reason to Justify Pinoys.
you don’t even know how our Culture runs.
I’ll Ask you.
Who Wants to be Insulted?
Joke are Half-Meant even it is a joke. (though this is why pinoys are no fun)
the one who post this is a mother fucker who doesn’t know a single thing about pinoy culture.
The article brings up some many valid points, but I’ll touch only the 1st paragraph. Erik Spoelstra and Judge Lorna Schofield are brought up to support claims that a Filipino’s pride in them results in no seeable positive uplift in the Philippines – again I agree. But from a Fil-Am’s perspective much of them saying their “American first” is because the opportunity to claim them being “Filipino first” was stolen from them. I personally know many Fil-Ams that do say “Filipino first”, but when in the Philippines are told they are NOT FILIPINO. An example is form my friend Ryan who wrote this article last week:
This was great article to read and I’ll make sure to stop by this website in the future.
ironic, marami satin ay ayaw maasar/maliitin ang lahi natin ngunit tayo mismo ay minamaliit ang kapwa natin pinoy (gaya ng pananalita, kulay at relihiyon). 🙂
Korek ka dyan. Nakakalungkot isipin dhil ang dami s kalahi nating sila mismo ang lumalait sa ating kalahi kapag mali ang english grammar, di ka rin pwede magbigay ng point of view dahil kapag salungat s prinsipyo nila you will be thrown out under the bus. Kulay,,,it’s funny kasi ang daming Pilipino n nagpapaputi parang maging kulay caucasian, smanatalang ang mga Kano ay patay na patay s kulay natin at ayaw s kulay nila na kung sbihin nila ay para siang ghost..then,,nang nauso ang mga tan salon dito s america e yung mga artista dyan s atin e nagppatan salon din at sunudan nman ang mga elite at fans. Religion???Hay nakoh di kakasya itong page sa comment ko,,pero I embrace all kind of Religions kasi isa lang naman ang Dsyos…DAPAT MAG-KAISA ang lahat ng Pinoy para umasenso ang bansa natin n kulang s Disiplina
i wonder if abs-cbn or gma will ever talk about this.,
I am a Filipina, I am proud to be one, BUT, I don’t FEEL superior (from other Nationality) just because LEA, APLdeAP, PACMAN, Arnel Pineda, Charice and even Coach SPO are FILIPINOS. Continue what you have started. Be an eye opener.
To have a REAL grasp of what Pinoy Pride is, just look at the audience participants in [Aaargh!] Willie’s noontime show. Yes. Look at all the proud Filipinos making a fool of themselves for a couple grand or a jacket. Really. What you pointed out about flag wavers out there are true – most are just leechers living off relatives and will ask for padrinos to land a job, but will not work to keep that job. Misplaced values of self worth, that is all there is.
It’s but natural to feel being looked down with all the negative comments that some people may make about some races, their cultures and social behaviors. However, I think it would be better if before one can become similar to that somebody who can be considered as judgmental or racist we could take a look at the way we behave among people around us. We are not alone in this world and majority have their standards about what decent and appropriate behavior should be.
It’s sad to say that “majority” of Filipinos really don’t have the ability to look at themselves more honestly, accept their shortfalls and have the decency and courage to make adjustments so that they would not be very “distinctive” among others they mingle with.
Just like the Filipino kid in Canada whose parents accused the school administration for being racist on the way he eats. Of course the parents won the case, but would they be willing to learn how to teach their child not to eat like a pig so that he would grow up not like an interesting specie in the midst of others?
That’s one example where the so called Pinoy pride can be nastily correlated with. Most Pinoys are not even willing to analyze that their actions among people around them should not be a nuisance or menace.
Some typical examples are:
1) Many Filipinos “love” to play their stereos so loud that perhaps the whole barangay could hear. They feel as if all people “must” listen to their kind of music. They refuse to realize that other people have the right to their privacy for silence and have their own choice of music.
2) Perhaps 7 out of 10 motorcycle owners replace the original muffler with an outrageously noisy one. They feel “all” people they pass by the street must admire them for the noise. They refuse to comprehend that what they’re doing is outrageous to others.
3. Most parents don’t have the capability to restrain their children in public. They leave them to play, bump on other people and shout inside the church while Sunday service is ongoing or inside the bank, restaurants and private offices where silence and orderliness is quite expected.
The list can keep on growing.
If these kinds of behavior is but normal to Filipinos then can these be considered as a national pride worth defending?
I think the whole Filipino needs re-educating. I also agree that it’s the media’s fault as well, they keep bringing out lots of garbage to keep the filipino people dumb.
I’m a filipino.. and I salute to you.
Filipinos need to build a strong foundation on business and create a 6 figure income. Most of pinoy have excuses. My idea is to open a business part time at the same time together with my full time job, very easy and you can make a difference to the people that need you to help them. Join Market America partners with 4 thousand partner stores like Macys, Home Depot, Walmart, and Chanel are just a few. Market America will be entering the Philippines later this year. Help lead the entry as well as your families in the Philippines and join the TEAM now.
DAPAT NILAGYAN MO RIN NG TAGALOG VERSION PARA MAINTINDIHAN NG IBANG TAO.. Some people wouldn’t mind it because it’s in English. Some won’t read it because they are too lazy translating it using their brains. Well, in this case you are a Filipino, right? Why would you write a Filipino blog in English? Almost everything of what you wrote was right but not all can read it.
Sorry just because it’s tagalog version doesn’t mean “MAINTINDIHAN NG IBANG TAO” Assuming!
Ang problema… not everyone is willing to change for the better. People are too busy looking at other people’s mistake than changing for the better individually and keeps on complaining about how messed up our government, work environment, school administration etc…
Unless someone is good enough to step up and have our countrymen listen to him or her for the good of the Filipino people… All negative discussions on this site will forever be a curse to us Filipinos.
Manny “PACMAN” Pacquiao was called “PINOY PRIDE” because Filipino thinks he’s fights are worth of our victory against other fighters from different country and win against them. He was called PINOY PRIDE because of winning for his country. For Filipinos, Manny Pacquiao was called “PINOY PRIDE” because he’s a man that Filipinos can be proud of. We didn’t say that He saves our pride but he’s a guy who can be proud of what he did for he’s country. He fights for the record of he’s country not for saving it’s pride. Even if he lost he’s career. He will still be a legend that Filipinos can be proud of. A legend of a man that is PROUD TO BE A FILIPINO.
Please watch this if you want to know what real pride is. It may be American but this is relevant to all countries especially the Philippines. And if you attack this person only because he’s an atheist, you’re a point-missing religiot:
xD .. I like this video xD .. This is what I’m talking about. Like I said. Manny Pacquiao was just CALLED “PINOY PRIDE” because of what he did for the Philippines. Like George Carlin said, “Pride should be reserved for something you achieved or attained ON YOUR OWN. Not something it happens by accident of birth.” And the continuation of what he says… “Being Irish isn’t a skill, it’s a ******* genetic accident.” He said that because he’s talking to what he is. And Manny says that he’s fight is FOR HIS COUNTRY. And his skills is for Philippines. He achieved and attained all his winnings FOR Philippines. He was just CALLED Pinoy Pride. Do you know the story of his life? When he was a teenage he’s not yet been CALLED a PINOY PRIDE. He attained it when he won he’s titles around the world. Yes, he lost in his last fight. We can’t change the history. Some of us takes the lost of his fight. And some are not. Because some of us don’t know the meaning of sport. Hehe… Not all people are perfect. And in these article… Please… Not all Filipinos are like what you said. Some of us maybe. But NOT ALL. Some from this articles are right but we all know that everyone has mistakes. And we don’t need to correct it. We have to learn from it and do it again correctly. Have peace to all humans in the world. Remember, we all have opinions but don’t judge quickly to what you have known.
masyadong matalinghaga pero walang kwenta ang article nato.. pinoy pride gives us the right to dream and hope for something. yes totoo naman, ano ba naitulong sakin ng pinoy pride about coach eric, lea salonga etc. and siguro half of our population does not even give a damn about it. masyado lang na commercialize ang word na PINOY PRIDE lately dahil sa mga international event, pero hindi naman ibig sabihin na ipractice natin yung mga bad things na sinulat mo sa 1st paragraph, the word is use to unite our countrymen, its a way of saying na this is our fight hindi yung real meaning ng pride talaga. masyadong technical yung point of view mo.
Tingin ko..normal na sa ating mga kababayan ang ugaling ganito at siguradong mahirap ng baguhin ang Pinoy Pride….
Just because it seems normal, doesn’t mean it’s hard to change it. That kind of apologetic mentality is one of the reasons why we tolerate bad habits in the country.
Bold. I salute you.
some are true some are false.. “Pinoy Pride” hmmm. many rumors says some of our Pinoy Countrymen betrays fellow Pinoy. in tagalog Kapwa pinoy ilalaglag kapwa pinoy.. am i right? but that doesnt explain “Pinoy Pride” im just saying.. but if this Post will let save philippines. why not go for a change..
Too much pride isn’t good, whether you belong to this nationality or that nationality. But, not having one isn’t good either. Maybe, a good balance will do. 🙂
It isn’t about balance. The problem of Pinoy “pride” isn’t about whether or not we have esteem for ourselves and our identity as Filipinos. It’s a penchant for Pinoys to have an inordinate, misguided sense of self-conceit that is the problem.
I hate this blog actually I have read it before. I believe it is very important to have pride in yourself, your fellow people and of course your country.
I am also sick of bloggers in the Philippines blaming Filipinos for escalating the whole Katherine Ryan incident. They should get their facts straight. In fact it was an English man who escalated the whole incident as I was disgusted that my Filipino children had been insulted by her.
Read into the whole Katherine Ryan saga anyway you choose, the fact remains like Katherine Ryan did, all too often Pinoy’s are used for an excuse for a joke. I feel so strongly about this, that I organised two protests outside the BBC and a petition which gained nearly 1,400 signatures.
I would say one thing though and I hope nobody minds, on both protests I only managed to gather a handful of protestors out of a possible 250,000! Most gave the excuse they were working. Yes I support and agree with Pinoy Pride, however I believe Pinoy’s need to be stronger and stand up for their rights. Kl
Balat-sibuyas mentality to be exact. An epitome of Pinoy moronism. Am I right?
I understand your sentiment and I agree with most of what you said. Nevertheless, it should also be noted that we were once a nation criticized for a lack of national identity. Filipinos then (and perhaps even up to now) struggled to find things to take pride in. This is perhaps due to the proliferation of the idea that anything western was better than anything we could come up with. Now, Filipinos are finally finding that identity. While true, Filipinos have shown such “Pinoy Pride” in incredibly unpleasant ways, to generalize and to call such “Pinoy Pride” unhelpful and the cancer of our society is much too presumptuous. Yes, we have undesirable characteristics and we have to change them. Nevertheless, by calling out “Pinoy Pride” in general, you seem to be attacking patriotism and nationalism which are not the root of the problem. Filipinos can be lazy and hard-headed and our culture has many aspects that need improvement. That, I believe, are the points that need addressing. If you seriously think that “Pinoy Pride” in general is the root of the problem, then you are implying that Filipinos have nothing to be proud of.
Also, if you think that “Pinoy Pride” has never uplifted anyone then that opinion is highly debatable. As cheesy as it may sound, many draw inspiration from their country.
Well, exactly what do Filipinos have to be proud of anyway? Prosperous society? Nope. A decent government? Can’t see that? Disciplined people? Must have missed that.
Filipinos draw inspiration from their country? The counter-assertion remains ever so simple:
Where are the results of this “drawing of inspiration?”
There are numerous things that need improvement in Filipino society. I have mentioned that and I believe the points you raise are examples of such. However, things such as prosperity and good governance are accomplishments of a rich nation. The Philippines is in the process of development and we are still far from likes of Germany, France, etc. in those terms. Nevertheless, how can we achieve those if we, ourselves, do not believe it possible? How can a nation be uplifted when its people are ashamed to call themselves citizens of said country? Of course, concrete action takes precedence but doing something you don’t believe in turns out as uninspired and robotic.
That then leads me to your question. What do we have to be proud of? One could look at so many things to be honest. One can find it in the country’s history, beauty, culture etc. Sure, there are negative aspects to each but seeing nothing positive at all implies that one hasn’t given it a fair shake.
Indeed, such can be found in the history, beauty, culture, etc., as you say. But it’s hard to find pride in something that you didn’t have a hand in building up, don’t you think?
Being proud of something is not the same as being proud to be Filipino because of something. The former means you’re happy for someone, whereas the latter indicates that you take someone else’s success as your own just because both of you are Filipino.
And most Filipinos confuse the two.
I would think it is tantamount to deceiving yourself if you just suddenly latch on to someone else’s success just because you share the same Filipino blood. I couldn’t live with myself.
@Franks “How can a nation be uplifted when its people are ashamed to call themselves citizens of said country?”
In all honesty we could never deny that we’re Filipinos. This is where outrageous frustrations are boiling up. We “were” hoping for positive change for sooooo long and what’s turning up are that behaviors, attitudes and conducts of majority of the citizens of this country are getting more and more nauseating.
It’s easy to say that there’s nothing wrong or that the people need to be given time to learn. I fully agree. But perhaps for another 100 years?
Filipinos are distinctively praised for their “hospitality”. However, if you make deeper psychological observation and analysis it is “wiliness disguised in hospitality and innocence”.
For those foreigners, even some Filipinos themselves who’ve not traveled most part of the country and observed the culture and attitudes of the people in each place would never comprehend what kind of rubbish the mindset the majority of the people have, most especially that of most politicians and government officials (and employees).
Perhaps you can say that those making this kind of comments are already puking about what they’ve observed and have tolerated for soooo long. That’s why we make this kind of noise, once again. Again, hopefully through this method something deep in the conscience of the rubbish majority would shift their culture for the better. Hopefully this is not just purely wishful thinking.
Pinoy Pride, that inordinate, misguided sense of self-conceit shouldn’t be a big deal as what this article tries to portray. Every nation has that. The Brits have that, the French and the Americans have that. The Arabs, the Japanese, the Iranians and most recently, the Chinese have that too. What I’m saying here is that we don’t have that monopoly of that sickness (whatever you might call it) called “pride”. We just have to moderate it or, maybe, keep it to ourselves.
And we don’t moderate it, that’s the whole point.
And just because other people have it, is not an excuse for us to go all-out with it, to the point of making us look pathetic, hmm?
Couldn’t you do something better than whine about this so called Pinoy Pride, say like suggesting cures to this Pwede-na-yan, the mediocrity mindset and the Bahala na the fatalistic approach to life? Criticizing is good but, if you are not doing anything about it, it is just like the title of that other article- whining! To all those who live and breathe just to criticize the Pinoy, please get a life guys! And, I hope you have something to show for yourselves other than these “whining” articles that you all love to write.
Ironic that what you said about the author’s whining, in itself sounds like whining.
It’s easy to say that the authors whine, and it’s easy to focus on the author’s personal circumstances for lack of any decent counter-argument.
What is hard to do is come up with counter-assertions to the points presented in the article that can stand up to scrutiny, and that can withstand logical rigor.
So if you have nothing in that vein to add, I’d suggest you go take your foot-stomping to another place. 😀
“And we don’t moderate it, that’s the whole point”- I don’t even know if you are Filipino.
Does it matter if I am?
Isn’t it obvious that he’s not? Pangngalan pa lang pare.
@Carlson Mendoza:
Your AD HOMINEM attacks won’t work.
Yes, you don’t belong here! Unless, you are someone else.
If personal attacks are your forte, the
*If PERSONAL ATTACKS are your forte, Mr. Hzon a.k.a. Mr. EMOPRICK, then your efforts are futile since it shows how miserable you are. Am I right, emo prick? 😀
Oh, do your butts hurt, George and Mr. Carlson? The way you Filipinos can do nothing but cry and whine when someone exposes the ugly truth about you people?
Underneath all that primping, preening, and posturing, you Filipinos have got nothing of substance to show for it.
Maybe you guys can get together and form a mutual butthurt society. Oh wait, that’s what Filipinos are!
As-salaam alaykum.
@carlson: Tits or your nose is getting longer trollfag.
Someone is totally EMO here.
If that is your logic, then Jose Rizal himself is also a ‘whiner’. Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo sparked a revolution which is also misleading since most Filipinos missed Rizal’s point. If anything, it’s more like a critique of the dysfunctional culture and society back then, as well as the backward mentality of Filipinos. And it still exists right now.
Set your priorities for once.
What can you suggest then @George M. Hizon?
To be more specific, for example what can you suggest on how to educate people not to steal other people’s garbage bins/cans placed outside their homes? On how to educate those people not to piss or make s**t anywhere so that, for example, EDSA, Cubao and Ortigas would not smell like a huge toilet? How would you educate the motorcycle drivers not to keep on “slithering” through whatever gap they could see just to overtake? How would you make the politicians “admit” that they have political clans/dynasties and that it is not for the benefit of the whole country? How can you make the politicians realize and do something positive about their depriving the provinces with much needed upkeep and developments?
Please let us know. Perhaps you’re much better in putting your hands where your mouth is.
If not, it is you who should go some place else.
Sounds like someone is at a loss for words and is reduced to throwing tantrums about non-Filipinos commenting on their “business”. Hahaha!
Amir Al Bahr, this post is among us Filipinos. You have no business here. You have no business commenting on our affairs.
Hahaha! That’s all he can say! That’s all he can say!
Go ahead and cry some more and show me just how much more pathetic your desperation can get.
Amir Al Bahr, this post is among us Filipinos. You have no business commenting on our affairs.
And if AD HOMINEM attacks are your business, then there is something wrong with you.
Hoy butthurt. Umayos ka. Minsan nakakahiya maging Filipino dahil sa taong tulad mo ang logic. If it is in “logic” at all.
I’m a filipino and I find this article true about Pinoy Pride. Sa mga taong nagcomment (magcocomment) na “hindi totoo yan!” “wala kang alam sa pinoy!” pinapakita niyo lang na hindi talaga nagpapatalo ang mga pinoy, hindi pwedeng i-judge kasi “Perpekto” tayo eh! #PINOYPRIDE nga naman. Laging nasa langit ang ulo.
The only solution to this problem now is to build up the future generations knowing how to look down on others and how to stay humble.
Mas mabuti pa ang mga Filipino nuon eh..
To write an article like this, addressing an entire nation, literally insulting every Filipino, is beyond forgiveness.
Just to add, your so called Filipino Pride, is what gives Filipinos hope, it actually makes people happy no matter what the status in life is, and to call it the cancer of society is depriving people of the little happiness life has to offer (for some). Filipinos have plenty of problems, but being proud of their own is not one of them, you’d be proud of anyone who represents your country no matter the nationality. ChinoF, you are a simpleton bastard.
To perceive this article as a personal attack, is beyond stupidity.
It gives them hope? Hope in what exactly?
Amir Al Bahr, get a life boy! You don’t belong here!
Get a life, Mr. Hizon. Anti-intellectual emo pricks don’t belong here.
Hahaha! George M. Hizon is another hapless and helpless Filipino reduced to whining and crying when confronted with the ugly truth about Filipinos.
As-salaam alaykum.
@Amir Al Bahr- As-salaam alaykum. I hope you know that it is not proper to comment on our internal affairs, even there is such a thing as “the ugly truth about us Filipinos”. That is our problem. Unless, you hate us so much. 🙂
@Hizon: Nah, you’re just a point misser. Catch my drift? 😀
Proper, says who?
It’s no longer “internal affairs” when you hoist it up for the world to see and expect them to feed your pathetic need for validation. All because a single boxer, billiard player, or basketball team won.
Those people won because they put in the hard work needed to win; it’s debatable that they won just because they have Filipino blood. How hard is that for you to understand?
And up to now, you are still obsessed with my nationality even though it has very little bearing on what I say. Are you Filipinos that much concerned with credentials?
A lot of people, other Filipinos included, have been telling your countrymen to get your shit together. Those calls have been falling on deaf ears.
Like your dysfunctional pinoy prayd carlson and george, it looks obvious that both of you are a bunch of freeloaders who always expect freebies from your relatives.
What you’re talking about is a ‘Filipino Pride’ that is non-existent and totally misplaced. If that what you are talking about, then you’re the biggest bastard because you can’t accept the fact that you want your fellow country to cling in a DELUSION.
BTW, you can’t be proud of what you didn’t ACHIEVE, idiot. You were born a Filipino, much like I was. Hence we both cannot take ‘pride’ in something we were put into. I’ll give a 1/10 for your ‘proud’ trolling.
WinterSoldier- fix your English first!
Mr. Hizon: And fix your LOGIC first, TROLL. 😀
@Carlson Mendoza- I agree!
So you the fact that both of you are just emo pricks who always resort to personal attacks, right?
so are you trying to point out na MABABAW ang kaligayahan ng mga Pilipino? ibig sabihin ba dapat umasa nalang tayo na manalo si Manny Pacquiao o ang Smart Gilas para mawala ang problema natin as a nation? ang alam ko kasi for every problem there’s a solution e, and I think it’s illogical to say na ang magbubura ng corruption, crime rate, and poverty dito sa Pinas is ang pagkapanalo ng local teams natin. Carlson, you are one sensitive rodent who needs to be flushed down the toilet, magsama kayo ng mga daga don sa drainage. tutal ka level mo naman sila as far as your mentality is concerned.
@Carlson Mendoza, tama si @Frequency nasa langit nga ang ulo mo.
Your mindset appears to be no different from that of the politicians and majority of Filipinos referred to in this article.
Congratulations for showing to us your Pinoy Pride.
I don’t believe in “Pinoy Pride.”
I believe in Filipino Humility.
@WinterSoldier-get a life idiot! And, please fix your English first.
How about YOU first? Of course you won’t listen because you’re a TROLL. 😛
Tsk tsk. Looks like someone is grasping at straws when they’ve resorted to nitpicking English grammar and stuff…
@WinterSoldier- and your logic! Dumb!
If personal attacks are logic to you, then you’re DUMBER.
Deal with it. 😀
Can’t even put up a decent argument without resorting to name-calling and appeal to pity, and all those other fallacies…
@WinterSoldier- Dumb!
Personal attacks and emotional outbursts = DUMB.
@WinterSoldier-Deal with your stupidity, dummy!
Personal attacks and emotional outbursts = STUPIDITY. 😀
WinterSoldier-Dumb and stupid.
Personal attacks and emotional outbursts = dumb, stupid, and bobo.
Catch my drift?
You’ve just gone full retard. Never go full retard utak squatter.
Bobo, gago, tanga, stupido, ano pa ang gusto mo. Bakero! Tonto! May nalalaman ka pang Drift diyan. Ayusin mo muna ang English mo!
U jelly asshurt emofag?
Um , do you think PERSONAL ATTACKS make you feel better? If that is the case, then you’re just barking at the wrong tree.
Fix your LOGIC first. Then we’ll talk.
Or what you are doing is flame bait. Sorry, son. You got it all wrong. 😀
Is that all you can say EMO prick?
You’ve already made a fool of yourself.
Nobody here will take you seriously since you already acted like a total retard.
With every additional comment you make, you’re merely proving that other article true:
“Filipinos stink”
You’re all FAGGOTS! Its like pretending to be a woman when they’re obviously not – which makes them really STUPID. You see, whatever you do, no matter how popular you are, if you portray as a faggot, you’re still a man and not a woman. They even claim that they’re just trying to be honest to themselves – LOL: That’s the FUNNY part, I don’t even understand where did that came from? Filipinos are really proud of commending the faggot race which makes our species – “Gay Monkeys”.
It’s a case of being BALAT SIBUYAS or if not AMOR PROPIO
Philippines will never be successful as long as corruption and greed dominates the minds and souls of the politicians along with the ignorance of the people and the government with each other.
I need to correct you about corruption:
Corruption isn’t the cause. Its the effect of how the people and the politicians interact with the government that doesn’t work!
I work abroad and find some of his point true. Our country is in chaos. Except our natural resources(which we are destroying), nothing is really working in our country. Everyday I watch TFC/tv patrol, the more I felt pity and shame for us. No good news to celebrate and be proud.
Actually, the dilemma here is that “Pinoy pride” tends to precede everything that we do as a nation. There’s always this conspicuous detail that displays our exorbitant pride even though we haven’t reached great feats AS A NATION. We always have this propensity to cling to the success of our fellow countrymen who have made their selves globally renowned. We consider the success of these people as a national achievement even though most, if not all, of them became successful on their own. And, in response to the “we draw inspiration from our country” argument, I agree! However, what apparently happens is that no matter what happens, as I’ve said, pride precedes everything that we do.
I haven’t read all of the earlier comments, so if my comment seems to reiterate previous ideas stated, my apologies; but, this at least, this will show you whom do I agree with.
I am a Filipino and I think this (although it is harsh) is true.
But some points were taken differently – misunderstood as I would say.
“Pinoy Pride” as what I think we Filipinos would define it is: something that would make us (Filipinos) proud.
Filipinos being proud for A boxer winning, a basketball team winning, a filipina child becoming an international star, etc.. doesn’t necessarily mean we giving full credit to the thought of “getting that success because he/she is a filipino” – NO.
Pinoy pride – i think is about
“they won AND they are filipinos”
and it is totally different from
“they won BECAUSE they are filipinos”
I think this is what the author of this blog is missing.
To everyone here, I dont have the time to read
everything because I’ve got my OWN PERSONAL PRIDE to justify, but I think attacking a national issue with out full understanding of it is more or less proving every NEGATIVE feedback on your blog UNARGUABLY JUSTIFIED.
no flame intended. 🙂
“There is no thing such as culture. There is only a powerful idea that culture exists.” Don Mitchell
That’s the dumbest quote I’ve ever read. The sense of culture is quite palpable and indeed, tangible.
The problem of the philippines is not corruption,or the squatters.The real problem is NOT national pride but the lack of it. I observed most people here belittled The Pride, calling it korny, making it the center of jokes and blame. But do you really know what National Pride is? Maybe all of you will say yes. Its just that most of us dont understand it. National Pride as per definition “is a feeling of pride
for being a citizen of your own
country. Those with national pride in
them will defend their country in
times of need and stand by the
country in difficult times.” it is synonymous with patriotism found a beautiful message from a korean named Jaeyuon Kim . .What we lack is love for country .For me National Pride will SAVE Philippines
ano ka hilo, corruption malaki kayang problema yan hahaha.
(And the very reason why there is rampant corruption is that the government was treated as a SPECTATOR SPORT.)
(Mas hilo ka LAWL).
I like what you said here Francis!!! thank you for providing a definition of” national pride”!!!
Love of country is nothing but blind nationalism. what we need in this country is rationalism, the concept of universal liberty, a stable bureaucracy and individuals free from slavery and social customs to create their own destiny.
im a foreigner living in the philippines & ive never met a more stupid race of people in almost everything they do or say. For instance i assume you know why guttering is put around roofs, well why is it when the roof is made of metal it has guttering but when its tiles ( concrete ) it doesnt. Ive asken engineers & they say absolutely nothing. They just look at me & are speechless. They wont even say i dont know why. But in driving just look at every single filipina driving, they are so selfish rude & arrogant & with all of them its me me me me i have to be first. I can under take, over take or anything i want as long as i can get past you. You stand in a queue & they will walk straight to the front & expect to get served. I sometimes regret coming here as i struggle with it every day. Filipinas hate it also when they ask you what you think of their country & you tell them the truth that its a dirty filthy smelly place. But it is so why do they get hurt. Visit england, its not perfect but people have manners & very few are trying to rip you off where here most will rip you off given the chance.
Dustin, you have the right to choose, use it. Leave the country for it will only kill you. Go to a place where you’ll feel happy and contented.
I agree Leb. Why suffer Dustin if you can leave the country. What are you waiting!!!!?
yes the most pure PINOY answer. HA your an idiot, heres an idea for you how about this. STOP scamming foreigners, stop lieing, stop stealing from them, stop overcharging them just because they are foreign, stop contracting work demanding payment up front then not finishing your job, stop your stupidity, the gutters is a small portion of the stupidity in building engineering. You pinoy morons always say”well if you dont like it go away” Well Ok how about if all americans “GO AWAY” we get tired of being scammed, conned, lied to, stolen from, overcharged, and just all the other pure unethical bull-crap Filipinos dish out, where will you be then LEB, i will tell you NON EXISTENT, cause if Americans as a whole leave this stupid place we take with us your only defense, because god knows your dumb arsed army can’t defend you against china on their own, heck they can not even defend their own backyard from the rebels and terrorists let alone a organized country with a navy army and other military intelligence, so there goes your only defense, and our money goes with us to, if all Americans just packed up and left, you would be a speck of dust on the map of the world with absolutely nothing, because without foreigners to rip off you would have only each other to scam and lie and con and steal from. and since your stupid laws prohibit us from smashing your face in when you do something like that to us, thats what we would do in america if someone treated us the way you do, since there are no laws against a Filipino doing that to another Filipino you guys would end up killing each other.;
you are a sorry, little man.
iam living here with flip gf over 1 month now its hell, family are bunch of moochers and it goes from parents to 3rd cousins, disgraceful exploitive behavior… ive tried leaving many times she convinces me to stay but she is not consistent,,,, i hate her leeching family bunch of drunks using me to get money…lazy stupidunappreciaive intrusive bunch… i leave in 2 weeks its been hell and very costly… time to let go let them suffer because its what they deserve
Dustin, were you trying to sound like a smart dude? Sorry to pop your bubble but you just sounded like a noob! You hate Filipinas? You hate the country? and you struggle about living in the Philippines everyday? are you pathetic or some masochist? Fly to England then.. LOL!
Stupid excuse is stupid. I bet you always embrace stupidity you indio de trapo.
😀 😀 😀 binigo siguro yan ng filipina!!!!
go to India maybe you will like the country or Iraq maybe.
Dustin, you are a hypocrite lad, why stay in the Philippines that long if you hate the culture. Go home to england.
Congratulations for proving that da pinoys like are indeed stupid and dysfunctional.
asken? and you wonder why they just stare at you speechless.
they “stare at you and speechless” because that is the right way of an intelligent man.
I’m Filipino and I totally agree with you. You are right with everything you said. I’m thankful I didn’t completely grow up here. That’s why first chance I get I will leave and take my family with me. I don’t want my kids to have the same attitude or grow up with the same mindset.
a simple example of PRIDE! you wrote you, didn’t completely grow up here”, that means you are still, or again living in the Philippines. If you cannot teach your children the right and decent ways of doing, saying, acting when dealing with people, and setting a good example for them – your comment, Emong,
of not “wanting your kids to have the same attitude or grow up with the same mindset”, makes you, sad to say, a proud and a bad example of a father to your children, PACK, take your family, AND LEAVE! I pray you will loose your pride wherever you and your family go outside of the Philippines. God rest your soul.
Real pride goes with CRITICAL THINKING and PROGRESS. Not the other way around.
God is totally disappointed on what you’re doing…. -_______-
Hay Emong ano ka ba? Kailan ang alis nyo?
Dustin, you poor thing. You are hanging out with the wrong crowd. Come hang out with us. 🙂
So, with all your complaints, why do you live in the Philippines,
high and mighty person? stupid race of people, you say? just because
you survived the murderous mentality of your kings and queens that you have a right to judge and label other people – whom you are taking advantage of, in the first place by being and living with them in their own country. go back to your royal england – and it is not to be visited, because your murderous, filthy history is splattered all over the world – where you can have your roof guttering and, mostly, indecent, scowly, rude and most arrogant english women, especially the young. clean your backyard of stink and filth first before you say things against other people. GO BACK TO YOUR ROYAL COUNTRY AND NEVER, EVER SET FOOT ON PHILIPPINE SOIL EVER AGAIN.
TROLL. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Tumpak ka dyan Therese Cohen!!!
So you’re agreeing with a TROLL??
That makes sense. 😛
you ask a Filipino if he’s proud of being one ? that person would strongly debate that he is , then you ask that person if he’d leave the country given the opportunity he won’t think twice and will do say yes , ask him why , he’ll say , ” you won’t get anywhere in here . ” . that’s pinoy pride I say! hah! . pinoy pride is exactly what this blog say it is , it’s way far from being called patriotism . we’re picturing patriotism the wrong way . I’m empathetic about the brit guy from the comment above , I do understand that upon having mainland chinese experiencing those here even in front of me , that’s very shameful in my part . the part where inferiority rots in stupid proud to be pinoy fanatics are very true , they all think that no one should step on them so it’s okay that they step on other races , my chinese friends being made fun of everytime we speak mandarin by the streets , not even once we have not encountered a pinoy would not make gibberish speech to immitate us speaking , that is very rude so you know that’s like a situation where you’re in the primary school having some mockings from your classmate hearing him yelling nyenyenyenye , that is really annoying , we make fun of indians we’ll definitely ask an indian if he does 5-6 , we ask a middle eastern guy if he’ll bomb you *facepalm* . ughhh lots of things to say but naah . I won’t waste more time nagging . hope this would be translated in Filipinoso it’d be publicized better . thanks for this article !
it is not “pinoy pride” of “leaving the country given the opportunity and he won’t think twice”, but, the humility to make better of him- or her-self which, maybe, he did not express plainly to you, maybe, you feel you are more schooled than him or her? you have not seen chinese people making fun of other people, yet! you wrote “we make fun of Indians and middle eastern guy” – you are the one you have inferiority complex and stupid pride! yes, make good use of your time by going back to china.
If a filipino leaves, it is because he has lost hope in this country. You are twisting facts.
TROLL. 😀 😀
If the only solution/argument you people can come up with, with every single person of a foreign origin who’s being critical of Filipinos is to tell him/her to go back to their “own country” then i’m afraid you people really are idiots… Also 2 wrongs don’t make a right. Just because there are chinese people who are racist doesn’t make it right to also be racist towards the chinese in general, stop making excuses for the racism that is so prevailant in this country. (“you have not seen chinese people making fun of other people, yet!”)
I like you Therese Cohen!!!!
So you’re also an attention whore?
if you ask me if i’m proud of being pilipino i say yes and if you ask if i leave my country i also answer you a yes.I’m proud of being pilipino. The whole world knows pilipino is strong and cannot easily give-up in any challenge in life. We are strong as a person we are competitive compare to the other country specially here in “ASIA” we can communicate properly and express our feelings without interpreter.I leave my country yes, for my own good. I admit my country is lack in so many things not only my country but also like other country’s right?if other foreign citizen experiencing bad here also my kababayan is experienccing bad in other country so its equal right?
Don’t blame the filipino people..Blame the media for hyping issues about racism..about being oppressed…etc…..They always claimed that a person is half flipino when he/she doesn’t even know our culture nor speak or language.
Media is a reflection of the audience they want to attract. If they sell the idea of all these pinoys that never took a jeep or ever went to a school that taught who Apolinario Mabini was , it’s because the audience is so willing to buy it. Remember one phrase: KSP is the root of all evil.
WHAT A BORING OFFERING! isang mababaw na pananalamin. nawa’y pumuti ang iyong balat at umangat ang iyong estado sa lipunan. THERE’S MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE. there are 7,107 islands in the Philippines and you just took things for granted. your ideals do not reflect ours as FILIPINOS. get out of the country coz I might behead you together with my KALINGA FRIENDS.
Wow!! Its so boring that there are 800 plus comments. All agreeing with you “derf”. By your logic being boring calls for a death sentence. With country men like you no wonder so many people are PROUD TO BE PINOY!!!!! You keep handing out that wisdom.
You’re right derf, i’m with you and your Kalinga friends!!!
Sorry, your friends from the highlands just disowned you. Highlanders are known to be humble and they do not have that false sense of pride that you have, ijet.
First the article says filipinos SHOULD NOT be offended when they are the butt of jokes but then this article actually calls them “cockroaches who are too lazy to work, go drinking all day and want to milk their relatives dry.” and then says the filipinos who cant say the insult are jerks? Seriously?
What’s the matter asshurt? You jelly?
I call it the Putang Pride
I like this article. Not only can I relate to it, but it definitely opened up my eyes. as someone who loves my people, and loves my family, I will definitely keep this article in mind. to everybody else who is reading this, despite how u may feel, OPEN YOUR EYES .. this doesn’t have to change the way you act, but let it change the way you think ! USE YOUR MIND !
I like that quote “OPEN YOUR EYES” i think every filipinos need to
1000% agreed.
Just to make sure, 1Millon,Billion,Trillion,Gazillion% to the TS ( I sure help you guys know what that means )
Thread Starter -.-
Yes, Philippines has corrupt goverment, too much pride or any fucking thing anyone wanna say but don’t you wonder why some filipinos are still happy because everyone has the right to be happy we are born filipino’s and were proud of it no matter what you’ll say ill always be proud of being a filipino
I’m curious. What makes you proud to be a Filipino? 😉
Because i was in the philippines and because some filipino’s manage’s to keep themselve’s happy lol, and im curious why does your dp suck? 🙂
being FILIPINOS living in peace and simple ways is good enough to be PROUD of. if you are not a Filipina, do not know the history of the PHILIPPINES of yester years, you should not be curious!
You are irritating, therese. The author is highlighting what is wrong with the filipino as a person and how it relates to the current problems of the country. Do you think the points she raised are not real? There is nothing wrong about pride if it is coupled by something substantial, but pinoy pride takes it to another level, pinoy pride…..wala lang. You think that makes us filipnos better than other nations?You have to look at the bigger picture here instead of just focusing on how hurt you are with what the article is saying.
Forgot to take your meds today?
It’s not that there’s too much pride. It’s that they’re already so aware of the amount of non-respect other countries have that they get so defensive over small comments. Ergo, if An American makes jokes about the stupidity of Canadians, Filipinos laugh. If Americans comment on incompetent Filipino doctors in a comedy show, we rally on the street.
Of course, this just gives us the reputation of being too butthurt over the smallest things. Sad, really.
why comment, then? just keep your peace. it is more virtuous.
I am not trying to have virtue. I am pointing out a fact that needs to be put to light. We hold too many grudges over small comments from other countries. Why not fix the things that they complain about, instead of making it a matter of them hurting our “Pinoy Pride”?
It’s not a bad thing to be criticized. It’s a bad thing to make too much of a big deal over some small complaint.
ang dami nyong alam.. dapat itong article na toh i-publish in tagalog.. ikalat sa facebook or i-print pra mabasa ng mga mangmang na pilipino.. kahit simulan ngyon ang pgbabago it will take us centuries pra mabago lahat completely..
they are not “mangmang ns pilipino”, they are just mislead.
See all these comments here supporting Filipino pride… you all should really stop for a moment and think… the outrage on social networks and the likes about the “Joke” by a comedian was in your face and well supported by Filipino’s… yet then we have the pork barrel scandal going on and there’s barely a word being said by you all… “crickets” this type of scandal is where people can show true pride in their country by standing up and demanding true justice. But what is the problem? Where is the Pinoy Pride when it really matters?
Im not taking sides. Pinoyd are not perfect. We accept that. But for me, im not dependent to anyone. I work for my own and i take pride in that. I know im not lazy and i need not to go abroad to hope for a better life. I teach my kids to work hard. Pinoy pride, it can be negative or positive. Depending how you use it. We pinoy dont mind to work scrubbing floors, if it means a better life for theyre family back home. We take pride for our will to provide a good life. It can be negative, if people tend to be overly sensitive. But to sum up. I love my race. I will my kids the same
I just hope no one thinks they’re excused from serving their country just because they don’t like the government, the people or whatever. Do your part! It’s a privilege to live in this, or any other country. Serve your country. You are not a CUSTOMER of the Philippines, you are a CITIZEN.
To anyone who hates the Philippines, ask yourself this: If you hate your country so much, whatever it may be, do you expect it loves you? By all means, move out! Do whatever it takes to leave, legally or illegally. Do not associate yourself with your ethnicity if you don’t need to. Just leave if you hate it so much and you and everyone else would be much happier
What is serving the country? Define that please. Because, you know, every taxpayer have done their part with this country.
You have to understand that people put this personalities in government because they want their tax money put to good use. That is their job, which they are doing so poorly.
Ano?, utang na loob pa ng citizen tumira sa pilipinas? Napakalaki mong tanga. The government owes the people. Not the other way around. You and your way of thinking is the reason why we have assholes in the government, and also why we have not progressed as we should.
You can live in your dreamland all you want, but reality is, this government is screwing us big time, and you should stand for that. And if you cannot do that, you should be the one getting out of the country, we do not need people who are just dead weight to society.
Not Facing reality due to egocentricity are common in filipino people. And poor self awareness. – your article is worth reading.
Ang galing ninyong mang insulto sa kapwa at bayan ninyo!!! Sa akala ba ninyo makakatulong ang pang i-insulto ninyo? Kung meron man kayong alam na makakatulong sa ating bayan at mamamayan, ipakita at isagawa ninyo! Bigyan natin ng pagkakataon ang ating bayan at kapwa Filipino. Love your country and your countrymen!!! Love is the cure!!!
So pointing out mistakes and correcting them is considered insulting? Well the joke is on YOU because you’re anti-intellectual.
Please use your BRAINS for once and stop being so EMO. You and the likes of you are killing the Philippines. And that is a FACT.
For the win! 🙂
An attitude is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event (the attitude object). Prominent psychologist Gordon Allport once described attitudes “the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social psychology.”.[1] Attitude can be formed from a person’s past and present.[2] Attitude is also measurable and changeable as well as influencing the person’s emotion and behavior
If Pinoy Pride is as you see it, then perhaps, you have a point. But I see it as a source of hope for the Filipino, and to have that at least, is something I will cherish. Americans have this deep sense of pride and nationalism, yet many still remain struggling in the country where you are supposed to live your dream. Other countries as well. So your cynicism over this pride, is undeserved by the Filipino, by us. If hope is the only by-product of Pinoy Pride, I will take it.
Yes, I agree with you on this, that it is HOPE and ASPIRATION that the Filipino is getting with that kind of Pride that the author of this article is saying, then this is not to be a problem at all. We, Filipinos need this in order for us to continue to dream and aspire despite of our mistakes and with all the failures and the disappointment from our government.. by having these ‘Pinoy Pride’ we can have something in common that makes Filipinos unite, even if just for a day. So I don’t think and I don’t agree on what the author is saying that this Pinoy Pride is of no help. Try to see it in a positive way. Because if you have that kind of thinking, better change your nationality and citizenship cause you have no hope and faith for your own race and country.
So you are talking about hope and aspirations NOT pride.
Either way it is skewed. If you are a boxer by profession then you can say you are inspired by manny pacquiao and then you aspire to be like him. But if you are an ordinary 9 to 5 office guy and say you are inspired by manny and then surely, you are trying to catch fish with a wrong bait. There is no way you can use his achievements as you inspiration because you are not on the same planet. His struggles are not even remotely similar to your struggles as an office guy.
Bottom line, you have a wrong perception of pride.
Self-esteem works, not pride. Hope doesn’t need to be based on pride. If experience tells something, hope based on pride tends to lead to false hope.
Touché. There’s the American Exceptionalism and other countries, just like the Philippines, want to believe they have it too. Which makes no one exceptional.
Please refer to my previous comment. Thanks.
I can see you just can’t get it. Probably due to too much pride as was mentioned in the article. People won’t change themselves if they don’t think there’s anything wrong with them in the first place. People in this country can easily say they are talented from the ones who got international attention. But they ignore the lack of talent of the people who are destroying this country. For example, I’ve heard more people here who are horrible at singing than I have heard people who were impressive. How about the amount of people who have never even made it into boxing against people from other countries. And if they did, they most likely fail. Chances are, there will never be another Manny. And even Manny isn’t all that good anymore. Yet they still talk about how he would demolish Mayweather. Even if Mayweather beat the guys that beat Manny. Then there’s the whole name-calling and total disrespect for the challengers of any Filipino athlete/team. Do you recall the insults of the Iranian basketball team or the “gayweather” name given to Floyd?
Filipinos have a lot of misplaced pride. Frankly most of the world has no clue where the Philippines is. The only thing notable about the Philippines, is the number of sexy women. Other than that, there is not much to take pride for.
People in the Philippines have great big head when it comes to this. The level of innovation in the Philippines is so low, that the BEST electronics store in the country has a smaller variety and inventory than a small American Radio Shack store.
Its easy to excel in the Philippines cause the competition is so small minded.
so much have been said…but the best of Pinoy Pride is yet to come…
Doesnt Pinoy pride sound a lot like chants of U-S-A at sporting events or “You cant do that to me cause I’m an American citizen”
Every sovereignty existing in this planet has it’s own notion of “obnoxious nationalistic pride”, but the bottom line is that displays of such attitude are usually based on the accomplishments (or the lack of it) of the country in question throughout its history. It just happens that America has KICKED the bottoms of many nations (be it by righteous or villainous motives) over the last couple of centuries, while da Pinoy Republic’s major “accomplishment” as a nation so far was to KISS the bottoms of at least three countries for more than 300 years.
That sort of thinking was created by Filipinos with an inferiority complex. The same people who think McDonald’s is American food and not fast food. Now although I do like a McSpicy occasionally, it’s not a staple in my diet. Neither is pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers. Try telling people of Louisiana that that’s all they eat. Now back to the the same people who think California is all of America. And the same people who sit around some days to think about rumors they can create to tell women of the Philippines or their children to make them feel that the Philippines is the best country in the world and any non-Filipino man is bad for you.
Americans chant U.S.A. at sporting events when the challenger is not from the country. They don’t chant U.S.A. when talking about talent from their country. I’m not denying that there are some bad people coming from America and sounding like aholes, but that’s not everybody. Most are nice and respectful. And for your ““You cant do that to me cause I’m an American citizen”” comment. That all depends on context. Because in masses, I hear Filipino’s saying, “you can’t insult me because I’m a Filipino”.
We have damaged culture.
Honestly, I don’t see the point in this article at all. If there is one thing I have experienced as a Filipino, it is the complete LACK of pride in being Filipino.
These are the reasons why I believe Filipino Pride is nothing but a bowl of S&*T.
– The Philippines is run by 99% corrupt officials consisting of plunderers, killers, comedians, action stars, dropouts, and stupid f*$ks who know nothing about being in office other than how to steal from it.
– The Philippines has a voting population that is equally as stupid whose vote can be bought for a 500 pesos.
– The Philippines has a working population that is primarily lazy and substandard and able to produce adequate results only if they are under pressure to lose their jobs. The educated ones are OK and at times pretty good; but the vast majority of Filipinos (who are uneducated) are only able to respond to management by fear. They will steal every cent they can if given a chance.
– The Filipino by nature does not fall in line, is loud and boorish when you get to the bottom of things, has no sense of what is clean, cannot follow rules or instructions unless threatened, and is totally lacking in integrity.
– etc. etc. etc.
I can honestly go on and on about how f*&k$d up this country is.
The one and only good thing I can see in a Filipino is his love for family. But then again, that’s basic to human nature and probably common among all cultures. So who gives a f*&K.
In my opinion Filipino Pride is just the coating Pinoys need to wrap around the real shame this country has of itself. When you get to the heart of things, the majority are ashamed of what it means to be Pinoy.
They just say Pinoy Pride because its the only way to hide the true shame of being pinoy.
Its like selling a shitty car. The only way to sell it is to give it a new paint job. Its still shit inside. But it looks damn good!
So, I guess you do see the whole point of this article.
Ginagamit ko ang “Tawirang Pantao” pag ako’y tumatawid sa kalye. pinaghihiwalay ko ang nabubulok at di-nabubulok na basura. sumusunod ako kung saan pwede sumakay ng jeep (loading/unloading zones). nagbabayad ako ng bills on time. Kapag sinabing 11AM ang pagkikita bago mag 11AM nandun na ako. Eto ang “PRIDE” ko. kayo? ano PRIDE niyo? 😀
Below is a Love Letter to Filipinos from an expatriate. I hope this will open the hearts and minds of those who do not understand Filipinos in-depth.
Proud Filipinos are human beings too just like anyone, but because English is their second language, when they say something, the world will hear and listen, and for the little close-minded people; they will feel annoyed?
You have to travel to countries where everything is written in Arabic or kinda Chinese characters…all you will understand is the photos of the things they are talking about, and that’s it, you have no chance to give negative comments, and that little brain will start to open up… wooo hooo!
don’t be ashamed when Filipinos makes huge mistakes, because it part of being human. If you say all Filipinos are bad, and all Americans, British, Chinese, Japanese, etc, are good? you better question your mental intelligence and upbringing. Go travel my dear, you’ll learn to understand and love human beings…
here is the letter which has made me cry:
I am writing to thank Filipinos for the way you have treated me here, and to pass on a lesson I learned from observing the differences between your culture and mine over the years.
I am an expatriate worker. I refer to myself as an OAW, an overseas American worker, as a bad joke. The work I do involves a lot of traveling and changing locations, and I do it alone, without family. I have been in 21 countries now, not including my own. It was fun at first. Now, many years later, I am getting tired. The Philippines remains my favorite country of all, though, and I’d like to tell you why before I have to go away again.
I have lived for short periods here, traveled here, and have family and friends here. My own family of origin in the United States is like that of many Americans—not much of a family. Americans do not stay very close to their families, geographically or emotionally, and that is a major mistake. I have long been looking for a home and a family, and the Philippines is the only place I have lived where people honestly seem to understand how important their families are. I am American and hard-headed. I am a teacher, but it takes me a long time to learn some things. But I’ve been trying, and your culture has been patient in trying to teach me.
In the countries where I’ve lived and worked, all over the Middle East and Asia, it is Filipinos who do all the work and make everything happen. When I am working in a new company abroad, I seek out the Filipino staff when I need help getting something done, and done right. Your international reputation as employees is that you work hard, don’t complain, and are very capable. If all the Filipinos were to go home from the Middle East, the world would stop. Oil is the lifeblood of the world, but without Filipinos, the oil will not come from the ground, it will not be loaded onto the ships, and the ships will not sail. The offices that make the deals and collect the payments will not even open in the morning. The schools will not have teachers, and, of course, the hospitals will have no staff.
What I have seen, that many of you have not seen, is how your family members, the ones who are overseas Filipino workers, do not tell you much about how hard their lives actually are. OFWs are very often mistreated in other countries, at work and in their personal lives. You probably have not heard much about how they do all the work but are severely underpaid, because they know that the money they are earning must be sent home to you, who depend on them. The OFWs are very strong people, perhaps the strongest I have ever seen. They have their pictures taken in front of nice shops and locations to post on Facebook so that you won’t worry about them. But every Pinoy I have ever met abroad misses his/her family very, very much.
I often pity those of you who go to America. You see pictures of their houses and cars, but not what it took to get those things. We have nice things, too many things, in America, but we take on an incredible debt to get them, and the debt is lifelong. America’s economy is based on debt. Very rarely is a house, car, nice piece of clothing, electronic appliance, and often even food, paid for. We get them with credit, and this debt will take all of our lifetime to pay. That burden is true for anyone in America—the OFWs, those who are married to Americans, and the Americans themselves.
Most of us allow the American Dream to become the American Trap. Some of you who go there make it back home, but you give up most of your lives before you do. Some of you who go there learn the very bad American habits of wanting too many things in your hands, and the result is that you live only to work, instead of working only to live. The things we own actually own us. That is the great mistake we Americans make in our lives. We live only to work, and we work only to buy more things that we don’t need. We lose our lives in the process.
I have sometimes tried to explain it like this: In America, our hands are full, but our hearts are empty.
You have many problems here, I understand that. Americans worry about having new cars, Filipinos worry about having enough food to eat. That’s an enormous difference. But do not envy us, because we should learn something from you. What I see is that even when your hands are empty, your hearts remain full.
I have many privileges in the countries where I work, because I am an expat. I do not deserve these things, but I have them. However, in every country I visit, I see that you are there also, taking care of your families, friends, bosses, and coworkers first, and yourselves last. And you have always taken care of me, in this country and in every other place where I have been.
These are places where I have been very alone, very tired, very hungry, and very worried, but there have always been Filipinos in my offices, in the shops, in the restaurants, in the hospitals, everywhere, who smile at and take good care of me. I always try to let you know that I have lived and traveled in the Philippines and how much I like your country. I know that behind those smiles of yours, here and abroad, are many worries and problems. Please know that at least one of us expats has seen what you do for others and understands that you have a story behind your smiles. Know that at least one of us admires you, respects you, and thanks you for your sacrifices. Salamat po. Ingat lagi. Mahal ko kayong lahat.
Man, stop generalizing Americans. Most people don’t have what you say we have. And speak for yourself when you say that Americans have empty hearts. What it sounds like to me is that you are a man who has some strange infatuation with the Philippines. The same kind of person who tattoos the country on his body. Or maybe even the type of guy who puts the Philippine flag on his rear view mirror of his car. Just another self-hating American
Hi Michael, we the people in North America have the luxury of looking at things in different perspective. When someone says “we the Americans or we the Canadians” it never meant 100% of the people in that country is in agreement; it never meant that way and never will. It’s just the way we say things when we want to refer to “majority of us”
USA and Canada are nations of immigrants. When our grandparents and parents first immigrated here, they strive hard to own properties just like any other families do, it is the way of life, almost every family have a house with high mortgages and plus the monthly expenses that is built in it We then grew up (most of us) more independent because our parents had no quality time spent to care for us; they have to work harder to afford the lifestyle they have chosen for us.
You Michael must be luckier if you haven’t seen your parents struggle; they must be big in the business industry and so it is hard for you to understand the reality that most people are facing everyday here in North America. How i wished our parents have chosen to live a simple life but more quality time for their children. They deprived us of some of our privileges, because if there’s extra money, they have to share to our relatives back in the Philippines, it is their pride to help people in their country. But you know what? In the end, we will admire those kind of people tremendously, as we can tell, if only they have tons of money, they can do better things to improve the lives of many people.
I don’t follow your logic, Senaya. Either you did not get the article or like most Pinoys who listen NOT TO UNDERSTAND, bur rather, LISTEN TO TALK OR RESPOND.
i was just replying to your comment to the letter of David Harwell to Filipinos. dont be upset, because what he said was real and happening to most (not all) families here in North America.
You may not like any of my postings, but can’t you see that most of the postings you can read here can kill the spirits of our younger generations? I hope parents will not allow their kids to go to this kind of site. nothing is wrong at all with “Pinoy pride” as people from other nations are proud as well, just that you cannot read their writings; kinda Chinese or Arabic characters..
The Good Americans who have liberated our country must be proud of themselves for a job well done! especially when they hear that Filipinos NOW are moving forward. It will take a while to change, but some Filipinos in this generation are now able to compete on world stage! and since Philippines cannot afford to send athletes to Olympics to earn them medals, these young Filipinos, pure or mix blood, are like our Olympic medalist that we can be very proud of.
i Hope readers here who are narrow-minded will get better experience in life where their mind will open up wider, at least understand why human beings are proud individuals and why it is important to us.
Here in Canada, while our athletes are competing in Olympic, we checked everyday how many medals we have got. when they come home, we give them really warm welcome. Children from different schools will parade to greet them… the whole Canada will celebrate! and it was televised for a month or so. what an inspiring way show children how to be the next leaders of Canada.
Here is a true Pinoy Pride:
Jessica Sanchez, an American Idol Sweetheart, is half Pilipino by mother. Many Filipinos are very proud of her, her Filipino Blujays! but, some disowned her as part of their community.
She was recording a big ballad Fit For A King! as her 2nd single, but, upon knowing of the disaster from Typhoon Haiyan, her heart and emotions dictates that her people needed her support now. She then dedicated her 2nd single to raise money for the victims. Her heart is with them:
She also went to the Philippines on a charity mission. Poor people were elated!! JESSICA SANCHEZ with a big heart! giving big hope and inspiration! SHE’S A TRUE ANGEL!
JESSICA SANCHEZ wanted to give more and more! & Another Charity concert coming! WOOOW!!!
In my honest opinion, for an 18 years old she have done a lot, and will do more charity works in different countries around the globe with the Starkey Foundation. Filipinos and Mexicans will be proud of her as a grateful child who wants to give back to her roots…
Then one day, Americans will be very proud of her as their own.
“How do I structure my life to be at peace with who I am, & comfortable with what I’m doing & not doing?”
i hope you don’t mind if i reply to you while others are busy in this holiday season:
Be proud of who you are! God made every person unique and special, so YOU are Special! but, we neglected to appreciate what God has gifted us. Enjoy the things you do everyday and improve it to the best of your ability, until one day, people around you will start noticing you’ve changed… keep doing it to achieve speed and perfection so you can achieve more that you became capable of sharing your achievements to other and to the world; now you become a happy YOU! because you felt your life has a purpose.
Flawed thinking.
You can never be proud of what you can’t ACHIEVE. Pride is based on ACHIEVEMENTS, not by accident of birth.
Someone told me to stop posting here about “Pinoy Pride” because Pacquiao is a “Pinoy Pride” and it is helping him defeat his opponent if he runs for President. Actually, she is right, so, if i want to talk about Pinoy Pride, i will go to other site where people loves Pacquiao. Fair enough!
There is a group in Facebook I am sure you will love called Butthurt Philippines. You can thank me later.
I agree with this article. Being a Filipino-American (born and raised in the US), I can understand from where you are coming. As a former broadcaster in the Philippines, one of my frustrations was that we weren’t doing our part to uplift the Filipino spirit. Thus, the industry has deteriorated considerably. Every station resorts to cheap, below-the-belt/toilet “humor” and the audience eats it up like ice cream (and the advertisers eat it up even more), rather than making the people more aware and motivated. The industry “dumbs down” the listeners and they have no qualms about it as long as they are making what little money is being thrown in their direction. The personalities on the microphones themselves simply read from the internet and text lines without taking responsibility for what they are saying. There are only a few who are worth their salt and even fewer who are truly committed to raising the self-worth of their market.
I wish to agree on this article… but at the end of the day, understanding the predominant culture of the pinoys being “collectivist” and the “barrio” system, it begs the question is it not right to celebrate one’s victory? I mean, it is true that if someone is doing well in their field internationally and he/she’s pinoy, it really doesn’t concern me. but the fact remains we should be happy for them because they succeeded in their dreams. the pinoys who celebrates this fact are pinoys who revere these people and make them their model. only sad thing is they’re overdoing it… and instead of basking in the light of success of someone else, why notmake their own success and perhaps stop thinking that anyone is special. because no one is special really. though we are not created equally, we are who we choose to be. so at the end of my little reaction, I would say that I agree in this article… fair and logical. but it would be better if the author would suggest a solution and not attacking the problem for the sake of argument. that would greatly add sense to the people who would be affected by the post. cheers!
That’s one of the most righteous comments I’ve seen here in a while. You’re right, we should be happy FOR them but not BECAUSE of them. And none of us are special and only we get to choose who we are.
I honestly think that some GRP articles I’ve read are too cynical and should be suggesting some solutions. But then, I’ve always thought that this site wants you to think for yourself because it will not spoonfeed you. If you already have a solution for the problem, then go ahead and enact it. Or, if you already know the solution then you don’t need the author to say it for you.
Pinoy Pride does save your country!
Be proud of “collective” accomplishments of Pinoys from abroad; because of them, The Philippines has remained a Republic! You have a country that will not go bankrupt! even in the midst of corruptions and any disasters. So, don’t be quick to disown any Pinoy who no longer carry a Philippine passport. we are the same people who are helping your country, through our money remittances, you will always have a sovereign nation.
Listen to this:
The World Bank has said, the top largest recipient of remittances in 2012:
1. India topped the list of countries receiving remittances USD 69 billion
2. China (USD 60 billion)
3. The Philippines (USD 24 billion)
4. Mexico (USD 23 billion)
5. Nigeria and Egypt (USD 21 billion each)
The Philippines is the smallest nation here, but be proud we ranked the 3rd. In economics, if you still remember what your teacher taught you? that when the money is in the hand of the people, economy of that country is good; people are buying, people can afford school, it’s creating jobs, business is good, and many more…
Here abroad, when some Pinoys had a misfortune, we are all sad, and when someone succeed, we all celebrate!
and when celebrities from Philippines comes to do concert here abroad, we say “they are here to serenade us”. When our great “Pacquiao” lost a fight? we were devastated! we cannot even talk about it, or look at it in TV or in photos, just like what you people are proudly showing here to the world.
You just failed the “So what?” question indiot. That’s the problem with da pinoys like you: your mindset is so showbiz dahil ang hilig nyong magpasikat at magyabang. So what if our country ranked in 3rd place in economiy? Does all Filipino even felt the progress? What you’re bitching is nothing but a sugarcoating in order to make yourself feel better and escape the real problems this country is facing.
Did someone mentioned we ranked 3rd in world economy? NO, No, No, The World Bank was reporting about REMITTANCES. If you do not understand the word, then let me explain that to you in a simple way.
The yearly Remittances that the World Bank reports, are money sent to the Philippines by people living or working outside the country. Ibig sabihin, ito ang pinapadala ng mga Pilipinong overseas workers, and those Pilipinos who permanently lived abroad. For the year 2013, the total remittance is US$ 26 Billion, and we still ranked the 3rd. Every year it is going up because more and more Pinoys are going abroad; maybe one day, when you grew up, you will be an addition to us. You sounds like a 9 year old young fellow, and in a little while you will be ready to follow the 10 million Pinoys abroad, would it not be wonderful? then you will know how it’s like to be here and will have respect to your kababayan. Learn good attitude, it will take you far beyond your dreams, and your parents will be very proud of you.
And no wonder why a lot of ofw’s lives are suffering thanks to their children being dysfunctional because they never saw them how they grow up. And no indiot don’t you even give me that comparison with soldiers fighting a war. Here’s an example of what I mean you incompetent simpleton:
“You have a country that will not go bankrupt! even in the midst of corruptions and any disasters.” – This country will be bankrupt eventually in a couple of years’ time when we can no longer pay our ever-increasing debt to the world and as long as our politicians remain corrupt. Remittances aren’t enough just in case you were still dreaming.
“Here abroad, when some Pinoys had a misfortune, we are all sad, and when someone succeed, we all celebrate!” – Ever heard of individual effort?
“Pinoy Pride” my ass. Stop daydreaming and face the reality, you ignorant fool.
When a country is in bad shape, when its economy failed, there will be chaos, and other nations will be tempted to invade your country. Go and research how Filipinos abroad has helped the Philippine economy. Aside from their regular monthly remittances, when the country is in trouble, you can count on their charity works, more money will flow in the country during its difficult time. Don’t worry about its increasing debts, bigger nations has bigger debts. Worry about helping your kababayan, it’s about life. If you are a man of God, you should trust that things will even out sooner than you think. In God’s time, lots of help will come from big letter agencies, and many good things will happen during the time of this sitting President. You have a blessed country and you do not know how to appreciate it. You are a coward and confuse man and that is evil. When you are in fear and confuse, you have to turn to God, this way you can win over satan.
You asked about individual efforts? Even the world’s richest man has not accomplished anything on his own. The bigger they get, the bigger help they needed from their associates. When you grew up and become a mature person, you will be talking with wisdom and not from dictates of another fellow who is bullying you.
“If you are a man of God, you should trust that things will even out sooner than you think. In God’s time, lots of help will come from big letter agencies, and many good things will happen during the time of this sitting President.” – Noytard alert. Care to explain then why are many people suffering every year despite what the “surveys” are saying?
“You asked about individual efforts? Even the world’s richest man has not accomplished anything on his own. The bigger they get, the bigger help they needed from their associates.” – That does not answer my point. The point is that not all the time we can celebrate and parade all day just because someone won abroad, Filipinos just have a habit of hogging all the glory that GRP writers here condemn and that “Pinoy Pride” thing.
“You have a blessed country and you do not know how to appreciate it. You are a coward and confuse man and that is evil. When you are in fear and confuse, you have to turn to God, this way you can win over satan.” – I appreciate my country by other means necessary, how about me promoting tourist spots here in the Philippines if my foreigner friends drop by, yes I do that.
Confused? Coward? In fear? Are you drunk?
So you’re implying that just because I expose the truth on what is happening right now…I’m already betraying my country already? The country should be grateful that not all people living here are stupid and deluded just like you. That goes to show you are still living in a fantasy land.
The truth hurts doesn’t it, hypocrite? And next time don’t bother using the name of the Lord for your deluded justifications.
senaya said: “When a country is in bad shape, when its economy failed, there will be chaos, and other nations will be tempted to invade your country.”
It’s 1 July 2014, and China is building an airport on a reef in the Spratlys. How’s that for “Pinoy Pride”?
reply to Ian
Don’t blame all the sufferings of Pilipinos to one man whom you guys called Nonoy retarded. Here abroad, when they heard he became President of the Philippines, people were amazed on how he survived all the pains and sufferings in their family; growing up with a father in and out of jail or lived in exile must be traumatic experience. It is inhuman for Filipinos to criticize this man.
If Filipinos are tired of their politicians, then campaign for a big change! You all have a chance every time there is an election.
There are so many good people in our country that can be President. Have a good picked; from local politicians especially who have experiences running well a smaller community. They are the leaders who touched people’s lives everyday and they understand what poor people needs. A President does not have to be the most educated person in the country but he needs good vision on what direction he wanted to take his country. Rich country like Germany or France for example, their leaders do not speak good English, so they used interpreters and surround them with good lawyers, accountants, Doctors, Engineers, Architects, etc.
Remember in your next election, that The USA gave us the Republic, but Filipinos likes that kind of dynasty, so they lost their rights to enjoy the Republic, and that leads our country to a dictatorship form of government. Yes, you people deserves a huge change now, so be involved in choosing your leader. Think of that generation of your great grand children; you do not want them to be surrounded by millions of illiterates and bad guys… that must be scary for them.
BTW, celebrate for Pinoys abroad means we all are happy, our heart celebrates. While in the Philippines, it could mean “handaan or kainan”.
Great job for promoting tourismo in your country! No complain about that, just make sure you protect your kababayan against tourist who maybe abusive.
Yes, a lot of you guys are coward and confuse especially when foreigners are attacking “Pinoy Pride”. I saw a lot of this in the net, and some are even afraid to be called part of this Filipino community. You are afraid to go an extra mile to humbly explain it in your own way, better sounds like pretending not to be Pinoy.
Always remember “not all foreigners are good and all Filipinos are bad”, let this sink into your system so you will never be intimidated by any foreigner who are narrow mind. What you find in the Philippines, you will find in other countries as well, i.e. narrow minded people. We do not blame this kind of people, but we need to help them open up their mind so they can have wider vision.
Don’t be afraid to tell a person to turn to God when you know he is in fear, because fear is evil. Remember, you are not the only person reading this postings, it may help someone SO THAT they WILL FALL BACK TO THE SPIRIT IN CHARGE.
Have a bit of decency because people judge you by the way you speak. Your behavior in public like this is a huge reflection of what kind of parents you have and the way you were brought up by them. It will be nice if your parents can be proud of you someday.
Meh. This is just mindless blabber.
“It is inhuman for Filipinos to criticize this man.”
We are just criticizing Noynoy because of his INCOMPETENCE. What you are suggesting is actually TREASONABLE.
“Have a bit of decency because people judge you by the way you speak. Your behavior in public like this is a huge reflection of what kind of parents you have and the way you were brought up by them. It will be nice if your parents can be proud of you someday.”
You should have a bit of decency in your part because you are missing the point. Never confuse individual pride to a collective pride because they are different things. But you come around in this blog like a blabbering moron who is actually delusional in a sense.
When you called him retarded and incompetent, I can also make comment to your criticism. You have freedom of speech and I have it too. Who am I to suggest that what you’ve said was an act of treason? You can criticize and say anything you want because you guys have regained the Republic many years ago, but you haven’t recognized as yet, just look around and find out that you are a sovereign person.
Let’s see. Noynoy was extremely unaccomplished at 50. Yet during his election campaign and his 3 1/2 year term struts around like he is Da Vinci. Has no humility, no accountability. When asked why he should be president he says “destiny”. When he is representing this country he does not wear the flag but makes wheelchair jokes. He blames everybody and everything except himself.
How can anyone be the least bit offended when Noynoy is referred to as a retard? Which actually speaks a lot about out society.
reply to DOMO:
Very good video song, this is so true, but it is smarter for Filipinos to go abroad rather than fight the politicians running our country, why? Nobody else can fight and die for our country like Aquino Sr. did, he is indeed a hero!
Life of Filipinos abroad is a big sacrifice, and being away from your family is a nightmare!
People from other countries would go abroad to “play, work & play”, while Filipinos abroad would “work, work, and home”. Many of them die of sickness like cancer, because they used to have double job for long time, so immune system collapsed. On the other hand, many Pinoys abroad are also very successful, but it takes many years to get to where we are.
But, what if these 10 million Filipinos abroad did not leave our country, what will be the situation of the Philippines now? Hard to imagine isn’t it? It is beyond our understanding; but for sure we don’t want kinda Japanese occupation.
Do some calculations in your head: For every Pinoy abroad we have at least helped 3 Pinoy to finish University in the Philippines, this is kinda realistic guess, so that is about 30 million professional created because of their sacrifices. Those 30 million people are not competing with other Pinoys there in the Philippines in terms of jobs, because they were full time students while in university or colleges.
For now, while we are waiting for God’s time to change the world into a better place to live, Filipinos will continue going abroad to help the Philippine Economy; God placed us here for a reason. Why do I spend time explaining this to people like you? It is because I want you all to know that we remain Pilipino even if we are away for many years, and children born abroad are also part of our many sacrifices, as they were deprived of their many privileges because we have to sacrifice part of our income to be sent to relatives in the Philippines. I hope you got a better picture now.
It’s official: you senaya are a noytard who always think that the aquino’s are demigods. You think you’ll gonna fool us with your yellow propaganda? Matagal na kaming gising sa katotohanan ungas. We already know your presidente de patola’s incompetence especially his trillion peso pork barrel.
Now go back on licking pnoy’s ass you yellow nazi zombie.
Really! Look how you behave when you lose temper. Sounds like you are paid to protect your candidate, but he or she is paying a wrong person. Whoever that aspiring candidate, he better make sure that he gets mature people with good temper, remember? It is politics, and this is not how to show off, people will think you guys are scary and people must stay away from your candidate.
Hey, tell me about that trillion pesos thing. That is a lot of money eh! But do not worry too much about their corruption while in office, it will all come out in the open when the new system kicks in. All ill-gotten wealth will go expire if they cannot use. BTW, have you heard they have returned some of ill-gotten wealth already? Just pray it will be managed by good people to help the poor at least
Your last paragraph is just wishful thinking, based on what has happened so far between your posting it and events today.
“Really! Look how you behave when you lose temper. Sounds like you are paid to protect your candidate, but he or she is paying a wrong person.”
At first, senaya appeared to be just a misinformed person. But in the end, she is just your garden variety troll.
@ senaya
To make thing simple for you: pinoys like you keep harping on about how OTHER filipinos succeed, twisting it to make it appear that their success is somehow connected to you, while you are seating on your own hands doing nothing about your own situation.
“Nobody else can fight and die for our country like Aquino Sr. did, he is indeed a hero!”
Ninoy is no hero. He’s a political opportunist. Way to go twisting things.
“Filipinos will continue going abroad to help the Philippine Economy; God placed us here for a reason.”
Because the Philippines SUCKED. Now you’re wondering why most Western countries never had their own overseas contact workers because they have a stable economic system. Get back to me about what kind of economic system we have. Because the fact is that all the smart people are gone because of the overarching economic provision placed through the current constitution.
“But, what if these 10 million Filipinos abroad did not leave our country, what will be the situation of the Philippines now? Hard to imagine isn’t it? It is beyond our understanding; but for sure we don’t want kinda Japanese occupation.”
If they did not leave the country, then good. Unless we have an able leader then 10 million Filipinos will have jobs! And even foreign investors will flourish even more!
I hope you get a better picture now.
Really! Then who is your hero? Can you not allow my hero to stand beside your hero?
Since all of them are strong leaders with differing ideology. They are not ordinary people like you and me.
Western countries are advanced in civilization, they are highly industrialized nations and they helped third world countries like us to be developed. They were made to be a big brother to us. The best way to explain the situation is to look at your hands with 10 fingers. Why you did not have all Thumb fingers? I refer this to rich people. Why not all index fingers? I refer this to poor, then ring finger and so on… Why? Everyone has a purpose in life. Imagine a country with all rich people, who will do the work? If nobody will do the work, they will not even know they are rich because nobody to build their houses, nobody will plant so they have something to eat, etc. they may print lots of money, but it’s equivalent to toilet papers, and their gold will be like dead stone. Rich people can live well because there are people willing to trade their time for the money.
If Pilipinos did not go abroad, yes, they will have jobs in Philippines because they sound like they’re the smarter group to you. But when they left, they handed their jobs to the next 10 million people there who must be starving and waiting for those people to retire. If your parents have good jobs now, it is because of less competition from those 10 million who went abroad. And when we sent money home, your business flourished because our family has money to buy from your business. Our brothers, sisters and children can go to university full time and so schools in the Philippines are sprouting like mushrooms… it is creating jobs for teachers, or else nobody will want to be a teacher. What else can you complain? Learn that in this life, you just have to be patient while waiting for your turn. In Africa for example, because of computer technology and the internet, they discovered a natural resources that is only found in those countries, so now, they are rich and maybe will be the riches for as long as there are computers.
You can have an able leader, with or without those 10 million people who went abroad. Don’t forget, there are almost 100 million people now in the Philippines, and it is something to celebrate in everyone’s heart.
Just like joeld said, you’re just a garden variety troll.
Congratulations. Aside from being a point misser, you just went FULL RETARD with what you wrote. -_-
Well…let’s welcome your point more courteously, sir (or ma’am). Because it would seem to me that all you want is for someone in this site to see through your point-of-view.
I see two points in your argument. First, you said that first-world countries are there to help out underdeveloped ones and serve as models for good industry. Second, you said that more jobs are available in the Phils. because OFW’s are leaving the country to make-way for more available jobs for our countrymen who are opting to work home; therefore letting in progress.
While it would seem like a romantic notion for developed countries to serve as “big brothers” to third-world ones, it wouldn’t seem realistic to say the least. It’s more of an idealistic fantasy even. As I see it, you wouldn’t get hired in an overseas job because of your nationality but rather of how good you are at the chosen profession. They have their own workforce to manage too you know, so being from the third-world doesn’t make you anything special for them.
And if they would be like good role models for us, why after all these years can’t we still imitate them? Or at least be at par with them? It would seem the inspiration hasn’t done its part well enough. All our businesspersons would do their best and look-up to any role models for inspiration, but the full prosperity they’ve wanted for the nation hasn’t been reached because of incompetence and corruption from the government and the people. This site serves to expose those very wrongs.
As for your second point, I have one very simple answer for that. 10 million job-seekers leaving so that 10 million others who won’t leave can have jobs doesn’t sound right at all; because THEY ARE NOT THE SAME JOBS. 10 million leaving for abroad won’t open up another 10 million available jobs, because in the first place most OFWs leave because of the lack of availability.
Oh, and more thing, the rich aren’t rich because somebody else works for them. The rich became rich because of their own hard work. Or are you implying that the rich just sit down and keep most of the money while the poor laborers toil for them? Such are common perceptions. Those who steal are not rich btw; they’re merely thieves.
So there you go. A “non-offensive” reply from someone who supports GRP. I suggest you stop relying on God and statistics. Have a look around for a change.
Looking back at this long answer I gave, I realized I made a grave mistake. Not all our businesspeople want prosperity for the nation because some of them only work to serve themselves and their associates. Or is it because they do so because of all the bullshit around them?
But whatever. I’m not gonna waste my time anymore.
Reply to Gogs:
sorry, i did not see your message right away, thanks for the butthurts group in FB, unfortunately I do not spend time in FB
I got to this website from emails i received. looks like people here are active and trying hard using their brain, this is very good sign, a way to open up our mind, but i should say, just be careful in using nasty words that you hear in movies, because those actors were paid to act but in reality they are polite, so by imitating them we ruined our personality.
“Looking through a keyhole, and if that is how you see the world? is no good”
Here abroad, when a person has traumatic condition, they try to help them as they have special needs, so they can recover completely from damages. Nonoy is right when he said it is “destiny” that brought him there, because he knew there are lots of very qualified people to take that position, but why him?
we all knew how much he suffered; growing up where he don’t know what will happen next day to a dad who was in and out of jail and in exile, that must be horrible! So it is not fair to criticize or ridicule this man at all, instead show some compassion, and remember, the world knows his story; they are listening.
Blame the people who elected him in office if you like, but what else can you do legally? but just wait for when his term is up.
Good nite and be back here on weekend….
We all have issues. But to be oblivious to them and bring our baggage with us to the office of the President? Still I hear your point.
My friend, I guess you are missing the root cause why we have this type of mentality. this country was abused, raped, robbed name it.. this country doesn’t have any financial wealth, we don’t have the highest type of technology and when it comes to warfare we are nothing but an insect compared to some other asian countries in short we got nothing!!nothing to be proud of in general, but some individuals didn’t even care about that they paved their own roads out of this cycle of mentality (maybe best example I know is Manny pacquiao) he makes name for himself he created a reason to be proud of what he is, bottom line?! if we filipino’s got the same mentality as manny pacquiao and look for a reason to be proud of what we are(not beating up some patient or shooting a human being)then that my friend should save this country
This is what makes people proud, due to the fact that they feel they are entitled to everything. If you watch dramas (especially in old settings), you will usually hear servants saying, “I don’t deserve your kindness,” when nobles are being kind to them. Yes, they feel they do not deserve, hence, they remain humble and work silently to produce what they can.
If people will stop thinking that they are entitled to anything, they will just work and work to provide for their family and save for the rainy day and invest their money instead of feeding their own ego. Actually, feeling like you are entitled to anything does not make you rich.
Self-entitlement is the way of the proud.
Hi Everyone! after the longest winter ever! here’s something to get busy:
(REPOST) Never been this proud of being a Filipino!
After Obama’s praise to a Filipina Nurse, this is what Arabs think about FILIPINOS.
Muhammad Al-Maghrabi became handicapped and shut down his flower and gifts shop business in Jeddah after his Filipino workers insisted on leaving and returning home. He says: “When they left, I felt as if I had lost my arms. I was so sad that I lost my appetite.”
Al-Maghrabi then flew to Manila to look for two other Filipino workers to replace the ones who had left. Previously, he had tried workers of different nationalities but they did not impress him. “There is no comparison between Filipinos and others,” he says. “Whenever I see Filipinos working in the Kingdom, I wonder what life would be without them.”
Saudi Arabia has the largest number of Filipino workers – 1.019,577 – outside the Philippines and their numbers are still increasing. Filipinos not only play an important and effective role in the Kingdom, they also perform different jobs in countries across the world, including working as sailors. They are known for their professionalism and quality of their work.
Nobody here can think of a life without Filipinos, who make up around 20 percent of the world’s seafarers. There are 1.2 million Filipino sailors.
So if Filipinos decide one day to stop working or go on strike for any reason, who would transport oil, food and heavy equipment across the world? We can only imagine the disaster that would happen.
What makes Filipinos unique is their ability to speak very good English and the technical training they receive in the early stages of their education. There are several specialized training institutes in the Philippines, including those specializing in engineering and road maintenance.
This training background makes them highly competent in these vital areas.
When speaking about the Philippines, we should not forget Filipino nurses. They are some 23 percent of the world’s total number of nurses. The Philippines is home to over 190 accredited nursing colleges and institutions from which some 9,000 nurses graduate each year. Many of them work abroad in countries such as the US, the UK, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Singapore.
Cathy Ann, a 35-year old Filipino nurse who has been working in the Kingdom for the last five years and before that in Singapore, said she does not feel homesick abroad because “I am surrounded by my compatriots everywhere.” Ann thinks that early training allow Filipinos to excel in nursing and other vocations. She started learning this profession at the age four as her aunt, a nurse, used to take her to hospital and ask her to watch the work. “She used to kiss me whenever I learned a new thing. At the age of 11, I could do a lot. I began doing things like measuring my grandfather’s blood pressure and giving my mother her insulin injections.” she said.
This type of early education system is lacking in the Kingdom. Many of our children reach the university stage without learning anything except boredom.
The Philippines, which you can barely see on the map, is a very effective country thanks to its people. It has the ability to influence the entire world economy.
We should pay respect to Filipino workers, not only by employing them but also by learning from their valuable experiences.
We should learn and educate our children on how to operate and maintain ships and oil tankers, as well as planning and nursing and how to achieve perfection in our work. This is a must so that we do not become like Muhammad Al-Maghrabi who lost his interest and appetite when Filipino workers left his flower shop.
We have to remember that we are very much dependent on the Filipinos around us. We could die a slow death if they chose to leave us.
Don’t forget to SHARE & like if you’re proud of being a Filipino!
— withEdmundo Adriano and 42 others.
Really informative article that every Filipino should read. And thanks for including my post on Filipino pride in your work! 🙂
Sang-ayon ako sa punto ng author dito. Binabasa ko yung mga comments at mga debates at aking narealize na matatalino ang lahat ng taong nagcocomment dito.
Gusto ko lang magshare na sana sa mga ganitong mga klaseng mga article na useful, sana ay yung main language na ginagamit ay Filipino/Tagalog (or kahit may translation man lang). Naniniwala kasi ako na yung mga dapat na makabasa at makaintindi nito ay yung mga taong hindi masyadong magaling sa English at vocabulary o yung mga taong hindi masyadong katalinuhan or tamang-tama lang.
Useless pa rin ang article na ito kung ang makakabasa at makakaintindi lang rin naman ng maayos ay yung mga matatalinong tao.
Example, sa election, dba yung tinatarget ng mga Politician sa pagpangampanya ay yung mga taong masa, yung mga taong mahihirap, yung mga taong hindi nakapagtapos ng pag-aaral? Sila yung dapat na targetin na pabasahin ng article na ito dahil naniniwala ako na sila yung ang kailangan ng gabay.
Sana magkaroon tayu ng standard way na every blog/article may translation talaga sa Filipino/Tagalog para lahat talaga may mapulot na aral.
Yun lang po Salamat
tama ang yung punto na dapat yung mga tao na na di masyado nakakaintindi sa ingles maliwanagan din para may mas kabuluhan ang paksain ng lumikha ng kritisismo. parang pinaguusapan ng palihim ang tinutukoy nyang mga tao kasi sila-sila lang ang nakaka-intindi. Rude kung titingnan kasi hindi mabibigyan pagkakataon sumali sa usapin ang mga taong tinutukoy ng may likha. magandang usapin sana ito. Yun lang din po at salamat.
Exactly, ito ang naisip ko nung nasa kalagitnaan na ako ng article. Ang ganda ng pagkakasulat kaya lang panigurado hindi ito masyado or totally hindi maiintindahan ng masang Pilipino na supposedly ang target audience ng article na ito. Sang ayon ako sa suggestion na dapat may Filipino translation ang ganitong mahahalagang article.
he got to do this on english not on filipino why?because filipino’s already know the traits of filipino’s and foreigners didnt
Nonsense. All foreigners, because they grew up in a civilized country, recognize incivility and Filipino dysfunction immediately. We don’t need to be told what we can clearly see. It’s written in English because:
1. English is one of the two OFFICIAL LANGUAGES OF THE Philippines.
2. English is much better at expressing complex ideas, Filipino is not.
3. Far more people speak English as it is the de facto international language of trade and commerce.
Complaining that the author is not writing in what amounts to a limited, primative language just to suit the laziness and false pride (arrogance) of the Filipino is just another dysfunction of Filipinos.
Pag marunong kang umintindi sa English ay matalino? Pag hindi bobo?
Well said. Goddamn you read my mind. Lalo na ung si Jessica na Mexican nmn ginamit pinoy pride para kumita
hahaha… ive got nothing to say with it…. blame it to the media about the Filipino pride….
I agree that Pinoy Pride can definitely get annoying. Although, author, I have to ask you when does Pinoy Pride become “good”? Lets say the Philippines qualifies for the world cup in the future and they win it all.. Hypothetically speaking, will the sense of Pinoy pride be the same as Pacman’s wins or will this be the exception where we can all be a little bit nationalistic?
That remains to be seen. Maybe indeed we can recover a sense of GENUINE pride when for example a Philippine team even qualifies for the World Cup finals. For now, however, when our achievements are based on the leeching from one’s own successes, then we do not deserve “pride” as most people in the Philippines perceive it today.
MidwayHaven says:
July 1, 2014 at 11:28 pm
senaya said: “When a country is in bad shape, when its economy failed, there will be chaos, and other nations will be tempted to invade your country.”
It’s 1 July 2014, and China is building an airport on a reef in the Spratlys. How’s that for “Pinoy Pride”?
Hi MidwayHaven, here is my reply to your comment that i copy and pasted above:
July 12, 2014
Ooops! I just missed this comment.
There you go… now you should feel why “Pinoy Pride” is so important.
There is some kind of propaganda going on to destroy the spirit of Pilipinos and it has been very successful, and that is the so called “Pinoy Pride”. Many Pilipinos are affected by it especially some younger generations who are now embarrassed to be called Pinoy.
Imagine for a minute if this keeps going on for a longer period of time; your grandchildren and my grandchildren will want to be called a proud citizen of another nation instead. They may want to be called Chinoy citizen… so now tell me, why worry about the Spratlys Island?
It is very sad, but to some Pilipinos who were fortunate to have acquired high level of education; now they use it against their own people because they have to show off and practice blogging. Maybe their intention is not to wreck the spirit of the next generation of Pilipinos, but sorry to tell you, it is exactly what is happening.
This is a perfect example of an onion-skined Filipino, unable to take criticism, and instead he resorts to “argumentum ad hominum”, which means ‘attacking the person instead of the issue.’ It is an uncivilized response.
The issue is the false pride of Filipinos. As I read I perceive that the author of the article is correct. If you disagree with what he said then the civilized thing to do would be to refute his argument with credible evidence. But you do not. Instead you attack him personally because you have no rational argument to offer, and no evidence to present.
Why do you do that? Because you have false pride and lack in sufficient intelligence required to postulate a rational argument. To an educated, intelligent person, your response is that of a foolish and insecure person without any pride.
You disrespect intelligent educated people BECAUSE they have a higher education than yourself, thus shamelessly demonstrating your ignorance and stupidity.
The author is not ‘bragging’ that he is educated; he is simply educated, and it shows. You on the other hand seem to be bragging about your lack of education, which also shows. You foolishly brag that your lack of education and your false pride somehow makes you intellectually equal or even superior to those above you. It most certainly does no such thing. You are only a silly fool who got his feelings hurt by the truth. Grow up!
filipino win the world cup??? haha,,but they did win the dragon boats,,why not mention this to be real,? there is one place you can put your pride and you dont?
but also ask yourself why there are so many prostitutes in filipino society,,all pious catholics of course,
aba’y nababasa mo ba utak ko? alam na alam ng author kung ano tumatakbo sa utak ko ngayon
I completely agree with you. The proud to be Filipino thing is ridiculous and annoying. Im not saying that they shouldn’t be proud but just learn when to stop saying it. For example there is this video in 9gag video that was made by a Filipino and a lot of people are saying proud to be filipino and such,like just stop rubbing it in our faces. And what annoys me,like you said in the article, that if a filipino is talented they tend to say that ALL filipinos are talented like,um no. That happened in a Filipino news they said,ang mga pilipino talaga talentado sila…..why would they talk about the whole nation while they areb only talking some filipinos. And that blood of filipino thing…..many filipino are just ignorant for that,they are doing the philippines any good. Stop boasting about it,peace✌
maganda ang intensyon. pangit ang pagkakasulat. mukhang may kinikimkim na galit ang naglathala nito. inabuso ka ba ng yaya/boy nyo dati nung ikay bata pa? puno ng galit at pait ang pinahihiwatig ng iyong artikulo.
May punto ka naman eh. minsan sobra na talaga ang ginagawang SENSATIONALISM ng media sa mga personalidad sa buong mundo na may bahid RAW na dugong pilipino. pero dapat ang media ang sisihin. hindi ang tao na PROUD sa kanyang pagkatao.
Dapat siguro ang atakihin eh ang di tamang gawain ng media na over-sensationalization kesa pagkatao ng bawat ordinaryong juan. at isa pa, di purkit may iilang bulong na mansanas sa merkado ay sira na lahat ng masanas. Nangyayari din naman sa ibang lahi ang mga krimen na iyong nabanggit.
Ang Pride ay importante din para magsumikap ang isang tao upang maabot ang mas mataas na antas kesa kasalukuyang sitwasyon.
Ito ay kuro-kuro ko lamang.
Kung medyo masakit, problema mo na yon.
Aand there goes your stupid nitpicking of any race only to hide da pinoy’s retarded mentality. It’s obvious that you can’t swallow the bitter pill because you’re an emotard. So your comment about “your problem” goes right back at you!
Pride is not really needed to succeed. Pride doesn’t equate to confidence. What pride does is hide our shame. We should be humble instead. I’m an atheist, but I recognize the value of Christian humility.
Down with retarded Pinoy Pride.
Bossing, yun comment mo ay isang direct na defesive move against sa sinusulat ng kaibigan nating author. Tinamaan ba yun pride mo pre ? Maging objective ka sa pagbabasa ng mga posting na ganito, hindi personal na patama yan kundi isang masugid na obserbasyon tungkol sa problema natin sa ugali ! Sangayon ako sa descriptive aspect ng posting ng author. Narealize ko din yan sa ugali ko noon pero sinikap kong matuto at magaral para mabago ang isang maling paniniwala at pamamaraan. Sana marealize ninyo din yan dahil nasa mundo at panahon na tayo ng very progresive internet information. S
a madaling salita, lahat ng kailangan natin para matuto at malaman ang katotohanan at nasa daliri na natin !!!!
I think being all emotional when Filipinos are made into the butt of all jokes are a sign of insecurity.
When Justin Bieber made the Manny Pacquiao KO photoshop, we made him persona non grata. Isn’t that overreacting? As if Manny is the first fighter to get photoshopped like that. Go to Boxing or UFC forums you’ll see countless fighters made fun of and photoshopped in ridiculous manners. Yet, we Filipinos took great slight in such a harmless joke.
Filipinos really can’t take a joke. That really shows our insecurity as a nation. Yet, we always joke how smelly Indians are or how horrible the English of Chinese people are etc…
Filipino pride is just a defense mechanism for our shame. Pride doesn’t translate to confidence. And, what we truly need is not “Filipino Pride”. We need humility. We need humility so we can accept our own faults. We need humility so we will not make dumb excuses on our failures. We need humility so we as a people could stand-up and learn from our mistakes. Pride is holding us down. Filipinos need to be humble.
Kung filipino ako I have no choice but to be proud that I am a Filipino
We are a third world country at ang bansa Pilipinas ay wala pang masyado na achieve when it comes to sports and everything that is why when we see people doing great things kahit na may kaunting dugong Pinoy eh masya na ang Pilipinas pwede ba ibalato nyo nayun sa Amin? na mga Tunay na Pinoy
Na hindi masyadong nakaka suot ng mga imported.. Tulad ng mga Americano dati talagang dinidikdik nila na americano sila dahil may Pride of being Americans.. But you see most of their achievers are african americans .. Like TIm Cone of San Mig he us from Other country but Cone is claiming he is a Filipino by heart.. And I am sure from the country na pinanggalingan nya eh sinasabi din nila Sya ay kalahi namin dahil sa na achieved nya sa Philippine Basketball kaya sana wag na masyado ibaba ang mga Pinoy pwede ba Ibalato nyo na sa Amin yun? Kung gusto nyo tumulong mag volunteer teacher kayo sa pinas kailangan namin yan at pag nagawa nyo yan dito kung ano man ang lahi nyo I am sure they will take Pride of what you have done and they will say He is from our country and Pride is there Again.
ABAH! may natitirang may brilyanteng utak parin pala ang Pinoy huh!!! ang galing mo. ok, i will come back here, may HOPE parin pala ang future generations ng mga pinoy.
Very delusional!
Yours is a perfect example of sheer ignorance and blatant idiocy. Those ‘future generations’ you spoke of are idiots like you keeps on killing the Faillipines.
Set your priorities for once…
Remittances hit record high of $25.1 B in 2013
MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) – Remittances from overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) reached a record high of $25.1 billion in 2013, 7.6 percent higher than previous year’s level, the local central bank said today.
Pilipinos should be proud of their culture and upbringing, where we developed an attitude of gratitude from early stage of life, but of course, there are those who are ashamed to be called Pilipinos, but let me remind you ladies and gentlemen, that the country you are in today? will not accept you if you did not reach certain criteria that they are looking for. Our parents and grandparents will not be accepted here abroad if they don’t have enough of that education and experience required from the country of origin, that is reality.
When we accept reality, it is opening our mind and eyes, and if we claimed we have just opened our mind and eyes, it only means, it is not widely opened as yet. We require more experience and understanding, and in every word we say, we have to be careful as younger generation maybe reading or listening. We cannot kill their spirits, they are the HOPE of our nation.
Next time, when time permits, I will explain to you the danger of the two kinds of “spoiled brat”, I think this is the problems surrounding here, this is why a lot of nasty words floating around. Hint! Hint! Maybe we should start looking at ourselves closely and start asking hard questions…
Can someone translate this in Tagalog, because I speak another dialect.
needs some sort of translation,,its totally meaningless,,unless your trying to say,,a filipino cant make money in her or his own country,,as the hong kong journalist said”filipino’s are the worlds servants,,
think about that,,why is a filipino overseas classed as a GDP?
mga kaibigan, kasalanan ko kung bakit nagging ganito ang bayan natin,
kasalanan ko kung bakit nagging magnanakaw ang mga nakaupo sa gobyerno, kasalanan ko kung bakit hindi ako sumunod sa batas trapiko, kasalanan ko at hindi tumawid ng tama, kasalanan ko kung bakit ganito ang takbo ng pagiisip ng bawat pinoy, dahil kasalanan ko kung bakit hindi ako nagging mabuting halimbawa sa kapwa ko. at bilang isang mamamayan, aayusin ko ang bayan ko, at magsisimula ako sa sarili ko
This article is the most bullshit I’ve ever heard in my life against Filipinos and the author is filipino. Man you have a retarded mind, you think your good? I’ve never see any positive point to any of what your saying.. Man this is culture, Filipinos will always a filipino and if you think you can change the world by you negative critics? Man your a big jerk!! Your retarded. In short you can not blame culture cause it’s their way of life and you can not fix it, that’s why is so dumb to critic culture!!
It is also so dumb to critique those who “critic culture” . So often people who use the word “retarded” are fodder for grammar nazis. Your one paragraph could be used as a specimen in grade 4 English. You are the reason GRP exists. To irk intellectuals like yourself.
This is a perfect example of the false pride of the Filipino. All flash and no substance.
Typical. Onion-skin arrogance. Argumentum ad Hominum. So silly looking, ineptly defending the ‘criminal-mentality culture’ of an uncultured nation.
culture you are moochers scammers freeloaders liars stupid my experience oh yes lazy ….dont trust any of you…met some nice ones though they know what im talking about=== you r in denial man
there IS such a thing as Ego Therapy.
In response to Chino Fernandez:
just say the words “putang ina mo”
The author said “If only there was a psychiatric treatment called Ego Therapy”
There is, it’s just not called that. It’s not simply an ego problem, but it goes much deeper. It is a psychiatric defect endemic in the Philippines called “Borderline Personality Disorder”. The majority of Filipinos suffer from it without having a clue that they have a mental disorder. Google it. It explains why the Filipino is so unusually over-sensitive and cannot handle any criticism in a graceful way. They cannot because most of them have BPD. It also explains why an argument with them usually results in violence; they are incapable of controlling their emotions due to BPD.
I beg to differ with the opinion of the author. In my quite humble opinion that may not always be so humble. My Pinoy Pride never gave me a sense of entitlement. My Pinoy Pride never instilled in me a belief that I was better than everyone else just because I am Pinoy. My Pinoy Pride meant that just because I am Pinoy doesn’t mean I cannot be as good or even better than the next person. Pinoy Pride does not mean I think that I am better than everyone else. That’s not Pinoy Pride that is Pinoy Arrogance with a hint of Pinoy Ignorance. Which I admit Pinoys do tend to have. You know what the problem of the Philippines is? It’s not Pinoy Pride. It’s the classic PINOY CRAB MENTALITY. We like to bring each other down. Why fault someone for being proud to be Pinoy? Fault his arrogance not his pride. Know the difference. Don’t let crab mentality blind you. Just making friendly conversation this is just simply the personal opinion and ramblings of a proud pinoy.
Perhaps you have a different meaning of pride. That is good. The kind of pride I’m attacking is like this: Imagine an office worker being awarded by the head office. Then his co-worker comes out and says, “hey, I’m his officemate,” even if they barely know each other. It’s basically an attempt to draw attention to oneself in a self-aggrandizing manner. Or it’s bootlicking. And it looks stupid. That’s how Filipinos look shouting “Pinoy Pride” when another Filipino marks an achievement by their own effort.
The kind of pride I’m attacking is like this: Imagine an office worker being awarded by the head office. Then his co-worker comes out and says, “hey, I’m his officemate,” even if they barely know each other.
But what does that got to do with pride? Your example is not about pride but about being proud on somebody’s accomplishment. You are confusing the two.
In your example, what is wrong with an office worker for being happy with his officemate? You don’t have to know your officemate for years to be able to say “hey, I’m his officemate”.
I understand perfectly what you are trying to say. Point well taken. This is exactly why I begged to differ in my opinion. I am grateful for your time and effort to reply on my comment. I am impressed by the aggresiveness of your post. Taking time to comment on it is my form of giving you a compliment. I wouldn’t have reacted this way if your post was weakly written. This is why I am humbly bringing my opinion to your attention. At the very least we can both agree that PINOY PRIDE and PRIDE can mean different things to different people. Graciously you said I may have a different meaning of pride and that is exactly my point. There is a specific kind of pinoy pride you are attacking. To you it may be Pinoy Pride to me it may be simple Pinoy Arrogance. But at the end of the day words are just words. It is the meaning we give to these words that breathe life to them. If you are attacking this specific kind of Pinoy Pride then so be it. I am with you on that I agree that the kind of Pinoy Pride you are attacking deserves to be attcked. It is enough that I have brought to your attention and to the attention of your readers that there is in fact a different kind of PINOY PRIDE not just the one you are talking about. I leave it to your intelligent readers to discern what kind of Pinoy Pride they would seek to uphold or they can choose not to be a Proud Pinoy at all. After all what we choose to uphold is ours to uphold. Thank you.
The worst thing I’ve observed is those who come to the West and think that streets are paved with gold and lined with money trees. Some Pinoys in the USA think they can live like royalty and throw parties for 200 people without figuring out how to pay their utility bill with remaining funds after party is thrown. My in-laws became 2 months late on house payment to throw wedding for daughter, and then had nerve to ask daughter to help get caught up on house payment with the “dollar dance” money that was meant for her and new husband. Daughter wanted to have simple courthouse wedding, but momma wanted to make sure all the relatives would be impressed by her party planning skills.
I’m not suggesting that my in-laws represent the entire country, but these are what I observe from being around them.
dapat yang pride na yan ay piniprito para makain.. hindi yung niyayabang.. hahahhahah
Dude. This is foul. WHAT HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED THAT YOU CAN DESERVE TO CRITICIZE THEIR FAME AND PHILIPPINES AS A NATION. Just over a boxing game. I mean okay. I see your point of view and it could be one of our flaws that we just admire other people and not focus on ourselves. BUT YOUR BLOG IS LIKE SAYING WE CAN NOT CELEBRATE THE SUCCESS OF OUR FELLOW FILIPINOS AND IT SEEMS YOU ARE INDIRECTLY SAYING THAT WE SHOULD PRAISE OTHER COUNTRIES AND NOT OUR OWN. And Just so you know Pacman should the world what a true athlete is. He played fair. And he faced his opponent fearlessly. He was also a peaceful man. And if you can’t see that as Pinoy pride or simply as a great man then you sir have got a problem. So I’ll let you hide behind your blog for now. I’m sure you’re thinking of cruel words for people your obviously jealous about since you will never deserve and have the amount of success they have.
This Girl, I appreciate your recognition of our successful kababayans, nguni’t Chino’s article is simply emphasizing the obsession and dependency fanatics have on such celebrity-heroes, who have only a minimal benefit sa ating bayan. His point is that “Pinoy pride”, in and of itself, has no personal or social value. Iyan lang.
Magandang lathala! Such a topic and its analysis here should remain an ongoing one, until we accept that what is needed to create any long-lasting benefits for society, our culture, and government are practical, logical measures, which surpass temporary, superficial remedies.
Maliwanag na iyan this blog has certainly stimulated thought and debate, and is the first step in positive change. Keep up the good work, Chino!
You are my breathing in, I have few web logs and often run out from to brand.
Wow, just like my Country, if someone has blood of Indonesia even they are living in the other country or citizen of that country and become famous or do some incredible they will proud as Indonesian
I hate that kind of nationalism or whatever they said, it’s just like Human divided into some blocks.
Basically a hater article. Why don’t you do something that helps everyone instead pretending to be any better and wasting time writing this negativity? You even make presumptions about what “Pinoy Pride” means which are incorrect. It’s like you are forcing people to follow your beliefs and by default you are right and have the final and perfect definition of “Pinoy Pride”.
“Pinoy Pride” for most Filipinos is a positive thing. It definitely does NOT mean “pagka HAMBOG” as what you seem to be suggesting. Tsaka hindi kesyo magaling ka na mag Ingles at matalino ka eh mas mabuti ka nang tao at ikaw na ang tama. Kung talagang mabuti kang tao eh magpakilala ka dito at tignan natin kung may nagawa ka ngang kabutihan.
Kung hindi mo magawa yan eh sinong maniniwala sayo? for all we know your just a selfish, greedy coward who wants attention. Your whole article only shows that you are a condescending person gaya ng ibang nag-cocomment din dito na nag didipensa sayo na puro pang insulto ginagawa.
Are you even FILIPINO???
You are awesome ;-; maraming salamat po. mag ingat ka.
Agreed. It really feels like stealing the “honor” or “pride” off someone else – someone who actually worked to EARN their success.
This article is worth to share! You NAILED it @ChinoF!
Dear Author,
You have a point. You clearly defined the problem that we are facing. But then again you forgot to give concrete solutions. Presenting an argument like this made your point “valueless”. Maybe, promote patriotism rather than Filipino pride? In other words, rather than self-promotion or self-pity, maybe encourage country-promotion and country-pity. Maybe, know self then know one’s country. Present a process that’s a start.
If spitting in public is bad, you don’t need to brainstorm about possible “solutions” or “alternatives” to it. You simply call erring people out on it. That’s the premise where all this “pinoy pride” article is all about.
only idiots like you guys would go into so-called “pinoy pride” as an endemic problem. most of you aren’t even living in the philippines and that’s a good thing.
“[…] lot of people balked at my article “Pinoy Pride will never save the Philippines.” They said, pride isn’t all that bad, I’m cruel for saying it is! And if pride won’t save […]”
this kid of extension of argument is the main feature of get real philippines. for someone to say pinoy pride will save the philippines is making an optimistic prediction at best. but anyone who will say PP is bad even with qualifications is a confused idiot.
Hello. impressive job. I did not expect this. This is a fantastic story. Thanks!
Thank you. When my fam moved to the US (myself 13 then), that perspective got completely flipped. I found out how the rest of the world ACTUALLY sees us, which is the opposite of where we place ourselves as a nation. I felt embarrassed during discussions in my post-sec classes whenever the country was brought up by the way the other students implied the Philippines as one of the bottom countries. Virtually no one else worships us the way we like to worship ourselves & give credit to our Filipino blood.
“Pinoy Pride” will never save the Philippines because every Filipino has an individualized connotation for those two words: it’s always about “Me” (what I need and want); never about “My Country” nor “My People” (what they need to survive as a nation). This is the reason why the Philippines will never survive as one nation: Filipinos have tailored-fit their version of “Pinoy Pride,” according to their individual needs and wants.
Incentivise. You need broad propaganda to incentivise the uptake and humility. ie frowned upon if not displayed and elevated by way of the judgement that would be placed upon you in comparison to an ideal. Historically we can look how other nations have instilled temperament into their culture. At times it may be helpfull to market an individual or group as ideal suggesting the an individual to emulate these observed characteristics would raise your social status. It is both positively reinforced and negatively discouraged but the emotions of the self the perspective of how others would view you. I guess this would be of higher effect in a demographic where higher prevalence of gratification to self was sourced externally.
Some think humility is old fashioned and as to get by in these times you need to look after yourself, gog-eat-dog.
This suggests agressiveness to be required in utility and normalises as instrumental in attaining competency in providing for family. Also very motivated by how you are seen by others. Then this is where it is bound to pride and pride and agressiveness are suggested to be opposing humility. Im typing this quick because im late to work so apologies for its order and level of clarity.
An alternative to agressiveness is assertivemess and argument would suggest it would be more appropriate to be assertive, standing up for yourself through calm conduct.
Assertiveness is very definitely compatible with humility, iy recognises that everyone has an equal right to be heard, and enables everyone to put their point across. And condemning the alternative through the ideal above once its held within society to an extemt. Indeed, it is quite possible to argue that not only is assertiveness compatible with humility, but humility is absolutely essential for developing assertiveness.
the monarchy would be a great start to look for examples. The idea of what the BBC was to represent and subsequently became. you may have to look at this widely from your own perspective to weigh it.
im late and so is this post