Miss Korea 2013 meme: Have Koreans flipped on plastic surgery?

Like the way computer-aided design and engineering has resulted in the convergence of automobile design to a general look that, technologies and procedures that enhance physical appearances that have become increasingly available and affordable are now resulting in a creepy convergence in “beauty”.

Making waves across the net is a set of photos said to comprise the current crop of Miss Korea 2013 contestants…


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Perhaps the tendency to converge towards an identical look is a result of the way that Koreans take pride in being among the most homogeneous nations in the world

Being such a tight group of people, Koreans cannot easily accept anyone or anything different from themselves. Foreigners are treated with contempt, alien traditions are looked upon as uncivilized ones, and progress regarding traditional values is feared. In short, Korea has trouble opening up to the rest of the world.

Homogeneity can be a priceless treasure, but at the same time it can be the chain and ball that prevents Korea from going as far as it can in the global era. Knowing a nation’s roots, having pride in them is the beginning of progress.

14 Replies to “Miss Korea 2013 meme: Have Koreans flipped on plastic surgery?”

  1. Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia once said that until the philosophy which hold one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned everywhere is war.That until there no longer
    First class and second class citizens of any nation, until the colour of a man’s skin
    is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes, it`s a war. To lighten up the other side, it`s very interesting how individual differ from one another.

  2. If we go out our way protecting and maintaining the integrity of dog breeds, why can’t we not do it on humans?

    1. same reason why we are advised not marry our cousins. sigh… what school did you go to?! actually, it’s not advised even for dogs now. but people just choose to remain ignorant to understand why.

  3. Koreas kkkkulture, as with many parts of asia, is built upon collectivism as opposed to individualism, and represents the single biggest difference between east and west, and the social, economic, and political sub-cultures which subsequently eminate and permeate society.

    With regard to korea they have the 4k’s

    In the progressive south

    In the repressive North
    Kim il-sung
    Kim jong-il
    Kim jong un

    The south are experimenting with freedom and benefitting from open markets and a working democracy. Their youthful vigour and immaturity can lead to a sense of superiority and arrogance which they need to temper as they find their international voice/identity.
    The chicks are hot – but once you’ve had one, it is as though you’ve had the all.

  4. Not being cynical, it really is great to be a guy. I mean, they are all cute and beautiful, and I can’t hide the fact that it is mostly us men that are the prime benefactor.

  5. I’d rather this artificial beautification than the piss poor attempt to look white by way of “whitening creams” from Flip women. At the very least, Korea is applying its proficiency in Science and technology, both aspects which the Philippines still continue to struggle with.

    1. Whitening creams? How can these possibly work? I suppose that one applies this cream very liberally and allows it to dry. This process should whiten someone for a few hours. And cause the user to look ghost like.

    2. 1.Beauty pageants reinforces white supremacy. It forces people of color to accept the global elitists hatred of people of color.

      2.Korea has been allowed to have technology by the white global elitists. Because Europe and its white clone countries time has ended. Now it is time for Asia. Regardless of which Asian country gets technology or is hindered you are all hatred by the Whites and called called “yellow niggers” and monkey. Korea has nothing to boast about because your technology was created by Europeans and still controlled Europeans.

      1. This may be an old post, but if you happen to read this, do you mind giving a better explanation on this angle regarding Korea’s technology? I am very curious. I keep on hearing about this regarding South Korea, and their seemingly rapid rise as a country, thanks to their “technology”. Also, is South East Asia being hindered by all these technological advancement? and why?

      2. This may be an old post, but if you happen to read this, do you mind giving a better explanation on this angle regarding Korea’s technology? I am very curious. I keep on hearing about this regarding South Korea, and their seemingly rapid rise as a country, thanks to their “technology”. Also, is South East Asia being hindered by all these technological advancement by the West? and why? Thanks.

  6. The reason for these EuroAsian beauty contests is to sell cancer causing whitening creams and plastic surgery. The EuroAsian still suffer from the self hate delusional psychosis inducesd by European neo-colonialism.

  7. Who is HCG appropriate for and what exactly is the process for obtaining it.
    It is said that when there is a scarce of HCG in the body, it becomes difficult to manage the body weight.

    What is not entirely certain is the role that HCG plays in HCG weight loss, though studies have obviously shown that it does play an effective role.

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