Diplomacy. The word, according to its definition describes the “art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace making, trade, war, economics, culture, environment and human rights“.
The practice of diplomacy can be traced back to the Bronze Age when trading partners conducted their business by exchanging gifts. Back then it was said to be customary for both parties to compete in giving the most impressive gifts in an effort to outdo each other.
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Giving gifts was also considered a military tactic. Pleasing an emperor or a ruler with gifts such as spices, silks, etc., was proven to be effective in avoiding conflicts that eventually lead to wars. Someone even once claimed that the practice of diplomacy in itself “is a disguised war, in which states seek to gain by barter and intrigue, by the cleverness of arts, the objectives which they would have to gain more clumsily by means of war.”
In the second chapter of the book The Art of War, Sun Tzu spoke of the importance of understanding the costs of warfare, and how success requires winning decisive engagements quickly. It also advises that successful military campaigns require limiting the cost of competition and conflict. In applying the same rule in modern times, avoiding rather than waging a war is better in terms of economic and human costs in the first place. After all, as one famous British politician once said, “all war represents a failure of diplomacy.”
In 1945, out of the ashes of World War II, an organization called United Nations (UN) was founded primarily to stop wars between countries. The UN facilitates cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace. More than anything, it provides a platform for dialogue.
The existence of the UN did not prevent nations from going on full on wars. Those that usually go to war belong to two categories: those who have the capacity to do so and feel that they have more to lose if they don’t go to war (US, Russia, Israel) and those who have nothing to lose but more to gain in going to war (Vietnam).
The Philippines is a country with more to lose and very little to gain if it ever goes to war. Unfortunately, diplomacy is an art that the incumbent President, Noynoy Aquino (PNoy) seems to have none of. It has been said that the ability to practice diplomacy is one of the defining elements of a state. If PNoy has any diplomatic skills at all, he needs more practice using them. In fact, he should have practiced it even before gunning for the top job in the land because our country badly needs an expert in international diplomacy.
Judging from the Philippines’ deteriorating relationship with some of our East Asian neighbors; every Filipino has to face the fact that the leader of the country may not have the right skills for handling international affairs without arousing hostile feelings in our neighbors. Unfortunately none of his cabinet members seem to possess these skills either. That is really bad because the country relies heavily on exporting human labor to keep the economy afloat.
Less than a year after being sworn into office, PNoy has been finding himself in the sticky situation of having to decide between either issuing apologies or scrambling for a reason not to apologize to our trading partners.
Strike one was with Hong Kong. We all recognise that a disgruntled ex-policeman hijacking a bus and holding Chinese tourists hostage was not PNoy’s fault. But what happened next was entirely his. The incident was the first time he had an opportunity to exhibit to the world his talent for doing nothing. Diplomacy was not in attendance on the day when PNoy was missing in action during the whole day hostage ordeal. He even missed the calls of the very worried and annoyed Hong Kong governor, Donald Chang. What made the situation go from bad to worse was when PNoy was caught on camera smiling, as what the grieving Chinese people would say, “like a dog” instead of showing his sympathy.
Strike two was when PNoy had to virtually beg China to receive a Philippine envoy to appeal for the life of convicted criminals. Vice President Jejomar Binay made a last minute appeal first for him to be received by the Chinese officials with an agenda to ask for the commutation of the death sentences of three Filipinos who were convicted of drug smuggling in China.
Binay felt that his trip to China was fruitful. According to him, China allowed the delay of the execution of foreigners for the first time in history. Unfortunately, a lot of people particularly Philippine Senators are insinuating that “China’s stay of execution for the three convicted Filipinos will come at a price.” It is indeed, a mystery what concessions PNoy’s government made with China for the latter to grant their request. Indeed: What was in it for China?
A lot of Filipinos remain baffled over why the government would waste a lot of energy, time, and resources on convicted criminals when the country has bigger issues that need urgent attention. Critics of PNoy‘s administration were mostly saying that the move was just a public relations stunt to make his administration look good to the overseas foreign workers (OFW). Meanwhile, even some OFWs agree that the convicted criminals deserve their punishment for all negative things the illegal drugs they carry bring to society.
Strike three is with the issue of the 14 Taiwanese nationals that were deported to China instead of Taiwan. Once again, we all know that this incident didn’t start out entirely as PNoy’s fault. After all, PNoy can’t control the incompetence of members of his staff. What he could have controlled was the repercussions of the fallout. One thing that is different with this latest “gaffe” of the PNoy administration is that, at least I did not hear of PNoy saying that “we will investigate the matter thoroughly.” But I actually wish he did. The delaying tactic would have resulted in them coming up with a better diplomatic strategy. This is assuming that there is actually someone in PNoy’s administration who can come up with one. Anyone with the right frame of mind would not have sent Mar “the trouble shooter” Roxas immediately to Taiwan empty handed. Below is from ABS.CBSnews.com:
His mission was however complicated by comments made in Manila by Aquino’s spokesman, who said the Philippines would not apologise for the incident, which saw the 14 suspected fraudsters deported to China against Taipei’s wishes.
Taiwan is mulling a freeze on the hiring of Philippine workers in retaliation, although a final decision is yet to be made, labour minister Wang Ju-hsuan told reporters earlier Tuesday.
Sadly, Mar’s trip to Taiwan only infuriated Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou Tu even further because Mar had no gifts to offer when, it seems, all the Taiwanese leader wanted to hear was some sweet nothings. Sweet nothings that begin with “we are sorry.” Usually, an apology can start the healing process between two conflicting parties. I personally think that this is an issue that could have been handled with more sensitivity by someone who is a heavyweight in diplomatic affairs. Unfortunately, there is no one with such skill in PNoy’s team. They all act like lightweights because they cannot command a professional public relations operation.
It is beginning to emerge that PNoy’s administration does not know how to handle China and its continually evolving foreign policy. Even Philippine Star columnist Robert R Romulo knows that China is now adapting a more “sophisticated and less dogmatic” foreign policy. He wrote about the apparent amateurish and highly ignorant way PNoy and his team are handling the superpower.
Yet the Philippines seems to be out of tune with the rest of the region when it comes to China. Not only has it fallen hard for China’s charm offensive, it has also pursued a China policy that is dominated by fear and apprehension and consequently, it has become directionless – driven only by the next crisis like a hostage taking of Chinese nationals or the imposition of death sentences on convicted Filipino drug mules. The only consistency it seems is a fear of offending China.
Philippine policy on China should not be based on an irrational and unfounded fear of offending China. The Philippines’s conflict with China over the Spratley Islands come to mind when the word “fear” is mentioned. Fear may have been the only reason the 14 Taiwanese nationals were deported to China instead of Taiwan.
This fear is irrational as China is bound by its adherence to its charm offensive to refrain from committing any overt acts of retaliation. At any other time, Philippine actions like unilaterally cancelling the ZTE contract and arresting Chinese fishermen, would have triggered some form of retaliation – but they have not. China has become obsessed with projecting a benign and helpful image.
The challenge for the Philippines with regard to China is to move forward, not out of irrational fear, but with a clear idea of our interests and full knowledge that our actions define our future relations. One thing is clear – China will have a lot of say in our economic future and on peace and security in the region. There is no question therefore that China should now take the top priority in our foreign policy agenda. But that is a long way from saying that consideration alone of China’s influence on Philippine economic and security interests now and into the future should shape that agenda.
What Mr Romulo is saying has its merits. PNoy has a fear of offending China. Who can forget the time when PNoy chose to boycott the awarding of the Nobel Prize to imprisoned Chinese scholar and activist Liu Xiaobo in Oslo? At the time, PNoy did not divulge a valid reason for why he did not want to send a representative to the award ceremony but later on when the issue about the three convicted drug smugglers was the hot topic, he admitted that he chose to boycott the awarding in Oslo to please China.
Whoever is giving PNoy advise on foreign relations ought to go back to school and study international relations or diplomacy. But even a college student who is flunking his algebra would know that “if you can’t go around it, over it, or through it, you had better negotiate with it.” If apology was demanded, I would have said, “I’m sorry you feel offended.”
PNoy is definitely flunking his diplomacy skills test. Unfortunately, he is dragging the whole country down with him. Since the Philippines’ China policy is to maintain formal ties with China only but at the same time pursue economic and cultural links with Taiwan, PNoy must have been thinking along the lines of the principle of give and take — give one and take ten — from our trading partners. In the process, PNoy may be doing a lot towards undoing the respect earned from the global community by his predecessors.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
Well you mean it. His bad as Homer Simpson. Nyahahahaahaha!!!!!!!! And don’t forget the article of William Gibson about the Philippines “The Miracle Worker”. Which he portray the Philippine OFW as an Export Slave Worker arround the country. Well that kind of sad isn’t it. Ahuhuhuhuhu!!!!!!!!!!!
bad. he is a joke and an embarrassment and i hear that from foreign politicians.
no vision, no leadership, no social skills, no empathy for people, no international experience, no intellect.
investors see better opportunities elsewhere and actually dont give the philippines much thought.
the world has no respect for the country due mainly through its politicians.
from an accidental president he has become a one man accident prone disaster zone.
the world will not waste its time or money on losers.
Unfortunately for PNoy, his handlers can only do so much to hide his incompetence when it comes to dealing with the international community. Â He can fool some Filipinos but there is no way he can fool other nationalities who take things very seriously.
Sadly, as the mandate who voted for PNoy are a reflection of how they think their politics is, so is how they think of diplomacy as well. Sure many were curious or rather, looked down on what PGMA did during her global touring, but considering the fruits of her labor there, she did a bang of a job in terms of foreign relations that the public certainly couldn’t understand, besides the whole she’s the living the life, and not a good way kind of thing.
PNoys diplomacy is certainly knee jerk and highly reactive, which is bad because it marks high volatility. And more so now the Philippines overseas worker situation is ALSO marked with high volatility as well in certain nations that coincidentally are becoming chaotic (Egypt, Bahrain and Libya). A question that always is asked by those knowledgeable about the position of Pinoy OFWs are what happens to the world if they decide to stop working? 2nd worst case scenario: What if half the world just stops working, PERIOD and sends half the OFWs home, where there is no opportunities and no hope? Pinoys should never take the global opportunities for granted, or to consider their names are already in those positions. Especially if Taiwan is capable of switching the tables around and send over 1,500 OFWs home because the government feels like it. Sure they can get mad at Taiwan and curse at them, asking them who will do those jobs that they are leaving. That isn’t their problem as it is the Taiwan nationals issue. Their problem is they don’t have a gravy train anymore and they are going back home where there aren’t any opportunities for them.
Yes, the administration’s response is always knee jerk. They do not have any foresight. I really hope they have a plan B for those who will lose their jobs overseas with little warning. It is a pity what is going to happen to those who are forced to go home because of the chaos in the Middle East and this one with Taiwan.
well apparently, as ms. ninez cacho olivarez said in her column, noynoy’s solution to the looming problem of increased unemployment due to returning ofw’s is to order the DOLE to “create more jobs”. Â silly us! why didn’t we think of that before? and want to lower the number of poor people? just lower the poverty line from P60/day to P40/day! Â oo nga naman, instant drop in the number of poor people. Â noynoy must be thinking “what’s with these economists? the solutions are very simple”. (image of noynoy in front of a whiteboard drawing the poverty line lower with a marker come into mind. hehehe)
hay naku. Â 5+ years of this pa.Â
great article ilda.
Wow! I haven’t read that one yet. So, it is up to DOLE now to pull out jobs out of their hats. While he is at it, PNoy can also rub an old lamp three times so he can get three wishes too.
Its funny isn’t it? Noynoy said he’d create more jobs and now with returning OFWs with no work, he’s told DOLE to create more jobs.
I bet some noynoy publicist or something remembers to check this with an asterisk under Noynoy’s to do list of create new jobs.
The way it stands right now, Penoy is still a winner. Mababaw lang naman ang kailigayahan ng mga bumoto sa kaya (which is the majority). Kahit bobo daw sya and no accomplishments, hindi naman corrupt.
You’re correct in claiming that Penoy’s administration (what would stop me from calling his administration as his regime?) is always a knee jerk one. No foresight.
Have you noticed how Penoy walk? His stride? For me, I can’t see anything reassuring from the way he walks.
He has no foresight and I suspect he also has a short memory. He is very articulate in discussing everything that is related on the present issues but for issues he can’t overcome, it’s always blame GMA, and for those that require resolution, send Binay to resolve them (including the decision to let Marcos have a hero burial).
That is their president.
Would I be consoled that he was the one who won instead of Erap?
Come to think of it. I could be wrong but it seems to me Penoy is copying the style of Obama. Right from their election campaign, you’re going to read a lot of “yes we can” and “change” campaigm slogans. Obama has the teleprompter and Penoy always has a piece of paper to read every time he wanted to say something that will be more than one sentence /sarc.
I also noticed his use of the phrases “let me be clear” and “make no mistake about it” in his presidential speeches were all Obamaesque.(Let Me Be Clear is also a Colorescience for improving skin complexion, perhaps, Obama is using it).
One might ask how many times have Penoy met with his cabinet and so with Obama. And the sensitivity to media’s dissatisfaction with his performance. Penoy is telling the advertisers not to advertise on those media outlets who are misinforming the people according to him while Obama has this Fairness Doctrine.
Penoy will accuse you as just a noisy minority and Obama will accuse you as racist.
And not to forget the finger pointing – it’s all GMA’s (Bush) fault…
Penoy, just keep the change.
I dunno which one is worse. But Erap already had a chance and he blew it.
It was PNoy’s supporters who kept insisting that he is like Obama. I was actually very, very annoyed when Filipinos who were not even in American were also rooting for Obama. It was as if Obama was going to be the President of the Philippines. I found it so over the top. Most Filipinos like jumping on the bandwagon. Whatever is in, they will root for it.
This current administration reflects the character of the people who voted it in…. primarily motivated by fear.Â
That’s right. They were scared of being different; of being ostracised; and scared of being labeled siding with “evil.”
i have met p-noy on a number of occasions and he is simple to understand and simple to manipulate.
anxiety and lack of self confidence combined with an inability to discuss or debate.
he likes to show of his knowledge with trivia but cannot put into context or add personal opinion.
as one diplomat put it – an obsessive parrot.
and most of all he wants approval and to be liked.
am afraid he is in the wrong job.
speaks much of his state of mind
mr. romulo must be so relieved for not being responsible anymore — as much relieved as durano was when he was not in charge anymore.
I can imagine him scratching his head in disbelief with what is happening.
BS Aquino is bad for the Philippines in all aspects, not just for foreign relations. There’s no doubt about that.
He’s got no skills to show whatsoever. He’s a gun enthusiast since forever, but have you heard him win a shooting contest? Can’t even deliver a speech well, a speech which he did not even write himself to begin with. No doubt he would crap his pants facing an enraged Taiwanese diplomat, that’s why he sent Mr. Palengke instead.
Hay naku, seriously, ano ba ang silbi ni BS Aquino?
That’s a good point. But he probably prides himself in being a ladies man (daw).
So he doesnt write his speeches, his sister did the cabinet appointments, he orders his VP around and thats not enough, appointed a chief troubleshooter. He slashed DFA and Education budgets and increased his pork barrel 20%.
This is great para sa portfolio nya. Akala ko sa Congress at Senate lang siya tambay eh. Pati pala sa Malacanang eh.
What does BS Aquino been doing that deserves gratification in the form of a Porsche?
Dating Rosalie Palmer and her five daughters, I gather.
it is estimated that the philippines is losing one trillion pesos a year through corruption and tax evasion.
instead of the window dressing with a few minor cases and no prosecutions he should either do what he said or be impeached.
i notice the case against pacquio has quietly been dropped.
it only takes 12 million pesos a year to be in the top 500 taxpayers. everyone i know earns more than that but dont feature.
no one pays and no one cares.
it is not rocket science.
20 trillion pesos lost to government and the people in the last 25 years.
that is a lot of schools healthcare and infrastructure.
and it will continue to consign generations to poverty and little chance of improvement unless you risk abuse rape and death abroad as slave labour
I’ve read somewhere that Mike Enriquez paid more tax than the owners of ABSCBN and GMA.
I read somewhere GMA7 pays 10x the tax of ABSCBN..you can imagine how much advertising money they collect every year.
Incompetence should be grounds for impeachment. The previous administration although allegedly corrupt, was delivering goods. Meaning there was also input not just output during GMA’s term. Now, there seems to be more output due to his incompetence and blunders.
pardon my impertinence, actually incompetence is not one of the grounds for impeachment. According to the constitution, the grounds for impeachment are as follows: culpable violation of the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other high crimes and betrayal of public trust.
However, incompetence may fall under betrayal of public trust, i.e. if the Filipinos who voted for him, including the representatives they have voted in congress, would wake up from their self-imposed dream that the incumbent president is a leader material.Â
Bottom line is an incompetent president is no different from a corrupt president. Both of which are not capable of doing anything right and will definitely fall to deliver any results…. tsk…
There you go. I’m sure his actions will lead to that path anyway.
i pay more tax and am in the top 500 tax payers but whilst i live well it does not allow me to have luxury cars, educate my children abroad or have multiple properties.
you only have to add up the number of luxury cars sold each year to see what a joke it is.
if you buy a 10 million peso car then you are not earning 1 million pesos a year and with 2000 luxury cars sold last year and 168,000 new cars sold then both the systrm is inefficient and the collectors corrupt.
the drug dealer singson showed in court one of his bank accounts with 37 million pesos cash. but again no show for any tax.
head of bir should be sacked.
PNoy is one of the greatest failures this country has. he sleeps at the senate, i don’t even know if he passed one law. he protects his gains through Hacienda Luisita, he has a Porsche which was bought even though the country is suffering. what more?! he’s scared of offending the Chinese government but not his people.
You can also blame his handlers. They obviously give him the wrong advice. PNoy was just planning to wing his presidencial term.
We already pissed off
1. Hong Kong
2. Taiwan
Whose next on the list? Japan or maybe Singapore?….. The arrogant Mar Roxas has no business going to China acting as an emissary. He just made the situation from bad to worse. If the Philippines where to send a representative  from Philippines, it should have been our VP Jejomar Binay. He seem intelligent to handle such conflict and maybe at is Taiwan.Â
Typo….The arrogant Mar Roxas has no business going to “Taiwan”
You know its easier to handle things before you have to send delegates (or uneducated ones for that matter) to handle the situation overseas. Hell, Binay can’t be in many places at once. So what has to happen is they have to pick their battles and prioritize which one demands more attention than the other.
Too right, Jay.
you forgot the vietnamese.
ugly people with bad wine – mai mislang
Oh shocks! How can I forget that!
You forgot the Japanese and Australians
I remembered, He said that their government is too quick to the transistion of power. He even said that their country won’t progress because of the number of years they stay in power… Apparently, Penoy is incompetent and has no knowledge on things.
Yes! Noynoy is bad for foreign relations. I love my country, but I don’t like our new admin
Oh my. There are so many. Not to mention the occasion when he threw a tantrum infront of the world leaders because they issued a travel warning against the Philippines. I’m beginning to lose track of everything. Thanks for the reminder.
why are we going to issue an apology to taiwan? the crime was committed in china, the victims and evidence are in china. the action of in accordance with “one china policy” and in accordance with international law,  there is no such thing as “Taiwanese citizen” However, the way Pnoy handle the situation he miserably failed!! first, he did not recall the “de facto” ambassador to Taiwan for issuing instant “apology”. which he was never authorized to issue, second, in appearing weak in the diplomatic issue(doing something that negates his words). third, sending someone with no experience in diplomacy! and lastly, never had the “balls” to stand with his decision.
Now, if and when Taiwan is going to issue “freeze hiring”, we can totally scrap our “de facto diplomatic relation” to Taiwan in exchange for millions of dollars aid from china and when really want to pissed them off, allowed china to rent one of our island nearest to Taiwan for them to establish military based, and the rent will be used for support for those affected OFW.  Unlike in other diplomatic issues the Phil faces, the taiwan issue is maybe the only issued we had superior hand, yet we allow them to bully us!
Where exactly did I say we need to apologise?
I recognize Taiwan as a country and reject the One China policy. Taiwanese should have been given back to Taiwan, not to their enemies.Â
nice hawk diplomatic policy there. It would be interesting to have seen if Noynoy had the balls to play that card. The problem with your proposition to counter the freeze hiring is trying to get China motivated to be involved in that. The Philippines never held the ace and I don’t exactly if they are motivated enough to go with that, especially risking the whole workers situation to begin with. And no one in the admin, not even the current president honestly would have had the balls to pull a maverick move like that.
i’m sorry to say this but truth to tell, i’m bothered by the typographical and/or grammatical errors all over, not just with your comments but with the others’ as well. it would be easier on the eyes and the brain if ilda can do some editing. i don’t want to point to our poor education standards but i can confidently say that we had better teachers and schools back in the 1950s until the 1970s, which were the years i was in school. so sorry for those who did not have the benefit of studying under the tutelage of teachers who were committed to providing the best standards to their students.
I don’t really mind the errors as long as I can understand the gist. After all, English is not our first language. Even if PInoys are thought the right way to do it at school, we won’t be good at it unless we practice it everyday.
Thanks to the TANGALIZATION brought to us by the media.
I mean the Sesame Street/Channel 8 (nonstop American cartoons) days.
Sorry if I didn’t qualify to your standards.
*I miss, not mean. /facepalm
All these are currently happening yet, MOST people still blindly follow PNoy’s “straight path”(like a cult) towards our country’s development; or should I say downfall? I can’t imagine how Philippines would be after a year and more has passed under his “reign of BLUNDER” thanks to his and of course, his cabinet members'(and maybe his sister’s?) incompetency. Just that thought itself makes me want to go abroad and forget being a filipino entirely after graduating.
/end of rant
Anyway, thank you, ilda, for this another wonderful eye-opening article. I’m saddened that articles such as this which exposes the REAL truth remain to be under the sheets and not on the spotlights.
unless you do something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chqi8m4CEEY
The hardest part is to watch the blunders unfold every month and you cant do anything about it. In the end, we will bear the burden of his failures. The Aquinos wont, theyre rich. This is similar to Germany’s Third Reich under Hitler, ordinary Germans had no choice but to watch their country be consumed by the total war policy of the Nazis. But in the end, the ordinary Germans suffered just the same. Their crime: They let it happen.
And stuff like that are what make people like MW2’s Shepherd.
True. I can’t do anything but to comment and rant how stupid I was before to be swept by the mainstream media. I’ll never view news like I did before; well, at least when it’s related with politics. Sadly, we have yet to increase in numbers to take any course of action. And I think it is inevitable that many are still under the “yellow hypnotism” regardless of the evidences of stupidity and incompetency of the Aquinos scattered everywhere, waiting to be picked up, thanks to the media and the idiocy of most filipinos.
Thanks Mila.
I hope you can help enlighten more people.
It doesn’t help that the current administration made huge cuts to the Department of Foreign Affairs’ budget, including the fund to help migrant workers who are in distress (OFW welfare fund if I recall correctly). These resourcesare vital to keep Foreign Affairs running smoothly. If you want something done right , you spend for it . Now look at what’s happening in the NZ (after earthquake). Now Foreign Affairs is also having difficulty in the repatriation of thousands of OFWs in Libya.
You got numbers? I’m interested, considering that the whole OFW thing is like a business now that has to be ran like a well oiled machine. They also help generate income to the government (much to delight of Politicians back home) as opposed to taxation back home. If these people are getting the same second class treatment, much like the citizens back home do, what is the use?
I snooped around and was told (by people from Foreign Affairs itself) that their requested budget of around 18 billion pesos for 2010 was slashed by the administration and only about 10.8 billion was submitted for approval from the House of Congress. If my math is right, the current government only requested 60% of what it should normally allocate for diplomacy.
With regards to the Filipino overseas assistance fund, reductions allegedly ranged from 25 to 30 percent from 2009 levels (sorry I was not able to get exact figures). It would be interesting to see if future budgtary outlays for foreign affairs will reach levels that it enjoyed during past administrations.
so it was foresight pala that they increased the cct of dswd by so much. Â dadami kasi talaga ang mahirap, especially with the ofw’s returning. Â hehehe…and i thought it was to pay off the maturing PEACe bonds of dinky and ilk.
It sure gives a reason to denounce Philippine citizenship and go to a country that actually cares for you.Â
They should give back more to the OFWs in terms of government services and assistance. The OFWs help keep the economy afloat.Â
What I have observed is that the Aquinos thrive on Collaboration with their Adversaries, in crissis situations. His grandfather, Benigno Aquino Sr., collaborated with the Japanese Imperialists, during World War II. Capas, Tarlac was even the place where World War II, Prisoners of Wars were interned. Ninoy Aquino, Jr. , collaborated with the NPA, to fight Marcos, and his political adversaries. Cory Aquino collaborated with the Roman Catholic Church; her husband’s Torturers: Enrile and Ramos; and the NPA; to survive in her Regime. Now; Noynoy Aquino collaborated with China in not recognizing the Nobel Prize Winner…
Diplomacy thru collaboration and opportunism are the name of the game for the Noynoy Aquino Regime…it will never work…Other nation will not give something, for nothing…
I’m just curious, definition of collaboration in online dictionary –
collaboration [kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃən]
1. (often foll by on, with, etc.) the act of working with another or others on a joint project
2. something created by working jointly with another or others
3. the act of cooperating as a traitor, esp with an enemy occupying one’s own country
collaborationist n
I think there should be more fitting word other than collaboration.
Don’t get me in those legal definitions. My father fought, was wounded and sweated in the Battle of Bataan. Survived the Death March to Capas, Tarlac. Fought again as a Filipino Guerilla against the Japanese. Lastly, he fought in the Battle of Bessang Pass…the first line of defense of Gen. Yamashita.
The Aquinos were Traitors to their country. The Grandfather, Benigno Aquino, Sr., collaborated (worked with), with the Japanese Imperial Army invaders. You and them don’t value the sacrifices of those Filipinos, who really answered to the call of their country. SHAME ON YOU…and YOUR IMBECILE MASTER, Noynoy Aquino…
How about the word “conspire” since this word is applicable even one’s country is not being occupied by a foreign invaders.
He he he, it’s just me,the shameless dude…
I’m from India. I see the same direction less attitude from our leaders in dealing with China. They have taken huge chunks of land in the east and also issued stamped visa to disputed region of Kashmir.
The leaders in our country are suckers for false praise…any fake word from US charms them… Unfortunately, its only going to get worse, much worse as in biblical proportions …the middle east situation is not going to slow down anytime soon…the unrest and political rising is spreading slowly to Saudi Arabia…One Insider from US said that Oil will cross 200 USD per barrel by this year…the last empire is Saudi Arabia and the highest numbers of workers are from PH and India there….Just imagine the influx of oversees workers..it would be a disaster…
The days of the world as we see it are numbered…everything will change…This is the time to have a strong leader, as is always, when in the time of crisis…most of the countries leaders are direction less…
My request to everyone to prepare for the coming change that will sweep everyone…save lots of food in your home…the inflation is only going to get worse….
The looming oil crisis is quite worrying, indeed. I don’t know what our dear leader is going to do when the problem finally hits the Philippine shores. They are on a reactive management at the moment and not being proactive at all.
There is even a University Study from the U.S.; that evaluated the True Oil Reserves of Saudi Arabia; the foremost oil exporter. It showed; that the Saudis, do not have enough Oil Reserves, as they Projected and claimed to be…they Projected High, their Oil Reserves…to Drive the Prices of a Barrel of Oil UP, UP and Away…Oil Prices per barrel may even reach US $500 per barrel. This will drive all the Worlds’ Economy in a NoseDive…Is Noynoy Aquino competent enough to handle this looming Crissis Situation?
He will hide again, like what he did during the Hostage Crissis…Or look Somebody to blame?
You really cant expect Mar to apologize to the Taiwanese Govt. Eh saksakan ng kayabangan yung tao na un eh. Nagkamali sila ng pinadala.
So Pnoy failed the:
Leadership test
Word of Honour Test
Initiative Test
Diplomacy Test
Watching someone fail the tests he is expected to fail is very agonizing. At the expense of our progress, this student government is wasting time, taxpayers money, and goodwill with other countries.
A tardy, lazy, irresponsible, slacker student who never did his homework. Quite familiar if you ask me, ang daming ganyan nung high school ako. They love to hit on girls way beyond their league, They love to grandstand and hog the limelight by subjecting other kids as the butt of their jokes, They love to play ragnarok online games, and they love to FINGERPOINT when something wrong happens. Yet they would breeze through high school because they belong to a rich family. Stockholder ng eskuwelahan.
Senator Joker Arroyo is so right on this one. Student government ang administration ni Pnoy
Well lets hope he graduates soon para matapos na…Ladies and Gentlemen, Ang Payaso sa Palasyo, the evak from Tarlac, the gun-totting, racecar-driving, promotor ng road trip sa daang matuwid…PNoy!! Oh ayan na diploma mo…wag ka nang babalik ha.
That’s the Filipino culture for you. PNoy does embody the average Pinoy.
am soooooooooo thankful i saw this site, makes me feel am not alone n i don’t belong to the gullible majority of yellowtards, please keep up the good work, i will share dis with my friends….hope to open d eyes of the fanatics, God bless po
d articles r wwwwwwwaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy better n informative for educated Fils from all walks of life than those seen on tv and print,makes me fil gud as pinoy, sana wag ng magpauto ang pinoy sa media
I’m glad you found us dencio
Happy reading and please spread the links!
Guess what people? You know what the Yellow Army is planning to release soon? Anyone remember Noy the Movie a movie by Noynoy fanatic Coco Martin and company about Noynoy Aquino?
You think a movie is ENOUGH? Think AGAIN!
DLSU Professor Emeritus Wilfredo Villacorta of the infamous “Noynoy Aquino is the Most Competent Candidate to be President” (http://noypi-ako.com/noynoy-aquino-is-the-most-competent-and-credible-candidate-to-be-the-next-president-of-the-philippines/) which was gobbled up by Noynoy’s apologists nationwide is at it AGAIN! This time he is publishing a BOOK! A book celebrating Noynoy’s campaign and the “victory of the Filipino nation”.
I believe it will take years before Pinoys realize how putting Noynoy in may have severely hurt us foreign relations wise. After all who can forget the time Mr. Aquino was laughed at (literally) when begging APEC nations to get rid of the travel warnings the Philippines received late last year imminent terror attacks only for them to materialize a month later?
PNOY’s speech on new book launch: (http://www.pcoo.gov.ph/speeches2011/speech2011_feb21a.htm)
President Benigno S. Aquino lll’s Speech during the Book Launching of “Noynoy: Triumph of a People’s Campaign” by Ambassador Wilfredo V. Villacorta
Powerbooks, Greenbelt 4, Makati City
21 Feb 2011
Thank you. Please sit down.
I wasn’t supposed to speak at this event. I’m supposed to speak at the next event. The Executive Secretary is presently talking with Butch Abad, we’re drafting a message for… we have a spat with Taiwan presently. And when Senator Roxas has graciously agreed to be my representative to try and settle that problem they’re drafting a message that we will be transmitting to the Taiwanese officials.
Well, looking at the cover I was wondering, do I have a worse picture than this? Then, I assumed I wasn’t gonna be asked to speak because I might comment on the picture. But then again I’m a person with no pretenses, I accept God’s gifts be they totally positive or sometimes a little not positive. But I guess that should be the case, this is really to me, what has strengthened me throughout the campaign and which actually strengthens me on the daily grind. I’ve been accused of being a leisurely President, and you know some of these critics, I really would want to invite to tackle one of my days. ‘Coz I live as you know in Pangarap, I tend to have a whole series of meetings, various courtesy calls, various discussions then, of course, there are about five one-foot folders na papers that are all briefs by the way that have to be attended to at which point when I finish I really make it a point to try and finish all the matters on my desk. I want a clean desk when I leave.
So, I transfer to Pangarap, which is about a five or six-minute travel from the Palace and when I get there there’s a new set of documents that need my attention. And I’ve asked my staff, when I just left here we finished everything, why is it that you treat the residence as the extension office? And I guess, that’s part and parcel of it, we really have to take care of so many things.
Earlier, this should be a… I haven’t read the book, so it should be a reminder of our promises. I’m hoping that I haven’t been neglectful of the promises that I have enunciated during the campaign, during my various positions that I have held in government. My father did stress the importance of keeping to one’s words and I have endeavored to do so. I will submit that we have not finished the work. There really is a lot to do.
When I was being asked to run, I did say there were people who came up to me and approached me and said, we know you will not be able to change our country from black to white. Perhaps, as my father would put it, our mission is to make it grey, the grey which is the in between step, lighter and lighter in shade until we get to the white. And we will be there with you. And so when I accepted the challenge of running first and then running this country, running for the campaign and then running this country. In the back of my mind, I was I accepting on behalf of all of the people who egged me to run. Therefore, those of you who are absent and not helping us, I hope my parents visit you one of these days.
But seriously, there really is a lot of good news, and can I just highlight? We’ve talked about the economic numbers, they’re coming, they keep on coming. Perhaps there’s even a worry there might be too much capital coming in that might lead to inflationary pulls on the economy. But that is also being addressed.
Let me talk about the simpler things. We have a problem with dengue. Dengue is now a year round phenomenon instead of a seasonal event. There are four varieties of dengue. And surprisingly our Department of Science and Technology came up with the solution that is a really a solution and not merely show. What is show? Show is when you start spraying pesticides that actually don’t kill… insecticides rather that don’t kill the insects, they just push them to the neighboring barangay. The solution of DOST, I think, is more correct, doable, cheap and more effective. So, what does it entail? Basically, it entails a can, the can has a piece of black wood either painted or burned black. And there’s a solution within the can that kills the eggs that are born by the mosquitoes, so it’s a mosquito trap.
Okay. Previously, they tried various mosquito traps, unfortunately, they forgot where they put the traps. So the solutions became mosquito larvae incubators, but this time around we have a very good secretary in the Department of Science and Technology. It is very easy to replicate, so it’s very cost effective and it really does address solving the problem of dengue instead of just having all of the shows of fumigation that doesn’t do anything.
He is also embarking, they’re already on field test of a water purification system. There’s a very sizeable number of our population that does not have access to potable water. And the solution is basically a base. The base has micropores holes that are smaller than the typical sizes of viruses and bacteria. So, they can pass through, the water then is free of the various viruses and bacteria, they have clean water at the end of it. So, it’s undergoing field test.
And I understand they’re also… they will be rolling out by June a locally produced light rail system which will save us about 80percent of the cost because as you know part of the PPP Program is mass transportation towards Bulacan, Antipolo, Cavite, amongst others. Then, of course, there’s already a request from Cebu and the others rail system in Mindanao.
Anyway, that’s the problem when I don’t have a prepared speech. I tend to speak a lot longer. Can I just say this, 25 years ago, we were at EDSA, nobody envisioned that that would be the resolution of the dictatorship. People like I would have thought that a bloody revolution would have been a necessary step to overcome the dictatorship, but we did have the peaceful revolution.
We did have an opportunity wherein strangers who were side by side risked everything if only to better the situation not of oneself but perhaps even for those who were not yet born who finally stood up and said, either we take responsibility now or forever be condemned to this situation.
My mother throughout the last years of her life had one theme:
“EDSA is not four days of EDSA. EDSA should be a daily thing.â€
When we start thinking of our brother or our sister – ‘coz there are a lot of feminists in the audience – the minute our focus is on the other that is the concrete way of uplifting everybody including ourselves. The minute we stick back to what was the current mode of behavior in the past dispensation of thinking of oneself only then that brings us lower and lower in the spiral of poverty.
So, I go back. When we see a vehicle polluting the atmosphere, do we say, wala akong pakialam dyan or do we take cognizance of the fact that I saw the problem, therefore, I should be part of the solution. When there is a community that does not have a regular classroom for that matter, we have an excess in our funds, should we not help them out, should we not have an addition, perhaps, an honoraria to the teachers that will help us teach the citizenry. Whenever we’re confronted with a problem, the only solution really is, if you’ll see a problem and you choose to emulate the three monkeys who saw nothing, said nothing and heard nothing, then nothing will change.
But I’m really glad to report to you that daily we get so much good news — of course, I don’t get it normally from the media — but just yesterday, I was talking to this group of people who are in an industry that has to deal with the sugar industry and their sources tell us that they’re experiencing something like 300 percent increase in revenues for the sugar industry. And they’re so bullish about the prospects that, again, there’s a built in incentive to mean even more efficient to plant more which makes us more food secure amongst other things.
I was reading a columnist today and it seemed that there were so many businessmen complaining. On the other hand, when I talk about… when I do get to meet businessmen both foreign and local all they’re saying are the bullishness of their prospects for our country if not the expansion of their activities that are already quite huge. So, if we have failings, I’m sure we’re human, we perhaps one of our biggest failings is perhaps an inability to really triumph our achievements. You know, in Tagalog, it says it very well — nagtataas ng sariling bangko. Talagang kasalanan po sa amin yung purihin yung sarili. Problema nito yung purihin yung sarili means fine line between educating the people. And in the coming days and weeks we really want yung for everybody to have a tangible sense of where all of the things that which 25 years ago last year has brought us to. And even at this point in time, we are transforming already society.
We have a lot of, well, not really that much, but there is at least perhaps three percent of the population that does not want us to succeed. Who would want us to revert back to a situation where there is in effect a ruling elite whose interest are the only interest that matter. We have trampled upon so many rightfuls in changing our society. Therefore, there are people who lorded it over us for such a long time who are dead set on making me fail, but I am confident with the people behind me, nothing is impossible.
Thank you. Good evening.
Hello Article Request
Thank you very much for pasting the whole speech here. It will save me the trouble of Googling it later on.
Gee…this guy keeps giving us ammunition. His handlers should not let him go on stage without a prepared speech. According to him 3 percent of the population does not want him to succeed?!? Wow! He just doesn’t get it! Everyone wants him to succeed but he is not shaping up. He needs to listen to his critics so he can succeed. Where did he get that figure anyway? Dang this just sucks!
Maybe that 3% was based on Pulse Asia’s survey on Oct. 20 to 29, 2010. His disapproval rating as averaged is 2.9%. Nothing is said there that his dissaproval is equivalent of the desire for him not to succeed.
Narcissism is very evident in that speech.
That’s our proof that what they are saying is true – that he might not be the brightest bulb in Malacanang.Â
By the Gourds! I can’t read PeNoy’s speech without rolling my eyes so fast the earth has threatened to jump out of orbit and crash into the sun. (O_o) – !!
From the start, it’s so obvious that he’s complaining about his workload. Whine, whine, whine! Fergoshshakes, you’re the freaking President, not the Prom King!
And his tendency to ramble on about the trivial and irrelevant is evidence of his lack of professionalism and his small mind.Â
Forgot who Willfredo Villacorta was? Read below to refresh yourselves:
Noynoy Aquino is the most Competent and Credible Candidate to be the Next President of the Philippines
by Wilfrido Villacorta
1. Only an incorruptible leader like Noynoy would have the determination and the daring to combat rampant corruption– the root of poverty and injustice in our country;
2. Noynoy has a legacy to protect, and this legacy has concretely manifested itself in his personal life and public-service record;
3. Noynoy’s achievements have lived up to his advocacy to serve the poor and the underprivileged; and
4. Noynoy has the competence and credibility to represent our nation in the global arena and is the best leader who can rebuild our international image.
A. State of the Land
What problems will the next President face? In order to fully appreciate what kind of leader is needed by our people at this point in our nation’s history, let us examine the present Philippine condition and its implications for the next generations:
· The Philippines is in the list of “In danger of becoming a failed state,†in the company of Bhutan, Cambodia, Togo, Bolivia, Comoros, Moldova, Angola and Azerbaijan (The Fund for Peace, 2009 Failed States Index study).
Indicators of a Failed State:
• a highly ineffective central government without full control over much of its territory and over rampant criminality and public corruption,
• inability to provide adequate public services and infrastructure,
• big numbers of economic and/or political refugees and involuntary movement of populations, and
• wide social inequality and sharp decline in economic opportunities and wealth distribution.
· The Philippines risks having the highest poverty incidence in East Asia: “If our low growth rates continue into the future, the ADB projects that our poverty incidence will remain at a range of 21 to 28% by 2020—the highest in East Asia. The poverty incidence would be higher that those of Cambodia, Mongolia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam†(Dr. Fernando Aldaba, Poverty in the Philippines, Asian Development Bank, 2009).
· It is the poor children who are the primary victims of the consequences of massive poverty: malnutrition, disease and substandard education.
· Severe malnutrition, which has afflicted 24.6% of Filipino children, is linked to more than half of child deaths, poor cognitive development and low productivity. According to the Council for the Welfare of Children, malnutrition is not only the effect of inequity but it is among the factors that give rise to conditions that create inequities.
· The UNESCO’s Education-for- All Global Monitoring Report for 2010 on the Philippines: “There is a real danger that the country will fail to achieve universal primary education by 2015.†Its net enrolment ratio in 2007, where about one million children are out of school, is “comparable with countries at far lower levels of average income, such as Zambia, and below the levels attained by other countries in the region, such as Indonesia.†The gap separating the poorest 20% from the rest of society is far wider than in most countries in the region.
· It is estimated by NGOs that about 60,000–100,000 children are trafficked annually. Such trafficking cases are increasing.
· The Department of Social Welfare and Development reports that anywhere between 60,000 to 600,000 street children are victims of child prostitution. The Philippines ranks fourth among countries with the most number of prostituted children. A study by the Psychological Trauma Program of the University of the Philippines notes that prostitution may now be the country’s fourth largest source of GNP.
(http://www.unicef. org/philippines/ 8895_9845. html)
For an archipelagic nation, we have ironically one of the worst maritime transport facilities and regulation. We are notorious for having one of the highest incidence of annual maritime disasters, and one of the worst road traffic and accidents in Asia.
• The World Health Organization, whose regional HQ is in Manila, has been imploring our government to control the production of firecrackers that become more potent each year and to strictly ban the use of guns for holiday revelry. In the region, we have the highest rate of fireworks- and gun-related injuries and deaths during new-year celebrations. We are infamous for widespread electoral fraud and violence and for being the transit point for illegal drugs, gun smuggling and human trafficking.
• In last year’s first National Summit for Firearms Control, Philippine National Police chief Director General Jesus Verzosa referred to the 2005 Report of the World Health Organization and the UN Office of Drugs and Crime, which showed that the Philippines ranked 10th in the number of gun homicide rates worldwide. He revealed that the current estimate of loose firearms in the country is now at 1,110,372.
• Personal ownership of guns and carrying them in public are justified by the need for self-defense against criminals. But the PNP report in the Firearms Control Summit indicated that of the 5,752 crime incidents recorded in 2008, 6,030 involved firearms, 5,999 of which were loose firearms and only 31 licensed. In addition, the most common crimes committed with loose firearms from 2006 to 2008 consistently included murder, homicide, physical injury and robbery.
These transgressions that we see everyday are mostly due to corruption in law enforcement and the consequent impunity enjoyed by wrongdoers.
· Half of our national budget’s allocations are lost to “s.o.p.’s†or bribery. Targets for tax collection are not met and our national debt payments keep on rising because of corruption.
· Public education, health, infrastructure and financial services do not meet world standards because of corruption. It is poor governance that is behind unmitigated poverty, civil unrest and insurgency in the countryside.
· Foreign investors avoid our country because of the high cost of business rooted in corruption. Because there are not enough jobs, millions leave for overseas employment. Medicines and medical care are beyond the reach of most Filipinos. Even the magnitude of damage inflicted by natural disasters has been exacerbated by corrupt mismanagement.
The Asian Development Bank has repeatedly expressed its concern for the Philippines, a country with so much potential and yet mired in poverty and social inequality. In its study of Critical Development Constraints in the Philippines, the Philippines scored lowest among countries with similar per capita GDP levels on control of corruption, as well as on political stability and rule of law since 2002. The study indicated that the Philippines had lost momentum in controlling corruption, and had allowed Viet Nam and Indonesia to surpass it in economic performance.
In 2009 Corruption Perception Index of Transparency International, the Philippines is ranked 139th out of the 180 countries surveyed. We are way behind Singapore, which placed as the 2nd least perceived to be corrupt; South Korea, 39th; Malaysia, 56th; Thailand, 84th and Indonesia, 111th.
B. Needed: An incorruptible leader with the determination and the daring to combat corruption.
If your company is sinking because it is ridden with corruption and you are looking for a CEO, what would be the principal quality that you will look for in the candidates for the position? Wouldn’t it be good character?
Character is Noynoy’s strength. His character embodies his parents’ legacy: integrity, decency, commitment to democracy and people’s welfare, a modest lifestyle.
We all know that the main problem of our country is poverty. As we have said, the root of poverty of most Filipinos is corrupt governance. It is corruption that deprives the poor of access to essential public infrastructure, services and opportunities to improve their lives. For this reason, corruption is the worst violation of human rights in the Philippines.
In order to extricate the nation from its wretched condition, the next President must not only be incorruptible but must have the audacity to dismiss corrupt officials and file charges against them. He can have this courage and determination only if he has had an unblemished record of public service and has not violated any law. Fortunately, we have found a leader with a clear moral compass.
C. Noynoy has a legacy to protect, and this legacy has concretely manifested itself in his public-service record.
Some critics are saying that Noynoy is simply riding on the fame of his parents. They ask, how can we be sure that he will be as committed as Ninoy and Cory were to the Filipino people?
We must not forget that Noynoy, along with his sisters, experienced firsthand the ordeals that his parents courageously underwent and the sacrifices that they had to make: the persecution of his father and their family during martial law; the threats to the newly restored democracy after EDSA (he almost died when the coup plotters attacked Malacanang), the crusade of Cory for good governance. The values of Ninoy and Cory could not but have a lasting impact on Noynoy’s character formation.
Text Box: On 25 August 1973, when Noynoy was only 13 years old, his father wrote him a letter—to bequeath to his only son the legacy of the Aquino family and to pass on to him the responsibility of caring for his mother and sisters and of “living with honorâ€: “You are my only son. You carry my name and the name of my father. I have no material wealth to leave you. I never had time to make money while I was in the hire of our people. For this I am very sorry. …The only valuable asset I can bequeath to you now is the name you carry. I have tried my best during my years of public service to keep that name untarnished and respected, unmarked by sorry compromises for expediency. I now pass it on to you, as good, I pray, as when my father, your grandfather passed it on to me. “Forgive me for passing unto your young shoulders the great responsibility for our family. I trust you will love your mother and your sisters and lavish them with the care and protection I would have given them. … “Look after your two younger sisters with understanding and affection. … Finally, stand by your mother as she stood beside me through the buffeting winds of crisis and uncertainties firm and resolute and uncowed. I pray to God, you inherit her indomitable spirit and her rare brand of silent courage. “I had hopes of introducing you to my friends, showing you the world and guide you through the maze of survival. I am afraid, you will now have to go it alone without your guide. The only advice I can give you: Live with honor and follow your conscience. “There is no greater nation on earth than our Motherland. No greater people than our own. Serve them with all your heart, with all your might and with all your strength. Son, the ball is now in your hands.â€
“Son, the ball is now in your hands.†These prophetic words of Ninoy were in his letter written ten years before he was assassinated in August 1983. As the one whose destiny it was to be the people’s candidate, would Noynoy dishonor the noble legacy of his parents? Having witnessed the people’s outpouring of love and respect for his parents during their funerals, wouldn’t Noynoy reciprocate their trust by protecting the good name of his father and mother?
D. Noynoy’s achievements live up to his advocacies.
Who says that Noynoy has no advocacy and does not assert the principles he believes in? Who claims that he has no experience and achievements?
Noynoy’s advocacy is clear and uncompromising. He believes that a true working democracy provides not only political freedoms but a better life for all Filipinos. A working democracy must be able to provide jobs, education, social services and equitable economic prosperity for everyone, not just the privileged few.
In his eleven years as a Representative and a Senator, Noynoy has faithfully served the Filipino people. He is now Chair of the Senate Committee on Local Government and Co-chair of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights. He is a member of, among others, the Committees on Economic Affairs, Education, Environment and Natural Resources, Justice and Human Rights, Peace, Trade and Commerce, and Urban Planning, Housing and Development.
The following were the bills he sponsored in the Senate, which reflect his pro-poor, pro-good governance conviction:
· Senate Bill No. 1370–granting an annual productivity incentive to all workers in the private sector;
· Senate Bill No. 1719–limiting the re-appointment of presidential nominees by-passed by the Commission on Appointments;
· Senate Bill No. 1710 –banning the re-appointment of a regular member of the Judicial and Bar Council who has already served the full term;
· Senate Bill No. 2035–requiring the regular maintenance and preservation of all public infrastructures;
· Senate Bill No. 2036–increasing the penalties for non-compliance of the prescribed increases and adjustments in the wage rates of workers, amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 6727;
· Senate Bill 2159–adopting the doctrine of superior responsibility to all actions involving military personnel, members of the Philippine National Police and other civilians involved in law enforcement;
· Senate Bill 2160–amending Section 4 of RA 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act to further restrict exemptions to the requirement of public bidding;
· Senate Bill 2978–amending the DILG Act to further clarify the relationship between local chief executives and their respective local police chiefs; and
· Senate Bill 3121–the Budget Impoundment Control Act—strengthening legislative oversight over executive spending.
Before he was elected to the Senate, Noynoy served three terms as a member of the House of Representatives from 1998 to 2007. He was Deputy Speaker of the 13th Congress and was a member of the Committees of Banks & Financial Intermediaries, Energy Export Promotion, and Public Order & Safety.
One of his key legislative initiatives was to make the procurement of the petroleum, oil and lubricants requirements of the Armed Forces of the Philippines transparent by requiring public bidding.
Among his priority bills were House Bill No. 4251–granting annual productivity incentives to all workers in the private sector; House Bill No. 4397–strengthening the regulatory power of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to effectively enforce consumer laws; House Bill No. 4252–increasing the penalties for non-compliance of the prescribed increases and adjustments in the wage rates of workers; House Bill No. 3616–extending the reglementary period for the educational qualification for PNP members; and House Bill No. 1842 –providing for the codification of criminal laws.
He introduced House Resolution No. 65–inquiry in aid of legislation into the policies and processes of the Energy Regulatory Commission in granting rate increases to electric utilities, and House Resolution No. 788–creating a select Congressional Oversight Committee on intelligence funds to check and study the use of intelligence funds by government agencies to ensure that funds allocated therefore are utilized for the purpose they are intended.
He initiated an amendment to the General Appropriations Act requiring public bidding in the purchase of petroleum, oil and lubricant products for the Department of National Defense.
In 2004, he was stripped of his post as Deputy Speaker after he joined leaders of the Liberal Party in calling for the resignation of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo at the height of the “Hello Garci†scandal.
A man of strong convictions, he lived up to his constitutional responsibility as an opposition Senator to fiscalize the executive branch of government. Noynoy thoroughly examined the General Appropriations Act for 2009 and proposed key amendments to the 2009 GAA that seek to tighten congressional oversight on the executive’s use of public funds.
He has consistently championed human rights and people’s participation. Noynoy has sought the proper relocation of informal settlers and the delineation of authority of parties involved in demolitions such as the MMDA.
Through his privilege speeches, Noynoy has drawn attention to the plight of desaparecidos and victims of extra-judicial killings. He is also part of the bicameral debates on the Anti-Torture Act.
He introduced substantial amendments to the Cooperative Code to make it more responsive to the needs of the marginalized sector for whom the code was enacted.
Noynoy actively participated in the hearings that investigated the alleged misuse of public funds, such as the ZTE-NBN deal, the “Euro Generals†and the Fertilizer Fund scam. These hearings highlighted the need for increased transparency and accountability in the disbursal of taxpayers’ money.
Noynoy was vigilant in the hearings regarding the sale of TRANSCO and PNOC-EDC. He questioned the sale of revenue-generating assets of these two key corporations prior to their privatization.
Noynoy has also had executive experience in the private sector. His first job, at age 23, was at the Philippine Business for Social Progress (1983). It was interrupted by the tragedy of his father’s assassination on 21 August 1983. He had always to be at the side of his mother and sisters during these difficult times. Two years later, he took up managerial and marketing positions at Nike Philippines and Mondragon Philippines (1985-1986). When his mother became President, Noynoy left Mondragon for reasons of delicadeza. He joined their family corporations: Strata Assurance Corp. as its vice-president, and the Best Security Agency Corporation as its vice-president and treasurer (1986-1993). He later worked for the Central Azucarera de Tarlac, starting out as executive assistant for administration and later, becoming field services manager (1993-1996). It was again out of delicadeza that Noynoy entered politics only in 1998, six years after the term of office of his mother. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1998 and was re-elected in 2001 and 2004.
I believe that I have provided more than sufficient evidence of Noynoy’s achievements and have amply demonstrated that his achievements have been consistent with his avowed principles. But the greatest proof of his competence to be President is that he has upheld his integrity. He never abused his status as a member of the presidential family during and after President Cory’s term, and never took advantage of his positions as Congressman and Senator. Integrity – the proven resolve and capability to remain honest, transparent and accountable despite one’s possession of immense power and influence – is the best competency for any office, whether public or private.
E. Noynoy has the competence and credibility to represent our nation and to rebuild our
international image.
Because of our dismal record in governance that has led to wretched conditions for most of our people, our international image has suffered tremendously. We are known as a nation of servants, as a laggard in economic development, as a center of crime and corruption in Asia.
Once elected, Noynoy can draw from the goodwill and good name that Cory and Ninoy Aquino had built for the Filipino people, as he strives to repair the tattered image of our country. As one retired senior diplomat pointed out, “for the Philippines, the best foreign policy is domestic reform and decisive action on national issues.†A nation is only as strong internationally as its national conditions allow it to be.
Having been exposed internationally, having been formally trained in economics at the Ateneo de Manila University, and having had extensive experience as a statesman, Noynoy is comfortable in the company of foreign leaders. I was with him when Thai Prime Minister Abhisit visited him at the Sofitel last August, to extend his condolences. I felt very proud to see Noynoy conduct himself as befits a future head of government, discussing international issues such as the global recession and the future of free trade in ASEAN with such depth and confidence.
Singapore’s Foreign Minister George Yeo met with him last November during the latter’s visit to Manila. It was a significant opportunity for the Minister to get a glimpse of Noynoy’s views on foreign relations.
I am fully convinced that it is Noynoy who can best represent our nation internationally. Under his watch, the Philippines will once more be a leading member of ASEAN. With the restoration of respect for our country and our people’s dignity, our diplomats will be more effective in advancing our national interests in negotiations with our strategic and trade partners. More investors will be attracted to come, and the rights of our overseas workers will be more protected.
Noynoy is the leader that will transform this changeless, long suffering land of ours. Ito na ang ating huling pagkakataon. Huwag nating isugal ang ating boto. Huwag nating ipagsapalaran ang ating kinabukasan sa mga napatunayang mangungurakot o sa mga konsentidor sa pangungurakot na lalong magpapalubog sa ating bayan. Ipaubaya natin ang ating bansa sa isang mapagkakatiwalaang pinuno—walang iba kundi si Noynoy Aquino!
Dr. Wilfrido Villacorta is a Professor Emeritus of De La Salle University, former Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), and former member of the 1986 Constitutional Commission (sponsored among others, the provisions on education, rights of children, and the right to public information) .
irerequire ba yang librong yan sa People Power curriculum?
Ballsy should shut up. Will of God daw… Lololololol.
Will of the cult members.
Noynoy Aquino, incorruptible? Why did he manipulated the SMARTMATIC machines to win in the election?…I will call the Mafiosi Boss, incorruptible, also? Head of the Hacienda Luisita Mafia, incorruptible?…See how these Yellow Horde Nazis , living in their Yellow World of Self-Delusion? They view their Realities with their Yellow tinted Glasses…Wowoowee Nation on the go…
I remembered the movie. Never watched it but the premise was crap. Not related with the article but thanks for the info. I’ve never read a more daunting wall of text that gave me a slight migraine.
It is unfortunate that I share my first name with the current President. If only it is acceptable to launch another EDSA to kick this bumbling president, then that would be good for our country! Do you honestly see yourself suffering silently under his administration for the next five years or so?
Actually, I disagree with a third EDSA (Mendiola doesn’t count as #3). That’s what happened to Erap’s fanatical supporters; to this day they still have all these delusions of how great he is because he was kicked out too soon for them to realize that he was the country’s greatest bimbo. He was often drunk, partied too much, a womanizer, gambler etc. He was CONVICTED of his crimes which pretty much spells out the difference between him and former Pres. GMA. Yet to the masa he is still their biggest bayani.
Same thing with FPJ. I know many relatives who wanted him, for President. Even my Master’s Degree, board top notcher, cum laude, etc. relatives wanted him as President for the silliest reasons. A high school dropout with no experience whatsoever and no knowledge of issues, no platform, no anything. But you see he died early making him a martyr.
Naks naman. Many of my relatives were so into the Yellow Propaganda and joined the Noynoy Aquino bandwagon. I bet I was the only one in my entire family to give him a thumbs down and they were so shocked. I found their logic so backward and ridiculous. Hell, Noynoyista “logic” relies on arriving at the conclusion that Noynoy is some sort of Messiah by virtue that he is the son of Ninoy and Cory. Now there are a number of Noynoyistas who don’t buy into “vote the son/daughter” but this relationship AUTOMATICALLY assumes that he is a paragon of virtues, truth, humility, etc. Hence they do away with any other indices that measure how much progress Mr. Aquino has done. You see its backward thinking at its best. They arrive at a conclusion and from there pick up the sticks afterward to cough up some semblance that Noynoy is GREAT. No wonder you get yellows who think like Yolly Ong Villanueva: “I was needled: Do I still support this “incompetent, weak and indecisive leaderâ€? You mean will I always be on the side of an honest and incorruptible President? Absolutely YES! But my antenna was up. I knew a tidal wave of malevolence was about to hit.†http://antipinoy.com/dot-advertising-agent-on-a-rampage/
I hate to say this but if we want to end this vicious cycle of idiots becoming immortalized heroes and saints, I think it would be best for this administration to fail. They people of this country have to see their “heroes” fail and finally see these people for who they really are. This cycle has to come to an end and the people of this nation have to grow up or live in denial forever.
I actually think Noynoy Aquino is the country’s Savior but not in the sense his fanatical supporters understand it. For Noynoy Aquino to save this country he has to fail so hard people will see him for whom he really is lazy, arrogant, a coward with no conviction, and once and for all shatter the whole divine myth of the Aquinos. He should put an end to this terrible delusion in our society.
We can’t keep getting rid of an incumbent President by people power. We should be using the institutions that were built to address these matters. We already experienced that mistake with Erap and look where it got us. In retrospect, Marcos should have been removed using the process of impeachment; he should have been tried and convicted if found guilty of the alleged crimes he committed. Since he died without being proven guilty of anything, his cronies and family members are now back in high society and in politics too.
^^^ Which is why I really wish that we shift to a semi federal parliamentary and redoing the 1986 constitution. Parliament systems are party centered rather than presidential systems which are personality centered. You can see how those institutions that are supposed to deal with these sorts of things just disappear when mob rule is in the streets in our current system. There’s the threat of keeping the same old system and the same values. And these old dinosaurs out there don’t see any real threat even if the threat became real not once but twice and can happen again anytime. They don’t realize that parliamentary systems have that built in mechanism which allows the unpopular party and PM to vacate ASAP to prevent power vacuum (correct me if I’m wrong).
“The fusion of the legislative and executive branches in the parliamentary system tends to lead to more discipline among political party members. Party members in parliaments almost always vote strictly along party lines. Presidential systems, on the contrary, are less disciplined and legislators are free to vote their conscious with fewer repercussions from their party. Debate styles also differ between the two systems. Presidential system legislators make use of a filibuster, or the right to prolong speeches to delay legislative action. Parliamentary systems will call for cloture, or an end to debate so voting can begin. ”
I’m glad I’m still in my teens and did not grow up during the 70s and 80s. I always questioned attitudes of my kamaganaks over dinner and their beliefs. “Bakit gusto mo ng constitutional reform? Alam mo naman ang mga pro con-reform at pro chacha ay pro power at pro term extension. Mga buwaya sila.” “Bata ka pa eh at hindi ka pa buhay nung panahon ni Marcos.” “I am for Noynoy because I support Cory. You cant respect people’s opinions.” “Bakit binoto mo ang walang pag-asang manalo?” “That Mendoza guy was obviously an aso of GMA. I know it’s true!”
Of course I rarely talk about politics or society in real life with anyone but I see how people around me think.
Most of our countrymen are so caught in their own denial of current reality. They are so engrossed in stories of heroes, and would-be-messiahs who would help uplift their suffering. Rather than man up and face the truth they’d rather hide behind their own ignorance. My faith in my fellow Filipinos is continuing to waver with each presidential election. My voice is drowned in a sea of continued ignorance. The waves of change are too far from our shores but someday it might come. I’m willing to take a leap of faith on this one hope even if it is a blind one. Good day AP.
I couldn’t agree more. Sadly, most filipinos are cowards and ignorant. They live in a walled environment with their fairytale books*cough*media*cough* fearing major changes– something that is needed to improve the state we are currently in. Frankly, I would gladly denounce being a filipino as soon as I reach the right age to do so if most filipinos continue to march towards what they call “tuwid na daan” leading to destruction with PNoy. Although by that time, I wish PNoy have NOT yet ruined our relationship with the major countries such as Japan and US. ;(
The poor people, seeing the bleak reality of their everyday lives, will believe in anything that represents hope. Kahit alam nila na hindi totoo. Denial is a drug they take everyday. They dont have the power to change the society, kahit na they have the numbers to vote for a president that will lift them from poverty, they just cant.
Only the elites who have the manpower and resources can influence their votes. But that was then. Now the middle class can influence them too, through social media. Kung magsisipag lang ang mga middle class, we can spread the word…about real issues that needs to be talked about.
The middle class can repackage revolution into an acceptable brand. just like how the elites branded theirs. Para ka lang nagbebenta ng insurance, kailangan maganda ang presentation.
I really don’t understand how Noynoy thinks. I did not vote for him thinking he’s incompetent for the job, but since he won, i have no other choice but to support him and his administration. ‘yun nga lang, how can I (and rest of the Filipinos for that matter) do that if Noynoy and his gang keep on committing mistakes one after another? Kawawa naman tayo,we are the ones in the losing end. Hope our President shapes up soon. Kung hindi baka mawala siya sa puwesto…
I doubt mawawalan sya sa pwesto at yun ang tamang sagot. Get rid of him and he puts the next in line up. Pinoys would never learn then.
Thing is I knew they weren’t capable of anything constructive so its not like I expected them to do much. The problem is his voters didn’t see this and are being retroactive about this whole issue. How do you expect a guy who has no experience and doesn’t want to take full responsibility to handle issues like these? I had said before that if PNoy winds, citizens should prepare themselves.
Someone might be doing the thinking for him, which is why what he says when he does not have a script is waaay out of this world.Â
“There has been criticism that we have not been handling to attending to them. That is not correct. There are severe limitations on what we can do. I would like to emphasize, perhaps if we were as rich a country as America then we could have consulates anywhere and everywhere,†he said.
>>> P-Noy, in response to criticism that the Philippine Government failed to take care of OFWs without an exit strategy from Libya.
1. Don’t we have an embassy in Tripoli?
2. Is poverty an excuse to leave your citizens in the middle of a civil war? And we’re not THAT poor. I heard he has PHP100M in an emergency fund for them. This was almost a week ago. It seemed then that having a fund was the only thing we were able to do back then. : And even now, the 10000 OFWs expected this weekend found their own way out of Libya. But it seems that they simply moved from a country of extreme unrest, to a country of more manageable unrest. : That honestly does not sound like rescue to me.
If the government is going to rely on OFWs to keep our economy afloat, they have to be prepared for the possibility of them needing assistance wherever they go. It’s just too selfish of the Philippine government not to be there during bad times when the OFWs help in keeping the “good” times rolling.Â
So using sports terms here, the Pinoys view Democracy as a spectator sport and the government has a fairweather attitude towards the OFWs; All is nice when money is coming in but when they actually need help, the government is moving at the speed of crawl, because they were not designed to respond quick enough when multiple countries suddenly are at chaos and puts the workers over there at risk.
I am disappointed beyond words at how slow this evacuation process is. Honestly, I don’t think it matters if OFWs wish to stay there or not. The primary concern is their SAFETY, and only secondary to that is their ability to wire remittances home. I do not know how many of them remain in Libya, but I find it astounding that the Philippine government is DELIBERATELY allowing them to be at risk. This should (have) be (been)Â a forced evacuation, not an optional one. Those who feel that the prospects of keeping their families afloat financially are more valuable than their lives should do a reality check: they cannot send any more money home if they are dead. If the problem becomes their empty pockets when get here, then the OWWA should make arrangements for this. For instance, perhaps some kind of low-interest short-term emergency loan, or even a dole-out with the condition that they are to work in the future, or that they are to return to their jobs if Libya should stabilize. IDK how exactly, but the bottom line is that we have an OWWA office. This should be their problem.
We cannot keep telling ourselves that companies should honor their contracts that they are to evacuate their employees in fortuitous events. These companies can be held liable later, when the smoke clears and the dust settles. Right now, the concern is to account for them (the contract workers), and to ensure their exit strategies. Well, actually, let me backtrack a bit. I think it’s pretty much too late for that, with the ruling regime dropping bombs on rebel towns. :
And jeez, the nerve of Noynoy to use poverty as an excuse. Poverty? Bangladesh is a poorer country, but they were able to account for their nationals. There was no wholesale evacuation plan, but Bangladesh was able to ensure that companies did not leave their citizens behind. Does poverty really justify leaving our nationals? I don’t see a reason to expect any less of the institutions that exist to protect their welfare, except perhaps the incompetence of the president.
I DO applaud him, however, for remaining on the side of prudence as to cutting our diplomatic ties with Libya. It might be premature. (But then again, it might just be a lucky strike, owing to the lack of diplomatic backbone he’s showed of late.)
I noticed there’s no article on the Libyan crisis (or I just haven’t read it yet). I guess you could add this to the list of failures he’s had.
Haaay. Kalungkot, grabe. I’ve been told by pro-Noynoy friend that I shouldn’t complain if I haven’t done anything to help. Worse, someone on Twitter actually said that we should stop blaming the government for everything. This backfires, if I think about it. I voted in the last election, and I am proud to say I did not vote for Noynoy. It’s just that I believe in this country, and I dislike seeing OFWs (the resilience of their remittances, and not any excellent economic management or political grandstanding at home, keeps our economy afloat) being treated as if they weren’t anything but a priority. To stop passing blame to the government simply says that we have lost faith in the system altogether, that our institutions are useless, that we are, in fact, powerless. I don’t see any reason to expect less from this administration, even if my political views abhor it.
OH. Actually, I just re-read my post. I’m too lazy to edit it. Heehee. Sorry, folks. Pretty pissed at the situation right now. It was a bit cathartic to write it all down. Anyway, I realized that plenty of the information I’ve been getting comes from news agencies. Anybody got anything to the contrary? Would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Worse, someone on Twitter actually said that we should stop blaming the government for everything
Hate to say it but its that kind of ‘bahal na’ mentality that problems and issues aren’t addressed that citizens should engage into so to hold the administration accountable for certain things. Because of that, the people let themselves get stepped on by a government that isn’t even showing full effort but pretending otherwise.
Your sentiments are the same for those who understand the importance of OFWs contribution in a macro-economic level.
You have a point, Jose. Some of the relatives of the OFWs might also be worried that the remittances will stop when they leave Libya. It is a sad situation, indeed. PNoy should be honest enough to admit that now that he is in GMA’s shoes, addressing the problems of the OFWs is not a walk in the park. Now, it is up to him to find a solution to the growing number of unemployed from overseas. Tough luck to him because he accepted the job!
In fairness, the PNoy government’s response wasn’t all THAT BAD. Could it have been any better? Absolutely! However, conducting evacuation of that scope requires money. Lots of it. And based on the information that I received, the Philippine Foreign Service’s budget has been severely slashed – some say as a not-so-subtle messageto Romulo that he is not wanted in the current regime.
Besides, even the United Nation’s Banki Moon conceded that the the events in Libya has become a humanitarian crisis with 1.5 million guest workers in peril, and despite being backed by 191 countries (that is saying every nation except Libya), the UN couldn’t even enter the country easily to assist these stranded workers. UN agencies’ activities are mostly conducted in neighboring countries like Egypt and Tunisia. FYI, I was told by sources inside that some countries have even asked, albeit informally, for the Philippines to help in evacuating their nationals! Surreal.
And yet they pulled all the stops for three drug mules in China. Go figure.
Anyway if anyone here found Villacorta’s non sequitur argument to support Noynoy too long (posted above). Here’s a section relating to how Mr. Villacorta understands foreign relations.
VILLACORTA:“Once elected, Noynoy can draw from the goodwill and good name that Cory and Ninoy Aquino had built for the Filipino people, as he strives to repair the tattered image of our country. As one retired senior diplomat pointed out, “for the Philippines, the best foreign policy is domestic reform and decisive action on national issues.†A nation is only as strong internationally as its national conditions allow it to be.” (http://noypi-ako.com/noynoy-aquino-is-the-most-competent-and-credible-candidate-to-be-the-next-president-of-the-philippines/)
Villacorta thinks that Noynoy Aquino can repair our foreign relations by showing off his last name.
Mind you. This is the same DLSU Prof Emeritus who accompanied Noynoy during his campaign, worked as a Noynoyista apologist, and was appointed representative by Noynoy himself to the ASEAN.
Noy appoints Villacorta as RP’s permanent representative to Asean
By Delon Porcalla (The Philippine Star) Updated October 29, 2010 12:00 AM Comments (0) View comments
HANOI, Vietnam — President Aquino yesterday confirmed here the appointment of Wilfrido Villacorta as the Philippines’ permanent representative to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Mr. Aquino said he had already signed Villacorta’s appointment papers and submitted them to the Commission on Appointments (CA) for confirmation.
“I have already signed his appointment, and it would be up to the CA to approve. I think it is because his rank carries that of an ambassador,†Mr. Aquino told reporters at the Grand Plaza Hotel here.
Villacorta, 65, served as deputy secretary-general of ASEAN based in Jakarta, Indonesia. He was a delegate of the 1986 constitutional commission, an academician and professor emeritus of De La Salle University.
What an idiot! Â There are members of the international community who are not easily impressed by name-dropping. Another failure of a so-called Philippine intellectual.Â
Oh nothing new there. Smart DLSU professor sucked up his way to a KamagAnaks lider for a new promotion. Pretty typical Filipino thing to do in order to get a job when you are down in a rut.
HAHA. OMG. He makes me embarrassed to be a Lasallian. Kahiya, grabe. Absence of any evaluative faculties whatsoever. Nagtataka tuloy ako kung ano kaya nahihithit ng mga Pro-Noy na to.