The Philippines is undoubtedly the Roman Catholic Church’s posterboy in Asia. Whether this is actually something to be proud of or something that has hindered our development as a country is the subject of endless debates.
As Roman Catholics, followers of the faith are introduced to the Ten Commandments early into their lives. The Decalogue, as it also known, is a moral code of ten guiding principles for ethics and worship.
How about if we take inspiration from the Ten Commandments and craft a set of our own more relevant to today’s society? Why don’t we try crafting a set that aims to be applicable to a wider scope of Filipinos, whether they’re Catholic, Christian, or whatever religion or faith?
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Without further ado, let me present to you the Ten Commandments of Get Real Philippines (delivered by an angel, no less).
1. Construct only rational and logical arguments
No ad hominems, reductions to the absurd, and all other logical fallacies here please.
Looking for credibility through credentials is a habit of the Filipino that needs to be suppressed. Though credentials are good, they are not the definitive measure of credibility. Examples of this are lawyers pretending to know the law but end up twisting it to suit their own needs. We must learn to listen, not just talk to everyone as a sign of respect, and because we never know what we can learn from each other.
When I say arguments, please, please do not go looking for and starting fights. That is awfully machismo and just plain stupid.
2. Develop proficiency in English
We will never tire of saying here in Get Real Post that English is the language to learn if you want to unlock and access the vast pool of knowledge available everywhere, especially the internet.
Find native speakers, practice with them. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. I dare say that developing proficiency in English will provide you with substantiated confidence that eludes most Filipinos. And no, proficiency in English does not have to mean giving up or losing whatever language or dialect you grew up with. It simply means you have to stretch your brain capacity a lot more. That’s a good thing. No pain, no gain.
3. Cultivate a healthy ego
Learn to analyze first whether the message is worth listening to first, regardless of how it was delivered. Do not revert to the balat-sibuyas life-form that does not know how to take and discern criticism.
Secondly, do away with the kapal ng mukha, or arrogant cockiness. There is no room for it in a civilized society. Even those with something to brag about underneath benefit long-term by staying humble and grounded.
Last, but not the least, ditch the attitude of “di ako pwede malamangan”, or “no one can be better than me”. This is responsible for the balato mentality, crab mentality, and the green-eyed monster called “inggit” that forever puts and keeps Filipinos pinned down.
4. Practice and develop discipline, self-reliance, critical thinking, and compliance to the law
Lee Kuan Yew built Singapore on discipline. Look where they are now.
We need to learn self-reliance because, as the best example, the OFW relative as a source of money for the Filipino is in grave danger. Self-reliance also means putting an end to Juan Tamad. We have long wanted to dispose of this image of the Filipino, have we not?
Critical thinking – Filipinos are not predisposed to this because we are a society who blindly swallow what our elders and “authorities” tell us. Even just asking questions is taken as a sign of disrespect, or interpreted as stupidity. Don’t just learn or teach your children what to think, learn and teach them how to think for themselves!
Compliance to the law – Ignorance of the law excuses no one, and no one is above the law. It is no secret that great countries are founded on strict adherence to the law. If the Filipinos want to become great, with something to show for it, they must first learn to respect the law and not turn a blind eye to violations of it.
5. NEVER tolerate mediocrity and impunity, in any way, shape, or form
The pwede-na-yan syndrome is one of the worst plagues in the Philippines because it gives them a “justified” reason to be mediocre. Its equally ubiquitous relative, bahala na syndrome, or “come what may”, is responsible for Filipinos not giving enough thought to everything they do.
A simple shift in attitude can change pwede-na-yan to pwede pa yan! kakayanin ko pa! or “I can still do more!”
The Philippines is a culture of impunity. Everyone allows everyone else to get away with wrongdoing and dishonesty. Thus it becomes the norm.
6. Stop the victim mentality
A lot has been said and written on the victim mentality that many Filipinos like to espouse. I say to you: stand up, and take your destiny into your own hands! After a brief period of reflection on what went wrong, there is no justifiable reason as to why you’re not doing anything to make things different.
7. Do not attach yourself inappropriately to another person’s individual success
“Proud to be Filipino because of (insert celebrity here).” This has got be the biggest sack of monkey crap I have ever heard.
Blind Pinoy: what did YOU do for your hero/country?
Get Realist: Did you train him? Feed him? Clothe him? Provide him shelter? Have a hand in developing his skills? Did you give him constructive criticism?!?!?
Blind Pinoy: I prayed for his success.
Get Realist: Prayer. PRAYER?! Well, guess what; your prayers do squat! Your celebrity succeeds because his/her hard work has finally paid off. If you want to be inspired by your successful celebrity, find what you want to do (aside from lying on the floor all day), get off your ass and develop your skills! And do not fall for get-rich-quick schemes! Be patient!
8. Do not become a propagator nor a user of false or unsubstantiated data
Filipinos are fond of hearsay or “tsismis”. In fact, to us it’s an even more trusted source of information than evidence itself!
Niel Tupas brazenly lied about the 45 properties. Raissa Robles sensationalized the non-issue of the “potential” Corona properties in the United states.
Verifying your data is a practice of critical thinking. Do it. If we keep relying on tsismis then everybody can be hanged.
9. Do not confuse what is popular for what is right
“A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.” – Agent K, Men In Black
Stupidity spreads like a wildfire. The EDSA II and beyond were the culminations of this. President Noynoy Aquino running for President, and subsequently getting elected, was the nail in the coffin!
10. Respect your fellow man regardless of ethnicity, age, belief system, and sexual orientation
This is related to the first commandment. Here at GRP we emphasize and continually remind ourselves to focus on the message and its substance. In fact, the different point of view will enable us to form a bigger and better picture, because they may see things we locals cannot.
In essence, these “commandments” serve to develop two critical components for meaningful nation building: developing intellectual capital, and developing cultural character.
To borrow a quote: “Do not swallow your moral code in tablet form.”
А вы, друзья, как ни садитесь, все в музыканты не годитесь. – But you, my friends, however you sit, not all as musicians fit.
if each and every filipino could only live these “ten commandments”, the philippines will be in a much better place.
BuT with the corRupt people of Gloria, Corona and Marcos we will never have freEdoM
we’ve always been “free,” and pinoys have abused this freedom so we end up where we are. much of what pnoy’s own people are doing is practically abusing their power too.
and because you’re a pathetic weakling, you pin all blame on pnoy’s political opponents and nothing on the ongoing noynoying.
As loNg as these people are in the govt stealing, there is n0 way we c0uld be freE. Pun0ng punO na ang khhyan ng pmilya nla pero d prin cla nhiya
Corruption is more than just stealing. It’s more like the inability or the refusal to do what’s right.
Oh yeah, I can brand you as corrupt because what you are doing is spreading lies and put hearsays as truth. You don’t deserve to be free because you are the one who is abusing freedom. Well, I do.
i almost agreed with you there because there’s some truth there. unfortunately the people (that includes you) elected those who are stealing in gov’t. so basically we have a government of thieves thanks to unthinking people like yourself.
@Vicente B. Arellano –
Commandment 2.1 – Please use proper caps. Just so you know, it’s a prima facie evidence of your lowly intellectual capacity.
I won’t reprimand you for violating #1 at least, but clumsy caps is simply unpardonable.
DoNt make ur own coMmandment. You are like Corona na dinadamay ang Korte suprema sa mga kaso nya.
Why? Because you can’t accept the fact that it was Noynoy and his minions who dragged the judiciary into the world of dirty politics?
Siyempre, damay ang Korte Suprema because mawawalan ang tiwala ng tao. And the culprits are the Aquinos and their allies, opening up for dictatorship.
Hoy!Vincenzo bakit hindi mo nalang sabihin na kasalan ng boung mundo kaya palpak ang mga Penoy.
VinceNz0 pna22naYn m0ng jEjem0n ka nga. ~~~~je~je~je. LuLz.
I tried his literary style and found that it actually slows down typing. Since he has the time to do those random caps, it means he barely has time to think as he writes. Vincenzo is as slow as his jejemon literature.
(And this conclusion isn’t even ad hominem, begging everyone’s pardon, because I put his writing style to a real and objective test, with controls and parameters.)
“4. Practice and develop discipline, self-reliance, critical thinking, and compliance to the law”
May I add the linear thinking.
Great post.
Parang pakiramdam, may matatamaang commenter dito.
I hope Joe America will read this. When he gets desperate, he uses ad hominem at lot. 😉
“4. ….and compliance to the law”
I strongly disagree with the above unless the laws are in alignment of the indivudual’s progress and improvement.
I dont think the Philippine laws are a mirror of that. May I remind you that the Philippines are the only country in this world that has no legal divorce???? My country – the Netherlands – give each individual options to choose from. You may choose to use those rights or you an choose not to use those rights. Example: legal euthansia, legal abortion, legal divorce. And by the way: its a sport/challenge to pay as minimal income tax as possible. The dutch constitution is focused on the individual whereas the Philippine constitution is focused on the family and family values. I think that that is strange and even stupid bec each family consists of at least 2 different entities/individuals. Or are all Filipinos 100% copies of each other? Like robots are.
So pls make proper good laws first that are good for the individual (poor, rich and middle class) and then abide to them. But not first abide to lousy laws.
Sort of like the traffic situation. Pinoys can never be rules-based drivers unless roads and traffic signage are logically and coherently laid out in a way that encourages proper driving habits.
Kslanan ni Gloria yn. Imbis kasi na ilagay nya ang poNdo sa tama upang mapadali ang pag intindi ng sign o kaya iwasang lumaganap ang korupsyon sa pulisya, nkkpgsbwatan p sya s mga General upang mkpgnakaw
Nope, it’s not her fault. It’s the people who prefer mediocrity are the ones who should take the blame.
Bintang ka ng bintang, wala namang ebidensya. <_<
I agree with you Herr Haighton.
While making laws that are actually beneficial to as many Filipinos as possible is entirely another matter (it is an exercise on critical thinking and healthy ego development on the part of the lawmakers), it boils down to the fact that just by saying law, Filipinos cringe.
I find it puzzling that lawmakers, when making laws, allow themselves to be controlled by an institution that is struggling with irrelevance and obsolescence in today’s modern society. You know what I’m talking about: the church.
I think it is kind of a chicken and egg question. Which should come first, the compliance to the law or the good law? We need to remind ourselves that laws must not remain stagnant and must be amended as necessary. If it doesn’t work, fix it. The citizens should offer constructive criticism on laws (naturally, they have to know them first), and it is the duty of the lawmaker to not be overly sensitive that the law he/she passed is being commented on.
it invariably has something to do with the implementers of “the law” as well.
i dunno about the others, but in manila, we (my family) don’t feel any safer with cops around compared to when hooligans are around.
Dear Sir FallenAngel,
pls dont address me with “Herr”, its German not Dutch.
Thank you.
“Which should come first, the compliance to the law or the good law?”
When we start to abide/comply to (lousy) laws FIRST then we are accepting being 2nd best as THE norm. From that point its just very easy to relegate to even 3rd or 4th best or worst. Its just a sliding scale downwards.
the philippines have a good law but all the president all politician are the one braking the even judge accept bribe.a police too
On the judiciary, but not all of them. But the most horrible is even the president himself is doing it.
And man, you’re way of typing is something like a 13-year old. Is that it?
“ditch the attitude of “di ako pwede malamanganâ€, or “no one can be better than meâ€.”
I’ve come to realize of late that some people are resistant to education because they consider that to admit they don’t know something is tantamount to losing face.
That is astounding, this belief that I know everything because I know a lot. Yet the amount of knowledge we, as individuals don’t yet own, is about 99% of the total knowable.
Another superb article. Please add “or nation of origin” to Number 10. Many Filipinos discriminate against Filipinos.
We love to discriminate, sometimes for the smallest of things, for example, wearing “house clothes” at the mall.
The reluctance of a person to give you a handout for a real estate company suggests that he’s discriminating against you by the nature of how young you look, how rich(or poor) you look, or practically, just how you look.
True. Like how tall you are, if you have big feet or ears. But some discrimination is grossly harmful, and we ought to try to extract it from the human condition.
@k3: joe is too quick to agree with you, but you have to put it in perspective. these people have limited time to try and sell condo units or houses, and they logically cannot waste time on who might NOT look like a buyer (however they might define it), based solely on impressions they get in the few seconds you get to pass them. whether they’re good or bad at judging if you’re a potential buyer may be less their own fault and more a function of whether their superiors picked a good place to fish for potential buyers.
besides, if you were one of them, you wouldn’t hand your limited flyers to a dozen jejemon students who just came out of school and let the other agents hand theirs out to higher quality prospects, would you?
just sayin’. 🙂
And that’s discrimination.
that’s just selection, is all. nothing to beat yourself up about if you’re not handed a flyer.
Arche, if you’re reading this, I’m giving you props. I drew quite a bit from your article on the Ten Plagues of the Philippines 😀
Ah, thank you for the reference, my friend. 😀
NilaBag nyo n agad ang #10 dhl bnbstos nyo ang buoNg PILIPINAS sa pamamagitan ng titUlo ng website. Kasama nyo ang antipinoy kya hnd kagulat gulat na twgin kyoNg mga raCist
wrong again, vincenzo. when you respect someone you tell him what he should know, not necessarily what he wants to hear. hindi ito pambabastos kundi prangkahan. balat sibuyas lang talaga ang karamihan ng pinoy.
May I quote this? Common problem with people…they simply do not admit they are wrong or they hide on the fact they are just “naive”
go ahead, itchybb. no problem. 🙂
I cannot find the title “Get Real Philippines” offending. For me it means “Magpakatoto ka, Pilipinas.” Look around you and analyze the situation. Why are Filipinos like this and that? If we find the cause of the society’s problem, we should face it and make it right.
This is a waking call for distorted Filipino ways of thinking to better themselves and be productive.
Philippines is a freE country na hnd dpt sigaw sigawan ng mga Pilipino rin na nagmamagaling
False pride? Hindi ba pagmamagaling din iyon.
Thanks for showing your TROLL logic. Philippines is a free country but most idiots, like you, loves to abuse their freedoms.
My reaction to your post:
It’s a free country, alright… but what could give the Philippines greater freedom, if not acceptance of reality?
Criticism points out the flaws, Insult either cover or ignore the flaws. Your precious King in Yellow has yet to learn this principle (as if he can) and so do you.
He has already a principle, wisdom and bravery that he inherited from Ninoy and Tita Cory and thats a free Philippines esPecialy froM corruptioN.
Virtue and traits are learned not inherited.
Wrong again. Then how will you explain that things went worse when Cory was in power? Oh yes, corruption is on high levels during her time.
“He has already a principle, wisdom and bravery that he inherited from Ninoy and Tita Cory and thats a free Philippines esPecialy froM corruptioN.”
My reaction:
Nilabag ni Vincenzo ang 10 utos dahil nagpadala sa kabobohan at katangahan sa karamihan ng mga Pilipino.
So ano ang tawag mo sa balat-sibuyas, mabait? 😛
Tell that earth hour is an scAm buT we are oN the top c0untries participating? U are talangkas of the PilipinO
Crab mentality is for CRAB PEOPLE.
Talangka ka rin because you keep people dragging down to your level of thinking. Am I right?
NO iam telling you to go for the Philippines,n0t against
I’m against mediocrity and stupidity itself. So in fact, YOU and the likes of you are killing the Philippines.
Balat-sibuyas ka.:P
But are we really saving the environment? Have you ever think that every time we use our PC and internet, we actually wasted lots of diesel from napocor for powering electricity to our home thus results to more carbon emissions? Kaya anong tawag mo dyan sa pawang 24 oras na pagto-troll mo sa amin na puro naman walang kwenta? And hell, kung papatayin lang naman pala ang ilaw for an hour e bakit kailangan pa ng concert para dyan na gagamit din naman ng kuryente para sa speakers at electric guitars?
Yes, ngkakar0oN tayo ng kaalaman tUngkol sa ating daiGdiG at ndaragdagan ang ating maalaga dito. Hnd m kc mtnGgap na tayoy nsa top c0untries na tUmul0ng sa kalikasan.
Seriously? Kung wala kang source, then it’s all a lie. You just want to make yourself feel better.
Ah…. top country na tumulong sa kalikasan dahil lang sa top participation sa earth hour once a year? Wow! Ganun lang pala kasimple yun, once a year, patayin lahat ng ilaw, the rest of the year gumamit ng Euro 2 na gasolina at diesel, at panay gamit sa coal power plants.
Galing talaga. Saludo ako sa iyo.
Ewan ko ba, kung tingin mo participation sa earth hour ang pinakasimbolo kung ganu ka environmentally friendly ang isang bansa e nagkakamali. Hindi ito nasusukat sa loob ng isang oras sa loob ng isang taon. Ito ay ginagawa sa pangkabuuhan ng taon at tuloy tuloy ito.
Yun naman din kasi ang problema sa “earth hour” e. False perception sa mga katulad mo ang napapasok na porket mataas ang participation sa loob ng isang oras na yun e dun na natatapos yun. Pakitang tao lang yun. Hanggang walang konkretong ginagawa para maisaayos ang sistema ng bansa, wala din nadudulot ang paglahok sa earth hour.
Isip isip ulit vincenzo. Tama na MSG!
@vincenzo:earth hour is just an attempt (albeit a collective one) to feel good about noynoying on the environment.
what, just because you didn’t flip a switch for ONE hour you feel like you helped save the environment? all you did was “look busy” like noynoy does (no politics, folks. just pointing out the GLARING similarities) in his pathetic PR shots.
We learned those “Ten commandments” in schools teaching religions. Most of our political leaders did. Did we, and they follow them? Some of us studied Ethics, in college and universities. As most of our political leaders did ( most of them have law degrees). We did not follow them. We know the right and the wrong. Good manners and right conduct. However, we have trouble following what we know…
All accounted for, Vicenzo! you have clearly violated all the ten commandments for just this blog!
Vicenzo, are you the real life Simsimi? Because your posts are kinda like his.
Nah,he is more like the real Douchebag Mc. Dumb Unclef**ker.
The nerves.
Look who’s talking.
Your IP address shows that you are also the poster jeckx2. You can’t even stick to one handle.
Ilda, is it sockpuppetry as they call it?
Some do suck at sockpuppetry.
Shoot, so now I cant do this anymore “Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour’s wife”
I’m already tempted to post that I only have one name but three IP addresses he he he…
“10. Respect your fellow man regardless of ethnicity, age, belief system, and sexual orientation”
Sadly, this is the least practiced one among the leaders of the Catholic Church. Just look how arrogant they swagger when they try to influence society to follow their dogmatic ways like it God himself came from the heavens and told them so. Remember what Christ said? “What you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to me.” Yes that includes people who do not share your beliefs, creed, and sexual orientations.
An example would not hurt. How about citing some/?
pano tayo magkakaisa nyan dito pa lang sa sulat naglala-laban laban na tayo asan ang pagkakaisa?
Ang pagkakaisa ay dapat nasa atin din. If you want to stay in mediocrity then go in your way. If not, then good.
9. Do not confuse what is popular for what is right
Stupidity spreads like a wildfire. The EDSA II and beyond were the culminations of this. President Noynoy Aquino running for President, and subsequently getting elected, was the nail in the coffin!
EDSA II was really madness, Erap was quite good, though I don’t know much of the story.. Can anyone give tell me what really happened.. Also, how about “EDSA I”? My parents tell me that Marcos was waaaay better than Cory.. I really want to know more..
Compliance with the law . . . otherwise known as “rule of law.” This is a very tricky issue. A test case: after the testimony of defense hostile witness OMB Morales, some senators are now saying that the OMB and the AMLC have too much power. The next step, I presume, would be a re-study of the Ombudsman Act of 1989 and the AMLA. Will diminishing the powers of these two institutions contribute positively to the campaign against thieves and plunderers in the public sector? Unfortunately, laws can be manipulated – and not only misinterpreted or circumvented – but substantively moulded and re-moulded to suit the interests and designs of some or a few. I say, we comply with the law but also be vigilant and watchful against those who try to manipulate the laws to achieve ends that may, ultimately, be detrimental to the best interest of the country.
As to the “culture of impunity:” I beg to differ, I do not think “everyone” (who is this?) allow “everyone else” (again, who is this?) to get away with wrongdoing and dishonesty. I strive to have a more optimistic and positive assessment of the common folk. There are two problems related to this: (1) we are quick to point out the wrongdoing and dishonesty of others without sufficient and verified proof and (2) those whose wrongdoings have been pointed out habitually rationalize and justify their actions. Taken together, these two are bigger problems than the no-problem of “impunity.”