Philippine television host and radio disc jockey, Grace Lee has been gracing the headline reports of major media networks lately. The Korean expatriate has been thrust further into the limelight after President Noynoy Aquino (PNoy) admitted that they are “seeing each otherâ€.
Despite the age and racial difference, Lee willingly spoke about the status of her relationship with PNoy and confirmed in an interview that she is dating the 52 year old Chief Executive. The 29-year-old even said that PNoy’s courtship style is “normal.†She said that as if everyone is expecting PNoy to be abnormal. His reputation for being a ladies’ man probably precedes him. Here is what she had to say:
“I don’t know about calling everyday, I don’t wanna divulge too much details, pero yes very normal, like any normal guy,†Grace said in an interview on “24 Oras,†Feb. 2.
She has also received “a couple of chocolates and flowers†from the chief executive.
“He’s just very sweet,†Grace added.
Lately, it’s hard to tell whether Lee and PNoy are already officially an item or are still dating. It’s even harder to tell if she is just gushing with excitement about dating PNoy or if she is acting as the President’s spokesperson because she has been making a lot of statements that seem like an attempt at giving PNoy an image makeover.
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If Lee is not yet PNoy’s girlfriend, why is she going out of her way to fanatically speak on his behalf? A recent news report claimed that Lee is even “willing to debate with critics of President Benigno Aquino III who say the Chief Executive is not smart.†This is very surprising coming from someone who, just a few days ago said that “We’re still at the stage of getting to know each other.â€
But apparently, a few dates with PNoy were enough to move Lee to say that “He’s brilliant, he is the most intelligent man I’ve met in my life,†Here’s the most revealing — if not disturbing — of all:
“Whatever we talk about — whether politics, economics, books or music — he’s so knowledgeable. He knows a lot. Whenever some critics say bad things about him, that he’s not aggressive or that he’s not matalino, I’d debate them and tell them he’s very smart,â€
Now, we’ve all had girlfriends who fall for guys who we do not agree with. We might even ask, “What do you see in him?†We ask this question because we are concerned for the welfare of our girlfriend because we might see something they don’t. It could be the guy they are dating is either “facially challenged” or acts like what one would call a douchebag. And our girlfriend’s typical answer would be something similar to what Lee says about PNoy – trying to justify why she likes him – to which we will likely simply nod in agreement despite failing to find any substance in our girlfriend’s claim.
Regardless of whether what Lee is saying about PNoy is true or not, it seems like she is very much infatuated with the President. And her very vocal praises for PNoy comes at a time when the Filipino people are getting so frustrated with his leadership skills. Indeed, it could even be possible that Lee is just another front in Malacañang’s on-going media blitz to win over the hearts and minds of Filipinos even as PNoy’s efforts to deliver real achievements so evidently falter.
I’m sure a lot of Filipinos wish that they too could get a glimpse of PNoy’s brilliance before his term ends in four years. The Philippines could use some of that knowledge PNoy shared with Lee at least even the part of it that has something to do with the economy.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
Lee for Vice President
Khit ganyan si Tito Noy,tutok pa din siya sa trabaho nya lalo na sa mga corrupt na opisyal tulad ni Corona. Bagay naman sila.
Di lang pala sa Porsche mahilig si AbNoy sa second o third hand. Pati pala sa babae, gusto niya sa marami na rin naging dating may-ari.
Bagay nga sila dahil pareho lang naman silang nag-gagamitan lang, hindi mapagkakaila.
We don’t like grace lee! masyado siyang atat na atat sa kanyang relationship with pinoy while requesting for privacy. what a contradiction! magpakatotoo ka girl!you’re such a hypocrite!
Same. I oppose this relationship fiasco. A Korean will never really want a Filipino for the sake of racial purity(so not just Filipinos, but even other nationalities; although they are gradually more open to others). Also, it will break how I view Koreans…
Really now?
Haay vincensus ignoramus. Nakisabay sa kilig moments ni kris aquino.
Oo, nakatutok talaga si Tito Noy sa impeachment ni CJ Corona.
Sus, obvious naman na pinapalitan ng tito abnoy mo ung issue para mapagtakpan ang kapalpakan ng prosecutong team niya sa impeachment.
Grow a brain you sick deluded troll.
She (Grace Lee) doesn’t look at all pleased in that picture. 😛
That is a seriously skeevy picture. Lolita much, Noy?
hahaha tama!
I don’t what the heck he was doing in that photo.
haha….she obviously is avoiding the kiss of a DOM, such a disGRACE.
What a coincidence that when everything is looking bad for Pnoy when all the sudden a popular personality is gushing with pride and admiration to brilliance and intelligence of a man who clearly lacks said traits.
Oh and for the record I don’t believe in coincidence.
If we adhere to the principle of Occam’s Razor, however, an explanation that must be considered is that she’s just dumber than a bag of hammers herself.
Beauty and the beast
Grace lee and p-noy
“Peter Pan Syndrome “I don’t want to grow up!†says J.M. Barrie’s popular character from Neverland. According to
pop-psychology, sufferers of Peter Pan Syndrome are adults
who are socially immature and awkward.
They tend to avoid
responsibilities and commitment and often feel
the need to be mothered and protected. Their immaturity can also play out in relationships via
The Lolita-syndrome, after Humbert Humbert in Nabokov’s Lolita: An older adult man with a sexual interest in young malleable
girls. Typically these men
will fear adult women and sexual relations with them, and
therefore seek out girls
instead who are more impressionable and less challenging. For such people the drive is for gratification of their ego rather than their libido “
Interesting analysis, jay. The age gap is really big. No wonder she finds him “intelligent”.
PNoy’s manhood is extremely questionable, so you’re probably right about that sir.
PNoy’s personal themesong: “Hindi Ako Bakla” by Michael V.
nabibistu na kasi na bading kaya panakip butas si grace lee.
Yup.And the gullible just love the telenovela they are witnessing in “real” life.
Well the gullible have been weaned on a diet of telenovelas for as long as I can remember. So seeing the “real” thing perks their interest and blinds them to the important issues.
Grace Lee works with GMA Network isn’t she? If she marries Noynoy Aquino then probably the Aquino-Cojuanco clan (KKKK’s and oligarchs) will have a full control of the local media networks in the long run.
Hmmmmm, that is something to think about does it?
I think she is just employed by GMA Network. That means she doesn’t own it.
Yes, but think about, if Pnoy makes some kind of “arrangement” with GMA network it, they will be dancing to his tune and you know what I mean by “arrangement” right?
Yaaaawn. Am not falling for it. What was she thinking?
She likes the attention.
And the pay check that goes with it, perhaps?
Could it be that grace lee is just a ploy created by PR from showbiz and media to divert the Filipino’s attention from the worsening flip-flopping of the prosecution team and PNoy’s poor economic performance?
It is a diversion and it was timed just when the impeachment trial was getting nowhere thanks to the prosecution’s idiocy.
I knew from that Pnoy would try another diversion like the impeachment trial, but I didn’t expect to be like this. You got to admit that the Yellow PR team has enough brains to come up with kind of PR, but sadly their intelligence is sorely lacking in other important things.
Quite possibly, Mr Sorbetero. He wasn’t very vocal about the other women before but all of a sudden we are hearing a lot of details about this new one at a time when things are going bad in his office.
picture caption
grace lee ” no – i didnt say ‘do duck face’ i say
‘you f…. face’
3-4 dates only and wants ‘ time and space’ but grace lee gives extensive interview on p-noy in todays philstar (where else, and obviously with malacan blessing/scripting).
” witty,.. intelligent,.. smart.., humble,.. hardworking,.. knowledgeable,.. gentleman.., down-to-earth.. and he is president because of the peoples love for him” from grace lee interview
Who is this demi-god.
P-noy, or the comms group couldnt have written it better!!
Expect more of same in coming weeks and useful that she has a radio programme to stir up the youth.
They said they needed a social network strategy. The grace lee project fits the bill.
P-noy who cries privacy suddenly wants publicity Mmmm
Grace lee is clearly being groomed to take over as main cheerleader from kris aquino who is old and past her sell by date, and will soon be on her own campaign for tarlac governor 2013.
grace lee also went out with mike defensor when he was malacanan chief of staff and she worked there as interpreter..
in fact she has a reputation as ambitious, political groupie, and expensive tastes with penchant for LV bags. more mileage on her than one of her fathers test cars.
also in star today the launch of her website! ( social network strategy again) and quotes from her business manager. a kris aquino in the making and another girl for mouse p-noy to hide behind
at least kris and her have 1 thing in common – james yap.
She does look a lot like Kris. 😉
It takes a Korean to defend and appreciate PNoy? Unfortunately, a lot of so called or pretending to be smart are so grounded on slimy criticism, whose thinking are as clean as mud, plain pathetic. Remember karma. Don’t judge lest you be judged.
Some English conversant–seem “educated”,pero sometimes mas disente at kristiyano ang ibang taong hindi nakapag-aral because of some gutter mentality that prevails.
Think something healthy and do something positive whatever your political colour is. The moment you shift away from issues and start on personal attacks, you know you lost your solid logical ground. Redeem yourself.
@max unfortunately, some noytards are… err… uhm…
You get the drift.
It takes someone infatuated or a cult member to appreciate a cult leader. 😉
oh puhlease. Grace Lee just said on national TV that PNoy is the, “most brilliant” man she met.
and you expect her to debate with anyone who doubts the President?
hotness level fail for Grace Lee.
wait…. isn’t Grace married? what kind of image does this give out? :/
Is she? I didn’t know that.
not married. just married men
a groupie of the malacanan political ‘spice boys’ – defensor et all.
need a ride – dont jump in a cab – jump on gracie.
i think they called her the kinky korean
Is Noynoy actually thinking that dating a popular radio celebrity will make him popular too? It seems like one of those “does not follow” arguments. But a well-timed distraction this is. He’s going to need a lot of it in the coming weeks.
If we follow the thread of thought the author has set above, the following question is begging to be asked: exactly what is Grace Lee’s standard of “knowledgeable” and “smart”? I’ve listened to her morning talk show on the radio a few times, and she seems to struggle in keeping up with her co-hosts. “Maboka”, and “madaldal” are all too often confused for “matalino” here in the Philippines, from my experience.
Oh, wait. The opinion of a celebrity = absolute truth. It’s more fun in the Philippines. 😛
So true.
real men don’t talk about girls in their lives in public, they just do with the relationship without everyone knowing it… take a luk at the likes of J.marquez, R.gomez or J.estrada, but pnoy? hhmmmm i doubt it hahha now were talking showbiz, simply shows love life of the president is nothing but showbiz glitz! no doubt brother sisters keepers 😉
I noticed that. I guess that was why Tom Cruise got a lot of heat when he jumped up and down Ophra’s couch while declaring his love for Katie Holmes. There was even a rumor circulating around that he is gay. And he does tend to overcompesate a lot just to keep this rumor down.
I do find men who are overly showy or melodramatic such a turn-off. 😉
Well, I remember an old Filipino saying that “kapag ang dagat ay tahimik, ito ay malalim; kapag maingay–mababaw”. I’m trying to ignore all these things about Grace Lee but she seems to be everywhere. It is very disappointing to hear the latest news that the President is very much willing to provide security for this girl and he’s spending longer hours just talking to this new girl in the Palace. With the many issues and calamities surrounding our country, this PSG revelation is something that Malacanang should explain. While some may argue that Grace declined the offer, the point here is that the President is very much willing to use his authority and even worst, government property, for his personal affairs (much worst, lovelife!).
I agree. It’s like complaining about the paparazzi but also informing them of your whereabouts. Grace needs to stop talking about their relationship to get the privacy she wants.
Even if Grace Lee is willing to debate, I won’t. PNoy is smart naman ah. Ask Sec. Coloma. He said on the radio months ago that PNoy was an expert on Google. He was freakin’ ecstatic about it, too. How smart? He’ll probably give you an answer before you can say “Google it.”
Seriously, he’s smart enough to know that he can be president of a country. That’s what he did.
Now, if PNoy is dating someone who looks like Francine Dee or even someone who looks like Arianny Celeste, I’ll say that something is seriously brewing in Malacanang.
In any case, pay no mind to this press release. I mean, it’s an obvious ploy to take your mind off the Llamas issue or whatever issue is out there. If you ignore it, then they’ll stop playing it.
It had to be pointed out that we are on to their ploy to distract the masses from the real issues. They need to know that they can’t fool everyone.
Mo twister blog from 2009, talking about grace’s boyfriend kevin who is an author – but obviously not as bright as p-noy or her other conquests!
“Oooops! Wait, don’ t go just yet. I almost forgot
the hottest topic for today. GRACE LEE IS
GETTING MARRIED . She wanted it so badly to
be married this year. That’ s if her boyfriend
proposes. Wait, he already proposed, but Grace
is so numb she didn’t get what he means. O
well, that’s what every guy wanted right? Stop
the marriage. I’ m just kidding. We totally
understand that Grace. You love your boyfriend
very much because you can easily convince him
to buy you an LV bag whenever you want, how
many you want. And just an info, we’re not
envious of your boyfriend, but the kid you are
going to, you know… breastfeed?”
I can’t believe he actually said those things about her. What a rude guy.
Wonder what’s so important about this anyway? LOL
Well, like what I wrote above, it had to be pointed out that we are on to their ploy to distract the masses from the real issues. They need to know that they can’t fool everyone.
grace lee said today that p-noy offered her ‘PSG protection’. she sensibly declined.
“So happy to hear that PNOY offered
“protection” for Grace. PSG baby! But
Grace said she doesnt need it and
can handle. Gentleman!”
the interesting thing about this is p-noys need to control/imprison/spy. classic. insecure and immature.
grace has more to lose than gain in the long run.
if it really is genuine!
PSG protection? Is that for real?!? That’s public funded protection for a girlfriend.
according to mo twister on air this morning with grace lee and put on his twitter account. people now commenting like you.
she should debate it!
Somebody should provide the GRP links to her then. We’re all waiting.
Ilda, i remember your previous insights into the pschological make-up of p-noy, and it dawned on me that the description by grace lee in philstar is exactly the image p-noy wants to ptoject which underlines how staged and scripted it was ( this would never have been done without malacan arranging/approving/controlling)
Intellectual – this is his biggest hang up. Wants to be seen as thinker and intellectual like his father, hence the love of honorary degrees. I dont think he has written a paper/article or taken part in an open debate in his life. Not one thing on internet.
Normal. His father took him to the psychologist in boston. He was obviously strange, an outsider and loner even then.
Love of the people (3 times in one sentence) so desperately needs approval hence surrounding by yes men, subservient women and only wants good news. Hates GMA at a personal level. A woman who is more intellectual. How dare she be that!
He has spent so long in his secret world maybe he actually now believes what he wants everyone else to believe, but can only get others to do it for him.
Weak, insecure – mentally and physically, almost paranoid, arrogant, controlling, lazy, lack of passion and commitment, borderline personality disorder, envy/jealousy of others, immature, deceitful, sexual confusion, black and white thinking, lack of creativity, fear of abandonment, mood swings, anger/tantrums if doesn’t get own way.
Grace lee – good luck!!
No filipina wants him
lol…indeed. It’s one thing for someone to exhibit such a behaviour but it’s another thing that so many people still can’t see through it. Totally unbelievable.
Noynoy “debates are waste of time” Aquino
It is very late for PNoy to involve himself in such an affair. Pnoy should know his disposition. People like him are no longer entitled to explore options to be intimate or more so even to marry. This is something that he should have done before. Obviously Pnoy has very poor time management skills. He wasted his time as a bachelor and as a senator. He has 4 more years to go as president and I hope that a big wake-up call comes to him. He should realize his role.
Yes. With so many Filipinos dying of hunger, he should really refrain from displaying images of himself frolicking with a woman. It is totally inappropriate.
he finds reasons/diversions to avoid the hard work/decisions/responsibilities. keep busy on the surface but with trivialities.
grace lee may have political diversionary benefits but it also is a mental diversion for p-noy.
this usually happens when people are under stress and fill their mind with one thing as a means of pushing more important things to the back of their mind. its referred to as avoidance strategy. common in people with personality disorders. i know. i have dealt with them for 10 years. its a learnt behaviour in childhood and if not corrected becomes an issue in later life and actually gets worse with age as insecurities and sense of failure increases.
P-noy’s hide exposed
He hides his stupidity behind scriptwriters.
He hides his sexuality behind ‘PR dates’
He hides his cowardice behind womens skirts
He hides his failures behind propaganda
He hides his motives behind lies
He hides his unpopularity behind false surveys
He hides in moments of crisis. Full stop
What a wimp
grace lee should also think, that once he loses the presidency and hacienda luisita then he is just a dirty old man with no respect and little money.
By that time, she would have already gotten what she can and squandered her “allowance”. Materialistic values. Values the president dont mind I guess. Another Imelda in the making perhaps?
“Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when i’m 64” ( and you are only 42!)
No power, no presidency, and no hacienda luisita – just a wheelchair and cholestomy bag!
Poverty comes in the door, love flies out of the window
For my part I don’t care who the King in Yellow dates and it’s not even worth my long-term attention, but when his girlfriend says that he is “brilliant and intelligent” (when it’s obvious that he does not posses such traits) and offers PSG protection to her, (which by way is paid by taxes from our hard-earned money)that takes my full attention. this may seem redundant, but once again he sank lower than can be expected.
I just hope what Noynoy reveals to his alleged girlfriend is only up to the point that is below his own belt line and not cross the line that might compromise our own national security.
Grace Lee may have been a disgrace to Koreans, then, if this is the case…
Anyone read this article yet?
Uso pa pala ang tele-babad?!? Ewww…gurang na talaga sila!
I think it may be ok for Grace Lee to marry abNoy. Dictators may each be entitled to their own Eva Brauns—as long as the marriage would end up in quite a similar fashion.
the aquinos produce retards – gene defect. better he just plays with himself
Ms Lee seems to be the most outspoken of all PNoy’s dates. She lets her feelings for the President known.
I dont think any pretty girl grows up saying, I will stay pretty… and will try to make some money and when I’m 30, I dream that I can find a man 20 years older than me who is intelligent and can sweep me off my feet.
Nope. Doesnt happen.
So in this case I think its pretty girl grew up, swallowed her penchant for good looks and instead had her eye on the big prize. An entire third world country!!! That wont necessarily mean she can afford to buy the whole LV store, but at least get her first in line.
I smell trouble and she will get a dose of her own medicine.
I hate that we’re pouring out so much time on this but I cant help it. I cant stand power tripping social climbers. Ladies, its time to get a boob job.
I have no idea how I missed this in Feb except maybe I was not following Ilda on Twitter yet. Not one person here mentioned my personal belief that all women who date our president are there to give you the illusion that he is the type to date women. Sorry I left out link.