Some of you are familiar with the story of George Washington and the Cherry Tree. The short version of the story is that a six year old George Washington was so thrilled to be given a hatchet that he tried it on almost anything in the family property. The problem was he eventually got around to the gem of his father’s plants, the rare cherry tree. It had been growing for several years and had yet to bear fruit. With several swings of the hatchet the young George Washington destroyed the dream of fresh cherries coming from a tree on their property. His father asked him the question point blank if he knew who chopped the valued cherry tree. George Washington allegedly replied that he can not tell a lie and took personal responsibility. Although it involved a real person there is no substantial documentation that this story ever happened. Similar to Lacierda’s 91% claim.
I look around this nation of ours and I can not find a six year old George Washington to save my life. Back in September 2013 I was being naively optimistic that someone in Congress or the Senate will do a George Washington and admit exactly what was going on with all the financial anomalies at a time when the country wanted to know. Of course public servants are what they are which is anything but. They don’t help the public, they help themselves to the public’s money though.
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Everybody was acting like Janet Napoles who was not even a government official let alone a high ranking one had a monopoly on what was going on here. Not only did nobody come out of the closet but it seems the closet just got bigger. The ugly truth no one wants to admit is that Pinoys do not value accountability. They vote in people of that ilk all the time. They make loud noise at political rallies for people who never show accountability. Are you comfortable raising children in a culture that does not value accountability??

Exhibit A last week’s Twitter war between one of Jinggoy’s kids and the DJ known as Mo Twister. There are a lot better things to use what little brain power I have left than to get the names of any of Erap’s kids or grandkids right. I rather spend the brain cells dwelling on the 1919 Chicago White Sox. The incident started when Mr. “Twister ” basically called out one of the Erap grandkids for posting pics in social media about being on a private jet while their once incarcerated dad was in the process of beginning his second incarceration. Twister admitted he was crusin for a cyber brusin. One of the Erap grandkids accuses Mo of being unprofessional. After somebody tosses out the “D” word, on cue San Juan Councilor Janella “Jel” Ejercito comes in to defend one of the voliminous Erap clan. The councilor has since deleted her tweets though she seems to resent anyone of the Erap clan being labelled as “bobo”.

So we have kids of Jinggoy not being subtle of a champagne wishes and caviar dreams lifestyle yet hate the notion of it being brought to their attention as their father is part of another high profile arrest and this time as a Senator. Janella on the hand dislikes the bobo tag. A tag that her prolific grandfather gladly embraced in order to provide for a lifestyle her siblings and cousins seem to enjoy. Why is she mad at Mohan Gumatay for continuing what her own lolo glorified and exploited for decades? Erap knows one thing. To appeal to the ignorant , be ignorant. Janella, that is your reality. They are after all Erap jokes and not Mo Twister jokes. You owe your luxurious life in a third world country to this culture’s voters and judicial system not being discriminating to the uninformed and the shallow. They deem your lolo a god for being dumb and acting in movies. In this culture that translates into the ballot box. So don’t be insulted if it worked for your family.

We all know about the frat members of the Tau Gamma Phi of The College of Saint Benilde. Their hazing procedure resulted in the unfortunate death of Guillo Servando back in June. His father Aurelio made headlines simply by stating he wants to look his son’s killers in the eye. Of course the members of his sons frat in the true pinoy spirit of accountability do not oblige the unfortunate Mr. Servando. Leo from Sikreto Ng Makati was easier to find.
Kids will be kids but the so called adults in pinoy society specifically government actually do no better than the Benilde frat or the Erap grandkids. Malacanang Palace was already caught with their pants down instituting and institutionalizing a fund transfer system involving billions of taxpayer money that was deemed out of bounds as far as the constitution is concerned. Anybody who expects a mea culpa from Noynoy and friends somehow forgot what country we are living in.

Admitting one’s mistake is not a path normally taken by high ranking government officials. Another road less travelled for government officials is humility after the fact. When this self proclaimed Daang Matuwid government is accused by the Supreme Court of performing unconstitutional acts did you expect a “My Bad” from Abad? Only a fool searches for contriteness in the chambers of the heart of a member of the KKK or the ringleader.

Malacanang’s responses to the charge of being defiant to the constitution that they swore to uphold were well… defiant. They hinted at appealing a unanimous SC ruling. They want to downplay it as simply a “difference in opinion”. They clear all their allies of any wrongdoing so briskly that it would make Peter Maximoff envious. As usual Noynoy Kung Walang Corrupt Walang Mahirap Aquino applies his trademark double standard. Anybody in the opposition is always wrong and anybody in his camp can do no wrong.

They let it be known that Noynoy did not accept Abad’s resignation as of July 11 2014. In the eyes of Noynoy that would admit hanky panky and nobody associated with Noynoy can ever be accused of that. Noynoy believes that DAP ” benefited the Filipino people. ” Something that Noynoy does involving billions of pesos is declared unconstitutional and all we get from the Palace is a Harvard education in excuse making.

Like I said in my Olympic piece. Noynoy did not train to be president, it was handed to him on a silver platter by an emo society. Like many of us if we acquire something that we do not plan , scheme , prepare and earn for, we will take it for granted. When we take things for granted we don’t appreciate what we have and what we can do with it. Noynoy the epitome of self entitlement treats the presidency the same way a 5 year old will act if handed a blow torch. Why the hell are we surprised he is burning the constitution?

The depths a doorknob will sink to feed his vanity because he was a 50 year old slacker buoyed by his mom’s death . Since when do you treat the Nobel Peace prize like a high school election with billions in public funds? Filipinos paying for the insecurity of life long non achiever. A life long non achiever who rode in on his high horse accusing everybody else of not being up to his level.

A wise man learns from his mistakes, a wiser man learns from the mistakes of others. Just like the Jinggoy kids did not learn from Jean Napoles. The frat kids probably took their cue from the Gabby Concepcion or Bert Nievera school of problem solving. That is the pinoy way and I guess we should all be PROUD TO BE PINOY!!! In America they look at the tale of the Cherry Tree to exhibit desired honest behavior. So telling a difficult truth can be labelled pulling a “George Washington” In the Philippines based on the news I read everyday people here are accustomed to pulling a Ping Lacson.
Putting a very sharp needle into the balloon known as Pinoy Pride since 2012.
All of these politicians cannot distinguish between dishonesty and honesty…Lying to people is natural to them. Enjoying their loot; that they plundered from the national treasury is normal.
Why would people vote for these idiots?
Aquino will never accept accountability of his DAP Funds. Abad who is the designer of the thievery; should be thrown in jail. Instead, he is protected by Aquino. Aquino does not respect the decision of the Supreme Court. He thinks himself, as the Supreme Court.
These people cannot accept resposibility. It is a sign of immaturity on their part.
CROOKS. All of them.
Try to also remember that the elections are rigged, and voting these people into office is not always the way the politician finds himself in office.
I think this article is relevant again now that it seems that Aquino never valued the constitution, he thinks that he is above it. FVR and GMA tried to have a charter change but this guy now thinks that hes the one who can actually get it done, all so that he can escape jail term. Terrible. The constitution is supposed to be the embodiment of our ideals and aspirations, one man cannot just manipulate that for his own ends.