Journalistic standards are in a spiral in the Philippines as hearsay “news” gets greater mileage in the biggest media network in the land. Recently, ABS-CBN News plumbed new lows as it positioned as its top headline a highly-speculative blog article by “investigative journalist” Raissa Robles on properties allegedly owned by Chief Justice Renato Corona in the United States.
As of the 2:56 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time, the 26th March 2012, the following was laid out on the front page of the ABS-CBN News website with the story on Robles’s blog at the top of the pile.

This follows the very “journalistic” and “fact-finding” tradition that got Niel Tupas Jr and his prosecution team in hot water with the impeachment court Senator-Judges when an allegation that Corona owned no less than 45 properties (which the media then turned into a publicity circus) turned out to be baseless. But it seems ABS-CBN News have still to learn from this. Not only is ABS-CBN reporting on a speculative report (making the goliath multinational news organisation twice-removed from accountability over the veracity of said “report”), it is giving premium space to information that simply does not pass the most basic standards of what constitutes news reporting.
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A quick scan of current events related to the Philippines reveals topics that have more far-reaching potential impact on the average Filipino: the not-guillty plea of massacre suspect Andal Ampatuan, the alleged use of American weapons technology by the Philippine Air Force to mount a surgical bombardment of an Abu Sayyaf camp, the plight of teachers kidnapped by bandits in Mindanao, and the Philippine military response to a “test” missile launch to be conducted by North Korea among others. Aside from these stories being undeniably more important than Robles’s quaint Sherlock aspirations, the facts and corroborative reports available to write meaningful and insightful stories about these are more than ample and more readily accessible.
Indeed, according to Robles herself, the allegations that Corona maintained a portfolio of properties in the United States were based on information obtained “through ‘crowdsourcing’ in her blog”. Presumably she means the scores of netizens who follow and comment in it. It therefore becomes a question of how intelligent Robles’s clique of blog readers and commentators are. Certainly they are biblical in the adoration they reserve for the bastion of journalistic “integrity” they find in Robles — which brings to question just how objective they are in digging up the dirt that their cult master commands them to seek. Last I heard, objectivity is a cornerstone of journalistic integrity.
benign0 is the Webmaster of
Well i did a quick google search of “Is intellius accurate” I got this from yahoo answrs
“I am a professionsal skip tracer and interning Private Investegator and I would not rely on Intelius. The searches I use are Accurint, Innovis, Insight, and Experian Skiptracing. All are very good and reliable. TRY THOSE! If you cant get access to them, maybe you should look into hiring a private investegator. Here are some free ideas:
*Call directory assistance
*If the person hold a professional license *(lawyer, nurse, etc) you could search that.
*Check real property records in that persons state
*Pop their name in google: It really is amazing what you’ll discover.
Here is a compliation of misc. links that may or maynot be helpful:”
And says “Intelius Is A Huge Waste Of Money”
and “Intelius background checks are a fraud.”
…Seems like she got information from a not so credible source.
Like with everything else you grab off the internet, you take what you find with a grain of salt, specially if you do not pretend to be a hallowed bastion of noble intentions like some of these ‘notables’ who infest our society.
I wonder if she ever thought about cross checking this information with the state real property records to verify if the information she got was true. Or if she even plans on verifying this info.
I am chuckling because I agree with you that the Philippine media are often irresponsible sensationalist sharks, looking for blood in the water. When they are nipping at your legs or your friend’s behind it is rather a pisser. I had to endure three years of “Nicole” during which Americans were portrayed as sex-mad rapists; all over a couple of irresponsible drunks not worthy of one spit of our time. It was a feeding frenzy of rumor and distortion. The incident even infringed upon relations between the U.S. and Philippines as the Visiting Forces Agreement was attacked vociferously: “the humiliation, the humiliation” cried Senator Santiago. Well all is strangely quiet in that arena right now.
Now the sharks sniff Mr. Corona and his aura must be a lot like a chunky surfer.
I’m wondering if there are any print media in the Philippines that you would consider professional, along the lines of the Wall Street Journal or Los Angeles Times, which may have an editorial slant, but adhere to proper journalistic ethics and editorial discipline that would not permit such loose reporting. I know the television stations are hopeless sharks, liking blood on the screen, and roundly abusing viewers with large numbers of advertisements, many cranked up to ear-splitting decibels.
I think the Philippines “self regulation” model of oversight for mass media is largely responsible for the lack of discipline and integrity. As per usual, the public gets screwed and the oligarchs get rich.
That’s a good question. I don’t exactly know what journo or which paper to consistently trust. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing because it forces me to cross-check information across multiple sources before taking an idea on board and making it the basis of my own assertions.
You’d think though that such a habit would be something unremarkable in any 21st Century society, specially one such as the Philippines where relatively literate people have for so long been screwed by one feudal clan or another. But as you have observed, self-regulation is not one of the more notable features of Pinoy society. And the fact that the media can get away (and profit so much) from routinely feeding buckets of crap to its customers is a testament to this wretched reality about da Pinas.
Since Joe recognises that most media outlets in the Philippines do not have integrity, I wonder why he is gullible enough to believe PNoy’s propaganda against Corona? Hmmm…
That isn’t my source. Like benigno, I read a lot and cross-check. I balance things by reading GRP. I think about it and make up my own mind, not on the evidence, per se, but about the qualities I would like to see in the top judicial official in the land, which Mr. Corona has not demonstrated he possesses as of yet. Given that impeachment is a political process built on a legal framework, I think the Philippines has an opportunity to get a top-flight legal mind in place who can do something about the miserable condition of the Philippine judiciary.
Well obviously you don’t really come up with sound judgement since you already think Corona does not possess top qualities.
The fact that Corona refused to be bullied and is fighting the lies thrown against him even if it is turning his life upside down says a lot about his character.
If not for his sacrifice, we would not have seen the truth about the railroading and the other violations of the Congressmen and PNoy.
And you think that an Aquino appointed Chief Justice is beneficial for the country?!? It will be beneficial for the rest of the Aquino-Cojuango clan, yes.
Corona’s speech about that matter makes sense at all.
“Bakit po? Para makapagtalaga si Pangulong Aquino ng kanyang sariling Chief Justice na kanyang kapit sa leeg?”
Yes, that’s what I meant. We’re not going to benefit from removing Corona. Only PNoy and his family will benefit from removing him.
The proposal to impeach Corona was done AFTER the SC announced the distribution of Hacienda Luisita to the farmers. Oh yes, PNoy’s ploy was for personal gain than the Filipino people.
dude, I agree that the Aquino Administration tried to ram through a judgment and ended up catching a couple of kung foo kicks in the vitals. It was enlightening to me that such an important case would be put forward with so little to show for two years of opportunity to prepare a crisp, clean argument. The sloppiness is consistent with what I observe just about everywhere hereabouts, with a few exceptions. I’m still looking for the secular savior, the dynamic, (probably) young, organized, competent CEO-type who can organize and execute a crisp plan.
The “sloppiness”, Joe, wasn’t due to your everyday laziness.
Perhaps you may later consider the insight you had about this impeachment as the key to a greater understanding.
You see, there are a a few groupings of power cliques who have been engineering all the yelling for years, working the media/public to a froth…and yet, once in power, have shown nothing (except for the corruption that they were supposedly trying to quash).
So when they failed to bully and run the CJ out of town…when they had to actually back their story…they ran into trouble.
They are still going full blast in the media, but the stink is starting to leak out.
my “everyday laziness”; you sound like my wife. I’ll have you know I was out for three hours with the gas powered weed whacker yesterday. I suppose I could have been doing research . . .
Joe America,
I meant “your everyday laziness” as an expression, not as in YOUR laziness.
I was saying that the reason that the prosecution — after 2 years to prepare — put forward a sloppy case was NOT because of laziness, but because they always expected that their media-facilitated rabble-rousing would enable them to force out whomever was their target.
Real evidence of true wrong-doing has never been needed…just noisy accusations incessantly flowing through the media.
“The people are only interested in seeking the Truth!” “Don’t let technical legalities get in the way!” ==> Their motto/excuse/cover.
I have read the full discussion here and I see that dude and For Real? are trying to resolve why an articulate man could be talking nonsense. I find Joe America much like my officemate here in Oklahoma who is tall with words and wit but very short with knowledge. In short, he is very fluent and articulate about talking nonesense. The discussion leads you to lots of topics but arrive at nowhere. They were right to finally quit from the discussion. They must have finally sensed it when Joe America mentioned Aguinaldo. :))
Maher boy aka Joe America
You have a wife?
That ‘s a wonder!!!
She must be very proud of you!
I’m wondering why you talk about me instead of to me. It reminds me of the untrustworthy neighbors who say one thing to your face and criticize behind the back. Here locally, it typically is rooted in envy.
I cited Aguinaldo because he demonstrates that the Philippines has, from inception as an independent state, had leaders who argue vehemently, and sometimes murderously. Today’s intense bickering is nothing new in that regard. Aguinaldo was also the first of the Republic’s oligarchs; he tended to hoard the people’s wealth and live well.
Why is it somehow odd in your eyes that I would cite him?
And Maher boy aka Joe America is spewing that Wall Street Journal or Los Angeles Time are examples of professional journalism.
These two MSMs are professional leftist/liberal/progressive/Obama propagandists:
Wall Street Journal:
“The Journal’s editors stress the independence and impartiality of their reporters. In a 2004 study, Tim Groseclose and Jeff Milyo calculated the ideological bias of 20 media outlets by counting the frequency they cited particular think tanks and comparing that to the frequency that legislators cited the same think tanks. They found that the news reporting of The Journal was the most liberal, more liberal than NPR or The New York Times. The study did not factor in editorials. Mark Liberman criticized the model used to calculate bias in the study and argued that the model unequally affected liberals and conservatives and that “think tank ideology[…]only matters to liberals.”
For LA Times, one can visit
For Maher boy aka Joe America, according to him, (obnoxious)Maher is hilariously brilliant.
One has not to wonder anymore.
Civility… Pwe!
Joe America,
Yay! Another patch of land we can both stand on together — the recognition (and dislike) of the Pinoy media which disregards “proper journalistic ethics and editorial discipline that would not permit such loose reporting.”
We both have repeatedly observed “a feeding frenzy of rumor and distortion” which can even lead to negative repercussions in important areas like US-RP relations, credible elections, foreign investment levels, etc, etc…..
That’s why I pop up when such gross distortions arise. Recently, the attacks on CJ Corona have smelled, looked, quacked like just one more of these mob frenzy-inducing, media-politico character assassinations waged for sinister, unseen reasons.
That’s why I’m a stickler for doing things the “right” way — journalists have their ethics, the law has its processes, we citizens have our votes. These are serious responsibilities.
The last thing we should do is to bswallow their stories hook, line and sinker. It’s imperative that we take the time to get to the real facts. We must do a reality check and ask: these stories are they for real?
For Real, my commentary was about the media, not Mr. Corona. But I’d be pleased to stand on any ground with you and share a beer, or whatever your pleasure might be. We’d argue this, agree on that, and I am confident come away at least a little liquefied and still respectful.
That’s great, Joe. One day, maybe we will.
But until then, I want to try to convince you that you have somehow misread the socio-eco-political landscape from the get-go…which is why you are where you are today. My guess is that you started with an acceptance of something, some position, and that you’ve built a house of knowledge on a faulty foundation.
Because I honestly cannot understand how someone like you can be having the opinions you have. It’s like you might feel if I believed that the US rapist should have been thrown into a Pinoy jail for life.
May I ask, what year did you arrive here…or better yet, when did you first start following domestic politics? 2005? 2006?
Right. And the Garci Tapes were out, yes? And the streets were hot with protests. GMA and her gang had stolen the election…not once, but twice! Right?
And even her loyal cabinet members had to jump ship and call for her resignation. GMA was supported by the corrupt generals. But bishops were attacking her, the students were burning effigies Reds, yellows, greens, and even black and whites were screaming. Right?
And back in the US, Bush was pushing executive powers to the limit. The Patriot Act. And two wars…one of which was based on lies and deception. Abu Graibe. Guantanimo Bay. The military-industrial complex was on top.
Is that the scenario you saw then?
I guess I wasn’t so engaged in national politics then, as I was not clued into your paragraphs one and two. But three I was, and I was coming to grips with the forces at work in my local community. How the trading in favors works . . . What’s the point? My lazy brain can’t grasp it.
Two points, Joe.
Firstly, those events at that time are directly linked to today’s political realities. Like with a novel, one needs to understand the threads of the story, how they originated and how they intertwine. Then the whole story, the big picture, can be understood and appreciated.
Secondly, the timing of your awareness of domestic politics…and the context or reference points (like US politics at the time of your local immersion)…would have probably affected the formation of your initial understanding of our politics.
Again, I am hypothesizing that you may have misunderstood or misinterpreted something early on which resulted in a “faulty foundation”. Remember: I’m trying to understand how you have come to a viewpoint which — to me, at least — is incompatible with an intelligent, American outlook (civil and individual rights protected by law).
So at what point DID you get start following domestic politics? What were your initial impressions of the topics and players?
Joe’s views are really quite confusing. On one hand, he understands the Pinoy dysfunction. On the other hand, he is turning a blind eye to PNoy’s violations, whihc is one source of dysfunction. It just doesn’t make any sense.
He might be going senile.
For Real, my focus has not been on politics so much as understanding the behaviors I encounter at government offices, or retail stores, or in my neighborhood. I think the political scene is not much different than that found in the US, a lot of pushing and shoving and deceit. But the cultural foundations of the Philippines are very different.
dude, my positions make sense to most people who have served in the U.S. military and have a loyalty to the Commander in Chief and would not think of undermining his authority and the strength of the nation. I can also see a mistake and call it as a mistake. I have no need to paint everything a mistake in order to defend my Ego on the matter.
Interesting, Joe. So you respect the chain of command and thus give leeway and respect to PNoy.
But haven’t you often cited how GMA was highly unpopular? Did you think that forcing her to resign…or just running her out of town…was an OK thing to do?
Do you think that Erap’s “forced resignation” was acceptable?
I understand you consider yourself not-so-political, but then don’t you pass judgement on the political players and offer your opinion of the political issues of the day?
For Real, I think Ms. Arroyo deserved to serve out her one term, and no more. I don’t know enough about Estrada as that was before my time here. I don’t particularly care for his character, nor Pacquiao’s. I prefer businessmen to gamblers and don’t think the President should serve tuba to the visiting Sheikh from Kuwait. Opinions are fun.
The military has a different code of conduct compared to civilians. Didn’t you know that? Why do you keep judging regular people who want to criticise their government? Your reasoning is flawed.
PNoy’s incompetence is so blatantly obvious already. If you don’t want to criticise him, don’t stop other people by insulting them.
dude, The disciplines one learns in the army carry over into regular life, because they are important values like sacrifice of self for the good of the group . . . or community. Rather like the Golden Rule in march step.
And how in the world do I, stuffed away on an island with nothing but a keyboard and modem, stop you from opining anything you wish? The only thing stopping you from criticizing President Aquino is the time you spend off on a tangent harassing people.
I didn’t say you can stop me from criticising PNoy. What I meant was, when you insult people who criticize the government, you discourage others from being vocal because you come across as a bully.
Also, just because you were in the military doesn’t mean you are a cut above the rest. Stop putting yourself on a pedestal. You don’t know what you are talking about when it comes to the politics in the Philippines.
OK, Joe, I will try to do as short a version as possible and will try to stay as factual as possible. Ultimately tho, one could say it’s just an interpretation…..
The success of the EDSA revolution seemed to have left a permanent mark on some — the idea of getting (some of) the people out on the street in order to topple the political enemy has become a frequently used tool.
It not only worked against Marcos, it worked against Erap. Though this time, the removers had to bend the laws in order to legitimize their actions.
So one can use mob frenzy, loud words, lots of accusations…and NOT have to provide irrefutable evidence or stay within the boundaries of due process? Hmmm…said the wannabees.
When GMA won the 2004 elections, the opposition and the “allies” from different political parties/groups went to play the same game. With even more noise. And voluminous accusations. Armed with “boxes and boxes” of evidence (that still havn’t appeared).
Joe, is this acceptable so far? Make any sense?
And now the present regime — who’s voting appeal was a matter of being a loud anti-GMA bullhorn — has to try to walk the talk. They have to show that GMA and gang were criminals in order to justify their very raison d’etre.
As time passes, it’s becoming clearer that the walk is on shaky legs…and the only remedy seems to be to talk louder.
Many, many accusations. Many headlines. No evidence. Again and again.
GMA, Corona, Abalos, Pac-man even, say “prove it in court.”
And that’s when we get back to “The People want to know The Truth!”, “These are just legal technicalities!”, “Walang delicatezza, he/she/they ought to resign!”
dude, what is forthright for an American is often insulting for a Filipino. Sorry.
I never claimed to be above others by being in the military. I said I gained a perspective about not undermining the president.
If I don’t know what I am talking about in Philippine politics, please enlighten me. Preferably about the politics instead of my personal shortcomings, in your eyes.
For Real,
I rather think angst and accusations did not begin with Ms. Arroyo. There were here when Aquinaldo fought with the barons of Manila, who wanted the U.S. here. And the generals then who were running around shooting one another.
It is hard to get to the evidence if you are not in an official position with the power to get to it. How do you expect JoeAm to give you the facts when I can’t look at Mr. Corona’s dollar assets? Laws hide the facts in a society that is designed to be slippery, where the trading of favors and sloppy respect for laws encourages obfuscation.
No Joe, you miss the point. The Marcos ejection was hugely and uniquely significant. That’s why it got such international recognition and adoration.
But the Erap ousting took/twisted it one step further…because it “faked” due process.
And that poisoned the waters in ways that had never happened. This was definitely NOT politics as usual. The concept of rabble rousing, empty accusations headlined in the #1 paper and tv news show and the short-cutting of laws, processes, procedures — in order to PREMATURELY remove someone from office — became more than an acceptable weapon…it became the only game in town.
So guess why it therefore became so hard to run a country…guess why laws stopped being passed…guess why economic reforms didn’t appear…guess why foreign investment only trickled in…..
To address your other comment — Aquino has been in power for 2 years. And yet, where’s the beef? Step-by-step the accusations are being disproven. With all the levers at his disposal, why is it that PNoy can’t get a slam dunk? It’s still all hearsay from questionable sources.
Lastly…Joe, why can’t you understand that the defense has said that it will address each and every accusation head-on? Including any US dollar accounts? You keep slipping in a reference to the dollar accounts, as if there is some known proof of wrongdoing.
Remember: 2 weeks ago we were all still being told that there were all these properties the Coronas owned. And it turns out there were 5. And all accounted for in the SALN.
Again: Shouldn’t we allow due process, a defense’s rebuttal, the full presentation of facts…before crying about some perceived wrong???
Especially when loud, false accusations is the known weapon of choice?
I’m just curious, who will he blame if he can’t reply-
> Slow internet connection.
>Bad day.
Or whatever. This dud is a gem.
An example of anti due-process…
For Real,
“you miss the point”
Keep trying. We all have different perspectives and understandings.
Erap’s ousting setting the tenor for empty accusations: rather interesting viewpoint. I’d counter and say the multiple coup attempts that Ms. Aquino had to face suggests this “style” of seeking premature exit indeed existed previously. In my observation, this has more to do with Ego and anger as elements of Filipino culture than a political wave that started with Estrada. It is sort of the opposite of my patriotic allegiance to the President, an inability to sacrifice self for the nation, a desire to uproot those with whom we disagree.
I agree with you that President Aquino has under-performed in several areas.
The dollar account matter is symbolic to me. I think a forthright and trustworthy Chief Justice, knowing that trust is important and transparency is a part of the reason the SALN process exists, would simply open up his dollar records. Rather like Mitt Romney opened up his tax reports when he realized that continuing to hold them back was undermining his credibility. Plus, I find “delay and obfuscation” an irritating part of the judicial process, where “quick” hereabouts is not seen as an important part of “fair”. Give enough time, evidence rots or gets tossed.
I am not crying about a wrong. I am saying there are ways to build trust and ways to erode it, and Mr. Corona has taken steps to erode trust. It surprises me considering his intelligence, and the intelligence of those around him. Then he attacks those who don’t trust him as if he had nothing at all to do with it. (“Trial by media”). Where is the accountability?
So I see a man who does not appear to have the qualities that I, personally, would like to see in a Chief Justice: forthrightness, trustworthiness and accountability for his actions. If he suddenly saw the light, as Mitt Romney did, I might change my tune, and so might millions of Filipinos who today do not trust him.
I see no need to wait to the end of the trial to opine; maybe such opinions would help Mr. Corona today, when he needs them.
Joe, Joe, Joe…
You keep talking as if the CJ did something wrong on his SALN. Since you admittedly don’t follow events closely and you do not like to get caught up in detailed facts, I guess you need a simple summary:
1. CJ Corona was formally accused of not submitting his SALN. It has already been proven that he did. Legally, that should be the end of Article 2. However, the prosecution has used the media to try to raise new allegations.
2. NOT in the complaint…but aired all over TV (even when sub judice rules out public disclosure and discussion of salient trial topics/points/evidence)…the prosecution alleged 45 properties. But it turns out there were 5 and they were all in the SALN.
3. NOT in the complaint…but aired all over tv…was this “extra” P35m that the CJ allegedly didn’t declare in his SALN. But it turns out that there certainly was this exact payout to Mrs Corona/BGEI. It is not his.
If you haven’t noticed — and unlike the unprofessional, unethical “presentation” of evidence by the prosecution — the defense has methodically, professionally, coldly and accurately presented hard evidence which has, one-by-one, refuted the claims of the prosecution.
To date, we know that there has been NO hiding of bank accounts. The SALN form requires two areas to be filled — a) real estate properties and b) personal properties. There’s no box or area for the lsiting of bank accounts. CJ Corona simply liste the line item “cash” and the amount — P3.3M. There is no requirement to state how much is in what denomination — Peso, Dollar, Yen, it doesn’t matter — one only needs to give the summary amount. Which he did.
Last but not least, perhaps you forget that there has clearly been a breach of the law concerning the CJ’s dollar accont — by those who illegally accessed, copyied and/or falsified his account.
Do you think that maybe Corona’s lawyers are digging deep into that topic right now? It’s quite logical to think that it is in the defense’s interest to keep the true document/info away from those who they will charge soon for their unlawful acts.
Don’t you think we should just let this play out and see what the facts really are? Don’t you believe that there is a “right way” to go about this? Like by following the law and due processes?
Or, like you have, should we just ignore important facts, jump to conclusions, publicize them and help create a negative image of the Philippines…your adopted country?
Now, big picture-wise, the coup attempts vs Cory were very different from the successful removal of Erap.
When Cory took over, it was various parts of the military who were unhappy with her leftist orientation and with the military’s relative impotence after being so important in Marcos’ ouster in the first place. These were failed military coups.
Erap was removed — not by the army, but — by a loud opposition which made many accusations but which couldn’t provide the proof through due process.
And that’s the style GMA’s opponents used. Just keep screaming loudly and repeat as many charges as possible. Over and over. They failed in ousting her, but hurt the country deeply. They then used their anti-GMA posture to get elected.
Now in power, they keep screaming, they keep accusing, they keep coming up short with any evidence. They have created monsters out of thin air, attacked them and then taken power.
How you can support this is beyond me. If you are not convinced that Corona is innocent, at least give him a chance to respond to the allegations with the proper presentation of proof, no?
For Real, For Real, For Real . . .
We are talking past each other because we are talking about different things. You are discussing the legalities, the trial, the evidence, the prosecution, the defense. I am talking about the qualifications and qualities that the nation should ideally have in its top judicial officer.
On a scale of 1 10 with 10 being highly professional, how would you score the Philippine Judiciary, the third leg of the platform of government along with Congress and Executive?
I score it 2. Most of the country does not have access to the courts, so the courts don’t even serve much of the population. If you do get access, you don’t get quick, efficient, fair justice. You get delays and mindless procedure and process. In some arenas you can purchase your verdict. And it is difficult to find an attorney who will represent you over the “system”, as they are creatures of the system, not the law.
Fundamentally, the third leg of government is a deeply damaged cripple. And like corruption in general, it is extremely hard to fix.
I think by demanding the highest standard at the top, the people, whose government it actually is, would take a big step toward raising the professionalism of the Philippine courts as a whole.
So I argue for a more professional judiciary than we see today; courts that are more open, more forthright, more disciplined, more mature and more accountable. Get the “trade of favors” out of the courts. The courts should be impeccably objective and untainted by political stains. I believe Mr. Corona is stained by the impression of political favor. It doesn’t matter much if the Senate finds him innocent or guilty, the stain is there. Based on what I have observed – not the legalities but the circumstances and behaviors – I think he is damaged goods.
I am merely riding the same wave of pubic sentiment that you see reflected in the polls. Can he, under the best of circumstances, climb out of the pit he is in? Yes, if he testifies and comes across as intelligent, mature and forthright; if the Senate acquits; if legal and accounting experts state that his records are transparent and accurate. Why would you deny him advice as to what he can do to change my evaluation of him, if indeed, I reflect the public opinion? You seem to want to tell me such a view is irrelevant and immaterial, and that the courtroom of public opinion does not matter to the top judicial officer in the land.
Joe America,
I agree with everything you said about the judiciary system here. The SC CJ, I fear though, is not in a position to fix those problems…regardless of who it is.
The best thing he can do is to do his job well and keep his nose very clean. Corona’s record as a judge is excellent. Remember that the JBC (incl. Sens, Escudero and Pangilinan!) approved him a long time ago. But is his nose clean?
“I believe Mr. Corona is stained by the impression of political favor.”
— Joe America
Aaaargh! The “political stain” is being artificially created by accusers who have a long record of accusing without ever providing any evidence to support their claims. The falsehoods are then repeatedly broadcast through the “friendly” media until people say “gee, where there is smoke, there must be fire!”
“I am merely riding the same wave of pubic sentiment that you see reflected in the polls.”
— Joe America
Yeah, Joe. Those “friendly” polls, with suspect timing (they do a survey after all the media screeching by the accusers and after the prosecution makes its allegations…but BEFORE the charges can be faced head-on and disproved) are a wonderful way to measure something.
The only thing the polls and public sentiment demonstrate is how effective the accusers muddy the waters and how many people can’t or don’t attempt critical thinking (Benign0’s main thrust).
This is exectly why I’m begging you to use your brain and eyes/ears a little more and your heart and mouth a little less.
I have provided you with some historical context so that you could see the thread of the accusers and you could see that these same players are playing their same game. They create a false public picture and their claims are always baseless.
So what do you do? Believe them! Sus!!!
“if legal and accounting experts state that his records are transparent and accurate.”
— Joe America
Ummm…Joe, that’s what just happened. And they are still doing it. They are on break and will continue with the same.
“if he testifies and comes across as intelligent, mature and forthright.”
— Joe America
He probably will. There will need to be some rules, though, as Senators like Drillon, Guingona, etc will try to beat up on the CJ about unrelated and irrelevant topics. Then they will try to
cut him off every time he starts to talk. We’ve seen this done as infinitum in the Senate Committee “Investigations”.
“courtroom of public opinion does not matter to the top judicial officer in the land.”
— Joe America
Probably doesn’t. Nor should it. The law should never be affected (or infected) by public opinion.
Joe, CJ Corona does have the qualifications. And the qualities you seek are being distorted by false accusers. Yet you buy their story.
You did the very same thing with Smartmatic. You listened to the accusers and their media, you bought their story, you stayed away from those complicated technical facts. When I tried to explain to you how the system actually worked, you resisted. Why? Because you didn’t trust Comelec. Why? Because that’s what the press painted and the public bought.
Fleeting impressions are no substitute for critical thinking based on factual knowledge.
For Real, nice rebuttal. I appreciate the time you’ve put into this, and the brainpower. I understand where you are coming from, and I could rebut the rebuttal on a couple of points. But I think your statement needs to stand as the last word.
Either Joe is being very inconsistent or just being a troll. This is what he said earlier:
“Now the sharks sniff Mr. Corona and his aura must be a lot like a chunky surfer.
I think the Philippines “self regulation†model of oversight for mass media is largely responsible for the lack of discipline and integrity. As per usual, the public gets screwed and the oligarchs get rich.”
It contradicts what he said later:
“So I see a man who does not appear to have the qualities that I, personally, would like to see in a Chief Justice: forthrightness, trustworthiness and accountability for his actions. If he suddenly saw the light, as Mitt Romney did, I might change my tune, and so might millions of Filipinos who today do not trust him.”
And this is the worst:
I am merely riding the same wave of pubic sentiment that you see reflected in the polls. Can he, under the best of circumstances, climb out of the pit he is in?
Joe can’t seem to make up his mind. He is trying to appear impartial but it is obvious that he has fallen for the yellow propaganda. It’s hard to have a discussion with someone who is not totally honest. He is certainly gullible.
I think Joe just has little to go by. He has lived here a short time, in the province, as a retiree. He is seemingly content to just float about and to write about what he feels.
It’s different when policies matter to you and affect your daily life…never mind the future of your family.
He does not seem determined to seriously educate himself about these matters…and that’s his right. But I don’t see why he enters blogs that are (supposed to be) about serious politics.
Whatever. I give up with him. He is what he is. He’s not going to help make this country improve.
I call that style of Maher boy aka Joe America playing it both ends.
It reminds me of the phrase “cognitive dissonance”.
now you guys understand why it’s really pointless to discuss things with joeam as if it would actually lead to anything productive.
ridiculously abrasive as trosp may be towards joe (a lot more than i used to be, in fact), he actually gets how joe is ultimately wasting everyone’s time (and deliberately, too). joe is really some kind of a gabbyd after a high five. in the face. with a chair. twelve freaking times.
when i have more time, i’ll join the party and fist some sense into joe, i promise.
Parallax, one thing that I enjoy most in this blog commenting board is some commenting labeling me uncivil for treating Maher boy AKA Joe America but they’re giving a pass on this dud’s dishonesties and misinformation.
It’s fun in the Philippines.
Underdog daw si Maher boy kasi…
For Real,
“Whatever. I give up with him. He is what he is. He’s not going to help make this country improve.”
Disappointing. I think you made good points. I made points, whether good or bad. Why do you feel this is not worthwhile? There is no room in your soul for people who think differently? You join the gang of courtesy-deficient thugs to talk ABOUT me instead of to me? I figured you as above that horsehockey.
Oh, I’m saying it to your face; in full view. I was just communicating with others.
By “giving up”, I mean that I don’t think I can convince you that you — in my opinion — have somehow allowed yourself to be influenced by the massive propaganda campaigns and that you won’t make the effort to dig down, get the facts and form a solid analysis of the political situation.
I’ve said as much to your face already.
That doesn’t mean you are not welcome to speak out. I can’t stop you, anyway. But of course, when you inadvertently support the propagandists with one of your fluffy pieces, I will probably comment with a “reality check.”
Joe is going for the line “people here are ganging up on me” again.
No, Mr America. People are not ganging up on you. They are just not falling for your tricks anymore.
Your arguments keep going around in circles. For Real here just realised that he just wasted his time patiently explaining things to you only to end up back where you started.
You come across as dishonest. Are you being paid to wreak havoc on this site?
The New JoeAm, fact based:
Researchers at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, examined the behaviors of low self-esteem people who posted on Facebook and compared them with high self-esteem people who posted there. They figured low self-esteem people would enhance their presentation by presenting “a kind of positive and likable self-image on Facebook.”
They found that the opposite was true. Low self-esteem people were far more negative that high self-esteem people. They did a lot of moping and complaining. The result was that no one really wanted to deal with them.
The New JoeAm, fact based:
Three facts for your digestion:
(1) The criterion for nominating judges stated in the JBC (Judicial Bar and Council) rules are: “proven competence, integrity, probity, and independence”. “Probity” means “adherence to the highest principles and ideals”.
(2) published an investigative article, with exhibits, showing that Mr. Corona’s resume’ claimed he graduated from college with honors. Research indicates he did not graduate with honors. The subject resume was withdrawn from Mr. Corona’s web site after it was cited as erroneous.
(3) Mr. Corona’s SALN contains admitted errors and omissions cited by the defense as non-impeachable offenses because they were inadvertent.
Deduction (not a dastardly opinion): Okaaaayyyyyyyy then! The highest principles and ideals in the Philippines are obviously allowed to contain all kinds of mistakes. That explains all the messes hereabouts. QED
New Joe America,
Now you’re talking! You’ve said that opinions are fun. Well, facts are fun, too!
I’m unaware of the diploma with honors issue. I’ll get back to you. Rappler is a mouthpiece, so I need to look elsewhere. I’ll get back to you.
But about the SALN. Pls tell me the specific “admitted errors and omissions” you are referring to. Have you even seen the actual filled-out form?
For Real, that will have to wait for now. I’m fully engaged in reading the JBC rules and preparing a synopsis for the benefit of readers of my blog. It should be out tomorrow. I’ll put your request in the “B” drawer.
Wait. You keep saying the man is unclean and you keep referring to his SALN…but you don’t know what he did wrong on his SALN?
This is just the latest time you said the same thing:
“Mr. Corona’s SALN contains admitted errors and omissions cited by the defense as non-impeachable offenses because they were inadvertent.”
But now you can’t even cite what these errors or ommissions are? Are you sure you know what you are talking about?
I can see that Maher boy’s aka Joe Amrica mouth is frothing like a mad dog with glee. Gloating!!! He he he.
His gotcha moment.
I’m not too sure Joe has a ‘gotchya!’ moment. The SALN is fine, so there’s no problems there. It was the JBC that put forth Corona as a CJ candidate…and approved him as an Associate, so no problems there either.
The “graduating with honors” issue is pretty flimsy and contrived (by the ANC/Inquirer/Rappler Gang)…is that really enough for Joe to start frothing?
Anyway, his repeated reference to the SALN is pointless, as there isn’t anything wrong with it…which is probably why he can’t cite an actual, meaningful “error or omission”.
For Real, I don’t memorize details as I have important concepts to dwell on. And I’m confident you would want me to be precise, and not sloppy. You are not very flexible, are you? Not much sense of humor, either, I detect. And keep up the buddy buddy with the thugs here and I’ll put you in the same basket as them.
See the effrontery of this Maher boy aka Joe America –
If he can’t refute a logical rebuttal, he will blame:
> Slow internet connection.
> A bad day for him.
> He is being harassed (How? By being labeled as dishonest in which up to now he can’t refute).
Bottomline, he can always invent an excuse when being refuted by a logical rebuttal.
And now he is HARASSING his detractors with a threat that their counter-comment will be dumped in his B folder so that he alone can comment at will.
“For Real, that will have to wait for now. I’m fully engaged in reading the JBC rules and preparing a synopsis for the benefit of readers of my blog. It should be out tomorrow. I’ll put your request in the “B†drawer.”
“For Real, I don’t memorize details as I have important concepts to dwell on. And I’m confident you would want me to be precise, and not sloppy. You are not very flexible, are you? Not much sense of humor, either, I detect. And keep up the buddy buddy with the thugs here and I’ll put you in the same basket as them.”
He is telling you guys that because there is this latest expose of CJ scholastic record that he was not aware before, suddenly he’s very important person to comment back to your rebuttal.
Suddenly, he’s alive. From the pit of being shamed every time he post a comment.
He is telling you guys that he has a made up mind. Stop confusing him with facts. He’ll do the talking and if you rebut him, just like others who opposed his “wisdom”, the B drawer!
Eventually, commenting back to his comment will be by appointment.
What an audacity.
Walang kahihiyan! Really shameless!
Am I too abrasive with this shameless dud?
For Real, the word “vetting” comes into my mind inre of the expose of CJ’s scholastic record. Meaning, what was released to them was how CJ was vetted.
I still have to read the original document they’ve published. I can’t comment yet.
And I’m not this because I’ve made a claim before that the CJ is clean. Just curious.
@joe “i’m so ganged up on right now i think i’m fact-based” america:
duhhhh. how absolutely stupid that question was. (especially when they’ve been shown to be BAD points.) (and is a bad point an actual point? are you stupid or something?) (don’t answer that, joe. we already know.)
courtesy is for intellectually honest people, not for phoneys. so get used to it. even for real? has got you figured out now.
why flex the truth when he really got you flatfooted, joe? whacked in the face much?
calling joe “maher boy” doesn’t affect him at all. try something that really hurts because it’s true. something humiliating, yet something very real. he hates me for figuring he’s a real phoney. what truth would you like joe to hate you for? 🙂
@for real?:
you are tireless. my hat’s off to you.
and joe, stop acting like a yellow chicken like your idol pnoy does everyday and giving lame excuses like “For Real, I don’t memorize details as I have important concepts to dwell on.”
get yourself a pair, and answer for real?‘s questions without the bullshit.
Parallax, in our side of the equator, being labeled as Maher has no effect.
Maher is his exemplar.
In our side of equator, we call him matigas ang mukha.
What do we do with people who posts as journalists spewing half truths and innuendos as truth and the news??? There must be something that should be written in the law that punishes them and makes life equally unbearable for them…
You’d sue them for slander or libel if you had courts that were efficient and set up to adjudicate civil damages. Such remedies are within the jurisdiction of the Chief Justice, I believe.
How about commenters who are spewing proven dishonesties and misinformation?
It is published by one of the most trusted news websites used by Filipino netizens at hnd naman nila gnun bsta bsta ipopost yan kung hearsay. Kung meron man, bkit nandyan pa sila at #1 pa rin? Dpat ipakalat ito sa lahat upang mlaman ng tao ang korupsyon ng nsasakdal.
One of the most trusted news my foot! They’re as worst as fox news. The only reason they’re #1 is because the likes of you traposakal who supports it too much even if they show nothing but bias and lies.
excuse me, fox news? it is the only station in the US that does not lick obama’s boo-tay and that of other commies’ and socialists’. enough of this bs that fox news is biased. how about abc cbs nbc msnbc and the rest? BS! nyeta!!!!! obama haaatttttttttteeeeeess fox news. he cannot control them. the rest are like abs-cbn and PDI. they are zombies. except for fox news. heh! and fox news is biased????…. they are just not obamabots/democrapzombies…. im so tired of this perceived bias of fox news. good grief! grrrrrrrr!!!!!!
Agree, Fox News spare no one.
They’re all biased. Fox news in biased towards the far right, and the rest are far left.
At least we get to see both sides of the argument?
For me I watch both biased news source and use my critical thinking to come up with a position, weighing both sides of the argument.
Fox news is not bias. They’re just telling the other side of the story which the leftist newsmaker like Washington Post or NYT would not tell the unsuspecting readers.
One can check which cable channel is most trusted in US of A if one would like a fact based information.
Clue: Bill O’Reiley is an opinion maker there. Last time I checked,he is the top channel opinion-maker.
And what are you? A Republican turd? I support the Democratic and the Libertarian Party for grounds that they are better alternatives than the Republican Party,which FOX News supported,which are composed of relidiot warmongers such as Sean Hannity,Michelle Malkin,Bill O’reilly and that fucking Geraldo Rivera,who said that black people must stop wearing hoodies. It is just like wearing a business suit will make you a journalist,as said by Stephen Colbert.Obama is an ineffective leader indeed,but we will never let warmongers to seat in the Presidency. I am just saying that FOX tends to side in the right,MSNBC to the left and CNN in the centre. And actually i am an anti communist but i am supportive in some ideas of socialism such as health care. Can i say you are also a relidiot warmonger? Can i also say that Glenn Beck is a douchebag?
I’m a not a Republican turd and I’ll be honored being labeled as one.
My only question is you have attacked those Foxnews guys without giving examples or context. Parang palingkera, dakdak agad. Care to provide some background?
Of course, don’t forget to mention which is your ideal media outlet. Is it NPR, CNN, MCBS?
The only thing I know from you is Stephen Colbert is your idol, the lite version of obnoxious Bill Maher.
Who is the most trusted opinon-maker in cable network in US of A?
Which cable is topping the most trusted rating in US of A?
Lets have some data on same day cable news daily ratings…
March 28 Nielsen’s rating:
Foxnews – 1,295
CNN – 383
MSNBC – 506
CNBC – 158
(Calculate combining the ratings of the next three networks.)
Check that out in
On that same site, you can check that Foxnews opinion making programs topped any other categories from other cable channels.
Let’s deal with facts.
Are those cable watchers stupid?
Most likely, your favorite blog sites are Daily Kos and Huffington. You are probably a fan of Maddow, Schulz, O’ Donnel, and Michael Moore.
I can tell you that I’m a reader of Newsbusters, Gatewaypundit, Floppingaces, Malkin, Sister Toldjah, American Thinker, and Rush Limbaugh. And Verum Serum.
There is this MSM or Mainstream Media and there is this NFM.
You know what NFM is?
Not Fox News.
@Trosp i am a Liberal Democrat with centrist positions. I am more aligned with the Lib Dem in UK,or the Democratic Party in the US. I am not a supporter of Moore or that other weasels who are idealist and not realists. What is my news channel? CNN,Comedy Central,ABC. I am not a supporter of FOX News because their reporting have bias just like what i watched on Geraldo Rivera comments on the recent murders in Florida.
My only question is you have attacked those Foxnews guys without giving examples or context. Parang palingkera, dakdak agad. Care to provide some background?
What did Gerardo, one of the most liberal guy in Foxnews, do that he’s the one you’re citing?
An example of NFM (Not Foxnews Media) bias that also incites hate:
“Critics say the “Today†show attempted to incite racial anger when it cut crucial seconds from audio of a phone call placed by George Zimmerman just before he killed the teenager.
NBC News is being excoriated in some circles – with competitor Fox News Channel leading the charge – for selectively editing audio of the 911 call placed by George Zimmerman just before he killed Trayvon Martin.
The NBC segment in question featured anchor Ron Allen and ran on the Today show on Tuesday. On Thursday, Sean Hannity and guest Brent Bozell played the NBC version of the 911 call and compared it with the unedited version.
In the NBC segment, Zimmerman says: “THIS GUY LOOKS LIKE HE’S UP TO NO GOOD. HE LOOKS BLACK.â€
The full version, though, unfolds like this:
Zimmerman: “THIS GUY LOOKS LIKE HE’S UP TO NO GOOD, OR HE’S ON DRUGS OR SOMETHING. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.â€
Zimmerman: “HE LOOKS BLACK.â€
After playing both versions, Hannity said: “They forgot the dispatcher’s question! How could NBC, in good conscience, do that?â€
“This isn’t bias, this isn’t distortion, THIS IS AN ALL-OUT FALSEHOOD BY NBC News,†answers Bozell, who runs a conservative watchdog group called the Media Research Center.
“When you hear him say, ‘he looks black,’ anyone watching that believes that there are racial overtones to what this man did,†Bozell says. “How could you not believe that? It goes with the narrative of the profiling. The only problem is, they edited out the dispatcher asking him, ‘what does he look like?’—
I’m a not a Republican turd and I’ll be honored being labeled as one.
My only question is you have attacked those Foxnews guys without giving examples or context. Parang palingkera, dakdak agad. Care to provide some background?
Of course, don’t forget to mention which is your ideal media outlet. Is it NPR, CNN, MCBS?
The only thing I know from you is Stephen Colbert is your idol, the lite version of obnoxious Bill Maher.
And the contnuation of my comment –
Who is the most trusted opinon-maker in cable network in US of A?
Which cable is topping the most trusted rating in US of A?
Lets have some data on same day cable news daily ratings…
March 28 Nielsen’s rating:
Foxnews – 1,295
CNN – 383
MSNBC – 506
CNBC – 158
(Calculate combining the ratings of the next three networks.)
Check that out in
On that same site, you can check that Foxnews opinion making programs topped any other categories from other cable channels.
Let’s deal with facts.
Are those cable watchers stupid?
Most likely, your favorite blog sites are Daily Kos and Huffington. You are probably a fan of Maddow, Schulz, O’ Donnel, and Michael Moore.
I can tell you that I’m a reader of Newsbusters, Gatewaypundit, Floppingaces, Malkin, Sister Toldjah, American Thinker, and Rush Limbaugh. And Verum Serum.
There is this MSM or Mainstream Media and there is this NFM.
You know what NFM is?
Not Fox News.
continuation of my comment –
Who is the most trusted opinon-maker in cable network in US of A?
Which cable is topping the most trusted rating in US of A?
Lets have some data on same day cable news daily ratings…
March 28 Nielsen’s rating:
Foxnews – 1,295
CNN – 383
MSNBC – 506
CNBC – 158
(Calculate combining the ratings of the next three networks.)
Check that out in
Webmaster, my apology, you may delete my duplicate comments. I’ve a hard time posting my comment last night.
No problemo.. 🙂
trosp, next you will be telling us you have a bad internet connection.
@joe: at least he doesn’t use it as a lame excuse to weasel out of arguments like someone he and i know.
parallelaxe, awww, how romantic, defending your sweetie
don’t be jealous, joe. my whips are for you.
Parallax, as you can see, I was explaining my having a hard time posting my comment which are fact-based and this Maher boy aka Joe America was blaming his slow internet connection for not getting the facts right in his comment (read: not interested in fact verification/getting the facts right)
Talagang ulyanin na.
“Bakit hindi gawing herbal medicine ang makahiya?
Para may lunas sa taong makakapal ang mukha.”
no need to explain it to me, trosp. i know joe’s weasel-out tactics when i see them. he has to get creative para hindi masyadong halata. not to worry because i’m pretty sure the readers of grp can tell.
Idiots like you vincenzo, are too stupid to distinguish fact from hearsay.
Give up you schmuck, your arguments will never be valid.
Vincenzo is a destroyer and a false witness. He prefers a government whored by media (yes, Vincenzo is a ATTENTION WHORE)and not to look on progress as a society but be part of a MEDIOCRITY.
Hell is what you wanted. And here we are. 🙂
I rather trust a fox in hen house. At least the fox is honest about taking my chickens.
@Nutzi Vincenzo
You got too much nicotine in the system again. Passive smoke from your uncle?
I wonder if they take into account that Corona’s daughter can take out loans in the US to buy property and that it was extremely easy to get a home loan prior to 2008. Matter of fact you can get multiple home loans since the banks were all caught up in the “house prices will keep going up” insanity. I wanna see an actual CPA speak as an expert opinion on how they could afford or not afford these real property.
^vincenzo b. arellano in a nutshell
“Trusted news website,” hell!
If hearsay is admitted as news, what does that say about our media?
Di ibig sabihin na sikat ka, eh magaling ka na. Ibig sabihin lang nun eh sikat ka. Gets mo yun lohika ko pre?
You on crack dude? Chill out man! You are a semi literate idiot that i met.
ha ha nakuryente na naman…
So once again, Raissa Robles fails the “So What?” test?
And not only should we ask how intelligent Robles’ clique of commentators and readers are, we should also ask how smart she herself was to have relied on them and other dubious sources in the first place.
The Philippines – if you can’t find a story, make one.
Making a mountain out of a molehill – more fun in the Philippines
when you cannot even find out who owns companies such as pulse asia and rappler then the state of the media is clearly in a big mess and obviously colluding with malacanan.
it will get worse.
why can nobody find out who owns these companies. raissa put you limited investigative ‘journalism’ to this question. think for yourself and stop being a disgraceful puppet.
p.s. raissa – my friend at the times (london) says noone has ever heard of you.
as false as the pulse asia surveys. a fraud
I don’t get how the surveys are taken seriously. First off they survey a sample of 1000 people out of 90 million. Second I’d like to know what demographics are these people, what area of the Philippines was sampled. For all we know they sampled a 1000 people working for ABS CBN.
absolutely. i would like to know, but noone will ask the obvious question for obvious reasons.
what i do know is that it is the same 1200 people are used for every survey! thats both crazy, and lazy.
it also explains why little variations and very predictable results.
if you asked people coming out of church on a sunday morning – ‘do you believe in god’ – response fairly predictable.
the whole process is simply propaganda but no doubt has its effect on the unaware and uneducated. thats 3rd world politics and values for you
Following R. Robles’ and ABS-CBN’s logic:
I stayed in a hotel in Chicago for 3 months. It was also my mailing address in the US for 3 months (had to ship out several boxes of book bought in the vicinity and it is smart to have a return address).
Therefore, I “might” own the hotel. Seriously. Because I stayed there and it was my primary address in Chicago. Same goes for that house in Seattle because Don stayed there for a week. He slept there and pooped there, therefore it’s his.
I’m convinced that ABS-CBN and R. Robles are typical Filipinos, the sort that claim a spot as their own after they crapped on it, and believe that it works the same in other countries.
Raisa Robles is just one of those YellowTards hired by Noynoy Aquino in the Demonization process of Justice Corona. ABS CBN is a partner and propaganda tool of Noynoy Aquino. The YellowTard Army is also waging a CyberWar on all Bloggers, who comment against Noynoy Aquino in Web Blogs (especially in FaceBook). They have Computer Hackers, to put: Viruses, Trojan Horses, MalWares, False Web log ins, False Asia Survey, etc…on your computer. This is how wicked and evil this Noynoy Aquino regime is. They don’t want people to write the truth, and have true information…
To put it simply, it’s martial law all over again.
It’s apparent Martial Law…the Aquinos and the Cojuangcos did not declare it. However, they are using tactics, more dirty and outragoues than Marcos…
I got this from, I thought I’d share it.
President Noynoy met with the Queen of England.
He asked her, “Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give to me?”
“Well,” said the Queen, “the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people.”
Pinoy frowned, and then asked, “But how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?”
The Queen took a sip of tea. “Oh, that’s easy; you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle.”
The Queen pushed a button on her intercom. “Please send Tony Blair in here, would you?”
The former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, walked into the room and said, “Yes, your Majesty?”
The Queen smiled and said, “Answer me this please, Tony, your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister. Who is it?”
Without pausing for a moment, Tony Blair answered, “That would be me.”
“Yes! Very good,” said the Queen.
Pinoy went back home to ask Paquito Ochoa, his executive secretary, the same question. “Pare, answer this for me. Your mother and your father have a child. It’s not your brother and it’s not your sister. Who is it?”
“I’m not sure,” said Ochoa. “Let me get back to you on that one…” He asked every one in his office, but no one could give him an answer. Finally, he ended up in the men’s room and saw DPWH Secretary Babes Singson.
Ochoa asked Singson, “Babes, can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child and it’s not your brother or your sister. Who is it?”
Singson replied, “That’s easy, it’s me!”
Ochoa smiled, and said, “Thanks!” Then, he went back to speak with Noynoy. “Pare, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle. It’s Babes Singson.”
Noynoy got up, stomped over to Ochoa and angrily yelled into his face, “No, you idiot! It’s Tony Blair!”
The many faces of Plan B…
1. Plan B stands for Plan Baboy. Babuyin si Chief Justice Corona, sirain ang kanyang reputasyon at dangal. It is also related to Plan booboos of the prosecution and the propaganda machinery of the sleeping president.
2. Plan B stands for Plan Bravo! Bravo the sleeping president for every photo oops, see-through propaganda and obviously manipulated surveys!
3. Plan B stands for Plan Blackout. Blackouts in Mindanao and potential blackouts in the National Capital Region. It is related to Plan Blame. Blame the past administrations for the blackouts and conveniently forget that nothing was done to correct the current situation within the sleeping president’s term in 2010 and 2011.
4. Plan B stands for Plan Booboo in the Luneta Hostage Crisis. The portent of things to come during that time frame. It is related to Plan Baliw, the smiling dog and the insane management or lack thereof of the tragic hostage crisis. No apologies from the sleeping president.
5. Plan B stands for Plan Baliw. Nope it is not a coup plan. It is the continuing insanity of the present administration in blaming the past GMA administration for its present predicaments. It is the obsession of the sleeping president to target perceived enemies while he coddles and loves his obviously corrupt cronies and friends in the KKKK. It is seen in such sleeping presidential statements like: “I’m in control” while his picture shows him displaying a clenched fist. It is his propaganda of portrayed strength when the communist socialists and mainstream reds keep on infiltrating the highest corridors of power.
if it appears in raissa robles site you know it is black propaganda and not true.
she p:ssed her pants in excitement about the 45 properties. dumb scmuck.
she should go and study to be a journalist rather than pretend to be one. and her knowledge on law is zero. a fake
The sleeping president and the unanswered questions on communist infiltration in the highest corridors of power…‘extreme-communists’.html
The script is clear: Robles posts, PDI prints Robles post and ABS-CBN interviews Robles.
–About muckrakers: Spring 2008 Report from the Neiman Reports Neiman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard. titled: 21st Century Muckrakers
–About “crowdsourcing†origin: Neiman, titled: The Wisdom of the Crowd Resides in How the Crowd Is Used.
“the script is clear… malacanan/friends feed robles info/documents, robles posts…..
the swamp people infect the media.
integrity and ethics give way to black propaganda masquerading as headline news in friendly media.
robles is not bright enough to know what is going on. a convenient and willing pawn
Sa mga detractors ko..
ang sakit nyo magparatang.. this is not what i deserve for ferreting out the truth. i’m doing this for the love of country. ano magagawa ko. i was given evidence, and i have the responsibility to let the people know.
i hope people know how to think critically. ask questions. insinuate whether CJ used a dummy through charina. was she really capable of buying two properties in a month time? sige nga..marunong ba kayo mag-isip? ang hirap kasi sa pilipino utak tuta, mga loyalista, mga bayaran ng mga corona at arroyo.
ang dapat isukli nyo sa akin, papuri, palakpak, katanyagan, pera. ito ang matagal ko nang pinapangarap. wag nga kayong crab mentality. kung kayo walang pangarap sa buhay. maupo na lang kayo magdamag sa harap ng internet at mag comment sa mga issue. mind your own business.
i graduated magna cum laude at hindi ako bababa sa level nyo. you are bunches of cheap people..
may your minds be enlightened as the truth will set you free..
Confirmed for deletion. I hope you’re in rubbles. 😛
Using ‘tsismis’ for helping the country? Nah, the likes of Raissa Robles are a proof of squatter mentality. And you’re one of them. 🙂
Jeez, where is the like button?
With or without your permission, this one go to my FB notes.
My bad, this comment is for Combuzz.
At any rate, Daido, I think Rubbles is just satirical.
Brace yourself, because ABS-CBN can go lower than this. ABS-CBN have not yet reached it’s bottom in journal-ism disintegrity.
Seems I can’t post a comment…
The statements released by ABS-CBN Broadcasting Network saying there was no “Hand Shaking” sparks anger among the Filipino people because it was evident in the video released by the White House that they shake their hands amidts the controversy over duterte’s allege words calling US president Obama as “Son of a whore”.
BLATANT LIES: ABS-CBN, a known Giant Radio & Television Network has been eyed allegedly as the Philippine Medium of “Black propaganda loosly used by the so-called “yellow” to discredit Newly Elect President Rodrigo Duterte.
They were also EYED allegedly as a Network which is link into direct participation on their active media support allegedly to the Drug Protectors and Drug Coddlers’ who is known as the allege Philippine Opposition has already been named one by one by the Philippine president as Drug protectors.
One Big Time Personalty who was recently named by Duterte who is behind Drugs coddling is allegedly the Philippine Senator leila Delima who is also tagged by Duterte as an allege Drug protector.
Dudterte recently added that Senator Delima is Receiving drug money using her allege “Bodyguard as her lover” sources which was also revealed from Department of Interior & Local Government Secretary or DILG for brevity.