Dear PNoy: Your promise to throw yourself and Jun Abaya under a train is now due!

Back in 2013, President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III made a promise before a huge crowd of yellow-shirted supporters. President BS Aquino promised that the LRT (Light Rail Transit) Line 1 project (Baclaran to Bacoor) would be completed in two years.

Best of all, it’s all captured on video!

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As usual, President BS Aquino made his promise in the Tagalog dialect (perhaps to make scrutiny by external parties a bit more difficult)…

At pag hindi ho nangyari ito, nandyan ho si Secretary Abaya na nangangasiwa ng proyektong ito, dalawa na kaming magpapasagasa siguro sa tren…

[Translated: “If this does not happen, there is Secretary [Jun] Abaya who oversees this project, he and I will have ourselves run over by a train.”]

It’s been more than two years now. Will President BS Aquino make good on his promise?

Unfortunately, this little detail seems to have been swept under the rug even as millions of Metro Manila commuters (and motorists alike) waste half their waking lives stuck in the infernal traffic jams the nation’s capital is world-renowned for. The key infrastructure “achievement” trumpeted by President BS Aquino during his recently-concluded State of the Nation Address (SONA) was the newly-completed expressway linking Manila’s southern suburban city of Muntinlupa with Cavite — all 3 kilometres of it!

To be fair, President BS Aquino had it right. Japanese warriors are renowned for taking the value of their word seriously — to the point of committing Hara-kiri (ritual suicide) to uphold their honour; though it is unlikely that a true Japanese Samurai would pull in an unwitting sidekick to share in his glorious demise.

20 Replies to “Dear PNoy: Your promise to throw yourself and Jun Abaya under a train is now due!”

  1. But he qaulified with the operative word ‘siguro’…

    So until his term expires in about 11 months, its his option whether to fulfill his figure of speech literally or complete the link before then.

  2. Hahaha! You actually remembered this, benign0. Such a sharp mind. LOL

    But, well, I’m pretty sure it’s just a joke.

      1. Yeah – joking is big in the PH. Erap jokes. Miriam’s new book of jokes. The HAHAHA (laughter =best medicine) is what makes PH “cockroaches” and “rats” so happily resilient (and they are proud of it).

        So what makes the typical Pinoy mind tick?
        1. Sense of humor (aka Nonsense) 50%
        2. Sensuality (aka romance) 30%
        3. Common sense 10%
        4. Sense of urgency/responsibility 5%
        5. The fear of the living God who can throw corrupt souls into the lake that burns with fire and sulfur – which is the 2nd death –> 1%

        remaining 3% varies from person to person 🙂

        But if you really want to know what makes a Pinoy tick:
        1. look at the books on his shelf
        2. look at the type of friends he hangs around with
        3. Gulatin mo, gamitin mo, galitin mo
        4. Put a hidden camera in his bedroom

  3. This article, I must say, is very important. On a deeper level, it is tangentially hitting on values, priorities, and more critically, on the attitude that we should all have, which is about being results-oriented. “Magpapasagasa ako at si Abaya sa tren” may be a figure of speech, or just a loose language from a President with a penchant to being a ‘bolero’, for it is now obvious that he thinks propaganda, whether it is vacuous or not, is the only way to manage.

    Still, people should call the attention of PNoy on this as loud as they could; why? Because if we now look at the video in retrospect, gosh, he was truly insulting us. Never mind if he was insulting us, the non-yellow crowd; after all, we understand, he sees the Philippines as of only two groups, the yellows and the non-yellows. So, let him insult us, but sonamagan, he was insulting a yellow crowd. How could they take this video now?

    Is this because they are so used to PNoy’s ‘bolas’? But, that is not good, will they allow people like Binay or Poe to make a ‘bola’ too? Will they allow Roxas, an ally, to get away with a ‘bola’? Then, they must have been brainwashed by PNoy’s selective Justice: “Sila at Kami” Or, are they just exasperated, as we are, with the lies of PNoy, but just shrug their shoulder and thinking it is a non-issue. People, we don’t shrug our shoulders on things like this, or we contribute to propagation of mediocrity, which is what is killing this country.

    Maybe, they don’t understand the importance of values, priorities (first things first), and being results-oriented? Well, if that is the case, we cannot help you; you have to help yourselves. My only beef is that we are in one ship called MV Philippines. If you continue with that kind of mentality, you are dragging us also who are trying our damned best to get results in our respective fields, so that in some way we could help the society.

    Which reminds me, we may just have formulated the first criteria by which we should all be choosing our next general manager for 2016, and i.e., the one that has the capability of eliminating the “Sila o Kami” kind of thinking should be the one voted. I think you all know what I mean. Only problem is, Binay, Poe, Roxas, etc, each don’t seem to have this capability? Wala na bang iba, where is Gibo, Gordon, Salceda, Raffy Alunan, etc?

    1. I’ve been asking the same thing. I haven’t heard from these guys for a long while, except for Gordon who’s busy with PNRC.

      What are their plans for 2016, we don’t know at this point. But I fear for the worst, personally. Hope I’m wrong.

    2. I commiserate with you friend and am glad that the’re still many who are sensitive insisting on good governance and vehemently object to its absence as what we have been experiencing the 5 years with Pnoy. Hail, may the Force be with us all and make the difference come 2016.

  4. Those noble Japanese Samurai Warriors, were True to their Words. If they Shamed themselves; they will commit :”Hara Kiri”.

    Aquino and Abaya have no Shame. They can Lie between their Teeth; and think: it is “noble” for them.

    “Political promises are like “pie crust”. They are made to be broken”…Russia’s Commie Vladimir Lenin, once said.

    1. It is true that a Man’s word is his judge. In the West if you do not keep your word, you are nothing and will be received well nowhere. But in the Philippines it is like buttering bread to NOT keep one’s word.Easily done. A Man’s word in the Philippines means nothing and I have never seen anything quite like it.

    2. Politics has always been riddled with lies, ever since it’s inception. Don’t be surprised.

      It’s the job of the people to check if their leaders are attempting to make them look like fools, and stop them.

  5. Noynoy is like a loop of lies, failures, disgraces and disappointments. Yet, he managed to become the president of a country. Don’t you feel it people, someone is behind Aquino’s ascension? It’s someone who wants this country to have a stupid leader. I have a feeling it’s China.

  6. Kailan kaya magiging seryoso ang government natin sa pagbibigay serbisyo sa taong bayan? Puro sila sa government ang yumayaman sa pagnanakaw ng pinaghirapan natin. May oras sila para mag “joke” na magpapasagasa habang libo’t libong mga mamamayan ang naghihirap para magcommute sa palpak na mrt/lrt. Kawawang Pinas!

  7. Meron isang leader na nagpakita ng kanyang mga sinabi ay kanyang nagawa. Kaya nga nakilala ang bayan nya maging sa buong Mundo as the 4th or 9th safest city in the world. Seryoso sya na maayos ang ating bansa at handa syang ibigay maging ang kinabukasan Nya at ng kanyang pamilya.

    Kung talagang seryoso tayo na mabago at makilalang muli ang bansang Pilipinas sa kaayusan at kaunlaran bakit hindi natin sya subukan? kaya lang kailangan nya ang tulong ng sambayanan para magawa nya. Kung iboboto natin sya dapat sumunod tayo sa gagawin nya!!!

    Mag-isip tayo, magmuni-muni kasi anim na taon tayong sasabak ulit sa kahirapan O kagihawahan. Isipin natin ang kinabukasan ng ating mga anak!

    Alam ko kilalang-kilala nyo sya!

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