I read somewhere that people with high I.Q.’s tend to stay up late and get up later in the mornings. That article explained why:
“…intelligent people are infamous for burning the midnight oil to cram for tests, write papers, touch up those earnings reports, etc.”
“…it’s primarily the smarties who prefer to habitually stay up until the wee hours and to do the types of tasks that are easier to accomplish when you don’t have the day-dwellers hanging around and distracting you. Stuff that requires concentration, in other words.”
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I certainly fit the description. I am at my best late at night because there is very little distraction when everyone else is asleep. I wish I had the luxury of waking up late after a late night though. Like millions of people belonging to the workforce, I am forced to wake up early in the morning so I can make it in time for work.
Well I almost felt flattered thinking that I could be one of the “smarties” until I read another article saying that Philippine President, Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III (PNoy) also sleeps late and starts his day late in the morning. Now that really cracked me up.
According to an article by Inquirer.net columnist Ramon Tulfo, PNoy and I have something in common; we both go to bed very late. But obviously, that’s where the similarities end. I predicted before the election that PNoy would be a strictly nine to five kind of worker. It seems that I was dead wrong because there are allegations that he even works less than eigth hours in Malacanang:
“The President’s popularity will further go down because people will realize that he’s a do-nothing Chief Executive.
He starts work at 10 a.m. and knocks off early, according to some Palace insiders.
This is because he goes to bed very late.
“He is a night person,” said one of my Palace sources.
P-Noy is so unlike his predecessors, Fidel V. Ramos and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who worked early in the morning and finished late in the evening.
P-Noy and Erap are of the same mold.
The only difference between them is that P-Noy doesn’t drink alcohol.
* * *
President Noy will never marry because he’s enjoying his life as a bachelor.
He dates different women almost every night, according to my sources.
The President’s hedonistic ways might take a toll not only on his popularity but on his health as well.”
Even Philstar columnist, Ernesto M. Maceda backed Tulfo’s claim: “The President’s laid-back working style is demonstrated by his short working hours, and his irregular and infrequent Cabinet meetings. In addition, only one LEDAC meeting has been held so far.” And PNoy’s unconventional working habits have seen his popularity take a dive once again. To be sure, if PNoy keeps his working habits, there is only one way but down for him and his administration.
I see PNoy’s drop in popularity as a good thing. The sooner more Filipinos realize that we have nothing to work with in having PNoy in Malacanang, the sooner we can be more proactive in working on a concrete solution to the country’s woes. We don’t have to wait for 2016 to start discussing what needs to be done. PNoy it seems is just wasting everyone’s time.
I don’t know when PNoy is going to get it through his not-so-thick hairline that “it’s the economy, stupid.” Unfortunately, having a saintly image does not work towards bringing the foreign investors in. But even before being elected, we already knew that PNoy was going to be bad for the economy.
Peter Wallace, in his opinion piece for Manila Standard Today echoed the very same sentiments I have expressed time and time again about the padrino system that is keeping investors away:
“The personalistic nature of the Philippines, which is so lovely, goes too far when it enters into business in this modern world. The perception by foreigners is that it’s a waste of time and money to bid for competitive projects if a well-connected Filipino is competing against you. Or you must tie up with him, which is not necessarily the corporate strategy you desire. So better to go elsewhere. And the investment figures show this is what has been happening.
Can P-Noy change this? Yes, he can. But not by exonerating his friends when they screw up. If independent investigation finds them guilty, then they are, and simple delicadeza would lead them to resign in deference to the presidency and the people. Well, foreigners see this favored treatment in one area and worry it will spill over into theirs, so why risk it?
In his article, Mr Wallace was clearly baffled as to why only the Philippines is singled out considering that, on closer analysis, a few of the Asian countries share the same constraint in terms of attracting investors. India and Indonesia for example have corruption, inadequate infrastructure and group patronage (padrino system) that contribute to keeping progress at bay. But the irony is: “Over the past six years the Philippines struggled to attract $11.9 billion in foreign investment. Vietnam, a country fast overtaking the Philippines, got over double that at $29.8 billion. Indonesia was three times at $36.3 billion, and Thailand, four times at $48.2 billion.”
To be sure, corruption and padrino systems exist everywhere. However, it is in the level or the extent with which it pervades in the society that makes a big difference. Obviously, the Philippines stands out because corruption and padrino systems can be found from the smallest organizations to the highest offices in the land. And Mr Wallace has probably not heard of (or he may be trying to be politically correct) most Filipinos’ penchant for playing the “victim card.”
As discussed in a previous article of mine, most Filipinos tend to be averse to following rules and regulations and then cry foul after their attention gets called. They also tend to not take things seriously because they have this misguided notion that they should always be in a “fiesta” mode.
In other words, our culture is such a turn-off to foreign investors that if they were to choose between two evils, they would choose a society with a better cultural character. This is something that is not so easy for most Filipinos to accept because they are also a very proud people.
And while other Asian countries are opening up their markets, the Philippines is still stuck with the economic provisions that bar 100% foreign ownership in many key industries. A classic example of this is what I heard from an Australian friend who works for Australia’s number one bank. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia will be expanding to a few Asian countries but will likely be skipping the Philippines due to regulations that tend to be more restrictive compared to other countries in the region. That is one potential foreign investor giving us the thumbs down. It’s anybody’s guess how many more investors like that we are missing out on.
Mr Wallace suggests that PNoy should “put some bright people in a room, close the door, pass food and drink (red wine works for me) around and [not to] let them out until they have the answer” to the question “why is the Philippines so far, far behind in attracting interest?”
Sadly, PNoy has a very bad track record of picking out what he thinks are bright people. But he can certainly bring people together and most probably pick out the best wine for a drinking session judging from all the late night outs he has been having.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
You do realize that as the article is titled “5 Unexpected Downsides of High Intelligence,” that what you’re describing is more of a potential pitfall than an advantage?
But I digress.
When you point out…
I see PNoy’s drop in popularity as a good thing. The sooner more Filipinos realize that we have nothing to work with in having PNoy in Malacanang, the sooner we can be more proactive in working on a concrete solution to the country’s woes. We don’t have to wait for 2016 to start discussing what needs to be done. PNoy it seems is just wasting everyone’s time.
It’s important to remember that Erap came second to PNoy. If we had a Parliamentary election in 2010, he would also stand a very good chance at making PM as party leader of the Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino (which would probably have facilitated Roxas getting Noynoy to lead the LP to keep that from happening.)
It’s gonna get worse before it gets better, and I hope I’m not in close proximity when we reach the nadir.
Yeah, I know. I need more beauty sleep 😉
Regarding Erap coming second in the election: as Ramon Tulfo wrote in his article, “P-Noy and Erap are of the same mold.” So it really does not matter which one came first.
That’s true. What matters is that they both fit in so well with a culture that abhors following simple guidelines (as you put it) and discipline – with the repeatedly reinforced notion that it only leads to authoritarianism – that they can just keep switching one out for the other in as rapid succession as the political system will allow.
If pnoy is of the same mold with erap, I just hope he could make a dollar into 60pesos as well hehehe. But seriously what we get is what we are, filipinos in general is of the same mold as erap and pnoy, lazy , uninnovative type of people.
Question, what does P-Noy do in his “free time” playing PSP?
As per the Tulfo, he allegedly likes going out with different girls. He must be over playing with video games.
Girls.. Cars… (perhaps not alcohol or gambling).
Typical Mafioso style of living 🙂
Yeah, similar to the Italian PM.
i honestly don’t know whether it’ll be pnoy or the fake-muscled capt. barbell who’ll be the next bebe gandanghari. ipinipilit sa tao ng promoters nila na ladykiller sila, it’s sickening.
This is simply a cover up. We machos can easily figure out fakes. I heard he goes for the Dingdong Dantes type. Ladykiller nyah!
Seriously speaking, your comments are objectiveky true. He does not have the capacity to lead or change the cultural character of this society and government. He is consumed by his ineptitude. He is just being used by political entrepreneurs. Now his gang has exhausted all politicak gimickries and face the Calvary of infighting. Alas Philipoines, when shall Moses lead us out of this Egyptl
I don’t believe that the way you go to sleep; late or early. Shows your I.Q. It is just a matter of habit and preference, if you want to sleep late or early.
I happen to have a good friend, who works in the Human Resources Department, of a Fortune 500 company in the U.S. He told me that a good hire for a potentially good employee, is manifested in his Track Records; that is: scholastic records, extra-curricular activities records; physchological backgrounds and evaluations and works records…
Noynoy Aquino was born with a Silver Spoon in his mouth…he did not have to Sweat, to arrive where he is…his academic accomplishment is not exceptional…He has no proven good Track Records, while he served in Congress and the Senate…Not even, a good leadership record; or innovation records to solve our problems…
So, he would Fail in my friend’s evaluation to be hired in a Fortune 500 company. And, he is the President of the Philippines? No wonder, he is galivanting and blaming people in his job.
Unfortunately, the qualifications for being elected as the president are less stricter than being hired by big-time companies.
Maybe it’s time to consider the idea of revising the constitution. 😀
I did say people with high I.Q.’s tend to stay up late and get up later in the mornings. I’m sure many more people with high I.Q.’s sleep early because they have a lot of time to do everything during the day. Just like there are many more people with low I.Q.’s who sleep late because they want to play with computer games 😉
“In other words, our culture is such a turn-off to foreign investors . . .”
It is hard to trust someone who is so into taking care of themselves, they are willing to steal someone else’s earnest money.
Fine article. I like this critique of President Aquino because it is attached to specific shortcomings. He lived a soft life before he was President, and he cannot motivate himself to become a hard-working driver of progress. Perhaps because he is blind to the ways a well-organized administrator would work. Villar would have a better idea, or Gordon, I suspect.
Thanks Joe. The problem is not easy to fix because it is ingrained in the culture.
We as a people need to look long and hard at ourselves in the mirror.