During former President Gloria Arroyo’s (GMA) term, we referred to Overseas Foreign Workers (OFW) as our “Bagong Bayani” or “Our new heroes.” Earlier in the year, some economists gave OFWs credit for boosting growth in the economy due to their “higher remittances” the country received from the millions of Filipinos working abroad. The question is, where do the OFWs get the money that they send back to the Philippines?
I know most Filipinos have legitimate contracts in various industries abroad but I ask the question simply because according to a recent news report, there are currently 630 suspected Filipino drug mules worldwide. Is being a drug courier now becoming a lucrative trade for Filipinos who are desperately trying to earn a quick buck? It is beginning to look like it because I am sure that there are many more people — not just Filipinos — who carry and hide illegal drugs in one form or another and make it through the customs gate undetected.
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I guess you can say that the 630 Filipinos languishing in jail overseas were just those unlucky enough to get caught. The fact that there are so many drug syndicates luring people into this kind of activity is proof that there are more successes than failures in transferring drugs from one country to another using drug mules.
According to Derrick Arnold Carreon, public information director of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), in China alone there are 250 Filipinos being detained in different prisons in the country. And out of the 250 Filipinos, 75 are already on death row. The sentences of three Filipinos on death row will actually be carried out soon and the Philippine government is in a race against time to save their lives.
Unfortunately, it seems no amount of government or divine intercession can stop the Chinese government from carrying out the death sentences. These Filipinos broke the law on foreign soil so the law of the land must be applied to them. It is as simple as that. Besides, I do not understand why the Philippine government had to wait until the last hour before they appealed for leniency.
Why did President Noynoy Aquino (PNoy) think of sending an envoy with his signed letter of appeal only now? It goes to show how inclined PNoy is towards taking a reactive rather than a proactive approach to doing things. He acts just like an IT support person whose only solution is to recommend switching your computer off and on again every time you call them for help. He always gives his instruction too without leaving his desk or without enough show of concern.
PNoy’s idea of sending Vice President Jejomar Binay to Beijing as a last ditch effort to save the lives of the three Filipinos is at best an effort that is too late and at worst, too uncoordinated. It is so annoyingly naïve of this current administration to think that an emotional appeal would be enough to reverse the decision handed down to those who break the law especially in a country where laws are taken seriously. What were they thinking?!? The Chinese authorities are the last people who would want to be seen as flip-floppers. And we all know that the thought of spending time in jail does not deter stupid Filipinos from doing illegal activities. Their mentality is usually along the lines of: as long as you are not caught, it is ok. They can’t even think beyond themselves.
Too bad for PNoy that his efforts to appease China by boycotting the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo in Oslo did not work in helping the situation.
The message from China was quite simple. No amount of prayer can change their mind particularly since they don’t believe in pleas for help using compassionate grounds:
In a press statement, the [Chinese] embassy said, “The death sentence on the three Filipino drug traffickers is the final verdict by the Chinese judicial authorities in accordance with law. As criminals of death penalty, their legitimate rights and interests have been protected in accordance with law.”
The embassy said, “The Chinese side has informed the Philippine side of the SPC’s decision through diplomatic channels.”
“The Chinese law prescribes that any person, no matter that he or she is a Chinese citizen or a foreigner, who commits crime shall be brought to justice in strict accordance with law. No one is privileged to transcend law,” the embassy said.
The embassy said drug-related crimes are “bitterly detested by the international community, China and the Philippines included.”
“China follows strict judicial procedures in applying death penalty. A death sentence should be meted after two-tier trial and subject to review and approval by the SPC,” the embassy explained.
The Philippine government could actually learn from the Chinese government. The minute we impose harsh sentences on convicted criminals, the better our society will become. Of course this is in supposing that we actually have a competent and reliable judicial system.
I am not suggesting that we bring back the death penalty. I am just saying that the whole impunity culture should be wiped out from our mentality. We can be so forgiving to high profile criminals in our society that regular folk emulate their behavior with the thought that they too can also get away from doing time when they do the crime. It is why most Filipinos who languish in Philippine jails are the ones who don’t have enough money or resources to keep themselves out of jail.
Filipinos who commit such crimes as drug trafficking in other countries are worse than pathetic. Not only do they risk ruining their own lives and their family’s lives, they also ruin the entire Filipino people’s reputation abroad. The more Filipinos caught smuggling drugs, the faster our reputation for being drug mules will get around. Customs officers will learn to look at Filipinos with suspicion at airports and other entry points because of our penchant for always looking for ways to make a quick buck. Aside from being known as the “world’s domestic helpers,” Filipinos will now be known as “drug mules.”
They say that most of those who fall prey to drug syndicates are those who come from poor families. It does not make any sense though for these people to ruin the last chance they have of uplifting their status by working as drug couriers. It does not help that Filipinos belonging to this socio-economic class are too gullible for their own good. They would rather believe in get-rich-quick schemes instead of working hard to achieve economic stability.
I wonder how PNoy and his minions are going to solve this problem involving the OFWs? It seems that similar to the past administration, PNoy is also relying heavily on them to keep the economy afloat. Never mind that most of the Filipinos who go abroad as domestic helpers are abused and preyed upon by opportunists — sometimes even by their own kababayans — who also scam them off their hard earned dollars.
Unfortunately for OFWs, PNoy’s government has demonstrated far too many times in less than a year that they are the worst administration in Philippine history when it comes to handling diplomatic relations where OFWs are involved. PNoy even has a penchant for offending members of the Asian region with a string of gaffes committed to Hong Kong, Taiwanese and now Mainland China.
Who can forget PNoy’s bungling of the relationship with Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, Donald Tsang during the Mendoza hostage crisis last August 2010? And more recently, PNoy has managed to offend Taiwanese officials by deportating of 14 Taiwanese nationals to China, a move that prompted the Taiwanese government to threaten to send home Filipino OFWs working in Taiwan.
The situation in the country now is no way better than the situation during GMA’s term. More and more Filipinos find themselves in desperate times to the point of having to accept “deals” from people who promise them richness the way PNoy promised everyone that “Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap.”
The condition of the poor during PNoy’s term will most definitely not improve since he has not introduced any new economic reforms that will create more jobs for the people who need it most. His term will just be another waste of time and waste of taxpayer’s money.
In light of what is happening to our reputation abroad, is it still appropriate for the government to insist that the OFWs are the “bagong bayani” of the Philippines? If you ask PNoy he might just refer to them as “bagong Kabuwisitan.”
In life, things are not always what they seem.
I read a joke in a local newspaper and its not funny:
The Aquino Government is trying hard just recently, to save 3 Pinoys (drug mules) from execution in China. While in Africa, 135 filipino seafarers are being held hostage by Somali pirates and our govt is not showing any sign of action to save them.
Now forgive me for being brisk about the life of a human being here, but how can you compare 3 convicts to 135 victims?! If youre gonna save the convicts, save the victims too for cripes sake.
Is it because theres more media ATTENTION on the drug mules in china and our great president is making another round of pa-pogi?
Ang kapal naman ng mukha natin, pumatay na nga tayo ng 8 HK tourist tapos mag-plea pa tayo para sa mga pinoy na nag-break ng law sa China?! Ano to, kinukunsinte natin ang culture of criminals?!
See, this is the dichotomy the people should see. The yellow masses defend PNoy with such dressed up words like humility and dignity. If that is the case, where is their humility and dignity when they can actually save people (the 135 hostages) as opposed to 3 people who are already tried in a foreign government system? I mean the same specific group of the army trained to take on immediate terrorist threats were not deployed on august, but can’t be deployed against the somalis to coordinate some sort of a rescue?
It is quite obvious that Malacanang can’t handle two or more problems in one go. Â They probably think that the case of the 135 seamen held hostage by pirates can still go under the radar. Besides, they might be leaving it up to the owner of the vessel to handle.
But you right. PNoy and his communication team are very quiet about the plight of the hostages, which is a disgrace.
 I heard that Malaysia managed to rescue their own people when a Malaysian oil tanker was almost hijacked by Somali pirates. I can’t imagine our own navy doing the same thing. Mendoza hostage crisis, anyone?
Only with 135 Filipinos dead and a bunch of sailors lost at sea on a wild goose chase. 😀
So what Navy will Abnoy send to Somalia? He’d rather send Binay to China with his letter as a “weapon”. How pathetic could Da Pinas be. The best weapon we can come up with to rescue Pinoys is an emo letter. That’s the consequence of having Willie Revillame values. Tears and pity are the ways to get things done and not righteous force. Of course, outside Da Pinoy sphere that’s not gonna work.
And they said Pnoy is like Aragorn and King Leonidas?!
They better beef up the AFP senate inquiry next week coz it looks like theyre gonna need a thicker smokescreen for this one…
Thats only CdQ man. He’s so senile at this point, he couldn’t even figure out if Cory was the holy ghost. OF course, I can’t say for anyone else who believes in that crap and has never read Tolkien… unless it was in tagalog. HA!
Just looking through the Philippine defense txt file again. Honestly, if the Philippines government and its people cared they would prioritize their resources in more successful missions than ones that hold the highest potential for media sensationalism.
* Flor Contemplacion–Filipina maid convicted of murder in Singapore. The government tries to get her sent here instead. They fail, she gets executed, and for some reason, is suddenly hailed as a modern day Philippine hero despite her innocence never being proven (let me add that the only two witnesses to her innocence were Filipino). She even gets a movie about her.
* Sarah Balabagan–Yet another Filipina maid convicted of murder, this time in the United Arab Emirates. The government this time is successful in getting her sentence commuted. When she gets home, she not only gets her own movie like Flor before her, but she even managed to launch her own SINGING CAREER.
* Overseas worker May Vecina murders her employer’s youngest son and attempts to murder his two siblings. Government spends time and resources attempting to seek clemency, even going so far as to have the vice president seek a personal appeal from the Emir. Because she’s a victim in all this.
* Same with Marilou Renario, who killed her employer. Some articles written about her go on for paragraphs about what a good person she is, then in the very last sentence mention that she’s a murderer but who cares about that.
The media then highlights these OFWs with sensational stories caught up in foreign politics as ‘victims’, when the real victims are those are in potentially dangerous foreign territory that is as bad as their own area like Mindanao!
Every OFW who commits a horrific crime it seems have “something” that can justify why they were driven to do it. Â And the rest of the population always side with the Filipino, never mind if she is really guilty. Â This is so because we have a victim mentality and because our society somehow see every foreigner as a villain.Â
Yes miss Ilda, thats so true.
One thing that keeps popping in my head whenever pinoys play the forgiving christian card is the calvary scene where the good “thief” Saint Dismas (alleged name) said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
In a way, i believe, when pinoys forgive people who commit crimes, at the back of their mind they think God is reserving them a parking space in paradise. And in turn, when theyre the ones who commit crime or sin, they “know” that all they have to do is “declare” their belief in Jesus and they will automatically be saved from the eternal flames of hell. Forget the law they violated, and the grief of their victim’s families. As long as they pray to Jesus for forgiveness, everything will be fine….I think this is how flipinos run the country for ground up… Bahala na ang diyos…
most filipinos are not humble and not genuine people, they don’t have any sense of accountabilty and responsibilty in their behaviour.
I find them too shallow about their view of FORGIVENESS,
Filipinos has to realized that God will not grant forgiveness to a person who is insincere about his confession and repentance. (Proverbs 28:13)
And also they need to realized that even if God forgives their sins, God did not promise to remove all consequences created by their actions. There is a moral responsibility of the Gospel.
What most Filipinos practice is false humility. They want to project an image of humility all the time. Never mind that the very act of saying they are humble already means that they are not. PNoy is very good at false humility especially when he says “Marami na po akong nasakripisyo” and “Kapag kaliwat-kanang hinaharap na kabwisitan!” That’s how he justifies being a chain smoker and buying a Porsche.
I hope you are ok. I heard there was an earthquake in New Zealand.
Inhumane as it can be but China’s decision to stand by the death sentence of 3 Filipino OFWs in Beijing remain, and Pres. Noynoy Aquino is trying to ask for clemency of the three to reduce the gravity of the sentence to life imprisonment. However it sends a different message when it comes to the Philippines’ implementation of law, PNoy’s leadership abilities as well as the plight of our so-called “new heroes” , not just in China but around the world. For one thing it shows that we can’t even handle cases like these at our home country and the government doesn’t have a proper process to make the big fishes accountable. China says no one is above the law, but most Filipinos try to be one, whether from a simple case of jaywalking, urinating on walls, up to hostage taking, taking a hotel with a military mutinee, and drug couriers around the globe. With PNoy’s gaffes against Hongkong, Taiwan , and now mainland China, I’m wondering which country is next?
I don’t know why our politicians feel the need to maintain a holier than thou image. It’s not like they don’t have their own goons who won’t think twice about using threats, intimidation and God knows what else just to protect their masters. I think it is hypocritical of them to be judging China’s decision when the Filipinos who committed the crime are the ones who violated the law in another country. Â
i don’t know the whole stories behind these convicted “ofw”s but from what i gathered in the news last night, one of them, the guy, admitted to his wife years ago that he was part of an international drug ring and that he had been doing these deliveries around southeast asia. Â it was obvious he knew what he was doing so i don’t think this guy would merit the term “victim” that is being used by our government in their appeal.
though i feel sorry for them for their fate and will pray for them, but as in the case of the guy, i don’t think this should be condoned also.Â
if the government really wants to help our ofws, they should crackdown on these syndicates once and for all so that they won’t victimize anybody else. Â
i heard the executions were postponed…wonder what the pay off is? baka nasa emo letter nila na we boycotted the nobel peace prize for their dissident so dapat pagbigyan tayo. sheesh…
About the issue with the deportation of Taiwanese to mainland China, in the general sense, it is wise to side with the Mainland rather than Taiwan. However, this particular case could be handled better by anticipating possible retaliatory moves by Taiwan. For instance, Taiwan moved to halt OFW deployment to their land. Therefore, it would have been prudent to ask first from the Mainland assurance that they can provide jobs to the OFWs that may be displaced. However, moves like these would require certain amount of goodwill, which has been diminished by the hostage-taking incident at Luneta.
agreed. If one thing is for sure, diplomatic handling of the current admin is utter crap. They act as if they are still in their own world, or their own time line where the Aquino name still means something to foreign governments in crisis. Guess not.
I think that if the 14 were deported in Taiwan where they are actually from, Â China would not have known about it anyway and the matter would not have been an issue.
But what’s annoying is the sheer arrogance of the Malacanang in the way they handle their explanation or justification. Considering we are at the mercy of other countries due to our dependence of OFW remittances, they should be threading very carefully. But they are all incompetent.
And isn’t it funny when pinoy minds in general then declare that they are more important considering they are filling in those positions that no one else would? Its not like they have a name on those OFW positions that the government secured by cheap means and of course when they do get there, they are either prepared for what was arranged or not.
Mexicans can do what Filipinos do as domestic helpers or cleaners. They somehow look like us too.
“The situation in the country now is no way better than the situation during GMA’s term. More and more Filipinos find themselves in desperate times to the point of having to accept “deals†from people who promise them richness the way PNoy promised everyone that “Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap.” — Pero bakit walang nag-ra-rally? Naubusan na ng yellow cartolina?
Well yung situation ng country during GMA was the same as Erap’s all the way down to the first People Power…
As Hannah Beech wrote on TIME magazine Asia: “But a quarter-century later, with the son of people-power heroine Corazon Aquino now serving as President, the Philippines is still beset by the poverty, cronyism and nepotism that provoked the 1986 protests”.
Heres the full artilce: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2048169,00.html
Walang nag-ra-rally kasi wala nang pumopondo ng rally. Kaya nga yung kakapiranggot na raliyista nung bday ni Pnoy hindi dilaw ung mga banner. Actually wala na ung mga tela, puro kartolina na lang.
You can hire “Demonstrators”, as “”Hakot” Demonstrators”. Egyptian President Mubarak did that; with his camel-riding, counter-demonstrators…Maybe, Mubarak got a clue from the Philippine EDSA I…
merun ah 🙂
Each passing day the costs of basic commodities, fuel, water and electricity are rising. The UN has sounded the alarm of a looming global food crisis but what has the government done to address or mitigate the effects of these problems? Nada, zilch, nothing. Everyone is enthralled by the spectacle at the Senate and nobody’s minding the store. Is it a wonder then that more and more OFWs are being lured to become drug mules for the drug syndicates? These are desperate times and times like these require desperate measures; must be some people are just so desperate to be readily enticed into this highly lucrative but very risky trade and, yes, they might have heard of so and so who made oodles of money doing nothing and having to see the world to boot.
Hi bubi78
 What is even sadder is the fact that those who support PNoy still praise him just for having won the election. He is not going to work harder if they keep telling him he is already doing a good job.
oh gawd. Â that is so true and so disgusting…
im just wondering, why is the current investigation focuses on the plight of the OFW drug mules?, why is no one in the media ever ask the question on why  the NAIA people failed to detect this drugs? it seems people are too busy treating the effect again, and not the cause! IF only the NAIA people will do their job, then our OFW will not be anymore a favorite target to be drug mules…and all this sh*t will be minimized if not totally eliminated.
The drug mules leave the Philippines first, then get the package in another country or territory (e.g. Macau) before transporting the drugs to another destination (e.g. China). The trick is to get the mules clean through customs at first so they won’t arouse suspicions. Like in the case of Villanueva, one of those scheduled for execution, according to the story, she was en route to Xiamen when a person she knew (her employer?) asked her to deliver a package to the factory she was being reassigned. She must have claimed that she didn’t know it had drugs in it.
We could fill NAIA with PDEA personnel and drug-sniffing dogs to try and intercept the drug mules, but the thing is, these international syndicates operate outside of the Philippines and prey on the vulnerable OFWs who thought they could be trusted.Â
I believe the government (POEA, etc) should step up its efforts to educate OFWS before and after deployment– how to obtain legal assistance, how to detect, avoid scams and report scams targeting OFWs, spot the recruitment tactics of drug syndicates and avoid them (e.g. not accepting packages even from friends and family without checking it for themselves), heck, maybe PDEA should teach us all how to detect drugs being sneaked in through ordinary objects. If I was abroad and someone asked me to carry electronic goods for them (say, an iPod), I’ll agree only if they let me take the whole thing apart and subject it to tests ( if I could) for possible concealment of drugs. >:P
tnx for the info…i thought the drugs originated from the phil, since the family’s of the convict are blaming the “recruiter” because she was the one supposedly gave the “bag”… but anyways if they are willing to participate to the crime, they should get  the punishment they deserve..
on the side note; we should also revive the death penalty which is to be applicable only to those citizen of a country who imposed death penalty. Â
If you look at the cases, the transport happens outside of the Philippines. Its not like Singson’s case where the origin was the Philippines and he was caught in Hong Kong, saved only by his familial ties and some politicking on both ends. In at that point, if caught by the officials in these foreign countries, they are tried in their laws, which the sentence is either death or jail for life.
I too agree that if the Philippine government cared about the actions that is tarnishing the image of its people and how it relates to overseas hiring and business, they should do a re-evaluation on trying to get the employees up to speed and educating them on these matters. Because even if the Philippine government tries to deflect the issue, they have to deal with the diplomatic repercussions with the government of said country that caught the Pinoys in question.
That’s a good point. It is not too far-fetched to assume that workers at NAIA are in on it too. The temptation will always be there.
I hope Binay won’t get surprised if, in his trip, Beijing speaks forcefully about Quirino Grandstand-2010, UsecPuno, others.
This administration is certainly learning the hard way about the importance of diplomatic relations.
Drug Mules are people, who are used by Drug Syndicates to carry illegal drugs to target market countries…These Drug Mules mostly come from poor countries.
In the U.S. , Most of the Drug Mules are illegal immigrants, crossing the U.S.- Mexican borders.
Most of the immigrants come from Mexico, and other South American countries. They are paid sizeable amount of money in their services; they are given False Immigration Papers, to enable them to work in the U.S.; and they have Guides called: “Cajotes”, that provide them with safe houses, and directions in their new lives in the U.S.
This is the reason Mexico is now at war with the Drug Cartels…Government officials are murdered; the Mexican Army is patrolling the city streets…Because the Police is already in corrupted by the Drug Cartels…like our AFP, corrupted by our politicians, who are now investigating them…
OMG…my Avatar went awry again…it’s Noynoy Aquino’s and Binay’s faults…I think, I have contacted a very strong Blame Game Virus…from the Senate Investigation, maybe…
Hey…really watch out…
Any stupid Filipino OFW slave conptemplating to become a Drug Mule in Mexico…have to think twice…to put your lives on these Drug Syndicates…are the worse you can do…If they decide to kill you…you are ordered to dig your own grave, before they put a bullet in your head…so, don’t do it…
Ilda. Isa sa companies na meron tayong OFW ay ang Tim Horton ng Canada. Mahusay naman magtrabaho ang mga Pilipino. Ang nakakataka sa halip na magkakampi at magmahalan ay sila pa ang laging away ng away. Kaya nga halip na Pilipino ay mga Mexicano ang kinukuha pag kailangan ang additional na employees. Kulang tayo talaga ng pangaral sa pagmamahal sa kapwa o kaya nahahawa na ang mga tao sa away ng mga politico. Kay President Aquino naman ay aminin na nating na walang kakayahan siyang pamunuan ang ating bansa kaya magkaisa na tayo na magkaroon ng constitutional reforms. Pabigat na pabigat ang ating problema kaya kailangan na tayong kumilos.
It seems that we Filipinos cannot trust each other. This is because there are Filipinos who are two-faced. Meaning, when they are dealing with a foreigner, they can be professional but when they are dealing with a fellow-Filipino, they quickly switch to the “pwede na yan” mentality.Â
Ilda, the dairy farmers here in NZ really likes filipino workers because they are reliable and hard working. But they are prone for abuse as well because they are people pleaser, doesn’t learn when to say no, and no balls to stand up for their right as a worker. Most of them are setting the dairy industry work force like a third world mentality.
Nice one Ilda! Filipino reputation abroad is as pathetic as our economy at home. The only country on earth where most Filipinos are regarded highly is probably the United States. Everywhere else, people look at us as uneducated, toilet cleaners, yes sir, no ma’am, domestic helpers, sexually and physically abused, cowards, afraid of the corrupt system in our own country, so we’d rather leave the Philippines and allow the rotten ruling class take advantage of our stupidity.
By all means Ilda, write something about reviving the Death Penalty. Can you imagine had Erap been executed? But no, it’s in our culture to live the corrupt life, that is why the Philippines will always be the dirt brown poor monkeys of Asia.
Bring back the Death Penalty in the Philippines!
Thanks Pugot.
The one thing I am concerned about is that, in our society only those who have NO money or connection usually end up getting the maximum punishment. All the rest just get a slap on the wrist.Â
death penalty is not a deterrent to a crime, criminals when they act do not think of the penalty, but only the benefit that will result to such action. what we  need is a good implementation of laws, if criminals are getting caught and punish, they will think twice before doing such acts.Â
But it certainly has a way of punctuating a point. Even in Sun Tzu’s story, to make a point about how serious he was to the concubines in training them, he killed one of them. You also spend less on trying to keep that person alive in prison with your tax money. If anything, death penalties affect at least superficial crimes.
The problem at times is the criteria for the death penalty, which has long been issue even in the United States. Consider as well in terms of punishment for those who get caught with drugs when you have people jailed for usage and possession of Marijuana with people who have been found guilty of premeditated murder. But enforcement of law is the very basic, while fixing the implementation and the punishment. Of course what better way to enforce than to have a punishment that one cannot ever walk away from?
criminal justice system is based on 3 theories….the classical, the positivist, and the mixed theories, the modern tendency is to shift to positivist thinking, which view crimes as part of social disease and the offender acts because of the society inherent defects and imperfection, thus, crimes are view as sickness of the society, hence, reformation is favored and not retribution.
from a Christian point of view, no person has the right to kill someone, if his life was not in danger.
from a non-believer point of view, how will you replace the life of someone who has been wrongly executed, you cannot bring the dead back to life, and since there was no life after death.there is no amount of sorry nor compensation will undo the act.
Furthermore, our courts or any courts for that matter can only based their decision on “judicial truth” and not actual truth, despite the high requirement of guild beyond reasonable doubt, mistakes can still be committed, because guilt beyond reasonable doubt requires only moral certainty and not actual truth. for Example, A killed B, but all evidence are pointing to C. the judicial truth will be C killed B, even if it is A who actually killed B.
I’ve decided to visit this site to check out what’s happening in that country and suffered a horrible headache after reading about the Binay appeal.
Things are not going as well in the city I live in. Two unrelated homicide incidents.
Well, they are not exactly acting like model citizens in their new homeland. Take care.
Talk about “soft and forgiving.” Quite simply put this a culture that can’t say “no.”
I mean, if that guy asks you to ‘take something back to [wherever]’ for him at the airport, just say NO GODDAMMIT. Even if he knows what you look like, even if he frowns or hurls insults at you, it’s not like he can read your passport or ticket. Just keep fucking walking.
Why would you take a baggage, carry it with you, from a stranger , you just meet ,in the airport? The baggage may contain: a bomb, to blow you to kingdom come; poison, to kill you; and yes, contraband illegal drugs…you have to see it yourself, what is inside the baggage, before you believe him…Anyway, there are freight services available anywhere…do you want to become a “freight service”?
This is the weakness of Filipinos…the reason, we have these opportunist political leaders: Filipinos are: ignorant, naive and too trusting…
They are gullible because they get flattered when a foreigner talks to them. They are also desperate for dough.
Ilda, tama ka na ang mga Mexicans are “somehow look like us too” kaya nga kung tawagin tayo ng mga Espanyol ay “Indio” . Di ba? Kaya lang may “bad connotation” ito. Para bang ang ibig sabihin nito ay Istupido.