Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo may still be the number 1 target of the Aquino administration, as seen in the recent plunder case leading to her recent arrest. Even the Corona impeachment is nothing more than an extension of the outrage… nah, hate fad against GMA. The biggest target of the current administration may be to jail GMA forever, and proclaim this to the world as its greatest achievement.
The problem is, it may not really be an achievement. It may itself actually be a problem.
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Here’s my explanation as used in comments at the GRP group to describe GMA’s situation: You know you have a lot of thieves in your town. Because they’re hard to catch, you decide to take one who is only a suspect, not proven to be a thief, but you publicly torture and execute him just the same. So you declare that thievery has ended in your town, even if all the other thieves in the town are still roaming free. Even if that executed person is guilty, it does not solve the thievery in the town at all.
I think this is a part of Filipino culture: substitutive punishment. Possibly, if a customs official under the current administration is caught taking money from shipments, that person won’t be punished; GMA will be punished in their stead. Perhaps this kind of thing happens to other people as well who are innocent. It may be a reason why there are many cases of wrongly imprisoned people languishing in our jails, as a lawyer I know said. Injustice, it is.
Another idea I have is that some Filipinos are probably so frustrated by continued failures to put away officials declared corrupt. For example former president Joseph Estrada was convicted of plunder, but was pardoned, so they keep on pressing for GMA to be punished hard just to assuage this frustration. Even if she’s the only one to be taken out. Maka-isa lang. “Puede na yan” mentality.
OK, let’s say she’s guilty. One of the rationales for the fervency in the anti-GMA movement is that she will be made an example and will scare the corrupt people in government, discouraging them from being corrupt. But for me, even if GMA is jailed, it is no assurance that it is the first step in addressing corruption in the country. If corrupt officials are themselves behind the effort, then putting GMA away won’t scare them; they’ll in fact be happy. They got her out of their way. It will allow them to monopolize the corruption. And as economics dictates, in a monopoly, prices tend to be higher.
Some people may cite former DILG undersecretary Rico Puno as an example of the administration’s commitment to addressing corruption. But Puno resigned. He wasn’t even investigated or punished. In effect, he got away scot-free.
Now what if GMA is convicted of a lighter charge, let’s say, malversation? And the case is strong, yet it only deserves a lighter punishment? Perhaps the staunch anti-Glorianists will start kicking and screaming and cry for a heavier punishment. Even today, you see people doing that. They want GMA tortured, killed, strung-out, or whatever heinous action they could think of. Simply because, they’ve been mind-jobbed by the big mass media outlets to feel that way (feel, without thinking). People have been conditioned to be a violent mob. Dick Gordon: “the problem with us is we do not think, we just react.”
Injustice, it is. Stupidity, it may even be more.
I see the very reason for the administration being so hell-bent on giving GMA grand punishments is to cover up for their own failures (or their own sneaky tactics, like the passing of the Cybercrime Law). And perhaps to cover-up their own corruption. Of course, one disguise for corrupt officials is to appear as anti-corruption crusaders. For people who are easily fooled by rhetoric and song-and-dance, it works.
Thus, the anti-GMA effort is nothing more than a grand distraction to take us away from the more important issues. Such as the failure of the CCT program, high prices despite the strong peso, our deteriorating business environment, increasing crime in the country and the need to address stupid laws (like the country’s Libel law) and change them.
Even if GMA is jailed permanently, the country’s problems will not be solved. Those problems are mostly not connected to her; many of them have been around ever since the country was founded. Most of these are actually found in the common attitudes of Filipinos. One of these problems is the attitude of looking for something in the past to blame, instead of looking ahead to see what we really have to do. And another is that everyone but ourselves is to blame. These kinds of attitudes have to be put away. I agree with Arche: change in the country has to start from the bottom.
And isn’t it time to stop using scapegoats?
I believe, as my cohorts here do, that what Filipinos embrace as their culture is what actually pulls the country down. And those who seem to be anti-dictators, who may also believe themselves to be “heroes,” are the real dictators.
Blame games + Scapegoats + Tagged enemies + Railroading + Vilification + Black Propaganda + Disinformation – Compassion – Empathy – Magnanimity – Human Rights= The Hypocrisy and Grand Illusion of the Straight Path Mantra
im sorry to tell this but talangkas words from you wont affect the governments anti corruption drive and improving economy.
@formula one
Your mind logic is flawless and fascinating! LOL!
Wonder if that’s all true.
Crab mentality is just for CRAB PEOPLE. Tastes like crab, walk like people. They have a tough shell yet softies on the inside, resorting to emotional outbursts rather than logical thinking.
A mentality since 1987.
I’m missing Marcos and GMA seriously.
we dont miss the destruction that they have done to the country which are highlightedly taught in schools.
@formula one
So you want to change history and censor all of past written history by noted authors? A one-man view above and beyond all other views is not acceptable in a free democracy.
To dictate what history should be is contrary to free thought. LOL! Why don’t you just write a book just like others do. History as observed by many writers cannot be dictated by the state.
A unitary state view would make us less than a free democracy. Let us just leave it to the writers and the free sovereign people of the Philippines to be the sole judge of its accuracy and veracity. You have a problem with a certain history book? Then go to the courts. LOL! You are really a funny person.
i have no problem with history books, my problem is that others like you still say that life during arroyo was better than aquino. That is incorrect because there were alot of cases against arroyo about graft, corruption and red tape in the government while today, you cant FIND anything anomalous from the current president because he was raised up clean and God fearing.
@formula one:
‘History is written by the victor. History is filled with LIARS. All you need in order to change the world is a one good lie and a RIVER OF BLOOD.’
If Noynoy is God-fearing and clean, then why there is always INCOMPETENCE in his government? I’m sure you won’t answer that because you have NOTHING to say.
” you cant FIND anything anomalous from the current president because he was raised up clean and God fearing…”
And you don’t find that 5M given to the MILF not anomalous? what about his friend Puno, and the Trillanes incident, not to mention how he made sure former CJ Corona get impeached on an unimpeacheable offense? Stop smoking that yellow weed, dude…
Somehow I feel the anti-GMA thing is dying down a bit, owing in part to GMA’s health condition, but more to the Cybercrime Law, which really raised hairs.
more like the people are realizing they had the same success as the crusades, pointless and uncertain victories in crucifying arroyo. i may not be a supporter of her but so far the initial outrage I felt when Aquino allies started shouting “kahon-kahon” of evidence against her.
So far they’ve been nothing but “kahol kahol”.
hindi pa tapos ang laban sa mga arroyo. Marami pa syang dapat harapin na kaso dahil sa mga katarantaduhang ginawa nya sa gobyerno tulad ng mga ito:
1. NBN ZTE Scandal 2. Millions of bribe
money to Congressmen
and Governors (October 2007) 3. Cheating in 2004
Elections (HELLO GARCI) 4. Joc Joc Bolante Case
(Fertilizer Scam, P728
Million) 5. JOSE PIDAL Bank
Account (Unexplained
Wealth, P200 Million) 6. NANI PEREZ Power
Plant Deal ($2 Million) 7. Use of Road User’s
Tax for Campaigning 8. Billion Peso Macapagal
Boulevard (Overprice of
P532 Million) 9. Juetengate? (Illegal
Numbers game
kickbacks) 10. Extra Judicial
Killings 11. Arroyo Moneys in
Germany (Exposed by
Senator Cayetano) 12. General GARCIA and
Other Military Men 13. Billion Peso Poll
Automation contract to
(Mega Pacific) (P1.3 Billion) 14. Northrail Project($
503 Million) 15. Maguindanao
Results of 2007
Elections (ZUBIRI,
BEDOL) 16. NAIA-3 17. Venable Contract
(Norberto Gonzales) 18. Swine Scam
(Exposed by? Atty.
Harry Roque 19. GLORIA Arroyo son
hidden assets in united
SCANDAL. 22. C-5 road
controversy — Senator
Manuel Villar 23.P550-million worth
of funds from the
Overseas Workers’ Welfare Administration
(OWWA). 24. P780-million LWUA
Birthday gift 26. Arroyo linked in
P325M lotto intelligence
fund 27. Arroyo got P200M
in kickbacks from govt
projects-Zaldy Ampatuan 28. P200.41 billion or $
4.6 billion in Malampaya
royalties from 2002 to May this
P105 MILLION EACH 30. 600,000 metric tons
of Rotten rice imported
from India.Kishore Hemlani,
an Indian trader
allegedly close to Arroyo, reportedly
bagged the P9.5 billion
contract for the rice importation. 31. DATO ARROYO wife
bought the condo unit
for $570,000, 70-square-meter one-
bedroom, one-
bathroom unit (Unit No. 533) at the luxury
high-rise, full-service
Gramercy Towers located at 1177
California St. in upscale
downtown San
Francisco. 32.- P50-million bribe to
FG for the president’s
veto of two franchise bills 33. The additional
funding led to a 41-
percent spike in advertising expenses,
from P76.129 million in
2008 to P107.420 million in
2009, which went
mostly to ads for Arroyo’s achievements. 34. The report said the
PIA received from the
Department of Budget and
Management a notice of
cash allocations amounting to P344.789
million, even though
only P222.488
million was
appropriated for it
under the national budget. 35.- Denial of pork
barrel funds to
Malacanang’s political enemies 36.- Praises for Jovito
Palparan, alleged
mastermind of extra judicial killings of
militants 37.- Removal of govt
bodyguards for former
pres and Arroyo critic, Cory Aquino 38.- Appointment of
manicurist as a member
of the board of Pag-Ibig 39. Appointment of
gardener as deputy of
the Luneta Park Administration. 40. MIDNIGHT
CORONA, as SC Chief Justice 200+ other illegal
midnight appointments 41.- MIKEY ARROYO’s
undeclared properties
in California 42.- Pardon of
controversial convicted
criminals like Ninoy’s murderers 43.- EO 464; requiring
Cabinet members to
seek presidential clearance
before testifying in
Congress hearings 44.- Promise (on Rizal
Day) to not run for the
presidency in 2004 45.- “Vote Buying” by
giving away Philhealth
cards 46.- Taxpayers’ money
for her giant billboards
and and PCSO tv campaign ads[/
b] 47- Appointment of
Ben Abalos, a staunch
GMA ally, as COMELEC chair 48.- Mikey Arroyo’s
importation of 32
thoroughbred horses from Australia worth
P384 million. 49.Former First
Gentleman Mike Arroyo
used 2 choppers 16 times, son Mikey 69 50.PNoy: PAGCOR spent
P1 BILLION on coffee 51.Jose Miguel Arroyo
owned helicopters’
all Robinson R44 Raven
Is with Series Nos. 1370
to 1374
A total of $1,423,025 was paid to Lionair for
the five helicopters. 52.Pagcor ‘pabaon’ to
Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo: P345M 53.The godmother’s
ties to the Pinedas
(Jueteng lord) 54. Glorietta 2 and
Batasan bombings The Glorietta 2 bombing
happened during the
height of the bribery case which
took place in
Malacañang. 55. Misuse of Balikatan
funds Navy Lt. Nancy
Gadian revealed an alleged
malversation of funds
in 2007 56. Solon: Charge Gloria
Arroyo for taking P98-
M from PNoy’s social fund 57. 50 MILLION PABAON
GENERALS Former Armed Forces
chiefs of staff Narciso
Abaya, Dionisio Santiago,
Generoso Senga,
Hermogenes Esperon,
and Alexander Yano,chiefs
of staff – Angelo Reyes,
Diomedio Villanueva, and Roy
Cimatu and MANY
MORE.. 58.Colmenares: GMA
had P488 billion in
‘pork. 59. P1 BILLION down
the drain in Arroyo-era
jatropha project—DOST chief
60.Fishers push plunder
rap vs Arroyo in
purchase of ice machines
@formula one
LOL! You said a mouthful old scout! You better present proof of your accusations. LOL! Be aware that your lengthy list could translate to 60 counts of libel.
So many charges and none proven. Guess that’s what you call riding the hate bandwagon. I wonder if the current Sandigan case will be dropped like the others for lack of evidence.
Lol! Considering the army of “comms” staff Malacanang employs, all they can come up with is a quaint copying and pasting of this tired old meme. 😀
They’d better be careful of copy-pasting, lest they be charged with plagiarism again. hehe
@ formula one
You seem like a good student of politics for taking interest in archiving Arroyos plunder charges. I guess GMA might have thought that winning a seat in the lower house would shield her from all these charges.
Now, she’s playing sick to escape the big house and it is amazing that she finds jail time more convenient than surrendering the billions that she and her boss Mike Arroyo had amassed when they were in power.
Just accept the fact that you’re EMO over GMA and nothing else. She stole billions? Well, it’s still to be proven. But as of now, it’s still allegations.
And that’s because the Philippines LOVES idiots. Idiots who can easily love and hate someone in just a simple whim.
@formula one
Bad news for you, the person that you are accusing of being corrupt has now been proven INNOCENT of all the cases your boss filed against her.
The surgeries that were reportedly done on this sixty-five yr. old woman would never be performed on a sixty-five yr. old woman anywhere else in the world,besides the philippines.cervical spinal fusion is not recommended for anyone over the age of thirty-five,unless it is to relieve,not cause,paralysis.Prior to her being charged with all these crimes the sixty-five yr. old woman was seen strolling through international airports with bags hanging off her shoulders,ha.30 yrs. ago,in the U.S.A.,Las Vegas crime bosses were looking at being imprisoned for 1000 yrs. and they all of a sudden could not be incarcerated due to ‘decling health’ issues.they appeared in court in wheel chairs,neck braces and after wards were seen cavorting as usual contrary to their WELL PAID ‘DOCTORS’ REPORTS.They were guilty a shit,and full of it too!!!
just sayin…..
i have not seen them but the mere fact that she is still very lively and energetic in her activities only proves that she is faking her illness.
You sound like a doctor to present that kind of “proof.” Care to expound on your hasty generalization?
No proof of your allegations = no evidence of YOU having any BRAINS.
Arnold Clavio interviewed former Pres. Arroyo in St. Luke’s Hospital before she was detained. During the course of that interview, she showed the operation scars on her back.
So, it is not a fake. I watched that interview and I saw it with my eyes and thousands of people who watched that TV interview.
Can’t send Imelda Marcos to jail, so maybe si GuLLOOO na lang?????
PersiNoynoy, in his guts, may be super-frustrated, unable to publicly out the answer to “… Who Masterminded “.. on the tarmac assasination. ( Barbero said PersiNoy may have been super-worried that Enrile in his book will answer the “… mastermind…” question..)
The evidence is strong pero magaling mapalusot si Gloria
Magnanakaw Arroyo. Pag sinampahan ng kaso biglang punta sa hospital kasi life threatening ang karamdaman at baka
biglang mamatay kaya
kailangang makalabas
sa bansa, pero kung walang kaso tatakbo
ulit sa congress. Gloria
Magnanakaw Arroyo
magpahinga ka. You
should rest in peace
now na!!!! we should celebrate for this good news
@formula one
Your vicious hate-think for the politically persecuted Gloria Macapagal Arroyo must have been programmed into you by the dark demons of the straight and wide path.Thank you for validating the less than human treatment that is standard practice among your kind. Already guilty before judgement? I find your lack of humanity disturbing. You label her a thief which of course is a libelous statement.You also obviously want her to die. The last thing your tribe wants is to create a political martyr to be sacrificed in the altar of political expediency.
but its very widespread during her term especially the nbnzte and fertilizer scam. There were many questions unanswered
@formula one
LOL! I know you are still off topic and that your tired logic circuit needs rest. For the sake of argument prove your accusations. Oh yes, please avoid redundancy.
In the case of the NBN ZTE deal, GMA cancelled it in 2008 before Joey de vencia brought it to the media in 2009. So where’s graft and corruption there?
so why did she cancelled it? Caught in the act robbing our money?
@formula one: No. I think she cancelled it for various reasons and not being ‘caught in the act of robbing our money’ schtick. The latter is more like based on hearsay.
Yan, ehemplo ng sinasabi ko. Parang aangat ang bayan pagkatapos niyan.
yes, kasi babalik ang tiwala ng mga tao lalo na ang mga investor sa gobyerno. At matatandaan din na hindi nakakalimot ang kasalukuyang gobyerno sa mga nagkasala.
So why isn’t Imelda Marcos in jail yet?
Investors? E paano magkakaroon ng maraming investors sa atin kung 60/40 ang provision sa 1987 constitution?
TANGA mo pala, e.
Never use Gangnam Style for persecuting political enemies.
Ang sarap maging TANGA, ‘no? BTW, magnanakaw ka din ba? Then show me proof.
“He who has no sin should cast the first stone.”
ang mga marcos lang naman yan kasi sila ang nasa kapangyarihan noon. At eto naman si Arroyo pinakawalan pa ang mga pumatay kay Ninoy “THE GREATEST PRESIDENT WE NEVER HAD”
@formula one: Mabuti nabanggit mo … ikaw lang ata sa YellowArmy ang nag-banggit ulit nitong “Ninoy Aquino assasination”. Pero bakit hindi atupagin ni PersiNoynoy na ibunyag ang pangalan — “Who masterminded????” Ninoy Aquino on the tarmac?
the marcoses
Two presidents in the family in 27 years with zero convictions for their husband and father. Aquino efficiency at its best. You sure are proud of your mom and Kuya, Kris .
I guess the only thing I can find “amusing” about it is the timing.
Supposedly the “strong” cases are many and the evidences “aplenty”, but the cases are being offered on a piece-meal basis. Excuse could be just saying that they are wanting to do their jobs properly but experience makes me believe otherwise.
Everytime they are drawing flak for an action/inaction, they need to draw the anti-GMA drive/campaign card and toss it out there in the hopes of casting a new smoke screen/tear gas.
Well, if there is a real case, then it won’t be thrown out. If there is none, we’ll just have to wait for a new screwup (in the very near future most likely) and we’ll hear about it again.
Personally, I find it all to be like a firework spectacle or distraction. It won’t really lead into anything but just makes the general public believe that there is a point to it. eh, who knows right?
its not timing but its her destiny that she will be jailed after the intentional sins she had done to the country.
formula 1 is a fortune teller, he/she can she the future he he he…
Stay classy formula 1.
Intentional sins??? Whoah!
…he/she can see the future.
As corrected.
karma ang nararanasan ngayon ni gng.arroyo
@formula one: Pagano lang ang naniniwala sa karma.
Ang TANGA mo naman. XD
We will ask formula one for lotto numbers. Maybe we can all leave this country and go to one where free speech is respected.
Fishball, you are now dialoging based on my suggestion, the ministry grant you overtime?
Hi fishball/formula one!
I knew he/she/it would be around.
Freddy Krueger but with less looks.
more like wile e coyote with no brains
No brains? Matching set with BSA. Is that libel?
Aquino is a very vindictive person. He uses Gloria Arroyo, to play Blame Game. This is to hide and divert his incompetence….He does not have any good accomplishments in his years of power…
if you are not satisfied with our president you better wait because his term is not yet over. But we, most of the Filipinos around the world are pleased with his performance.
oh really? we almost have 10M OFWs (1M in KSA alone) and do you think they are happy with the low exchange rate yet very high prices of prime commodities, oh c’mon, this is too much, how about you find a real job instead of prying around the internet than to pry around the internet, seeking forums that exposes the stupidity of this government and trolling them? Oh wait, you can’t, because the government has no plans on job generation, they are content with the surging stock market that doesn’t really produce any REAL job
I think that’s not an explanation but a defense for Gloria Arroyo. And a weak one too because there is an implied admission that she was really guilty of the allegations against her but since the other guilty parties are hard to get she should be tried first. Make sense because she’s the big fish compared to the others.
But I don’t agree that it is pointless to go against a big fish like Gloria Arroyo. There are issues against her and it is just right, not only for the gov’t. but also for her self, to settle those lingering doubts against her person. If she has to account for her past indiscretion so be it. What’s important is to grant her the opportunity to defend herself and to be given a fair trial.
Defense of GMA? I say it’s just an oversimplified explanation. Well that’s your interpretation of it. Your view against mine… although I’m still the author. 😉
i think its only you that has the courage to defend a thief, plunderer, evil, villain, liar, cheater and stealer Gloria Arroyo.
@formula one
“I think its only you that has the courage to defend a thief, plunderer, evil, villain, liar, cheater and stealer Gloria Arroyo.”
LOL! Are you now the judge, jury and executioner of GMA? Pronounced guilty by your incompetent self without trial or judgement in preempting a competent court. The presumption of innocence still stands until proven otherwise.
LOL! Add 7 more counts of libel that you committed.
Never even said that they should stop prosecuting. All I said was, this won’t change a thing in the Philippines.
Your belief in good governance will simply fail you, formula one/Fishball/Vincensus Ignoramus. It is indeed because of your “virtuous” officials that everyone fails.
For “if virtuous officials are employed, the people will love their own relatives, but f wicked officials are employed, the people will love the statutes.” – Shang Yang(I doubt that you even know Machiavelli, who is pretty much like Shang Yang)
Same thing. It conveys the same idea.
Hey spammer, we won’t believe in every word you say since you have an angry mob mindset.
“Guilty until proven innocent” is cool right?
There are issues, and more issues against her, but in the end of the day sir, the rule of evidence should be enforced by the book in order to either clear or jail her, its better for the Sandiganbayan to do their jobs, because it pains me in the ass that I pay for my damn taxes and wasting it by prosecuting your supposed “big fish” and failing badly even they have billion of tons of “hard, cold, evidence”
the president already revealed that evidence against arroyo in the plunder case is strong so nothing to worry about.
The president has proven we can take him on his word 100% of the time. Fishball , if that is your best defense a guy who can’t even track his lackey Trillanes just go back to babysitting Joshua.
@formula one
“the president already revealed that evidence against arroyo in the plunder case is strong so nothing to worry about.”
LOL! It is you and your president I am worried about. He is preempting the competent court concerned and is very incompetent to make a judgement call that the evidence is strong.
LOL! You are apparently confused. The executive implements the law. He cannot be judge, jury and executioner at the same time. Is the new mantra for perceived enemies guilty before trial and judgement? Thank you for validating it.
I agree that there is a point in going after the “big fish”. However, that should have been more actively pursued when they were “active”. Right now, this “big fish” they are after no longer has her “tentacles” in places where it matters.
Granted, if ere is a case and he government can get back some of it back, then great as well as prove her guilt. But as it stands, it appears to be same old same old in the background.
As the PNP said, “the theives are getting smarter.” This applies even today. I doubt there is no corruption now it just doesn’t present itself in the same fashion as the previous admin.
Just my two cents.
The point is, anyone who violates a law should be held accountable, no matter what, no matter who.
“The point is, anyone who violates the law should be held accountable, no matter what, no matter who.”
LOL! The truth is, any perceived enemies are immediately judged as guilty before trial and judgement. Hate-think is the norm and not the exception.
What’s important is an accused is given the opportunity to defend herself. Nothing you can do about public opinion.
Inquirer-dot article sqays thast President Noynoy cites as one of the best evidence to support Malakanyang filing case about GuLLOOO plunder is GMA’s …. claim that classroom shortage had been solved and every sitio in the country has been electrified.
Ayos na!!! Tabi na kayo lahat, slam-dunk iyong kaso ni Persi-Noyi-Noy-Noy.
mas maraming nagawa si Aquino kesa kay Arroyo sa panunungkulan nila bilang presidente
Wow! Your sycophancy knows no bounds! Care to share what these achievements are, and match them with Arroyo’s achievements?
please list those things
Cite those ‘achievements’ and I’m sure you will show NONE.
Anti-corruption drive? Nah. It’s no achievement. It’s an EXCUSE.
This article is LAUGHABLE,GMA being locked-up for someone else’s crimes?WTF?It is looking like there are planty of her own that will land her GUILTY,but she will NEVER be locked on the inside of a jail cell.
If it is proven that the woman has taken advantage of her position for material gain,she goes to jail,it is that simple.How screwed up is the logic of the Filipino who thinks other-wise?
If I rob a store for p2,000 and get caught,I go to jail,simple as that.If the woman has stolen from the people what is in no way hers,she goes to jail,simple as that.
The stinking brazen act of the guy who tried to pawn-off a couple of helicopters as new,to the service of the people,walked right up to the line of outright FRAUD,but then did not sign his name on the deal…which was made anyway,at the expense of the people.Is an example of people knowing exactly what they are doing,and not wanting to get caught so they get what they want,the peso’s,and can brazenly stand there and say with a straight fuckin face that they have done nothing wrong,what BALLS.the country is just full of cheating weasels who just make the rest of the citizens look bad for tolerating them.
PLEASE DO NOT GET ME WRONG,I am not for persecution.Prosecuting criminals is fine though!
To go a step further in reply to the author,lets say that one of the criminals in the town sets up a monopoly on crime,and doesn’t let the other criminals in on the deals,’wetting the beak’ as Don Corleones nemesis said,the other criminals get together and pound out a situation that forces the ‘inclusion’ of the other criminals and so al the criminals get to ‘wet their beaks’ and evryone goes about ‘business’ as usual.The total ack of refinement of the criminals in certain places is what is tripping some people up these days.Try being a little more low-key,all inclusive and remember where Switzerland is.
Corruption will not stopped,NOR curtailed.Those left out in the cold with nothing, will get their ‘beaks wet’ and MARK THESE WORDS…NO ONE WILL SPEND A SECOND BEHIND BARS,NOT ONE SECOND,WHETHER HE/SHE IS GUILTY OR NOT.It is a charade,a play with actors on a stage and ,apparently,a very willing audience who doesnt mind the high price of admission.
she is a part of these thats why she was arrested. The judges made a good decision about this and will reflect to the anti corruption drive of our president. In the case of jail cell, I agree for it. She must suffer what an ordinary prisoner experiences.
All of this are nothing but YELLOW PROPAGANDA, nothing contributing to the discussion, etc.
You just love to embarrass yourself, isn’t it?
@formula_one You are merely parroting propaganda taglines and not actually adding any new information and insight to the discussion here. Next comment of yours that fails to impress me will get whatever new IP address you may be using now permanently blacklisted as well.
“Beware Because We Dare.â€
Actually, PNP (and deLima’s) slogan should be “Beware… we can listen!!!”
No warrant needed… that’s in the cyberCrime bill, if you can believe Inquuirer-dot.
This is what inquirer-dot states:
Mr. Aquino specifically backed . . . .that people who post defamatory comments online be given much longer jail sentences than those who commit libel in traditional media..
. . . . . .
Another controversial element of the law, which went into effect on Wednesday, allows the government to monitor online activities, such as e-mail, video chats and instant messaging, without a warrant. The government can also now close down . . . . .
Cell phones can do messaging and e-mail so PersiNoy, without a warrant, can order “listening” of BongBong Marcos, or of ChinoF’s dad, or Mon Tulfo or Conrado deQuiros, or that lawyer Cuevas. guLLOO has a cellphone that can do IM, so the new law says PersiNoy can put listening devices in her room, no need to ask for a warrant.
Wow!! I don’t know about you, but I bet that PersiNoynoy child of former president is very happy with the new powers. And any other future president child of former president, will be so happy to have authority to listen to their KKK’s and not-their-KKK’s without need of a warrant.
I may sound redundant in this but the two Fuhrers both brown and yellow are way too similar. for the brown one its the Jews who where his number targets for hate to score pogi points for his “policies” ditto for the yellow one also.
Alright I will concede and approve the fact that all alleged crimes against GMA must be pursued, but they will do it in the proper way aka rule of law to prove it. Now should trial prove that there is little or no evidence to the wrongdoing of GMA then they shouldn’t complain since they were not able to prove anything at all. Problem is that this admin is not going to play by the rules if anything they have already condemned the accused.
The darkness continues to spread over our great land. Let all be vigilant as it slowly creeps and covers everything in its path. This darkness gags, stifles, deceives and blinds us to the truth. Let the light of freedom and democracy guide us. Let it live again in the hearts and minds of all free men, women and children. Freedom should never kneel or bow to dark tyranny. This is part of our birthright, our dreams, ideals and aspirations. The people shall prevail!
A commentary from the Daily Tribune for your examination:
They should stop asking for evidence from a “small lady,” since they’re already prosecuting another “small lady.” hehe
That’s not a problem, that’s the process. Of course, the accuser will condemn the accused. That’s the reason why they filed a case in the first place.
Not going to play by the rules is the process? And ahem, I think you’ve got the judicial system all wrong, there is no condemnation unless the trial over.
No, it’s not the ‘not going to play by the rules’ I called the process but the act of the accuser condemning the accused. That is the process.
Of course, that is not true. Let me illustrate.
If you file a case against me it only means you condemn me for the act you accuse me of. It’s very clear, condemnation is already present even before trial.
Now, if you win your case, I would be held accountable and punish according to what the law provides. At this stage, it’s not really about ‘condemnation’ but about final judgment or disposition of the court on the case.
Ah, seems to me another parroting of admin propaganda lines.
This is WAY weird. Two headlines today (October 6, 2012), and I’m not sure if these are two conflicting reports, or if they prove that Aquino’s administration (in the past year) is just as graft-ridden as Arroyo’s final few years:
Philippines lost P101.82B to anomalies under Arroyo–COA
COA: Gov’t lost P101 B to corruption last year
Here’s the link to the COA Audit Performance Summary Report for Calendar Year 2011:
At page 17 of the Report is the Table II.7 B Common Audit Findings: Weak Internal Controls and Administrative Lapses.
From the great words of my friend Jay. I’m sure formula one/FISHBALL doesn’t have the balls to counter this:
“And people like you go EMO over PGMA, claiming she stole millions of YOUR money (when its the governments money to begin with. Taxation money ain’t yours son! You aren’t down with that? Complain about taxation without representation!) when she also was an efficient leader that kept the Philippines economy afloat, invested on its economic side and did what she could to keep the government from going astray as she wasn’t going to get any legitimacy as the transitional leader after Estrada. So in this system, she had to what she can to gain allies, even if it meant throwing money at them.
What you and people are getting mad about is a small deal. There are things we should leave the past alone about because it won’t haunt the future of the country. The constitution still haunts the country in the past, certainly the present and most definitely the future and so is the system of the government if we don’t change it for the better. Much like how we should change how we think about mythical concepts like crab mentality and colonial mentality, like you do. Because people cannot progress if they keep thinking like that and playing the constant victim when things get messed up.”
Well, Fishball/dondon/formula one are the same person,same style of flawed posting and same amount of brains which clearly they dont have.
The charges against Arroyo is pointless if you benefitted from her corrupt administration. The charges are serious if you are an honest taxpayer who paid your dues expecting the president you voted for would have done the same.
It makes you sick as a taxpayer to see how GMA, who was struggling as the sole breadwinner of the Arroyo household working as a professor at Ateneo up until she was vice president, to become a billionaire in less than 9 years as president of the PH. GMA is in jail because this administration is doing its job on behalf of the Filipino people.
Actually, people like you go EMO over PGMA, claiming she stole millions of YOUR money (when its the governments money to begin with. Taxation money ain’t yours son! You aren’t down with that? Complain about taxation without representation!) when she also was an efficient leader that kept the Philippines economy afloat, invested on its economic side and did what she could to keep the government from going astray as she wasn’t going to get any legitimacy as the transitional leader after Estrada.
And you’re saying that the current administration isn’t as corrupt, eh? Priorities please. 😛
@ DaidoKatsumi
Have you ever contributed into the system? It’s a shame to read a statement from a grown man like you who is totally clueless where the government gets its money that runs the affairs and business of this nation.
Government’s resources are not harvested from a tree my friend. Wake up!
It seems that you’re focusing on one person, having high hopes on being in bars while it’s ok for you on PNoy having the biggest pork barrel ever w/o realizing the fact that it was the source of corruption in the legistative branch.
And you’re totally wrong on corruption because you never understood the roots of it. It’s more than just stealing. It’s EVERYTHING.
Wake up because you’re a moron.
Good morning! Gotta love this , you shotgun insult the mainstays here accuse them of whatever yet you use the group resources to promote something that insults the group an offers an antidote to what you sees ails the group. Which is par for the course in the world of Jo-Nas. I will ask the question again which I never get an answer. Why are you here since you are always so miserable? Go someplace that makes you happy. Go someplace where the moderators don’t draw your scorn. Next time I see your whining I will quote Blondie lyrics. Lyrics that will be so appropriate for one such as yourself.
My next blog will be titled the pointlessness of J-onas rage.
There you go with your nonsense one-liner again. Good thing you can go by with that here. I was expecting, in defense of benignO, you will tell me the reason why he is mimicking Noynoy in censoring this blog to silence voices of dissent.
You guys are so afraid of opposition you will do anything to stop it like P-Noy.
Difference between censorship in this blog and AbNoy, is that this blog personally or “privately” belongs to benign0 or whoever owns it, and without exacting criminal punishment, while AbNoy censors even those areas he doesn’t personally own and with a threat to criminally punish—-Huge difference. Similarity you seem to stress is all but superficial and lame…so nice try but no buy.
I promised you Blondie lyrics if you didn’t stop whining Jonas. Well I am keeping my promise.
“Just Go Away”
O Don’t ya know
Don’t wanna see you any more
Put up or shut up
You spell, you read
You got a big mouth and I’m happy to see
Your foot is firmly entrenched where a molar should be
If you talk much louder you could get an award
From the federal communications board
Don’t be cruel
Be a thing-sweet thing as a rule
Don’t be sad
I left you in the street, you’re pre-fab
I had to get away
Don’t go away sad
Don’t go pre-fab
Don’t go be bad
Don’t go away mad
Just go away (go away)
O Don’t ya know
Don’t wanna see you here no more
Pack it and move it
You spell, you read O U T out
Don’t be bad
A mad hatter’s beret
Sometimes you look like you just mad an escape
Don’t be mad
Or lose your medicaid cool
Of course cool rhymes with fool
Don’t go be bad
Cause you been had
Don’t go be sad
Don’t go away mad
Just go away (go away)
O Don’t ya know
Don’t wanna see ya curse and pout
Pack it and move it
Ya spell, ya read O U T out
You got a big mouth and I’m happy to see
Your foot is firmly entrenched where a molar should be
Don’t be mad or lose your medicaid cool
Of course cool rhymes with fool
Don’t go pre-fab
Cause you been had
Don’t go be sad
Don’t go away mad
Just go away (go away)
Don’t go pre-fab
Cause you been had
Don’t go be sad
Don’t go away mad
Just go away (go away)
Go away and stay away
Difference between disagreement and shotgun insults. Then you spam that the site with that link of yours which I assumes insults some more. Why are you so drawn here Jonas? You don’t seem happy. Why? Maybe in your own unique way you love GRP. You feel you belong here despite you don’t show appreciation.
I am still trying to figure that out . Telling us what to do but not leaving us alone.
Gogs, there is this word “troll”. Have you ever considered it?
Of course I have Trosp. Though I find Jonas/ Sanjo slightly more gifted tha the typical troll. Any idiot can troll. Any idiot though should understand at some level that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Puts us down all the time, complains when ignored , gets banned, plays victim, advocates other trolls , tries to promote her own link, trolls on Twitter, Lather , rinse, repeat.
Gogs, he’s a confirmed faux intellectus!
I already have proven that he’s an idiot.
“Puts us down all the time, complains when ignored , gets banned, plays victim, advocates other trolls , tries to promote her own link, trolls on Twitter, Lather , rinse, repeat.”
Spot on!
Way too easy to label him as an idiot…
Which begs the question why stay? The blog site seems to fail what ever criteria he has . Fine. There ‘s a whole lotta fish in the sea. Why try to fix GRP why not go to a more suitable site,? Why does Jonas need GRP ? These are questions to which I have no answers .
It’s obvious that the people in that forum is not enough to stimulate him/her. It’s so pathetic the way this Jonas keeps begging for attention.
You can catch even more flies with dung. Maybe he’s going with that idea.
I think the answer is, GRP is a threat to Jonas or whoever is compelling him to do what he’s doing here.
Not pointless given WB and ADB recommendations to see government corruption as a major problem.
Of course, it’s the rage that’s pointless, as in cheering that this is the best thing in the world. It’s not.