Manila Times columnist Rigoberto Tiglao recently wrote an article about a “rich kid,” namely Robbie Antonio, son of Century Properties owner Jose Antonio. Robbie was having a one-billion-peso mansion built for himself somewhere here in Manila. Tiglao compared it to other profligate icons, such as Imelda Marcos and Herminio Disini. He hinted that Antonio’s plans may actually be a greater example of profligacy – especially with the plan for Antonio to fill the house with artwork featuring his own face.

Some people I know have expressed their defense of Antonio’s lifestyle. They say, as long as Antonio pays taxes, or he doesn’t hurt anyone, blah blah, it’s OK. Well, perhaps he does have a right, since it’s his money. However, there is still a lesson to be gleaned.
While I’m not going to bitch that this guy has no right to do what he does, and so and so, I am going to say that there are better things to do with P1 billion than spend it on a museum of egoism. There are no rules against what he did, but there are other principles that would call this a questionable thing to do – especially with the portraits of himself plan. Seriously, that’s ego-tripping (read this to know what I mean). Perhaps what it may signify is that Filipinos have a penchant for projection, showing that they have strong egoism. Yep, that word – Pinoy Pride. But in another sense, it is a demonstration of how poorly Filipinos handle money.
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There are Filipinos who likely have bigger egos than Antonio. They are likely to say, “I want to be like this! I deserve this! I’m entitled to this!” or “We should be proud of this guy, he is Pinoy!” Sorry, bad idea. I think people would best treat this thing about Antonio as mere passing trivia, and not as a role model. Better ignore the media articles that paint him as such, they just needed material to print.
Some comments on the paper say, other Filipinos should instead be encouraged to strive on their own to become as rich as Antonio, or at least they become rich in the end. Yes, I have nothing against that. But they should find better things to do with P1 billion. Perhaps something with more – yes, I know that’s a touchy word – social responsibility. And yes, I’m still a believer that ostentatious display of wealth is reflective of bad character.
I also think people should stick to sound rules of financial responsibility, rather than dream of becoming rich asses with money to spend on their ego. As I keep on harping in my articles, egoism is the basis for much wrongdoing. Use your money less for egoism, and more for self-improvement and proper investment. Life’s not fair, but you should be.
I believe, as my cohorts here do, that what Filipinos embrace as their culture is what actually pulls the country down. And those who seem to be anti-dictators, who may also believe themselves to be “heroes,” are the real dictators.
i don’t think him being narcissistic gives him the obligation to donate hence, he is such. sure it is “over the top/stick up his” move, and really ridiculous, but c’mon– his money. his property. leave him be.
I can leave him be… but the image of the Filipino around the world based on this, Imelda, Disini and the habits of our kababayans, is that of being wasteful.
So if you’re in another country, and someone tells you, “you know, my impression of Filipinos is that they tend to be wasteful, that’s why their country is in the pits,” don’t get insulted and try to correct the person. You should remember there are glaring examples of that.
Imelda and Disini allegedly spent money they did not earn but stole. Antonio spent money he earned. People who spend time and money for their amusement do not waste those because they get something in return – amusement. This is as long as they do not spend to the point of losing financial stability. Antonio spent a small portion of his net worth to be amused. Small portion = not wasteful. Some people have little or no money yet buy useless stuff. That is wasteful.
This is true. Stolen money is worth criticizing more, of course. Still, A little bit of sensitivity would lead to a different, arguably better use of the money, as I see it.
GRP criticizes Pinoys for being “onion skinned crybabies” and now you say we have to be sensitive toward them? Ano ba talaga? You want money to be spent the way you think it should? MAKE IT.
You are confusing two different people. Onion-skinned crybabies are different from the people we feel one better show sensitivity to.
That is indeed true, didn’t Suzy Orman already said that Filipinos do not save because they don’t like to save money at all.
what the hell! pera nya yun eh.. as long as legal ginagawa nya wala kayong pakialam….
Though someone said in another forum, “even the argument that he has the right to do what he wants with is money is questionable or arguable…” Moot point, because of moral values and principles.
You missed the point of the article. He isnt doing anything illegal, but his egoistic museum rings a bell for principle. There are better things to do with a billion pesos than several portraits of oneself. Its really narcissistic to commission several portraits of oneself to be cluttered in a house.
since he is not on bir taxpayers list then there is an issue.
kim henares ignoring the big fish/campaign donors so they are in effect spending tax money.
tacky is what you would expect from filipino nouveau riche.
tacky is what you’d expect from any COO (Child Of Owner) lol
That ought to be checked. If he is not paying taxes, that certainly is a problem. If he is, no problem.
Someone said, “paying taxes to a corrupt government is like abetting a crime.” No, I differ. It is a citizen’s responsibility to pay taxes, whether the government is corrupt or not. Even if they are the ones doing the corruption, do not follow by doing your own corruption, which is tax-evading.
By the way, since this is a Filipino gracing the pages of Vanity Fair… isn’t there supposed to be some kind of party involving Filipino Pride, since another Filipino got attention in an international magazine? Actually, I might find that OK. hehe
You know what, I totally get it that we Filipinos have a lot of cultural traits that are worth criticizing but I think GRP has already come to a point of ascribing every perceived “bad” thing a Filipino does to his or her Filipino-Ness. Like reverse Filipino Pride-ism. It is the opposite extreme of a wrong we have been critical of.
The world has no shortage of people who splurge using their wealth. Besides, he does earn the money he spends on whatever he chooses to. He is a big boy, so he is entitled to big toys. It is not like he stole that money from the people or the government. That was earned fair and square. He manages the DAY TO DAY operations of their firm and that is no joke. He also has his own real estate development firm in New York.
Whether it is Manny Pacquiao or this guy, people with senses of entitlement immediately want them to “share” their wealth and want to dictate to them how to use it. If he wants a mansion dedicated to his vanity, the hell do we care. He can even make it in the shape of his own face. He earned his wealth, he can do as he please with it. It is not “Filipino Vanity” or “Filipino Profligacy”. Heck, judging from looking at the everyday Pinoy, Pinoys really do not care how they look. It is just his vanity or profligacy as how Tiglao put it.
Thing is, isn’t vanity or profligacy a bad thing after all? That is my message here, pointing to the above example – “don’t try this at home.” I speak from the point of view of Judeo-Christian ethics.
It just seems to me every quirk or frailty that any human being of any race can have is immediately pounced upon and pointed out as BECAUSE HE IS FILIPINO.
It seems that it was a knee-jerk reaction to a GRP writer to see this guy and then blurt out EUREKA! Vanity = Filipino! Heck, Koreans and Americans are more vain than Filipinos. Many Korean men even apply makeup to their faces. I am sure that every country has their own share of Robbie Antonios or even worse. Obviously though, Robbie’s vanity did not lead to his lack of success. It is the product of an excess of it. He also has a job. He has wealth that he learned to maintain, cultivate and create. It is something people could admire (Or envy).
Vanity and Profligacy are subjective. If you have $100 Million (that is what I estimate is the least of his net worth) and spend $15 million of something you earned fair and square, that is not profligacy. If you have nothing or next to nothing and still waste money and time in one way/form or another, then that is profligacy.
Did I say vanity and profligacy are exclusively Filipino? Now where did I say that in my article, let me look for it… oh, you said it. All I just said is that vanity and profligacy are bad. Anywhere. 😉
The title itself and most of the content have “filipino” written all over it. And this website’s theme is “Get Real Philippines” so it implies that all the “flaws” you describe are what causes the downfall and stagnation of The Filipino.
I do recognize that a lot of articles here point out valid flaws. It’s just that articles like these inadvertently make a mockery of the purpose of this website and others like it. These articles dilute the ones that are validly pointing out legitimate flaws of Da Pinoy. It would enable the detractors of “getting real” to dismiss the cause in its entirety as something people do to mask their own flaws. They can say that people here are merely pointing out the dirt on other people’s yards so those people focus their attention on that house while you block the view of your own.
I’m not saying that’s the case most of the time here but these types of articles can poke holes in the ones that are valid.
There you go, profligacy and vanity are the downfall of the Filipino. Or among the traits that cause such downfall.
Poke holes in the articles that are valid? What’s validity in an article to you? For me, my article is valid. 😉
For me the article is part of what was termed here as an “outrage fad”. There is a lot of “outrage” at the perceived flaws of The Filipino that even a quirky guy like this Antonio dude is put in the forefront and pointed out as a prime example of what represents a Filipino and his supposed “profligacy”.
Vanity can hardly be the downfall of any person or group of people. A vain person can also be a very successful one and one who chooses to not take care of himself (like not exercising, not eating healthy or not having proper hygene or grooming) can also lack the success in life that could give him credibility to presume authority to say what people should do or not do.
As I have explained, it is also not profligacy if you splurge a (relatively) small percent of your net worth on whatever makes you happy.
What makes the article and view not valid to me is that the stated flaw of Vanity has no correlation to one’s success or lack of it thereof.
Other more progressive countries have this supposed “flaw” (South Koreans) but that did not prevent them from progressing. Antonio has it and look at him now.
Profligacy meanwhile, is invalidated in the subject because what he spent does not affect his overall financial health. He is not stupid to spend his money on his self-indulgement to or beyond the level of profligacy. He runs multi-million dollar real estate development firm after all. What companies do we run? Not even close and I never even shave. Maybe I have to start doing that.
Outrage? What’s the outrage here? All I said is if you see what you perceive as vanity and profligacy, do not imitate, if you have a sense of values. Besides, there are numerous people I know who I’m sure would agree with me. Like the poorer people, perhaps? 😉
It’s an “outrage fad” as what you call it. You just saw the article and you went “A-HA!” then scrambled to point your finger at the bad, bad vain guy.
The guy is accomplished and knowledgeable. It is rather odd that you say “it is a demonstration of how poorly Filipinos handle money” referring to the actions of Mr. Antonio. Of all the people on this thread, I am pretty sure no one here can surpass his skills in handling money. He is doing what he is doing with his surplus. With his wealth.
Values you say? I value hard and SMART work which is what Mr. Antonio practices and what a lot of us should emulate.
Why would I concern myself about what the “poorer people” think? Their mindsets are not what we should follow. I choose to have a mentality of abundance. One that thinks that I deserve to be wealthy (and happy) and this goes for everyone, including Mr. Antonio and his “narcissistic” mansion. I do not see any wrong values there.
Wrong values are expecting him to do something he does not like to do or trying to apply your supposed values on him (or pontificating about these so-called “values” of yours without respect to other people’s value systems).
His value system values his sense of self and his wanting to celebrate this by building a monument to it. In the process, he gives people jobs and makes other businesses profit (such as the construction companies, architectural firms and other vendors that earned from the project). Instead of giving away his money to the poor, he made the poor and others work for it in a dignified manner. You say he does not know how to manage his money properly? Look at his net worth… Look at yours… end of discussion!
You seem too quick to jump at things like this and try to exploit these as opportunities to forcibly associate these “quirks” with Pinoy Dysfunction.
I am sure numerous poor people would agree with you. Think poor, remain poor.
I still see it as a bad example because of the ego involved. Of course, that’s why he’s in Vanity Fair. If you don’t see him as a bad example, fine. If I do, it’s my problem. If I associate it with Pinoy Dysfunction, it’s my right as I am free to do.
I doubt it’s an outrage fad as you say, since Tiglao and few others would agree with me. Way I see it, the read outrage fad is against Tiglao and me, since a lot seem to be outraging against my article. How good it feels to be part of the few with real insight. 😛
Of course, no one is disputing your right to say what you want. I am also exercising the right to differ. I am not in an “outrage” against your article and I really do not see it as what you call “real insight” (now that is vanity or worse, self-flattery. There is nothing insightful about knee-jerk forced-associations). I am merely raising points that I believe should be surfaced.
“who says money can’t buy happiness, they just don’t know were to shop”…. This guy is doing it right.It’s kinda lame having a lot of pictures of yourself in your house but who am I to judge. I don’t know the feeling of having a billion pesos.
I remember back then me and my wife are just happy to have 500 pesos dates. Now that I’m a nurse in the US, 1000 to 1500 are cheap for me. Now I’m into fashion and I like buying expensive clothes. It just about using money to make in order to feel fulfilled and happy.
About the article, I’m also kinda annoyed with High Ego Filipinos. Just because they went to the US/abroad and got a job, they post their audis, BMW, Benz in FB even though they don’t have the budget to afford it. Another pet peeves of mine are those people who show off their LV’s, gucci, burberry, yves saint lorent or what ever designer product they bought in sale. I also want to add those people who wear Lacoste and RL POLOS with BIG HUGE alligators and Horses… Geez might just well carry a sign that says “PLEASE BUY PRODUCTS OF THESE DESIGNERS I WORSHIP”. I don’t know why social climbing became a big part of our culture but this is depressing.
My thinking in this article is this: just because you can afford to be a bad example doesn’t mean you have to. Better not.
Why is he a bad example? He worked hard+smart > he succeeded > he had excess wealth > he spent it as he pleased > he helped people get jobs > helped other businesses profit > he became happy.
It’s better than not working > not succeeding > no excess wealth > nothing to help people with.
There are other people believing that he did not work hard, and that he is a mere “rich kid,” benefiting from his father’s work. You are right in, better than “not working = nothing to help people with,” but… that’s it, the guy is not helping people. The way Christian values says, that is.
The guy did help people. The construction of that mansion created jobs and profits for the companies and vendors involved in the project. It says in the article that he runs the day to day operations of the company so its not like his father just gave him money without having to earn it. He also put up his own firm in New York. Christian Values are not everyone’s values. As long as he has not harmed anyone and he even helped those involved in what he did, for me he’s OK.
Well, certainly Antonio has his good points. But if P1 billion was in the hands of someone else, he could do more, and better.
As long as you can afford the things you buy, afford meaning that it won’t make a dent in your budget, buy away. Nothing is wrong with that if that will make you happy. The problem is buying things you cannot afford and need to loan money to pay for other expenses afterwards. Now that’s stupidity.
There we go again, this week’s flame-bait. So he spent 1 billion pesos, who cares? He spent it HERE, he employed construction workers, artists, craftsmen, and painters to create his ode to himself. Hell, that’s better than just keeping that 1 billion pesos to himself, at least he spent it to give work to other Filipinos. What’s so bad about that? Oh yeah, right, this is a Filipino hate site.
Is this really a Filipino hate site or you’re really THAT dumb?
Your point…?
You can’t read? I said he hired Filipinos to work on his mansion, he provided JOBS, or does that make too much sense for you? This site defamed the country’s national heroes on Jose Rizal’s birthday, yup, hate site.
I can’t read since YOU can’t read. I stopped reading when you said that this is a ‘hate site’.
Yup. Cool story, bro. 😛
Add: You’re totally missing the point. If Jose Rizal is still alive until now, he would even agree on this site.
It was the likes of you who defamed this country. Again, missing the point.
Just look at what you said, I defamed the country HOW again? huh? What? They called our national heroes drunkards, and somehow I defamed the country? ???
Come to think of it, he provided jobs to foreigners in the case of the architect and painters. And on the other issue, showing our country’s national heroes in their drunken state and criticizing this is defamation? So if they’re actually doing wrong, should I let them go? Are they gods? Really now, that’s the wrong message there.
Yes, it’s fine, actually. But plastering your won face all over the place tells us something else. Let’s just keep tuned to what else happens after this.
What else happens is he would have a mansion with pictures of himself all over it. Don’t we all? In my house I have pictures of my family (which includes myself) all over the place. Does that mean we have bad values?
You have pictures of your family for memories and love. The guy has pictures of himself all over for vanity’s sake. Big difference.
He loves himself, Chino. Nothing wrong with that as long as he can afford it and he doesn’t burden someone else for it. The bottomline is that we shouldn’t care about their own vanity as long as it won’t burden someone else like spending said vanity at the expense of their relatives’ hard earned money.
I think you’re confusing people who can’t prioritise their expenses where a person buys the latest iphone just to boast that he has a new iphone but loaned a big amount of cash to buy it.
Yup, there is nothing wrong in loving one’s self and valuing one’s self (even over-valuing it). That is a sign of security and good self esteem along with being happy for people who do the things like what Antonio does.
From Christian values, loving and over-valuing oneself too much is vanity, and is often the cause of wrongdoing. Nothing wrong with loving onself, indeed. But bring it up to a higher level… it becomes the source of society’s ills. So I suppose, if you reject this explanation, you are not a Christian, or prefer not to practice as one.
This and that other Rolls Royce article just shows that this site is against any form of someone’s display of wealth, or rather the authors are envious of those WITH a lot of wealth. I even read somewhere here that buying a NEW CAR is bad, and a car isn’t really even a luxury, it’s mostly a necessity of middle-class trappings.
Yep, and nobody is complaining about Noynoy buying a Porsche. You go retard by saying “Hey, it’s fine. Presidente naman siya, ah.” <_<
The author is not really envious. One of the author's points is that Filipino culture of entitlement… SUCKS. Aside from that, yes, Filipinos are worse on handling their own money.
Again, this site wasn't actually defaming Filipinos. You're actually EMO and nothing else. You'll respond with more EMO-driven comments because an ignorant Pinoy pleb like you would never understand. 🙂
If he buys a Porsche again, it’s his damn business and it’s his money. Now unless you can claim that the money for the Porsche was obtained illegally from the government, that’s none of our business.
Are you sure that when he buys a Porsche, it’s his money?
Are you sure that if he buys it it is NOT his money?
Turning the question around. That’s doesn’t help, y’know.
I do not like Abnoy but getting into the realm of speculation is not helpful – even to GRP’s cause.
And there’s a law against ostentatious display of wealth. I’m sure he broke it.
“You can’t read? I said he hired Filipinos to work on his mansion, he provided JOBS, or does that make too much sense for you?”
Sorry, emo trollfag. But he wasn’t even in the league of the Sys, the Cojuangcos, the Ayalas, the Lopezes and (insert Filipino business family here).
He only provided jobs for his MANSION. What about everything else???
Then the trollfag goes crickets since he calls GRP a ‘hate site’ but can’t admit of his own hypocrisy. 😛
Oh so, a person can’t spend his money as he likes? who should be in charge of his money? YOU? are you actually arguing against the right to property now? if you don’t like our property rights, go move to a communist country where you can’t own anything.
He can spend money the way he likes, but he also should be open to criticism for it, because he allowed his spending to be publicized, and that opens it up for public scrutiny.
Yes, he is free to spend his own money but the rest of the population are also free to criticise his actions. I for one think that he could be suffering from narcissistic personality disorder.
“Narcissism is defined by the dictionary as “an excessive love or admiration of oneself. It is also defined as a psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.”
We all possess varying degrees of inclination to narcissism. A healthy dose of love for or admiration of one’s self helps us function normally. It helps us appreciate our own look and more importantly, our achievements. In other words, when we have the right amount of narcissism, we become confident individuals. This assists us in getting ahead in school, in our careers and forming a healthy relationship with other people. And this means we can enjoy life more.
There’s the better term for egoism: narcissism. Thanks, Ilda.
Antonio obviously can do anything he pleases with his money. He earned it. That we cannot argue with.
What is “arguable” is the current state of things in this country when these kinds of acts of the extremely rich magnify the already uncrossable chasm between the rich and the poor. It is not Antonio per se that is the problem but the society he lives in.
Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of sensitivity to the people around you to know that this kind of splurging continues to widen the gap between the haves and not haves, and also to have some sense of compassion that perhaps, just perhaps, in finding that sensibility someone who has that kind of wealth will put others first before himself.
Just a thought. There is no judgment intended for Mr. Antonio here. He has acquired his wealth through passion and dedication for what he does. Sana lang hindi rin siya nakalimot ng mga walang-wala na talaga.
a few seconds ago · Like
Thanks for this contribution. Yes, the key word is “sensitivity.” This is not for Antonio himself, but for other people.
I don’t know about you, but the more he “splurges” more money comes out of his pockets, and into the pockets of the local businesses (construction firms, artists groups and whatnot). That doesn’t’ really help your argument. If he just kept that money in the bank, his wealth wouldn’t have helped the local economy.
Nah. Money kept in banks is used by banks to fund loans to businesses. Funds left in the financial system gets channeled to those who, in theory, are best suited to put it to productive use. Consumerism, on the other hand, specially the type that disproportionately patronizes imports and foreign branded products results in those funds being diverted into the pockets of foreign companies’ head offices overseas.
Come to think of it, Antonio hired a foreign architect, Rem Koolhass, for the house, and foreign painters, like Kenny Scharf, to paint his portraits. I haven’t read about any Filipino architects or painters hired. Wouldn’t it be more helpful to hire fellow Filipinos for these critical aspects? Even if he hires local workers – “helping fellow Filipinos” as some say – as the peons, etc., the bulk of the money goes to the foreign people, because of their expensive charges. So Antonio can never really be used as an example of “helping fellow Filipinos.” Hmm, I should’ve noted that in the article.
So what if he hires foreigners to do it and paid large money? He still was able to help the carpenters, bricklayers, masons, electricians, plumbers, wall painters, tile men etc who are most likely Pinoys. They ate at the restaurants nearby during their breaks and they bought materials from nearby Pinoy businesses. Their company must have been doing that for years, providing livelihood for hundreds or even thousands of people. That is beside the point anyway. Whether he helped or not does not matter. He really does not have to. Why does he need to help anyway? The Philippines is not a communist country where a person’s wealth has to be redistributed. So if I succeed there and use 3% of my earnings to buy a Ferrari I will be condemned and be told that I should just buy a Toyota Corolla so those riding motorcycles can also upgrade to sedans? The kind of mentality critical of how the rich spend their money (even if they spend it lavishly) just come out as envious. It’s really a non-issue for anyone what the Joe next door does with what he owns.
I am sure the Antonios, owning hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate are preferred customers of the banks. They are no stranger to judicious and frugal money management. That mansion is just from their surplus. They already did their frugal sacrifices and it was just time that they celebrated the excess of it.
Back when I was working at fast food I always bought a large bowl of ice cream whenever I got my paycheck. I was kitchen crew so it was hot and eating that bowl gave me psychological relief after enduring the heat in the kitchen. That does not mean I did not save most of my pay for something worthwhile like education.
That mansion is just their “bowl of ice cream” at the end of a pay period. We cannot be investors and money managers 24/7. We need to enjoy life too. We need to spend our EXCESS income on what makes us happy.
A one billion peso is quite too much for a bowl of ice cream (or sundae), don’t you think? 😉
Not if you have more where that came from.
Too much for narcissism, if you ask me.
Ultimately, it’s just a manifestation of hubris.
Hubris ante nemesis…
In his place, I probably would have invested that money in culture, the arts, science…maybe have a library filled with literary classics from Plato to Darwin to Mencius…or maybe put the cultural penchant for patronage to good use spotting musical talent (of the Gershwin and Rachmaninoff kind, thank you very much!) or scientific genius.
Hiring a Filipino architect and painters is not bad either for Antonio either, that would make it better. But for myself, if I had one billion, instead of pictures of myself all over the place, maybe a collection of classy paintings. Or since I’ll be rich enough with one billion, no need to work, I’ll paint them myself, since I’m an artist. Maybe publish a comic book/manga of my own, and set up a company for other artists and writers to make theirs. I can contribute a lot of money to my church (Grace Communion International). And maybe choose certain charities to contribute to, like those serving people with disabilities (I am thinking of my nephew with autism who always spends time with me) and orphans. And perhaps invest in bonds.
You said “if I had one billion”.
Like what the Spartans said… if.
Hey, Antonio probably had his plan for spending that money, shouldn’t I have the right to plan as well, even if don’t have the money? 😉
You would only know what’s right for you if you were in his situation. He has his needs, you have yours. How would you like it if he gives you a rundown of how you are spending your time and money?
Ba da book tsss
He could give me a rundown of how I spend my time and money, but it’s my life, as he has his. And as you emphasized IF I had the one billion, not him. Besides, he might see my post above as a suggestion.
Hmm, you keep on replying to me, but not to other ones with their own suggestions.
Maybe it is not a case of narcissism. Maybe each painting is a different interpretation of his likeness by multiple artists and the display is a study of how an artist interprets and paints a subject?
Imagine asking a room full of children to draw a picture of a photo of a house that is posted on a wall and see what comes of it. Would you find the range of pictures drawn by the children interesting or would you consider it a waste of time?
narcissist indeed
just like benjo benaldo – who can’t even shoot himself properly
He can do whatever he likes with HIS money. I wouldn’t like it if someone tries to tell me what to do with my money and they would have NO RIGHT to judge.
Yes, but other people should take the hint, that one billion – or any amount for that matter – would usually be too much for any sort of narcissism.
I should’ve checked, Vanity Fair’s article is available online. And it’s not flattering about Mr. Antonio either!
Follow-up by Mr. Tiglao:
Museum of Me, A Nation of Me in Manila Times
I wonder how it would turn out if Vanity Fair ran an article about you, your situation and your toys. Now that is an IF bigger than the universe eh? 😀
Life is like that. Work hard (and smart), make money, do as you please within your budget (the vanity fair article mentioned he had a budget).
Narcissism? Maybe. But it was frugal and within his means.
Look, the reason why people criticize him is because his wealth is in stark contrast to the poverty around him. They kind of want to “require” people to redistribute their wealth instead of doing as they please with what they have rightfully earned. Let’s say we have someone with a lot of robots, toys and a lot of frivolous things. Would that someone like it if people say that since a lot of people eat pagpag all around, no one should buy robots and useless toys and just feed the pagpag eaters more sanitary food. That someone would say: “Well, its my money, I can do what I want with it”. Then people would say: “But that is frivolity and wastefulness. Which is worse than narcissism that someone could afford”.
Not maybe, it is narcissism. And my robots and toys don’t cost one billion. Be a fair judge. 😉
An analysis of Nichomachean Ethics by Artistotle:
“While liberality deals with ordinary expenditures of money, magnificence is the virtue of properly spending large sums of money on liturgies, or public gifts. Magnificence requires good taste: gaudy displays of wealth exhibit the vice of vulgarity, while spoiling a liturgy through penny-pinching is a sign of pettiness.”
This opinion by Randall Parker makes the point as well:
“Ostentatious displays of wealth among an elite whose wealth has been growing for decades far faster than the overall amounts to rubbing salt into a wound. I morally disapprove of ostentation on the part of the upper classes. It is unnecessary cruelty.”
@mr.robbie antonio thankful to know that you are blessed by such wealth.been a household interviewer since 2009.i know where most of the poorest of the poor willing to send your gifts to these bothers of ours…i came from negros…..happy to read this blog……
A lot of people are getting angry at Jeane Napoles, but what about Robbie Antonio? Aren’t they making the same ostentatious display of wealth?
dont care about this douche,he can do anything as long as its legitimately acquired…let him be man..if i have that kind of money. i’m buyin an island and name it for myself and you will and never should give a fuck about it…it’s his morals. Napoles ill’gotten money is a different thing..if i saw her personally i’ll tell everyone around that she is a fraud, but this guy? gimme a break mr. morality, you got no right
I am equally annoyed at both. Both display high levels of narcissism. So fine, Mr. Antonio can do whatever he likes with his own money, nobody’s preventing him from doing that TO BE SURE, but it doesn’t mean I can’t recognize and can’t be annoyed with the display of narcisism. If you juxtapose him with guys who are legitimate billionaires like Zuckerberg and Buffett — (wag na nating isali ang word na sensitive) it’s not, oh what’s the word, classy. It’s devoid of any kind of modesty. As far as I know, modesty is still a quality in people we value, right?
Anyway, I commend ChinoF on this blog posts here. I like his posts more than others.
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I actually don’t give a shit about how other people spend their innocent money or how eccentric they like to live their lives. It’s my virtue to live people alone because I like to be left alone myself.
Its their money. But seeing that they do not think of other ways to use it wisely (like assisting the needy or some sort), we should do what we suggest that they should do. That is, we wisely spend our money and not lambast it. In other words, do not dwell on the faults of others and instead strive to fix our faults. But of course, we should see other’s mistakes and learn from them.
That’s what wealthy NOOBS do…flaunt! They’re afraid of losing their “image”.
I met the guy in Singapore. Despite all of his wealth and connections, he was a mannerless douchebag. Couldn’t stop checking himself in the mirror and bragging about know the Trumps. I was about to say that it was nothing to brag about. Again, what a douche!