President Duterte flips the bird at the EU
So anti-Duterte Senator Leila De Lima has been ousted as the chairman of the Senate Justice Committee. Although the main reasons why De Lima’s colleagues removed the chairmanship from her were about her bias, her misuse of the Senate to advance her political vendetta against the President, and her poor handling of the investigation on the alleged extra judicial killings (EJK) of drug criminals mostly attributed to law enforcers under President Rodrigo Duterte’s rule, De Lima insists that her removal was a glaring case of persecution by Duterte and his minions. International bodies like the New York-based Human Rights Watch stated that the Senate should reinstate De Lima’s chairmanship. The European Union (EU) even condemned Duterte himself (not the Philippine government) for the incidence of EJKs and even went to the extent of calling on the Philippine Congress to abstain from reintroducing the death penalty. Such meddling of the EU into the internal affairs of the Philippines has piqued the “colorful” President resulting in his profanity laced rebuke of the EU’s condemnation.
Were the profanities given by Duterte to the EU justified? Former Interior and Local Government Secretary Rafael Alunan III seems to believe so. Alunan posted on his Facebook wall:
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The problem with the meddling of foreign nations like those of the West on the internal affairs of sovereign countries like those in the East is that their imposition of their values and ideals can easily be interpreted as arrogance and superiority complex. In addition, the pressure exerted by countries like those in the EU on countries like those in the East can be deemed as an attempt to undermine a nation’s sovereignty. World view differences of the East and the West on things like human rights can be a source of friction. This has been evident in the way China has rebuffed criticisms of America on China’s alleged poor human rights practices and of course, the recent word war between Philippine President Duterte against America and the EU. While there is indeed a consensus on the general ideals for human rights, there is no binding agreement on every country’s specific approach towards such ideals. Policy research specialist John Albert Suing points out historian Barbara Tuchman’s statement that:
“Humanity may have common ground, BUT needs and aspirations vary according to circumstances.”
Singaporean High Commissioner Michael Teo also pointed out that:
“China and Russia study Singapore as one possible model for their own development. Whether they can adapt it to their own circumstances will depend on their ability to run a clean, honest and meritocratic system, governing for the long-term good of the country with the support of their people. But ultimately these large countries, with their long histories and ancient cultures, will develop in their own ways. They are not likely to morph into western liberal democracies, regardless of what Singapore does.
Every society has to strike its own balance between individual liberties and the common good. Some in the west like John Kampfner feel a calling to go forth and convert the heathen to western liberal democracy. But the true test is what works in the real world, with real societies. To worship a western model as the only way, and dismiss all other solutions as authoritarian or undemocratic, is surely the ultimate anaesthetic for the brain.”
So given that common ground does not necessarily equate to the application of a universal means to an ideal end, why do bodies like the EU as well as Human Rights Watch still seem impose their will on sovereign nations like the Philippines? The answer may lie in what Suing and journalist Stephen Kinzer have pointed out – it is from their narrow, shallow and egocentric definition of human rights!
Kinzer pointed out an interesting view on the dark side of what he has dubbed as “Human Rights Imperialism”. Although human rights advocates (and activists) such as the Human Rights Watch may have noble causes, these may also come with (unintended) consequences. Kinzer said:
“Those who have traditionally run Human Rights Watch and other western-based groups that pursue comparable goals come from societies where crucial group rights – the right not to be murdered on the street, the right not to be raped by soldiers, the right to go to school, the right to clean water, the right not to starve – have long since been guaranteed. In their societies, it makes sense to defend secondary rights, like the right to form a radical newspaper or an extremist political party. But in many countries, there is a stark choice between one set of rights and the other. Human rights groups, bathed in the light of self-admiration and cultural superiority, too often make the wrong choice.
The actions of human rights do-gooders is craziest in Darfur, where they show themselves not only dangerously naive but also unwilling to learn lessons from their past misjudgments. By their well-intentioned activism, they have given murderous rebel militias – not only in Darfur but around the world – the idea that even if they have no hope of military victory, they can mobilise useful idiots around the world to take up their cause, and thereby win in the court of public opinion what they cannot win on the battlefield. The best way to do this is to provoke massacres by the other side, which Darfur rebels have done quite successfully and remorselessly. This mobilises well-meaning American celebrities and the human rights groups behind them. It also prolongs war and makes human rights groups accomplices to great crimes.”
For the case of the Philippines, I fear that naïve human rights activism being parroted by the jaundiced critics of President Duterte and western liberal bodies like the EU would just re-strengthen and re-embolden drug criminals causing further moral and societal deterioration in a developing country like the Philippines.
In the end, what bothers me other than the loftiness of these “Human Rights Imperialists” is that they seem to be expecting or even demanding that developing nations like the Philippines automatically and immediately adopt their approach to achieving and ensuring human rights, despite the fact that it took them centuries to get there (with some of them still having cases of human rights violations). Being oblivious to the reality on the ground in the Philippines, the EU as well as other human rights activist groups are unwittingly playing the role of useful idiots by the local opposition who themselves have committed, condoned, and perpetuated human rights violations when they were in power. To that I can fully understand and appreciate President Duterte’s verbal attacks on them. Personally, I would not flip the bird at them and tell them “F*ck Y*u” like what President Duterte did. I would probably just tell them to “Get Real!”
(Photo taken from aljazeera.com)
Calling a spade, a spade…
While I agree that the hypocritical and meddlesome EU deserved the F U, President Duterte should have known better and restrained himself because he was being baited.
The media, the NGOs, and reps of western governments take turns goading him and laying traps so he will have more epic rants that they can broadcast, and each time, he is stupid enough to swallow the bait. He doesn’t even know he’s being played.
The problem with Duterte is his old school, uncivilized approach to conflict management. Unlike Lee Kuan Yew, he doesn’t know how to express his anger in a forceful but intelligent way. Lee Kuan Yew’s jabs at his critics were far more lethal than Duterte’s cheap cussing, yet LKW knew how to slap his enemies down with class, so people (including westerners) did not lose respect for him.
Duterte, on the other hand, is a palengkero. He doesn’t know the graceful but deadly, martial-arts style of fighting. He just thrashes about and throws random punches while frothing in the mouth.
Worse, he doesn’t know how to pick his battles.
Yesterday, while the House of Reps was still conducting the first hearing on the Bilibid drug trade, Duterte started ranting about Leila de Lima again while giving a speech that was being televised live. This was incredibly stupid and careless, for two reasons.
First, every time he personally bashes De Lima, he lowers himself to her level in the eyes of the public. And De Lima, at this point, is lower than a sewer rat in the eyes of the public. Second, the House probe was going very well, and many credible and damning revelations about De Lima’s links to drug lords had come out, but those revelations lost momentum in the news, because they were bumped off by Duterte’s ill-timed rant against the EU.
There was also a report that Duterte said in a speech that he can personally cross-examine Matobato to prove he was lying. Imagine that, the President of the Philippines challenging a bottom-dwelling lowlife criminal like Matobato who had already been discredited. This was beyond stupid.
President Duterte, Matobato already destroyed his own credibility with his inconsistencies and lies that were exposed in the media. There is no need to defend yourself. You only cheapened yourself and your position by personally reacting to that piece of garbage. Furthermore, the House probe on the Bilibid drug trade is already being handled very well, and formal charges against Leila de Lima are practically guaranteed given the weight of the witness testimonies. The only thing that can derail the case now is your own dirty undisciplined mouth. Stop talking about De Lima. Every time you talk about her, she boosts her chances of getting support from the western media. They empathize with her because they hate you, understand?
I support President Duterte, and I believe he can do a lot of good for the Philippines. But if he keeps stupidly swallowing the bait that his enemies throw at him, we will all be in trouble. Duterte keeps saying he is ready to lose the presidency anytime, but we, the Filipino people, are not ready. We will be the ones to suffer if he doesn’t last. If the yellows succeed in ousting him because he can’t control his mouth, this country will be in deep, deep sh*t. The yellows and the drug lords will come back and start running the show again, and at that point there won’t be anyone capable who can save us.
I hear you. If Duterte gets ousted, we’re the ones who’ve just been F*cked. Come on Duterte, just keep your mouth under control for 3 more years, then all of these Yellows in the legislature will be gone, in 3 years, the SC will proclaim BBM VP, and then these guys will be off your back. Please control yourself for 3 more years.
“Duterte keeps saying he is ready to lose the presidency anytime, but we, the Filipino people, are not ready. We will be the ones to suffer if he doesn’t last.”
I disagree. There are 100 million Filipinos and in that 100 million we can always get quality leaders who are capable, decent and has the interest of the country in mind. NO ONE has the monopoly of those qualities. And no right-thinking Filipino will ever think that we’re going to suffer once a leader leaves office. No Filipino will ever think that he is not ready just because a leader appears to be incapable of holding and leading the country.
If Duterte steps down tomorrow, no problem, we’ll get another one. Might be even better. ????
Woww, very good. Clap clap clap. Have you taken your meds yet?
“If Duterte steps down tomorrow, no problem, we’ll get another one. Might be even better.”
Nope. Easier said than done. It actually took us several attempts, several decades to get one like DU30.
Take note, I was talking about “quality leaders who are capable, decent (and has the interest of the country in mind)”. I was not really focusing on the exact copy of Duterte.
We could get a decent president with considerable potential (given fair and honest elections). But with the degree of corruption and drug menace in the country, it’s easy to replace Duterte? who are we kidding? If LP regains power, Filipinos are f*%$.
I was not actually commenting on that idea. I was responding to this comment.
Well, I hear most nations within the EU’s orbit don’t say vespers on the allegedly unpardonable crime of selling or ingesting certain drugs, but instead put a premium on rehabbing addicts and allowing drug production within certain legal parameters.
Perhaps Duterte is jealous?
maybe Duterte could just take over the drug factories. He’d make a fortune and be able to reduce the tax burden on hard-working Filipinos. Everyone wins!
Sarcasm aside, it’s not altogether a horrendous idea.
Profiteering off of drugs eh? I see you’re in support of a Narco State.
Considering most of the drug lords are also politicians, not much would actually be different.
Forte, alcohol is a drug.
Spot on. The idiots in Brussels (and fair enough, they are a bunch of idiots) are laughing themselves silly over Duterte making himself look like a tool. Again. The EU bureaucrats know as well as anyone else that Filipinos blow up at the slightest provocation, and they’re just having some fun with Duterte.
I’m cautiously supportive of the actions of the current administration, but by failing to intelligently engage his critics, all he’s doing is to make the country look like even more of failure than it actually is (if such a thing is possible).
The proper response would have been to explain to the critics what the problems are in the Philippines, what the current policies are, and how those policies are being implemented. He might issue a statement explain what the deal is with Le Lima. Or he might have made a polite phone call to whoever might be interested, and offer to have a discussion.
As for Alunan’s comment: words fail me. Yet another Filipino vacillating between deep shame and Pinoy Pride. Here’s the thing, Mr Secretary: commenting on world affairs is what politicians do. It’s what they’re paid to do by the electorate. It is not “interference” to flag up something of international concern. The only response required is for the national authorities being addressed to reply in an adult manner. Sadly, this seems to be beyond the capacity of the country’s brightest and best, who cannot muster anything better than bluster and schoolboy insults.
As practical observer said, if Duterte doesn’t learn some diplomacy fast, he’s going to be standing alone on the international stage swearing at nobody, while the drug lords take over.
It’s a long overdue steam release F U. It’s what sociopaths running the world understand. Let Digong have his right to speech. It’s his own version of condemnation.
(Singing Lose yourself in my head)
As someone who has followed the policies of the German government, I could say that they do not exactly have the right to call Duterte’s kettle black, if you know what I mean.
I dont think Duterte was baited by EU. And, personally, I am not offended nor insulted by his ‘fuck you’-statement. I also dont think any other EU-citizen is insulted by that statement.
On the other hand, I dont know what can happen in the near future. Maybe if and when he continues doing and saying what he does and says, the EU may decide for a boycott of all trade done by EU-member states (both import from the Philippines and export to the Philippines) and becoming stricter in allowing Philippines to enter the EU.
ummm, I don’t know if the Europeans was insulted by Duterte’s bad & dirty mouth but if he’ll shows the evidence of pictures & documents on how the Europeans tortured, killed & slaved the non-Europeans during the Age of Discovery & Exploration from the 16th-19th centuries just like what he did to show a picture of an aftermath of a Jolo massacre incident in 1906 on the early years of US occupation & colonization of my beloved country to the Americans, well that’s a different story.
I dont undertand why you talking about something that happened a zillion lunches ago.
I know my history of my country. But I am in no way responsable nor accountable for that part.
Lets stay closer to history for a second. Mt garndparents generation really hated the Germans for what they did during WW2. My generation dont look at Germans that way. At least not the counterpart generation.
My Dutch generation and the equivalent German generation move on, make a living, earn a buck and be happy.
You (Filipinos) on the other hand, keep on talking about the past (the Spaniards, the Americans). Not the perfect way to move on. Look at the (bright) future. Move on, make a living, make a buck (or centavo/sentimo) and be happy.
Then F U.. Shut the F Up and move on…
My dear Robert. Thats because you, like the rest of the world are a rational human being.
mrerocx: you might have noticed that Europeans no longer go around enslaving, killing, and torturing people. This is because they have a long tradition of self-examination. They look at themselves, and if they don’t like what they see, they change.
Now, admittedly, it’s slow. Europeans are humans, and as a species, humans are pretty dumb. It took the Europeans 400 years to become moderately decent people.
Filipinos, on the other hand, are exactly the same as they were 400 years ago.
Do Europeans still go around the world colonizing and destabilizing governments? Oh yes. Yes they do, often with the help of their buddies in the US. We rarely hear the details. So what could Duterte do about that? Well, if he wanted to, he could speak coherently about specific issues. He could criticize the EU for whatever actions are harming the Philippines. I’m not aware of any, but perhaps Duterte is. The EU might then start a dialog about it.
“I hate you and you’re all horrible horrible people” is schoolboy talk. We expect better from presidents.
I think its unfair to compare the Filipinos vs Europeans in self-reflection. The Filipinos never conquered any countries or performed any type of genocide. History shows Europeans did the whole gamut of atrocities from wiping out population and cultures for their own gain. From the colonial period to Hitler. It is only natural that they be more reflective because it is them who did the most atrocities.
it sounds like you are playing the victim card here.
You cant hold the current generation responsible and accountable for what happened in the past. We cleaned up our act, learned from the past and moved on/forward.
Maybe you should try doing that too one day. It may help.
Stop accussing and stop blaming the LP, learn from their mistakes and move forward. Otherwise you will sound like any broken record. Just make sure that history wont repeat itself.
Perhaps the EU should demonstrate sincerity to uphold human rights by really going after human trafficking, white slavery, especially of Filipino women, Europeans exploit for the porn industry.
They deserve more than a big F U !!!
No wonder BREXIT happened with these fucked up EU Mentality…
Human Right Activists should condemn the United states…Black people are murdered by mostly white policemen or policewomen. An unarmed Black man was recently shot by a White policewomen in Minnesota.
The U.S and the European Union Human Right Activists, should focus on Arab countries in the Middle East, where Human Rights are violated daily. Women are not allowed to drive. They have to cover themselves, with Burqas, from head to toe. Women are properties of their husbands…There is no Freedom of Religion. There is no Freedom of Speech. There is no Freedom of Assembly. Prisoners are tortured, every Friday…Condemned criminals, have their heads cut off, in Public.
Human Right Activists, look the other way on these human right violator countries…however, countries like the Philippines…that are fighting against Drug Cartels, are looked upon as violators of Human Rights !
Jesus Christ stated: “You can see the speck of your brother’s eyes. But, you cannot see the Beam on your own eyes”…
Just look all the middle east wars the Americans started. The deaths of countless muslim innocents in their hand. Naturally I don’t agree with the terrorist but 9/11 is BLOWBACK of what the Americans have done to the middle east. Just google “Iran–Contra” to give you an idea.
Neighbours should mind their damn business. We dont need them. Fuck them
Until the next typhoon hits. Give me coin sirrr!
We dont need them. We can blame aquino for that
We need not to aid them in return. Simple as that.
Since HR “activists” are now everywhere, we can also start a counter campaign saying:
Colossal hypocrites don’t have the right to monopolize history, policy, and not on what is morally right.
About HRW, Eric Posner had this to say:
“Sophisticated organisations such as Human Rights Watch understand that poor countries cannot comply with all the human rights listed in the treaties, so they pick and choose, in effect telling governments around the world that they should reorder their priorities so as to coincide with what Human Rights Watch thinks is important, often fixing on practices that outrage uninformed westerners who donate the money that NGOs need to survive. But is there any reason to believe that Human Rights Watch, or its donors, knows better than the people living in Suriname, Laos or Madagascar how their governments should set priorities and implement policy?.”
Quite agreed.
I bet De Lima pulled int’l kakilala strings from her contact in CHR days. It shows more of the bias and favor they show rather than their actually being serious about human rights.
I notice a standard theme in the above comments: Filipinos should be able to do whatever they like without criticism, and people who criticize should all be told to f’off.
As someone noted above, Human Rights Watch routinely criticize everyone, including the EU. They do this because they hope criticism can help build a better world. The Filipino, being incapable of even considering a future that’s better than today, sees criticism only as an insult.
For what it’s worth, I think talk of “Human Rights” is nonsense: there should be far more talk about Human Responsibilities, from which Rights naturally emerge. When people uphold their own Responsibilities, others have Rights.
In civilized countries, citizens mostly understand their Responsibilities. They know their duty to each other, to the State, and to the world in general. Not everyone, and not all the time: they need to be reminded, for example by the police, by propaganda, or by organisations like Human Rights Watch.
In the Philippines, you will be laughed at if you tell people they have certain Responsibilities towards others. To some extent, this is understandable: why should one be Responsible for paying taxes to the government, when we know the government will waste it or steal it? However, the Filipino has the same attitude towards (say) blasting his neighborhood with full-volume KTV, letting his animals run riot over his neighbor’s land, or for that matter, shooting his neighbor over some argument. He doesn’t care. It’s all about me me me.
Duterte could have explained all this. He could have pointed out how things work here to the EU or HRW officials: they are nice privately-educated men who don’t know anything about drug dealers, or criminals, or Filipino KTV. They simply don’t get what a mess the country is in. They don’t get that solutions that work in Belgium are unlikely to work in a bottom-of-every-list failed state.
Telling people to f’off and mind their own business only alienates people. But that’s the Filipino way, isn’t it? As long as the Filipino still has his Pride, it doesn’t matter if he loses everything else.
Good points marius. But those in positions such as in the human rights watch or UN should know better to conduct proper decorum or raporteur as Digong said. It would also be appropriate for them to do a balanced inquiry especially when they don’t have a sufficient understanding of the nature of the circumstances and the culture of those particularly involved. Responsibility goes both ways.
And yet, apparently, this doesn’t apply to Duterte too? By responding rationally, with facts, Duterte could have won some friends. Instead, the whole world is laughing at him. Well done, Mr President.
Klara, the rest of the world does not work like the Philippines. While in this country, “respect” means pretending that nobody has done anything wrong, in the rest of the world, we face problems head-on. You can only deal with a problem if you know it is there. Therefore, official statements between countries can be quite blunt. If Duterte thinks those statements are factually incorrect, he should explain why.
You are correct that people outside the Philippines know little about the country. Duterte’s duty is therefore to educate them. If he insults them, the take-away message is that Filipinos are rude, ignorant and selfish. A lot of tourists already go away with that impression, so it doesn’t seem like a good idea to reinforce it.
I guess we can agree that the president can say the right things the wrong way. Most of the significance of what he says get lost in the rubble of profanity.
More likely than not, he’s going to do it again, so discussing it further is futile.
If “official statements can be quite blunt”, then there’s irresponsibility in that too. Official bodies should know to conduct official inquiries first before giving official statements of condemnation. I’m not condoning Duterte’s foul language, but as a person and as someone from the same nation, I can relate to his sentiments. MAYBE, the president also identifies so much with the mass population that he tends not to realize his presidential responsibilities in terms of conduct. But hey, it could be worse if what the purely anti-duterte crowd saying are true. I’m merely willing to give the president credit that is due to him as I see him doing his leader duties, courageously.
If we’re being very charitable, I suppose we could say that. But why do we have to be charitable? This is the president we’re talking about. He’s not the guy who pretends to fix the drains. Typical Pinoy standards of mediocrity do not and cannot apply.
I can certainly agree with that. Europeans in general know very little about the Philippines. However, as I said, Duterte had an opportunity here to educate them: to present himself as a Statesman. Instead, he just made himself look like a fool and, by extension, portrayed every Filipino as an imbecile. That’s not courage: it’s arrogance. Nobody will ever take him seriously again.
Maybe. But again, this is simply not good enough. He’s not a small-town mayor anymore.
He could do worse than hire a press officer or media coach, so he doesn’t keep putting his foot in his mouth every time he opens it.
As I said before, I’m cautiously optimistic about Duterte’s results so far, even if I’m critical of the person. I’m not sure who it is who’s making things happen behind the scenes, and I don’t really care. If the country can make any progress at all, that’s a good thing. It doesn’t matter who is nominally in charge.
I’m not condoning Duterte’s foul language, but as a person and as someone from the same nation, I can relate to his sentiments. MAYBE, the president also identifies so much with the mass population that he tends not to realize his presidential responsibilities in terms of conduct. But hey, it could be worse if what the purely anti-duterte crowd saying are true. I’m merely willing to give the president credit that is due to him as I see him doing his leader duties, courageously. – Klara
I’m also from the same nation but I cannot relate to Pres. Duterte’s ‘sentiments’. And I also cannot accept that maybe he ‘identifies with the masa’ hence the arrogance and disrespect. In seeing himself with the masa, his presidential responsibilities goes out of the window. Really?
Erap’s degree of education cannot touch Duterte’s with a ten-foot pole but the former behaves waaaayy too gentle and courteous than the lawyer-mayor-president. We can give Pres. Duterte his due on the good things that he does but we should never even attempt to deodorize the worse behavior he brings to the Office of the President. Never.
Could not agree more with Marius.
I am Belgian, living in Europe at the moment with my Pinay wife. She really is fond of Duterte and of his policies but she also is realising how medias/people/politicians here in the west now perceive the Philippines.
A few remarks:
– My asawa admits Pinoys are balat-sibuyas.
– My asawa noticed Pinoys (mostly nanny) here love to criticize anything and everything and also they really like to tell you how everything in the Philippines is so much better. (Please do note my wife and her group of Pinay friends are all college educated and none of them is spouting this kind of non-sense).
– My asawa noticed to her horror -> Philippines and Duterte here in the west = A third world country (when they know where it is) with an impolite murderous dictator at its head….
Now let’s get real, without discussing the policies of the President of the Philippines:
– By being so rude the country is getting 0 credibility.
– This is simply not something a President does in public so many times -> because this hurts the country’s standing.
Now from my own opinion:
Duterte can do and say whatever he wants, but if say the EU is pissed enough to stop/cut some financial support programs + no more OFW here
-> I am sure most Pinoys commenting here will start saying this is unfair and protest.
Result? Duterte (and Pinoys) can say FU to anything said about the country/its President and nobody should have a say in it But when someone says FU to the Phil this would be unforgivable.
I find utterly disgusting the attitude of quite a few Pinoys, be it in the Philippines or here in Europe, criticizing anything and everything (in Tagalog or Visaya ofc) but when something is said or done to them then this is the biggest disaster ever…..
Well, in the end, if Duterte and the Philippines say FU to some people, do not come crying when those very same people answer FU too.
StephRhen: Filipinos fall into one of two groups:
1) People who think everything is wonderful (despite all the evidence staring them in the face that everything isn’t wonderful). They believe that anyone says a single bad word about the country should be shot, or at least told to F off.
2) People who use their eyes and their brains. They know exactly what’s going on and why, and are deeply ashamed of their Type (1) countrymen.
Type (1) people outnumber type (2) people by roughly 10:1.
Exactly. Duterte is doing the Type 1 thing. Since he doesn’t know how non-Filipinos react (with amusement and then dismissal) he thinks he’s done a great thing … and so do his mindless cheerleaders.
Filipinos have the strangest attitude towards the world at large.
On the one hand, they think they should be protected from everything. And I mean everything: from the economic consequences of their own poor life choices, right through to the hard laws of physics. They want everything to be “fair”, by which they mean that Pinoys should be given special privileges to compensate for their many failures.
On the other hand, they think they should have “freedom” to do whatever they like to anybody they like.
Not one person notices that two beliefs are mutually contradictory.
They end up with a country full of ridiculous rules and regulations designed to ‘protect’ everyone. Nobody follows any of these rules, because everyone wants their ‘freedom’ and their ‘rights’.
President Duterte had another tirade today and said this in a fit of rage:
“I’m inviting the United Nations, si Ban Ki-moon… I am inviting the EU, iyang pinakamahusay. Send the best lawyers of your town. Pati ang mga [UN] rapporteurs pumunta sila sa Pilipinas. I will write them a letter to invite them for an investigation.”
He walked straight into the ultimate trap.
As someone has said in GRP before, this can potentially be the equivalent of that US journalist provoking Marcos into declaring snap elections during a TV interview in 1985.
That gave the anti-Marcos forces (local and foreign) the opening to engineer his ouster and install Cory Aquino.
It will be very easy to manipulate the results of this UN investigation and implicate Duterte. Then, a case will be filed against him at the ICC so he will need to vacate the presidency.
We’re finished. This is the most depressing news I’ve heard since the elections ended.
Good grief. Just imagine a team of real lawyers arriving in the Philippines.
But yes, Duterte should be a little careful. He doesn’t seem to realise that if even ONE murder can be traced to a misplaced word from his office, it may be used as an excuse for covert action against him.
Don’t worry he’d just appointed Mr. Teddy Boy Locsin as an ambassador to the UN & later on he’ll just say F U to all the staff & officials there to stop criticizing our president on his war on drugs & “Extra Judicial Killing” cases (P.S.: I love this video below & Pres. Duterte would love it):
Oh great. Just great. A loudmouth rich boy representing the country. The Philippines is going to become even more of a laughing-stock than it already is.
Democracy is the only system that persists in asking the powers that be whether they are the powers that ought to be.
Filipino’s are proud of this fuckin retard they have elected. and it goes to show that idiots flcok together. Duterte is pulling the wool over eveyrone’s in the Philippines eyes while killing the lowest people on socities ladder. BUT DUTERTE DOES NOTING TO STOP THE REL CRIMINALS THAT FRONT-RUN THE STOCK MARKET, SPECULATE IN THE ENERGY MARKET TO PRODUCE THE HIGHEST EECTRICITY RATES IN THE WORLD. NO HE DOESN’T. He goes after the little people, and leaves the big criminals alone because he knows they will kill him if he fucks with them.Duterte does nothing to alleviate the crippling poverty and lack of decent jobs for his people and yet they cheer for him like retards.
Irregardless of criminals being petty or a big catch, all of them deserve a bullet in the head.
Their death is the pinnacle of the advancement of our nation. Weed them all out
DU’s FU to EU means “let’s embrace China & Russia”. It’s written all over Du30’s face. Pinoy’s should get the message by now…
Which should be a cause for celebration because why exactly? I can understand mending fences with China re: Spratlys — but Russia? Putin’s Russia?
Because badass leaders think it’s the right thing to do, right Erap?
“You put your right put in…”
And if that doesn’t work, you can always make the wrong correction to rectify the situation:
“You foot your right put out…”
Scientific experimentation means trying out new things by putting in never-yet-tested elements like PUTIN into the equation.
Pinoy coconuts must be shaking all about in this logically stormy weather. Let’s see how the Eastern Axis of Power (Russia-China-PH) turns out.
@Pallacertus. The Philippines is like a prostitute right now, offering itself to any superpower country out there who are willing to be its new master. In the meantime, Duterte is trying to repair the damages he had cause that strained his relationship with the United States, after realizing that neither China nor Russia are not going to be that generous and patient in dealing with the Philippines’ conniving idiosyncrasies.
So fucking hilarious that you’re all jumping on the anti Duterte tirades. He’s no great speaker, but I’ve watched all his long speeches taken out of context sure does make my blood boil that I too would have thrown at all these moronic ph media all of the worst expletives than he could ever come up with.
American and other Westerner angry comments here are being sour grapes that we have him as our president and not their puppet yellow tard Roxas or other oligarchs in the country who are the real moochers and have remained in this “alipin” (slave) mentality so that we no longer even grown any spine, let alone brains, to develop ourselves as a nation.
About going to China and Russia that too has never been confirmed as to say he would abandon all ties with US…Another deliberately edited part of his speech so as to make it seem he’s going to have them replace US as an alliance. Complete and utter bullshit really.
Like any other country wants, all he ever wanted is that Philippines itself will have independent foreign policy not depending on political ties with our ally like US. He’s even strengthening ties with ASEAN nations, which is actually more beneficial since we almost share the same matters in terms of political and economic developments.
As for all these sour grapes, like what Duterte interjected, look through your own yards first before picking on others. US is spiteful when it thinks a nation, even if being a long time ally, is now going against its interests, they would start making ways to even further destabilize it, even weaponize and “napalm” the entire place so that it either gets the war zone treatment or that the nation would start begging again for their help and thus regains control for their own interests again. See examples of Chavez of Venezuela or Allende of Chile. As said by my father years back, “US don’t have permanent friends; just permanent interests”.
At least PH will become a reclusive isolated secretive country like NK.