The health of every individual on this planet involves a balanced coexistence among four major elements in an ecosystem: water, soil, plants and animals; and the fate of human civilization depends on the use-or mis-use of these natural resources. Plant and animal life, being capable of reproduction, are classed as “renewable resources”; but soil, in order to be productive, must be alive with bacteria and protozoa and must contain a variety of balanced mineral elements.
Through the use of fertilizers, man can aid in restoring depleted soil, but we cannot, as yet, make productive soil or “topsoil”. It requires nature at least three hundred years to build a single inch of topsoil, which heavy rain or windstorm can sweep away in a couple of hours! Human population thrived because of just a foot or less of topsoil that covers the habitable portions of the Earth. Without it, we will perish…
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Nature creates a natural balance among the major elements of the environment. Animal and plant life depend upon an adequate water supply for their existence, while fresh water in turn is made accessible only through the existence of forests and wildlife in the watersheds and of vegetation to cover the open fields. Plants and animals keep one another in check and help maintain the productivity of the soil. Should this natural balance be disturbed, the environmental equilibrium can swiftly tip over and wreak destruction upon all forms of life and turn our planet into wasteland.
What we suffer today is directly attributable to our lack of basic understanding of this ecological balance. The world is suffering from large scale soil erosion caused chiefly by deforestation, overgrazing, bad farming methods and GREED. Even the richest regions of the world are in a serious plight. Today, it is estimated that there are about eighty thousand acres of land being lost to erosion everyday, and it has become common for a virgin forest to be transformed into abandoned brush land in less than a decade! At this current rate, we stand a good chance of seeing most of the world’s land become desert within a century unless treatments of lands and land use are greatly modified.
The Philippines is also headed towards what could most likely be a tragic situation. We have an enormous population that is fast reaching an explosive stage! The National statistics office survey on population for the year 2009 said that there are more than ninety four million Filipinos, and the current population growth rate is 1.8 percent. This means that our population will double in just 45 years. This population pressure invariably demands intensive use of all available lands for agriculture and expansion of settlements. Not surprisingly we are now suffering from serious losses through erosion, food shortages and general exhaustion of our natural resources.
It is almost futile to talk of any permanent solution while we are being confronted by this gigantic problem of ever increasing population pressures in the midst of diminishing productive lands and natural resources. We will fight rather than starve! Indeed, we may face starvation at an undreamed of scale unless measures are adopted immediately to avert this coming tragedy. It is more fundamental and more potent in its inevitable result than any other crisis. Our very survival as a people is at stake.
This seemingly inevitable dilemma can be checked only by coordinated efforts on the part of the government, religious leaders, social scientist (sociologist, economists, etc.) agricultural experts, educators, farmers and every individual’s willingness to accept far-reaching measures in grappling with this great problem that we are facing.
“We all lived under the same sky, ruled under one heaven…but see things on different horizons”
“coordinated efforts on the part of the government, religious leaders, social scientist (sociologist, economists, etc.) agricultural experts, educators, farmers and every individual”
The starting point for coordination ought to be the statement “I am responsible for X”. “X” being whatever that group is responsible for.
Government is responsible for assuring public health and safety, which includes feeding them and keeping them from washing down the Cagayan de Oro River with the logs.
The religious organizations are responsible for the values that underpin the laws that underpin the acts of the government and the people. They are not responsible for pointing to others and saying “they are the problem.”
The social scientists are responsible for discovery and solutions.
Ag specialists are responsible for productivity.
Educators are responsible for filling our kids with skills and knowledge, and ought to understand that well-being is founded on ingenuity and problem-solving, not rote obedience.
Farmers are responsible for growing stuff efficiently and profitably.
We, as individuals, are responsible for building, not tearing down.
If these groups “man-up” to their shortcomings rather than gloat about their achievements, success is only a few arguments away.
@joe: so, what has pnoy built in 2 years as president and over a decade in public office before that? has he “manned up” yet?
@coolass: imagine what 90+ million pinoys could accomplish if time weren’t squandered behaving like idiots. if only…
11 million Pinoys so far are doing well helping the country’s economy afloat….by being servants to foreign countries
they are the gifts that keep on giving, while those left back home buy new gadgets and celfone load to vote for someone on pinoy big brother.
Sorry I didn’t fit properly into your schedule. So thoughtless of me. Ironically, I was writing and reflecting on this today. You can read it here.
This is blatant promotion of your pathetic blogsite already. This is obviously the only reason why you are still hanging around here.
I knew you can’t get any validation from GabbyD and Manuel Buencamino! They are so bobo kasi
enough excuses, joe. you keep wasting everyone’s time.
man up and answer the question without making anyone waste any more of their time visiting your blog. again, here’s the question:
what has pnoy built in 2 years as president and over a decade in public office before that? has he “manned up†yet?
For the simple of mind, I reply simply. Stability. Yes.
there is no stability, simpleton. if anything, he has brought instability in the banking industry, our democratic institutions, and the future of middle class and indigent pinoys who grow poorer and hungrier everyday.
try some other fabrication.
Hey, Dung-for-Brains, hold on to your hallucinations, I don’t mind.
hey @sswipe (yes that’s you, joe america), care to substantiate this hallucinated “stability” of yours? (because you haven’t substantiated any of it, much like pnoy’s b.s. claims to progress.)
man up, or do you need your wife to man up here for you?
it’s a simple challenge, joe america (that is, if you’re not hallucinating/fabricating what you say resembles “stability” that pnoy himself supposedly “built”).
stumped much?
or were you just flat-out lying to us again all along?
(note: being chatty elsewhere on this blog does NOT get you off the hook. the challenge stands until you man up.)
Go back to your room and tinkle your wanker, dirtmouth. Who put you in charge of demanding answers? Why don’t you come up with a few yourself instead of sitting in a tree with a banana up your ass sniping at others.
it’s a simple challenge, joe “i’m so stumped i’ll try to sound hostile and see if i can get off the hook” america.
it’s disgusting how you’re not up to the challenge, knowing that you have a COMPENDIUM of pnoy (fabricated) accomplishments on your (poor excuse for a) blog, to which I’ll never lose a further minute after my first ten some ages ago when i mistakenly assumed there’s anything worth respecting about you. boy was i wrong, and that’s 10 minutes i’ll never get back.
what, can’t even cite ONE real one from your personally written encyclopedia you spam us with? for shame.
EXACTLY when are you going to man up and SUBSTANTIATE this “stability” you speak of, joe? it’s a simple challenge, really.
umm . . . nah!
I dunno if Joe America has been following recent events, but it is quite obvious that rather than promote stability and unity, the administration of Noynoy Aquino has done not much more than polarise further an entire people. The simple act of continuing to parrot the old Laban platitudes and flash its colours and symbols shows that he has no interest in removing partisanism from his agenda. Indeed, rather than take personal initiative to ditch the yellow colours of his mono-manic partisanism, he needed to be reminded by activists that the national colours are NOT yellow…
Read the full article here.
Rather than adopt the national colours, Noynoy prefers to stick to his family colours. Anyone who would interpret this moronism as anything other than a consistent effort at propagating further polarisation and instability is himself a moron to say the least.
so now we know, in just one thread, that:
(1) joe america fabricates his claims of progress of which he praises pnoy’s administration, because he has nothing else to defend it with.
(2) joe america’s own blog would have been a voluminous resource for him to cite from if there were anything substantial there at all (which means his blog is characteristic of all quantity, no real quality), but alas, he comes up with nothing to step up to my challenge.
(3) joe america is no better than the less eloquent yellows who come here, peddling lies, vaporware, and deceit. today is an extension of all the yellow idiocy that came down from 2010, and we can thank joe america (among others) for that.
(4) joe america has no desire to man up because he applies double standards, demanding certain things of other people but leaving pnoy and his army exempted from responsibility and accountability. “hypocrite” is a word that will always haunt joe america. (yes trosp, you are right about him.)
i’m your idol’s boss, you moron.
in your feeble attempt to come across as annoying, you’ve only revealed you’re definitely full of sh*t, substantiated by this very thread. good luck trying too hard to be relevant.
That’s the thing with Noynoy’s fans. Because they don’t anchor their arguments to a coherent and consistent thought framework, they are able to swing from one convenient angle to another when making their assertions. Of course much of Pinoy society is too dumb to see past this sort of quaint trickery. But then that is the tragedy that is this sad society of ours — a society where all the wrong arguments win and where concepts of substance routinely get trumped by the irrelevant and vacuous.
Heavy Hitter, we got some good dirt comin’ down here and you interject that intelligentsia schtick and disrupt the flow. Polarization is a quality that will be in the Philippines as long as power and favor are the two prominent values. One of the poles of today’s friction is fundamentally law-abiding and has a charter to do something about the poles that are corrupt. He can’t succeed and not wrinkle a few noses, especially since he is a pretty average kinda guy. He’ll botch a catch now and then. You could do no better, nor I. We only yap as if we could.
jam it.
Joe America said:
Indeed, and your man Noynoy Aquino has a proven track record of propagating all of the above as well. I’m not even saying he’s the only one who does so. I’m saying that he is no different from all the rest — a far cry from his claim that he is some sort of anointed messiah who will save this sad nation from the eeeevvviilllss of traditional politicians.
@joe: try harder, pbrain. when, oh when will you grow a pair and SUBSTANTIATE what you’ve just told us?
How can he, when the very man he follows himself is renowned for his lack of substance…
Heavy Hitter, Well, see we are coming close to agreement now. He is no “executive” or dynamic intellect capable of upturning the nation’s decrepit social values. I am confident if we worked at it and got Wanker Boy out of the middle we’d find our thinking remarkably the same.
Nah, I think everyone here is on to you Mr Joe America. Noytards can be forgiven for being the collective channel of moronism that they are. But you, on the other hand, who otherwise comes across as having a pretty decent lump of gray matter between the ears are an astounding disappointment. Your manok is clearly a dud and the wanker that you should really be directing your quaint barbs to. Tough luck.
Well boys, kiss kiss, gotta run.
@benign0: joeam most certainly can’t, though i’d like to see him try and dig a deeper hole for himself. as predicted, joe simply wimps out and runs away with tail between his legs.
anyway, i don’t think consistency is a concept that is alien to yellows. they are just too blinded and stupid to apply it. there’s some level of selective use of reasoning, i.e., there are instances when logic goes out the window by default.
Fair enough. I think when they see Yellow or the “L” hand gesture, the part of their brain that Mother Nature took pains to evolve over hundreds of thousands of years in order to set humans apart from Neanderthals sort of switches off after which their brain stems take over all thinking faculties.
What can you expect from this Joe America? He’s so desperate for an audience that he is willing to get his butt kicked here just to get a click to his site. Amazing really, what one is willing to do just to promote his “cerebral” non-sense.
Don’t be surprised if he writes another “GRP thugs” article. He is so predictable.
Cry, Joe. Cry. Go home to your mama or your submissive wife.
@dude: i wasn’t expecting anything different from joe america. i’ve said it once, i’ll say it again – yellow idiots have Quality Control. i’ve been challenging joeam’s bullsh*t for years, and all he comes up with is spin. spin, spin, and more spin. i’m sick of it, so i do something about it.
In case you are wondering, I’ve placed your comment in the Spam queue.
Here is the comment you made just for the record (and so that it serves as an example to everyone else here):
The thing about being flagged as spam is that attributes of your network identity/profile get registered in the database of our Spam filter provider (a database that also serves other sites that employ it) and may result in subsequent comments of yours being automatically placed on hold.
Our Terms of Service should serve as sufficient reference to guide your further activity on this site should you choose to come back.
I agree that such a comment deserves censorship. So no problem there. It is easy to do write that stuff, as your resident stalkers, parallelaxe, trosp, dude, and a couple of others know. It is not so easy to walk away, as I did for several days after parallelaxe taunted me with the “butthurt” slogan, after implying that the Philippine president and I had sexual engagement. I resent it when a staff writer is permitted to make sexually disparaging references to the President of the Philippines. They will now be allowed to howl that I am a whiner, or make other personally disparaging references, and you will encourage it. The root cause is because I have different ideas than they do, or you do, and your Terms of Service failed to protect me as I tried to speak. YOU failed to stand up for speech free of undue personal harassment.
Sorry to hear you harbour all these resentments. They are duly noted. You are of course entitled to your opinion on whether I succeed or fail in any efforts to, as you term it, “stand up for speech free of undue personal harassment”. But to quote a clause from Section 2.1 of our Terms of Service:
Why do you participate in a forum for grown-ups when you clearly do not have the stomach to handle what you yourself throw out? I don’t understand that.
If you just want to write a commentary about any of the articles, just state your opinion less the personal attacks against the writer and then off you go.
Here’s your problem: you are one of the instigators around here and yet you cry foul when others respond to you. Can you understand what I’m trying to say here? You are a cry-baby.
There are so many commenters here who just come and go without participating in the debates. Why can’t you be the same? Why do you demand so much from the editors? Do you think they like receiving your complaints? I’m sure they don’t.
Don’t shove your opinion down other people’s throats. Accept that others are entitled to their own opinions. That’s freedom of speech.
“Why do you participate in a forum for grown-ups when you clearly do not have the stomach to handle what you yourself throw out? I don’t understand that.”
That is multiple questions. Why do you ask such compound, confused questions? I participate because the articles inspire me to think. And I have the stomach to deal with decent people.
“If you just want to write a commentary about any of the articles, just state your opinion less the personal attacks against the writer and then off you go.”
Look above at the first comment in the thread. That’s what I did. Look at the first comment back. That is what I want to do. You jammed me personally for posting a link, when it is something that benigno has done on my site. I figured it would be okay. I only do it when it is useful. If you prefer I can copy/paste my blogs in these threads.
“Here’s your problem: you are one of the instigators around here and yet you cry foul when others respond to you. Can you understand what I’m trying to say here? You are a cry-baby.”
You need to read a little more carefully, I think.
“There are so many commenters here who just come and go without participating in the debates. Why can’t you be the same?”
I aspire to be unlike anyone else. Seriously. It is a goal. That is wy my writing is strange to the unread.
Why do you demand so much from the editors?
I demand that they explain the inconsistencies of editorial policy because I want to understand things better, and write a better blog about GRP next time.
“Do you think they like receiving your complaints? I’m sure they don’t.”
Then no need for me to answer.
“Don’t shove your opinion down other people’s throats. Accept that others are entitled to their own opinions. That’s freedom of speech.”
You have freedom to place your eyeballs on someone else’s writing, instead of mine. Don’t limit me because you like limits.
That is multiple questions. Why do you ask such compound, confused questions? I participate because the articles inspire me to think. And I have the stomach to deal with decent people.
Then you are being stupid when you bother with people you don’t have the stomach for.
It shows that you have low EQ. It is obvious that your ego gets bruised easily and you can’t let go.
I think you want to be a part of this group but you want to set a condition. And that condition is for people to treat you like a King. That is so ridiculous.
You should just stay at your own blogsite. At least you can act like the King there.
wow, joe. i overestimated you. you actually ended up pulling a gabbyd.
talk about degeneration. this is a first.
@dude: don’t let him get to you. even his response to you reeks of double standards. he says he has the stomach to deal with decent people (who doesn’t?) as if demanding decency from everyone, yet he demonstrated an astounding lack of decency on his “wanker” comment.
after a total of 9831 characters in the 1700 words joeam has written on this page, he still MONUMENTALLY fails to show us even ONE thing his idiot idol president has “built.” (how many years has this dopey aquino been in public office? an eternity, right? pity.)
i do not bother wasting my time revisiting his sad excuse for a blog, as he has devoted some hundred thousands more words there only to end up with NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE. all form, no substance.
that’s the key learning here (joeam being an intellectually dishonest person has been established for years) – that for all his eloquence and prolific writing of pnoy’s fabricated virtues and imaginary accomplishments, ultimately joeam is unable to cite a single noteworthy example that should have been easy-picking from his blog.
you know what they say – “garbage in, garbage out.”
“It shows that you have low EQ. ”
Ahahahahahahahaha, ohhh wheeee ooooo. EQ! Thanks, Pal. Made my day with that one. God you are a piece of work. Doing battle with the Americans on one hand, being stupid and thin skinned on the other. Keep’s you busy, eh?
“Then you are being stupid when you bother with people you don’t have the stomach for.”
Wait. You’re the guy who believes free speech means the people speaking have to go away if you don’t like what they are saying, right?
Bwahahahahahah! Oh, Christ, you bring tears to my eyes. Pal, you are the alpha and the omega, the alpha and omega . . .
You trosp’s brother by any chance?
Your abnormally lengthy interjection means you agree with my view – that you have low EQ.
When you complain about how other people express themselves, it means you do not really know the meaning of freedom of speech.
it’s pathetic how joe america pretends to be unaffected and in high spirits, trying too damn hard to hide how humiliated he really is.
check out the fake flamboyance (maybe he’s now mentally unstable). we might end up with a joeam that’s ultimately dumber than vincenzo.
leave him to me. he’s too much of a wimp to give me the attitude he’s giving you and too dumb to get away with it.
Well that helps. The essential standard is “whatever the hell I decide.” That is a keen way to reconcile the rules with the strange and inconsistent applications that I see here.
See, before you resolved it so neatly, I wrote the following, trying to express my confusion and a little less whiney way:
One question I have, in seeking understanding of the GRP Terms of Service, is: are recognized members of the “GRP Community” accorded different standards than visitors who are not recognized members? Ilda implied such in a comment the other day. And you seem to apply different standards in determining who to spam.
Parallelaxe, a member of the GRP community, can make relentless personal remarks, many intending to taunt or denegrate the writer, some sexual in tone or meaning, and he is neither cautioned nor put into the spam file. I can rebut his insults in powerful language, but of the same tenor and tone as his remarks, and be jammed immediately into the spam file.
Were my knives simply too big and too sharp, thereby passing over the line? Or do you need to protect the GRP community from knives, whilst allowing the insiders free rein to stab at visitors with their little daggers, like a swarm of angry African bees? In order to drive out those who are “wrong” in your eyes?
You and I had an exchange the other day in which you admitted that sometimes the personal remarks get out of hand, but anyone participating needs to take a few knives, for it is a part of a lively vibrant discussion that takes place on GRP. And you implied sexual references to the President were okay because his policies and practices are obscene.
It can be drawn from that, then, that any support for the President could be determined to be “obscene”. And spammed. Or at least left open to your knife-throwers, with consent.
So I can read the Terms of Service, and know I should not throw the F word around. So I don’t. But I am mightily confused as to the other standards. It would appear that different rules apply to friends than strangers. That would be consistent with Filipino values, where the favored get jobs and kickbacks and the rest get leftovers. And it would appear that support for the President of the Philippines could be ruled obscene. That would also be consistent with Filipino values, where angers and jealousies form the basis for family or clan vendettas.
But you don’t have to respond. Because we now know what the ultimate standard is. I presume you will spam me if I argue in favor of some of the things President Aquino is doing.
Cite specific examples of any bias against pro-Noynoy supporters in the way I apply the terms of service in this site, plez.
Take a look at this comment of yours here that I placed in the spam queue and answer me this: Is there anything in that comment of yours that can be construed as being pro-Noynoy? For that matter, does it even have anything in it that pertains to any issue of consequence?
You will refer to the comments of Parallax, loaded with virtiol as they may be, they still all manage to maintain some reference to the original thread of a discussion that pertains to an issue tabled in this blog. That is why even after putting that comment of yours in the spam queue, I chose to exhibit it just the same embedded in my own comment. As I said there it serves as an excellent specimen to refer to whenever people like you presume to question the way I dispense of my Admin duties here.
How can I do that when you have just underscored that the Catch 22 of the Terms of Service is that you can do whatever you please? Your comments in regard to Fallen Angel’s sexual disparagement of the President was, in effect, “which is more obscene, that remark or Aquino’s actions”. That says you hold President Aquino as more obscene than a sexually derogatory remark”. And you will not hold back your bloodhounds because they always contain an escape hatch, which is usually the same inane demand for facts and proof, which can never be fulfilled if the argument is on construct instead of fact.
Tell you what, just amend my excised remark, and append as a first sentence, “Hey parallelaxe, give me some facts to prove that I am dishonest and explain in better detail exactly why my butt is supposed to be hurting.” Then I am in line in responding to an approved comment and you can take me out of the spam file.
Apparently your comments still appear here unaided. So be happy with that for now. Obviously Akismet (the spam service provider) hasn’t accumulated enough flags against you yet, so let’s try to keep it that way. Re the other stuff (Noynoy, obsecenities, sexually derogatory remarks, etc.) you keep carrying on about. Noted. If you think a challenge can “never be fulfilled” then just move on. You don’t have to win every battle to win a war. Simple.
what, all those blog posts and encyclopaedic praise of your idol pnoy on your blog yet you could not SUBSTANTIATE what you’ve told us with even ONE example? you’ve been wasting your readers’ time (all eight of them), joe. how’s that for proof?
tell you what, joe. until you do man up and tell us what pnoy has “built” as of 11:57am of april 9, 2012 (the original date and time stamp of my challenge to you), i won’t bother taking up any challenges from you. that should keep a number of idiots in suspense.
may i remind you that your phoneyness shines throughout the stretch of the thread (my apologies to coolass for having to use his floor to wipe joe’s face with) as seen here:
as expected right from the beginning of our encounter on this page, you just weaseled out, and then came back with an excellent display of what it means to be a proponent of pnoy’s “daang matuwid” (straight to hell, i suppose). what a pottymouth.
you need to work on your sarcasm because it’s about as hard-hitting as a cottonball, btw.
(oh, before i forget, it was you who decided that the “limp” thing was the president’s privates. what, you can’t be butthurt from getting your bum whacked with a rubber chicken? how dirty-minded can you get, joe? shame on you.)
That banana sitting better today, huh? Those calluses on your hands bother you much?
“tell us what pnoy has “built†”
Stability. Not my fault if you can neither read, nor see, nor think, nor comprehend. The intelligent world grasps it.
“may i remind you that your phoneyness shines throughout the stretch of the thread ”
You sound like an old woman, “may I remind you young man that you should wash your hands after you play with your winkie.” First of all, it is spelled “phoniness”, Neanderthal. Second of all, anyone with half a brain knows I write for impact, not for literal truth or even consistency. Those who don’t get it are usually unread and unimaginative. You also bring unwashed to the table.
” . . . you just weaseled out, and then came back . . .
Again, like a busted CD, you keep skipping back to things I’ve answered. Let me repeat. I have wholesome, active things to do while you simply move back and forth between the wanker room and the computer. I imagine your house to be rather dark and dirty, with a funny smell drifting throughout the place. A sad and lonely house, actually. So much of life to live, and you sit there in the gloom with your girlie pictures and insults for erotic stimulation. Sad, truly.
“you need to work on your sarcasm ”
You mean that piece that got me into the Heavy Hypocrite’s spam bucket? That was not sarcasm. That was straight. You DO make this blog site “best in class†for teens and perverts. And I WILL visit now and then so you can keep practicing being a fine representative of your nation’s advanced breeding, world-class class, and intellectual might.
Now get out there, like the security guard you are, and protect GRP from fresh ideas and courtesy.
@joe: your frequent reference to hind parts and self-pleasure might be a lifelong fantasy unfulfilled. you need professional help.
where does it say “repeating the same bullsh*t makes it true”? could you SUBSTANTIATE please? (you’ve got to be really stupid to get yourself another challenge on top of the one you wimped out of, joe “wimp by choice” america.)
oh, i’m sorry mister phony. i didn’t realize that what upsets you is the spelling of what i call you and not how ACCURATE it is. (and there you go with another reference to your fantasies again. can’t you just visit a prison and get it out of your system so you could speak here without filth?)
i see. you bring us fictional answers when we ask for facts. “imaginative”? “unread”? “unwashed”? try unstupid.
what answer? you NEVER substantiated this “stability” you claim. you, joe america, are a shameless liar even if the truth (right here on this thread) is staring us in the face. (there’s that sexual reference again. so much for discourse and kindness and constructiveness, joe “i ache for love” america.)
i see you like to describe your life (where else would you be getting your material? some other dude who tells you his dark deeds when he’s lonely?). please, keep it to yourself. or you can tell it to pnoy.
idiot. that wasn’t sarcasm. how stupid do you have to be to assume i was referring to that flight of fantasy of yours?
uh, in case your memory is failing you because of your deepest, darkest desires, you are the one sexing and perving up the thread, not me.
wow. “fresh ideas and courtesy” from wanking and more wanking and banana-stuffing one’s behind – that just blows me away, joe.
you’ve really lost your touch – extensive use of vulgar words, frequent sexual references, pulling a gabbyd – gosh, joe. i can’t imagine how you’re gonna top this. please, tell us more, sicko. (benign0 & ilda, please save all this for everyone else to see.)
Hey guys, if I may suggest, for this idiot Maher boy aka Joe America, just explain to the comment readers his dishonesties and misinformation spins.
There’s no need for you to engage him in an honest argument.
Waste of time.
Has this idiot refuted any of your honest argument?
Let’s refrain from undue name-calling and rallying people into camps or cliques in this forum please. Thanks.
But it is true. Joe America seems to be wasting everyone’s time with his flip-flopping. He does not have conviction.
@trosp: there’s really no need for that. too many things to mention. anyone with any decent thinking capacity should be able to tell what’s really going on just by reading this thread. that’s why i asked the grp admin to preserve all this.
your silence speaks volumes, joeam. clearly, pnoy has built NOTHING.
(i’m still waiting for your “oh i’m such a victim deprived of kindness and constructive discourse by thugs” speech, btw.)
Sir joe and his newfound sidekick are very good at avoiding boomerangs, it seems.
watch how joeam tries to weasel out of this one, ahehe.
To what degree have our groundwater sources been heavily compromised?
Maybe that James Bond movie “Quantum of Solace” had something going for it. After oil, water will be the next commodity that will be used to control the rest of the world.
remove the “heavily”, taba ng daliri ko. HAHAHA
i will answer your question later, pabalik na ako sa work ngayon…but i do have the figures as to what degree our water resources are compromised…
Aren’t they doing that already (mineral water)?
And unless they have this tesla-free-energy-something as oil replacement, back to Middle Ages na?
We’re talking about controlling fresh water sources. The amount of water we can use for our daily rituals is getting less because we pollute our earth. The groundwater, I believe has already been compromised; the extent is what I’m unsure of.
Even smaller is the proportion of fresh water we can use as potable water. If it comes to the point that people are controlled at the water pump, we’re doomed.
Benign0’s article here makes a valid point about bottled water being an artificial need.
there is always a solution in every problem, sa mga susunod kong article, ipapakita ko rin ang sa aking palagay ay mabisang solusyon at lunas sa mga kasalukyang problema natin ngayon…hindi natin kailangan na parating umasa sa gobyerno…i don’t believe any government will help the people…it’s the people that i believe in and care for…kaya sa aking munting paraan ay maghahain po ako ng mga simpleng solusyon sa mabibigat na suliranin natin…what i am doing now is creating a picture of how intense our problems really are these days…
water is one of the basic necessities of life and humans use huge amounts of it, not just for drinking, but also for sanitation, industrial purposes and for growing crops…as the population grows, it invariably demands excessive use of lands for settlement and agriculture, which in turn diminishes the watersheds.Intense agriculture stresses up supplies of freshwater, and improper disposal of industrial and municipal wastes contaminates the water beds…
Local conditions limits access to freshwater either due to lack of infrastructure or lack of money…and these conditions leads to more sever problems
Fallen Angel,
a certain “tipping point” was set for excessive use of fresh water…it is 4,000 cubic kilometer volume per year, go beyond it and there will be harsh consequences to all life forms in the planet…the current fresh water usage is estimated to be about 2,600 cubic kilometer volume per year so that we are still within the “safe level”, but this “tipping point” fails to consider the contamination of water beds due to excessive usage of chemicals in agriculture and industry…
I want to post the link here, but still couldn’t find the website, my figures here are just base on what i can recall…
We have depleted the Earth ability to renew itself. The cycle of renewal is already broken. We have too much pollution. The use of fossil fuels and chemical fertilizers have caused many problems…Corporate greed, like corporate farming has done more harm than good. A few only got rich…
Grats to Ronald for this wonderful article. It’s an awakening for everybody.One can only be responsible for himself & the place he live in. I also agree w/ JOE AMERICA. He pointed out & expounded every individual’s role to maintain homeostasis of our environment as noted in the article. I tried to scroll down some more to read other blogger’s comments. I am impressed for the patience of the article’s writer. It’s brilliant! Writing is not everyone’s thing.Hmmmm..about the constructive criticisms made by other bloggers. You guys all have a point. We all can listen to each others opinion. But hitting someone personally is not part of it. Well this is my opinion ok? Just giving you guys a head up. It scares me now you might also pick on me after reading this.kidding
Anyways with all due respect you guys are all smart, I loved the ideas you wrote. I learned something today from this.
I’d definitely take care of me & my environment from now on.hehe
don’t worry. i also agree w/ joe america on where he got things right. for other thingshe couldn’t explain of or justify , well…
Haven’t I?
@ Ms Sheila
You’ve have a sharp eyes to notice how Maher boy aka Joe America is hitting level headed commenters here. I hpe you also have a sharp eyes for his dishoneties and misinformation virtuosity.
Good comments Sir Trosp. Go idol go. Is it be okay to be used your comments for our debates? Thank in advanced.
Since I’m new here, I wasn’t taking sides. Its just no fun reading personal comments especially when hitting on someone else’s personally. But if joe america had done it too, if he reads this he knows better what to do.blogging is exchanging of ideas but something informative and helpful for the readers.
Ms. Shiela, I read it. I think making personal comments is destructive to a good blog and does not represent either the article writer or the blog site well. It is something that is done with intent, a choice. I chose to respond here, in this thread, to demonstrate to parallelaxe, dude, and trosp that being a jerk is easy. If you read my remarks elsewhere, I generally stick to the issues, and do it civilly, but sometimes with intent to be, ummmm . . . feisty. These guys follow me around like the stalkers they are.
Why can’t this Maher boy aka Joe America confront those whom he feels shaming or maybe harassing him? Can’t this dud refute what his detractors are claiming about him?
@joe: it’s too convenient for you to call those who’ve caught you lying “jerks”. any juvenile delinquent can do that. (though for your information i don’t mind you calling me a jerk because that’s exactly how i want you to feel about me.)
also, if that’s the way you think of “stalkers” you might as well call janitors, garbage collectors, street sweepers, and people who walk their dogs “stalkers” too. you’re the one leaving a trail of crap; we’re just cleaning up after you.
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