In a press conference, Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte insisted that Department of Foreign Affairs Secretary, Albert del Rosario did not call Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram III and his men terrorists.
The problem with Valte’s statement is that, first, it is coming from someone who has lost much of her credibility. Most, if not all, of President Benigno Simeon Aquino’s spokespersons have been known to be good at spinning or stretching the meaning behind what has been said in the past. Valte wasn’t even present in the meeting Del Rosario had with Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, so how sure is she that Del Rosario did not really use the term “terrorists†in referring to Kiram’s men in Sabah?
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The second problem with Valte’s statement is that, after Del Rosario’s meeting with Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, there has been an increase in the use of the term “terrorists†in news reports when referring to the Sultan’s men particularly in Malaysian or international publications. Likewise, the Malaysian military seems to have been given a green light to treat them as such.
Prior to Del Rosario’s meeting with Aman, Sultan’s men where either referred to as “armed menâ€, “royal militaryâ€, “Sultan’s followersâ€, “members of armed clan†or “Filipino freedom fighters†but they were hardly ever called “terrorists†at all. It was also after that meeting when Malaysian authorities started using fighter jets to bomb parts of Sabah to “weed out†Kiram’s followers – a sign that the Malaysian government is not going to bother with any dialogue or negotiations because they assume they are dealing with “terroristsâ€.
The term terrorist or terrorists refer to a person or group of people who uses or advocates the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce others to get their way. As far as the available information goes, Kiram’s group of armed men who trooped to Sabah did not terrorise or use any violence or threats against innocent civilians before and even after the first shots were fired. At this point, there is still a debate on who fired the first shot.
Considering Kiram’s followers did nothing but occupy an area in Lahad Datu for three weeks before the standoff turned deadly, the Aquino government should have simply referred to them as members of the “occupy movementâ€. And since the Sulu sultanate once controlled parts of Borneo, including the site of the standoff, and since Kiram’s heirs have been receiving compensation from Malaysia under a long-standing agreement for possession of Sabah, they are far from being “terroristsâ€.
But in calling the group in Sabah terrorists, the Aquino administration has not only given the Malaysian government the green light to use excessive force to stamp out Kiram’s group, it also put an end to any hope of peaceful negotiations with them.
President BS Aquino is fully aware of Sultan Kiram’s whereabouts. He is not even in hiding. Would a terrorist hold a press conference? The answer is no. Kiram currently resides in Taguig, Manila. That is only a few kilometers away from Malacanang. It’s a mind boggling exercise to consider the question of why President BS Aquino hadn’t spoken to him in person. Does the President see himself as above talking to Kiram? Considering that the casualties in the fire fights keep going up and how Philippine-Malaysian relations continue to deteriorate, we wonder: Why can’t BS Aquino go out of his comfort zone, make an exception in this case, and talk to Kiram man-to-man? Oh that’s right. President BS Aquino has been busy campaigning for Team PNoy out of town for the May mid-term elections and considers it more important than saving lives and maintaining peace and order.
Whether or not Del Rosario did label Kiram and his men terrorists is less important than the shameful way President BS Aquino has been dealing with them. It has been apparent to most Filipinos that President BS Aquino and his cabinet members have been treating them as terrorists from the very start. This is evident in the fact that President BS Aquino’s government ignored not just one, but three formal letters of appeal from Sultan Kiram asking for an audience from the head of state to discuss the peace deal in Mindanao – a sign that BS Aquino’s government did not want to bother with any dialogue or negotiations with the Sultan of Sulu probably because they either thought that Kiram was insignificant and did not see him playing a pivotal role in the peace deal with the separatist movements in Mindanao or, worse, they already considered him a terrorist from the very beginning.
We all know that most governments have a policy of not negotiating with terrorists. That makes deputy spokesperson Valte’s assertion that the government does not consider Kiram a “terrorist” quite incredible. Valte does indeed have a credibility problem.
[Photo courtesy New Straits Times.]
In life, things are not always what they seem.
AFAIK the label terrorist was first used by the malaysians and the philippine govt only agreed
“As far as the available information goes, Kiram’s group of armed men who trooped to Sabah did not terrorise or use any violence or threats against innocent civilians before and even after the first shots were fired. ”
and is it really the correct definition of a terrorist to only include attacks on civilians? attacks on police and military are under certain circumstances also considered terrorist acts diba?
I think you are missing the point. There is no dispute regarding the definition of “terrorist” or “terrorism.” The situation was originally designated by the Malaysian authorities as a “peace and order” situation to be handled by the police with the military in “support roles.” Now that the failures of both the Philippine and Malaysian governments to resolve the issue peacefully have resulted in the deaths of Malay policemen and Tausug warriors, the label “terrorist” is being thrown out there as an excuse to authorize the use of excessive force. That is an act born out of panic and cowardice regardless of how the Malaysian government would like the world to believe they had no choice. The Malays certainly had a choice when their fighter jets strafed the wrong area. Even native Malaysians attributes this bit of overkill to the fact that the soldiers sent over have little or NO actual combat experience. Compare that to the Sultan’s Royal Army and MNLF fighters who are veterans.
As for the dismal failure of BS Aquino, kowtowing to Malaysia, this Manila Standard editorial sums it up nicely:
“…the President’s biggest failure in the Sabah crisis was completely of his own making. Fueled by his arrogance and the belief that he could do no wrong, Mr. Aquino misread the brewing crisis, disrespected the sultan, and failed to anticipate the violent and ultimately deadly outcome of the three-week-long standoff.
“Three weeks offered plenty of time for a negotiated settlement, but Mr. Aquino squandered all that on ineffectual public appeals for the sultan to surrender to an unknown fate — or worse — to arrest and prosecution, hardly an attractive negotiating stance by any measure.
“As more than 30 people lay dead from his failure to defuse the crisis, Mr. Aquino astounded us further with his defense of the Malaysian action — and his complete lack of concern for the fate of the Filipinos in Sabah. Then, he added an almost subservient appeal to the Malaysians to exercise restraint in their actions against our countrymen in Sabah.”
Nothing happened for the first three weeks of the standoff. Kiram’s men didn’t kidnap or hurt any civilian or any of the police/miliatry forces during that time. Like I said in the article, there’s still a debate on who fired the first shot. If it was the Malaysian police/military, then Kiram’s men would have had to defend themselves. That’s not equivalent to acts of terrorism.
True. However, while we can be sympathetic to the Sultan’s cause, can we condone what will be viewed an invasion of another country?
I’ve heard it put this way:
Since the US Government has acknowledged the historical ownership by the original Native American occupants of the land now known as the United States of America, and conceded that the original occupants of conquered territory deserved redress, do Native Americans have the right to eject the Europeans (and their heirs) who grabbed their lands from them?
Does the ownership of businesses, houses and other real estate in the US give, say, Ping Lacson the right to send his (armed) lackeys to occupy it without a US visa?
@Johnny Saint
I say the Native Americans have the right to eject those who grabbed their lands. Theoretically speaking, they can either use force or file a case to retrieve it. Unfortunately, since their numbers have dwindled, they cannot use force anymore. And fortunately for the European settlers, they do not want to claim it back.
In Sabah’s case, the heirs of the original owners want their land back. As we can see, they are now using force since diplomatic means have proven ineffective for decades.
In theory, I agree. And so have a number of Native Americans who pursued a more militant stance with regards to their land. So much so that the FBI keeps track of these groups.
For the most part, Native American tribes have accepted that they are nominally acknowledged as “sovereign nations,” enjoying special privileges under the United States (one of them being the right to operate Indian casinos). And regardless of whether they are unable to pursue a claim because of the lack of sufficient force to back their claim, history teaches us that given a choice, Native Americans were willing, at the start, to share what they thought was a land vast enough for both their tribes and immigrant Europeans to live on.
With respect to Sabah, I have to reiterate that the legal basis for the armed incursion is problematic for two reasons: First, the Philippine government’s position has shifted over the decades according to the shift in political winds; and second, the Sultan’s position is undermined by having too many claimants to the sultanate without a unified voice.
This doesn’t help the pursuit of any claim.
It is more or less a US government policy not to offend the Native Americans probably to keep them happy lest they do a Kiram and obviously to make up for the atrocities they committed in the past.
Yes, the Philippine government’s fence-sitting on the Sabah issue not just now, but also in the past has led to this fiasco. I guess it is fair to say that the Sultan has been ignored for a long time, which is why they felt they needed to do something drastic. Some people are asking, why only now? It could have something to do with the fact that Kiram was left out in the Bangsamoro Framework agreement.
@Ilda,your assertions as to the U.S. governments policy towards the native Americans IS PREPOSTEROUS. You actually think the U.S. gov’t’s policy is to ‘keep them happy’? REALLY? They have been sytematically demoralized, driven off their lands, robbed, raped, murdered, treated like dogs under the dinner table and, yes, occasionally they are thrown a bone like the right to operate casino’s and not pay taxes on the winnings they take in. BUT, make no mistake, The U.S. gov’t. doesn’t give a shit about offending anyone that is in their way and your assumptions are rather naïve sounding. Think about how vast a land mass the USA is, and the Native Indians were occupying all of it up until the ‘Trail of tears’ circa 1870 and today they live on a miniscule portion of that vast area, and its called reservations too! Ironic, huh? Reservations? as if the gov’t. had the whole property theft thing planned all along??? YOU KNOW? Reservations, HA!Right this way Geronimo.
With respect:You really do not have a clue about what you are talking about with a statement like that.”More or less a U.S. gov’t. policy…..”, what?
You took what I said literally. I didn’t say it was an official policy. It just means they give certain concessions to Native Americans just like how other governments like the Australian government give certain concessions to aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
The best evidence of them sucking up is when they stopped referring to Native Americans as Indians. Most Americans are careful not to offend them by being politically correct and sometimes they tend to go over the top. A lot of people try to avoid discussing the atrocities in the past lest they offend the Native Americans or open up old wounds. was the malaysian police who ordered the,how can you conduct a proper assault if you will not fire the first shot?
If the Philippines and Malaysia take their claim over Sabah to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Malaysia would win the case based on two reasons – the right to self determination and the continued administration of the disputed territory.
The Sulu Sultanate does not have a legal standing to claim Sabah because they do not have a nation of their own. Sulu is part of modern day Philippines.
Bar Council’s constitutional law committee chairman Syahredzan Johan said Sabahans had used their right to self determination and their choice was documented in the findings of the Cobbold Commission 1962. In 1963 Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore formed the Malaysia.
“If there’s one argument, linked to human rights, democracy and yes, our Constitution, it would be the basic right of self-determination.
“The people of Sabah, have manifested their desire to join Sarawak and Malaya in the formation of the Federation of Malaysia. This was the finding of the Cobbold Commission in 1962. Thus, Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya formed Malaysia, and the Federal Constitution of Malaysia was born.
“So, unless it can be shown, either by referendum or by an expression in the state assembly, that Sabahans want to be governed by the Philippines, then I do not think that the Philippines can legitimately claim Sabah as their own,†said Syahredzan.
Claims over Sabah by the Philippines had contributed to the Confrontation in the 1960s. In 1976 President Ferdinand Marcos announced that Philippines was dropping its claims over Sabah.
In 1987 the Philippines amended their constitution and dropped the phrase “by historical and legal rights†as part of the definition of the national territory.
Senate Bill No. 206 also redefined the boundaries of the Philippines archipelago by amending Republic Acts 5546 where it excluded Sabah from its territory.
Previous cases of territorial disputes involving Malaysia point out the continued administration of the disputed territory is a major factor that is taken into account by the ICJ.
A case in the past decade is the Sipadan and Ligitan islands dispute in Sabah.
On Dec17, 2002 ICJ concluded that sovereignty of Sipadan and Ligitan islands belonged to Malaysia based on English East Indies Company’s administration as early as 1917 and the construction of light houses in both islands by the Malaysian authorities in 1962.
The dispute for the two islands originated in 1969 when the two countries negotiated to delimit the common border of their continental shelf. The two islands’ were however left out in the border agreement.
In the case of Malaysia versus Indonesia over the Sipadan and Ligitan islands, the International Court of Justice ruled that Sabah has sovereignty over the contested islands by virtue of an old legislation regulating the collection of turtle eggs ordained by the former British colonial government.
In that incident the Philippines applied to intervene as a third party in the proceedings but was disallowed because both Malaysia and Indonesia objected to it. Why? It’s likely that both Malaysia and Indonesia will go home empty-handed because the Philippines can and will be able to establish a case for sovereignty on Sabah thereby making ownership of the two islands ours as well.
Consider this: if, in a court case, both sides of the legal proceeding deliberately conceal evidence with the intention of misleading the judges, how legitimate is a judgment which was rendered in ignorance?
Then there’s this to think about: the mistaken belief that because certain people in Sabah had chosen to form Malaysia on 16 September 1963, such action supersedes the sovereignty of the Philippines. Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia’s first Prime Minister, signed the Manila Accord on 31 July 1963. Article 12 states:
“The Philippines made it clear that its position on the inclusion of North Borneo in the Federation of Malaysia is subject to the final outcome of the Philippine claim to North Borneo. The Ministers took note of the Philippine claim and the right of the Philippines to continue to pursue it in accordance with international law and the principle of the pacific settlement of disputes. They agreed that the inclusion of North Borneo in the Federation of Malaysia would not prejudice either the claim or any right thereunder. Moreover, in the context of their close association, the three countries agreed to exert their best endeavors to bring the claim to a just and expeditious solution by peaceful means, such as negotiation, conciliation, arbitration, or judicial settlement as well as other peaceful means of the parties’ own choice, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and the Bandung Declaration.”
He also signed on 5 August 1963, Article 8 of the Joint Statement by the Philippines, the Federation of Malaya, and Indonesia:
“In accordance with paragraph 12 of the Manila Accord, the three Heads of Government decided to request the British Government to agree to seek a just and expeditious solution to the dispute between the British Government and the Philippine Government concerning Sabah (North Borneo) by means of negotiation, conciliation and arbitration, judicial settlement, or other peaceful means of the parties’ own choice in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations. The three Heads of Government take cognizance of the position regarding the Philippine claim to Sabah (North Borneo) after the establishment of the Federation of Malaysia as provided under paragraph 12 of the Manila Accord, that is, that the inclusion of Sabah (North Borneo) in the Federation of Malaysia does not prejudice either the claim or any right thereunder.”
Clearly, the Malaysians felt the inclusion of Sabah into the formation of Malaysia is subject to the claims of the Philippines. This whole mess was caused primarily by the British.
Then let it be brought to court and reach finality to satisfy all parties. For the record, there has been no finality. Even FVR said that Malaysia was already prepared to pay the Sultan’s heirs compensation during his term. Unfortunately, there was a faction within the group so the payout did not push through. Maybe some members of the family didn’t want a payout and wanted to keep Sabah. It’s really hard to deal with property disputes especially when there are so many family members to deal with, which is why a real diplomat is needed from the government to deal with the difficult situation. The fact is, there are numerous records proving that Malaysia is not the real owners of Sabah.
There is a very good case on behalf of the Philippines. The problem is, over the decades, the Philippine government position has changed with shifting political winds.
“…BS Aquino’s government did not want to bother with any dialogue or negotiations with the Sultan of Sulu probably because they either thought that Kiram was insignificant and did not see him playing a pivotal role in the peace deal with the separatist movements in Mindanao…”
There’s also the Gloria Arroyo angle. Jamalul Kiram III ran (unsuccessfully) for senator under GMA’s TEAM Unity in the 2007 elections. Therefore they attempt to promote a scenario where personalities associated with Arroyo are the actual planners of the “occupy Sabah movement.”
It is typical of BS Aquino to marginalize (and even persecute) anyone who is affiliated with the former president and her administration. This behavior is de rigueur for the Aquinos. Cory practiced revenge politics throughout her term and today BS Aquino follows suit.
Sultan declares ceasefire, but they malaysian government does not, they will continue to kill those Tausugs in Sabah, they are demanding an uncondiotional surrender, or suffer the consequences. Thanks to our DFA branding them, or agreeing to brand them as terrorist.
The Sultanate of Sulu wants to go to the ICJ but the government refuses? I thought that they are the ones who want to settle this peacefully, why arebthey refusing to bring the issue to ICJ? Maybe theya re afraid that the trial will produce evidence that they sold out the country.
The Supreme Leader is busy campaigning his team, He choose to go to a nationwide campaign rather than going personally to the Sultan who is just a few kilometers away from Malacanang. A useless, arrogant, selfish, blaming, credit grabbing President.
Both BS Aquino and PM Razak are facing elections this year. And while the Prime Minister may be popular, his party, according to Malaysian pundits, is not doing as well. There is a clamor to take a hard-line stance against the Sultan’s army; they need this win to give the appearance of strength. So long as the standoff continues, there is also a growing speculation that Razak will declare martial law and suspend the elections.
On our part, we have to ask: Will BS Aquino or Del Rosario assume any responsibility for a bloodbath in Sabah? Will it be on the Sultan of Sulu?
Whatever happens it will be tragic for us. Whatever happens, there will be Filipino blood shed.
It is obvious that PM Razak wants to appear like he is addressing this crisis with a hardline stance. He is also being criticised for being weak in the first three weeks of the standoff. Now he is trying to make up for lost time/opportunity by using excessive force.
Holy Shit, the SULTAN and his ARMY???? What ARMY? (they are more like squatters!) these two hundred idiots with pistols and no food? OMG, they are gonna get killed and not much will be done about it afterwards. Yeah sure that famous ‘blood-feud’ Filipino’s are famous for may show up and a few grudges will be held, but really, they are on drugs if they think they are gonna get anything but put to sleep. This is hysterical.
It’s seems PNoy made a deal with Malaysia when they were drawing up the Bangsamoro Framework agreement.
The Bangsamoro Agreement really frightens me, why does the government made an agreement that is considered rebels, MILF is the breakaway group of the MNLF, they are the main contributor to previous hostage takings, bombings throughout the country, and considering that they are a small group compared to the latter. Why give them an authority to handle an autonomous region?
And now its makes sense why the agreement sa formed in malaysia
Yes, that is correct, He gave half of Mindanao island to Malaysia, in exchange for PEACE,LOLLOLOLOLOL!!!!! In a move that makes the Iriquois Indians look intelligent for selling NY state USA for $6(six dollars, but they were 1600’s dollars,LOL!)and some beaver pelts.
BS Aquino was never for the Filipino people. This is true when he slept over the brewing conflict, never acted in favor of the Filipinos in Sabah and sided with the Malaysian government. This gives me the shivers as it reminds me of the tragic Luneta Hostage Crisis. Will BS have enough body bags for the Filipinos now fighting in Sabah? Will he defend our claim in the UN or will he continue to side with Malaysia?
@Thomas Jefferson
It is really unbelievable how PNoy thought that the standoff would just go away without him and his secretaries doing anything other than releasing a few threatening statements via the media. He simply didn’t want to cut short his campaign schedule. What a guy!
hoy tanga magbasa ka ha si kiram basta nalang yan sumugod doon dala dala nya ang mga tao nya na may baril wala nga silang respeto sa president pinakiusapan pa silang umuwi at mag buo ng team si president ng team para mag invistiga. nakinig ba sila di ba wala pinapakita nila na matapang sila. yan ang napapala nila sa tapang nila walang utak na ginagamit.
I can’t even say about the issue but it seems you never read the article. Resorting to emotional outbursts than logical thinking.
Hoy…si Kiram nasa Taguig. Hinde sya kasamang sumugod sa Sabah.
Kapag nawala na ang respeto sa isang tao, kagaya ng pagkawala ng respecto ni Kiram kay PNoy, mahirap na maibalik yun. Mukhang kasalanan ni PNoy kung bakit nawalan ng respeto sa kanya ang maraming tao. Hinde kasi karespe-respeto ang mga kilos at pananalita ni PNoy. Hinde sya magaling na negosyante. Puro kasi pangangampanya ang inaatupag, ayan tuloy. Mag-isip ka sa susunod na eleksyon at huwag mo ng ibuto ang mga Aquino.
Aba,mukhang pinapaovertime kayo ngayon ni carandung.
IKAW ang dapat mag basa basa muna bago ka magpost dito ng katangahan mo dahil mali ka. Ang hina talaga ng reading comprehension ng mga katulad mong yellowtards.
Read the entire article first before you post you stupid MORON
Aquino spokespeople are bunch of liars…they believe their lies…
I’m smelling a coup’ de etat’… My father told me, hostility will reach manila if this madness continues, and that if ever a coup attempt takes place, he will join, even if he is retired from military duties.
What we need now is a wakeup call for those who still don’t care about what is happening. When bombings happen in the metro I’m sure everyone will change their mind.
Aquino can not hear what this man, the SULTAN (HA!), has to say because he is a non-political entity. To recognize him as such would open a whole new can of worms that no one wants opened. The powers that control the lands once ‘claimed’ by the SULTAN were hoping he would just shut up and go away so they would not have to kill him an all his people, and they did go away until….these idiot followers of his somehow get the IMPOSSIBLE notion in their heads that if they just show up with pistols drawn, they will get a piece of something, anything. They are all just dam lucky to be alive right now but I guarantee you: Malaysaia’s patience is running out. These guys can threaten to bomb metro-Manila all day long(they will be laughed at anyway!), but these 200 guys days are surely numbered and they should just go back to where they came from before they get buried. People are trying to be civilized with these idiots.
I mean really, wtf are they thinking?
They got the idea from the MILF, MNLF, etc.: take up arms to get yourself noticed. These groups even got sweet peace deals, so it’s not an impossible notion like you would like them to think, thanks in part to the Philippine government’s treatment of such armed groups.
Kiram’s men are obviously prepared to kill and to die. What’s so pathetic about PNoy is the fact that he ignored this fact. The buck still stops with the President because of his shortfalls before the standoff and during the three weeks before it turned bloody.
Well if death is what they seek, they will surely get it.. P-Noy might not have ignored the situation as much as he just doesn’t give a shit about 200 guys who raise a flag on a sovereign nations land and declare it their own, HELL-O??? It is actually a pretty assinine thing to do, you know? Not only is P-Noy ignoring/not caring about what has happened but this story is not making so much as a fiddlers fart in the International media.
Ay sus…a real statesman is someone who can make just about anyone feel important even if they are not. It’s like public relations 101.
The biggest mistake PNoy made is in making Kiram and his group feel insignificant. Now that he knows what Kiram is capable of doing, he should pay more attention. Otherwise, this is not going to be the last time they will wreak havoc in our society.
You must be living under a rock. Or worse, you probably only watch or read local news media. This has certainly made headlines in other countries, indeed.
EZ on the insults Ilda, I could have really ripped into you with that statement as if you know what the U.S. gov’t.’s policy ‘more or less’ is on the Indians is, but I did not.I even added the ‘with respect ‘ part, so you would not get you hair in a bunch. You look like a nice girl. and besides (whether you like it or not.) this story is not a big deal anywhere but the fils/malay.. It is a fact that we could, well maybe you could, argue about all day long. My guess is just as educated as anyones’, and I say no one really gives a shit about 200 guys who are stupid enough to do what these guys have done, all for a guy who is a non-entity in the political realm. They are gonna get hurt, and almost no one will give a shit either.
and just so you know, I ROCK (yes I do!), but do not live under one.
It’s so typical of some people to act like the victim even when they initiated throwing the insults. *Sigh*
Aquino’s government always play the blame blame blame game and lies lies lies game. three(3)more years to come and end of their game.
He’s campaigning hard for Team PNoy because he could be afraid that if the opposition wins more seats, he won’t be able to control congress.
I Think PNoy has more of a plan why is he campaigning his team, If he secures his bets, he will act on a constitutional change making his stay in office more longer, with his bets on the seats it will immediately glide as fast as what they did with Corona.
IS anyone surprised?
Kiram’s men are obviously prepared to die. You’re the one who seem surprised with the reported deaths.
The issue of Sabah is not as simple as we thought. But what made matters worse was the fact that this administration totally ignored the Kiram family and pushed the “peace process” between the government and the MILF, with Malaysia as arbiter. Had Pnoy and his cohorts invited Indonesia or other nation as arbiter, then there should not be a problem. The whole peace process is a sham because its full of conflicts of interests from both governments. It begs to wonder whats in it for the people who are involved in the peace process.
But I feel that this whole incident is a blessing in disguise. We must admit that the issue of Sabah has not been in our national consciousness for more than two generations and this incident spurred interest on the history and what we see is a history filled with treachery, missed opportunities and personal ambitions.
And speaking of history, I cannot deny the fact that the Kirams have themselves to blame. They did not fortify their family interest while receiving rental money from the British company in the 19th century. From today’s estimate, the Kirams then were receiving as much as $20,000,000 a year and that was a fortune. Had they send one or some of their heirs to study abroad and make friends with other nations, they should never have this problem.
At the end of the day, this issue is really about money; How much is the just compensation for the Kiram family and will the powers that be in Malaysia and the Philippines can pay for it? I mentioned two nations because its now a known fact that there is already an economic link between two powerful political families in both Malaysia and the Philippines through San Miguel Corporation and Petron/Exxon Mobil. Are they willing to shed their profit to appease the Kirams?
Consider South Africa wherein the South African government pays 10 tribal kings annually (
Therefore we have to ask; How much is just? Of course, what the Kirams receiving today from the Malaysian government amounting of Php 70,000 a year is ridiculous and insulting. But the Kirams are also playing poker here, as they know they can also ask for too much.
Nevertheless, its sad to see they way our national leadership have shown in this particular issue. No matter the good intentions they have, their actions, especially the president, is treacherous to say the least.
To Glen and like him..
Clearly you’re statements are based on lack of proprietary of the issue.. You have no right whatsoever because you are ignorant of the history.. How dare you taint with your insolent words the memory of the people who died for this cause and who have died prior to the incident.. This has been a fight of my great great grandfather(s) up until recently, our family, supporters and the Filipino people who believe in this cause has been hard at work.. Where do you base your heritage? Where is your patrimony? Or maybe you don’t because it is either 1) you don’t have one; 2) you don’t anything and your foundation is from tip of the iceberg info you get from info mediums; 3) you’re not Filipino people; and worst if you abhor the fact I presented — you’re play pretending you have one.. Your words are non integral thus you don’t have integrity at all