In many articles all over the part of the Net I am most familiar with, there are many calls to reflect on the real “meaning” of Easter season — that is, presumably, the Catholic meaning of Easter which revolves around the “sacrifice” of Jesus Christ to redeem our sad lot of Adam’s sin. At the top of the list is Philippine President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III’s message to his constituents highlighting his optimism and push for “good governance, coupled with trust and unity” and insisting that this is “the foundation that the government needs to surpass any challenge that may come its way.”
Offhand, I find that a President and leader-wannabe who presumes to make such lofty pronouncements to his people while himself propagating an atmosphere of vindictiveness and promoting divisiveness subtracts rather than adds to the “spirit” of the season. But that, of course, is beside the point.
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The point I wanted to highlight in today’s lesson is more around my favourite aspect of discourse that tends to fly over the heads of most Filipinos (renowned, at that, for being a metaphorically- and satirically-challenged lot) — ironies. With the Easter season nearing its culmination (this Sunday), I can’t help zero in on the biggest irony of the Christian faith of all: that we are so presumptuous as to think that an Almighty God might send his only “son” to “die” for our sorry lot.
Why would the Son of God die for us?
Because God “loves” us?
First of all what exactly is this “love” we “feel”? Love is not only a very human emotion, it is something we share with most animals. Indeed the emotional response we call “love” is increasingly seen to be a very deeply-ingrained aspect of our biology that is designed to ensure, through powerful physical signals, that (1) we propagate our genetic code by seeking sexual partners and (2) we protect individuals who are carriers of our genetic code (such as our offspring and close relatives). So powerful are these signals that animals and humans alike are most at risk of dying in accidents when engaged in activities in pursuit of the above two goals. This instinct to risk death in the name of “love” has been assessed by millions of years of natural selection as worth the pay-off — i.e., propagation of our individual genetic patterns into subsequent generations of our species.
So I question the wisdom (and hubris) of attributing a very biological and earthly emotion such as “love” to an almighty and perfect God that organised religion puts up for us to fear. Who are we, the humble people this God (or at least his earthly minions) keeps reminding us we are, to shape his purpose using our worldly emotional motivations?
Second, it is widely accepted in the scientific community nowadays, that the Universe was not designed to fit what human minds consider to be within the small scope of what is considered “sensible”. Indeed the word sensible itself is derived from the concept of sense which pertains to things perceptible through our five senses. If we look through the history of the evolution of human knowledge (and our enlightenment) we will find that it is one that describes a progressive demotion of humanity’s place in the universe from one of centrality to one of obscurity and infinitesimal inconsequentiality. From seeing ourselves as being the centre of the universe, we now know we are but a small speck in a vast cosmos that lacks any form of here or there. Indeed, the cosmos is a “place” that lacks an absolute position, much less that central place that we once aspired to occupy.
Not only that, we are also finding that the universe fundamentally behaves in ways whose mechanics are way beyond the grasp of our intuitive minds. Indeed, this reality was what forced the greatest minds of our lot — Newton, Einstein, Heisenberg, among others — to come up with the mathematics (inherently incomplete as it’s proven to be) required to fill in where human intuition starts to fail.
To progressively uncover the truth about a sky that appears to have its bodies revolve around us, for example, we needed mathematics to structure the thinking required to grasp why this appearance was a misleading one.
In short, the way we perceive reality is really just a function of how our senses evolved to perceive it. Out of a very broad band of electromagnetic radiation, for example, our eyes can only detect a very narrow segment of it (the part we call “visible light”). The far bigger field out there with which we can make sense of the universe is all but invisible to the unaided eye. That is because “visible light” is all that we (and our evolutionary ancestors) needed to survive in the very specialised environment that planet Earth provided for us. Seeing “light”, and distinguishing between the colour red and green is no more than what we need to find food, select a sexual partner, and avoid falling off a cliff (or in our case, today, speeding through an intersection at the wrong time).
Indeed, even in describing the “beauty” of a universe that some of us believe could only have been created by our God, we are, in effect, reducing its vast majesty to a form that suits our very humble sensibilities. As such, consider then what noted blogger Cocoy says here:
Faith need not be at odds with Science; the latter is a quest to describe and discover this Universe of myriad possibilities and beauty. This is a universe that Faith believes was made by the hand of God and can be a celebration of that belief. If you happen not to believe, the universe is still a beautiful place, isn’t it? And yet I can not help but wonder that a lot of people will spend this Easter missing that point too.
Is this “beauty” absolute? Not by a stretch of even an imagination far bigger than ours, perhaps not even the imagination of a God that is capable of “love”. For a God that is capable of “love” by this very nature is a limited one.
For that matter, are there absolutes, to begin with? To postulate absolutes even using the majesty of our known science and mathematics still makes said postulated absolute, itself, a mere notion framed by the very human constructs (albeit possessing far more rigour than our natural intuition) in our science and mathematics.
Perhaps the best way to give a true perfect and infinite god his due place in our lives is to have a better understanding of the inconsequential place humanity occupies in a vast universe that quite simply is likely to be indifferent to our existence, much less the loftiest of our aspirations — and not to presume that such a god regards us using anything that resembles any of our human faculties.
benign0 is the Webmaster of
I think the existence of God could be disproved with some basic logic that does not even have to bring in Epicurus’ famous lines about the subject.
What theists are assuming is a positive from a clearly established negative. Until this positive is definitively backed up with something tangible (ironically, “seeing is believing”) other than different interpretation upon different interpretation of 1600-year-old writings, then it would be more logical to assume the negative.
And you are correct, everything we ascribe to “love” is really just a complex reaction of chemicals and hormones honed over 5 billion years of the evolution of life on this insignificant blue ball on earth. Our “sentient existence” is purely synaptic. Barring any sort of sudden supernatural event, that’s just how it’s gonna be.
Well it took as something like 90 percent of our civilised existence to get an inkling that there is something coherent (or at least mathematically coherent) beyond the illusion of the world created by our ‘sentient experience’. The irony there is that during that 90% of the time, we held on to belief systems that also convinced us of something out there that was beyond that same ‘sentient experience’ except that the custodians of the dogma articulating these belief systems blew their chance to turn their teachings into something intellectually coherent. As a result we had to wait for the likes of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, and then Einstein and Bohr, et al to provide alternative theories of the nature of that which lies outside of our intuition.
Newton was a devout Christian, and he wrote more about it than his scientific ones. Most scientific and natural laws that we have today were written by devout Christians.
True we have a lot of Christians today who wrote scientific and natural laws, but they are only Christians in paper or for reputation or funds. Plus, they do not really want to discuss being a Christian or what religion is because its a waste of time to them and not relate to explaining theories and laws, and they apply scientific means to further answer scientific questions, unless they are studying the scientific principles regarding the nature of humans practicing religion such as the relation of praying to meditating or other chantings.
As for Newton, he would have probably been tortured and burnt if he was not Christian, so it was in his best interest to save his life.
I think it’s also the reason why Leonardo da Vinci wrote right-to-left in mirror image — a sort of primitive encryption of his writing to avoid persecution by the Church. That’s what I read, at least.
Forget about the Easter statement of the imbecile President Noynoy Aquino. As usual: he does not know what he is talking about…or his Speechwriters…or Mr. Ricky Cardandang, do not know what they are talking about?…
What you believe is your own business…If you believe in: “tikbalans”; “dwendes”; “anitos”; etc…It is your right to believe…and I have no God-damn business in it…I have also, my own set of beliefs…
God in the form of Jesus Christ; did not die for our sins…sin is just a spiritual mistake. Jesus Christ came to demonstrate to us: that life is eternal…In reality: we are not born, nor have died…we just pass thru series of reincarnations in our beings…from spiritual beings to have a body/physical being…to learn our lessons here on Earth. It is my opinion that: we all lived before…we have past lives…This is already proven in Regression Theraphies, by noted PsychoTherapists and Psychiatrists, in foremost Medical Schools like: Yale University and Harvard School of Medicine…
In the ancient Jewish Religion of Kabalah…their Holy Book tells about: Reincarnation and in-between lives…so is the Buddhist: Tibetan Book of the Dead…
We must all have an open mind…to seek for the Truth of our own Beings…THIS, I THINK, IS THE TRUE MESSAGE OF EASTER…
I really believe that religion signifies as a tool for a market so opportunists make money.
We can see that those people who sell crucifixes, and religious followers actually buy them!
Sames goes for priests being paid to bless material possessions.
There’s also Christmas and other “religious” holidays or periods for companies to stock up their inventories with holiday related goods so people buy them for gifts.
As for Easter, candle and beer sells more, restaurants serve more, tourist sites such as Boracay cater more, people donate money more, etc.
I am glad those people are making money to make their life financially sufficient. Keep doing what your doing!
Jesus sacrificed himself to save us from our sins. Can’t you see how much God loves you? That he sacrificed his only son, our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we may enter the kingdom of heaven!
Read the Bible. It will change your life.
I will pray for you.
God bless.
Oh, Pastor Ernie. I admire the self-confidence of one who is (just as I am) an insignificant speck on an insignificant speck in the whole vast and infinite universe, and yet can ignore that and believe that he personally is the focus of the attention of the God of All That.
Personally, I take more comfort in knowing that existence is greater and far more mysterious than I can imagine, and the fact that I only have a little time before my atoms return to oblivion gives me all the more reason to cherish it and experience the wonder. I would be incredibly annoyed if I were to discover there was an afterlife, but that’s me. To each his own.
Happy Passover!
Yeah, I’d rather give the God that so many men-in-robes keep trying to convince us is infinitely almighty the respect due him by not being so presumptuous as to see him as possessing any aspect of our human condition.
Be it as it may, I cannot believe that we humans are so weak in the mind and on the knees to forgo thinking for ourselves if we really need your offer of salvation.
I know a lot of you have their own beliefs about God and Jesus but this is my version. As said in the article, a simple question was asked; why did Jesus died for our sins? Good question. Why did he? It makes no sense? I mean he spent three years in this dump world of ours teaching us all kinds of shit about “love and God” and then he died. Period. End of story.
That’s it? For what? So we could see God’s son die? Because priests and the old people told us that God loves us? What the hell right? Where’s the Disney magic of happy ending? Where’s the singing fairies and the dancing Bambi?
Anyway, I like to get to the point because I’d like to share what I’ve learned about this question. This was probably the most hardest one to crack, seeing there are a lot of questions here than answers.
The first question I wanted to answer was why did he let the people crucify him? Think about it. Your the son of a freaking creator and you allow yourself to be bullied by a bunch of wussies who hits a person that has no capacity to fight back. You could have called for back up and command your daddy’s angels to kick the living shit on these Roman soldiers. Instead, you let yourself suffer, but why? That’s the big question.
I thought for a moment that the answer to this question was scientific or symbolical but when I did searched through those books, I got so freaking confused, my head was about to give me an anyurism. Years passed, I got the answer. I never knew it was so simple. I did’t even have to search. All I did was look.
Jesus was a teacher right? (Duh!) He was called by many as “Rabbi,” a Hebrew name meaning “Teacher.” So what does a teacher do? (I can’t believe I’m asking a kindergarden question that time) Of course to teach, but remember, Jesus was no ordinary teacher. He was considered as the greatest teacher of all. Why? Because unlike our modern teachers today, Jesus taught through wisdom, words, actions, and suffering.
In the first chapters of the new testament, Jesus was teaching all kinds of things like how we can be saved by believing him and how rich greedy people are such dickheads and following the devil will make you more of a wussie in life. The last lesson we should learn, which Jesus demonstrated, was when he was crucified. This was his lesson:
Never lose faith on yourself and God even in the face of total evil, and even in the face of certain death.
This was the reason why the Devil was so pissed, because even when Jesus was abandoned by everyone, like the denial of Peter, betreyal of Judas and even the forsakement of God, Jesus never gave himself up to the Devil. He remained faithful until his last breath. Get it?
Remember, Jesus was a teacher, that time he was teaching us through his actions, not through words. He knew that only wise people can see this message that’s why he never told anyone nor did his disciples wrote it. This is also why his crucifixion was so important.
Ok, there are so much information here we need to sink in. To prove to you Jesus was right, let’s apply it on real life situations. I’m sure once in your life you felt the same way. Everybody abandoned you to the point of bringing out your “darkside”, have you noticed it? Some can’t take it, they kill themselves in the process. That’s how the Devil operates, that’s how the corruption of the soul starts.
He strikes you when your weak and tempts you with all the temptations in the world and if you succumb into it, poof! You’re now a new bad ass! Intelligence? That’s nonsense to the Devil, he can use your anger against you if he wants to, any emotion that he can use to make a geek’s intelligence look like a cockroach’s brain.
He knows that humans are weak to emotions, you know like you-know-who that likes to attack people in his blog because of his “brillance” or something. Nevermind.
But Jesus taught us something valuable that time. He never let himself be corrupted by the Devil. His faith was so strong even when he is surrounded by evil, he did not gave it up.
Take a look at successful legends of the past. Einstien, Gandhi, Da Vinci, Soichiro Honda and so on and so forth. All of them was successful because of one common denominator: Because they believe in something more than themselves, in other words they had strong faith on something they believe in. Something beyond human logic. A strong faith in the mysterious if you will.
But another question we need to answer here, if Jesus was going to die, why didn’t he stop it? Because he has teaching us something that has plague humankind that made us so weak even today – Fear. Jesus never showed fear even though he knew he was going to die. He faced it with utmost courage and with faith that even death did not destroyed him.
Fear was the reason why our world today, even the Philippines, is in deep shit. Because of our fear, we do things that make other people suffer. Why did we create weapons? Because we fear death. Why do we strive to be perfect? Because we fear failing. Why do we fight each other? Because we fear each other’s differences and so on and so forth. It all starts with fear. Jesus did not even have that in his dictionary.
So what does this answer us? By removing fear, humans have the capacity to go beyond our science, beyond our logic, beyond our limit. So we can have what? The answer my friend is freedom. Freedom from greed, from corruption, from fear and so on and so forth.
Not the freedom to do all you want like doing an all night sex orgy.
All of this requires one thing that even angels would kill to get – Freewill or in other words “the will to choose.” This is why freewill is so important. This is why freewill was the greatest gift of all. We can choose who and whatever we want to be. Angels can’t, they have to rebel against God to be released against his will.
If one person wants to be a dickhead then he can attack other people’s articles just because it does not conform in his beliefs. If someone wants to be a successful businessman, he’ll work extremely hard and get along with people. If a country wants change, then people have to get along with each other and set aside their differences just because we have different beliefs.
So in answering the question: Did Jesus died because God loved us? In my opinion, you bet your ass he did. He loved us with utmost feelings to the point of sacrificing his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. To teach us that being a good person, intelligent or not, no evil can touch us, not even death.
Pastor Ernie is right too, I might add.
This makes perfect sense because if you did good today, even if you die tomorrow, you’ll have no regrets because you have lived a good life.
I must say, science have helped me on this too but of course I need to go beyond that to know the answer. Fact is, there is no “Science vs. Religion” there is no “Logic vs. Spirituality” there never was. All I see is “Science and Religion” and “Logic and Spirituality.”
Albert Einstien was right, “Religion without science is lame, science without religion is blind.” I guess this is why they called him “the smartest man of the 20th century.”
You forgot to show Einstien’s defining context of religion, “I have found no better expression than ‘religious’ for confidence in the rational nature of reality, insofar as it is accessible to human reason.” I agree indeed that he was “the smartest man of the 20th century.â€
Also I agree that presently, we have “Science and Religion” and “Logic and Spirituality” while in the past, we only had “Religion” and “Spirituality” prevalent. Fortunately, the future will be “Science” and “Logic” only, so we definitely exemplify as a progressive species.
This progress is a great thing of course because all technological advancements were created with natural resources and based from objective reality and its observed functions, thus, future technologies will certainly transcend beyond the Earth-made matters. Additionally, humans will not have to worry about fear because instead of being emotional of the results, they will instead be critically thinking the how and why of their results, which in the end will create more critical thinkers, hence, a peaceful earth, not just societies.
I respect your premise about your beliefs. If you believe in “Science” and “Logic” being the only thing left then that’s your belief.
If your picturing “Critical Thinking” then that’s nothing wrong with that really. The only problem I see on that kind of thinking sir is we stop progressing because we are limited to logic instead of creativity which can only be done with the requirement of believing in something much more.
Don’t get me wrong, we need logic, but not everything in this world is logic. If we believe everything is logic then what’s the point of living in this world in the first place? We’ll be like puppets following only the laws of logic made by man instead of choosing your own path going beyond human thinking.
I believe in logic and science dude. I do, but I also believe that I can go beyond that. I do not confine myself on logic alone because I am nobody’s slave in their beliefs. I create and choose my beliefs because that’s who I am. I am a human being not some robot programmed to live in the confinements of logic alone.
I have emotions, which drives me to defend myself and motivate my creativity. I have inspiration to help me create something new and progress. I have virtues which separates me from animals.
In my opinion, and this is only me, the last thing that will exist at the end is not technology or science, it’s love. It’s indestructible, the only thing worth living for.
When I say that I love my mother, it’s not because it’s logical to love her. I love her because she taught me a lot about life. She taught me how determination can go beyond limits and even without science, one can still succeed in his goal. I love her because she was patient with me when others seem to give up on me. I love her for the mother she is right now and the mother she is going to be in the future.
When I say I love my girlfriend, it’s not because it’s logical to love her. I love her because she is unique. I love her for her imperfections and the mistakes she makes. I do not want to change a single bit of who she is because whatever made her right now, made her so wonderful in a million different ways and no logic or science can ever explain that. She is beyond science, beyond logic.
She may have made things hard sometimes on me, but who cares. I still find her beautiful. I don’t need explanations or evidence to support that. All I can do is just look at her and I’m all right. In my eyes, she is already perfect.
I know a lot of us wants to change the world in our own perspective, or showing evidence that this theory is good and that theory is good. For me, everything you believe is good because that’s who you are, that’s who you choose.
I do not want a “utopian” kind of world. I’m not afraid of suffering. Why would I? If there is no suffering I would not learn anything about life. I would grow as a person.
Why would I want a fair world? Life is unfair, it always have. So the best thing I can do is make the most of my time with that kind of unfair treatment that I had and have faith that in the end, with hard work and extreme determination, I can rise up again and go beyond my limits. It became unfair to teach me that not everything in this world can be mine and i must be humble and respect other people no matter who they are.
So whatever you choose or believe, then that’s fine by me. But I have my own beliefs and principles that I created. I do not want people teaching me to believe this or that. I’m not a puppet. I’m a human being. I want freedom, not a prison.
“If your picturing “Critical Thinking†then that’s nothing wrong with that really. The only problem I see on that kind of thinking sir is we stop progressing because we are limited to logic instead of creativity which can only be done with the requirement of believing in something much more.”
The “something much more” is faith when its faith that has been preventing humanity from applying their creativity in order to progress?
People cannot create something out of nothing without thinking critically. All observable human achievements such as technologies that you religious people enjoy in our existing reality are in absolute created base on real resources that is explained nature. How do people create those wonderful inventions? They critically think. They think and keep thinking until finally, they are able to see what nature can be used for. They collect, analyze, organize, and finally reason to put into matters their various knowledge that they accumulate from thinking about nature. Critical thinking allows us humans to evolve by composing simple direct transformations of the natural sources into simple tools to developing complex and multiple manipulations of the natural resources into complex mechanics, digital worlds, and possibly even different dimensions. Thus, creativity is a result of complex reasoning and thinking, which is logic, and which that humans need in order to progress as evident by the progress of technology, not religion.
Religion hinders human progress because they despise reasoning. They rely on nonexistent which is the complete opposite logic which relies on existent. People relying on nonexistent never creates any technologies such as making fire, weapons, houses, airplanes, spaceships etc. because all of these are formulated from observations of the existing nature, and the ability that makes human progress, which is logical mind.
Can anyone provide one example of a religious invention that people use today by not critically thinking about nature?
“Don’t get me wrong, we need logic, but not everything in this world is logic. If we believe everything is logic then what’s the point of living in this world in the first place? We’ll be like puppets following only the laws of logic made by man instead of choosing your own path going beyond human thinking.”
The point of living in this world is to accept that people exist in a real world called planet Earth of the Milky Way galaxy, which is among many other galaxies that is part of nature. The point of living is to accept that humans must use their minds to think about nature instead of focusing on something that does not exist. Humans cannot overcome human thinking without first accepting that they can critically think about nature, just like how we cannot create those magnificent human products without nature.
“We’ll be like puppets following only the laws of logic made,” Logic creates progress. To judge progress as right or wrong is to side as either pro-progress or anti-progress. Which side should humanity be on?
Whats beyond human thinking? Its definitely not faith, because faith is the past while logic is the present. Future will be something even more glorious than the both. One way to find out is when an environment full of human critical thinkers or logical minds exists, then a future new homo species will occur.
“I believe in logic and science dude. I do, but I also believe that I can go beyond that. I do not confine myself on logic alone because I am nobody’s slave in their beliefs. I create and choose my beliefs because that’s who I am. I am a human being not some robot programmed to live in the confinements of logic alone.”
People cannot go beyond human thinking if they do not know what constitutes progress. Logic is progress. Accepting this nature is what will make humans go beyond human thinking and to be selected for powerful attribute.
People! The evolution of tools, which developed from our logical minds, is the greatest evidence in front of our face of how powerful a reasoning ability truly. Still, religious fanatics think that they are beyond reasoning when faith never created the convenience and satisfaction we experience today through our Human Made technologies, and that our ancestors would die for. Do these people really believe that they are beyond nature by not accepting the universe exists that which reasoning is founded? The arrogance!!!!
Faith exists only for those who want to enslave themselves to others. Fear not, I will your wish come true and allow you people to become my slave!!!!!
I don’t think there really is any point in preoccupying ourselves with any belief system that counts as one of its cornerstones the notion that humans are purposely excluded from knowing certain things.
We may as well focus our minds on figuring out what we are capable of knowing without any preconceived limit to where that journey will take us.
Sigh! Lighten up dude, it’s just the guy’s opinion. If you don’t believe him then that’s fine.
Namatay ang Anak ng Diyos dahil hindi kayang pagbayaran ng tao ang kanyang kasalanan. Ang Diyos ay perpekto. Ang hustisya Niya ay perpekto. Kamatayan ang kabayaran ng kasalanan, gaano man ito kaliit. Kamatayang hindi lamang pisikal, kundi spiritwal. At ang lahat ay nagkasala, walang sinumang hindi, as in wala. Isang beses lang mamamatay ang tao, pagkatapos nun, hahatulan na siya. Isang kasalanan katumbas ay isang kamatayan. Paano kung dalawang beses ng nagkasala sa buhay, hindi naman puedeng mamatay uli dahil isang beses nga lang puedeng mamatay. So, paano na ang gagawin ng tao? Ibig sabihin lang nito, walang magagawa ang tao kundi pagdudusahan niya habang panahon ang kasalanan niya. Kung ang lahat ay nagkasala, ibig sabihin, walang pupunta sa langit para makasama ang Diyos. Sapagkat wala ngang solusyon ang tao sa problema niya sa kasalanan, ang Diyos na ang gumawa ng paraan. Kahit na ikaw pa ang pinakamabuting tao sa buong mundo, isang kasalanan lang ang katapat para habang panahon na magdusa. Ganito katindi ang perpektong hustisya ng Diyos. Walang kinikilingan ang hustisya ng Diyos, hindi tulad ng hustisya ng tao. Masusuhulan ba ng tao ang Tagapaglikha niya?
Dito ngayon papasok ang perpektong pag-ibig ng Diyos. Dahil nga walang nakaabot sa pamantayan Niya, ipinadala Niya ang Kanyang bugtong na Anak para Siya ang sasalo sa dapat na tayo ang magbabayad. Ang Anak ng Diyos ay Diyos, kaya kaya Niyang pagbayaran ang hinihingi ng perpektong hustisya ng Ama. At hindi Siya kailanman nagkasala, kahit sa pinakamaliit na bagay, kahit isa. At since Siya lamang ang walang kasalanan, Siya lamang ang hindi mamamatay. Pero dahil kaya nga siya ipinadala sa lupa upang tumayong sakripisyo para sa kasalanan ng tao, nagpaubaya Siya sa nais ng Ama. Imbes na ang makasalang tao ang ipinako sa krus, Siya na walang bahid ng kasalanan ang ipinako. At namatay nga ang Anak ng Diyos para pagbayaraan ang kasalanan ng tao. Ngunit, sa ikatlong araw, nabuhay Siyang muli! Napagtagumpayan ng Anak ng Diyos ang kamatayan. Parehong hawak na ng Anak ng Diyos ang kapangyarihan ng buhay at kamatayan.
Kaya nga ito ang mabuting balita sa mga nais sumampalataya. Hindi namimilit ang Diyos. Pero nais ng Diyos na ang lahat ay maligtas mula sa Kanyang perpektong hustisya. Maiintidihan lamang ito kung magpapakumbaba sa Espiritu ng Diyos. Hindi sinulat ang Bibliya sa mga matalinhagang mga salita. Simple lang ang mensahe nito. Kahit ang walang pinag-aralan, kaya itong intindihin. Problema sa tao, naghahanap siya sa Bibliya ng sagot sa kanyang mga katanungan na maganda sa kanyang pandinig. Pero, pag isiniwalat na ng Bibliya ang kasamaan ng tao at kawalang pag-asa nito sa pamamagitan ng sariling pagsisikap na makaabot sa pamantayan ng Diyos, hindi na nila ito matangap. Mabigat tuloy ang pakiramdam. Para tuloy ang hirap intindihin.
Hindi ako relihiyoso, dahil hindi relihiyon ang itinatag ni Kristo, kundi personal na pakikitungo sa Diyos. At lalo’t higit hindi ako Katoliko. Oo, kanya-kanya tayo ng paniniwala. Pero sa huli, ang pamantayan pa rin lang ng Diyos ang magiging sukatan ng lahat.
Faith or whatever you want to say. But like I said no one dictates my beliefs but me. Not logic, not human laws or even you. Convince all you want, tell all the evidence you can throw at me, my principles stays. This is what I live for not science. For me, science is only a tool, period.
If you believe that there is no progress is religion then so be it. Believe at it all you want, rant to me all you can give me. Call me anything you want, my belief stays. This is who I am and I am not you.
There’s no debate here, you’re just creating one. My best friend is an atheist but we never resort to fighting that’s because we respect each other’s belief. He has his science and I have my religion yet still we are best friends, that’s because we believe that eventhough different we can still live in peace.
Sorry this comment is for Sandiya. My bad.
Well, I don’t really see anyone here forcing you to believe anything. Just opinions being shared in response to the ones you express.
Yeah, I know but you know what I mean. Sorry about that. It’s just that I don’t like someone calling me names.
He never saw me or even met me in my life yet he says things that are “below the belt”. He judges me before even meeting me.
But anyways, I’m sorry for that dude.
No problemo, man. Just making an observation as a disaffected third party. 😉