There is a lot of wailing and weeping in the Philippines lately. Most of the noise is coming from critics of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. His critics appear to be disappointed that there was hardly any fallout after his tirade against U.S. President Barack Obama before he left for the ASEAN summit in Laos. They were expecting it would all be downhill for Dutere since the international media went on a frenzy, some giving him scathing criticism. Even after President Obama assured everyone that he didn’t take Duterte’s comment personally, Duterte’s critics still insist that his latest “gaffe” would spell disaster for the country.

Duterte added colour to the usually-bland ASEAN summit.
(Photo source: GMA News Online)
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You would think that Filipino journalists would ensure they give the most accurate interpretation of their own language and cultural nuances considering that foreign correspondents rely on them. But, no. It seems Filipino journalists (some, not all) prioritise clickbait type of news reporting over accuracy and integrity. One can’t help but think that some members of mainstream media in the Philippines are not patriotic. They seem to apply that all-too-familiar colonial mentality to their work. This is evident in how they do not care if their own President is ridiculed by the outside world as a result of their own biased reporting. Indeed, Filipino journalists inject malice along with their “facts” in their work.
Meanwhile on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, Duterte’s critics are showing their double standards. They conveniently share articles from foreign media outlets that are critical of Duterte only. Their actions are so illogical since a foreigner’s interpretation of the term “putang ina” is most likely inaccurate. Yet they still share articles built on that flawed interpretation in forums and discussion boards just to prove that Duterte’s reputation is already in tatters. It’s like they are wishing it would be the end of Duterte’s administration. It’s worth mentioning that Duterte’s critics are the same people who hate overseas based Filipinos who comment on or dip into current issues about the Philippines. It is hypocrisy at its finest.
Just to be clear, I myself wish Duterte wasn’t so abrasive. I’ve always known that his foul mouth could pose a problem in diplomatic relations both locally and international. As mentioned before, his foul language is distracting some people from focusing on his good intentions. Not everyone is the same. While some people can ignore how the message was delivered, there are some who focus more on form instead of substance. These people miss Duterte’s important message that Filipinos do not have to answer to anyone outside of the Philippines when it comes to dealing with their own problems.
Duterte wants Filipinos to think outside the box. He wants Filipinos to stop being beholden to the Americans and to do away with colonial mentality. He wants the outside world to treat Filipinos as their equal. The only way to achieve that is for Filipinos themselves to believe that they are worthy to be treated as such. If Filipinos continue to kiss the ass of their former colonial masters, they will continue to be treated like second-class citizens. The real question is, why do Filipinos need to kiss Westerners’ asses in the first place? And the answer to that is, because Filipinos are still too dependent on international assistance from the West especially during calamities from both man-made and natural disasters.

Large crowds gathered in Indonesia to catch a glimpse of the ‘rock star president’.
(Source: Senyora on Twitter)
Don’t get me wrong. I do agree that Duterte’s tirade was unfair to Obama. While I realise that Duterte was speaking only in hypothetical terms – that he was only giving warning that he would get pissed off if Obama questions the way he is handling the drug epidemic in the Philippines – I felt sorry that Obama had to be the recipient of Duterte’s venting. Obama is such a nice guy after all. Then again, perhaps this is why some people perceive Obama as weak. Or his pacifist attitude could be just a front. Let us not forget that it was Obama who ordered his marines to hunt down and kill Osama bin Laden.
There are reports saying that Duterte showed the ASEAN summit delegates photos of how Americans slaughtered Moros in Mindanao in the 1900s. It seems like Duterte took the opportunity to highlight the hypocrisy of the Americans since the superpower has itself been accused of human rights atrocities in their own country and abroad for decades. Some are also blaming the US for the refugee crisis in Europe — a result of their failed foreign policy in the Middle East.
Whether Duterte’s critics agree that his actions were inappropriate or not doesn’t really matter. It is apparent that Duterte is charting a different course for the Philippines. It could be one that could lead us to a more independent Philippines. How this will play out remains to be seen. This is definitely not boring times for Filipinos and the rest of the world. It could be time to fasten our seat belts.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
Nice take on the issue! Just simply analytical and avoids the route of being just another Duterte Cult article!
Can’t agree more. I have started to like this writer for her intelligence and depth and objectivity in her commentaries that I always look forward to her take on current issues. She should have regular columns in mainstream media and daily broadsheets that are not biased. My highest respect goes to you Ms Ilda for another good read.
“avoid the route of being just another Duterte Cult article”; and I couldn’t agree more.
obama realized duterte is reasonably right against war on drugs, corruption and terrorism. the drug lords and its pushers were doing inhumane to pilipinos killing the country by drugs. do they fall under humanity? NO, they’re all evil soldiers of satan. they don’t deserved to be treated like humans.
The problem is the vast majority of the killings are not of the drug lords but rather the poorest people selling the drugs for $10 a sachet. The police say they are killing in self defense but there is strong evidence to suggest they are killing because the president has given them his blessing to do so. “If you have a gun, kill them and I will give you a medal”. Take the time and listen to the spouses and neighbors of some of the more than 2,000 who have been killed in the name of the war on drugs. The vast majority of these killings were not for people resisting arrest but rather extra judicial killings. The sad truth is that the so called war on drugs that has been tried in other countries such as Thailand has failed miserably. This is a matter of supply and demand. When the drug lords are still left and stronger than ever, lets see how popular this so-called war on drugs will be.
@ FRED, YOU ARE CORRECT. All ‘WARS’ ARE FAILURES and are used for pretty much the same reason’s every time.Diversion from the real problems.In the USA:
9/11 was used by the US government to launch wars that have destroyed in whole or part seven countries, killing millions of peoples and producing millions of refugees. 9/11 was also used to create an American police state, which is a far greater threat to freedom and democracy than Muslim terrorism.
In the Fail-ippines, it is slightly different but the REAL PROBLEMS facing the country go un-addressed.Unemployment,Rampant poverty,Sky high electricity prices due to speculation in the electricity market by Oligarchs and front running the stock-market(again, by Oligarchs)and virtually all government GOCC contracts going to political Dynaties families and the work isn’t even done,LOL !!!
The article is a sorry representation of the writer being all over the place on the issue with the sole intention to shield Duterte from any fault or embarrassment from his latest outburst.
While expressing “Duterte’s tirade was unfair to Obama”, the writer appears to be fine with the speculation of the former’s speculation of the US president questioning how he handles the drug problem in the country. The writer “felt sorry” for Obama but at the same time accompanies it with a matter-of-fact justification about reports of Duterte showing ASEAN delegates photos of American atrocities in Mindanao. Obama is a nice guy but he is weak. Or maybe his pacifist attitude was just a front because he ordered bin laden killed. Which is which really is beyond the pale.
Some of the noticeable lines on the piece also deserved scrutiny.
“…..there was hardly any fallout after his tirade against U.S. President Barack Obama…..”
Hardly a fallout? A scheduled meeting between Obama and Duterte was scrapped.
“…..critics still insist that his latest “gaffe” would spell disaster for the country.”
I don’t think that’s an honest representation of facts. Duterte’s ‘latest gaffe’, even to the dumbest critic, will never spell disaster for the country. For one, the incident was not really the first to happened with Duterte. And it will not be the last. Secondly, one would either have to be onion-skinned or a rabid fan to interpret the criticisms against Duterte on his latest debacle would be a disaster to the country.
Their (local journalists) loyalty to the country has now become questionable.
Just because the president was criticized, validly, for his uncalled for statements his critics’s loyalty to the country could now be put to question? Really? The day that view is accepted is the day we lost democracy in the country.
“…..these journalists screwed up the translation of their own language especially the cuss term putang ina.”
I would be very interested to be enlightened in knowing what the “proper translation” of the cuss term “putang ina” is.
One can’t help but think that some members of mainstream media in the Philippines are not patriotic.
There goes that term again. I don’t know why is it that you can criticize the president and at the same time be questioned about your patriotism. Sounds to me that’s a proposition to gag the media.
Just to be clear, I myself wish Duterte wasn’t so abrasive. I’ve always known that his foul mouth could pose a problem in diplomatic relations both locally and international.
To be fair, I agree with the view above. That (foul mouth) is really the essence of why Duterte found himself in hot water again.
If we’re going to look at the situation with neutrality and unbiased thinking, you can see that everything emanated from Duterte. Everything started with him. It’s not the media nor Obama nor the American people who started the fire. It’s Duterte.
Well of course, he’s the president. But a modicum of respect and even a bit of professionalism is expected of “journalists” who cover him. But, no. And don’t tell me any different. We’re all in the same page as far as how a statesman should conduct himself. But common man. It doesn’t take a genius to see how FUCKED UP PINOY MAINSTREAM MEDIA is.
Well of course, he’s the president. But a modicum of respect and even a bit of professionalism is expected of “journalists” who cover him.
How do you do and what do you mean by that? It’s not that media/journalists don’t respect Duterte it’s about Duterte respecting the Office he represent.
The media has nothing to do with Duterte’s latest outburst. The video was very clear and crisp that no amount of “interpretation” to twist it is necessary.
We can talk about ‘fucked up Pinoy mainstream media’ in another piece but the latest controversy is without doubt created by Duterte himself. And proof of that is the writer of this article admitting of his “foul mouth” as source of problems.
Kindly expound on how the entire country was imperiled by what he did. Because everytime he does something and naysayers like you jump into the fray, the eclxact opposite of what you have predicted seem to have happened. So pray tell, educate me on how the recent “disaster” he created out us in a very compromising position.
I don’t think “the entire country was imperiled” by the outburst shown by Duterte. Some even alleged that it was meant to destroy Duterte. No, it’s not. I didn’t look at it in that angle. I looked at it as an unnecessary or even an inutile reaction on something that was based on speculation.
He was angry on something that was practically imaginary. He created a scenario wherein he put himself in a situation where he was in a defensive mode even if there was no concrete reason to be over defensive.
I’m sorry, Duterte represents the country. Us. You heard him say that he doesn’t have “no master except the Filipino people”. I, we, are it. Hence, we can say what we want to say even to criticize him if we see fit.
And I’m registering my voice because it was an opportunity lost simply beause of a really, I don’t know how to call it, uncontrolled or wayward emotion on the part of our president.
I scanned some articles here but I don’t remember anyone giving focus on the importance of an Obama-Duterte meeting. Personally, I was excited and preparing for it because each country/president will have the opportunity not only to open up on many issues but also for our new president to engage the US president. There are so many things, positive, that could have transpired had the meeting push on.
It was really an opportunity lost because of…..
“The article is a sorry representation of the writer being all over the place on the issue”
I agree. At one point she jumps into a straw-man argument about colonial mentality, then suddenly she’s talking about dependency on foreign aide during calamities.
Worst part of the article IMO is “Duterte wants Filipinos to think outside the box. He wants Filipinos to stop being beholden to the Americans and to do away with colonial mentality.” When did he say this? Or did she just assume this to give heft to her personal issue with the Filipinos’ allegedly still-existing colonial mentality?
“The article is a sorry representation of the writer being all over the place on the issue with the sole intention to shield Duterte from any fault or embarrassment from his latest outburst.”
I’m afraid it’s you who missed the whole point of Ilda’s article because you’re so bent in lambasting Duterte–regardless of what he say or do–because of your pure dislike for the man, Yellow-Tard. You’re either a total prude who is easily offended at the slightest hint of rudeness, or, a yellow wolf wearing sheep’s clothing. So which one are you, primrose?
Actually, it is Obama who started it by criticizing Duterte’s war on drugs. Obama likes to engage in his usual hypocrisy by lecturing a foreign leader, while he is friendly with dictatorships. The U.S. has no authority to lecture other countries on drugs, or anything else related to rights/ social problems. Obama needs to mind his own business and go back to his dictator friends.
I smell a yellowtard vomiting here.
Okay? Fine it is duterte who started the fire. Also put in your mind that he is also the one who subdued it. can we move on to the next page?
I agree and in what way does the Philippines kiss the ass of America??? To me, it looks a lot more like America continuously helps a country that can’t help its self. Tax payers in America line the pockets of corrupt Filipino officials… Part of the colonial mentality that is not being addressed is the victim role that appears to be being played. The Americans are tired of having thier country used as a money tree for the world, epecially when countries like the Philippines turn around and act like they are being taken advantage of by the U.S.
Bravo, Ella! I am a Filipino and I couldn’t agree more.
@ Ella, its not only the USA taxpayers but the government as well.AND ALSO CHARITIES take up HUGE collections for Philippines disaster relief efforts and the aid never reaches the needy people and is instead confiscated by the political class, even sold at flea markets instead of given away freely.
IF the author wants the USA to stop ‘acting as if’, the next time there is a typhoon/hurricane/wind storm/earthquake/volcanic eruption, let this Duterte retard do all the relief work with what he has inside the country, and not ask for USA assistance,yes?
Wait until the next disaster happens, see who Duterte and his Congress turn to….IT WILL NOT BE GOOD FRIEND CHINA,NO…it will not.Besides good friend China will slam the door in Duterte’s face.
I agree with you . I even think that our official are happy when we had calamities, so Philippines will get aid from other countries to put into their pocket, barely victims got a help. if Philippine dont get help does not matter cuse the victim never received them but if Duterte will not do the cleaning who will.
P in everybody ok than steal everything by everybody and be nice sheeet president. Philippines had been there and Philippines look shit and sound shit even to its ASEAN neighbours. I know I was and still in Singapore
For the past 2 Prime Ministers, lol.
The War on Drugs will never be won, by Human Rights and Due Process, tying the Police…Shabu Drugs are already PANDEMIC in our country. There are too many Shabu addicts. There are too many Shabu Drug Pushers. The Drug Lords, are mostly government officials.
The Chinese Triad Drug Mafia crime syndicate has gained a foothold in our country. They have corrupted high government officials, like De Lima and Aquino, during their tenure.
It is just natural, if Pres. Duterte, is angry; if Obama, is requiring him to do this, and do that on his War on Drugs…
The Aquino Propaganda Machine seize the opportunity to twist the meaning of “Putang Ina”…so that , they can infuriate the Americans. Hoping , they will do to Pres. Duterte, what they had done to the late Pres. Marcos, Sr. They also hope, the Americans will put Leni Rob redo, the false Vice President to power…
These YellowTards must understand, that the world already has changed. The Americans have a lot of problems. From high debt, to large government deficit. To Middle East conflicts; to North Korea’s Kim Jung Un’s Nuclear Test…
Let us all move on , and remove the colonial mentality, we have. We are already in the 21st century. We are in the Information Technology age. We are not subservient , to no one…
Independent thinking is the Filipino way…not stinking thinking !
“The war on drugs will never be won”. Period.
It will be won ! All you need is strong police power. China has little drug problem. Bring back the Death Penalty. Seize the assets and the money of the Drug Lords, and Drug Traffickers. Death to Drug manufacturers !
Firing Squad for politicians, who are involved in Drug Trade !
lets pretend I am a drug lord king pin. I will always make sure that I will never get caught and if one laboratory (production line) will be destroyed, I will build a new one somewhere else maybe even abroad.
Duterte cant control the entire PH coastline so I can easily let my drugs come on land anywhere in PH.
If and when a PH drug lord is either captured or killed then he/she was never a very smart drug lord in the first place.
Analogue: you can cut my finger nails but they will grow back again.
pls dont be so naive.
“Seize the assets and the money of the drug lords,..”
The money is stashed in off shore bank accounts, Switzerland, Panama, the Cayman Islands or the Bahamas.
“It will be won!”
Only when it will be legalized!
I still pray for the good of our country and will never stop praying that drugs will stop on how? God knows
“The war on drugs will never be won”. Period.
That’s believable. I agree. : )
@Robert Haighton:
You make the Filipinos Shabu addicts ? …That is your solution ? It may work in your country, but not here !
Just kill the Cockroaches Drug Dealers. No people, No problem ! Control any money remittances going to abroad. America was able to control the money flow of Al Queda ! Financing is squeezed off…
For politicians, the public must know, how much money they have in the Bank !
Exactly robert.
The war on drugs will never be won.
Ots never been a war on drugs.
Its always been a war on tax paying citizens.
All that will happen is the profit from drugs will increase.
The dumb drug dealers will be caught and the most intelligent and ruthless drug dealers will evolove to bevome smarter, stronger and more ruthless.
Any one DOES have a right to criticize anyone that is a public figure.
This includes foreign nationals and especially foreign dignitaries.
This includes the media and every single filipino that did or did not vote for him( the later making the majority)
Duck you it will be won. Even if the people themselves kill their drug lord oppressors.
If you prevent us, you will find yourself in a gutter with a carton that says “pusher ako wag tularan.”
Robert: It.cannot never be won BUT it can be suppressed. It is better to be suppressed rather than it will be rampant and “LEGALIZE?” ????
correct me when I am wrong but I see a double negation in your comment. I think and guess that that was accidental.
I wouldnt use the word ‘suppress’, I rather would use the word ‘controlled’ or Duterte should focus himself on the production facilities. Why is it that I dont hear anything about that side of the ‘story’?
If and when the production facilities are destroyed, the supply goes dry and then the end-user also gets nothing.
At that very time, the PH government has to make a decision what to do about the end-user. Rehab, detox or what? But cold hearted assassinating is not an option (like its done now and today).
If and when drugs are imported, the PH government has to improve the number of people (and the number of boats) working for the coast guard.
It will never be won but I sure as hell want to put a damper by exposing those individuals who are involved in it.
Robert and voiceofreason, if Pres. Duterte successfully destroys the illegal drug apparatus in the Philippines then drug menace will be minimized or eradicated. Less or no demand means no drug market. Drug lords if they don’t get caught will eventually supply less drugs or would stop this business because drug users and dealers are already gone.
Robert, perhaps you don’t understand the real sentiments of Filipinos. All you think is the rule of law always even if in the Philippines it usually favors the rich and powerful guys.
Majority of the populace already knows that justice can be bought here. Judges and police are in cahoots with drug lords. If they don’t take the bribe then they or their family will be dead because these drug lords don’t only have money, they also have guns and influence. So they don’t have other choice but to favor the drug lords’ wishes. If in case these drug lords will be brought to court for “due process” they will either set scot free or even if they are convicted and in prison, they will enjoy the treatment of being VIP just like the what happened in the Muntilupa City jail.
Drug lords’ confidence before Duterte becomes president is oozing to the highest level because they know our system is fucked up. The best solution and measurement needed this time for the government to effectively suppress the drug problem in this country is to instill fear and threaten the lives of these drug lords and protectors or even resort to killing them immediately in order not to harm more innocent lives because of illegal drugs. This is war on drugs and majority of Filipinos fully understand this and so they support our president.
We cannot eliminate colonial mentality (if such really exists) by one arrogant, careless and dumb statement. Colonial mentality cannot be eliminated by making statements meant to defend one’s personal preference in an imagined setting with an imagined adversary. It cannot also be eliminated by just blaming the media and protecting and isolating the media’s source of information.
In other words, eliminating colonial mentality is not possible if we’re going to do it with a biased mentality.
and why did obama say ‘do it the right way, the war on drugs’? that means do it the right way the druglords and pushers did it to the country inhumane. i think it’s clear enough to understood. why treat them humane if they’re doing inhumane.
….that is eliminating colonial mentality.
nobody can destroy duterte ‘cuz the pilipinos love him. there will be a display of fireworks once the XXX queen goes to jail and the Philippines will have a very joyous christmas once again and a happy new years to come.
“… Filipinos can find a way to stand on their own feet …”.
This will take a while before that will happen with all the current PH culture (holism, utang na loob, collectivism, etc etc)
Robert Haighton,
There is no question with Filipinos being able to stand on their own feet; they’re very good at that. The question is, “will they help their fellow Filipinos stand on their feet, or, will they push them back down as they try to stand up”?
Dear Ms. Revised,
During one of my very first visits to Cebu, my pinay GF asked me to contribute towards the purchase of medicines for a friend of the family.
I was and am against doing this bec it means I will keep a ‘system’ alive, that I am against. I finally gave in (reluctantly). It had nothing to do with the actual amount.
But it takes away the individual responsiblity by donating money to such causes.
Moral of my story: Leave all the people behind, who cant look after themselves. Only then they will realize that living is a serious thing.
Dear Miss “I Still Don’t Get It”,
“There is a sucker born every minute.” How many would that be for you?
Miss. Revised.
“There is a sucker born every minute.”
That is one too many each minute. So who can we blame for that? It was the stupid error/fault of those 2 people who lay together horizontally (or vertically).
This is a far bigger problem for ‘building one nation’ than your drugs problems.
Robert Haighton,
You’ve missed my point again.
I really believe Duterte meant to curse the journalist who asked him the question that irritated him because he sounded an ass kisser. Observe
From 5:43 to 12:35
After speech… Thank you very much.
Have you not had snacks? You won’t really clap; you must be feeling weak. [some laughing…]
Any questions? I’ll give you few more clarifications on the statement only. Do not ramble into politics, it’s too far away.
Yes, may we accommodate the…
– Good Afternoon sir Jerome Morales from Reuters news. Sir ahh there have been ahhh concerns on extra extrajudicial killings sir ahh and you will meet leaders ahh any line of communication that we have prepared to address this issue in front of our other foreign leaders?
Extrajudicial killings?
-Yes human rights.
To whom shall I address myself to and who will be asking the question, may I know?
You know the Philippines is not a vassal state. We have long ceased to be a colony of the united states.
You know there are that columnist. They look upon Obama and United States as if we are the lap dogs of this country.
I do not respond to anybody but the people of the republic of the Philippines. [some clapping…]
I don’t care about him. Who is he? When is a matter of fact at the turn of the century before the Americans left the Philippines in the Pacification campaign of the Moro in this island there were about 6 million population of the Moro. How may died? 600. if you can answer that question and give the apology, I will answer it.
I am not beholden to anybody. You columnist “wait until he meets…”, who is he? I am a president of a sovereign state and we have long ceased to be a colony. I do not have any master except the Filipino people. nobody but nobody. You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. “putang ina mo mumurahin kita diyan.” {literally: mother whore of yours I will swear at you in that forum.] Don’t do that to me. Tell that to everybody. These columnist looking like trying to scare me, child of a… leave the Philippines, go to America. You write columns as if you are the lapdogs of this American. Who is he to confront me? As a matter of fact, he has too many, American has one to many to answer for the misdeeds in this country. Still even now we haven’t tasted an apology to that. That is the reason why Mindanao continue or continues to boil. You said that was the last century, that wounds will be from generation to generation as a matter of fact we inherited this problem from the United Stated why because they invaded this country and made us their subjugated people. Everybody has a terrible record of extrajudicial killing. Why make an issue about fighting crime? It couldn’t be rid in his Mexico border. look at the human rights along that line, the way how they treat the migrants there. you look up to America so much, look up here in us, not in America. He should explain to me why their extrajudicial killing. Can he explain the 600,00 Moro massacred in this island? Do you want to see the pictures? Maybe you’re asking. I’ll make it public. We have a recorded history of that sordid period of our nationality. Nobody but nobody can just. Who are you? The American Indian in Chile, you put to extinction, what about the rights for those who died in that past? Is it because it’s just a past tense, we do not answer for the present tense? you must be kidding. stop joking. you who look up so much… who is Obama to ask me that? I’ll tell them who are you? Tell him that. I’ll telegraph it now. Goes here… Misses…we have long been a republic I do not, I said I do not kneel down before anybody else except the Filipino in Quiapo walking in misery and in extreme poverty and anger. If you do not stop there in drugs… the campaign against drug will continue. many will die because of it. Plenty will be killed until the last pusher is out of the streets. Until the drug manufacturer is killed, we will continue and I will continue and I don’t give a shit about anybody observing my behavior. You look up (to America) so much, you columnists “sus mariosep” (jesus, maria, joseph) how of lap dogs… pretending to be the conscience of this… Who else?
– [new reporter] Sir, sir good after… (You look up at America…) Good afternoon sir (if you want I will kick that in front of you) Good afternoon [some laughing…] Good afternoon sir I’m Lala Babilonia from PTV4 sir, ah what’s your plan about the issue… (Different question/topic.)
“I really believe Duterte meant to curse the journalist who asked him the question…..”
So, you’re saying that the scheduled meeting between Obama and Duterte was cancelled because of a journalist getting Duterte’s ire?
That’s unbelievable.
The meeting would still have taken place had not some “wise guy journalist” decided: “hey, lets translate ‘putang ina mapapamura ako‘ into ‘Obama is a son of a whore’.
Your hate for Duterte is really blinding you. It must have also blinded that journalist. Really, if I were President I’d expect a bit more from you.
Thank you very much for posting this transcript of PRRD’s Davao airport talk. It matches the soundbytes I took of that interview. Actually, before that question of Morales of Reuters, Pres Digong already asled of there were any questions on his prepared statement re the Asean, and on Asean matters only (iow, does not include EJK, which -by its very nature – is an INTERNAL matter for the Phils. [Groused the Pres: ” To whom shall I address myself to and who will be asking the question, may I know?”]. This brought out that famous tirade about “lapdogs” etc…
Unbelievable. Anyway, just one example of the “hardly any fallout”…
Good riddance for “hot money” fund managers whose only real contribution to our Phil economy is to park their millions in our financial system, hoping to siphon off treasury bills and other govt securities! Have these “hot money” funds ever built up single Philippine FACTORY that gave Filipinos jobs? Doubtful…That’s why these “George Soros” types are no longer welcome in Singapore’s (or any other Asean) bourses, with the exception of the Philippines, that’s why it’s still hard-put to do away with its colonial past… but not this President!!
You have no clue what you are talking about. Hot Money? When the stock market collapses your ‘COST OF CAPITAL’ rises.. You really need to take some courses in economics and banking before spewing more leftists propaganda. We get it Filipinos hate foreigners and the rule of law.. OK we get it?
Those guys? Those are a bunch of sheep. They’d pull their money out of the country over a traffic accident. Guys like these just want easy money. Guys like these cause economic depressions and financial meltdowns.
The only way to get rid of Colonial Mentality is through complete freedom from foreign influence that has been affecting all aspects of our society–religion, government, traditions, and way of life—for a very long time.
It’s time for the Philippines to chart a new course by weaning itself from its “handout” dependency to the United States. My only concern is-because of the strong Chinese political and economic influence in the country—that the Philippines might fall into the trappings of one colonial master (Americans) to another (Chinese).
Historically speaking, we Filipinos are incapable of turning to one another to find our own cultural identity. We always had to rely on other countries and ethnicity to define who we are.
This lack of cultural identity–that prevents us from bonding together as a nation–is probably the biggest obstacle that all of us need to come to terms with as Filipinos, that neither Duterte nor any Philippine presidents after him, would be able to solve alone.
Please simply refuse American help the next time the Philippines has a major disaster.
You might glance at this.
we cannot blame the pilipinos why their dependency from other countries is a must, because they’re poor. but we almost made it during the Marcos era. now pilipinos knew very well how communism works, they want the country poor and lures the people to believed whatever they say. and still they’re kickin’ ass till now thinking there’s still followers to listen to them. there’s no more.
I disagree, a yellow tard. Filipinos are not poor; they’re just poor thinkers. Marcos just kept us in line to behave like one nation, and to keep our arrogance and selfishness in check. Today, our poor-thinking Filipinos are brainwashed by the Yellow Party to live like aristocrats, regardless of the cost to themselves and their country.
Marcos just stole from us and incarcerated anyone who spoke out against him and put this country in a state of bankruptcy we are still trying to crawl out of, all for our own good.
Kill yourself
Nice half-truth, son. And what do you mean ‘us’ since you’re a foreigner here who is actually clueless?
So yeah, point missers like you are on suicide watch.
-and you’re fine with the people after Marcos stole even more, even both legal and illegal means (smuggling, etc.)
-a lot of those people were opportunists and even rebels. Rigoberto Tiglao says hi. And don’t tell me the late Louie Beltran lived during those years.
-Lies. Honestly speaking, you’re actually fine about the Aquinos and their cronyism, that they took advantage of the 1987 Constitution that allowed them to rob the public BLIND for over 30 years. You overrate such things as bankruptcy yet you’re totally ignorant about the fact that corruption after 1986 is just five times bigger.
Truth: if someone who should kill himself, it’s YOU, my man. Just admit that you went FULL RETARD with what you wrote. And it shows.
Im a foreigner?
Wait your defence for marcos is other people have also stolen!
That somehow makes his crimes ok?
Yeah ok.
Problem with stupid is it does not even realize what it is.
Because I am always pointing on EVERYONE while you’re just fixated on Marcos. Only Marcos. What else? Yep, yours is always half-truths, not facts. And yes, other people have also stolen, and it’s a fact. Not to mention it’s much worse (look on the other commenter’s post). Or maybe you’re too dumb to realize it.
Nope, your last sentence is more fitting on you. I’m putting things in perspective here while you are just like the uninformed retards in the Salem witch trials. Come on, it’s 2016 but because this is the Philippines, it’s still 1693!
Right, and nothing was stolen, nobody is in jail for speaking up against an authority figure, and everything is OK and fine after Marcos left.
Bravo for your sheer idiocy and ignorance. Sorry if I’m not drinking the Yellow Kool-aide like you always do. 🙂
@ drkekyll
Aeta brought up marcos and u can see from my comments i was replying to him.
U claim u want people to think like its 2016 but u r acting like a mob ruled peasant from 1903.
I agree we should live in the present but hear u r defending a regime that just brought up human rights issues from a century ago and then lied about the figures.
None of the facts i repeat and link are half truths.
Everything u believe and think is riddled with half truths which is why u do not research and find out for yourself that the rest is made up.
Yellow, drug pusher, chinese mafia, foreigner, putang ina mo.
What else do pro duterte believers say?
These are your go to come backs?
What, the use of english on a comment means im not filipino?
I prefer emglish so there is no misinterpretation and so everyone else in the world can hear.
Now do we need to go further off topic?
Everything you’ve said fits more on the people in this discussion, not the people they are talking against.
>>implying that there are no human rights issues after Marcos left
>>implying the Mendiola Massacre doesn’t exist
>>implying that the number of human rights victims under Marcos of less than 100,000 is a lie
Yep, TROLL confirmed.
@ Voice of Reason, I am going to make it my MISSION to intellectually annihilate Aeta for his loud mouthed,crude remarks (and arrogance)when he is presented with fully serifiable,uninimpeachably sourced FACTS. It is going to be merciless and constant.He is going to want to crawl back into the slime hole he came out of when I am done with his RETARDED ASS.
Care to join me as I trounce his pea brain into dust? Aeta is sooo stoopid he is going to help too, as he is too stoopid to realize his own idiocies.
@Pepe Le Meuz:
So you fully admit that you are just SPAMMING on this site, right?
Oh yeah, another TROLL confirmed. And a terrible one at that.
@ Aeta, YOU IDIOT, Marcos kept his soldiers weapons pointed at the people while HE STOLE everything that wasn’t nailed down.Marcos was the most arrogant thief since Caligula and your too much of an idiot to even realize it.
Your a retard.
Nope. He even told Fabian Ver to not shoot on the people during EDSA 1. And don’t you know that the “HE STOLE everything” crap is more like a half-truth?
Congratulations, son. You just went FULL RETARD with what you wrote.
@ DR KEKYLL, Your another retard that see’s something written, makes an incorrect assumption about what you see written, and then derive a delusional & incorrect truth out of your innaccurate assumption, and then trumpet it as the absolute truth, LOL !!!
@ Aeta “Our poor thinking Filipino’s are brainwashed to live like Aristocrats….”,WHAT?
The majority of people in the Failippines make less than $10,000 USDollars/year.90% of the population lives on less than $20,000 USDollars/per year.
SO RETARD, EXACTLY how does any Failippino even attempt ‘TO LIVE LIKE AN ARISTOCRAT’, HUH, YOU FUCKIN MORON.Living like an Aristocrat can’t even be thought about with less than $10,000,000.00 USDollars in the bank, which applies to about .001% of the population of the country.
OH YOU ARE GOING TO BE SOOO FUCKIN SORRY YOU FUCKED WITH ME YOU FUCKIN JACKASS.You can’t even think and produce a coherent sentence without blurting out something akin to jackassery.
The Philippines is not poor.
It simply has a lot of poor people, an incompetent and corrupt oligarchy that likes it that way.
And a massa that fulfills Churchill’s remark,
Something reminds me:
Just rephrase the journalist question and Duterte’s answer is just fine –
What about eliminating crab mentality in our country? Will PDu30 do that before his term will end in 2022? That one is much worst that our colonial mentality, SERIOUSLY & it shows!
That’s totally up to the people of the Philippines, mrericx, if they want to get rid of “crab mentality.” It’s totally up to them to set aside their self-interests, and differences, and learn to work together to rebuild their nation. No one else is going to do it for them.
How hould Duterte achieve that?
“It is illegal to have crab mentality. Those who do have it, will be killed instantly”
You already have enough poor 3rd world laws. You want to add another?
Totally agree.
Perhaps it is our colonial past that holds us in its iron grip wherein we have allowed our now-Filipino surrogate masters to substitute for those who once held sway over us, so much so that we as a people have not grown nor flowered as a free people should have!
It’s sad to say our own media personalities (some) are the once doing criticize to our President. They always mentioning the summary executions as our Policemen and President behind the scene but in other side they were out of focus. Just take a look on the killings of Maguindanao ambush where so many people are dead and Hacienda Luisita as well. We hope the CHR will resurface on these issues. Lastly, don’t judge our beloved President Duterte by his mouth but rather look what he has done for the benefit of the people and the young children…God Bless You Tatay Digong…
i want to patronize local products, i really do, and probably other people want to as well.. the problem is the quality and/or price.. ever seen a flashlight that’s made here in the Ph? pwde mo ba s’ya i-compare sa, let’s say, maglite? i went to kultura the other day to look for some native dinnerware.. alam n’yo kung magkano ISANG plato? 550..
P550.oo for one fucking plate.. and alam n’yo kung ano major materials nya? BUKO..! isang putanginang plato ng gawa sa buko worth 550..! and you want the people to patronize local products?
..magsusuntukan muna tayo bago mo ko mapabili ng plato na 550.
Very ambitious, It is impossible to achieve.
Here was my first post in Facebook this morning.
After reading yet another American “news” article about Obama being called “a son of a whore” by Duterte it becomes necessary to make a correction. In my opinion the American press is doing itself, and our President a disservice by not reporting accurately. American news sources tend to favor a liberal agenda when reporting on American politics, but in this case they are not doing due diligence by watching the exchange Duterte had in which it was obvious he was calling the reporter that name, not Obama, and Duterte has also said that is what he was doing.
In The Philippines the so-called Liberal Party is actually a party in favor of maintaining the status quo in which only a few oligarchs and political clans control all things political and financial in the country. The media in The Philippines is nothing more than a mouthpiece for that Liberal Party with very few exceptions, unlike in America where the right wing has only 1 major lying mouthpiece in FAUX Noise.
Not only did the local media report the incident falsely, but they also mistranslated the exchange. The Obama Administration failed also when it depended entirely on foreign (Philippine) news sources for its information, but when it failed to look at the readily available video and have it properly translated by a Filipino in America. The mistranslation and false reporting was made public by bloggers and by several foreign (outside Philippines) sources. At the moment I cannot find the first article posted by the blog but they published another one today which I will link to and I will also link to an article from an Australian newspaper.
Basically what I’m saying is that Americans and Filipinos all need to learn Duterte was not calling Obama names, but rather that he was calling a reporter for one of the yellow-tard local media controlled by his opposition, names. While I don’t really think that is very “presidential” of Duterte, it is who he is, and he is no worse than the Dumpster fire trying to alienate the entire world in America.
Raissa Robles believes otherwise. She wrote recently: President Duterte directed his “son of a whore” expletive at Obama, not at anybody else.
“After reading yet another American “news” article about Obama being called “a son of a whore” by Duterte it becomes necessary to make a correction.”
To “make correction” at this time would be a futile attempt to deodorize the event. I don’t think there is room for correction when an official explanation was already given. That and the fact that the fiasco already yielded a lost opportunity on our part.
“In my opinion the American press is doing itself, and our President a disservice by not reporting accurately.”
What is there to report accurately when it’s all there in the video? I, we Filipinos need no American press to understand what Pres. Duterte said in that video. And no amount of American press inaccurate reporting will change what we saw and heard.
“…..the exchange Duterte had in which it was obvious he was calling the reporter that name, not Obama…..”
Please. I wish you could have illustrated how that was possible because it was pretty obvious in the video to whom Duterte was referring to when he blurted those expletives and it is not the reporter.
“Not only did the local media report the incident falsely, but they also mistranslated the exchange. ”
Another attempt to blur the lines. Again, where is the illustration showing proof of”mistranslation” of the exchange?
“The Obama Administration failed also when it depended entirely on foreign (Philippine) news sources for its information, but when it failed to look at the readily available video and have it properly translated by a Filipino in America.”
Now it’s Obama’s fault in not finding a Filipino to properly translate the video. It’s everybody’s fault except Duterte. Unbelievable!
“Basically what I’m saying is that Americans and Filipinos all need to learn Duterte was not calling Obama names, but rather that he was calling a reporter for one of the yellow-tard local media controlled by his opposition, names.”
Basically, what you are doing was twisting the story to wiggle Duterte out of the embarrassing situation where he ended up. I’m sorry but it’s too late to do that. Damage has been done, forgiveness granted and hopefully all sides learned from the experience. Obama already expressed his intention to move on while – though we haven’t heard from Duterte on how he will pursue to go forward from the debacle – we hope our president will realize now that the world is watching and the stage he’s in includes the international ambiance.
Everything is a learning process and no one is exempted from it. Not even presidents.
He attacked the American people in his china speech (attacked their character). Hatred is being fomented at full speed. What Filipinos don’t quite get is they Not everyone HATES America and the west. Not even China and now with Trump especially Not Russia. The Chinese are very formal and his words of hate towards a population and incorrectly assuming they area enemies of china had people cringing. I can assure you, this alone will justify an imbalanced relationship moving forward. It is one thing to attack diplomats in Washington but the constant hatred and bias against all non Filipino peoples will lead to economic collapse just like Venezuela. The world is entrenched with global trade and even first world powers are vary cautious not to alienate foreign trade partners and their peoples. The negative and often erroneous remarks bordering on racism and incivility along with the support of blood letting / killing without due process is akin to the dark ages. Good luck haters killers and racists. Next time try Love! It works better than hate and is the heart of wealth building.
I am a supporter of President Duterte. Yet I still wish his inner circle will seriously and continually remind him to mind his abrasive language. It won’t hurt. When he was in the local government, people let it slide and no big deal. But now it’s different. Just a little bit of finesse would be good (it is not hypocrisy, mind you). Godspeed Mr. President!
The darkest secret of this country, I am afraid, is that too many of its citizens imagine that they belong to a much higher civilization somewhere else.
This state of mind allows too many of us to lie and cheat and steal from the rest of us, to sell us junk and addictive poisons and corrupting entertainments. What are the rest of us, after all, but sub-human?
One has to listen well every time PRRD speaks. He speaks in combination of Bisayan, Tagalog & in English. That’s some media would have a hard time deciphering the words. Like Jesus speaks in parable you have to deeply think & analyze what the statement is otherwise you will get in a quagmire. You will speak the other way, the result would be a catastrophe or rather there will be confusion.
@ Nhorisky, Please, to compare or put Duterte’s intellect up there with Christ’s is bordering on sacrelige. Lets FACE-IT, the FUCKIN GUY IS A NEANDERTHALIC THUG, Hardly a Statesman and is crude beyond all reasonable statesman like measures.To suggest otherwise is not very intelligent.Duterte is not difficult to figure out,verbally or mentally. THINKING LIKE A THUG is not difficult.
and just for shits and giggles can Il-DUH here present any verifiable sources/interviews where Duterte has said that he wants filipino’s to ‘eliminate their imperial mentality’?ANYONE? ANYWHERE? or is just what IL-DUH here would like to see happen?
It’s only a matter of time that your posts will get DELETED because you have nothing to add but ad hominem and spam. 🙂
Says the actual RETARD who is always in rage mode; not to mention that you’re an actual psychopath.
It appears as though the remnants of colonialism will remain forever in the Philippines. Catholicism is the dominant religion – but I wonder what Lapu Lapu would think of that; spin in his grave? Now if the religion provides comfort for people, then that’s a different story.
Filipinos speaking English is a form of colonialism, especially when they bow down to whiny, entitled Americans, who move to the country and demand that Filipinos speak English; all this while whining about Filipinos’ English skills. A patriotic Filipino would tell the fat slob Americano to learn Visayan/ Tagalog or get lost.
Filipinos worshipping Caucasians is colonialism. Skin lightening and special treatment of Caucasians are among the stupid shit Filipinos do.
Having a U.S. military base there is colonialism. The U.S. can dictate to the Philippines what it will do. Either the Philippines is a sovereign country, or it isn’t. Foreign military occupation precludes any autonomy. Angeles City is a shithole because of foreigners. The U.S. is in Okinawa, and the Okinawans are pissed about it. There have been a number of cases of U.S. military personnel raping/kidnapping/murdering/beating Okinawan girls and women. The people are sick of the ‘American exceptionalism’ being shoved down their throats.
The point is which of these things are a problem, and which are not. English, on an international level, serves a purpose. It being shoved down the locals’ throats by foreigners is another thing. Religion can serve a purpose. Military occupation may provide some ‘security’ – but that is a catch 22 because you lose your sovereignty in the process.
The reason why I oppose the US bases in the Philippines – their insistence on extraterritoriality! That clause has caused misery to our countrymen/women over the years – particularly those near the bases! And if our military pacts with the USA were to be reviewed, we should insist in its absolute removal! Any US soldier caught committing a crime in our soil MUST BE tried and if found guilty forced to do time in our (self-ammitedly flawed) justice system. If the visiting soldiers wanna avoid that fate, then behave properly by not perpetuating Ugly American stereotypes!
@ juan Bird, WHAT? The USA Military bases brought jobs and prosperity to the area’s surrounding them.The people living near the closed bases lost their jobs and have never recovered from the loss. SO IDK WTF YOUR TALKING ABOUT W/DAT BS YOUR SPOUTING.
I agree. I have heard if Americanos getting off from crimes, because the U.S. Government pulls some political strings. An Americano who commits a crime ought to be punished, period. Military bases bring prostitution and sleeze.
As an Americano I will say it again: the Philippines must build up its military to the point where other countries would never screw with you. That’s what must be done.
@ LEG, The Subic Bay?Clarke Air Force bases had thriving communities surrounding them during their operations by USA personnel. Since they have left, the economy around those bases has plummeted and the people that lost their jobs have been prying for “JOE” to come back for over a generation now as they never recovered economically from the loss.The actual prostituion and sleaze in Angeles City, which is reasonbally close by, is worse now than it ever was in the times of US Military bases in the RP.Sure, a few Marines got away with some shitty things, but Billions of USDollars in a country where life is cheap as beans means a lot more to the economy than a few murdered or even falsely accussing prositutes. As far as the Philippines getting its own Military? If the politicos had not robbed every-fuckin-thing the country has for the last 50 years, they would have a well armed military. BUT NOW? Forgettaboutit, the RP has no military to speak of and to think it will ever be able to stand up to the likes of China, PFFFF….that is a fools dream.Japan could kick the shit out of the Failippines and they have almost no army.
Juan Bird,
I will have to disagree with you. The Yellow Party (made up of mostly Chinese-Filipino businesses and their well-bribed Filipino politicians) have brainwashed our people into thinking that the Americans were more atrocious than the Chinese cartel (legitimate and illegitimate).
The Chinese have been monopolizing our political and economic infrastructures, and smuggling illegal drugs and other contraband into this country, for the past 30 years.
If given the choice today, most Filipinos would rather deal with the colonialist attitude of America toward the Philippines, than the leech-like appetite of the Chinese, who drain our country of its resources and deprive the people their quality of life.
I hope Duterte does do an about face and severe’s ties w/USA. I really do, and lets all see how ‘Good Friend China’ treats the Pinoy massa.The Grass is not greener on the other side of the street and careful what you ask for, both come to mind.
Pepe le Meuz,
Duterte is not that stupid of severing ties with the United States. He despises the Chinese’s monopolizing schemes more than he dislikes the Americans colonialist attitude toward the Philippines. Duterte knows that Filipinos prefers being allied with America than China.
Duterte is just playing a “love/hate” relationship with America for refusing to sanction his one-man war in ending graft and corruption in his country, with his “War on Drugs” being one of the first battles he’s engaging in against the Yellow Party and Chinese businesses who have a tight reign on this country’s political and economic infrastructures.
Duterte’s adamant stand for an independent Philippines is no different than the late president Manuel L. Quezon vain effort to have the Philippines annexed as a territory like Hawaii, instead of as a commonwealth nation, prior to both countries entry into World War 2.
This is why Quezon gave his contemptuous speech:
“I would rather have a country run like hell by Filipinos than a country run like heaven by the Americans, because however bad a Filipino government might be, we can always change it.”
This war on drugs is simple as law of supply and demand…the users are the one who demands for supply so there are suppliers (PUSHERS TO MANUFACTURES), now if you kill all users that don’t hesitate to stop even eventually given warning there will be no demand anymore. So for simple explanation no user means no buyer, no buyer no pusher, no pusher no druglord then no druglord no manufacturer.
The most enlightening piece I have ever read! Thank you very much!
Matagal ng overdue any kolonialismo mula pa sa panahon ng mga iho de putang mga pari hanggang sa panahon ng mga pastor ng kano na mapagharing uri. Amen.