I beg to differ to some of the hysterics I’m seeing and hearing. I think the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) did a great job within the scope of its ability to influence outcomes. That last phrase is key. You can’t really worry about things that are clearly beyond the scope of your control once you’ve identified known risks and mounted a reasonable enough effort to mitigate them.
A lot of people confuse risk management with security management. Risk management is a field that involves the identification of possible failure points and weighing the cost of implementing safety measures around those points versus the expected cost of failure at those points. Security management involves (1) the implementation of said safety measures that have passed this cost-benefit analysis risk managers apply and (2) operating said measures.
Was it really worth quibbling at the fringes over some perceived lapses in the security and safety measures implemented by the COMELEC for these elections given how much fraud can actually be prevented by the COMELEC itself? The last 24-48 hours seem to have already answered that question.
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The issue of election fraud is bigger than the COMELEC. It is a social issue that encompasses Philippine society. It is broad and deep — so deep it is ingrained at the very fibres that weave the fabric of the character of the Filipino. Indeed, election fraud is a mere small subset of the vast framework of culturally-ingrained criminality in the Philippines. If we regard crime using its simplest definition, violating the law, then it becomes easy to recognise that Filipinos can be characterised by a banal criminality that they carry from cradle to grave.
From birth Filipinos are raised to be on the look out for opportunities to put one over the other. This is not at all remarkable in a low-trust society such as the Philippines where fraud and corruption are but components in a self-perpetuating cycle aggravated by the implementation of half-brained “solutions” to mere symptoms. Because, by nature, Filipinos cannot be trusted to do the right thing, draconian control measures are implemented in even the most basic bureaucratic processes — like registering a car or a business, for example. These stopgap controls then make these processes long, convoluted, and complicated — perfect breeding ground for more fraud and corruption. More fraud and corruption make good fodder for more “experts” to come in an recommend even more controls.
Catch my drift?
The common denominator here is the characteristic lazy and sloppy thinking Filipinos are renowned for. Suffice to say, solutions that do not recognise root causes create bigger problems. Jaime Licauco in an Inquirer article dated 22 May 2001 went as far as saying that: “A nation whose policies and rules are based on the assumption that everybody is a cheat and liar unless proven otherwise cannot long endure. Take a close look at our bureaucracy and its rules. It is burdened by elaborate and often unnecessary checks and balances so that nothing ever gets done in the process.”
The COMELEC was hammered for months on the issue of its inability to make the source code for its Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines available for scrutiny. Wankers in social media turned this into a big issue throwing around IT concepts their vacuous attention-deficited minds barely understood. As I had written previously, one does not need source code to develop a reasonably good picture of how a system might behave within given parameters. You just need competent test analysts who can build a tight testing approach to infer (within reasonably defined levels of confidence) the soundness of a system.
To insist that a source code is required to establish the soundness of the COMELEC’s PCOS system is like saying that it is impossible to reasonably asses how good or bad a person is without knowing precisely how a brain works.
Surrounding the “expert” pontifications around this “core issue” are the girly hysterics around machine failures and perceived lapses in precinct security. Some complained about being asked if they had already voted even as they queued to have their fingers marked with indelible ink citing this oversight as an opportunity to create fraud. Fortunately, some people did the maths, as the Inquirer.net editor pointed out today…
True enough, there were many reports of machine breakdowns on Election Day. The poll watchdog Kontra Daya said such cases were “widespread and had a major effect on the conduct of the elections.†But Henrietta de Villa, chair of the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting [a.k.a. the PPCRV], was more sanguine in her assessment, saying that “the 400 issues or machines that suffered some malfunction is not such a bad percentage against 77,889 machines used for the elections.â€
By the end of the day, as the numbers began piling up, the general impression seemed to be that, despite the glitches, the elections had run more or less successfully. Charges of cheating were at a minimum compared to previous polls, and the speed with which the figures were being transmitted and tallied were in line with the similarly fast results that characterized the 2010 presidential election, the first time the Philippines had employed automated polls.
So, credit where credit is due. If the results hold up and the numbers are eventually ratified, the Comelec, and the thousands of teachers, volunteers and sundry personnel across the country who worked hard to ensure that the elections came off as fair, honest and credible, deserve appreciation.
The trouble with people who talk a lot — and tweet a lot — is that they consistently fail to think and calculate.
Point five percent machine failure is close enough to perfect as one could ever get when operating newly-implemented large-scale IT systems. If this reckoning by the PPCRV is correct, that gives the COMELEC’s IT implementation work a grade of 99.5. Certainly in a society renowned for its pwede na yan mentality, this is a sterling performance deserving a standing ovation.
benign0 is the Webmaster of GetRealPhilippines.com.
For the electorate to vote in IRRESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY is to sow eventual disaster. To hold the COMELEC responsible for anything they do not control is to behave with BLIND IDIOCY.
If there are things that I should be disappointed in COMELEC; it’s their short-lived “official” marker pens and their poor advice and technical support, well at least in the area that I’ve worked as a poll watcher. We had a 12-hour voting time, yet after that we consumed 10 hours trying to reconnect to their servers without success, just for the technicians to initiate a backup plan in the end to coordinate with the City Treasury to transfer the PCOS machines to the City Hall for lockup and further reconnection later in the morning.
But on the brighter side, it’s still worlds better than manual counting. We can be rest assured that the only substantial way that the electoral process can be “cheated” is through more rampant vote buying.
Dude, correction on the maths.
The actual percentage of failures (400) over number of machines (77,889) is 0.5136%.
That means the final grade is 99.4864.
It’s as perfect as “pwede na yan” could ever hope to go.
Lol! You’re right! My bad… now I remember why I became a writer… 😛 I corrected the text. Couldn’t do any strikethroughs because the corrections were all insertions…
Good job, Sir Sixto. PNoy really appoints the right people.
Idiot! People like you are the ones who are keeping the Philippines from being more progressive. You should all go to hell!
I always laugh at you, enjoying hell and how miserable your life is. 😀
Still at it are we? TROLL?
Do you really think that the elections are clean when the tallied votes don’t MATCH the number of registered voters?
Hindi ka ba nagtataka kung bakit ganun?
Ang sarap talaga maging UTO-UTO no?
30% of votes still not transmitted/counted, which is significant – and even more significant are the areas that are involved. mmm
I for one am relieved that elections in the Philippines could now be called within a matter of days, and not weeks as of decades past–no matter how disappointing the results may be.
Does anyone still think these elections are:
A)not bought and paid for?
B)are in any way fair and un-biased?
C)the people REALLY have a say in the outcome?
just askin……
“solutions that do not recognise root causes create bigger problems.”
The Hocus PCOS machine did a great job, in voting for the people. The COMELEC people just allowed it…
It is called automated cheating…it’s easier; it cannot be understood by ordinary people. And, it truly works. It has proven , itself already…
You are absolutely right the legendary PCOS did it again! I hope someone from the COMELEC will spill the beans and will tell the truth about the rigged elections in 2010 and now 2013, but it seems there are cover-ups among the lawyers/commissioners of COMELEC.
What happened with the source code review of PCOS. Seems to be quite.
I mean quiet 🙂
Source code can be easily hacked, by teen-age hackers in developed countries, like the U.S.,Russia, or Europe…
I can’t help but LMAO at how much trouble Filipinos go into in order to protect votes that basically turn out to be unenlightened choices anyway.
Automated elections – and manual intervention.
The worst of both worlds.
More haste ( to proclaim) – less speed ( to explain). Mmmm!
I doubt we’ll hear the explanation. It will simply go to oblivion. . .
Well, we got Comelec explanation, guess what it is.
Comelec’s defense: We used faxed tallies
Nice excuse 😀
Faxed results! :-/
Thereby defeating the whole purpose of the automated PCOS system :-/
Could it be faxed -> fixed? 🙂
am sure.
so lets not use the words philippines and democracy in the same sentence. it is an insulting misnomer.
Sona = state of nauseousness analysis
Election = FFF – fixed, faxed, and f@cked-up
Senate = GiGo – garbage in , garbage out
Nancy binay = WTF! – self explanatory
System = DuCu – dynasties up, corruption up.
Economy = PuPd – propaganda up, performance down
Nation = FuKKKd – freedom usurped , kkk dominate
Cabinet = P!ss- power is self serving
Wyvfwyd = what you vote for is what you deserve
Option = RuFo – rev up & f@ck off
TTFN = ta ta for now (bye)
PAL = pilots are liabilities
SiG – singapore is great
RiP – raffles is perfect